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Bioavailability of Different Vitamin D Oral Supplements in Laboratory Animal Model


Abstract and Figures

Background and Objectives: The major cause of vitamin D deficiency is inadequate exposure to sunlight. It is difficult to supplement it with food because sufficient concentrations of vitamin D naturally occur only in a handful of food products. Thereby, deficiency of this vitamin is commonly corrected with oral supplements. Different supplement delivery systems for improved vitamin D stability and bioavailability are proposed. In this study, we compared efficiency of three vitamin D delivery systems: microencapsulated, micellized, and oil-based. Materials and Methods: As a model in this medical testing, laboratory rats were used for the evaluation of bioavailability of different vitamin D vehicles. Animals were divided into three groups: the first one was given microencapsulated vitamin D3, the second—oil-based vitamin D3, and the third—micellized vitamin D3. Test substances were given per os to each animal for 7 days, and vitamin D concentration in a form of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) in the blood was checked both during the vitamin delivery period and later, up to the 24th day. Results: Comparison of all three tested products showed that the microencapsulated and oil-based vitamin D3 vehicles were the most bioavailable in comparison to micellized vitamin D3. Even more, the effect of the microencapsulated form of vitamin D3 remained constant for the longest period (up to 14 days). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the oral vitamin D supplement vehicle has an impact on its bioavailability, thus it is important to take into account how much of the suppled vitamin D will be absorbed. To maximize the full exploit of supplement, the best delivery strategy should be employed. In our study, the microencapsulated form of vitamin D was the most bioavailable.
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Medicina 2019, 55, 265; doi:10.3390/medicina55060265
Bioavailability of Different Vitamin D Oral
Supplements in Laboratory Animal Model
Egidijus Šimoliūnas
, Ieva Rinkūnaitė
, Živilė Bukelskienė
and Virginija Bukelskienė
Institute of Biochemistry, Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania; (E.Š.); (I.R.)
Public Institution Vilnius Centro Outpatient Clinic, LT-01117 Vilnius, Lithuania;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +370-5-223-4408
Received: 28 March 2019; Accepted: 03 June 2019; Published: 10 June 2019
Abstract: Background and Objectives: The major cause of vitamin D deficiency is inadequate exposure
to sunlight. It is difficult to supplement it with food because sufficient concentrations of vitamin D
naturally occur only in a handful of food products. Thereby, deficiency of this vitamin is commonly
corrected with oral supplements. Different supplement delivery systems for improved vitamin D
stability and bioavailability are proposed. In this study, we compared efficiency of three vitamin D
delivery systems: microencapsulated, micellized, and oil-based. Materials and Methods: As a model
in this medical testing, laboratory rats were used for the evaluation of bioavailability of different vitamin
D vehicles. Animals were divided into three groups: the first one was given microencapsulated vitamin
, the second—oil-based vitamin D
, and the third—micellized vitamin D
. Test substances were given
per os to each animal for 7 days, and vitamin D concentration in a form of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
(25(OH)D) in the blood was checked both during the vitamin delivery period and later, up to the
24th day. Results: Comparison of all three tested products showed that the microencapsulated and
oil-based vitamin D
vehicles were the most bioavailable in comparison to micellized vitamin D
Even more, the effect of the microencapsulated form of vitamin D
remained constant for the longest
period (up to 14 days). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the oral vitamin D
supplement vehicle has an impact on its bioavailability, thus it is important to take into account how
much of the suppled vitamin D will be absorbed. To maximize the full exploit of supplement, the
best delivery strategy should be employed. In our study, the microencapsulated form of vitamin D
was the most bioavailable.
Keywords: vitamin D; oral supplements; vehicle; bioavailability; vitamin D deficiency
1. Introduction
Vitamin D deficiency is a global health issue that afflicts more than 1 billion children and adults
worldwide. The vitamin D deficiency has been associated with many acute and chronic illnesses,
including preeclampsia, childhood dental caries, periodontitis, autoimmune disorders, infectious
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, various types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and neurological disorders
[1]. Although vitamin D can be synthesized upon exposure to sun, inadequate amount of sunlight is
one of the major causes for the pandemic of vitamin D deficiency [2,3]. During sun exposure, 7-
dehydrocholesterol, the immediate precursor in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway, absorbs
ultraviolet B radiation (290–315 nm) resulting in breaking of the bond between carbon 9-carbon 10
atoms to produce pre-vitamin D
. Once formed, this thermodynamically unstable second steroid
undergoes a rearrangement of its triene system to form the thermodynamically stable vitamin D
which is then transported to the liver and converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D. This
metabolite then re-enters the circulation and travels to the kidneys, where it is converted to the active
Medicina 2019, 55, 265 2 of 8
form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, also known as calcitriol—the hormonally active metabolite [4,5]
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. Vitamin D
sources, biosynthesis and possible factors affecting absorption. Downward
arrows show factors that are associated with decreased vitamin D absorption and synthesis in the
Vitamin D can also be obtained from diet, however, very few food products naturally contain a
sufficient amount of vitamin D. Among the richest are the following products: oily fish, in particular
salmon, mackerel, and herring; some mushrooms; cod liver oil; eggs; and dairy products [6,7]. Some
and sometimes substantial amounts of vitamin D (25(OH)D) are present in meat, including beef and
pork [8,9]. By adding 25(OH)D into animal feed, an increased amount of vitamin D
in poultry, pork,
and beef can be achieved [10].
