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Clinical characteristics and management of patients with fat embolism syndrome in level I Apex Trauma Centre

  • Knappschaftskrankenhaus Dortmund

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is systemic manifestation of fat emboli in the circulation seen mostly after long bone fractures. FES is considered a lethal complication of trauma. There are various case reports and series describing FES. Here we describe the clinical characteristics, management in ICU and outcome of these patients in level I trauma center in a span of 6 months. Methods: In this prospective study, analysis of all the patients with FES admitted in our polytrauma intensive care unit (ICU) of level I trauma center over a period of 6 months (from August 2017 to January 2018) was done. Demographic data, clinical features, management in ICU and outcome were analyzed. Results: We admitted 10 cases of FES. The mean age of patients was 31.2 years. The mean duration from time of injury to onset of symptoms was 56 h. All patients presented with hypoxemia and petechiae but central nervous system symptoms were present in 70% of patients. The mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 11.7 days and the mean length of ICU stay was 14.7 days. There was excellent recovery among patients with no neurological deficit. Conclusion: FES is considered a lethal complication of trauma but timely management can result in favorable outcome. FES can occur even after fixation of the fracture. Hypoxia is the most common and earliest feature of FES followed by CNS manifestations. Any patient presenting with such symptoms should raise the suspicion of FES and mandate early ICU referral.
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Original Article
Clinical characteristics and management of patients with fat embolism syndrome
in level I Apex Trauma Centre
Richa Aggarwal
, Arnab Banerjee
, Kapil dev Soni
, Atin Kumar
, Anjan Trikha
Critical and Intensive Care, JPNATC, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Department of Plastic Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Department of Radiodiagnosis, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
article info
Article history:
Received 11 December 2018
Received in revised form
29 January 2019
Accepted 1 March 2019
Available online 14 March 2019
Fat embolism
Trauma centers
Intensive care units
Patient outcome assessment
Purpose: Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is systemic manifestation of fat emboli in the circulation seen
mostly after long bone fractures. FES is considered a lethal complication of trauma. There are various case
reports and series describing FES. Here we describe the clinical characteristics, management in ICU and
outcome of these patients in level I trauma center in a span of 6 months.
Methods: In this prospective study, analysis of all the patients with FES admitted in our polytrauma
intensive care unit (ICU) of level I trauma center over a period of 6 months (from August 2017 to January
2018) was done. Demographic data, clinical features, management in ICU and outcome were analyzed.
Results: We admitted 10 cases of FES. The mean age of patients was 31.2 years. The mean duration from
time of injury to onset of symptoms was 56 h. All patients presented with hypoxemia and petechiae but
central nervous system symptoms were present in 70% of patients. The mean duration of mechanical
ventilation was 11.7 days and the mean length of ICU stay was 14.7 days. There was excellent recovery
among patients with no neurological decit.
Conclusion: FES is considered a lethal complication of trauma but timely management can result in
favorable outcome. FES can occur even after xation of the fracture. Hypoxia is the most common and
earliest feature of FES followed by CNS manifestations. Any patient presenting with such symptoms
should raise the suspicion of FES and mandate early ICU referral.
©2019 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Fat embolism is the presence of fat globules in the circulation
and fat embolism syndrome (FES) is the clinical manifestation of fat
emboli in the circulation characterized by specic signs and
symptoms. It is important to distinguish between fat embolism and
FES. Fat embolism is quite common occurring in more than 90% of
patients with long bone fractures
but not all the cases of fat em-
bolism progress to fat embolism syndrome. The incidence of FES is
variable ranging from <1% in retrospective studies
and 11%e29% in
prospective studies
and typically consists of a triad of neuro-
logical, pulmonary and cutaneous symptoms.
FES is commonly seen after orthopaedic trauma i.e. fracture of
long bones, pelvis or multiple fractures but can be seen in non-
trauma conditions also like after hip or knee arthroplasty, burns,
pancreatitis, liposuction and bone marrow transplant procedure.
All the patients who develop FES require intensive care unit
admission and critical management.
There are various case reports of FES published in the literature
but limited prospective case series. We report 10 cases of fat em-
bolism syndrome (FES) who were admitted in our polytrauma
intensive care unit (ICU) of level I trauma center in India over a
period of 6 months (from August 2017 to January 2018). Here we
described the clinical characteristics, course in ICU and outcome of
these patients.
The study was carried out in surgical ICU of level I trauma centre
of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in India.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Soni).
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Medical Association.
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Chinese Journal of Traumatology
journal homepage:
1008-1275/©2019 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 172e176
Prospective study and analysis of all the ten patients with fat em-
bolism was done. Demographic data, clinical features, course in ICU
and outcome were analyzed. We used Gurd's criteria for diagnosis
of FES. It consists of major and minor criteria.
Major criteria
Respiratory insufciency
Cerebral involvement
Petechial rash.
Minor criteria
Retinal changes
Renal changes
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
One major and four minor criteria must be present to formally
make the diagnosis of FES.
We admitted 10 cases of fat embolism in 6 months (August 2017
to January 2018) in our ICU.
