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A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available

  • ESI Hospital, Phagwara

Abstract and Figures

The word “Aphthous” originated from the Greek word “aphtha”, the meaning of which is ulcer Aphthous Stomatitis is one of most common ulcerative disease associated mainly with the oral mucosa characterized by the extremely painful, recurring solitary, multiple ulcers in the upper throat and oral cavity. The disease is known by lay public and professionals by several other names such as cold sores, canker sores, recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) and recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU). These are quite painful; may lead to difficulty in eating, speaking and swallowing thus may negatively affects the life standard of patient’s. Aphthous stomatitis is divided into three varieties: minor aphthae, major aphthae and herpetiform. The precise etiopathogenesis of aphthous stomatitis is not entirely disclosed. The factors responsible for aphthous ulcers are genetic predisposition, mechanical injury, microelement and vitamin B12 deficiencies, increased oxidative stress, food allergies, microbial factors, anxiety, hormonal defects, and systemic diseases. In spite of much clinical and research observation, the root causes continue to exist was imperfectly understood. The ulcers are unavoidable, and therapy is symptomatic. The goals of therapy are 3-fold: (a) control the ulcer pain, (b) stimulate healing of ulcer and (c) prevent recurrence. There are several treatment options both local and systemic for management of aphthous stomatitis. No single treatment has been found to be consistently effectual in all patients with RAU, it may be necessary to try several types of medications for optimum response and prevention of recurrence. The present review article aims to summarize the type etiopathogenesis, management and treatment options for RAS.
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A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management
and Treatment Available
Sharma D1,2* and Garg R3
1Ph.D. Research Scholar, I K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India
3Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, ASBASJSM College of Pharmacy, Bela, Ropar, Punjab, India
*Corresponding author: Deepak Sharma, Ph.D. Research Scholar, IKG Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, Tel: 919988907446; E-mail:
Rec date: August 27, 2018; Acc date: September 24, 2018; Pub date: October 01, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Sharma D, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The word “Aphthous” originated from the Greek word “aphtha”, the meaning of which is ulcer Aphthous Stomatitis
is one of most common ulcerative disease associated mainly with the oral mucosa characterized by the extremely
painful, recurring solitary, multiple ulcers in the upper throat and oral cavity. The disease is known by lay public and
professionals by several other names such as cold sores, canker sores, recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) and
recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU). These are quite painful; may lead to difficulty in eating, speaking and swallowing
thus may negatively affects the life standard of patient’s. Aphthous stomatitis is divided into three varieties: minor
aphthae, major aphthae and herpetiform. The precise etiopathogenesis of aphthous stomatitis is not entirely
disclosed. The factors responsible for aphthous ulcers are genetic predisposition, mechanical injury, microelement
and vitamin B12 deficiencies, increased oxidative stress, food allergies, microbial factors, anxiety, hormonal defects,
and systemic diseases. In spite of much clinical and research observation, the root causes continue to exist was
imperfectly understood. The ulcers are unavoidable, and therapy is symptomatic. The goals of therapy are 3-fold: (a)
control the ulcer pain, (b) stimulate healing of ulcer and (c) prevent recurrence. There are several treatment options
both local and systemic for management of aphthous stomatitis. No single treatment has been found to be
consistently effectual in all patients with RAU, it may be necessary to try several types of medications for optimum
response and prevention of recurrence. The present review article aims to summarize the type etiopathogenesis,
management and treatment options for RAS.
Keywords: Aphthous stomatitis; Etiopathogenesis; Topical and
systemic therapy; Symptomatic treatment
e word Aphthous” originated from the Greek word “aphtha”, the
meaning of which is ulcer. Aphthous stomatitis is one of most common
ulcerative disease associated mainly with the oral mucosa
characterized by the extremely painful, recurring solitary, multiple
ulcers in the upper throat and oral cavity. ese types of ulcers are
usually small, multiple, ovoid or round with circumscribed margins
which are having gray or yellow oors and are encompassed by
erythematous haloe [1,2]. It was delineated in 400 B.C by Hippocrates;
the disease is known by lay public and professionals by several other
names such as cold sores, canker sores, recurrent aphthous stomatitis
(RAS), and recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU). is is the most
prevailing oral ulcerative disorder aecting up to 10-20% of our
inhabitants and recurrence rate of 3 months in 50% of population [3].
ese are quite painful that leads to diculty in eating, speaking and
swallowing that’s why it negatively aects the patient’s quality of life
[4]. Aphthous stomatitis is divided into three varieties: minor aphthae,
major aphthae and herpetiform. Minor aphthae also called as Miculiz’s
aphthae, is one of the most common variant that constitute 75-85% of
all RAS cases. ese types of ulcers have size usually less than 1 cm (10
mm) and heal without leaving scarring within 10 to 14 days. is type
is commonly found in the non-keratinized mucosal surfaces like
buccal mucosa, labial mucosa, and mouth oor as shown in Figure 1.
Major aphthae also called as Suttons disease; usually exceeds 1 cm (10
mm) cause deeper ulceration thus leave scar. It constitutes only 10-15%
of RAS cases. ese ulcers may remain about 10-20 days and may take
months also. e usual sites are throat, lips and so palate as shown in
Figure 2. e Herpetiform is least common variant of RAS that
constitutes only 07-10% of RAS cases. Ulcer size is very small
measuring 2-3 mm in diameter; numerous in numbers (around 100
ulcers at once) can fuse together producing large irregular lesions that
last for 7-10 days without leaving scars as shown in Figure 3 [5-7].
Figure 1: Minor Aphthous stomatitis.
ISSN: 2329-6631
Journal of Developing Drugs
Sharma and Garg, J Develop Drugs 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
Review Article Open Access
J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
Figure 2: Major Aphthous stomatitis.
Figure 3: Herpetiform Aphthous stomatitis.
e precise etiopathogenesis of aphthous stomatitis is not fully
disclosed. e potential factors responsible for aphthous ulcers are
genetic predisposition, mechanical injury, microelement and vitamin
B12 deciencies, increased oxidative stress, food allergies, microbial
factors, anxiety, hormonal defects, systemic diseases (e.g., ulcerative
colitis, celiac disease, AIDS, Crohn’s disease) [8]. Each of them was
described below:
Genetic predisposition: For the development of aphthous stomatitis
genetic predisposition is responsible for about 40% of patients that
have family history and these persons develop ulcers in earlier age
which are of severe in nature [9].
Mechanical injury: Mechanical injury because of local anesthetic
injections, dental treatments, sharp tooth and injury due to tooth
brush may susceptible to the occurrence of recurrent aphthous
ulceration [10]. Lack of adequate saliva to lubricate and protect the
oral mucosa from injury and antigenic exposure may rise to the
development of RAS [11].
Microelement and vitamin B12 deciencies: Deciencies of vitamin
B12, folic acid, and iron may contribute to development of RAS. Lack
of these microelements is two times more usual in these persons as
compared to controls. Contradictory detections in dierent
investigations linking the relationship of hematinic deciency and RAS
have been elaborated because of alter genetic backgrounds and dietary
habits of the study population [12].
