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Sea-level driven land conversion and the formation of ghost forests


Abstract and Figures

Ghost forests created by the submergence of low-lying land are one of the most striking indicators of climate change along the Atlantic coast of North America. Although dead trees at the margin of estuaries were described as early as 1910, recent research has led to new recognition that the submergence of terrestrial land is geographically widespread, ecologically and economically important, and globally relevant to the survival of coastal wetlands in the face of rapid sea level rise. This emerging understanding has in turn generated widespread interest in the physical and ecological mechanisms influencing the extent and pace of upland to wetland conversion. Choices between defending the coast from sea level rise and facilitating ecosystem transgression will play a fundamental role in determining the fate and function of low-lying coastal land. A review of the phenomenon of low-lying ‘ghost forests’, and the physical and ecological mechanisms that control their occurrence in the context of sea level rise, with a focus on the Atlantic Coast of North America.
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Review ARticle
1Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA, USA. 2George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.
Sea-level rise rates have been accelerating since the end of the
nineteenth century, impacting low-elevation land along coasts
and estuaries around the world1. Sea level rise enhances flood-
ing and saltwater intrusion, and threatens coastal communities,
infrastructure and ecosystems24. Ghost forests and abandoned
farmland are striking indicators of sea-level driven land conversion.
Dead trees and stumps surrounded by marshland, for example,
represent relic forestland that has been replaced by intertidal veg-
etation. Similarly, bare soil and wetland plants at the edges of agri-
cultural fields indicate the encroachment of wetlands into formerly
productive farmland. These visual illustrations of land conversion
are common along the North American Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
coasts, and reflect rapid ecosystem change and the inland migration
of the intertidal zone in response to sea level rise (Fig. 1).
The ongoing conversion of uplands to wetlands is both economi-
cally and ecologically important. Eustatic sea level rise is predicted to
increase by between 0.4–1.2 m by 2100 (ref. 5). More than 600 mil-
lion people live in low-lying coastal areas (<10 m elevation)3, and
approximately 50 million people live on land predicted to be per-
manently inundated with 0.5 m of sea level rise6. In the contermi-
nous United States alone, 1 m of relative sea level rise would convert
approximately 12,000–49,000 km2 of dry land to intertidal land with-
out flood-defence structures7,8. Heavily populated, low-lying regions
including subsiding deltas and island nations will be most affected6.
In Egypt and Bangladesh, sea level rise could cause a 15–19% loss in
habitable land and displace 13–16% of the population9. In the United
States, residential property values may decrease with proximity to
wetlands10, and the conversion of uplands to wetlands is perceived
as highly undesirable by many landowners11. On the other hand, the
marshes and mangroves that replace inundated forests and farmland
are considered among the most valuable ecosystems in the world
because they improve water quality, reduce coastal erosion, protect
against flooding, sequester carbon and support marine fisheries12.
Therefore, coastal sustainability in the face of sea level rise involves
rapidly moving ecosystem boundaries and complex trade-offs
between the direct and indirect values of different land uses13.
Although ghost forests first appeared in the scientific literature
over a century ago14 and are a prominent feature of many coastal
and estuarine landscapes from the Atlantic coast of Canada to the
Gulf Coast of the United States1522, coastal change research has tra-
ditionally focused on more seaward environments, such as barrier
islands, intertidal wetlands and subtidal ecosystems23,24. Extensive
research into those portions of the coastal landscape has identified a
number of feedbacks between flooding, vegetation growth and sedi-
ment transport, that allows them to resist sea level rise until some
threshold rate is exceeded. For example, marshes, mangroves and
oyster reefs are well known to resist sea level rise by accumulating
sediment and growing vertically2426. Although more work is needed
to determine if analogous processes allow terrestrial land to resist
sea level rise, observations of widespread land conversion16,17,19 sug-
gest terrestrial ecosystems largely lack mechanisms to engineer ver-
tical soil growth. Therefore, forests and other terrestrial ecosystems
are potentially more sensitive to sea level rise than better studied
intertidal and subtidal portions of the coastal landscape20.
Here, we review the natural and human mediated processes that
influence sea-level driven land conversion. Although this Review
considers a variety of land types, we emphasize the conversion of
forests to marshes because it is the most common and well-studied
conversion, and because it produces ghost forests that are a strik-
ing visual indicator of sea-level driven land conversion. The first
section illustrates that historical land submergence is geographically
widespread and has impacted terrestrial forests, agricultural fields
and developed landscapes alike. The second section discusses the
ecological processes linking sea level rise and land conversion, such
as plant population demography and community reorganization,
that shape the environmental consequences of land conversion.
The third section argues that drowning of uplands is potentially the
most important process determining future wetland area; and the
fourth section considers the extent to which humans will prevent
or facilitate coastal land submergence. The Review ends with impli-
cations for land management, and highlights uncertainty in local
flood defence strategy as the key knowledge gap limiting our ability
to predict future sea-level driven land conversion and its impact on
coastal ecosystems.
Extent and control of historical land submergence
Ghost forests, abandoned agricultural fields and other indicators
of historical land submergence occur throughout low-lying and
Sea-level driven land conversion and the
formation of ghost forests
Matthew L. Kirwan 1* and Keryn B. Gedan2
Ghost forests created by the submergence of low-lying land are one of the most striking indicators of climate change along
the Atlantic coast of North America. Although dead trees at the margin of estuaries were described as early as 1910, recent
research has led to new recognition that the submergence of terrestrial land is geographically widespread, ecologically and
economically important, and globally relevant to the survival of coastal wetlands in the face of rapid sea level rise. This emerg-
ing understanding has in turn generated widespread interest in the physical and ecological mechanisms influencing the extent
and pace of upland to wetland conversion. Choices between defending the coast from sea level rise and facilitating ecosystem
transgression will play a fundamental role in determining the fate and function of low-lying coastal land.
Corrected: Author Correction
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Review ARticle
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gently sloping portions of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North
America1520 (Fig. 1). Land submergence is most extensive within
the mid-Atlantic sea-level rise hotspot that stretches from North
Carolina to Massachusetts, where relative sea level is rising three
times faster than eustatic rates27. For example, 400 km2 of uplands in
the Chesapeake Bay region have converted to tidal marsh since the
mid-1800s19, and large tracts of hardwood and cedar forest death
have been observed in Delaware Bay16. However, ghost forests are
not confined to the sea level rise hotspot; they have also been doc-
umented throughout the Florida Gulf Coast17,18, the St. Lawrence
estuary in Canada15, and tidal freshwater forests in South Carolina,
Georgia and Louisiana21,28. There has been 148 km2 of forest conver-
sion over 120 years along the Florida Gulf Coast17, and near com-
plete loss of pine forests in the Lower Florida Keys29. Surprisingly,
the phenomenon has not been widely documented on coastal plains
outside of the United States. There are no reports of ghost forests
from low-lying tropical regions where the phenomenon would be
predicted, such as the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico30, or from the
Pacific Ocean’s western margin, such as along eastern China, due to
the prevalence of seawalls there31.
Observations of historical land submergence indicate that topog-
raphy and relative sea level rise are the two most important controls
on the rate of lateral forest retreat32. Migration rates are substantially
lower in United States Pacific coastal regions and New England
estuaries (<10 cm yr–1)33,34 than in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain
(up to 7 m yr–1)16,19,35, where rates of land conversion are inversely
correlated with slope16,19. Although mortality of canopy trees may
depend on punctuated disturbance events, such as storms, and
therefore lag behind sea level rise30,36, land conversion is tightly tied
to sea level over decadal timescales16,18,30. For example, the elevation
of coastal treelines has increased in parallel with late-Holocene sea
level rise, and lateral rates of forest retreat are 2–14 times higher
than pre-industrial rates20,35 (Fig. 2).
The conversion of agricultural fields and residential lawns to wet-
lands is less visually striking than ghost forests, as one herbaceous
plant community is replaced by another, but is much more eco-
nomically damaging. Marshes migrate rapidly into urban and sub-
urban lawns, where mowed marshes look similar to mowed lawns37.
