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Evidence For Bias Of Genetic Ancestry In Resting State Functional MRI


Abstract and Figures

Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) is a popular imaging modality for mapping the functional connectivity of the brain. Rs-fMRI is, just like other neuroimaging modalities, subject to a series of technical and subject level biases that change the inferred connectivity pattern. In this work we predicted genetic ancestry from rs-fMRI connectivity data at very high performance (area under the ROC curve of 0.93). Thereby, we demonstrated that genetic ancestry is encoded in the functional connectivity pattern of the brain at rest. We hypothesize that these observed differences are a result of known ethnicity-related variations in head and brain morphology, which may be carried forward through the rs-fMRI processing pipeline, rather than true neuronal differences. In any case, genetic ancestry constitutes a bias that should be accounted for in the analysis of rs-fMRI data.
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Andre Altmann?Janaina Mourao-Miranda?
?Centre for Medical Image Computing
University College London, UK
Max Planck University College London Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research
University College London, UK
Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-
fMRI) is a popular imaging modality for mapping the func-
tional connectivity of the brain. Rs-fMRI is, just like other
neuroimaging modalities, subject to a series of technical and
subject level biases that change the inferred connectivity pat-
tern. In this work we predicted genetic ancestry from rs-fMRI
connectivity data at very high performance (area under the
ROC curve of 0.93). Thereby, we demonstrated that genetic
ancestry is encoded in the functional connectivity pattern of
the brain at rest. Consequently, genetic ancestry constitutes a
bias that should be accounted for in the analysis of rs-fMRI
Index Termsresting state fMRI, genetics, ancestry,
imaging genetics, machine learning
Task free or resting state (rs) functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) is an increasingly popular modality to map
the functional connectivity pattern of the brain. Recent rs-
fMRI applications include functional brain parcellation [1]
and disease biomarkers [2]. However, rs-fMRI is subject to
various biases that alter the inferred functional connectiv-
ity and may obscure true disease effects or genuine brain
function. For instance, observed connectivity patterns can
vary strongly with scanner model, pulse sequence and scan
site [3]. Also, involuntary head movement of the subject
during the scan can induce spurious functional connectiv-
ity between brain regions [4]. In addition to these technical
biases, there are also biases originating from subject level
characteristics: subjects’ sex and age have been reported to
exhibit wide-spread effects on the observed resting state con-
nectivity pattern [3]. In fact, subjects’ age can be successfully
predicted from rs-fMRI [5]. Furthermore, the involuntary
A.A. holds an Medical Research Council eMedLab Medical Bioinfor-
matics Career Development Fellowship. This work was supported by the
Medical Research Council [grant number MR/L016311/1]. JMM holds a
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science
[grant number WT102845/Z/13/Z].
changes in cognitive states and vigilance levels has profound
changes in functional brain connectivity [6].
These biases are often taken into consideration when plan-
ning rs-fMRI studies. Typically, technical biases are mini-
mized by limiting studies to a single MRI scanner and by
addressing known artifacts, e.g., the ones arising from head
movement. Subject level characteristics are either considered
by matching the distributions, e.g., of age and sex, between
the studied disease groups or by including these subject char-
acteristics as confounding variables in the statistical analy-
sis. However, there is one additional subject level character-
istic that is known to affect head and brain morphology but is
rarely considered as a confound in rs-fMRI studies or brain
imaging studies in general: genetic ancestry.
The human genome was in part shaped by mankind’s mi-
gration history across the globe. Statistical analysis of genetic
data can reveal these ancient migration patterns. For instance,
the two main principal axes of variation in genetic similarity
of European individuals reflect the north-south and east-west
gradient within Europe [7]. The same principle holds true
for differences between continental regions across the world.
Thus, it is possible to reliable extract ancestry information
from genetic data, which is referred to as genetic ancestry and
mostly reflects subjects’ self-reported ethnicity.
Previous work on the relation of genetic ancestry and
brain imaging has demonstrated that head and brain morphol-
ogy of people with European ancestry follow the same north-
south and east-west pattern [8]. Follow-up work demon-
strated that the human cortical surface encodes the genetic
ancestry and that regional patterns of cortical folding and
gyrification are unique and complex for each continental
ancestry [9].