Demographic features
All patients were young males between 18 and 42 years (mean
age 31.2 years, standard deviation (SD) 12.38 yrs) except one female
who was 55 years old. The demographic prole of each patient is
given in Table 1. All the cases had fracture femur with or without
pelvis fracture except one who had tibial fracture. Most of them
were initially admitted and managed in the orthopaedic ward and
shifted to ICU once symptomatic. The time duration between the
time of injury and onset of symptoms varied among patients
ranging from 16 h to 7 days post injury (mean 56 h, SD 38.2 h).
Out of 10 patients, 4 patients presented with symptoms prior to
surgical xation and 6 patients presented after the surgical pro-
cedure. Open reduction and internal xation was done in 5 patients
and 1 patient underwent closed reduction. The time interval be-
tween the surgery and admission to ICU varied between 6 and 48 h.
Clinical features
The clinical features of the patients are presented in Table 2. All
the patients (100%) presented with hypoxemia and petechiae. The
petechiae were present in conjunctiva and upper chest (Figs. 1 and
2]. Central nervous system symptoms were present in 7 out of 10
i.e. 70% of patients. Other features like tachycardia, thrombocyto-
penia, and fever were present in varying degrees. Six patients
developed bilateral inltrates mimicking acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) on chest X-ray (Fig. 3). Urine for fat globules was
positive in all patients.
ICU management and outcome
The management of these patients was primarily supportive.
ICU management and outcome are illustrated in Table 3. Out of 10
patients, 6 patients required intubation and mechanical ventilation,
2 patients were managed on non invasiveventilation and 2 patients
were managed with oxygen face mask. Duration of mechanical
ventilation ranged from 5 to 30 days (mean of 11.7 days, SD 11.45
days) and 5 patients required tracheostomy. Four patients with
prolonged ventilation developed ventilator associated pneumonia
(VAP), acinetobacter baumanni being the most common isolated
The mean length of ICU stay was 14.7 days ranging from 2 to 34
days (SD 12.1 days). There was no mortality and all the patients
survived. The neurological recovery was excellent and all patients
who had neurological symptoms recovered fully.
FES is regarded as post traumatic complication associated with
long bone or pelvic fractures. Fat embolism was rst described by
Zenker in 1861.
Even after 150 years of rst denition, there is no
Table 1
Demographic prole of the patients.
Age (year) Gender Mode of injury Diagnosis Time of presentation of
the symptoms after
Time of presentation of the
symptoms after the operative
procedure (h)
1 22 M RTA Left femoral shaft fracture 60 h CREF 24
2 41 M Fall from height Open Grade 1 tibia fracture 7 d ORIF 48
3 32 M RTA Bilateral femoral shaft fracture;
left olecranon fracture
42 h ORIF Before procedure
4 20 M RTA Left femoral shaft fracture 4 d ORIF 6
5 23 M RTA Grade 3 open distal end femoral
16 h ORIF Before procedure
6 38 M RTA Left femoral shaft fracture 72 h ORIF 48
7 55 F RTA Superior and inferior pubic
rami fracture; acetabulum
fracture; rib fracture
36 h Before procedure
8 18 M RTA Superior and inferior pubic
rami fracture; femoral neck
24 h ORIF Before procedure
9 21 M RTA Closed right femoral facture;
right distal femoral fracture;
Both bone right leg fracture
5 d ORIF 36
10 42 M RTA Bilateral femoral shaft fracture 4 d ORIF 24
RTA: road trafc accident, CREF: closed reduction and external xation; ORIF: open reduction and internal xation.
R. Aggarwal et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 172e176 173
denitive diagnostic test available. It is a diagnosis of exclusion
based on characteristic sign and symptoms with an underlying
cause. Fat embolism syndrome is common in trauma patients and
our being Apex Trauma Centre, we admitted 10 cases of fat em-
bolism in our ICU in 6 months period. Our center is a high volume
and tertiary referral center for trauma patients. This high occur-
rence of fat embolism has not been reported in previous reports.
As already established in the literature,
all our patients except
one were young patients. Fat embolism is most commonly associ-
ated with long bone fractures.
In our series, all patients had fe-
mur fracture with or without pelvis fracture except one who had
tibia bone fracture.
Fat embolism typically manifests 24e72 h after trauma but may
occur as early as 12 h and can be delayed up to 2 weeks of insult.
our study population, the time period varied from as early as 16 h to
7 days post injury. Six patients out of 10 presented after the xation
of the fracture and 4 patients presented before operation. The time
gap between the injury and the surgery was between 24 and 96 h.
That is the time the patients are most prone to this complication
and should be kept under close observation. The timing of pre-
sentation after xation varied from 6 h to 48 h.
According to the literature, pulmonary involvement is the most
common feature of FES and may be present in up to 92%e95% of
Similarly, in our study, hypoxemia was present in 100%
cases. Other causes of hypoxemia like pneumonia, pneumonitis,
transfusion related lung injury, effusion, basal atelectasis were
Table 2
Clinical features of the patients.