Multiple factors might affect vitamin D levels: age, being indoors, dark skin, sunscreen use, and
low cholesterol might impede with vitamin D
biosynthesis in skin. Dietary vitamin D
is greatly reduced upon gallbladder removal; gastrointestinal diseases, such as Crohn’s; cystic
fibrosis; and celiac disease. Low magnesium intake might lead to an insufficient amount of active
vitamin D
as magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D [11]. Correction of vitamin D
insufficiency is commonly achieved using oral vitamin D supplements. The Endocrine Society
guidelines suggest that daily intake of 1500 to 2000 international units (IU) of vitamin D is necessary
to achieve serum 25(OH)D concentrations consistently >30 ng/mL in adults to prevent vitamin D
deficiency [12,13]. Studies using radiolabeled vitamin D
showed that its absorption efficiency varies
between 55% to 99%, however, it does not depend upon fat content consumed with food, yet lipid
composition impacts vitamin D bioavailability [14–16]. Long chain fatty acids interfere with vitamin
D absorption [17]. Absorption efficiency of vitamin D is also increased by supplements in which
vitamin D is placed into micelles, microcapsules, or liposomes. Emulsification of drugs or nutrients
and their insertion into micelles or microcapsules have many benefits: higher stability to aggregation
and gravitational separation; higher optical clarity; protection from degradation, light, and oxidation;
and improved bioavailability of water insoluble and difficultly absorbed compounds [18,19]. These
delivery vehicles protect vitamin D from the environment [18]. Encapsulation mimics naturally
occurring process—during digestion, vitamin D is transferred from its food matrix to the mixed
micelles generated by the lipolysis of dietary fat carried out by bile salts [20]. Enterocytes use SR-BI
(scavenger receptor class B type I), CD36, and NPC1L1 (Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1) membrane
transporters to endocytose these particles. Thus, by packing vitamin D in lipid vesicles, active vitamin
D absorption can be exploited and facilitated. In this research, we tested vitamin D bioavailability
dependence to oral supplement delivery system used—micellar and microencapsulated drug
delivery systems were compared to the standard oil-based preparation.
Medicina 2019, 55, 265 3 of 8
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Test Substances
SmartHit IV™ microencapsulated vitamin D
is an oral supplement containing 2000 IU/mL
cholecalciferol and natural lecithin composing microcapsule. It is a water-soluble form of vitamin D
where an active substance is loaded in microcapsules.
Micellized vitamin D
is an oral supplement containing 15,000 IU/mL cholecalciferol. It contains
macrogolglycerol ricinoleate—a synthetic, nonionic surfactant that stabilizes emulsions of nonpolar
materials in water. It is a water-soluble form of vitamin D that is encapsulated in nanodispersed
Oil-based vitamin D
is an oral supplement containing 400 IU/drop cholecalciferol. According to
manufacturers, one drop contains 35 uL of volume. It is an oil-based form of vitamin D.
All the test substances were purchased in the local pharmacy. Their descriptions were obtained
from the pharmaceutical instructions.
2.2. Animals
Wistar rats (7–9 weeks old; Vilnius University; Lithuania; License of Animal Ethics Committee
No G2-47, 30 June 2016) weighing 160–200 g were maintained under standard conditions:
Temperature +22 ± 1 °C, humidity 55 ± 3%, and 12 h/12 h light-dark cycle. They were fed and watered
ad libitum with standard commercial rodent feed JE-83004920 (Joniškio grūdai, Ltd., Joniškis,
Lithuania), watered with tap water.
2.3. Experimental Design
The animal experiment was designed in accordance to the requirements stated in 2010/63/EU
Directive and Order of the Lithuanian State Food and Veterinary Service Director No B1-866; 31
December 2012. All procedures were approved by License of Animal Research Ethics Committee
(Lithuania) No G2-47, 2016-06-30. Rats were randomly divided into 3 groups (6 animals per group)
and singly housed in a cage. Following 3 days after grouping, before giving test substances, from
each rat’s tail vein, 500 μL of blood was taken and blood serum was separated. In this way, the control
level (“0 day”) of each animal’s 25(OH)vitamin D concentration was determined. The first group was
given microencapsulated, the second—oil-based, and the third—micellized vitamin D
. Test
substances were given per os to each animal for 7 days each morning. Blood samples were collected
before the daily dosing at the 3rd and 7th day starting from the beginning of the experiment (during
the vitamin D
feeding period). From the 8th day, the delivery of the test products was terminated,
but the vitamin D
concentration in the blood was checked again at the 14th and 24th day (from the
start of the experiment) (Figure 2).
Figure 2. General experimental design. In experiment, rats were randomly divided into three groups
(n = 6) by supplement given. After baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D blood test, rats were given
vitamin D
supplements for 7 consecutive days. Blood was then drawn at the 3rd, 7th, 14th, and 24th
days of the experiment.