In this paper we demonstrate that functional connectiv-
ity networks obtained from high-quality rs-fMRI can reliably
predict genetic ancestry derived from genome wide genotyp-
ing data. In section 2 we describe the data used for this work
as well as the statistical analysis. Section 3 summarizes the
results which are discussed in section 4.
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 11, 2018;
2.1. Genetic and imaging data
We obtained rs-fMRI data and matched genetic data from
the Young Adult study of the Human Connectome Project
(HCP) [10]. The HCP aims at charting the neural pathways
that underlie brain function and behavior and has acquired
high-quality neuroimaging data in over 1,100 healthy young
adults aged 22 - 35. Behavioral and other individual subject
measure data are available on all subjects.
2.1.1. Imaging data
The HCP acquired four imaging modalities using a 3T MR
for all subjects: structural images (T1w and T2w), resting-
state fMRI (rs-fMRI), task-fMRI (tfMRI), and high angular
resolution diffusion imaging (dMRI). The rs-fMRI data were
acquired in four runs of approximately 15 minutes each, two
runs in one session and two in another session, with eyes open
with relaxed fixation on a projected bright cross-hair on a dark
background (and presented in a darkened room). The TR was
0.75s amounting to 4,800 time-points per subject.
Detailed description of acquisition parameters and pro-
cessing steps can be found in [11]. In brief, group-average
parcellations for all subjects were obtained using group-ICA
at several different dimensionalities (15, 25, 50, 100, 200,
300). Next, subject-specific sets of node time series were
extracted, where each ICA-defined region of interest (ROI)
acted as a node. Then for each subject, a node ×node connec-
tivity matrix was created by computing the temporal correla-
tion between each pair of nodes. Correlation estimates were
based either on Pearson’s correlation or partial correlation us-
ing Tikhonov regularization. For the analyses presented here
we obtained the connectivity matrices based on partial corre-
lation at each of the six resolution levels.
The subjects’ matrices were vectorized to render them
amendable for machine learning; we extracted the upper right
triangle (omitting the diagonal values) of the correlation esti-
mates, thus generating for each subject feature vectors, x, of
length |x|=d2
2, where dis the number of input ROIs.
2.1.2. Genetic data
Genetic data in HCP were available for 1,141 participants.
For this work we accessed the genome-wide genotyping data
that measured the identity of 2,119,803 genetic variants. In
brief, genotyping arrays assess the identity of genetic variants
at predefined locations in the genome. A variant can either
be identical to the one listed in the human reference genome
(reference) or differ from the reference (alternative). Humans
carry two copies of the genome in each cell. For analysis
purposes, one simply counts for each tested genetic variant
the number of alternative copies. Thus, at each of the two
million positions either 0, 1 or 2 is recorded.
2.2. Estimation of genetic ancestry
We used SNPweights [12] to obtain predictions for genetic
ancestry for four continental groups: Europeans (CEU),
African (YRI), Asian (ASI) and Native American (NAT).
SNPweights provides for each subject, i, and each continental
group, g, a probability pi
g[0,1]. Furthermore, probabilities
for each subject sum to 1 for all Nsubjects:
i[1, .., N ] : X
g= 1.0.
2.3. Statistical learning
Our objective was to predict genetic ancestry from rs-fMRI
connectivity data. We employed the elastic net classifier [13],
which uses both the `1and `2penalties during training:
β= argmin
L(y, ˆy) + λαkβk1+ (1 α)kβk2
where yis the vector of target values, βis a vector of model
coefficients for each feature, ˆy=f(X, β )is the vector of
model predictions, Xis the feature matrix, L(y, ˆy)is the
loss function, kβk1=P|βj|is the `1penalty, and kβk2=
jis the `2penalty. The loss function is typically either
the squared loss for regression problems or the logistic loss
for classification problems. The αparameter trades off the
`1and `2penalties. Of note, α= 0 corresponds to ridge re-
gression and α= 1 corresponds to the least absolute shrink-
age and selection operator (LASSO) regression. Thus, for
settings of αother than 0, the elastic net produces a sparse
solution with many entries in ˆ
βset to 0. In practice, the ex-
act choice of α(other than at the two extremes) has limited
impact on model performance. Therefore, we set a priory
α= 0.5. A more crucial parameter is λ, which trades off the
the amount of regularization with the model fit to the train-
ing data. Larger values of λtend to result in models with
more entries in βbeing set to 0 (i.e., sparser models). The λ
parameter is typically optimized using cross-validation (CV).
