Conference Paper

A new giant virus isolated from its natural host Saccamoeba sp. together with its virophage shows a narrow host range

  • Friedrich Loeffler Institut, Greifswald-Insel Riems Germany
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During last years, giant viruses have been found in some protists like Cafeteria and Acanthamoeba. The latter genus was often used as a bait to extract giant viruses from different habitats. Here, we present a natural host-parasite system isolated directly from the environment. A Saccamoeba sp. was isolated from the bark of a sycamore tree and a culture was established (Saccamoeba strain SL-5). Inside the amoebae, a Mimivirus-like endoparasite (isolate KSL-5) with a virion size of 430-450 nm was found via transmission electron microscopical investigations. The replication of the virus has a long lag phase of at least 12 h. After 24 h, an additional small icosahedral virus (about 50-60 nm) became visible within the virus factory. This satellite virus / virophage seems to interfere with the replication of KSL-5. The giant virus could be re-isolated (isolate KSL-5x) from the same tree using a virus-free strain of Saccamoeba. KSL-5x did not show any affiliation with a satellite virus / virophage but possessed a tail whereas a tail was found in only a few exemplars of KSL-5. All attempts to transfer KLS-5 and KSL-5x to other amoeba strains including Acanthamoeba sp. have failed, indicating a rather narrow host range, whereas both virus isolates appeared to be susceptible for the virophage. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the Mimivirus shows that KSL-5x is related to the Mimiviridae sensu stricto rather than to other giant viruses and most likely forms an independent branch basal to the Mimiviridae lineages A, B, and C. The closest relationship was detected to the newly described Tupanvirus, a caudate virus related to Mimiviridae. The preliminary analysis of the virophage revealed a "DNA polymerase type B, organellar and viral family protein [Trichomonas vaginalis G3]" indicating the virophage derived from a transposon of the Polinton family.

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After we had isolated saccamoebae from bark that had been infected with giant viruses (Michel et al. 2015), we once again isolated infected saccamoebae from another terrestrial habitat, Liverwort, grown on a flowerpot with a young marshmallow. Capsids measuring from 390-430 nm could be observed, which were formed by a virus factory in the cytoplasm of the host amoebae. The extremely long tail appendages varied in length from 1170 nm to 1226 nm. These giant viruses proved to be host specific to their original host, as they did infect neither acanthamoebae nor Saccamoeba lacustris, the host of our other terrestrial isolate "KSL5". The temporary working name "Bryovirus longicauda" is proposed. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research (2019) 30:11-15 Category: Research article
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