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The Macururé Complex (Sergipano Belt, NE Brazil) in southern Alagoas state: Geology and geochronology


Abstract and Figures

The Sergipano Belt is part of the Southern Subprovince of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil) and separates the Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain from the São Francisco Craton. The Macururé Domain is the largest unit of the Sergipano Belt and comprises a basement of Paleoproterozoic age (Jirau do Ponciano Dome) and a supracrustal succession (Macururé Complex). Here we present the results of field, petrographic and structural work and of geochronological dating conducted in an area in the southern part of Alagoas state, northeast of the city of São Brás. The lithological associations of the Macururé Complex include quartzite, schist and banded metasedimentary rocks (metarhythmites). The main foliation shows a gentle dip to the southwest and is associated with a SW-plunging mineral lineation. The mineral assemblage muscovite+biotite+garnet±kyanite±staurolite in schist and metarhythmite indicates medium pressure and temperature conditions (amphibolite facies) typical of Barrovian metamorphism. U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from a quartzite sample yielded dominantly Tonian ages, showing a large age peak at c. 985 Ma. These zircon grains are thus derived from sources related to the Cariris Velhos event. The youngest grain has a 206Pb/238U age of 939±36 Ma (2s), which is considered as the maximum age of deposition. Two smaller age populations of c. 2.0 Ga and 1.1 Ga are also present. The most probable provenance of c. 2.0 Ga zircon grains is the nearby Jirau do Ponciano Dome. The other age group is more enigmatic and could be related to erosion of A-type rocks formed during local extensional events preceding the Cariris Velhos event.
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Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil vol 2, no 1, 17-25, April 2019
Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil
ISS N: 259 5-19 39
https: // 9396/jgs b.2019.v2. n1.2
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This wor k is licen sed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internacional License.
Article Information
*Corresponding author
Sérgio P. Neves
E-mail address:
Keywor ds:
Brasiliano-Pan- African
Barrovian metamorphism
detrital zircons
Publication type: Research paper
Submit ted: 28 Novem ber 2018
Accept ed: 12 Februar y 2019
Online pu b. 26 Februa ry 2019
Editor: Lu iz C. Silva
The Sergipano Belt is part of the Southern Subprovince of the Borborema Province (N E Brazil) and
separates the Pernambuco- Alagoas Domain from the São Francisco Craton. The Macururé Domain
is the largest unit of the Sergipano Belt and comprises a basement of Paleoproterozoic age (Jirau do
Ponciano Dome) and a supracrustal succession (Macururé Complex). Here we present the results
of field, petrographic and str uctural work and of geochronological dating conducted in an area in the
southern part of Alagoas state, northeast of the city of São Brás. The lithologic al assoc iations of the
Macururé Complex include quartzite, schist and banded metasedimentary rocks (metarhythmites).
The main foliation shows a gentle dip to the southwest and is associated with a SW-plunging mineral
lineation. The mineral assemblage muscovite+biotite+garnet±kyanite±staurolite in schist and
metarhythmite indicates medium pressure and temperature conditions (amphibolite facies) typical
of Barrovian metamorphism. U -Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from a quartzite sample yielded
dominantly Tonian ages, showing a large age peak at c. 98 5 Ma. These zircon grains are thus derived
from sources related to the Cariris Velhos event. The youngest grain has a 20 6Pb/238U age of 939±36
Ma (2s), which is considered as the maximum age of deposition. Two smaller age populations of c. 2.0
Ga and 1.1 Ga are also present. The most probable provenance of c. 2.0 Ga zirc on grains is the nearby
Jirau do Ponc iano Dome. The other age group is more enigmatic and could be related to erosion of
A-type rocks formed during local extensional events preceding the Cariris Velhos event.
The Macururé Complex (Sergipano Belt, NE Brazil) in southern Alagoas state:
Geology and geochronology
Sérgio P. Neves1 , José Maurício Rangel da Silva1 , Olivier Bruguier2
1 Depar tamento d e Geolo gia, Unive rsidad e Federal de Pe rnambu co, 50740- 530, R ecife, Br azil.
2 Géosciences Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, UMR-CNRS 5243, 34095, Montpellier, France.
1. Introduction
The Borborema Province of northeastern Brazil is one of
the several Brasiliano/Pan-African belts formed during the
assemblage of West Gondwana (Van Schmus et al. 2008;
Neves 2015 and references therein). The province is divided
in three subprovinces by the Patos and Pernambuco dextral
shear zone systems (Fig. 1a). The Southern Subprovince
is further subdivided in the Pernambuco-Alagoas (PEAL)
Domain and the Sergipano and Riacho do Pontal belts. The
Sergipano Belt has a triangular shape and is limited by the
PEAL Domain in the north and by the São Francisco Craton
in the south, being separated in western and eastern sectors
by the Tucano-Jatobá rift system (Fig. 1a). The Sergipano
Belt has been divided in several lithostratigraphic domains
(Davison and Santos 1989; D’el-Rey Silva 1999; Oliveira et al.
2006, 2010) (Fig. 1b). The Macururé Domain is the largest unit
and has been the subject of several studies in recent years.
However, most of them have been conducted in the state of
Sergipe (Bueno et al. 2009; Oliveira et al. 2010, 2015a, 2015b,
Conceição et al. 2016; Lisboa et al. 2019). In this paper, we
report the results of geological mapping, petrographic and
structural studies and geochronological dating of an area
in the middle por tion of the Macururé Domain in the state
of Alagoas (Figs. 1b and 1c). With this data, we discuss the
structural style, metamorphic grade, the age of deposition
and the provenance of the metasedimentary rocks in order to
contribute to the understanding of the geological evolution of
the Sergipano Belt.