Abandonment of agricultural land due to salinization is prevalent
in low elevation coastal regions around the world, including large
a b
c d
Fig. 1 | Geographic distribution of sea-level driven land conversion in North America. a, Red spruce ghost forest and buried stumps, New Brunswick,
Canada. b, Atlantic white cedar ghost forest in New Jersey (indicated by dashed line). c, Salt damaged agricultural field in Virginia, where white and grey
areas indicate bare ground, and yellow-red colours represent stressed crops. d, Palm tree ghost forest in Florida. Credit: David Johnson (a),
Kenneth W. Able (b), USDA Farm Service Agency (c) and Amy Langston, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (d)
Forest retreat rate (m yr–1)
Long Shoal
River, NC
Creek, MD
Island, VA
Hook, MD
Island, NC
Fig. 2 | Accelerating forest retreat rates. Lateral forest retreat rates for
five US mid-Atlantic sites, where gold bars represent late-Holocene rates
(pre-1875) inferred from sediment cores and historical maps, and green
bars represent modern rates (post-1875) inferred from historical maps
and aerial photographs. 1875 was chosen to approximate the initiation of
accelerated sea level rise on the Atlantic coast1. Modern forest retreat rates
are 2–14× higher than late-Holocene rates, and generally increase through
time. Adapted from ref. 20, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences.
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areas of North Carolina38,39, Italy40, Mexico41 and Bangladesh42. In
Bangladesh, saltwater intrusion has salinized 10,000 km2 of land in
the last four decades, including an estimated 3,000 km2 of arable
land42. Bangladeshi farmers responded by increasing fertilizer appli-
cations to compensate for losses in yields, switching crops and con-
verting 1,380 km2 of farmland to shrimp ponds42. Sea level rise is
forecasted to result in major losses in agricultural area over the next
century in nations with agricultural production in deltaic or coastal
regions (for example, 1,000 km2 will be lost within the Pearl River
Delta region of China)43. The Mekong Delta of Vietnam stands to
be one of the most affected areas in the world, where losses in rice
production threaten global food supply44.
Processes linking sea level and land conversion
Dead trees underlain by wetland vegetation are a striking final
indicator of uplands that have been displaced by sea level rise and
saltwater intrusion (Fig. 3). However, the creation of ghost forests
and the wholesale reorganization of ecosystems begins with more
subtle changes that can be anticipated with a deeper understanding
of the ecological processes that link sea level rise and land conver-
sion. In the early stages of groundwater salinization, live trees may
exhibit reduced sap flow45 and annual growth46,47, although reduced
growth is not always observed34,48. During the next phase of ghost
forest formation, forest distress becomes more visible. Young trees
die conspicuously and tree recruitment ceases30,46 (Fig. 3a). Because
recruitment ceases prior to the death of mature trees30,46,48, tree age
distributions skew towards older trees at lower elevations36,46, and
relict trees stand as ghost forests in-waiting18. Salt-tolerant species
establish in the understory as adult trees die30, aided by increased
light penetration and seed delivery from storm wrack deposits49.
Shrubs often dominate the transition from forest to tidal wet-
land18,21,50 (Fig. 3b). Of the 148 km2 of converted forest land in Big
Bend, Florida, 55% converted to marsh while 45% converted to a
shrub-dominated habitat17 that persisted for 20 years18. These areas
may be particularly persistent in formerly agricultural areas, where
land is graded flat during cultivation. Finally, dead tree trunks and
stumps persist in tidal marshes for decades, a lasting remnant of the
forests displaced by sea level rise and saltwater intrusion (Fig. 3c).
Upland ecosystem mortality is driven by the synergistic impacts
of salinity and inundation, which are more challenging for plants
than either stress alone21,5153. Generally, plants that tolerate flooding
are more resistant to low-level salinity stress21. Variation in stress
tolerances between plant species can explain differences in the rate
of transition of different forest types. For example, in Delaware Bay,
Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) forests died back
at faster rates than hardwood forests (typical species: red maple
(Acer rubrum), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), blackgum
(Nyssa sylvatica)). Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is among
the most tolerant tree species; the species outlasted loblolly pine
(Pinus taeda), winged elm (Ulmus alata) and Florida maple (Acer
floridanum) during forest dieback in Florida54. Trees and crops are
most vulnerable to salinity stress during germination and as seed-
lings51,55,56. Mortality of relatively salt-tolerant tree seedlings occurs
when salinity exceeds about 5 ppt (ref. 57), and most crops cannot
tolerate sustained salinities over 2 ppt (refs. 58,59).
The transition of uplands to wetlands can be either gradual or
punctuated by disturbance events, such as hurricanes, fires and
insect outbreaks. Pulses of high salinity water during storms often
trigger mortality60,61. Although storm waters recede in hours, salin-
ity effects can linger for years to decades in the groundwater62,63,
and individual storms have lasting impacts on tree growth47. Storm
floods can reach tens of kilometres inland and are accompanied by
wind, erosion and wrack disturbances. Correspondingly, shifts in
upland land cover occur suddenly, when storm-related disturbance
destroys an upland ecosystem61. In the absence of major disturbance,
change may occur more gradually, as elevated groundwater salini-
ties slowly take their toll on a plant community that is intolerant to
salinity. Moreover, the impact of storms increases with sea level rise,
leading to the progressive inland retreat of upland ecosystems over
time15. Terrestrial water budgets can also affect the rate of change,
as saltwater intrusion resulting from sea level rise is exacerbated by
drought54, surface and groundwater withdrawals41, and hydrological
connectivity from dams, ditching and canals64.
Ecosystem transitions affect the provision of ecosystem services,
though the exact nature of these shifts varies based on trade-offs in
services between upland and wetland ecosystems13,65. Tidal wetlands
a b c
Fig. 3 | Stages of ghost forest creation. a–c, Photos show forest-to-marsh conversion in the Chesapeake Bay region (MD, USA) characterized by (a) death
of tree saplings, (b) opening of canopy and invasion of Phragmites and shrubs, and (c) adult tree death and conversion to marsh, indicated by stumps in
foreground and ghost forest in background. Image in c courtesy of Lennert Schepers, UAntwerpen.
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exhibit much higher areal rates of carbon sequestration and storage
than terrestrial environments7. Therefore, the conversion of forests
and croplands to tidal wetlands will increase total carbon seques-
tration of a region, provided that gains are not offset by concur-
rent losses in tidal wetland area (see ‘Implications for the survival
of adjacent wetlands’). Similarly, upland conversion of agricultural
lands (a nutrient source to adjacent waterways and estuaries66) to
tidal wetlands (a nutrient sink12) should ultimately increase nutri-
ent uptake. During transition, however, salinization of uplands can
result in short-lived21 releases of massive amounts of legacy nutri-
ents that have accumulated in cultivated soils over prior decades.
In North Carolina, saltwater intrusion into former farmland is pre-
dicted to release 18×106 kg of ammonium, or approximately half
the annual ammonium flux of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of
Mexico39. In Maryland, high releases of phosphate occur during
saltwater intrusion into agricultural land67. These nutrient releases
contribute to coastal eutrophication and associated algal blooms
and dead zones68.
Upland conversion may reduce biodiversity provisioning, as wet-
land migration represents an opportunity for invasive species expan-
sion. In Delaware Bay, 30% of converted forest area became native
tidal marsh habitat, while 60% became dominated by the invasive
common reed (Phragmites australis)16. The conversion of uplands
to the invasive common reed during ghost forest formation is of
particular concern for Atlantic tidal marsh endemic species with
narrow habitat requirements, such as the diamondback terrapin
(Malaclemys terrapin)69 and the saltmarsh sparrow (Ammodramus
caudacutus), predicted to go extinct by 2030 due to sea level rise70.
In Florida, the invasive Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius)
inhabits a similar niche to the common reed in that it outcompetes
native species in the ecotone and exhibits wide salinity tolerance,
and is also expected to spread during upland conversion18,71. Thus,
sea-level driven land conversion will affect both the composition
and function of the coastal landscape.
