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A Survey of the Knowledge of Truffles among Polish Foresters and Implications for Environmental Education


Abstract and Figures

While the use of truffles in Poland has a long tradition, for historical reasons this knowledge was almost lost. Currently, truffles and truffle orchards are again receiving public attention. For example, the Polish State Forests supported the establishment of truffle orchards by the Forestry Research Institute. In recent years, knowledge concerning these unique hypogeous fungi has been disseminated systematically through scientific and popular publications, films, and electronic media. This study investigates the awareness of economically and culinary valued truffle fungi (Tuber spp.) among more than 1400 Polish foresters. The results show that 70% of interviewees were familiar with historical and contemporary information about growing and using truffles in Poland. Based on respondents' age, education, type of work, and gender we attempted to identify whether these elements were associated with the state of knowledge about truffles. The results indicated that younger foresters were better informed about the presence of truffles in Poland and also about their use in the past in Polish cuisine. Environmental education was an important source of knowledge about truffle harvesting and the soils that are conducive to truffle development. Foresters who have provided forest ecology education and who are 36-65 years of age generally possessed better knowledge about truffles than other age cohorts. More than 30% of respondents expressed interest in educational courses to improve their knowledge of truffles. The results point to the need for forestry education concerning truffles and indicate the need for fostering sustainable agroforestry-centered initiatives disseminating this knowledge to the public.
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A Survey of the Knowledge of Trues among Polish
Foresters and Implications for
Environmental Education
Dorota Hilszcza ´nska 1, * , Aleksandra Rosa-Gruszecka 1, Bogusław Kosel 2, Jakub Horak 3
and Marta Siebyła 4
Department of Forest Ecology, Forest Research Institute, Braci Le´snej 3, S˛ekocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland;
2Wydział HistorycznoSocjologiczny, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Plac Uniwersytecki 1,
15-420 Białystok, Poland;
3Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká1176, CZ-165 21 Prague, Czech Republic;
4Department of Forest Protection, Forest Research Institute, Braci Le´snej 3, S˛ekocin Stary,
05-090 Raszyn, Poland;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-22-7150-502
Received: 20 March 2019; Accepted: 26 April 2019; Published: 27 April 2019
While the use of trues in Poland has a long tradition, for historical reasons this
knowledge was almost lost. Currently, trues and true orchards are again receiving public
attention. For example, the Polish State Forests supported the establishment of true orchards by the
Forestry Research Institute. In recent years, knowledge concerning these unique hypogeous fungi has
been disseminated systematically through scientific and popular publications, films, and electronic
media. This study investigates the awareness of economically and culinary valued true fungi
(Tuber spp.) among more than 1400 Polish foresters. The results show that 70% of interviewees were
familiar with historical and contemporary information about growing and using trues in Poland.
Based on respondents’ age, education, type of work, and gender we attempted to identify whether
these elements were associated with the state of knowledge about trues. The results indicated that
younger foresters were better informed about the presence of trues in Poland and also about their
use in the past in Polish cuisine. Environmental education was an important source of knowledge
about true harvesting and the soils that are conducive to true development. Foresters who
have provided forest ecology education and who are 36–65 years of age generally possessed better
knowledge about trues than other age cohorts. More than 30% of respondents expressed interest in
educational courses to improve their knowledge of trues. The results point to the need for forestry
education concerning trues and indicate the need for fostering sustainable agroforestry-centered
initiatives disseminating this knowledge to the public.
Keywords: fungi; Tuber spp.; education; forestry; survey
1. Introduction
Poland has one of the largest forest areas (ca. 9.4 million ha) in Europe [
]. The majority of
forests (about 80.8%) are administered by the State Forests National Forest Holding (the State Forests
headed by the General Director). The General Directorate is in charge of 17 Regional Directorates, with
altogether 431 forest districts divided into forest ranges [2].
Forests 2019,10, 365; doi:10.3390/f10050365
Forests 2019,10, 365 2 of 13
Timber is the main product derived from Polish forests, and Poland’s forests remain one of the
best stocked in Europe. Non-wood forest products, such as forest fruits (mainly berries), mushrooms,
and game animals have been gaining in importance. The Polish Central Statistical Oce provides no
statistics on the amount of fruits and mushrooms harvested from forests. Due to free public access
to Poland’s forests, everyone has a right to collect forest fruits and mushrooms without limit, with
harvesting restricted only for protected species [3].
Social functions of forests are dicult to define and measure, which include recreation, tourism,
education, and various traditional uses [
]. The State Forests place substantial eorts into raising
public awareness of recreational and educational infrastructure available in forests, including: parks
and arboreta (of which there are 17 in Poland), centres for ecological education (over 20), educational
rooms (50), scenic viewpoints (318) and nature paths (over 150). The so-called green schools and
Promotional Forest Complexes and Forest Education Centres, which are located in Forest Districts, run
educational courses for primary school pupils (reaching over 815,000 people in 2015) and middle and
high school students (about 450,000 people in 2015) [
]. At the national level, more than 9000 foresters
in Poland provide public education about forests. A noticeable disadvantage of the current system is
the fact that forest education for the majority of foresters is an additional responsibility on top of their
other duties [6].
