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Hans-Ingo Radatz (Hannover) Sprachliches Selbstverständnis und sprachliche Realität: ein soziolinguistisches Experiment zum Gebrauch balearischer Artikel



The Majorcan variety of spoken Catalan is different from the rest of the Catalan dialects, among other things in the area of the so-called articles salats ('salted articles'), derived from Latin IPSE. These articles constitute for most Majorcans the most important distinguishing feature of their dialect and are therefore perceived as a symbol of Majorcan linguistic identity, which many islanders see as equally threatened by Castilian as by standard Catalan. Their emotional connotations make them a very interesting sociolinguistic parameter because their use is governed by a set of subtle semantic rules. The Majorcan article-system has two subsystems of exceptions: a) after the preposition amb, the allomorph so(s) of the masculine article is used, and b) there is a group of nouns, which are traditionally incompatible with with the IPSE-article and always require the literary article, even in the spoken dialect.The experiment concentrates on the two rules of exception, which, due to their complexity, are easily affected by various extra-linguistic factors and lead to variation which may be interpreted as signs of "linguistic insecurity". The experiment consists of a part in which the 7 informants translate a questionnaire with 22 Spanish sentences into Majorcan and a second part, in which they have to answer questions of a sociological nature. The treatment of the exceptions is then compared with the language of Antoni Maria Alcover's folk-tales Rondaies Mallorquines, calculating the individual degree of deviation of each informant from Alcover's usage. In the individual studies of each informant, the possible relationships between sociological and linguistic factors are analysed.
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Zeic r Katalantik 2 (1989), S. -
     65
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Die Variablen
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       
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cinichei ii eien  n e  lec
oholohe ie einch nich er i e
lieereteer oneichhonoloche
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che ieerecieenen eeer ien  enen
nche eeeen er ien Rondaies Maor-
i nee e e eiriche i  iee nech
n ren er eren noce ie loc
 .
it ien elen chen orntn erce
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itihen neeehr ilohen eiehe 
  ntichen e n e nren eer
ich e  lrnie  eeen  e ie e
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e neeechech
oenichn tn n oen oeleen
nn eeheteeneeene
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eo ne neoch leichzeiti
on en nren neerhh e ene
ie heoinn eei er eeee
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eichen n ooneeteeneen 
n echen nen neiion eoon
leihene che ne enenen
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eeoe h ole ee ieineech o
chen erneen een ooloche oti
nn e eeren e ie en ie
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ooie neie oionn ieie oiche
inenen eon eenie oen en nn
     69
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henheneen een ich  
  
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eeen olcheennenie neeen iien
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hhee on
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eiche roeehtenie en ei en
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oe  hen  tl    c 
nnicitch er otchet ch
n eetenen cen inle ee
ieenen en eeichen
hoeninn n ter nce e
ln ete h einch ne ch  ie
nhl eichen ien nich ocnnen
inee oneen ece ie cenich
eoch nehlcie ile ch
e eeneniheennenn ihen
telech  e ch  e h lniche
iinieehentce nie eeinen te
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Auswertung der Daten
  
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   
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 » 
     
          
      » 
 
     
      
 
  
     
      
  
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» 
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    
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 
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   
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         
 
      
    
         
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          
       
  
        
    
   
 
      
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 
  
      
   
   
       
         
 
  
        
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 
  el 
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The paper will focus on the Balearic Islands, the autonomous community of Spain, located in the western Mediterranean Sea. The focus is placed not only on the demography and the linguistic situation but primarily on the linguistic politics and the language legislation of this territory. The Balearic Islands have the same political autonomy as the other Autonomous Communities of Spain which, however, use it far less than the other communities. Catalan is not for local inhabitants, who do not feel a strong belonging to the Catalan speaking world, so an essential part of identity as for the inhabitants of Catalonia and therefore the linguistic question for the local politicians is not such a priority as for the politicians in Catalonia. Even the sense of identity on the Islands is less intense than in Catalonia or the Basque Country, thanks to the migration from the different parts of Spain and from abroad. Despite the emancipation efforts, which we can observe even in other parts of Spain, Catalan on the Balearic Islands, due to the reasons mentioned above contrary to Catalonia, does not have any chance to resist Spanish or even to overpower it.
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L'estudi comença alertant de la progressiva desaparició dels dialectes i del "fenomen de la dialectalitat en si", cosa que, diu, és prou transcendent com per convertir la dialectologia moderna en "una teoria que descrigui i expliqui el procés de desintegració dels seu propi objecte". Acte seguit, Hans-Ingo Radatz aborda el cas específic de l'illa de Mallorca, particularment rellevant, atès que "ha passat d'un extrem a l'altre de manera dràstica i en molt poc temps". Aquests extrems (la Mallorca preturística i Mallorca moderna) són tractats per separat i contrastats. Pel que fa a la Mallorca preturística i preindustrial, d'abans dels anys cinquanta, l'autor destaca la presència molt menor de l'espanyol a l'illa, caracteritzada per una majoria de població rural analfabeta i monolingüe catalanoparlant. Es tractava, a més, seguint les teories de Max Wheeler, d'una societat tancada. Radatz aprofundeix, després, en les característiques de la societat mallorquina moderna, i exposa les conseqüències de la desdialectalització, tant pel que fa a les convergències amb el castellà o amb el català estàndards com als desenvolupaments interns que no corresponen a cap d'aquests dos casos. Són objecte d'anàlisi un bon nombre de variacions morfològiques i fonètiques.
Aplec de Rondaies Mallorquines
  • A M Alcover
Alcover, A. M.: Aplec de Rondaies Mallorquines, Band 17, Palma de Mallorca: Moll, 4 1983.
Gramatica Catalana (referida especialment a les Illes s Balears )
  • F Moll
  • B De
Moll, F. de B.: Gramatica Catalana (referida especialment a les Illes s Balears ), Palma de Mallorca: Moll, 1982.
Polemica d'En Pep Gonella
  • F Moll
  • B De
Moll, F. de B.: Polemica d'En Pep Gonella, Palma de Mallorca: Moll, 1972 («Les Illes d'Or»; 104).
Els Parlars Catalans
  • J Veny
Veny, J.: Els Parlars Catalans, Palma de Mallorca: Moll, 6 1986. Anhang 1
en el bar «Es Fonoi», me encontre.con el cuiiado [1] (amb so cunyat/amb es cunyat) de Margarita
  • Ayer
Ayer, en el bar «Es Fonoi», me encontre.con el cuiiado [1] (amb so cunyat/amb es cunyat) de Margarita.