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Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis by Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test, Interferon Gamma Assay and esxB (CFP-10) PCR in Blood and Lymph Node Aspirates

Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2019,9, 55-65
ISSN Online: 2165-3364
ISSN Print: 2165-3356
10.4236/ojvm.2019.95005 May 31, 2019 55 Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis by
Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test,
Interferon Gamma Assay and esxB (CFP-10)
PCR in Blood and Lymph Node Aspirates
Derhasar Brahma1, Deepti Narang1*, Mudit Chandra1, Gursimran Filia2, Amarjit Singh3,
Sikh Tejinder Singh4
1Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences
University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
2Animal Disease Research Centre, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India
3Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences
University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
4Directorate Livestock Farm, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic debilitating disease of huge economic
importance due to loss in production, morbidity and mortality, and has a po-
tential zoonotic threat. TB is endemic in India and has a worldwide preva-
lence, therefore, needing early
diagnostic technique for the eradication of TB
globally. Currently, compared to the eradication programme
of TB in
Medical sector, Veterinary sector is lagging behind though TB is one of the
major zoonotic diseases prevalent in dairy animals and w
ildlife in India. With
the “End TB” strategy by WHO in human, parallel measures for early diagno-
sis and culling has to be followed in case of animals for an overall successful
eradication programme. The objective of this study is diagnosis of TB in cat-
tle and buffaloes by using the cell-mediated immune response tests,
Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test (CITT) and Interferon gamma
) assay, and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) targeting
(CFP-10 protein) and to compare their diagnostic
capabilities. This study was
carried out in 202 dairy cattle and buffaloes from an organized dairy farm,
where almost all of the animals appeared clinically healthy. We found that,
the combined use of both CITT and IFN-
assay lead to more accurate diag-
nosis of TB, although IFN-
assay was more specific than CITT. However,
PCR showed almost similar sensitivity to IFN-
assay and may be used
as a fast alternative method for the diagnosis of bovine TB from blood samples.
How to cite this paper:
Brahma, D., Na-
, D., Chandra, M., Filia, G., Singh, A
Singh, S.T. (2019)
Diagnosis of Bovine
Tuberculosis by Comparative Intradermal
Tuberculin Test, Interferon Gamma Assay
10) PCR in Blood and
Node Aspirates.
Open Journal of
Veterinary Medicine
, 55-65.
April 2, 2019
May 28, 2019
May 31, 2019
Copyright © 201
9 by author(s) and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY
Open Access
D. Brahma et al.
10.4236/ojvm.2019.95005 56 Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Bovine TB, CITT, IFN-
1. Introduction
TB caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
complex (MTC) comprising of
M. caprae
M. tuberculosis
; is a major infectious and chronic wasting
disease, having a zoonotic potential and a worldwide distribution [1]. TB in
milch animals is mainly caused by
M. bovis
[2]. Since 2015, the World Health
Organization (WHO) has adopted a new strategy for TB prevention, care and
controlThe End TB Strategy—with its targets to end the Global TB epidemic
by reduction in the incidence rate and death rate of the disease by 90% and 95%
respectively in 20 years (2015-2035) compared with level to 2015 by means of
improved diagnostics, prevention and control measures [3].
Diagnosis of TB in the early stage is very important for effective prevention
and control of the disease. Conventional diagnostic methods like culture and
microscopy, though considered as gold standard, is time consuming and re-
quires more than 3 weeks for the visible growth of MTC colony [4], besides,
symptoms of TB mostly appears in late or advanced phage of the disease. There-
fore, ante-mortem tests of cellular immune response (Tuberculin test and
Interferon gamma Assay) and molecular diagnosis is required for the early di-
agnosis of the disease [2] [5]. Serological test like indirect ELISA can also be used
complementarily for screening of anti-TB antibody in a herd [6].
Molecular diagnosis of TB using
(CFP-10) PCR targeting
present in the RD1 region of the pathogenic Mycobacterial species, is a fast di-
agnostic tool having higher sensitivity and specificity [7]. Therefore, the present
study was aimed at comparative diagnosis of bovine TB in cattle and buffaloes
using cell-mediated immune response tests viz. CITT and IFN-
assay; and mo-
lecular diagnosis using
gene PCR targeting CFP-10 protein.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Selection of Animals and Collection of Blood and Lymph Node
Aspirate Samples
A total of 202 female milch animals (42 HF-cross cows and 160 Murrah and Nili
Ravi buffaloes) from 2 years and above were selected randomly from an orga-
nized dairy farm in Ludhiana, Punjab. CITT was performed on all the animals
and then blood samples were collected for IFN-
assay and
PCR. Lymph
node aspirates (n = 15) from the TB reactor animals (positive by either of the
two tests viz. CITT or IFN-
assay) were also collected.
In fact, the sampling size was done irrespective of any criteria of selection and
the reason for choosing only female animals for this study was because of the
availability of females in large numbers and taking into consideration that female
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animals are more important in transmission of the causative organism through milk.
2.2. Time and Place of Work
The present study was carried out during the year 2015-2016, at Department of
Microbiology, COVS, GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
2.3. Variables
In this study, the variables to be tested/compared are CITT and IFN-
assay for
cell-mediated immune response and
PCR for molecular diagnosis of TB in
cattle and buffaloes.