Implications for the survival of adjacent wetlands
The conversion of uplands to wetlands is a primary mechanism for
wetland survival in the face of sea level rise, and counterintuitively
leads to predictions that wetlands may expand with sea level rise
under certain conditions2,8,17. At the most basic level, wetlands must
migrate to higher elevations faster than they erode laterally and
drown vertically in order to maintain their size32. Although marshes
and mangroves build soil vertically, there are limits to the rate of sea
level rise that wetlands can survive in place. Numerical models pre-
dict that maximum possible vertical accretion rates overlap with the
range of predicted sea level rise rates for 2100 (generally 5–30 mm
yr–1)72, and observations of wetland drowning indicate that these
limits have already been exceeded in some places73,74. When these
threshold rates of sea level rise are exceeded, wetlands must migrate
laterally into submerging uplands to survive.
Historical observations and simple analyses of coastal topogra-
phy indicate that upland drowning has the potential to create large
areas of new wetlands that are comparable in size to existing wet-
lands. For example, historical maps of the Chesapeake Bay suggest
that approximately 1/3 of all marshland today formed as a result of
migration into drowning uplands since the mid-nineteenth century,
and that upland drowning compensated for historical erosion of
marshes in the region19. On the Florida Gulf Coast, marsh forma-
tion in submerging uplands has outpaced historical loss, and led to
net marsh expansion17. More work is needed to infer how future sea
level rise will alter the timescales associated with wetland loss and
migration, but these historical trends together with observations of
ghost forests underlain by marsh vegetation, suggest that wetland
migration can occur on the decadal–century timescales relevant
to wetland loss. Across the conterminous United States, there are
~26,000 km2 of saline wetlands75, and sea level rise of 1.2 m would
inundate ~12,000–49,000 km2 of uplands7. Thus, the formation of
new wetlands in drowning uplands has the potential to compensate
for even large losses of existing wetlands.
Rates of marsh migration generally increase in parallel with sea
level rise20,35,37, but existing marsh is relatively resistant to sea level
rise because enhanced flooding leads to faster vertical accretion76.
Upland migration, therefore, allows marshes to potentially expand,
rather than contract, in response to sea level rise13,76. Numerical
modelling suggests that marshes adjacent to gently sloping uplands
will expand under moderate increases in sea level rise, followed by
inevitable contraction when high rates of sea level rise lead to wide-
spread drowning of existing marshland76. The particular rate of sea
level rise that leads to a transition from marsh expansion to marsh
contraction depends principally on the slope of adjacent uplands32,
anthropogenic barriers to migration77, and factors such as tidal
range and sediment supply that control the resistance of existing
marsh to sea level rise and edge erosion24. Nevertheless, numerical
models that consider both dynamic marsh accretion and the poten-
tial for marshes to migrate inland suggest that many marshes will
expand under moderate rates of sea level rise, and then contract
under higher rates13,76,78,79 (Fig. 4).
These types of simple landscape models based on topography and
land use have thus far assumed a binary response of land types to sea
level rise (for example, complete conversion of inundated forestland
and no conversion of inundated urban land; see ‘Opportunities and
barriers to coastal submergence’), and that wetlands will migrate into
uplands as soon as they become sufficiently inundated (for example,
without ecological lags; see ‘Processes linking sea level and land
conversion’). Other work identifies additional caveats. For example,
the response of low-lying land to sea level rise will vary both within
and across regions19,8082, where regions with steep upland topogra-
phy and anthropogenic barriers to migration may see near complete
loss of marshes81. In places where marshes persist, the proportion of
flood-tolerant vegetation types will increase78,79,81 and newly created
wetlands may themselves be vulnerable to sea level rise10. Salt water
intrusion into freshwater soils increases organic matter decomposi-
tion rates so that soil elevation loss could limit wetland migration
and/or survival in submerging forests with organic-rich soils4,28.
Finally, interactions between multiple facets of climate change and
socioeconomic factors (for example, changing hurricane frequen-
cies and flood protection strategies) may influence sea-level-driven
land conversion in unanticipated ways. Nevertheless, recent global
modelling suggests wetland migration into submerging uplands is
the single biggest factor influencing wetland area through time, and
that global wetland area could increase by up to 60% by 2100 for a
1.1 m sea level rise (Fig. 5)83.
Opportunities and barriers to coastal submergence
Although there is abundant land that could be inundated by sea level
rise, anthropogenic structures and coastal development may prevent
land conversion in many regions of the world. Ghost forests, aban-
doned farmland and other indicators of land submergence are most
common in the south-eastern and mid-Atlantic United States, in part
because these coastal regions are largely rural and devoid of large, sys-
tematic flood control structures outside of major cities. In contrast,
ghost forests are rare in western Europe and China because extensive
seawalls and dykes protect uplands from sea level rise and coastal
flooding31,84. Large flood control structures are less common in the
United States, but migration of wetlands into submerging uplands
may instead be prevented by local barriers including berms, bulk-
heads, roads, ditches with floodgates and impervious surfaces80,85.
For example, 42% of all land less than 1 m above spring high water is
currently developed along the United States Atlantic coast, whereas
less than 10% is currently protected against development86.
Human impacts are typically perceived as barriers to wet-
land migration, but people also facilitate sea-level driven land
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conversion, and the net-impac t can be difficult to discern. Historical
marsh migration rates likely decrease with the degree of coastal
development in the Chesapeake Bay region, but the relationship is
weak and highly site specific19,85. Elsewhere, suburban lawns convert
to marsh as quickly as adjacent forests37, and reclaimed agricultural
areas are particularly susceptible to salinization and land conver-
sion40. Wetland restoration projects commonly remove berms to
reconnect agricultural fields and other land types with tidal flood-
ing87,88. Barrier removal has mixed effects. Since barriers enhance
land subsidence and limit sedimentation, the land behind the barri-
ers may require substanti al restoration to be suitable for wetlands8790.
Indeed, accidental or poorly planned breaches after significant
subsidence can rapidly drown wetlands89. In other cases, large
levees are carefully removed or moved further inland to create
wetlands that contribute to natural flood protection, in a concept
known as nature-based engineering or managed realignment84,90
(Fig. 5a). Finally, human actions sometimes unintentionally accel-
erate land submergence by increasing rates of saltwater intrusion
via groundwater withdrawal and/or subsidence4,91, or building
canals that input saltwater64. Nevertheless, anthropogenic barri-
ers block substantial wetland migration today in many regions80,81,
and wholesale submergence and abandonment of low-lying coastal
land is unlikely because in most cases the cost of conventional
flood control structures is far less than the cost of economic dam-
ages associated with flooding92.
The United States Gulf Coast represents an interesting case study
for how population growth and flood-control structures might
interact to determine the extent of upland land conversion (Fig. 6a).
This region contains approximately 50% of United States saline
wetlands75, high variability in human population densities and rates
of relative sea level rise, and the most extensive flood protection
system in the United States77,82,93. Analysis of topography and land
use across the entire Gulf Coast indicate that 19,572 km2 of land
is vulnerable to submergence under a 1.2 m sea level rise, and that
barriers projected under population growth will prevent conversion
in an additional 4,056 km2 (ref. 77). This work highlights that there
are strong spatial gradients in both opportunities and barriers to
migration within the Gulf Coast region, such that the absence of
land conversion in highly urbanized areas may result in large reduc-
tions in local wetland area77,82. Nevertheless, these analyses have
three fundamental implications at the regional scale. First, current
and projected barriers to wetland migration are small relative to
the total amount of land available for migration (~20%), such that
the total area of land that will be inundated will be large regard-
less of protection of urban areas. Second, only 35% of land avail-
able for migration is currently owned by government and private
conservation organizations77, suggesting that most land conversion
will take place on private land and depend on local decisions not
fully considered in analyses based on urbanization and levee con-
struction. Finally, the area of land potentially available for saline
wetland migration (19,572 km2)77 is larger than the area of land cur-
rently occupied by saline wetlands on the Gulf Coast (13,600 km2)75
and similar to the current extent of saline wetlands in the entire
conterminous United States (26,000 km2). Together, these obser-
vations emphasize that sea-level-driven land conversion will be
dMW/dt (m yr–1)
SLR (mm yr–1)
No migration
4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 4 | Effect of topographic slope and human impacts on marsh size. a, Model simulations showing change in marsh width (dMW/dt) for different rates
of sea level rise (SLR) and slopes of adjacent land (coloured lines). For gently sloping, natural coasts, marshes expand with increasing SLR rates until a
threshold rate is exceeded. Marshes inevitably decline in size when uplands are steep or protected by anthropogenic barriers (black line represents a case
with no migration). b, Steep uplands prevent landward marsh migration and favour small and/or shrinking marshes (Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada).
