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Dormancy and germination in two Australian native species (Acacia aneura and Rhodanthe floribunda)

  • Bragato Research Institute

Abstract and Figures

In the laboratory of plant physiology of the University of Queensland (Gatton Campus), a seed germination experiment was undertaken on seeds of two Australian native plant species – Rhodanthe floribundato and Acacia aneura. Most Acacia, including A. aneura exhibit a physical dormancy due to the waxy coat covering the seed. Comparably, just a few species of Rhodanthe are studied as to their dormancy. However, they are also known to present different forms of dormancy. To understand and describe these dormancy mechanisms, a seed germination experiment was conducted on Acacia aneura and Rhodanthe floribunda. This experiment will either add to the existing knowledge regarding these species’ dormancy or corroborate them. It is expected that both species display some form(s) of dormancy.
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Paul Theophile EPEE MISSE
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 2
MATERIALS AND METHODS.......................................................................................................................... 2
RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
ACACIA DORMANCY ................................................................................................................................. 3
Effect of light on dormancy .................................................................................................................. 3
Effect of scarification on dormancy ...................................................................................................... 4
Effect of GA
on dormancy ................................................................................................................... 4
RHODANTHE DORMANCY ........................................................................................................................ 4
Effect of light on dormancy .................................................................................................................. 4
Effect of GA
on dormancy ................................................................................................................... 5
SEED CONTAMINATION ............................................................................................................................ 5
DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Acacia aneura dormancy .......................................................................................................................... 5
Rhodanthe floribunda dormancy ............................................................................................................. 6
Seed contamination ................................................................................................................................. 6
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................ 7
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 7
In the laboratory of plant physiology of the University of Queensland (Gatton Campus),
a seed germination experiment was undertaken on seeds of two Australian native plant
species – Rhodanthe floribundato and Acacia aneura. Most Acacia, including A. aneura
exhibit a physical dormancy due to the waxy coat covering the seed. Comparably, just a
few species of Rhodanthe are studied as to their dormancy. However, they are also known
to present different forms of dormancy. To understand and describe these dormancy
mechanisms, a seed germination experiment was conducted on Acacia aneura and
Rhodanthe floribunda. This experiment will either add to the existing knowledge
regarding these species’ dormancy or corroborate them. It is expected that both species
display some form(s) of dormancy.
Germination constitutes an early stage of development for most naturally growing plants.
A wide array of plant species, however, exhibit germination blocks termed dormancy.
Five types of dormancy are identified: physiological, morphological, morpho-
physiological, physical and combinational dormancy (Baskin & Baskin 2004). To
determine what type of dormancy a particular seed species exhibit, a specific set of
experiments are performed. In the laboratory of plant physiology of the University of
Queensland (Gatton Campus), a seed germination experiment was undertaken on seeds
of two Australian native plant species – Rhodanthe floribundato and Acacia aneura.
Dormancy across the Acacia genera and ways to overcome it are well documented
through a number of studies. Some of these include Acacia caven (Escobar et al. 2010),
Acacia tortilis, Acacia oerfota (Abari et al. 2012), Acacia aroma, A. cavenand and A.
Furcatispina (Funes & Venier 2006). Most Acacia, including A. aneura exhibit a physical
dormancy due to the waxy coat covering the seed (Auld 1986; Al-Mudaris et al. 1999).
Comparably, just a few species of Rhodanthe are studied as to their dormancy (Hoyle et
al. 2008). However, they are also known to present different forms of dormancy (Bunker
1994). To understand and describe these dormancy mechanisms, a seed germination
experiment was conducted on Acacia aneura and Rhodanthe floribunda. This experiment
will either add to the existing knowledge regarding these species’ dormancy or
corroborate them. It is expected that both species display some form(s) of dormancy.
Rhodanthe floribunda seeds used for this experiment were provided by the Centre for
Native Floriculture of the University of Queensland, while those of Acacia aneura were
collected from the Nindethana seed service.
