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Drugs are one of the most serious social pests facing our modern world, and we in our region are targeting the nation's youth, if the country is affected by this scourge and the stage of construction and development is disrupted. The man may be corrupted, but only by his path, but his health remains intact and God guided him to get up and return human beings together and may be sick and treat and recover from his illness and return a good person in his community, but drugs corrupt the body and mind together becomes addicted is not qualified to fit from any side. That the phenomenon of drugs in most cases targeting the young people and young people is a phenomenon of disruption to the process of construction and development and development of any society, it cripples the capacities of addicted individuals and accordingly are unable to contribute positively and actively in building their community, which makes these countries socioeconomic backwardness. That the family represents the line of defense and the first social immunity and more importantly, the efforts of resistance and control will be incomplete and offer failure if the family is not one of the pillars of these efforts. That the family contributes to the preservation of children from this phenomenon alien to our society so it should be noted that raising children does not mean to pay attention to their care mentally and morally only, but must be careful to educate them to educate the values of the true religion and settle their souls to the strength of God and obedience because this is the foreman Internal and the last line of defense, which is run by the human when necessary to face the evils of himself and the temptations of the world, empowering young people and empowering them is one of the best things that can be done to strengthen young people's ability to make intelligent decisions about drugs, including smoking, empowering and respecting them and enhancing their opportunities to participate and contribute positively to themselves, their family, their community and their homeland. Schools and universities are the second line of defense after the family against drugs. Therefore, there is a great role played by universities in confronting this scourge. It is the advancement of the youth sector through many national constants, most notably good citizenship, national belonging, preserving the country's achievements and the role of young people in participating positively.
Prevention of drugs
Prof. Dr. Omar Ali Al – Khashman
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University-Faculty of Engineering
Department of Environmental Engineering.
Drugs are one of the most serious social pests facing our modern world,
and we in our region are targeting the nation's youth, if the country is
affected by this scourge and the stage of construction and development is
disrupted. The man may be corrupted, but only by his path, but his health
remains intact and God guided him to get up and return human beings
together and may be sick and treat and recover from his illness and return
a good person in his community, but drugs corrupt the body and mind
together becomes addicted is not qualified to fit from any side. That the
phenomenon of drugs in most cases targeting the young people and
young people is a phenomenon of disruption to the process of
construction and development and development of any society, it cripples
the capacities of addicted individuals and accordingly are unable to
contribute positively and actively in building their community, which
makes these countries socioeconomic backwardness. That the family
represents the line of defense and the first social immunity and more
importantly, the efforts of resistance and control will be incomplete and
offer failure if the family is not one of the pillars of these efforts.
That the family contributes to the preservation of children from this
phenomenon alien to our society so it should be noted that raising
children does not mean to pay attention to their care mentally and morally
only, but must be careful to educate them to educate the values of the true
religion and settle their souls to the strength of God and obedience
because this is the foreman Internal and the last line of defense, which is
run by the human when necessary to face the evils of himself and the
temptations of the world, empowering young people and empowering
them is one of the best things that can be done to strengthen young
people's ability to make intelligent decisions about drugs, including
smoking, empowering and respecting them and enhancing their
opportunities to participate and contribute positively to themselves, their
family, their community and their homeland. Schools and universities are
the second line of defense after the family against drugs. Therefore, there
is a great role played by universities in confronting this scourge. It is the
advancement of the youth sector through many national constants, most
notably good citizenship, national belonging, preserving the country's
achievements and the role of young people in participating positively.
Universities need to stand by all the institutions of the nation alongside its
educational institutions or private institutions, national institutions,
economic institutions and the private sector belonging to his country and
the believer in its sustainability and support to do its duty towards the
university youth to the fullest and reduce these
Although Jordan remains a transit point for drugs to neighboring
countries. Protecting the homeland from this phenomenon should not be
the responsibility of one side, the Anti-Narcotics Department of the
Public Security Directorate, which plays an active, honorable and
continuous role at the level of the country, the region and the world in its
entirety, as well as the Ministry of Health, which treats drug addicts who
are victims of drug and each party should play its active role.
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