c, Gently sloping uplands facilitate landward marsh migration and favour large and/or expanding marshes (Chesapeake Bay, MD, USA). Panel a reproduced
from ref. 76, John Wiley & Sons. Image in c courtesy of Lennert Schepers, UAntwerpen.
a b
Global wetland area (103 km2)
2040 2070
as usual
Fig. 5 | Effect of flood defence strategy and land conversion on wetland
size. a, Nature-based engineering to create marsh in front of leveed
agricultural fields in the Wash Estuary, UK. The levee was intentionally
breached in 2002, marsh vegetated colonized naturally, and now
protects the more inland levee. b, Modelled global wetland area for
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change RCP 8.5 sea-level rise
scenario. Colours represent different flood-defence scenarios, where the
model assumes no landward wetland migration where the projected human
population in the 100-year floodplain exceeds 5–20 people km2 (red,
reflecting business as usual), 20–150 people km2 (pink), and 150–300
people km2 (yellow, reflecting extensive nature-based engineering).
Credit: Anglian Coastal Monitoring Programme (a). Panel b adapted from
ref. 83, Springer Nature Ltd
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widespread and a fundamental determinant of wetland area at
regional scales, even in the presence of urban barriers.
Moving beyond static models based on topography and land use
is difficult because adaptation to coastal flooding depends not only
on the rate of sea level rise, but also on a variety of human deci-
sions influenced by complex socio-economic factors. There are
strong landowner attitudes against wetland migration11 (Fig. 6b),
growing coastal populations94, and it is economically rational to
build flood defence structures for most of the worlds coasts92.
On the other hand, rising sea level and energy costs suggest that
building and maintenance costs will increase through time, such
that conventional engineering may be unsustainable in the long
term95,96. Rising costs may especially prevent engineering solutions
in developing countries and poorer regions3. Interestingly, highly
developed deltaic regions, including the Mississippi, Rhone and
East Asian deltas, are the most vulnerable to rising energy costs96.
Therefore, regions with large areas of currently protected land
are also the most likely to incorporate nature-based engineering
approaches that would allow submergence of some land for the
first time in centuries84,90.
While the factors that contribute to flood defence are ultimately
quite complex, levees generally occur where population densities
in the 100-year coastal flood plain exceed 20 people per km2, and
global modelling suggests this threshold represents a key determi-
nant of wetland fate under sea level rise and population growth83.
Lower population thresholds (reflecting nature-based engineering)
lead to wetland expansion, whereas higher thresholds (reflecting
conventional engineering) lead to wetland contraction (Fig. 5b).
Therefore, decisions to defend or abandon portions of the coast
represent a fundamental, if not primary, determinant of coastal sub-
mergence and the migration of wetlands into uplands24,83.
Recommendations for future research
Our Review suggests that widespread sea-level driven submergence
of low-lying land will continue in the future, even under scenarios
of coastal population growth and large-scale defence of urban areas.
However, land conversion will largely take place on privately owned
land82,86, where landowner attitudes and adaptation efforts suggest
local resistance70. We, therefore, pose the following questions to
guide future research and land management decisions.
First, is land-conversion inevitable on privately owned, rural
land? Research in the last five years has identified and mapped large
barriers to wetland migration, such as urban land and publically
owned levees at regional scales77,8082. However, the majority of vul-
nerable land is located on private property in rural areas38,82,87. Future
research should investigate the efficacy of local and privately main-
tained barriers, such as berms, ditches and secondary roads, and the
probability and consequences of barrier failure. Barriers influence
the adaptive capacity of coastal systems by enhancing land subsid-
ence and limiting sedimentation. Therefore, this research should
quantify key thresholds in the timing of barrier removal/failure that
minimize both the cost of abandoned land and the cost of restora-
tion. Government and conservation organizations are increasingly
preserving wetland ‘migration corridors’ but understanding of if
and how landowners influence land submergence will help priori-
tize conservation efforts.
Second, can transitional land uses and nature-based engineering
compensate for trade-offs between private property and ecosystem
service values? Sea-level-driven land conversion leads to simulta-
neous loss in value for private landowners and gain in ecosystem
services for the general public13,97. Future research should focus on
whether transitional land and water management decisions, such
as planting salt-tolerant crops98, leasing land to hunt clubs, early
harvest of susceptible timber lands and groundwater manipula-
tions4, could significantly offset economic losses and influence the
function of newly forming wetlands. Future research should also
consider the viability of nature-based engineering, where limited
wetland migration could simultaneously enhance natural flood pro-
tection and reduce levee maintenance costs84,91.
Finally, how can polic y incent ives shape the future of coastal upland
conversion? There are few programs in the United States that provide
assistance or recommendations to landowners affected by sea level
rise, and they are harshly criticized for providing perverse subsidies99
and benefiting repeatedly flood damaged and reconstructed proper-
ties100. Programs such as the United States Department of Agriculture’s
Conservation Reserve Program, that subsidize remediating salinity
damage on farm fields, could be repurposed as instruments for adap-
tation to sea level rise. Regional predictions for tidal wetland habitat
gain or loss should set the context for management and policy incen-
tives to either prioritize wetland migration or upland protection100.
a b
0.5m SLR by 2100 1.0m SLR by 2100 1.5m SLR by 2100
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
Urban barriers to wetland migration (km2)
Opportunity for wetland migration (km2)
Proportion of respondents
Fig. 6 | Land conversion in the face of human barriers. a, Projected urban barriers and opportunities for wetland migration for US Gulf Coast estuaries82.
Opportunities for wetland migration are an order of magnitude greater than urban barriers to migration in each estuary, and potential wetland migration
increases with increasing sea level rise (SLR) scenario (top to bottom). b, Preferences of 1,002 landowners regarding conservation easements to allow
marsh migration in the north-eastern United States. Responses are strongly unlikely (SU), unlikely (U), neutral (N), likely (L) and strongly likely (SL).
Adapted from ref. 82, British Ecological Society (a); ref. 11, PNAS (b).
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Review ARticle NATure ClimATe ChANGe
In summary, our Review highlights extensive sea-level-driven
land conversion, marked by ghost forests and abandoned agricul-
tural land that represent relict features of a rapidly submerging coast.
Accelerated sea level rise over the next 80 years could potentially
create new wetlands equivalent in size to current ones, even under
scenarios of coastal population growth and urban levee construc-
tion. These changes will happen disproportionately on rural and pri-
vate lands, where efforts to prevent or promote land conversion are
poorly understood. Given the extent of historical change, the mag-
nitude of forecasted change, and an unpredictable human response,
sea-level-driven land submergence is likely to lead to wholesale reor-
ganization of coastal ecosystems and economies within this century.
Received: 24 September 2018; Accepted: 23 April 2019;
Published online: 27 May 2019
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Explores conservation and buyout programs for ood prone land.
This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation (Coastal SEES
#1426981; LTER #1237733; CAREER #1654374), and the USDA Agricultural and Food
Research Initiative Competitive Program (#2018-68002-27915). SouthWings provided
a flight that helped motivate the work. This is contribution no. 3827 of the Virginia
Institute of Marine Science.
