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A Comparative Analysis of Distributed and Parallel Computing


Abstract and Figures

In the age of emerging technologies, the amount of data is increasing very rapidly. Due to massive increase of data the level of computations are increasing. Computer executes instructions sequentially. But the time has now changed and innovation has been advanced. We are currently managing gigantic data centers that perform billions of executions on consistent schedule. Truth be- hold, if we dive deep into the processor engineering and mechanism, even a successive machine works parallel. Parallel computing is growing faster as a substitute of distributing computing. The performance to functionality ratio of parallel systems is high. Also, the I/O usage of parallel systems is lower because of ability to perform all operations simultaneously. On the other hand, the performance to functionality ratio of distributed systems is low. The I/O usage of distributed systems is higher because of incapability to perform all operations simultaneously. In this paper, an overview of distributed and parallel computing is described. The basic concept of these two computing is discussed. In addition to this, pros and cons of distributed and parallel computing models are described. Through many aspects, we can conclude that parallel systems are better than distributed systems.
Distributed vs. Parallel Computing 2. Related Work. The first widely used distributed systems were LAN i.e. Ethernet that was created in the mid-1970s [4]. A forerunner of Internet i.e. ARPANET was presented in the former 1960s. In the early 1970's ARPANET email was invented. Enormous parallel architecture began rising and communication passing interface was established. Bandwidth was a major concern. The application of ARPANET i.e. email became more successful [5]. This application was the first huge scale distributed application. Besides its descendant Internet initial worldwide computer networks comprised of Usenet and Fido Net which both supports distributed systems. The former most distributed computing project was based on Internet. It began after 1987 by the famous most DEC System Research Center. was a scheme launched in 1977 [5]. It was of its unique kind to use the Internet to disseminate information for calculating and gathering outcomes. From 1955 till today Cluster/Grid architecture has massively increased. Michael J. Flynn's designed an initial taxonomy to distinguish multi-processor computer architectures to classify two non-dependent dimensions i.e. instruction & data. Two of these dimensions can have single or two states i.e. One or Multiple. The probable categorizations given by Flynn's taxonomy are: SISD, SIMD, MIMD and MIMD [5]. From 1986 speed of the computer architecture was doubled by the arrival of very large scale integration (VLSI). Incrementing the size of word decreases the sum of instructions. Greater the word size shorter the number of instructions and vice versa [6]. Generally, four bit microchips were exchanged with eight bit, there after sixteen bit with thirty two bit microchips. In recent most times, with development of 32 and 64 bit architectures, 64-bit CPUs became more common in use. A computer is a set of commands performed by the processor. These commands can be re-arranged and joined into clusters which are then run in parallel without changing the outcome of the program. Present processors have multiple pipelines of instructions. The PC having n-phase pipeline will have up to n varied number of commands at altered phases of consummation [6]. Parallel programs has a feature of task parallelism in which solely unalike calculations can be performed either on the similar/dissimilar collections of data. Whereas in data parallelism identical calculations are executed on the similar/dissimilar collections of data [7]. In parallel computer the main memory is shared but in distributed computer the main memory is cogently distributed [8]. Such systems in which every component of the main memory is accessed with equal latency and bandwidth is UMA and the systems in which memory access time hinge on the memory associated to the processor is known as NUMA architecture. Distributed systems have NUMA architectures for memory. Parallel systems have problems with caches that pile the same value at more than one place. Such systems need a cache coherency which saves the track of cached values. Bus snooping is a technique which keeps the record of the cached values. In hardware, communication between processor & memory, processor to processor can be implemented in various ways like shared bus and cross bar switch etc. [8]. Parallel computers enable passing of messages between nodes which are not linked directly. The method used for communication between PCs is hierarchical.