2.4. Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test (CITT)
The selected animals were subjected to CITT, as per OIE [2]. Bovine tuberculin
PPD from culture of
M. bovis
(strain AN5, 3000 IU) and avian tuberculin PPD
from culture of
M. avium
(strain D4ER, 2500 IU), obtained
from Prionics (Netherlands), were used for CITT. Two 2 × 2 square inch areas
were shaved at the middle third of left side of neck approximately 12 - 15 cm
apart. The zero hour skin thickness was measured with the help of a vernier ca-
liper. The bovine and the avian tuberculin PPD (0.1 ml each) were injected in-
tra-dermally; the bovine PPD being injected in the caudal shaved area. The cor-
rection of the injection was confirmed by palpation of a small pea-like swelling
at the site. Inflammatory responses were recorded 72 hours post injection. The
observations were made on the basis of hot, pain and swelling at the site of injec-
tion. Animals were considered positive if the increase in skin thickness at the
bovine site of injection was more than 4 mm greater than the reaction shown at
the site of the avian injection. The reaction was recorded as negative, if no or ≤1
mm difference in the increase in skinfold thickness was observed. Difference
between 1 - 4 mm was considered as doubtful.
2.5. Bovine Interferon Gamma (IFN-γ) Assay
This test was performed using
M. bovis
Gamma Interferon Assay Kit for Cattle
(BOVIGAM, Prionics, Switzerland). BOVIGAM is a rapid
blood based
assay of cell-mediated immune response to
M. bovis
purified protein derivative
(PPD). A minimum volume of 5 ml of blood from jugular veins of each animal
was collected in commercially available sterile 10 ml heparinized tubes. Three
1.5 ml aliquots of heparinized blood from each animal were dispensed into wells
of 24-well tissue culture plate, to which 100 µl each of PBS as nil antigen control
(pH-7.2), avian and bovine PPD (Prionics, Netherlands) were added aseptically
into the wells containing heparinized blood. The antigens were mixed tho-
roughly into the aliquoted blood and then incubated in a humidified atmosphere
for 16 - 24 hours at 37˚C. The plasma was then collected and assayed for IFN-
production in duplicate. Optical densities were measured on an ELISA plate
reader (Multiskan, MTX Lab Systems, Inc., USA) at 450 nm filter with a 620 nm
reference filter. Animal was considered positive when mean OD of bovine PPD
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10.4236/ojvm.2019.95005 58 Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine
minus mean OD of avian PPD and mean OD of bovine PPD minus mean OD of
nil antigen was ≥0.1. Animal was considered negative when mean OD of bovine
PPD minus mean OD of avian PPD and mean OD of bovine PPD minus mean
OD of nil antigen was <0.1.
2.6. DNA Extraction
Initially, buffy coat was obtained from 1 ml of whole blood samples by centrifu-
gation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min. The buffy coat and lymph node aspirates were
subjected to DNA extraction using QIAamp DNA blood mini kit (Qiagen).
DNA was stored in 20˚C till further use.
2.7. esxB (CFP-10) PCR
PCR targeting
gene (Rv3875) present on RD1 region of MTC encoding
CFP-10 protein was done for confirmation of TB. The sequences of
verse-5’TCAGAAGCCCATTTGCGAGGACAGCGCC3 with an expected band
size of 302 bp [7]. PCR conditions were performed as per Brahma
et al
. [8].
Briefly, a ready to use GoTaq® Green Master Mix, 2X (Promega) was used. A
reaction volume of 25 µl was made containing 12.5 µl of GoTaq® Green Master
mix, 1 µl of forward primer (10 pmol/μl), 1 µl of reverse primer (10 pmol/μl), 2.5
µl of nuclease free water and 8 µl of DNA template. Along with sample DNA, a
known positive control DNA from
M. tuberculosis
culture (IMTECH, Chandi-
garh) was also amplified. Thermal cycling was performed in research thermal
cycler (Eppendorf, Germany) with initial denaturation of 10 min at 95˚C for 1
cycle, denaturation, annealing and extension at 95˚C, 63˚C and 72˚C respective-
ly for 45 sec for 40 cycles and final extension at 72˚C for 10 min for 1 cycle. PCR
products were run by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized in
gel-documentation system (Alpha Innotech, San Leandro, CA). The sensitivity
(CFP-10) primers were assessed in ten-fold serial dilution of the known
concentration (8 ng/μl) of the standard genomic DNA of
M. tuberculosis
specificity of
primers were tested against other non-tuberculous mycobac-
terial species [
M. avium
M. kansasii, M. fortuitum
M. smegmatis
ologics)] and non-mycobacterial species (
B. abortus
P. multocida
2.8. Statistical Analysis
The proportions of the animals that were positive by either CITT or IFN-
were calculated. Kappa test was applied to compare the degree of agreement be-
tween the two tests at 95% level of significance.
3. Results
3.1. CITT and IFN-γ Assay
In this study, out of total 202 animals screened for TB, 40 animals (19.80%) were
found to be positive by CITT (18 cattle and 22 buffaloes). Out of these only 30
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animals (13 cattle and 17 buffaloes) showed an exclusively positive reaction to
CITT by showing an increase in the thickness > 4 mm and a negative response to
The numbers of animals positive by IFN-
assay were 17 (7 cattle and 10 buf-
faloes), out of which only 7 animals (2 cattle and 5 buffaloes) showed an exclu-
sively positive reaction to IFN-
and a negative response to CITT. However, out
of all animals, only 10 showed a positive response to both CITT and IFN-
Based on the results of CITT and IFN-
assay, the animals were divided into
four groups, as given in Table 1. Group 4 was considered as the control group
for further comparison of various observations. Considering the results of TB
positive animals by either one or both the tests, the incidence of TB recorded in
cattle (47.62%) was almost three times more than that of buffaloes (16.88%).