The seed germination trial was conducted in the plant physiology laboratory of the
University of Queensland, Gatton campus. Seeds were first sterilized in 2% sodium
hypochlorite for 2 to 3 minutes, rinsed in sterile distilled water and placed on 2 sheets of
moistened filter paper in a Petri dish. The petri dishes were then carefully sealed with
parafilm and incubated at 25°C.
The trial was a completely randomized design of six treatments with eight replicates:
intact seeds moistened with water (the control); scarified moistened seeds; intact seeds
soaked in GA
at 100 mg L
for 24 hours; and two light levels (light and dark). For the
dark treatments, dishes were covered with an aluminum foil. Acacia seeds were scarified
by making incisions on the seed coat at the opposite side of the embryo using N°10 scalpel
blade. Seeds of Rhodanthe were too small to be scared and therefore, this treatment was
not considered for this species. The dishes were then incubated at 25°C.
A day eight following incubation, the petri dishes were inspected for signs of germination
or contamination. A Seed was considered to have germinated when the radicle emerged
from the seed coat. Contaminated seeds with fungi or bacteria were discarded. For each
treatment, the number of contaminated and germinated seeds was recorded. With dark
treatments, the aluminum foil was carefully and quickly peeled off to inspect for
contamination, removal of contaminated seeds and germination count and then
immediately reinstate. Petri dishes were all resealed and returned to the incubation room
C). The week after, all Petri dishes were removed from their covers, checked for
contamination and germination count.
The recorded data were statistically analyzed using the statistical software package R.
The effects of the various treatments were assessed by the ANOVA followed by the Least
Significant Difference test for means comparison at the probability level of P
< 0.05.
Acacia aneura displayed a positive response to dark eight days following imbibition. The
germination rate of intact and GA
treated seeds in the dark was twice as much as in the
light (Table 1). Scarified seeds incubated in the dark recorded a higher germination rate
(80%) compare to light incubated seeds (57.5%). Fifteen days later, there was no
significant difference for both light levels except for the GA
treatment (57.5% in dark
and 35% in light).
Table 1: Effect of scarification, GA
and light/dark on percentage germination at 8 days and
15 days from imbibition on
Acacia aneura
Periods of
observation from
Germination (%)
Intact (control) Scarified GA
Dark Light Dark Light Dark Light
8 days
37.5bc 17.5c 80a 57.5ab 40bc 17.5c
15 days
80ab 65ab 92.5a 87.5a 57.5bc 35c
NB: Treatment means within the same row followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly
different at P< 0.05
Scarified A. aneura seeds germinated faster and more than others. At the first seven days
of the trial, their germination rate in both light levels was at least twice higher than the
control and the GA
treatment (Table 1). Seven days afterward, scarified seeds still
recorded the highest germination rates (92.5%), particularly in the dark.
The GA
treatment had a negative effect on A. aneura germination especially at the
second period of the experiment. The germination rate of this treatment was about half
the rate of intact seeds (control) independent of the light level.
R. floribunda seeds responded positively to light. Eight days and 15 days from incubation,
the number of intact seeds (control) germinated in the light was nearly six times as much
as in the dark (Table 2). Irrespective of the treatment and the period, germinated seeds in
the light were at about twice or higher as much as in the dark. Furthermore, the highest
germination rate (100%) was recorded on seeds incubated in the light.
Table 2: Effect of GA
and light/dark on percentage germination at 8 days and 15 days from
imbibition on
Rhodanthe floribunda
Periods of observation
from imbibitions Germination (%)
Intact (control) GA
Dark Light Dark Light
8 days from
5c 27.5b 32.5b 80a
15 days
12.5c 52.5b 57.5b 100a
NB: Treatment means within the same row followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly
different at P< 0.05
R. floribunda seeds reacted positively to GA
treatment. At the first period of the trial, the
germination rate under this treatment was threefold that of the control for light incubated
seeds, and up to sixfold for dark incubated seeds. At the second period of observation, the
rate of GA
treated seeds in light was almost twice as much as in the control.
