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Intercropping Induce Changes in Above and Below Ground Plant Compartments in Mixed Cropping System


Abstract and Figures

ARTICLE INFO abstract Crops growing in a mixture is an ancient agricultural practice and usually been used for improving yield and growth of the crops and to fulfill the world fast growing population food demand. The two crops growing on same soil zone may be in direct competition to utilize the available resources because planting plants on same land using the same resources for normal growth. In intercropping system there may be facilitative and competitive interaction among the plants in both above and below ground plants compartments. The intension of intercropping is to utilize the use of physical, temporal and spatial resources both above and below ground plant compartments by maximizing the complementary interaction and minimizing the competitive ones. The changes and complex interaction both in upper and underground plant parts in inter-cropping system those adopted by local farmers in China are not yet fully understood. Information's from such studies are likely to provide knowledge about the complex interactions among two crops growing in a mixture. This study was therefore assessed to perceive how plants in mixture change the above below ground compartments and how they interact.
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Copyright@ Jamal Nasar | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res| BJSTR. MS.ID.003054. 1/8
Review Article
ISSN: 2574 -1241
Intercropping Induce Changes in Above and Below
Ground Plant Compartments in Mixed Cropping
Jamal Nasar*1, Ashfaq Alam2, Aisha Nasar3 and Muhammad Zubair Khan4
1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China
2Department of Horticulture, Pakistan
3Government Degree College, Pakistan
4College of agronomy, China
*Corresponding author: Jamal Nasar, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences/Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization
of Soil Resources in the Commodity Grain Bases in Jilin Province, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.17.003054
Received: April 29, 2019
Published: May 07, 2019
Citation: Jamal Nasar, Ashfaq Alam,
Aisha Nasar, Muhammad Zubair Khan.
Intercropping Induce Changes in Above
and Below Ground Plant Compartments
in Mixed Cropping System. Biomed
J Sci & Tech Res 17(5)-2019. BJSTR.
Keywords: Complementary; Competi-
tions; Mixed Cropping; Intercropping
Crops growing in a mixture is an ancient agricultural practice and usually been
              
population food demand. The two crops growing on same soil zone may be in direct
competition to utilize the available resources because planting plants on same land using
the same resources for normal growth. In intercropping system there may be facilitative
and competitive interaction among the plants in both above and below ground plants
compartments. The intension of intercropping is to utilize the use of physical, temporal
and spatial resources both above and below ground plant compartments by maximizing
the complementary interaction and minimizing the competitive ones. The changes and
complex interaction both in upper and underground plant parts in inter-cropping system
those adopted by local farmers in China are not yet fully understood. Information’s from
such studies are likely to provide knowledge about the complex interactions among two
crops growing in a mixture. This study was therefore assessed to perceive how plants in
mixture change the above below ground compartments and how they interact.
Intercropping is an old cropping system which dates back to
ancient civilization and practice globally to achieve more yields
and to satisfy the world food demand [1-6]. Mix cropping system
not only enhance crop production and returns but can help safe
the plants from complete failure as compare to mono-cropping [2].
     
plant growth resources like water [3], nutrients [4], and sun light
and to minimize the competition and control weeds, disease and
pest incidences [5]. The facilitations occurs both above and below
ground plant compartments when plants using the same soil zone
[7,8]. Cereal-legumes intercropping is common cropping system
in which cereal get growth and yield advantages from legumes
by sharing nutrients and some other unknown resources [1,9]. It
is well known that plants growing in mixture interact with each
both positively and negatively in the above and below ground plant
compartments. The above plants facilitative integrations are well
investigated, however what’s going inside in the below ground
plants-soil and plant-plant in mix cropping system are still not clear
[9-11]. Rhizospheric plant roots, soil and microbial interactions are
play a vital role in plant nutrition [12,13].
To date, the below ground interactions in intercropping and its
effect on plant growth acquired a little attention [9-11]. To achieve
greater yield, improve rhizospheric microbial conditions, soil quality
betterment, resources utilization, soil nutrients recycling, proper
management practices require in mixed cultures [14]. Though
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Volume 17- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.17.003054
cereals and legumes grown singly are highly investigated but few
researches are available on the complex mixed cropping system
specially on the below ground plant compartments (rizhosphere
interactions), hence more studies are require explore the fact about
rhizospheric soil in intercropping [9]. The intension of growing
         
interactions) resources and curtail competitions both in the
     
literatures are available on the on the below ground mechanism
involved in mix cropping system those practice by traditional
farmers [9,11] because it’s complexity in mixed cropping system
rhizosphere. This study is therefore design to collect information
for understanding above and below ground interaction in crop
mixtures (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Nitrogen xation, transfer and the role of microorganisms in cereal legumes intercropping system (Xue et al. 2016).
Plant to Plant Interaction in Intercropping
Plants intract with each other in mixed cropping system for
improving their growth and yield. However, little knowledge is
available plants interactions growing in mixture , particularly
       