3.2. esxB (CFP-10) Gene PCR
The detection limit of the
(CFP-10) PCR was upto 8 pg/μl of pure culture
M. tuberculosis
DNA. None of the organisms other than
M. tuberculosis
amplification which clearly indicates the specificity of
gene only for the
pathogenic Mycobacterial species viz.
M. tuberculosis
M. bovis
Overall, 13 (6.44%) out of 202 animals were found to be positive for TB by
(CFP-10) gene PCR. (Figure 1) in blood samples, where 10 of 13 were pos-
itive by both CITT and IFN-
assay in common and the rest 3 of 13 were IFN-
positive but CITT negative. In contrast,
PCR from the lymph node aspi-
rates of 15 animals revealed only 1 animal to be positive for TB.
3.3. Statistical Analysis
The proportions of the animals that were positive by either CITT or IFN-
are given in Table 2. At 95% level of significance, kappa value between CITT and
assay was 0.264, indicating a fair degree of agreement between the two tests.
Figure 1. Amplification of DNA from the samples using
(CFP-10) primers
[Lane M-100 bp ladder, L1-Positive control (
M. tuberculosis
), L2-L9-Blood samples].
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Table 1. Grouping of cattle and buffaloes based on the results of CITT and IFN-
Group No.
Number of
Cattle (%)
Total no. of
cattle and
buffaloes (%)
Group 1
Animals tested positive for TB by
both the tests
5 (11.90%) 5 (3.13%) 10 (4.95%)
Group 2
Animals tested positive for TB by
CITT but tested negative by IFN
13 (30.95%) 17 (10.63%) 30 (14.85%)
Group 3
Animals tested negative for TB by
CITT but tested positive by IFN
2 (4.76%) 5 (3.13%) 7 (3.47%)
Group 4
Animals tested negative by both
Assay 22 (52.38%) 133 (83.13%) 155 (76.73%)
Number of animals tested TB
positive with one or both the tests
20 (47.62%) 27 (16.88%) 47 (23.27%)
Table 2. Proportions of animals positive or negative by CITT and INF-
Test Result
No. of Animals
with IFN-
No. of Animals
with IFN-
Total No.
of Animals
CITT +ve
10 30 40
7 155 162
17 185 202
4. Discussions
In this study, the incidence of TB recorded in cattle (47.62%) either by one or
both the tests were almost three times more than that of buffaloes (16.88%).
Probably the cattle which were mostly HF-cross may be more susceptible to the
disease due to production and environmental stress, compared to the local indi-
genous buffaloes, similar findings have also been reported by Das
et al
. [9] After
all, the overall prevalence rate of TB in the farm was 23.27%, which is higher
than the overall prevalence rate of TB in the state (Punjab)
5.38% [10].
However, based on a random-effects meta-regression model analysis, Srinivasan
et al
. [11], revealed a pooled prevalence estimate of 7.3% indicating that there
may be an estimated 21.8 million infected cattle in India.
Numerous studies have been carried out in the last decades to evaluate sensi-
tivity and specificity of the intradermal test and IFN-
assay in cattle under dif-
ferent epidemiological situations using different antigens [12] [13] [14]. Since
both the tests measure the cell-mediated T-cell response, there is to be expected
a considerable overlap (~80%) between the animals that respond to these tests
[15]. In our study, no significant difference has been observed between the sen-
sitivity and specificity of CITT and IFN-
assay, similar to the findings by Ame-
et al
. [16]. However, the sensitivity of the IFN-
assay was less than the CITT
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whereas specificity of IFN-
assay was greater than the CITT in our study. The
assay has a sensitivity of 84% that is comparable to, but lower than, the
observed sensitivity of the CITT (90%), whereas, the specificity of the IFN-
say (97%) is lower than that of the CITT (99.9%) [15]. When used in parallel
at the same time as the tuberculin test, the combined tests give a sensi-
tivity of over 90% - 95% [5] [15] [17] [18], which is also supported by the find-
ings in our study as well as Ahir
et al
. [19]
The probable reason of our findings, that is, 30 CITT positive animals testing
negative for IFN-
assay may be due to co-infection of the animals with an en-
vironmental mycobacterium or anergic situation of infected animals, as recorded
by other workers [13] [20]. In contrast, 7 CITT negative animals which were
tested positive by IFN-
assay suggested that these animals might be in the early
stage of the disease that couldn’t be determined by CITT, as the same has been
recorded by Gormley
et al
. [5], Strain
et al
. [21] Good
et al
. [15] also reported
subpopulations of
M. bovis
-infected cattle which give a positive reaction to the
assay and not to the tuberculin test and vice versa. However, animals
which tested positive for IFN-
assay and negative for intra-dermal tuberculin
test were subsequently converted to tuberculin positive and posed an increased
risk to the other cattle [20].
At 95% level of significance, kappa value between CITT and IFN-
assay was
0.264, indicating a fair degree of agreement between the two tests. So both the
tests, when used simultaneously increase the accuracy of detection of TB positive
dairy animals, similar to the findings by Gormley
et al
. [5], Ahir
et al
. [19]
The sensitivity (detection limit) of the
(CFP-10) PCR was up to 8 pg/μl of
pure culture
M. tuberculosis
DNA [8]. There are reports of PCR from blood and
tissue samples of cattle, using JB21 and JB22 primers specific for
M. bovis
, de-
tecting as low as 10 fg/ul of purified
M. bovis
DNA [22] [23].