2. Geological setting
2.1. Sergipano Belt
The Sergipano Belt is dominated by supracrustal
sequences, which have been divided in five lithostratigraphic
domains mainly based on increasing metamorphic grade from
south to north (Davison and Santos 1989; D’el-Rey Silva 1999;
Oliveira et al. 2006, 2010): Estância, Vaza Barris, Macururé,
Poço Redondo-Marancó and Canindé. The southernmost
Estância and Vaza Barris domains are composed of (meta)
sedimentary rocks deformed under subgreenschist (Estância)
18 Neves et al. - JGSB 2019, 2 (1) 17-25
Figure 1 - Geotectonic setting and geographic location of the study area. (a) Sketch showing the subdivision of the Borborema Province in
Northern (NS), Central (CS) and Southern (SS) subprovinces, highlighting the Sergipano (SB) and Riacho do Pontal (RP) belts bordering the
São Francisco Craton. Shear zone systems: PaSZ, Patos; EPSZ, East Pernambuco; WPSZ, West Pernambuco. (b) Simplified geological
map of the area outlined in (a) showing the subdivision of the eastern portion of the Southern Subprovince according to Mendes et al. (2009).
Rectangle shows location of the study area. (c) Geologic al map of the study area. Inset shows its loc ation in the State of Alagoas.
to greenschist (Vaza Barris) facies conditions (D’el-Rey Silva
1999), and, in contrast with the other domains, are not intruded
by granitic plutons.
The Poço Redondo-Marancó and Canindé domains
are located in the northwestern portion of the Sergipano
Belt (Fig. 1b), the latter being separated from the PEAL
Domain by the Jacaré dos Homens contractional shear zone
(Mendes et al. 2009, 2012). Another domain, named Rio
Coruripe, was proposed for the northeastern portion of the
Sergipano Belt (Silva Filho and Torres 2002; Mendes et al.
2009, 2012) but it is debated if it represents the high- grade
counterpart of the Macururé Domain (Oliveira et al. 2006)
or the eastward continuation of the Canindé Domain (Neves
et al. 2016). The Poço Redondo-Marancó Domain consists
of migmatitic orthogneisses and augen gneisses and of a
supracrustal sequence comprising metasedimentary rocks
interlayered with amphibolites, meta-andesites, metadacites,
metarhyolites and serpentinites (Davison and Santos 1989;
Carvalho 2005; Silva Filho 2006). The Canindé Domain
comprises metavolcano-sedimentary sequences and variably
deformed and metamorphosed peridotitic, gabbroic, dioritic
and granitic rocks (Davison and Santos 1989; Mendes et al.
2009; Oliveira et al. 2010). The mesosome of migmatites from
the Poço Redondo-Marancó Domain yielded crystallization
ages ranging from 980 to 960 Ma and the largest augen gneiss
body has crystallization age of 952 ± 2 Ma (Carvalho 2005).
The detrital zircon population in the metasedimentary rocks
from the Canindé Domain is dominated by Neoproterozoic
grains, amongst which the youngest have ages ranging from
708 to 663 Ma (Nascimento 2005; Oliveira et al. 2015a).
The Macur uré Complex, Borborema Province
Figure 2 - Lithotypes in the study area. (a) Muscovite quartzite with horizontal foliation. (b) Metarhythmite showing alternating pelitic-rich and
psammitic -rich bands. (c) Muscovite biotite schist with porphyroblasts of staurolite. (d) Boudinage layers of calc-silicate rock in pelitic schist.
The Macururé domain constitutes most of the central
and northern parts of the Sergipano Belt. It consists of
metasedimentary rocks of the Macururé Complex, which
surrounds basement rocks of the Jirau do Ponciano Dome
(Fig. 1b). The Jirau do Ponciano Dome consists of tonalitic to
granodioritic high-grade orthogneisses (Jirau do Ponciano
Complex) interleaved with metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the
Nicolau- Campo Grande Complex (Mendes et al. 2009, 2012).
The Macururé Complex include quartzites, metapelites and
metarhythmites. This complex was metamorphosed dominantly
under amphibolite facies conditions (Silva et al. 1995), and
intruded by several granitic stocks (Bueno et al. 2009; Oliveira et
al. 2015b; Conceição et al. 2016; Lisboa et al. 2019) during the
Brasiliano Orogeny. Zircon U- Pb dating of ort hogneiss samples of
the Jirau do Ponciano Complex yielded dominant crystallization
ages in the interval 2.04-2.06 Ga (Spalletta and Oliveira 2017).
These ages are similar to crystallization ages of amphibolite and
metarhyolite samples from the Nicolau-Campo Grande Complex
(2.05-2.07 Ga; Lima et al. 2019). U-Pb dating of detrital zircon
grains from metasedimentary rocks of the Macururé Complex
showed age clusters mainly in the intervals 1050-930 Ma and
2100-1900 Ma (Oliveira et al. 2006, 2010, 2015a). The granitoids
emplaced into the Macururé Complex yielded crystallization
ages ranging from 630 to 570 Ma (Bueno et al. 2009; Oliveira et
al. 2015b; Conceição et al. 2016; Lisboa et al. 2019).
2.2. Study area
The study area is situated in the eastern portion of the
Sergipano Belt, northeastward of the city of São Brás, State
of Alagoas (Fig. 1c). Orthogneisses belonging to the Jirau do
Ponciano Dome o ccur in its nor thern por tion. They are represente d
by muscovite-bearing granitic gneisses, with local intercalation
of amphibolite lenses, and by migmatized orthogneisses with
amphibole-bearing mesosome. The lithological associations of
the Macururé Complex include muscovite quartzite (Fig. 2a),
banded metasedimentary rocks (metarhythmites; Fig. 2b) and
mica schist (Fig. 2c). Quartzite occurs at the southern contact of
the orthogneissic basement with the Macururé Complex, forming
the base of the metasedimentary cover, and as map-scale (Fig.
1c) to thin lenses intercalated with the banded metasedimentary
rocks. Pelitic-psammitic metasedimentary rocks are the most
abundant lithologies. The pelitic bands are composed of quartz,
biotite, muscovite and garnet whereas the psammitic layers are
dominated by quartz ± feldspar. The banded appearance gives
place to a more homogeneous texture in fine-to medium-grained
pelitic schists, which show the same mineral assemblage of
the pelitic bands of the metarhythmites. Calc-silicate rocks
composed of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, epidote and quartz
may occur as thin, centimeter- to decimeter-thick bands in these
rocks (Fig. 2d). A small body of porphyritic granite intrudes the
metasedimentary sequence in the west part of the area.
