ArticlePDF Available
Vol. 34, N° 2, 2018
ISSN 0120-5552
eISSN 2011-7531
Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
artículo original/original article
Fecha de recepción: 18 de julio de 2017
Fecha de aceptación: 26 de febrero de 2018
Depression in the elderly: A study
in three cities of Colombia
Depresión en el adulto mayor: Un estudio
en tres ciudades de Colombia
Alejandra Segura-Cardona1, Jonathan Hernández-Calle2,
Doris Cardona-Arango3, Angela Segura-Cardona4, Diana Muñoz-Rodríguez5,
Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave6
Objective: To explore the demographic, health and functional factors associated with depression
in the elderly in three cities from Colombia: Medellin, Barranquilla and Pasto.
Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study. The study population correspon-
ded to a probabilistic sample of 1514 adult whose age is 60 years or over. A sample was selected
by a probabilistic sampling, in two-stage, and conglomerate, according to the geographical and
administrative distribution of each city.
Results: The results support that the city of Pasto presents the highest number of elderly
people with depression; conditions such as low educational level (PR = 4.11), hyperthyroidism
/ hypothyroidism (PR = 3.43), and dependence on activities of daily living such as using the
telephone (PR = 3.80) increase the prevalence of the disease.
Conclusion: Depression is present in an important part of the population of older adults and
is associated with conditions not only of health but also demographic and functional capacity.
It is necessary to address these components from the public health that promotes the prevention
of this condition if you want to contribute to the goals of active, satisfactory and healthy aging
in Colombia and a better quality of life for this population.
Keywords: Depression, elderly, health, functional capacity.
1 Professor Universidad CES
2 Professor Institución Universitaria de Envigado
3 Professor Universidad CES
4 Professor Universidad CES
5 Professor Universidad CES
6 Professor Universidad CES
Correspondence: Alejandra Segura Cardona. Dirección postal: Calle 10A # 22-04.Universidad CES. Tel: (57)
(4) 444 05 55 Ext. 1445. Fax: (57) (4) 268 28 76.
410 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Jonathan Hernández-Calle, Doris Cardona-Arango,
Angela Segura-Cardona, Diana Muñoz-Rodríguez, Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave
Objetivo: Explorar los factores demográcos, de salud y de funcionalidad asociados con la
depresión en los adultos mayores en tres ciudades de Colombia: Medellín, Barranquilla y Pasto.
Material y métodos: Estudio analítico transversal. La población del estudio correspondió
a una muestra probabilística de 1514 adultos de 60 años y más. La muestra fue seleccionada
mediante un muestreo probabilístico, por conglomerado, bietápico, según la distribución
geográca y administrativa de cada ciudad.
Resultados: Los resultados muestran que la ciudad de Pasto presenta el mayor número
de adultos mayores con depresión; condiciones como el bajo nivel educativo (RP=4,11), el
hipertiroidismo/hipotiroidismo (RP=3,43), y la dependencia en actividades básicas de la vida
diaria como usar el teléfono (RP=3,80) incrementan la prevalencia de la enfermedad.
Conclusión: La depresión está presente en una parte importante de la población de adul-
tos mayores y está asociada a condiciones no solo de salud sino también demográcas y de
la capacidad funcional. Se hace necesario el abordaje de estos componentes desde la salud
pública que promueva la prevención de esta condición si se quiere contribuir con las metas
de envejecimiento activo, satisfactorio y saludable en Colombia y una mejor calidad de vida
para esta población.
Palabras clave: Depresión, adulto mayor, salud, capacidad funcional.
In Colombia, the population of 60 years or more
has growth rates higher than that of the total
population; In 2005, the number of elderly peo-
ple was 3,815,453, and 4,473,447 in 2010, with
an annual growth rate of 3.18 % in that period,
projecting an increase of 3.76 % by 2020. (1).
In developing countries, the health challenges
faced by this population include an increase in
the prevalence of chronic noncommunicable
diseases, as well as a functional and cognitive
deterioration that is aggravated by the socioeco-
nomic environment of the country (2).
Depression is the most frequent psychiatric
disorder among older adults (3); According to
the World Health Organization (WHO) unipolar
depression affects 7 % of people over 60 years
of age and represents 5.7 % of years lived with
disabilities in this population (4). In Colombia,
the last mental health study reported that in
people over 45 years of age, the prevalence
of any depressive disorder was 5 % (5). In
a study carried out in the department of
Antioquia, the estimated prevalence of risk
of depression in the elderly was 26.3 %, with
women representing 64.2 % of the popula-
tion at risk (6).
In the elderly, depression occurs with episo-
des of crying, sadness and apathy, accompa-
nied by hopelessness, negligence, suicidal
ideation, guilt, changes in sleep pattern,
alterations in appetite, bowel movements,
libido, among others (5,7). This symptomato-
logy affects different dimensions of the older
adult, including the physical, functional and
social state.