Seed contamination was monitored during the whole trial. Eight days from incubation
micro-organisms began infesting seeds in petri dishes. At the second period,
contamination kept progressing mostly on Acacia (Table 3). The Rhodanthe
contamination remained quite stable over both periods with a little increase of the
contamination rate of dark incubated intact seeds. However, these are just tendencies
since no major significant difference was noticed over both periods and across treatments
except between the Rhodanthe intact dark incubated seeds and those treated with GA
the light, 12.5% and 0% respectively.
Table 3: Seed contamination rate at 8 and 15 days from imbibition of two Australian native
Species Periods of
Contamination (%)
Intact Scarified GA
Dark Light Dark Light Dark Light
8 days
2.5a 2.5a 0a 5a 2.5a 12.5a
15 days
7.5a 7.5a 2.5a 2.5a 2.5a 17.5a
8 days
7.5a 2.5a 5a 0a
15 days
12.5a 2.5ab 5ab 0b
NB: Treatment means within the same row followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly
different at P< 0.05
Scarified seeds of A. aneura germinated faster than the intact seeds. This result is
consistent with a number of studies on Acacia dating back in the 1980’s (Auld 1986).
Pound et al. (2014) report that mechanical scarification enhances Acacia germination,
with a higher percentage being achieved between 10 to 15 days. Acacia seeds are
generally recovered with a seed coat.To germinate, seeds need water and the seed coat
recovering the Acacia seed is a barrier to water absorption. Scarification provides
openings through which water and oxygen are absorbed triggering imbibition, the first
germination stage. It is also likely that some other compounds inhibiting germination are
released through these openings (Pound et al. 2014). However, not all Acacia exhibit
physical dormancy due to seed coat for Schelin (2004) found that Acacia macrostachya
lacked physical dormancy and could germinate properly under favorable conditions
despite its seed coat.
The darkness promoted Acacia germination. Although it is established that seeds with
physical dormancy do not exhibit any sensitivity to light (Baskin et al. 2004), our
observations contradict this assumption, particularly during the first week following
The germination percentage of Acacia seeds was lower when treated with GA
. GA
appears to be an inhibitor of Acacia germination. Although the control and the GA
treatment were quite similar a week after incubation, a significant difference was
noticeable a week later, with GA
treated seeds displaying a lower germination rate.This
indicates that GA
slows down or blocks Acacia germination.
Rhodanthe floribunda seeds responded to light as well as GA
, an indication that
dormancy mechanisms may be controlled by both factors. This corroborates other
findings on Asteracea to which the Rhodanthe genera belongs to. For example, Merritt
(2006) noted that Gibberellic acid (or GA
) and light stimulated the germination of some
Australian Asteracea seeds. Similarly, Bunker (1994) reported the germination
stimulating effects of GA
on Rhodanthe moschata and Rhodanthe polygalifolia as well
as that of light on Rhodanthe humboldtiana and Rhodanthe stricta. In some dormant
seeds, germination is triggered by light which activates phytochromes. Phytochromes
seem to control the synthesis of Gibberellins (Bewley 2013). Gibberellins concentrations
usually increase during germination to support active cell enlargement by controlling the
transcription of genes encoding hydrolic enzymes. Upon activation of these genes by
Gibberellins, enzymes are released into the endosperm to decompose proteins and starch
into nutrients assimilated by the developing embryo (Hopkins and
Hüner, 2009). Similar
biochemical processes might have occurred in GA
treated Rhodanthe seeds incubated in
light, suggesting that the concentration levels of Gibberellins were lower to spark
The number of contaminated seeds tended to increase over time. Rhodanthe seeds were
less subject to infestation than Acacia. The highest contamination occurred on Acacia
treated seeds followed by the Rhodanthe intact seeds (control). This suggests that
the sterilization with 2% sodium hypochlorite was not strong enough to destroy
completely the microbes off the seeds or that the growth media were not completely
sterile. Therefore, sterrilising seeds with 4% sodium hypochlorite with the adjonction of
pesticides application could prevent contamination. For instance, Bunker (1994) added
fungicide on the petri dishes at the start of his experiment although other aseptic measures
might have been taken to keep the medium sterile.
