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Experiences in Nature and Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: Setting the Ground for Future Research

Frontiers in Psychology


There is empirical evidence suggesting a positive link between direct experiences in nature and people’s environmental attitudes (EA) and behaviors (EB). This has led researchers to encourage more frequent contact with nature, especially during childhood, as a way of increasing pro-environmentalism (i.e., pro-EA and pro-EB). However, the association between experiences in nature and EA/EB is complex, and specific guidelines for people’s everyday contact with nature cannot be provided. This article offers an overview of the research conducted until know about the relation between experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism, and opens up new inquiries for future research. We begin with an introduction to people’s current tendency toward an alienation from the natural world and set out the objectives of the article. It is followed by three main sections. The first one reports on what experiences in nature refer to, how and where they occur. The second section describes the different approaches used to investigate and interpret the experiences in nature-EA and EB relation. The last section provides suggestions for future research. We close by making some final remarks about the importance of (re)stablishing a greater interaction with nature for people’s pro-EA and EB.
fpsyg-10-00763 April 8, 2019 Time: 7:54 # 1
published: 09 April 2019
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00763
Edited by:
Aoife A. Donnelly,
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Reviewed by:
Paola Passafaro,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Simon Bell,
The University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
Claudio D. Rosa
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Environmental Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 11 December 2018
Accepted: 19 March 2019
Published: 09 April 2019
Rosa CD and Collado S (2019)
Experiences in Nature
and Environmental Attitudes
and Behaviors: Setting the Ground
for Future Research.
Front. Psychol. 10:763.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00763
Experiences in Nature and
Environmental Attitudes and
Behaviors: Setting the Ground for
Future Research
Claudio D. Rosa1*and Silvia Collado2
1Department of Development and Environment, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brazil, 2Department of
Psychology and Sociology, University of Zaragoza, Teruel, Spain
There is empirical evidence suggesting a positive link between direct experiences
in nature and people’s environmental attitudes (EA) and behaviors (EB). This has
led researchers to encourage more frequent contact with nature, especially during
childhood, as a way of increasing pro-environmentalism (i.e., pro-EA and pro-EB).
However, the association between experiences in nature and EA/EB is complex, and
specific guidelines for people’s everyday contact with nature cannot be provided. This
article offers an overview of the research conducted until know about the relation
between experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism, and opens up new inquiries
for future research. We begin with an introduction to people’s current tendency toward
an alienation from the natural world and set out the objectives of the article. It is followed
by three main sections. The first one reports on what experiences in nature refer to, how
and where they occur. The second section describes the different approaches used to
investigate and interpret the experiences in nature-EA and EB relation. The last section
provides suggestions for future research. We close by making some final remarks about
the importance of (re)stablishing a greater interaction with nature for people’s pro-EA
and EB.
Keywords: biophilia, connection to nature, ecological behavior, environmental identity, experiences of nature,
nature-based recreation, nature exposure, outdoor recreation
Experiences in nature are associated with several benefits, such as recovery of cognitive resources
(Hartig et al., 2014), increased pro-environmental attitudes (EA) (Chawla and Derr, 2012) and
behaviors (EB) (Evans et al., 2018), more frequent physical activity (Schaefer et al., 2014) and
increases pro-social orientation (Joye and Bolderdijk, 2014). In spite of these positive effects of
people’s contact with nature, there is mounting evidence indicating that people’s direct contact
with nature is diminishing (Zaradic et al., 2009;Soga and Gaston, 2016). Several reasons
have been suggested for this growing alienation from the natural world, including increased
urbanization rates, more frequent use of new technologies for entertainment, and the perception
of nearby natural places as insecure (Clements, 2004;Tandon et al., 2012;Soga and Gaston, 2016;
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Rosa and Collado Experiences in Nature and Pro-environmentalism
Larson et al., 2018a). Researchers have warned that this lack
of experiences in nature may have negative consequences for
people’s pro-environmentalism (i.e., their pro-EA and pro-
EB) (Soga and Gaston, 2016;Evans et al., 2018;Rosa et al.,
2018), which could lead to detrimental consequences for
the environment (Evans, 2019). As a result, there has been
a proliferation of initiatives (e.g., no child left inside) and
publications (e.g., Louv, 2008) targeted at the general public
with the aim of encouraging a more frequent contact with
nature from early childhood. Yet, is the link between experiences
in nature and pro-environmentalism as well-stabilished as the
studies above suggest? Based on what is currently known
about experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism, the
main goal of this article is to outline a number of issues for
future research on this area. To do this, we first review and
synthetize the different approaches from which the relation
between experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism has
been studied. In our review, EA are seen as a “collection of
beliefs, affect, and behavioral intentions a person holds regarding
environmentally related activities or issues” (Schultz et al.,
2005, 458). This definition is quite broad and, as such, we
consider in our review studies evaluating people’s ecological
beliefs (Van Liere and Noe, 1981), connectedness to nature
(Mayer and Frantz, 2004), place attachment (Hou et al., 2005),
biophilia (Zhang et al., 2014), and willingness to engage on EB
(Larson et al., 2018b).
Experiences in nature are positively associated with stronger
pro-environmentalism, such as emotional affinity toward nature
(Kals et al., 1999), willingness to conserve biodiversity (Soga
et al., 2016), willingness to pay for the conservation of urban
green spaces (Lo and Jim, 2010), and pro-EB (Evans et al., 2018).
Overall, researchers have found a positive link between EA and
EB (Bamberg and Möser, 2007). This is in line with the Theory
of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 2011), and the Value-Belief-Norm-
Theory (Stern et al., 1999), and have been supported empirically
(e.g., Dunlap et al., 2000;Markle, 2013). As a general trend, the
relation between experiences in nature and EB is mediated by
EA (Larson et al., 2011;Pensini et al., 2016;Otto and Pensini,
2017;Rosa et al., 2018). Several ideas have been offered to
explain why experiences in nature positively influence EB. These
explanations include increased biocentric values (Larson et al.,
2011), connectedness to nature (Otto and Pensini, 2017), and
beliefs about the New Environmental Paradigm (Collado et al.,
2013), a stronger sense of place attachment (Lawrence, 2012),
increased positive emotions (Mayer et al., 2009) and renewal of
depleted attentional capabilities (i.e., psychological restoration)
(Byrka et al., 2010;Collado and Corraliza, 2015;Wyles et al.,
2017), and a stronger sense of morality toward the environment
(Hahn and Garrett, 2017).
