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Facilitating Model-Based Design and Evaluation for Sustainability



Relating various models of a system is an essential part of model transformation, model composition, and other metamodeling tasks. The objective of this doctoral research is to create a provably correct approach to this problem.
Facilitating Model–Based Design and
Evaluation for Sustainability
Natasha Jarus, Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, and Ali Hurson
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, USA 65409
Email: {jarus, sedighs, hurson}
Abstract—Relating various models of a system is an essential
part of model transformation, model composition, and other
metamodeling tasks. The objective of this doctoral research is
to create a provably correct approach to this problem.
Design and rigorous evaluation of a complex, sustainable
system requires the creation of models to capture various
aspects of the system’s behavior. For instance, a sustainable
water distribution network must have the capacity necessary to
service all its customers and it must conserve water and power
throughout the distribution process. It should be dependable
in the face of pipe ruptures and other component failures and
be secure from both physical and cyber attacks. All of this
should be accomplished with lean physical infrastructure so
that excess capacity is not wasted. Model-based design and
evaluation is an effective approach to achieving these goals if
all models used are accurate and consistent. In other words,
the constraints imposed by one model and modeling formalism
and the assumptions underlying them must not contradict
those of any other. As a simple example, a reliability model
that assumes two components are placed in parallel is not
an accurate representation of a system topology where those
components are placed in series.
The intended contribution of the doctoral research described
in this paper is to create a broadly applicable and provably
correct model transformation method. The first goal of this
approach is to be applicable to a variety of complex systems
and modeling formalisms and to be capable of complex
transformation operations. For example, we seek to relate a
continuous–time system dynamics model to a discrete–time
control algorithm model, or a model of a system’s resilience to
a model of the system’s topology. Our second goal is for every
transformation to be provably correct. As the system design
evolves, we should be able to propagate new information
across all models of a system. To our knowledge, no existing
approach addresses all of these challenges.
We postulate that sound approximation of semantics is key
to provably correct model transformation. The semantics of a
model arise from two sources: the semantics of the modeling
formalism (e.g., discrete or continuous time, independence of
state variables) and the semantics of the system that the model
describes (e.g., interdependencies between components). Each
model of a system serves as an approximation of that system’s
behavior; the extent of the approximation is determined by
how well the semantics of the corresponding modeling for-
malism align with the semantics of the system.
This understanding of model semantics can be applied to
other challenges encountered in developing or analyzing sus-
tainable systems. A salient challenge in complex sustainable
systems is model composition, which is closely related to
model transformation. System–level models can be generated
by modeling each component individually, then composing
the models guided by the system’s physical and functional
topology. Composition of heterogeneous models, where the
models can differ in formalism, is especially challenging,
as it has to enable interoperation of the models’ respective
evaluation methods while correctly interpreting their respective
We anticipate the following contributions at the conclusion
of this research:
1) A theory of sound approximation of system and model
2) A method for transforming system models
3) A method for heterogeneous model composition and
In previous work [1], we have outlined a model transfor-
mation approach based on abstract interpretation [2]. Initially
developed for static analysis of computer programs, abstract
interpretation is a theory of sound approximation of program
semantics. The core of our proposed transformation is based
on defining connections between each modeling formalism and
a domain that captures the properties of the system. Each con-
nection has certain attributes that allow us to demonstrate that
it constitutes a sound approximation of the system semantics.
These connections can then be used to transform a model from
one formalism to another, as well as to propagate changes
across models in various formalisms. For example, from a
reliability model we can deduce part of a system’s semantics,
including independence or interdependence of specific com-
ponents. Based on these semantics, we can construct a set of
system topology models whose semantics are compatible with
those deduced from the reliability model.978-1-5386-7466-6/18/$31.00 c
2018 IEEE
Model composition can be facilitated by interpreting the
outputs from one model in terms of another model’s semantics.
Once reinterpreted, these outputs can be used as inputs to
this second model. This process can be automated to allow
for co-simulation. It may also be possible to perform this
interpretation at a higher level of abstraction, creating hybrid
model formalisms.
Transforming models between formalisms is generally not
a one–to–one operation. For instance, when converting a
topology model into a reliability model, the topology model
encodes no information about component reliability. Therefore
each topology model is consistent with multiple reliability
models. Furthermore, defining model transformation directly
between two formalisms is not scalable: for nformalisms, we
have to define O(n2)transformations.
We address both of these issues by formalising model
transformation in terms of abstract interpretation. Rather than
relating a model of one formalism to a model of another, we
relate sets of models. This allows the formalism to capture the
approximating nature of system modeling; since each model
abstracts some part of the system’s semantics, it is necessarily
the case that every model is consistent with several different
systems. Thus, we say that a given topology model describes
any system with that topology, regardless of the reliability of
that system’s components.
To make the approach scalable, we introduce a system
properties domain that encodes system properties such as com-
ponent reliability and interdependencies. Model transformation
is split into concretization and abstraction steps.
Concretization maps a model to the properties that hold for
the systems described by that model; i.e., it generates a set of
systems described by a given model.
