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Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames


Abstract and Figures

Understanding specialized discourse requires the identification and activation of knowledge structures underlying the text. The expansion and enhancement of knowledge is thus an important part of the specialized translation process (Faber 2015). This paper explores how the analysis of terminological meaning can be addressed from the perspective of Frame-Based Terminology (FBT) (Faber 2012, 2015), a cognitive approach to domain-specific language, which directly links specialized knowledge representation to cognitive linguistics and cognitive semantics. In this study, context expansion was explored in a three-stage procedure: from single terms to multi-word terms, from multi-word terms to phrases, and from phrases to frames. Our results showed that this approach provides valuable insights into the identification of the knowledge structures underlying specialized texts.
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Research in Language, 2019, vol. 17:2 DOI: 10.2478/rela-2019-0012
University of Granada, Spain
University of Granada, Spain
Understanding specialized discourse requires the identification and activation of knowledge
structures underlying the text. The expansion and enhancement of knowledge is thus an
important part of the specialized translation process (Faber 2015). This paper explores how
the analysis of terminological meaning can be addressed from the perspective of Frame-
Based Terminology (FBT) (Faber 2012, 2015), a cognitive approach to domain-specific
language, which directly links specialized knowledge representation to cognitive linguistics
and cognitive semantics. In this study, context expansion was explored in a three-stage
procedure: from single terms to multi-word terms, from multi-word terms to phrases, and
from phrases to frames. Our results showed that this approach provides valuable insights
into the identification of the knowledge structures underlying specialized texts.
Keywords: context expansion, frame, multi-word term, phrase, specialized discourse
1. Introduction
An important issue in translation is how to achieve sameness of meaning across
languages and at all levels of the text. In the case of the translation of scientific
and technical texts, a considerable percentage of translation quality depends on
finding optimal correspondences for the specialized language units or terms used
to convey the text message. These units, which may be single or multi-word terms,
designate objects, events, processes, and attributes in the specialized field (Faber
Terms, semantic clusters of terms, and their configurations activate segments
of the conceptual structure of a knowledge domain (Sager et al. 1980), which is
present in the source and target language-cultures. If both language-cultures have
* This research was carried out as part of FFI2017-89127-P, Translation-oriented Terminology
Tools for Environmental Texts (TOTEM), research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness. Funding was also provided by an FPU grant given by the
Spanish Ministry of Education to the second author.
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 198
terms for the entities designated, the assumption is that the text can be translated
with a reasonable degree of accuracy. The translator must first be aware of what
is happening in the text and the message that it conveys. Then he/she identifies
term correspondences and finds the most accurate way to link them so as to
highlight the semantic relations between concepts that are explicit in the text.
Understanding specialized discourse thus depends on the text receivers
capacity to grasp and then activate the knowledge structures underlying the text.
When the text receiver is not an expert in the field (as often occurs in a specialized
translation scenario), he/she must be able to rapidly acquire the necessary domain-
specific knowledge (Faber 2012).
In the translation process, the specialized knowledge units in a text as well as
their relations must be analyzed at various levels. Although the meaning of certain
concepts and relations are evident in the surface structure of the text, this is merely
the tip of the iceberg. There is a whole world of meaning lurking beneath the
surface, which translators must be able to perceive. Relevant data from the source
language text must be generalized or abstracted with a view to integrating new
information into semantic memory. Understanding thus depends on the
translators ability to successfully construct a mental representation of a segment
or segments of the specialized knowledge field. The expansion and enhancement
of knowledge is thus an important part of the specialized translation process
(Faber 2015).
This paper explores how the analysis of terminological meaning can be
addressed from the perspective of Frame-Based Terminology (FBT) (Faber 2012,
2015), a cognitive approach to domain-specific language, which directly links
specialized knowledge representation to cognitive linguistics and cognitive
semantics. In FBT, knowledge acquisition involves a progressive expansion of
meaning, which begins at the term-level, progresses to the phrase level, and finally
results in the codification of an entire knowledge frame.
2. Theoretical background
To understand how knowledge is configured, and expanded, it is necessary to start
with the brain. Neurological studies provide insights into how experts retrieve and
activate stored knowledge (Quillian 1969; Anderson 1983; Gallese and Lakoff
2005; Patterson et al. 2007; Meteyard et al. 2012; Kiefer and Pulvermüller 2012).
For this reason, Faber et al. (2014) conducted a pilot fMRI study in which brain
activation images of expert geologists were compared to those of novices as they
performed a series of different tasks, such as linking geological tools to their
function and tools to images. The results showed that expert knowledge involves
a supramodal conceptual representation, which transcends sensory input
modalities such as vision or hearing. Conceptual representations thus have
199 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
multiple levels of input (Binder and Desai 2011), which do not only come from
the senses.
At the top level, much research agrees that there is a non-modality-specific
schematic representation, which is progressively fleshed out by sensory-motor-
affective input when and as needed (Patterson et al. 2007). Faber et al. (2014)
highlighted the key role played by contextualization and situation in specialized
knowledge processing since the brain regions activated by experts (though not
novices) were those strongly implicated in mental imagery, episodic memory, and
context representation. Although more studies are necessary, Faber et al. (2014)
further validated the need to explore how contextual information can be activated
and thus facilitate frame creation in the non-expert.