Stress: Stress and psychological imbalance have been linked with
recurrent aphthous ulcers. Patient oen manifest increased stress with
inception of aphthous ulcers and several studies have reported higher
occurrence. Fergusson et al. suggested that antidepressant therapy
reduces the incidence of ulcers. Several mechanisms can be postulated
for a cause and eect relationship between trait anxiety and recurrent
aphthous stomatitis. ere could be an as yet unknown biochemical
eect or trait anxiety that could lead to parafunctional habits including
lip and cheek biting and physical trauma which might initiate the
ulcerative process in susceptible individual [13,14].
Food allergies: Food such as chocolate, coee, almonds, cereals,
peanuts, strawberries, tomatoes, cheese and wheat our containing
gluten may be responsible for aphthous ulcers [15].
Microbial factors: ere is limited consistent conrmation to assist
the presumption that RAS constitutes an infectious disease. In
particular from investigations to examine whether there might be an
association between previously suspect L-forms of streptococci and
RAS or the adenoviruses, herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella- zoster
virus or cytomegalovirus and RAS, the accessible proof indicates that
none of these micro-organisms appears to be directly responsible for
RAS in spite of continued speculation about their feasible role. One
should record that an antiviral agent, acyclovir provide no valuable
outcome in preventing or reducing episodic outburst of the condition,
which set out to weaken logic in favor of a possible viral causation for
RAS. From irregular unscientic cases in which patients outline a
noticeable reconcilable time related association between their
aphthous outbursts and an immediately antecedent reactivated
(recurrent) HSV infection, it is tempting to postulate that in a narrow
subset of individuals who get RAS, the herpes virus may serve as an
antigenic ‘trigger’ that initiates the cascade of immunologic events that
result in ulceration. In a limited subset of RAS patients, it is possible
that this is actually the case. Presumably, such patients would benet
from appropriate therapeutic and prophylactic antiviral therapy,
coupled with treatments specically aimed at lessening the severity and
frequency of the RAS episodes by modulating their supposedly
heightened immune responses to the viral ‘trigger’. Such therapeutic
strategies probably would be best carried out in consultation with an
infectious disease specialist. It must be emphasized, however, that
regarding most aphthous patients, any suggestion of a causative nexus
between RAS and HSV seems to represent unsubstantiated conjecture
rather than proven fact [16].
Tobacco smoking: Nonsmokers persons usually are more prone to
RAS and there is a lower occurrence and extremity of RAS among
heavy smokers as compared to moderate smokers. Few patients report
an onset of RAS aer cessation of smoking, while others report control
on smoking re-initiation. e usage of smokeless tobacco is linked with
a remarkably lower universality of RAS. e tables containing Nicotine
also seems to manage the frequency of RAS [17].
Immunopathogenesis: RAS with primary immunologic
abnormalities result into altered immunoregulatory balances. For
example, there are rise in antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity and
higher levels of serum immunoglobulins in patients with RAS
Lymphocytes from patients with serious RAS demonstrate growing
numbers of T-helper/inducer cells, decreased numbers of T-
suppressor/inducer cells, and depressed responses to mitogens.
Activated T-lymphocytes aggregate in the periphery of RAS lesions
Citation: Sharma D, Garg R (2018) A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available. J
Develop Drugs 7: 189. doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
Page 2 of 8
J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
conrming the hypothesis that RAS represents an activated cell
mediated immune response. Immunohistochemical studies of
lymphocyte subsets in aphthous ulcers of HIV-seronegative patients
and HIV-seropositive patients have yielded similar ndings, which
strongly indicate that these ulcers represent a cell-mediated
immunologic dysfunction in which inltrating T-lymphocytes play a
primary role. It seems likely that in genetically predisposed persons,
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mad local immune complex-
related reactions are involved in the immunopathogenesis of RAS, but
the precipitating factors are unknown. Unfortunately, to date no
consistent theory of immunopathogenesis has been accepted. is
information will be useful in the future so that more eective
treatment and preventive modalities can be identied [18].
Hormonal defects: It appears from dierent and sometimes
conicting studies that a minor subset of women with RAU have
cyclical oral ulceration related to the onset of menstruation or the
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Complete remission during
pregnancy has been reported with exacerbation occurring in the
puerperium. Although 10% of women have been reported to have had
their rst episode of RAU between the ages of 50-59 and more recent
work has not uncovered an association between RAU and the
menopause [19].
Drugs: Drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs
(NSAIDs e.g., Diclofeanac phenylacetic acid and proprionic acid) can
cause oral ulcers identical to those of RAU, accompanied with genital
ulceration or only oral ulcers in the case of piroxicam. A relationship
between beta-blockers and aphthous ulcers was also proposed. ese
types of ulcers commonly occur as an adverse side eect and fade away
when the usage of drug is discontinued [19].
Systemic diseases: Behcet’s disease (BD) is a multisystemic, chronic,
relapsing vasculitis that aects nearly all organs and systems. It is
associated with multiple oral, genital ulcers, arthritis, hematemesis,
melena and epigastric pain as predominant manifestations. Seung-Ho
described that RAS and BD had similar presenting symptoms like oral
lesions and abdominal pain. ere were no clinical, endoscopical,
histopathological or serological dierence between patients with
intestinal BD, RAS and healthy volunteers in anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies [20]. Celiac disease (CD) is caused by gluten
sensitivity of the small intestines. According to Selim the CD
prevalence (40%) in patients with RAS is higher than in the normal
population. It is also described that RAS may be the presenting sign of
the disease and may be used as a marker for the CD [21]. e intraoral
involvement in Crohn’s disease is observed in approximately 9% of
cases and oral inammation precedes intestinal symptoms in about
60% of these patients. Hence it is important to consider the dierential
diagnosis of Crohn’s disease in subjects with intestinal symptoms and
RAS [22].
Management and treatment of aphthous stomatitis
In spite of much clinical and research observation, the root causes
continue to exist was imperfectly understood. e ulcers are
unavoidable and therapy is symptomatic. Various local and systemic
factors are correlated with these conditions and there is evidence that a
genetic and immunopathogenic form a basis for recurrent aphthous
ulceration. ere is no specic treatment for RAS, and management
strategies depend on the symptoms, duration, and severity [18]. ere
is abundance of therapies for recurrent aphthous ulcers. e goals of
therapy are 3-fold: (a) control the ulcer pain, (b) stimulate healing of
ulcer and (c) prevent recurrence. For the determination of appropriate
treatment, the medical history of patient, pain severity, outburst/
frequency and medication tolerance ability of patient is some of factors
have to be considered to start the treatment. It is very important that
all the susceptible factors should be treated or ruled out before starting
specic treatment for RAS. As there is no single treatment is available
which is uniformly eective in RAS, it is important to explore a
spectrum of therapies to validate a denitive treatment strategy [23].
e First choice for aphthous stomatitis treatment is the topical agents
because they are cheap, eective and safe. e problem with topical
agents is obtaining eective drug delivery, because substances applied
to mucosal surfaces are inevitably rubbed or rinsed away. Topical
management of aphthous stomatitis may not be enough for the
constantly recurring and severe ulcerations. In those cases, systemic
medications are employed. e rst line therapy options consists of
antiseptics and anti-inammatory drugs/analgesics and second line
therapy options include systemic immunomodulator, systemic
antibiotic and systemic corticosteroids as shown in Table 1[24, 25].
