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Proposal for a time-based standard sampling method for the monitoring of Gomphus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825) and Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785) (Odonata: Gomphidae)

  • Centro Nazionale Carabinieri Biodiversità "Bosco Fontana"

Abstract and Figures

Monitoring of conservation status is an obligation arising from Article 11 of the Habitats Directive for all species of community interest. However, the development of monitoring methods for invertebrate species has received relatively little attention. Gomphus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825) and Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785) are two dragonfly species, listed in the annexes of the Habitats Directive, which suffered severe declines in the last century and have since recovered. Methods for the monitoring of these two gomphids have been proposed, but these have not been extensively tested and no abundance classes have been proposed for the evaluation of the conservation status of these species. A time-based standard sampling method is proposed for both species and results from numerous sites in Lombardy, northern Italy, are presented. Applying the standard method revealed that it is common for rivers that high water levels preclude sampling of exuviae through the summer and it is better to allow for two seasons when planning the monitoring. A further result is the fact that it was not always possible to sample the same stretches as the dynamic nature of the rivers and fluctuations in water level lead to some river banks becoming unsuitable for sampling during some visits. In these cases the time-based approach was advantageous, as the method did not need to be modified in response to the original bank section becoming unsuitable.
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Fragmenta entomologica, 51 (1): 55-62 (2019)
Research article
Submitted: November 20th, 2018 - Accepted: May 2nd, 2019 - Published: May 31st, 2019
Proposal for a time-based standard sampling method for the monitoring
of Gomphus avipes (Charpentier, 1825) and Ophiogomphus cecilia
(Fourcroy, 1785)
(Odonata: Gomphidae)
Sönke HARDERSEN 1, Ilaria TONI 1,*
1 Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana” Carabinieri - Strada Mantova 29,
I-46045 Marmirolo (MN), Italy -;
* Corresponding author
Monitoring of conservation status is an obligation arising from Article 11 of the Habitats Directive for all species of community inter-
est. However, the development of monitoring methods for invertebrate species has received relatively little attention. Gomphus avipes
(Charpentier, 1825) and Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785) are two dragony species, listed in the annexes of the Habitats Direc-
tive, which suffered severe declines in the last century and have since recovered. Methods for the monitoring of these two gomphids
have been proposed, but these have not been extensively tested and no abundance classes have been proposed for the evaluation of the
conservation status of these species. A time-based standard sampling method is proposed for both species and results from numerous
sites in Lombardy, northern Italy, are presented. Applying the standard method revealed that it is common for rivers that high water lev-
els preclude sampling of exuviae through the summer and it is better to allow for two seasons when planning the monitoring. A further
result is the fact that it was not always possible to sample the same stretches as the dynamic nature of the rivers and uctuations in water
level lead to some river banks becoming unsuitable for sampling during some visits. In these cases the time-based approach was advan-
tageous, as the method did not need to be modied in response to the original bank section becoming unsuitable.
Key words: Dragony, monitoring protocol, exuviae, Habitats Directive, Gomphidae, Italy.
Halting the loss of biodiversity is probably the most im-
portant challenge in nature conservation. The recognition
that the threat to species and ecosystems has never been so
great as today has led to the convention on biological di-
versity (Rio de Janeiro, 5 June 1992). As a response many
national authorities developed biodiversity action plans
and improved the monitoring of biodiversity. However,
invertebrates are mostly under-represented in internation-
al conservation measures and have largely been neglect-
ed in the literature on conservation (Clark & May 2002;
Zamin et al. 2010; Cardoso 2012), even if they dominate
among organisms in terms of richness, abundance and of-
ten biomass (Cardoso et al. 2011). This bias is also reect-
ed in the Habitats Directive (European Union 1992), as its
lists of the protected species contain few arthropod species
(Haslett 2007; Cardoso 2012).
Monitoring of conservation status is an obligation aris-
ing from Article 11 of the Habitats Directive for all species
of community interest and this provision is not restricted to
Natura 2000 sites. Even though monitoring is compulsory,
the development of methods for invertebrate species has
received little attention and currently well tested methods
are available only for few species (e.g. Svensson & Lars-
son 2008; Campanaro et al. 2016; Hardersen et al. 2017).
Monitoring is critically essential to determine the extent
to which protected areas are effective in conserving biodi-
versity (Rao & Ginsberg 2010). As the overall objective of
the Habitats Directive is to achieve and maintain favorable
conservation status for all habitats and species of commu-
nity interest, monitoring must lead to a clear picture of the
actual conservation status and its trends on various levels
and the information on biodiversity, collected locally, is
needed to report trends at local, national or international
scales and to support policies at all these scales (Mace et
al. 2005).