Medicina 2019, 55, 265 4 of 8
2.4. Preparation of Test Substances
The test substances were prepared in such a way that each rat per day received 2000 IU/kg
vitamin D3. Oil-based supplement was diluted in olive oil, micellized vitamin D3 was diluted in tap
water, and SmartHit IV™ microencapsulated form was not diluted and was given as originally
2.5. Preparation and Analysis of Blood Serum
After collection of whole blood, the samples were left undisturbed at room temperature for 3 h.
Then, the emerging clot was separated from the wall of the tube, and the samples were placed into
the refrigerator (+4 °C). After 18 h, the clot was removed by centrifuging for 15 min at 1500 rpm in a
refrigerated centrifuge. The resulting supernatant was the serum (150–200 μL). It was collected into
clean tubes and immediately used for the determination of vitamin D3 concentration. The amount of
25(OH)D in blood serum was analyzed by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) using
Cobas® 6000 modular analyzer (Roche, Indianapolis, USA).
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Data analysis was performed using the RStudio statistical analysis program (version 1.1.453).
Differences between the levels of vitamin D in animal blood serum on the respective day of the study
were evaluated by a single factor ANOVA. The vitamin D bioavailability was assessed by calculation
of area under the curve (AUC) method. Obtained significant differences were identified using Tukey
LSD post hoc test. Data were considered statistically significantly different if p < 0.05. The data are
shown by boxplot and dotted graphs. Statistically significant differences in the graphs are marked
with asterisks (*); *—when p < 0.05, **—when p < 0.01.
3. Results
According to our data, amounts of vitamin D3 increased in the blood serum of all treated animal
groups in proportion to time, during vitamin supplementation, until the 7th day (Figure 3). As early
as after 3 days of supplementation, microencapsulated and oil-based vitamin D3 increased vitamin
levels in the blood by almost three times: The control level of vitamin D3 in the rat serum ranged from
36.49 ± 4.12 to 40.5 ± 3.05 nmol/L, meanwhile in the microencapsulated and oil-based treatment
groups it got up to 143.35 ± 14.72 and 150.85 ± 35.77 nmol/L, respectively. The highest vitamin D3
concentration in the rat blood serum was registered in the oil-based vitamin D3 group on day 7—the
tested vitamin concentration reached 198.93 ± 51.6 nmol/L. Comparing the duration of the effect of
all vitamin vehicles, microencapsulated SmartHit IV™ supplementation vitamin D3 concentrations
in the blood serum remained constant for the longest time (up to the 14th day).
Medicina 2019, 55, 265 5 of 8
Figure 3. Vitamin D
concentration in rat blood serum during 24 days of experiment: rats were
divided into three groups; from the 1st to 7th day, each rat in the group was orally given 2000
international units (IU)/kg vitamin D
presented in different forms: microencapsulated SmartHit IV™,
oil-based, and micellized.
AUC analysis confirmed that the least bioavailable delivery system was micellized vitamin D
It was absorbed almost twice as inefficiently in comparison to microencapsulated vitamin D
1). Additionally, the fat-soluble form of vitamin D
was also more bioavailable to rats than micellized
vitamin D
. Vitamin D
packed in microcapsules was the most bioavailable.
Table 1. Area under the curve pharmacokinetics
Vitamin D
Concentration in Blood
Serum, nmol/L
Day of Maximum
Concentration of
Vitamin D
SmartHit IV 2651.00 1.24 335.4 7
Oil-based vitamin D
2135.60 1.00 236.1 7
Micellized vitamin D
1378.45 0.65 216.4 7
4. Discussion
Vitamin D has the unique property of being synthesized in the skin from the exposure to
sunlight. However, in Northern regions, due to the lack of sunlight, vitamin D deficiency is
widespread among children and adults [2,5,7,10]. This is further worsened by the insufficient vitamin
D-rich food consumption [9,10]. Thus, correction of vitamin D deficiency is commonly achieved using
oral vitamin D supplements [12]. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble molecule, which when ingested, dissolves
in dietary fat, is emulsified by the bile salts, and is absorbed by intestinal enterocytes. The absorption
efficiency or bioavailability depends on lipid composition and food supplement vehicle. Therefore,
there has been an increased interest in optimizing supplementation strategies, especially in
populations at risk of vitamin D insufficiency, such as the elderly; obese individuals; and people with
certain chronic diseases, such as Crohn’s or chronic kidney disease [21,22]. Usually, water-insoluble
nutrients are dissolved in lipid-based solvents. Commercially available solubilized oral formulations
include various natural oils: peanut, corn, soybean, sesame, olive [23]. A systematic review on
vitamin D supplement bioavailability showed that oil-soluble vehicles produce greater increase of
25(OH)D in blood serum when compared to powder- and ethanol-based supplements [24].
Some substances, such as microemulsions, microcapsules, liposomes, and micelle-forming
compounds are used to further improve absorption efficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. Micellization
is a delivery system of fat-soluble nutrients that are micronized into water-soluble micellar spheres
Medicina 2019, 55, 265 6 of 8
using surfactants, such as Polysorbate 80 (also known as Tween 80), citric acid monoglyceride esters,
and polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400). Surfactants self-assemble and form micelles once the
surfactant monomer concentration reaches the critical micelle concentration—a concentration of a
surfactant in a bulk phase, above which micelles start to form. Vitamin D3 used in this study was
micellized using macrogolglycerol ricinoleate, also known as Cremophor EL, which is a synthetic,
non-ionic surfactant used to emulsify and solubilize water-insoluble materials in water [23,25].