Accordingly, FBT applies the notion of frame (Minsky 1975; Fillmore 1985,
2006) defined as a schema or knowledge structure, which relates elements and
entities associated with a particular scene, situation that is part of human
experience. A frame is thus as an organized package of knowledge that humans
retrieve from long-term memory to make sense of the world (Faber 2012). Given
that concepts cannot exist in a vacuum, they are more meaningful when they are
related to each other and integrated into progressively more complex knowledge
configurations. Framing experience involves applying stored knowledge derived
from similar contexts and situations with a view to understanding complex events
and how to deal with them.
In Terminology, the usefulness of embedding concepts in situations has also
been highlighted as a way of enriching conceptual representations (Dubuc and
Lauriston 1997; Faber 2012; Temmerman 2013). Although context is often
regarded as the segment/s which precede or follow a word or phrase (Lyons 1995),
it can also be a related situation, events, or information that help users to
understand something, and which reflect a specific knowledge profile (Kecskes
2014; Faber and León-Araúz 2016). The specification of contexts should thus take
place at multiple levels that range from concept to frame.
3. MWTs and context expansion
As is well known, MWTs are terms composed of more than one word. In English,
they can be of varying length: (i) two constituents (transboundary pollution); (ii)
three constituents (surface water pollution); (iii) four constituents (wood-burning-
stove pollution); and even (iv) five constituents (volatile organic compounds
pollution source). Although in theory, MWTs can go on forever, it is extremely
rare to find one longer than four or, at most, five words because of the cognitive
demands made on text receivers.
In English, these complex terms resemble a type of expert shorthand, where
there is no need for further explanation because of the level of knowledge
presumably shared by the text sender and receivers. Users are thus obliged to
unpack the meaning of MWTs and correctly access the relationship between the
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 200
constituents. To do this, they must mentally activate a specialized event or frame
in which the relations between participants are specified. Although this is
relatively easy for an expert in the field, it can be somewhat more difficult for a
Consequently, the process of understanding terminological meaning begins
with the concept designated by the term itself and is conceived as a progressive
expansion of contexts. First, there is the term and its microcontext (Cabezas-
García and Faber in press), which can be further expanded to a set of related multi-
word terms (MWTs). As shall be seen, these MWTs can subsequently be
unpacked by inserting implicit information and then by explicitly relating them to
each other as well as to other specialized knowledge units. As we shall see, this
gives rise to the specification of larger knowledge structures or frames.
3.1. From single terms to MWTs
Context expansion initially takes place when a single term undergoes further
specification and becomes a multi-word term (MWT). In specialized language,
most MWTs take the form of endocentric noun compounds (Nakov 2013), e.g.
climate change.
Endocentric MWTs are informative because they point to relations between
and within semantic categories. Generally speaking, an endocentric MWT is a
specialization of the meaning of its head. This means that term structure can often
be used as a way to automatically extract information regarding conceptual
hierarchies as well as hyponymy subtypes (Sager et al. 1980). For example, vessel-
source marine pollution, is a type of marine pollution, which is a type of pollution.
For further semantic characterization, we can also say that pollution affects the
sea and is caused by vessels.
In morphologically-poor languages, such as English, endocentric MWTs can
take the form of sequences or stacks of nouns of varying length. In English,
lengthy pre-modification in the form of a series of nouns, also modified by
adjectives or even entire phrases, is a frequent method that is used to condense
and concentrate domain-specific knowledge (Sager et al. 1980; Štekauer et al.
2012; Fernández-Domínguez 2016).
Concept specialization involves a slot-filling mechanism where the modifier is
inserted into a slot in the head-noun schema, also known as its micro-context
(Cabezas-García and Faber in press). In an MWT, the modifier is directly related
to the base meaning of the head noun as (under)specified in the definition and is
interpreted accordingly. In the second stage, world knowledge is used to expand
the context of the headword and its interpretation.
For example in the case of pollution, this expansion of context starts with its
201 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
(1) pollution presence in the environment [Slot 1] of a substance [Slot 2],
whose nature [Slot 3], source [Slot 4], location [Slot 5] or quantity [Slot
6] produces undesirable effects [Slot 7] for the environment or the health
of living organisms.
The general concept of pollution is thus defined in terms of seven meaning slots:
(i) environment; (ii) substance; (iii) nature; (iv) source; (v) location; (vi) quantity;
and (vii) undesirable effects. All of these slots are underspecified and thus
susceptible to be filled by hyponyms of the terms in bold. When one or more of
these slots are made more specific, this generates MWTs that are hyponyms of
pollution. Table 1 shows examples of sets of MWTs corresponding to each slot.
Table 1. MWT hyponyms of pollution
Definition slots: pollution
Multi-Word Terms
air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, marine pollution,
ocean pollution
oil pollution, particle pollution, solid waste pollution, nutrients
NATURE (of substance)
volatile organic compounds pollution
SOURCE (of substance)
point-source pollution, non-point-source pollution, wood-
burning-stove pollution, industrial pollution, traffic-related
air pollution
LOCATION (of substance)
transboundary pollution, transfrontier pollution,
QUANTITY (of substance)
intensive air pollution
oxygen depletion pollution, thermal pollution
As can be observed in Table 1, this underspecified meaning of pollution is a rich
source of possibilities since it predicts the subclasses of MWTs that can designate
more specific types of pollution. This allows translators to grasp the different
dimensions of pollution or perspectives from which the pollution process can be
Knowledge of the types of entity that can fill those slots facilitates
understanding of MWTs. This is important because in such cases, syntax cannot
be used to clarify meaning. This is evident in compounds such as water pollution
and oil pollution. Despite the fact that water pollution and oil pollution possess
the same syntactic structure (N+N) and even combine the general semantic
categories of LIQUID and PROCESS, they obviously differ in the semantic relation
between modifier and head, as reflected in their definition slots. This means that
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 202
water is the affected entity or patient of pollution, whereas oil is the polluting
agent (Cabezas-García and León-Araúz 2018).