It is estimated that there are over 1000 species of edible mushrooms in Polish forests [
]. Their
collection has a centuries-long tradition and an established place in Polish culture. Knowledge about
mushrooms has traditionally been passed down from generation to generation. However, with the
modernization of the country and an increase in the standard of living, knowledge and skill concerning
the collection of edible mushroom species has been waning in recent years [810].
Knowledge among foresters about subterranean fungi such as trues (Tuber spp.) was lost after
the Second World War for some changes of social and cultural character as well as changes of forest
management. Primary factors determining true forgetfulness were: (i) Changes in forest cover.
After the Second World War, forests comprised only 20.8% of Polish territory. Unfavorable conditions
for fruiting trues included changes in species composition, age structure of stands, and changes
of forest management. For example, undergrowth shading the forest floor was more common due
to the cessation of grazing in forests. (ii) Changes in the structure of forest ownership and use. The
disappearance of traditional types of forest use, such as cattle grazing and collection of brushwood.
(iii) Changes at the societal level due to war and the great loss of Polish citizens, especially the loss of
Polish aristocracy and intelligentsia, including foresters, or social groups with the most knowledge and
practice regarding collection, use, and cultivation of trues; emigration and migration of population
from rural to urban areas. (iv) The communist regime promoted “pork chop and carp” as the food for
the ‘working class’ rather than the traditional delicacies of Polish cuisine. Trues as a luxury product
for the nobility were not welcomed by new authorities [11,12].
As a type of mycorrhizal fungi, trues need a host plant to develop, grow best in calcareous,
mainly rendzic soils, and, because they grow up to 30 cm deep in the soil, they need to be found with
the help of trained dogs or pigs.
Trues currently are gaining attention in Poland, mainly due to research projects sponsored
by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The projects have been conducted since 2007 by
researchers of the Forest Research Institute. Due to this research, six true orchards were established
(altogether covering almost 5 ha) (Table 1). At the oldest true orchard, fruiting bodies of the summer
true (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) were found, eight years after orchard establishment [
]. Although
establishing of true orchards is still in pioneer phase, such an activity is perceived as a new source of
benefits in agroforestry. The possibility to grow and collect trues is important for increasing rural
economy and thereby the incentives for planting oak and hazel (main host-plant species). True
cultivation can contribute to a stable bioeconomy, both supporting the high biodiversity associated with
Quercus spp. [
] and contributing to local economy of rural areas. Since true orchards may become
Forests 2019,10, 365 3 of 13
a new core of sustainable, high-diversity biotops worth protecting, the topic should be propagated,
especially by foresters dealing with education who can based on results of the work cited below.
Table 1. True orchards under care of the Forest Research Institute.
Location Date of
Establishment Ownership Area Species of Tuber Host-Plants Remarks
1. Chełm (Chełm Hills) 2008 Polish State
Forests Holding 0.4 ha T. aestivum
Vittad. (Poland)
Quercus robur L.,
Corylus avellana L.
1st T. aestivum
fructification in
September 2016
2. K ˛apiołki
Jurassic Upland)
Private investors
0.4 ha
T. aestivum
T. aestivum
T. melanosporum
Vittad. (France)
Quercus robur,
Corylus avellana,
Pinus sylvestris L.
3. Michałów
(Nida Basin) 2013 and 2019 Polish State
Forests Holding 1.5 ha T. aestivum
Quercus robur,
Fagus sylvatica L.
4. Brzesko
(Sandomierz Basin) 2017
Private investors
0.33 ha T. aestivum
(Poland) Quercus robur
5. Chmielnik
(Nida Basin) 2017
Private investors
0.75 ha T. aestivum
(Poland) Quercus robur
6. Kumów
(Chełm Hills) 2017 and 2018 Polish State
Forests Holding 1.49 ha T. aestivum
(Poland) Quercus robur
The results of our true research are disseminated through publications [
monographs [
], and in the film “Trues in Poland,” produced by M. Ogrodowczyk (https:
// Given that environmental education is provided
by foresters, we are of the opinion the subject of trues should be part of the forestry education
curriculum. To evaluate the state of knowledge about trues among foresters, a survey was conducted
with the aims of: (i) investigating the level of knowledge about trues among foresters and (ii) indicating
which aspects of knowledge about trues need better communication.
2. Materials and Methods
The survey was carried out among foresters from 43 Forest Districts (10% of all districts in Poland).
Each of 17 Regional Directorates was represented by one to six forest districts. The names of both the
forest district and regional directorates are given in Table A1, Appendix A. In total, 2002 questionnaires
were sent, canvassing 7.8% of all foresters employed in Poland, with from 20 to 74 individuals canvassed
in each district depending on the number of forest district workers. The questionnaires were sent to
the chosen Forest Districts via mail. The data was collected for two months and 1404 questionnaires
were received back.
The questionnaire titled “What do you know about trues?” included four questions to
characterize the respondent (independent variables) and ten questions on aspects of true ecology, use,
history in Poland, etc. (dependent variables) (Tables 2and 3). The dependent variables were designed
to investigate the foresters’ knowledge, experience, and preferences regarding trues. Characterization
of independent data based on survey responses is showed in Table 4. The estimated time to complete
the survey was 15 min.