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... Global vegetation regimes are undergoing notable changes from the effects of climate change. Coastal ecosystems, in particular, are heavily affected by sea level rise (SLR), leading to shifts in vegetation communities on both the seaward and landward sides (Chen & Kirwan, 2022a;Kirwan & Gedan, 2019;McDowell et al., 2022;Osland et al., 2022). The eastern coast of North America is experiencing accelerated impacts, primarily due to land subsidence and the weakening of the Gulf Stream (Ezer & Atkinson, 2014;Sallenger et al., 2012). ...
... However, recent observations suggest that in many coastal regions, SLR scenarios may exceed the threshold for elevation gain primarily through vertical accretion (Horton et al., 2018;Osland et al., 2022). Therefore, research has focused on mapping the upslope migration of marshes into suitable adjacent lands as this landward gain may be the most salient process for estimating future wetland resiliency to accelerated rates of SLR (Alizad et al., 2018;Chen & Kirwan, 2022b;Gedan et al., 2020;Kirwan & Gedan, 2019;Powell et al., 2022;Smart et al., 2020). ...
... Uplands positioned at lower elevations along the leading edge of the forest-marsh boundary experience more vulnerability to coastal flooding stemming from gradual SLR or sudden disturbances triggered by storm surges from coastal cyclones (Fagherazzi et al., 2019). The dieback of the forest, coupled with the absence of tree regeneration, creates opportunities for salt-tolerant halophytic plants to colonize, resulting in a gradual regime shift (i.e., coastal transgression) from rising sea level, converting upland forests into marshes and establishing an ephemeral transitional ecotone between the forest and marsh (Brinson et al., 1995;Kirwan & Gedan, 2019;Ury et al., 2021). These ecotones are characterized by a mixture of live and dead trees and an incipient community of wetland grasses, reeds, and shrubs in the understory, making it challenging to delineate clear vegetation boundaries (Smith & Kirwan, 2021;Walters et al., 2021). ...
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Sea level rise (SLR) is causing vegetation regime shifts on both the seaward and landward sides of many coastal ecosystems, with the eastern coast of North America experiencing accelerated impacts due to land subsidence and the weakening of the Gulf Stream. Tidal wetland ecosystems, known for their significant carbon storage capacity, are crucial but vulnerable blue carbon habitats. Recent observations suggest that SLR rates may exceed the threshold for elevation gain primarily through vertical accretion in many coastal regions. Therefore, research has focused on mapping the upslope migration of marshes into suitable adjacent lands, as this landward gain may be the most salient process for estimating future wetland resiliency to accelerated rates of SLR. However, our understanding of coastal vegetation characteristics and dynamics in response to SLR is limited due to a lack of in situ data and effective mapping strategies for delineating the boundaries, or ecotones, of these complex coastal ecosystems. In order to effectively study these transitioning ecosystems, it is necessary to employ reliable and scalable landscape metrics that can differentiate between marsh and coastal forests. As such, integrating vegetation structure metrics from light detection and ranging (lidar) could enhance traditional mapping strategies compared to using optical data alone. Here, we used terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to measure changes in forest structure along elevation gradients that may be indicative of degradation associated with increased inundation in the Delaware Bay estuary. We analyzed a set of TLS‐derived forest structure metrics to investigate their relationships with elevation, specifically seeking those that showed consistent change from the forest edge to the interior. Our findings revealed a consistent pattern between elevation and the plant area index (PAI), a metric that holds potential for enhancing the delineation of complex coastal ecosystem boundaries, particularly in relation to landward marsh migration. This work provides support for utilizing lidar‐derived forest structural metrics to enable a more accurate assessment of future marsh landscapes and the overall coastal carbon sink under accelerated SLR conditions.
... Our findings that Texas tidal salt marshes have historically increased in size (Figure 3) provides further proof that sea-level rise may in fact enhance marsh migration ( Figure 5) [7,8,19], despite previous findings that identified marsh drowning as an inevitable consequence of sea-level rise [9,12,[62][63][64][65]. Ghost forests, deserted agricultural land, and signs of upland flooding are most commonly observed along the southeastern and mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, where large, systematic flood control structures are scarce [66]. For example, mapping efforts along Chesapeake Bay found that sea-level rise has created approximately 100,000 acres of new marshland through upland drowning and compensated for historical marsh loss throughout the last century [8]. ...
... Despite the imminent threat of sea-level rise, our results emphasize the intense spatial variability of possibilities and impediments to marsh resilience along the Texas coast. Previous work suggests that current and future anthropogenic barriers along the Gulf Coast are relatively small compared to the area of land available for marsh migration (~20%), so the total amount of land created by potential marsh migration will be large, regardless of artificial barriers [66]. An increasing number of regions are now considering incorporating nature-based engineering approaches such as "managed retreat" or migration corridors [21,78], especially because they are considered to be largely self-sustaining and cost-efficient such that deltas are less likely to suffer from rising energy costs [79,80]. ...
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Tidal salt marshes offer crucial ecosystem services in the form of carbon sequestration, fisheries, property and recreational values, and protection from storm surges, and are therefore considered one of the most valuable and fragile ecosystems worldwide, where sea-level rise and direct human modifications resulted in the loss of vast regions of today’s marshland. The extent of salt marshes therefore relies heavily on the interplay between upland migration and edge erosion. We measured changes in marsh size based on historical topographic sheets from the 1850s and 2019 satellite imagery along the Texas coast, which is home to three of the largest estuaries in North America (e.g., Galveston, Corpus Christi, and Matagorda Bays). We further distinguished between changes in high and low marsh based on local elevation data in an effort to estimate changes in local ecosystem services. Our results showed that approximately 410 km2 (58%) of salt marshes were lost due to coastal erosion and marsh ponding and nearly 510 km2 (72%) of salt marshes were created, likely due to upland submergence. Statistical analyses showed a significant relationship between marsh migration and upland slope, suggesting that today’s marshland formed as a result of submergence of barren uplands along gently sloping coastal plains. Although the overall areal extent of Texas marshes increased throughout the last century (~100 km2 or 14%), economic gains through upland migration of high marshes (mostly in the form of property value (USD 0.7–1.0 trillion)) were too small to offset sea-level-driven losses of crucial ecosystem services of Texan low marshes (in the form of storm protection and fisheries (USD 2.1–2.7 trillion)). Together, our results suggest that despite significant increases in marsh area, the loss of crucial ecosystem services underscores the complexity and importance of considering not only quantity but also quality in marshland conservation efforts.
... The spatial footprint of ghost forests is expanding regionally and globally as a result of surface-(i.e., sea level rise) and subsurface (i.e., saltwater intrusion)-based salinization of coastal freshwater ecosystems [1][2][3]. As forest retreat rates are accelerating [1], Kirwan and Gedan predict that saltwater-driven land conversion will lead to broad-scale changes in coastal ecosystem structure and function in the coming years. ...
... The spatial footprint of ghost forests is expanding regionally and globally as a result of surface-(i.e., sea level rise) and subsurface (i.e., saltwater intrusion)-based salinization of coastal freshwater ecosystems [1][2][3]. As forest retreat rates are accelerating [1], Kirwan and Gedan predict that saltwater-driven land conversion will lead to broad-scale changes in coastal ecosystem structure and function in the coming years. Coastal forested wetlands provide feedback mechanisms to climate through the balance of carbon sequestration and emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly CH 4 [4]. ...
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Standing dead trees (snags) are recognized for their influence on methane (CH4) cycling in coastal wetlands, yet the biogeochemical processes that control the magnitude and direction of fluxes across the snag-atmosphere interface are not fully elucidated. Herein, we analyzed microbial communities and fluxes at one height from ten snags in a ghost forest wetland. Snag-atmosphere CH4 fluxes were highly variable (− 0.11–0.51 mg CH4 m⁻² h⁻¹). CH4 production was measured in three out of ten snags; whereas, CH4 consumption was measured in two out of ten snags. Potential CH4 production and oxidation in one core from each snag was assayed in vitro. A single core produced CH4 under anoxic and oxic conditions, at measured rates of 0.7 and 0.6 ng CH4 g⁻¹ h⁻¹, respectively. Four cores oxidized CH4 under oxic conditions, with an average rate of − 1.13 ± 0.31 ng CH4 g⁻¹ h⁻¹. Illumina sequencing of the V3/V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed diverse microbial communities and indicated oxidative decomposition of deadwood. Methanogens were present in 20% of the snags, with a mean relative abundance of < 0.0001%. Methanotrophs were identified in all snags, with a mean relative abundance of 2% and represented the sole CH4-cycling communities in 80% of the snags. These data indicate potential for microbial attenuation of CH4 emissions across the snag-atmosphere interface in ghost forests. A better understanding of the environmental drivers of snag-associated microbial communities is necessary to forecast the response of CH4 cycling in coastal ghost forest wetlands to a shifting coastal landscape. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00284-024-03767-w.
