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Polyomavirus JCPyV infrequently detectable in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity and the airways


Abstract and Figures

Our objective was to assess the presence of three polyomaviruses, namely SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV, and human papillomaviruses (HPV) in adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of the minor salivary glands (MiSG) in the head and neck region. The study comprised 68 MiSG ACC patients operated during 1974–2012 at the Helsinki University Hospital (Helsinki, Finland). Medical records and 68 histological samples were reviewed. Polyomaviruses were detected with quantitative PCR and the DNA-positive samples were further analyzed for the presence of viral tumor T antigen (T-ag) with immunohistochemistry. HPV genotyping was performed with a Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit. Only JCPyV DNA was found in ACC samples, being present in 7 (10.3%) out of the 68 samples. The viral load of JCPyV was low varying between 1 to 226 copies/μg DNA. The JCPyV-positive samples originated from trachea (two samples), paranasal sinuses (one), and oral cavity (two). Additionally, JCPyV positivity was found in one lung metastasis of a tracheal tumor and one local disease failure of an oral cavity tumor. Three JCPyV DNA-positive samples showed weak nuclear staining for large T-ag. In conclusion, only JCPyV but not SV40, BKPyV, or HPV was found in ACC from the upper and lower airways. JCPyV copy numbers were low which might support its role as a “hit and run agent” in ACC carcinogenesis.
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Polyomavirus JCPyV infrequently detectable in adenoid cystic
carcinoma of the oral cavity and the airways
Hanna Hämetoja
&Jaana Hagström
&Caj Haglund
&Leif Bäck
&Antti Mäkitie
&Stina Syrjänen
Received: 29 March 2019 / Revised: 13 June 2019 /Accepted: 25 June 2019
#The Author(s) 2019
Our objective was to assess the presence of three polyomaviruses, namely SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV, and human papilloma-
viruses (HPV) in adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of the minor salivary glands (MiSG) in the head and neck region. The study
comprised 68 MiSG ACC patients operated during 19742012 at the Helsinki University Hospital (Helsinki, Finland). Medical
records and 68 histological samples were reviewed. Polyomaviruses were detected with quantitative PCR and the DNA-positive
samples were further analyzed for the presence of viral tumor Tantigen (T-ag) with immunohistochemistry. HPV genotyping was
performed with a Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit. Only JCPyV DNAwas found in ACC samples, being present in 7 (10.3%) out
of the 68 samples. The viral load of JCPyV was low varying between 1 to 226 copies/μg DNA. The JCPyV-positive samples
originated from trachea (two samples), paranasal sinuses (one), and oral cavity (two). Additionally, JCPyV positivity was found
in one lung metastasis of a tracheal tumor and one local disease failure of an oral cavity tumor. Three JCPyV DNA-positive
samples showed weak nuclear staining for large T-ag. In conclusion, only JCPyV but not SV40, BKPyV, or HPV was found in
ACC from the upper and lower airways. JCPyV copy numbers were low which might support its role as a hit and run agentin
ACC carcinogenesis.
Keywords Adenoid cystic carcinoma .Polyomavirus .Oral cancer .Oncogenes .Human papillomavirus
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy of glan-
dular structures, which most commonly (70%) appears in sal-
ivary glands [1]. Minor glands (MiSGs) are involved more
often than major glands (MaSGs) [1,2]. Etiopathogenesis for
ACC as well as for many other salivary gland tumors is still
unknown. In ACC, genetic studies have found MYB/NFIB
translocations and this fusion oncogene is overexpressed [3].
In addition, studies have provided evidence for Notch-pathway
alterations in 11 to 29% of patients [4]. As the pathogenesis of
ACC remains unknown, even viral background should be con-
sidered. Distinguished viral etiological factors among head and
neck cancers are Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in nasopharyngeal
carcinoma and human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 in oropha-
ryngeal squamous cell carcinoma [5,6].
Furthermore, head and neck cancer studies have gained
new knowledge on polyomaviruses (HPyVs) and their coin-
fection with other viruses [711]. A recent study on oncogenic
DNA viruses in salivary gland tumors increases the interest on
possible role of HPyVs in the pathogenesis of salivary gland
tumors [12].
*Hanna Hämetoja
Department of Oral Pathology, University of Turku and Turku
University Hospital, Turku, Finland
Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki
University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Research Programs Unit, Translational Cancer Biology Program,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Surgery, University of Helsinki and Helsinki
University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery,
University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital,
Helsinki, Finland
Division of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Department of Clinical
Sciences, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet and
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Research Programme in Systems Oncology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Virchows Archiv (2019) 475:609616
/ Published online: 1 2019
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Currently, 13 human HPyVs have been identified [13,14].
Among them, Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), BK poly-
omavirus (BKPyV), and JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) have been
associated with human cancers [13]. MCPyV is classified as a
grade 2A carcinogen (probable carcinogen) by IARC while
BKPyV and JCPyV are grade 2B carcinogens (possibly carci-
nogenic to humans) [13]. Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40)
has an ability to cause cancer in animal models but clinical
consequences to humans are controversial although SV40con-
taminated polio vaccine was used during the years 19551963
[13,15,16]. HPyVs are small non-enveloped viruses
consisting of circular double-stranded DNA genome (5.2 kb)
that has two transcriptional units, early and late region [13].
The former encodes large T antigen (T-ag) (90100 kDA nu-
clear protein) and the latter, small T-ag (1722 kDa) viral cap-
sidproteinsVP1,VP2,andVP3[13]. Large T-ag acts similarly
as many other known oncoproteins of tumor viruses by inter-
fering with tumor suppressor proteins pRb and p53 [8,11].
