Conference PaperPDF Available

Knowledge Map Creation for Modeling Learning Behaviors in Digital Learning Environments


Abstract and Figures

There has been much research that demonstrates the effectiveness of using ontology to support the construction of knowledge during the learning process. However, the widespread adoption in classrooms of such methods are impeded by the amount of time and effort that is required to create and maintain an ontology by a domain expert. In this paper, we propose a system that supports the creation, management and use of knowledge maps at a learning analytics infrastructure level, integrating with existing systems to provide modeling of learning behaviors based on knowledge structures. Preliminary evaluation of the proposed text mining method to automatically create knowledge maps from digital learning materials is also reported. The process helps retain links between the nodes of the knowledge map and the original learning materials, which is fundamental to the proposed system. Links from concept nodes to other digital learning systems, such as LMS and testing systems also enable users to monitor and access lecture and test items that are relevant to concepts shown in the knowledge map portal.
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Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
Knowledge Map Creation for Modeling Learning Behaviors in
Digital Learning Environments
Brendan Flanagan1*, Rwitajit Majumdar1, Gökhan Akçapınar1,2,
Jingyun Wang3 and Hiroaki Ogata1
1 Kyoto University, Japan
2 Hacettepe University, Turkey
3 Kyushu University, Japan
ABSTRACT: There has been much research that demonstrates the effectiveness of using
ontology to support the construction of knowledge during the learning process. However, the
widespread adoption in classrooms of such methods are impeded by the amount of time and
effort that is required to create and maintain an ontology by a domain expert. In this paper,
we propose a system that supports the creation, management and use of knowledge maps at
a learning analytics infrastructure level, integrating with existing systems to provide modeling
of learning behaviors based on knowledge structures. Preliminary evaluation of the proposed
text mining method to automatically create knowledge maps from digital learning materials is
also reported. The process helps retain links between the nodes of the knowledge map and
the original learning materials, which is fundamental to the proposed system. Links from
concept nodes to other digital learning systems, such as LMS and testing systems also enable
users to monitor and access lecture and test items that are relevant to concepts shown in the
knowledge map portal.
Keywords: Knowledge map; concept-based analytics; concept maps; knowledge extraction;
It has been well documented that learners can benefit from the use of maps to represent the key
concepts of knowledge (Lee et al., 2012). Ausubel (1963; 1968) defined the effective assimilation of
new knowledge into an existing knowledge framework as the achievement of “meaningful learning”,
by which knowledge maps can serve as a kind of scaffold to help learners to organize knowledge and
structure their own knowledge framework (Novak et al., 2006). However, the process of creating and
maintaining these maps often involves a domain expert manually creating the knowledge map based
on their experience and previous knowledge (Wang et al., 2017).
To support the creation and use of knowledge maps by teachers and learners, we propose a
knowledge map system that integrates with existing digital learning environments and learning
analytics infrastructure. To assist in the creation of knowledge maps from digital learning materials,
we propose a process for extracting key concepts from unstructured text to generate knowledge
structures. Maps that have been generated are stored in a Knowledge Map Store (KMS) and an
authoring system is provided for teachers to create, edit, and manage stored knowledge maps before
publishing. The Knowledge Portal provides visualizations of knowledge maps with attributes
determined from the analysis of learning behavior event log data from existing learning analytics
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
infrastructure. In the final section of this paper, we outline the anticipated cases in which the system
will be utilized by both teachers and students to monitor individual and group knowledge states.
There are many previous researches into the generation and use of ontologies, concept maps, and
knowledge maps in education to show and create knowledge frameworks. Association rules and other
data mining techniques have been used to construct concept maps based on the results of test and
quizzes to show the relation between knowledge that was tested (Hwang, 2003; Tseng et al., 2007;
Chen et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2013). While this technique is applicable to the structured format of
tests, it is difficult to apply similar techniques to unstructured text that is contained in digital learning
Figure 1: An overview of how the proposed system would integrate with existing LA infrastructure.
