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Abstract and Figures

Introduction: To describe the cultural adaptation of the Turkish Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale and to examine the factor structure, reliability and validity of the scale in older adults.
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Turkish Journal of Geriatrics
2014; 17 (2) 157-163
Çiğdem AYHAN1
Nuray KIRDI1
Yavuz YAKUT1
Çağatay GÜLER3
Introduction: To describe the cultural adaptation of the Turkish Activities Specific Balance
Confidence Scale and to examine the factor structure, reliability and validity of the scale in older
Materials and Method: One hundred and six elderly people were recruited in the study. The
assessments included the Turkish Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale, Falls Efficacy Scale,
Berg Balance Scale, Mini Mental State Test, Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale, and Short Form-
36 (physical function and mental health subgroups). Outcome measures were conducted twice
within 2 weeks (test-retest) for reliability.
Results: The Cronbach's a coefficient was 0.9649 for the test and 0.9648 for the re-test. The
Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the test-retest reliability was 0.997 with 95% confidence in-
terval 0.996-0.998. A strong negative correlation was found between the Turkish Activities Spe-
cific Balance Confidence Scale and the Falls Efficacy Scale (r=-0.835, p<0.001). There were strong
positive correlations between the scale and the physical function subgroup of the Short Form-36
(r=0.614, p<0.001), and the Berg Balance Scale (r=0.748, p<0.001). No significant correlation was
found between the scale and the mental health subgroup of the Short Form-36 (r=-0.110,
p=0.262). Results of a factor analysis conducted on the scale showed evidence of a 2-domain
Conclusion: The Turkish Activities Specific Balance Confidence Scale showed excellent reliabi-
lity and good validity. It can be suggested that the scale promises to be useful and practical when
used with different groups of elderly for the assessment and management of balance confidence.
Key Words: Aged; Accidental Falls, Postural Balance; Fear; Outcome Assessment (Health
İletişim (Correspondance)
Çiğdem AYHAN
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation ANKARA
Tlf: 0312 305 25 25
Geliş Tarihi: 12/06/2013
Kabul Tarihi: 25/12/2013
1 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation ANKARA
2 Ahi Evran University, School of Physical Therapy and
Rehabilitation KIRŞEHİR
3 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Public Health ANKARA
Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeğinin Türkçe kültürel adaptasyo-
nunu yapmak ve yaşlı bireylerde faktöriyel yapısını geçerlik ve güvenirlik özelliklerini test etmekti.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 106 yaşlı birey dahil edildi. Değerlendir-
me kapsamında Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeği, Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği, Berg Denge Ölçe-
ği, Mini Mental Durum Testi, Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği, Kısa Form-36'nın Fiziksel fonksiyon ve
Mental sağlık alt başlıkları yer aldı. Ölçekler test-tekrar test güvenirliği değerlendirmek için iki haf-
ta arayla tekrarlandı.
Bulgular: iç tutarlıkta, Cronbach alfa değeri, test için 0.9649, ve tekrar test için 0.9648 ola-
rak belirlendi. Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeğinin tekrar test güvenirliği (Intraclass Correla-
tion Coefficient) 0,997, % 95 güven aralığı 0,996-0,998 olarak bulundu. Ölçütsel geçerlik yönün-
den, Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeği ve Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği (r=-0,835, p<0,001) arasında
negatif ilişki kaydedildi. Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeği, Kısa Form-36 Fiziksel fonksiyon alt
başlığı (r=0,614, p<0,001) ve Berg Denge Ölçeği (r=0,748, p<0,001) arasında pozitif yönde ilişki
saptandı. Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeği ve Kısa Form-36 mental sağlık arasında herhangi
bir ilişki (r0,110, p=0,262) saptanmadı. Kullanılan faktör analizi iki faktörün belirlenmesi ile so-
Sonuç: Bu çalışma, Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeğinin yaşlı bireylerde kabul edilebilir
derecede güvenilir ve geçerli olduğunu gösterdi. Aktiviteye Özgü Denge Güven Ölçeği, yaşlı bi-
reylerin denge güven durumunun değerlendirme ve tedavisinde kullanılabilecek yararlı ve kullanı-
mı kolay bir ölçektir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Yaşlı; Düşmeler; Denge; Korku; Ölçekler.
he occurrence of "fear of falling" (FOF) among non-falling
elderly is between 12% and 65%; while it is between
29% and 92% among elderly who have fallen. FOF, which is
multifactorial in etiology, may lead to serious physical, psy-
chological and social problems in the elderly (1). Activity
restriction, decreased mobility, social isolation, anxiety, and
depression are the most important consequences of the FOF
In recent years there has been a growing focus on the
measurement of FOF in the elderly with a view to developing
prevention and rehabilitation management strategies (3).
