Conference PaperPDF Available

Network Inventory Collection System for Managing and Monitoring Information Technology Asset


Abstract and Figures

The growth of Information Technology investment is predicted to develop rapidly in the next few years. This will urge the need of a tool to help IT managers to manage and monitor their asset frequently. IT asset management is a part of network management with its scopes are monitoring, controlling, and planning the existing source and components. In this paper, we will show that managing and monitoring the IT asset, including configuration system, devices, storage media, interfaces and installed applications, can be done thoroughly by utilizing the simple network management protocol (SNMP).
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International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems 2009
ITS Surabaya
ISSN 2085-1944
Jusak 1, Anjik Sukmaaji 2
Jl. Raya Kedung Baruk 98, Surabaya
email : 1, 2
The growth of Information Technology investment
is predicted to develop rapidly in the next few years.
This will urge the need of a tool to help IT managers to
manage and monitor their asset frequently. IT asset
management is a part of network management with its
scopes are monitoring, controlling, and planning the
existing source and components. In this paper, we will
show that managing and monitoring the IT asset,
including configuration system, devices, storage
media, interfaces and installed applications, can be
done thoroughly by utilizing the simple network
management protocol (SNMP).
Keywords: inventory, management, monitor, snmp.
The development of Information Technology in
Indonesia is growing fast. It can be seen from the
increase of the number hardware and software
investment by government or private institutions.
Moreover, it is predicted that the Information
Technology investment will reach up to 30% in the
next three years [1].
According to Subiyantoro [2], Information
Technology sector is an important development for the
economy. This recently has been strengthened by
Indonesian Government through the declaration of
National Information & Communication Technology
(ICT) Committee in December 2006.
Amid the euphoria of Information Technology
utilization, most of the decision makers have difficulty
in allocating budget for Information Technology
investment. Even though there are plenty of analysis
methods, most of institutions focuses on accountancy
based analysis like cost-benefit analysis and return on
investment [3].
In this paper, we introduce a new method for
collecting a number of assets, i.e. both hardware and
software managed by IT manager. The method is based
on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
which is running on most of current Local Area
Network (LAN) as well as Wide Area Network
(WAN) that based on TCP/IP protocol. The creation of
SNMP is fostered by the need to help corporations to
more adequately manage their network infrastructures
[4]. In recent years, the network management
community has investigated the use of more advance
technologies, including Web Services (WS) [5] and
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) distribution [6]. It can be shown by
some investigations that these technologies can
significantly improve the network management process
[7]. Examples of this improvement include the ability
of building more sophisticated management systems
through Web Services composition, and the possibility
to have more scalable and highly available
management solutions using P2P systems. All of them
are built as an extension the SNMP Protocol.
We focus our investigation to the utilization of
SNMP protocol to absorb information about network
infrastructure component, including hardware and
software installed and managed in a LAN. We have
built a system called Network Inventory Collection
System (NICS) to gather a set of data representing a
number of IT investment owned by a corporate
The remaining of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 describes the model and the design
of the NICS system as well as exploitation of SNMP
protocol to achieve our goal. The output of the NICS
system is explained and analyzed in Section 3. Finally,
we will draw conclusion in Section 4.
In this section, we will describe the model of the
NICS system and the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) design of our NICS application in term of use
case diagram.
2.1 Model of The NICS System
In general, our system can be described as in
Figure 1. NICS application server has a main task to
254 The 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems
ISSN 2085-1944
collect data from Workstation/Server and Network
Devices distributed through the local area network. In
order that the data comprising hardware and software
components is able to be absorbed by NICS application
server, it is mandatory for the Workstation/Server and
Network Devices to have SNMP agent installed. The
data is kept by the SNMP agent in a Management
Information Based (MIB). Later, the NICS application
system will query the data from the MIB from each
Information for asset
gure 1. Diagram block of the Network Inventory Collection System
NICS application also has the duty to store the data
in a database system and makes it available for asset
management and monitoring purposes.
The model of implementation of the NICS system
is pictured in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Implementation model of the NICS system
As can be seen from Figure 2, the NICS application
is installed inside in the SNMP Manager, while each
computer/server and network devices have SNMP
agent run on their system. SNMP manager keep the
query data in MySQL server.
SNMP manager definitely will not query the whole
object in the MIB. Instead, we only query data which
will be able to figure out the asset of IT component
installed in a LAN. For that purpose, we have defined a
set of SNMP object identification (OID) as it is shown
in Table 1.
