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Effect of double leg bound exercise on explosive capability of leg muscle power in the UnmuS volleyball men's team



The study aimed to determine the effect of double leg bound training on the explosive ability of limb muscle power on the unmus volleyball men's team. The type of this research is the type of experimental research with this type of research design is the preetest posttest one group design. The population of this study was the Unmus men's volleyball team, which numbered 20 people. The sample of this study was 20 people using a total sampling technique. Explosive Power of leg muscles was measured by vertical jump test with pretest before and poststest after giving training, then the data were analyzed by independent t-test at a significance level (a) of 0.05 with the help of SPSS 22 program. Based on the results of the t test conducted with the SPPS program 22 produces tcount of 3.536 with t table 1.729 at a significant level of 0.05. Means t count> t table, thus the formulation of the hypothesis is that there is the Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercises on the ability of Explosive Power of Leg Muscles in the Unmus Volleyball Men's Team. From the results of the study, it was concluded that there was a significant effect between double leg bound training on the explosive ability of limb muscle power on the unmus men's volleyball team. For sports coaches, especially the coach of the Unmus volleyball team can use the method of double leg bound training as one type of exercise to increase the ability of the leg muscles in addition to other types of plyometric exercises. For penjasorkes teachers and athletes and sports people, it is recommended to do double leg bound training because it can increase jumps. 1453
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 02, February 2019, pp.14531460, Article ID: IJMET_10_02_151
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed
Hendra Jondry Hiskya and Carolus Wasa
Department of Health and Recreation Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia
The study aimed to determine the effect of double leg bound training on the explosive
ability of limb muscle power on the unmus volleyball men's team. The type of this research
is the type of experimental research with this type of research design is the preetest
posttest one group design. The population of this study was the Unmus men's volleyball
team, which numbered 20 people. The sample of this study was 20 people using a total
sampling technique. Explosive Power of leg muscles was measured by vertical jump test
with pretest before and poststest after giving training, then the data were analyzed by
independent t-test at a significance level (a) of 0.05 with the help of SPSS 22 program.
Based on the results of the t test conducted with the SPPS program 22 produces tcount of
3.536 with t table 1.729 at a significant level of 0.05. Means t count> t table, thus the
formulation of the hypothesis is that there is the Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercises on
the ability of Explosive Power of Leg Muscles in the Unmus Volleyball Men's Team. From
the results of the study, it was concluded that there was a significant effect between double
leg bound training on the explosive ability of limb muscle power on the unmus men's
volleyball team. For sports coaches, especially the coach of the Unmus volleyball team
can use the method of double leg bound training as one type of exercise to increase the
ability of the leg muscles in addition to other types of plyometric exercises. For
penjasorkes teachers and athletes and sports people, it is recommended to do double leg
bound training because it can increase jumps.
Keywords: Exercise, Double Leg Bound, Eksplosif Power, Vertikal Jump
Cite this Article: Hendra Jondry Hiskya and Carolus Wasa, Effect of Double Leg Bound
Exercise on Explosive Capability of Leg Muscle Power in the Unmus Volleyball Men's
Team, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(02), 2019,
pp. 14531460
Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercise on Explosive Capability of Leg Muscle Power in the
Unmus Volleyball Men's Team 1454
Exercise is a form of movement to carry out and process the body and to have an effect on the
body as a whole. Exercising is very helpful and stimulates the muscles and other body parts to be
able to move freely. With the very importance of exercising for the body, our bodies will be
trained to keep moving / working.
Likewise, with our bodies lacking in exercise, if we lack movement, the body will become
problematic and unhealthy. By exercising also not only muscles are trained, blood circulation and
oxygen in the body becomes smooth so that the body's metabolism becomes optimal. The body
will feel fresh and the brain as a nerve center will work better. Therefore, our bodies need to be
given structured training.
Achievements achieved by an athlete are not just a coincidence, but because they have gone
through several stages of training. In the world of sports achievement, one of them is volleyball,
the process of training is a unique and risky activity, because the object of training is humans
which is a totality of complex psycho-physical systems and unstable human conditions.
One sport that needs to be considered is volleyball. Volleyball is a complex game that is not
easy for everyone to do. Because, in the game of volleyball it takes motion coordination that
really can be relied upon to do all the movements that are in the game of volleyball (Ahmadi,
2007: 20).