Several PCR systems have been developed for the detection of TB viz. PCR
amplification of
genes targeting ESAT-6 and CFP-10 proteins re-
spectively, present in pathogenic Mycobacterial species, can be used for confir-
mation of
M. tuberculosis
as well as
M. bovis
[7] [24]. Although the presence of
ESAT-6 and CFP-10 has also been detected in other mycobacterial species and
further studies of their extent of amino acid sequence similarities are required
[25]. Besides,
M. tuberculosis
, as well as
M. bovis
, can also be detected by PCR
targeting IS6110 insertion sequence [2] [26].
M. bovis
in cattle lymph nodes
were detected by PCR using TB1 and TB2 primers targeting gene that codes for
MPB70 protein [27].
In our study, the 3 PCR positive animals that were IFN-
positive but CITT
negative may be in their early stage of TB infection. Besides, the probability that
most of the TB reactor animals positive by CITT and IFN-
assay failed to be
detected by PCR may be due to low concentration of DNA (even less than 8
pg/µl) in clinical samples which remained undetected by PCR, besides
M. bovis
DNA may not be present in the clinical samples as the animal may not be in the
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stage of bacteriaemia. Therefore, information on
M. bovis
M. tuberculosis
bactaeriaemia and time of dissemination in blood stream need to be further ex-
plored for proper sampling time. However, compared to lymph node aspirate
PCR which detected only 1 TB positive out of 15 animals, blood PCR had better
sensitivity as the later detected TB positive in more numbers (13 out of 47) of
either CITT and IFN-
positive animals.
After all, there were certain limitations in this study, as no test is 100% sensi-
tive and 100% specific [28] and no single test can diagnose bovine TB at all stag-
es of infection [29] [30]. CITT has many limitations including difficulties in ad-
ministration and interpretation of results, need for a second step visit, low de-
gree of standardization and imperfect test accuracy [13]. The sensitivity of the
test is affected by the potency and dose of tuberculin administered, desensitiza-
tion, deliberate interference, post-partum immune-suppression and observer
variation. Specificity is influenced by sensitisation as a result of exposure to
M. avium paratuberculosis
and other environmental mycobacteria [31].
Because intradermal tuberculin testing elevates the production of IFN-
lymphocytes of cattle that have had prior exposure to
M. bovis
antigens [32],
there is the potential for multiple injections of tuberculin to increase the produc-
tion of IFN-
, resulting in higher optical density (OD) values of the IFN-
and thus, for animals subsequently being classified falsely as positive [33]. Be-
sides, TB is a chronic granulomatous disease, therefore, diagnosis of TB from
blood samples may be done especially during the stage of bacteriaemia. After all,
the difficulty in lymph node aspirate sampling from cattle and buffaloes were an
inevitable drawback in this study. So, the accurate sense of the lymph node aspi-
rate PCR cannot be ascertained from the present study as the numbers of sam-
ples are insufficient to make a correct judgement.
5. Conclusion
From this study, we can conclude that diagnosis of bovine TB can be done in
early stage in live animals with cell-mediated immune response based tests
(CITT and IFN-
assay) and blood PCR especially during the stage of bacte-
riaemia. Combined use of both CITT and IFN-
assay lead to more accurate
screening of TB, though IFN-
assay was more specific than CITT. However,
(CFP-10) PCR can also be used as a fast and easy alternative method for the
laboratory diagnosis of bovine TB. Early diagnosis of TB can lead to quick se-
gregation of infected animals, restrict transmission and help in eradication of
bovine TB from the country. In fact, equal importance must be given for eradi-
cation of TB from the dairy animals to make the WHO’s “End TB strategy” a
100% success.
The authors are grateful to DBT (Department of Biotechnology) Govern-
ment of India for providing funds for the present work through a Project
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Ethical Approval
This study was approved by Animal Ethics Committee of Guru Angad Dev Ve-
terinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana, Punjab.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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... Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness causes tuberculosis in human. Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness is a form of tuberculosis in human commonly caused by related types, Bovine tuberculosis, which related to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex [85][86][87][88][89].' Transmission and spread of Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness. The Tuberculosis is infectious and may be transported directly through direct contact with the infected cattle, or indirectly through oral route of infection [90][91][92][93][94]. ...
... Public health risk of Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness. The most common form of tuberculosis in man is caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria [89,90]. It is impossible to clinical pictures differentiation to infection by M. tuberculosis bacteria from those caused by Bovine tuberculosis, able to account for up to ten percentages of human tuberculosis cases in some countries in the world [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93]. ...
... The most common form of tuberculosis in man is caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria [89,90]. It is impossible to clinical pictures differentiation to infection by M. tuberculosis bacteria from those caused by Bovine tuberculosis, able to account for up to ten percentages of human tuberculosis cases in some countries in the world [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93]. Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness detection may be further complicated through the tendency of Bovine tuberculosis infections to affect tissues other than the lungs and Bovine tuberculosis bacteria is resistant to one of the antimicrobials used in the treatment of tuberculosis infection in human [23,24]. ...
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The Slaughter house is the place in which the animals are slaughtered for human consumption. The Slaughter house plays important role in prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans like Mycobacterium tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness and also prevent infectious diseases between animals. Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic Gram positive, acid fast stain bacteria in the Mycobacteriaceae family. the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness tuberculosis bacteria has an waxy cover on its surface primarily due to the presence of acid called mycolic which refers the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness may appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast bacilli by using certain stains called Ziehl Nielsen, or through using stain called fluorescent such as aura mine are used to identify the cause of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness with a microscope. The Bacteria cause Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness is aerobic bacteria and needs high concentrations of oxygen. Mainly this bacteria is pathogenic to human and mammal's respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most diagnostic means for Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness are the tuberculin skin examination, stain of acid-fast, laboratory culture, and through using polymerase chain reaction method.
... Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness causes tuberculosis in human. Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness is a form of tuberculosis in human commonly caused by related types, Bovine tuberculosis, which related to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex [85][86][87][88][89].' Transmission and spread of Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness. The Tuberculosis is infectious and may be transported directly through direct contact with the infected cattle, or indirectly through oral route of infection [90][91][92][93][94]. ...
... Public health risk of Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness. The most common form of tuberculosis in man is caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria [89,90]. It is impossible to clinical pictures differentiation to infection by M. tuberculosis bacteria from those caused by Bovine tuberculosis, able to account for up to ten percentages of human tuberculosis cases in some countries in the world [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93]. ...
... The most common form of tuberculosis in man is caused by M. tuberculosis bacteria [89,90]. It is impossible to clinical pictures differentiation to infection by M. tuberculosis bacteria from those caused by Bovine tuberculosis, able to account for up to ten percentages of human tuberculosis cases in some countries in the world [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93]. Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness detection may be further complicated through the tendency of Bovine tuberculosis infections to affect tissues other than the lungs and Bovine tuberculosis bacteria is resistant to one of the antimicrobials used in the treatment of tuberculosis infection in human [23,24]. ...
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The Slaughter house is the place in which the animals are slaughtered for human consumption. The Slaughter house plays important role in prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans like Mycobacterium tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness and also prevent infectious diseases between animals. Bovine Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic Gram positive, acid fast stain bacteria in the Mycobacteriaceae family. the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness tuberculosis bacteria has an waxy cover on its surface primarily due to the presence of acid called mycolic which refers the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness may appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast bacilli by using certain stains called Ziehl Nielsen, or through using stain called fluorescent such as aura mine are used to identify the cause of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne illness with a microscope. The Bacteria cause Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness is aerobic bacteria and needs high concentrations of oxygen. Mainly this bacteria is pathogenic to human and mammal's respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most diagnostic means for Bovine tuberculosis as a reemerging foodborne illness are the tuberculin skin examination, stain of acid-fast, laboratory culture, and through using polymerase chain reaction method.
... 46 Brahma et al. showed that M. bovis infection increased the animal susceptibility to MAP infection or vice versa, and coinfection was occurred with both agents. 2 Byrne et al. highlighted the co-infection of M. bovis and MAP infection as a potential factor in identifying and removing infected animals from endemic cattle farms. 26 Alvarez et al. described an increase in false-negative results in SICTT. ...
... It might be due to the low concentration (under 8.00 pg µL -1 ) of DNA in samples that remained undetected by PCR or due to early infection with MAP. 2 In this group, real-time PCR and IHC showed very good agreement (κ = 0.94, 95.00% CI, 1.085 to 0.795, p < 0.0005). It showed the role of IHC in the diagnosis of MAP infection compared to the tuberculin test and real-time PCR. ...
... 49 In another study, there was 100% agreement between the real-time PCR and IHC for detection of MTC and 94.00% for detection of MAP. 2 Our results were different from study of Mustafa et al. that reported an 87.00% agreement between IHC and PCR as the gold standard. 7 In Iran, in 1967, the test-and-slaughter program was instituted nationally based on the SICTT using both tuberculins provided by Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute (RVSRI), for intensive farms as well as their surrounding traditional farms. ...
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In addition to the fifty years since the test-and-slaughter program began in Iran and despite a significant reduction in the disease prevalence, positive tuberculosis cases are still being isolated from livestock farms across the country. Tests with 100% sensitivity and specificity are essential features for bovine tuberculosis diagnosis. The relationship between real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) as two essential laboratory methods in the diagnosis of bacterial infections were aimed to evaluate single intradermal comparative tuberculin test (SICTT) results. One hundred thirty-eight cows in two groups were examined: Reactors (108 cows) and clean (as a control group; 30 cows). In the reactor group, 58(54.00%) cows were Mycobacterium bovis positive, 46(43.00%) were Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) positive, and 11(10.00%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive. 32(55.00%) cows were co-infected with M. bovis and MAP and 5(4.55%) cows were co-infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and MAP in this group. Of 50 M. bovis negative cows of reactor group were 14(28.00%) MAP positive and 36(72.00%) negative, as well. Concurrent infection with all was observed in one reactor case. Comparing IHC and real-time PCR for the detection of bovine tuberculosis and Johne's disease showed very good agreement (Kappa values 0.81 - 1.00). The results also provided further confirmation on IHC and real-time PCR as a sensitive and reliable diagnostic screening approach for detection of bovine tuberculosis. The use of one laboratory method to detect bovine tuberculosis is not sufficient alone.
... PCR techniques are widely used for the diagnosis of bTB and have several advantages; they are quick, applied within a few hours which means rapid diagnosis and efficient control, overcome the lack of specificity of other traditional tests such as histopathology, and are able to identify the mycobacteria either from culture or clinical specimens [68,103]. Moreover, several PCR techniques targeting numerous genes and regions can be used for differentiation between members of MBTC, such as ESAT-6 and CFP-10, which are protein products of esxA and esxB genes, respectively [104], atpE and lpqT [1], regions of difference ( RD 1,4,9,12) [1,105], RvD1-Rv2031c [76], and insertion sequences (IS) as IS1081 [80] and IS6110. Numerous studies targeted the insertion sequence region IS6110 as it is found in all members of MBTC [103,104,106]. ...