3. Structure and metamorphism
In the study area, the Macururé Complex shows a relatively
simple geological structure. The centimetric to decimetric
alternating layers of metapelites and metapsammites in the
metarhythmites represent the original bedding (S0) and can
be related to the Tc-Td-Te or Td-Te intervals of classic Bouma
turbidites (Silva et al. 1995). The main foliation is usually
parallel to the bedding and shows low to moderate dip to
20 Neves et al. - JGSB 2019, 2 (1) 17-25
Figure 3 - Structural aspects of the study area. (a) Poles to the main foliation (S2) and their Kamb contours (2 sigma intervals), and mineral
lineations plotted on equal-area (lower hemisphere) projections. The great circle is fitted to the distribution of the foliation poles and the square
indicates its pole (251°, 23°). (b) Intrafolial isoclinal folds. (c) Mica foliation oblique to bedding. (d) Porphyroblasts of kyanite defining a mineral
lineation. (e, f) Kinematic shear criteria. (e) En-echelon quar tz veins. (f ) C’-type shear bands.
the southwest (Fig. 3a). This foliation is interpreted to be of
second generation (S2) because intrafolial, tight to isoclinal
folds defined by micas, so indicating existence of a previous
metamorphic foliation (S1), are locally obser ved (Fig. 3b). In
places where S2 is oblique to S0, its dip is always steeper (Fig.
3c). Mineral lineations, sometimes defined by kyanite, plunge
mainly to the southwest (Figs. 1c, 3a and 3d). Stretching
lineations are only rarely observed and kinematic shear criteria
were only found near the city of São Brás (Fig. 1c). There, the
foliation dips to the northeast and en-echelon quartz veins
(Fig. 3e) and C’-type shear bands (Fig. 3f) indicate top-to-the-
southwest tectonic transport. Poles to S2 define a broad girdle
whose axis plunges 23° to S72°W (Fig. 3a), which coincides
with the orientation of hinge lines of crenulations formed in a
later deformation phase.
In schists and metarhythmites, garnet is ubiquitous
as an accessory mineral phase (Fig. 4a) and centimetric
porphyroblasts of staurolite and kyanite (Figs. 2c and 3d),
sometimes together (Fig. 4b), are common. Syntectonic growth
of kyanite during development of S2 is attested by its orientation
parallel to L2, with no sign of superposition of a previous foliation
(Figs. 3d and 4c). Garnet may show an internal foliation oblique
to the external foliation, indicating early-S2 growth. Staurolite
usually occurs as elongate poikiloblasts with internal foliation
continuous with S2 (Fig. 4d), but in places the internal foliation is
slightly curved, indicating early-S2 growth.
The Macur uré Complex, Borborema Province
Figure 4 - Metamorphic aspects of the study area. a) Zoned garnet (Gr t) porphyroblast. (b) Metamorphic assemblage biotite (Bt)-muscovite
(Ms)-kyanite (Ky)-staurolite (St). (c) Elongate porphyroblast of kyanite parallel to the foliation defined by biotite. (d) Elongate poikiloblast of
staurolite with internal foliation (Si) parallel to the external foliation S2 (Se).
4. U-Pb geochronology
Two samples were chosen for the geochronological study,
one from a kyanite-bearing garnet biotite muscovite schist and
one from a muscovite quartzite, but the first did not yield zircon
grains. The analyzed sample (MAC-02) is from a quartzite
collected at coordinates 10°06’52.7”S; 36°49’23.8”W (Fig. 1c).
Zircon grains were separated using conventional techniques.
U-Pb zircon ages were obtained by laser ablation inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) at the
Université de Montpellier, France, following the procedure
detailed in Neves et al. (2016).
The U-Pb results are shown in Table 1 and in Fig. 5. Forty-
one grains were analyzed, all of which show oscillatory zoning
and high Th/U ratios (mostly above 0.5) suggestive of derivation
of igneous (or metaigneous) sources (e.g., Kirkland et al. 2015).
Of these, 25 grains yielded discordance < 5% and are the only
discussed. The concordant data define three age groups. The
three populations of zircon grains have similar morphologies,
being dominated by elongate grains with rounded corners
(Fig. 5). The oldest group comprises five analyses with
207Pb/206Pb ages ranging from 1954±28 Ma (2s) to 2046±38
Ma (2s). The second group comprises four analyses that
yielded Late Mesoproterozoic ages around 1100 Ma. The
remaining 16 analyses are of latest Mesoproterozoic to earliest
Neoproterozoic age, showing a large age peak at c. 985 Ma.
The youngest grain has a 206Pb/238U age of 939±36 Ma (2s),
which is considered as the maximum age for deposition.
5. Discussion
The dominant flat-lying foliation in the study area suggests
development associated with thrust tectonics. The absence
of mylonitic belts and the rarity of stretching lineations
indicates distributed non-coaxial deformation, without strain
localization. The local presence of shear criteria indicating
top-to-the-southwest tectonic transport (Figs. 3e, f) agrees
with the he overall vergence of the Sergipano Belt towards
the São Francisco Craton (Brito Neves et al. 1977; Jardim de
Sá et al. 1992; D’el-Rey Silva 1999; Oliveira et al. 2010). In
this context, the southwestward dip of the main foliation in
the study area is attributed to later folding. In places where S2
is oblique to S0, its dip is always steeper (Fig. 3c), indicating
that the study area may be located in the normal limb of an
inverted macroscopic fold with northeastern vergence. This
inference is consistent with location of the study area south
of the Jirau do Ponciano Dome, which is shown on regional
maps as an inverted antiform (Mendes et al. 2009, 2012;
Lima et al. 2019).
Oliveira et al. (2010) proposed a time gap between S1
and S2 based on obser vations in the central portion of the
Macururé Domain. In contrast, S1 and S2 are here interpreted
as resulting from progressive deformation, giving the absence
of any metamorphic discontinuity, as previously discussed
by Silva et al. (1995). The mineral assemblage muscovite+b
iotite+garnet±kyanite±staurolite (Fig. 4b) indicates medium
pressure and temperature conditions (amphibolite facies)
typical of Barrovian metamorphism.
22 Neves et al. - JGSB 2019, 2 (1) 17-25
Table 1. U-Pb LA-ICP-MS analyses of zircon grains from muscovite quar tzite (sample MAC- 02) of the Macururé Complex.
