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Endoscopic submucosal dissection and submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection for obstructive lipomas of the foregut and hindgut

Endoscopic submucosal dissection and submucosal tunneling
endoscopic resection for obstructive lipomas of the foregut and
Georgios Mavrogenis, MD,
Fateh Bazerbachi, MD,
Ioannis Tsevgas, MD,
Dimitrios Zachariadis, MD
GI lipomas are rare, benign, submucosal tumors
that are usually asymptomatic. The most common loca-
tion for these lesions is the colon (64%), whereas
duodenal lipomas account for only 4% of GI lipomas.
Large lipomas (>2-4 cm) may cause symptoms
such as bleeding, abdominal pain, obstruction, or
They typically present as a smooth,
slightly yellow, rounded polyp, with a stalk or a broad-
based attachment. Diagnosis can be conrmed by EUS,
CT scan, or magnetic resonance imaging. There is no
standardized treatment for symptomatic lipomas, and
both surgical
and endoscopic approaches have been
depending on the size and location of
the lesion and on the availability of advanced endoscopic
Lipomas with a long and thin stalk are suitable for
snare resection. For larger lesions, snare resection should
be performed with caution because the adipose tissue
is an inefcient conductor of electric current, and pro-
longed cutting may lead to perforation.
conservative approach is the unroong technique,
which consists of opening the superior half of the
lipoma with a snare. Then it is possible to either leave
the contents exposed or remove the adipose tissue
with a snare or biopsy forceps. This technique is safe
and easy; however, it may fail in cases with a large or
long stalk
and has a high rate of recurrence.
there is a trend to remove lipomas by placing a
detachable loop at their base.
This technique leads
to ischemia and shedding of the tumor a few days later.
Application of the loop and let go techniqueeliminates
the risk of perforation or bleeding. For lipomas with a
broad base, where the placement of an endoloop is not
feasible, a variety of endoscopic submucosal dissection
(ESD)-derived techniques can be applied, such as circum-
ferential incision and placement of an endoloop,
standard ESD,
or submucosal tunneling endoscopic
resection (STER).
The main advantage of STER
compared with ESD is that the site of resection is covered
by intact overlying mucosa; thus, in case of muscular
damage or perforation, the site of the resection is sealed.
However, the application of STER has been described for
sessile lesions <3 to 4 cm, located in the esophagus,
gastric body, and antrum. There is only 1 published
report of STER in the duodenum for a small submucosal
In this video production (Video 1,available
Figure 1. Submucosal mass of the antrum obstructing the passage
toward the bulb in Patient 1.
Figure 2. The lesion was mobile and moved between the bulb and the
antrum in Patient 1.
226 VIDEOGIE Volume 4, No. 5 : 2019
online at, we present step by step
resection of an obstructive duodenal and colonic
lipoma by means of STER and ESD, respectively.
A 35-year-old man presented with a 6-month history of
postprandial epigastric pain and nausea. Gastroscopy
revealed a 3-cm soft subepithelial mass that originated
from the duodenal bulb and prolapsed into the antrum
(Figs. 1 and 2). EUS showed a hyperechoic homogenous
mass that originated from the submucosal layer of the
duodenum, consistent with a lipoma. The mass had a
broad base, preventing the application of endoscopic
loop ligation, so the STER technique was applied. A
mixture of hydroxyethyl starch (500 mL) with methylene
blue (1 mL) and epinephrine (1 mg) was injected above
the pylorus. Thereafter, a horizontal incision was made
with a needle-type knife (DualKnifeJ 1.5 mm; Olympus,
Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 3). Then, a submucosal pocket was
created at the lesser curvature of the antrum and was
extended all along the length of the superior wall of the
duodenal bulb. The anatomic landmark of the pyloric
ring was identied at the beginning of the tunnel. The
endoscope was advanced between the superior pole of
the lesion and the duodenal wall. When necessary,
additional submucosal injection of normal saline solution
was performed with the knife. Dissection of the superior
part of the lesion was followed by dissection of the left
and right lateral borders.