... Besides tissue samples, many PCR assays had been performed on blood and milk samples such as the Mataragka et al. study, which illustrated that PCR can be used as an early and sensitive indicator method to detect infection in pooled milk samples collected from the aged animals of a dairy farm, which could support TST monitoring and improve bTB control [114]. In addition, Brahma et al. reported a similar sensitivity of PCR targeting CFP-10 protein to that of IGRA and concluded that it may be used as a fast, alternative method for bTB diagnosis from blood samples [4]. Elsohaby et al. reported a difference between the PCR estimates of M. bovis in both blood and milk in dairy cattle, where the sensitivity of PCR conducted on blood and milk samples was 53-95% and 1-60% while its specificity was 95-100% and 43-99% for each sample, respectively [72]. ...
... The authors attributed these differences to the type of sampling, that largely affect the PCR sensitivity and specificity estimates. However, further studies about bacteremia and the time of dissemination of M. bovis in blood stream is needed to detect the proper sampling time because most of TST and IGRA reactor animals failed to be detected by PCR in blood samples [4]. Despite the high risk of disseminated infection of M. bovis, bacteremia has been assumed to be rare in cattle [115]. ...
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Bovine tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease affecting a wide range of domesticated and wild animals, representing a worldwide economic and public health burden. The disease is caused by Mycobacterium bovis and infrequently by other pathogenic mycobacteria. The problem of bovine tuberculosis is complicated when the infection is associated with multidrug and extensively drug resistant M. bovis. Many techniques are used for early diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis, either being antemortem or postmortem, each with its diagnostic merits as well as limitations. Ante-mortem techniques depend either on cellular or on humoral immune responses, while postmortem diagnosis depends on adequate visual inspection, palpation, and subsequent diagnostic procedures such as bacterial isolation, characteristic histopathology, and PCR to reach the final diagnosis. Recently , sequencing and bioinformatics tools have gained increasing importance for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis, including, but not limited to typing, detection of mutations, phylogenetic analysis , molecular epidemiology, and interactions occurring within the causative mycobacteria. Consequently , the current review includes consideration of bovine tuberculosis as a disease, conventional and recent diagnostic methods, and the emergence of MDR-Mycobacterium species.
... Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease is a form of tuberculosis in human predominantly caused by a closely related species, Bovine tuberculosis, which belongs to the M. tuberculosis complex [85][86][87][88][89]. Transmissionand spread of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted directly by contact with infected domestic and non-domesticated animals or indirectly by oral route [90][91][92][93][94]. Theusual route of infection within cattle herds is by inhalation of infected aerosol, which are expelled from the lungs. ...
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Abattoir is the place in which the animals are slaughtered for human consumption. Abattoir plays important role in prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans like Mycobacterium tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease and also prevent infectious diseases betwwen animals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic bacteria in the family Mycobacteriaceae . the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease tuberculosis bacteria have an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface primarily due to the presence of mycolic acid. This coating makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease can appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast stains such as Ziehl–Neelsen stain, or fluorescent stains such as auramine are used instead to identify the causative agent of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease with a microscope. The causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease is highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen. Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most frequently used diagnostic methods for Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease are the tuberculin skin examination , acid-fast stain, culture, and polymerase chain reaction.
... Hence, early detection of BTB is pivotal to ensure effective control of any outbreak, and minimize the economic impact on farms [7] . The gold standard methods for BTB diagnosis are based on cellular immunity through the intradermal tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) [8] . ...
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Bovine tuberculosis is a prevalent zoonotic disease that causes high risks for production animals, dairy producers and consumers, together with significant economic losses. Thus, methods for easy, fast and specific detection of Mycobacterium bovis in small and medium-sized livestock under field conditions are very required. In this work, a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification LAMP-PCR targeting the Region of Difference 12 (RD12) of M. bovis genome was designed for the purpose of identification. A set of six primers designed for the isothermal amplification of five different genomic fragments led to the specific identification of M. bovis from other mycobacterial species. A basic colorimetric reaction was clearly observed at first sight under natural light, indicating positive identification of M. bovis in a maximum of 30 min of isothermal amplification at 65 °C. The limit of detection was near 50 fg of M. bovis genomic DNA, corresponding approximately to 10 copies of the genome. •The proposed LAMP-PCR amplification of M. bovis genomic DNA might be performed by untrained laboratory personnel. •Specific identification of M. bovis LAMP is possible in 30 min at 65.. C using a simple water bath. •The basic colorimetric reaction for M. bovis identification could be observed with the naked eye under natural light.
... The numbers of positive reactors were more in the organised farm as compared to the unorganised farms. The present study was in accordance with the study conducted by Brahma et al. (2019), who reported that the prevalence was more in buffaloes as compared to cattle. ...
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Abattoir is the place in which the animals are slaughtered for human consumption. Abattoir plays important role in prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans like Mycobacterium tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease and also prevent infectious diseases between animals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic bacteria in the family Mycobacteriaceae. the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease tuberculosis bacteria have an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface primarily due to the presence of mycolic acid. This coating makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease can appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast stains such as Ziehl-Neelsen stain, or fluorescent stains such as auramine are used instead to identify the causative agent of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease with a microscope. The causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease are highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen. Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most frequently used diagnostic methods for Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease are the tuberculin skin examination, acid-fast stain, culture, and polymerase chain reaction.