First Line Therapy
Topical Antiseptic Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Triclosan
Topical/ Systemic Anti-inflammatory/ Analgesic Benzydamine Hydrochloride, Diclofenac
Topical Anesthetic Lidocaine, Benzocaine
Topical antibiotic Chlortetracycline, Doxycycline
Topical corticosteroids Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate, Triamcinolone acetonide, Betamethasone valerate, Beclometasone dipropionate,
Budesonide, Clobetasol
Second Line Therapy
Systemic Immunomodulator Levamisole, Colchicine, Hydrocortisone and Triamcinolone, Thalidomide, Dapsone, Pentoxphylline, 5-Amino salicylic
acid, Azathioprine, Prostaglandin E2
Systemic Antibiotic Penicillin G Potassium
Systemic Corticosteroids Prednisone
Table 1: erapeutic Options for Aphthous stomatitis.
Citation: Sharma D, Garg R (2018) A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available. J
Develop Drugs 7: 189. doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
Page 3 of 8
J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
First Line erapy
Topical therapy
When there is recurrent incidence of aphthous ulcers are occurred
in limited number that are either minor or major, closely opposed to
one another and scattered on readily available oral surfaces such as the
labial or vestibular mucosa or the anterior portion of the tongue, rst-
line therapeutic management based on conservative topical therapy
should be involve [26].
Topical gels, creams and pastes: Dierent gels and pastes can be
employed to cover the ulcer surface to form a defensive obstacle
against secondary infection and further mechanical irritation. e rst
option of the treatment of RAS is the topical agents. A little amount of
cream or gel should be applied by patient aer rinsing and stay away
from drinking or eating for 30 min. It should be followed by 3 to 4
times a day [27]. It is good to employ various types of adhesive bases in
association with drug that prevents the topical medications to wash
away from the target region. e inammatory process that occurred
with the development of aphthae may limit by topical corticosteroids.
Al-Namah et al. have concluded that the novel dexamucobase was
found to be equally effective in treating oral aphthous ulceration, with
some advantages, as the widely used preparation Kenalog in Orabase
[28]. Meng et al. have indicated that amlexanox oral adhesive pellicles
are as effective and safe as amlexanox oral adhesive tablets in the
treatment of minor RAS for this Chinese cohort. However, pellicles
seem to be more comfortable to use when compared with the dosage
form of tablets. erefore in clinical practice, amlexanox oral adhesive
pellicles may be a better choice for RAS patients [29].
Topical anesthetic: Lidocaine in 2% is found to be benecial in
alleviate pain related with recurrent aphthous ulcer (RAS), but mixture
of adrenaline (1:8000) further enhances the pain relief period that
permit the patient more time to take the meals. Patient is directed to
apply 2 to 3 drops of it onto the surface of ulcer and ask to keep open
the mouth [30].
Topical antimicrobials: In the RAS management, the aqueous mouth
rinse containing Chlorhexidine gluconate provides some benecial
eects. Investigations reect that it decreases the ulcers duration but
the recurrence of ulcers cannot prevent by it. It is generally used as
0.2% w/w (weight for weight) mouth rinse but the 0.1% w/w
mouthwash or 1% gel can also be benecial [31].
Topical antibiotics: e antibacterial effect of tetracycline is also
known to decrease the breakdown of collagen. is can be employed in
mouth rinse form prepared by dissolving the capsule of 250 mg into
180 ml of water and direct the patient to swish and spit four times a
day for 4 to 5 days. Tetracycline is considered inferior to minocycline
due to additional immunomodulatory effects of minocycline. It can be
used by dissolving the 100 mg tablets in 180 ml of water and direct the
patient to rinse two times daily for 4 to 5 days. In both cases patient
should be directed to stay away from food or drink for at least 30
minutes [32].
Topical corticosteroids: ese are the backbone for the treatment of
RAS. Dierent types of topical corticosteroids are employed that
alleviate the symptoms of RAS with no suppression of adrenal. Some of
currently available agents are designed in new drug delivery system in
form of protective lm that is designed to attach rmly to the wet
moving mucous there by forming a protective lm over the ulcer area
leads to rapid healing and faster relief of pain. It has applied in paste
form 2-3 times in a day. ese steroids may develop local candidiasis
on long term use. Other topical corticosteroids include: Clobetasol
Propionate 0.05%, Triamcinolone acetonide, Fluocinionide 0.05%
Topical anti-inammatory agents: 5% Amlexanonx in paste form
possesses anti-inammatory and anti-allergic property has been found
to be ecient and clinically safe in many clinical investigations for
RAS management [35]. In the treatment of RAS ulcerations, topical
sucralfate when given at 5 ml, 4 times in a day found to be very
eective. It forms a protective barrier on the aected area by adhering
to mucous membrane tissues, there by exerts a soothing effect on the
lesions. It is commonly employed for treatment of peptic ulcers [36].
Topical analgesic/anti-inammatory spray and rinses: Topical
analgesic sprays or rinses such as Benzydamine hydrochloride can be
utilized to alleviate discomfort in aphthous stomatitis due to its
analgesic, anti-inammatory, antimicrobial and anesthetic activity
Topical hyaluronic acid: Topical application of Hyaluronic acid in
form of 0.2% gel is found to be benecial in RAS treatment. e main
function of hyaluronic acid is activation and moderation of
angiogenesis, promoting re-epithelization via proliferation of basal
keratinocytes and reducing collagen disposition and scarring [38].
Second Line erapy
Systemic therapy
e outbreaks of RAS are normally resolved with topical treatments,
though in some cases these measures prove insucient because of the
severity of the lesions or for unknown reasons. is is when second
line therapy with systemic drug substances are utilized as given
Levamisole: Due to its vast immumostimulatory eects, it was
recommended as a possible treatment for RAS. By giving a dose of
10-15 mg/day for a period of 2-3 months helps in alleviate the pain,
frequency, number and duration of ulcer. Due to its hazardous eects
like dyspepsia, nausea, agranulocytosis and hyperemia, the use of this
drug is limited [39].
alidomide: is is one of the few drugs that are extensively
ecacious in the management of RAS. It retards the synthesis of tumor
necrosis factor alpha and neutrophil function and also aids in the
healing of aphthae, disappearance of pain and delay or disappearance
of recurrence. When it is given in standard dosing levels of 100-300
mg/day or 50 mg/day, a dose dependent eect originates in 7-10 weeks
following the treatment. Due to its widely known adverse reaction like
teratogenicity and irreversible polyneuropathy, the therapy should be
given only in case of severe ulceration and conned to patient with
ulceration relating to HIV [40].
Pentoxifylline: Pentoxifylline is a drug that retards the synthesis of
tumor necrosis factor alpha, chemotaxis and neutrophil function.
When administered at a dosage of 400 mg three times a day, it alleviate
the level of pain, reduce the ulcer size and number during episodes of
RAS. Due to its lesser adverse eects and escalating results it is
regarded as primary systemic medication for RAS treatment [41].