This experiment revealed that Rhodanthe floribunda and Acacia aneura present different
forms of dormancy. The former exhibited a physiological dormancy while the later
displayed a physical dormancy. Mechanical scarification proved effective to break the
physical dormancy of A. aneura. However, this method can be time-consuming and risky
for the embryo, particularly if done manually on a large number of seeds. Consequently,
further investigation on chemical scarification could provide an alternative. To break R.
floribunda dormancy, seeds should be soaked in a solution of GA
at the concentration of
100 mg L
for 24 hours and incubated in the light. Finally, to limit seed microbial
contamination strict aseptic measures should be combined with the use of
environmentally friendly pesticides.
Abari, AK, Nasr, MH, Bayat, MHD & Radmehr, M 2012, 'Maximizing seed germination
in two Acacia species', Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 241-4.
Al-Mudaris, MA, Omari, MA & Hattar, BI 1999, 'Enhancing Germinatmon of four
Australian Acacia Species through Seed Treatments Overcoming Coat-Imposed
Dormancy', Journal of Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 147-
Auld, TD 1986, 'Dormancy and viability in Acacia suaveolens (Sm.) Willd', Australian
Journal of Botany, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 463.
Baskin, JM & Baskin, CC 2004, 'A classification system for seed dormancy', Seed Science
Research, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-16.
Bewley, JD 2013, Seeds: physiology of development, germination and dormancy, vol.
3rd, Springer Verlag, New York, NY.
Bunker, KV 1994, 'Overcoming poor germination in Australian daisies (Asteraceae) by
combinations of gibberellin, scarification, light and dark', Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 59,
no. 3, pp. 243-52.
Elias, SG 2012, Seed testing: principles and practices, Michigan State University Press,
East Lansing, Mich.
Escobar, TA, Pedroso, VM, Bonow, RN & Schwengber, EB 2010, 'Overcoming
dormancy and temperatures for seed germination of Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol', Revista
Brasileira de Sementes, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 124-30.
Funes, G & Venier, P 2006, 'Dormancy and germination in three Acacia (Fabaceae)
species from central Argentina', Seed Science Research, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 77-82.
Hopkins, WG & Hüner, NPA 2009, Introduction to plant physiology, vol. 4th, John Wiley
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Hoyle, GL, Steadman, KJ, Daws, MI & Adkins, SW 2008, 'Physiological dormancy in
forbs native to south–west Queensland: Diagnosis and classification', South African
Journal of Botany, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 208-13.
Merritt, DJ, Kristiansen, M, Flematti, GR, Turner, SR, Ghisalberti, EL, Trengove, RD &
Dixon, KW 2006, 'Effects of a butenolide present in smoke on light-mediated germination
of Australian Asteraceae', Seed Science Research, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 29-35.
Schelin, M, Tigabu, M, Eriksson, I, Sawadogo, L & Christer Odén, P 2004, 'Predispersal
seed predation in Acacia macrostachya, its impact on seed viability, and germination
responses to scarification and dry heat treatments', New Forests, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 251-
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Abstract: Acacia saligna is an ornamental tree that adapts ecologically to Al-jabal Al-akhdar region, However, it suffers from physical dormancy so can't germinate naturally. so this study was conducted to improve germination under conditions laboratory, using different treatments, included treatment of scarified mechanical, scarified with soaking in distilled water 24 hours, scarified with soaking in distilled water 48 hours, treatment of soaking in Hydrochloric acid at concentrated (20, 40 and 60%) for a period of 20 minutes, treatment of soaking in hydrogen peroxide at concentration 6% for a periods of (12, 24 and 48) hours, treatment of soaking in distilled water for a period of (24, 48 and 72) hours, and finally treatment of soaking in hot water for a period of (15, 30 and 60) minutes. Results showed the superiority of treatment of soaking in hydrogen peroxide periods of 12, 24 hours on all treatments with a germination percentage of (91.1, 84.4%), and the lowest averages germination time of (3.5, 3.6 days) respectively, followed by scarified with soaking in distilled water 24 hours and scarified mechanical, while distilled water treatment was unsuccessful and consume a long time to obtain germination. The study concluded that soaking in hydrogen peroxide Effective method in breaking dormancy trees seeds Acacia saligna, and scarification technique is impractical due to small size of seeds.