Patient No. Petechiae Hypoxaemia CNS depression Fever Urine fat Retinal fat Thrombocytopenia Bilateral inltrates in chest X ray
1þþ þ þþee þ
2þþ þ þþeþþ
3þþ þ þþeþe
4þþ eeþeþþ
5þþ þ þþee þ
6þþ þ þþee þ
7þþ þ þþee þ
8þþ þ þþeþe
9þþ eeþeþe
10 þþ eeþee e
þ: present; : absent
Fig. 1. Multiple petechiae in the conjunctiva.
Fig. 2. Petechial rash on the anterior surface of the chest.
Fig. 3. Chest X-ray of the No. 6 patient shows bilateral inltrates in upper and lower
R. Aggarwal et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 172e176174
ruled out. Approximately 44%e50% cases of FES with long bone
fracture require mechanical ventilation.
In our study 60% of pa-
tients required mechanical ventilation. The characteristic nding of
bilateral inltrates in chest X-ray were present in 6 patients, rest
had no specicnding. Thorax computed tomography (CT) was
done in one case which revealed features suggestive of FES (Fig. 4).
CT scan chest of our patient depicted bilateral micronodular and
reticular opacities with areas of ground glass in a random distri-
bution. Though different studies report different times of
improvement of pulmonary symptoms ranging from 3rd day to
days of ventilation.
Many of our cases required prolonged
Petechial rash which is considered pathognomonic of FES usu-
ally develops in 20%e50% of cases.
1,10 ,12
In one study, the incidence
was as low as 8.3% and the authors
attributed this to retrospective
nature and delay in identication of rash in Asian population.
Various studies had reported less recognition in dark skinned pa-
tients. However in our series, all the patients i.e. 100% patients
developed petechial rash. The reason could be that we prospec-
tively looked for petechiae in all patients who had suspicion of fat
embolism. Other studies because of their retrospective nature may
have missed this nding. The petechiae were found mainly in the
conjunctiva, axilla and upper chest of the patients.
Neurological manifestations vary in cases of FES and may occur
in up to 86% of cases.
The symptoms may appear within 10 h or
may be delayed up to 5 days and range from acute confusion
altered level of consciousness and seizures.
In our series, 70% had
neurological involvement. The most common presentation was
altered sensorium. Four patients had drop in the neurological status
as documented by Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) but none had
Table 3
ICU course and outcome of the patients.
Patient No. Oxygen therapy Time on ventilator (d) Tracheostomy done Ventilator Associated
Bacteria isolated
Total ICU stay (d) Total hospital stay (d)
1 Venturi mask Nil ee Nil 2 8
2 Intubated 30 þþ Acinetobacter þKlebsiella 34 36
3 Intubated 26 þþ Acinetobacter 27 29
4 Intubated 16 þþ Staph. aureus 19 22
5 Intubated 7 ee Nil 14 21
6 NIV mask 6 ee Nil 8 14
7 Intubated 5 þeNil 7 9
8 Intubated 25 þþ Acinetobacter 30 37
9 NIV mask 2 ee Nil 4 10
10 Venturi mask Nil ee Nil 2 5
BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; Nil: zero; þ: yes; : no.
Fig. 4. Axial CT scan images of the chest in lung window of the patient no. 6 shows extensive bilateral micronodular and reticular opacities with areas of ground glass in a random
distribution involving both the upper and lower lobes of the lung parenchyma. (A) Upper thoracic section at the level of carina; (B) Middle thoracic section at the level of heart.
Fig. 5. The T
weighted axial MR images of the brain (A, B) of the patient no. 8 shows bilateral asymmetrical patchy hyperintense lesions involving the subcortical and deep white
matter including the centrum semiovale. Note the involvement of splenium of corpus callosum (arrow in A). The presence of petechial microhemorrhages within most of these
lesions was seen on susceptibility weighted image (C).
R. Aggarwal et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 172e176 175
lateralizing signs. CT head was done in all patients with no specic
nding. As most of the patients were operated and had implants in
situ, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain could be done in one
patient (Fig. 5). MRI revealed bilateral asymmetrical patchy
hyperintense lesions involving the subcortical and deep white
matter and the presence of petechial microhemorrhages. All pa-
tients with neurological involvement recovered completely
without any decit.
The diagnosis of FES is mainly clinical. There is no standardized
validated diagnostic test for FES. Various authors have tried to
dene diagnostic criteria like Gurd's criteria, Schonfeld and Lin-
but none is validated. We used Gurd's criteria for
diagnosis of FES as mentioned in methodology section.
Chest radiography is normal in majority of patients. CT thorax
may show bilateral ground glass opacities which are well demar-
CT scan chest of our patient has already been described
above. Treatment is mainly supportive. Many strategies including
corticosteroids, albumin, heparin have been studied but none is
conclusive. Mortality in other studies varies from 5% to 15%
has been mainly attributed to progressive hypoxemia and ARDS.
Though many of our patients required prolonged ventilation but all
recovered. There was no mortality in our series.
