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Abstract and Figures

The researcher aimed to find out an internal and external factors that affected students’ confidence in public speaking performance. The kind of this research was qualitative, this study is dealing with Miles and Huberman theory, the sample of this research was consist 5 members, the technique of collecting data used recording, note taking and questionnaires which was consit of 5 items and each item consisted of four options (very agree, agree, disagree, very disagree). The technique of data analysis used reduction, display, veryfiying the data for recording and note taking, meanwhile for questionnaires the researcher was used tabulation, computation and clarifiying the internal and external factors that affect students’ confidence in public speaking performance.
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Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017
Muhammad Arif Pratama
FPBS IKIP Mataram, Kota Mataram, NTB
The researcher aimed to find out an internal and external factors that affected students’
confidence in public speaking performance. The kind of this research was qualitative, this
study is dealing with Miles and Huberman theory, the sample of this research was consist 5
members, the technique of collecting data used recording, note taking and questionnaires
which was consit of 5 items and each item consisted of four options (very agree, agree,
disagree, very disagree). The technique of data analysis used reduction, display, veryfiying
the data for recording and note taking, meanwhile for questionnaires the researcher was
used tabulation, computation and clarifiying the internal and external factors that affect
students’ confidence in public speaking performance.
Key Words:students’ confidence in public speaking performance.
Peneliti bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yang
mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri mahasiswa dalam public speaking. Jenis penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Miles dan Huberman,
sampel dari penelitian ini berjumlah 5 anggota, tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan
rekaman, pengambilan catatan dan angket yang berjumlah 5 soal dan setiap soal memiliki 4
pilihan (sangat setuju, setuju, tidak setuju, sangat tidak setuju). Tehnik analisa data
menggunakan pengurangi, penampilkan, verifikasi data untuk rekaman dan pengambilan
catatan, sedangkan untuk angket peneliti menggunakan pengolahan, perhitungan dan
menjelaskan faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yang mempeengaruhi kepercayaan diri
mahasiswa dalam public speaking.
Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan Diri dalam Public Speaking.
Public speaking requires the same
skills used in ordinary conversation. Most
people who communicate well in daily talk
can learn to communicate just as well in
public speaking. By the same token, training
in public speaking can make you a more
adept communicator in a variety of
situations, such as conversations, classroom
discussions, business meeting, and
interviews. Despite their similarities public
speaking and everyday conversation are not
E2DC that enggage in English debate
has creating many students with good
achievement, such as Mr. Husnawadi who
was the founding father of E2DC, he took his
Master graduation in Australia, Mr. Endri
Susanto former leader of E2DC who has the
agency of Indonesia in some youth exchange
programs when he was still active as student
and now he has established his own
foundation. Almost all of those achievements
need good public speaking and also has good
confidence to enroll those programs, and we
cannot prevaricate that E2DC has also
support them.
Because of those argumentations
above, the researcher had conducted a study
under the title “factor affecting students’
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017
confidence in public speaking performance
of E2DC’s members at FPBS IKIP Mataram.
Based on statement above, the purpose of
this study was expected to find out the
internal and external factors that can affect
students’ confidence in public speaking
Review of Related Literature
Internal factor here means that the
factor inside the students themselves plays an
important role in learning English. According
to Felix (1977) as cited in Leontiev & James
(1981: 133) there are some characteristics of
students, such as age, motivation, behavior,
etc. External factor are the factors outside the
students that influence them in learning.
Felix (1977) as cited in Leontiev & James
(1981: 190) stated that, “The number of
students in the classroom would play a
significant role.”
Self- confidence is essentially an
attitude which allows us to have a positive
and realistic perception of ourselves and our
abilities. According to Nowak (2004), public
speaking means that the way one expresses
or communicates his or her opinions to the
general public. Factors Affecting Student’s
English learning achievement: study at the
second grade students of SMA Islam Al-
Ma’rif in academic year 2015/2016. The
result of her study was found out two factors
were found: internal and external factors, 4
high internal, 4 high external and 1 low
internal, 1 low external factor. Data are to
assist in drawing conclusions. While drawing
conclusions logically follows reduction and
display of data. Conclusions would be in the
form of propositions, and once they have
been drawn, they need to be verified.
