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Effect of early introduction of minimal enteral feeding on growth and rate of achieving optimal nutritive intake in very low birth weight preterm infants

  • Institute for Neonatology, Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract and Figures

Introduction/Objective Minimal enteral nutrition (MEN) has an important stimulative effect on morphological and functional development of gastrointestinal system in preterm infants. The aim of this study was to assess effects of early introduced MEN on rate of achieving optimal enteral nutritive intake and on body weight, body length, and head circumference gain in very low birth weight (VLBW) premature infants. Methods This prospective study included 45 VLBW newborns (1,010-1,450; 1,350 ± 305 g), in 30 newborns MEN was introduced within three days after birth, and in 15 newborns enteral intake was introduced after five days due to hemodynamic and metabolic instability. Assessment of effect of early MEN
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Received • Примљено:
Februry 5, 2016
Accepted • Прихваћено:
March 7, 2016
Online rst: February 21, 2017
UDC: 613.2.032.33-053.32
Correspondence to:
Institute for Neonatology
50 Kralja Milutina St.,
11000 Belgrade
Effect of early introduction of minimal enteral
feeding on growth and rate of achieving optimal
nutritive intake in very low birth weight preterm
Vesna Marinković1, Niveska Božinović-Prekajski1, Milica Ranković-Janevski1, Zorica Jelić1,
Vesna Hajdarpašić1, Nedeljko Radlović2,3,4
1Institute for Neonatology, Belgrade, Serbia;
2University Children’s Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia;
3University of Belgrade, School of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia;
4Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, Serbia
Introduction/Objective Minimal enteral nutrition (MEN) has an important stimulative effect on mor-
phological and functional development of gastrointestinal system in preterm infants.
The aim of this study was to assess effects of early introduced MEN on rate of achieving optimal enteral
nutritive intake and on body weight, body length, and head circumference gain in very low birth weight
(VLBW) premature infants.
Methods This prospective study included 45 VLBW newborns (1,010–1,450; 1,350 ± 305 g), in 30 newborns
MEN was introduced within three days after birth, and in 15 newborns enteral intake was introduced after
five days due to hemodynamic and metabolic instability. Assessment of effect of early MEN introduction
on the rate of achieving optimal nutritive intake and gain in basic anthropometric parameters was based
on comparison with a group of subjects who had a delayed MEN introduction.
Results Subjects in which MEN was introduced early on had better weight gain (p < 0.05), reached
birth weight sooner (p < 0.05), and achieved optimal enteral intake much sooner (p < 0.05), compared
to subjects with delayed MEN introduction. The difference in body length gain and head circumference
gain was not significant.
Conclusion Early introduction of MEN has a significant positive effect on rate of body weight gain and
on earlier achievement of optimal enteral intake in VLBW preterm infants.
Keywords: very low body weight infants; early minimal enteral nutrition; optimal nutritive intake
With perinatal care improvements in the last
few decades, incidence of neonatal morbidity
and mortality has been significantly decreased.
Very important role goes to adequate nutrition
of these very vulnerable children, and its posi-
tive effects reflect not only on survival rate and
optimal growth and development, but on adult-
hood as well [1].
The development of gastrointestinal system
starts early in the intrauterine period and con-
tinues postnatally. Although highly immature,
morphologically and functionally, gastrointesti-
nal system partially meets, initially very poorly,
basic nutritive needs of premature infant. In a
very complex process of progressive postnatal
functional maturation of the gastrointestinal
system, early introduction of enteral feeding
has a key role as a physiological stimulus [1, 2].
During the 1980s, new tendencies arose ad-
vocating early initiation of enteral nutrition,
which led to the abandonment of long-standing
practice of delayed enteral feeding of premature
infants in intensive care units [1, 2]. Minimal
enteral nutrition (MEN) implies early intake of
primarily mother’s milk in small amounts (up
to 25 mL/kg/day) in premature infants [2]. This
kind of nutrition doesn’t primarily provide op-
timal nutritive balance in premature infants. Its
basic role is contained in trophic influence on
the immature gastrointestinal system, i.e. on the
development of process of food digestion and
absorption, coordination of motility, gastroin-
testinal hormone activity, and on preservation
of intestinal barrier integrity. In that manner
better feeding tolerance is achieved, as well as
faster postnatal growth and development, lower
incidence of sepsis and necrotizing enterocoli-
tis, and shorter hospitalization [2]. Nowadays,
this way of nutrition is generally accepted in
most neonatal intensive care units as an integral
part of treatment of premature infants [3].