FES is considered a lethal complication of trauma. However,
early diagnosis and timely management can result in favorable
outcome. Immobilization of the fracture segment and early xation
of the fracture are assumed to be the best strategies to prevent FES
but FES can occur even after the xation. In our study, most of the
patients presented after xation of the fracture. All the patients
were immediately shifted and managed in ICU and all recovered
fully. Therefore, patients with long bone fractures should be kept
under strict vigilance even in the postoperative period and signs
like hypoxia or altered sensorium should raise the suspicion of FES
mandating early ICU referral.
None at present.
Ethical statement
The study was performed in accordance with the ethical
guidelines of the Institute.
Conicts of interest
All the authors declare no conicts of interest.
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R. Aggarwal et al. / Chinese Journal of Traumatology 22 (2019) 172e176176
... The underdiagnosis of fat embolism is highlighted by the fact that the clinical incidence was detected to be less than 1%, while postmortem incidence was evaluated to be 20% 10,11 . FES can involve multiple organs and is considered a lethal complication among trauma patients 12 . FES can lead to complications such as severe respiratory failure or brain death 13 . ...
... We suggest that several factors, including the lack of standardized diagnostic criteria 14,17 , have played a key role in the underdiagnosis of fat embolism, especially in non-orthopedics-related trauma patients. Most cases of FES are associated with orthopedic patients with long bone fractures and pelvic fractures 2,12,14,17,18 . However, a few but significant number of cases are associated with non-orthopedic trauma 10,19 . ...
... According to the findings in the literature, the pathophysiologic mechanism behind fat embolism in cases without any fractures might be attributed to two factors: first, the acute rise in pressure at the site of trauma, and second, the changes in the emulsification of blood lipids during shock 20,21 . FES is acknowledged as a fatal consequence of trauma, but with prompt identification and timely intervention, a positive prognosis is possible 12 . The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of always suspecting fat embolism in trauma cases, including those that are not exclusively orthopedic cases. ...
Full-text available
Introduction fat embolism syndrome (FES) is an acute respiratory disorder that occurs when an inflammatory response causes the embolization of fat and marrow particles into the bloodstream. The exact incidence of FES is not well defined due to the difficulty of diagnosis. FES is mostly associated with isolated long bone trauma, and it is usually misdiagnosed in other trauma cases. The scope of this study was to identify and search the current literature for cases of FES in nonorthopedic trauma patients with the aim of defining the etiology, incidence, and main clinical manifestations. Methods we perform a literature search via the PubMed journal to find, summarize, and incorporate reports of fat embolisms in patients presenting with non-orthopedic trauma. Results the final literature search yielded 23 papers of patients presenting with fat embolism/FES due to non-orthopedic trauma. The presentation and etiology of these fat embolisms is varied and complex, differing from patient to patient. In this review, we highlight the importance of maintaining a clinical suspicion of FES within the trauma and critical care community. Conclusion to help trauma surgeons and clinicians identify FES cases in trauma patients who do not present with long bone fracture, we also present the main clinical signs of FES as well as the possible treatment and prevention options. Keywords: Embolism, Fat; Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Postoperative Complications; Multiple Trauma; Wounds and Injuries
... The underdiagnosis of fat embolism is highlighted by the fact that the clinical incidence was detected to be less than 1%, while postmortem incidence was evaluated to be 20% 10,11 . FES can involve multiple organs and is considered a lethal complication among trauma patients 12 . FES can lead to complications such as severe respiratory failure or brain death 13 . ...
... We suggest that several factors, including the lack of standardized diagnostic criteria 14,17 , have played a key role in the underdiagnosis of fat embolism, especially in non-orthopedics-related trauma patients. Most cases of FES are associated with orthopedic patients with long bone fractures and pelvic fractures 2,12,14,17,18 . However, a few but significant number of cases are associated with non-orthopedic trauma 10,19 . ...
... According to the findings in the literature, the pathophysiologic mechanism behind fat embolism in cases without any fractures might be attributed to two factors: first, the acute rise in pressure at the site of trauma, and second, the changes in the emulsification of blood lipids during shock 20,21 . FES is acknowledged as a fatal consequence of trauma, but with prompt identification and timely intervention, a positive prognosis is possible 12 . The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of always suspecting fat embolism in trauma cases, including those that are not exclusively orthopedic cases. ...
... In the subgroup of patients who underwent operative fixation of the fractures, the method of fixation, for example, open, percutaneous internal or external fixation, was not identified as risk factor for FES. This finding confirms the conclusions of other studies [14,20]. Some studies associated FES with fracture manipulation, especially during intramedullary reaming. ...