Gomphus avipes (Charpentier, 1825) and Ophiogom-
phus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785), both listed in the annexes of
the Habitats Directive, suffered a severe decline in the last
century and have both recovered since the 1990s (Bou-
dot & Kalkman 2015) and this also applies to Italy, where
these species are currently categorized as “least concern”
in terms of extinction risk (Riservato et al. 2014). The
eISSN: 2284-4880 (online version)
pISSN: 0429-288X (print version)
Hardersen & Toni
knowledge on recovery and expansion of these two spe-
cies is mainly based on distributional data, but has not been
documented by monitoring single sites and it is often not
clear if newly discovered populations have been found-
ed recently or had been previously overlooked (Schiel &
Hunger 2006; Ketelaar 2010; Westermann 2011; Boudot
& Kalkman 2015). A number of methods for the monitor-
ing of these two gomphids have been proposed (Schnit-
ter et al. 2006; Trizzino et al. 2013; Janák et al. 2015) and
all of these are based on the collection of exuviae, as it is
well known that for gomphids exuviae are more observ-
able than adults (Hardersen 2008; Hunt et al. 2010). Ad-
ditionally, only exuviae in situ constitute completely de-
pendable evidence that larval development has been com-
pleted successfully (Corbet 1993). However, none of the
above methods proposed for the monitoring of G. avipes
and O. cecilia has been extensively tested. Such testing
seems particularly important for river systems, where it
is common that high water levels make sampling of exu-
viae during some parts of the summer impossible (Hunt et
al. 2010; Farkas et al. 2012; Janák et al. 2015). Addition-
ally, our experience has shown that the dynamic nature
and large uctuations in water level of the Italian river
systems often leads to river sections, which were initially
suitable for sampling of exuviae, can become unsuitable
only some weeks later. A further problem is that there are
currently no accepted criteria to class populations in the
three levels of conservation status recognized by the Habi-
tats Directive.
The aims of our study was to contribute to the devel-
opment of a standard method for the monitoring of the
two dragonies G. avipes and O. cecilia; in particular the
aims of this study were: 1. to test the practicability of a
time-based standard method in numerous sites. 2. to pro-
pose thresholds for three classes of abundance based on
the data gathered.
Material and Methods
Study sites
The monitoring of the two species (G. avipes and O. ce-
cilia) by means of collecting exuviae was carried out at
13 sites located in the Lombardy region. For all locations
we report identication number (id), site name, province,
geographic coordinates and dates of monitoring (Tables 1
& 2).
Seven sites were located on the river Po, three sites
on the river Oglio, and one site each on the river Terdop-
pio, the river Adda, and on the articial channel “Naviglio
Langosco” (Fig. 1).
The monitoring method for G. avipes was applied in
11 sites (located on rivers: Po, Oglio, Adda, Terdoppio,
Naviglio Langosco) and the monitoring method for Ophi-
ogomphus cecilia was applied in 6 sites (located on rivers:
Oglio, Adda, Terdoppio, Naviglio Langosco). The sites
were chosen on the basis of prior knowledge on the pres-
ence of the two species.
In this study we applied a time-based sampling meth-
od, as the dynamic nature of Italian river systems can lead
to river sections, initially suitable for sampling of exuviae,
becoming unsuitable only some weeks later. Therefore the
methods standardize the time to be employed in river sec-
tions suitable for sampling, rather than the length of the
section (cf. Schnitter et al. 2006; Trizzino et al. 2013; Janák
et al. 2015). A section suitable for sampling was dened as
a river bank with an angle between 10° and 45° and with
the bank substrate exposed (not covered by leaves, etc.).
Shallow banks and sandbanks (< 10°) were excluded be-
cause exuviae tent not to accumulate here as any rise or
fall in water level leads to large changes in the position
of the shoreline (pers. obs.). Banks steeper than 45° were
too steep to sample exuviae safely. This denition of suit-
able sites is not applicable to the articial channel “Nav-
iglio Langosco”, which has vertical concrete walls, and is
always suitable for sampling on its entire length. Particu-
lar attention was paid to the hydrological situation of the
rivers to be sampled and we selected days during which
the water level was expected to be stable or falling and we
avoided days directly after abundant rainfall.
Exuviae were collected in the years 2011 to 2015 (Ta-
bles 1 & 2) by searching and collecting all exuviae found
in the rst meters of riverbanks (about 2-4 meters from the
shore), while walking slowly for 30 minutes in the same
direction. If non-suitable areas (e.g. sandbanks, steep and
slippery banks, overhanging or fallen trees, banks cov-
ered by leaves) (Fig. 2) were encountered, the timer was
stopped and once a new stretch of riverbank suitable for
sampling had been reached, the timer was re-started. Eve-
ry site was visited at least 5 times, with intervals as evenly
distributed as possible, between 23.V. to 03.VIII. (G. a-
vipes) and 12.VI. to 24.VIII. (O. cecilia).
All exuviae were collected in plastic jars, later air
dried and determined using Carchini (1983) and Gerken &
Sternberg (1999). All exuviae are deposited in the collec-
tion of the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazi-
one della Biodiversità Forestale Carabinieri “Bosco Fon-
tana”, Marmirolo, Mantova – Italy.