In older adults diagnosed with depression,
a high comorbidity has been found with
chronic noncommunicable diseases such as
diabetes mellitus (8), neoplastic pathology
(9), pulmonary disease (10), among others.
Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
D   : A      C
In addition, depression affects eating behavior
leading to malnutrition in older people (11).
In countries such as South Africa, where the
prevalence of geriatric malnutrition is high,
it has been identied that more than 70 % of
those who have this condition also experience
depressive symptoms (2).
On the other hand, adults with symptoms of
depression have a higher functional decit
(12), even geriatric depression has been nega-
tively correlated with muscle strength, body
resistance and exibility in the lower part of
the body, as well as muscle strength of the
arm, agility and dynamic balance (13), which
would affect the adequate performance in the
activities of daily life.
Starting from the above, depression is a disease
that decreases the quality of life of the elderly
(14) and those who suffer it are unable to take
advantage of the resources that surround
them, because they lose autonomy due to their
mental state. From this point of view, it could
be argued that older adults with depression
are in a state of vulnerability, understanding
this concept as the limitations that a person
has to take advantage of the resources gene-
rated by the state, the market and / or the
community (15).
In Colombia there are no studies comparing
depression in the elderly according to the city
of residence; An example of this is that in the
last National Mental Health Survey, conducted
in 2015, a comparison was made of the preva-
lence of depression according to the regions
of Colombia, but an analysis segregated by
cities was not carried out (5). The present stu-
dy aims to explore the demographic, health,
and functionality factors associated with
depression in older adults in three cities of
Colombia: Medellín, Barranquilla and Pasto,
in order to provide information to improve
the quality of life of this population.
Type of study
An analytical cross-sectional study was
conducted in 2016, from a primary source
of information for the search of the factors
associated with depression in older adults
residents in three cities of Colombia, selected
by the number of elderly people and classi-
ed as large, medium and small populations:
Medellín (391,429), Barranquilla (145,947)
and Pasto (42,271) in 2016, according to
DANE projections.
The study population corresponded to a
probabilistic sample of 1514 adults 60 year of
age and older, living in the urban area of the
cities of Medellín (495), Barranquilla (513)
and Pasto (506). This study is part of a macro
project funded by Colciencias, where the
calculation of sample size was made using
the formula for nite populations, with a
condence level of 95 %, a sampling error of
5 %, a proportion of good health condition
of 50 % and a design effect of 1.0, the sam-
ple size being enlarged by 15 % to correct
possible information losses. The selection
of the sample was carried out by means of
a probabilistic sampling, by conglomerate,
two-stage, according to the geographical
and administrative distribution of each city.
The present study on depression took the
database of the macro project.
412 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Jonathan Hernández-Calle, Doris Cardona-Arango,
Angela Segura-Cardona, Diana Muñoz-Rodríguez, Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave
A survey was applied to selected older adults,
which consisted of questions related to de-
mographic characteristics (age, sex, marital
status, educational level, place of residence,
etc.), and physical health status (diabetes,
heart problems, nutritional, bone health,
hypertension, etc.). To evaluate the depres-
sion, the Yesavage Geriatric Abbreviated
Depression Scale was used, which consists
of 15 questions (10 positive and 5 negative)
and explores cognitive symptoms of a major
depressive episode during the last fteen
days. The scale is widely used given that its
completion requires ve minutes on average,
in addition, it presents an internal consistency
and construct reliability in the Colombian
population of 0.78 and 0.87, respectively (16).
For the measurement of functional capacity
Barthel’s instrument was used to evaluate in-
dependence in basic activities of daily life such
as eating, bathing, dressing and undressing,
going up and down stairs and moving around.
The instrument shows good interobserver
reliability with Kappa indexes between 0.47
and 1.00, and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.86 (17).
Finally, the Lawton and Brody Scale was used
to evaluate some instrumental activities of
daily life such as using the telephone, using
public transportation, taking medication, and
managing economic matters; This instrument
has an inter and intra-observer coefcient of
0.94 (18).
A pilot test was conducted on 20 people over
60 years old living in the urban area of the city
of Medellín, with a duration of 8 days, in order
to calibrate the instruments to be applied, stan-
dardize the pollsters, verify that the questions
were correctly elaborated and categorized,
and also select the most appropriate techni-
ques for quality control of the information
collected. The present study was approved
by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the
CES University and written informed consent
was requested from older adults, following
application of the instruments, in accordance
with Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Ministry
of Health of Colombia that regulates research
on human subjects.
Analysis of data
The Chi-square test was used to evaluate the
association between depression and demo-
graphic, health, and functional conditions in
older adults, assigning a level of signicance
of 0.05 to reject the null hypothesis. Additio-
nally, with the variables that met the Hosmer
Lemeshow criterion of a p-value less than
0.25 in the association test, crude prevalence
ratios (PR) were calculated and were taken to
an adjusted multivariate model to estimate
adjusted prevalence ratios, with 95 % con-
dence intervals, to determine the strength of
the association. The statistical analyzes were
carried out through the SPSS program, version
21 (CES University License).