Roughly 8090% of the population are latent carriers of
JCPyV and BKPyV and primary infections are usually mani-
fested subclinically during early childhood [11,15,17]. In
healthy individuals, secretion of JCPyV and BKPyV might
occasionally be detected in urine and saliva [18]. In the case
of immunocompromised patients, however, polyomavirus re-
activation may cause severe complications. These include
polyomavirus-associated nephropathy due to BKPyVreactiva-
tion in kidney transplant recipients and JCPyV-related progres-
sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy [15]. HPVs are widely
studied and the causality of HPV type 16 and squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC) has been classified as grade 1 (IARC vol
100, 2009) [19]. The etiological link between HPV and SCC
has specially been shown in cancers of uterine cervix and oro-
pharynx [6,20]. HPV has also been detected in salivary gland
ACC although the connection between HPV and ACC does
not seem to be strong [2123]. According to the hit and run
theory,different viruses may contribute to tumorigenesis, for
instance, polyomaviruses could augment the oncogenic prop-
erties of HPV during their co-infections [8].
Altogether, studies on HPyVs, HPVs, and salivary gland
tumors are sparse and as far as we know, there are no previous
publications on the presence of polyomaviruses in ACC. The
aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of the three
polyomaviruses, SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV, and HPV in
ACC samples of minor salivary and mucous glands.
Materials and methods
Patient and tumor characteristics
Tab le 1summarizes the demographic data and tumor charac-
teristics in a retrospective series on 68 patients with MiSG
ACC. The patients were diagnosed and treated at the
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital (Helsinki, Finland) be-
tween 1974 and 2012. The referral area for this tertiary care
center currently is 1.6 M. The clinical data of this series have
been characterized in our previous study [24] and the Ki67
immunostaining results collected from the same hospital data
were now added. The tumor samples were re-evaluated and
validated according to the diagnostic criteria by the classifica-
tion of the World Health Organization classification (both
2005 and 2017) [3,25]. The present tumor, node, metastasis
(TNM) classification does not include tracheal tumors, and
thus, the TNM classes on six (8.8%) tracheal ACCs are not
given. Additionally, in four cases (5.9%), the TNM class could
not be defined.
Table 1 Characterization of the 68 patients with an adenoid cystic
carcinoma of minor salivary and mucous glands
Male 29 42.6
Female 39 57.4
Female/male ratio 1.35
Median age, years (range) 58 (2488)
Tumor site
Oral cavity 41 60.3
Paranasal cavities 6 8.8
Trachea 6 8.8
Nasopharynx 5 7.4
Oropharynx 3 4.4
Ear 4 5.9
Larynx 2 2.9
Esophagus 1 1.5
T1 18 26.5
T2 12 17.6
T3 6 8.8
T4 22 32.4
N/A 4 5.9
N class
N0 54 79.4
N1 1 1.5
N2 3 4.4
N/A 4 5.9
II 12 17.6
III 7 10.3
IV 23 33.8
N/A 4 5.9
N/A, not available
TNM and stage classification for 62 tumors (trachea excluded)
Virchows Arch (2019) 475:609616
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Altogether, 68 paraffin blocks of tumor samples were avail-
able. Samples included 48 samples from primary tumors and
20 disease failures from 15 patients; altogether, we were able
to study samples from 53 patients. In addition, ten normal
salivary gland tissue samples from the same patients were
used as normal controls.
The study comprised MiSG and mucous excreting gland
samples from the head and neck area including trachea and
esophagus. These gland types in the upper gastrointestinal
tract and in the respiratory tract have similar structure and
function. They maintain the overall moisturizing of the muco-
sa. MaSGs on the other hand are activated mainly during
eating when they produce serous saliva. Due to the location
of MiSGs, just beneath the epithelium, different carcinogenic
agents and oncoviruses might have easier access to MiSGs
compared with MaSGs.
Institutional Research Ethics Board approved the study
concept (Dnro 31/13/03/02/2010, 01 February 2010) and
Statistics Finland provided the dates and causes of death.
DNA extraction
Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsy samples
DNA was extracted from 5-μm-thick deparaffinized sections
(1 cm
in total area) with the high salt method [26]. In brief,
after deparaffinization, the sections were lysed in lysis buffer
(10 mM Tris-HCl, 400 mM NaCl, and 2 mM EDTA, pH 8.2)
with proteinase K (200 μg/mL) overnight at + 37 °C. After
digestion, proteins were precipitated with saturated NaCl and
the DNA with ethanol.
HPV detection
DNA was amplified with primer sets 1 and 2 from the
Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit® (DiaMex GmbH,
Germany). Primer set 1 contains all HPV primers: nine
biotinylated forward and three reverse primers for ampli-
fying the HPV types under investigation. Primer set 2
(DNA quality control primers) contains primers for the
amplification of a ß-globin gene fragment to verify the
amount and the quality of human genomic sample DNA.
A negative control contained no genomic DNA to confirm
the absence of a contamination in the amplification reac-
tions. Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit® detects the follow-
ing 24 low risk (LR)- and high risk (HR) -HPV genotypes:
LR-HPV6, 11, 42, 43, 44, and 70 and HR-HPV16, 18, 26,
31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, and
82. The labeled hybrids were analyzed with a Luminex
LX-100 analyzer (Bio-Plex 200 System, Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Hercules, USA).