The effects of early introduction of MEN
are assessed in regard to body weight (BW),
body length, head circumference, and rate of
achievement of optimal nutritive intake in very
low birthweight premature infants.
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2017 Jul-Aug;145(7-8):336-339
This prospective study included 45 very low birth weight
(VLBW) premature infants hospitalized at the Institute
for Neonatology, Belgrade, Serbia, since June 2012 un-
til September 2013. The subjects were divided into two
groups according to the time of MEN introduction: group
A, n = 30, in which after establishing hemodynamic stabil-
ity, normal blood pressure, blood pH above 7.3 and FiO
under 40%, MEN was introduced within three days after
birth; and group B, n = 15, in which MEN was introduced
5–10 days (average 6.07) after birth due to hemodynamic
and metabolic instability and/or meteorism (t = 0.02,
p < 0.05). Basic characteristics of both groups of subjects
are presented in Table 1. Distribution of subjects according
to sex was identical between groups. Group A had 14 male
subjects (46.7%) and 16 female subjects (53.3%), and group
B had seven male (46.7%) and eight (53.3%) female subjects.
The basic way of meeting nutritive needs in both group
of subjects during the first days of life was via parenteral
nutrition, while enteral feeding via nasogastric tube was
introduced according to the above mentioned criteria.
Enteral nutrition in all newborns was started with hu-
man milk, be it donor milk or mother’s milk. Daily intake
volume in the first five days was 25 mL/kg/day, and was
increased gradually according to feeding tolerance. When
enteral volume intake of 80 mL/kg/day was achieved, for-
tified human milk was introduced (FM 85 Nestlè, Vevey,
Switzerland) in a dose of 5 g / 100 mL, and/or specialized
milk formula for premature infants (Mil PRE, Impamil
d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia).
The following parameters were followed in all subjects:
daily gain in body weight, day of achieving birth weight,
weekly increase in body length and head circumference,
and day of achieving optimal enteral intake.
All data obtained during research was analyzed with
SPSS 10.0 for Windows software package. Both parametric
and non-parametric statistical tests were used to analyze
the data. Comparison of the two groups was done using
Students t-test and Mann–Whitney U-test, depending on
the data homogeneity. Comparison of data between more
than two groups was done with Kruskal–Wallis test. Sta-
tistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
Subjects with early introduced MEN (group A) compared
to subjects with delayed introduction of MEN (group B)
had a significantly better body weight gain (10.88 ± 3.25 g
vs. 7.73 ± 1.85 g daily; t = 0.017, p < 0.05), and achieved
birth weight sooner (16.38 ± 3.36 days vs. 21 ± 7.16 days;
t = 0.017, p < 0.05) (Figure 1). Also, group A subjects
achieved optimal enteral intake significantly sooner com-
pared to group B (25.7 ± 7.2 days vs. 28.33 ± 7.35 days;
t = 0.021, p < 0.05) (Figure 2).
The difference in weekly gain in body length during the
observed period between subjects in group A (0.45–0.58;
0.51 ± 0.35 cm) and group B (0.45–0.53; 0.49 ± 0.33 cm)
was not significant (t = 0.025, p > 0.05).
The difference in weekly head circumference gain be-
tween group A (0.46–0.67; 0.49 ± 0.21 cm) and group B
(0.44–0.53; 0.5 ± 0.21 cm) during the observed period was
also not significant (t = 0.022, p > 0.05).
Because of its stimulating effect on morphological and
functional development of the gastrointestinal system,
Table 1. Basic characteristics of subjects at birth (n = 45)
Characteristics Group A (n = 30) Group B (n = 15)
Range (x
± SD) Range (x
± SD)
Birth weight (g) 1,000–1,500 1,274.0 ± 144.6 1,000–1,500 1,250 ± 152.2
Gestational age (weeks) 26–32.5 29.5 ± 1.6 27–31.5 29.0 ± 1.2
Apgar score 1’ 1–8 4.9 ± 1.9 2–8 5.53 ± 1.9
Apgar score 5’ 2–8 5.9 ± 1.5 4–8 6.33 ± 1.5
Figure 1. Achievement of birth weight (day)
A:B; p < 0.05
Figure 2. Achievement of optimal nutrition intake (day)
A:B; p < 0.05
Eect of early introduction of minimal enteral feeding in very low birth weight preterm infants
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2017 Jul-Aug;145(7-8):336-339
MEN introduced during the first 24–72 hours after birth
is also known in literature as „trophic feeding“ [4]. Some
authors consider early introduction of MEN to be within
four days after birth [5].