Colchicine: Colchicine with anti-inammatory activity may be of
clinical benet in severe cases of RAS and Behcet's disease. erefore, a
therapeutic trial at least over 4 to 6 weeks in a dose of 1 to 2 mg/day
Citation: Sharma D, Garg R (2018) A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available. J
Develop Drugs 7: 189. doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
Page 4 of 8
J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
orally is recommended, which is followed by long-term therapy
according to tolerability and clinical response [42].
Zinc sulphate: Systemic zinc treatment causes an improvement or
remission in patients with RAS. It is given systemically, a total of 660
mg of zinc sulphate per day in divided doses [43].
Azathioprine: Azathioprine has been eective in decrease the
incidence, severity and frequency of severe oral and genital aphthae
when it is administered alone or in combination with other
immunosuppressants in a dosage of 1 to 2 mg/kg/day (50-150 mg/day)
Methotrexate: Methotrexate, an a analogue of folic acid found to be
very benecial in severe oro-genital aphthosis when administered in a
dosage of 3-6 mg/kg or 7.5 to 20 mg weekly. Aer intake of
methotrexate the intermittent administration of folic acid should be
given [34].
Prednisone: It can be utilized in association with topical mouth
rinses and gels. Systemic treatment of prednisone should be started at
dose of 1.0 mg/kg a day as a single dose in the patients with severe
RAU and it should be reduce aer 1 to 2 weeks because on long term
exposure drug carries the risk of several adverse eects such as
hyperglycemia, moon faces, depression, lipodystrophy and
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. at’s why it should
be used for a shorter period of time. In order to provide the eective
treatment, it can be given along with other immunosuppressive agent,
azathioprine to reduce the dosage of prednisone [19].
Vitamin B12: When researchers treated the patients suering from
RAS with a dosage of 1000 μg of vitamin B12, they concluded aer 5 to
6 months of treatment that number of ulcers, duration of outbreaks
and level of pain were remarkably reduced. During the treatment of
around six months, “no aphthous ulcers status” was obtained by 74.1%
of 31 interventional group participants concluded that treatment of
RAS with vitamin B12 seems to be eective, cheap and lower risk in
treating patients with RAS irrespective of their initial level of serum
vitamin B12 [44].
Dapsone: It is an extensively employed drug for the treatment of
leprosy in long term and some dermatologic conditions have been
tried with limited success in the management of major aphthae. It is
administered orally in a dosage of 100 mg in divided doses and it can
also be increased at the rate of 50 mg/day per week to a maximum of
300 mg/day. Due to its toxic nature it can precipitate hemolytic
anemia, therefore strict patient monitoring for methemoglobinemia,
hemolysis, agranulocytosis and anemia is required [45].
Rebamipide: It is the rst antiulcer drug that is found to enhance the
endogenous prostaglandins in mucosa and retards the production of
oxygen derived free radical. Investigations revealed that when the drug
administered in a dose of 100 mg (tablet) three times a day for seven
days decreases the pain and number of aphthae with excellent recovery
by seventh day [46].
Irsogladin: When the drug is administered orally 2 to 4 mg/day
which is used for treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis, found to be
decreasing the ulcer counts and on regularly taken it also prevent the
recurrence of aphthous stomatitis [47].
Cyclosporine A: At a dosage of 3-6 mg/kg, was found to be
ecacious in about 50% of patients suered from aphthosis. However,
abrupt withdrawal of therapy may lead to a rebound phenomenon.
Due to the potential for severe side-eects from therapy, clinical and
serologic vigilance must be observed [25].
Adalimumab: Adalimumab is an anti-TNF- monoclonal antibody
that has been used to treat severe, recalcitrant, RAS, but in view of the
risk of serious adverse eects, it should be used with extreme caution
Acyclovir: Acyclovir (400 mg twice a day for 1 year) was used in a
double-blind study in 25 patients with RAS without any benet in the
prevention of ulcers. 64 Alternatively, higher dosages (800 mg twice a
day for 8 weeks) of acyclovir were used in one study of eight patients
with recurrent RAS, and six patients experienced either total regression
of existing ulcers or relief of symptoms within 2 days of therapy [49].
Montelukast: In a study carried out by Femiano, in which 20
participants received a daily oral dosage of 10 mg montelukast for 1
month followed by alternate days for the second month. It was
concluded that the time in days to resolution of rst ulcer was shorter,
accompanied with a remarkable reduction in the total count of new
lesions over the treatment period of 2-months [50].
Iniximab: Recently, it has been shown by LP Robertson that
iniximab (Remicade), a chimeric anti-TNF antibody, is very eective
in the management of refractory and recurrent oral and genital ulcers.
It is usually given in a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight intravenously in
dierent schemes (e.g., 2, 6 and 32 weeks aer the rst injection) [34].
Etanercept: Etanercept (Enbrel) is a recombinant TNF-soluble
receptor can be used cases of recalcitrant, recurrent ulceration in a
dose of 25 mg subcutaneously twice a week. e only adverse eect
reported is mild erythema, induration and tenderness at injection site
Clofazimine: It is an antimicrobial used for the treatment of leprosy
is combination with other drugs such as rifampicin and dapsone. In
application to severe RAS, and when administered at a dose of 100
mg/day during 6 months, the emergence of new lesions was found to
be inhibited by drug during the prescribed period of treatment [52].
Penicillin G potassium: Penicillin G potassium in 50 mg tablets
administered four times a day during four days reduces the size of the
ulcers and lessen the pain [53].
Research work done on aphthous stomatitis (Mouth ulcers)
A very few research work has been done on aphthous stomatitis
which makes it challenging for scientists as well as for the researchers.
Some of works done reported are given as follows:
In 2018, Zhang developed and evaluate
in-vitro in-vivo
bilayered mucoadhesive buccal lm containing ornidazole (OD) and
dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DEX) in combined form
employing solvent casting technique for the treatment of oral ulcers.
e prepared lms were evaluated systemically for
in order to
nd the optimized formulation. e rabbit oral ulcer model was
investigated to study the therapeutic eectiveness of these lms and
release of OD and DEX in the human oral cavity was also
evaluated. It was concluded that the developed lm become a local
drug delivery device for the treatment of oral ulcers [54].
In 2017, Heng-zhong developed and evaluate the fast disintegrating
lms containing Lignocaine as a model drug to treat the mouth ulcers.
For the evaluation of local anesthetic activity of developed lm, tail
ick test in rat model was performed. 32 full factorial design was
applied to develop oral fast disintegrating lms by solvent casting
Citation: Sharma D, Garg R (2018) A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available. J
Develop Drugs 7: 189. doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
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J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
evaporation technique. Chitosan, Croscarmellose Sodium (CCS) and
Dibutyl Phthalate (DBT) were used as polymer, superdisintegrant and
plasticizer respectively. e developed lms were evaluated for physical
appearance, thickness, weight variation, folding endurance,
disintegration time, drug content uniformity and
drug release.
It was concluded that oral fast disintegrating lms of Lignocaine serves
as potential drug delivery systems for mouth ulcer management [55].
