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Branching features of apple cultivars in integrated and organic production technology


Abstract and Figures

In our examinations vegetative characteristics of 39 apple cultivars were evaluated in environmentally friendly production systems. In this paper number of the branches of the central leader in different high zones is shown. According to our results number of the branches of the axis is provably larger in the integrated production system, compared to the organic one, which is related with the conditional status of the trees. Based on our experiences training and maintaining canopies in integrated system is easier, as relative more extensive canopies are needed in organic farming.
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International Journal of Horticultural Science 2018, 24 (3-4): 11-14.
Branching features of apple cultivars
in integrated and organic production systems
Dremák, P., Csihon, Á. & Gonda, I.
University of Debrecen, Faculty of the Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Horticulture
138. Böszörményi str., Debrecen, H-4032, Hungary
Author for correspondence: Csihon, Á. (
Summary: In our study, vegetative characteristics of 39 apple cultivars were evaluated in environmentally friendly production systems. Numbers of
the branches of the central leader in different high zones were shown. According to our results, number of the branches of the axis was probably
larger in the integrated production system, compared to the organic one, which is related to the conditional status of the trees. Based on our
experiences training and maintaining canopies in integrated system was easier, as relative more extensive canopies were needed in organic farming.
Dremák, P., Csihon, Á., Gonda, I. (2018): Branching features of apple cultivars in integrated and organic production systems.
International Journal of Horticultural Science 24 (3-4): 11-14.
Key words: organic farming system, integrated farming system, growing characteristics, number of branches
Knowledge of the vegetative characteristics of fruit trees is
an essential tool for developing efficient production
technology. Growing balance means the near optimal ratio
between the longer shoots serving for the growth of the tree
size and cropping surface respectively the short shoots serving
for the fruit bearing. This state is necessary both for the time of
turning to bearing of the young trees and both for the nearly
permanent annual yields of the bearing trees (Bubán, 1998,
The most important regulatory factors of the fruit trees size
(genetically determined) according to Faust (1989) are the
arrangement of branches (e.g. acrotonic or basitonic branching
pattern), the branching angle, the length of the internodes of the
shoots, and regardless of the previous three the vigor.
Based on Lespinasse’s (1980) classification apple cultivars can
be described with basitonic (e.g. cv ’Starkrimson’), acrotonic
(e. g. cvs ’Rome Beauty’, ’Gloster’) or mesotonic (e.g. cv ‘Red
Delicious’) branching pattern.
Vigor is mainly regulated by hormones, namely the
relations of the auxins, cytokines and gibberellins. This is
principally determined by inherited properties of the rootstock
and the cultivar. However hormonal activity is also influenced
by ecological factors and production technology specialties
(Webster, 2005).
Production value of the cultivars is determined by the
growing and the fruit bearing characteristics and the fruit
quality in a complex way. Among the features of the cultivars
growing characteristics are not detailed in most of the cultivar
descriptions, they are handled just superficially. However
comparing the vegetative parameters of the trees and canopies
can ensure useful information for the producers during the tree
training and maintaining (Csihon, 2015; Csihon et al. 2015).
In previous studies (Holb et al., 2012, 2017; Holb, 2000,
2007, 2008; Holb and Scherm, 2008; Dremák et al., 2015,
2016, 2017), the effect of integrated and organic production on
the trunk, central axis, branch thickness and fungal diseases
was examined. The aim of our study was to show the number
of the branches of the central leader in various height of the
tree in integrated and organic production.
Materials and methods
In our examinations vegetative characteristics of 13
worldwide known (’Gala Must’, ’Golden Reinders’, ’Csányi
Jonathan’, ’Ozark Gold’, ’Elstar’, ’Mutsu, Jonagold’, ’Golden,
Orange’, ’Ruby Gala’, ’Idared’, ’Granny Smith’, ’Pinova’,
’Topaz’), 13 resistant (’Pilot’, ’Reka’, ’Relinda’, ’Renora’,
’Reglindis’, ’Releika’, Rewena’, ’Retina’, ’Remo’, ’Liberty’,
’Reanda’, ’Resi’, ’Faw 7262’) and 13 historical (’Batul’,
’Mosolygós batul’, ’Nyári fontos’, ’Téli aranyparmen’, ’Téli
banán’, ’Téli piros pogácsa’, ’Darusóvári’, ’Fertődi téli’,
’Francia renet’, ’London pepin’, ’Gravensteini’, ’Téli fehér
kálvil’, ’Húsvéti rozmaring’) apple cultivars were evaluated.