In our subjects, MEN was introduced within the first 72
hours as advocated by most authors [4]. Amount of enteral
intake was also a problem in everyday work, because it
varied greatly between studies. Therefore, MEN was de-
fined as small volume enteral intake, up to 25 mL/kg/day,
or less than 20 kcal/kg/day [6]. MEN was introduced in
our subjects in accordance with the aforementioned rec-
Precondition for the initiation of MEN is clinical state
of a patient, his/her metabolic and hemodynamic stabil-
ity. Precaution should be taken in case of severe perinatal
asphyxia, sepsis, severe hemodynamic instability, absence
of end-diastolic flow, indomethacin therapy and hemody-
namically significant persistent ductus arteriosus, because
of possible necrotizing enterocolitis development [7]. Be-
fore enteral feeding was introduced in our subjects, their
mean arterial pressure was within reference range for body
weight and gestational age, there was no meteorism, and
pH value exceeded 7.3.
It is fully understood nowadays that MEN should be
initiated with mother’s milk, using colostrum whenever
possible [3]. Otherwise, when mother’s milk is not avail-
able, human donor milk from a milk bank is an optimal
choice [8]. Current tendencies show the need for establish-
ing human milk banks which should be the foundation of
nutritive support of premature infants and can contribute
greatly to lactation preservation [9]. It is general attitude
that mother’s milk, with appropriate supplementation,
represents the foundation of nutrition of preterm infants.
Unfortunately, in most cases, production of human milk
is inadequate or lactation is not established at all, in which
case nutrition with donor milk is appropriate choice [9,
10]. In all our subjects, MEN was conducted with human
donor milk, in which colostrum was used in five subjects.
The duration of MEN and further increase in volume
intake are also not precisely defined. There is a need for
a unique protocol considering increase in volume intake
which would have primarily practical role in everyday
neonatologist’s work [11]. In our subjects, MEN was
conducted over a period of days, with a volume of up to
25 mL/kg/day. After this time, an increase in volume in-
take was 15–20 mL/kg/day, adjusted to individual feeding
Measurements of body weight, body length, and head
circumference represent basic anthropometric indicators
of growth in the neonatal period. Skinfold thickness and
subscapular test are far less significant in neonatal clini-
cal practice, considering very small changes in neonates
[12]. Proper technique of measurement and adequately
trained personnel need to perform measurements in inter-
vals prescribed by the protocol or research methodology.
During this study, body weight was measured on digital
scales incorporated in incubators or on classic mechanical
scales (accuracy range ± 5 g). The proper way of measuring
body length is by using a stadiometer, but depending on
the clinical state of a patient, various forms of adapted flex-
ible plastic-coated tape measure are used. The use of tape
measure made from impregnated unstretchable cloth is the
most optimal way of measuring head circumference [13].
The time of birth weight achievement is also an indi-
rect indicator of nutritive support, and it is three weeks in
VLBW preterm infants, but according to clinical condition
it can be even longer [14]. Our subjects in whom MEN was
introduced early on reach birth weight on day 17, which
is significantly shorter compared to day 21 in group with
delayed enteral nutrition (p < 0.05).
Body weight gain during intrauterine growth is about
15–20 g/kg/day, while postnatal growth of 10–20 g/kg/
day is considered to be appropriate [15]. Average body
weight gain in the group with early introduced MEN was
10.88 g/kg/day, which is significantly more compared to
7.73 g/kg/day in the group with delayed enteral intake
(p < 0.05).
Increase in body length and occipitofrontal head cir-
cumference of 0.9 cm per week is ideal, and represents a
goal of adequate nutritive support, although this value is
far lower and harder to reach in clinical practice. Moni-
toring of early postnatal growth through series of body
length measurements in preterm infants shows a value of
0.5–0.9 cm per week, and occipitofrontal head circumfer-
ence of 0.5–1.1 cm per week [16, 17, 18]. Average weekly
gain in body length in our subjects was 0.45–0.58 cm, and
in head circumference 0.46–0.67 cm. The conducted study
wasn’t coherent considering the question of effect of mini-
mal enteral nutrition on short-term growth, while analysis
of long-term growth and its developmental effects was not
analyzed [19]. There is a need for new randomised stud-
ies that will include extremely low birth weight infants in
this research, as well as infants with intrauterine growth
restriction [20, 21].