This was qualitative research that
conducted with Miles and Huberman theory,
it has three steps in collecting data; data
reduction, data display and drawing and
verifiying conclusion. The subjects of this
research were E2DC members, and the
objects of this research were internal and
external factors that affected students’
confidence in public speaking performance.
Where four students are coming from fourth
semester and one student is coming from
sixth semester.
In this stage, the researcher has
prepared the questionnaires and then gives
the questionnaires to all objects. The
researcher tried to filter the data that the
researcher needed, menaing that the
researcher only take the data that the
researcher thinks that was important. The
researcher tried to show the data that the
researcher got after the researcher finished to
reduce the data. The researcher tried to
drwan the conclusion of the study.
After collecting the data from the
recording, note taking and questionnaires of
five E2DC members on 17th July 8st August
2017, then the researcher began to analyzing
the data by theory applied from Miles and
Huberman 1994 in chapter III to find out are
internal and external factors can affect
students’ confidence in public speaking
The researcher applied the qualitative
method to analyze the data. The activities
that the researcher conducted was reduction,
displayed and then verifying and conclusion
the data, and analyzing what are internal and
external factors that affect students’
confidence in public speaking performance.
As what the researcher has elaborated in
chapter III about the instrument of the
research and the technique of data analysis.
The researcher used the note taking as the
instrument and found that:
Table 4.1
Note Taking Explanations
See other things while
explaining, use some
gestures (hands, body)
use some gestures
(hands, body), see his
note when he forgot,
see other things while
use some gestures
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017
(hands, body), see
other things while
explaining., using
word ‘aaa’ when
use some gestures
(hands, body), see
other things while
explaining., using
word ‘aaa’ when
Ade Putra
use some gestures
(hands, body), see
other things while
Here the researcher found that there
were 3 internal factors consits of (Felix
(1977) as cited in Leontiev & James (1981:
133)): The speaker used some their gestures
while spoke (this factor deals with
behaviour). When the speaker confused,
relized or not the speaker has thinked while
said ‘aaa’ (this factor deals with behaviour).
How long their practice speaking could
influence their speaking performance (this
factor deals with motivation). And here
researcher found 2 external factors consist of
(Surya, (1979)): The speaker avoid to see the
listener or audiences (this factor deals with
social). Place could influence their speaking
performance (this factor deals with non-
Questionnaires Tabulation
The researcher used the questionnaires
as the instrument of the research which was
consist of 5 items, 3 items are about internal
factors that affecting students confidence in
public speaking performance and 2 others
about the external factors that affecting
students confidence in public speaking
performance. Each point has 4 options (very
agree, agree, disagree, and very disagree),
and each option has the value. To tabulate the
values of options, the researcher categorized
the values into 4 levels as suharsimi (2006:
241-243) stated in her book: (a) Very agree
(the first grade) values 4; (b) Agree (the
second grade) values 3; (c) Disagree (the
third grade) values 2; (d) Very Disagree (the
last grade) values 1.
The first item: shows the factors
affecting students in public speaking
performance deals with the speaker that
avoid to see audience or listener. The value
of this item is (1x4) + (4x3) + (0x2) + (0x1)
= 4+12+0+0= 16. The final value of this item
is 16:5= 3,2. The second item: shows the
factors affectng students in public speaking
performance deals with the gesture of
speaker while speaking. The value of this
item is (5x4) + (0x3) + (0x2) + (0x1)=
20+0+0+0= 20. The final value of this item is
20:5= 4. The third item: shows the factors
affectng students in public speaking
performance deals with the way speaker
thinking their ideas when they forget it. The
value of this item is (2x4) + (3x3) + (0x2) +
(0x1)= 8+9+0+0= 17. The final value of this
item is 17:5= 3,4. The fourth item: shows the
factors affectng students in public speaking
performance deals with the place of speaker
performance. The value of this item is (3x4)
+ (1x3) + (1x2) + (0x1)= 12+3+2+0= 17.