In 2017, Joshi developed a herbal oral dissolving lm for mouth
ulcer and throat infection treatment contained herbal plants extract
and powders of
Ocimum tenuiorum
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Curcuma longa
(turmeric). ese plants have
antimicrobial, astringent, antiulcer and anti-inammatory activity.
HPMC was selected as polymer and plasticizer for the lm
formulation. e lms were subjected to physicochemical
examinations such as weight uniformity, folding endurance, surface
pH disintegration time, % moisture absorption, % moisture loss,
surface pH, swelling index etc. e obtained results for prepared herbal
lms disintegrate within 1 minute. ese lms are economic,
convenient and do not show any side eect [56].
In 2016, Aslani developed an oral gel from
Punica granatum
(Pomegranate) ower extract for the treatment of recurrent aphthous
stomatitis. Dierent formulations were prepared using dierent
amounts of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose K4M, sodium
carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) and carbomer 934. Aer this, the
condensed extract was uniformly dispersed in polyethylene glycol
(PEG) 400 and added to gel bases. Form the results it was found that
mucoadhesion of gel enhanced as the polymer amount in gel increases
that lead to longer durability in mouth. erefore, the formulation F4
having highest mucoadhesion and viscosity due to its higher polymer
content which is able to remain for a longer period of time to release its
active ingredient. Hence due to proper appearance, stability,
uniformity, acceptable mucoadhesion and viscosity the F4 formulation
was selected as best nal formulation [57].
In 2016, Li W developed a lm for the mouth ulcer treatment
containing compound calculus bovis sativus (CBS) and ornidazole by
employing three polymers (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, chitosan,
poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)). e lm was developed with the lm-
forming suspension, using casting-solvent evaporation technique. e
prepared lms were evaluated for drug content, swelling index, release
behavior and mucoadhesive properties. e prepared lms displayed
desirable swelling properties and
drug release behaviors. It was
concluded that prepared lm was able to remarkably relieve the
mucosal wounds in animals [58].
In 2015, orat developed thermoreversible mucoadhesive gel
(TMG) containing curcumin for treatment of mouth ulcer. e
formulations were developed by employing Xanthan gum and
carbomers as bioadhesive material along with thermoreversible agent
such as Pluronic F68 and Pluronic F127. e developed preparations
were evaluated for pH, gel strength, spreadability, gelation
mucoadhesion and
drug release. From
the results it was concluded that a sustain drug release pattern was
obtained along with enhanced residence time as well as the contact
area of curcumin at the site of ulcer thus making the curcumin
thermoreversible gel a suitable candidate for the treatment of mouth
ulcer [59].
In 2014, Ambikar developed a herbal oral dissolving lm containing
herbal plants extract and powders of
Ocimum tenuiorum
Azadiracta indica
Syzygium aromaticum
Boerhaavia diusa
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Jasminum grandiorum
(jasmine), (triphala) for treatment of mouth
ulcer. ese plants exhibit antiulcer, astringent, antimicrobial and anti-
inammatory activity. HPMC and ethyl cellulose were selected as
polymer for lm formation. e lms were subjected to
physicochemical examinations such as weight uniformity, folding
endurance, surface pH disintegration time, % moisture absorption, %
moisture loss, surface pH, swelling index etc [60].
In 2014, Bhutkar developed a mucoadhesive herbal buccal patch
of Psidium Guava L. for the treatment of oral ulcers by employing
HPMC K15 and Carbopol 940 as a rate controlling and mucoadhesive
polymer. It was concluded that the patch containing polymer HPMC
K15 and Carbopol 940 successfully delivered the herbal constituent
quercetin isolated from
Psidium Guava L
In 2013, Alsadat developed a mucoadhesive paste of chlorhexidine
and Betamethasone to study the eect on the process of oral ulcer
recovery in rats. From the results obtained it was concluded that the
best wound healing processes from clinical and histological aspects
were achieved in the betamethasone (B) and betamethasone-
chlorhexidine (BC) groups. Also, use of chlorhexidine alone had no
signicant eect on wound healing and other criteria; theefore, the
authors concluded it is not eective, when it is used alone [62].
Aphthous stomatitis is the most common inammatory ulcerative
condition of the oral mucosa, it occur as painful ulcers and recur from
time to time. e etiopathogenesis of this disease is unclear. Much
research has been done to nd treatments to reduce pain related to,
duration of and frequency of ulcer outbreaks. ere are several
treatment options, both local and systemic, that could be helpful for
management of aphthae in the primary care setting. No single
treatment has been found to be uniformly eective in all patients with
RAU, it may be necessary to try several types of medications for
optimum response and prevention of recurrence. Treatment strategies
must be directed toward providing symptomatic relief by reducing
pain, increasing the duration of ulcer-free periods, and accelerating
ulcer healing. Future research should focus on identifying RAS
etiology, developing standardized diagnostic criteria for RAS, and
improving the design and reporting of clinical trials.
e authors are grateful to Central Library Department of I.K.
Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar and Rayat Bahra
Institute of Pharmacy, Hoshiarpur, Punjab for the providing us the
literature search facilities for accomplishing this review work.
Conicts of Interest
e authors declare no conict of interest regarding the publication
of this review article.
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Citation: Sharma D, Garg R (2018) A Comprehensive Review on Aphthous Stomatitis, its Types, Management and Treatment Available. J
Develop Drugs 7: 189. doi:10.4172/2329-6631.1000189
Page 8 of 8
J Develop Drugs, an open access journal
ISSN: 2329-6631
Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 1000189
... problems (1) , and recurrent aphthous stomatitis RAS is one of them (2) . ...
... Greek word aphthai, which means an ulcer (2) or mouth disorders (3) . ...
... Inflammatory response, cell proliferation, and production of the extracellular matrix components and the post-healing period, known as remodeling, are the three stages of cell and biochemical processes that are closely linked in wound repair. 3,4 Remodeling is the third phase of healing, which starts two to three weeks after the initiation of the lesion and can extend a year or more, which aims to maximize tensile strength by reorganizing, degrading, and re-synthesizing the extracellular matrix. At this phase in the healing process, an attempt is made to restore normal tissue structure, and the granulation tissue is gradually remodeled, resulting in scar tissue that is less cellular and vascular and has a progressive rise in collagen fiber concentration. ...
... Kenalog ® in Orabase was used as standard drug because it contains triamcinolone acetonide, corticosteroid, that was first line of the first line of ulcer therapy. 3 Gel base in control group was made by combining 2 different gel phase that were SCMC (sodium CMC) gel and carbomer gel. SCMC gel was made by dissolving 3 grams of Na-CMC into 50 mL of distilled water and Carbomer Gel was made by dissolving 1 gram of Carbomer 940 into 50 mL of distilled water. ...