For the experiments described in this work we used the elastic
net implementation in the R package glmnet.
Depending on the selected resolution, each subjects’ fea-
ture vector ranged from 105 to 44,850 entries for 15 and 300
ROIs, respectively.
The target vector ywas based on the genetic ancestry pre-
diction. We dichotomized the quantitative output in order to
be able to perform classification rather than regression. One
consideration was that the dataset is rather imbalanced (see
section 3) and the target values ranged from 0.0 to 1.0 and are
therefore likely to suffer from the floor and ceiling effects. To
this end we employed two cutoffs for pCEU: 0.5 constituting
”mainly European” and 0.9 constituting ”predominantly Eu-
Classifier performance was assessed using receiver op-
erating characteristics (ROC) curves and the area under the
.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 11, 2018;
ROC curve (AUC). We used nested CV with 10 outer folds
and 5 inner folds. In nested CV, the data is first split into
outer folds (10 here). Then, data from all-but-one outer fold
are used to train the classifier. The classifier’s parameters (λ
here) are optimized through the inner CV (5-fold CV here).
The resulting classifier is then used to predict the label for
the data in the left-out outer fold to obtain an unbiased per-
formance estimate. The process is repeated until each outer
fold served once as hold-out data. Within the inner CV, we
selected the largest value of λ(i.e., the sparsest model) such
that the AUC was within 1 standard error of the maximum
AUC achieved by all tested λs; this strategy (”1 standard-error
rule”) is commonly employed to minimize the risk of over-
fitting by selecting a sparser model that does not perform sig-
nificantly worse than the best model [13]. Of note, the HCP
data contains data from siblings, which have a high genetic
similarity. In order to avoid confounding the performance es-
timate in cases where one sibling contributes to training and
the other sibling contributes to the testing data, we have sam-
pled the outer CV folds such that all family members were
placed within the same fold. In addition, the sampling for the
the outer fold was retained for all experiments to ensure that
results are comparable between settings.
In order to put the AUC results into the broader context
we also predicted subjects’ sex from the same rs-fMRI data
with the same CV folds using the 300 ROI resolution.
There were 1003 subjects with processed rs-fMRI data avail-
able through HCP, of these, 950 subjects (502 females) also
had genome-wide genotyping data available. SNPweights
successfully produced genetic ancestry predictions for the
four continental groups for all 950 subjects. When consid-
ering the highest probability for predicted genetic ancestry
(i.e., ”argmax”), then HCP comprises 764 CEU, 138 YRI,
39 ASI and 9 NAT subjects. Figure 1 depicts the distribution
of genetic ancestry predictions restricted to the three most
predominant groups in HCP: CEU,YRI and ASI. It becomes
evident that not only the corners of the triangle are populated,
i.e., representing uniform genetic ancestry, but there are also
many subjects with mixed ancestries, referred to as genetic
As rationalized in section 2, we dichotomized the genetic
ancestry information for classification purposes. Given that
the majority of the HCP participants were of European ances-
try, we set a cutoff at pCEU >0.5resulting in 748 CEU and
202 non-CEU subjects and the other second more restrictive
cutoff at pCEU >0.9resulting in 651 CEU and 299 non-CEU
participants. We then employed the elastic net classifier to
predict CEU status using the vectorized rs-fMRI connectiv-
ity matrices. Practically, we were aiming to classify subjects
who are in the lower right corner of the triangle in Figure 1
versus subjects who are not, based on their rs-fMRI connec-
Fig. 1. Distribution of the three main genetic ancestries in the
HCP dataset. 80 subjects with pNAT >0.05 had been omitted
from this plot.
