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Nuclear physics at the energy frontier: recent heavy ion results from the perspective of the Electron Ion Collider

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Abstract and Figures

Quarks and gluons are the fundamental constituents of nucleons. Their interactions rather than their mass, is responsible for $99\%$ of the mass of all visible matter in the universe. Measuring the fundamental properties of matter has had a large impact on our understanding of the nucleon structure and it has given us decades of research and technological innovation. Despite the large number of discoveries made, many fundamental questions remain open and in need of a new and more precise generation of measurements. The future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will be a machine dedicated to hadron structure research. It will study the content of protons and neutrons in a largely unexplored regime in which gluons are expected to dominate and eventually saturate. While the EIC will be the machine of choice to quantify this regime, recent surprising results from the heavy ion community begin to exhibit similar signatures as those expected from a regime dominated by gluons. Many of the heavy ion results that will be discussed in this document highlight the kinematic limitations of hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus collisions. The reliability of using as a reference proton-proton (pp) and proton-Nucleus(pA) collisions to quantify and disentangle vacuum and Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects from a Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) may be under question. An selection of relevant pp and pA results which highlight the need of an EIC will be presented
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Nuclear physics at the energy frontier: recent heavy ion
results from the perspective of the Electron Ion Collider
Astrid Morreale 1,2 ,*
1Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research, Paris France ;
2Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, New York, USA ;
Received: date; Accepted: date; Published: date
Quarks and gluons are the fundamental constituents of nucleons. Their interactions rather
than their mass, is responsible for 99% of the mass of all visible matter in the universe. Measuring the
fundamental properties of matter has had a large impact on our understanding of the nucleon structure
and it has given us decades of research and technological innovation. Despite the large number of
discoveries made, many fundamental questions remain open and in need of a new and more precise
generation of measurements. The future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will be a machine dedicated to
hadron structure research. It will study the content of protons and neutrons in a largely unexplored
regime in which gluons are expected to dominate and eventually saturate. While the EIC will be the
machine of choice to quantify this regime, recent surprising results from the heavy ion community
begin to exhibit similar signatures as those expected from a regime dominated by gluons. Many of
the heavy ion results that will be discussed in this document highlight the kinematic limitations of
hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus collisions. The reliability of using as a reference proton-proton (pp)
and proton-Nucleus(pA) collisions to quantify and disentangle vacuum and Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM)
effects from a Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) may be under question. An selection of relevant pp and pA
results which highlight the need of an EIC will be presented.
Keywords: QGP; EIC; Gluon Saturation; nPDF; DIS; CNM
1. Introduction
Quarks and gluons, collectively called partons, are the fundamental constituents of protons, neutrons,
the atomic nucleus as well as other hadrons. Their interaction is governed by Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD). Understanding QCD and in particular the confinement of quarks and gluons inside hadrons is
one of today’s greatest physics challenges. QCD is the theory of strong interactions and it is expected to
describe building blocks of visible matter and their binding in nuclei. While QCD is a well established
theory, it contains elements that cannot be calculated and rely mostly on experimental input.
As of today,
many fundamental aspects of the theory have not yet been quantified. These aspects include the quantified
contribution of partons (and their interactions) to the proton spin, or the mechanisms that permits us to
transition from point-like to non-point-like physics.
Since the discovery of quarks and gluons and the confirmation that they carried color and spin. QCD
and related sub-fields have continuously given us discoveries. One of which is the Quark Gluon Plasma
(QGP) formation. QGP was the discovery that there was a state of matter in which partons were no
While lattice calculations address these problem directly, results emerging from the lattice typically require large time scales.
The accuracy of the obtained results is largely correlated with the amount of computing power allocated to pursuing these
Universe 2019,xx, 5; doi:10.3390/universexx010005
arXiv:1904.02964v1 [nucl-ex] 5 Apr 2019
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longer confined to the boundaries of a hadron, but rather acted as free particles. Evidence of this new
state of matter was observed in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) with
the discovery of a suppression of high transverse momentum hadrons, also called "jet quenching [
]. Jet
quenching is attributed to a decrease of the energy of the hard partons created during the first stages of a
high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The formation of the QGP is now understood as being responsible for
this loss of energy via interactions with its constituting hot and dense medium. Since its discovery we
have learned many of the interesting properties governing the QGP:
The QGP behaves as a near-ideal Fermi liquid (almost no frictional resistance or viscosity) [2].