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`1Department of Computer Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
2Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
ABSTRACT.In the age of emerging technologies, the amount of data is increasing
very rapidly. Due to massive increase of data the level of computations are
increasing. Computer executes instructions sequentially. But the time has now
changed and innovation has been advanced. We are currently managing gigantic
data centers that perform billions of executions on consistent schedule. Truth be-
hold, if we dive deep into the processor engineering and mechanism, even a
successive machine works parallel. Parallel computing is growing faster as a
substitute of distributing computing. The performance to functionality ratio of
parallel systems is high. Also, the I/O usage of parallel systems is lower because of
ability to perform all operations simultaneously. On the other hand, the performance
to functionality ratio of distributed systems is low. The I/O usage of distributed
systems is higher because of incapability to perform all operations simultaneously. In
this paper, an overview of distributed and parallel computing is described. The basic
concept of these two computing is discussed. In addition to this, pros and cons of
distributed and parallel computing models are described. Through many aspects, we
can conclude that parallel systems are better than distributed systems.
Keywords:Distributed computing; Parallel computing
1.Introduction.The computing field is one of the rapidly emerging industries and it is induced by the fastest
technological advancements in the regions of computer hardware and software. The technological developments in
hardware particularly in chip manufacturing and fabrication advancements, rapid and cheap microprocessors in addition
to this there is high signal and low lag interconnection networks advancement. Among these the latest advancements in
electronics has played a pivotal role in development of great sequential and parallel computers.
Software technology is also progressing swiftly. Today there is availability of mature software’s. This has
empowered the advancement of applications dealing in scientific and commercial necessities. The need of powerful
parallel computers for weather forecasting and earth quake prediction has become necessity. The term distributed
computing initially referred to computer networks where single computer was actually located within some geographical
area [1]. Now the term distributed computing is used in broader sense, it is a branch of computer science which deals
with distributed systems. Distributed computing involves multiple computers distant from each other. Distributed
computers perform role in computation and information processing problems. It uses a number of network computers for
accomplishing a task. To achieve computational result more faster as compare to single computer concept of distributed
computing was introduced. The networked computers can be in a same apartment, same site, and same state or in
different counties. Distributed systems are being thought of as conventional networks of independent computers. A
distributed system can be a combination of MPP and SMP, clusters and individual computers.
In parallel computing many processors perform or process an application or computation concurrently [2]. Parallel
computing helps in accomplishing vast calculations by distributing the major problems into minor ones which can be
resolved at an equal period. Parallel computing consumes two or more than two processors (core, computers) in addition
to resolve a single question. There are numerous forms of parallel computing, but the awareness has matured quite lately
because of physical restrictions. Power utilization (and thus heat production) using computers has developed an
apprehension in current years, parallel computing has converted the significant model in computer architecture, primarily
in the mold of multi-core processors [3].
VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering 2018, ISSN (e): 2309-6519; ISSN (p): 2411-6327
Volume 13, Number 2, May-August, 2018 pp:60-67
In this paper, an overview of distributed and parallel computing is given. The basic concept of these two
computing is discussed. In addition to this, pros and cons of distributed and parallel computing models are discussed.
The view of distributed vs. parallel computing isshown below in Figure-1.
Figure 1:- Distributed vs. Parallel Computing
2. Related Work. The first widely used distributed systems were LAN i.e. Ethernet that was created in the mid-1970s
[4]. A forerunner of Internet i.e. ARPANET was presented in the former 1960s. In the early 1970’s ARPANET email
was invented. Enormous parallel architecture began rising and communication passing interface was established.
Bandwidth was a major concern. The application of ARPANET i.e. email became more successful [5]. This application
was the first huge scale distributed application. Besides its descendant Internet initial worldwide computer networks
comprised of Usenet and Fido Net which both supports distributed systems. The former most distributed computing
project was based on Internet. It began after 1987 by the famous most DEC System Research Center. was
a scheme launched in 1977 [5]. It was of its unique kind to use the Internet to disseminate information for calculating and
gathering outcomes. From 1955 till today Cluster/Grid architecture has massively increased.
Michael J. Flynn’s designed an initial taxonomy to distinguish multi-processor computer architectures to classify
two non-dependent dimensions i.e. instruction & data. Two of these dimensions can have single or two states i.e. One or
Multiple. The probable categorizations given by Flynn’s taxonomy are: SISD, SIMD, MIMD and MIMD [5].
From 1986 speed of the computer architecture was doubled by the arrival of very large scale integration (VLSI).