To complete the transformation, a set of models is abstracted
from the given properties, producing a set of models consistent
with the initial model. Each formalism requires us to define
only abstraction and concretization functions, meaning that for
nmodeling formalisms we define O(n)operations.
Figure 1 illustrates this transformation for modeling for-
malisms Model1and Model2. First, a model m1
Model1is lifted to the set {m1}. Concretization takes a set
of models (in this case, {m1}) and produces the properties
that hold for all those models. These properties are then
abstracted to a set of models of the Model2formalism.
All the models in this set are consistent with the initial
model; the system designer must then select the correct model
from this set by introducing new information not present in
the existing system properties. For example, transforming a
parallel topology model into a set of reliability models will
produce models of the reliability of a parallel system, but the
designer must specify the reliability of each component to
select a single reliability model from the results.
Dividing transformation into abstraction and concretization
also offers a means to formalize the soundness of transforma-
tions. Let αbe the abstraction operator for a given modeling
Lifting lift(x) = {x}
Fig. 1. Transforming Sets of Models
domain Model and γthe associated concretization operator.
Furthermore, we will define a specificity order on all our
domains. For P(Model), this is the subset () relationship:
fewer possible models in a set means more information about
the system in that set. We define Properties such that it has
an order operator vwhich behaves in a similar fashion.
By requiring (Properties, α, γ, P(Model)) to be a Ga-
lois connection, i.e., requiring the following properties for α
and γ, we can ensure that these transformations preserve the
soundness of the models on which they operate.
Pv(γα)(P),PProperties (1)
(αγ)(M)M, M⊆ P (Model)(2)
Equation (1) informs us that if we start with some properties
of a system, abstract a set of models from them, then con-
cretize system properties from those models, we get properties
that are at worst less specific than the initial ones. This allows
abstraction to discard properties not relevant to the semantics
of the modeling formalism, but forbids it from producing
contradictions. Equation (2) requires the properties domain to
fully represent each modeling formalism. (1) and (2) combine
to make αand γsound with respect to system and model
We are currently creating formalisms for system relia-
bility and topology, which will demonstrate the constraints
reliability places on topology and vice versa. The bulk of
our body of research is on quantitative modeling of large–
scale networked systems, with emphasis on cyber–physical
critical infrastructure such as smart grids and intelligent water
distribution networks. One objective of our work on model
transformation is to increase the impact and applicability
of these quantitative models by enabling transformation of
models from one application domain to another, e.g., power to
water, or from one system attribute to another, e.g., resilience
to survivability. This will considerably accelerate the adoption
of sustainable infrastructures by facilitating their assurance.
[1] N. Jarus, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson, “Models, metamodels,
and model transformation for cyber–physical systems,” in 7th Interna-
tional Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, pp. 1–8, Nov. 2016.
[2] P. Cousot and R. Cousot, “Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model
for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of
fixpoints,” in 4th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, pp. 238–252, ACM, 1977.
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Conference Paper
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One approach to increasing the sustainability of critical systems is to fortify them with cyber infrastructure that monitors the system, enables early diagnosis of faults, and provides decision support that facilitates greater efficacy. Modeling and analysis of the resulting cyber-physical systems is a significant challenge, as the physical and cyber infrastructures can be very different in time scales, complexity, and architecture. Model composition is a potential solution. Metamodeling seeks to facilitate model composition by providing methods for composing models of different types, including performance and dependability models, as well as methods for transforming one type of model to another. This paper describes the application of metamodeling to cyber-physical systems. Our proposed approach to model transformation is based on abstract interpretation, a program analysis technique. Models exist for disparate attributes of cyber-physical systems, but these models are typically domain-specific. We seek to map models from one physical domain to another, or to extract a model of one system attribute from a model of another attribute. This ability would considerably increase the utility of the existing body of knowledge on modeling of cyber-physicals systems.
Conference Paper
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A program denotes computations in some universe of objects. Abstract interpretation of programs consists in using that denotation to describe computations in another universe of abstract objects, so that the results of abstract execution give some information on the actual computations. An intuitive example (which we borrow from Sintzoff [72]) is the rule of signs. The text -1515 * 17 may be understood to denote computations on the abstract universe {(+), (-), (±)} where the semantics of arithmetic operators is defined by the rule of signs. The abstract execution -1515 * 17 → -(+) * (+) → (-) * (+) → (-), proves that -1515 * 17 is a negative number. Abstract interpretation is concerned by a particular underlying structure of the usual universe of computations (the sign, in our example). It gives a summary of some facets of the actual executions of a program. In general this summary is simple to obtain but inaccurate (e.g. -1515 + 17 → -(+) + (+) → (-) + (+) → (±)). Despite its fundamentally incomplete results abstract interpretation allows the programmer or the compiler to answer questions which do not need full knowledge of program executions or which tolerate an imprecise answer, (e.g. partial correctness proofs of programs ignoring the termination problems, type checking, program optimizations which are not carried in the absence of certainty about their feasibility, …).