Supplement manufacturers recommend using their supplements with food or beverages. Micellized
product contains macrogolglycerol ricinoleate, which ensures micelle stability in water, according to
the supplement leaflet. Micelles must be stable enough to not release a cargo upon oral or systemic
administration and must remain intact long enough to transport nutrients or drugs to the target site.
SmartHit IV™ vitamin D3 microcapsules are composed of natural phospholipid bilayer that
encapsulates a fraction of the surrounding aqueous medium. Due to biphasic nature, microcapsules
can contain both lipid-soluble and water-soluble components. Microcapsules protect the nutrients
from degradation in acidic pH found in the stomach (pH 1.4–4.0), and in turn encapsulated
substances tend to stay inside the microcapsules and thus do not cause stomach irritation [26].
Nutrients that are sensitive to oxygen and sunlight are protected due to microencapsulation
technology. Most importantly, microcapsules improve the absorption and bioavailability of nutrients
up to five times in comparison to their free counterparts [27]. In this study, we compared three
different vehicles—microcapsules, micelles, and lipids. Rats were able to absorb 25% more vitamin
D that was microencapsulated in comparison to the most commonly used oil-based supplementation.
Although some studies show micellar nutrients to be absorbed better than their oil-based, liposomal,
or ethanol dissolved counterparts [24,28], in our study, rats were able to absorb only about 65% of
vitamin D in comparison to the oil-based vehicle, and it also was almost two times less bioavailable
compared to SmartHit IV™ microcapsules.
This pre-clinical in vivo research laid basis for clinical study on human volunteers with vitamin
D deficiency, which would be conducted in the near future. Currently, using animal models is the
best choice for quick comparison of the efficiency of different vitamin D vehicles. It is known that rats
and humans share a majority of their biochemical capabilities at the genome level, which gives an
important role for rats by considering them as a model organism for understanding human biology
and diseases. In terms of the expressions of vitamin D-metabolizing enzymes and vitamin D receptors
in rats, it should be noted that they are similar to those in humans [29]. However, despite an extremely
small number of species-specific differences at the genome level, individual differences at the gene-
level can alter some functions. Therefore, the results of this research provided the basis for further
studies involving human volunteers with vitamin D deficiency.
5. Conclusions
Comparison of three tested products showed that the microencapsulated and oil-based vitamin
D3 supplement delivery systems could be characterized by their better bioavailability in comparison
to micellized vitamin D3. Further, the effect of microcapsulated vitamin D supplement remained
constant for the longest time, even for seven days after supplementation, showing its prolonged
effect. Although all the tested products have increased vitamin D concentration in rats’ blood serum
significantly and could be used to treat or prevent vitamin D deficiency, the most efficient was
SmartHit IV™ microcapsulated vitamin D3 supplement.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.Š. and V.B.; methodology, I.R.; software, E.Š.; validation, Ž.B. and
V.B.; formal analysis, E.Š.; investigation, E.Š., V.B. and I.R.; resources, E.Š.; data curation, E.Š. and I.R.; writing—
original draft preparation, E.Š.; writing—review and editing, V.B. and Ž.B.; visualization, E.Š.; supervision, Ž.B.
and V.B.; project administration, V.B.; funding acquisition, V.B.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Dr. Simona Steponkienė for the insights and comments
concerning vitamin D metabolism.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Research has identified VD as a breast cancer risk factor; a circulating VD level ≥ 45 ng/mL presumably protects against breast cancer [31][32][33]. Other studies revealed an inverse correlation between VD level and breast cancer risk [31][32][33][34][35][36]. Stoll et al. [34] found that elevated serum VD3 (through sun exposure and dietary intake of more than 400 IU per day) significantly decreases breast cancer incidence and recurrence, while serum VD3 deficiency can lead to breast cancer occurrence. ...
... Unfortunately, excessive VD intake is not rare and can cause severe toxicity and hospitalization [32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. The challenges in VD deficiency and its therapy are its low bioavailability [36], high degradation in systemic circulation [37], and toxicity (VDT) at high dosage, which can lead to hypervitaminosis D symptoms and hypercalcemia [36,37]. ...
... Surprisingly, the VD3-GNP treatment is found to downregulate ETV7, the PI3K/mTOR/ AKT cascade, along with the HIPPO pathway's key proteins YAP and TAZ, which indicates its importance in controlling breast cancer aggressiveness (Figures 8 and 9) [35,36,[39][40][41][42][43]. A recent report shows increased ETV7 expression [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] in all types of breast cancer, compared to normal breast tissue, along with other cancers, while ETV7 expression is correlated with tumor aggressiveness and stemness [14][15][16][17][18][19][20], though its therapeutic downregulation has not yet been seen. ...