Minimal enteral nutrition with human milk as an addition
to parenteral nutrition represent a very important practi-
cal approach in treatment of VLBW premature infants,
naturally stimulating the development of gastrointestinal
functions. Minimal enteral nutrition introduction within
72 hours compared to five or more days after birth signifi-
cantly contributes to the rate of body weight gain and to
earlier achievement of optimal nutritive intake, so it should
be practiced whenever possible.
This paper is a part of a master’s thesis titled Analysis
of the effect of minimal enteral nutrition on the growth
of very low birthweight premature infants,” defended on
February 18, 2014 at the School of Medicine, University
of Belgrade.
Marinković V. et al.
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2017 Jul-Aug;145(7-8):336-339
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Увод/Циљ Минимална ентерална исхрана (МЕИ) има битан
стимулативни ефекат на морфолошки и функционални раз-
вој гастроинтестиналног система код превремено рођеног
Циљ рада била је процена ефеката ране МЕИ на брзине
постизања оптималног ентералног нутритивног уноса и раст
телесне масе, телесне дужине и обима главе код превреме-
но рођене деце веома мале телесне масе (ВМТМ).
Методе рада Проспективном студијом је обухваћено 45
новорођенчади ВМТМ (1.010–1.450; 1.350 ± 305 g), 30 код
којих је МЕИ започет унутар три дана по рођењу и 15 код
којих је због хемодинамске и метаболичке нестабилности
ентерални унос започет након пет дана. Процена ефекта
ране МЕИ на брзину постизања оптималног нутритивног
уноса и раст основних антропометријских параметара за-
снивана је на поређењу са групом испитаника код којих је
ентерални унос започет касније.
Резултати Испитаници са рано започетом МЕИ у односу
на оне код којих је ентерална исхрана одложена су боље
напредовали у телесној маси (p < 0,05), брже достизали по-
рођајну телесну тежину (p < 0,05) и знатно раније успоста-
вљали оптимални ентерални унос (p < 0,05), док разлика у
расту телесне дужине и обима главе између ове две групе
испитаника није била значајна.
Закључак Рана МЕИ има знатан позитиван ефекат на брзину
пораста телесне тежине и раније успостављање оптималног
ентералног уноса код превремено рођене деце ВМТМ.
Кључне речи: новорођенчад веома мале телесне масе; рана
минимална ентерална исхрана; оптимални нутритивни унос
Утицај ране минималне ентералне исхране на раст и брзину постизања
оптималног нутритивног уноса превремено рођене деце веома мале телесне
Весна Маринковић1, Нивеска Божиновић-Прекајски1, Милица Ранковић-Јаневски1, Зорица Јелић1, Весна Хајдарпашић1,
Недељко Радловић2,3,4
1Институт за неонатологију, Београд, Србија;
2Универзитетска дечја клиника, Београд, Србија;
3Универзитет у Београду, Медицински факултет, Београд, Србија;
4Академија медицинских наука Српског лекарског друштва, Београд, Србија
Eect of early introduction of minimal enteral feeding in very low birth weight preterm infants
... Premature babies are at risk of feeding difficulties due to the immaturity of their neurological and motor systems, which are further exacerbated in those with underlying complications. While the ultimate nutritional goal is to achieve complete enteral feeding through breastfeeding in preterm babies, many variables influence the mother-infant relationship and the establishment and continuation of lactation, including nutritional, biological, psychological, cultural, and social components, all of which differ significantly in preterm births compared to term births [113][114][115][116][117]. Preterm birth is associated with a higher risk of short-term complications than term birth, making early minimal enteral feeding with human milk, especially colostrum, extremely important [118][119][120]. However, there is limited evidence about current breastfeeding practices for premature infants. ...