The mean free path of partons in the QGP is comparable to inter-particle spacing [3].
Experimental evidence points towards collective motion of particles during the QGP expansion [4].
While more precision measurements are needed, some revealing information has been obtained
regarding the QGP onset [
] as it is illustrated in Fig. 1from the STAR experiment. This figure
illustrates a classic QGP measurement: particle suppression in heavy ion collisions observed via the
central-to-peripheral nuclear modification factor ratio R
, as a function of transverse momentum and
center of mass collision energy per nucleon-nucleon collision (
p(sNN )
). A smooth transition is seen as a
function of
p(sNN )
between enhancement and particle suppression, the latter a signature of the presence
of a QGP.
Figure 1.
Nuclear modification factor (R
) of high-
hadrons produced in central collisions relative to
those produced in peripheral collisions. A QGP onset is observed at collision energies
p(sNN )>
while an enhancement is observed at lower energies [5].
Despite the plethora of information we have obtained regarding the QGP, many questions remain
open. As an example we list: (1) How precisely does the plasma acquire its Fermi like fluid characteristics
(2) What are the processes in which color-charged quarks and gluons and colorless jets interact with a
nuclear medium (3) Is there a smooth transition for the physics involved in small systems to that of large
systems and (4) when does one transition from a regime of partons to a regime in which gluons dominate.
Indeed, recent puzzling results from proton-proton (pp) and proton-ion (pA) collisions seem to insist
we address the above.
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2. A new physics regime
The interaction between partons is usually described as a function of at least two quantities:
the momentum fraction
of the parent nucleon carried by the partons under consideration and the
energy/length scale
at which the interaction between partons is probed. These two quantities allow
one to identify several regimes for QCD, constituting what one calls the QCD landscape and illustrated on
Fig. 2(left). For a given
as we decrease towards smaller values of
the number of partons is increased.
While for a given
and as we decrease towards smaller values of
(reduce the resolution) the size
of partons increase. Now if we vary our kinematics towards small
and small
one enters a regime
characterized by a large number of partons (gluons rather), with overlapping wave functions. This is the
phenomena that is known as gluon saturation.
Figure 2.
Left: The QCD landscape, the horizontal axis
represents the resolution of the probe while the
Y axis (
) is related to the parton density. Figure from [
]. Right: Parton distribution functions in the
proton plotted as functions of Bjorken x. Figure from [7]
For large values of
, the coupling constant
is small and one expects scattering directly from
point-like bare color charges. pQCD can be then used to reliably predict the hard scattering of partons.
For small values of
, in a regime relevant for the description of nucleons and nuclei, one probes longer
length scales making QCD non perturbative and very little is thus calculable. For these small values of
the content of the nucleon in terms of partons is parameterized using parton distribution functions
(PDF) and more recently Generalized Parton Distribution functions (GPD) [
]. Parametrization of PDFs
typically requires experimental input (or direct calculations on the lattice.) For a given value of
decreasing values of
the density of gluons in the nucleon increases very rapidly (see Fig. 2right). Yet for
small enough values of
, and large enough values of
to be considered small, it is expected that
this increase eventually saturates, giving rise to a new regime characterized by weakly-coupled but highly
correlated gluon matter called Color Glass Condensate (CGC).
A variety of recent Large Hadron Collider (LHC) results indicate that small systems such as pp and
pA exhibit signatures typically expected in larger heavy-ion systems (AA collisions) and resulting from
the presence of a QGP. A variety of theories exist which aim at providing explanation to these results some
which include (1) presence of a QGP already in these small systems and (2) universal properties of all
nuclei (small and large) in a gluon saturation regime. The first of these explanations requires a careful
disentangling of the initial state effects. This is not a trivial task since this is usually achieved using these
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same small systems as a reference. The second explanation can be tested -with coarse precision and large
uncertainties- at current colliders. It is clear that a new generation of results such as those that will be
performed at the Electron Ion Collider ( EIC) will be extremely important to help quantify initial state
effects with better precision than what is currently achievable. Furthermore EIC measurements will be
pivotal to precisely pin-down the presence of new physics regimes ie. gluon saturation.