In spite of the positive associations between experiences
in nature and pro-environmentalism reported in previous
studies, this relation is a complex one (Clayton et al., 2017).
This complexity has, to our knowledge, been overlooked.
Our departure point is an overview of the research findings
in this area, distinguishing six different approaches used
to examine the relation between people’s experiences in
nature and pro-environmentalism. Then, we address what we
consider to be more urgent in terms of future research. The
article has been organized in three main sections describing:
(a) experiences in nature: how and where they occur, (b)
approaches used to investigate and interpret the link between
experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism, and (c)
future research.
By experiences in nature we refer to time spent in natural
areas, including wild natural areas, such as forests, but also
nearby natural environments, like urban parks, gardens, and
vacant lots (Chawla and Derr, 2012;Keniger et al., 2013;
Rupprecht et al., 2016). Several authors have defined experiences
in nature by focusing on specific aspects of the person–nature
interaction. For instance, Keniger et al. (2013) considered the
motivation for people’s interactions with nature (i.e., intentional
or non-intentional). According to these authors, there are
two different types of experiences in nature. First, individuals
can have incidental contact with nature (i.e., experiencing
nature as a by-product of another activity, such as walking
the dog). Second, experiences in nature can be direct and
intentional, when people have the intention to be in direct
contact with nature. Direct and intentional contact with nature
in an esthetically pleasing environment is thought to be the
best way for people to connect with nature, as it involves
the use of diverse senses (Lumber et al., 2017;Giusti et al.,
2018). In line with this, Mayer et al. (2009) found a higher
increase in connectedness to nature after people had a direct
experience in nature compared to an indirect contact with nature
through a video.
Another way of defining people’s experiences in nature is
by focusing on the type of activity conducted in the natural
setting [see Berns and Simpson (2009) for a review]. The authors
distinguish three types of experiences in nature: consumptive,
mechanized, and appreciative. According to Berns and Simpson
(2009), consumptive activities in nature refer to taking something
from the environment for your own use (e.g., fishing, hunting).
In turn, mechanized activities in nature are activities in
which mechanized equipment is used to interact with nature
(e.g., off road vehicles). Last, appreciative activities in nature
relate to enjoying the natural environment (almost) without
altering it through self-propelled non-mechanized activities (e.g.,
surfing, birdwatching, hiking). Research evidence suggests that
appreciative experiences in nature are the ones more strongly
linked to pro-environmentalism.
Clayton et al. (2017) went a step further in defining
people’s experiences in nature. The authors considered the
social context in which experiences in nature take place. In
their view, experiences in nature can be self-directed, when
the person interacts freely with the environment or other-
directed, when the person interacts with the natural environment
following someone else’s guidance (e.g., tour guide). In addition,
interactions with nature can be solitary experiences or they
can happen in the company of others and, at the same time,
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Rosa and Collado Experiences in Nature and Pro-environmentalism
they can provide positive or negative emotional responses
(Clayton et al., 2017).
According to our review of the research findings in this
area, we can distinguish six main research approaches to
examine the relation between experiences in nature and pro-
environmentalism. Below, we describe the main findings derived
from each of these approaches. These are summarized in Table 1.
First, the relation between people’s experiences in nature
and pro-environmentalism has been examined from research
in the area of significant life experience (SLE). According
to SLE studies, childhood positive experiences in nature are
the main factor predicting pro-environmentalism later in
life (Tanner, 1980;Chawla, 1999;Corcoran, 1999;Chawla
and Derr, 2012). These studies are mainly qualitative and
retrospective. For instance, Tanner (1980) evaluated the
experiences that 45 environmental activists recalled as being
more important for their decision of working as environmental
conservationists. According to Tanner’s (1980) findings,
experiences in nature as a child were the main predictor of
their choice. Recently, Cagle (2018) conducted a retrospective
investigation about experiences in nature over time. Participants
were 12 environmentally committed faculty members of Duke
University (United States). Her results supported previous
findings, indicating that childhood experiences in nature
were important for the formation of a bond with nature that
lasts until adulthood. In line with these results, Gray and
Pigott (2018) found that people who participated in a 2-year
nature-immersive activity when they were about 15 years old
recalled that experience, 30 years later, as a motivating factor to
choose a career related to conservation, wilderness guiding, and
environmental education.
A second research approach involves the evaluation of the
effect that different types of activities in nature may have in pro-
environmentalism. For instance, Knopp and Tyger (1973) found
that individuals engaged in an appreciative activity (ski touring)
held stronger EA than those involved in a mechanized activity
(snowmobiling). Similarly, Wolsko and Lindberg (2013) found
a positive link between participating in appreciative activities
and connectedness to nature, and a negative association between
participating in motorized activities and connectedness to nature.
Due the cross-sectional design of these studies, it is not possible to
establish whether individuals with strong EA prefer appreciative
activities as argued by Bjerke et al. (2006), or if participating
in appreciative activities improves individuals’ EA, as argued
by Dunlap and Hefferman (1975). Yet, both perspectives could
be correct (Jackson, 1986). In concordance with Dunlap and
Hefferman’s (1975) perspective, Wyles et al. (2017) conducted
an experimental study analyzing the effect of three appreciative
activities (e.g., coastal walking) in individuals’ intention to engage
on responsible environmental behaviors and found that the three
activities increased participants’ intention to engage in these
behaviors in a similar way.
TABLE 1 | Description of the approaches applied to the study of the relation between experiences in nature and EA and EB.
Approach Brief description Main insights Example of classical
1. Significant life experience (SLE) Studies analyzing the reasons why environmental
activists devoted their lives to taking care of the
environment. Childhood experiences in nature have
been identified as a main driver for adulthood
SLE literature shows that it is important to
consider lifetime experiences with nature in
order to understand current EA and EB.
Tanner, 1980
2. Comparison between
nature-based recreationists EA
and EB
Studies analyzing if individuals involved in different
nature-based recreational activities have distinct EA
and EB. For example, comparing EA and EB of
hunters with those of birdwatchers.