... Researchers across the globe have been interested in understanding where coastal wetlands may be able to adapt to sea-level rise via landward migration and where topographic barriers or anthropogenic barriers may prevent migration (Titus and Richman 2001;Doyle et al. 2010;Enwright et al. 2016;Kirwan et al. 2016;Spencer et al. 2016; Kirwan and Gedan 2019;Osland et al. 2022;Nevermann et al. 2023;Wen et al. 2023;Saintilan et al. 2023). Collectively, understanding where wetland migration may occur, where barriers may constrain this migration, and what inland land cover types may be impacted provides important information to land managers and natural resource managers for making current and future decisions regarding land management and stewardship. ...
Sea-level rise rates are predicted to surpass rates of wetland vertical adjustment in the coming decades in many areas, increasing the potential for wetland submergence. Information on where wetland migration is possible can help natural resource managers for planning land acquisition or enhancing habitat connectivity to bolster adaptation of coastal wetlands to rising seas. Elevation-based models of wetland migration are often hampered with uncertainty associated with ground surface elevation, current water levels (i.e., tides and extreme water levels), and future water levels from sea-level rise. Here, we developed an approach that involved digital elevation model error reduction and the use of Monte Carlo simulations that utilize uncertainty assumptions regarding elevation error, contemporary water levels, and future sea levels to identify potential wetland migration areas. Our analyses were developed for Duvall and Nassau Counties in northeastern Florida (USA). We focus on the migration of regularly oceanic-flooded wetlands (i.e., flooded by oceanic water daily) and irregularly oceanic-flooded wetlands (i.e., flooded by oceanic water less frequently than daily). For two relative sea-level rise scenarios based on the 0.5 m and the 1.5 m global mean sea-level rise scenarios, we quantified migration by wetland flooding frequency class and identified land cover and land use types that are vulnerable to future exposure to oceanic waters. The variability in total coverage and relative coverage of wetland migration from our results highlights how topography and accelerated sea-level rise interact. Our wetland migration results communicate uncertainty by showing flooding frequency class as probabilistic outputs.
... This effect might be enhanced if a large fraction of tidal water is stored in a tidal cycle, thus increasing residence time. The rising sea level worldwide would further complicate these ecological and hydrodynamic functionalities, for example, stronger saltwater intrusion, longer flow residence time, and more water storage could substantially modify the vegetation zonation patterns (Kirwan and Gedan 2019). Therefore, high spatialtemporal data of water quality from spaceborne and airborne sensors should also be involved in future research to better understand the ecological and morphological evolution of wetland systems. ...
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We introduce a new approach to observe the impact of vegetation on tidal flow retardation and retention at large spatial scales. Using radar interferometry and in situ water level gauge measurements during low tide, we find that vegetation in deltaic intertidal zones of the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, causes significant tidal distortion with both a delay (between 80 and 140 min) and amplitude reduction (~ 20 cm). The natural vegetation front delays the ebb tide, which increases the minimum water level and hydro‐period inside the deltaic islands, resulting in better conditions for wetland species colonizing low elevations. This positive feedback between vegetation and hydraulics demonstrates the self‐organization functionality of vegetation in the geomorphological evolution of deltas, which contributes to deltaic stability.
... Unfortunately, coastal marshes are at the forefront of climate-driven ecosystem loss where projected rates of sea-level rise are expected to overcome internal biophysical feedbacks that maintain ecosystem resilience (Kirwan et al. 2016;Törnqvist et al. 2021;Saintilan et al. 2022). However, across widespread areas, increasing inundation and saltwater intrusion driven by sea-level rise facilitates simultaneous migration of wetlands and retreat of upland forests ; Kirwan and Gedan 2019). While marsh migration helps to maintain coastal Communicated by Charles T. Roman Alexander J. Smith and Kendall Valentine are the co-first authors. ...
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Rising sea levels lead to the migration of salt marshes into coastal forests, thereby shifting both ecosystem composition and function. In this study, we investigate leaf litter decomposition, a critical component of forest carbon cycling, across the marsh-forest boundary with a focus on the potential influence of environmental gradients (i.e., temperature, light, moisture, salinity, and oxygen) on decomposition rates. To examine litter decomposition across these potentially competing co-occurring environmental gradients, we deployed litterbags within distinct forest health communities along the marsh-forest continuum and monitored decomposition rates over 6 months. Our results revealed that while the burial depth of litter enhanced decomposition within any individual forest zone by approximately 60% (decay rate = 0.272 ± 0.029 yr ⁻¹ (surface), 0.450 ± 0.039 yr ⁻¹ (buried)), we observed limited changes in decomposition rates across the marsh-forest boundary with only slightly enhanced decomposition in mid-forest soils that are being newly impacted by saltwater intrusion and shrub encroachment. The absence of linear changes in decomposition rates indicates non-linear interactions between the observed environmental gradients that maintain a consistent net rate of decomposition across the marsh-forest boundary. However, despite similar decomposition rates across the boundary, the accumulated soil litter layer disappears because leaf litter influx decreases from the absence of mature trees. Our finding that environmental gradients counteract expected decomposition trends could inform carbon-climate model projections and may be indicative of decomposition dynamics present in other transitioning ecosystem boundaries.
... Open source remote sensing and GIS products offer a feasible solution for studying coastal terrestrial-aquatic ecosystems, providing a comprehensive and synoptic view of dynamic TAI characteristics [45], for example, coastal wetland type identification [46][47][48], flooding area monitoring [49][50][51], geomorphology investigation [52][53][54], sediment concentration [55][56][57], coastal tree mortality [58][59][60], and coastal urbanization [61][62][63]. Remote sensing techniques have also been applied to estimate carbon fluxes and analyze the response of local environments to carbon fluxes in coastal ecosystems [64][65][66][67][68][69]. ...
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Coastal terrestrial-aquatic interfaces (TAIs) are crucial contributors to global biogeochemical cycles and carbon exchange. The soil carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux in these transition zones is however poorly understood due to the high spatiotemporal dynamics of TAIs, as various sub- ecosystems in this region are compressed and expanded by complex influences of tides, changes in river levels, climate, and land use. We focus on the Chesapeake Bay region to (i) investigate the spatial heterogeneity of the coastal ecosystem and identify spatial zones with similar environmental characteristics based on the spatial data layers, including vegetation phenology, climate, landcover, diversity, topography, soil property, and relative tidal elevation; (ii) understand the primary driving factors affecting soil respiration within sub-ecosystems of the coastal ecosystem. Specifically, we employed hierarchical clustering analysis to identify spatial regions with distinct environmental characteristics, followed by the determination of main driving factors using Random Forest regression and SHapley Additive exPlanations. Maximum and minimum temperature are the main drivers common to all sub-ecosystems, while each region also has additional unique major drivers that differentiate them from one another. Precipitation exerts an influence on vegetated lands, while soil pH value holds importance specifically in forested lands. In croplands characterized by high clay content and low sand content, the sig- nificant role is attributed to bulk density. Wetlands demonstrate the importance of both elevation and sand content, with clay content being more relevant in non-inundated wetlands than in inundated wetlands. The topographic wetness index significantly contributes to the mixed vegetation areas, including shrub, grass, pasture, and forest. Additionally, our research reveals that dense vegetation land covers and urban/developed areas exhibit distinct soil property drivers. Overall, our research demonstrates an efficient method of employing various open-source remote sensing and GIS datasets to comprehend the spatial variability and soil respiration mechanisms in coastal TAI. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to modeling carbon fluxes released by soil respiration in coastal TAIs, and our study highlights the importance of further research and monitoring practices to improve our understanding of carbon dynamics and promote the sustainable management of coastal TAIs.