Even though water and oil belong to the same semantic category of LIQUID,
the accurate interpretation of water pollution and oil pollution depends, among
other things, on the conceptual distinction between INGESTIBLE LIQUID and NON-
INGESTIBLE LIQUID as well as the functions of both. Water, which is ingestible
and necessary for life, is highly sensitive to pollution. In contrast, oil, which is
non-ingestible and used as a fuel, can have a negative impact on water since oil is
a polluting agent that destroys marine life.
This is a basic example of the general knowledge that users must be able to
access and activate for an accurate interpretation of both terms. Having this
information available at some level signifies that at least a partial representation
of semantic structure must be encoded, and enriched by pragmatic information.
Syntax and surface form is not sufficient (Štekauer et al. 2012; Buendía Castro
and Faber 2016).
For example, in scientific and technical translation from English into another
language, the translator does not generally possess the same level of expert
knowledge as the source-language text receivers. When the translation is from
English into morphologically-rich languages such as Spanish or French, where
noun-stacking is not an option, it is necessary to make the relations between MWT
components explicit, usually in the form of adjective or prepositional
postmodification (Maniez 2009; Daille 2017). In the case of Spanish, the
translation of water pollution would be contaminación del agua whereas oil
pollution would be translated as contaminación por hidrocarburos. The
prepositions de [of] and por [by] are used to encode the conceptual relations
implicit in the English MWT.
3.2. Multi-word term level to phrase level
Multi-word terms (MWTs) are also characterized by concealed propositions that
can be inferred in the term-formation processes (Levi 1978). This means that
MWTs can also be further expanded, especially since many of these terms are the
result of predicate deletion (transboundary pollution instead of pollution crosses
boundaries) or predicate nominalization (chemical water pollution instead of
chemicals pollute water). Both of these term-formation processes have
predicate-argument structure.
As is well known, predicate argument structure refers to the lexical
representation of argument-taking lexical items (Levin 2013). These are typically
verbs and their nominalizations. The specification of argument structure involves
identifying the number of arguments that a lexical item can take, their syntactic
expression, and their semantic relation to the predicate.
Although syntactic expression is language-specific, semantic relations are not.
Semantic relations can be understood as semantic roles such as AGENT, PATIENT,
203 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
INSTRUMENT, EXPERIENCER, LOCATION, etc. Although most linguists tend to
believe that semantic roles are a good idea, at least in some form, there is
considerable disagreement as to their number, nature, and function. Currently,
there are as many inventories of semantic roles as there are theories that use them
(Van Valin and LaPolla 1997; Gildea and Jurafsky 2002; Fillmore et al. 2003;
Palmer et al. 2005).
If we take a look at the argument structure of pollute, it would have the same
number and semantic type of arguments as its correspondences in different
languages (i.e. polluer, verschmutzen, contaminar, inquinare, polua, etc.). In all
language-cultures, pollute is characterized by a polluting agent as well as a
polluted (or affected) entity. The propositional representation of pollute is thus a
type of tertium comparationis that can be used as the basis for semantic
equivalence (Buendía Castro and Faber 2016). In fact, this type of representation
and information is used, at least in some form, in various machine translation
applications. One way of extracting these arguments, their semantic classes, and
their combinations is by corpus analysis.
In our study of pollution, the corpus used for the extraction of linguistic
information was the EcoLexicon English Corpus (over 54,000,000 words), which
was subsequently validated by the English TenTen corpus (EnTenTen) of Internet
texts, compiled by Lexical Computing. This English corpus contains over 19
billion words and is tagged with TreeTagger using the UTF-8 parameter file. The
linguistic information was automatically extracted with the Sketch Engine
application ( One of its most useful functionalities is the
word sketch, which is an automatic corpus-derived summary of a words
grammatical and collocational behavior (Kilgarriff et al. 2014).
Based on the corpus information extracted from concordances of pollute and
its different forms, Table 2 shows that the most frequent polluting agents or
contaminants belong to the semantic categories of HUMAN ACTIVITY, INDUSTRY,
In contrast, the second argument, which is the polluted entity, consists of
different specifications of AIR, WATER, and SOIL.
Table 2. Semantic classes of the arguments of pollute
Polluting Agent
Human activity
[Activity] fracking, drilling, mining
Industrial location
[Location] factory, power plant, mine
[Solid] garbage, landfill, sludge
[Liquid] effluent, wastewater, runoff
[Element] mercury, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
[Natural mixture] coal, oil, petroleum
[Artificial mixture] pesticide, fertilizer
Gaseous emission
[Industrial source] gases, fumes
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 204
Polluting Agent
[Vehicle source] exhaust
[Land vehicle] car, diesel vehicle
[Water vehicle] container ship, oil tanker
[Air vehicle] aircraft, jet
Polluted Entity
Environmental element/location
[Water] water, groundwater, drinking water
[Water body] aquifer, river, ocean, stream, creek, watershed,
[Gas] air, airwaves, atmosphere
[Soil] land, soil, ground, Earth
What is important is not the syntactic realization of the predicate and its
nominalization, but rather the combination of semantic roles and categories,
which reflect the polluting activities of the human race (since the implicit agent is
human) as well as the three main environmental spheres (air, water, and soil)
where pollution occurs. Consequently, the frame is generated by this combination
of semantic roles and categories, in this case, POLLUTING AGENT (CONTAMINANT)
between them.