Dissection of the inferior (Fig. 4) and posterior part of
the lesion was achieved with a blunt-tip knife (ITKnife
Figure 3. Creation of an entrance at the lesser curvature of the antrum
close to the pylorus in Patient 1.
Figure 4. Progressive enucleation of the lipoma in Patient 1.
Figure 5. Resected specimen from Patient 1.
Figure 6. Closure of the entrance in Patient 1. Volume 4, No. 5 : 2019 VIDEOGIE 227
Mavrogenis et al Video Case Report
nano; Olympus) to diminish the risk of perforation result-
ing from poor visualization or from tangential access. In
addition, a tapered tip cap (ST Hood; Fujilm, Tokyo,
Japan) was used to push the endoscope into the tight
space between the mass and the underlying duodenal mu-
cosa. The ceramic tip of the knife was gently pushed into
the loose submucosal tissue, and then it was moved later-
ally or pulled toward the endoscope. Finally, the lesion was
completely resected (Fig. 5), and the specimen was
retrieved with a basket. Inspection of the duodenal bulb
showed a bluish discoloration of the superior duodenal
wall that corresponded to the inferior wall of the tunnel.
Examination of the submucosal tunnel did not show any
sign of perforation. At the end of the procedure, small
incisions were made around the edges of the entrance of
the tunnel. These supercial defects allowed clip grip for
traction and apposition. The mucosal defect was partially
closed by using 2 clips. Complete closure was achieved
with additional clips (Fig. 6). The patient was discharged
after 24 hours and had an uneventful recovery. At 10
months of follow-up, the patient remained asymptomatic,
and endoscopy showed a smooth passage of the gastro-
scope to the duodenum.
The second patient was a 50-year-old woman with a
2-year history of intermittent abdominal pain. Colonoscopy
disclosed a lipoma of the transverse colon that partially
obstructed the bowel lumen (Fig. 7). Owing to the broad
base of the lesion, we decided to proceed to ESD.
Coagulation dots were placed 5 mm distally to the base
of the lesion to avoid injury of the muscle layer. A
mixture of hydroxyethyl starch, methylene blue, and
epinephrine was used for submucosal injection.
Thereafter, the anterior part of the stalk was incised and
dissected (FlushKnifeBT 1.5 mm; Fujilm). Dissection
was relatively easy because of the absence of large
vessels. Gradually, a yellow submucosal mass emerged
from the submucosal space. Incision of the posterior part
of the lipoma was performed with the patient in a
retroexed position. Eventually, the entire lesion was
dissected (Figs. 8 and 9). At the end of the procedure
the articial ulcer was closed with hemostatic clips. The
patient had an uneventful recovery and remained
asymptomatic at follow-up 2 months later.
In conclusion, this video presents the application of
STER and ESD in the resection of symptomatic broad-
based GI lipomas. This technique could be applied for
selected cases of lipoma when the placement of a detach-
able loop is not technically feasible.
Figure 9. Resected specimen from Patient 2.
Figure 8. En bloc resection in Patient 2.
Figure 7. Lipoma of the transverse colon in Patient 2.
228 VIDEOGIE Volume 4, No. 5 : 2019
Video Case Report Mavrogenis et al
All authors disclosed no nancial relationships
relevant to this publication.
Abbreviations: ESD, endoscopic submucosal dissection; STER, submuco-
sal tunneling endoscopic resection.
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Department of Gastroenterology, Mediterraneo Hospital, Athens, Greece
(1); Department of Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,
USA (2); Department of Gastroenterology, Mediterraneo Hospital, Athens,
Greece (3).
Copyright ª2019 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license ( Volume 4, No. 5 : 2019 VIDEOGIE 229
Mavrogenis et al Video Case Report
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Video 1Endoscopic submucosal dissection of a giant esophageal lipoma.