These studies indicate that the type of
interaction with nature (e.g., consumptive
vs. appreciative) needs to be considered
when analyzing the link between
interactions with nature and
Dunlap and Hefferman,
3. Specialization Studies analyzing whether differences in
pro-environmentalism are linked to nature-based
recreationist specialization (e.g., experience and
technical skills a person has on a recreational
This literature provides insights about the
relevance of individuals’ specialization on a
nature-based recreational activity to the
understanding of their EA and EB.
Bryan, 1977
4. Interactions with nature
influences pro-environmentalism
Studies analyzing whether interactions with nature
can increase people’s pro-environmentalism.
Positive direct experiences in nature are
linked to an increase in
Mayer et al., 2009
5. EA influence interactions with
Studies analyzing whether people’s EA can
influence their pattern of interactions with nature.
This literature suggests that EA may be a
driver for interactions with nature.
Lin et al., 2014
6. The perceived benefits of
interactions with nature as
predictors of pro-environmentalism
Studies analyzing if the perceived benefits of
interactions with nature (e.g., restoration, pleasure)
are associated with people’s pro-environmentalism.
Studies on this approach suggest that
people EA and EB may change when they
realize the benefits of nature to their lives.
Hartig et al., 2001
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A third line of study consists on analyzing the possible
differences on nature-based recreationists’ EA and EB based
on their specialization on a specific nature-based activity.
Specialization is generally considered a multidimensional
concept formed by behavioral, affective, and cognitive factors
(Scott and Shafer, 2001;Garlock and Lorenzen, 2017;Kim
and Song, 2017). It is commonly assessed by a series of factors
such as recreationists’ experience in a nature-based activity,
the importance of this activity for the individual’s lifestyle,
the technical skills required by this specific activity, and the
expenses of the activity (McFarlane and Boxall, 1996;Scott
and Shafer, 2001;Garlock and Lorenzen, 2017;Kim and Song,
2017). In comparison to less specialized recreationists, the more
specialized ones are expected to be more experienced, to show
greater mastery of the techniques associated with the leisure
activity, to spend more money on the activity, and to perceived
the activity as more relevant for his/her lifestyle (Scott and Shafer,
2001). Previous studies have investigated if more specialized
nature-based recreationists such as birdwatchers (McFarlane and
Boxall, 1996), anglers (Garlock and Lorenzen, 2017), and boaters
(Jett et al., 2009) hold distinct EA and EB than less specialized
nature-based recreationists. One hypothesis is that as a person
specializes in an activity, pro-EA and engagement in pro-EB
can increase (Bryan, 1977;McFarlane and Boxall, 1996). This
may occur because more specialized recreationists perceive the
recreational activity they practice as more relevant for them
than less specialized recreationists, and these activities depend
upon natural resources (Bryan, 1977). Hence, more specialized
recreationists may hold greater concern for the maintenance of
the natural resources where the activity is conducted than less
specialized recreationists. Literature findings generally support
this hypothesis, with more specialized individuals reporting
higher levels of environmental concern and greater engagement
in pro-environmental behaviors (Thapa et al., 2006).
A fourth approach in the study of people’s experiences in
nature and pro-environmentalism involves the prediction that
direct experiences in natural environments foster pro-EA and
EB. In the last years, several interventions have showed that
experiences in nature can foster children’s (Crawford et al.,
2017;Schneider and Schaal, 2017) and adults’ connectedness to
nature (Lumber et al., 2017;Richardson and McEwan, 2018), an
important predictor of pro-EB (Tam, 2013;Frantz and Mayer,
2014). For example, Barton et al. (2016) found an increase in
adolescents’ connectedness to nature after a wildness expedition.
Evans et al. (2018) conducted a longitudinal study in which they
found, after controlling for possible confounding variables (e.g.,
child environmental behavior), that one of the main predictors
of young adults’ EB was time spent outdoors during childhood.
Considering these results, it does not come as a surprise that
direct contact with nature has been seen as a predictor of pro-
environmentalism in the environmental education domain, with
several environmental education projects focusing on nature
experiences as a way of promoting EA and EB (Evans et al.,
2007;Duerden and Witt, 2010). For example, De Dominicis
et al. (2017) found an increase on place attachment, pro-EA,
and self-reported pro-EB after a nature-based environmental
education program. Similarly, Collado et al. (2013) found that
time spent in nature-based summer camps, with and without
environmental education within their daily program, had positive
effects on EA and EB.
The fifth approach in the study of the link between experiences
in nature and pro-environmentalism relates to the influence of
EA on the way people interact with nature. Empirical evidence
supports that EA motivate people to interact with nature (Lin
et al., 2014;Soga and Gaston, 2016;Lin et al., 2017) and
influences their choice for nature-based activities (Bjerke et al.,
2006;Thapa, 2010;Marques et al., 2017). For example, Lin
et al. (2014) found that people who felt more connected to
nature were more likely to visit parks and to spend more
time on their private yard than people who felt less connected
to nature. Similarly, Bjerke et al. (2006) noted that people’s
environmental beliefs were associated to their preference for
nature-based activities. They found that individuals with stronger
environmental beliefs reported higher preference for activities,
like scenery photographing and mountaineering, compared to
individuals with weaker environmental beliefs.
The last approach involves the perceived benefits of
experiences in nature and how these perceptions lead to
pro-environmentalism (Hartig et al., 2007;Byrka et al., 2010;Lee,
2011;Collado and Corraliza, 2015;Lee and Jan, 2018;Whitburn
et al., 2018). Natural settings are often perceived as places linked
to wellbeing (Carrus et al., 2015), where attentional resources
can be recovered (Carrus et al., 2017) and energy can be regained
(Ryan et al., 2010). For instance, Lee (2011) reported that
individuals’ satisfactions with time spent in nature was related to
their conservation commitment and pro-EB. Similarly, Collado
and Corraliza (2015) found that children who reported higher
restoration after spending time in nature held stronger pro-EA
which, in turn, led to conducting pro-EB more frequently.
Hartig et al. (2001, 2007) reached similar conclusions with adult
samples. These results suggest that the link between experiences
in nature and pro-environmentalism can be explained, at least
partly, by the benefits people perceive they obtain from time
spent in nature.