Quantitative detection of SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV
Presence of SV40, JCPyV and BKPyV DNA in the samples
was detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction
(qPCR) (Roche, Light Cycler 96) targeting their oncogenic
large T-ag as described by McNees and coworkers, with slight
modification [15]. RNase P was used as a reference gene
(TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay RNase, Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) to a relative expression of
the target genes.
The primers and probes were designed as described earlier
[15] and produced by Life Technologies as given in Table 2.
The probes for the target genes SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV
were labeled with 6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM) and (VIC) was
used for labeling the probe for the reference gene RNase P.
The qPCR reactions were performed in 20 μlvolumeinmicro
titer plate. The following reaction conditions were used:
900 nM of each primer and 100 nM of their analogous probe,
10 μl of TaqMan® Universal Mix II and 300 ng template
DNA. The detection of the reference gene TaqMan® RNase
P (Applied Biosystems) was performed according to the man-
ufacturers recommendations. The conditions for all qPCR
reactions were as follows: 2 min at 50 °C, 10 min denaturation
at 95 °C followed by 45 cycles of amplification with 95 °C
denaturation for 15 s, and annealing/extension at 60 °C for
60 s. Amplification data measured as an increase in reporter
fluorescence were collected in real time and analyzed by the
Roche, Light Cycler 96 software.
The linear standard curves for JCPyV and BKPyV were
obtained with a serial dilution of plasmids with amounts rang-
ing from 1.2*10^2ng/μl to 1.2*10^-2 ng/μlforJCPyVand
9.5*10^0 to 9.5*10^-3 ng/μl for BKPyV. The standards for
SV40 detection were constructed with a serial dilution of
COS1 cell line DNA (which contains one copy of
SV40/cell) with an amount range from 5.0*10^4 to
5.0*10^0cells/μl, while the standards for the reference gene
RNase P were acquired with a serial dilution of human pla-
centa DNA extractions (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany)
ranging from 5.09*10^2 to 5.09*10^-2. Cq values of less than
37 were considered positive. The copy numbers were calcu-
lated as copies in 1 μghumanDNA.
Immunohistochemistry was performed for JCPyV-positive
samples only as BKPyV and SV40 remained qPCR negative.
For immunohistochemistry, there are 4-μm-thick sections of
formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded blocks. The slides were
deparaffinized in xylene and rehydrated in a series of ethanol
solutions. Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked by
incubation of the slides with 3% hydrogen peroxide for
15 min. Epitope retrieval was performed using boiling in
1 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0 in the microwave for 5 min, twice.
Virchows Arch (2019) 475:609616 611
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The primary antibody used was a mouse monoclonal anti-
simian virus T-ag that cross-reacts with JCPyV T-ag (Anti-
SV40 Antibody, clone Pab101, LifeSpan BioSciences Inc.,
Seattle WA, USA) and the dilution of 1:75 was used. The
tissue was incubated with the primary antibody overnight,
followed by detection with Dako REAL Detection System,
Peroxidase/DAB+, Rabbit/Mouse, Dako, Glostrup,
Denmark) and counterstained with hematoxylin.
The presence of JCPyV, BKPyV, SV40, and HPV in ACC
and in normal salivary gland tissue
All 68 samples remained negative for BKPyV, SV40, and
HPV but seven of 68 (10.3%) samples showed JCPyV DNA
positivity. The characterization of the seven patients with
JCPyV-positive ACC is given in Table 3. The viral load of
JCPyV was low in all samples varying from 1 to 226
copies/μg DNA. The locations of JCPyV DNA-positive
ACCs were as follows: two in the trachea, one in the lung
metastasis of a tracheal tumor, one in the paranasal sinuses
(stage IV tumor), two in the oral cavity (stage I and IV tu-
mors), and one in local disease failure of an oral cavity tumor.
All the normal salivary gland control tissues showed negativ-
ity to JCPyV, BKPyV, and SV40.
Patients with JCPyV-positive ACC
Tab le 3shows the details of the seven patients with JCPyV
DNA-positive ACC. The mean age of the patients with
JCPyV DNA-positive tumor was 59 years (range, 4380)
and female to male ratio was 2.5. In the whole cohort, the
mean age was similar, 58 years (range, 2488), but the female
and male ratio was smaller, being 1.35. Among the JCPyV-
positive ACCs, the most common growth pattern was cribri-
form (42.8%),and the second was a combination ofcribriform
and tubular (28.6%), followed by tubular (14.3%), and
combination of cribriform and solid (14.3%), which simulates
the pattern of the whole cohort [24]. Neural invasion (perineu-
ral, intraneural, or both) was present in three (42.9%) out of
the JCPyV-positive tumors and in 57.4% in the whole cohort.
Proliferation index of Ki67 immunostaining varied from 4 to
35% (median 30%) among the JCPyV-positive tumors and
from 4 to 80% (median 30%) in the whole cohort.
Immunohistochemistry versus JCPyV DNA positivity
In total, three out of the seven JCPyV DNA-positive tumor
sections showed weak nuclear immunohistochemistry positiv-
ity for large T-ag as presented in Figs. 1and 2.Copynumbers
for two tracheal tumors and one oral cavity tumor were 1.11,
33.95, and 3.25/1 μg DNA, respectively. Immunopositivity
had no association with the clinical outcome of the disease.