Incrementing the size of word decreases the sum of instructions. Greater the word size shorter the number of instructions
and vice versa [6]. Generally, four bit microchips were exchanged with eight bit, there after sixteen bit with thirty two bit
microchips. In recent most times, with development of 32 and 64 bit architectures, 64-bit CPUs became more common in
use. A computer is a set of commands performed by the processor. These commands can be re-arranged and joined into
clusters which are then run in parallel without changing the outcome of the program. Present processors have multiple
pipelines of instructions. The PC having n-phase pipeline will have up to n varied number of commands at altered phases
of consummation [6].
Parallel programs has a feature of task parallelism in which solely unalike calculations can be performed either on the
similar/dissimilar collections of data. Whereas in data parallelism identical calculations are executed on the
similar/dissimilar collections of data [7].
In parallel computer the main memory is shared but in distributed computer the main memory is cogently
distributed [8]. Such systems in which every component of the main memory is accessed with equal latency and
bandwidth is UMA and the systems in which memory access time hinge on the memory associated to the processor is
known as NUMA architecture. Distributed systems have NUMA architectures for memory.
Parallel systems have problems with caches that pile the same value at more than one place. Such systems need a cache
coherency which saves the track of cached values. Bus snooping is a technique which keeps the record of the cached
values. In hardware, communication between processor & memory, processor to processor can be implemented in
various ways like shared bus and cross bar switch etc. [8]. Parallel computers enable passing of messages between nodes
which are not linked directly. The method used for communication between PCs is hierarchical.
3. Technical Framework.
1. Distributed System Architectures
There are various architectures used for distributed computing. Distributed computing programming models falls into
several types which are explained below:
a. Client-server architecture
In client-server architectural model client receives services whereas server provides services. The client needs a
service and server gives the services. The client service model divides the tasks or loads between the service
requester and provider i.e. client and server respectively as shown in Figure-2. Normally client and server
communicate via a network through a distinct hardware but individually client and server can be present in identical
systems [13]. Client server has many advantages few of them are easy maintenance, integration of services, resource
sharing among different platforms and improved data sharing. The disadvantages of client server architecture are
server gets severely overloaded on regular concurrent requests. Also client server model is centralized if a server fails,
the client requests will get failed and the task will not get accomplished.
Figure 2:- Client Server architecture
b. Three-tier architecture
Three-tier architecture includes client, business and data tier [10]. Layers of three tier architecture are explained and
shown in Figure-3.
i. Client layer
This layer comprises of UI of an application. It is used for the front end purpose. This layer contains the design
part where the data and UI is shown to the user.
ii. Business layer
The business layer contains the business logics. It is a layer where business rules are created.
iii. Data Layer
The data layer contains how to insert, retrieve, update and delete data from database. It involves the functions to
connect to the database and perform CRUD cases.
Three-tier architecture has many advantages few of them are it can be upgraded or replaced independently and
business logic is more secure because client does not have direct access to the database. Three-tier architecture has
many disadvantages few of them are the physical partitioning between the tiers may affect the performance and it is
very difficult to set up & maintain.
Figure 3:- Three tier architecture
c. N-tier architecture
N tier architecture is a multi-tier architecture in which data management and presentation functions are physically &
logically alienated. It is also divided into presentation layer, business layer and data access layer and data layer [11],
[12] as shown in Figure-4. N-tier architecture is identical to three-tier architecture in which middle layer and data layer
is divided into new layer. This kind of application is responsible for the triumph of application servers.
An N-tier architecture has many advantages few of them are: N-tier applications are easier to maintain, N-tier
applications are highly interoperable, using an N-tier architecture developer is free to develop components of different
layers with flexibility and new features can be added to the existing application without affecting the performance. The
disadvantage of N tier architecture is that it requires lots of design to ensure integrity between nodes.
Figure 4:- N-tier architecture
d. Tightly coupled architecture
Tightly coupled architecture is a collection of integrated machines in which the same operation is performed in parallel.