tivity. Table 1 summarizes the mean and standard deviation
of AUC values for the 10 outer folds of the CV for both ge-
netic ancestry cutoffs and all six levels of resolution. Fig-
ure 2 depicts representative ROC curves for selected ROI res-
olutions at the pCEU >0.5cutoff. AUC values ranged from
0.72 to 0.93; models using a finer-grained cortical parcellation
showed higher performance despite a high features to samples
ratio of 47 when using connectivity matrices based on 300
Subjects’ sex could also be predicted at very high ac-
curacy with mean AUC of 0.98 (and standard deviation of
Table 1. Classifier performance quantified by mean AUC and
standard deviation from 10 ×5-fold nested CV for different
settings of pCEU cutoff and number of ROIs.
ROIs dim pCEU >0.5pCEU >0.9
15 105 0.78 (0.088) 0.72 (0.049)
25 300 0.81 (0.060) 0.76 (0.061)
50 1225 0.86 (0.055) 0.83 (0.063)
100 4950 0.91 (0.046) 0.86 (0.061)
200 19900 0.92 (0.039) 0.88 (0.055)
300 44850 0.93 (0.036) 0.87 (0.032)
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 11, 2018;
Fig. 2. Averaged ROC curves from the 10 outer CV-folds.
Class labels were based on the pCEU >0.5cutoff. Dashed,
dotted and solid lines correspond to models based on 15, 50
and 300 ROIs, respectively. Whiskers indicate 1 standard er-
ror estimates.
This is the first work demonstrating that genetic ancestry is
highly predictable from rs-fMRI connectivity patterns. Our
results indicate that genetic ancestry is a serious bias that
modifies estimated brain connectivity and may mask genuine
differences or may introduce spurious differences in rs-fMRI
analyses between groups, e.g., a disease group and a control
group. The extent of the bias is not as pronounced as the in-
fluence of participants’ sex, which showed near perfect clas-
sification from rs-fMRI.
The exact origin of these apparent connectivity differ-
ences between continental ancestries remains elusive at the
moment. However, we hypothesize that the observed dif-
ferences are not based on true neuronal differences but that
they originate from differences in head and brain morphology
as reported in [8, 9]. These morphological differences may
be carried forward through the standard rs-fMRI processing
pipeline and affect the inferred functional connectivity. In
addition, rs-fMRI connectivity is based on correlations be-
tween blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal time
series at rest. Thus, it is conceivable that genetic differences
contributing to blood circulation, perfusion and elasticity of
the vascular system may modify BOLD dynamics. This is ex-
emplified by reports identifying ethnicity as independent risk
factors for cardiovascular disease [14] and intracranial artery
tortuosity [15]. In addition, brain hemodynamic responses
are known to be heritable traits [16].
This study is not without limitations. Firstly, we chose
to dichotomize genetic ancestry and to perform classification
rather to train a regression model; this was mainly owing
to sample imbalance and to anticipated floor and ceiling ef-
fects when working with probability scores. Secondly, in this
proof-of-principle study we only classified European (CEU)
individuals from non-European individuals; studies on larger
datasets would be able to build classifiers for each continental
ancestry. Lastly, the analysis was limited to continental an-
cestries; with sufficiently large datasets it should be possible
to assess the effect of sub-ancestries within one continental
group on rs-fMRI inferred connectivity.
This work exemplifies that in the domain of rs-fMRI anal-
ysis there is a need to consider genetic ancestry as a confound
in the analysis. Given the previous findings of the strong
influence of genetic ancestry on regional volume and gyri-
fication [9], this consideration may extend to the entire neu-
roimaging field.