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Background Endoscopic submucosal tunneling has evolved to allow endoscopic resection of subepithelial tumors of gastrointestinal tract without full-thickness perforation. This study aimed to investigate safety and efficacy of submucosal tunnel resection for these tumors. Method Patients with subepithelial tumors (SET) located in esophagus, gastric cardia, lesser curvature, and antrum were recruited. The size of tumor was limited to < 40 mm. The procedures were performed under general anesthesia. A mucosal entrance was created 2 cm proximal to the SET after submucosal injection. Submucosal tunnel was then extended and the tumor was dissected and mobilized with intact overlying mucosa. After complete dissection, the tumors would be retrieved per orally and mucosal entrance closed by endoclips. Results From June 2012 to December 2016, 51 patients with subepithelial tumors received POET. 39 patients had SET in stomach, 11 located in esophagus, and 1 in duodenum. The mean operative time was 90.46 ± 46.49 min, while the mean size of the tumors was 20.71 ± 14.05 mm. The POET was converted to endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) in three patients with gastric subepithelial tumors located at greater curvature. The overall complication rate was 4.0%, and there was no bleeding, mucosal dehiscence, or leakage. The time to resume diet was 1.7 days, while the average hospital stay was 3.2 ± 1.0 days. The mean follow-up period was 19 ± 16 months, and only 1 patient developed recurrence of leiomyoma. Conclusion Per oral endoscopic tumor resection is safe and effective treatment for esophageal and gastric SET located at cardia, lesser curvature, and antrum. Currently, POET for treatment of upper GI SET is limited by the size and location of the tumor.
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A 66-year-old man was referred to our hospital with an increasing subepithelial lesion in the gastric antrum. Using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, a tumor with a steep, 20-mm-high rise protruding in the lumen was observed. The mucosal surface of the tumor was reddish, with ulcers forming at the base. Moreover, the tumor was mobile and soft. A biopsy specimen was taken from the ulcer, but tumor tissue was not collected from the submucosa. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) showed a high echoic mass in the submucosa. However, because the mucosal surface of the ulceration was red, the mesenchymal tumor with internal bleeding was inferred to be lipoma. Additionally, because the tumor was small, flexible, and soft, collecting tumor tissue under EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration was inferred as difficult. We were unable to make a final diagnosis because the lesion showed a small tumor with atypical macroscopic morphology. Therefore, endoscopic submucosa dissection (ESD) was chosen for the diagnostic treatment. Sodium hyaluronate sufficient for separation from the muscular layer was injected into the submucosa. Then submucosal dissection was performed just above the muscle layer. Results demonstrate the possibility of removing the tumor reliably without perforation. Pathological evaluation of the ESD specimen indicated a diagnosis of gastric lipoma.
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AIM To systematically review the syndrome of giant gastric lipomas, report 2 new illustrative cases. METHODS Literature systematically reviewed using PubMed for publications since 1980 with following medical subject heading/keywords: (“giant lipoma”) AND (“gastric”) OR [(“lipoma”) and (“gastric”) and (“bleeding”)]. Two authors independently reviewed literature, and decided by consensus which articles to incorporate. Computerized review of pathology/endoscopy records at William Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak and Troy, Michigan, January 2005-December 2015, revealed 2 giant gastric lipomas among 117110 consecutive esophagogastroduodenoscopies (EGDs), which were thoroughly reviewed, including re-review of original endoscopic photographs, radiologic images, and pathologic slides. RESULTS Giant gastric lipomas are extremely rare: 32 cases reported since 1980, and 2 diagnosed among 117110 consecutive EGDs. Average patient age = 54.5 ± 17.0 years old (males = 22, females = 10). Maximal lipoma dimension averaged 7.9 cm ± 4.1 cm. Ulcerated mass occurred in 21 patients. Lipoma locations: antrum-17, body-and-antrum-4, antrum-intussuscepting-into-small-intestine-3, body-2, fundus-1, and unspecified-5. Intramural locations included submucosal-22, subserosal-2, and unspecified-8. Presentations included: acute upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding-19, abdominal pain-5, nausea/vomiting-5, and asymptomatic-3. Symptoms among patients with UGI bleeding included: weakness/fatigue-6, abdominal pain-4, nausea/vomiting-4, early-satiety-3, dizziness-2, and other-1. Their hemoglobin on admission averaged 7.5 g/dL ± 2.8 g/dL. Patients with GI bleeding had significantly more frequently ulcers than other patients. EGD was extremely helpful diagnostically (n = 31 patients), based on characteristic endoscopic findings, including yellowish hue, well-demarcated margins, smooth overlying mucosa, and endoscopic cushion, tenting, or naked-fat signs. However, endoscopic mucosal biopsies were mostly non-diagnostic (11 of 12 non-diagnostic). Twenty (95%) of 21 abdominal CTs demonstrated characteristic findings of lipomas, including: well-circumscribed, submucosal, and homogeneous mass with attenuation of fat. Endoscopic-ultrasound showed characteristic findings in 4 (80%) of 5 cases: hyperechoic, well-localized, mass in gastric-wall-layer-3. Transabdominal ultrasound and UGI series were generally less helpful. All 32 patients underwent successful therapy without major complications or mortality, including: laparotomy and full-thickness gastric wall resection of tumor using various surgical reconstructions-26; laparotomy-and-enucleation-2; laparoscopic-transgastric-resection-2; endoscopic-mucosal-resection-1, and other-1. Two new illustrative patients are reported who presented with severe UGI bleeding from giant, ulcerated, gastric lipomas. CONCLUSION This systematic review may help standardize the endoscopic and radiologic evaluation and therapy of patients with this syndrome.
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A 78-year-old woman who had recurrent right lower abdominal pain for about 1 year underwent computed tomography (CT) because of a follow-up observation 1 year after right breast cancer surgery. CT revealed a tumor in the colon. The patient was referred to our hospital for detailed examinations. An abdominal CT showed a low-density tumor of approximately 30 mm in the ascending colon, and the CT density inside the tumor was same as that of fatty tissues. A subsequent colonoscopy showed a submucosal tumor (SMT) in the proximal ascending colon developing from the terminal ileum. A colonoscopic ultrasonography revealed that the SMT was a high-echoic mass mainly localized in the submucosal layer. Based on the findings from CT, colonoscopy, and colonoscopic ultrasonography, the SMT was diagnosed as a pedunculated lipoma originating from the terminal ileum and treated with endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) because of recurrent abdominal pain. The 40-mm tumor was resected en bloc without complications. ESD may be more appropriate than polypectomy and surgery for removal of small intestinal tumors, because ESD allows direct visualization of the cutting line and exactly dissects the submucosal layers without damaging the muscular layers. ESD is a potentially useful treatment to remove intestinal lipomas.
Objectives: Gastric lipomas are rare adipose tumors that constitute less than 1% of gastric tumors. While lipomas generally do not need removal unless symptomatic, endoscopic resection has been proposed as safe for gastric lipomas smaller than 2 cm. Yet, there is no consensus on the optimal treatment method for larger lipomas. We report a case of a giant 7-cm gastric lipoma successfully removed by endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and systematically review the literature for gastric lipomas removed by ESD. Methods: Systematic review was conducted by searching PubMed and Scopus databases, up to 15 February 2018, using combinations of relevant terms. Results: We report a 55-year-old male with known gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma, who sought medical attention due to chronic heartburn and asthma exacerbations. These symptoms were attributed to a large 7 cm × 3 cm gastric lipoma that caused gastric outlet obstruction. The lipoma was safely removed by ESD, allowing quick recovery and alleviation of symptoms. In our review, we identified 20 gastric lipomas treated with ESD, with 15 (75%) being 2 cm or larger. The average size of the lipomas was 4 cm (range: 1.2–9 cm). All lipomas were limited to the submucosa, with 80% of the tumors located in the antrum. Three lipomas were removed by submucosal tunneling. All tumors were successfully removed en bloc and no major complications were reported. Conclusion: Our findings support the conclusion that ESD may be a safe alternative to conventional surgery for removal of large symptomatic gastric lipomas. Free access to full-text:
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