Tinetti (1990) has defined fall-related self-efficacy or balance
confidence as people's personal beliefs about their own abili-
ties to perform certain activities (4). The Fall Efficacy Scale
(FES) is the first developed scale to be reported in the litera-
ture; it focuses on the performance of indoor activities by the
elderly. This scale was reported to have a high level of test-
retest reliability and internal consistency (5). However, the
FES measures only simple indoor activities and does not pro-
vide information about more difficult and complex outdoor
The Activity Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) is
an alternative scale for assessing FOF, developed by Powell
and Myers. The ABC scale was designed to measure subjective
balance confidence for both indoor and outdoor activities in
ambulatory community-dwelling elderly (6). Up to now, this
scale has been translated into many languages (7-14).
Previous studies have reported that the ABC scale has good
psychometric properties with high internal consistency and
test-retest reliability.
The Turkish version of the ABC scale (ABC-T) was used
by Karapolat et al. (2010) on patients with unilateral periph-
eral vestibular diseases, which demonstrated acceptable meas-
urement properties (15). The aim of this study was to produce
a cross-cultural adaptation of the scale and to test the psycho-
metric quality of the scale in elderly participants.
One hundred and six elderly people who agreed to participate
in the study were recruited from hospital units. Inclusion cri-
teria for the study were that participants were over age 65,
volunteered for the study, were able to stand independently
and unsupported for 90 seconds, and were cognitively able to
communicate adequately. Participants whose mother lan-
guage was not Turkish, who had malignancy, and who had
hearing or vision loss were excluded from the study. All par-
ticipants were asked to sign an informed consent form and
were informed about the study prior to its start. The study
was approved by the Research Ethics Board.
Demographic data of the participants, including age, gender,
history of falls and detailed medical history were recorded at
the baseline assessment. All assessments were made during
face-to-face interviews including Mini Mental State Test
(MMST), Short Form 36 (SF-36) Mental Health subgroup and
Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Balance-related
assessments included ABC scale, FES, Berg Balance Scale
(BBS) and SF-36 Physical Function subgroup. ABC, FES,
BBS, GDS and SF-36 tests were made twice within 2 weeks.
All assessments were completed on the same day.
Activity Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC)
The ABC scale was developed by Powell and Myers. This scale
contains 16 tasks related to indoor and outdoor daily living
activities, to measure balance confidence in elderly people
who have various levels of functioning. Scores range from 0%
(no confidence) to 100% (complete confidence) for each ques-
tion item. Higher scores indicate greater confidence (6).
The cross-cultural adaptation process of the ABC scale was
performed by following the guidelines provided by Beaton et
al (16). Those guidelines are as follows: First, two independ-
ent translators performed the forward translations from
English to Turkish. The translations were compared and dis-
crepancies were resolved. Second, bilingual translators, whose
mother language was English, back translated the same ver-
sion. Although one of the translators was aware of the study,
the other translator was not aware of it. Third, the two back-
translations were synthesized by the authors to achieve a con-
sensus. Finally, a second meeting was held with participation
of all the interested professionals. This team reviewed the
English and Turkish versions of the translations to control for
and pinpoint possible meaning differences and inconsisten-
cies. A final version was established and field tested on 30 eld-
erly adults after a number of slight corrections and changes by
Mini Mental State Test (MMST)
The MMST evaluates the cognitive status of the elderly. It
contained seven domains, each with an assigned point value
totaling 30. MMST scores higher than or equal to 24 were
considered as normal cognitive function, while scores lower
than 24 indicated cognitive impairment. Low MMST scores
have also been associated with an increased fall risk in elderly
adults (17).
Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
The GDS consists of 30 questions to be answered as "yes" or
"no", with a maximum score of 30 points. The Turkish ver-
sion of the GDS was used in this study. GDS scores equal to
or higher than 6 were considered to indicate clinically signif-
icant depression (18).
Berg Balance Scale (BBS)
The BBS is a 14-item scale that measures sitting, standing
and postural changes while performing tasks. Each task is
scored from 0 points to 4 points. Higher scores indicate bet-
ter balance control. Scores of 0-20 indicate a high fall risk, 21-
40 indicates a medium fall risk, and 41-56 indicates a low fall
risk (19).
Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale (FES)
The FES was designed to assess the level of self-perceived FOF
during the performance of daily living activities by the elder-
ly. The FES consists of 10 simple indoor activities rated on a
10-point scale. The scores are summed to give a total score
ranging from 10 to 100 points, where lower scores indicate a
low level of confidence. Tinetti reported a test-retest reliabil-
ity for the FES in a community-based elderly population of
r=0.71 (5).
Short Form-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire
The SF-36 was developed by the RAND Corporation and the
Medical Outcomes Study (20). SF-36 has eight subgroups
with a total of 36 questions. The Turkish version of the SF-36
has shown acceptable measurement properties (21). "Physical
Function" and "Mental Health" subtests of the SF-36 were
used in this study. Higher scores indicate higher levels of
A fall history was obtained from the responses to the question
"How many times did you fall during the past year?" (22).
Falls were recorded as numbers.
Statistical Analysis
All analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences 15.00 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). The
variables were expressed in terms of arithmetic means (X) and
standard deviation (SD) values. The critical level of signifi-
cance was set at p<0.05.
The psychometric properties of the ABC scale were evalu-
ated in terms of reliability and validity. Test-retest reliability
was determined by calculating the intraclass correlation coef-
ficient (ICC), which shows the strength of agreement. ICC
values are defined as fair (<0.40), moderate (0.40-0.59), sub-
stantial (0.60-0.79), and excellent (>0.80). Internal consisten-
cy, which means that all items of the scale measure aspects of
a single construct, was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, which
is expected to be above 0.70. A Pearson correlation coefficient
was used to assess the strength of the linear relationships. (23)
Concurrent convergent validity refers to the extent to
which an instrument correlates with other measures of the
same construct, which it is theoretically predicted to correlate
with. Concurrent convergent validity of the ABC scale with
other measures was estimated using Pearson's correlation
coefficient. The correlation between the ABC scale and the
FES (taken as a criterion variable), which is referred as criteri-
on validity, was performed. Construct validity was evaluated
by the principal component and factor analysis method.
ne hundred and six elderly people between the ages of 65
and 88, with an average of 69.52±5.17 years, were
included in the study as subjects, of which 49 (46%) were
females and 57 (54%) were males. Demographic data of the
participants are shown in Table 1. The scores on the FSS,
MSS, GDS and FES are also shown in Table 1.
Content Equivalence of ABC-T Scale: Three of the 16 items
on the ABC scale were found to be culturally irrelevant due to
differences in the physical living environment and climate in
Turkey. First, in item 4 we used the term "height level"
instead of "eye level". This is a more common expression in
Turkey. In item 8, "to a car parked in the driveway" was mod-
ified as "to the street", as most elderly people do not use a car
for transportation in Turkey, and they usually live in a house
without a driveway. In item 16 we replaced "icy sidewalks"
with "slippery sidewalks" because of the climate of Turkey.
The three modified questions are summarized in Table 2.
Reliability: The Cronbach's a coefficients for the ABC Scale
were 0.9649 for the test and 0.9648 for the re-test, which
indicated a higher internal consistency than was expected.
Item-total correlations for all items ranged from 0.578 to
Table 1 Demographic Characteristics of the Participants. Table 2 Results of the Cultural Adaptation of the ABC Scale.
Age (years) (X±SD) 69.52+5.17
65-74 (n (%)) 88 (83.0)
75-84 (n (%)) 17 (16.0)
85< (n (%)) 1 (1.0)
Height (cm) (X+SD) 165.34+8.99
Body weight (kg) (X+SD) 77.03+12.81
Body Mass Index (kg/m2) (X+SD) 28.31+5.23
MMST (0-30) (X+SD) 29.76+0.43
Falls during twelve months (n (%))
Non fallers 48 (45.3)
1 time 25(23.6)
2 times 16 15.1)
3 times 8 (7.5)
4 times 9 (8.5)
ABC (0-100) 86.97+22
BBS (0-56) 53.91+3.71
FSS (0-100) 47.38+12.96
MSS (0-100) 46.17+6.78
GDS (0-30) 3.14+2.56
FES (10-100) 23.75+21.49
MMST: Mini Mental State Test, BBS: Berg Balance Scale, FSS: Physical
function subgroup of SF-36, MSS: Mental health subgroup of SF-36,
GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale, FES: Falls Efficacy Scale.