interactions both facilitative and competitive contribute to high
yielding [23]. However, the below-ground root interactions are
highly responsible for yield betterment [23]. In mixed cropping
system, crops will be in direct competitions while capturing
the same resources. Whereas, the differences can only occur in
phonological characteristics which results improving limited plant
growth resources among plants species [15-20,22] and maximize
plant productiveness when compare to single culture [15,16,24-
32]. Hence, legumes/cereal mixture interactions (facilitative &
competitive) are complicated to examine [33-36] in utilization and
       
address the interactions (above & below ground) in traditional
cropping mixture.
Rhizospheric interaction in intercropping
In intercropping system both plant species uses the same soil
zone for root resources which directly associated with growth per-
formance [16,37-39]. Under such situations, roots nutrients com-
petitions are frequently happen. Previously documented that the
below ground activities in maize/cowpea mixture occur at a soil
depth of 30-45cm and at more depth shows decreased in theirs
  
in maize crop than cowpea [26]. Apart from that side effect on plant
yield, plant and soil were positively affected by mixed cropping roots
system, for example increased the availability of carbon through C
transformation [41,42], phonolics discharge, root exudates (phyo-
siderophores and carboxylic acids) in plant parts [12,13].
These elements are responsible for plants mineral nutrition.
Additionally several research on the low phosphorous soil has
shown that plant roots (pigeon pea) use piscidic, malonic and
oxalic acid to solubilize iron, calcium, and Al-bond P [43]. Once
phosphorous and iron mobilized, readily available for plant
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acquisition and available for microorganisms in an intercropping.
Similarly buckwheat roots discharge oxalate as an Al-oxakate in Al
toxic soil which change Aluminum to plants and microorganisms
available form in mixed cropping [44]. Under such circumstances
crop productiveness can be increased when grown in a mixture.
Similar activities in underground plant parts are occur in all
intercropping system use by all farmers. Although there has been
relatively little research on below ground activities in crop mixture
so more studies are need to be established. So far the competition
among plants for utilizing light and water resources has been
studied earlier but research on nutrients competition in cropping
mixture are rare [8-11]. Thus, more experiments are suggested to
investigate more about the nutrient competitions between plants in
cereal/legumes mixture (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The g shows the below ground interspecic root interaction, rhizhospheric changes, nutrients transport, uptake and
facilitation in intercropping system (Xue et al. 2016).
Rhizospheric pH Changes in Intercropping System
Several plants have the capability to change their rhizospheric
soil pH [12,45-49] and convert P, K, Ca, and Mg to available form,
[7,50]. For example many reactions occur in the rhizosphere of
        
uptake and acquisition [51-53]. As previously, [54] documented
that as the rhizospheric soil pH changes the plant nutrients
availability was increased up to 45-120% P, 108-161% K, 120-
148% Ca, 127-225% Mg and 117-250% B in cropping mixture (tea/
Cyclopia genistoids) in South Africa. Hence, in balancing internal
processing pluses may absorb more base cations and release H+
   
Various leguminous crop like alfalfa, cowpea, lupine and chickpea
can lower their rhizospheric soil pH because of releasing some
considerable amount of organic anions [56-62] and enhance the
organic P availability to plants and soil microorganisms. Similarly
white lupine (lupinus albus) in sole cropping can lower their
rhizospheric soil pH due to the release of organic anions and
proton which recovered considerable amount of P from soil and
increased its availability to next crop (wheat) [63,64]. Likewise,
peagon pea when intercropped with sorghum increased P uptake
by exuding piscidic acid anions that chelated Fe3+ and subsequently
released P from FePO4       
can be improved by intercropped with faba bean [8,65-67]. In
contrast, chickpeas has the potential to mobilize organic P proved
to be superior to that of corn due to greater exudation of protons
and organic acids by chickpea compared to maize [62]. Hence,
plants in a mixture those cereals do not have strong rhizhosphere
for nutrients solubilization. It is however not clear that what
changes the rhizosphere pH in mix culture those involving legumes
and cereal and their effect on different soil chemical and biological
N2 xation, N Uptake and N Transfer in Cereal/Legumes
Nitrogen is key element required for plants normal growth
and productivity. More research are available on the biological
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         
able to acquire almost 75 % of their nitrogen requirement from
atmosphere [71,72]. Nevertheless, less study on the biological
      
      
nutrients advantage [74,75]. Nitrogen uptake in mix cropping
system enhances the nutrients status of associated crops. This N
facilitation in intercropping system may be due to that, leguminous
        
available or transfer to associated cereal crop by direct root contact
or exudation and mycorrhizal association and thus improve the N2
    
cereal with legumes under low fertilization improve the N nutrient
in cereal and thus overyield [50].
Previously documented that different cropping system like
wheat/soybean, maize/faba bean, barley/pea and sorghum/
   
cropping system [77-79]. The atmospheric N taken up by faba bean
      
       
(full maturity stage) than monocropped faba bean [80]. The 15N
labeling techniques are using for direct transfer of N from legumes
to neighboring non-legume plant in intercropping system, legumes
         