Full-text available
Human milk is a biofluid with a unique composition among mammalian milks. Besides this milk’s major components, its bioactive compounds, like hormones, immune factors, and oligosaccharides, are unique and important for infant growth and development. The best form of nutrition for term and preterm infants is the mother’s own milk. However, in the absence of the mother’s own milk, donor milk should be made available. Milk banks support neonatal intensive care units by providing preterm infants with human milk that generally has reasonable nutritive value for this sensitive population. However, neither mother’s own milk nor donor milk has sufficient energy content for the growth of preterm babies, so adequate human milk supplementation is crucial for their progress. Due to the different characteristics of human breast milk, as well as ubiquitous environmental pollutants, such as microplastics, new methods are required for monitoring the quality and characteristics of human milk, which will lay a solid foundation for the further development and progress of human milk research.
Full-text available
To evaluate enteral feeding practices in neonatal units in different countries and on different continents. A web-based survey of 127 tertiary neonatal intensive care units in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and the UK. 124 units (98%) responded. 59 units (48%) had a breast milk bank or access to donor human milk (Australia/New Zealand 2/27, Canada 6/29, Scandinavia 20/20 and UK/Ireland 31/48). The proportion of units initiating enteral feeding within the first 24 h of life was: 43/124 (35%) if gestational age (GA) <25 weeks, 53/124 (43%) if GA 25-27 weeks and 88/124 (71%) if GA 28-31 weeks. In general, Scandinavian units introduced enteral feeds the earliest, followed by UK/Ireland. Continuous feeding was routinely used for infants below 28 weeks' gestation in almost half of the Scandinavian units and in approximately one sixth of units in UK/Ireland, but rarely in Australia/New Zealand and Canada. Minimal enteral feeding for 4-5 days was common in Canada, but rare in Scandinavia. Target enteral feeding volume in a 'stable' preterm infant was 140-160 ml/kg/day in most Canadian units and 161-180 ml/kg/day or higher in units in the other regions. There were also marked regional differences in criteria for use and timing when human milk fortifier was added. This study highlights areas of uncertainty and demonstrates marked variability in feeding practices. It provides valuable data for planning collaborative feeding trials to optimise outcome in preterm infants.
Full-text available
Delivering adequate amounts of nutrients to premature infants at all times is challenging because the infant's immature gastrointestinal tract is initially unable to accept feedings, necessitating the use of parenteral nutrition. In the past, inadequate amounts of nutrients have commonly been given to premature infants because the administration of nutrients was thought to be hazardous. Inadequate nutrient intakes have resulted in widespread postnatal growth restriction. Now that it is known that postnatal growth restriction is associated with poor neurocognitive development, efforts are made to increase nutrient intakes. In this review, nutrient requirements of premature infants that have been determined by the factorial and empirical methods are reviewed. Current good practices regarding parenteral nutrition are discussed, as are guidelines for the introduction and advancement of enteral feedings. Because of its trophic effects on the gastrointestinal tract and its anti-infectious effects, human milk is strongly preferred as the early feeding of choice for premature infants. Human milk also protects infants against necrotizing enterocolitis. Once full feeding is achieved, the challenge is to provide nutrients in amounts that support the infant's growth like that of the fetus. In the case of the infant fed his/her mother's milk or banked donor milk, nutrient fortification is necessary and is generally practiced. However, adequate intakes of protein are seldom achieved with routine fortification and methods of providing additional fortification are discussed.
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Preterm infants require considerably more protein to achieve normal intrauterine growth rates than is commonly fed to them during their first postnatal days. Continuing protein nutrition to maintain normal growth rates often is not achieved until several weeks after birth. Most very preterm infants do not receive the protein necessary to produce the 2-3 kilograms of body mass over a 12-16 week period of NICU care and, as a result, end up growth restricted by term, in lean body mass more than fat. This article reviews the requirements for protein and amino acids necessary to achieve normal growth and development of preterm infants. Protein requirements at 24-30 weeks' gestation are as high as 4 g/kg/day, decreasing to 2-3 g/kg/day by term. Individual amino acids are important not just as building blocks for protein synthesis and net protein balance, but also as essential signalling molecules for normal cellular function. Perhaps most importantly, brain growth and later life cognitive function are directly related to protein intake during the neonatal period in preterm infants. Data are reviewed that document successful increase in protein balance in preterm infants achieved with higher than usual rates of amino acid and protein nutrition, noting that positive protein balance requires at least 1.5 g/kg/day, but there still is increased protein balance up to 4 g/kg/day. Further research is necessary to determine optimal amounts and mixtures of protein and amino acids for both intravenous and enteral feeding to improve growth, development, and functional capacity of preterm infants.