It is done by dividing the task in parts individually and they are put back for the final computation of the result [13].
e. P2P architecture
P2P stands for Peer to Peer. In this architecture different machines provides services or manages the network resources.
All the tasks are equally distributed amid all machines known as peers. Peers can be client as well as servers [13]. The
P2P architecture nodes are connected to each other to share resources without any central controlling server as shown in
Figure-5. A P2P architecture has many advantages few of them are: P2P architecture is simple, P2P systems are
inexpensive and P2P systems are more reliable because there is no central dependency. If one peer fails it does not
affect others. The disadvantages of P2P architecture are: P2P architecture is not secure. Viruses, Trojans etc. can easily
be spread in P2P architectures and for P2P architecture each user should be trained to perform administrative tasks.
Figure 5:- P2P architecture
f. Parallel System Architectures
Parallel computing helps in distributing the bigger problems into smaller problems which can be solved simultaneously.
Parallel computers uses two or more processors (core, computers) to solve a single problem. Most widely used
taxonomy for parallel computer systems is Flynn’s taxonomy. To distinguish between multi-processor computers
architectures he classified into two non-dependent dimensions i.e. instruction & data. The categorizations given by
Flynn’s taxonomy are: SISD, SIMD, MIMD and MIMD [9] which are explained below.
g. SISD architecture
A non-parallel computer. SISD stands for Single Instruction Single Data Stream. In SISD a single instruction is
executed on a single data stream. A single instruction stream is executed by CPU in a single clock cycle and single data
stream is used as an input at one clock cycle. There are many advantages of the SISD architecture few of them are: It
provides faster execution for sequential instructions and extra resources are not required [14]. The advantages of SISD
architecture is that large operations are executed slowly using SISD [14].
Figure 6:- Operations on SISD Machine
2) SIMD architecture
A parallel computer. SIMD stands for Single Instruction Multiple Data. In SIMD single instruction is executed on
multiple data streams. In SIMD same instruction is performed at a certain clock cycle. Each processor run on dissimilar
data elements. Two varieties of SIMD are processor arrays and vector pipelines. This architecture is best suited for
graphics/image processing. There are many advantages of the SIMD architecture few of them are: High precision and
scalability of size & performance [14]. The disadvantage of SIMD architecture is lack of applicability to a wide variety
of problems [14].
Figure 7:- Operations on SIMD Machine
3)MISD architecture
A type of parallel computer. MISD stands for Multiple Instruction Single Data. Multiple instructions are executed on
single data stream in MISD. In MISD there are different instructions streams which operates on single data as shown in
Figure-8. A single data is input to different processing elements. The advantage of MISD architecture is that it can be
used in high end parallel environment [14]. The disadvantage is that many processors might remain idle in fewer
instructions [14].
Figure 8:- Operations on MISD Machine
4)MIMD architecture
A type of parallel computer. MIMD stands for Multiple Instruction Multiple Data. In MIMD multiple instructions are
executed on multiple data streams. In MIMD each processor may execute a different instruction stream. Every
processor work with various data streams as shown in Fig 9. Execution can be synchronous or asynchronous,
deterministic or non-deterministic. The advantages of MIMD are that it is reliable, scalable and efficient [14]. The
disadvantage of MIMD architecture is that it is costly and sometimes complex to implement [14].
Figure 9:- Operations on MIMD Machine
4. Comparative Analysis. The benefit of distributed systems over parallel systems is in-built support of fault tolerance.
Distributed systems are designed to support fault tolerance as one of the core objectives whereas parallel systems do not
provide in-built support of fault tolerance [15]. Numerous work has been done on adding fault tolerance support to
parallel systems however there is no such achievement.
Parallel systems supports high communication protocols like Gemini, Infini-band other than Ethernet. Due to this
reason parallel systems provides high end performance. Another important characteristics of distributed systems is level
of abstraction. It provides high level of abstraction to users. Users can image data structures for instance array list as
distributed array list. Parallel systems provide lower level of abstraction but there are some frameworks like Charm++
and HPX which provides high level abstraction [15].