Overall, the six approaches described suggest that there
is a positive relation between experiences in nature and
pro-environmentalism. However, as previously indicated, this
relation is a complex one (Clayton et al., 2017) and contradictory
results have been found in the literature. For example,
considering SLE, Howell and Allen (2016) concluded that nature
experiences during childhood did not have a major formative
influence on 85 people involved in climate change education
and mitigation. Their findings suggest that for their participants,
factors different from nature experiences during childhood, such
as altruistic concerns about climate change, may play a major
role in the way they behave toward the environment during
adulthood. Also, one would expect that spending time in natural
areas while being part of an EE program provides an additional
benefit to pro-environmentalism due to the relevant formal
environmental information that participants received through
EE programs (Kuo et al., 2019). However, this is not always the
case. In fact, EE programs could constrain individuals’ willingness
to experience nature freely, and the provision of environmental
knowledge may be seen as boring (Duerden and Witt, 2010;
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Rosa and Collado Experiences in Nature and Pro-environmentalism
Collado et al., 2013). Thus, environmental educators have made
an effort to develop ways of learning in nature while keeping
the experience as fun as possible (Crawford et al., 2017;
Schaal et al., 2018).
Contradictory results were also found when considering how
different types of experiences in nature were associated to
EB (Cooper et al., 2015). The authors expected appreciative
activities to be more strongly associated to pro-EB than
consumptive activities. However, they found that individuals
participating regularly in both hunting and birdwatching
(hunter–birdwatcher) were more likely to engage in specific
conservation behaviors than individuals participating regularly
either in hunting (consumptive) or birdwatching (appreciative).
Regarding specialization, Jett et al. (2009) found a negative
association between the level of specialization of boaters and
their attitudes related to marine conservation. According to their
results, more specialized individuals were less likely to agree that,
regardless of regulations, manatees deserve to be protected and
that reducing vessel speed is an effective strategy for marine
conservation. Jett et al. (2009) believe that the reason behind
these results is the aversion of more specialized individuals to
limitations to their leisure pursuit. The benefits people attribute
to time spent in nature (e.g., psychological restoration, well-
being) can be moderated by people’s EA (Davis and Gatersleben,
2013;Knez and Eliasson, 2017;Craig et al., 2018). In line
with this idea, Knez and Eliasson (2017) found that people feel
greater well-being when visiting outdoor settings if they held
stronger attachment to these settings. Likewise, Craig et al. (2018)
noted that people more connected to nature perceive nature
experiences as more pleasurable than those whose connection to
nature is lower.
To sum up what we can learn from these approaches,
experiences in nature during childhood and adulthood are
positively linked to pro-environmentalism (Tanner, 1980;
Crawford et al., 2017;Lumber et al., 2017;Rosa et al., 2018).
The effect of nature experiences on people’s EA and EB depends
on several factors, such as type of experience in nature (Knopp
and Tyger, 1973), perceived benefits of these experiences (Hartig
et al., 2001;Carrus et al., 2017), and the person’s level of
specialization in a certain activity (Bryan, 1977). However, the
results found until now are mixed, indicating that the relation
between experiences in nature, EA, and EB is not simple, and
that there is a need for more nuanced research on the topic.
Following, we suggest what we consider to be the most urgent
lines of research.
By now we have reviewed the diverse approaches used to
investigate and interpret the relation between experiences
in nature and EA and EB. We acknowledge the scientific
advances done on this topic during the last four decades.
Yet, the relation between experiences in nature and pro-
environmentalism is, in our opinion, not completely understood.
There are some knowledge gaps, contradictory results, and
methodological issues that preclude us to firmly claim how
and when experiences in nature lead to an increase in
pro-environmentalism. Below, we highlight six areas for
further investigation.
First, researchers should acknowledge the possibility
of a cyclical relation between experiences in nature and
pro-environmentalism. There is theoretical and empirical
support for two perspectives: (1) experiences in nature
enhance EA, leading to EB; and (2) EA can influence
people’s patterns of interaction with nature. Whereas
several experiments have supported the first perspective
(Mayer et al., 2009;Crawford et al., 2017;Lumber et al.,
2017), the second one has not been, to our knowledge,
experimentally proven. The experimental examination of the
second perspective as well as of the possible cyclical relation
between experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism awaits
future research.
Second, a clear definition of what researchers understand
by experiences in nature is still missing. Experiences in nature
can have many different forms. For instance, they can be
direct and incidental (e.g., experiencing nature while walking
the dog), direct and intentional (e.g., surfing), alone or with
company (e.g., family, friends), and during work or leisure
time. Moreover, even if a definition is given (e.g., Collado
and Sorrel, 2019), it is generally broad, and focused on
contact with green natural elements. The possible effects that
exposure to different types of natural environments have in
pro-environmentalism, including water bodies (e.g., oceans,
lakes, rivers), settings with different geological and orographic
characteristics (e.g., mountain area versus a plain natural setting),
and different meteorological conditions remain underexplored.
For instance, Talebpour (2018) found that fifth-grade students
who participated in a nature immersive program during
inclement weather had a decrease in their connectedness to
nature compared to before the immersion, whereas students
who had the same nature experience with better weather
conditions had an increase in connectedness to nature after
the immersive program. Future studies should describe in
detail how experiences in nature take place, including the
meteorological conditions as well as the natural elements
participants might encounter. The possible positive impact of
direct and visual contact with non-human animals on people’s
pro-environmentalism also needs further consideration [see
Young et al. (2018) for a review]. Finally, the word nature
can have different meanings for people from different cultures
(Wohlwill, 1983;Collado et al., 2016;Profice, 2018) and
as such the definition of experiences in nature should take
into account participants’ cultural background. For instance,
some people may consider humans are part of nature while
others may not (Wohlwill, 1983;Mayer and Frantz, 2004)
and differences in the esthetic perception of nature have
consequences for biodiversity protection (Williams and Cary,
2002). Given that the meaning of nature is influenced by
our social context (Wohlwill, 1983), researchers should pay
special attention to people’s conceptions of nature in cross-
cultural research.
Third, a clear definition of experiences in nature should
be accompanied by a valid measure of frequency of contact
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Rosa and Collado Experiences in Nature and Pro-environmentalism
with nature. This would facilitate the comparison of results
among studies as well as the generalization of findings.