3. The Electron Ion Collider
One of the goals of the lepton-ion (eA) program at an EIC is to unveil the collective behavior of
densely packed gluons under conditions where their self-interactions dominate. With its high luminosity
and detector acceptance, as well as its span of available collision energies and ion species, the EIC will
probe the confined motion as well as the spatial distributions of quarks and gluons inside a nucleus at one
tenth of a femtometer resolution. The EIC will be able to detect soft gluons whose energy in the rest frame
of the nucleus is less than one tenth of the average binding energy needed to hold the nucleons together to
form the nucleus [
]. Thanks to eA collisions with large nuclei, the EIC will reach the saturation regime
faster than with ep collisions at similar cms energies (Fig. 3). This is due to the
and mass number (A)
dependence of the saturation scale Qswhich goes like:
The EIC will investigate the onset of saturation, explore its properties and reveal its dynamical behavior.
It will also provide a kinematically well defined reference to quantify cold nuclear matter effects. For
completeness it is noted that a similar accelerator proposal (LHeC) with complementary kinematic coverage
and physics programe is being evaluated by the European Strategy for Particle Physics [9,10].
Figure 3.
Theoretical expectations for the saturation scale as a function of Bjorken
for the proton along
with Ca and Au nuclei.
is reached at
in e-p collisions at a
while in e-Au
collisions, only
is needed to achieve comparable gluon density and the same saturation scale.
Figure from [7]
The EIC is considered a key component for the future nuclear physics program in the US and as such
is among the key recommendations of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) Long Range
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Plan from 2015. It has further received a positive and encouraging report from the National Academy of
Sciences [11].
3.1. EIC requirements
Large luminosity (1033 1034cm2s1)
Center of mass energy (30-140) GeV
Hadron and electron beams with high longitudinal spin polarization
Ion beams from D to the heaviest sable nuclei
Large detector acceptance, in particular for small angle scattered hadrons
large detector acceptance, in particular for small angle scattered hadrons
Optimized high luminosity and high acceptance running modes
3.2. EIC designs
The eRHIC design is based on an upgrade to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) located at
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York.
New electron injector
5-18 GeV electron energy
Heavy ions up to 100 GeV /u
s: 20-140 GeV
Peak luminosity 0.4x1034 cm2s1/A base design
1.0x1034cm2s1/A with strong cooling
The JLEIC design is based on an upgrade to the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
(CEBAF) located at the Jefferson Laboratory in Virginia.
New hadron injector
New figure eight collider configuration
3-12 GeV electron energy
Heavy ions up to 80 GeV/u that could be upgraded to 160 GeV/u
s: 20-100 GeV that could be upgraded to 140 GeV
average luminosity per run 1034cm2s1/A
Both designs have science cases by themselves which require a robust integration with detector
designs. An ongoing "Generic Detector for an EIC" research and development peer reviewed program is
funded by the United States Department of Energy. Thanks to these funds an active effort exists in which a
variety of detector designs and technologies which meet EIC requirements are being explored and tested.
Two such examples are cited: the BeAST and JELIC detector R&D efforts. See [
] for a complete list of
these programs.
4. Physics at the energy frontier: selection of recent results
A short selection of unexpected heavy ion results measured at the LHC is presented. The presence
of a mini QGP in small hadronic system [
], has been proposed as an explanation. Other physics
mechanisms that do not involve QGP formation have also been proposed including the existence of a
gluon saturation regime [
]. For an interesting review on the subject see [
]. The selection presented
hereafter will highlight the need to better understand small colliding systems if we are to quantify
correctly QGP phenomena. The ep and eA collisions of the EIC will undoubtly contribute to an in-depth
understanding of these observations.