From the results of observations, it was found that unmus male volleyball players have not
been able to jump properly. Errors that often occur when a smash ball can be done whether it's a
smash open or other type of smash is not maximized so the ball often bounces on the net and the
ball often comes out on the line and makes the team lose important points. This lack of vertical
jump athletes' ability makes one of the weaknesses of the team. Based on these facts the
researchers wanted to conduct a study on "The Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercises on
Explosive Capability of Leg Muscle Power in the Unmus Volleyball Men's Team". The
formulation of the problem taken from this research is is there any effect of the Double Leg Bound
Exercise on Explosive Ability in the Power of Leg Muscles in the Unmus Volleyball Men's
Exercise is a process that is carried out consciously to carry out physical activities with the
aim of improving systematic achievements carried out throughout the year with the right methods
and clear targets (Hidayat, 2014: 2). Furthermore, according to Hidayat (2014: 3) the general
objectives of the exercise include:
a) Multilateral physical
b) Physical specifically in accordance with sports
c) Sports technique
d) Tactics / strategies needed
e) Quality of competition readiness
f) Optimal preparation for team sports
g) Health condition of athletes
h) Knowledge of athletes
In carrying out the process of developing good sports performance must have the ability and
willingness that can improve good training activities. The process of sports training is a process
that is followed by athletes and guided by trainers who are supported by facilities and
infrastructure (Hidayat, 2014: 2).
In volleyball games to be able to obtain maximum achievement there are also many
influencing factors namely strength, agility, reaction speed, and flexibility, besides mastering the
Hendra Jondry Hiskya and Carolus Wasa 1455
basic techniques of volleyball playing is one of the elements that determine the team's win or lose
the match besides the elements of physical, tactical and mental conditions. While the technique
is a way to do or implement something to achieve certain goals efficiently and effectively
(Muhajir, 2003: 19). Likewise in volleyball that technique is a way to play the ball efficiently and
effectively in accordance with the rules of the applicable volleyball game to achieve optimal
According to Anggun in Bompa (1994: 19) that Plyometrics is one exercise that has a special
characteristic that is strong muscle contraction so that it is a response to dynamic loading or rapid
stimulation of visible muscles. Whereas according to Marwanto (2013: 4) explained that
plyometric training is a training method to increase muscle explosive power in the form of a
combination of isometric and isotonic (eccentric-concentric) exercises that use dynamic loading.
According to Hanafi (2010: 5) explains that pliometric training is a training method for
developing explosive power, an important component for most muscle appearance.
One of the physical components that really helps athletes to play volleyball well is the power
of the limbs. The limbs are the lower limbs covering the limbs and pelvis and the joints and
muscles. The legs are formed by the upper bones or thighs (os femoris / femur), while the lower
limbs consist of the shin (os Tibia) and calves and leg bones, while the pelvic bracelet is formed
by coksea with the sacrum bone, there are two joints in the pelvic bracelet, namely: hip joints and
joints of the genitals, the pelvic bracelet has a strong relationship with the trunk of the body
according to its physiology as a tool that must accept weight and pass it on to both legs only in
this study the legs must have good strength in order to defend themselves. The limbs are the same
as the legs starting from the groin down to the soles of the feet, which are the lower limbs, the
entire leg is added to the pelvis.
The knee is the largest joint of the human body and although relatively strong, it is usually
prone to injury due to the complex physical arrangement of the knee because it often experiences
excessive pressure during physical activities such as volleyball. When making a jumping leg,
bend it can make a higher jump with the help of repulsion from the bottom that uses the base as
a foothold. Furthermore, according to Giriwijoyo (2012: 234), said that the physical endurance
of athletes must be maintained so that fatigue does not occur. According to him physical
endurance consists of:
1. Biological physical resistance:
Physical / physical abilities to fight and overcome various environmental threats that
tend to cause physical damage or diseases both infectious and non-infectious.
2. Functional physical resistance:
Physical / physical abilities to fight and overcome physical / physical burdens or tasks
that will cause fatigue.