3.3. From phrase level to frame level
The understanding of phrases in specialized language depends on the readers
ability to expand them so that they fit within a wider context or frame. The
problem is that frames are slippery customers. Everyone talks about them but
examples are rarely provided, except for the much-used example of the
commercial transaction (Fillmore 1982). However, frames also exist in
specialized language and can be specified for the knowledge domains, such as the
environment (Faber 2012, 2015).
Generally speaking, a frame is a type of mental representation, involving the
organization of knowledge about a concept or a set of related concepts. The
elements within a frame are linked by different types of semantic relation (Minsky
1975; Fillmore 1985, 2006; Faber 2012, 2015).
The specification of a specialized language frame is the description of a space
and the events that occur within it as well as the entities that participate in those
events. Busse (2012) makes the useful distinction between concept frames and
205 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
predicative frames. Concept frames mostly refer to concepts designated by nouns
and noun phrases. Concept frames represent the attributes and properties of an
entity. As such, they provide a general format for the representation of categories
and category structure (Barsalou 1992). In contrast, predicative frames describe
actions and processes, which are designated by verbs and their nominalizations.
They represent events and states of affairs in terms of their situation types and
Evidently, predicative frames are more relational since they are composed of
various concepts. For this reason, they are the most useful for text understanding.
They not only arise from single verbs but also from general configurations of verb
meaning that converge in a single semantic space. In specialized language, this
sounds strange because verbs are rarely regarded as terms, and thus usually not
included in specialized knowledge resources (L’Homme 1998; Buendía Castro
2013). However, general language verbs are crucial to meaning because they are
generally what relate concepts in specialized texts.
For example, of the 703 most frequent verbs in the EcoLexicon corpus of over
54 million words, only 10 verbs have no general language meaning (denitrify,
flocculate, hybridize, mineralize, nucleate, oxygenate, photosynthesize, solubilize,
subduct, and supercool). The other verbs are general language verbs (e.g.
accumulate, increase, develop, produce, vanish, pollute etc.), which are also used
in specialized texts with terms as their arguments. Their meaning underlies what
happens in the environment and how we talk about it.
Even though verbs (especially general language verbs) have never been
regarded as important in Terminology, they reflect how environmental entities
interact. These verbs represent what in our opinion are conceptual invariants,
which are present in the majority of documented language-cultures. The existence
of such unique beginners or semantic near primitives that are lexicalized in most
languages is a constant in the work of linguists such as Ana Wierzbicka, George
Miller, and Juri Apresjan, inter alia. This culturally shared knowledge, stored in
the lexicon, is composed of stable points of reference that comprise a cognitive
map of our phenomenological universe.
In previous research within the framework of the Lexical Grammar Model,
Faber and Mairal (1999) analyzed and categorized the semantic and syntactic
structure of 12,000 general language verbs, first in English and subsequently in
Spanish. This resulted in the following general lexical domains: EXISTENCE (be,
happen), CHANGE (become, change), POSSESSION (have), SPEECH (say, talk),
EMOTION (feel), ACTION (do, make), COGNITION (know, think), MOVEMENT (move,
go, come), PHYSICAL PERCEPTION (see, hear, taste, smell, touch), MANIPULATION
(use), CONTACT/IMPACT (hit, break) and POSITION (to put, to be). Other classes
Faber and Mairal (1999) used this inventory of verb classes to classify the most
general environment-related actions and processes in lexical domains derived
from definition factorization, as described in the Lexical Grammar Model. This
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 206
highlighted the most prominent actions and processes within the environment as
well as the semantic categories of the typical participants in these event frames.
For example, when the 703 most frequent verbs in the EcoLexicon corpus were
analyzed, the majority were found to belong to the lexical domains, dimensions,
IMPACT, and MANIPULATION. Table 3 shows some of the verbs that belong to these
lexical domains.
Table 3. Organization of verbs in lexical domains
Lexical domain
CHANGE [to become/change]
MOVEMENT [to move]
EXISTENCE [to be/exist]
POSSESSION [to have]
POSITION [to be in a
IMPACT [to hit/break]
Notably absent was the (frequent) use of verbs belonging to the areas of FEELING,
SENSORY PERCEPTION, and SPEECH. What is even more interesting is that the
verbs in the same lexical domain tended to combine with specialized knowledge
units in the same or similar semantic classes such as LIQUID SUBSTANCE, SOLID
Faber and Mairal (1999) highlighted the fact that one of the most important
environmental processes is CHANGE. CHANGE is a lexical domain with a number
of dimensions, which are specific to variation in parameters of time, space, and
evaluation (e.g. to become better, to become worse, to become larger, to become
smaller, etc.). Pollute, for example, belongs to this lexical domain. A segment of
the lexical domain of CHANGE (To cause something to become worse) is shown in
Table 4.
207 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
Table 4. Segment of the lexical dimension To cause sth to become worse in the lexical
domain of CHANGE
contaminate to cause sb/sth to become worse by making it less pure.
pollute to contaminate sth (esp. water/air/soil), by adding a harmful
substance to it so that it is dangerous to the health of living
adulterate to pollute sth (esp. food products) by adding
sth that lowers quality esp. to defraud the user.
taint to pollute (sth) so that it is spoiled or damaged.
poison to contaminate sb/sth by adding a harmful substance to it so
that it will die or make others die.
infect to contaminate sb/sth with disease-producing organisms.