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4.1. QGP onset and strangeness enhancement
Strangeness enhancement was one of the first proposed signatures of the QGP [
] The QGP
expectation was that strange particle yields would be enhanced with respect to their yield in pp collision
and that the enhancement would follow a hierachy based on their strange quark contents, namely that
a particle with three strange quarks would be more enhance than one with two, and even more than a
particle with only one strange quark As predicted, strangeness enhancement was observed in AA collisions
at the SPS, RHIC and the LHC (left and middle panels of Fig. 4) [19].
Figure 4.
Left and middle: Ratio of strange yields in PbPb collisions with respect to pp collisions as a
function of participants. As it is observed in the figure, an enhancement with respect to pp is observed
which is larger for
(sss) than for
(dss) and
(uds). Rightmost: Ratio of strange yields to
in pp, p-Pb a a function of average particle multiplicity. A smooth transition is observed as a function of
particle multiplicity connecting the small (pp) and larger (pPb) systems.
What is unexpected however, is the observation (Fig. 4right) that an enhancement of strange particles
) with respect to non strange yields (ie
) is also visible in the most violent high multiplicity pp
and p-Pb collisions 2.
The mechanisms responsible for the observed enhancement in these small systems might indicate
that such system may not be relied upon to discern cold from hot nuclear effects. While more experimental
insight is needed to interpret the the observed enhancement, it has been proposed that the presence of a
strong gluon field leading to the non-linear regime of gluon saturation [
] may explain these observations.
4.2. Heavy flavor vs Multiplicity
Heavy flavor probes are ideal to test QGP properties. The contribution of the QCD vacuum condensate
to the masses for the three light quark flavors (u, d, s) considerably exceeds the mass believed to be
generated by the Higgs fields. Charm and beauty masses on the other hand, are not expected to be affected
by this QCD vacuum (Fig. 5left) making them ideal probes of the QGP. The mass of the heavy quark itself
provides the hard scale for pQCD calculations. This is in contrast to light quarks which often have to rely
Multiplicity is the number of charged particles in the final state. In pPb and PbPb this quantity is related to the centrality of the
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on the
of the final state hadron. In addition low
production of charmonia at forward rapidity (where
smaller values of xcan be reached) is expected to be sensitive to gluon saturation.
Figure 5.
Left: Masses of the six quark flavors. The masses generated by electroweak symmetry breaking
(current quark masses) are shown in blue; the additional masses of the light quark flavors generated by
spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD (constituent quark masses) are shown in yellow [
]. Right:
Relative J/
production yields as a function of the relative number of charged particles per unit of rapidity.
The blue line corresponds it of a power law function to the data.
Recent results from the ALICE experiment at the LHC show an event activity dependence of inclusive
and D mesons. The relative charmonium production yield as a function of the per-event relative
charged particle multiplicity shows an increase that is faster than linear in pp collisions (Fig. 5right).
Figure 6(middle) shows a similar measurement performed in pPb collisions a negative (Pb-going
side), mid and forward rapidity (p-going side). The positive rapidity measurement corresponds to small
values (
) , a range in which gluon saturation may be present. The observation of similar charged
particle multiplicity dependence (Fig. 6left) for both open and hidden charm points that hadronization
may be of lesser importance.
Figure 6.
Left: average inclusive
(closed black and open blue markers), D meson (red closed markers)
dependence on charged particle multiplicity in pp collisions and central rapidity. Middle: inclusive forward
and backward rapidity
’s dependence on charged particle multiplicity in p-Pb collisions [
]. Right:
CGC comparisons [15] to recent J/ψmultiplicity results in pp collisions.
One plausible physics explanation for the previous results is the existence of a gluon saturation regime
as it has been discussed in the introduction of this document. In Fig. 6(right) a CCG [
] which includes
Universe 2019,xx, 5 8 of 15
gluon saturation effects is compared to ALICE measurements in pp collisions. The calculation describes
the data.