Analysis Pb* (pp m) Th (pp m) U (ppm) Th/ U 208Pb/
206Pb ± (1s) 207Pb/
235U ± (1s) 206Pb /
238U ± (1s) Rho
206Pb /
± (1s)
ages (Ma)
± (1s) Err
R8 % Err 7/6 % Conc.(%)
#1 16.6 113 . 0 90.3 1. 25 0.323 0.089 3 0.0009 1.8104 0.0240 0 .147 0 0.0 013 0.66 884 71 411 19 0.9 1.0 62.6
#2 25.4 113 .1 150. 3 0.75 0. 2 11 0.0763 0.0008 1.5783 0.0222 0.14 99 0 .0 013 0.62 901 711 0 4 22 0.9 1.1 81.6
#3 62.5 300 .7 328.8 0.91 0.2 75 0.0 719 0.0007 1.574 0 0.0237 0.1 5 88 0 .0 017 0.73 950 10 983 21 1 .1 1.0 9 6.7
#4 52.4 129. 8 162.9 0.80 0 .15 0 0.1 23 9 0.0010 5.05 65 0.0557 0.2959 0.0023 0.70 16 71 11 2014 14 0.8 0.8 83.0
#5 84.7 13 6.7 223.6 0.61 0 .174 0 .119 8 0. 0010 5.6611 0.06 12 0.3426 0.0 025 0.66 189 9 12 1954 14 0 .7 0.8 97. 2
#6 23.2 106. 5 112 .9 0.9 4 0.298 0.0724 0.0006 1.6832 0.0 242 0.1 68 6 0. 0019 0.78 10 05 10 997 18 1.1 0.9 100.8
#7 68.8 192.7 398.3 0.4 8 0.1 57 0 .0 749 0.0007 1.64 00 0 .0197 0 .15 8 8 0.0 012 0.62 950 7106 6 19 0.7 0.9 89.2
#8 96.2 196 .3 246. 6 0.80 0.227 0.121 4 0.0009 5.7955 0. 0918 0.3 461 0.00 48 0.87 1916 23 197 7 14 1.4 0.8 96.9
#9 33.4 138. 5 151. 8 0.91 0. 316 0.0730 0.0008 1.724 6 0.0343 0 .171 4 0.0028 0.82 1020 15 1 013 23 1.6 1.1 10 0.7
#10 82.6 372.0 445.2 0.84 0. 256 0.0724 0.0006 1.5 974 0.0233 0 .16 0 0 0.0020 0.8 5 957 11 997 16 1. 2 0.8 96.0
#11 4.0 15 .0 20.2 0 .74 0.24 5 0.0738 0. 0014 1. 7337 0. 0427 0 .170 3 0.0028 0.6 6 1014 15 1037 37 1.6 1. 8 9 7. 8
#12 45.4 10 6 .1 116 . 4 0.91 0.223 0 .12 19 0. 0010 5.806 0 0.0688 0.3 453 0.0028 0.70 1912 14 19 85 15 0.8 0.9 96.3
#13 33.5 101. 4 18 2.1 0.5 6 0.17 4 0.0722 0.0007 1.678 5 0.0186 0 .1 68 6 0. 0010 0.54 10 05 6991 19 0.6 0. 9 101.4
#14 117. 3 189 .3 533.3 0.35 0 .16 4 0 .12 74 0. 0010 3.3639 0.054 0 0.1 915 0.0 026 0.86 113 0 14 2062 14 1. 4 0.8 54.8
#15 2 7.5 13 4.0 162.3 0.8 3 0.248 0.076 9 0.0006 1.59 48 0. 0140 0 .15 0 4 0.0004 0.30 903 21119 17 0.3 0.8 80 .7
#16 81.5 260. 2 4 67. 0 0.56 0 .17 6 0. 074 5 0.0007 1.6524 0 .0159 0 .16 0 9 0.0006 0.39 962 31055 18 0.4 0.9 91.2
#17 21.0 1 5 3.1 14 4.7 1.0 6 0 .19 6 0. 0816 0.0008 1.45 04 0.0260 0 .12 9 0 0.0 019 0.83 782 11 12 35 20 1.5 1. 0 63.3
#18 101.4 14 8.4 42 9.0 0.35 0 .119 0 .12 91 0. 00 17 4.9529 0.1 66 4 0. 2782 0.0086 0.92 1582 43 20 86 23 3.1 1. 3 75.8
#19 74. 6 516 .1 435.0 1.1 9 0.299 0.07 87 0.0006 1.5492 0.0159 0 .142 8 0.0009 0.64 861 511 64 15 0 .7 0.8 73.9
#20 7.1 25.3 3 7.1 0.68 0.222 0.0720 0.0006 1.6954 0.0210 0.170 7 0.0 016 0 .76 1016 9986 16 0.9 0.8 103.0
#21 292 .7 552.6 113 0 .6 0.49 0 .1 66 0 .12 3 9 0.0013 3 .9726 0.0 607 0.2326 0.0027 0.7 5 1348 14 2 013 18 1.1 1. 0 67. 0
#22 72.3 415 .9 411 .3 1. 01 0.309 0. 0736 0.0006 1.60 45 0.0206 0 .15 8 0 0.0 015 0.75 946 810 32 17 1.0 0.9 91.7
#23 13.5 51 .4 71. 6 0.72 0.226 0. 0723 0.0009 1.68 31 0.0281 0.16 9 0 0.0 018 0.65 100 6 10 993 26 1 .1 1.3 101. 3
#24 23.8 120 .9 140 .6 0.86 0. 228 0.0764 0.0009 1.64 67 0.0 198 0 .15 62 0.0007 0.37 936 4110 7 22 0.4 1.1 8 4.6
#25 36.6 55.2 101. 6 0.54 0 .17 0 0.12 6 2 0.0 013 6.34 42 0.0937 0.3 645 0.0038 0.70 20 03 18 2046 19 1.0 1.1 9 7. 9
#26 24.0 83.6 146 .6 0.57 0 .19 3 0.0709 0.0008 1.5 332 0.0 356 0.1 5 69 0.0 032 0.89 939 18 954 22 2.1 1 .1 98.5
#27 52.2 33 8.7 206.0 1.6 4 0 .171 0.1267 0. 00 11 4.0633 0.0526 0.2326 0.0 022 0.73 13 48 11 2052 16 0.9 0.9 65 .7
#28 12.7 15 .7 65.8 0.24 0 .0 74 0.0756 0.0008 1.9580 0.0328 0.18 7 8 0.0024 0.78 110 9 13 108 5 21 1.3 1.1 102.2
#29 63.3 139. 7 166.3 0. 84 0. 241 0 .12 3 3 0.0010 5 .8421 0.0 634 0.3435 0.0025 0.67 19 04 12 2005 14 0.7 0. 8 94.9
#30 102.3 98.4 276.5 0.36 0 .13 6 0 .12 61 0.0 010 6.2642 0.0674 0.3602 0.0026 0.68 1983 12 204 5 14 0.7 0.8 97. 0
#31 124. 5 185 .4 343.5 0.54 0 .15 6 0 .12 0 9 0.0010 5.6242 0.0642 0 . 33 74 0.0026 0.68 18 74 13 196 9 15 0.8 0.8 95.2
#32 100. 8 585.6 422.4 1. 39 0 .4 11 0.0782 0.0006 2.0017 0.0217 0.18 57 0. 0014 0. 69 1098 81151 15 0.8 0.8 95.4
#33 45.4 305.2 2 2 7.7 1. 34 0 .4 11 0.0 715 0.0006 1.5559 0.0244 0.1579 0.0020 0.82 945 11 971 18 1.3 0.9 9 7. 4
#34 85.9 238.3 4 97. 0 0.48 0 .15 2 0.0734 0 .0 013 1.6 59 9 0.0337 0 .16 41 0. 0016 0.49 979 9102 4 35 1.0 1.8 95.6