It was found that 83.6 % (1266) of the older
adults evaluated did not report having de-
pression, while 12.9 % (196) had symptoms of
depression, while in 3.4 % (52) of the sample
there was no response to the scale applied.
By sex, a statistically signicant difference
was found between men and women, with a
higher proportion of women with symptoms
of depression.
Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
D   : A      C
When discriminating by city, in the group
without depression the highest percentage
corresponded to the city of Barranquilla, in
contrast to the city of Pasto where the largest
sample with depression was located, nding
a statistically signicant association between
the city where the elderly person resides and
the presence of depression.
It was found that the economic income in the
last month was not associated with depres-
sion in the elderly, with the civil status and
educational level was found association with
the presence of depression. Older adults with
depression were the most likely to report that
they were unmarried and with a primary level
of education (see table 1).
According to health conditions, older adults
with depression reported more problems
with heart, bone health, hypertension, and
hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism than their
peers without depression. While diabetes,
nutritional problems, lung disease and the
presence of tumors were conditions that were
not associated with the presence or absence
of depressive symptoms (See table 2).
Table 1. Presence of depression according to the demographic conditions
of the older adult of Barranquilla, Medellín and Pasto
Without depressive
With depressive
sympthoms X2 P value
n % n %
Sex Men 449 35,47 54 27,55 4,711 0,030*
Women 817 64,53 142 72,45
Barranquilla 486 38,39 17 8,67
146,671 0,000*Medellín 423 33,41 39 19,90
Pasto 357 28,20 140 71,43
Yes 718 56,71 107 54,59 0,311 0,577
No 548 43,29 89 45,41
Civil status Single 610 48,18 115 58,67 7,471 0,006*
Not single 656 51,82 81 41,33
Education Level
None 111 8,77 29 14,80
28,344 0,000*
Primary 651 51,42 126 64,29
Secundary 378 29,86 33 16,84
Tertiary 126 9,95 8 4,08
*p value <0,05 statistically signicant. Researchers’ calculations
414 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Jonathan Hernández-Calle, Doris Cardona-Arango,
Angela Segura-Cardona, Diana Muñoz-Rodríguez, Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave
Table 2. Presence of depression according to health conditions
in the elderly of Barranquilla, Medellín and Pasto
Health conditions
Without depressive
With depressive
sympthoms X2 P value
n % n %
Heart problems
Yes 49 3,87 17 8,72
9,205 0,002No 1217 96,13 178 91,28
No 1262 99,68 195 100
Bone health
Yes 42 3,32 16 8,21 10,588 0,001
No 1224 96,68 179 91,79
Hypertension Yes 626 49,45 114 58,46 5,493 0,019
No 640 50,55 81 41,54
Yes 59 4,66 28 14,36
28,381 0,000No 1207 95,34 167 85,64
No 1248 98,58 189 96,92
*p value <0,05 statistically signicant. Researchers’ calculations
In the functional conditions, it can be seen
that of the basic activities of daily life, in-
dependence in the bathroom was the only
one that was associated with depression,
nding a greater proportion of older adults
with depression dependent on this activity,
in contrast to the group without depression;
however, instrumental activities of daily life
such as using the telephone, using public
transportation, taking medication and ma-
naging economic issues were associated with
depression, with a higher proportion of older
adults with depression dependent on these
activities (see table 3).
