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Svenskfinland. Några anblickar utifrån



This work is a collected essays dedicated to Swedish Finland. It is aimed not only at a historical and sociological research in literal meaning but at a search (sometimes intuitive) of inner deep links between the historic past of Finland-Swedes, their present in the context of modern sociological and cultural processes, prospects of preservation of special features and integrity of the given linguistic community. At the same time all conclusions and analogies are based on strict historical facts and reviewed in the light of main culturological tendencies of recent decades. Issues of vast interaction of Swedish-speaking and Finnish-speaking communities of present-day Finland are in the focus of the work. In the first place it regards the usage of Swedish as a mother tongue in everyday life, in the process of education, and a possibility of its usage in professional sphere. Trends in preservation of Swedish in bilingual families and in monolingual regions of Finland are taken into consideration. Features of Swedish-language dialects are also covered. Attention is paid to the Aland Islands as to a homogenous Swedish-speaking region. The work also reviews a process of formation of Finnish as a national language against a background of domination of Swedish as an official language; it elucidates sources of disagreement between language groups. Special attention is paid to literature and art. Reality of Swedishspeaking community of Finland in historical and cultural contexts is reviewed through works of well-known representatives of Swedish Finland (J. L. Runeberg, Z. Topelius, J. Sibelius, H. Schjerfbeck, T. Jansson). A special attention is given to impressions about Swedish Finland shared by its representatives who live in different regions of Finland or in Russia and are of different social backgrounds. The work makes it possible to look at the reality of Finalnd-Swedes from another point of view which, perhaps, differs from accepted one in Finland and stimulates an interest in aspects being less covered before.
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