As can be observed, pollute, poison, and infect are hyponyms of contaminate,
which is the most general term in this subdimension. The difference between
pollute, poison, and infect, lies in the polluting substance or what is polluted.
When the semantic (and syntactic) characteristics of the verbs are also specified,
this type of lexical organization codifies the range of choices available to each
speaker in the lexicalization of a given area of meaning.
The assumption here is that verbs within the same lexical subdimension have
a similar syntax and, even more important, combine with the same semantic types
of argument. In the case of specialized language, the polysemy of these general
language verbs is limited because the scope of their meaning is restricted to the
field of Environmental Science. However, verb meaning is not restricted by
syntax, but rather the nature of their arguments, which belong to a set of specific
conceptual categories such as LANDFORM, CHEMICAL ELEMENT, ATMOSPHERIC
The POLLUTION frame can also be further extended to include verbs that codify
the remedy for pollution, in this case, a cleaning action in the form of the
polysemic general language verb flush. Depending on whether there is a focus on
liquid movement (flowing) or the result (cleansing), it is a member of the lexical
domain of MOVEMENT or CHANGE. Although flush is polysemic, it only has one
meaning in Environmental Science. The semantic nature of its arguments is what
restricts its meaning to movement in a liquid medium. Its definition is the
(2) flush to cause a liquid to flow into/through [MOVEMENT] a place,
cleaning it [CHANGE] of something.
Pamela Faber and Melania Cabezas-García 208
It thus activates a frame with three arguments or participants: (i) a liquid; (ii) a
place; and (iii) an (undesirable) substance. In the EcoLexicon corpus, these
argument slots are filled by the following terms in the following semantic classes,
as illustrated in Table 5.
Table 5. Terms and semantic classes that can fill the argument slots of flush
flush to cause a liquid (usu. water) to flow into/through a place, cleaning it of something
Argument 1: Liquid
Argument 2: Place
Argument 3: Substance
ENCLOSED lagoon, pond,
harbor, basin,
embayment, river, bay
OPEN beach, channel,
slope, reef
sediment, sand,
littoral material
WATER water
saltwater, salt
brine, seawater
water, acid,
dissolved metals
magnesium, sodium
contaminant, organic
matter, harmful salts,
acid, dissolved
tides, tidal currents,
tidal action
As can be observed, each definitional slot is potentially filled by a specific set of
semantic types and subtypes. In this sense, each argument generates a mini-
ontology. The frame activated pertains to water movement into a water body,
resulting in the cleansing of that place of a usually harmful substance. In this
sense, flush is a predicate that is related to pollution, and which provides a
subframe that relates clusters of semantic categories that represent entities in the
Evidently, this type of context specification enhances understanding since it
identifies the types of entity that participate in events. The focus here is on the
actions and processes designated by verbs. As previously mentioned, when
specialized knowledge units fill their respective argument slots, the meaning of
these general language verbs is constrained by the semantic categories of their
arguments. This highlights the relational potential of predicative frames and their
usefulness for specialized knowledge acquisition.
4. Conclusion
In this paper we have described how knowledge acquisition can be conceived as
a progressive expansion of meaning, which begins at the term-level, progresses to
the phrase level, and finally results in the codification of an entire knowledge
209 Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames
frame. In this sense, the definition of a single term can predict how its meaning
can be potentially specified in MWTs (Cabezas-García and Faber in press).
MWTs that designate processes can be represented in terms of their predicate-
argument structure. The importance of exploring semantic types and their
combinations cannot be overstressed because semantics, rather than syntax, is
what can disambiguate MWTs and phrases in specialized texts (Buendía Castro
and Faber 2016). This was also evident in the analysis at the phrase and frame
levels, where semantic categories and roles were found to be the basis for
knowledge activation.
As reflected in our analysis of pollution, it is also necessary to take a closer
look at the semantics of general language verbs in specialized texts. They show
how specialized knowledge units are combined and encode the basic activities,
processes and events in a specialized domain. The specification of context is a
way of clarifying the meaning of the terms in a text. The examples given highlight
the usefulness of using language as a conceptual mirror that reflects how
specialized knowledge is structured and configured.
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... language expressions, this issue can be considered from two planes. On one side of the issue, the presence of knowledge is judged based on the representation of a specific conceptual domain -the domain of designates -evident in the content of language expressions (Faber & Cabezas-García, 2019). Language mapping of the conceptual domain is carried out by linguistic elements -designators, where objects from the non-linguistic world are represented by objects from the linguistic world. ...
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Contemporary linguistic studies have shown an increasing interest in conceptual spaces as a helpful tool for comprehending how meaning is organized and represented. This study focuses on the mapping of abstract areas through lexical analysis techniques. Drawing upon a diverse range of linguistic data, including corpora, dictionaries, and semantic networks, this study explores the interconnectedness of concepts within various domains. Through the identification of co-occurrence patterns and semantic associations, we examined how words and concepts relate to one another in multidimensional spaces. By analyzing the distributional properties and semantic relationships, this research provides beneficial perspicuity into the organization and structure of conceptual spaces, clearing the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension and production. The results offer implications for linguistic domains, including lexical semantics, cognitive linguistics, and natural language processing, emphasizing the potential of mapping conceptual spaces in advancing our understanding of language and cognition. This linguistic study contributes to the growing body of research on conceptual spaces, paving the way for further investigations into the nature of meaning representation and its implications for language acquisition, translation, and computational modeling.