  
       
crop grown in a mixture [68,69,73,82,83]. Thereby increased the
soil N content [36,84,85]. In mixed culture, planting legumes at
long distance from non-legumes may lead to decreasing N transfer.
In past researcher declared that N competition in legumes/cereal
        
           
an important study to expose the effect of planting mixtures on
Soil Microbial Biomass in Intercropping
        
physio-chemical and biological characteristics those involve in
an intercropping system. In general, soil microbial C is highly
affected by different agricultural practices [87-89]. For example,
the farm-land and grass land found to be higher in soil microbial
C than uncultivated lands [87,90]. Intercropping in comparison
with single cropping is expected more suitable cropping pattern
for increasing soil microbial biomass. The intercropping of durum
wheat with legumes like chickpea, lentil increased the soil microbial
biomass [91]. Studies on the legumes has shown that these plants
are capable to increase soil microbial C than cereal [92], tend to
reduce carbon to nitrogen ratio in legumes compare to cereals. The
microbial biomass activities can further be increase by adding any
energy sources to soil. Higher microbial biomass activities can be
expected in soil by natural manuring than commercial fertilization
[93,94]. Soil microbial biomass activity and organic matter are
responsible factors for improving soil nutrients status, fertility and
productiveness and can be enhanced by additional organic sources
        
the soil microbial biomass can be boost in a result plant growth
and soil organic matter can also be improve [93]. The biological
soil activity in legumes/cereal mixture results in improving
         
research attention. Although soil-microbes relationship has been
considerable investigated but few literature are available on such
studies those practice in humid regions [95]. In this prospective,
useful information can acquire by measuring these activities in a
relation to soil health in diverse cropping system.
Phosphatase Activity, P Acquisition and P Uptake in
   
[43,63,96]. Soil contains phosphorous mostly in organic which
cannot directly taken up by the plant [97]. Plants can acquire
the phosphorus after hydrolyzed by below ground microbes and
phosphotase activities release by plant roots. Different biochemical
processes and release of carboxylates, protons and enzymes from
the roots of P-moblizing plants can mobilize the organic and
culture [98]. In P-impoverished soil, some species form dauciform
roots or cluster roots [98]. It reviewed earlier that Dauciform
roots or cluster roots exude carboxylates and mobilize soluble P
in soil increased P acquisition and supply P to neighbor plant in
 
inter-rhizosphere those of cereal and legumes. The P-moblizing
crop promisingly improved the phosphorous acquisition of cereal
when inter cropped together [44,96]. Chickpea P facilitation for its
associated intercrop plant are more prominent because of its high
release rhizospheric acid phosphatases which convert organic P to
inorganic [34]. Faba bean can facilitate its neighboring plants with
P by mobilizing P through release of protons, malate and citrate
        
intercropping sytem helps reducing the in-P fertilization in agro-
ecosytem [96].
The root exudation in mixed cropping system improve the
Piscidic acid, citrate, protons and acid phosphatase activities which
helping in P mobilization and thus P acquisition by neighboring
plant (cereals) [43,63,96,100]. The inter-rhizospher processes
possibly facilitate the P to associated cereal in intercropping
system [101]. Previously demonstrated that P concentrations both
in above shoot and below roots and plants P utake were increased
when maize were intercropped with faba bean [34,98]. Crops
can survive under low phosphate availability because of different
enzymatic and morphological abilities conversion of phosphtases
which tend to increase in P starvation condition [102-109] but
low P availability adversely affect the N2   
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Volume 17- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.17.003054
Phosphatese enzyme is a key factor involving in soil fertility and
performs different functions [110-112]. This enzyme is more likely
to increase in low P soils [59,113-116], a comparative research on
the acid phosphotase activity in white lupin root growing in high
and low phosphorus soils show that acid phosphotase activity both
  
higher. Under different stress level these phosphatase enzyme are
able to releae phosphate from cells [104,117]. The increasing rate
optimize P uptake [118-130]. These enzymatic and completion of
P starvation are considered to be managed by common P stress-
The secreted plant acid phosphate amount is genetically
controlled; differ at plant to plant [124] and various cropping
techniques [126-127]. Different experimental results showed
that legumes plants discharge more enzymes compare to grain
crop as for instance [128] in their experiment observed that the
enzyme secretion by legumes was 72% higher than that of cereals.
The amount of enzyme secrete by chickpea root was higher than
maize plant [62]. In biological manage system phosphate activity
expected to be higher because of high carbon present in the system.
As these activity of was found to be correlated with OM in different
studies [129, 130]. Hence mix cropping practices is expected to
induce P-stress in the rhizosphere, in a result different enzymes
excretion may be occur. Till now a little research on the impact of
mix cropping system on phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere
are available. It is crucial to understand the rhizosphere enzyme
activities, nutrients acquisitions by such activities and their effect
on the plants growth and yield in mix cropping system.
      