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Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol. is a native species from southwest Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, and there is no effective methodology for analyzing its seeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate treatments for overcoming dormancy and temperatures for carrying out germination tests for A. cavens seed. Five treatments were used to overcome dormancy: control (T1); immersion of seeds in water at 40 °C for 24 h (T2); immersion of seeds in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 24 h (T3); mechanical scarification with water sandpaper n°. 80 (T4) and incision in the region opposite to the micropyle (T5). The germination tests were carried out at constant temperatures of 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C, under artificial light, on a paper substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds. The data as percentages were transformed into arcsine and the means compared by Tukey's test atthe 5% probability level. The most efficient treatments for overcoming dormancy were the T4 and the T5. The highest germination was obtained under a constant temperature of 30 °C. The germination test can be finalized after seven days and first count on the fifth day.
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Revegetation of disturbed land, particularly in arid environment, is often hindered by low seedling establishment. Information on seed biology and germination cues of valuable species is lacking. We investigated seed germination of two Acacia species (Acacia tortilis (Forsk.) Hayne and Acacia oerfota (Forssk) schweinf), required for nitrogen fixation and rehabilitation of arid and semi-arid areas.(four pre-germination seed treatments were applied in order to find the best treatment in germinating acacia species. The medium was L 2 and three replicates were used. Seeds pre-treated with sand paper and also with H2SO4 and then H2O2 had the highest germination percentage in both species. The lowest germination percentage resulted from soaking seeds in water for 48 h followed by soaking in H2SO4 for A. oerfota and from soaking in water for 24 h for A. tortilis. Because the use of sand paper is difficult and time consuming, we recommend pre-treatment of A. tortilis and A. oerfota seeds with H2SO4 and H2O2 before planting. Our study results are significant for conservation agencies with an interest in optimizing germination in arid zones for rehabilitation and reforestation.
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Germination in A. suaveolens was controlled by a seed coat-linked innate dormancy, and scarification was successful in breaking this dormancy in the laboratory. The tetrazolium test was a useful indicator of potential germination capability. Such a baseline for germination is necessary before comparisons between different pre-germination treatments can be validly attempted both inter and intraspecifically. The onset of innate dormancy in the field occurs at the time of fruit ripening and most seeds are dispersed in a state of innate dormancy (96 ± 0.5%). This level of dormancy and a correspondingly high level of viability (93.8 ± 1.5%) are constant over time, space and plant age.
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We studied dormancy and germination requirements of seeds of Acacia aroma, A. caven and A. furcatispina from a semi-arid region of central Argentina. Imbibition experiments were performed to determine the rate of water uptake in seeds. To determine optimal temperature for germination, seeds were incubated at three temperature regimes (15/5, 25/15 and 35/20°C) with a 12/12 h daily photoperiod or in total darkness. Additionally, differences in dormancy and germination in seed colour morphs of A. aroma were studied. Seeds of A. aroma and A. caven had impermeable coats, while those of A. furcatispina did not. Seeds of the three species showed the same pattern of germination. Germination percentages were significantly lower at 15/5°C than at 25/15 or 35/20°C. The germination temperature pattern found for these species is probably related to the summer seasonal nature of rainfall in the study area. In A. aroma, seeds of the two colour morphs showed a similar pattern of dormancy and germination.