In this section, we provide an outline of the proposed Knowledge Map system, how it integrates with
existing LA infrastructure, and how stakeholders will interact with the system. Fig. 1 shows an
overview of the system with the main components consisting of:
Existing user facing LA infrastructure, such as: LMS, Digital Learning Material Reader, Testing system,
LRS and Analytics Processor.
Knowledge Extraction Processor.
Te st in g
Knowledge Portal
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
KMS (Knowledge Map Store) and a teacher facing Knowledge Map Authoring portal.
User facing Knowledge Portal.
The existing user facing infrastructure, such as: LMS, Reader, and Testing system serve as an
interaction event sensor and also as a source of learning material contents that are sent to the
Knowledge Extraction Processor. Recent implementations of LA platforms often utilize an LRS and
Analytics Processor as a pipeline for storing and processing event statement data about the use of
user facing learning systems (Chatti et al., 2017; Flanagan and Ogata, 2017). We use this existing
pipeline to provide information to augment the visualization of knowledge structures representing
the underlying learning materials, lecture attendance, and past academic achievement.
Figure 2: Hierarchy of node attributes based on event log analysis.
The main hierarchy of node attributes based on analytics is shown in Fig. 2, where each level is linked
to important stages in the formal learning process: lecture attendance, reading learning materials,
confirming acquired knowledge through the answering of tests, and attaining a credit for having
satisfied the requirements of a course. The most basic form of effort by a learner is to attend a lecture
in which learning material related with the concept node was covered. When a learner actively reads
the learning material the concept node is attributed as Read. If a learner has correctly answered a test
item relating to the concept, then the node is given the Answered attribute. Finally, the if the student
passes the course then the Credit attribute is assigned.
The Knowledge Extraction Processor analyzes learning content data from the LMS, Reader, and Testing
system. In the present paper, we focus on the extraction of knowledge maps from PDF contents that
have been uploaded to the digital learning material reader. The results of this process are then stored
in the KMS. Teachers are able to manage knowledge maps stored in the KMS through a teacher facing
authoring portal.
Course curriculum in K-12 education is often well structured and defined by government level
organizations that regulate education. However, higher education often is less regulated with the
course curriculum being decided by the teacher. In Japanese universities, teachers in charge of courses
are busy and course contents are often finished close to when a lecture is due to start, allowing little
time to create knowledge maps manually.
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
The authoring section of the proposed system automatically analyzes contents uploaded by teachers
to support the generation of knowledge maps. As a part of the authoring process, the system requires
the map to be checked by the teacher before being used by students. The teacher is also able to edit
the automatically generated knowledge map to add, remove, or alter required sections.
A knowledge map can be thought of as a graph of key points that are contained within the digital
learning material contents that it represents. The relation between nodes of this graph are expressed
as a weighted edge representing the strength of the relation between two key points that are in the
contents. In this paper, we use a process based on a method previously proposed by Flanagan et al.
(2013) as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: The process used to extract a knowledge map from digital learning material contents.
The lecture slides are usually written in Japanese with sections also in English. The text is extracted
from lecture slides PDF files using pdfminer
and parsed with MeCab (Kudo, 2006) to separate
individual words and parts-of-speech (POS) from a sentence using morphological analysis. Key concept
terms are extracted by selecting the longest sequences of nouns and conjugate particles in a sentence.
These were then indexed using the GETAssoc
search engine to form a co-occurrence matrix of terms.
The link between the concept terms and the sections of the learning material are also included as an
attribute in the search engine so relevant learning resources can be retrieved. The final step of the
process involves minimizing the complexity of the co-occurrence graph using a minimum spanning
tree algorithm to select the strongest concept term relations. In this implementation a thesaurus of
technical terms in Japanese and English was used to guide the knowledge map generation process
with hierarchical selection.
Table 1: Learning materials for the evaluation.