During the study we collected a total of 1176 exuviae of G.
avipes (11 samping sites) and 79 exuviae of O. cecilia (6
sampling sites) (Tables 3 & 4) with average numbers per
site being 106 exuviae for G. avipes and 13 for O. cecil-
ia. The rivers Adda, Oglio (Gazzuolo), Po, and Terdoppio
ooded during the study and therefore it was impossible
to respect the initial sampling scheme in one year and the
samplings for these sites were completed during the fol-
sampling method for the monitoring of Odonata
lowing year. The highest number of exuviae found in 30
minutes was 97 for G. avipes (08.VI.2015, Po, Motteggi-
ana) and 22 for O. cecilia (19.VI.2012, Terdoppio, Pieve
The eld work revealed that a method based on a pre-
dened stretch of river bank would have led to practical
problems, as in a number of sites the stretch initially sam-
pled were not suitable later during the year. For example
in the site Motteggiana (Po) on 28.VII.2015 approximately
half of the river bank was occupied by a large sand bank,
which had emerged due to low water level. On the same
day the entire riverbank of the site Ostiglia (Po) was cov-
ered by a dense layer of fallen leaves (Figure 2), which
were absent only some hundred meters downstream. In
cases when the sampling could be effected without en-
countering unsuitable stretches we estimated that we sam-
pled river bank sections between 130 and 190 m in length
in 30 minutes.
The results of the eldwork were used to calculate the
abundances of the two species at the sites investigated.
First the lowest count was removed, as proposed for other
insect species (Trizzino et al. 2013; Hardersen et al. 2017).
This should allow to eliminate eventual outlier and to re-
duce the variability of the nal value. The remaining four
Table 1 – Sites in the Lombardy region (Italy) where Gomphus avipes was monitored by means of collecting exuviae (years 2011 to
Table 2 – Sites in the Lombardy region (Italy) where Ophiogomphus cecilia was monitored by means of collecting exuviae (years 2011
to 2013).
Site name
Site name
River: Adda
River: Oglio
River: Terdoppio
Articial channel: Naviglio Langosco
River: Po
River: Adda
River: Oglio
River: Terdoppio
Articial channel: Naviglio Langosco
Pieve Albignola
Cava Manara
Senna Lodigiana
Stagno Lombardo
San Michele
Canneto sull’Oglio
Pieve Albignola
32T 560703 5005880
32T 625782 4989516
32T 497107 4996812
32T 488051 5005460
32T 510714 4995736
32T 543549 4997721
32T 582256 4991506
32T 615616 4976989
32T 638616 4989328
32T 670427 4990419
32T 686314 4983398
32T 560703 5005880
32T 623654 4996132
32T 608993 4999915
32T 625782 4989516
32T 497107 4996812
32T 488051 5005460
Hardersen & Toni
values were used to calculate the average number of exuvi-
ae collected in each session. Based on these values classes
of abundance are proposed (Table 5).
The time-based sampling of exuviae, repeated ve times,
allowed for the collection of a large number of exuviae of
G. avipes and O. cecilia in the selected sites. It is com-
mon for rivers that high water levels preclude sampling
of exuviae during some parts of the summer (Hunt et al.
2010; Farkas et al. 2012; Janák et al. 2015). Also during
this study some rivers ooded, which made it impossible
to respect the initial sampling scheme. Thus, one impor-
tant outcome of this study is that it was not possible to col-
lect exuviae during ve evenly spaced sampling sessions
in 10-11 weeks in a single year in all sites. We therefore
suggest to allow for two seasons when planning the stand-
ardized sampling of G. avipes and O. cecilia. A further
important result is the fact that it was not always possible
to sample the same stretches of the single sites as the dy-
namic nature of the rivers and uctuations in water lev-
el lead to some river banks becoming unsuitable for sam-
pling during some visits. In these cases the time-based ap-
proach was advantageous, as the methods did not need to
be modied in response to the original bank section be-
coming unsuitable. The above two points were revealed
because we attempted to apply the standard methods over
a number of years in numerous sites. Only this “testing” of
the method allowed to evaluate its practicability, to iden-
tify shortcomings and to propose improvements. Similar-
ly, Campanaro et al. (2017) found that not all monitoring
methods tested for the cerambycid beetle Rosalia alpina
Fig. 2 – On 28.VII.2015 the riverbank of the site Ostiglia (Po)
was covered by a dense layer of fallen leaves and rendered this
site unsuitable for sampling exuviae.