0.894, which demonstrates moderately strong evidence
(Table 3). The ICC for the test-retest reliability of the ABC
Scale was 0.997, with a 95% confidence interval (CI)
0.996-0.998, which suggested reasonably high test-retest
reliability for the ABC Scale (Table 3). The ICC values for
individual items ranged from 0.962 to 0.999, with the high-
est ICC value for item 15 (Step onto or off an escalator while
holding onto parcels such that you cannot hold onto the rail-
ing) and the lowest value for item 2 (Walk up or down stairs)
(Table 3).
Convergent Validity: The total score of the ABC scale was
negatively correlated with a history of falls (r=-0.770,
p<0.001). There were high positive correlations between
ABC scores and the physical function subgroup score of the
SF-36 (r=0.614, p<0.001), and the BBS (r=0.748, p<0.001).
There was no significant correlation between ABC scores and
the mental health subgroup score of SF-36 (r
Criterion Validity: There was a high negative correlation
between ABC scores and FES scores (r=-0.835, p<0.001).
4. Reach for a small can off a Reach for a small can off a shelf
shelf at eye level? at height level?
8. Walk outside the house to a Walk outside the house to the
car parked in the driveway? street?
16. Walk outside on icy Walk outside on slippery
sidewalks? sidewalks?
Construct Validity: The ABC scale was factor analyzed using
principal component analysis with Varimax (orthogonal) rota-
tion. The Kaiser—Meyer Olkin value was 0.849, p
which suggested that the sample was factorable. Chi-square
was 2514.168 (120 degrees of freedom, p<0.001) in Bartlett's
test of sphericity, indicating that the correlation matrix was
an identity matrix. The analysis yielded two factors, explain-
ing a total matrix variance of 78.629% (Table 4). The factor
analysis was performed without imposing any preconceived
structure on the outcome. Two factors were extracted, as was
estimated in the theoretical phase. Seven items, numbers
7,11,12,13,14,15,16, were loaded onto Factor 1. This factor
was labeled "Attentional demands activities" and explained
68.651% of the variance (Table 4). Factor 2 was labeled
"Simple demands activities" due to high loadings on tasks
numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10. This factor explained 9.978%
of the variance (Table 4).
alance confidence is an important issue among the elderly
population in terms of functional mobility, participation
and personal well-being. The present study investigated the
psychometric properties and factorial analysis of the ABC-Tin
elderly participants. The results of the study indicate that the
Turkish ABC scale has strong measurement properties, which
make it a reliable and valid instrument for research and prac-
Test-retest reliability indicates whether the items of the
ABC scale measure a single construct or not. In the original
study, test-retest reliability of the ABC Scale in community
dwelling older people was high (ICC
0.92). Similarly, in
other studies performed on elderly adults, the ICC values
ranged from 0.73 to 0.98. Test-retest reliability was found to
vary between 0.67 to 0.92 in the Turkish version of the scale.
In this study, the ABC scale has high test-retest reliability
Table 3 Test-retest Reliability and Item Total Correlations of the Turkish Version of the ABC Scale.
95% CI
1. Walk around the house? 0.887* 0.970 0.9562 0.9795
2. Walk up or down stairs? 0.875* 0.962 0.9449 0.9741
3. Bend over and pick up a slipper from the
front of a closet floor? 0.821* 0.987 0.9817 0.9915
4. Reach for a small can off a shelf at height level? 0.578* 0.993 0.9911 0.9958
5. Stand on your tiptoes and reach for something above your head? 0.817* 9.985 0.9785 0.9900
6. Stand on a chair and reach for something? 0.817* 0.997 0.9957 0.9980
7. Sweep the floor? 0.811* 0.998 0.9978 0.9990
8. Walk outside the house to the street? 0.870* 0.998 0.9974 0.9988
9. Get into or out of a car? 0.853* 0.987 0.9815 0.9913
10. Walk across a parking lot to the mall? 0.894* 0.989 0.9843 0.9927
11. Walk up or down a ramp? 0.890* 0.994 0.9919 0.9962
12. Walk in a crowded mall where people rapidly walk past you? 0.843 0.997 0.9967 0.9985
13. Are bumped into by people as you walk through the mall? 0.891* 0.998 0.9983 0.9992
14. Step onto or off of an escalator while holding onto a railing? 0.790* 0.993 0.9911 0.9958
15. Step onto or off an escalator while holding onto parcels such that you
cannot hold onto the railing? 0.746* 0.999 0.9985 0.9993
16. Walk outside on slippery sidewalks? 0.806* 0.993 0.9897 0.9952
Total 0.997 0.9967 0.998
r , Pearson correlation coefficient, item-total correlation
ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient
CI, Confidence interval
Table 4Varimax Rotated 2-Factor Solution of the ABC Scale.