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Metastasis in breast cancer is the major cause of death in females (about 30%). Based on our earlier observation that Vitamin D3 downregulates mTOR, we hypothesized that Vitamin D3 conjugated to gold nanoparticles (VD3-GNPs) reduces breast cancer aggressiveness by downregulating the key cancer controller PI3K/AKT/mTOR. Western blots, migration/invasion assays, and other cell-based, biophysical, and bioinformatics studies are used to study breast cancer cell aggressiveness and nanoparticle characterization. Our VD3-GNP treatment of breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) significantly reduces the aggressiveness (cancer cell migration and invasion rates > 45%) via the simultaneous downregulation of ETV7 and the Hippo pathway. Consistent with our hypothesis, we, indeed, found a downregulation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. It is surprising that the extremely low dose of VD3 in the nano formulation (three orders of magnitude lower than in earlier studies) is quite effective in the alteration of cancer invasiveness and cell signaling pathways. Clearly, VD3-GNPs are a viable candidate for non-toxic, low-cost treatment for reducing breast cancer aggressiveness.
... Supplements are available in different forms, such as tablets, capsules, or oil-emulsified drops [9]. Vitamin D3 in supplements may be encapsulated in microcapsules, micelles, or liposomes to increase its bioavailability [10][11][12]. A meta-analysis of several clinical studies concluded that vitamin D3 bioavailability is better in oil vehicles (capsules or liquid) than in powder tablets (cellulose or lactose) or ethanol [13]. ...
... Many encapsulation techniques and materials, such as β-lactoglobulin [26], ovalbumin-pectin nanocomplexes [27], gum arabic, maltodextrin, whey protein concentrate, and soy isolate Supplements are available in different forms, such as tablets, capsules, or oil-emulsified drops [9]. Vitamin D 3 in supplements may be encapsulated in microcapsules, micelles, or liposomes to increase its bioavailability [10][11][12]. A meta-analysis of several clinical studies concluded that vitamin D 3 bioavailability is better in oil vehicles (capsules or liquid) than in powder tablets (cellulose or lactose) or ethanol [13]. ...
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Vitamin D3 deficiency is a global phenomenon, which can be managed with supplementation and food fortification. However, vitamin D3 bioaccessibility may depend on factors such as matrix composition and interactions throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This research focused on the effect of different matrices on vitamin D3 content during digestion, as well as the effect of pH on its bioaccessibility. The INFOGEST protocol was employed to simulate digestion. Three different types of commercial supplements, two foods naturally rich in vitamin D3, and three fortified foods were investigated. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography was used to determine the initial vitamin D3 content in the supplements and foods, as well as after each digestion stage. The results indicate that the foods exhibited higher bioaccessibility indices compared to the supplements and a higher percentage retention at the end of the gastric phase. The pH study revealed a positive correlation between an increased gastric pH and the corresponding content of vitamin D3. Interestingly, exposing the matrix to a low pH during the gastric phase resulted in an increased intestinal content of D3. Vitamin D3 is more bioaccessible from foods than supplements, and its bioaccessibility is susceptible to changes in gastric pH. Fasting conditions (i.e., gastric pH = 1) enhance the vitamin’s bioaccessibility.
... Supplements are available in different forms, such as tablets, capsules or oil-emulsified drops [9]. Vitamin D3 in supplements may be encapsulated in microcapsules, micelles or liposomes to increase its bioavailability [10][11][12]. A meta-analysis of several clinical studies concluded that vitamin D3 bioavailability is better in oil vehicles (capsules or liquid) than in powder tablets (cellulose or lactose) or ethanol [13]. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 26 February 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202402.1468.v112 ...
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Vitamin D3 deficiency is a global phenomenon, which can be coped with supplementation and food fortification. However, vitamin D3 bioaccessibility may depend on factors, such as matrix composition and interactions throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This research focused on the effect of different matrices on vitamin D3 content during digestion, and the effect of pH on its bioaccessibility. The INFOGEST protocol was employed to simulate digestion. Three different types of commercial supplements, two foods naturally rich in vitamin D3, and three fortified foods were investigated. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography was used to determine the vitamin D3 initial content in supplements and foods, as well as after each digestion stage. Results indicated that foods exhibited higher bioaccessibility indices compared to supplements, and a higher percentage retention at the end of the gastric phase. The pH study revealed a positive correlation between increased gastric pH and the corresponding content of vitamin D3. Interestingly, exposing the matrix to low pH during the gastric phase resulted in an increased intestinal content of D3. Vitamin D3 is more bioaccessible from foods than supplements, and its bioaccessibility is susceptible to changes in gastric pH. Fasting conditions (i.e. gastric pH=1) enhances vitamin’s bioaccessibility.
... В сравнительных исследованиях эффективности, проведенных на здоровых лабораторных крысах, было показано, что микрокапсулированная и масляная формы витамина D 3 обладают лучшей биодоступностью для организма по сравнению с мицеллярным витамином D 3 [35]. В других исследованиях дефицит при приеме водорастворимой формы сохранялся дольше, а концентрация в крови увеличивалась медленнее, чем при приеме масляной формы [36]. ...
... Furthermore, the patients took different vitamin D supplements. This could also have had an impact on 25(OH)D levels, due to the different bioavailability of vitamin D [58]. ...