Max Concepts (Proposed)
We conducted a preliminary experiment using the proposed method in a university course on
Information Science. A knowledge map that includes the concepts of three lecture learning materials
was created manually by the course teacher and used as the gold standard for evaluation as shown in
Table 1. Knowledge maps were automatically generated for each lecture with the strongest relation
calculated using the SMART weight as described in Salton (1983). The precision/recall evaluation when
comparing generated maps to the gold standard is shown in Fig. 4 with maximum precision of 0.72 at
Extract Key
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
a threshold of 11 nodes for each generated map. As the threshold is increased the precision decreases,
however the evaluation shows a majority of correct nodes are extracted at low thresholds. The
generated knowledge maps would require some manual editing by a teacher before use in order to
represent the same structure as the gold standard, and therefore is an ongoing topic of research.
Figure 4: Plot of precision recall of proposed method
A centralized storage system of curated knowledge maps is fundamental to the analysis of knowledge
accumulated over long-time spans. At the center of the proposed system, a KMS (Knowledge Map
Store) acts as an LRS would for a conventional LA platform, collecting data about learning materials
from disparate tools and systems to reduce information silos. This could enable the cross referencing
and merging of knowledge maps from separate courses, learning materials, and even educational
institutions if a KMS is deployed at the inter-institutional level.
The key data that a KMS should store are:
The structure of knowledge maps that have been generated automatically by the system or
created manually by teachers using the authoring interface.
Links from the concept nodes of a knowledge map to related lecture schedule, learning materials,
test items, and learner academic achievement records.
We are proposing that the structure of the knowledge map and links to learning materials/test items
should be stored using a standards-based RDF storage service.
The proposed system has an authoring portal to facilitate the creation and management of knowledge
maps by teachers. Automatically generated maps are initially stored as a draft and are not publicly
available until the course teacher has confirmed the structure and its link to learning materials/test
items. Maps can be edited to remove irrelevant nodes and add nodes that are required to cover the
concepts in the course. A search function similar to the proposed knowledge map extraction process
can be used to support the linking of relevant sections of learning materials and tests items to
manually added nodes.
Knowledge maps can also be related with global concepts in the KMS to support large scale knowledge
mapping across multiple courses. This feature is intended to facilitate the analysis of prior learner
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
knowledge, thus allowing a teacher or learner to view what concepts learners have and have not
acquired. There is also potential to apply the results of the analysis to recommend learning materials
that should be studied to fill in knowledge gaps before attending a course.
Once a knowledge map has been published with the authoring tool, it is available for use by students
and teachers in the Knowledge Portal. The visualization interface for the proposed Knowledge Portal
is based on a web-based open source ontology visualization system called WebVOWL (Lohmann et al.,
2014). The interface of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 4 with the main knowledge map
visualization on the left, and the right frame displays detailed information about the attributes of the
selected node with relation to relevant learning materials. At the top of the right frame the use is
given an overview of the percentile rank for each of the attributes: attend, read, and answer. It will
also show if a credit has previously been attained in relation to the node concept. The user is able to
follow the links to study learning materials or confirm their knowledge by a test item on the node
concept. The visualization also features a filter to select specific nodes/relations and reduce the
complexity of the knowledge map using varying degrees of edge collapse.
Figure 4: The user interface of the proposed system.
Additional functionality supports the augmentation of the base map structure with analytics results
as visual attributes of nodes as was shown in Fig 3, to give uses visual ques to the overall knowledge
Figure 5: Node visual augmentation definition.
Lecture 1
Concept B:
Concept A
Concept C
Concept D
Concept B
Test 1.5
Question 3
Recall Mastered
Answered Answer ed
No Attrib
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
The outline color of a node represents the level of a learner’s effort with the relevant learning
materials that describe the node concept, and the fill color of the node relates to the learner’s
knowledge level of the node concept as shown in Fig 5. The degree of coloring in both the outline and
fill are displayed to represent the percentile rank of achievement when compared to the whole
student cohort. If there is no or very low percentile rank of event data for Attendance/Read/Credit
and Answer relating to a node concept, then the outline and fill are displayed as grey.
The following section outlines different cases in which the knowledge portal could be used to guide
both teaching and learning. An overview of the four main cases is shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 6: Different cases in which Knowledge Graphs could inform learns and teachers.