Whereas there are likely hundreds of published studies
on the topic, to our knowledge, a validated and reliable
measure of frequency of contact with nature has not been
developed. Researchers generally develop or adapt ad hoc
measures for their own studies. Experts on the appraisal
of measures have argued that the use of non-validated
and reliable measures may be a waste of resources and
unethical (Mokkink et al., 2018). In light of the research lines
described above, researchers may need to think of different
measures for different population groups (e.g., children and
adults), as well as to be used in different contexts in which
experiences in nature are likely to differ (e.g., developed versus
developing countries).
Forth, the type of activities in nature leading to pro-
environmentalism are fairly unknown, as well as the social
context in which these activities occur. We know from
previous studies that positive, appreciative experiences in
nature may play a stronger role in the formation of pro-
environmentalism than consumptive and mechanized activities
but we know little about the different effect that different
appreciative activities may have (Wyles et al., 2017). For
instance, would going for a walk in nature have the same
effect as sitting and relaxing in a park? In line with
this idea, Giusti et al. (2018) developed a framework to
understand how children connect with nature. Their results
showed that some forms of experiencing nature (those that
engaged children’s senses were children-driven and thought
provoking) were more effective to connect children with
nature than others (e.g., structured activities). And, would the
link between experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism
be stronger when these experiences take place alone or
when they take place with the company of close ones?
Retrospective studies have shown that adults recall positive
experiences in nature during childhood in the company of
others as the main driver of their current pro-environmentalism
(Chawla and Derr, 2012). Yet, when in need of psychological
restoration, adults prefer to spend time alone in a natural
environment (Staats and Hartig, 2004). Whether there is
a difference between spending time in nature alone or
with friends in terms of pro-environmentalism and the
possible effect of the foreseeable change of children’s social
group as they grow up deserves further exploration. Future
longitudinal research should focus on how experiences in
nature change through the lifespan (Cagle, 2018) and how
these different interactions in the natural environment lead
to pro-environmentalism.
Fifth, participants’ sociodemographic characteristics should be
considered in the experiences in nature–pro-environmentalism
relation. These include age, gender, education, place of residence
(urban vs. rural), and political ideology [see Gifford and
Nilsson (2014) for a review]. Younger people, women, and
liberals tend to be more open to improve their EA than
older people, men, and conservatives (Heberlein, 2012;Gifford
and Nilsson, 2014). Thus, experiences in nature may have
a greater impact on young women with liberal ideas. Given
that individuals with a lower educational level generally hold
weaker EA (Gifford and Nilsson, 2014), they may benefit
the most from experiences in nature. Also, people living in
rural areas tend to have more frequent contact with nature
(Hinds and Sparks, 2008;Muslim et al., 2017) than those
living in cities. Rural residents also differ from urban ones
in their preference for different types of landscapes (Williams
and Cary, 2002) and their daily type of contact with nature
(Collado et al., 2015) which can influence the outcomes of
experiences in nature. For example, Bixler et al. (1994) found
that urban residents tend to express fear and discomfort when
spending time in wildland areas. Williams and Cary (2002)
found that urban residents held a stronger preference for
more grazed woodland landscapes than rural residents do.
Considering children, Collado et al. (2015) concluded that
children living in mountain rural areas experienced nature more
freely than those living in cities. Even though these studies
suggest that the effects of experiences in nature on people’s
pro-environmentalism may be moderated by sociodemographic
characteristics, only a few studies have included them in their
studies (e.g., Mayer et al., 2009;Larson et al., 2011;Collado
et al., 2015;Rosa and Profice, 2018). These individual factors
should be considered in future research about the experiences in
nature–pro-environmentalism link.
Sixth, most of the studies revised through this paper are
cross-sectional and their samples non-representative. This limits
causal inferences and the generalization of the results to
larger populations. Also, most of the studies investigating EB
and experiences in nature assessed self-report (vs. observed)
behaviors. This could be an issue because self-reports can
be influenced by diverse biases such as social desirability,
mood state, and consistency motif (Podsakoff et al., 2003).
Hence, self-reported behaviors may not correspond to observable
behaviors (Kormos and Gifford, 2014). Moreover, most of studies
investigating the association between childhood experiences
in nature and adults’ pro-environmentalism relied solely on
adults’ self-reported experiences in nature during childhood
(e.g., Wells and Lekies, 2006;Larson et al., 2011;Pensini
et al., 2016;Asah et al., 2018;Rosa et al., 2018) with few
exceptions (Liddicoat and Krasny, 2014;Evans et al., 2018;Gray
and Pigott, 2018). Adults’ self-reports of childhood experiences
in nature could be imprecise and may be influenced by
their actual EA (Kals et al., 1999;Wells and Lekies, 2006).
Therefore, there is a need for representative surveys, more reliable
measures of EB and experiences in nature, and longitudinal
studies estimating experiences in nature and EA and EB at
different time-points.
There is plenty of evidence supporting the positive link between
experiences in nature, EA, and EB. We agree with previous
researchers encouraging a more frequent exposure to nature
both for adults and children, as this can have positive effects
both on pro-environmentalism (Crawford et al., 2017;Lumber
et al., 2017) and health (Hartig et al., 2014;Kuo et al., 2019).
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However, the complexity of the positive association between
experiences in nature and pro-environmentalism urges future
studies with which researchers can provide plausible explanations
of this positive link, as well as offer more specific guidelines
for translating empirical studies into every day practices. For
example, future studies can help to shed some light about
which are the best type experiences in nature to improve
pro-environmentalism (e.g., Giusti et al., 2018), and ways to
increase people’s contact with nature within their daily life
(e.g., Soga et al., 2018).
CR and SC conceived the ideas included in the manuscript and
wrote the manuscript.
This study was partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness (Grant No PSI-2013-44939) and
FUAG (2018/B008).
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Frontiers in Psychology | 9April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 763
... Specifically, nature-based solutions can simultaneously offset the costs associated with maintaining air and water quality; contribute habitat for a variety of species; and offer mental restoration, physical recreation, and enhanced nature connection for people (Nardo, Saulle, and La Torre 2010;Kardan et al. 2015;Connop et al. 2016;Ives et al. 2017;Weisser and Hauck 2017;Felappi et al. 2020). Collectively, these benefits are thought to be key to establishing a strong pathway towards environmental sustainability (Beatley and Newman 2013;Rosa and Collado 2019;Barragan-Jason et al. 2022). Additionally, synergies have been found between supporting wildlife and human health with multiple factors, including increased tree cover, reduced noise, presence of water, and higher diversity of habitats (Felappi et al. 2020). ...