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Purpose Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a serious complication after orthopedic trauma. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for FES in isolated lower extremity long bone fractures. Methods The National Trauma Data Bank “NTDB” study included patients with isolated femoral and tibial fractures. A total of 344 patients with FES were propensity score matched with 981 patients without FES. Multivariate logistical regression was used to identify independent risk factors for FES. Results FES was diagnosed in 344 (0.03%) out of the 1,251,143 patients in the study populations. In the two matched groups, the mortality was 7% in the FES group and 1% in the No FES group (p < 0.001). FES was associated with an increased risk of ARDS, VTE, pneumonia, AKI, and stroke. Younger age, femur fractures, obesity, and diabetes mellitus were independent predictors of FES. Early operative fixation (≤ 48 h) was protective against FES. Conclusion FES increases mortality by seven times. Young age, obesity, and diabetes mellitus are significant independent risk factors for FES. Early fixation is independently associated with a reduced risk of FES. Level of evidence Level III. Study type Prognostic study.
... 18 Tratamiento En la actualidad no existe un tratamiento específico para la embolia grasa, por lo que éste se enfoca en tratar la causa. 20 El tratamiento se centra en el cuidado y atención del paciente mientras la embolia grasa se resuelve de manera espontánea. En exclusiva, la anemia falciforme requiere un tratamiento específico y es una transfusión eritrocitaria de urgencia. ...
... Seven out of eight teenagers (87.5%) had a favorable outcome while, in one patient, a severe neurological deficit (i.e., decerebrate posturing and dysautonomia) persisted 1 month after trauma. As a second step, 152 articles were screened, and a total of 18 research studies, describing 19 clinical episodes of fat embolization, were identified and included in the review (Table 4) [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. All episodes but one occurred in adolescents (median age 17.0 years, male 55.6%) and symptoms consistent with FES appeared on median 18 h after trauma. ...
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Post-traumatic fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a severe complication consequent to bone fractures. The authors describe its clinical features and management in a population of teenagers by detailing demographics, organ involvement, laboratory, and imaging findings, as well as outcome. Moreover, a systematic review of pediatric published case reports of post-traumatic FES is provided. First, a series of eight episodes of post-traumatic FES that occurred in seven patients (median age 16.0 years, IQR 16.0–17.5) admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in an 8-year period was analyzed through a retrospective chart review. Secondly, a systematic research was performed on PUBMED database. Trauma patients ≤ 18 years without comorbidities in a 20-year period (2002–2022) were included in the review. Neurological impairment was present in five out of seven patients, and a patent foramen ovale was found in four cases. Hemodynamic instability requiring vasoactive drugs was recorded in four patients. A severe form of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) occurred in five cases, with the evidence of hemorrhagic alveolitis in three of them. In the literature review, eighteen cases were examined. Most cases refer to adolescents (median age 17.0 years). More than half of patients experienced two or more long bone fractures (median: 2 fractures). Both respiratory and neurological impairment were common (77.8% and 83.3%, respectively). 88.9% of patients underwent invasive mechanical ventilation and 33.3% of them required vasoactive drugs support. Neurological sequelae were reported in 22.2% of patients. Conclusion: Post-traumatic FES is an uncommon multi-faceted condition even in pediatric trauma patients, requiring a high level of suspicion. Prognosis of patients who receive prompt support in an intensive care setting is generally favorable.What is Known: •Post-traumatic fat embolism syndrome is a severe condition complicating long bone or pelvic fractures. •Little is known about clinical features and management in pediatric age. What is New: •Post-traumatic fat embolism syndrome can cause multiple organ failure, often requiring an intensive care management. •Prompt supportive care contributes to a favorable prognosis.
... Findings suggestive of COVID-19 would move its diagnosis to the forefront in the differential diagnosis. Fat embolism syndrome is a well-known disease process occurring in polytrauma patients and patients with long bone fractures [1]. Here, we present a case of a trauma patient who presented with signs similar to COVID-19 but was eventually suspected to have fat embolism syndrome. ...
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In the wake of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its associated mortality and virulence, a high clinical suspicion must be maintained for all patients presenting with respiratory failure. However, there are well-known disease processes that may have a similar presentation. We present a case of a 25-year-old male who suffered a right tibia fracture after a motor vehicle collision. He had acute hypoxic respiratory failure within 24 hours of admission, requiring mechanical ventilation. His condition significantly improved with airway pressure release mode of ventilation and proning. Although his chest CT demonstrated characteristic findings of COVID-19, he subsequently tested negative. The differential included aspiration pneumonia and fat embolism syndrome from the lower extremity fracture. Fat embolism syndrome can very closely mimic COVID-19. The rapid onset and improvement of symptoms coupled with serial negative COVID-19 testing may aid in the diagnosis.