Item nb.
Factor loadings of Factor 1
Attentional Demands Activities
Factor loadings of Factor 2
Simple Demands Activities
15 0.936 0.083
13 0.852 0.381
16 0.839 0.263
11 0.820 0.417
14 0.773 0.330
12 0.742 0.444
7 0.697 0.424
4 -0.042 0.921
3 0.343 0.852
1 0.484 0.787
2 0.466 0.781
10 0.577 0.710
6 0.477 0.663
8 0.588 0.653
9 0.587 0.636
5 0.569 0.606
The total percentage of matrix variance is 78.629.
(ranged from 0.962 to 0.999), similar to that found in other
studies performed with the community dwelling elderly.
The ABC scale has shown high internal consistency with
community-dwelling older people in previous studies (6,8-
12). The Cronbach's alpha of Turkish version of ABC scale
performed in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular
dysfunction also showed high internal consistency with a
value of 0.95 (15). In line with the previous studies the
Turkish ABC scale showed high internal consistency in older
adults in this study.
Results of the factor analysis in the Chinese Cantonese
version of the ABC scale showed evidence of a coherent 1-
domain structure (11); however, two factors were extracted in
the Chinese Mandarin version (12). Botner et al. also calculat-
ed 2 factors that were labeled according to the levels of per-
ceived risk (24). Similarly, in this study two factors were
extracted. The first factor, which was labeled "attentional
demands activities", mostly, included difficult outdoor activ-
ities. The second factor, which was labeled "simple demands
activities", included simple activities. Tasks such as walking
outside on icy sidewalks, walking up or down a ramp, step-
ping onto or off an escalator, etc. need more postural control
with respect to the difficulty of the task, environmental influ-
ences and unstable sensory information. The attentional
demands of balance control vary according to the complexity
of the situation. Balance control in the elderly, following an
external perturbation, requires more attention than it does for
younger adults; hence, increased attentional requirements of
certain activities could affect task execution (25).
In the study by Karapolat, significant correlation was
observed between the Turkish ABC scale and, Dizziness
Handicap Inventory but no correlation was found with the
other tests including various balance and gait outcome meas-
ures. The lack of correlation was explained with the balance
problems in patients with peripheral vestibular disease (15).
However, the ABC scale demonstrated good convergent and
criterion validity in community dwelling older people. The
original scale and the French Canadian version of the scale,
used among people with stroke, showed a moderate level of
correlation with BBS comfortable and maximum gait speeds,
Time Up and Go Test (TUG), 6 Minutes Walking Test
(6MWT), the Barthel Index and the GDS (13). Concurrent
validity between the ABC and the physical performance tests
and self-reported health status were significant. Thus, it was
suggested that the scale might be used for rehabilitation tar-
geting to improve physical function. Similarly, in this study
there was a positive correlation between ABC scores and the
physical function subgroup of the SF-36 (r=0.614, p<0.001);
BBS (r=0.748, p<0.001); and FES (r=-0.835, p<0.001). In
addition, there was a significant difference in the German ver-
sion of the ABC scores between the fallers and non-fallers, the
fallers having lower scores than the non-fallers (10). In this
study, a significant correlation was found between scores on
the ABC scale and the patient's history of falls (r=-0.770,
Divergent validity was established by correlating the ABC
and mental health subgroup scores of the SF-36 in a study of
Ylva (14). No significant correlation between these scores (r=-
0.110, p
0.262) was found.
The incidence of balance problems and falls in the elderly
is associated with the severity of FOF. Therefore, the measure-
ment of FOF should be complementary to geriatric assess-
ments with respect to fall management. This study analyzed
the psychometric qualities of the ABC-Tin terms of reliabili-
ty, validity and factorial structure. The results showed that
the scale had excellent reliability and good validity. In con-
clusion, the ABC-T appears to be a promising tool to use with
different elderly groups for the assessment and management
of balance confidence.