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 11, 2018;
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.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 11, 2018;
Full-text available
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the human brain are now attaining larger sample sizes with more diverse samples. However, population stratification, a key factor driving heterogeneity and confounding of associations, is seldom accounted for in neuroimaging analyses. To investigate this issue, we assessed the impact of population stratification on multimodal imaging measures using baseline data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study SM (n = 10,748). Given this sociodemographically diverse sample, which broadly reflects the population composition of the United States, we performed a thorough evaluation of the impact of population stratification on derived neuroimaging metrics across five different imaging modalities: task functional MRI (task fMRI), resting state functional MRI (rsMRI), diffusion tensor images (DTI), restricted spectrum images (RSI), and structural T1 MRI (sMRI). We used parental income level as an example to highlight the impact of population stratification in confounding brain-wide associations. We show that derived metrics from structural images have up to three times more signal related to population stratification than do functional images. Controlling for population stratification in statistical models leads to a substantial reduction in the association strength between variables of interests and imaging measures, indicating the scale of potential bias. Moreover, because of unequal access to resources (such as income) across ancestral groups in United States, population stratification effects on imaging features may bias associations between parental income levels and imaging features, as we demonstrate. Our results provide a guide for researchers to critically examine the impact of population stratification and to assist in avoiding spurious brain-behavior associations. Highlights Here, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the confounding impact of population stratification in large-scale imaging studies. Morphological features from structural imaging appear to be more susceptible to the confounding effects of population stratification than do functional imaging features. The population stratification tends to inflates the association strengths between the variable of interest and imaging features. When the variable of interest is highly colinear with the population stratification, such as income levels, brain associations cannot be differentiated and may be misattributed as mediating effects. It is critical to account for population stratification in imaging analyses.
The aim of this systematic review was to qualitatively synthesise the available research that investigated the influence of COMT genotype at SNP rs4680 on both task‐based and resting‐state connectivity in healthy adults. Thirty‐five studies were identified that met inclusion criteria. Of the included studies, 20 studies reported resting‐state findings and 16 studies reported task‐based findings (emotion processing, memory, working memory, reward‐based learning, and executive function). Studies were highly heterogeneous but an overall trend towards an association of the Val allele with greater resting‐state connectivity and the Met allele with greater task‐based connectivity is reported. A possible interpretation of current findings is discussed, whereby the Val allele is associated with improved cognitive flexibility allowing integration of novel relevant stimuli, and the Met allele allows improved sustained attention and targeted neural processing, particularly between limbic regions and prefrontal cortex. The most promising brain regions implicated in a COMT genotype influence on functional connectivity include prefrontal regions, amygdala and hippocampus.
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In functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the hemodynamic response function (HRF) reflects regulation of regional cerebral blood flow in response to neuronal activation. The HRF varies significantly between individuals. This study investigated the genetic contribution to individual variation in HRF using fMRI data from 125 monozygotic (MZ) and 149 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs. The resemblance in amplitude, latency, and duration of the HRF in six regions in the frontal and parietal lobes was compared between MZ and DZ twin pairs. Heritability was estimated using an ACE (Additive genetic, Common environmental, and unique Environmental factors) model. The genetic influence on the temporal profile and amplitude of HRF was moderate to strong (24%-51%). The HRF may be used in the genetic analysis of diseases with a cerebrovascular etiology.
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Head motion systematically alters correlations in resting state functional connectivity fMRI (RSFC). In this report we examine impact of motion on signal intensity and RSFC correlations. We find that motion-induced signal changes (1) are often complex and variable waveforms, (2) are often shared across nearly all brain voxels, and (3) often persist more than 10seconds after motion ceases. These signal changes, both during and after motion, increase observed RSFC correlations in a distance-dependent manner. Motion-related signal changes are not removed by a variety of motion-based regressors, but are effectively reduced by global signal regression. We link several measures of data quality to motion, changes in signal intensity, and changes in RSFC correlations. We demonstrate that improvements in data quality measures during processing may represent cosmetic improvements rather than true correction of the data. We demonstrate a within-subject, censoring-based artifact removal strategy based on volume censoring that reduces group differences due to motion to chance levels. We note conditions under which group-level regressions do and do not correct motion-related effects.