system provide facilitative interaction both in upper and
underground plant ecosystems which contribute promote crop
productivity and nutrients acquisitions. More ever the below ground
interactions in mixed cropping system play better role than above
interactions. For better crop productivity and growth improvement
future research should focus on the below ground plants roots, soil
and microbial interactions those involve in mix cropping system.
Studies on the micronutrients acquition in intercropping system
are less available so such research are encourage to investigate the
micronutrients acquision, transformation and uptake in both above
and below ground plant parts and the role rhizpheric microbial
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DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.17.003054
Jamal Nasar. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
... The micro-biome plays an important role in availability of soil nutrients to crops more prominently in cereal-legume intercropping system. Several legume salter soil pH Mc Lay, 1997;Sas, 2001;Cheng, 2004;Nasar et al., 2019) and make P, K, Ca, and Mg more available to plants (Dakora, 2003). Legumes lower rhizospheric soil pH by releasing organic anions and increase the availability of organic P (Kamh, 1999;Li, 2004). ...
... Legumes are known to increase soil C and reduce C:N ratio which facilitates higher microbial activities and when legumes are intercropped with cereals, automatically the soil becomes biologically active than sole cropping of cereal (Nasar et al., 2019). In addition to N, under P deficient soil conditions, P uptake by crops is improved in cereal + legume intercropping (Tarafdar and Jungk, 1987;Muofhe and Dakora, 2000) due to more phosphatase activities. ...
... In addition to N, under P deficient soil conditions, P uptake by crops is improved in cereal + legume intercropping (Tarafdar and Jungk, 1987;Muofhe and Dakora, 2000) due to more phosphatase activities. Chickpea releases rhizospheric acid and phosphatase and faba bean releases malate, protons and citrates into the rhizosphere that mobilize P and associated cereals in intercropping get the benefit (Nasar et al., 2019). In legume-based intercropping, crops can perform well because of increased availability of P by legume factor, but under low P conditions N fixation by legumes is decreased (Eivazi and Tabatabai, 1977;Nakas, 1987). ...
Intercropping system is an age-old cropping system where two or more crops coexist for a significant time of their growth period. In the present context of negative impacts on crop productivity and soil fertility, a system approach in cropping has become more relevant. The book 'Intercropping System' is divided into nine chapters that deal with the theory and practices of the intercropping system including recent research evidence. The first two chapters describe the overview of the intercropping system and complexity as well as the competitive relationship among component crops. The third chapter narrates the management options in the intercropping systems, while the fourth chapter highlights the multifaceted benefits of an intercropping system. Chapter 5 tells the suitability for the adoption of the intercropping system in organic agriculture. The sixth chapter describes how an intercropping system can ensure agricultural sustainability and some of the sustainable development Goals (SDGs). Chapter 7 illustrates the practice of alley cropping, a form of agroforestry, in resource-poor conditions. Legumes are considered an automatic choice in the intercropping system and hence, in the eighth chapter, the benefits of the inclusion of legumes as components have been described. Finally, in the ninth chapter, the performance of important crops in the intercropping system has been highlighted.
... In addition, the root system of perennial crops has a positive effect on the soil by increasing the activity of microorganisms. A study has shown that the carbon cycle increases the availability of carbon [81], leading to an increase in the release of nutrients vital for plant mineral nutrition. In addition, the denser soil cover resulting from growing several crops reduces the rate of mineralization and makes nutrient leaching more difficult [82]. ...
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The scientific aim of this article is to investigate the potential benefits of implementing a multi-cropping system, specifically focusing on the incorporation of caraway, to improve soil agrochemical and biological properties, prevent soil degradation and erosion, and ultimately enhance soil quality and health to better adapt to climate change. This study aims to provide valuable insights into the comparative analysis of various soil parameters and biological indicators to showcase the promising perspectives and importance of perennial crop production for improving soil quality and agricultural sustainability. These crops are designed to provide multiple benefits simultaneously, including improved yields, enhanced ecosystem services, and reduced environmental effects. However, an integrated assessment of their overall effects on the agroecosystem is crucial to understand their potential benefits and trade-offs. The field experiment was conducted over three consecutive vegetative seasons (2017 to 2021) at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA) in Kaunas district, Lithuania. The experimental site is located at 54°53′7.5″ N latitude and 23°50′18.11″ E longitude. The treatments within a replicate were multi-cropping systems of sole crops (spring barley (1), spring wheat (2), pea (3), caraway (4)), binary crops (spring barley–caraway (5), spring wheat–caraway (6), pea–caraway (7)), and trinary crops (spring barley–caraway–white clover (8), spring wheat–caraway–white clover (9), pea–caraway–white clover (10)) crops. However, an integrated assessment of their impact on the agroecosystem is needed to understand their potential benefits and processes. To determine the complex interactions between indicators, the