Additionally, the prevalence ratio (PR) was
calculated as a measure of strength of asso-
ciation, observing that living in the city of
Pasto increased the occurrence of depression
symptoms up to 4.25 times, while it was con-
rmed that living in the city of Barranquilla
reduced it by 63 %. On the other hand, having
no educational level increased more than
other demographic variables the association
to develop depression in the older adult (PR
= 4.11), even in the model adjusted for demo-
graphic covariates, morbidity, and functiona-
lity, was the variable that most increased the
prevalence of depression. Hyperthyroidism
/ hypothyroidism was the health condition
that increased the association (RP = 3.43),
while in the instrumental activities it was the
dependence to use the telephone (RP = 3.80)
(see table 4). Some morbidity variables such
as problems in bone health and tumors; and
some of functionality such as bathing, going
up and down stairs, using public transpor-
tation, taking medications and handling
economic issues, lost their signicance when
the association was adjusted for confounding
Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
D   : A      C
Table 3. Presence of depression according to the conditions of functionality
in the older adult of Barranquilla, Medellín and Pasto
Characteristics Categories
Without depressive
With depressive
sympthoms X2 P value
n % n %
Bath Independent 1249 98,66 189 96,43 5,221 0,022*
Dependent 17 1,34 3 3,57
Use the phone Independent 1034 81,74 106 54,08 75,720 0,000*
Dependent 231 18,26 90 45,92
Use public transport Independent 1048 82,85 145 73,98 8,906 0,003*
Dependent 217 17,15 51 26,02
Take the medication Independent 1147 91,32 155 81,15 19,017 0,000*
Dependent 109 8,68 36 18,85
Handling economic
Independent 1108 87,73 146 74,87 23,199 0,000*
Dependent 155 12,27 49 25,13
*p value <0,05 statistically signicant. Researchers’ calculations
Table 4. Factors associated with depression in the elderly of Barranquilla, Medellín and Pasto
Characteristics Categories PR Crude IC 95 % PR Adjusted IC 95 %
Demographic factors
Barranquilla 0,37 0,21; 0,68 0,37 0,20 - 0,69
Pasto 4,25 2,90 ; 6,23 4,07 2,64 - 6, 27
Medellín 1,00 - 1,00 -
Civil status Single 1,53 1,13 ; 2,07 1,55 1,03 - 2,34
Not single 1,00 - 1,00 -
Education Level
None 4,11 1,81 ; 9,38 4,71 1,74 - 12,73
Primary 3,05 1,45 ; 6,39 3,59 1,48 - 8,70
Secundary 1,37 0,62 ; 3,05 2,20 0,87 - 5,56
Tertiary 1,00 - 1,00 -
Health factors
Heart problems Yes 2,37 1,34 ; 4,21 2,52 1,28 - 4,99
No 1,00 - 1,00 -
Yes 3,43 2,13 ; 5,53 2,04 1,18 - 3,51
No 1,00 - 1,00 -
Functionality factors
Use the phone Dependent 3,80 2,77 ; 5,20 1,68 1,10 - 2,57
Independent 1 - 1 -
PR= Prevalence Ratio. Researchers’ calculations
416 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Jonathan Hernández-Calle, Doris Cardona-Arango,
Angela Segura-Cardona, Diana Muñoz-Rodríguez, Daniel Jaramillo-Arroyave
In the three cities of Colombia where the study
was conducted, it was found that demogra-
phic factors such as sex, city of residence,
marital status and educational level were
associated with depression in the elderly.
These results conrm the ndings of studies
in mental health in the country, in which it has
been reported that women show more symp-
toms of depression than men (5-6); This can
be explained by genetic, neuroendocrine, and
personality factors, as well as by patterns of
socialization and social culture, including the
differences between sexes in living conditions
and in the distribution of opportunities (19).
The results of the present investigation are
also in agreement with other studies carried
out in older Colombian adults where it has
been identied as risk factors for depression
being a woman, being widowed or single and
having a low educational level (20-21).
Likewise, the National Mental Health Study
in Colombia found that the prevalence of
depression was higher in the Pacic region,
where the city of Pasto is located, in compa-
rison with the central and Atlantic regions,
where the cities of Medellín and Barranqui-
lla are located, respectively (5). However,
depressive symptoms in elderly residents of
the city of Pasto have been explained by the
demographic conditions, income level and
health status of this population (22), which
is related to high poverty rates and social
inequality found in the pacic region (23).
On the other hand, health conditions were
also associated with depression in the elderly,
especially hypertension, hyperthyroidism /
hypothyroidism, heart problems, and bone
problems. According to Giner et al. (24), the
comorbidity between depression and physical
illnesses is very frequent and has an important
impact on the deterioration of health, even
depression can mediate the pharmacological
treatment of these diseases.
On a functional level, depression was as-
sociated with dependence to bathe, use the
telephone, use public transportation, take me-
dication and handle economic issues. In this
regard, Krony et al. (25) carried out a study
with people over 75 years of age and found
that depression affected the basic activities of
daily life, but not the instrumental activities,
therefore, the differences between the studies
what is evidence is the inuence of the social
context on the perception that the older adult
has of his state of functionality.
A possible limitation of this study is the intro-
duction of some biases in the measurement
of depression as a measure of self-report and
not necessarily an established medical diag-
nosis, which may overestimate its prevalence.
However, the use of the Yesavage scale has
been widely used and its consistency allows
us to consider that the observed values are
adjusted to reality. Although the design of
the study does not allow the establishment
of associations of a causal type because it
is not their intention, the associated factors
may suggest some conditions that should be
considered in preventive interventions with
the elderly population. This study excluded
rural population, hospitalized and residents
in geriatric homes where conditions may be
more precarious and may contribute to a
greater perception of depressive signs and
other factors associated with these conditions
in particular so that the ndings of this study
may limit extrapolation to older adults in these
particular conditions.
Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2018; 34 (2): 409-419
D   : A      C
This study provides relevant information on
the mental health of the elderly in Colombia,
taking into account that it is a vulnerable
population to present mental disorders, due
to the physical changes generated by age and
social conditions that do not favor adaptation
to these changes. This study conrms that
depression is a phenomenon associated with
multiple modiable factors that can be inter-
vened in a timely manner, from public health
for example and therefore, its understanding is
not limited to the ndings reported, although
these become a precedent for future research
on aging in the country.
The high prevalence of depression in the
elderly, is associated with demographic and
health conditions, and globally affects the
functionality of the elderly. Faced with this
situation, public health actions are needed that
promote the prevention of depression in the
elderly, including through the establishment
of support networks for this population, es-
pecially in the city of Pasto where the largest
occurrence of the disease was obtained.
The information generated by this research
can be useful for public policies that are ai-
med at active, satisfactory and healthy aging
in Colombia and therefore it is necessary to
address it from public health that promotes
the prevention of this condition if you want to
contribute to the goals of active, satisfactory
and healthy aging in Colombia and a better
quality of life for this population.
Funding: This research project was funded
by the Administrative Department of Science,
Technology and Innovation -Colciencias- of
Colombia (Contract: 122871149710), with the
support of the CES University of Medellín,
Colombia (University Code: INV.082016.001).
Conict of interests: In the development of
the investigation, there was no conict of
interest between the parties involved in the
agreement: elderly people, researchers and
Funding: Universidad de CES.
Conict of interests: None to declare.
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... Se afirma que los trastornos afectivos se incrementan en la medida que se eleva la edad biológica, lo que conlleva a que la prevalencia de la depresión se incremente en las edades avanzadas pues en esta etapa se revelan más las discapacidades físicas, mentales, sociales y funcionales que determinan las alteraciones afectivas, reflexiones compartidas por otros investigadores. (7,13) Las alteraciones psíquicas también son comunes en los ancianos, como las reacciones vivenciales en forma de crisis ansiosas agudas y estados regresivos ante causas supuestamente banales o tras algún evento que actúa como desencadenante, como son la preocupación sobre la muerte, el rechazo familiar y el temor a la pérdida de sus pertenencias personales. (6)(7)14,15) En esta etapa de la vida son más frecuentes la esquizofrenia, el delirio, agitación y agresividad, intolerancias a los tratamientos, problemas sociales, abandono familiar, etc (7) y, en muchos casos, la demanda de atención psiquiátrica lo determinan la expresión de conductas de vagabundeo, confusión y comportamientos inadecuados, alteraciones del comportamiento sexual e insomnio. ...
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Introducción: En el Hospital Psiquiátrico “Luis Ramírez López” de la provincia de Guantánamo no se han caracterizado a los ancianos atendidos en el servicio de Urgencias. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes adultos mayores con urgencia psiquiátrica atendidos en el servicio de Urgencias del citado hospital durante el año 2019. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. En el total de pacientes atendidos (N=1 427) se estudiaron las siguientes variables: sexo, edad, área de procedencia, diagnóstico y conducta a seguir. Resultados: El 64,4 % de los pacientes fue mujeres y el 35,6 % fue hombres, los que tenían edades entre 60 y 69 años (57,9 %) y procedían del área sur del municipio de Guantánamo (30,3 %). Fue más común el diagnóstico de trastornos afectivos (32,7 %) y que se les ofreciera tratamiento ambulatorio (81,4 %). Conclusiones: Es elevada la demanda de atención psiquiátrica de urgencia por parte de paciente adultos mayores, sobre todo, porque presentan trastornos afectivos que requieren atención ambulatoria.
... Estos datos evidencian que los adultos mayores son los que se encuentran en mayor riesgo de generar cuadros graves por esta enfermedad. (20) Se destaca la posibilidad de tomar una decisión fatal, esto por la vulnerabilidad a la depresión propia de la edad, que se origina en algunas circunstancias que viven y de otras patologías que puedan padecer, (21) así como, por enfermedades crónicas que pudiesen padecer, que han sido ampliamente relacionadas con las ideas suicidas. (4) Se añade el hecho de que un gran porcentaje de adultos mayores con enfermedad crónica tienen depresión establecida. ...