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(1) Background: Vitamin D levels in patients remain inadequately understood, with research yielding inconsistent findings. Breast cancer patients, particularly due to oncological therapies, face an increased risk of osteopenia, which can be exacerbated by a vitamin D deficiency. (2) Methods: The prospective observational “BEGYN-1” study assessed serum 25(OH)D levels at baseline and quarterly thereafter. Clinical, pathological, nutritional, vitamin supplementation, and lifestyle data were recorded. (3) Results: Before treatment, 68.5% of patients were vitamin D deficient (<30 ng/mL), with 4.6% experiencing severe deficiency (<10 ng/mL). The median baseline 25(OH)D levels were 24 ng/mL (range: 4.8 to 64.7 ng/mL). Throughout the study, the median vitamin D levels increased to 48 ng/mL (range: 22.0 to 76.7 ng/mL). Before diagnosis, 16.7% received vitamin D substitution, and 97.8% received vitamin D substitution throughout the year with a median weekly dose of 20,000 IU. It took at least three quarterly assessments for 95% of patients to reach the normal range. A multiple GEE analysis identified associations between 25(OH)D levels and supplementation, season, age, VLDL, magnesium levels, and endocrine therapy. (4) Conclusions: Physicians should monitor 25(OH)D levels before, during, and after oncological therapy to prevent vitamin D deficiency and to adjust substitution individually. While variables such as seasons, age, VLDL, magnesium, diet, and oncological interventions affect 25(OH)D levels, supplementation has the greatest impact.
... The synthesis of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight and dietary sources requires magnesium as a cofactor; hence, its deficiency shuts down vitamin D synthesis pathways [15,16]. The activation of vitamin D by magnesium, in turn, helps in calcium and phosphate homeostasis and thereby influences bone formation. ...
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Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a major global health problem. Most previous studies focused attention on the significant role of sunlight exposure in the homeostasis of vitamin D and calcium blood levels. Magnesium is pivotal in the proper functioning of vitamin D, and the physiologic functions of different organs require a balanced vitamin D and magnesium status. The relationship between sunlight exposure and blood levels of vitamin D and magnesium has often been overlooked. The aim of this study was to evaluate vitamin D and magnesium status based on sunlight exposure and ethnicity in Bahraini and expatriate workers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2018 and September 2019. One hundred and seventy-four subjects participated in this study were subdivided based on their ethnicity and work environment-dependent exposure to sunlight into four groups: (1) Bahraini exposed (n=94), (2) Bahraini non-exposed (n=25), (3) expatriate exposed (n=31), and (4) expatriate non-exposed (n=24). Blood levels of vitamin D and magnesium were evaluated for all the participants. Results: Independent of ethnicity, vitamin D levels were insignificantly different among the studied groups and were all below the normal reference range. Yet, there was still a sunlight-dependent increase in vitamin D level that could be seen only in Bahraini workers. Magnesium levels were significantly higher in expatriates when compared to Bahraini workers. Sunlight-exposed expatriates had significantly higher magnesium levels than their Bahraini counterparts, while there was no significant difference between both ethnicities in the non-exposed groups. Conclusion: Country- and ethnic-specific definitions for vitamin D status and sunlight exposure are recommended. The assessment of magnesium status is pivotal in the overall assessment of vitamin D status.
... According to multiple research projects, VitD3 absorption efficiency ranges between 55% and 99% but is independent of dietary fat amount, while bioavailability is influenced by lipid makeup [20]. Although supplements containing liposomes, microcapsules, or VitD micelles boost vitamin D absorption efficiency, the present study introduces a unique formulation, VitD3-NS, utilizing nano-complexation with cyclodextrins (CDs) to enhance bioavailability. ...
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Vitamin D3 (VitD3) plays a crucial role in various cellular functions through its receptor interaction. The biological activity of Vitamin D3 can vary based on its solubility and stability. Thus, the challenge lies in maximizing its biological effects through its complexation within cyclodextrin (βNS-CDI 1:4) nanosponges (NS) (defined as VitD3NS). Therefore, its activity has been evaluated on two different gut–brain axes (healthy gut/degenerative brain and inflammatory bowel syndrome gut/degenerative brain axis). At the gut level, VitD3-NS mitigated liposaccharide-induced damage (100 ng/mL; for 48 h), restoring viability, integrity, and activity of tight junctions and reducing ROS production, lipid peroxidation, and cytokines levels. Following intestinal transit, VitD3-NS improved the neurodegenerative condition in the healthy axis and the IBS model, suggesting the ability of VitD3-NS to preserve efficacy and beneficial effects even in IBS conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the ability of this novel form of VitD3, named VitD3-NS, to act on the gut–brain axis in healthy and damaged conditions, emphasizing enhanced biological activity through VitD3 complexation, as such complexation increases the beneficial effect of vitamin D3 in both the gut and brain by about 50%.
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Depression is a major global health concern expected to worsen by 2030. In 2019, 28 million individuals were affected by depressive disorders. Dietary and supplemental vitamins show overall favorable preventative and therapeutic effects on depression. B vitamins are crucial for neurological function and mood regulation. Deficiencies in these vitamins are linked to depression. Studies on individual B vitamins show promise in improving depressive symptoms, particularly thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. Vitamin C deficiency may heighten depressive symptoms, but its exact role is not fully understood. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is associated with insufficient sunlight exposure and vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplementation for SAD shows inconsistent results due to methodological variations. Further investigation is needed to understand the mechanisms of vitamins in depression treatment. Moreover, more research on SAD and light therapy’s efficacy and underlying mechanisms involving photoreceptors, enzymes, and immune markers is needed. Although dietary and supplemental vitamins show overall favorable preventative and therapeutic effects on depression, dietitians treating psychiatric disorders face challenges due to diverse study designs, making direct comparisons difficult. Therefore, this article reviews the current literature to assess the role of dietary and supplemental vitamins in the prevention and treatment of depression. This review found that, although evidence supports the role of B vitamins and vitamins C and D in preventing and treating depression, further research is needed to clarify their mechanisms of action and determine the most effective intervention strategies.