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Abattoir is the place in which the animals are slaughtered for human consumption. Abattoir plays important role in prevention of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans like Mycobacterium tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease and also prevent infectious diseases betwwen animals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is caused by a species of pathogenic bacteria in the family Mycobacteriaceae . the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease tuberculosis bacteria have an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface primarily due to the presence of mycolic acid. This coating makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, and as a result, the causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease can appear weakly Gram-positive. Acid-fast stains such as Ziehl–Neelsen stain, or fluorescent stains such as auramine are used instead to identify the causative agent of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease with a microscope. The causative agent bacteria of Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease are highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen. Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system, it infects the lungs. The most frequently used diagnostic methods for Bovine tuberculosis as reemerging foodborne disease are the tuberculin skin examination , acid-fast stain, culture, and polymerase chain reaction
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Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a chronic disease of cattle that impacts productivity and represents a major public health threat. Despite the considerable economic costs and zoonotic risk consequences associated with the disease, accurate estimates of bTB prevalence are lacking in many countries, including India, where national control programmes are not yet implemented and the disease is considered endemic. To address this critical knowledge gap, we performed a systematic review of the literature and a meta‐analysis to estimate bTB prevalence in cattle in India and provide a foundation for the future formulation of rational disease control strategies and the accurate assessment of economic and health impact risks. The literature search was performed in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and identified 285 cross‐sectional studies on bTB in cattle in India across four electronic databases and handpicked publications. Of these, 44 articles were included, contributing a total of 82,419 cows and buffaloes across 18 states and one union territory in India. Based on a random‐effects (RE) meta‐regression model, the analysis revealed a pooled prevalence estimate of 7.3% (95% CI: 5.6, 9.5), indicating that there may be an estimated 21.8 million (95% CI: 16.6, 28.4) infected cattle in India—a population greater than the total number of dairy cows in the United States. The analyses further suggest that production system, species, breed, study location, diagnostic technique, sample size and study period are likely moderators of bTB prevalence in India and need to be considered when developing future disease surveillance and control programmes. Taken together with the projected increase in intensification of dairy production and the subsequent increase in the likelihood of zoonotic transmission, the results of our study suggest that attempts to eliminate tuberculosis from humans will require simultaneous consideration of bTB control in cattle population in countries such as India.
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An in-house multiplex PCR designed for differential detection of M. bovis, M. avium paratuberculosis (MAP) and M. smegmatis in tissue samples, besides PCR and TaqMan real-time PCR targeting esxA (ESAT-6) and esxB (CFP-10) gene of M. tuberculosis complex (MTC) and IS900 gene targeting MAP were carried out in the present study. Tissue samples comprising of lung, mediastinal lymph node, intestine and mesenteric lymph node from cattle and buffaloes (n=16) suspected to have died of tuberculosis (TB) or paratuberculosis (JD) were collected at post-mortem. Out of 16 animals, only 4 (25%) cases were positive for M. bovis by in-house designed multiplex PCR, where as 9 (56.25%) cases were positive for MTC by both conventional and real-time PCR targeting esxA (ESAT-6) and esxB (CFP-10) genes. Out of 9 TB positive animals, 2 (22.22%) had co-infection with MAP as confirmed by IS900 PCR, real-time PCR and also by in-house multiplex PCR. No samples were found positive for M. smegmatis by the in-house multiplex PCR. Analytical sensitivity of in-house multiplex primers targeting M. bovis, MAP and M. smegmatis were 170 fg/µl, 300 fg/µl and 51 fg/µl of genomic DNA respectively. Analytical sensitivity of primers for both conventional and real time PCR tareting esxA were 8 pg/µl and 800 fg/µl, esxB were 800 fg/µl and 80 fg/µl and IS900 were 30 fg/µl and 3 fg/µl of M. tuberculosis and MAP genomic DNA respectively. The tissue samples were also subjected to histopathology and Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining using ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antibodies for TB and anti-JD anti-serum (raised in rabbit) for JD. All the animals positive for TB (9 of 9) and JD (2 of 2) in PCR and real-time PCR were also positive in histopathology and IHC. Thus, combination of molecular, histopathology and IHC techniques increased the accuracy of TB and JD diagnosis, all of which had same sensitivity and specificity except the in-house multiplex PCR which was comparatively less sensitive in M. bovis detection. However, the molecular methods were found to be more convenient and rapid, capable of making the diagnosis within 6 hours. The study indicated that Real-time PCR was ten times more sensitive than the conventional PCR. © 2017, Malaysian Society for Parasitology. All rights reserved.