Table 2. List of independent variables.
Variable Variable Type Values
A. Age Ordinal <25; 25–35; 36–45; 46–55; 56–65; >65
B. Gender Dichotomous female; male
C. Forester job Nominal in the forest; in the oce; both
D. Work with environmental education Dichotomous yes; no
Forests 2019,10, 365 4 of 13
Table 3.
List of dependent variables. The symbol “*” in questions 4, 7, 9 indicates that a “yes” answer
allowed the respondent to provide an example and for question 7 that it was possible to give a dierent
answer than the choices provided.
Question Variable Variable Type Values
1. Do you collect
mushrooms? Preference Nominal Yes, often; Yes, rarely; No
2. Do trues grow in
Poland? Knowledge Nominal
Yes, they grow in the forest; Yes,
they are grown in true-orchards;
No; Not known
3. Have you ever found
true? Experience Nominal Yes, abroad; Yes, in Poland; not
sure; No
4. Have you ever heard
about hunting for trues
in Poland? *
Knowledge Dichotomous Yes; No
5. In the past trues
were eaten in Poland. Knowledge Nominal Only by nobles; Used as fodder;
Widely; Not known
6. Soils conducive to
trues. Knowledge Nominal Calcareous; Podzols; Sandy; Not
7. How are trues
collected? * Knowledge Nominal
With help of dogs or pigs;
Following wild pigs rooting;
Searching for plant indicators;
Using other methods (please,
indicate an example)
8. Which of the
following fungi grow in
your Forest District?
Experience Nominal
1. Gyromitra esculenta (Pers.) Fr.,
2. Tuber aestivum Vittad.,
3. T. excavatum Vittad.,
4. Scleroderma citrinum Pers.
9. Are true products
present in Polish
markets? *
Knowledge Nominal Yes; No; Not known
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses were done using R 3.0.2 software, ( The majority of the
data were selected with inner hierarchy. This means that the answers for particular questions were
not independent from other questions. We chose one of the most appropriate modern statistical
methods for selection of the hierarchy in thresholds and used a conditional inference tree method [
This method belongs to the family of recursive partitioning, which is based on maximally selected rank
statistics. It was supported by using the package for R [
]. For our analyses, we used first order of
discrimination in the case of significant response.
Forests 2019,10, 365 5 of 13
Table 4. Characterization of independent data based on survey responses, N/A—no answer.
Item n%
<25 43 3.1
25–35 361 25.7
36–45 305 21.7
46–55 361 25.7
56–65 304 21.7
>65 20 1.4
N/A 10 0.7
Male 936 66.7
Female 392 27.9
N/A 76 5.4
Forester job
In the forest 529 37.7
In the oce 402 28.6
Both 408 29.1
N/A 65 4.6
Work with environmental education
Yes 271 19.3
No 976 69.5
N/A 157 11.2
3. Results
Out of 2002 questionnaires, 1404 were obtained back. The response rates fell into two distinct
groups. Questions to do with fungus identification were responded to by 660 foresters. Questions
dealing with more general aspects of true occurrence, ecology, and use, received between 1170 and
1174 responses. Unless otherwise stated, there was no significant eect of respondent age, gender,
education, or job position on the response received.
The survey revealed that the majority of respondents (70.7%) know that true fungi grow in
Polish forests. However, only a small number of respondents (15.4%) were aware that trues can be
grown in orchards. Only a small number of respondents indicated that they found trues abroad or
in Poland (0.6% and 2.8%, respectively). Answering the 4th question (Table 5), only 471 respondents
indicated a source of information about trues. The main source of information was TV and only
11 respondents indicated scientific publication (Figure 1).
A large portion of respondents (about 62%) were aware of the historical use of trues. However,
most respondents were of the opinion that trues were not commonly eaten in the past (only 4.3% of
respondents thought they were once a common food item), an opinion especially common among
those younger than 36 years old. More than one third of foresters knew the type of soils conducive to
true growth. Only about 5% indicated that trues were present on non-calcareous soil. A great
number of respondents (1217) knew that searching for trues is provided with help of dog or swine
(Table 5, Figure 2). More than 200 respondents were familiar with other methods of true hunting
(Figure 2). Out of the four species of fungi (Tables 3and 5), G. esculenta (Pers.) Fr. was the one most
respondents were able to identify. Men more often indicated that trues grew in their forest district.
About 28 per cent of respondents were familiar with true products, especially people younger than
46 years of age.
Forests 2019,10, 365 6 of 13
Table 5. Respondents’ answers with comments based on statistical analysis. The symbol “*”indicates
that the respondent were asked to provide an example.
Question Answers to
Choose Result Remark
1. Do you collect
Yes, often; Yes,
rarely; No
30.5% of foresters
answered “yes, often”,
58.8% said “yes, rarely”
and 10.3% said “no”.
2. Do trues grow
in Poland?
Yes, they grow in
the forest; Yes, they
are grown in
No; Not known
The first answer was
chosen by 70.7% of
Those who disagreed were
most often above 56 years of
age (Stat. =26.37; p<0.001).