Large, vegetatively diverse, and connected green space is often considered essential to conservation. Yet, these criteria can be impractical when applied to densely populated or under-resourced urban areas and evoke mixed sentiments from people. Conventional urban green space is often smaller, minimally vegetated, and contains open mowed areas that are inadequate for many wildlife species and fail to provide opportunities for nature connection in biodiverse environments. As songbirds are well liked and globally distributed, they present an opportunity to rethink urban green spaces, particularly small urban green spaces, that contain landscape qualities where the needs of people and songbirds converge. We conducted a comprehensive search of peer-reviewed publications to examine the natural, structural, and anthropogenic factors associated with songbird richness in small (<2 ha) urban green spaces. Overall, small urban green spaces that incorporated a variety of habitats and native plant species, particularly trees, supported songbird richness. In some cases, songbird richness in small green spaces was equivalent to richness reported in larger green spaces. Interestingly, connectivity between green spaces was not significant in the majority of articles that examined the factor. This outcome removes a possible obstruction to green space allocation and has the potential to jumpstart the placement of green space into historically and perpetually under-resourced communities. Finally, associations with anthropogenic factors had few positive associations with songbird richness, but this category of factors was also reported the least often. Collectively, these results provide feasible options to improve human health, nature connections, and songbird conservation.
... They view exercise as a fun or beneficial part of their lifestyle. It is important to understand that attitudes can be influenced by various factors, including previous experiences, social environment, and individual psychological aspects [41][42][43]. Building a positive attitude towards fitness training can be key to achieving good results and making physical activity an integral part of daily lifestyle. ...
Identifying profiles of fitness center users in terms of motivation and attitudes toward fitness training can serve as a behavioral strategy for enhancing exercise performance. This study explores the relationship between motivation, attitude, and performance in fitness training, aiming to elucidate the influence of motivation and attitude on the performance of fitness center users. Forty fitness center members participated in this correlational research, which examines the relationship between multiple variables. The researchers tested the hypotheses using the simple Pearson Product Moment Correlation Technique and the multiple correlation test. The research yielded two key results: (1) a significant relationship between motivation, attitude, and performance (p < 0.001), and (2) a strong simultaneous relationship between motivation, attitude, and performance (r = 0.621, p < 0.001). In summary, motivation and attitude exert a tangible impact on training performance, with higher levels of motivation and positive attitude corresponding to improved performance. By understanding and reinforcing the interplay between motivation and attitude in fitness training, individuals can establish a solid foundation for attaining their fitness objectives and sustaining a healthy, active lifestyle.
... An individual's psychological inclination to evaluate their level of favor or disfavor toward environmental issues is represented by their EA (Milfont & Duckitt, 2010). People's perceptions of their surroundings influence their attitudes and behaviors toward the environment (Rosa & Collado, 2019). EA measures to what degree community members value environmental attributes, including space, tranquility, and ecosystems (Bronfman et al., 2015). ...
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Tourism destinations are groups of particular stakeholders whose lives are influenced by the actions of both residents and visitors, either by direct or indirect means. Locals interact with the destination more frequently than visitors, and their actions have a stronger impact on the ecosystem and resources. The study aims to explain factors influencing environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) and how cities can create more livable, resilient, and ecologically sustainable urban environments by encouraging and supporting residents to adopt eco-friendly practices. Based on data from Valjevo residents in Western Serbia, this research aims to explain how residents' perceptions of attachment, involvement, and environmental attitudes influence environmentally responsible behavior (ERB). The findings validate a significant relationship between residents' ERB and environmental attitudes, involvement, and attachment. Additionally, residents' involvement and attachment directly affect their environmental attitudes. The findings support the crucial role of locals in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Practical implications provide insights into mitigating the environmental impact of residents' activities, leading to effective solutions for ecosystem protection. These findings can inform decision-makers and community members in planning and implementing laws and practical actions to address negative environmental impacts in tourist areas, thereby supporting sustainable development initiatives.
... These findings contradict the findings by Gumede (2009) that revealed that most of the visitors to the IWP were single. The discrepancies between the findings validate the arguments by Arkedius, Granbom and Neuberg (2020), Rosa and Collado (2019), Lee, Jan, and Yang (2013) and Lee, Jan, and Huang (2015) that tourism is an industry characterised by everchanging visitor patterns. ...
... These findings contradict the findings by Gumede (2009) that revealed that most of the visitors to the IWP were single. The discrepancies between the findings validate the arguments by Arkedius, Granbom and Neuberg (2020), Rosa and Collado (2019), Lee, Jan, and Yang (2013) and Lee, Jan, and Huang (2015) that tourism is an industry characterised by everchanging visitor patterns. ...
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Visitors to natural heritage sites are increasingly being encouraged to behave in a more ethical way to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on the host community and the environment. As such, several ways of encouraging visitors to behave ethically have been proposed in literature. Despite literature suggesting a wide range of ways of encouraging ethical behaviour in different tourism settings, relatively few studies have probed the significance of aspects of ethical tourism (ET) on ethical visitor behaviour (EVB). This paper proposes ET aspects outlined by Speed (2008) in the ET model as determinants of EVB. Based on a quantitative survey of 323 respondents who visited iSimangaliso Wetland Park (IWP) during the period in which the study was conducted, eleven aspects of ET were empirically confirmed and validated. Research results reveal that the ET aspects and their related guidelines inspire visitors to behave appropriately. Improved insight into the respondents' perceptions of ET aspects as determining factors of EVB may equip site managers with strategies of mitigating visitors' deviant behaviour.
... Ecopraxeology unites the ideas of ecophilosophies and real-world conduct (Haukeland, 2022): friluftsliv through this lens is purported to offer an expression of ecocentrism and potential for change when practiced with the corresponding aesthetic and contemplative approach (Breivik, 2021;Naess, 1989;Nansen, 1921Nansen, /1994Rothenberg, 1993). Empirical evidence adds to these claims, but the complexity of the field warrants expanded study (Rosa & Collado, 2019;Thapa, 2010). Research has investigated friluftsliv among environmentalists (Wolf-Watz et al., 2011), but little exists about what contra-modernity sentiments -exemplified by a tendency away from anthropocentrism and toward ecocentrism -exist in the general friluftsliv practice of today's populace; this paucity is particularly true of quantitative evidence. ...