The first case is that of a learner confirming their current knowledge state for the support of self-
regulated learning. It is intended that the learner could use the knowledge portal for the monitoring
and planning of their learning by searching for concepts that they have not yet studied and following
the links to appropriate learning materials to reading and test items to confirm their knowledge.
The second case enables the learner to reflect on how their knowledge has evolved over a period of
time short or long, such as a student’s knowledge at: t1 = elementary school, t2 = high school, t3 =
undergraduate university. This could also be used to help students find possible gaps in their
knowledge that occurred in the past, and enable the revision of learning materials to resolve
knowledge gaps.
The final two cases deal with comparing the knowledge state of groups of learners. For a student, this
can enable them to compare their own knowledge to that of the broader student cohort and find
possible areas in which their knowledge is lacking. The learner can then study to improve their
Knowledge State (KS)
KS over Time
Compare KS to Other Students
Group KS Overview
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
knowledge state by working on specific concepts by reading learning materials and testing themselves
with linked resources.
Teachers can also benefit from using the proposed knowledge map system to get an overview of the
current knowledge state of all of the students in their course. The individual knowledge maps of all of
the students are merged into a single aggregated knowledge map. An example use of this would be
to check the prior knowledge of students before they attend a lecture, or checking the degree to which
students have previewed concepts and the related learning materials to an upcoming class. The
teacher then can adjust the lecture to either skip concepts that have been adequately learnt, or focus
on concepts that require revision or greater explanation. It is expected that this case will be of
particular use when managing courses with large numbers of students.
At a global knowledge map level, the relation between courses could provide insight into what parts
of the knowledge map are important and central knowledge to a subject, and highlight what parts are
difficult for students to understand and could be incorporated as a filter feature in the knowledge
portal. This can be utilized in two different ways: for teachers it gives them an understanding of what
knowledge is difficult to understand and may require more thorough explanation, and for students it
allows them to see the knowledge that is central to the course and what areas they should pay
attention to as it has been difficult for past students.
Knowledge map analysis could also be used in the recommendation of contents both inside and
outside the course to learners based on their achievement and focus. Under achieving students may
benefit from the recommendation of learning materials that cover concepts that they have yet to
master. On the other hand, outperforming students may be interested in exploring extra learning
materials outside of the course to expand their knowledge beyond that which would be traditionally
In this paper, we proposed a system to support the creation, management and use of knowledge maps
in digital learning environments at a learning analytics infrastructure level. In particular, we proposed
processes for the automatic extraction, authoring, storing and use of knowledge maps by students
and teachers. For the automatic extraction process, we proposed a text mining method for generating
knowledge maps from digital learning materials and conducted a preliminary experiment to evaluate
its effectiveness. A key feature of the method is the ability to link extracted concept nodes directly to
specific parts of the learning materials from which they were extracted. These links are used to provide
not only a reference for users to the original materials, but also as a method of associating learning
behavior logs collected in existing system and mapping the analysis of these logs directly onto the
knowledge map. This provides feedback to the user about the current learning behavior state overlaid
on a knowledge structure.
In future work, the use of the knowledge portal to increase learner knowledge awareness and group
formation by knowledge map clustering should be investigated.
Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytic s & Knowledge (LAK19)
Creative Comm ons License, Attribution - NonCommerci al-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC B Y-NC-ND 3.0)
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16H06304.
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... Another study focuses on the visualization of the relationship between any combination of two topics to notify the achievements of each student individually, which aims to be consistent among the assessments in different courses, to do meaningful feedback to individual, and to grasp the students' longterm progress (Khosravi & Cooper, 2018). There has also been research into extracting labels from learning materials to form knowledge structure representations that learners can use to increase their awareness of the study process (Flanagan et al., 2019). These research examples show that it is easier to obtain or utilize detailed information about the characteristics of the material if they are labeled in advance. ...
... Technology is helping researchers better understand how students learn mathematics in order to improve studies on mathematical education (Fishback & Schlicker, 1996;Hussein, 2023). In the context of mathematics in Japan, units on mathematics related to statistics have been introduced at every grade level, as indicated by the enhancement of statistical education, and learning activities using computers and other tools. ...