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Objectives: Some basic and instrumental daily living activities include backward gait. There is a need to clarify which parameters should be focused more on to improve backward gait in older individuals. This research investigated the proprioception, and balance in forward-backward gait of older individuals with total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods: A prospective cross-sectional research was conducted with 105 older adults with TKA. Individuals' forward and backward gait performance was assessed with the Timed Up & Go Test (TUG) and 3 Meter Walk Back Test (3MBWT), respectively. Proprioception was measured with a mobile application-based inclinometer. Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and Activity Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) were used to assess balance and balance confidence levels, respectively. A single clinician evaluated the individuals. Results: TUG was weakly and positively correlated with the Right and Left Leg Proprioception Test (RLPT and LLPT) (r1=0.386, r2=0.391, p<0.01). Also, the 3MBWT was weakly and positively correlated with RLPT and LLPT, respectively (r1=0.293, r2=0.251, p<0.01). In addition, TUG was strongly and negatively correlated with BBS and ABC, respectively (r1=-0,693, r2=-0.722, p<0.01). Besides, 3MBWT was strongly and negatively correlated with BBS and ABC (r1=-0.642, r2=-0.645, p<0.01). Conclusion: The study revealed that forward and backward walking were similarly associated with balance and proprioception in older adults with TKA. Clinicians should focus more on balance ability than proprioception to improve backward walking performance in older individuals with THA.
The Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale (Icon-FES) is the first scale that consists of visual expressions and evaluates the fear of falling. The study aims to adapt the scale to Turkish. The Icon-FES, the Falls Efficacy Scale International, and the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale were applied to 150 older adults. The study indicated that Icon-FES has excellent psychometric properties. Presence of chronic diseases was found to be associated factors affecting the fear of falling (P < .05). The short-version Icon-FES-Turkish is a valid and reliable scale and it should be carried out on illiterate older adults.
Background Falls are common in persons with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS) and lead to destructive results, specifically with increasing disability. However, there is only scarce data investigating prevalence and determinants of falls in pwMS without a clinical disability. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate proportion of fallers and related factors in pwMS without a clinical disability. Methods One hundred and four pwMS with no clinical disability (EDSS≤1.5) were recruited in this cross-sectional study. The outcome measures comprised of the Timed 25-Foot Walk (T25FW), Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12), Single Leg Stance Test (SLS), Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC), Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). The number of falls during the last three months was recorded. Results: Twenty-five percent of the pwMS reported at least one fall in the last three months. The TUG and MSWS-12 scores were significantly greater in the fallers compared to non-fallers (p<0.05). Whereas the fallers had significantly less ABC scores (p<0.05). Increasing TUG and MSWS-12 score and decreasing ABC score was related with increased risk of being classified as a faller adjusting for EDSS score. Conclusion The present findings highlight that falls are frequent problem for pwMS, even if they do not have a clinical disability. Therefore, falls prevention strategies are also required in the early stages of the disease in clinical practice. The ABC scale, MSWS-12, and TUG test can be used by the clinicians and researchers to predict potential fallers of the pwMS without a clinical disability.
Objective The purpose was to investigate the effects of yoga and clinical Pilates training on walking, respiratory muscle strength, cognition, and quality of life and compare the effects of two popular exercise methods in persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS). Methods Twenty-eight pwMS (Pilates group = 16, yoga group = 12) received the program once a week for eight weeks in addition to home exercises. At baseline and the end of the training, participants underwent assessments. The outcome measures were walking speed, mobility, balance confidence, respiratory muscle strength, cognition, and quality of life. Results Following the program, there was no significant difference in mobility (p = 0.482), perceived walking quality (p = 0.325), respiratory muscle strength (maximum inspiratory pressure: p = 0.263, maximum expiratory pressure: p = 0.866), and cognition (Symbol Digit Modalities Test: p = 0.324, California Verbal Learning Test-II: p = 0.514, Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised: p = 0.279) between the two groups. Improvements were higher in balance confidence (p = 0.006), walking speed (p = 0.004), and quality of life (p = 0.019) in the clinical Pilates group compared to the yoga group. Conclusion This study showed positive effects in walking and respiratory aspects in pwMS who received yoga and clinical Pilates training. Pilates training was superior in improving walking speed, quality of life, and balance confidence compared to yoga training.