#35 53.5 374 .1 242.9 1. 54 0.4 64 0. 0714 0.0007 1.655 6 0.0223 0.1 6 83 0 .0016 0.7 2 1003 9968 19 1.0 0.9 103 .6
#36 16.3 50.3 9 1.1 0.5 5 0.17 2 0.0725 0.0007 1.68 92 0.0257 0 .16 8 9 0.0 019 0.74 10 06 10 1001 21 1.1 1.0 100.5
#37 102.3 661. 4 561.6 1.1 8 0. 371 0.0737 0.0008 1.68 28 0.0275 0.1 6 57 0.0021 0.76 988 11 10 32 21 1.2 1 .1 95.8
#38 116 .5 6 05.0 642.9 0. 94 0.285 0.0722 0.0006 1.6 05 0 0.0230 0.1611 0.0019 0.83 963 11 9 93 16 1.2 0.8 9 7. 0
#39 121.9 102.1 345.2 0.30 0.10 8 0 .12 73 0 .0 0 11 6.0172 0.0704 0.3427 0.0026 0. 66 190 0 13 2062 15 0.8 0.9 92.2
#40 15.6 41.5 75. 3 0.55 0 .16 9 0.0770 0.0009 2.0234 0.0297 0.1906 0.0018 0.65 112 5 10 112 1 22 1.0 1.1 10 0.3
#41 16 .2 42.8 78. 0 0.55 0.167 0.0761 0.0008 1.9 662 0.029 5 0.1 87 5 0.0021 0.74 11 0 8 11 10 97 20 1.1 1.0 1 01.0
The Macur uré Complex, Borborema Province
Figure 5 - Probability and Concordia plots for LA-ICP-MS zircon analyses from sample MAC- 02 and representative backscattered electron
(BSE) images of analyzed grains.
The detrital zircon ages of sample MAC-02 (Fig. 5) are
similar to other dated samples from the Macururé Complex
(Van Schmus et al. 2011; Oliveira et al. 2006, 2010, 2015a),
which revealed no post-Tonian zircon grains (Fig. 6). The
dominant latest Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic
ages show that the main sources of the detritus were formed
during the Cariris Velhos event (Brito Neves et al. 1995). This
event was first documented in the Alto Pajeú Domain of the
Central Subprovince (Brito Neves et al. 1996; Santos et al.
2010; Van Schmus et al. 2011; Guimarães et al. 2012) but
was later recognized in the PEAL Domain (Brito et al. 2008;
Cruz et al. 2014; Da Silva Filho et al. 2014), Marancó-Poço
Redondo Domain (Carvalho 2005; Oliveira et al. 2010), and
Riacho do Pontal Belt (Caxito et al. 2014). Although the nature
of the Cariris Velhos event (if orogenic or extensional) is still
debated, the dominance of bimodal metavolcanic rocks and
of metagranitoids with A-type signature favors an intraplate
origin for the magmatism (Neves 2003; Guimarães et al.
2011, 2012, 2016). Given the wide distribution of the Cariris
Velhos-related rocks, it is not possible to ascertain if zircon
grains of the dominant age group were sourced from proximal
rocks (Marancó-Poço Redondo Domain) or had more distal
provenance. The absence of zircon grains younger than c. 900
Ma in our and in previously analyzed samples could indicate
that deposition of the Macururé Complex occurred at the end
or shortly afterward the Cariris Velhos event. Alternatively, it
may simply be that younger sources were either not available
for erosion at the time of deposition or were not present along
the drainage system.
The most obvious source for zircon grains in the age
interval 1.95-2.05 Ga is the Jirau do Ponciano Dome,
which shows a similar age range (Spalletta and Oliveira
24 Neves et al. - JGSB 2019, 2 (1) 17-25
2017; Lima et al. 2019), although it is somewhat surprising
the comparatively small number of analyses in this age
range given the proximity of available source rocks. The
provenance of zircon grains with ages around 1.1 Ga (Fig.
5) is more enigmatic. The age of 1091±13 Ma recorded in
a metavolcanic rock from the Riacho Gravatá Complex of
the Alto Pajeú Domain (Guimarães et al. 2012) is so far the
only one documented in central and southern Borborema
Province. Guimarães et al. (2012) interpreted this age as
related to an early stage of rifting preceding the Cariris
Velhos event. Similarly, detrital zircon grains from the
Sopa-Brumadinho Formation of the Espinhaço Supergroup
falls within the interval between 1080±16 and 1240±20 Ma
(Chemale Jr. et al. 2012). They are tentatively interpreted
as resulting from erosion of A-type source rocks during
the initial rifting stage corresponding to deposition of the
basal units of the Upper Espinhaço Group (Chemale Jr. et
al. 2012). Therefore, it is possible that the c. 1.1 Ga zircon
population records localized extensional events at the late
Mesoproterozoic in the Borborema Province and/or São
Francisco Craton.
