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... Therefore, estimation by random effects must be performed in the two models (Torres-Reyna, 2007 Second, the estimation by fixed effects is not considered since some variables, such as altitude, contain constant data over time, and therefore, their effect cannot be collected in this type of estimation (Williams, 2018;Albarrán, 2011). Similarly, a dynamic model is not used either since variables such as cycling routes, assets of cultural interest or agrifood cooperatives present data with little variation over time and, thus, will be omitted from the model due to collinearity problems (Labra and Torrecillas, 2014). ...
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Policies to prevent the depopulation of rural areas have been applied in different regions of Europe for more than thirty years. However, many municipalities continue to lose population in spite of significant public investment. For this reason, this work conducts an analysis of the possible economic factors that have contributed to reducing depopulation of rural municipalities of the Valencia Region. The result obtained suggests that development opportunities in these areas must be based on economic diversification, promoting activities not only in the primary sector but also in the secondary and tertiary sectors. Therefore, to promote rural development, economic policy should avoid concentrating on a single sector, as has been the case with rural tourism, and simultaneously bet on activities such as quality agriculture (protected designations of origin, protected geographical indications and organic farming) integrated horizontally (cooperativism) and vertically (agroindustry), renewable energies (solar in the Valencian case) and non-seasonal tourism products related to cultural and natural heritage.
... The purpose of the tests is to determine whether static panel is preferred over Pooled OLS (POLS), the presence of autocorrelation of order 1, and heteroskedasticity respectively (Labra and Torrecillas, 2014). The results of the tests indicate that the panel static model is preferred over POLS and there is the existence of autocorrelation of order 1, and groupwise heteroskedasticity in our panel data, since the null hypotheses are rejected at the 1% significance level in all the tests (see Table A.7- Table A.9 in Appendix). ...
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Tremendous effects on the global economy in terms of economic, social and environmental costs remind us of the catastrophic consequences of climate change and global warming caused by CO2 emissions. Therefore, accelerating decarbonization of the global energy system should be put in place to curb large amount of CO2 emission from hydrocarbon energy sources on which the current global value chain of production heavily relies.This study focuses on analyzing the effects of renewable energy transition, the digital economy, and the synergy between them on green economic growth in 18 Latin American countries. To capture the multidimensionality of these transitions, the Renewable Energy Transition Index (RETI) and the Digital Economy Index (DEI) are developed using the Principal Component Factor (PCF) technique. The Fixed Effect Panel Threshold Regression (FEPTR) substantiates that renewable energy transition has a significant threshold effect on economic growth and environmental sustainability depending on the level of income and carbon emissions. On the other hand, the Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR) shows that both renewable energy transition and the digital economy have a significant positive impact on economic growth in all quantile groups. For the environmental sustainability, only renewable energy transition is found to have a positive impact in all quantile groups. From the synergistic effect perspectives, the CO2 emissions reduction is observed in both the low and middle quantile groups, but the economic growth promotion is only observed in a low quantile group.
... The rule is to have the number of instruments equal to or less than the number of groups of individuals. An empirical strategy to avoid this problem is to reduce T (Labra and Torrecillas, 2014)[7], as we have done here. In the general model, 28 bilateral relationships per year are analyzed and in the intra-and the extra-bloc models, 12 and 16 bilateral relationships per year are analyzed, respectively. ...
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Purpose This paper aims to investigate the determinants of international bilateral tourism demand in countries of Southern Common Market (specifically, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay) and Chile. Design/methodology/approach In this study, an augmented gravity model is used to investigate the determinants of international bilateral tourism demand in countries of Southern Common Market. The novel aspect of the analysis is that three models of tourism are defined, depending on the spatial distribution of tourist arrivals and departures. An intra-regional model, an extra-regional model and a general model are estimated using a dynamic panel data model. Findings The results indicate that traditional gravity variables are significant in explaining bilateral inbound arrivals, but the characteristics and the behavior of the demand of tourism vary on whether the country belongs to the sub-regional bloc. Research limitations/implications The differences found in this paper might have some impacts on the desired design and direction of the touristic policies of each country. Originality/value This study analyzes the determinants of international tourism demand through different bilateral relationships, differentiating between intra- and extra-block tourisms.