Only 15.4% of respondents
agreed with the second
Respondents above 36 years of
age more often did not agree
with the second statement
(Stat. =8.98; p=0.011).
Only 2.5% of respondents
said “no” with opinion.
Respondents above 56 years of
age were more likely to give
the answer (Stat. =9.73;
18.9% of respondents did
not know if trues grow
in Poland.
Respondents above 36 years of
age were more likely to choose
the answer (Stat. =15.87;
Only 10.0% of responders
said that trues grow,
both in forest and orchard.
Respondents above 36 years of
age more often gave a negative
answer, i.e., they did not agree
that statement (Stat. =6.55;
3. Have you ever
found true?
Yes, abroad; Yes, in
Poland; not sure;
Only 0.6% per cent of
respondents gave a
positive answer.
2.8% of respondents
indicated they had found
trues in Poland.
8.2% of the respondents
was not sure.
95% of respondents said
Most of those disagreeing were
men (Stat. =9.93; p=0.006).
4. Have you ever
heard about
hunting for trues
in Poland? *
Yes (please indicate
a source); No
“Yes” said 36.2% of
respondents and the
source of knowledge are
indicated in Figure 1.
Foresters responsible for
environmental education were
statistically more likely to give
a positive answer to this
question (Stat. =19.10;
Forests 2019,10, 365 7 of 13
Table 5. Cont.
Question Answers to
Choose Result Remark
5. In the past
trues were eaten
in Poland.
Only by nobles;
Used as fodder;
Not known
The first statement was
chosen by 61.7% of
Only 6.6% of respondents
agreed with the opinion.
Respondents above 36 years of
age more often were of
dierent opinion (Stat. =14.31;
“Commonly” said 4.3% of
Respondents above 36 years of
age more often were of
dierent opinion (Stat. =14.31;
27.4% of respondents did
not know.
6. Soils conducive
to trues.
Podzols; Sandy;
Not known
“Calcareous” said 33.7% of
Foresters responsible for
environmental education were
more likely to give the answer
(Stat. =16.31; p<0.001).
“Podzols” said 5.1% of
Foresters who do not deal
with environmental education
more often chose the answer
(Stat. =6.75; p=0.037).
“Sandy” said 5.2% of
7. How are trues
collected? *
With help of dogs
or pigs; Following
wild pigs rooting;
Searching for plant
indicators; Using
other methods
(please, indicate an
Results are showed in
Figure 2.
8. Which of the
following fungi
grow in your Forest
1. Gyromitra
2. T. aestivum,
3. T. excavatum,
4. Scleroderma
The first species was
selected correctly in 39.1%
of cases.
Men were more often correct
at this task than women
(Stat. =6.27; p=0.048).
The second species was
correctly identified only by
9.2% respondents.
The third species was
correctly chosen by 5.9% of
The forth species was
correctly identified by
34.1% of respondents.
9. Are true
products present in
Polish markets? *
Yes; No;
Not known
Only 28.45% of
respondents said “yes”.
Respondents above 46 years of
age more often answered they
did not know (Stat. =24.83;
Forests 2019,10, 365 8 of 13
Forests 2019, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 13
Figure 1. Sources of information about truffles in Poland.
Figure 2. Methods of truffles collection known to respondents.
4. Discussion
The high cultural importance of fungi is very characteristic of northern Slavic societies. In
Poland, mushrooms are widely collected and consumed by the general public. Mushrooms are also
widely known, recognized, talked about, and even frequently depicted in children’s illustrations [18].
The scene of mushroom collection is presented in the Polish national epic entitled “Pan Tadeusz” as
a noble occupation, having a strong social and culture-creating value [19].
Truffles, as fungi of special value and taste, were known and eaten in Poland at least since 1661
[11,12]. However, after the Second World War, interest in truffles decreased due to changes in social
Figure 1. Sources of information about trues in Poland.
Forests 2019, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 13
Figure 1. Sources of information about truffles in Poland.
Figure 2. Methods of truffles collection known to respondents.
4. Discussion
The high cultural importance of fungi is very characteristic of northern Slavic societies. In
Poland, mushrooms are widely collected and consumed by the general public. Mushrooms are also
widely known, recognized, talked about, and even frequently depicted in children’s illustrations [18].
The scene of mushroom collection is presented in the Polish national epic entitled “Pan Tadeusz” as
a noble occupation, having a strong social and culture-creating value [19].
Truffles, as fungi of special value and taste, were known and eaten in Poland at least since 1661
[11,12]. However, after the Second World War, interest in truffles decreased due to changes in social
Figure 2. Methods of trues collection known to respondents.
4. Discussion
The high cultural importance of fungi is very characteristic of northern Slavic societies. In Poland,
mushrooms are widely collected and consumed by the general public. Mushrooms are also widely
known, recognized, talked about, and even frequently depicted in children’s illustrations [
]. The scene
of mushroom collection is presented in the Polish national epic entitled “Pan Tadeusz” as a noble
occupation, having a strong social and culture-creating value [19].