6. Conclusion
The Macururé Domain in southern Alagoas state is
constituted by Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses that outcrop
in the northern part of the study area and by quar tzite,
metarhythmite and micaschist, which are the dominant
lithotypes. The southwestern dipping flat-lying foliation
was developed under amphibolite facies conditions, with
the paragenesis muscovite+biotite+garnet±kyanite±stauro
lite indicating medium P-T (Barrovian) metamorphism. U-Pb
analyses of detrital zircon grains point to the dominance of
early Tonian rocks (1.0 to 0.94 Ga) as the main sources of
the sediments, with a smaller contribution of Paleoproterozoic
(c. 2.0 Ga) and Late Mesoproterozoic (c. 1.1 Ga) sources.
Figure 6 - Cumulative probability density distribution diagram of U-Pb detrital zircon ages from metasedimentary rocks of the Macururé
Complex. Sources of data: MAC-02, this study; FS-89 and FS-68, Oliveira et al. (2015); 92-09, Van Schmus et al. (2011).
The Macur uré Complex, Borborema Province
This work was supported through funding from the Brazilian
agency Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq; grant 472582/2011-9). Detailed comments
by Mahyra Tedeschi helped to improve the paper.
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... 1.1 Ga), and early Neoproterozoic (1.0-0.92 Ga) sources (Van Schmus et al., 2011;Oliveira et al., 2015b;Neves et al., 2019). The lack of zircon crystals younger than 850 Ma suggests that the sedimentary succession deposition occurred before the Brasiliano Orogeny. ...
... These authors interpreted the younger ages as a Pb loss event, while the older ages represent xenocryst grains sequestered during magma ascension. Nevertheless, no detrital zircons younger than 850 Ma are recorded in the supracrustal sequence of the Macururé Domain (Van Schmus et al., 2011;Oliveira et al., 2015b;Neves et al., 2019). Moreover, the high Ti-in-zircon and Zr saturation temperatures preclude a xenocryst origin or inheritance from the magma source (Watson and Harrison, 1983;Miller et al., 2003). ...
... Stage I: After successive rifting events, the extended and weakened crust of southern Borborema Province acted as the depocenter for basins receiving detritus from the eroded Paleoproterozoic and Tonian uplifted continental blocks (Fig. 16a). On the side of the PEAL, the sedimentary succession from the Macururé Complex was deposited, while sedimentation of the basal units from the Estância and Vaza-Barris domains took place at the SFC edge (Van Schmus et al., 2011;Oliveira et al., 2015b;Neves et al., 2019). ...
... Based on the proposed correlation between these two units, it is also suggested that the Ipu (lowermost unit of Serra Grande Group) and Cariri formations were deposited in a similar and coeval paleogeographic context between Late Cambrian and Late Ordovician (Cerri Neves et al., 2013;França et al., 2019;Neves et al., 2004Neves et al., , 2006Neves et al., , 2015aNeves et al., , 2021Santos, 2012), Alto Moxotó Lages et al., 2019;Lira Santos et al., 2015Neves et al., 2009Neves et al., , 2015bNeves et al., , 2017Santos et al., 2004), Alto Pajeú (Brito Neves et al., 2003Guimarães et al., 2012;Kozuch, 2003;Lira Santos et al., 2019;Santos et al., 2010;Van Schmus et al., 2011), Piancó-Alto Brígida (Brito Neves et al., 2003Caxito et al., 2021;Pitarello et al., 2019;Van Schmus et al., 2011) and São Pedro (Basto et al., 2019); Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain: Garanhuns (Brito Neves et al., 2019;Neves et al., 2009Neves et al., , 2018Silva Filho et al., 2010, 2013, 2014, Cabrobó (Cruz and Accioly, 2013;Cruz et al., 2014;Neves et al., 2016;Brito Neves et al., 2019) and Sergipano Belt (Oliveira et al., 2010(Oliveira et al., , 2015bRosa et al., 2020;Bueno et al., 2009;Lima et al., 2018;Long et al., 2005;Neves et al., 2019;Van Schmus et al., 2011;Passos et al., 2021;Nascimento, 2005;Carvalho, 2005). The ages of the geological events (colored bars) were proposed by Araujo et al. (2012). ...
The Early Paleozoic of the NE Brazilian sedimentary basins are key to understanding the primeval depositional environments and paleogeography of Western Gondwana after its final assembly. In this context, determining the sedimentary provenance of the Early Paleozoic Cariri Formation (basal unit of the Araripe Basin) may improve paleogeographic reconstructions and stratigraphic correlations. Despite the Araripe Basin being one of the best-studied interior basins of northeastern Brazil, the Cariri Formation lacks detailed geochronological and sedimentary provenance analyses, which hamper precise definitions of its depositional age, sedimentary source areas and paleogeography. Considering this scenario, we performed a combined multiproxy approach, including sedimentologic and stratigraphic analysis, detrital zircon U–Pb dating and provenance studies based on trace elements in detrital rutile. The maximum depositional age for the Cariri Formation suggests that its sedimentation started after the Late Cambrian. Detrital zircon ages and detrital rutile provenance indicate that the primary source areas for the Cariri Formation fluvial system were the orogenic terranes related to the Brasiliano Orogeny, located at the SE of the Borborema Province (e.g., Sergipano Belt), with secondary, but also important, the contribution of Cambrian sources. Records of this event are also found in northern Africa, where units related to the Neoproterozoic East African-Antarctic and Pan African orogens provided sediments for basin-scale fluvial systems.
... Sedimentary successions of Late Paleoproterozoic age (ca. 1.7 Ga) are represented by the Orós and Jaguaribe belts from the Rio Grande do Norte Domain (Sá et al., 1995), and is possible that sediments related to the Cariris Velhos event constitute part of the metasedimentary sequences in the Alto Pajeú and Sergipano domains (Van Schmus et al., 2011;Caxito et al., 2014a;Santos et al., 2015aSantos et al., , 2015bNeves et al., 2019). ...