interrelationships between indicators, and the strength of impacts, this study applied an integrated assessment approach using the comprehensive assessment index (CEI). The CEI values showed that integrating caraway (Carum carvi L.) into multi-cropping systems can have several positive effects. The effect of the binary spring barley and caraway and the trinary spring barley, caraway, and white clover crops on the agroecosystem is positively higher than that of the other comparative sole, binary, and trinary crops. Caraway, after spring wheat together with white clover, has a higher positive effect on the agroecosystem than caraway without white clover. Specifically, this study addresses key aspects, such as soil health, nutrient cycling, weed management, and overall agricultural sustainability, within the context of multi-cropping practices. By evaluating the effects of these cropping systems on soil agrochemical properties and ecosystem dynamics, the research provides valuable insights into sustainable agricultural practices that promote environmental conservation and long-term soil health.
... Leguminous plants grown in pure stand are quite unreliable as far as their yield is concerned [Kocer and Albayrak 2012]. The problem can be alleviated by cultivation of legume/cereal mixtures [Soufan and Al-Suhaibani 2021], which seems particularly viable in years characterised by water shortages during the growing season [Nasar et al. 2019]. Cultivation of legume/cereal mixtures is widely presented in literature. ...
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The work presents results of a study conducted in 2016–2018 to determine the effect of component share in the mixture and harvest stage on concentration of crude fibre and its fractions as well as digestibility of field pea/spring triticale mixtures. The following two factors were examined in a field experiment: factor I – component share in a mixture: field pea in pure stand 100%, spring triticale in pure stand 100%, field pea 75% + spring triticale 25%, field pea 50% + spring triticale 50%, field pea 25% + spring triticale 75%; factor II – harvest stage: field pea flowering stage (BBCH 65), field pea flat green pod stage (BBCH 79). The concentration of crude fibre and its fractions (NDF, ADF, ADL) were determined in the dry matter in addition to dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility. The lowest content of crude fiber and its fractions, among the mixtures, was revealed in the mixture with the share of components of pea and spring triticale 75% + 25% and 50% + 50%, respectively. Harvesting mixtures at a later stage caused an increase in crude fiber content and its fraction in dry matter. The superior dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility were found for field pea and field pea/spring triticale mixtures containing 75% + 25% and 50% + 50% of the respective components and harvested at the stage of field pea flowering.
... However, information on N requirements of intercropping systems, particularly with dual cereal crops, under rainfed conditions is scarce. In recent years, the influence of cereallegume intercropping on soil microbial, enzymatic, and physicochemical properties has been extensively evaluated (Han et al. 2022;Leoni et al. 2022;Nasar et al. 2019Nasar et al. , 2022. However, only a few studies evaluated these traits under dual cereal crop intercropping, particularly under rainfed conditions. ...
The efficient utilization of input resources is imperative to harvest optimum crop yield on a sustainable basis. Intercropping is a sustainable agronomic practice to achieve higher yields with efficient utilization of available resources. A 2-year field study was conducted to investigate the effect of wheat-maize intercropping under different nitrogen (N) application rates. The experiment included three intercropping treatments, viz., sole wheat (WMC), sole maize (MMC), and maize-wheat intercropping (IM-W), and two N application rates, viz., control without N application (− N) and full dose of N (+ N), basal application at 150 and 235 kg ha−1 for wheat and maize, respectively, for both mono- and inter-crops). The IM-W system increased N accumulation by 19.87 and 7.20%, and 16.63 and 6.58%, phosphorus (P) accumulation by 73.05 and 78.80%, and 69.75 and 24.50%, potassium (K) accumulation by 20.50 and 7.49%, and 17.70 and 7.22% (averaged for N rates) in 2019 and 2020, as compared to that of the WMC and MMC systems, respectively. Overall, the IM-W system increased total N by 9.36 and 6.95%, Olsen P by 25.54% and 21.78%, and exchangeable K by 14.63% and 7.96% compared to WMC and MMC, respectively. The mean increase in the activities of urease, acid phosphatase, nitrate reductase, sucrase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, and invertase for intercropping treatment (averaged for N rates and both years) was 7.56 and 4.43%, 38.47 and 16.26%, 64.60 and 44.17%, 19.39 and 7.75%, 119.21 and 34.31%, 194.44 and 86.36%, and 144.82 and 40.53%, respectively, over WMC and MMC treatments. Growing wheat in combination with maize under rainfed conditions is an attractive agronomic practice for improving nutrient acquisition, soil chemical properties, and enzymatic activities.
... The economic results obtained showed that the cultivars BRS Guariba and Fortuna showed spatial and temporal complementarity. According to Nasar et al. (2019), this complementarity is essential for maximizing the use of available resources in the horizontal and vertical planes above and below the ground. Therefore, there was better use of natural resources because, in intercropping, the cultivated species usually differ in height and in the distribution of leaves in space, among other morphological characteristics that can lead plants to compete for light energy, water, and nutrients (VIEGAS NETO et al., 2012). ...