Fig. 1 – Sites in Lombardy region (Italy) where the monitoring of Gomphus avipes (squares) and Ophiogomphus cecilia (triangles) was
carried out between 2011 and 2015 (1 = Pizzighettone; 2 = Gazzuolo; 3 = Pieve Albignola; 4 = Tromello; 5 = Cava Manara; 6 = Senna
Lodigiana; 7 = Stagno Lombardo; 8 = Viadana; 9 = Motteggiana; 10 = Ostiglia; 11 = Felonica).
sampling method for the monitoring of Odonata
Table 3 – Number of G. avipes exuviae collected during 5 monitoring sessions carried out in the Lombardy region (Italy) years 2011
to 2015.
Table 4 – Number of O. cecilia exuviae collected during 5 monitoring sessions carried out in the Lombardy region (Italy) years 2011
to 2013.
Session 1
Session 1
Session 2
Session 2
Session 3
Session 3
Session 4
Session 4
Session 4
Session 4
Site name
Site name
Cava Manara
Senna Lodigiana
Stagno Lombardo
Pieve Albignola
Naviglio Langosco
San Michele
Canneto Sull’Oglio
Naviglio Langosco
Pieve Albignola
Table 5Proposed classes of abundance based on the average number of exuviae collected in 30 minutes during the four collections
with the highest counts.
Population size Abundant Frequent Rare
Gomphus avipes
Ophiogomphus cecilia
> 30
> 6
> 3-30
> 1-6
were applicable in all sites. These two examples underline
the importance of testing monitoring methods thoroughly
before publishing them.
The periods during which the exuviae were sampled
seem appropriate, as the lowest numbers of exuviae sam-
pled were the sessions 1 and 5 for both species and peak
emergence is likely to occur in the center of the periods
chosen. Farkas et al. (2012) and Horváth (2012) reported
peak emergence for G. avipes in June, whereas Müller
(1995) reported a peak in June and July, with considerable
variation between years. This is in keeping with our data,
which showed the highest number of exuviae collected in
Hardersen & Toni
July. Müller (1995) and Farkas et al. (2012) reported peak
emergence for O. cecilia in late May-early June, which is
in contrast with our nding as we found high numbers on-
ly from late July onwards. Also Boudot & Kalkman (2015)
indicated that the ight period for O. cecilia is later than
that of G. avipes and Torralba-Burrial et al. (2012) sug-
gested for Spain that the best time period for sampling exu-
viae of O. cecilia is 23.05 to 30.07. When considering the
best sampling period for G. avipes and O. cecilia it is im-
portant to realize that the emergence period of these spe-
cies can vary substantially between years (Müller 1995)
and any standard method necessarily needs to allow for
such variability. On the basis of our results we suggest for
Northern Italy to carry out the monitoring for the two spe-
cies during the following periods: G. avipes from 30.05 to
30.07 and O. cecilia from 15.06 to 15.08. Our suggestion
conrm the period advanced by Trizzino et al. (2013) for
O. cecilia, and slightly changes the period for G. avipes.
As the overall objective of the Habitats Directive is
to achieve and maintain favorable conservation status for
habitats and species of community interest, monitoring
must lead to a clear picture of the actual conservation sta-
tus. It is therefore necessary to repeat the monitoring at
regular intervals and to evaluate population size of the spe-
cies at numerous sites. The information on biodiversity,
collected locally, is needed to report trends at local, na-
tional or international scales and to support policies at all
these scales (Mace et al. 2005). To facilitate classication
of population size and conservation status of local popu-
lations it is necessary to provide quantitative classes. The
classes proposed here are based on the average number of
exuviae sampled during the four collections with the high-
est numbers of exuviae (Table 5). The collection with the
lowest number is not considered, in an attempt to reduce
variability of the data, following Trizzino et al. (2013). We
emphasize that the proposed abundance classes are a rst
proposal. It is clear that they are based on monitoring a
limited number of sites during a few years and that they
will probably modied in the future when more monitor-
ing data become available. Data collected over a 6-year
period at the river Oder (Germany) showed that abundanc-
es of exuviae of G. avipes and O. cecilia varied up to
83% and 57% between consecutive years (Müller 1995).
Similarly, Farkas et al.. (2012) reported a 2.6 fold differ-
ence in the number of G. avipes exuviae collected over
a period of ve years in Hungary. Thus it is important to
allow for natural uctuations in population sizes when
evaluating the conservation status of a species. Moreover,
it seems likely that abundance classes vary also in other
geographical areas. Even given the above limitations, the
abundance classes proposed here should be useful for fu-
ture comparisons.
Even if the different methods employed do not allow
for a direct comparison, it is clear that the highest aver-
age number of exuviae found in 30 minutes (G. avipes:
60,25 (Po, Motteggiana) and O. cecilia: 12 (Terdoppio,
Pieve Albignola)) are indicative of abundant populations
as often densities of exuviae of these two species are much
lower (Schiel & Hunger 2006; Kolozsvári et al. 2015).