Comparative law is a common subject-matter of research and teaching in many universities around the world, and the twenty-first century has aptly been termed 'the era of comparative law'. This Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law presents a truly global perspective of comparative law today. The contributors are drawn from all parts of the world to provide different perspectives on how we understand the 'law' and how it operates in practice. In substance, the Handbook contains 36 chapters covering a broad range of topics, divided under the following headings: 'Methods of Comparative Law' (Part I), 'Legal Families and Geographical Comparisons' (Part II), 'Central Themes in Comparative Law' (Part III); and 'Comparative Law beyond the State' (Part IV).
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La Teoría de los Marcos (TM) sostiene que cada palabra o expresión se organiza en estructuras conceptuales dotadas de elementos semánticos, sintácticos y pragmáticos que se activan cuando esta se utiliza en un determinado contexto. La traducción de expresiones idiomáticas, por su parte, implica superar desafíos significativos en términos de comunicación intercultural y transferencia de significado. Esto requiere por parte de los traductores una comprensión profunda de la cultura, las connotaciones culturales y el contexto en el que se utilizan estas expresiones. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre la TM y la fraseología, este estudio de corte cognitivo aborda la importancia del contexto a la hora de identificar y comprender los marcos conceptuales relacionados con las expresiones idiomáticas, en nuestro caso locuciones, a fin de lograr una traducción precisa. Para ello, se propone la TM como herramienta metodológica de cara a resaltar su efectividad en la adquisición fraseológica en traducción.
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As a core component of legal language used to draft, enforce and practice law, legal terms have fascinated lawyers, linguists, terminologists and other scholars for centuries. Third in the series, this Handbook offers a comprehensive compendium of the current state of knowledge on legal terminology. It is the first attempt to bring together perspectives from the domains of Terminology, Translation Studies, Linguistics, Law and Information Technology in a single place. This interdisciplinary endeavour comprises systematic reviews, case studies and research papers which overview key properties of legal terms and concepts, terminological tools and resources, training aspects, as well as translation in national contexts and multilingual organizations. The Handbook attests to the complex multifaceted nature of legal terminology and showcases its cultural, communicative, cognitive and social contexts in diverse legal systems. It is a rich resource for scholars, practitioners, trainers and students, presenting vibrant research and practice in this area.
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La Teoría de los Marcos (TM) sostiene que cada palabra o expresión se organiza en estructuras conceptuales dotadas de elementos semánticos, sintácticos y pragmáticos que se activan cuando esta se utiliza en un determinado contexto. La traducción de expresiones idiomáticas, en nuestro caso de locuciones verbales, implica superar desafíos significativos en términos de comunicación intercultural y transferencia de significado. Esto requiere por parte de los traductores una comprensión profunda de las connotaciones culturales y el contexto en el que se utilizan estas expresiones. Asimismo, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo familiarizar a los estudiantes rusos con los fundamentos teóricos de la TM y su aplicación específica en el proceso de traducción de locuciones verbales del ruso al español. Por ello, este estudio se fundamenta en un enfoque cognitivo, destacando la trascendental relevancia del contexto en la identificación y comprensión de los marcos conceptuales asociados a estas unidades. De este modo, a través de un ensayo compuesto por 40 locuciones verbales, se plantea la TM como una herramienta metodológica de cara a resaltar su eficacia en la adquisición fraseológica en el ámbito de la traducción. Este enfoque se sustenta en una metodología que combina aspectos teóricos y prácticos, haciendo hincapié en la comprensión de los elementos culturales y contextuales, así como en la superación de desafíos de equivalencia que intervienen en el proceso de traducción.
Terminological conceptual analysis can be applied to purposes beyond terminology work. This article presents a Frame-based Terminology approach adapted to analyse concepts and inform the content of entries in the Humanitarian Encyclopedia. It proposes a method for conceptual analysis by systematising the extraction of knowledge rich contexts (KRCs) around corpus querying tasks through semantic sketch grammars (SSGs) and macros with knowledge patterns (KPs). KRCs are curated manually, modelled into conceptual propositions, and combined with corpus metadata into unified datasets. The method was tested on epidemic and coronavirus and their results are presented. This study provides a preliminary model to operationalise the study of conceptual variation. It also identifies the areas of terminological conceptual analysis with the potential to be informed by other research methods towards creating a standalone methodology.
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This article deals with the study of the semantic transformation of terminological units for migration law. The question of standardization of national terminology, as well as inter- and intra-linguistic harmonization and unification of migration units is raised and substantiated. It is noted that changes in English terminology cause difficulties in national terminology due to, on the one hand, the need to find the most accurate and correct equivalent of the unit of the source language, and on the other – differences in the semantic volume of units of different languages. The article considers English terms for migrants: illegal migrant, irregular migrant, undocumented migrant. Analysis of international normative and advisory documents, as well as data from lexicographic sources of English and Ukrainian languages allow the authors to provide recommendations for the use of the Ukrainian equivalent to these terms – мігрант із неврегульованим статусом. At the same time, the authors note that the current Ukrainian legal documents operate on the term нелегальний мігрант, despite the long-standing recommendations of the Council of Europe and the UN to replace the term illegal migrant in national legislation with irregular migrant or undocumented migrant.