Human milk has many well-established health benefits for both term and premature infants. When mother’s own milk is unavailable, pasteurized donor human milk feeding has become a standard of care for sick and premature infants in many neonatal intensive care units. Significant data show that feeding premature infants pasteurized donor human milk in the absence of mother’s own milk reduces the risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis when compared with feeding infant formula. However, there is also substantial evidence that premature infants have slower growth rates in the immediate neonatal period when fed donor milk rather than infant formula or mother’s own milk. The composition of human milk is significantly affected by stage of lactation and the pasteurization process, and the substantial nutritional differences between mother’s own milk and pasteurized donor milk must be considered when using donor milk as a source of long-term nutrition for premature infants. Close attention to fortification methods and nutrient provision is needed when attempting to meet the nutrition needs of the premature infant with donor milk. Feeding protocols should be established that allow for provision of human milk to the most vulnerable preterm infants regardless of availability of mother’s own milk, while at the same time minimizing the risk of inadequate nutrition.
Background: The introduction of enteral feeds for very preterm (< 32 weeks) or very low birth weight (< 1500 grams) infants is often delayed due to concern that early introduction may not be tolerated and may increase the risk of necrotising enterocolitis. However, prolonged enteral fasting may diminish the functional adaptation of the immature gastrointestinal tract and extend the need for parenteral nutrition with its attendant infectious and metabolic risks. Trophic feeding, giving infants very small volumes of milk to promote intestinal maturation, may enhance feeding tolerance and decrease the time taken to reach full enteral feeding independently of parenteral nutrition. Objectives: To determine the effect of early trophic feeding versus enteral fasting on feed tolerance, growth and development, and the incidence of neonatal morbidity (including necrotising enterocolitis and invasive infection) and mortality in very preterm or VLBW infants. Search methods: We used the standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group. This included electronic searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 12), MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL (1980 until December 2012), conference proceedings and previous reviews. Selection criteria: Randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials that assessed the effects of early trophic feeding (milk volumes up to 24 ml/kg/day introduced before 96 hours postnatal age and continued until at least one week after birth) versus a comparable period of enteral fasting in very preterm or very low birth weight infants. Data collection and analysis: We extracted data using the standard methods of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group with separate evaluation of trial quality and data extraction by two authors and synthesis of data using risk ratio, risk difference and mean difference. Main results: Nine trials in which a total of 754 very preterm or very low birth weight infants participated were eligible for inclusion. Few participants were extremely preterm (< 28 weeks) or extremely low birth weight (< 1000 grams) or growth restricted. These trials did not provide any evidence that early trophic feeding affected feed tolerance or growth rates. Meta-analysis did not detect a statistically significant effect on the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis: typical risk ratio 1.07 (95% confidence interval 0.67 to 1.70); risk difference 0.01 (-0.03 to 0.05). Authors' conclusions: The available trial data do not provide evidence of important beneficial or harmful effects of early trophic feeding for very preterm or very low birth weight infants. The applicability of these findings to extremely preterm, extremely low birth weight or growth restricted infants is limited. Further randomised controlled trials would be needed to determine how trophic feeding compared with enteral fasting affects important outcomes in this population.
The number of surviving children born prematurely has increased substantially during the last 2 decades. The major goal of enteral nutrient supply to these infants is to achieve growth similar to foetal growth coupled with satisfactory functional development. The accumulation of knowledge since the previous guideline on nutrition of preterm infants from the Committee on Nutrition of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in 1987 has made a new guideline necessary. Thus, an ad hoc expert panel was convened by the Committee on Nutrition of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition in 2007 to make appropriate recommendations. The present guideline, of which the major recommendations are summarised here (for the full report, see, is consistent with, but not identical to, recent guidelines from the Life Sciences Research Office of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences published in 2002 and recommendations from the handbook Nutrition of the Preterm Infant. Scientific Basis and Practical Guidelines, 2nd ed, edited by Tsang et al, and published in 2005. The preferred food for premature infants is fortified human milk from the infant's own mother, or, alternatively, formula designed for premature infants. This guideline aims to provide proposed advisable ranges for nutrient intakes for stable-growing preterm infants up to a weight of approximately 1800 g, because most data are available for these infants. These recommendations are based on a considered review of available scientific reports on the subject, and on expert consensus for which the available scientific data are considered inadequate.