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct validity, and sensitivity to change of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) in people with peripheral vestibular disorder. Thirty-three patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disease were included in the study. Patients were also evaluated with the Visual Analog Scale, the Romberg test (eyes open, closed), the tandem Romberg test (eyes open, closed), standing on foam (eyes open, closed), static posturography, Five Times Sit to Stand test, Timed Up to Go test, gait speed, Dynamic Gait Index, Functional Gait Assessment, and Dizziness Handicap Inventory. To assess sensitivity to change, 27 patients were involved in a 4-week customized vestibular rehabilitation program and then reassessed at the end of 4 weeks. The individual item intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.67 to 0.92 and Crohnbach alpha ranged from 0.67 to 0.93. The Crohnbach a value for whole scale was determined as 0.95. Although the Dizziness Handicap Inventory showed significant correlation with the Turkish ABC Scale (r= 0.51 - 0.54, P < 0.05), no such a correlation was observed between the Turkish ABC Scale and the other parameters assessed (P >0.05). Both Turkish ABC Scale and the other parameters assessed showed significant improvement after 4-week customized exercise program (P< 0.05). The Turkish ABC Scale is a culturally relevant, reliable, and sensitive to change tool for measuring self-perceived balance confidence in unilateral peripheral vestibular disease.
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This study assessed the validity of the Balance Scale by examining: how Scale scores related to clinical judgements and self-perceptions of balance, laboratory measures of postural sway and external criteria reflecting balancing ability; if scores could predict falls in the elderly; and how they related to motor and functional performance in stroke patients. Elderly residents (N = 113) were assessed for functional performance and balance regularly over a nine-month period. Occurrence of falls was monitored for a year. Acute stroke patients (N = 70) were periodically rated for functional independence, motor performance and balance for over three months. Thirty-one elderly subjects were assessed by clinical and laboratory indicators reflecting balancing ability. The Scale correlated moderately with caregiver ratings, self-ratings and laboratory measures of sway. Differences in mean Scale scores were consistent with the use of mobility aids by elderly residents and differentiated stroke patients by location of follow-up. Balance scores predicted the occurrence of multiple falls among elderly residents and were strongly correlated with functional and motor performance in stroke patients. Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Public Health Association.
To evaluate the reliability and validity of a Chinese Mandarin version of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale. Cross-sectional. A rehabilitation centre for adults. Sixty-one elderly people living in the community. Self-efficacy in balancing ability was assessed via a Mandarin Chinese version of the ABC Scale. The intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the Chinese Mandarin version of the ABC Scale were 0.98 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96-0.99) and 0.96 (95% CI 0.94-0.98), respectively. The Cronbach's α coefficient of internal consistency was 0.94. In the Bland-Altman analysis the mean difference in the ABC test-retest scores was -1.81, and the 95% limits of agreement varied from -10.67 to 7.03. The evaluation of inter-rater reliability showed that the mean difference was -1.13, and the 95% limits of agreement varied from -9.55 to 7.30. The factor analysis method was adopted to assess the validity of the scaled activities and two factors contributed to total variance at 52.5% and 13.6%, respectively. The Chinese Mandarin version of the ABC Scale is reliable and valid, and is suitable for assessments of balance confidence in aged people in mainland China.
To test the internal consistency and validity of a Swedish translation of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) 0-14 days and 3 months post stroke. 37 persons were tested at 0-14 days (median 5 days) post stroke and 31 were retested 3 months later (median 87 days). In addition to the ABC, the Functional Ambulation Categories, modified Rivermead Mobility Index, timed up and go test, 10-meter timed walk, SF-36 and the 12-item Walking Scale were used. The internal consistency was high at α = 0.94 to 0.97. Kendall correlation-τ coefficients were moderate and varied somewhat depending on time poststroke. At 0-14 days post stroke the highest correlation was found between the ABC and the 12-item Walking Scale (-0.55, p < 0.01). At 3 months poststroke, the correlations with the Functional Ambulation Categories was 0.49 (p < 0.01), timed up and go test -0.43 (p < 0.01), 10-meter timed walk -0.41 (p < 0.01), and modified Rivermead Mobility Index 0.46 (p < 0.01). Divergent validity was established by the non-significant correlation (0.12) between the ABC and SF-36 mental component summary. The Swedish version of ABC has high internal consistency and is valid for measuring balance confidence in the acute and sub acute phases of stroke.