Рассматривается проблема определения термина в теориях терминологического планирования и влияния выявленных подходов на организацию терминологической работы учащегося в условиях смарт-образования. Цель статьи – определение в контексте смарт-образования способов терминологической работы учащегося в зависимости от трактовки термина в рассмотренных теориях терминологического планирования (общая теория терминологии, коммуникативная теория терминологии, социокогнитивная теория терминологии, теория терминологии, основанная на фреймах). Смарт-образование рассматривается как такой формат образования, ключевой характеристикой которого являются максимальная степень самостоятельности учащегося при освоении знаний и современные информационные технологии. Система освоения знаний интерпретируется через терминологическую работу и проблемы означивания терминологии. Установлено, что ключевую роль в определении термина играет концепт, поскольку его статус детерминирует статус термина. В рассмотренных теориях нет единого способа понимания концепта и термина, а следовательно, способа означивания термина. В общей теории терминологии концепт характеризуется как специализированное понятие, в контексте которого определяется значение термина (по правилу, один концепт – один термин). В коммуникативной теории терминологии используется понятие «терминологическая единица»; она состоит из трех компонентов: единица знания (концепт), единица языка (термин), единица коммуникации (ситуация). В социокогнитивной теории терминологии применяется понятие «единица понимания», которая может иметь форму категории (повторяющиеся значения концептов) и форму концепта (уникальное значение). В теории терминологии, основанной на фреймах, значения термина и концепта определяются через фрейм и его структуру, представленную концептуальной составляющей (используются существительные для выражения статических значений термина) и предикативной составляющей (используются глаголы для выражения динамических значений термина). Для смарт-образования важно, что в контексте общей теории терминологии учащийся должен только усваивать специальные значения терминов и не принимает участия в их формировании, в контексте коммуникативной, социокогнитивной и фреймовой теорий (по-разному в каждой) учащийся играет решающую роль в формировании значений концептов и терминов. Ключевую роль в процессах означивания терминологии играют механизмы визуализации и концептуализации, представленные как процессы многоуровневой попеременной смены обозначенных операций при работе с концептами и терминами в сторону повышения степени абстрактности последних. The article deals with the problem of defining a term in the theories of terminological planning and the influence of the identified approaches on the organization of a student’s terminological work in the context of smart education. The aim of the article is to determine, in the context of smart education, the ways of a student’s terminological work depending on the interpretation of the term in the considered theories of terminological planning (General Theory of Terminology (GTT), Communication Theory of Terminology (CTT), Sociocognitive Theory of Terminology (STT), Frame-Based Terminology (FBT)). The article contains three sections: “Smart education: On the concept”, “Theories of terminological planning: The factor of the concept”, “The concept of the term, visualization and smart education”, expressing the authors’ sequence of consideration of the questions posed. The first section analyzes smart education as a concept. The latter is considered as a format of education whose key characteristic, according to the authors, is the maximum degree of the student’s independence in the development of knowledge and modern information technology. The knowledge acquisition system is interpreted through terminological work and terminology designation problems. The authors have established that the concept plays a key role in the definition of the term, since its status determines the status of the term. In the considered theories, there is no single way of understanding the concept and the term, and, consequently, the way of designating the term. The second section characterizes the main theories of terminological planning and features of term understanding and terminological work in them. In GTT, the concept is characterized as a specialized concept, in the context of which the meaning of the term is determined (according to the rule, one concept for one term). CTT uses the term “terminological unit”, which consists of three components: a unit of knowledge (concept), a unit of language (term), a unit of communication (situation). STT uses the concept “unit of understanding”, which can take the form of a category (repeated meanings of concepts) and the form of a concept (unique value). In FBT, the meaning of a term and concept is defined through a frame and its structure, represented by a conceptual component (nouns are used to express the static meanings of the term) and a predicative component (verbs are used to express the dynamic meanings of the term). The third section discusses the role of the concept “term” as a means of visualization, through which the student is able to understand the degree of comprehension of the term when learning. For smart education, it is important that, in the context of GTT, the student should only learn the special meanings of terms and does not take part in their formation; in the context of CTT, STT, FBT (differently in each), the student plays a decisive role in the formation of the meanings of concepts and terms. The key role in terminology designation is played by the mechanisms of visualization and conceptualization, presented as processes of a multi-level alternating change of the considered operations when working with concepts and terms towards greater abstraction of the latter.
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The quality of a specialized translation depends to a great extent on the treatment of multiword terms (MWTs). Since MWTs are not always adequately described or even included in most terminological resources, translators and terminologists must find other ways to deal with them. One method involves the analysis of parallel texts. Traditionally, parallel texts have been a valuable resource for terminology extraction and knowledge acquisition. They can be compiled as comparable corpora (i.e. collections of texts originally written in the source and target languages). Nevertheless, even though comparable corpora can facilitate translation, many translators are often unfamiliar with corpus query techniques. This paper describes a method that identifies Spanish equivalents of English MWTs in corpora, and also provides translators and terminologists with a set of manual corpus query techniques that help to effectively translate MWTs. The comparable corpus compiled was composed of original English and Spanish texts on wind energy generation. The method proposed is based on distributional semantics and was used to identify and compare contextual elements of the concepts in both languages. The results of our study showed that this procedure simplifies and contributes to the accurate identification of MWT translation equivalents in corpora.