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The Veterinary Handbook for herd management in the bovine TB Eradication Programme in the Irish Bovine TB Eradication programme was used by the Veterinary Inspectorate in Ireland for that purpose. This handbook was was first issued in 2000 and periodically updated until 2017 at which point the lead author (Margaret Good) had retired. The Handbook reflects the scientifically informed changes in the Irish policy with regard to the management of tuberculosis-restricted herds up until its date of publication.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB), an old chronic disease having zoonotic potential, covering four districts in Gangetic delta region of West Bengal, India, and to find the prevalence in organized as well as backyard herds and variation in relation to their age, sex, and breeds. Methods: The incidence of BTB in exotic and indigenous breeds of cattle (n=173) of various age groups was investigated employing tuberculin (single intradermal tuberculin and comparative cervical tuberculin) tests and gamma interferon assay. Further, milk samples (n=96) from milching animals and antemortem (n=519) samples (nasal swab, buccal swab, and aspirates from pre-scapular lymph nodes) were also screened employing bacteriological and molecular techniques. Results: In total, 36 (25.4%) animals from organized and one (3.2%) from backyard farming sector were found positive to BTB. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of milk samples based on 16S rRNA amplified the 1030 bp band in four samples indicating them belonging to genus Mycobacterium. Species-specific primers used to differentiate between Mycobacterium bovis and M. tuberculosis confirmed the presence of M. bovis. Prevalence of BTB in exotic crossbred animals (34.6%) was significantly higher (p
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Germany has been officially free of bovine tuberculosis since 1996. However, in the last years there has been an increase of bovine tuberculosis cases, particularly in the southern part of Germany, in the Allgäu region. As a consequence a one-time tuberculosis surveillance program was revisited with different premortal and postmortal tests. The aim of this paper was to estimate diagnostic sensitivities and specificities of the different tests used within this surveillance program. In the absence of a perfect test with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity, thus in the absence of a gold standard, a Bayesian latent class approach with two different datasets was performed. The first dataset included 389 animals, tested with single intra-dermal comparative cervical tuberculin (SICCT) test, PCR and pathology; the second dataset contained 175 animals, tested with single intra-dermal cervical tuberculin (SICT) test, Bovigam® assay, pathology and culture. Two-way conditional dependencies were considered within the models. Additionally, inter-laboratory agreement (five officially approved laboratories) of the Bovigam® assay was assessed with Cohen's kappa test (21 blood samples). The results are given in posterior means and 95% credibility intervals. The specificities of the SICT test, SICCT test, PCR and pathology ranged between 75.8% [68.8–82.2%] and 99.0% [96.8–100%]. The Bovigam® assay stood out with a very low specificity (6.9% [3.6–11.1%]), though it had the highest sensitivity (95.7% [91.3–99.2%]). The sensitivities of the SICCT test, PCR, SICT test, pathology and culture varied from 57.8% [48.0–67.6%] to 88.9% [65.5–99.7%]. The prevalences were 19.8% [14.6–26.5%] (three-test dataset) and 7.7% [4.2–12.3%] (four-test dataset). Among all pairwise comparisons the highest agreement was 0.62 [0.15–1]). In conclusion, the specificity of the Bovigam® assay and the inter-laboratory agreement were lower than expected.
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Two hundred lactating animals (158 cattle and 42 buffaloes) of organized and unorganized farms were investigated for the bovine TB using comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CITT) and IFN-y assay. CITT was performed using avian and bovine PPD and IFN-y assay by Mycobacterium bovis gamma interferon test kit. Overall, 14.5% and 11.5% animals were found positive by CITT and IFN-y assay, respectively. However, 22.5% animals were detected TB positive th rough combination of both th e tests. So, both CITT and IFN-y assay, wh en used togeth er lead to more accurate screening for bovine TB in dairy h erd.
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A herd infected naturally with tuberculosis was investigated by different diagnostic methods. Ninety days after a screening test that identified 21 cows as skin test positive, a Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test (CITT) was performed in those 21 cows and in 29 other randomly selected skin test negative cows. Milk samples and nasal swabs were collected prior to the CITT for bacteriological culture and PCR, while blood samples were collected for IFN release and antibody responses to MPB70 and MPB83, at three time points post tuberculin injection. Animals positive by CITT were slaughtered and disease confirmation undertaken. Based on the Kappa test, IFN was comparable to the standard tests (culture, PCR and CITT) at all three sampling points. Results from both antibody ELISAs were similar but were not comparable to the standard tests. T-test analysis of the CITT, IFN and ELISAs demonstrated that their performances were not correlated. There is increasing recognition that individually, available diagnostic tests do not detect all infected cattle. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy for the diagnosis of bovine TB should include test results for the detection of both cellular and humoral immune responses where there may be animals at different stages of infection.
PCR amplification of insertion element IS6110 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in fecal samples was evaluated in the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis (ITB). Single intradermal tuberculin test was carried in 125 cattle from organized dairy farms, off which, 36 animals gave a positive reaction. Blood and faecal samples were collected from all the tuberculin positive (36) animals. Demonstration of acid fast bacilli was done in the faecal samples by using the Ziehl - Neelsen staining. DNA was extracted and PCR was carried out in the blood and faecal samples by using IS6110 insertion sequence. Acid fast bacilli were observed in 10 (27.77%) faecal smears whereas, 18 (50%) faecal samples and 4 (11.11%) blood samples were found positive for the insertion sequence IS6110 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. This result shows that IS6110 insertion sequence-PCR assay may be applied to detect tuberculous bacilli directly from faecal sample of dairy cows and therefore could be a valuable diagnostic or screening test for herds.
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease which has implications for both public health and economic impacts due to decreased production, increased condemnation and mortality rates and cost of control programmes. TB transmission between cattle and humans has significantly decreased in countries where specific control programmes have been implemented. The knowledge about this disease has improved substantially in recent years and this fact has allowed the enhancement of TB diagnostic tools and control measures. Nevertheless, concerns remain regarding the epidemiology and immunology of the disease, with repercussions on its control and eradication process. The present special issue on bovine TB was conceived as a follow-up to the European project “Strategies for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis” (TB-STEP Grant agreement no.: 212414) which aimed at shedding light on the multifaceted nature of bovine TB through a multidisciplinary research approach in order to develop sound and rational strategies for its eradication. The different reviews included in this special issue are focused on the objectives of the TB-STEP project that were related to the transmission and epidemiology, risk assessment, vaccination, diagnosis and control and vaccination of TB in wildlife.