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Prólogo “No hay mayor oportunidad, responsabilidad y obligación que pueda asumir el ser humano que la de ser médico. En el cuidado del sufrimiento (El médico) necesita habilidades técnicas, conocimiento científico y entendimiento del ser humano, el alto tacto, la simpatía y la comprensión son lo mínimos esperados por el paciente. El paciente como tal, no es una colección de síntomas, signos, desórdenes funcionales y emociones, es un SER HUMANO temeroso, con esperanzas y buscando ayuda, alivio y tranquilidad”. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 1950. No hay mejor descripción del médico y su papel en nuestra sociedad, tampoco hay dudas que en los últimos 70 años el progreso de la medicina ha llevado al cambio de muchas prácticas clínicas, sin embargo y muy a pesar de estar a las puertas de la medicina genómica, medicina de precisión y lo que se espera de la inteligencia artificial en la salud con un paciente más informado, la interacción médico paciente es esencial en el ejercicio de la medicina. El primer paso en nuestra práctica es el “diagnóstico” y está basado en definir un síntoma principal, que permita hacer una aproximación diferencial, se podría decir que es el arte basado en la ciencia, y que el médico usa para encontrar el mal que aqueja a su paciente, este simposio es precisamente una muestra de este aspecto fundamental, “El diagnóstico sindromático”. El grupo de médicos generales presentan a la comunidad médica, el primer simposio y sus memorias, concebido pensando en los síndromes más frecuentes que enfrentan en su día a día y entregando información actualizada y práctica. Destaca su particular interés académico que va en la misma línea con uno de los aspectos misionales del hospital, que es la transmisión del conocimiento. Como hospital nos sentimos muy orgullosos de este proyecto, que esperamos se perpetúe en el tiempo y pueda ser un referente permanente para ofrecer ayuda, alivio y tranquilidad a nuestros pacientes. Carlos Alberto Cadavid G. Director Medico Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe
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Introduction Lower extremity long bone, femoral and tibial shaft, fractures often have associated injuries. Patients with lower extremity long bone fractures in the Department of Orthopaedics can land up in high dependency unit admissions, mostly due to underlying complications. The study aimed to find out the prevalence of high dependency unit admissions among patients with lower extremity long bone fractures visiting the Department of Orthopaedics in a tertiary care centre. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with lower extremity long bone fractures in a tertiary care centre. The data from 1 March 2017 to 31 January 2020 was collected from the medical records from 1 August 2020 to 30 September 2020. All patients with femoral or tibial shaft fractures in isolation or a part of a multi-system injury were included. Patients with inadequate data were excluded. A convenience sampling method was used. The point estimate was calculated at a 95% Confidence Interval. Results Among 507 patients with lower extremity long bone fractures, 137 (27.55%) (23.66-31.44, 95% Confidence Interval) required high dependency unit admission. Among them, 119 (86.86%) were males. A total of 71 (51.82%) cases involved 2-wheelers. Conclusions The prevalence of high dependency unit admission among patients with lower extremity long bone fractures was high and majority of them required multidisciplinary approach.
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There has been little effort to identify an overall occurrence of numerous cerebral white matter hyperintensities (NCWMH) on relevant brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in postinjury cerebral fat embolism syndrome (CFES) patients. Also, quantification of pre-CFES cognitive status, degree of neurologic deterioration, and presence of a skeletal fracture with CFES is nominal. The authors performed a PubMed search and identified 24 relevant manuscripts. Two case reports from the authors’ institution were also used. The presence of NCWMH was assessed by reviewing T2-weighted image (T2WI), diffusion-weighted image (DWI), fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) figures and captions, and by evaluating manuscript descriptions. When pre-CFES cognitive status was described, it was categorized as Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score = 14-15 (yes or no). When the degree of neurologic deterioration was noted with CFES, it was classified as coma or GCS ≤ 8 (yes or no). When skeletal fractures were itemized, they were categorized as yes or no. The total number of CFES patients was 133 (literature search was 131 and two author-described case reports). Of the 131 patients with manuscript MRI figures or descriptive statements, 120 (91. 6%) had NCWMH. Of 63 patients with a delineation of the MRI sequence, NCWMH appeared on DWI in 24, on T2WI in 57, and on FLAIR in 10 patients. Pre-CFES cognitive status was GCS 14-15 in 93.5% (58/62) of the patients. The CFES neurologic deterioration was coma or GCS ≤ 8 in 52.5% (62/118) of the patients. A skeletal fracture was present in 99.0% (101/102) of the CFES patients. The presence of NCWMH in trauma patients with hospital-acquired neurologic deterioration and the presence of a skeletal fracture is consistent with CFES.
PurposeFat embolism syndrome (FES) is a rare complication in trauma patients (usually with long bone fractures) in which migrating medullary fat precipitates multiorgan dysfunction, classically presenting with dyspnoea, petechiae and neurocognitive dysfunction. Although this triad of symptoms is rare, it nonetheless aids diagnosis of pulmonary fat embolism (PuFE). Typical imaging features of PuFE are not established, although increasing use of CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) in this cohort may provide important diagnostic information. We therefore conducted a case series of FES patients with CTPA imaging at a Level 1 Trauma Centre in Melbourne, Australia.Methods Medical records and various radiological investigations including CTPA of consecutive patients diagnosed clinically with FES between 2006 and 2018, including demographics, injury and their progress during their admission, were reviewed.ResultsFifteen FES patients with retrievable CTPAs were included (mean age 31.2 years, range 17–69; 12 males [80%]). 93.3% had long bone fractures. CTPA was performed 2.00 ± 1.41 days post-admission. Review of these images showed pulmonary opacity in 14 (93.3%; ground-glass opacities in 9 [64.3%], alveolar opacities in 6 [42.9%]), interlobular septal thickening in 10 (66.7%), and pleural effusions in 7 (46.7%). Filling defects were identified in three (20%) CTPAs, with density measuring − 20HU to + 63HU. Ten patients (66.7%) had neuroimaging performed, with two patients demonstrating imaging findings consistent with cerebral fat emboli.ConclusionCTPA features of PuFE are variable, with ground-glass parenchymal changes and septal thickening most commonly seen. Filling defects were uncommon.