... Automatic labeling can help reduce teacher workload (Tian et al., 2022) and develop mathematics workmanship (Fishback & Schlicker, 1996) by introducing systems that require labels (Vie et al., 2019;Wang et al., 2022). For further development of mathematics in Japan, a programming environment on supporting units on mathematics using data (Kayama et al., 2022) and clarification of unit structure for knowledge association in learning (Taniguchi & Itoh, 2023) have been proposed. ...
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In recent years, smart learning environments have become central to modern education and support students and instructors through tools based on prediction and recommendation models. These methods often use learning material metadata, such as the knowledge contained in an exercise which is usually labeled by domain experts and is costly and difficult to scale. It recognizes that automated labeling eases the workload on experts, as seen in previous studies using automatic classification algorithms for research papers and Japanese mathematical exercises. However, these studies didn’t delve into fine-grained labeling. In addition to that, as the use of materials in the system becomes more widespread, paper materials are transformed into PDF formats, which can lead to incomplete extraction. However, there is less emphasis on labeling incomplete mathematical sentences to tackle this problem in the previous research. This study aims to achieve precise automated classification even from incomplete text inputs. To tackle these challenges, we propose a mathematical exercise labeling algorithm that can handle detailed labels, even for incomplete sentences, using word n-grams, compared to the state-of-the-art word embedding method. The results of the experiment show that mono-gram features with Random Forest models achieved the best performance with a macro F-measure of 92.50%, 61.28% for 24-class labeling and 297-class labeling tasks, respectively. The contribution of this research is showing that the proposed method based on traditional simple n-grams has the ability to find context-independent similarities in incomplete sentences and outperforms state-of-the-art word embedding methods in specific tasks like classifying short and incomplete texts.
... In this paper, we propose a method of applying evolutionbased machine learning to the task of group formation, and base the analysis of the algorithm on characteristics that are automatically derived from a knowledge map system [5]. The nodes of the knowledge map represent a unit in the curriculum of the course, and are linked to learning materials and assessment items in the learning system platform. ...
... The characteristic variables for group formation analysis in this paper are determined by a knowledge map system, which has properties that are automatically updated by processing learning logs collected by a learning analytics platform. The knowledge map system is based on two main data sources: learning log data and associated knowledge structure [5] quantify the study behavior of a learner at a knowledge concept level. The integration of the proposed group formation method into the LEAF platform [7] is shown in Figure 1, with the main components: BookRoll reading system, and LAView which is a dashboard for stakeholders. ...
... In this section, we present a case study of the proposed method by analyzing the reading behavior and quiz results of a 3 rd year junior high school mathematics class. The nodes of the knowledge map are based on a standardized curriculum structure from the Japanese ministry of education study guidance code that are regularly used by teachers in learning design [5]. 49 students used BookRoll to read textbooks and answer quizzes relating to the coursework in a Japanese Junior high school mathematics class over a semester. ...
Conference Paper
In recent years, machine learning of increasing complexity is being applied to problems in education. However, there is an increasing call for transparency and understanding into how the results of complex models are derived, leading to explainable AI gaining attention. The application of machine learning to automated group formation for collaborative work from learning system logs and other data has been progressing. Building on previous research in this field, we propose a group formation method that is based on a combination of course knowledge structures, reading behavior, and assessment analysis to create optimal heterogenous and homogeneous working groups using a genetic algorithm. The characteristics of each group are presented for explanation as a visualized knowledge map showing the strengths and weaknesses of each group, and are in the structure form of curriculum. We also present a case study of applying the method to junior high school mathematics log data, and provide explanation in a visualized form of standardized curriculum of group characteristics that are often referenced for learning design by teachers.
... Based on similarity group and learners' history, a short list of recommended courses or some interested learning content is a solution proposed by LA tools (Polyzou et al., 2019;Backenköhler et al., 2018;Abhinav et al., 2018). Also, self-regulation skills can be improved with the assistance of LA tools (McKenna et al., 2019;Flanagan et al., 2019;Tran et al., 2018). ...