Certainly, not all sites where these species reproduce can
reasonably be expected to host abundant populations. One
reason is that species also reproduce in sub-optimal habi-
tats, where densities are bound to be lower. The other rea-
son is that wider rivers offer more area for larval habitats
than smaller, narrower rivers and therefore exuvial den-
sities are expected to be higher along the shore (DuBois
2015). Thus, width of the river stretch sampled and habitat
suitability need to be considered when evaluating the con-
servation status of local populations.
A further important point to consider is that densi-
ties of gomphid larvae vary locally in streams (Foidl et
al. 1993, Müller 1995, Suhling & Müller 1996, DuBois &
Smith 2016) and emergence occurs in the vicinity of lar-
val habitats (DuBois & Smith 2016). Thus, also exuviae
are unlikely to be distributed evenly along the river bank
(cfr. Müller 1995). The time-based sampling of exuviae,
proposed here, which often leaves some river-stretches un-
sampled, might result in bank-sections with exuviae to be
excluded. However, we think that this is not an important
shortcoming of the proposed method. One reason is that
some of the excluded sites, such as very steep sections,
are impossible to sample from the river bank and this also
applies to the methods proposed by Schnitter et al. (2006)
and Trizzino et al. (2013) even if the authors don’t mention
this fact. In contrast Janák et al. (2015) acknowledges the
difculties of sampling exuviae on rivers with steep, slip-
pery banks. A further point to consider is, that normally
the river sections excluded are small in comparison with
the total stretch sampled (not more than the 10% of the
total length of the transect) and in some cases no stretch-
es were excluded. Additionally, larvae of gomphids, such
as G. avipes and O. cecilia live buried in the sediment, a
behavior which reduces drift (Suhling and Müller 1996).
This has been experimentally conrmed by DuBois &
Smith (2016), who showed for Ophiogomphus rupinsulen-
sis that 97% of exuviae moved less than 60 m from their
larval habitat. It seems thus likely that a total length of 130
m to 190 m of river bank should provide a stretch long
enough to represent the larvae present locally.
We advocate to apply the proposed monitoring to doc-
ument long term trends in local population sizes, prefer-
ably investigating more sites in the selected river reaches.
Combining the long term trends of many sites, it will be
possible to evaluate changes in the conservation status of
G. avipes and O. cecilia , also at the regional and nation-
al level. Both species suffered a severe decline in the last
century, recovered since the 1990s (Boudot & Kalkman
2015) and today are protected by the Habitats Directive. It
is to be hoped that these species will not again suffer simi-
lar declines in the future. Monitoring populations, as im-
posed by the Habitats Directive, should enable us to detect
early warning signs and to act quickly. The methods pro-
sampling method for the monitoring of Odonata
posed are intended to provide a methodological basis for
successful long term monitoring.
Densities of exuviae of O. cecilia were generally low-
er than those of G. avipes and the former species is less
common in the Po Plains. It was thus a positive surprise
that exuviae of O. cecilia were found (in low numbers) in
six of the seven sites chosen for the monitoring of G. a-
vipes along the river Po. The highest number of exuviae of
O. cecilia was found at Cava Manara (14) while the only
site without exuviae of this species was Stagno Lombardo.
It thus seems that O. cecilia is present in more rivers in
northern Italy than currently acknowledged and it would
be important to intensify surveys to map the current distri-
bution of this protected species in Italy. This certainly, also
applies to G. avipes.
Acknowledgments – Part of the research was funded by the Ob-
servatory for Biodiversity of the region Lombardy. We thank Ga-
briele Gheza for providing the data for Naviglio Langosco and
Gianandrea La Porta for critical comments on an earlier version
of the manuscript.
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... They confirmed including exuvia collection is essential to assess riverine communities in north-western Iberian peninsula. We thus took advantage of the increased knowledge on exuviae identification-user-friendly identification keys now available, such as Doucet [32] and Boudot & Grand [33]-and increased interest for exuviae collection as a detection and monitoring tool [22,27,[34][35][36][37][38][39][40] to propose a monitoring protocol based on exuviae collection. We tested this protocol on three rivers in south-western France (Tarn, Lot and Dourdou de Camarès), during which the sampling distance and the number of visits per season were calibrated. ...
... Forty-nines sites were sampled on three rivers in south-western France, in the Occitanie region: twenty-one on the river Lot, twenty-six on the river Tarn, and one on the river Dourdou de Camarès (Figures 1 and 2, Table 1 and Table S1). Presence of reproductive populations of M. splendens, G. graslinii, and O. curtisii in at least some stretches of those three rivers was known prior to sampling [9,40,41]. ...
... They confirmed including exuvia collection is essential to assess riverine communities in north-western Iberian peninsula. We thus took advantage of the increased knowledge on exuviae identification-user-friendly identification keys now available, such as Doucet [32] and Boudot & Grand [33]-and increased interest for exuviae collection as a detection and monitoring tool [22,27,[34][35][36][37][38][39][40] to propose a monitoring protocol based on exuviae collection. ...