Full-text available
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic condition where the body's ability to produce and utilize insulin is impaired; thus, wound healing process is slower than usual in patients with DM. Lemon pepper has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This study aimed to investigate the effect of topical application of lemon pepper fruit ethanol extracts on the healing process of oral traumatic ulcers in diabetic rats. This study was performed at the Pharmacology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia from September 2021–October 2021. Thirty males diabetic Wistar rats were thermally injured on the lower labial mucosa and divided into five groups: control, standard, and lemon pepper gel 5%, 7.5%, and 10% groups. The ulcer size was measured after injury and on the 7th and 14th day. On the last day, all rats underwent both routine blood count and histology study for oral ulcer tissue. On the 14th day, all treatment groups showed some significant difference wound contraction, with the highest tendency of wound contraction seen in both lemon pepper gel 10% and standard groups (62.50%. p-value =0.001). The improvement of wound contraction was also supported by reduced white blood cell count (p-value<0.05) in routine blood count and regeneration of epidermis and dermis tissues in the histology study. Hence, it can be concluded that the lemon pepper extract gel in all concentrations has good physical stability and the lemon pepper gel with the highest concentration group presents the best ulcer healing activity compared to other concentrations and has similar ulcer healing activity as the standard group that receives Kenalog® in Orabase.
... However, the lesions generally heal within 7 to 14 days. 9,10 Any part of the oral cavity can be affected by RAS including the buccal and labial mucosa, tongue, and palate. 8 The main RAS predisposing factor present in undergraduate dental students is the high level of stress caused by academic pressure and anxiety. ...
... The recurrence of RAS could be two to four times a year or once every two to three months. 10 Of the students who had experienced RAS, 69 (73.4%) were female. The number of students who experienced RAS in their fourth year of study was 35 (37.2%), in their third year of study 28 (29.7%), and in their 2019 second year of study 31 (32.9%). ...
Full-text available
Objectives The prevalence of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) among the general population worldwide is 20%. This study aims to discover any correlations between RAS predisposing factors and the gender and year of study of undergraduate dental students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine at Airlangga University. Methods A cross-sectional analytical study using simple random sampling was performed. The respondents answered seven questions on a self-reported online questionnaire set up using Google Forms. Chi-square analyses were conducted to determine any correlation between RAS predisposing factors and the gender and year of study of the students. Results The highest predisposing factors for RAS in undergraduate dental students were local trauma (77.7%) followed by stress (71.3%) and nutritional deficiencies (41.5%). Stress correlated strongly with the year of study (p = 0.015). There was no correlation between gender and RAS predisposing factors (p > 0.05). Conclusion There was a correlation between stress, one of the predisposing factors for RAS, and the year of study, but there was no correlation between gender and RAS predisposing factors including local trauma, stress, nutritional deficiency, genetics, allergies, and systemic diseases.
... The etiology of RAS is not fully understood, despite numerous clinical observations and research efforts. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of RAS, including genetic predisposition, mechanical trauma, deficiencies in micronutrients and vitamin B 12 , increased oxidative stress, food allergies, microbial factors or infections, anxiety, internal disorders, hormonal imbalances, and systemic disorders that are associated with lesions clinically similar to RAS like anemias, HIV infection, and reactive arthritis (Tarakji et al., 2015;Sharma and R, 2018;Rivera, 2019). ...
Full-text available
Background: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is a common ulcerative disease of the oral mucosa which is characterized by pain, and recurrent lesions in the oral cavity. This condition is quite painful, causing difficulty in eating, speaking and swallowing. Topical medications have been used for this condition, but the obstacle in using topical medications is the difficulty of achieving drug effects due to saliva wash out. This problem can be overcome by film hydrogel formulation which can protect the ulcer and reduce the pain to some extent. α-mangostin is a xanthone isolated from the rind of the mangosteen fruit. One of the activities of α-mangostin is anti-inflammatory effects, which operate through the characteristic mechanism of inhibiting the inflammatory response. This protocol study aims to investigate the efficacy of an α-mangostin hydrogel film with a chitosan alginate base for recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) in comparison with a placebo over a period of 7 days. Study design: This is a two-arm, double blinding, randomized controlled trial enrolling patients with RAS. The efficacy test of α-mangostin Hydrogel Film will be tested against the placebo. Patients with RAS will be allocated randomly into the two arms and the hydrogel film will be administered for 7 days. The diameter of ulcer and visual analog scale (VAS) score will be used as the primary efficacy endpoint. The outcome measure will be compared between the two arms at the baseline, day 3, day 5, and at the end of 7 days. Discussion: The purpose of this clinical research is to provide scientific evidence on the efficacy of α-mangostin hydrogel film with a chitosan alginate basis in treating recurrent aphthous stomatitis. The trial is expected to improve our capacity to scientifically confirm the anti-inflammatory effectiveness of α-mangostin compounds in a final formulation that is ready to use. Trial registration: NCT06039774 (14 September 2023).
... 7 The incidence of RAS that is more common in women in some literature is associated with hormonal factors related to the menstrual cycle that occurs during the luteal phase or tends to arise every premenstrual period and during menstruation. [15][16][17] Hormones related to the menstrual cycle are the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are thought to have a role in the occurrence of RAS, and in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, there is a decrease in progesterone levels. ...
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Background: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is an ulcerative disease in oral mucosa. These lesions are usually located on the non-keratinized oral mucosa with the characteristics of recurrent ulcerated lesions and the presence of pain. Some people affected by RAS will have various impacts on speech, swallowing, and chewing functions. Patients with RAS usually experience pain, and this impact greatly affects their quality of life. Objective: This study examined the relationship between RAS and patients' quality of life. Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional observational study. The method of taking the subjects was done using consecutive sampling with 32 subjects. Data collection was carried out with objective and subjective data. Results: A significant relationship exists between RAS and patient quality of life p = 0.044 (Fisher's Exact Test,p0.05). There is a significant correlation between RAS and patient quality of life Spearman's correlation test, significance p0.05) with a value of p = 0.018 with a strength level of a correlation coefficient of 0.415, which means that it has a moderate level and a direction of the correlation is positive. Conclusion: Aspects of social functioning limitation and bodily pain are most influenced by the emergence of RAS lesions. There is a positive correlation between RAS and patients' quality of life.
... Several approaches to canker treatment include pain alleviation, accelerated healing of ulcers, and inhibition of aggravation [3]. control canker and contribute to the speedy recovery process [4,5]. ...
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The prednisolone was very slightly soluble in water. It was a curative agent against oral recurrent aphthous stomatitis. The main objective of this study is to design, prepare, and evaluate a hybrid nanogel of prednisolone as a topical dosage form to increase prednisolone solubility, stability, and therapeutic activity. The microwave-based method prepared nine prednisolone lipid polymer hybrid nanocarriers LPHNs formulations (H1-H9). The conventional prednisolone gel (G) was prepared by solvent diffusion. The H1-H9 was evaluated thermodynamically and entered into characterization processes. The hybrid nanogels HN1-HN9 formulations were tested for various evaluations. All the H1-H9 formulations showed high thermodynamic stability and nanosized globules, low polydispersity index, acceptable surface charge, entrapment efficiency, and drug loading. The evaluation processes indicate stable organoleptic properties, high homogeneity, fair pH and spreadability coefficient values with plastic viscosity and no erythemic reaction. The profile of prednisolone release and permeability coefficient (cm/min) was significantly higher (p-value <0.05) for HN3 and significantly lower (p-value < 0.05) for conventional prednisolone gel (G). The optimized HN1-HN9 formulations were promised drug delivery systems for treating recurrent aphthous stomatitis and a wide variety of oral lesions in addition to local and transdermal delivery of various therapeutic agents and cosmetics.