Second primary tumors
Of note is that some of the patients with JCPyV DNA-positive
ACC suffered from other malignancies as well. One patient
with a tracheal ACC with thyroid gland invasion was in addi-
tion diagnosed with a papillary microcarcinoma in the thyroid
gland. The patient with an early stage I ACC in oral cavity
died of SCC of the lungs soon after ACC treatment.
Furthermore, the patient with ACC in paranasal sinuses had
recovered from lymphoma 6 years earlier.
Our present results show that JCPyV may be found in MiSG
ACC samples byqPCR. However, the prevalence ofJCPyVin
ACC was low, i.e., only 10.3%, and JCPyV presented with
low copy numbers. Three out of the seven JCPyV-positive
tumors were from the oral cavity while the rest were located
in the upper and lower airways. As the number of JCPyV-
positive cases was sparse and the viral loads were low, we
can only speculate the possible viral role as an etiological
Table 2 Primers and probes for
SV40, JCPyV, and BKPyV Name Sequence detection
SV40 primer forward GAT GGC ATT TCT TCT GAG CAA A
SV40 primer reverse GAA TGG GAG CAG TGG TGG AA
Adapted from McNees et al. 2005
Virchows Arch (2019) 475:609616
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Table 3 Characterization of the patients with a JCPyV-positive adenoid cystic carcinoma of the minor salivary and mucous glands
Patient Anatomic subsite Age Sex Smoking TNM
Stage Treatment Surgical
index Ki67 (%)
Disease failure Status Copy number/
1 Trachea 43 F No Surgery Positive Tubular N/A No Distant
metastasis in
DOC 1.11
2 Trachea 54 F No Surgery Positive Cribriform
and tubular
35 No NED 33.95
3 Trachea (lung metastasis) 47 F No Surgery N/A Cribriform N/A N/A Distant, local,
DOD 7.18
4 Paranasal sinuses 60 M Yes T
IVB Oncological Cribriform
and tubular
N/A Yes Local DOC 16.51
5 Oral cavity, gum 80 F N/A T
I Surgery Negative Cribriform 4 No DOC 225.60
6 Oral cavity, hard palate 59 M N/A T
IVB Surgery and
Positive Cribriform
and solid
30 Yes DOC 3.25
7 Oral cavity, floor of the mouth
(local disease failure)
72 F N/A T
IVA Surgery Positive Cribriform N/A Yes Local DOD 15.47
N/A, not available; TNM, tumor, node, metastasis; DOC, dead of other cause; NED, no evidence of disease; DOD, dead of disease
Virchows Arch (2019) 475:609616 613
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factor for ACC. A hit and run hypothesishas been proposed
for certain oncoviruses. Accordingly, this hypothesis claims
that viruses can mediate cellular transformation through an
initial hit,while maintenance of the transformed state is
compatible with the loss (run) of viral molecules [27]. The
low copy numbers in our study suggest the role of JCPyV in
hit and run carcinogenesis model rather than as a continuous
driver of the tumor formation. None of the HPyVs were de-
tected in the normal salivary gland control tissue.
We were able to locate large T-ag on nuclei of the tumor
cells by using SV40 antibody, which is cross-reacting with
both JCPyVand BKPyV. qPCR technique is an accurate meth-
od for detecting HPyV DNA, but in the current study, immu-
nohistochemical expression did not correlate well with qPCR
findings, while only three out of the seven JCPyV-positive
samples stained positively. Possible explanation for the nega-
tive staining might be that only few cells in the samples in-
fected with JCPyV are transcriptionally and translationally
active. According to the hit and run theory,positive signals
are detected only from sporadic cells (Figs. 1and 2). Another
possibility is that these approximately 7 μm wide cells might
have been cut out from the deeper sections prepared for
The etiological risk factors for all salivary gland malignan-
cies include exposure to nickel compounds and silica dust,
employment at rubber manufacturing, hairdressers´, and beau-
ty shops, as well as irradiation, EBV, and HIV infection [10,
28,29]. At molecular level, germline BRCA mutations and
genetic variants in DNA double-strand brake repair genes
have been related to the risk for salivary gland cancers includ-
ing ACC [3].
As far as we know, there are no previous studies on the
prevalence of JCPyV or other HPyVs in ACC. As discussed
earlier, 8090% of population are latent carriers of JCPyVand
BKPyV and HPyVs have been detected in saliva of healthy
individuals, which strengthens the hypothesis of saliva being
the transmission route for HPyVs [11,15,17,18]. Thus, the
reservoir of HPyVs might be in salivary glands or in oral or
oropharyngeal mucosa. An earlier experimental study showed
that the injection of polyomavirus into salivary gland tissue of
mice resulted in tumor formation resembling that of human
pleomorphic adenoma [30]. Further, SV40 DNA has been
identified in pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland [31].
Overall, studies concerning HPyVs in head and neck can-
cers are rare [7,9,11,32,33]. Kutsuna et al. have linked high
viral JCPyV load to oral SCC of the tongue, but they did not
find any prognostic value for JCPyV [11]. Zheng et al. sug-
gested that JCPyV could have an oncogenic role in the squa-
mous cell carcinogenesis of tongue, pharynx, and larynx [32].
Contradictory to their findings, Polz-Gruszka et al. did not
find JCPyVin any of the 62 oropharyngeal SCC in their series
but found BKPyV in 17.7% of the tumor samples [7]. In these
studies, viral DNA was detected by qPCR [7,11,32]. Some
studies have reported negative HPyV results in head and neck
cancer. Palmieri et al. did not detect SV40, BKPyV, or JCPyV
DNA by qPCR evaluation in oral cavity SCC [9].