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lung computed tomography (CT) findings in fat embolism (FE) syndrome. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 19 CT examinations of 18 patients with FE syndrome, diagnosed clinically using the Gurd and Wilson criteria. Result: Fat embolism syndrome showed 3 patterns: negative examination, bilateral interstitial-alveolar involvement, and adult respiratory distress syndrome like. Frequent findings included consolidations (17 patients), mostly with gravity dependent distribution, and ground-glass opacities (17 patients), mostly with patchy distribution. Fifteen patients showed an overlapping random nodular pattern. Less common findings included lobular ground-glass opacities and lobular consolidations, smooth septal thickening, thickening of the bronchial wall, and areas of crazy paving. The extension of the consolidations correlates with the duration of assisted ventilation. Conclusions: In FE syndrome, pulmonary CT findings are ground-glass opacities and dependent consolidations, associated with other variably overlapping signs, such as lobular opacities, random nodules, septal thickening, and bronchial wall thickening.
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A embolia gordurosa (EG) é a oclusão de pequenos vasos por gotículas de gordura, geralmente originadas nas fraturas do fêmur, tíbia e bacia, e nas artroplastias do joelho e quadril. Normalmente não causa danos aos órgãos atingidos, a menos que seja maciça. Em poucos casos a EG evolui para a "síndrome da embolia gordurosa" (SEG) a qual afeta principalmente os pulmões e o cérebro, embora qualquer órgão ou estrutura do organismo possa ser afetada. A gordura embolizada é hidrolizada pela lipase, originando os ácidos graxos livres (AGL) que agem toxicamente sobre o endotélio capilar e que intensificam a ação das integrinas as quais acentuam a adesividade dos neutrófilos às células endoteliais, facilitando a ação das enzimas proteolíticas dos lisossomas desses neutrófilos sobre o endótelio. O resultado dessas reações é a ruptura da rede capilar seguida de hemorragia e edema nos órgãos afetados. A SEG apresenta desde insuficiência respiratória e alterações neurológicas variadas até convulsões e coma profundo. O diagnóstico da SEG é puramente clínico, não existindo nenhum exame laboratorial que o confirme. Dentre os exames de imagens, apenas a ressonância magnética cerebral demonstra claramente as áreas do edema perivascular e dos infartos. O tratamento da EG com inúmeras drogas não apresentou resultados positivos; no entanto, a medida mais requisitada para a SEG é a assistência ventilatória. A mortalidade é quase de 100% nas formas fulminantes; aproximadamente de 20% nas formas sub-agudas e não há mortalidade na forma sub-clínica. Para prevenir a SEG é fundamental evitar o choque e a hipóxia desde a cena do acidente, e proceder à fixação precoce das fraturas, o que diminui a incidência de SARA e a mortalidade pós-trauma.
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Fat embolism syndrome is an often overlooked cause of breathlessness in trauma wards. Presenting in a wide range of clinical signs of varying severity, fat embolism is usually diagnosed by a physician who keeps a high degree of suspicion. The clinical background, chronology of symptoms and corroborative laboratory findings are instrumental in a diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome. There are a few diagnostic criteria which are helpful in making a diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome. Management is mainly prevention of fat embolism syndrome, and organ supportive care. Except in fulminant fat embolism syndrome, the prognosis is usually good.
Hypoxemia following long bone or pelvic fracture (LBPF) is often attributed to fat embolism syndrome (FES), but the true incidence and etiology of postfracture pulmonary shunt (Qsp) are not well defined. Over 12 months, 92 patients with LBPF admitted to a Level I trauma center were prospectively evaluated. Arterial blood gases, Hct, platelet count, serum fibrinogen, serum lipase, and urinary fat bodies (UFB) were determined serially from admission through the fifth hospital day. Patients were evaluated daily by chest x-ray, vital signs, mental status, and presence of petechiae. Four patient groups were established: No Qsp, Qsp with pulmonary injury (Qsp + PI), Qsp without pulmonary injury or petechaie (FES - P), and Qsp without pulmonary injury and with petechiae (FES + P). Qsp indicated by an alveolar/arterial PO2 gradient greater than 100 torr developed in 49 (53%) of the patients. Pulmonary injury was present in 39 (81%) of those 49 and was at least partially responsible for the shunt. The remaining ten patients were diagnosed as having FES; four had petechiae (FES + P) and six were without petechiae (FES - P). The minimum incidence of FES in LBPF is therefore 11%.