Understanding the amazingly complex human cerebral cortex requires a map (or parcellation) of its major subdivisions, known as cortical areas. Making an accurate areal map has been a century-old objective in neuroscience. Using multi-modal magnetic resonance images from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and an objective semi-automated neuroanatomical approach, we delineated 180 areas per hemisphere bounded by sharp changes in cortical architecture, function, connectivity, and/or topography in a precisely aligned group average of 210 healthy young adults. We characterized 97 new areas and 83 areas previously reported using post-mortem microscopy or other specialized study-specific approaches. To enable automated delineation and identification of these areas in new HCP subjects and in future studies, we trained a machine-learning classifier to recognize the multi-modal 'fingerprint' of each cortical area. This classifier detected the presence of 96.6% of the cortical areas in new subjects, replicated the group parcellation, and could correctly locate areas in individuals with atypical parcellations. The freely available parcellation and classifier will enable substantially improved neuroanatomical precision for studies of the structural and functional organization of human cerebral cortex and its variation across individuals and in development, aging, and disease.
Understanding the genetic structure of human populations is of fundamental interest to medical, forensic and anthropological sciences. Advances in high-throughput genotyping technology have markedly improved our understanding of global patterns of human genetic variation and suggest the potential to use large samples to uncover variation among closely spaced populations. Here we characterize genetic variation in a sample of 3,000 European individuals genotyped at over half a million variable DNA sites in the human genome. Despite low average levels of genetic differentiation among Europeans, we find a close correspondence between genetic and geographic distances; indeed, a geographical map of Europe arises naturally as an efficient two-dimensional summary of genetic variation in Europeans. The results emphasize that when mapping the genetic basis of a disease phenotype, spurious associations can arise if genetic structure is not properly accounted for. In addition, the results are relevant to the prospects of genetic ancestry testing; an individual’s DNA can be used to infer their geographic origin with surprising accuracy—often to within a few hundred kilometres.
A growing body of literature suggests that changes in consciousness are reflected in specific connectivity patterns of the brain as obtained from resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI). As simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) is often unavailable, decoding of potentially confounding sleep patterns from rs-fMRI itself might be useful and improve data interpretation. Linear support vector machine classifiers were trained on combined rs-fMRI/EEG recordings from 25 subjects to separate wakefulness (S0) from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stages 1 (S1), 2 (S2), slow wave sleep (SW) and all three sleep stages combined (SX). Classifier performance was quantified by a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation (LOSO-CV) and on an independent validation dataset comprising 19 subjects. Results demonstrated excellent performance with areas under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUCs) close to 1.0 for the discrimination of sleep from wakefulness (S0|SX), S0|S1, S0|S2 and S0|SW, and good to excellent performance for the classification between sleep stages (S1|S2:~0.9; S1|SW:~1.0; S2|SW:~0.8). Application windows of fMRI data from about 70 s were found as minimum to provide reliable classifications. Discrimination patterns pointed to subcortical-cortical connectivity and within-occipital lobe reorganization of connectivity as strongest carriers of discriminative information. In conclusion, we report that functional connectivity analysis allows valid classification of NREM sleep stages.
Knowing how the human brain is shaped by migration and admixture is a critical step in studying human evolution [1, 2], as well as in preventing the bias of hidden population structure in brain research [3, 4]. Yet, the neuroanatomical differences engendered by population history are still poorly understood. Most of the inference relies on craniometric measurements, because morphology of the brain is presumed to be the neurocranium's main shaping force before bones are fused and ossified [5]. Although studies have shown that the shape variations of cranial bones are consistent with population history [6-8], it is unknown how much human ancestry information is retained by the human cortical surface. In our group's previous study, we found that area measures of cortical surface and total brain volumes of individuals of European descent in the United States correlate significantly with their ancestral geographic locations in Europe [9]. Here, we demonstrate that the three-dimensional geometry of cortical surface is highly predictive of individuals' genetic ancestry in West Africa, Europe, East Asia, and America, even though their genetic background has been shaped by multiple waves of migratory and admixture events. The geometry of the cortical surface contains richer information about ancestry than the areal variability of the cortical surface, independent of total brain volumes. Besides explaining more ancestry variance than other brain imaging measurements, the 3D geometry of the cortical surface further characterizes distinct regional patterns in the folding and gyrification of the human brain associated with each ancestral lineage. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.