... Based on the clinical picture, herpetiform RAS is the least common in the population, with a 5-10% prevalence. 21 The clinical picture of herpetiform stomatitis is multiple ulcer lesions consisting of 5 to 100 ulcers with a diameter of between 2-3 mm, which are small, irregular, round, and cause excruciating pain. Prodromal symptoms do not precede herpetiform stomatitis. ...
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Background: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is a common condition of oral disease in children. Lesions are generally found on the mucous lips, tongue, cheeks, even on the palatal mucosa. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is triggered by infection with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) type 1. The diagnosis and treatment of this oral disease are often wrong because proper history is not explored and treatment seems successful due to the self-limiting nature of this lesion. Objective: This paper reports 2 cases of gingivostomatitis in different children, with the same diagnosis but different treatment. Materials and Methods: There were 2 cases, a 12-year- old and 10 year-old boy comes with his parents to the dentist, then introduces the patient to the case and performs a clinical examination followed by anamnesis and diagnosis. The examination results lead to a similar diagnosis but the clinical signs and treatment are slightly different. Results: Accurate history and clinical examination are necessary for appropriate therapy. In these two cases, one child only received palliative care and the other required supportive care. Education about viral transmission to parents is one of the keys to successful treatment. Conclusion: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis affects youngsters. Vesicles and mouth ulcerations may precede this virus-caused sickness. Clinical factors and patient needs determine causal, symptomatic, palliative, and supportive therapy for this instance.
... Topical agents are the first choice for the management of recurrent aphthous ulcers. They are cost-effective, safe, and readily available [1,10]. Amlexanox (C16H14N2O4) is one of the most widely studied topical agents used to treat recurrent aphthous ulcers [11]. ...
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Background Recurrent aphthous ulcers are one of the most common lesions of the oral mucosa. Most currently available treatment methods aim to relieve symptoms, speed up healing and prevent ulcer recurrence. The current study aimed to compare the effectiveness of Aloe vera gel with that of amlexanox 5% oral paste in the treatment of recurrent small-type aphthous ulcers. Materials and Methods The study was conducted on 60 patients (27 males and 33 females) attending the Department of Oral Medicine at the Faculty of Dentistry at Damascus University. The sample age ranged between 15 to 25 years, with an average age of 20.3 ± 2.4 years. Patients were diagnosed with recurrent aphthous ulcers of the small type. The sample was divided into three groups with equal numbers of patients (n=20 for each group) according to the provided drug: Aloe vera, amlexanox, and the placebo groups. Patients' ulcer size was measured on day 0 of treatment, and the ulcer size reduction was assessed on day 3 and day 5. The pain was also recorded at the first visit, and then pain reduction was assessed during follow-up visits. Results The mean ulcer size on the fifth day of treatment was 1.85 mm², 4.05 mm², and 6.20 mm² in the Aloe vera, the amlexanox, and the placebo groups, respectively. The differences between groups were significant (p=0.003). The mean pain on the fifth day was 0.80 cm, 1.60 cm, and 3.20 cm in the Aloe vera, the amlexanox, and the placebo groups, respectively. The differences between groups were significant (p=0.026). Conclusions Within the limits of the current trial, both treatment groups proved effective in accelerating ulcer healing with the superiority of Aloe vera compared to amlexanox, as it achieved a greater reduction in ulcer size and pain when assessed on the fifth day of treatment.
Ulcers of the tongue are classified according to their etiology into traumatic, inflammatory, dyspeptic, and malignant ulcers as shown below.
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Introduction: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a painful and common oral ulcer with an incidence rate of 25%. The treatment is non-specific and is mainly based on corticosteroids. Given the systemic side effects of the corticosteroids, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of phenytoin with triamcinolone acetonide on minor aphthous ulcers. It is hoped to take a step to prescribe medications with fewer side effects in this regard. Materials and Methods: This double-blind clinical trial was conducted randomly on 60 patients referred to the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Yazd, Iran, with minor aphthous ulcers. The patients were divided into two groups of triamcinolone acetonide (n=30) and phenytoin (n=30). The pain severity and burning sensation experienced by the patients were measured by visual analogue scale, and the size of the lesion was estimated by transparent calibration grid before treatment and on days 3, 5, and 7 after treatment. The data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 22). Results: According to the results, both groups showed a reduction in the mean of the largest recurrent aphthous stomatitis diameter before treatment and 3, 5, and 7 days after treatment; however, the difference was not significant between the groups in this regard (P=0.59). Furthermore, both groups reported a decrease in the pain severity and burning sensation (P<0.0001); nevertheless, the difference was not significant between the groups in this regard (P=0.23). Conclusion: Triamcinolone acetonide and phenytoin are effective in decreasing the recurrent aphthous stomatitis diameter, pain severity, and burning sensation. However, no significant difference was observed between the groups in this regard. Key words: Phenytoin, Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Triamcinolone acetonide
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Purpose: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a disease with unknown etiology that's mostly treated symptomatically and has no definite cure. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) flowers have been used as medicinal herb that due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing effects, has been useful in treatment of oral aphthous. Therefore, we decided to formulate a mucoadhesive gel with pomegranate flower extract to reduce the need for corticosteroid therapy in patients. Methods: Pomegranate flowers are extracted by percolation method. Several formulations with different amounts of carbomer 934, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose K4M were prepared and the condensed extract was dispersed in polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 400 and added to gel bases. Then the formulations underwent macroscopic and microscopic studies. The formulations that passed these tests successfully were studied through assay tests using spectrophotometry in 765 nm, drug release from mucoadhesive gel using cell diffusion method, viscosity test, mucoadhesion test and accelerated stability test. Results: The phenolic content of pomegranate flower dried extract was found to be 212.3±1.4 mg/g in dried extract. The F4-F6 formulations contains carbomer 934, SCMC, pomegranate flower extract, PEG 400, potassium sorbate and purified water passed all above tests. Conclusion: The F4 formulation had higher viscosity and mucoadhesion values due to its higher carbomer 934 and SCMC content. Since F4, F5 and F6 had no significant variation in drug release, the F4 formulation was chosen as the superior formulation because of proper appearance and uniformity, acceptable viscosity, mucoadhesion and stability in different temperatures.
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The aim of this study was to develop and to investigate a film of compound Calculus Bovis Sativus (CBS) and ornidazole film. A uniform mucoadhesive film was herein successfully obtained by a film-forming solusion containing insoluable drug. This film, as a valid adjunct for the treatment of oral mucosal ulcer, consisted of two main drugs (CBS, ornidazole) and three polymers (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, chitosan, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)). The film was prepared with the film-forming suspension, using casting-solvent evaporation technique. The drug content, release behavior, swelling index and mucoadhesive properties of the film were detected. Then the effects of the prepared film on a glacial acetic acid-induced oral mucosal ulceration model of rabbits were evaluated. Moreover, the in vivo release of bilirubin and ornidazole in saliva were also detected in the oral mucosae of healthy volunteers. The films showed favorable in vitro drug release behaviors and swelling properties. Mucosal wounds in the animals were significantly relieved. With the films well tolerated, the salivary concentrations of ornidazole were maintained above the minimum inhibitory concentration against CBS for about 2 h. The compound CBS and ornidazole film functioned better than the film only containing CBS and ornidazole did. Therefore, it is a potentially efficient drug delivery system for the treatment of oral ulcers.