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The objective of this work was to evaluate the agro-bioeconomic feasibility of immature cowpea and beet cultivar combinations in intercropping systems in a semi-arid environment. Experiments were carried out in two cropping years using a randomized block design with four replicates. The treatments consisted of four cowpea cultivars (‘BRS Tumucumaque,’ ‘BRS Cauamé,’ ‘BRS Guariba,’ and ‘BRS Itaim’) and two beet cultivars (‘Early Wonder’ and ‘Fortuna’). In each block of the experiments, plots in monocropping of the cultivars were sown as additional treatments to obtain the following agronomic and competition indexes and economic indicators: land equivalent ratio (LER), area time equivalent ratio (ATER), land use efficiency (LUE), beet equivalent production (BEP), competitive ratio (CR), crop aggressivity (A), gross income (GI), net income (NI), rate of return (RR), and corrected monetary advantage (CMA). The highest agro-bioeconomic efficiency of the tested intercropping systems was achieved in the combination of cowpea cultivar BRS Guariba and beet cultivar Fortuna. Beet behaved as the dominant crop, and cowpea as the dominated crop in all evaluated intercropping systems. The indexes and indicators demonstrated the complementarity and sustainability of the combination of cowpea cultivar BRS Guariba with beet cultivar Fortuna. Keywords: Beta vulgaris ; Vigna unguiculata ; Plant competition indexes; Intercropping; Sustainability
... It is still used in agriculture today despite being a centuries-old agricultural technique. Intercropping increases the growth and productivity of the crops by making more effective use of the resources (water, light, and nutrients) (Zhang et al. 2013;Nasar et al. 2019). The complementarity and helpful interactions among intercrops are the primary causes of the increased productivity in an intercropping system. ...
... This is mainly due to the increasing human population and the consequent increase in demand for animal products (FAO 2022), and the decreasing area of arable land due to the development of urbanised areas (Ahmada et al. 2007). As reported by Nasar et al. (2019) a mixture of cereals and legumes has been identified as one of the best agricultural practices in organic and low-input farming systems in areas with low water availability. Forage obtained from cereals, despite high and stable yields, is not very suitable for feeding high-yielding ruminants due to its low quality (Piltz and Rodham 2022). ...
Field studies were conducted in 2016–2018 at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Zawady, which belongs to the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, located near Siedlce in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The aim of the conducted research was to evaluate the content of selected nutrients in mixtures of narrowleaf lupin with spring triticale harvested at two developmental stages of narrowleaf lupin. The highest content of total carbohydrates, water-soluble carbohydrates and crude ash, among the mixtures, was revealed in a mixture with 75% narrowleaf lupin and 25% spring triticale. In contrast, the highest crude fat content was found in mixtures with component shares of narrowleaf lupin and spring triticale of 75% + 25% and 50% + 50%, respectively. A higher carbohydrate and crude ash content was determined in mixtures harvested at the flowering stage of narrowleaf lupin, while higher crude fat contents were determined in mixtures harvested at the flat green pod stage of narrowleaf lupin. Among the mixtures to be grown to achieve fodder with a high content of total carbohydrates, water-soluble carbohydrates, crude fat and crude ash a mixture with 75% + 25% components of narrowleaf lupin and spring triticale, respectively, should be recommended and harvested at the narrowleaf lupin flowering stage.
... The insufficient quality of forage crops because of low-input supply in forage production may result in constraints and serious challenges not only for forage growers but small also for ruminants. The decreasing in agricultural arable land areas due to human settlements, insufficient inputs for agricultural crop production, low diversity in cropping systems, and the persistently changing climate are further detrimental to forage production [9]. ...
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The changing climate, inadequate water supply, insufficient agricultural inputs, decreasing in agricultural arable land areas under forage crops of Northwestern Loess Plateau region, expanding livestock population, increasing demands for meat and milk production, and food and feed security concerns all insist on a necessary requirement in forage quality production. Cereal–legume mixed-cropping is a biological approach to enhancing herbage yield and quality of upgraded animal feed (forage and silage). However, little information exists about the appropriate mixing seeding ratios and its impacts on yield and quality. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the forage yield and nutritional quality of maize (Zea mays L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in mono-and mixed-cropping approaches at the seeding proportions of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 45:55, 25:75, and 0:100 in 2019 and 2020 in Northwestern Loess Plateau region. A randomized complete block design with four replicates was used in this experiment. The results indicated that forage quality was significantly affected by the mixture ratios. The land equivalent ratio (LER) of all mixed-cropping treatments greater than 1.0, in which maize–common bean at the 50:50 seeding ratio achieved higher LER (1.46) than that of other treatments, showing that mixed-cropping combination systems are better users of land resources. Laboratory forage quality analysis and Pearson correlation analysis showed that the relative feed value had highly positive correlation with total digestible nutrients and relative forage quality in mixed-cropping treatments. Our results showed that fresh forage yield and dry matter yield were higher in monocropped maize forage than in other intercropped forages, whereas crude protein yield was lower compared with other mixed cropping forages. After 60 days of ensiling, the highest organic acid profile and ammonia-nitrogen were observed in M25:CB75 silage compared with other silages. The highest ensilability of fermentation coefficient was also found in M50:CB50 compared with other intercropped silages. Regarding forage preservation, silage showed higher contents of crude protein, relative feed value and lower crude fiber, water-soluble carbohydrate neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber contents than forage. This study determined that the ratios of maize–common bean 25:75 and 50:50 were the most desirable mixture ratios among mixed-cropped forage and silage based on chemical composition and quality analysis for livestock feeding.