The final value of this item is 17:5= 3,4. The
fifth item: shows the factors affectng students
in public speaking performance deals with
how long the speaker practice speaking. The
value of this item is (5x4) + (0x3) + (0x2) +
(0x1)= 20+0+0+0= 20. The final value of
this item is 20:5= 4.
Based on the computation of the data,
the researcher has categorized the values into
two levels as follows: (1) 1 to 3,00 is
classified as Low (L); (2) 3,00 to 4,00 is
classified as High (H) (Purwanto, 2010: 103).
The students used some gestures to
help them to offered their ideas (this factors
belong to internal factors deals with
behaviour). The students said ‘aaa’ while
thinked and got their ideas back (this factors
belong to internal factors deals with
behaviour). The students agreed that if they
practice more they had good confidence
when speaking (this factors belong to internal
factors deals with motivation). The students
tried to not focus on seeing the audience or
listener when they speaking performence
(this factors belong to external factors deals
with social). The students argeed that place
could influence their confidence (this factors
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2017
belong to external factors deals with non-
The researcher could stated that
internal and external facorts could affected
students’ confidence in public speaking
performance of E2DC member at FPBS IKIP
Mataram because of some factors such as:
behaviour, motivation, social and non-social
factors, and all of those factros classified as
high level it means that those factors were
really important on affecting students’
confidence in public speaking performance.
The researcher found that there were
two factors internal and external factors, the
internal factors consist of 2 behaviours and 1
motivation, while external factors consist of
1 social and 1 non-social factors which all
factors classified as high level (H). The result
of this study could help the lecture to know
what factors that affecting students’
confidence in publc speaking performance,
So the lecture know how to build up the
students’ confidence. The result of this study
could help students to know what factors that
affect students’ confidence in public
speaking, and this research could be
refference for next researcher.
Felix as cited in Leontiev & James in Ummu
Nur Mutmainnah Thesis. 2016.
“Factors Affecting Student’s English
Learning Achievement: Study At The
Second Grade Students Of Sma Islam
Al-Ma’rif In Academic Year
2015/2016”. Mataram institute of
teachers training and education the
faculty of language and art education
English department.
Benabou and Tirole. 1999. Self Confidence
Intrapersonal Strategy. Princeton
Economic Theory Papers, Economics
Department, Princeton University.
Burton and Platts. 2012. Confidence for
Dummies 2nd Edition. Branded Imprint
Nowak A. 2004. Power Speaking, The Art of
the Exceptional Public Speaker.
Allworth Press New York.
Stainback as cited in Sugiono. 2015. Metode
Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan
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Alfabeta, Bandung.
Lincoln and Guba as cited in Sugiono. 2015.
Metode Penelitian Pendidikan
Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan
R&D. Alfabeta, Bandung.
Esterberg as cited in Sugiono. 2015. Metode
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Khider. 2013. Analysis of Some Factors
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University Of Biskra Faculty Of
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City University of Hong Kong.
M. Surya 1979. Pengaruh Faktor-faktor
Non-Intelektual Terhadap Gejala
Berprestasi Kurang (Studi Terhadap
Siswa SMA Proyek Perintis Sekolah
Pembangunan). Sekolah Pasca Sarjana
Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Arikunto, Suharsimi in Ummu Nur
Mutmainnah Thesis. 2016. Factors
Affecting Student’s English Learning
Achievement: Study At The Second
Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-
Ma’rif In Academic Year 2015/2016”.
Mataram institute of teachers training
and education the faculty of language
and art education English department.
Purwanto, Ngalim. M in Ummu Nur
Mutmainnah Thesis. 2016. Factors
Affecting Student’s English Learning
Achievement: Study At The Second
Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-
Ma’rif In Academic Year 2015/2016”.
Mataram institute of teachers training
and education the faculty of language
and art education English department.
... To ascertain this research, the researcher looked for several similar studies to support this research. The researcher found many studies about Storytelling technique, as observed by Munawaroh (2012), Akhyak and Indramawan (2013), Samantaray (2014), Kalantari and Hashmeian (2015), Julia (2015), Fikriah (2016), nada (2013), Pratama (2018), and Santos (2018), all stated that not only Storytelling was able to improve students' speaking skill but also the storytelling has an impact on students' speaking skill. ...