Growth-restricted preterm infants are at increased risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and initiation of enteral feeding is frequently delayed. There is no evidence that this delay is beneficial and it might further compromise nutrition and growth. Infants with gestation below 35 weeks, birth weight below the 10th centile, and abnormal antenatal umbilical artery Doppler waveforms were randomly allocated to commence enteral feeds "early," on day 2 after birth, or "late," on day 6. Gradual increase in feeds was guided by a "feeding prescription" with rate of increase the same for both groups. Primary outcomes were time to achieve full enteral feeding sustained for 72 hours and NEC. Four hundred four infants were randomly assigned from 54 hospitals in the United Kingdom and Ireland (202 to each group). Median gestation was 31 weeks. Full, sustained, enteral feeding was achieved at an earlier age in the early group: median age was 18 days compared with 21 days (hazard ratio: 1.36 [95% confidence interval: 1.11-1.67]). There was no evidence of a difference in the incidence of NEC: 18% in the early group and 15% in the late group (relative risk: 1.2 [95% confidence interval: 0.77-1.87]). Early feeding resulted in shorter duration of parenteral nutrition and high-dependency care, lower incidence of cholestatic jaundice, and improved SD score for weight at discharge. Early introduction of enteral feeds in growth-restricted preterm infants results in earlier achievement of full enteral feeding and does not appear to increase the risk of NEC.
: The purpose of this study was to examine the current management of the enteral feeding regimens of premature infants cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). : The study included responses from 70 neonatal nurses who participated in a 2009 Neonatal Enteral Feeding Survey distributed electronically to the National Association of Neonatal Nurses membership. These respondents were representative of both the United States and Canada, with 29 US states represented. The majority of respondents (95.7%) reported current nursing employment in a level III NICU. : Survey research was used in this exploratory study. The survey, Enteral Tube Feeding Practices in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, was developed in collaboration with expert neonatal nurses and nutritionists, pilot tested, and distributed via electronic means. : Survey research was conducted according to the Dillman methodology. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and univariate analysis of variance assessing for significant differences in specific neonatal feeding practices reported. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data reported. : The outcome measures included the survey responses to the questions asked about the implementation of an enteral feeding protocol and various aspects of enteral feeding practices in the NICU. : The majority of participants (60.9%) reported that an enteral feeding protocol was implemented in practice, but that it was inconsistently followed because of individual physician or nurse practice patterns, or highly individualized feeding plans required of specific clinical care needs of the patient. Respondents indicated that gestational age was the leading criteria used to initiate feedings, and patent ductus arteriosis treatment was the primary contraindication to enteral feedings. The leading factor reported to delay or alter enteral feedings was the presence of gastric residuals. Survey data indicated that other contraindicating factors to enteral feeding are variable across NICUs and, as reported, are often inconsistent with the current research published to date. : Research is needed to provide a foundation on which to develop effective enteral feeding protocols that are appropriate for the diversity of infants cared for in the NICU. Such research findings will culminate in the development and implementation of enteral feeding protocols in the NICU, which will result in improved nutrition, growth, and development outcomes for premature infants.
In a NICU early enteral feeding is usually possible only when the newborn clinical conditions permit it. Because of the frequent need of umbilical/central catheters, they usually start with parenteral feeding and/or with minimal enteral feeding (trophic feeding). This kind of management is even more frequent in VLBWIs, in which the risk of NEC is very high. In this work we describe a model of early enteral exclusive feeding (EEEF) based on the use of banking human milk followed by mother In the Centre of Neonatology of Trento, as in other milk. Centers, the newborns weighing less than 750 g or with a GE <27 weeks, are treated with parenteral nutrition and minimal enteral feeding. The newborn weighing 750-1249g and with GE >26 weeks define a group in which we find critical neonates, who can not be treated with enteral feeding, and neonates whose clinical conditions permit EEEF. In particular, in a period of 16 years (1994-2009) in Trento, 308 newborns weighing 750-1249 g and GE >26 weeks were admitted. The 90.9% has been treated with prenatal steroids, the 91.9% was inborn, the 96.1% survived. In the 59.1% of the cases (175) we gave EEEF. We could continue with a complete EEEF in the 40.2% of the total (119 cases). The characteristics of these neonates and our centre management, based mainly on early use of banking human milk and mother milk, are detailed described.