70–80% of the continental crust was produced during the 4.0–2.0 Ga time span, but the preserved area of Archean/early Paleoproterozoic cratons is smaller than 40%. Part of this deficit can be accounted for by the presence of reworked old crust in the basement of mid-Paleoproterozoic to Phanerozoic orogenic belts. Here, I compare the crustal evolution of the Brasiliano-Pan-African Borborema Province (BP) with that of the São Francisco Craton (SFC) in eastern Brazil and highlight numerous geological aspects, several of which are uncommon in other cratons/orogenic belts, indicating their shared evolution for most of the Precambrian. These include: 1. Presence of the oldest rocks (Eo- to Paleoarchean) from the South American Platform. 2. Occurrence of Siderian (2.5–2.3 Ga) rocks. 3. Generation of juvenile crust and reworking of pre-existing rocks during the Transamazonian event (2.2–2.0 Ga). 4. Intermittent rifting and intraplate magmatic events between 1.78 and 1.50 Ga. 5. Intrusion of mafic dykes and A-type granites at 1.0–0.85 Ga. 6. Intrusion of mafic rocks, syenites and granitoids with intraplate signature between ca. 0.71 and 0.64 Ga. 7. The lack of evidence for igneous and tectonic activity between ca. 1.95 and 1.78 Ga, during most of the Mesoproterozoic, and between 0.85 and 0.73 Ga. The temporal coincidence of Rhyacian orogenic events in the SFC and BP favors the hypothesis that they were part of a continent formed by the accretion of Archean/early-Paleoproterozoic blocks and of juvenile arc crust during the Transamazonian Orogeny. In addition, the recording of several intraplate tectonomagmatic events from the late-Paleoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic indicates that they remained united until at least the mid-Neoproterozoic. In this context, BP can be interpreted as a fragment of the SFC re-accreted and reworked during the Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny (ca. 640–550 Ma). Recent studies demonstrate that most of the basement of the Brasília and Araçuaí belts, which occur to the west and east, respectively, of the SFC, also resulted from its reworking. Therefore, an area c. two times larger than the current outline of the SFC can be inferred, indicating an intense process of decratonization during the Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny. The intermittent late Paleoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic extension-related magmatism in this Greater São Francisco paleocontinent contrasts with the worldwide occurrence of orogenic episodes accompanying the amalgamation of the Columbia supercontinent, its fragmentation, and the build-up of Rodinia. These differences suggest that Greater São Francisco was not part of these supercontinental assemblages.
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A Faixa Sergipana está localizada na porção meridional da Província Borborema e é uma região chave para o estudo dos processos atuantes na aglutinação do Supercontinente Gondwana durante a Orogenia Brasiliana. Entretanto, ainda há muitas lacunas no conhecimento que dificultam o entendimento de sua evolução geotectônica. Ao longo dos anos, diversos modelos foram propostos para a formação da Faixa Sergipana: colagem de domínios litoestratigráficos distintos, inversão de uma bacia de margem passiva e, mais recentemente, um ciclo de Wilson completo. Nesta tese busco entender os processos tectônicos atuantes nesse orógeno por meio de um estudo sistemático, abrangendo geofísica aérea, mapeamento estrutural detalhado, petrografia e química mineral da Zona de Cisalhamento São Miguel do Aleixo, estrutura que limita os domínios Vaza Barris e Macururé da Faixa Sergipana. Os dados obtidos apontam que um modelo evolutivo acrescionário é o mais adequado para a evolução da Faixa Sergipana. Com base na magnetometria, foi possível inferir que o domínio Poço Redondo é um provável microcontinente que foi acrescionado à paleo-margem do São Francisco durante a colisão. Esses dados apontam também a presença de dois prováveis limites entre terrenos representados pelas zonas de cisalhamento São Miguel do Aleixo e Belo MonteJeremoabo e uma região de alta intensidade magnética localizada no Complexo Arapiraca seria a provável zona de sutura principal da colisão entre a Paleoplaca do São Francisco e o Superterreno Pernambuco-Alagoas. O mapeamento estrutural detalhado reforça a importância da Zona de Cisalhamento São Miguel do Aleixo como limite crustal. Além disso, indicadores cinemáticos e arcabouço estrutural mostram que durante a colisão essa zona atuou como transpurrão, em que a componente direcional teve papel maior do que a compressional. As assembleias minerais encontradas para os domínios Vaza Barris e Macururé são distintas, indicando metamorfismo na zona da clorita e granada, respectivamente. Para a zona da granada foram encontradas temperaturas de até 564 °C. A deformação também atuou de maneira heterogênea através da zona de cisalhamento. O Domínio Vaza Barris é interpretado como um cinturão de dobras e cavalgamentos em foreland onde dominou deformação tipo rúptil-dúctil em regime tectônico thin skinned com envolvimento de porções do embasamento. Já o Domínio Macururé foi deformado ductilmente em provável regime tectônico thick-skinned. A justaposição desses domínios é similar à estruturação do Orógeno Tasmanides, o que suporta a hipótese de orogênese acrescionária para a Faixa Sergipana.
During orogenesis, the forming structures vary according to several factors such as the nature of rocks, geological environment, P-T conditions, and type of collision. Deformational styles play a significant role in orogenic processes. While thin-skinned tectonics comprise only supracrustal deformation, in thick-skinned tectonics both supracrustal rocks and the basement are deformed reaching Moho depths. Both styles may coexist in a single orogenic system and the recognition of different sectors may help to unravel the nature of the orogen. In this paper, we apply the definition of tectonic styles to the São Miguel do Aleixo Shear Zone, a major transpressive shear zone in the Sergipano Belt, NE Brazil. It separates domains with different structural and metamorphic grades and provides evidence for understanding the tectonic implications of this structure and its role in the evolution of the orogen. We suggest that the São Miguel do Aleixo Shear Zone is a major crustal boundary formed during the oblique collision with and a possible transitional region between areas with dominant thin-skinned and thick-skinned tectonics. The presence of both tectonic styles together with metamorphic grade and geological environment lead to suggest that accretionary processes had a key role in the evolution of the Sergipano Belt.