Trues, as fungi of special value and taste, were known and eaten in Poland at least since
1661 [
]. However, after the Second World War, interest in trues decreased due to changes in
social and cultural character as well as changes made in forest management. In the late 1940s, despite
the rich body of historical records on trues, even their presence in Poland was questioned [
In 2007, research on trues conducted in the Nida Basin revealed the presence in Poland of T. aestivum
Forests 2019,10, 365 9 of 13
and other true species [
]. Since then, eorts have been made to disseminate knowledge about
trues (Tuber spp.) by publications, a movie, and book [
], and popular programs.
The first Polish true orchards were established using seedlings inoculated from native inoculum.
In the oldest orchard, which was established in 2008, fruiting bodies of T. aestivum were first observed
in 2016 [
]. The research and popularization of trues was strongly supported by the forestry sector,
which help to drive research and to promote the subject within forestry education [2326].
The survey reported here, carried out among foresters in Poland, revealed that people older than
56 years of age more often did not know about the presence of trues in Poland. Such a result is
surprising given that respondents indicated their main source of information about trues were TV
and Internet (Figure 1). On the other hand, this group of respondents might be less engaged with
the Internet, the second leading source of information on trues. Kalle and S
ukand [
] found that
people, even in societies where social media has become prevalent, prefer that knowledge be given
personally rather than in books. This is particularly true for mushrooms due to the toxicity of some
species. However, field guides are still influential, in that they tend to cause unification of mushroom
names throughout the country [10].
The survey showed that women were less likely to have found trues than men. It might indicate
sociological aspects of forest use: although knowledge about mushrooms is held by both sexes, men
are slightly more involved in the practice of gathering. This is in contrast to plant gathering, which
in Poland has been performed mainly by women and children [
]. Mushroom collection is more
similar to hunting, usually a male domain, than collecting berries or herbs, as the appearance of fungal
fruiting bodies is temporal [
]. A strong element of chance is thus introduced, making mushroom
gathering more exciting and due to the fact that it has a highly competitive character, male mushroom
pickers do not want to confirm their “failure”.
Men more often indicated that trues grew in their forest district. Some of the correct species
identification may have resulted from people recognizing the true name and correctly guessing
which picture it matched. We hypothesize that male foresters may have a higher true identification
rate than females because of the springtime occurrence of these fungi when field work (planting,
thinning etc.) is being carried out mainly by male foresters.
More than one third of foresters knew the type of soils conducive to true growth. Foresters
responsible for environmental education were more likely to give the correct answer. However, about
5% of foresters indicated that trues were present on non-calcareous soil. This result may indicate
that, among foresters who knew that trues grow in Polish forests, a minority possessed knowledge
of the ecological requirements for true growth as for the type of soils conducive to true growth.
Popularity of true products, especially among people younger than 46 years of age seems
to confirm the idea that young people are more prone to follow the news and have a more
consumer-oriented attitude and contemporary lifestyle that could include greater knowledge and use
of gourmet food [28].
Based on the results of our survey we think a forest education program aimed at raising awareness
of trues should be divided into stages addressed to various groups of recipients (taking into account
age, education, and gender). Firstly, it should include foresters working in areas where trues grow
naturally since in the future they would be dealing with nature conservation in the terrain of true
ecotourism. Secondly, educators and employees of forest education centres should be knowledgeable
on the subject of trues. For this purpose, appropriate guides containing the most important data on
trues growing in Poland, both in the natural environment and in true orchards are necessary.
5. Conclusions
The results revealed that the level of knowledge among foresters still is far from satisfactory.
To achieve greater awareness on this topic we think more emphasis should be given to popular science
articles in the Polish language dealing with, for example, how to grow trues in orchards, hunt for
trues in forests, and how to use them in cuisine (e.g., how to preserve and cook trues). Trues
Forests 2019,10, 365 10 of 13
could also be promoted as an eco-attraction, and to help increase knowledge of the important roles of
fungi in forest ecosystems. Considering that TV and the Internet were the main sources of knowledge
about trues, it might be reasonable to develop educational activities in these media, for example by
creating a special website <>or Facebook page, to make material more accessible on
this subject.
Author Contributions:
D.H., A.R.-G., B.K. and M.S. generated the data. All authors analyzed and discussed the
data. Statistical analysis: J.H. The general conception: D.H. and A.R.-G. The manuscript was written by D.H.
and B.K.
The research was performed within the project financed by the State Forests National Forest Holding
[grant No. OR-].
All reviewers are acknowledged for their valuable comments and suggestions, which greatly
improved the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Table A1. Data codification for statistical analysis.
No Question Description Answer Code
1. Questionnaire number From 1 to 1404
2. Regional Directorate of State
1—Białystok, 2—Gda´nsk, 3—Katowice, 4—Kraków,
5—Krosno, 6—Lublin, 7—Łóz, 8—Olsztyn, 9—Piła,
10—Pozna´n, 11—Radom, 12—Szczecin, 13—Szczecinek,
14—Toru ´n, 15—Warszawa, 16—Wrocław, 17—Zielona Góra.