... Los efectos fijos emplean un estimador intragrupos (dentro) afirmando que las variables independientes están correlacionadas con el efecto individual. Mientras que, los efectos aleatorios garantizan una no correlación entre las variables independientes y los efectos individuales (Labra, 2019). En ese sentido, es necesario primero aplicar el test de Hausman (1978). ...
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El empoderamiento digital de sectores globalizados, quienes con acceso libre y total a las TIC alcanzan un estilo de vida superior, gozando de mejores plazas de trabajo, mayor calidad educativa y mayor productividad en cuanto pueda otorgar la inclusión digital, en contraposición a los sectores vulnerables y con limitaciones económicas, donde una brecha digital de 11,4% se traduce en obstáculos en el crecimiento económico y desarrollo social. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de las TIC en el crecimiento económico de Ecuador, periodo 2008-2018. Para el presente estudio, se procesó toda la información anual de 21 provincias del Ecuador, que consta en la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Subempleo y Desempleo (ENEMDU, 2019) y la Encuesta Tecnológica (ET, 2019) publicadas por el INEC (2019). Se utilizaron técnicas econométricas de datos de panel, a través de la aplicación de un modelo de mínimos cuadrados generalizados (GLS). Los resultados principales manifestaron una relación positiva entre el crecimiento económico y las TIC, cuya relación mejora si las personas cuentan con un mayor grado de escolaridad, mayor edad, son mestizos y viven en el área urbana. Esto refuerza la idea que las decisiones de política para reducir la brecha digital no solo deben de ir enfocadas en reforzar la infraestructura digital, sino también adoptar medidas que puedan disminuir la exclusión digital a través de la educación y reducir los costos de insumos digitales, a través de la consolidación de un modelo de innovación tecnológica.
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Este estudo analisa o impacto dos fatores econômicos nas taxas de suicídio por 100.000 habitan-tes nas microrregiões brasileiras, usando uma abordagem de painel dinâmico espacial. Foram utilizados dados do Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade (SIM) no período de 2006 a 2017. Os resultados identificam clusters de altas taxas de suicídio na região Sul e taxas mais baixas nas regiões Norte e Nordeste. Observou-se uma relação inversa entre uma conjuntura econômica positiva e as taxas de suicídio, indicando que aumentos no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), empre-gabilidade e maiores investimentos em educação, cultura, previdência, saúde e saneamento têm um impacto negativo nas taxas de suicídio. Além disso, uma conjuntura econômica favorável em microrregiões vizinhas também contribui para a redução das taxas de suicídio. Esses resul-tados enfatizam a necessidade de políticas públicas eficazes para reduzir as taxas de suicídio, especialmente na região Sul do Brasil, com atenção especial durante períodos de instabilidade econômica. ABSTRACT This study investigates the impact of economic factors on suicide rates per 100,000 inhabitants in Brazilian microregions using a dynamic spatial panel approach. Data from the Mortality Information System (SIM) from 2006 to 2017 were used. The results identify clusters of high suicide rates in the South region and lower rates in the North and Northeast regions. An inverse relationship was observed between a positive economic situation and suicide rates, indicating that increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, and greater investments in education, culture, social security, health, and sanitation have a negative impact on suicide rates. In addition, a favorable economic situation in neighboring microregions also contributes to the reduction of suicide rates. These results emphasize the need for effective public policies to reduce suicide rates, especially in the South region of Brazil, with special attention during periods of economic instability.