To represent the asset of IT component installed in
a LAN of a corporate institution, we chose 5 (five)
objects which are: system, interfaces, devices, storage,
and installed software. Description of each object is
explained in Table 1.
Table 1. OID and Object Name
2.2 Use Case Diagram of The NICS
Figure 3 shows a graphical overview of the
functionality provided by a NICS system in term of
actors, their goal (represented by use case) and any
dependencies between those use cases.
As can be seen from the figure, User is an actor to
represent someone who has access to use the NICS
system. Once the NICS application executed, the NICS
application will scan through the whole network by
utilizing SNMP Protocol. This process is handled by
use case MIBs search and MIBs exploration. SNMP
agent is also an actor that searches detailed information
D09 Network Inventory Collection System For Managing
And Monitoring Information Technology Asset - Jusak
ISSN 2085-1944
of the workstation/server and network devices and
keeps the information in the MIB. Data which contains
information about hardware and software component
of each computer/server and network devices, as a
result of MIB search, is then filtered and collected by
the NICS application in its database and is available
for the user.
Figure 3. Use Case diagram of the NICS application.
Database design of the NICS and relation of each
table are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Database design of the NICS.
In this section we will show some output forms of
the NICS application comprising of 5 (five) objects
that have been defined in the model. Figure 5 is a result
of query to the OID which represents
description of the system, such as processor type, owner of
the workstation, up-time, etc.
Figure 5. Query result of object: system
The query result of the interface description is
shown in Figure 6, including interface type, maximum
speed of the interface, current traffic in and out.
Figure 6. Query result of object: interface
The third trial query that should be done by the
NICS system is description about device connected to
the workstation/server. For example, the query result
that contains description about device can be seen in
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Query result of object: Devices
The figure shows that all devices that are connected
to a workstation/server can be detected by the NICS
system. This information will be very useful for IT
managers to manage and to estimate the number of
asset reside in their institution.
Fourthly, we will show the query result of object
Storage in Figure 8. The figure shows that information
about storage capacity as well as the usage of the
storage can be provided by NICS system. In Figure 9
we show that monitoring to a certain workstation/
server or network devices can be done easily by
comparing the capacity and the usage of the storage.
256 The 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems
ISSN 2085-1944
Figure 8. Query result of object: Storage
Figure 9. Monitoring of storage capacity and usage
Lastly, the NICS system is also able to provide
information about installed application software as
well as the operating system. The query result of the
application software is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 8. Query result of object: Installed Software
We have shown that network management system
that we have proposed in this paper is able do
managing and monitoring process of all IT assets in a
corporate institution that has LAN installed. By
employing SNMP protocol, we were able to develop a
set of information useful for predicting the number of
IT assets automatically. If this data is kept and
analyzed for several years, an IT manager will also be
able to predict the number of investment that should be
done in the next few years.
The Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) is still the the facto TCP/IP network
management solution. However, we also realize that
this solution is not sufficient when it is applied to the
current computer networks that are connected to the
Internet where it became a fragmented network with
the introduction of NATs and firewalls. This will
prevent the network administrators to find and access
devices from other remote administrative domains. To
accommodate this issue, in the future, we plan to
introduce the use of web services and peer-to-peer
technology in our NICS system.
[1] Sukarja, K. (2007) Metrodata Antisipasi
Pertumbuhan TI yang Pesat. [Online] Available
index.php/detailberita.main/y/2007. [Accessed: 7
Nopember 2007, 16:05 WIB].
[2] Subiyantoro, D (2008) Pemerintah Dituntut
Terus Dukung TI Dalam Negri.
cfm?p=2008.01.09150022. Diakses tanggal 9
Januari 2008, pukul 08:00 WIB.
[3] Indrajit, E.R. (2004) Kajian Strategis Cost
Benefit Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta:
Penerbit ANDI.
[4] D. Harrington, R. Presuhn, and B. Wijnen.
(2002) RFC 3411: An Architecture for
Describing Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks.
[5] F. Curbera, M. Duftler, R. Khalaf, W. Nagy, N.
Mukhi, and S. Weerawarana (2002) Unraveling
the Web Services Web - An Introdution to
SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, IEEE Internet
Computing, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 8693.
[6] S. Androutsellis-Theotokis and D. Spinellis
(2004) A Survey of Peer-to-Peer Content
Distribution Technologies, ACM Comput. Surv.,
vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 335371.
[7] G. C. M. Moura, G. Silvestrin, R. N. Sanchez, L.
