Conference PaperPDF Available

Synthesis of nano zeolite like material

  • Iv.Javakhishvili TSU, P.Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry


Synthesis of nano zeolite like material from natural clinoptilolite is described.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Chemistry Division
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry
Scientific Council of
"Chemistry and Technology of Surface Modification"
Ukrainian conference with international participation
devoted to the 30th anniversary of the founding of
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
Book of abstracts
1718 May 2016
Матеріали Всеукраїнської конференції з міжнародною участю «Хімія,
фізика і технологія поверхні» і семінару «Наноструктуровані біосумісні /
біоактивні матеріали» – Київ, 2016. – 196 с.
Proceedings of Ukrainian conference with international participation
"Chemistry, physics and technology of surface" devoted to the 30th anniversary
of the founding of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine and
Workshop "Nanostructured biocompatible / bioactive materials" Kyiv, 2016.
196 p.
Материалы Всеукраинской конференции с международным участием
«Химия, физика и технология поверхности» и семинара
«Наноструктурированные биосовместимые / биоактивные материалы» –
Киев, 2016. – 196 с.
Збірник містить тези доповідей, які було представлено на конференції.
Тематика конференції: теорія хімічної будови та реакційна здатність
поверхні твердих тіл; фізико-хімія поверхневих явищ; хімія, фізика та
технологія наноматеріалів; медико-біологічні та біохімічні аспекти
дослідження високодисперсних матеріалів. Збірник призначено для
наукових та інженерно-технічних працівників і студентів. Тези доповідей
подано в авторській редакції.
ISBN 978-966-02-7921-6
Надруковано за ухвалою Вченої ради Інституту хімії поверхні
ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України (протокол 6 від
26. 04. 2016).
Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка
Національної академії наук України, 2016
Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016
Институт химии поверхности им. А.А. Чуйко
Национальной академии наук Украины, 2016
Synthesis of nanozeolite-like material
N.M. Dolaberidze, V.G. Tsitsishvili, N.A. Mirdzveli, M.O. Nijaradze
Petre Melikishvili Institute of Physical and
Organic Chemistry of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,
31 A. Politkovskaia Sr., Tbilisi 0186, Georgia,
Genetic links of natural zeolites and the results of studies of crystallization
processes of volcanogenic rocks enable us to use natural aluminum silicates in
the synthesis of nanozeolite materials, more so as they are the sources of
silicium and aluminum necessary for zeolite synthesis and can efficiently
replace artificially created aluminum silicate gels. Thus, their application is
justified both with the economic and ecologic point of view.
The goal of our research was to obtain fine dispersed zeolite-like material
free from admixes through crystallization of clinoptilolite-containing rock. The
object of research was clinoptilolite-containing rock (CtR) of Rkoni section,
Kaspi region (Georgia). At the first stage crystallization of natural clinoptilolite,
by the method developed by us yielded sodalite type fine dispersed material [1].
The present work pursued to prepare NaA type fine dispersed zeolite-like
material by further crystallization of sodalite obtained at the first stage, as the
intermediate product. At the second phase, the reaction mass was not a
suspension, but a gel, formed by acidic treatment of intermediate product.
Synthesis of alkali aluminum silicate gel was performed in Teflon flasks at 98-
100°C, using different corrected alkali concentration (20%) and duration length
(20 hr) than in the first stage.
Crystalline structure of the washed and dried final product and its quality
development was checked by X-ray diffraction method; the same method was
used to prove that it was NaA type zeolite-like material. Particle size of fine
dispersed material was determined by the electron microscopic method and it
equaled to 76 nm.
Simple scheme of formation of fine dispersed mineral varieties via
hydrothermal treatment of natural clinoptilolite can be imagined as follows:
CtR-- NaS--NaA
Porous structure of the obtained materials has been characterized by the
static adsorption method. Water vapor adsorption for sodalite a = 0,081 cm3/g,
while for NaA type zeolite-like material a = 0,243 cm3/g.
Thus, the study performed by us has rather reliably proved the fitness of
natural resources for preparation of synthesized nanozeolite products, which are
of rather significant practical value.
1. N.M. Dolaberidze, V.G. Tsitsishvili, N.A. Mirdzveli. M.O. Nijaradze, M.V. Alelishvili,
Materials Russian conference with participation of foreign scientists "Actual adsorption
theory problem, porosity and adsorptive selectivity "Moscow, Klyazma, 2015, p. 91.
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