4.3. Hydrodynamic flow
One of the properties of the QGP is that it behaves like a perfect fluid with nearly zero viscosity. This
near zero viscosity has been quantified by the correlated momentum anisotropies among the particles
produced in the heavy collisions which result from a common velocity field pattern. This pattern is now
identified as collective flow [
]. Among the flow phenomena, two types are highlighted in this document:
(1) Radial flow which typically affects the shape of low
spectra and (2) Elliptic Flow
: which is the
second coefficient of the Fourier decomposition of particle’s momentum azimuthal distributions. This
decomposition quantifies the anisotropic particle density which emerges from two nuclei interacting in
semi central collisions. A non zero
implies early thermalization of the medium and it is considered a
signature of the QGP.
Baryon to meson ratios obtained in Pb-Pb collisions as shown in Fig. 7illustrates the effect of radial
flow. Radial flow will push hadrons from low
towards intermediate
. The effect is expected
to be stronger for baryons than for mesons, resulting in a bump in the baryon-to-meson ratio (here
proton-to-pions), which depends on the centrality of the collision. Until recently, this was well understood
in heavy-ion collisions. What is unexpected however, is the observation of a similar effect in pp and pPb
collisions as shown in Fig. 8. The results would naively imply that thermalization is occurring already in
these small systems.
Figure 7.
Proton to pion ratio in PbPb collisions as a function of
at two
and six centrality classes.
Universe 2019,xx, 5 9 of 15
Figure 8.
Proton to pion ratio as a function of
in pp (left), pPb (middle) and PbPb (right) collisions. The
measurements are classified as a function of charged particle multiplicity.
Light meson flow
results in PbPb and reported by the ALICE collaboration are shown in Fig. 9(top
figures). At low
, as it is the case for many other flow results, the trend is understood as being consistent
with a collective expansion within the QGP and has been successfully explained by hydrodynamic
models [
]. At high
constituent quark number scaling takes over (dressed quarks), all mesons fall
together and baryons climb above by
3. What is intriguing on the other hand is that similar signatures
are observed in pPb (Fig. 9bottom and Fig. 10 ) and pp collisions (Fig. 10 bottom right ). Effects than
can cause the current observations are either due to initial state effects (saturation), or final state effects
(expansion and/or thermal equilibrium). More recently, quantum entanglement has been suggested as
a possible explanation [
] and well as double parton scattering coupled with the elliptic gluon Wigner
distributions [
]. This phenomena could be elucidated with a variety of probes at the EIC’s lepton-nucleon
program, including diffractive measurements of dijet production.
Universe 2019,xx, 5 10 of 15
Figure 9.
Top figures: elliptic flow
in PbPb collisions as a function of
in two centrality classes and
four particle species. Bottom figure: Elliptic flow v2in pPb collsions.
Figure 10.
Left panel:
flow as a function of
of charm and strange hadrons in high-multiplicity pPb
collisions at
spA =
(CMS Collaboration [
]). Right panel:
as a function of
in pp collisions
at s=13TeV (ATLAS Collaboration [27].)
4.4. Nuclear modification factor and energy loss in the medium
The nuclear modification factor
is an observable used to quantify the effect of the nuclear
medium on particle production.
consists of measuring invariant spectra as a function of p
Universe 2019,xx, 5 11 of 15
particles produced in heavy ion collisions and compared to reference data (pp) at the same energy and
scaled by the number of binary collisions. RAA is defined as:
scaled pp =d2NAA/d pTdy
<Ncoll >d2Npp/dpTdy
Values greater than unity would be an indication of production enhancement, while values less than unity
will indicate particle suppression in the QGP.
While partons are expected to loose energy when propagating through the dense QGP medium it is
also expected that the amount of energy loss will depend on the parton type and the medium properties.
A large number of results such as those in Fig. 11 indicate that the amount of suppression observed in
heavy ion collisions is irrelevant of particle mass (or quark content) at high enough pT.
Figure 11.
Left: Prompt D-meson R
as a function of p
compared to the nuclear modification factors of
charged pions and charged particles in the 0-10% centrality class [
]. Right: R
of neutral and charged
pions, kaons and eta meson [29]
results could largely benefit from independent measurements at the EIC. Measurements such as
those illustrated in Fig. 12 will study the response of the nuclear medium to a fast moving quark [
] and
allow proper understanding of hadronization mechanisms.