P. Gaspary, and L. Z. Granville (2007) On the
Performance of Web Services Management
Standards - An Evaluation of MUWS and WS-
Management for Network Management, in
Integrated Network Management. IEEE, 2007,
... Bahan penelitian yang digunakan pada pembentukan NICS yaitu data-data primer yang meliputi informasi komponen stasiun-stasiun jaringan, penggunaan resource jaringan dan macammacam aplikasi yang dijalankan oleh stasiun jaringan (Jusak, 2009). Untuk mendapatkan data-data primer tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan akses terhadap stasiun jaringan yang telah mengaktifkan SNMP. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The growth of Information Technology (IT) investment is predicted to develop rapidly in the next few years. This will urge the need of a tool to help IT managers to manage and monitor their asset frequently. In this paper, we identify components that will contribute significantly to the planning of IT investment. The results were derived from a survey that was done in three big cities that might be considered as a representative of IT development in Indonesia, i.e. Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar (Bali). Based on the results of the survey, we have built a tool for managing and monitoring the IT assets, including configuration system, devices, storage media, interfaces and installed applications. The tool is utilizing the simple network management protocol (SNMP) for querying all IT assets information from each client/agent in a network.
Full-text available
The specifications developed in the three areas such as communication protocols, service descriptions, and services discovery of web services, are discussed. The specifications include the simple object access protocol (SOAP), web services description language (WSDL) and the universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI). SOAP is an XML-based protocol for messaging and remote procedure calls (RPC). WSDL defines a service's abstract description in terms of messages exchanged in a service interaction. The UDDI offer users a unified and systematic way to find service providers through a centralized registry of services.
Distributed computer architectures labeled "peer-to-peer" are designed for the sharing of computer resources (content, storage, CPU cycles) by direct exchange, rather than requiring the intermediation or support of a centralized server or authority. Peer-to-peer architectures are characterized by their ability to adapt to failures and accommodate transient populations of nodes while maintaining acceptable connectivity and performance.Content distribution is an important peer-to-peer application on the Internet that has received considerable research attention. Content distribution applications typically allow personal computers to function in a coordinated manner as a distributed storage medium by contributing, searching, and obtaining digital content.In this survey, we propose a framework for analyzing peer-to-peer content distribution technologies. Our approach focuses on nonfunctional characteristics such as security, scalability, performance, fairness, and resource management potential, and examines the way in which these characteristics are reflected in---and affected by---the architectural design decisions adopted by current peer-to-peer systems.We study current peer-to-peer systems and infrastructure technologies in terms of their distributed object location and routing mechanisms, their approach to content replication, caching and migration, their support for encryption, access control, authentication and identity, anonymity, deniability, accountability and reputation, and their use of resource trading and management schemes.
This document describes an architecture for describing SNMP Management Frameworks. The architecture is designed to be modular to allow the evolution of the SNMP protocol standards over time. The major portions of the architecture are an SNMP engine containing a Message Processing Subsystem, a Security Subsystem and an Access Control Subsystem, and possibly multiple SNMP applications which provide specific functional processing of management data.
Conference Paper
Important steps have been taken in the recent years towards evaluating the performance of Web services for network management. Due to the lack of specific standards for Web services-based management, previous evaluations have been carried out measuring only the performance of SOAP (the basic Web services protocol) running in network management environments. While the conclusions of the papers published so far indicate the feasibility of employing Web services for network management, there is no evidence that these conclusions also hold for solutions developed according to recent Web services management standards. In this paper we go a step further and present the results of a set of experiments carried out in order to compare the specifications OASIS management Using Web services (MUWS) and DMTF Web services for management (WS-management) against the de facto network management standard, i.e., the simple network management protocol (SNMP). The performance metrics investigated were network usage, response time, and CPU usage.
Metrodata Antisipasi Pertumbuhan TI yang Pesat
  • K Sukarja
Sukarja, K. (2007) Metrodata Antisipasi Pertumbuhan TI yang Pesat. [Online] Available at: index.php/detailberita.main/y/2007. [Accessed: 7 Nopember 2007, 16:05 WIB].
Pemerintah Dituntut Terus Dukung TI Dalam Negri
  • D Subiyantoro
Subiyantoro, D (2008) Pemerintah Dituntut Terus Dukung TI Dalam Negri.
  • E R Indrajit
Indrajit, E.R. (2004) Kajian Strategis Cost Benefit Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta: Penerbit ANDI.