Location of the experiments was at Pallag Experimental
Station, University of Debrecen. Orchard was planted in 1997
with 4 x 1.5 m distances. Rootstock of the scion was M.26, and
the trees were trained to free spindle canopy.
Among the growing features number of the branches of the
central leader in different high zones is shown in two
environmentally friendly production systems. This parameter is
related with the ramification ability of the cultivars, which is
determined by not only the genetic properties, but the elements
of the production technology affecting the plant condition.
Observations were performed in 5-5 trees per each cultivar
and each production system. Number of the branches was
counted in the different height zones of the tree (lower, middle,
upper third) and the data were calculated to 1 meter leader
length, which helps the objective evaluation.
12 Dremák, P., Csihon, Á. & Gonda, I.
Results and discussion
Number of the branches emerging
from the central leader
In Figure 1 number of the
branches emerging from the central
leader referring to the total tree can be
seen. Data shows that the number of
the branches is higher in the
integrated production system, except
for cvs ’Elstar’,’Gravensteini’ and
’Téli fehér kálvil’.
Among the cultivars ’Téli piros
pogácsa’ (12.4; 11.3), and ’London
pepin’ (12.0; 10.5) can be described
with higher number of branches. Cv
’Téli fehér kálvil’ developed
minimally more branches (11.7; 11.9)
in the organic farming system,
similarly to the cvs ’Gravensteini’
(8.4; 8.6) and ’Elstar’ (8.8; 9.8). It can
be seen obviously that the
circumstances of the integrated
production technology are more
favorable to the ramification of the
cultivars, which also reflects its better
plant condition status.
Number of the branches in the lower
third of the canopy
Number of the branches in the
lower region of the trees influences
significantly the possibility of the
canopy training and maintaining
(Figure 2).
In integrated growing system cvs
’Gravensteini’ (1.9), ’Remo’ (2.3),
’Fertődi téli’ (2.3) ’Téli banán’ (2.3)
and ’Reanda’ (2.4) presented
unfavorable small number of
branches in the lower region of the
tree. These low values are quite
interesting, as cultivars were trained
to free spindle canopy, where 4-5
main scaffold branches were created
in the non-bearing period.
Cvs ’Mutsu’ (5.0) and ’London
pepin’ (6.0) displayed the highest
number of branches besides that, they
presented the lowest branch thickness
values, based on our previous work
(Dremák et al, 2017). Comparing the
two production systems among the
cultivars ‘Jonica’ (3.8; 3.1) and
’London pepin’ (6.0; 4.9) showed the
largest difference, latter one also
reaching the highest ramification.
Figure 1. Number of branches per 1 meter axis length in environmentally friendly production systems
(Debrecen-Pallag, 2010)
Figure 2. Number of branches of the central axis in the lower third of the canopy
(Debrecen-Pallag, 2010)
Figure 3. Number of branches of the central axis in the middle third of the canopy
(Debrecen-Pallag, 2010)
Branching features of apple cultivars in integrated and organic production technology 13
Number of the branches in the middle third of the canopy
During creating and maintaining the canopy we should
intend to have branches of which thickness and length are
decreasing from the bottom to the up. Regarding the producing
surface middle part of the tree has a huge role (Figure 3), as
even 30% of the high quality yield can bear here.
In integrated farming system based on the data of the
branch number of the middle region of the trees difference
between the extreme values is almost threefold, as the diverse
ramification ability of the cultivars is well visible.
Lowest values can be seen with cv ‘Reanda’ (3.6), as in the
case of cvs ’Téli banán’ (4.3), ’FAW’ (4.4) and ’Gravensteini’
(4.4) less than 5 branches were counted/1 meter axis length.
Highest ramification was observed with cvs ’London pepin’
(10.5), ’Gala’ (10.0) and ’Téli piros pogácsa’ (9.8). Taking into
account also their branch thickness (Dremák et al., 2017), that
fact is not surprising, as they can be grouped to the cultivars
with thin branches.
In the organic production system lowest values were
measured with cvs ’Reanda’ (3.1), ’Gravensteini’ (3.2) and
’Remo’ (3.5), as their branch thickness were quite high. It is
worth mentioning yet that cv ‘Jonica’ displayed low number of
branches (3.9), besides its thickness were outstandingly large.
Number of the branches in the upper third of the canopy
Ramification ability of the higher third of the canopy can be
influenced by not only the characteristics of the cultivar, but
also by the annual thinning pruning and the yield of the currant
years. In this region, which is the most unfavorable part of the
canopy regarding the vigor, huge differences are noted among
the cultivars. It can be seen that the difference between the
fewest and most branched varieties can reach up to four to six
times (Figure 4).