HPVs have been studied in ACC but the association does
not seem to be strong [2123]. However, recently, a new sub-
type of non-keratinizing SCC has been found in the sinonasal
area having features of both ACC and SCC and being usually
HPV type 33 positive [3,34]. This entity is named as HPV-
related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma [3,34]. In our
study, HPV-positive ACCs were not detected.
Further studies are thus needed to understand the possible
role of HPyV in the carcinogenesis of ACC.
Only JCPyV DNA but not SV40, BKPyV, or HPV was found
in ACC from the upper and lower airways. JCPyV copy
Fig. 1 Immunohistochemical staining for large T antigen showing
JCPyV positivity in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea (patient #1
in Table 3)
Fig. 2 Immunohistochemical staining positivity for large T antigen in
adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea (patient #2 in Table 3)
Virchows Arch (2019) 475:609616
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
numbers were low which might support its role as a hit and
run agentin ACC carcinogenesis.
Acknowledgments The authors thank the Department of Oral Pathology,
Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku for providing the reagents.
Contributions HH and JH contributed to the study concept and design,
data collection, histopathological analysis, interpretation of the results,
and writing. CH contributed to the study concept and provided the labo-
ratory facilities. LB and AM contributed to the study concept and design,
and writing. SS contributed to the study concept and design, data collec-
tion, histopathological analysis, interpretation of the results and writing,
and provided the laboratory facilities for qPCR. All the authors approved
the publication.
Funding Open access funding provided by University of Turku (UTU)
including Turku University Central Hospital. This work was supported by
the Helsinki University Hospital Research Fund (TYH 2018215) and the
Finska Läkaresällskapet.
Compliance with ethical standards
Institutional Research Ethics Board approved the study concept (Dnro 31/
13/03/02/2010, 01 February 2010) and Statistics Finland provided the
dates and causes of death.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... In the past decades, others and we have been interested in investigating whether viruses could be causative agents for MST or AdCC (31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36). In addition, if this indeed was the case it was also of interest to explore whether the presence of a virus potentially has a prognostic value, as it has been shown for HPV-positive tonsillar and base of tongue cancer as compared to HPV-negative tonsillar and base of tongue cancer, for review see e.g. ...
... (8). In the above studies however, neither HPV or members of the human polyomavirus (HPyV) family were shown to be frequently found in MST or AdCC and therefore they were not regarded to be causative agents for these diseases (32)(33)(34)(35)(36). ...
... As mentioned above, so far viruses have not been shown to have a major impact on the aetiology in AdCC except as a means of differential diagnostics and can therefore today not be regarded as potential prognostic factors. However, it is not clear whether any yet unknown viruses contribute to the aetiology of AdCC (8,(32)(33)(34)(35)(36). ...
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) is a rare cancer originating from secretory glands with unknown aetiology. It is one of the most dominant malignant salivary tumours (MST). However, it can arise in other areas of the head and neck region and in secretory glands outside this area. It occurs at all ages, but is more frequent between 50-70 years of age and more common in females than in males. The symptoms of AdCC are generally unspecific and the clinical diagnosis of AdCC maybe challenging, partially due to its heterogenous histopathology and indolent growth. Moreover, there is a lack of good prognostic markers, and due to its rarity, it is difficult to predict which therapeutic methods are the most optimal for each patient, especially since very late recurrences occur. This review presents some major characteristics of AdCC and some current treatments for this disease.
... Their risk factors and aetiological agents are mainly unknown, but genetic studies have identified the presence of the fusion transcript of MYB-NFIB in a majority of these tumours [4,5]. However, recent studies have demonstrated the presence of oncogenic viruses in salivary gland tumours in general, and both HPV and human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) have been described in AdCC [6][7][8][9][10]. Irrespectively, the prevalence of HPV and HPyV in AdCC of the head and neck has only been examined in a limited number of studies, and although most cases have been reported as virus-negative, HPV and/or HPyV could still potentially play a role in a subset of AdCCs [7,8,[10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... However, recent studies have demonstrated the presence of oncogenic viruses in salivary gland tumours in general, and both HPV and human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) have been described in AdCC [6][7][8][9][10]. Irrespectively, the prevalence of HPV and HPyV in AdCC of the head and neck has only been examined in a limited number of studies, and although most cases have been reported as virus-negative, HPV and/or HPyV could still potentially play a role in a subset of AdCCs [7,8,[10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... In similar studies on the occurrence of HPV in AdCC, very few have examined the presence of HPyV in AdCC. In a publication by Hämetoja et al., the presence of two HPyVs (JCPyV and BKPyV) as well as SV40 was analysed in 68 AdCC, and there, 10.3% of the tumours were described to harbour JCPyV in very low copy numbers [10]. Likewise, in a previous study from our group, the presence of 10 different HPyVs was analysed in 99 parotid salivary gland carcinomas, including 12 different histological subtypes. ...