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The proposal is made that seed scientists need an internationally acceptable hierarchical system of classification for seed dormancy. Further, we suggest that a modified version of the scheme of the Russian seed physiologist Marianna G. Nikolaeva be adopted. The modified system includes three hierarchical layers – class, level and type; thus, a class may contain levels and types, and a level may contain only types. The system includes five classes of dormancy: physiological dormancy (PD), morphological dormancy (MD), morphophysiological dormancy (MPD), physical dormancy (PY) and combinational dormancy (PY + PD). The most extensive classification schemes are for PD, which contains three levels and five types (in the non-deep level), and MPD, which contains eight levels but no types. PY is not subdivided at all but probably should be, for reasons given. Justifications are presented for not including mechanical dormancy or chemical dormancy in the modified scheme. PD (non-deep level) is the most common kind of dormancy, and occurs in gymnosperms (Coniferales, Gnetales) and in all major clades of angiosperms. Since, first, this is the class and level of dormancy in seeds of wild populations of Arabidopsis thaliana and, secondly, Type 1 (to which seeds of A. thaliana belong) is also common, and geographically and phylogenetically widespread, it seems that biochemical, molecular and genetic studies on seed dormancy in this model species might have rather broad application in explaining the basic mechanism(s) of physiological dormancy in seeds.
An essential reference for students, seed technologists, researchers, and seed industry personnel, this comprehensive guide outlines the most widely performed modern seed quality tests, explores the principles behind them, the history of seed testing, why seeds are tested and when, and sampling, sub-sampling, seed laboratory management, accreditation, and seed quality assurance programs. The authors describe statistical applications to seed testing and tolerances, and they provide a detailed morphological and structural description of seed formation and development. The book examines the testing of genetic traits and transgenic seeds, including DNA and protein genetic purity tests, and cultivar purity identification for conventional seeds. In addition to the most common seed purity and viability tests, tests for seed and seedling vigor, seed-borne diseases and seed moisture determination are also discussed. Copyright © 2012 by Sabry G. Elias, Lawrence O. Copeland, Miller B. McDonald, and Riad Z. Baalbaki.
Germination of the Acacia species A. aneura, A. farnesiana, A. saligna and A. victoriae is usually low due to impermeable seed coats causing dormancy. Propagation and distribution of the species for afforestation and reforestation projects requires higher germination and establishment rates. A number of pre-sowing seed treatments were examined with the goal of breaking seed-coat-imposed dormancy. Both concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and water treatments were applied to Acacia seeds in various combinations at 15, 20, 25 or 30 degrees C. Results revealed that soaking seeds in concentrated H2SO4 or in water significantly increased germination percentage of treated seeds. Response to temperature followed a line reflecting habitat annual temperature for the four species. It is concluded that H2SO4 or water may be used to treat seeds of the four species to improve germination percentages.
This updated and much revised third edition of Seeds: Physiology of Development, Germination and Dormancy provides a thorough overview of seed biology and incorporates much of the progress that has been made during the past fifteen years. With an emphasis on placing information in the context of the seed, this new edition includes recent advances in the areas of molecular biology of development and germination, as well as fresh insights into dormancy, ecophysiology, desiccation tolerance, and longevity. Authored by preeminent authorities in the field, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers, teachers, and students interested in the diverse aspects of seed biology. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013. All rights are reserved.
Physical dormancy is common in seeds of arid-land legumes. Improved understanding of germination requirements of hard-seeded species will further our understanding of arid lands and aid restoration projects. We studied the germination responses of Acacia papyrocarpa (Benth.), A. oswaldii (F.Muell) and Senna artemisioides (Gaudich. ex DC.) Randell ssp.xcoriacea (Benth.) Randell from a chenopod shrubland in South Australia. Imbibition testing indicated that all three species had physical dormancy, but the proportion of dormant seeds was lower in A. oswaldii. This corresponded to a thinner testa in this species. Mechanisms tested to scarify seeds included mechanical scarification and different durations of wet or dry heat. Mechanically scarified seeds germinated readily, reaching maximum numbers in 10-15 days, independently of incubation temperatures, with the exception of S. artemisioides seeds, which germinated at a slower rate in cooler temperatures. Overall, wet heat was more effective than dry heat to alleviate physical dormancy, whereas dry heat in some cases resulted in seed mortality. On the basis of these results, it is recommended that seeds of A. papyrocarpa and S. artemisoides be pretreated with wet heat in future restoration programs. No pre-treatment is required for dormancy loss in A. oswaldii seeds. The different responses of seeds of these species suggest that their populations have varying strategies for persistence in this unpredictable environment.