The most moderately branching varieties are ‘Rewena’
(5.6) and ‘Idared’ (6.6). Contrary to this cvs ’Elstar’ (18.4),
’Gravensteini’ (21.1) and ’Téli fehér kálvil’ (22.3) are tend to
became extreme dense in the upper third of the tree compared
to the other cultivars. It is seen also, that these three cultivars
presented higher branch number in the organic farming system,
than in the integrated one.
In the organic production technology, fewer number of
branches was counted on the central leader in all high zones,
compared to the integrated production technology. In the
integrated system thickness of the branches were obviously
thinner (Dremák et al., 2017), which can be related with their
higher number. Branches spaced with larger distances from
each other in the organic growing system can develop more
freely, thus the concurrency is more moderate among them, on
the other hand the better illumination helps also their
thickening. Of course, the reason of the higher branch
thickness can be also the lower yields of the organic
production, which influences the vegetative processes, as we
have seen in the case of the trunk thickness values (Dremák et
al., 2015).
According to our examinations, number of the branches of
the central leader is demonstrably larger in the integrated
production system, compared to the organic one. Based on
Gonda’s (1979) opinion it can be related with the condition
status of the trees. When trees are in adequate condition status
the more moderate apical dominance can promote more bud
growth, namely higher ramification, than the worse condition
status of the trees, which is accompanied with stronger apical
dominance. This also means that it is indirectly provable that
organic growing system can cause weaker plant condition.
Based on our previous and current results it can be stated,
that each element of the canopy structure (trunk, central leader
and branch thickness and number of branches) confirms that
the possibilities of the optimal canopy training and maintaining
are more favorable in integrated production system than in
organic one. Its clear practical significance can also be
formulated. Method of the canopy training and maintaining are
diverse in the two different technologies depending on the
growing and ramification characteristics. Maintaining the
richer branching trees are easier, requires relative less pruning
interventions, compared to the weaker ones. In the case of the
latter ones the ‘rampant’ vegetative and thickening features of
the branches can cause sectorial imbalance conditions.
Therefore training and maintaining canopies in integrated
systems needs less effort, as relative more extensive canopies
are needed in organic farming. This coincides with the finding
of Gonda (2005) that it is advisable to
plant trees with larger spacing in
organic farming for the later
In the organic system the cropping
surface of the tree (the height and the
possibility of the heightening is limited)
is restricted thanks to the strongly
tapering central axis (Dremák et al.,
2016), therefore these trees require
larger plant-to-plant distance and more
extensive canopy because of their
stronger bottom lateral growth.
Our results shows, that the majority
of the cultivars develop 4-20% more
branches in the integrated production
system. Accordingly maintaining the
optimal canopy is easier thanks to the
wider choice during the pruning, as risk
of the balding processes are less.
Figure 4. Number of branches of the central axis in the upper third of the canopy
(Debrecen-Pallag, 2010)
14 Dremák, P., Csihon, Á. & Gonda, I.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
A gyümölcstermő növények növekedési tulajdonságai
  • T Bubán
Bubán, T. (1998): A gyümölcstermő növények növekedési tulajdonságai. In: Gyümölcsfajta-ismeret és -használat. Szerk.: Soltész, M. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest. 75-97. p.
A növekedési tulajdonságok általános jellemzése
  • T Bubán
Bubán, T. (2003): A növekedési tulajdonságok általános jellemzése. In: Gyümölcstermesztési alapismeretek. Szerk.: PAPP, J. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest. 128-131. p.
A metszés időzítése, mértéke és a fák kondíciójának kölcsönhatásai
  • I Gonda
Gonda. I. (1979): A metszés időzítése, mértéke és a fák kondíciójának kölcsönhatásai. Újabb kutatási eredmények a gyümölcstermesztésben 6:21-28.
Holb, I. (szerk.) A gyümölcsösök és a szőlő ökológiai növényvédelme
  • I Gonda
Gonda I. (2005): Az ökológiai növényvédelem közvetett elemei. In. Holb, I. (szerk.) A gyümölcsösök és a szőlő ökológiai növényvédelme. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest. 34-40. p.
Új almafajták növekedési, terméshozási és gyümölcsminőségi tulajdonságainak vizsgálata. Doktori értekezés. DE MÉK. 173
  • Á Csihon
Csihon, Á. (2015): Új almafajták növekedési, terméshozási és gyümölcsminőségi tulajdonságainak vizsgálata. Doktori értekezés. DE MÉK. 173. pp.