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An aetiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) and/or human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) has been proposed in adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC). Moreover, HPV-related multiphenotypic carcinoma (HMSC) was recently introduced as an emerging entity of the sinonasal region. Here, we primarily want to study the role of HPV/HPyV in a large AdCC cohort and, secondly, possibly identify and characterize HMSC. Tumour DNA from 68 patients initially diagnosed with AdCC between 2000 and 2012 was, therefore, tested for 27 HPV types and 10 HPyVs. HPV DNA-positive samples were micromorphologically re-evaluated, further stained for p16INK4a, S100, p63 and CD117 and tested for the presence of the MYB-NFIB fusion transcript. Notably, no samples were HPyV-positive, while one sinonasal and two tonsillar carcinomas were HPV- and p16-positive. After re-evaluating the micromorphology, immunohistochemistry and presence of fusion transcripts, all tumours had the same appearance and fitted within the diagnosis of HMSC, but in all these three cases, the morphology of the HMSC and basaloid squamous cell carcinoma was overlapping. We conclude that HPV and HPyV have no major role in AdCC. However, based on our data, we also suggest that HMSC should be considered as a basaloid variant of squamous cell carcinoma, and not its own entity, until better characterized.
... However, the prevalence of JCPyV positivity in adenoid cystic carcinoma was low, and the viral copies detected were insufficient to establish its role in the carcinogenesis of this tumor. 10 Other studies suggest a potential role of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in the carcinogenesis of adenoid cystic carcinoma. ...
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Introduction: The adenoid cystic carcinoma of the airway is a rare tumor that originates from the submucosal glands of the tracheobronchial tree. Due to the usual delay that occurs between symptoms and diagnosis, and the propensity of this tumor to expand through the perineural pathways and submucosa, the recommended treatment is surgical resection with postoperative radiation therapy. Survival is determined by the presence of distant metastasis. Case report: 70 year-old female patient with a history of arterial hypertension, COPD (former smoker, 34 pack/years) who came to the Emergency Service with episodes of hemoptysis and previous dyspnea with a score of 3-4 according to the mMRC (modified Medical Research Council) dyspnea scale. Discussion: Malignant neoplasms of the trachea are very rare, and data related to them is limited. The most important prognostic factors in primary malignant tumors of the trachea are: early diagnosis, cancer staging, histology, and treatment options. Conclusions: Early detection may be associated with increased resectability rates and even prolonged survival.
... Despite that, distant metastasis of ACC decreases the prognosis to a 5-year survival rate of 20% [23]. The exact mechanism and etiopathogenesis of ACC metastasis, as well as many other salivary gland tumors, are not recognized yet [28]. High grade of ACC has been detected by comedonecrosis and pleomorphic cells. ...
Head and neck cancer (HNC) constitute 5% of all reported cancers. Among all, the oral cavity cancer is the most frequent type of HNC which accounts for over half of HNC cases. Mouth cancer ranks the sixth leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Generally, conventional chemotherapy has shown success at decreasing relapse and metastasis rates and improves the overall prognosis. Recently, target therapy and targeted drug delivery systems have been introduced as promising treatments. The elimination of the spared cancer stem cells that cause chemotherapy resistance, relapse, and metastasis in current therapeutic strategies. Inefficiency methodologies in the elimination of all cancer cells in the body are a major problem that remained to be resolved before to confront the new cancer therapies. Many studies imply to cancer stem cell markers as important agents for targeted anti-cancer as well as improving chemotherapy efficiencies. The potentials of targeted cancer therapy led us to search for novel markers in the mouth cancer stem cells especially in rare cancers. The aimed of this research was, first a comprehensive critical review of the previous studies on the markers of cancer stem cells in oral cancers including oral squamous cell carcinoma, salivary gland cancers, and to highlight the most common cancer stem cell markers which have potential to be exploited as indicators for the preneoplastic lesion malignancy, oral cancer progression, and/or treatment prognosis.
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JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) is a human-specific polyomavirus that establishes a silent lifelong infection in multiple peripheral organs, predominantly those of the urinary tract, of immunocompetent individuals. In immunocompromised settings, however, JCPyV can infiltrate the central nervous system (CNS), where it causes several encephalopathies of high morbidity and mortality. JCPyV-induced progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a devastating demyelinating brain disease, was an AIDS-defining illness before antiretroviral therapy that has “reemerged” as a complication of immunomodulating and chemotherapeutic agents. No effective anti-polyomavirus therapeutics are currently available. How depressed immune status sets the stage for JCPyV resurgence in the urinary tract, how the virus evades pre-existing antiviral antibodies to become viremic, and where/how it enters the CNS are incompletely understood. Addressing these questions requires a tractable animal model of JCPyV CNS infection. Although no animal model can replicate all aspects of any human disease, mouse polyomavirus (MuPyV) in mice and JCPyV in humans share key features of peripheral and CNS infection and antiviral immunity. In this review, we discuss the evidence suggesting how JCPyV migrates from the periphery to the CNS, innate and adaptive immune responses to polyomavirus infection, and how the MuPyV-mouse model provides insights into the pathogenesis of JCPyV CNS disease.
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JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) belongs to the human polyomavirus family. Based on alternative splicing, the early region encodes the large and small T antigens, while the late region encodes the capsid structural proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3) and the agnoprotein. The regulatory transcription factors for JCPyV include Sp1, TCF-4, DDX1, YB-1, LCP-1, Purα, GF-1, and NF-1. JCPyV enters tonsillar tissue through the intake of raw sewage, inhalation of air droplets, or parent-to-child transmission. It persists quiescently in lymphoid and renal tissues during latency. Both TGF-β1 and TNF-α stimulates JCPyV multiplication, while interferon-γ suppresses the process. The distinct distribution of caspid receptors (α-2, 6-linked sialic acid, non-sialylated glycosaminoglycans, and serotonin) determines the infection capabilities of JCPyV virions, and JCPyV entry is mediated by clathrin-mediated endocytosis. In permissive cells, JCPyV undergoes lytic proliferation and causes progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, while its DNA is inserted into genomic DNA and leads to carcinogenesis in non-permissive cells. T antigen targets p53, β-catenin, IRS, Rb, TGF-β1, PI3K/Akt and AMPK signal pathways in cancer cells. Intracranial injection of T antigen into animals results in neural tumors, and transgenic mice develop neural tumors, lens tumor, breast cancer, gastric, Vater’s, colorectal and pancreatic cancers, insulinoma, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Additionally, JCPyV DNA and its encoded products can be detected in the brain tissues of PML patients and brain, oral, esophageal, gastric, colorectal, breast, cervical, pancreatic, and hepatocellular cancer tissues. Therefore, JCPyV might represent an etiological risk factor for carcinogenesis and should be evaluated for early prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers.