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Introducción: la pandemia del COVID-19 ha generado reacciones diversas, pero estas aún no han sido medidas en la población latinoamericana. Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados a la percepción de fatalismo ante la infección del COVID-19 en pobladores de 20 departamentos del Perú. Material y Métodos: estudio transversal analítico, de tipo multicéntrico que con una muestra de 2466 personas en 20 departamentos del Perú midió el fatalismo ante la pandemia del COVID - 19 a través de una encuesta validada (Alpha Crombach: 0,78) que consistía en 7 ítems. El análisis estadístico fue realizado en función de cada ciudad y se consideró significativos p < 0,05. Resultados: de los 2466 encuestados, el 36 % se deprimirían, el 26 % piensa que podrían fallecer, el 17 % dice que esto es evidencia del fin del mundo y el 9 % podrían tomar una decisión fatal. Las mujeres tuvieron mayor frecuencia de 3 de las conductas fatalistas (contagiarse p=0,020; contagiar a otros p=0,004 y deprimirse p=0,020). A mayor edad hubo 5 percepciones (contagiar a otros p=0,007; complicarse p<0,001; deprimirse p<0,001, pensar que morirían p<0,001 o suicidarse p=0,014). Los que tenían un riesgo para complicación por COVID-19 tuvieron 4 percepciones (contagiar a otros p=0,024; complicarse p=0,002; pensar que morirían p<0,001 y que esto es señal del fin del mundo p=0,039). El ser agnóstico tuvo menor frecuencia de 5 percepciones, el ser ateo en 2. Conclusión: Se halló muchas ideas fatalistas entre la población ante la pandemia de coronavirus.
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INTRODUCTION Depressive symptoms are among early behavioral changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, the relationship between neurodegeneration and depressive symptoms remains inconclusive. To better understand this relationship in preclinical AD, we examined hippocampal volume and depressive symptoms in cognitively unimpaired carriers of the presenilin‐1 (PSEN1) E280A mutation for autosomal dominant AD. METHODS A total of 27 PSEN1 mutation carriers and 26 non‐carrier family members were included. Linear regression was used to test the relationship between hippocampal volume and 15‐item Geriatric Depression Scale. RESULTS Carriers and non‐carriers did not differ in depressive symptoms or hippocampal volume. Within carriers, lower hippocampal volume was associated with greater depressive symptoms, which remained significant after adjusting for age and cognition. This relationship was not significant in non‐carriers. DISCUSSION Hippocampal neurodegeneration may underlie depressive symptoms in preclinical autosomal dominant AD. These findings provide support for the utility of targeting depressive symptoms in AD prevention. Highlights We compared unimpaired autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease (AD) mutation carriers and non‐carriers. Carriers and non‐carriers did not differ in severity of depressive symptoms. In carriers, hippocampal volume was inversely associated with depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms may be a useful target in AD prevention.
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Background: Depression affected 5.7% of people aged 60 years and over prior to the pandemic and has increased by approximately 28%. The aim of this study is to identify and describe factors associated with depressive symptoms, the diagnostic assessment instruments and interventions used to evaluate and treat depression in adults aged 60 years and older since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Four electronic databases were systematically searched to identify eligible studies published since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 832 articles were screened, of which 53 met the inclusion criteria. Results: Factors contributing to depressive symptoms in older adults prior to the pandemic were grouped into the following categories: sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., being female); loneliness and weak social support; limitations in daily functioning, physical activity and neurocognitive impairment; and clinical factors. The following groups of factors directly related to the pandemic were found: stress-related factors and feelings or worries related to the pandemic; information access (e.g., receiving news about COVID-19 through the media); factors directly related to COVID-19 (e.g., having infected acquaintances); and factors related to the measures that were taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., confinement measures). The most frequently used instrument to assess depressive symptoms was the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS-SF). Four studies implemented interventions during the pandemic that led to significant reductions in depressive symptoms and feelings of loneliness. Conclusions: Improved understanding of pandemic-associated risk factors for depression can inform person-cantered care. It is important continued mental healthcare for depression for older adults throughout crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote delivery of mental healthcare represents an important alternative during such times. It is crucial to address depression in older adults (which often causes disability), since the pandemic situation has increased depressive symptoms in this population.
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Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los factores asociados con síntomas depresivos en adultos mayores institucionalizados. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 276 adultos mayores de Centros de Bienestar del Anciano de Medellín. Se valoraron características demográficas, funcionales, ansiedad, salud percibida, redes de apoyo, estado nutricional y calidad de vida. Prevalencias de sintomatología depresiva fueron similares por sexo y edad (p > 0.05). Adultos dependientes para la realización de actividades cotidianas, tuvieron mayores porcentajes de síntomas de depresión (p < 0.001). Altos niveles de ansiedad (OR = 2.74), deterioro funcional (OR = 2.82), ningún grado de formación académica (OR = 3.70) y mujeres parcialmente dependientes (OR = 21.89) se asociaron con mayor probabilidad de presentar síntomas de depresión (p < 0.05). En general, perdida de roles, estado de dependencia y calidad de vida disminuida aumentan la sintomatología depresiva.