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Collecting quantitative data on insect species occurrence and abundance is a major concern to document population trends. This is especially the case to assess the conservation status of species listed in the European Habitats Directive and to assess the efficiency of mitigation measures with a view to achieve the “no net loss of biodiversity” goal for protected species. However, at present, populations of riverine dragonflies listed in the Habitats Directive and protected under French national law are poorly quantified and monitored. Exuviae collection could be used for such monitoring but a standardised protocol is lacking. We here proposed and tested such a protocol to monitor riverine dragonfly populations through exhaustive exuviae collection along river bank transects. To define the optimal transect size and number of visits, ninety-eight 100 m-long transects divided into 10 m-long plots were monitored on three rivers in southern France. Each transect was visited three times over the emergence period. In the course of each visit, all the exuviae along transects were collected and identified. From our results, we recommend collecting exuviae along 100 m of river bank in the course of two visits in order to both maximise the species detection and minimise the monitoring cost.
... La specie è, infatti, legata ad ambienti acquatici lotici planiziali e si riproduce in corsi d'acqua, anche artificiali, con fondo sabbioso, generalmente provvisti di vegetazione riparia ben sviluppata (Riservato et al. 2014a). Il periodo di volo si estende tra fine maggio ed ottobre (Dijkstra & Schröter 2020) con un picco di emersione delle larve, almeno in Nord-Italia, in luglio (Hardersen & Toni 2019). ...
... Questo probabilmente è proprio dovuto al fatto che non è mai stata portata avanti una specifica e mirata attività di ricerca nella regione. I casuali rinvenimenti riportarti nel presente lavoro, insieme a quelli noti e sopra discussi, potrebbero, tuttavia, suggerire che in realtà Ophiogomphus cecilia sia più diffusa di quanto noto, come già ipotizzato da Hardersen & Toni (2019). Considerando le relativamente recenti indagini nell'area di segnalazione (Dalla Via & Zanetti 2015), che non hanno portato a rilevare la specie, non si può escludere un possibile recente fenomeno di espansione o dispersione verso Nord, dovuto al cambiamento climatico in atto, come ampiamente dimostrato per molte specie di Odonati (Jaeschke et al. 2013;Termaat et al. 2019). ...
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Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785) is an odonate species widespread in most of central and north-eastern Europe. In Italy, it is found only in the northern regions (mostly in the Po river basin). With this work, we update the informations on the Italian distribution of the species, reporting a new occurence site in Veneto, which represents the new northern range limit for the region. The current distribution in the region is discussed along with some notes on the importance of the new occurrence site, the SPA “Sile: sorgenti, paludi of Morgano and S. Cristina” (SPA IT3240011)
... Emergence sites may not always reflect the exact in-stream location where nymphs developed if they drifted downstream prior to emergence. Ophiogomphus nymphs are burrowers, which might make them less susceptible to drift (Hardersen and Toni 2019), although there is some evidence that O. howei nymphs come out of the substrate and drift with the current, probably late at night and prior to emergence (DuBois and Pratt 2017). Little is known about the frequency and distance involved, but limited data suggest there is not substantial downstream displacement of O. howei via drift (summarized in Gibbs et al. 2004). ...
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Ophiogomphus howei Bromley is a rare North American dragonfly, given a global conservation rank of Vulnerable by NatureServe. This species inhabits localized stretches of a limited number of typically undisturbed, high-quality, forested rivers in two disjunct regions in North America. We describe a new population in between the known ranges from an impaired river in a largely urban watershed in southern Michigan, United States. We also report a previously overlooked specimen from a new location in Pennsylvania, United States, and provide current occurrence and conservation status of the species in North America. Open access:
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Odonata are regarded as “flagship” organisms and good bioindicators, especially in protected areas with freshwaters. Their presence can contribute assess the conservation status of a habitat. Therefore, it is essential to identify the key sites for their preservation as well as variables affecting their presence. In this work we report odonatological data gathered at SPA IT3250035 “Palude le Marice - Cavarzere”, a Natura 2000 Site located along the lower Adige river, and at two neighboring locations, between 2019 and 2022. 17 species have been identified, 4 Zygoptera and 13 Anisoptera, from 7 families and 12 genera. The most frequent and abundant species are Sympetrum sanguineum and Chalcolestes parvidens. Reproductive populations of eight species, including Ophiogompus cecilia and Stylurus flavipes, can be confirmed by observing ovidepositions and neoflickering individuals. We emphasise the importance of the site for the conservation and protection of these two species in Veneto as: (i) protected species listed in the annex II and IV of the Habitat Directive; (ii) site included in the Natura 2000 Network; (iii) the unique reproductive biotope for the region known at present. These considerations may contribute to the implementation of successful management strategies for this site.