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Figure 12. Left:
Hadronization schematic illustrating the interaction of a parton moving through cold
nuclear matter: the hadron is formed outside (top) or inside (bottom) the nucleus.
Ratio of
semi-inclusive cross section for producing a pion (red) composed of light quarks, and a D0 meson (blue)
composed of heavy quarks in e-Lead collisions to e-deuteron collisions, plotted as function of z, the ratio of
the momentum carried by the produced hadron to that of the virtual photon (
), as shown in the plots on
the left. Figures and descriptions taken from [7]
4.5. Nuclear parton distribution functions
Finally, a careful evaluation of initial state effects such as nuclear modifications of Parton Distribution
Functions (nPDFs) is also needed in order to correctly quantify hot nuclear effects present.
nPDFs refers to the difference observed between nuclear (bound nucleons) PDFs and and free nucleons
PDFs (proton, neutron). The nuclear modification of PDFs is due to the interactions between partons from
different nucleons. As such, precise measurements of nPDFs are essential in order to understand cold
nuclear matter effects that may be convoluted with current heavy ion results. Fig. 13 illustrates (in grey)
the uncertainty of gluons distributions in the lead nucleus which is rather large at both low and high
Measurements that aim at at improving the precision on nPDF are proposed key measurements of the
EIC [6].
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Figure 13. Left:
The ratio R
, from EPPS16
, of gluon distributions in a lead nucleus relative to the
proton, for two different momentum transfers Q
possible at the EIC. The grey band represents the current
theoretical uncertainty. The orange (blue hatched) band includes the EIC simulated inclusive (charm quark)
reduced cross-section data. The lower panel in each plot shows the reduction factor in the uncertainty with
respect to the baseline fit. Figures and details taken from [6]
5. Conclusions
QCD studies have given us decades of discoveries. Many open questions remain on how does
the transition from a small system to a dense system takes place: this information is needed to fully
understand the properties of the QGP. The current document has given a selection of results that may be
better understood and quantified with a new generation of lepton-nucleon experiments at the EIC.
The author thanks the Center for Frontiers on Nuclear Science for funding support which enabled
promoting the topics outlined in this document.
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Simple power counting arguments in the dilute-dense framework of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) Effective Field Theory predict that even and odd azimuthal anisotropy harmonics of two-particle correlations in proton–nucleus collisions at the LHC will respectively satisfy v2n²{2}∝Nch⁰ and v2n+1²{2}∝Nch, where Nch denotes the number of charged particles. We show that these expectations are borne out qualitatively, and even quantitatively, within systematic uncertainties, for v2 and v4 in comparisons with data from the ATLAS collaboration. We also observe that ATLAS data for the v3 azimuthal harmonic are in excellent agreement with our qualitative expectation; quantitative comparisons are numerically challenging at present. The lessons from this study fully complement those gained by the recent comparison of the CGC dilute-dense framework [1] to data from the PHENIX collaboration on small system collisions at RHIC.
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Neutral pion and η meson production in the transverse momentum range 1 <pT< 20 GeV/c have been measured at midrapidity by the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in central and semicentral Pb-Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV. These results were obtained using the photon conversion method as well as the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) and Electromagnetic Calorimeter detectors. The results extend the upper pT reach of the previous ALICE π0 measurements from 12 to 20 GeV/c and present the first measurement of η meson production in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. The η/π0 ratio is similar for the two centralities and reaches at high pT a plateau value of 0.457 ± 0.013stat ± 0.018syst. A suppression of similar magnitude for π0 and η meson production is observed in Pb-Pb collisions with respect to their production in pp collisions scaled by the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. We discuss the results in terms of Next to Leading Order (NLO) pQCD predictions and hydrodynamic models. The measurements show a stronger suppression than observed at lower center-of-mass energies in the pT range 6 <pT< 10 GeV/c. For pT< 3 GeV/c, hadronization models describe the π0 results while for the η some tension is observed.