Strength is very important for all sports that require strength to jump for both male and female
athletes. Muscle fibers that are in the muscle will give a response or response when getting a
burden or prisoner in training. In volleyball the aim is to make a leap at the time of the smash and
to achieve that goal it takes strength, speed and explosive power to move the limbs upwards in
order to hit the ball into the opponent's area. We know that almost all of the movements in
volleyball play involve all the means of motion, both active (muscle) and passive (bone) and the
most influential in carrying out all the movements are the limbs. Legs have a huge effect on
achievement or repulsion results.
The development of the quality of strength that is carried out must issue a maximum or almost
maximum effort to hold or lift existing loads. Similarly, the load given must increase little by
little so that the quality of the muscles can develop properly. A person's ability to make a leap
Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercise on Explosive Capability of Leg Muscle Power in the
Unmus Volleyball Men's Team 1456
depends on the strength of the muscle that has been given definite training. When making a leap
by using a large pressure through the legs then the muscles that will contract are also great.
The strength of the leg muscles in this study is to carry out a repulsion upward by using very
large power. The most successful and most popular way to increase strength is by resistance
exercise or prisoner exercises, meaning exercise lifting, pushing or pulling a load, both the load
itself and other weights from the outside (external resistance).
The training load intended here is to provide a Double Leg Bound training load. This is done
so that you can see the strength of the muscle when making a leap. The development of the quality
of strength that is carried out must issue a maximum or almost maximum effort to hold or lift
existing loads. Similarly, the load given must increase little by little so that the quality of the
muscles can develop properly. In the weight training program should be very specific. However,
it must be considered the ability and pattern of motion that it produces, the training process using
the load should also be associated with special motor improvement exercises. In other words, that
weight training to get to increase muscle strength, should be given an exercise program to go to
each sport's obstruction.
To do this type of exercise using double leg bound this is a form of exercise by jumping
forward and upwards, using the ability of hip extension and arm movements for forward pushing
movements. For this type of exercise athletes must try to reach a higher height and distance with
an upright body position. If after landing, the position must return to the beginning before making
a move. After that, go back to doing the next move. The development of better technical elements
to strengthen the leg muscle strength that will be used for support when making leaps, besides
that double leg bound exercises also tend to resemble movements when floating in the air. Thus,
the athlete is required to be able to make a good leap forward.
Vertical jump is a person's ability to jump straight up and not use the prefix. Vertical jumps
can also be interpreted as jumping as high as possible by focusing on the strength of the leg
muscles to reach the maximum jump straight up. This vertical jump is usually used by several
sports such as volleyball, basketball, and other sports with the aim of having the explosive power
of the leg muscles so that the jumping ability can be carried out as much as possible.
The vertical jump in a volleyball game is to attack your opponent and avoid blocks from your
opponent. Players must make a vertical jump so that the jump is higher and can hit the ball at the
highest point, especially the position of the quiker (fast ball) because this position usually does
not have much prefix so the vertical jump ability must be good and perfect.
In a volleyball game to make a good leap at the time of the smash must be with sufficient
estimates and abilities. Therefore, a volleyball player must practice jumping skills by doing a
vertical jump test in order to know the highest jump rate.
This type of research is an experiment with this type of research design is a pre-test posttest one
group design that begins with a vertical jump preetest. (Ismaryati, 2008: 60-61). After that the
training program was given for 16 meetings. Thus, after the training program is given, the vertical
jump post is conducted. (Ismaryati, 2008: 60-61). For more details, can be seen in the design as
O1 X O2
O1 : Preetest
X : Training given
Hendra Jondry Hiskya and Carolus Wasa 1457
O2 : Posstest
The population in this study was the Unmus Men's Volleyball Team totaling 20. Whereas,
the sampling technique in this study was to take the entire population into samples (total
sampling). Total sampling technique is a sampling technique if all members of the population are
used as samples (Sugiyono, 2015: 67). Based on the determination of the sample above, a sample
of 20 Unmus Men's Volleyball Teams was obtained. The research site is located on the Unmus
volleyball court. The desired data in this study was carried out two tests, namely the preetest
Vertical Jump test before doing a double leg bound exercise and after that did the final test
(posstest) Vertical Jump test for 16 meetings. The data analysis technique used for this study was
using the SPSS version 22 program.