3. Forest District
1—Białowie˙za, 2—Hajnówka, 3—Nurzec, 4—Suwałki,
5—Elbl ˛ag, 6—Bielsko, 7—Katowice, 8—Olkusz, 9—Ustro´n,
10—Złoty Potok, 11—Brzesko, 12—Krzeszowice,
13—Limanowa, 14—Miechów, 15—Niepołomice,
16—Kolbuszowa, 17—Chełm, 18—Lubartów, 19—Mircze,
w, 21—Zwierzyniec, 22—Kutno, 23—Przedb
24—Radomsko, 25—Olsztyn, 26—Susz, 27—Zdrojowa Góra,
28—Krotoszyn, 29—Chmielnik, 30—J˛edrzejów, 31—Łagów,
32—Pi´nczów, 33—Zwole´n, 34—Chojna, 35—Gryfino,
36—Karnieszewice, 37—Polanów, 38—Brodnica,
39—Celestynów, 40—Chojnów, 41—Jabłonna, 42—Bardo
Sl ˛askie, 43—Nowa Sól.
4. Age range 0—lack of information (no answer); 1—<25 y/o, 2—25–35 y/o,
3—36–45 y/o, 4—46–55 y/o, 5—56–65 y/o, 6—>65 y/o.
5. Gender
0—lack of information (no answer),
6. Type of work
0—lack of information (no answer);
2—oce work,
3—field- and oce work.
7. Is the respondent engaged in
nature and forest education?
0—lack of information (no answer);
8. Does the respondent collect
0—lack of information (no answer);
1—yes, often,
2—yes, sometimes,
Forests 2019,10, 365 11 of 13
Table A1. Cont.
No Question Description Answer Code
9. Opinion: “Trues do not occur in
1—positive (they do not occur).
Opinion: “Trues occur in Poland
in the forest”
Opinion: “Trues occur in Poland
in true orchards”.
Opinion: “The respondent does
not know if trues occur in
1—positive (the respondent is not sure about trues’
Opinion: “Trues in Poland occur
in the forest and in true
orchards, both of them”
1—both selected
Opinion: “The respondent found a
true abroad”.
Opinion: “The respondent found a
true in Poland”.
Opinion: “The respondent does
not know if he/she found a true
in Poland”.
1—positive (the respondent is unsure about his/her finding).
Opinion: “The respondent did not
find a true in Poland”.
1—positive (respondent did not find).
Opinion: “The respondent heard
about true hunting/collecting in
In Poland, in the past trues were
eaten at by nobles
In Poland, in the past trues were
eaten commonly.
In Poland, in the past trues were
used as animal feed.
22. Trues occurs in calcareous soils 0—negative,
23. Trues occur in podzol soils 0—negative,
24. Trues occur in sandy soils 0—negative,
25. Occurrence of species presented
on pictures
0—Any picture picked,
1—At least one picture picked.
26. Occurrence of Gyromitra esculenta 0—negative,
27. Occurrence of Tuber aestivum 0—negative,
28. Occurrence of Tuber excavatum 0—negative,
Occurrence of Scleroderma citrinum
30. Products with trues available in
0—respondent did not know of any product,
1—respondent heard about product with trues in Poland.
Forests 2019,10, 365 12 of 13
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... were mainly used for this purpose. In total, 100,000 tonnes of mushrooms are harvested in Poland [14,15]. Compared to other European countries, there are no daily limits (in Germany, 2 kg per mushroom picker), and in Italy, special permits have to be applied for. ...
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The paper looks at the potential benefits of mushrooms in terms of health, recreation, and tourism. Mycotourism is an innovative, specialised tourism product that has been successfully introduced in some regions of the world, helping to combat seasonality and promote economic development in rural areas. The aim of the study was to analyse the development of mycotourism in Poland in comparison with other countries. As a method, a questionnaire on the cultural significance of mushrooms was developed and disseminated via social media. It was found that there are strong mycophilic tendencies in Poland, leading to a strong interest in mushrooms, both in terms of cultural and culinary traditions. They are also a factor that attracts tourists to the forest areas. In contrast, the UK and Germany are more mycophobic, resulting in a lower interest in mushrooms, limited culinary use, and a lower awareness of their role in the ecosystem and their potential health benefits. The low average score for knowledge of mushrooms in countries such as the UK indicates a need for increased mycological education that can contribute to a better understanding of the conservation of these important components of the forest floor. The high proportion of people who see mushroom picking in Poland as a form of recreation emphasises its role as an important cultural and potential nature tourism asset. In Poland, where long traditions are associated with mushrooms and mushroom picking, they have a strong influence on the choice of mycological tourism, especially in regions with a rich tradition of mushroom picking. The high percentage of mushrooms used for culinary purposes, especially in Poland, emphasises their value and influences the health component of the diet, which is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Research has shown that mushroom consumption and its effects on health are perceived positively. This is evidenced by higher ratings in Poland than in the UK and Germany, indicating a general awareness of the health benefits of mushrooms, even though their use in medicine remains limited. The low level of awareness of the role of mushrooms and their potential health benefits suggests that educational and promotional activities should be increased to sensitise the public to mushrooms.