... EcoSurvey is a digital modeling tool, which displays the interactions when students model (Quigley, 2018). Some LAs keep a tool community to integrate the existing knowledge maps to model learning behaviors (Flanagan et al., 2019). ...
... The students' using tools can also be initiated by teachers. Teachers direct and adjust lectures, students learn by themselves following prompts (Hilliard, 2019;Flanagan et al., 2019;Ai et al., 2019). ...
Applying learning analytics (LAs) to actual teaching scenarios is a huge challenge. One of the problems that is required to be solved is how to combine LAs with pedagogy. Activity theory (AT) provides a conceptional tool for social human activities including objects and tools. Combining AT and pedagogical strategies as an analysis framework, this chapter analyzes LA application scenarios in seven components: subject, objective, community, tools, rules, division of labor, and outcomes. And learning theories present an in-depth analysis of rules. Conclusion shows in the LA application: teachers and students are main subjects; knowledge mastery is a common object; researchers and administrators play important roles while teachers have no specific teaching guidance to follow; presentation strategies of content are abundant; LAs integrate with multiple assessments; behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism embodied at different degrees; measurement of LAs application are diverse; not only learners, but characteristics of tasks need to be further studied.
... Education data or academic records are often visualized using dashboards known as Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD). LAD's provide various stakeholders (learners, teachers, parents, researchers and/or administrative staff) with different kinds of information including insights on learner's progress (Gutiérrez et al., 2020;Siemens et al., 2011), performance (Dyckhoff, Zielke, Bültmann, Chatti, & Schroeder, 2012Park & Jo, 2015), engagements , knowledge maps and learning paths (Flanagan, Majumdar, Akçapınar, Wang, & Ogata, 2019;Kalz, 2014), and cohorts (Changhao, Botički, & Ogata, 2019). These visualizations are provided to create awareness, enable reflection, sense-making and result in a behavioral change towards achieving set goals. ...
... In our proposed visualization, we use the knowledge map concept proposed by Flanagan et al. (2019) to show what concepts students have covered and to what extent as show in figure 17. Each of the nodes on the graph represent concepts in a given course or learning material. ...
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The use of blockchain in education has become one of the trending topics in education technology research. However, only a handful of education blockchain solutions have provided a measure of the impact on students' learning outcomes, teaching, or administrative processes. This work reviews how academic data stored on the blockchain is being visualized across various education blockchain solutions. We argue that education's uniqueness requires a different visualization approach that supports students' learning activities, advances teaching methods, and facilitates administrative procedures. We identify a consistent trend where most of the proposed education blockchain solutions focus on credentials collection and do not provide a way to make sense of the blockchain's data. Thus, we conducted a needs analysis by interviewing four teachers to understand essential features when accessing distributed academic data, report these results and use them to inform the features of our proposed visualizations. Our unique contributions include: presenting typical use cases of distributed learning records from multiple education institutes and demonstrating how past learning records of students stored on the blockchain can be visualized to support current learning. We also propose a method of visualization to increase the data awareness of information owners through the blockchain. ARTICLE HISTORY
... 2. Data about the learner -their progress, language learning needs etc. -would need to be stored and processed to provide the chatbot with relevant pre-prompting. Flanagan et al. [37] have already made much progress in this space with their work on knowledge map creation for modelling learning behaviours in digital learning environments. In Figure 7 we propose a possible chatbot design utilising these two techniques. ...
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Chatbots have been increasingly playing a greater role in English as a foreign language education, offering learners the opportunity to practise with a conversational agent at any time and in different contexts. To grasp how this field has developed and identify emerging trends and opportunities, we conducted a systematic bibliometric analysis of research on chatbots in English language learning from 2006 to 2023. The analysis highlights the increasing importance of Large Language Models in language learning, exploring their potential to overcome previous limitations of chatbot technology. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed, particularly the potential for chatbot designs tailored to the specific needs of English language learners.
... In this study, keyword co-occurrences [2] were used ...