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The anthropogenic effects of climate change and environmental degradation are well-known, and the trajectory of ways of living responsible for this decline must evolve to avoid destruction of the hapless – human and non-human alike. The Nordic practice of friluftsliv – outdoor recreation steeped in appreciation of nature – may offer a contribution to constructive change. Manifold permutations of friluftsliv exist today, but it initially developed with counter-culture ideals of the Romantic era alongside the fear–pleasure mix of the sublime that only nature can inspire. This study – a master’s thesis – combined theory and philosophy typical of qualitative research together with established attitudinal instruments into a quantitative, online survey to investigate the presence of the sublime in contemporary friluftsliv and any association it might have with environmental perspectives of anthropocentrism, apathy, and ecocentrism among friluftsliv persons of the North (n = 73). Through statistical analysis, experience of the sublime in friluftsliv associated positively with ecocentrism (β1 = 0,65; p = 7,1 × 10−12) and negatively with anthropocentrism (β1 = −0,25; p = 0,056) and apathy (β1 = −10,34; p = 0,0047) thereby reinforcing norms. Inquiry also addressed the plural character of friluftsliv experiences with incorporation of several covariates. Results are discussed alongside theory and self-critique.
... Paul, USA found that positive outdoor winter experiences often included aspects related to socializing with friends and family . While winter conditions like low temperatures and precipitation have been shown to negatively affect nature-connectedness (Duffy & Verges, 2010), positive nature experiences tend to positively affect nature-connectedness (Lumber et al., 2017;Rosa & Collado, 2019). The social element of human-nature interaction may help forge positive nature experiences and support high-engagement human-nature interaction in winter, despite weather conditions that may negatively influence experiences and nature-connectedness. ...
... Additionally, school camps situated in woodlands, multi-day guided summer camps designed for participants to learn about nature, and specific days dedicated to environmental protection (and nature protection) contribute to this initiative. Furthermore, tree-planting events enhance both cognitive and affective attitudes towards environmental stewardship, as the care of the planted trees foster a long-term commitment to nature conservation and an increased proenvironmentalism (e.g., Rosa & Collado, 2019). Unfortunately, a significant majority of our participants (250) did not express interest in pursuing careers related to wood or forestry. ...
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We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students demonstrating that students who have trees in the parental home environment show more positive attitude towards trees and wood than their peers who do not have any. We aimed at finding out about the current attitudes of the upcoming generation with regard to the use of wood and wood materials, and also about the question as to whether they would consciously use wood materials in the future. Results show that school students who have trees in their parental home environment show significantly higher scores on the cognitive, affective, and conative domains of attitude towards trees and wood compared to those who do not have trees in their parental home environment. The present study contributes to outdoor environmental education research in that we provide quantitative evidence for the positive effect of the immediate environment of children on the attitude towards wood and trees. The findings suggest the imperative need for further novel educational interventions in school gardens related to trees and wooden objects.
“Theorizing security-pandemic aspects and variables for post-pandemic architecture" refers to creating propositions and theory systems for the security-pandemic aspects and variables in the presence of pandemic and health issues and the consequences of changing hybrid activities within living-working space. COVID-19 has caused changes in architecture, especially in the context of the security pandemic. Architecture needs different strategies to help prevent disease in the future. A theorizing theory involves classification and interpreted terms, network analysis, and creating propositions and theories based on aspects and variables. The findings are 3 new interpretations of aspects, 14 sub-aspects of security-pandemic theory, and 23 security-pandemic variables that can be used as strategies in architecture design. The interconnection between aspects (dynamics, distancing, and living-working pattern), sub-aspects, and variables are connected regarding control, prevention, and deterring patterns for disease spread through person-to-person and media/surface-to-person. These findings will support future research in preventive measures in post-pandemic architecture, creating innovative building and green code certifications for security-pandemic theory or modifying the existing codes and green certifications.
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Do experiences with nature – from wilderness backpacking to plants in a preschool, to a wetland lesson on frogs—promote learning? Until recently, claims outstripped evidence on this question. But the field has matured, not only substantiating previously unwarranted claims but deepening our understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between nature and learning. Hundreds of studies now bear on this question, and converging evidence strongly suggests that experiences of nature boost academic learning, personal development, and environmental stewardship. This brief integrative review summarizes recent advances and the current state of our understanding. The research on personal development and environmental stewardship is compelling although not quantitative. Report after report – from independent observers as well as participants themselves – indicate shifts in perseverance, problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Similarly, over fifty studies point to nature playing a key role in the development of pro-environmental behavior, particularly by fostering an emotional connection to nature. In academic contexts, nature-based instruction outperforms traditional instruction. The evidence here is particularly strong, including experimental evidence; evidence across a wide range of samples and instructional approaches; outcomes such as standardized test scores and graduation rates; and evidence for specific explanatory mechanisms and active ingredients. Nature may promote learning by improving learners’ attention, levels of stress, self-discipline, interest and enjoyment in learning, and physical activity and fitness. Nature also appears to provide a calmer, quieter, safer context for learning; a warmer, more cooperative context for learning; and a combination of “loose parts” and autonomy that fosters developmentally beneficial forms of play. It is time to take nature seriously as a resource for learning – particularly for students not effectively reached by traditional instruction.
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Resumo: É relevante para educadores ambientais entender quem necessita mais de Educação Ambiental e o que motiva o engajamento em comportamentos pró-ambientais (CPA). No presente estudo, nós analisamos a relação entre características sociodemográficas, contato recreativo com a natureza, atitudes e CPA em 224 graduandos de uma universidade sul baiana. Nossos resultados apontam que indivíduos pró-ambientais tendem a ser mulher, cursar os primeiros semestres da graduação, participar regularmente em atividades de lazer em contato com a natureza, ter ideologia política de esquerda e idade mais avançada, independente da renda. Em adição, experiências de lazer em contato com a natureza podem favorecer uma melhor relação das pessoas com o meio ambiente.