... Subsurface saltwater contamination has also become a significant concern for people living in low-lying coastal areas who rely on groundwater for drinking water or irrigation (Zamrsky et al., 2024;Cantelon et al., 2022). Groundwater salinization may make soils intolerable for crops, deleteriously impacting biota reliant on previously freshwater conditions (Loc et al., 2021;Kirwan and Gedan, 2019;Werner et al., 2013;Williams, 2010). ...
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Estuaries are vulnerable to oceanic and atmospheric climate change. Much of the research investigating climate change impacts on estuaries is focused on saltwater intrusion within surface water due to drought and rising sea levels, with implications for ecosystems and humans. Groundwater and soil near estuaries may also be influenced, as estuary salinity and hydraulic head changes can impact soils and aquifers not previously at risk of salinization. This study was conducted to address knowledge gaps related to present and future groundwater salinity distribution in a groundwater system connected to a macro-tidal estuary. The studied estuary experiences a tidal bore due to its hydraulic connection to the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada. A parcel of agricultural land adjacent to the estuary was selected to assess the groundwater response to episodic fluctuations in estuary water levels and salinity. Groundwater monitoring and electromagnetic surveys were conducted to map soil and groundwater salinity patterns. A numerical model of groundwater flow and solute transport informed by field data was used to investigate how varying estuary salinity due to droughts and sea-level rise could impact groundwater salinity. Results showed that, in contrast to salt wedges observed along marine coasts, the saline groundwater existed as a plume immediately around the estuary. Model simulations showed that short-term droughts had an insignificant impact on the adjacent groundwater salinity. However, permanent increases in salinity caused by sea-level rise increased the plume volume by 86 %, or an additional ~11 m horizontally and ~ 4.5 m vertically. Our results suggest that increased river salinity in this setting would not result in widespread salinization of porewater and agricultural soils, but more extensive salinization may be experienced in permeable aquifers or along more saline estuarine zones. Findings may inform land management decisions in regions exposed to increased salinity in the future.
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Coastal Zone Soil Survey mapping provides interpretive information that can be used to increase coastal resiliency and quantify how coastal ecosystems are changing over time. North Carolina has approximately 400,500 ha of land within 500 m of the tidal coastline that is expected to undergo some degree of salinization in the next century. This study examined 33 tidal wetlands in the Albemarle–Pamlico Sound along a salinity gradient to provide a coastal zone mapping framework to quantify shoreline change rates. The primary ecosystems evaluated include intact tidal forested wetlands (average water salinity, 0.15–1.61 ppt), degraded “ghost forest” wetlands (3.51–8.28 ppt), and established mesohaline marshes (11.73–15.47 ppt). The average shoreline rate of change (m/yr) was significantly different among estuary ecosystems (p = 0.004), soil type (organic or mineral) (p < 0.001), and shore fetch category (open or protected) (p < 0.001). From 1984 to 2020, a total of 2833 ha of land has been submerged due to sea level rise in the Albemarle–Pamlico Sound with the majority (91.6%) of this loss coming from tidal marsh and ghost forest ecosystems. The results from this study highlight the importance of maintaining healthy coastal forests, which have higher net accretion rates compared to other estuarine ecosystems.
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As global sea-levels rise, low-lying coastal lands are subject to shallow coastal flooding and saltwater intrusion, affecting the productivity of farmlands worldwide. Soil biogeochemistry can be dramatically altered as saltwater intrudes agricultural fields. We selected three farm fields in Somerset Co., Maryland affected by saltwater intrusion and established transects from the ditch bank to the center of the cropped field and collected soils (to ~ 140 cm) at five points along this transect. The three fields in this study have different soil types, are located along different tributaries in the county, and receive different fertilizer rates, yet they all showed similar biogeochemical responses to saltwater intrusion. We found an increase in electrical conductivity and concentrations of chloride, sulfate, and forms of phosphorus (P) from the center of the field (low) to the ditch banks (high). As inundation increased, the structure of iron (Fe) changed from crystalline to non-crystalline forms, possibly due to dissolution under saturated conditions. Near the edges of the fields, the formation of organometallic complexes was positively associated with increases in soil carbon and organic soil P concentrations. Compared to areas of the fields where crops were actively growing, soil P concentrations are 2–3 higher on field edges, suggesting that saltwater intrusion may be transporting P to the edges of agricultural fields. These field edges are frequently saturated, thus reduction of Fe could lead to P release into solution potentially harming water quality. As climate change pushes saltwater further inland, it is important to understand the biogeochemical consequences for ecosystems up- and downstream. Understanding the how fractions of P move and change across fields affected by saltwater intrusion will be crucial for planning current and future management of coastal agricultural lands.
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The response of coastal wetlands to sea-level rise during the twenty-first century remains uncertain. Global-scale projections suggest that between 20 and 90 per cent (for low and high sea-level rise scenarios, respectively) of the present-day coastal wetland area will be lost, which will in turn result in the loss of biodiversity and highly valued ecosystem services1-3. These projections do not necessarily take into account all essential geomorphological4-7 and socio-economic system feedbacks8. Here we present an integrated global modelling approach that considers both the ability of coastal wetlands to build up vertically by sediment accretion, and the accommodation space, namely, the vertical and lateral space available for fine sediments to accumulate and be colonized by wetland vegetation. We use this approach to assess global-scale changes in coastal wetland area in response to global sea-level rise and anthropogenic coastal occupation during the twenty-first century. On the basis of our simulations, we find that, globally, rather than losses, wetland gains of up to 60 per cent of the current area are possible, if more than 37 per cent (our upper estimate for current accommodation space) of coastal wetlands have sufficient accommodation space, and sediment supply remains at present levels. In contrast to previous studies1-3, we project that until 2100, the loss of global coastal wetland area will range between 0 and 30 per cent, assuming no further accommodation space in addition to current levels. Our simulations suggest that the resilience of global wetlands is primarily driven by the availability of accommodation space, which is strongly influenced by the building of anthropogenic infrastructure in the coastal zone and such infrastructure is expected to change over the twenty-first century. Rather than being an inevitable consequence of global sea-level rise, our findings indicate that large-scale loss of coastal wetlands might be avoidable, if sufficient additional accommodation space can be created through careful nature-based adaptation solutions to coastal management.
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Coastal wetland ecosystems are expected to migrate landwards in response to rising seas. However, due to differences in topography and coastal urbanization, estuaries vary in their ability to accommodate migration. Low‐lying urban areas can constrain migration and lead to wetland loss (i.e. coastal squeeze), especially where existing wetlands cannot keep pace with rising seas via vertical adjustments. In many estuaries, there is a pressing need to identify landward migration corridors and better quantify the potential for landward migration and coastal squeeze. We quantified and compared the area available for landward migration of tidal saline wetlands and the area where urban development is expected to prevent migration for 39 estuaries along the wetland‐rich USA Gulf of Mexico coast. We did so under three sea level rise scenarios (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m by 2100). Within the region, the potential for wetland migration is highest within certain estuaries in Louisiana and southern Florida (e.g. Atchafalaya/Vermilion Bays, Mermentau River, Barataria Bay, and the North and South Ten Thousand Islands estuaries). The potential for coastal squeeze is highest in estuaries containing major metropolitan areas that extend into low‐lying lands. The Charlotte Harbor, Tampa Bay, and Crystal‐Pithlachascotee estuaries (Florida) have the highest amounts of urban land expected to constrain wetland migration. Urban barriers to migration are also high in the Galveston Bay (Texas) and Atchafalaya/Vermilion Bays (Louisiana) estuaries. Synthesis and applications . Coastal wetlands provide many ecosystem services that benefit human health and well‐being, including shoreline protection and fish and wildlife habitat. As the rate of sea level rise accelerates in response to climate change, coastal wetland resources could be lost in areas that lack space for landward migration. Migration corridors are particularly important in highly urbanized estuaries where, due to low‐lying coastal development, there is not space for wetlands to move and adapt to sea level rise. Future‐focused landscape conservation plans that incorporate the protection of wetland migration corridors can increase the adaptive capacity of these valuable ecosystems and simultaneously decrease the vulnerability of coastal human communities to the harmful effects of rising seas.