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Much of nutrition research has been conventionally based on the use of simplistic in vitro systems or animal models, which have been extensively employed in an effort to better understand the relationships between diet and complex diseases as well as to evaluate food safety. Although these models have undeniably contributed to increase our mechanistic understanding of basic biological processes, they do not adequately model complex human physiopathological phenomena, creating concerns about the translatability to humans. During the last decade, extraordinary advancement in stem cell culturing, three‐dimensional cell cultures, sequencing technologies, and computer science has occurred, which has originated a wealth of novel human‐based and more physiologically relevant tools. These tools, also known as “new approach methodologies,” which comprise patient‐derived organoids, organs‐on‐chip, multi‐omics approach, along with computational models and analysis, represent innovative and exciting tools to forward nutrition research from a human‐biology‐oriented perspective. After considering some shortcomings of conventional in vitro and vivo approaches, here we describe the main novel available and emerging tools that are appropriate for designing a more human‐relevant nutrition research. Our aim is to encourage discussion on the opportunity to explore innovative paths in nutrition research and to promote a paradigm‐change toward a more human biology‐focused approach to better understand human nutritional pathophysiology, to evaluate novel food products, and to develop more effective targeted preventive or therapeutic strategies while helping in reducing the number and replacing animals employed in nutrition research.
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Nutrients usually act in a coordinated manner in the body. Intestinal absorption and subsequent metabolism of a particular nutrient, to a certain extent, is dependent on the availability of other nutrients. Magnesium and vitamin D are 2 essential nutrients that are necessary for the physiologic functions of various organs. Magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D, which helps regulate calcium and phosphate homeostasis to influence the growth and maintenance of bones. All of the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D seem to require magnesium, which acts as a cofactor in the enzymatic reactions in the liver and kidneys. Deficiency in either of these nutrients is reported to be associated with various disorders, such as skeletal deformities, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome. It is therefore essential to ensure that the recommended amount of magnesium is consumed to obtain the optimal benefits of vitamin D.
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A negative association between blood lead and vitamin D concentrations has been reported, however, experimental data on the effect of lead (Pb) on vitamin D metabolism is scarce. We investigated the effects of Pb on serum vitamin D metabolites, vitamin D activating enzymes and vitamin D receptor (VDR) in rats. Newborn Wistar rat pups were exposed to 0.2% Pb-acetate via their dams' drinking water from post-natal day (PND) 1 to 21 and directly in drinking water until PND30. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was analyzed with LC-MS/MS and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D with an immunoassay. Tissue expression of vitamin D activating enzymes and VDR were measured by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was significantly decreased at both PND21 and PND30, whereas 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D was decreased (p< 0.05) only at PND21 in the Pb-exposed rats. Expression of renal 1-α-hydroxylase was decreased by Pb only at PND21 (p< 0.05) but the brain 1-α-hydroxylase was not affected. Hepatic 25-hydroxylase expression was significantly decreased at PND21 but significantly increased at PND30 by Pb exposure. VDR expression in the brain was increased at both PND21 and PND30 (p< 0.05). These results suggest that Pb interferes with vitamin D metabolism by affecting the expression of its metabolizing enzymes.
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Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is a global health issue that afflicts more than one billion children and adults worldwide. The consequences of vitamin D deficiency cannot be under estimated. There has been an association of vitamin D deficiency with a myriad of acute and chronic illnesses including preeclampsia, childhood dental caries, periodontitis, autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, deadly cancers, type 2 diabetes and neurological disorders. This review is to put into perspective the controversy surrounding the definition for vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency as well as providing guidance for how to treat and prevent vitamin D deficiency.
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O. stamineus is a medicinal herb with remarkable pharmacological properties. However, poor solubility of the active principles limits its medicinal value. This study sought to prepare nano liposomes of OS ethanolic extract in unpurified soybean phospholipids in order to improve its solubility and permeability. OS liposomes were prepared by the conventional film method, and were characterized for solubility, entrapment efficiency, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), particle size and zeta potential, release, absorption in everted rat intestinal sacs, and DPPH scavenging effect. OS liposomes showed substantial enhancement of extract's solubility from 956 +/- 34 to 3979 +/- 139 mug/ml, with entrapment efficiency of 66.2 +/- 0.9%. FTIR study indicates interaction between soybean phospholipids and OS extract. TEM and dynamic light scattering showed presence of round anionic nano liposomes with particle size and zeta potential of 152.5 +/- 1.1 nm and -49.8 +/- 1.0 mV, respectively. A study using the fluorescent probe pyrene showed the critical micellar concentration is 9.2 +/- 2.9 mug/ml. Release studies showed 94 +/- 0.1% release in non-formulated extract and 62.4 +/- 0.1% in OS liposomes. Released extract from OS liposomes showed improvement in DPPH scavenging effect, IC50 = 23.5 +/- 1.1 mug/ml compared to 32.4 +/- 0.5 mug/ml in non-formulated extract. OS liposomes were stable at pH 5.5 and 7.4, but showed reversible agglomeration at pH 1.6. Absorption in everted rat intestinal sacs showed substantial improvement in permeability of 3[prime]-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 4[prime][prime]-tetramethoxyflavone, sinensetin, eupatorin, and 3 other unknown compounds. Enhanced solubility, absorption and antioxidant effect may improve the overall pharmacological effects and medicinal value of OS ethanolic extract.