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The possibility of quantum entanglement leading to a seemingly thermal distribution of the initial partonic state that maps to the final hadronic state in the evolution of the deconfined phase generated in relativistic heavy ion collisions is discussed in the context of early thermalization and final state particle distributions obtained in experiments at RHIC and the LHC.
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Heavy flavor measurements in high multiplicity proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions at collider energies enable unique insights into their production and hadronization mechanism because experimental and theoretical uncertainties cancel in ratios of their cross-sections relative to minimum bias events. We explore such event engineering using the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective field theory to compute short distance charmonium cross-sections. The CGC is combined with heavy-quark fragmentation functions to compute $D$-meson cross-sections; for the $J/\psi$, hadronization is described employing Nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) and an Improved Color Evaporation model. Excellent agreement is found between the CGC computations and the LHC heavy flavor data in high multiplicity events. Event engineering of the contributions of different quarkonium intermediate states in the CGC+NRQCD framework reveals that $J/\psi$ hadronization in rare events is dominated by fragmentation of the $^3S_1^{[8]}$ state.
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We provide an assessment of the energy dependence of key measurements within the scope of the machine parameters for a U.S. based Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) outlined in the EIC White Paper. We first examine the importance of the physics underlying these measurements in the context of the outstanding questions in nuclear science. We then demonstrate, through detailed simulations of the measurements, that the likelihood of transformational scientific insights is greatly enhanced by making the energy range and reach of the EIC as large as practically feasible.
The elliptic azimuthal anisotropy coefficient (v2) is measured for charm (D^0) and strange (K^0_S, Λ, Ξ−, and Ω−) hadrons, using a data sample of p + Pb collisions collected by the CMS experiment, at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of √s_(NN)= 8.16 TeV. A significant positive v2 signal from long-range azimuthal correlations is observed for all particle species in high-multiplicity p + Pb collisions. The measurement represents the first observation of possible long-range collectivity for open heavy flavor hadrons in small systems. The results suggest that charm quarks have a smaller v_2 than the lighter quarks, probably reflecting a weaker collective behavior. This effect is not seen in the larger PbPb collision system at √s_(NN)= 5.02 TeV, also presented.
We report measurements of the nuclear modification factor RCP for charged hadrons as well as identified π+(−), K+(−), and p(p¯) for Au+Au collision energies of sNN=7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV. We observe a clear high-pT net suppression in central collisions at 62.4 GeV for charged hadrons which evolves smoothly to a large net enhancement at lower energies. This trend is driven by the evolution of the pion spectra but is also very similar for the kaon spectra. While the magnitude of the proton RCP at high pT does depend on the collision energy, neither the proton nor the antiproton RCP at high pT exhibit net suppression at any energy. A study of how the binary collision-scaled high-pT yield evolves with centrality reveals a nonmonotonic shape that is consistent with the idea that jet quenching is increasing faster than the combined phenomena that lead to enhancement.
For nearly a decade, Guido Altarelli accompanied the Large Hadron electron Collider project, as invited speaker, referee and member of the International Advisory Committee. This text summarises the status and prospects of the development of the LHeC, with admiration for a one-time scientist and singular leader whom I met first nearly 40 years ago under the sun shining for the "Herceg Novi School" in Kupari, where we both lectured about the beautiful science of Deep Inelastic Scattering and enjoyed life under a yellow moon.
We report measurements of the inclusive J/ψ yield and average transverse momentum as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dNch/dη in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The observables are normalised to their corresponding averages in non-single diffractive events. An increase of the normalised J/ψ yield with normalised dNch/dη, measured at mid-rapidity, is observed at mid-rapidity and backward rapidity. At forward rapidity, a saturation of the relative yield is observed for high charged-particle multiplicities. The normalised average transverse momentum at forward and backward rapidities increases with multiplicity at low multiplicities and saturates beyond moderate multiplicities. In addition, the forward-to-backward nuclear modification factor ratio is also reported, showing an increasing suppression of J/ψ production at forward rapidity with respect to backward rapidity for increasing charged-particle multiplicity.