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Background and Aims Due to the unique biological nitrogen fixation of legume crops, intercropping maize with legume/grass crops such as alfalfa becomes an effective way to reduce exogenous nitrogen fertilizer inputs. This study aimed to determine whether intercropping could be compared to nitrogen fertilizer application and identify potential differences. Methods The trial was laid out in the field since 2015 in a randomized complete block design. Treatments included maize monocropping without nitrogen (N0M) and with nitrogen (NM), maize/alfalfa intercropping without nitrogen (N0IM). In autumn 2019, crop and rhizosphere soil samples were collected to determine yield, rhizosphere soil properties and microbial indicators. Results Results demonstrated that N0IM and NM treatments had the similar effect on the enhancement of maize yield and yield composition factors and the improvement of soil physicochemical properties related to nitrogen and kalium. Additionally, NM treatment significantly increased the Chao1 and ACE indices by 28.1% and 29.49%, while the N0IM treatment significantly increased the Shannon index by 1.90%. The NM and N0IM treatments had significantly different pathways for increasing maize yield. Both NM and N0IM treatments increased the relative abundance of assimilatory nitrate reduction. And the N0IM treatment increased nitrogen fixation as well. At the same time, NM significantly increased nitrogen dissimilation by 23.98% and intercropping significantly increased denitrification by 12.81%. Conclusion Intercropping can be considered comparable to nitrogen fertilizer application in terms of yield and yield composition factors, rhizospheric soil physicochemical properties. Moreover, intercropping was found to be more conducive to the stability of rhizospheric soil bacteria and more environmentally friendly.
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Background: Phosphorus (P), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) are essential elements for plant growth and development, but their availability in soil is often limited. Intercropping contributes to increased P, Fe and Zn uptake and thereby increases yield and improves grain nutritional quality and ultimately human health. A better understanding of how intercropping leads to increased plant P, Fe and Zn availability will help to improve P-fertilizer-use efficiency and agronomic Fe and Zn biofortification. Scope: This review synthesizes the literature on how intercropping of legumes with cereals increases acquisition of P, Fe and Zn from soil and recapitulates what is known about root-to-shoot nutrient translocation, plant-internal nutrient remobilization and allocation to grains. Conclusions: Direct interspecific facilitation in intercropping involves below-ground processes in which cereals increase Fe and Zn bioavailability while companion legumes benefit. This has been demonstrated and verified using isotopic nutrient tracing and molecular analysis. The same methodological approaches and field studies should be used to explore direct interspecific P facilitation. Both niche complementarity and interspecific facilitation contribute to increased P acquisition in intercropping. Niche complementarity may also contribute to increased Fe and Zn acquisition, an aspect poorly understood. Interspecific mobilization and uptake facilitation of sparingly soluble P, Fe and Zn from soil, however, are not the only determinants of the concentrations of P, Fe and Zn in grains. Grain yield and nutrient translocation from roots to shoots further influence the concentrations of these nutrients in grains.
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With high rates of food and nonrenewable fossil fuel consumption worldwide, we are facing great challenges in ensuring food and energy security to satisfy the world population. Intercropping, as an important and sustainable cropping practice in agroecosystems, has been widely practiced around the world. Many studies have shown that some plants can deliver high yields when intercropped with other plants. Here, we review the biological mechanisms in improving resource utilization efficiency and illustrate the practical application of intercropping in ensuring food and energy security through improving production. Identifying suitable energy plants for marginal land, land not suitable for food crops growth, is an effective strategy to acquire high production of bioenergy, thus removing competition between the use of land for food and energy. The effective application of intercropping provides a potential pathway for production of food crops and energy plants by improving resource use efficiency and resistance to environmental stress.