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This study proposes the Open Knowledge and Learner Model (OKLM), a universal learner model in which a knowledge map extracted from any domain's learning materials relates to everyday learning activities. OKLM offers various learning support, such as visualization in a dashboard, network analysis, and feedback/recommendation. To address the issue of the cost of manually extracting knowledge maps from learning materials, we present an automated method for generating them. Our experiment successfully demonstrated the generation of OKLM using this method, providing a teacher with insights into learner characteristics and structures of learning materials. Given the identified potential of OKLM, our plan includes further development as a foundational element for learning support systems.
... Students' reading logs previously used to predict their end of year academic performances (Hasnine et al., 2018), developing educational early-warning systems for at-risk students (Akçapınar, Hasnine, Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2019a), detecting off-task behaviors during the classroom teaching (Akçapınar, Hasnine, Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2019b), modeling students' level of knowledge (Flanagan, Majumdar, Akçapınar, Wang, & Ogata, 2019), and recently for understanding students' approaches to learning (Akçapınar, Chen, Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2020). In this study, we focus on the temporal aspect of reading logs and try to understand students' study patterns on a large amount of click-stream data. ...
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In this study, approximately 2 million click-stream data of 1346 students in the eBook platform were analyzed aiming to explore the temporal study patterns of the students followed during the lectures. The data used in the study collected from Kyushu University, Japan with the help of a digital textbook reader called BookRoll. Students used BookRoll for reading learning materials in and out of the class. To analyze the data we first, converted reading sessions into the sequence data which represents student's weekly reading behavior, then we clustered students based on their study patterns. Our results revealed that three groups of students can be extracted with similar study patterns. Most of the students in Cluster 1 viewed the learning materials only during the class, without previewing and reviewing them. Students in Cluster 2 previewed the learning materials before the class, viewed learning materials during the class, and also reviewed after the class. Students in Cluster 3 viewed the learning materials during the class in the beginning but they became inactive over the period of time (week by week). Our study also showed how learning analytics can be used to understand students' study patterns which are difficult to do with self-report data. These results can help instructors while designing their courses.
Visualization of corporate knowledge in organizations creates the potential for a significant improvement in the quality of decision making and management efficiency. However, at the moment there is little correlation between the needs of enterprises and new technologies in the field of knowledge engineering. Models and methods of knowledge visualization are not yet mature enough to solve practical problems of information and knowledge management. This is especially true for knowledge-intensive enterprises and organizations, universities, and research institutes. The paper presents a new methodology for the knowledge and competences mapping of the faculty members (or any employees). The methodology is supported by the ontology-based approach and significantly expands the traditional knowledge engineering palette of methods. Ontologies as conceptual models of the subject areas are one of the most promising approaches to the development of knowledge bases and knowledge graphs. The importance of ontology engineering is rapidly gaining the new adopters. The proposed methodology consists of 4 main meta-steps to create a knowledge map: Set of ontologies design (ON); Knowledge elicitation for ontology population (E); Visual knowledge mapping (VI); Knowledge map justification and dissemination (D). The proposed ONE-VID approach was implemented at Graduate School of Management in Saint-Petersburg State University for the sample of 63 faculty members. Several types of K-maps were designed and developed – treemaps, radars, knowledge profiles, etc. The paper describes the new methodology and illustrates the first results. The subsequent longitude study plan is considered that will give the possibility to compare the specific knowledge profiles and gaps as time passes.
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UNESCO reported that 90% of students are affected in some way by COVID-19 pandemic. Like many countries, Japan too imposed emergency remote teaching and learning at both school and university level. In this study, we focus on a national university in Japan, and investigate how teaching and learning were facilitated during this pandemic period using an ebook platform, BookRoll, which was linked as an external tool to the university’s learning management system. Such an endeavor also reinforced the Japanese national thrust regarding explorations of e-book-based technologies and using Artificial Intelligence in education. Teachers could upload reading materials for instance their course notes and associate an audio of their lecture. While students who registered in their course accessed the learning materials, the system collected their interaction logs in a learning record store. Across the spring semesters from April - July 2020, BookRoll system collected nearly 1.5 million reading interaction logs from more than 6300 students across 243 courses in 6 domains. The analysis highlighted that during emergency remote teaching and learning BookRoll maintained a weekly average traffic above 1,900 learners creating more than 78,000 reading logs and teachers perceived it as useful for orchestrating their course.