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To assess the suitability of a habitat for breeding by odonates, the best strategy is to search for exuviae or final instar larvae. However, due to their low detectability and the difficulty of sampling these stages, most studies in applied ecological research have targeted adult odonates, even though adults may be found in places unsuitable for successful breeding. Here, we tested odonate sampling methods in permanent rivers in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula, focusing on three main objectives: (i) to study the degree of concordance of species lists obtained from sampling larvae, exuviae and adults; (ii) to estimate how long exuviae are available for sampling and how this time affects the results; and (iii) to analyse potential observer biases, due to the different ability of researchers to detect exuviae. We found that the time exuviae remain in place varies with taxon but is generally short (7-8 days), which could lead to under-detection. We also found that adult odonates may be found in parts of the river that have no suitable habitat for their larvae. Furthermore, we were able to find more species as exuviae than by sampling adults or larvae and some taxa, such as gomphids, were difficult to find as adults but exuviae were very commonly observed. We did not find significant differences between observers in their ability to detect and identify exuviae. Altogether, our results suggest that in some systems, recording only adults could lead to inaccurate survey results, making it essential to include exuviae to avoid sampling bias.
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Morimus asper is a morphologically variable longhorn beetle that occurs in large parts of southern and central Europe. Although this saproxylic beetle is widespread in old-growth forests or well-structured woodlands, its populations are currently threatened by forest practices, such as the removal of wood (branches and logs). Morimus funereus is considered a valid species by some authors and is included in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. However, a recent molecular study found that all European and Turkish populations should be referred to a single species, M. asper. In this paper, the monitoring methods proposed for M. asper (sensu lato) in the various European countries are reviewed and the research carried out in Italy, which was aimed at developing guidelines for its monitoring, is presented. The experiments conducted, mainly with log piles built from freshly cut wood, investigated, amongst other things, the importance of wood type, diameter of logs and age of wood for the number of individuals observed. Based on these results and on a literature review, a detailed monitoring method for M. asper is proposed here, together with a discussion on its constraints, spatial validity and possible interferences. In order to facilitate the assessment of the conservation status of populations of M. asper and to allow for comparisons between populations and over time, a method for the calculation of a reference value, based on the monitoring method, is also presented. Copyright Sӧnke Hardersen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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We marked and released 276 F-0 larvae of Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis in the fall of 2008 in a 99-m riffle (marking riffle) of a small, serially discontinuous, northern Wisconsin river (USA). We then recovered marked exuviae via exhaustive collecting on the banks of a 272-m sampling reach in which the marking riffle was located during spring of 2009. We collected 6054 exuviae of O. rupinsulensis along the sampling reach, including 3829 exuviae along the marking riffle (19.3 exuviae m–1). Mark retention was complete and our ability to recover marked exuviae in the field was high (92%). We recovered 38 marked exuviae which provided a minimum estimate of survival (14%) for F-0 larvae from late September to the following June. The density of F-0 larvae in the marking riffle in late September was estimated at 22.6 larvae m–2. Nearly all F-0 larvae made small downstream movements (97% moved < 60 m) at some time during the 36 weeks before emergence, but they did not make substantial longitudinal movements. These results affirmed the premise that locations of found exuviae of O. rupinsulensis along a small river are in close proximity to the habitats where the larvae developed.
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Madhu Rao and Joshua Ginsberg explore the implementation of conservation science in this chapter. Integrating the inputs of decision-makers and local people into scientifically rigorous conservation planning is a critically important aspect of effective conservation implementation. Protected areas represent an essential component of approaches designed to conserve biodiversity. However, given that wildlife, ecological processes and human activities often spill across the boundaries of protected areas, designing strategies aimed at managing protected areas as components of larger human-dominated landscapes will be necessary for successful conservation. Identifying strategies that simultaneously benefit biodiversity conservation and economic development is a challenge that remains at the forefront of applied conservation. Biodiversity use may not be able to alleviate poverty, but may have an important role in sustaining the livelihoods of the poor, and preventing further impoverishment. Strong institutions and good governance are prerequisites for successful conservation interventions. Capacity needs for practical conservation in developing countries occur at many levels from the skills needed for management of natural resources to the compliance requirements of multilateral agreements. Filling gaps in capacity involves a diversity of approaches from on-the-job training of individuals to restructuring academic and professional training programs. Prioritizing capacity needs is vital to a longer-term vision of enabling responsible stewardship of biodiversity. The engagement of local communities in planning and implementation is critical for effective conservation. Carefully designed social marketing approaches have proved to be successful in capturing the interest of local people while achieving conservation goals.Monitoring is a central tenet of good conservation management. Conflicts between the scientific ideals and practical realities of monitoring influence the implementation and effectiveness of monitoring systems. Many of the key issues and barriers to effective conservation that face conservation biologists are inherently political and social, not scientific. Thus efforts to close the gap between conservation biologists and conservation practitioners who take action on the ground will require unprecedented collaboration between ecologists, economists, statisticians, businesses, land managers and policy-makers.