Human polyomaviruses are relatively common in the general population. Polyomaviruses maintain a persistent infection after initial infection in childhood, acting as an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised populations and their association has been linked to carcinogenesis. A comprehensive understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis in consequence of polyomavirus infection remains elusive. However, the critical role of viral miRNAs and their potential targets in modifying the transcriptome profile of the host remains largely unknown. Polyomavirus-derived miRNAs have the potential to play a substantial role in carcinogenesis. Employing computational approaches, putative viral miRNAs along with their target genes have been predicted and possible roles of the targeted genes in many significant biological processes have been obtained. Polyomaviruses have been observed to target intracellular signal transduction pathways through miRNA-mediated epigenetic regulation, which may contribute to cancer development. In addition, BKPyV-infected human renal cell microarray data was coupled with predicted target genes and analysis of the downregulated genes indicated that viruses target multiple signaling pathways (e.g. MAPK signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, PPAR signaling pathway) in the host as well as turning off several tumor suppression genes (e.g. FGGY, EPHX2, CACNA2D3, CDH16) through miRNA-induced mechanisms, assuring cell transformation. This study provides a conceptual framework for the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in the course of carcinogenesis upon polyomavirus infection.
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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the long-term outcome of minor salivary and mucous gland (MiSG) adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the head and neck and to compare the results with earlier reports including our recently published series on major salivary gland (MaSG) ACC. The study comprised 68 MiSG ACCs operated during 1974-2012 at the Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. Medical records and histological samples were reviewed. Our previously published cohort comprising 54 MaSG ACCs during the years from 1974 to 2009 was used for comparison. The most common locations were the oral cavity and sinonasal cavities. Most patients presented stages IV (33.8%) and I (23.5%) disease. Primary treatment with curative intent, mainly surgery, was offered for 64 patients. Thirty-three (51.6%) of these patients developed a disease recurrence and 22 (66.7%) patients in less than 5 years. The difference in the length of recurrence-free time (<5 vs. >5 years) had an impact on OS and DSS (p < 0.001) showing worse prognosis for the earlier recurring group. T classes 2-4 (p = 0.005, p < 0.001, and p = 0.001, respectively) and stages II-IV (p = 0.019, p < 0.001, and p = 0.002, respectively) were associated with worse OS, DSS, and DFS. MiSG ACC had a similar long-term survival compared to MaSG ACC. Patients with stage I MiSG ACC seem to carry a favourable prognosis compared with those with stages II, III, and IV tumours. It is thus noteworthy that stage II tumours represent a truly advanced disease entity warranting a more aggressive treatment approach.
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The vaginal microbiota plays a significant role in health and disease of the female reproductive tract. Next-generation sequencing techniques based upon the analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA genes permit in-depth study of vaginal microbial community structure to a level of detail not possible with standard culture-based microbiological techniques. The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes both cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer. Although the virus is highly prevalent, only a small number of women have a persistent HPV infection and subsequently develop clinically significant disease. There is emerging evidence which leads us to conclude that increased diversity of vaginal microbiota combined with reduced relative abundance of Lactobacillus spp. is involved in HPV acquisition and persistence and the development of cervical precancer and cancer. In this review, we summarise the current literature and discuss potential mechanisms for the involvement of vaginal microbiota in the evolution of CIN and cervical cancer. The concept of manipulation of vaginal bacterial communities using pre-and probiotics is also discussed as an exciting prospect for the field of cervical pathology.