The results of this study are intended to be able to determine whether there is an effect of Double
Leg Bound training on the ability of vertical jump leg muscles in the Unmus Men's Volleyball
Team. To find out the description of the results of the preetest and posttest Vertical Jump data on
the Unmus Men's Volleyball Team can be described as follows:
3.1. Preetest vertikal jump
After a vertical jump test before being given a Double Leg Bound training, thus the results of the
Preestest Vertical Jump data of the Unmus Putra Volleyball Team obtained a minimum value of
50, a maximum value of 68, an average of 57.05, a median value of 56, range is 18, variance
value is 23.418.
Valid N
Then the data that we do, then presented in the distribution so that we know the value of the
frequency of each pretest vertical jump data.
Preetest Vertical Jump frequency distribution
Relative (%)
45 - 50
51 - 55
56 - 60
61 - 65
66 - 70
Dengan melihat hasil distribusi frekuensi yang dilakukan, dari 20 sampel ternyata 1 orang
mendapat nilai vertical jump dengan rentang nilai 45-50, kemudian 8 orang sampel mendapat
nilai vertical jump dengan rentang nilai 51-55, 5 orang mendapat nilai vertical jump dengan
rentang nilai 56-60, 5 orang sampel mendapatkan nilai vertical jump dengan rentang nilai 61-65
dan 1 orang sampel mendapatkan nilai vertical jump dengan rentang nilai 66-70.
3.2. Posstest vertikal jump
Thus, when a vertical jump test is performed after a double leg bound exercise is given, thus the
results of the preliminary data Vertical Jump for the Unmus Putra Volleyball Team obtained a
Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercise on Explosive Capability of Leg Muscle Power in the
Unmus Volleyball Men's Team 1458
minimum value of 59, a maximum value of 79, an average of 66.90, a range of 20 variance value
of 28.832.
Valid N
Then the data that we do, then presented in the distribution so that we know the value of the
frequency of each poststest vertical jump data.
Posstest Vertical Jump frequency distribution
Relative (%)
55 - 60
61 - 65
66 - 70
71 - 75
76 - 80
By looking at the results of the frequency distribution carried out, out of 20 samples it turned
out that 3 people got vertical jump values with a range of values from 55 to 60, then 8 samples
received vertical jump values with a range of 61-65, 6 people received vertical jump values with
a value of 66 -70, 1 sample gets the vertical jump value with a range of values 71-75, and 2
samples get the value of vertical jump with a value range of 76-80.
3.3. Test the normality of data
Based on the results of normality test data with SPSS 22 testing, it was found that the results of
the study were double leg bound training on the results of vertical jump can be seen in the
following table:
From the table above, it can be concluded that the results of the preetest vertical jump after
the calculation is done, the significance value of 0.050 is greater than 0.05 (0.050> 0.05) so that
the data we test is normally distributed. Whereas the results of the poststest vertical jump after
being given an exercise with a large value yield a significance value of 0.200 greater than 0.200
(0.200> 0.05) so that the data we test is normally distributed. Then it can be concluded that the
spread of data from the preetest and posttest vertical jumps is normally distributed.
3.4. Uji Hipotesis
The hypothesis tested in this study is the Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercise on Explosive
Ability of Leg Muscle Power in the Unmus Volleyball Men's Team. The data obtained were then
analyzed descriptively, then the next research hypothesis testing was carried out in accordance
with the problem, namely "there is an influence on the double leg bound exercise on the explosive
ability of limb muscle power. The assumptions put forward in this study if:
1. H0 : there is no significant effect of double leg bound training on the explosive ability
of limb muscle power.
Hendra Jondry Hiskya and Carolus Wasa 1459
2. H1 : there is a significant effect of double leg bound training on the explosive ability
of limb muscle power.
a. Dependent Variable: Preetest
Based on the results of the t test performed with the SPPS 22 program produces tcount of
3.536 with ttable 1.729 at a significant level of 0.05. Means t count> t table, thus the formulation
of the hypothesis is that there is a Effect of Double Leg Bound Exercise on the ability of Explosive
Power of Leg Muscles in the Unmus Volleyball Men's Team.
From the results of the research and discussion, it was concluded that there was a significant
effect between double leg bound training on the explosive ability of limb muscle power on the
unmus men's volleyball team.
For sports coaches, especially the coach of the Unmus volleyball team can use the method of
double leg bound training as one type of exercise to increase the ability of the leg muscles in
addition to other types of plyometric exercises. For penjasorkes teachers and athletes and sports
people, it is recommended to do double leg bound training because it can increase jumps.