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We used a first-of-its-kind comprehensive scenario approach to evaluate both the vertical and horizontal response of tidal wetlands to projected changes in the rate of sea-level rise (SLR) across 14 estuaries along the Pacific coast of the continental United States. Throughout the U.S. Pacific region, we found that tidal wetlands are highly vulnerable to end-of-century submergence, with resulting extensive loss of habitat. Using higher-range SLR scenarios, all high and middle marsh habitats were lost, with 83% of current tidal wetlands transitioning to unvegetated habitats by 2110. The wetland area lost was greater in California and Oregon (100%) but still severe in Washington, with 68% submerged by the end of the century. The only wetland habitat remaining at the end of the century was low marsh under higher-range SLR rates. Tidal wetland loss was also likely under more conservative SLR scenarios, including loss of 95% of high marsh and 60% of middle marsh habitats by the end of the century. Horizontal migration of most wetlands was constrained by coastal development or steep topography, with just two wetland sites having sufficient upland space for migration and the possibility for nearly 1:1 replacement, making SLR threats particularly high in this region and generally undocumented. With low vertical accretion rates and little upland migration space, Pacific coast tidal wetlands are at imminent risk of submergence with projected rates of rapid SLR.
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Sea-level rise (SLR) is magnifying the frequency and severity of extreme sea levels (ESLs) that can cause coastal flooding. The rate and amount of global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise is a function of the trajectory of global mean surface temperature (GMST). Therefore, temperature stabilization targets (e.g. 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C of warming above pre-industrial levels, as from the Paris Agreement) have important implications for coastal flood risk. Here, we assess, in a global network of tide gauges, the differences in the expected frequencies of ESLs between scenarios that stabilize GMST warming at 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. We employ probabilistic, localized SLR projections and long-term hourly tide gauge records to estimate the expected frequencies of historical and future ESLs for the 21st and 22nd centuries. By 2100, under 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C GMST stabilization, the median GMSL is projected to rise 48 cm (90% probability of 28–82 cm), 56 cm (28–96 cm), and 58 cm (37–93 cm), respectively. As an independent comparison, a semi-empirical sea level model calibrated to temperature and GMSL over the past two millennia estimates median GMSL rise within 7–8 cm of these projections. By 2150, relative to the 2.0 °C scenario and based on median sea level projections, GMST stabilization of 1.5 °C spares the inundation of lands currently home to about 5 million people, including 60 000 individuals currently residing in Small Island Developing States. We quantify projected changes to the expected frequency of historical 10-, 100-, and 500-year ESL events using frequency amplification factors that incorporate uncertainty in both local SLR and historical return periods of ESLs. By 2150, relative to a 2.0 °C scenario, the reduction in the frequency amplification of the historical 100 year ESL event arising from a 1.5 °C GMST stabilization is greatest in the eastern United States, with ESL event frequency amplification being reduced by about half at most tide gauges. In general, smaller reductions are projected for Small Island Developing States.
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Introduction: Marshes contribute to habitat and water quality in estuaries and coastal bays. Their importance to continued ecosystem functioning has led to concerns about their persistence. Outcomes: Concurrent with sea-level rise, marshes are eroding and appear to be disappearing through ponding in their interior; in addition, in many places, they are being replaced with shoreline stabilization structures. We examined the changes in marsh extent over the past 40 years within a subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, to better understand the effects of sea-level rise and human pressure on marsh coverage. Discussion: Approximately 30 years ago, an inventory of York River estuary marshes documented the historic extent of marshes. Marshes were resurveyed in 2010 to examine shifts in tidal marsh extent and distribution. Marsh change varied spatially along the estuary, with watershed changes between a 32% loss and an 11% gain in marsh area. Loss of marsh was apparent in high energy sections of the estuary while there was marsh gain in the upper/riverine section of the estuary and where forested hummocks on marsh islands have become inundated. Marshes showed little change in the small tributary creeks, except in the creeks dominated by fringing marshes and high shoreline development. Conclusions: Differential resilience to sea-level rise and spatial variations in erosion, sediment supply, and human development have resulted in spatially variable changes in specific marsh extents and are predicted to lead to a redistribution of marshes along the estuarine gradient, with consequences for their unique communities.
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Storm-induced saltwater intrusion (SISWI) often starts with (i) overtopping/breaching of a coastal barrier followed by (ii) hinterland inundation and (iii) subsequent vertical seawater intrusion behind the barrier. Though these three processes are naturally successive, they are often analysed separately. However, the necessity of considering these processes as fully coupled has been increasingly recognised. This study, therefore, addresses the modelling of these processes in an integrated approach. The previous related studies are examined and four coupling scenarios are proposed. Thus, a new modelling scenario, utilizing the model XBeach for simulating overtopping/breaching and subsequent flooding and SEAWAT for simulating the SISWI, is chosen for application to a case study in northern Germany. Moreover, the study addresses the mitigation of SISWI using a subsurface drainage network. The simulation results illustrate the high efficiency of such drainage in shortening the remediation time as well as in limiting salt intrusion to the deeper freshwater aquifers.
Questions Sea level rise and saltwater intrusion are changing low‐lying coastal landscapes, converting agricultural land and other upland habitats to tidal marsh. Abandoned, saline agricultural fields are affected by a unique combination of environmental filters, those traditionally found in tidal marsh – salinity and flooding – alongside those of cultivated lands – high nutrient availability and a history of disturbance. We asked how species composition and functional trait composition in saline fields compares to traditional old fields and natural ecotones, and whether trends in succession can be detected in saline fields during the first years post‐abandonment. Location Chesapeake Bay (Mid‐Atlantic, USA). Methods We surveyed plant communities assembling in saline fields and compared taxonomic and functional trait diversity to those in old field and marsh‐forest ecotone communities. We also assessed changes in the saline fields after two and three years of abandonment to detect the direction of succession. Results Saline fields occupied an intermediate taxonomic and trait space between old fields and marsh ecotones. From old fields to saline fields to marsh, communities were less weedy, and more wetland, native, and perennial. Specific leaf area decreased across this transition, in concordance with expected changes in response to salinity. Over time, saline fields became less graminoid and less weedy, and more native, wetland, and woody. Conclusions We conclude that marsh migration into abandoned farmland is producing a novel assembly of plant communities. Intermediate functional traits in the saline fields reflect the novel environmental filters imposed by saltwater intrusion and the cultivation legacy. These patterns suggest that abandoned, saline agricultural fields may develop somewhat differently than natural marsh boundaries, with more shrub‐dominance and greater resilience to Phragmites australis invasion. Importantly, these results suggest that saline fields will provide a facilitating route for marsh migration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The Mid-Atlantic coastal forests in Virginia are stressed by episodic disturbance from hurricanes and nor'easters. Using annual tree-ring data, we adopt a dendroclimatic and statistical modeling approach to understand the response and resilience of a coastal pine forest to extreme storm events, over the past few decades. Results indicate that radial growth of trees in the study area is influenced by age, regional climate trends, and individual tree effects, but dominated periodically by growth disturbance due to storms. We evaluated seven local extreme storm events to understand the effect of nor'easters and hurricanes on radial growth. A general decline in radial growth was observed in the year of the extreme storm and three years following it, after which the radial growth started recovering. The decline in radial growth showed a statistically significant correlation with the magnitude of the extreme storm (storm surge height and wind speed). This study contributes to understanding declining tree growth response and resilience of coastal forests to past disturbances. Given the potential increase in hurricanes and storm surge severity in the region, this can help predict vegetation response patterns to similar disturbances in the future.