The memory usage of distributed systems is higher due to data immutability it means for each operation it creates
new copy of objects which consumes more memory. For some applications memory usage can be problematic as it
creates new copies of data which can be a limiting factor whereas parallel systems has low memory usage. Nodes in
distributed systems serve and respond to many interactive users. Classically there are one or more users per node in
distributed systems whereas in parallel systems there are several nodes dedicated to a single computer [15].
In distributed systems applications exploits parallelism at program level where programs are distributed between set of
available nodes. Parallel systems exploits parallelism in which application uses a huge set of nodes and communicates
often as compared to distributed programs. Applications of parallel systems are self-synchronizing. The data exchange
between nodes happen at equal intervals. If the processes do not run simultaneously resources will get wasted. Parallel
systems supports gang scheduling whereas distributed systems are not self-synchronizing [15].
I/O usage of distributed systems is higher because tasks are distributed at each iteration. I/O usage of parallel
systems is low because tasks are performed simultaneously. The time to develop an application using distributed
frameworks like Spark and Flink require skills of lower level because API’s and programming interface of distributed
frameworks are simple. If the main target is to get solution rapidly and at lower cost than frameworks like Spark and
Flink are favorable. On the contrary to this it is not the case with parallel systems [15].
Another important area of concern for parallel and distributed systems is dynamic resource utilization. The systems
should be able to scale up and down dynamically upon the workload and amount of resources (number of nodes).
Distributed systems are less homogeneous than parallel systems. This is because if we talk about a workstation then it
has different CPU’s, performance rating, architectures, operating systems and configurations [15].
From all above discussion the following analysis between Distributed and Parallel systems are concluded which is
shown in Table 1. Table 1. Distributed vs. Parallel Systems
Distributed systems
Parallel systems
Distributed systems are fault
tolerant for instance Distributed
systems framework RDD sparks
provides fault tolerance.
Parallel systems do not support fault
Distributed systems usually
supports protocols like Ethernet.
Parallel systems have various
protocols for instance Gemini and
Ethernet etc.
Distributed systems has higher
level of abstraction.
Parallel systems supports both high
level abstraction and low level
abstraction but commonly they have
low level abstraction.
Memory usage of distributed
systems is higher due to data
Memory usage of parallel systems
are lower due to few overheads and
optimized functions.
The performance to functionality
ratio of distributed systems is low.
The performance to functionality
ratio of parallel systems is high.
The user per node ratio of
distributed systems is high
The user per node ratio of parallel
systems is less.
Parallelism in distributed systems
is coarse grained
Parallelism in parallel systems is
fine grained
There is no gang scheduling in
distributed systems
There is gang scheduling in parallel
I/O usage of distributed systems is
higher because of incapability to
perform all operations
I/O usage of parallel systems is
lower because of ability to perform
all operations simultaneously.
The time to develop a code is
comparatively lower because of
simple API’s.
The time to develop a code in
parallel systems is higher because it
is more complicated.
The level of skills required to
develop an application is lower due
to simple API’s.
The level of skills required to
develop an application is higher
because it requires good
understanding of parallel computing
Dynamic resources are available in
many distributed systems
Dynamic resources are available in
some parallel systems frameworks.
In distributed systems memory is
loosely coupled
In parallel systems memory is
tightly coupled.
Distributed systems are less
homogeneous because of different
physical memory, possibly
different systems and varying
Parallel systems are homogeneous.
They have different amounts of
memory otherwise it is similar.
Distributed systems can be spread
over a campus, or country through
some physical media like Ethernet,
radio links and satellite
connections etc.
Parallel systems are contained in a
single cabinet or collection of
cabinets located in a single room.
Conclusion. In this paper, a detailed comparison on two computing models distributed vs. parallel is described. The
problems associated with these computing models are described. Such a comparison in different aspects will help us to
cognize the computing models since few features of these computing models are comparable. It also helps us in
distinguishing the similarities and differences among these two computing. After all the above, it can be concluded that
if we put more efforts on parallel computing the level of parallelism can be improved. We can also improve the
computing speed by this. Also efforts are needed to put for the support of fault tolerance in parallel systems. Lot of
efforts has been done in this specific field, yet at the same time more efforts are need to be done.
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