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... Jumping ability is also crucial as it facilitates attacking the opponent's territory to earn points [17]. Therefore, the improvement of jumping ability in volleyball necessitates employing various training methods such as plyometric training, resistance training, and traditional training [27][28][29][30]. Based on the aforementioned research, it is evident that multiple factors must be considered to enhance players' abilities in the game of volleyball. ...
... It is apparent that plyometric exercises can increase jump height in volleyball smashes [29,34]. Moreover, the ability to jump in volleyball smashes is closely linked to speed and strength [28]. Thus, plyometric training is highly efficient due to its capacity to enhance strength, speed, and balance [33]. ...
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Background. Smash is synonymous with powerful punches and swift dives. Accuracy stands as the primary factor that holds significant importance. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the independent variables, namely explosive power, elbow angle, and jump height, and the dependent variable, which is smash accuracy. Methods. Descriptive research design with correlational methods. This research involved a group of 15 male student athletes, whose age (M ± SD = 21.27 ± 1.163 years) and height (M ± SD = 167.67 ± 1.877 cm) were recorded. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, with certain criteria. Prerequisite tests such as normality test and linearity test were conducted, followed by hypothesis testing. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26.0. The results. The results demonstrate a significant and simultaneous asscosiation between the independent variable and the dependent variable, as indicated by the observed significance value of 0.015 <0.05. The data output reveals a simultaneous correlation coefficient of R = 0.776, with a determination coefficient of Rsquare = 0.601, indicating that 60.1% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variables. The remaining 39.9% is attributed to and explained by factors other than the independent variables. Conclusions. The findings and discussion of the research demonstrate a noteworthy association between explosive power, elbow angle, and jump height, and the accuracy of smashes in volleyball. As a result, this study presents substantial evidence supporting the significant contributions of explosive power, elbow angle, and jump height to smash accuracy.
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... Leg muscle power is the power to use maximum strength used in the shortest possible time (Alcazar, et al., 2020). Leg muscle explosive power is the ability of leg muscles to overcome or fight loads with maximum effort in carrying out certain activities (Hiskya & Wasa, 2019). The meaning of leg power in this study is the power of the physical condition components contained in the lower limbs, which consist of thighs, calves, to the tip of the foot. ...
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This study aims to determine: (1) The relationship between speed and dribbling ability. (2) The relationship between agility and dribbling ability. (3) The relationship between limb power and dribbling ability. (4) The relationship between eye-foot coordination with dribbling ability. (5) The relationship between speed, agility, leg power, and eye-foot coordination on the dribbling ability of Bali United football players in 2021. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study were 32 Bali United 2021 football players. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The speed instrument is measured by the 50 meter running test with units of seconds, agility is measured using the Illinois Agility Test with units of seconds, leg power is measured using the vertical jump test with units of centimeters, and dribbling ability is measured by the Short Dribbling Test test in units of seconds. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) There is a significant relationship between speed and dribbling ability. (2) There is a significant relationship between agility and dribbling ability. (3) There is a significant relationship between limb power and dribbling ability. (4) There is a significant relationship between eyefoot coordination and dribbling ability. (5) There is a significant relationship between speed, agility, leg power, and eye-foot coordination on the dribbling ability of Bali United football players in 2021.
... Kekuatan Otot Tungkai adalah gabungan dari kekuatan otot paha dan tungkai paha saat berkontraksi dan rilaksasi. Kekuatan sangat penting untuk semua cabang olahraga yang membutuhkan kekuatan untuk melompat ataupun menendang (Hiskya & Wasa, 2019). Kekuatan otot tungkai merupakan keterampilan otot tungkai untuk menahan beban dalam melakukan suatu aktivitas gerak atau kerja, tanpa kekuatan otot tungkai yang baik orang tidak bisa berlari dengan cepat, melompat serta melakukan tendangan termasuk shooting dalam cabang futsal. ...