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Antecedentes: La escala para depresión geriátrica, de 5 y 15 ítemes (GDS-5 y GDS-15), cuantifica síntomas depresivos en adultos mayores. Sin embargo, no se ha explorado el comportamiento psicométrico una versión de cinco ítemes población colombiana. Objetivo: Estudiar consistencia interna, confiabilidad de constructo y estructura factorial de la GDS-15 y de la GDS-5. Método: Participaron 105 adultos mayores colombianos. Se calculó consistencia interna, confiabilidad de constructo y estructura factorial. Resultados: La GDS-15 presentó consistencia interna de 0,78, confiabilidad de constructo de 0,87 y estructura bidimensional. La GDS-5 mostró consistencia interna de 0,73, confiabilidad de constructo de 0,83 y estructura unidimensional. Conclusiones: La GDS-5 muestra mejor comportamiento psicométrico que la GDS-15. Es necesario el diseño de una escala más confiable en esta población
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Introduction: depression is one of the most prevalent diseases in the elderly. In Colombia, the prevalence of depression in this population ranges from 1,2 to 12%. Objective: to estimate the prevalence of depression in a group of independent elderly subjects in Bogota and describe the psychosocial risk factors associated with it. Material and methods: a cross-observational and descriptive study was done. The sample was constituted of 889 autonomous elderly subjects of Bogota city. Depression was assessed by applying the Test of Geriatric Depression-Yesavage-. Besides, the psychosocial risk factors were measured through the life events section, which is part of the Predict Questionnaire. Results: 74% of the sample was made up of women, the mean age was 72,51 years old (DS.9,4) and the average of education was of 7.50 years (DS.5,64). Besides, it was found a prevalence of depression of 18,6%. This prevalence was higher in the women (20%) and elderly between 70 and 79 years old (18%), adults with low education with 43% or 22% in economically dependent people. A relationship between depression and five psychosocial risk factors, known as adverse life events-insomnia, living alone, suffering a chronic disease or economic crisis or the death of the couple, a close friend or a relative. Conclusion: results showed a higher prevalence of depression in this sample in comparison to the findings yielded in previous studies developed in Colombia and the WHO. Programs that help to reduce the long lines protect women and older with less schooling ageing could mitigate the condition.
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Objective The health needs of older adults constitute challenges for health monitoring and care, resulting in increased costs. The present study therefore sought to analyze the health status of the elderly to enable targeting and intervention, in the pursuit of healthy aging for all. Method A quantitative observational cross-sectional study using a primary source was performed in 2012. A total of 4,248 adults aged over 60 years of age residing in the nine regions of Antioquia, Colombia, and the capital city were surveyed. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis was performed of statistical and epidemiological measures, based on confidence intervals and statistical tests under 5%. Results One in four individuals had a risk of depression, one in three were at risk of anxiety, eight out of ten had cognitive impairment, mainly mild, and the same proportion were at nutritional risk. The elderly persons suffered from all types of abuse, notably psychological. Conclusions Thehealth status ofelderly personsis more affectedbymental than physical healthrisks, indicatingthatpublic policy anda better distribution ofresourcesshould be aimed at seeking animprovement in qualityof life anddignified aging, differentiated byregion.
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Background: Malnutrition contributes to functional and cognitive decline in older adults, which results in decreased quality of life and loss of independence. This study aimed to identify determinants of nutritional risk among community-dwelling adults in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken in 1008 subjects aged 60 years and over who were randomly selected by systematic sampling. Demographics, socioeconomic data and self-reported history of medical conditions were recorded. The Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) was used to screen for nutritional risk, and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale was administered to all subjects. Descriptive statistics and the Pearson chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical analysis. Logistic regression modelling determined predictors of nutritional risk. Results: Of the 984 participants (mean age = 68.8 ± 7.4 years; range 60–103 years) who completed the MNA-SF, 51 % were classified as having a normal nutritional status, 43.4 % at risk for malnutrition and 5.5 % classified as malnourished. Men were more likely to be either at risk for malnutrition or be malnourished than women (p = 0.008), as were subjects with a monthly household income of ≤R1600 per month (~133 USD) (p = 0.003). In logistic regression models, depressed people were 2.803 (p < 0.001) times more likely to be at risk or be malnourished than those not depressed. Conclusion: A high prevalence of risk of malnutrition was identified in older South Africans living in an urban area with poor infrastructure. Further investigations are warranted to determine whether the higher prevalence of depressive symptomatology in nutritionally at risk individuals is a determinant or a consequence of malnutrition, in order to develop targeted nutritional interventions in this age group.