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Adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC) is a rare malignancy, but a frequent subtype in minor and major salivary glands. The molecular alterations or biomarkers that underlie its development and progression as well as therapy outcomes are poorly characterized. The main study goal was to investigate reliable biomarkers and patient-related factors that may have impact on recurrence and long-term survival of SACC. The prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) in SACC was determined by HPV-DNA genotyping and p16 immunostaining. Epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR), p53 and Ki-67 expression were also evaluated. Twenty-eight (42%) of 67 patients were HPV-DNA positive. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that SACC patients with metastases (P=0.03) had a poor overall survival (OS) and a shorter recurrence-free survival (P<0.001). Positive resection margins significantly predicted shorter recurrence-free survival (P=0.01). In the multivariate analysis, non-metastatic disease (P=0.033) and p16 positivity (P=0.005) have shown their prediction value for OS while non-metastatic disease (P=0.002), HPV positivity (P=0.041) and negative resection margin predicted a better recurrence-free survival. The present study documents for the first time the positivity for HPV infection and overexpression of certain markers (p16, Ki-67, EGFR and p53) used in diagnostics in SACC as well as characterizes clinical entities. These factors might be exploited in the future as biomarkers for its prognostic value. Using the clinical and pathological basis for predicting different outcomes could significantly facilitate SACC stratification and potentially directing treatment.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of BK virus, Human Papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus in oropharyngeal cancer, and to test our hypothesis that BKV/HPV/EBV co-infection plays a role in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. The correlation between viral infection, OSCC, anatomic location, pre-treatment staging, evidence of metastases to lymph nodes, and grading was also investigated. The examination samples were collected from 62 patients from paraffin tissue blocks. Males (90.3%) with, smoking (83.9%) and alcohol abuse (67.7%) problems prevailed in the studied group. G2 histological type was recognized in 80.6% cases. T4 (77.4%) and N2 (56.5%) traits occurred in the majority of patients. No cases of metastasis were observed (MO 100%). HPV -24.2%, EBV -27.4% and BKV 17.7% were detected in the studied samples. We observed co-infection EBV/BICV in 8% of cases, HPV/BKV in 4.8%, and HPV/EBV in 9% cases. Only in two cases co-infection of all three viruses was found.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is well established as a causative factor in most squamous cell carcinomas of the oropharynx (OPSCC). Indeed, a growing awareness over the past two decades that HPV-OPSCC is a distinct form of head and neck cancer has had a profound impact on diagnostic and clinical practices. The sinonasal tract is a second anatomic "hot spot" for HPV-related head and neck carcinomas, but certain pathologic features and the clinical behavior of HPV-related carcinomas at this site remain unclear. The enigmatic nature of HPV-positive sinonasal carcinomas is especially true for an emerging form recently designated as HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma (HMSC). HMSC has come to the attention of the pathology community largely owing to its highly unusual microscopic appearance: it exhibits mixed salivary gland (e.g. adenoid cystic carcinoma) and squamous differentiation. At the same time, HMSC is largely unknown by the clinical community despite an unexpected clinical behavior that could affect therapy. HMSC is characterized by high grade histologic features, locally destructive growth, advanced T stage, and a propensity for local recurrence; and yet it appears to have little potential for metastatic spread or lethal behavior. This review will describe the unique pathologic features of HMSC, discuss its distinction from adenoid cystic carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, and draw attention to a behavior that departs from the expected clinical course of most high grade carcinomas of the head and neck.
Background Previous investigations studying the association of DNA viruses with salivary gland tumors (SGTs) have led to conflicting results. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of different DNA viruses by using a highly sensitive assay in a multi-center series of over 100 fresh frozen salivary gland samples. Methods DNA was isolated from 84 SGTs (80 parotid tumors and 4 submandibular gland tumors) and 28 normal salivary tissue samples from 85 patients in Northeast Italy. Using a highly sensitive type-specific multiplex genotyping assay, we analyzed the samples for the presence of DNA from 62 different viruses including 47 papillomaviruses, 10 polyomaviruses, and 5 herpesviruses. Results We observed a high prevalence of beta human papillomavirus DNA in malignant tumors. In contrast, polyomavirus DNA was present in benign, malignant, and non-tumor control samples. Most striking was the significant distribution of herpesvirus DNA in the SGT samples, in particular the high prevalence of Epstein-Barr type 1 and type 2 DNA in Warthin’s tumor samples. Conclusion Our data provides evidence for the presence of DNA viruses in SGTs. Mechanistic studies are needed to further attribute tumor formation to these viruses.
The interesting history of papillomavirus (PV) research has been reviewed before. The history of human papillomavirus (HPV) in head and neck region starts in 1901 when the contagious transmission of warty lesions into the mouth via oral sex was described, although the confirmation of their viral etiology had to wait until 1907. Ullman was the first to associate the human wart virus with laryngeal warts. Parsons and Kidd described the natural history of oral PV infections in rabbits already in 1942, but these findings were corroborated in humans only recently. Koilocytotic atypia described by Koss and Durfee in 1956 was recognized as a sign of HPV infection in cervical precancer lesions only in 1976–1977 (Meisels and Fortin; Purola and Savia). This prompted systematic surveys of head and neck lesions for the detection of koilocytosis since the late 1970s, and the authors of this communication were the first to propose the HPV involvement in a subgroup of head and neck cancers. Brandsma and Abramson demonstrated HPV16 DNA in tonsillar SCCs in 1989. Since the early 2000s, HPV research of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) has made impressive progress, confirming that the specific anatomic site plays a key role in determining the susceptibility to HPV infection. The most likely cancer sites associated with HPV are the base of the tongue and palatine tonsils, followed by oral cavity, larynx, and sinonasal mucosa. There is substantial geographic variation in HPV association with HNSCC. Patients with HPV-associated HNSCC are younger, and survival is better than in the absence of HPV.
The etiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in anogenital tract and head and neck cancers is well established. However, only a low percentage of HPV-positive women develop cancer, indicating that HPV is necessary but not sufficient in carcinogenesis. Several biological and environmental cofactors have been implicated in the development of HPV-associated carcinoma that include immune status, hormonal changes, parity, dietary habits, tobacco usage, and co-infection with other sexually transmissible agents. Such cofactors likely contribute to HPV persistent infection through diverse mechanisms related to immune control, efficiency of HPV infection, and influences on tumor initiation and progression. Conversely, HPV co-infection with other factors may also harbor anti-tumor effects. Here, we review epidemiological and experimental studies investigating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 and 2, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), BK virus (BKV) JC virus (JCV), and adeno-associated virus (AAV) as viral cofactors in or therapeutic factors against the development of genital and oral HPV-associated carcinomas.