A traumatic patient with multiple fractures and a fat embolism syndrome is presented. The cutaneous manifestations were characteristic petechiae with a particular distribution. Diagnosis was confirmed by means of cutaneous biopsies of the lesions where the emboli were demonstrated by the Sudan Black technic. Due to the speed and simplicity of this method we suggest its use in the cases where a fat embolism is suspected, in order to begin appropriate treatment.
Background: Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a rare but potentially fatal complication of trauma or orthopedic surgery, which presents predominantly with pulmonary symptoms. Modern intensive care has improved the mortality rates, however diagnosis remains difficult, relying predominantly on a combination of a classic triad of symptoms and non-specific, but characteristic radiological features. The aim of this review is to describe the main clinical and imaging aspects of FES, ranging from pathophysiology to treatment with emphasis on pulmonary involvement. Methods: We reviewed the currently published literature on the main characteristics of FES. Results: In a hypoxic patient with recent trauma or orthopedic surgery, the presence of diffuse, well-demarcated ground glass opacities or ill-defined centrilobular nodules on computed tomography (CT) of the chest are suggestive of FES. Conclusions: Combination of the classic clinical syndrome in the appropriate clinical setting, together with the characteristic imaging findings on chest CT, can help to achieve the correct diagnosis. Management remains predominantly supportive care, and the benefit of medical therapies such as corticosteroids and heparin remains unclear.
The classical syndrome of fat embolism is characterized by the triad of respiratory failure, neurologic dysfunction and the presence of a petechial rash. Fat embolism syndrome (FES) occurs most commonly following orthopedic trauma, particularly fractures of the pelvis or long bones, however non-traumatic fat embolism has also been known to occur on rare occasions. Because no definitive consensus on diagnostic criteria exist, the accurate assessment of incidence, comparative research and outcome assessment is difficult. A reasonable estimate of incidence in patients after long bone or pelvic fractures appears to be about 3-5%. The FES therefore remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality and warrants further investigation and research to allow proper recognition as well as the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies. Early fracture fixation is likely to reduce the incidence of fat embolism syndrome and pulmonary complications; however the best fixation technique remains controversial. The use of prophylactic corticosteroids may be considered to reduce the incidence of FES and in selected high-risk trauma patients but effects on outcome are not proved. New reaming and venting techniques have potential to reduce the incidence of FES during arthroplasty. Unfortunately, no specific therapies have been proven to be of benefit in FES and treatment remains supportive with priority being given to the maintenance of adequate oxygenation.
Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a constellation of symptoms and signs subsequent to orthopedic trauma. The clinical profile of FES in the trauma population was studied over 2 years and 8 months. The incidence of FES among all patients with long bone and pelvic fractures was 0.7% (12). The mean injury severity score was 10.37 (SD 1.69) (range 9-14). The diagnosis of FES was made by clinical and laboratory criteria. Hypoxia was the commonest presentation (92%). The average days of onset of symptoms were 3.5 (SD1.29) days. Management included ventilator support in 75%, average ventilator days being 7.8 (SD 4.08) days. The average ICU stay and hospital stay were 9.1 days and 29.7 days, respectively. A mortality of 8.3% (1) was observed. Fat embolism remains a diagnosis of exclusion and is a clinical dilemma. Clinically apparent FES is unusual and needs high index of suspicion, especially in long bone and pelvic fractures.
Fat embolism refers to the presence of fat droplets within the peripheral and lung microcirculation with or without clinical sequelae. The pathologic consequences of fat embolism are well recognized. Fat embolism is most often associated with trauma and orthopedic injuries. Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a serious manifestation of fat embolism that involves a cascade of clinical signs such as petechial rash, deteriorating mental status, and progressive respiratory insufficiency, usually occurring within 24 hours of injury. This article reviews the definition, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, management, and prognosis of FES.
To assess the incidence and risk factors for fat embolism syndrome. Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) were analyzed using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes. From 1979 through 2005 among 928,324,000 patients discharged from short-stay hospitals in the United States, 41,000 (0.004%) had fat embolism syndrome. Among 21,538,000 patients with an isolated fracture of the femur (any site), tibia, fibula, pelvis, ribs, humerus, radius, or ulna, 25,000 (0.12%) developed fat embolism syndrome. Patients with multiple fractures of the femur (excluding neck) more often had fat embolism syndrome than those with isolated fractures (1.29% versus 0.54%). The incidence of fat embolism syndrome was lower with isolated fractures of the tibia or fibula (0.30%) and even lower with isolated fractures of the neck of the femur (0.06%). The incidence of fat embolism was too low to calculate with isolated fractures of the pelvis, ribs, humerus, radius, or ulna. Nonorthopedic conditions rarely, if ever, were accompanied by fat embolism syndrome. The fat embolism syndrome was more frequent in men (relative risk 5.71). Children, aged 0 to 9 years rarely had fat embolism syndrome. The fat embolism syndrome most commonly affected patients aged 10 to 39 years. The incidence of the fat embolism syndrome depends on the bone involved, whether fractures are isolated or multiple, the age of the patient and the gender. It rarely occurs as a result of medical conditions.