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p> Objetivo Explorar la asociación entre el riesgo de depresión y los aspectos demográficos, sociales y funcionales de los adultos mayores del Departamento de Antioquia en el año 2012. Materiales y Métodos Estudio transversal analítico de fuente primaria de 4 248 adultos mayores. Se valoraron características demográficas, sociales y funcionales. Se calcularon OR crudos y ajustados para buscar asociación entre el riesgo de depresión medida con la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica de Yesavage y demás variables de interés. Resultados El riesgo de depresión se asoció con la edad, el estado civil, el nivel educativo, el consumo de alcohol y cigarrillo; al igual que con la poca o nula participación en actividades comunitarias (OR=1,9; IC95 % [1,2;3,0], la percepción de mala calidad de vida (OR=10,0; IC95% [2,0;48,8] y la pérdida de capacidad funcional (OR=6,3; IC95 % [2,9;13,9]. Conclusiones El riesgo de depresión en el adulto mayor está más asociado a la dificultad para relacionarse con su entorno físico y afectivo, que a la condición biológica del padecimiento; situación que se podría prevenir si se refuerzan los lazos familiares y se propende por un envejecimiento más activo y funcional.</p
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El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la aptitud física y los niveles depresivos en las personas adultas mayores que participan en programas de actividad física en el área de San Ramón, Alajuela. Un total de 138 personas mayores con edades entre los 60 y 86 años (67.94 ± 5.26 años), fueron medidas en los componentes de la aptitud física mediante la prueba “Senior Fitness Test” (SFT) y los niveles de depresión mediante la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica de “Yesavage” (GDS, “Geriatric Depression Scale” por sus siglas en Inglés). Los resultados sugieren que el 97,8 % de las personas analizadas se ubicó dentro de los parámetros normales y excelentes de aptitud física, mientras tanto, el 86,2 % se encontró en la etapa normal de la depresión. Por su parte, la depresión geriátrica correlacionó negativamente con la aptitud física en las variables: fuerza muscular y resistencia corporal de la parte baja del cuerpo, resistencia de la fuerza muscular del brazo, la agilidad y equilibrio dinámico, y flexibilidad parte baja del cuerpo (p
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Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de riesgo de depresión, características principales y factores de vulnerabilidad geriátrica asociados. Diseño: Subestudio derivado de un estudio sobre valoración geriátrica integral. Emplazamiento: Centro de Atención Primaria. Participantes: Para una prevalencia estimada del 14% se precisaba muestra de 288 pacientes. De 3854 se seleccionaron 290 personas ≥ 75 años. Excluidos: terminales, quimioterapia, cirugía reciente, desplazados, retraso mental/enfermedad psiquiátrica grave y régimen de atención domiciliaria. Mediciones: Variable de resultado: riesgo de depresión (≥ 2 puntos en subescala de depresión de Goldberg). Variables dependientes: sociodemográficas y cinco áreas de estudio de la valoración geriátrica integral: médica –comorbilidad, polifarmacia, caídas e ingresos–, funcional –Test Up&Go, índices de Lawton-Brody y Barthel–, nutricional –Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)–, mental-afectiva –cuestionario Pfeiffer y escalas Goldberg– y social. Análisis descriptivo y regresión logística. Resultados: Realizadas 290 entrevistas, con 102 (35,1%) hombres y edad media de 79,41 años (DE : 3,2). Prevalencia del riesgo de depresión: 37,2%, siendo 26,5% en hombres y 43,1% en mujeres (p = 0,005). Observamos asociación de riesgo de depresión con: hipertensión arterial (OR: 3,87 IC 95%: 1,61-9,34), cáncer (OR: 4,12 IC 95%: 1,58-10,76), falta de actividad de ocio (OR: 2,75 IC 95%: 1,33-5,67), subir en la escala de ansiedad (OR: 1,87 IC 95%: 1,57-2,22) y bajar en MNA (OR: 0,78 IC 95%: 0,68-0,9). Conclusiones: La prevalencia del riesgo de depresión es mayor a lo esperado, pero se requiere confirmación con test diagnóstico. Apreciamos nuevas asociaciones del riesgo de depresión con variables de comorbilidad (hipertensión arterial y cáncer); corroboramos otras conocidas (viudedad y falta de apoyo social). Los factores asociados con el riesgo de depresión, deberían incluirse en futuros estudios sobre depresión geriátrica.
Background: The relationship between depression and diabetes has been widely documented but there have been methodological limitations such as the failure to conduct a diagnostic interview of the depressive condition. We have estimated the prevalence of depression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and its relationship with sociodemographic, lifestyle and clinical variables. Patients and methods: This was a cross-sectional, randomized study (stratified by sex and age) of patients with DM2 treated in a healthcare area with approximately 3000 eligible patients. The depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (depression defined as a BDI score>16) and a psychiatric interview. We used a multivariate logistic regression model to evaluate the association between depression and DM2, after adjusting for known risk factors. Results: We examined 275 patients with DM2 (mean age, 64.5 years; men, 56.4%). The prevalence of depression was calculated at 32.7% (95% CI 27.4-38.5) and increased with age. A greater prevalence of depression was found in women, widowers, patients with obesity, those with poor compliance with the prescription, those with poor glycemic control and those who developed complications from diabetes. Thirty-five percent (95% CI 26.4-45.8) of the patients who scored>16 on the BDI scale had not been diagnosed with depression. Conclusions: Depression is highly prevalent in patients with DM2, especially in women. For approximately one-third of the patients, a diagnosis of depression had not been reached.