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Dragonfly exuviae were collected between 2010 and 2013 in the following sections of River Tisza: Vilok (Tiszaújlak), Nove Szelo (Tiszaújhely), Tiszobikeny (Tiszabökény), Vinohragyiv (Nagyszőlős) and Huszt (Huszt). Based on the examination of the 1965 exuviae, collected from 13 main channel sections, 6 dragonfly species were identified [Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linnaeus, 1758), Gomphus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825), Onychogomphus forcipatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophiogomphus cecilia (Fourcroy, 1785), Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782), Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771)]. Summing up the collected exuviae, the two most frequent species were G. vulgatissimus (57.3%) and O. forcipatus (39.08%), however significant assemblages of O. cecilia (1.93%), G. flavipes (1.17%), C. splendens (0.36%) and P. pennipes (0.15%) could be found as well. In compliance with the Mantel test the channel and riverbank characteristics show a significant correlation with the composition of dragonfly assemblages (R=0.309, p=0 024). According to the canonical correspondence analysis (15 habitat characteristics) the exuviae data of G. vulgatissimus are connected with the extent of plant coverage, the closure of foliage and the characteristics of riverbanks; the exuviae data of O. forcipatus are associated with water depth, channel deepening tendency, water temperature and type of plant coverage on the river bank.
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Exuviae collections have considerable value in population studies of Odonata, but methods for standardizing collections or estimating densities and detection probabilities have been little studied. I measured sampling rates for Anisoptera exuviae and used a maximum likelihood, four-pass, depletion population estimator to standardize collections and to estimate exuvial densities and detection probabilities along 10 riverbank stations in Wisconsin. First-pass sampling rates averaged slower than the overall average for experienced collectors (0.53 m min–1 compared to 0.90 m min–1) because more exuviae were present on the first pass, increasing picking and handling time. Neither bank vegetation type (grassy versus forested) nor amount of prior precipitation affected sampling rate. Exuviae detection probabilities for a single pass ranged from 0.49 to 0.75, and averaged 0.64. The mean cumulative probability of detection increased to 0.87 after two passes, 0.95 after three passes, and 0.98 after four passes. A strong negative relationship existed between detectability and the amount of prior precipitation. Bank vegetation type did not affect detection probability. Smaller exuviae had an 8% lower probability of detection than larger exuviae. If four sampling passes are cost-prohibitive for some exuviae studies, making just two passes may provide an adequate estimate of sampling efficiency. The assumption that exhaustive collecting efforts will find all or most of the exuviae along vegetated natural banks is unfounded.
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Abundance, phenology, sex ratio, emergence pattern, mortality and larval emergence behaviour of riverine dragonflies (Odonata: Gomphidae) were studied at the Lower-Tisza reach at Szeged (168–173 rkm) during the emergence period in 2011. Three 20 meter long sampling sites were chosen and searched systematically for exuviae, dead specimens and dragonfly wings, which were left behind by bird predators. At the studied reach of the river two species form stable populations: G. flavipes and G. vulgatissimus. G. flavipes was much more abundant than G. vulgatissimus. Exuviae indicated the excess of females in the G. vulgatissimus population (altough there were no significant difference between sexes), while in the case of G. flavipes the number of individuals in both sexes were almost the same. G. vulgatissimus started to emerge first as a 'spring species', while G. flavipes started to emerge about a month later showing the characteristics of a 'summer species'. The rate of mortality in the G. flavipes population during emergence was slight and quite normal compared to the abundance of the species. Selection of emergence support of G. flavipes showed that the significant majority of the larvae chose soil, but this could have been caused by the notable minority of other types of substrates at the sampling sites. The distance crawled by the larvae from the waterfront to the emergence site differed significantly between the two species, G. vulgatissumus crawled further, and in the case of G. flavipes the effect of the measured background variables to the distance had not been proven.
Developing protocols for threatened invertebrates is often challenging, because they are not only rare but also elusive. This is the case with the stag beetle ( Lucanus cervus ), a protected and flagship species for the saproxylic beetle fauna in Europe. We applied a standard transect walk at a European scale (8 countries, 29 transects) to test its practicability and reliability as survey design. A total of 533 sightings were recorded throughout the sampling period, but detection probability changed as the season progressed. Considering the observed activity pattern, occupancy models showed that a short period of three consecutive weeks, between the middle of June and the first week of July, resulted in a high probability of detection ( P > 0.7). As time of the peak of activity varies from year to year and between sites, we propose to extend the sampling period to five weekly surveys. Detailed information on the transect characteristics and the optimal time for surveying were analysed. The data indicate that a weekly transect at dusk provides a reliable method for monitoring this species throughout its distributional range. No correlation was found between latitude, longitude and phenology of sightings, however. However, a standard method such as the one presented, allows broadening the scale of monitoring studies, provinding data to evaluate the efficacy of conservation measures.