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Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin that has been produced on this earth for more than 500 million years. During exposure to sunlight 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin absorbs UV B radiation and is converted to previtamin D3 which in turn isomerizes into vitamin D3. Previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 also absorb UV B radiation and are converted into a variety of photoproducts some of which have unique biologic properties. Sun induced vitamin D synthesis is greatly influenced by season, time of day, latitude, altitude, air pollution, skin pigmentation, sunscreen use, passing through glass and plastic, and aging. Vitamin D is metabolized sequentially in the liver and kidneys into 25-hydroxyvitamin D which is a major circulating form and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D which is the biologically active form respectively. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D plays an important role in regulating calcium and phosphate metabolism for maintenance of metabolic functions and for skeletal health. Most cells and organs in the body have a vitamin D receptor and many cells and organs are able to produce 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. As a result 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D influences a large number of biologic pathways which may help explain association studies relating vitamin D deficiency and living at higher latitudes with increased risk for many chronic diseases including autoimmune diseases, some cancers, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes. A three-part strategy of increasing food fortification programs with vitamin D, sensible sun exposure recommendations and encouraging ingestion of a vitamin D supplement when needed should be implemented to prevent global vitamin D deficiency and its negative health consequences.
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Humans derive most vitamin D from the action of sunlight in their skin. However, in view of the current Western lifestyle with most daily activities taking place indoors, sun exposure is often not sufficient for adequate vitamin D production. For this reason, dietary intake is also of great importance. Animal foodstuffs (e.g., fish, meat, offal, egg, dairy) are the main sources for naturally occurring cholecalciferol (vitamin D-3). This paper therefore aims to provide an up-to-date overview of vitamin D-3 content in various animal foods. The focus lies on the natural vitamin D-3 content because there are many countries in which foods are not regularly fortified with vitamin D. The published data show that the highest values of vitamin D are found in fish and especially in fish liver, but offal also provides considerable amounts of vitamin D. The content in muscle meat is generally much lower. Vitamin D concentrations in egg yolks range between the values for meat and offal. If milk and dairy products are not fortified, they are normally low in vitamin D, with the exception of butter because of its high fat content. However, as recommendations for vitamin D intake have recently been increased considerably, it is difficult to cover the requirements solely by foodstuffs.
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Cremophor EL (CrEL) is a formulation vehicle used for various poorly-water soluble drugs, including the anticancer agent paclitaxel (Taxol). In contrast to earlier reports, CrEL is not an inert vehicle, but exerts a range of biological effects, some of which have important clinical implications. Its use has been associated with severe anaphylactoid hypersensitivity reactions, hyperlipidaemia, abnormal lipoprotein patterns, aggregation of erythrocytes and peripheral neuropathy. The pharmacokinetic behaviour of CrEL is dose-independent, although its clearance is highly influenced by duration of the infusion. This is particularly important since CrEL can affect the disposition of various drugs by changing the unbound drug concentration through micellar encapsulation. In addition, it has been shown that CrEL, as an integral component of paclitaxel chemotherapy, modifies the toxicity profile of certain anticancer agents given concomitantly, by mechanisms other than kinetic interference. A clear understanding of the biological and pharmacological role of CrEL is essential to help oncologists avoid side-effects associated with the use of paclitaxel or other agents using this vehicle. With the present development of various new anticancer agents, it is recommended that alternative formulation approaches should be pursued to allow a better control of the toxicity of the treatment and the pharmacological interactions related to the use of CrEL.
Humans evolved in sunlight and had depended on sunlight for its life giving properties that was appreciated by our early ancestors. However, for more than 40 years the lay press and various medical and dermatology associations have denounced sun exposure because of its association with increased risk for skin cancer. The goal of this review is to put into perspective the many health benefits that have been associated with exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet A (UVA) ultraviolet B (UVB), visible and infrared radiation. Copyright© 2016 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.
The oral route of drug administration is most preferred due to its ease of use, low cost, and high patient compliance. However, the oral uptake of many small molecule drugs and biotherapeutics is limited by various physiological barriers, and, as a result, drugs suffer from issues with low solubility, low permeability, and degradation following oral administration. The flexibility of micro- and nanofabrication techniques has been used to create drug delivery platforms designed to address these barriers to oral drug uptake. Specifically, micro/nanofabricated devices have been designed with planar, asymmetric geometries to promote device adhesion and unidirectional drug release toward epithelial tissue, thereby prolonging drug exposure and increasing drug permeation. Furthermore, surface functionalization, nanotopography, responsive drug release, motion-based responses, and permeation enhancers have been incorporated into such platforms to further enhance drug uptake. This review will outline the application of micro/nanotechnology to specifically address the physiological barriers to oral drug delivery and highlight technologies that may be incorporated into these oral drug delivery systems to further enhance drug uptake. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.