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Engaging with nature is needed for the holistic development of children. However, a lack of longitudinal research exists to outline the impact of Outdoor Learning in the school curriculum. In our current educational climate which places inordinate focus upon evidence-based outcomes, teachers are needing encouragement to embrace unconventional nature-based pedagogies. In the late 1970s, a bespoke Wilderness Studies class was introduced in an Australian school for adolescents which extended over two full academic years. Three decades later, these students were contacted to assess the residual impact of this pioneering teaching method. Utilizing social media research techniques, the study unveils their salient memories to enable a better understanding of the enduring impact of nature immersion. Invariably, respondents argued the outdoor experiences eclipsed their indoor classroom counterpart and left an indelible impression on their formative years of education. Surprisingly, a large number had occupations involving outdoor leadership or environmental stewardship. Our retrospective study conveys the durability of Outdoor Learning 30 years after completion. We conclude with a facilitation model underpinned by three Rs: Resilience, Reflection, and Relationship emanating from reflecting on years of successful pedagogical practice. Derived from positive psychology, contemplative practice, storytelling, indigenous teachings, and slow pedagogies, the core elements have been incorporated into a learning framework. Lessons learned from the trailblazing pedagogy have helped distil the key principles needed in the 21st-century curriculum. As we head toward a new era of nature-estranged students, these findings offer insights and gravitas for educators searching for tangible pathways to engage students with wild spaces.
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Child–nature interaction has undergone drastic changes in modern history, from a free outdoor childhood to a confined daily life connected to electronic devices, with negative consequences to development and well-being. Any resulting lack of connection to the natural environment can hamper involvement in solving environmental problems. This research attempted to assess children’s perceptions of nature, as well as their feelings and values. Six- to 14-year-old children from the Tupinambá group (n = 91), an indigenous society in Brazil, and from New York (n = 54) drew pictures of nature and answered five questions about their drawings, feelings, and values in regard to natural environments. Quantitative (descriptive) and qualitative (content) analyses of the drawings were carried out, and their liveness and animism were estimated. The answers given by children to the questions about nature were organized into emerging categories from the data. The Tupinambá children’s drawings were generally livelier than those of the New York children. However, the difference failed to reach statistical significance among the younger children, and the difference only approached significance among the older children. The drawings of the Tupinambá contained more animism, depicting non-humans and non-animals with facial expressions, than those of the New Yorkers. Compared with the New Yorkers, the Tupinambá children more often included human constructions such as roads and houses in their drawings. The indigenous children more often saw human and non-human elements as integrated compared with the nonindigenous children. The study reinforces theoretical tendencies about the environmental perception of children in relation to the natural environment and highlights peculiarities of the participating groups, indicating relevant questions for future investigations.
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Childhood-nature experiences have lifelong effects on environmental citizenship and commitment to nature-based activities. But, it is unclear whether, and to what extent, the different mechanisms through which children and youth experience nature are associated with these outcomes. To test these associations, an online questionnaire assessing mechanisms of childhood exposure to nature, adulthood environmental citizenship and commitment to nature-based activities, and demographic variables was sent to the email addresses of 509 employees of the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. The 236 completed surveys indicated four mechanisms of children's exposure to nature. Children's self-exposure to nature was the strongest predictor of a number of aspects of adulthood environmental citizenship and of behavioral and and BehaviorAsah et al. research-article2017 808 Environment and Behavior 50(7) attitudinal commitments to nature-based activities. Exposure through school-related programs had less predictive value for these outcomes. Implications for pathways to enhance the benefits of childhood-nature experiences are discussed.
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Recent research suggests that engagement with natural beauty (EWNB) is key to the well-being benefits of nature connectedness. The Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild campaign provides a large-scale intervention for improving public engagement with nature and its beauty. The effect of 30 Days Wild participation on levels of EWNB and the relationship between EWNB, nature connectedness and happiness was evaluated during the 2017 campaign. Of the 49,000 people who signed up to the campaign, 308 people fully completed measures of EWNB, nature connection, health, happiness, and conservation behaviors at baseline, post-30 days and post-2 months. There were sustained and significant increases for scores in nature connection, health, happiness, and conservation behaviors. In addition, 30 Days Wild was the first intervention found to increase EWNB. Further, the significant increase in EWNB mediated the relationship between the increases in nature connectedness and happiness. In a supplementary study to understand the well-being benefits further (n = 153), emotional regulation was found to mediate the relationship between nature connectedness and happiness, but EWNB and emotional regulation were not related. The links between nature’s beauty, nature connectedness and well-being are discussed within an account of affect-regulation.
Evidence suggests that contemporary children are spending less time outdoors than their predecessors. Concurrent reports also highlight the rise of electronic media use in the lives of youth. We explored relationships between self-reported outdoor time, screen time, and connection to nature in a sample of sixth- to eighth-grade students across rural South Carolina (N = 543). We found that most youth spent time outdoors, but they spent more time with electronic media. The outdoor versus screen time discrepancy was particularly pronounced for girls, African Americans, and eighth graders. Connection to nature, linked to outdoor time, was highest among boys, White students, and sixth graders. Our study contributes to growing evidence highlighting the negative influence of escalating screen time on outdoor time and connection to nature during adolescence. Programs designed to address these troubling trends could focus on two groups at particularly high risk: girls and youth of color.
In our increasingly urbanised world, children are becoming disconnected from the natural world. This progressive separation of humans from nature, “extinction of experience,” is viewed both as a major public health issue and as one of the fundamental obstacles to halting global biodiversity loss. Thus, it has become increasingly important to understand what drives and limits children’s direct experiences of nature. We administered a large-scale questionnaire to 5801 children from 45 elementary schools in Tochigi, central Japan. Children were asked to provide information on frequency of nature experiences, extent of nature relatedness, time pressure, inclination towards screen-based media, and their family members’ attitudes towards nature-based activities (family members’ nature orientation). We also calculated the proportion of urbanised areas within a 1-km radius of each school. Results showed that the frequency of children’s nature experiences was significantly positively associated with individual nature relatedness and family members’ nature orientation; time pressure and inclination towards screen-based media were not significantly negatively related to children’s frequency of nature experiences. Degree of urbanisation had significant negative influences on the frequency of direct experiences of nature. Male children participated in nature-based activities more frequently. Overall, our study demonstrates that children’s direct engagement with neighbourhood nature is shaped by multiple opportunity- and orientation-related factors, which has important policy implications as it implies that there can be no simple, straightforward way to promote children’s nature experiences. Thus, to minimise the ongoing extinction of experience, a variety of different and complementary approaches must be taken.