Reading academic textbooks in English has been an uneasy task for non-native English students. In addition, e-books are gradually popular across educational contexts. Previous studies indicated that students generally could not comprehend texts well on screen, so this study proposed a topic-scanning guiding mechanism with e-books to support EFL students reading comprehension from e-books. This paper aims to investigate the effects of an e-book on EFL students’ reading comprehension, learning perceptions, and reading behaviors in EFL freshman reading the course, incorporating a topic-scanning guiding mechanism with the e-book. A quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest design was conducted in a university freshmen English course, 50 students were assigned as the experiential group, and 46 students were in the control group. Findings from this study would further contribute to students’ learning perceptions and reading behavior analysis on designing e-book system to improve their reading competence.
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In this paper, we present a method to extract the possible relationships between knowledge points by analyzing e- book log and mining quiz data and mining Wikipedia articles. This method will be implemented in an ontology-based visualization support system to support the instructor to construct course-centered ontologies semi-automatically.
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Engaging in initial communication interactions with an unknown partner for the rst time can be a daunting task. Participants often use several different strategies, including an active strategy involving getting to know their communication part- ners through asking other people about them. However, this strategy might not always be possible. To resolve the situation when this strategy is not suitable, we propose a method to extract keywords from the partner’s comments on SNS sites and use these com- ments to represent their interests and activities. Keywords are visualized as a mind map for use as a communication tool when en- gaging in interpersonal communications. The use of this method is demonstrated and evaluated in three examples that were created from real world data collected from Twitter.
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In the last few years, there has been a growing interest in learning analytics (LA) in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). LA approaches share a movement from data to analysis to action to learning. The TEL landscape is changing. Learning is increasingly happening in open and networked learning environments, characterized by increasing complexity and fast-paced change. This should be reflected in the conceptualization and development of innovative LA approaches in order to achieve more effective learning experiences. There is a need to provide understanding into how learners learn in these environments and how learners, educators, institutions, and researchers can best support this process. In this chapter, we discuss open learning analytics as an emerging research field that has the potential to deal with the challenges in open and networked environments and present key conceptual and technical ideas toward an open learning analytics ecosystem.
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We present WebVOWL, a responsive web application for the visualization of ontologies. It implements the Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies (VOWL) and is entirely based on open web standards. The visualizations are automatically generated from JSON files, into which the ontologies need to be converted. An exemplary OWL2VOWL converter implemented in Java and based on the OWL API is currently used for this purpose. The ontologies are rendered in a force-directed graph layout according to the VOWL specification. Interaction techniques allow to explore the ontologies and customize their visualizations.
In this paper, we propose a new method for automatically constructing concepts maps for adaptive learning systems based on data mining techniques. First, we calculate the counter values between any two questions, where the counter values indicate the answer-consistence between any two questions. Then, we consider four kinds of association rules between two questions to mine some information. Finally, we calculate the relevance degree between two concepts derived from the association rule to construct concept maps for adaptive learning systems. The proposed method can overcome the drawbacks of Chen and Bai’s (2010) and Lee et al.’s method (2009). It provides us with a useful way to construct concept maps for adaptive learning systems based on data mining techniques.
With the recent rapid progress of computer technology, researchers have attempted to adopt artificial intelligence and use computer networks to develop computer-aided instruction systems. Meanwhile, researchers have also attempted to develop more effective programs to test and enhance the learning performance of students. However, conventional testing systems simply give students a score, and do not give them the opportunity to learn how to improve their learning performance. Students would benefit more if the test results could be analyzed and hence advice could be provided accordingly. This study proposes a conceptual map model, which provides learning suggestions by analyzing the subject materials and test results. A testing and diagnostic system is also implemented on computer networks based on the novel approach. Experimental results have demonstrated that the novel approach benefits students and deserves further investigation.