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Los términos compuestos son un tipo de unidad léxica especialmente habitual en el discurso especializado. En ellos se condensa el conocimiento científico-técnico, por lo que su correcto tratamiento es fundamental para la transmisión de la información. Sin embargo, su análisis presenta complicaciones. En este artículo se utilizan técnicas de corpus para investigar la formación conceptual y pragmática de términos compuestos en inglés pertenecientes al ámbito de la energía eólica. En primer lugar, se desambiguó la estructura de los términos compuestos, a cuyos componentes se les asignaron posteriormente categorías semánticas. Tras analizar la relación interna en los términos compuestos, estos se anotaron con roles semánticos. Dicho análisis reveló el microcontexto de cada término, que explica la fertilidad en la formación de los términos compuestos y facilita distintas tareas cognitivas y discursivas, como la traducción.
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This book is an introduction to syntactic theory and analysis which can be used for both introductory and advanced courses in theoretical syntax. Offering an alternative to the standard generative view of the subject, it deals with the major issues in syntax with which all theories are concerned. It presents syntactic phenomena from a wide range of languages and introduces students to the major typological issues that syntactic theories must address. A generous number of exercises is included, which provide practice with the concepts introduced in the text and in addition expose the student to in-depth analysis of data from many languages. Each chapter contains suggestions for further reading which encompass work from many theoretical perspectives. A separate teaching guide is available.
Conference Paper
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Complex nominals (CNs) (e.g. wind turbine) are very common in English specialized texts (Nakov, 2013). However, all too frequently they show similar external forms but encode different semantic relations because of noun packing. This paper describes the use of paraphrases that convey the conceptual content of English two-term CNs (Nakov and Hearst, 2006) in the domain of environmental science. The semantic analysis of CNs was complemented by the use of knowledge patterns (KPs), which are lexico-syntactic patterns that usually convey semantic relations in real texts (Meyer, 2001; Marshman, 2006). Furthermore, the constituents of CNs were semantically annotated with conceptual categories (e.g. beach [LANDFORM] erosion [PROCESS]) with a view to disambiguating the semantic relation between the constituents of the CN and developing a procedure to infer the semantic relations in these multi-word terms. The results showed that the combination of KPs and paraphrases is a helpful approach to the semantics of CNs. Accordingly, the conceptual annotation of the constituents of CNs revealed similar patterns in the formation of these complex terms, which can lead to the inference of concealed semantic relations.
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Driven by a shortage of studies on the morphosemantics of word-formation from a contrastive perspective, this article examines 200 English and Spanish terms from the olive oil industry with the aim of shedding light on their linguistic nature. This is achieved by use of a corpus which makes it possible to retrieve the units and their contexts from specialised texts. Besides considering the derivational features of the relevant terminogenesic processes, this investigation considers their semantic characteristics and connects the terms’ formal and meaning aspects. This, in turn, allows observing the close relationship between morphology and semantics in terminological spheres, which is directly linked with the role of these units as a tool for specialised communication. Once the morphosemantic features of the terms have been fully accounted for in English and Spanish individually, a comparison is drawn between the two languages in order to spot and describe similarities and differences.
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Though instrumental in numerous disciplines, context has no universally accepted definition. In specialized knowledge resources it is timely and necessary to parameterize context with a view to more effectively facilitating knowledge representation, understanding, and acquisition, the main aims of terminological knowledge bases. This entails distinguishing different types of context as well as how they interact with each other. This is not a simple objective to achieve despite the fact that specialized discourse does not have as many contextual variables as those in general language (i.e., figurative meaning, irony, etc.). Even in specialized text, context is an extremely complex concept. In fact, contextual information can be specified in terms of scope or according to the type of information conveyed. It can be a textual excerpt or a whole document; a pragmatic convention or a whole culture; a concrete situation or a prototypical scenario. Although these versions of context are useful for the users of terminological resources, such resources rarely support context modeling. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy of context primarily based on scope (local and global) and further divided into syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic facets. These facets cover the specification of different types of terminological information, such as predicate-argument structure, collocations, semantic relations, term variants, grammatical and lexical cohesion, communicative situations, subject fields, and cultures.
Résumé L’adjectif relationnel est un élément-clé de toute langue de spécialité, en français comme dans d’autres langues. Son utilisation en lieu et place d’un complément de nom participe du principe d’économie de la langue, mais caractérise également le discours du spécialiste, qui parle d’un « cancer mammaire » ou d’un « infarctus myocardique » là ou le non-spécialiste parlera de « cancer du sein » ou d’« infarctus du myocarde ». Après avoir examiné l’adjectif relationnel sous ses aspects morphologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques, nous nous fondons sur l’exploitation d’un corpus d’articles de recherche médicale de langue française de huit millions de mots afin de déterminer quels sont les facteurs qui favorisent l’emploi de l’adjectif relationnel par opposition à la complémentation par un groupe prépositionnel, avant d’étudier la variation des usages des adjectifs coronaire et coronarien .
A pioneering book establishing the foundations for research into word-formation typology and tendencies. It fills a gap in cross-linguistic research by being the first systematic survey of the word-formation of the world's languages. Drawing on over 1500 examples from fifty-five languages, it provides a wider global representation than any other volume. This data, from twenty-eight language families and forty-five language genera, reveals associations between word-formation processes in genetically and geographically distinct languages. Data presentation from two complementary perspectives, semasiological and onomasiological, shows both the basic functions of individual word-formation processes and the ways of expressing selected cognitive categories. Language data was gathered by way of detailed questionnaires completed by over eighty leading experts on the languages discussed. The book is aimed at academic researchers and graduate students in language typology, linguistic fieldwork and morphology. © Pavol Štekauer, Salvador Valera and Lívia Körtvélyessy 2012.