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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a well-known oral disease with unclear etiopathogenesis for which symptomatic therapy is only available. This kind of study aimed to highlight the main points that the general practitioners should be taken in their consideration. We have collected our data from PubMed line from 1972 to 2011. Our criteria included the papers that refer to the general predisposing factors, and the general treatment of RAS. Some papers which indicated to the specific details related to RAS that needed a consultant or specialist in Oral Medicine have not included. There is no clear guideline of the etiology, diagnosis, and management of RAS; therefore, the majority of the general practitioners refer most of the cases to appropriate specialist.
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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common oral mucosal condition, but little is known of its etiology or pathogenesis. Several factors have been postulated to be the cause of this condition. Currently, the most widely accepted etiology is that RAS is a localized immunological disorder. The treatment modalities for RAS, till recently, were aimed at providing symptomatic relief. In spite of the fact that the condition is recurrent and common, till date there are no effective and definitive preventive treatment strategies. This article aims to summarize the current concepts of diagnosis and management of RAS.
Aphthous stomatitis is a painful and often recurrent inflammatory process of the oral mucosa that can appear secondary to various well-defined disease processes. Idiopathic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is referred to as recurrent aphthous stomatitis. The differential diagnosis for recurrent aphthous ulcerations is extensive and ranges from idiopathic benign causes to inherited fever syndromes, to connective tissue disease, or even inflammatory bowel diseases. A thorough history and review of systems can assist the clinician in determining whether it is related to a systemic inflammatory process or truly idiopathic. Management of aphthous stomatitis is challenging. For recurrent aphthous stomatitis or recalcitrant aphthous stomatitis from underlying disease, first-line treatment consists of topical medications with use of systemic medications as necessary. Herein, the authors discuss the differential diagnosis and treatment ladder of aphthous stomatitis as described in the literature.
The aim of the present research was formulate and develop Lignocaine containing oral fast disintegrating films to treat mouth ulcers as well as to evaluate the local anaesthetic activity of the formulation using tail flick test in rat model. 3² full factorial design was used to formulate oral fast disintegrating films by solvent casting evaporation technique. Chitosan, Croscarmellose Sodium (CCS) and Dibutyl Phthalate (DBT) were used as polymer, superdisintegrant and plasticizer respectively. Chitosan, CCS and DBT were considered as independent variables while disintegration time and in vitro drug release were considered as dependent variables. Effect of independent variables on dependent variables was studied using design expert software. In vitro drug release, disintegration time, physical appearance, folding endurance, physical appearance, thickness, weight variation, drug content uniformity of the films were characterized. The local anaesthetic efficacy of the films was evaluated on healthy male rats by tail flick test. The optimized film showed disintegration within 10 sec and 98.85% drug release over the period of 1 h. All independent variables selected for the study were statistically significant (p<0.05). The local anaesthetic efficacy of films with CCS was found to be highest (2932.87 ± 78.30 AUEC (sec/min)) as compare to control film and films without CCS (p<0.05). The films complies the requirements for oral drug delivery. The study concludes that oral fast disintegrating films of Lignocaine serves as potential drug delivery systems for mouth ulcer management.
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common acute oral ulcerative condition in North America. RAS is divided into a mild, common form – simple aphthosis, and a severe, less common form – complex aphthosis. Aphthosis is a reactive condition. The lesions of RAS can represent the mucosal manifestation of a variety of conditions. These include conditions with oral and genital aphthae such as ulcus vulvae acutum, reactive nonsexually related acute genital ulcers, and Behçet’s disease. The mouth is the beginning of the gastrointestinal (GI) trac,t and the lesions of RAS can be a manifestation of GI diseases such as gluten-sensitive enteropathy, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Complex aphthosis may also have “correctable causes.” The clinician should seek these in a careful evaluation. Successful management of both simple and complex aphthosis depends on accurate diagnosis, proper classification, recognition of provocative factors, and the identification of associated diseases. The outlook for patients with both simple and complex aphthosis is positive.
Objective: Mouth ulcer is one of the commonest disorders caused due to a variety of etiological factors. Although many formulations like solution, suspension and ointments are commercially available, no therapy can be said completely useful for the treatment of mouth ulcers. The efficacy of the therapy can be improved by the approach of bio adhesion. The phenomenon of sol to gel conversion can be useful due to its ease of administration compared to gel formulations. Curcumin is known to have wound healing, anti-carcinogenic and anti-bacterial activities can be effective in treatment of mouth ulcers. Methods: Hence, the present study was aimed to formulate Thermo reversible Mucoadhesive Gel (TMG) containing Curcumin for treatment of mouth ulcer. Formulations were prepared by using Pluronic F68 and Pluronic F127 as thermo reversible agent along with carbomers and Xanthan gum as bioadhesive polymers. The formulations were characterized for gelation temperature, pH, gel strength, spreadability, in vitro muco adhesion and in vitro drug release. Results: Increase in the concentration of mucoadhesive agent enhanced the mucoadhesive force significantly. All batches were found to be satisfactory results for gelation temperature, Gel strength, Muco adhesion studies, Spreadability, gelling capacity, In-vitro drug release etc. The formulations delivered drug for about 4 h. Conclusion: The obtained results show that the residence time as well as the contact area of curcumin at the ulcer can be enhanced along with a sustained release. It can be concluded that TMG of Curcumin can be ideal candidate for mouth ulcer. © 2015 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. All Rights Reserved.
Ulcers are one of the most frequent conditions affecting the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of chlorhexidine and betamethasone on oral mucosa wound healing in rats. In this study, adult male rats were used in 5 groups (n = 16 per group): bethamethasone (B); chlorhexidine (CHX); betamethasone and chlorhexidine (BC); control (C) no drugs; and blank (BB). A wound measuring 2 mm in diameter was punched into the hard palate of each rat. A mucosal defect measuring 2 mm in diameter and 0.2 mm in wall thickness was made to the depth of the periosteum in the palate with a round stainless steel blade designed for punch biopsy. For topical application, a swab was soaked in the appropriate study material and packed into the wound. The control group was not treated. Histological samples were harvested on post-injury days 2, 4, 6, and 8. Comparison of clinical size of wound showed that groups B and BC had the greatest reduction in wound size on days 4, 6, and 8. A higher count of polymorphonuclear cells was observed on days 2 and 4 in groups BB, CHX, and C. A lower count of mononuclear cells in group BC on days 6 and 8, compared to other groups, was also observed. Groups B and BC showed the highest fibroblast counts at all the intervals, with significant differences between the groups (P < 0.05). The inflammation score was highest at all the intervals in group C. The highest thickness of epithelium was observed in groups B and BC on days 6 and 8, which was significantly different from the other groups (P < 0.05). The results of this study showed the best wound healing processes from clinical and histological aspects in the B and BC groups. Chlorhexidine alone had no significant effect on wound healing and was not an effective drug alone. .