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interelasi antara daya ledak otot tungkai dan koordinasi mata kaki dengan akurasi shooting. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh atlet Tamar Futsal Kota Pariaman yang berjumlah 30 orang atlet. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, maka jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 20 orang atlet putra. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) standing broad jump test, 2) tes koordinasi mata kaki, dan 3) tes kemampuan akurasi shooting. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analis korelasi sederhana atau product momen dan korelasi berganda, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis signifikansi dengan uji t dan uji F. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Terdapat interelasi antara daya ledak otot tungkai dengan akurasi shooting atlet Tamar Futsal Kota Pariaman dengan thitung 2,44 > ttabel 1,73 2) Terdapat interelasi antara koordinasi mata kaki dengan akurasi shooting atlet Tamar Futsal Kota Pariaman dengan thitung 2,54 > ttabel 1,73, 3) Terdapat interelasi antara daya ledak otot tungkai dan koordinasi mata kaki secara bersama-sama dengan akurasi shooting atlet Tamar Futsal Kota Pariaman dengan Fhitung 5,22 > Ftabel 3,59.
... Arm muscle strength is the driving force of the arm's continued movements which makes the result of a stronger stroke (Hiskya & Wasa, 2019). A hard and fast smash is very effective in attacking opponents to get points (Lisdiantoro, 2016). ...
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The problem in this study originated from the low ability of the Smash of the men’s volleyball players in the Palembang City MBVC Club, such as Smash not being on target, leaving the field and blocked. The low ability of Smash is influenced by several exogenous factors, including Arm muscle power and Confidence in Smash ability, and. This research is quantitative with a path analysis approach. The population in this study were all male volleyball players from the Palembang City MBVC Club, amounting to 20 people. Sampling uses a saturated sampling technique, so it samples all populations. The arm muscle instrument uses One Hand Medicine Ball Put, uses a Likert scale model questionnaire and Smash ability with the Smash test. The results showed that, (1) there was a direct effect of arm muscle power on the ability of Shash, with py1 = 0.386 or 14.90% (2) there was a direct trust effect on Shash ability,, with py2 = 0.382 or 14.59% (3) There is an indirect effect of arm muscle power on the ability of Smash through self confidence, with py21 = 0.1574 or 15.74%.
... Arm muscle strength is the driving force of the arm's continued movements which makes the result of a stronger stroke (Hiskya & Wasa, 2019). A hard and fast smash is very effective in attacking opponents to get points (Lisdiantoro, 2016). ...
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One of the learning problems that often occurs, especially in universities, is to postpone all activities related to academics or better known as academic procrastination. During the lecture process, it was found that many students were identified as conducting academic procrastination, like procrastinating on assignments from lecturers, delaying learning, etc., which would ultimately affect not only the learning outcomes, but also on student morale. One of the direct consequences of academic procrastination is the lack of honesty in working on academic assignments, which of course needs to be typically prevented. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of information services by using Role-Playing in an effort to prevent academic procrastination in college students. This study used one group pretest-posttest design. Based on the research that has been done, it was found that information services by using Role-Playing effectively in reducing academic procrastination for college students.
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Purpose study. This study aims to find out the difference between serving for volleyball from behind position one, serving from behind position six, and serving from behind position five for UKM Volleyball UNMUS players, also to find out which is more effective between serving from behind position one. serving from behind position six, and serving from position five on top serving ability. Materials and methods. The subjects of this study were 21 UNMUS volleyball players. Data collection uses tests, with instruments in the form of service accuracy tests carried out from the right, left and center positions. The t-value for service accuracy between the right position and the left position is 0.225 and the calculated significant value (Sig) is 0.824. The t value for service accuracy between the right position and the middle position is 0.846 and the calculated significant value (Sig) is 0.407. The t value for service accuracy between the left position and the middle position is 1.091 and the calculated significant value (Sig) is 0.288. The data analysis technique uses ANOVA analysis and t-test through the prerequisite test for normality and homogeneity. Results. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the accuracy of the top serve from different positions, namely from the right, left and center positions. In detail, there is no significant difference in the accuracy of services performed from the right and left positions, the accuracy of services performed from the right and center positions, the accuracy of services performed from the left and center positions. Conclusions. Research results conclude that No There is significant difference accuracy service performed from position left and position in the middle of UKM Musamus Merauke University Volleyball players.