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El presente artículo analiza el efecto que tienen los recursos monetarios de protección a la salud, la pobreza, la sobrepoblación y la seguridad social, sobre la letalidad del coronavirus en México durante el periodo 2020-2022, con observaciones por entidad federativa. Se emplea la perspectiva de la prevalencia de enfermedades contagiosas, desarrollada por Charles Winslow. Una limitante de la investigación es el poco acceso a los datos. Investigación cuantitativa, se emplea un modelo econométrico con datos panel. Se concluye que, el mayor recurso federal en salud hacia las entidades reduciría el número de defunciones en México, siendo la variable más representativa de la investigación. Se espera que este análisis sirva de guía para el diseño de lineamientos de política pública.
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The relationship between agricultural credit and agricultural production as well as the impacts on sustainable development (i.e., poverty alleviation, reduction of inequalities, food and nutrition security, and stimulation of economic growth) have been widely documented. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of credit on cattle production and deforestation in Colombia through spatial panel data models. For this purpose, a departmental data panel for the period 2011–2020 was built, based on available information from public entities. The results suggest that in Colombia, the relationship between access to credit and cattle production is significant and can be either negative or positive. In addition, there is evidence of spatial dependence, meaning that cattle production in one department is being affected by cattle production in a neighboring department or by all the departments that make up the national territory. Regarding deforestation, results show that, although the number of cattle present in a department does affect its annual deforestation rate due to a poor coverage of sustainably intensified cattle ranching systems, there is no relationship between deforestation and the access to credit nor any spatial correlations.
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Este artigo objetiva desenvolver um IDH genérico (IDHG) e testá-lo para os estados brasileiros no período de 1994 a 2016. Nesse contexto, propomos uma ampliação do modelo MRW, transformando o capital humano em três outras variáveis que representariam melhor o desenvolvimento humano: capital habilidade, capital biofísico e capital social. Os resultados empíricos mostram que o capital físico eleva a renda per capita, o capital habilidade incrementa o PIB per capita, assim como o capital biofísico (saúde) contribui para a elevação do crescimento da renda agregada.
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The relationship between agricultural credit and agricultural production as well as the impacts on sustainable development (i.e., poverty alleviation, reduction of inequalities, food and nutrition security, and stimulation of economic growth) have been widely documented. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of credit on cattle production and deforestation in Colombia through spatial panel data models. For this purpose, a departmental data panel for the period 2011 to 2020 was built, based on available information from public entities. The results suggest that in Colombia, the relationship between access to credit and cattle production is significant and can be either negative or positive. In addition, there is evidence of spatial dependence, meaning that cattle production in one department is being affected by cattle production in a neighboring department or by all the departments that make up the national territory. Regarding deforestation, results show that, although the number of cattle present in a department does affect its annual deforestation rate due to a poor coverage of sustainably intensified cattle ranching systems, there is no relationship between deforestation and the access to credit nor any spatial correlations.
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Durante los últimos años, el concepto de pobreza energética dejó de ser un fenómeno relegado y fue de a poco tomando mayor relevancia, principalmente en los países en vías de desarrollo, ya que es un problema multidimensional que afecta al desarrollo económico y social, disminuyendo los niveles de bienestar, generando externalidades negativas en la productividad, salud, medio ambiente y educación de los miembros de hogar, fundamentalmente en las zonas rurales del país. Por tanto, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo principal, analizar la transición energética (periodo 2010-2019) e identificar los principales factores socioeconómicos que influyen en el gasto energético de los hogares en la sierra rural del Perú (periodo 2018-2019). Tomando como muestra 120 582 hogares para el análisis de transición energética y 5 912 hogares para identificar los principales factores socioeconómicos que influyen en el gasto energético, utilizando la metodología de datos de panel. Entre los principales resultados encontrados resalta que; la transición en el uso de combustibles avanzados por parte de los hogares pobres fue menos lenta en comparativa con los hogares no pobres, con una tasa media de crecimiento de 11% y 3% respectivamente, aunque en menor proporción de gasto energético en comparación a los hogares no pobres. Además, se encontró que los principales determinantes socioeconómicos de la pobreza energética medido por el gasto energético son; el ingreso del hogar, el número de habitaciones del hogar y tamaño de hogar, estas resultaron ser positivos y significativos a un nivel de significancia del 5%.
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