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New zircon U-Pb (SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS), elemental and Nd-Sr geochemistry data on rhyolitic metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic rocks of NE Brazil characterize widespread arc-related phenomena during the Neoproterozoic, related to the Conceição-type or Stage I plutonic rocks. U-Pb zircon dating pinpoint the main phase of magmatic activity at ca. 635-600 Ma in the 700-km long sigmoidal Piancó-Alto Brígida domain, but other important flare-ups might have taken place at ca. 670-690, 730-760, 810-820 and 860-880 Ma. A comprehensive compilation of detrital zircon data from metavolcanosedimentary successions of the entire Borborema Province (n=5532) confirms the occurrence of a quasi-continuum Neoproterozoic spectra punctuated by peaks at those same age intervals separated by minor lulls. Low Th/U rims of zircon crystals dated at ca. 577 Ma provide an estimate of the age of regional transpressional metamorphism. Samples of all age ranges are mostly calc-alkaline, magnesian and peraluminous, with moderately to highly fractionated LREE enrichment, negative Nb-Ta anomalies akin to convergent settings, and plot mainly within the volcanic arc field in tectonic discrimination diagrams. Nd-Sr isotope systematics indicate the involvement of juvenile Neoproterozoic melts from the mantle wedge, which upon mixing with Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement and contamination with the host metasedimentary rocks yield Mesoproterozoic TDM mainly at 1.14-1.44 Ga, near-chondritic εNd(t) and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sri 0.703-0.710. We put forward a model involving a major continental back-arc zone related to the development of the Conceição magmatic arc, akin to the modern-day Taupo volcanic zone of New Zealand, crosscutting NE Brazil and presumably continuing through the schist belts of Nigeria and Cameroon. The main magmatic flare ups might have been induced by extra-arc phenomena, such as collision of the West African paleocontinent with the northwestern Borborema edge due to closure of the exterior Goiás-Pharusian Ocean, force-speeding subduction in the interior V-shaped oceanic basins that constituted the Transnordestino-Central African Ocean and generating clockwise windshield-wiper-like rotation of the blocks back towards the São Francisco-Congo paleocontinent in a complete Wilson Cycle.
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The Glória Sul Stock (SGS) (41 km2) is a round-shaped pluton, which intrudes the metasediments of the central area of the Macururé Domain, in the Sergipano Orogenic System (SOS). The stock encompasses a number of leucocratic syenogranites, including biotite syenogranite, muscovite-biotite bearing syenogranite and muscovite syenogranite. Mafic microgranular enclaves with syenitic composition are abundant in the biotite syenogranites but very rare in the muscovite-biotite bearing syenogranites. The syenogranites are predominantly metaluminous although the more evolved rocks show a peraluminous character. They can be classified as I-type and high-K calc-alkaline rocks. The syenitic enclaves are metaluminous and show shoshonitic geochemical characteristics. Geochemical modeling suggests that petrological diversity may be explained by considering mixing between peraluminous magma with ca. 73% SiO2 and a mafic shoshonitic magma with ca. 56% SiO2. Trace elements contents (Ba = 1,179 - 319 ppm; Rb = 351 - 55.3 ppm; Y = 16.7 - 1.6 ppm) are higher in the enclaves than in the granites. REE contents range from 38.58 - 299.21 ppm; LaN/YbN = 12.57 - 137.22 and Eu/Eu* = 0.72 - 1.94. The present data indicates that granitogenesis in the Macururé Domain (DM) is complex as well as that the widespread leucocratic syenogranites are post-tectonic, having been generated through interaction between peraluminous rhyolitic magmas and mantellic shoshonitic magmas.
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Tonian granitoids, today augen-gneisses and migmatites, showing crystallization ages ranging from 870 Ma to 1000 Ma occur in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. The majority of them have ages within the 925–970 Ma interval. Few intrusions with ages of ∼1.0 Ga and <900 Ma occur in the Transversal and South subprovinces. The Tonian granitoids constitute the most expressive magmatic rocks of the Cariris Velhos event. The studied granitoids (herein CVG -Cariris Velhos granitoids) intrude slightly older bimodal (but mostly felsic) volcanic successions and metasedimentary sequences in the Transversal and South subprovinces. Tonian granitoids are unknown in the North subprovince. The CVG comprise mainly coarse-grained augen-gneisses of granite to granodiorite composition. Fe-rich biotite (annite) is the main mafic mineral phase, constituting up to 15% of the modal composition. Garnet, muscovite and tourmaline occur as accessory phases in many plutons.
In the northern-central portion of the Sergipano Orogenic System there is an expressive Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism with high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic affinities. The Glória Norte Stock (GNS, 45 km2) is the most important representative of the shoshonitic magmatism in one the domains of the Sergipano System, the Macururé. The contacts of the stock with the host metasedimentary rocks are discordant and steep, with generation of amphibolite facies hornfels. The GNS is made up of predominantly porphyritic quartz-monzonite and monzogranite. It shows a magmatic flow foliation defined by oriented mafic enclaves and feldspar phenocrysts, without evidence for solid state regional deformation. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) are abundant and present different sizes and shapes. Minette and biotite diopside cumulate enclaves are also present. Coexistence between two different magmas is indicated by crystal corrosion and dissolution textures, compositional zoning of feldspar and presence of clusters of mafic minerals. Grain size decrease towards the rims of the MME indicates fast cooling of small drops of mafic magma, due to temperature contrast with the felsic magma. The monzonites and granites of the GNS have shoshonitic affinity, and the enclaves are related to ultrapotassic suites (MgO > 3%, K2O > 3%). LREE are enriched as compared to HREE, and there are remarkable negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, Ti, P, Sr and Eu, mostly in the enclaves. The MME have been probably formed from a mantellic magma with shoshonitic affinity. The observed evolution from MME to quartz-monzonites and monzogranites is essentially linked to a process of fractional crystallization. The relations between Ta/Yb and Th/Yb ratios suggest enriched mantle as a possible source of this magmatism. The relative enrichment in Rb, Th, Ce and Sm indicates that magma was generated in post-collisional events. The U-PbSHRIMP age of 588 ± 5 Ma in zircon crystals indicates that the emplacement of the GNS represents a post-collisional magmatism, marking the end of collisional processes in the Macururé Domain.