Technical Report
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The aim of deliverable D3.1 was to make an initial introductory review of research projects and the wider literature on the topic of mixed farming in Europe, to use as a go-to resource for the further work in the MIXED Project and parallel research projects. A literature review covering a large and broad topic such as ‘mixed farming systems’ is challenging, and the report makes recommendations towards a narrower discipline focused literature search approach. As a research field, mixed farming has increased significantly since 2015 and with a noteworthy leap since 2018. Most of the funding towards mixed farming research is provided by the European Commission and 80% of the research is carried out by 6 countries alone. The data obtained from the literature search shows that agroforestry and mixed farming approaches, which incorporate trees and bushes, hold most of the data. The projects identified within the report also show an overrepresentation of an agroforestry focus and especially research focusing on energy-crops is wanting. The project identification has, however, been supported by project partners and stakeholders, which may have caused a bias in the data. Twenty-two projects were discarded from the analysis, due to not disseminating their research in English. All were from France, which highlights a potential barrier for knowledgebase sharing.
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Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum), also known as Burgundy truffle, is getting interest in Poland in terms of cultivation as a promising incentive for rural areas. Yet the occurrence of the fungus in wider scale in our country has been confirmed in the last decade. Ecological factors that determine the occurrence of T. aestivum are rather well known in the Mediterranean region, whereas such knowledge is limited in northern Europe. The aim of this work was to find the correlations between essential nutrients in surface horizons of soils typical of truffle occurrence. The study area is situated in the Nida Basin in southern Poland. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that active carbonate content is the variable that accounts for the greatest percentage of occupancy in the T. aestivum habitat. In this paper we propose that active carbonate is a major factor in the fruiting of summer truffle. The obtained results could have applications in natural harvesting and truffle culture.
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Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) has a wide-ranging distribution across Europe, yet its ecology are far from being well understood. For instance, although the literature on the ecophysiology of this species is dominated by the symbiosis with deciduous hosts, the real range of hosts in nature seems to be much wider than the distribution of T. aestivum. The aim of this study was to determine the relative importance of abiotic (soil) and biotic (vegetation) properties in determining the performance of T. aestivum in this pioneering stage of research on truffles in Poland. We found that soil parameters influenced the formation of the T. aestivum fruiting bodies more strongly than the floristic composition. The number of fruiting bodies increased with increasing concentration of soil calcium and phosphorus concentration. The number of plant species was the only significant predictor among the investigated vegetation’ characteristics. The influence of this predictor was positive, there was an increasing number of fruitbodies found when the number of plant species was higher. The presence of truffle fruitbodies was significantly correlated with the presence of five plant species, viz.: Brachypodium sylvaticum, Cephalanthera damasonium, Cornus sanguinea, Sanicula europaea and Viola mirabilis.
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The use of truffles in Poland has a long tradition, yet due to some historical aspects, this knowledge was lost. Currently, truffles and truffle orchards are again receiving attention, and thanks to, e.g., historical data, they have solid foundations to be established. Publications relating to truffles between 1661 and 2017 were searched for in international and national databases, such as the database of PhD theses, Google Scholar, and catalogues of the National Library of Poland, the Jagiellonian Digital Library, the University Library of J. Giedroyc in Bialystok and the Lower Silesian Digital Library (DBC). A very meticulous survey of the literature on truffles showed that truffles have been known since at least 1661. In the 18th century, the fungi were considered a non-timber forest product. It is interesting to mention the impact of Polish Count Michał Jan Borch in understanding the nature of truffles. The whitish truffle (Tuber borchii) is named after him. The greatest number of publications regarding truffles can be observed at the first half of the 19th and 20th centuries. The fungi were present not only in cookbooks but also in scientific literature, and aspects of their ecology and medicinal use are considered. The “dark ages” for truffles, mainly for social reasons,occurred after the Second World War. In tough times, when Poland was under Soviet communist control (1945–1989), truffles as a luxurious product have been completely forgotten. However, at the end of the 20th century, truffles started receiving attention in Polish society. Yet, the real awakening began in the first decade of the twenty-first century whenthe first truffle orchards were established. One of them has already produced the first fruit bodies of summer truffle (Tuber aestivum). Truffles have been present in Polish culture for centuries. Their renaissance indicates the need for fostering sustainable agroforestry-centred initiatives aimed at helping truffle growers in growing the precious fungi and thus meeting market demands.
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Truffle harvests are declining in Europe, due to droughts, and this offers an opportunity for production to be developed in countries such as the UK and Poland, where rainfall tends to be higher. Drier Medi-terranean summers seem to be associated with a decrease in the harvest of the P erigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in Spain, France and Italy. However, other species, for example the Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum) offer opportunities for production in the more temperate environments north of the Alps. Truffles across Europe can be infested by insect larvae, seriously reducing their economic and culinary quality. Here, using a combination of literature sources and a field survey, we present a commentary on insects attacking truffles, aiming to highlight those species that could be potential pests in the British and Polish emergent industries. There is a remarkable disparity in coincidence of records of insects and truffles in these countries, yet a survey in Poland confirms that insects can be abundant. We discuss reasons for this disparity and suggest that biochemical methods could easily be developed for detection of the truffles and their attackers. Please cite this article in press as: Rosa-Gruszecka, A., et al., Insect-truffle interactions e potential threats to emerging industries?, Fungal Ecology (2016),
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Cultivation of the Burgundy truffle, Tuber aestivum Vittad., has become a new agricultural alternative in Poland. For rural economies, the concept of landscaping is often considerably more beneficial than conventional agriculture and promotes reforestation, as well as land-use stability. Considering examples from France, Italy, Hungary and Spain, truffle cultivation stimulates economic and social development of small, rural communities. Because there is no long tradition of truffle orchards in Poland, knowledge regarding the environmental factors regulating the formation of fruiting bodies of T. aestivum is limited. Thus, knowledge concerning ectomycorrhizal communities of T. aestivum host species is crucial to ensuring successful Burgundy truffle production. We investigated the persistence of T. aestivum ectomycorrhizae on roots of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) and checked the host-species influence on community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The study was conducted in an experimental plantation located in eastern Poland and established in 2008. We demonstrated that the number of fungal taxa was not significantly different between oak and hazel. However, the species composition differed between these two host trees. During the three-year study, we observed that species richness did not increase with the age of the plantation.