Pada dasarnya Olahraga adalah suatu bentuk dari aktivitas yang memiliki tujuan tertentu. Dalam seluruh cabang olahraga yang harus terus diperhatikan oleh pemerintah adalah bola voli. Kemampuan kekuatan otot sangat tergantung dengan tahanan yang diberikan oleh otot yang diberi beban tersebut. Jenis dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional. Instrument pengumpulan data menggunakan tes push-up dan tes ketepatan servis. Teknik analisis data dengan uji korelasi dan uji signifikasi. Berdasarkan Uji hasil Product Moment, didapat perhitungan korelasi sebesar 0,738 sedangkan r tabel = 0,3515 dan uji signifikasi maka dapat disimpulkan ada mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan antara kekuatan otot lengan terhadap kemampuan servish atas mahasiswa PJKR Unmus.
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The study was conducted on a sample of 32 volleyball players who participated in the cadet volleyball camp. Five (5) tests will be performed from the space of body parameters, namely: Body height (ATV), Body weight (ATT), Arm span (RAR), Maximum one-hand reach from the place (MD1RM), Maximum two-hand reach from the place (MD2RM) and they will be treated as dependent variables. The following will be reported in the area of specific motor abilities (4): Maximum reach in spike (MDSM), Maximum reach in the block from place (MDBLM), Maximum reach in the block from run up (MDBLZ), and Forward bend on the bench (PRKL) will be treated as sample predictor variables. The research technique, observation with recording was used to collect data. The obtained data it was processed using descriptive statistics procedures. ANOVA revealed differences between samples using a univariate approach. The effects of body parameters on the performance of specific motor tests were calculated using regression analysis at the significance level of p=.05. Three (3) of the total (5) five characteristic body parameters were found to have a significant impact on the performance of specific motor tests in volleyball.
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This study aims to describe English learning in the border area of Merauke - Papua New Guinea, then used as a basis for learning English in accordance with the conditions of students, effective, and can be used at the border. The implementation of special patterns of education, the integration of teaching materials with local content, and the establishment of English as the second compulsory language, are increasingly urgently followed up because until now it still applies the usual pattern (national education standards) that is not suitable with the local conditions of students. For example in terms of culture, it is necessary to involve cultural competencies so that various existing ethnicities can be used as learning modalities. Collaboration between stakeholders and stakeholders in the border region greatly determines the applicability of learning. Required common understanding by students at school; Government and DPRD support in the form of regulation; Support from the local education office so that the movement of all stakeholders is built together; Involvement of customary leaders so that the values of local wisdom are effectively absorbed.
Online self-presentation is a behavior in the online world where one's efforts tocreate an impression on others and are influenced by a variety of certain motives.Continuous or excessive use of social media that has the potential to become adependency behavior on the internet. The purpose of this study was to analyze theonline relationship of self-presentation with instagram addiction for students in theDepartment of Physical Education, Health and Recreation (Pendidikan Jasmani,Kesehatan dan Rekreasi: Penjaskesrek), University of Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia.The research design used a quantitative research approach with a cross sectionalstudy design. While the data source used in this study is primary data is data obtainedfrom questionnaires, observation and literature study. The populations in this studywere all 2017 Students of Penjaskesrek while the sampling was selected inproportionate random sampling as many as 50 respondents where randomly selectedrespondents were active using Instagram social media. The data analysis techniqueused was a simple linear regression analysis which showed a significant positiverelationship between self-regulation and Instagram social media addiction, with theregression coefficient rxy = 0.619 and a significance level of 0.000 (p <0.05). That is,the higher the online self-presentation, the higher Instagram addiction, and vice versa.This research is expected to be a consideration for students in the use of social media,parents to monitor internet use for their children, as well as supporting references forfuture researchers.
This study aims to analyze and measure the direct influence of Human ResourceManagement Practices, Compensation, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on thePerformance of Bank employees in Merauke City. The design of this study isexplanatory or causal research that connects between Human Resource ManagementPractices, Compensation, Job Satisfaction and Motivation to Performance. Collectingdata in this study from the phenomenon of bank employees in the city of Merauke.Samples are taken from the population based on predetermined characteristics,namely permanent employees, amounting to 101 people in 4 banks in the city ofMerauke. Data were analyzed using a quantitative approach through path analysis toanswer research problems and test hypotheses. The results showed that first, thePractice of Human Resource Management and Compensation had a positive andsignificant direct effect on employee job satisfaction. Both Human ResourceManagement and Compensation Management practices have a positive andsignificant direct effect on employee motivation. The three practices of HumanResource Management and Compensation directly and positively influence theperformance of Bank employees in Merauke City.
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