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The processes involving pH modification, carboxylate exudation and phosphorus (P) dynamics in the rhizosphere of crops grown in intercropping are poorly understood. Two groups of maize (Zea mays L.) or faba bean (Vicia faba L.) plants (monocropping) or one group of plant of each species (intercropping) were grown between three 1-mm-thick soil layers; the central soil layer is referred to as inter-rhizosphere, and the two outer soil layers are designated sole-rhizosphere. Faba bean intercropped with maize had an 11% increase in shoot biomass and a 15% increase in P uptake compared with monocropped faba bean. The cropping pattern did not significantly influence maize growth. After 4 weeks of growth, faba bean significantly decreased soil pH in both the sole- and inter-rhizosphere in monocropping, but no effects were apparent for the intercropping rhizosphere. The major carboxylates in the rhizosphere of faba bean were malate (18-45nmolg(-1) soil) and maleate (1.2-2.4nmolg(-1) soil). Only trace amounts of carboxylates were measured in the rhizosphere of monocropped maize. However, intercropped maize had a high concentration of malate (similar to 11nmolg(-1) soil) in both sole- and inter-rhizosphere; the malate was likely exuded by faba bean and was then diffused to the sole-rhizosphere of intercropped maize. The amount of malate exuded by intercropped faba bean was 19% higher than with monocropped plants. The results indicate that diffusion of protons and carboxylates extended the interaction zone between maize and faba bean, and may have contributed to enhancements of P uptake in the intercropping system.
An Arabidopsis genomic sequence was recently shown to share similarity with bacterial and eukaryotic phosphate (Pi) transporters. We have cloned the corresponding cDNA, which we named Pht2;1, and subsequently performed gene expression studies and functional analysis of the protein product. The cDNA encodes a 61-kD protein with a putative topology of 12 transmembrane (TM) domains interrupted by a large hydrophilic loop between TM8 and TM9. Two boxes of eight and nine amino acids, located in the N- and C-terminal domains, respectively, are highly conserved among species across all kingdoms (eubacteria, archea, fungi, plants, and animals). The Pht2;1 gene is predominantly expressed in green tissue, the amount of transcript staying constant in leaves irrespective of the Pi status of the shoot; in roots, however, there is a marginal increase in mRNA amounts in response to Pi deprivation. Although the protein is highly similar to eukaryotic sodium-dependent Pi transporters, functional analysis of the Pht2;1 protein in mutant yeast cells indicates that it is a proton/Pi symporter dependent on the electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane. Its fairly high apparent Km for Pi (0.4 mM) and high mRNA content in the shoot, especially in leaves, suggest a role for shoot organs in Pi loading. Pht2;1 thus differs from members of the recently described plant Pi transporter family in primary structure, affinity for Pi, and presumed function.
This chapter reviews the mechanism of immobilization and mineralization of organic phosphorus in soil. The chapter describes two analytic techniques for the determination of the organic phosphorus content of soils: ignition and extraction. In the ignition method, the organic phosphorus is determined by measuring the differences in the acid-extractable phosphorus in soil samples before and after ignition. In the extraction method, the organic phosphorus is determined by the difference between the inorganic and total phosphorus in the soil extracts. Various factors that affect the organic phosphorus content of soils are rainfall, mean temperature, drainage, soil pH, cultivation, inorganic phosphorus content of the parent material, and sulfur content in areas of low atmospheric returns. Investigations have been carried out on the accumulation of organic phosphorus under pasture and the incorporation of added inorganic phosphorus in soil organic matter. The chapter also examines the chemical nature of organic phosphorus in soils and summarizes the phosphorus cycle of a native grassland ecosystem.
Phytase and acid phosphatase activities were measured in extracts from roots of 14- to 22-day old seedlings of a range of temperate pasture species that were grown aseptically in sand culture. Phytase activity from roots of phosphorus- (P-)-deficient Trifolium subterraneum L. was characterised. Activity was enhanced by 40% when extracts were passed through Sephadex G-25, and increased by a further 20-30% with the addition of either 1 mm EDTA or 5 mm cysteine to assay solutions. The optimum temperature for phytase activity was 50°C and the optimum pH was 5.3. When compared with phosphatase activity measured in the roots of T. subterraneum, phytase activity exhibited narrower pH and temperature optima, and was also more strongly inhibited by Co2+, Zn2+ and AsO42- ions. Significantly, for the five pasture species examined, phytase activity was less than 5% of the total acid phosphatase activity in extracts of plant roots. Measured phytase activity ranged between 0.13 and 1.7 nkat g-1 root fresh wt and was enhanced under P-deficient relative to P-sufficient growth conditions in all of the pasture species with the exception of Trifolium repens L., for which the K(m) constant for activity was 50% lower in P-deficient plants. When expressed on a root fresh wt basis, increases in phytase activity of ~1.25-fold were observed for extracts from T. subterraneum and Medicago polymorpha L., and of up to 3.3-fold for Danthonia richardsonii A.B. Cashmore and Phalaris aquatica L. Increases in acid phosphatase activity with P deficiency were less evident. Between 3.1% and 4.3% only of the total phytase activity measured in root extracts was eluted from intact roots into 0.1 M NaCl.
The role of enzymes in biochemical reactions in soil systems and their potential applications in the soil-plant environment are reviewed. The first section is divided into: a definition of the soil enzyme; major classes and sources of enzymes in soils; the state of enzymes existing in the soil; and soil enzyme assays. In a second section, the applications of enzymes in a soil-plant environment are summarized, viz. enzyme activities and soil fertility; increased fertilizer use efficiency; the influence on plant growth; oxidation-reduction status of soil; the ecological importance of soil enzymes; soil enzymes as pollutant indicators; remediation of contaminated soil; assessment of land use impacts; and other potential applications. -J.W.Cooper