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Plant illustrations encountered by children during their education directly result from the actual native culture and flora and simultaneously shape children's perception of vegetation. Children's book illustrations were compared in Great Britain, a country with a long tradition of realism in visual arts, and Poland (89 books were studied in each country). It was found that British children's books contained more species of plants and less species of fungi, but the differences were not significant. The proportion of native woodland species is the same for both countries, but Polish illustrations show less woodland flowers and more trees. British illustrations contain proportionally more purple and yellow flowers. Polish illustrations do not reflect the potential natural vegetation (deciduous forests) but rather reflect species typical for disturbed sites and boreal elements of the flora, which are dominant in the countries east of Poland. This can be explained by population movements which took place after 1945.
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The conception of sustainable development has been implemented into practice in numerous economic sectors, including forestry. Forest ecosystems are extremely important in the global ecological system, therefore maintenance and appropriate management of forest resources according to sustainable development principles have engaged a great deal of attention. The concept of sustainable forest management (SFM) encompasses three dimensions: ecological, economic and social. A powerful tool to promote SFM are criteria and indicators. The aim of the article was evaluation of SFM in Poland, using one of the methods proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). According to data available, Polish forestry has a number of advantages: Poland has avoided the problem of deforestation, forest area has been permanently increasing, there has been observed improvement of forest health and vitality as well as a significant share of forests has carried out protective functions with no impact on timber production. Poland’s model of SFM is an adaptive process of balancing the ever-changing set of economic, environmental and social expectations. Such a complicated undertaking requires constant assessing and adjusting forest practices, in response to new circumstances, scientific advances and societal input
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Fungi belonging to the genus Tuber establish ectomycorrhizal symbioses with shrubs, trees and some herbaceous plants. Some Tuber species, for example, T. melanosporum, T. magnatum, T. aestivum are economically important because they produce edible fruiting bodies with a distinctive taste and flavor. Our concept of truffle ecophysiology is dominated by the symbiosis with deciduous hosts, such as: Quercus spp., Fagus sylvatica, Castanea sativa, Corylus spp., Carpinus betulus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Betula verrucosa, and Tilia spp., whereas the real range of hosts in nature seems to be much wider. Moreover, interactions between Tuber mycelium and plant community could be more complex than just forming the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. Here we show our inventory of plants and soils at six truffle’ sites in the southern part of Poland (Nida Basin and Przedbórz Upland). The aim of this study was to widen our understanding of ecological factors affecting Tuber spp., in the context of pioneering stage of research on truffles in Poland. We hope our findings will have a practical application and will help to choose suitable soils for truffle orchards.
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Fungi belonging to the genus Tuber establish ectomycorrhizal symbioses with shrubs, trees and some herbaceous plants. Some Tuber species, for example, T. melanosporum, T. magnatum, T. aestivum are economically important because they produce edible fruiting bodies with a distinctive taste and flavor. Our concept of truffle ecophysiology is dominated by the symbiosis with deciduous hosts, such as: Quercus spp., Fagus sylvatica, Castanea sativa, Corylus spp., Carpinus betulus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Betula verrucosa, and Tilia spp., whereas the real range of hosts in nature seems to be much wider. Moreover, interactions between Tuber mycelium and plant community could be more complex than just forming the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. Here we show our inventory of plants and soils at six truffle’ sites in the southern part of Poland (Nida Basin and Przedbórz Upland). The aim of this study was to widen our understanding of ecological factors affecting Tuber spp., in the context of pioneering stage of research on truffles in Poland. We hope our findings will have a practical application and will help to choose suitable soils for truffle orchards.
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This analysis aims to provide an update in the recent truffle research through the chosen articles published in scientific journals. The journals were chosen based upon journal profiles and scientific prestige. Authors have considered publications from: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Biochemical Journal, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, Current Genetics, Environmental Microbiology, Eukaryotic Cell, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Food Chemistry, Fungal Diversity, Fungal Genetics and Biology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Mycological Research (Fungal Biology), Mycorrhiza and New Phytologist. The number of analysed 124 articles shows the results over the twenty years period (1993-2012). Critical analysis has been used to determine thematic scope, whilst bibliometric study identifies development directions.