To translate contents of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale into Chinese (Cantonese), to examine the psychometric properties (internal reliability and validity) of this scale for use with Chinese older adults in Hong Kong, and to determine the level of self-perceived balance confidence of this population. A 2-phase exploratory study: formative qualitative research and a cross-sectional survey to establish the psychometric properties of the Chinese translated ABC (ABC-C) scale. Community based. One hundred older community-dwelling subjects. Not applicable. Measurement of perceived level of confidence in maintaining balance using the ABC-C scale. This instrument contains 16 items on indoor and outdoor activities requiring different levels of balance function. Four of the 16 ABC-C scale items had to be modified to achieve content equivalence and cultural relevance to Hong Kong. Final test items of this scale showed high internal consistency with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of .97. The instrument was found to have excellent test-retest and very good interrater reliability with intraclass coefficients of .99 and .85, respectively. Results of a factor analysis conducted on the scale showed evidence of a coherent 1-domain structure. The mean perceived balance confidence level +/- standard deviation of 100 community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong, performed by using the ABC-C scale, was 71.6+/-23.7. Results of the present study verified that the ABC-C scale is a culturally relevant, valid, and reliable tool for measuring self-perceived balance confidence in Chinese older adults. These were reflected in very good to excellent internal consistency of items, test-retest and interrater reliability, and construct validity shown.
Arnadottir SA, Lundin-Olsson L, Gunnarsdottir ED, Fisher AG. Application of Rasch analysis to examine psychometric aspects of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale when used in a new cultural context. To investigate by using Rasch analysis the psychometric properties of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale when applied in a new Icelandic context. Cross-sectional, population-based, random selection from the Icelandic National Registry. Community-based. Icelanders (N=183), 65 to 88 years old, and 48% women. Not applicable. ABC, an instrument used to evaluate how confident older people are in maintaining balance and remaining steady when moving through the environment. An Icelandic translation of the ABC (ABC-ICE) scale was evaluated by implementing Rasch rating scale analysis to transform ordinal ABC-ICE scores into interval measures and evaluating aspects of validity and reliability of the scale. Participants were not able to differentiate reliably between the 11 rating scale categories of the ABC-ICE. Additionally, 3 items failed to show acceptable goodness of fit to the ABC-ICE rating scale model. By collapsing categories and creating a new 5-category scale, only 1 item misfit. Removing that item resulted in a modified version of ABC-ICE with 5 categories and 15 items. Both item goodness-of-fit statistics and principal components analysis supported unidimensionality of the modified ABC-ICE. The ABC-ICE measures reliably separated the sample into at least 4 statistically distinct strata of balance confidence. Finally, the hierarchical order of item difficulties was consistent with theoretic expectations, and the items were reasonably well targeted to the balance confidence of the persons tested. Rasch analysis indicated a need to modify the ABC-ICE to improve its psychometric properties. Further studies are needed to determine if similar analyses of other versions of the ABC, including the original one, will yield similar results.
Before being introduced to wide use, health status instruments should be evaluated for reliability and validity. Increasingly, they are also tested for responsiveness to important clinical changes. Although standards exist for assessing these properties, confusion and inconsistency arise because multiple statistics are used for the same property; controversy exists over how to measure responsiveness; many statistics are unavailable on common software programs; strategies for measuring these properties vary; and it is often unclear how to define a clinically important change in patient status. Using data from a clinical trial of therapy for back pain, we demonstrate the calculation of several statistics for measuring reproducibility and responsiveness, and demonstrate relationships among them. Simple computational guides for several statistics are provided. We conclude that reproducibility should generally be quantified with the intraclass correlation coefficient rather than the more common Pearson r. Assessing reproducibility by retest at one-to-two week intervals (rather than a shorter interval) may result in more realistic estimates of the variability to be observed among control subjects in a longitudinal study. Instrument responsiveness should be quantified using indicators of effect size, a modified effect size statistic proposed by Guyatt, or the use of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to describe how well various score changes can distinguish improved from unimproved patients.
We developed the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES), an instrument to measure fear of falling, based on the operational definition of this fear as "low perceived self-efficacy at avoiding falls during essential, nonhazardous activities of daily living." The reliability and validity of the FES were assessed in two samples of community-living elderly persons. The FES showed good test-retest reliability (Pearson's correlation 0.71). Subjects who reported avoiding activities because of fear of falling had higher FES scores, representing lower self-efficacy or confidence, than subjects not reporting fear of falling. The independent predictors of FES score were usual walking pace (a measure of physical ability), anxiety, and depression. The FES appears to be a reliable and valid method for measuring fear of falling. This instrument may be useful in assessing the independent contribution of fear of falling to functional decline among elderly people.