Full-text available
This study was aimed to investigate whether or not the use of storytelling has positive effect towards the students' speaking skills at the tenth-grade students of MA Nurul Haramain. The form of this research was pre-experimental study with comparing the scores in pre-test and post-test. The population of this research is the tenth-grade students of MA Nurul Haramain Narmada, with the sample is class X B that consists of 21 students. The research findings show that the mean score of the pre-test is 59.05 and the mean score of post-test is 78.48. It shows that storytelling has a significant impact towards the students' speaking skill. The result of sig. 2-tailed (0.00) is lower than sig. level (0.05), also the result of the t-test is higher than t-table, the value is 4.1 >1.6 it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a highly significant effect of storytelling technique towards students' speaking skill on the tenth-grade students of MA Nurul Haramain.
Full-text available
Speech anxiety, or Glossophobia, currently affects approximately 75% of the population with potentially severe negative effects on those with this condition. There are several treatments currently available with research showing that the use of Virtual Reality (VR) as a non-pharmacologic treatment can have positive effects on individuals suffering from such social phobias. However, there is a significant lack of treatments currently available for speech anxiety, even though such a large number of the population are affected by it. In this paper, we aim to contribute to efforts to improve the effects of speech anxiety through a VR intervention. Our VR solution was designed following the Exposure Therapy approach for treating social anxiety disorders. The evaluation of this work was twofold: A. to assess the ability of our solution to positively change participants’ perception of factors related to non-verbal communication contributing to anxiety toward public speaking, and B. to determine whether it is able to induce a sense of presence. We carried out an empirical evaluation study that measured participants’ self-reported anxiety level towards public speaking using the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety and their perceived sense of presence using the iGroup Presence Questionnaire. Our results demonstrate the potential of VR Exposure Therapy solutions to assist towards positively changing perception of factors related to non-verbal communication skills that contribute to increasing public speaking anxiety for participants suffering from self-reported speech anxiety symptoms. Our findings are of wider importance as they contribute to ongoing efforts to improve social anxiety-related phobias.
Self Confidence Intrapersonal Strategy. Princeton Economic Theory Papers
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Benabou and Tirole. 1999. Self Confidence Intrapersonal Strategy. Princeton Economic Theory Papers, Economics Department, Princeton University.
Power Speaking, The Art of the Exceptional Public Speaker
  • A Nowak
Nowak A. 2004. Power Speaking, The Art of the Exceptional Public Speaker. Allworth Press New York.
Analysis of Some Factors Affecting Learners' Oral Performance. University Of Biskra Faculty Of Letters And Languages Department Of Foreign Languages English Division
  • Khider
Khider. 2013. Analysis of Some Factors Affecting Learners' Oral Performance. University Of Biskra Faculty Of Letters And Languages Department Of Foreign Languages English Division.
Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Non-Intelektual Terhadap Gejala Berprestasi Kurang (Studi Terhadap Siswa SMA Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan)
  • M Surya
M. Surya 1979. Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Non-Intelektual Terhadap Gejala Berprestasi Kurang (Studi Terhadap Siswa SMA Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan). Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Bandung.
Factors Affecting Student's English Learning Achievement: Study At The Second Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-Ma'rif In Academic Year 2015
  • Arikunto
Arikunto, Suharsimi in Ummu Nur Mutmainnah Thesis. 2016. "Factors Affecting Student's English Learning Achievement: Study At The Second Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-Ma'rif In Academic Year 2015/2016". Mataram institute of teachers training and education the faculty of language and art education English department. Purwanto, Ngalim. M in Ummu Nur Mutmainnah Thesis. 2016. "Factors Affecting Student's English Learning Achievement: Study At The Second Grade Students Of Sma Islam Al-Ma'rif In Academic Year 2015/2016". Mataram institute of teachers training and education the faculty of language and art education English department.
Confidence for Dummies 2 nd Edition. Branded Imprint of WILEY
  • Platts Burton
Burton and Platts. 2012. Confidence for Dummies 2 nd Edition. Branded Imprint of WILEY.