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Sediments Samples from Al-Chibayish marsh were collected seasonally from four stations during August, 2017 to April,2018 , to determine the concentration of some heavy elements (Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead(Pb)) in the exchangeable and residual phases of sediments .geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was calculated as an indicator for sediments pollution with heavy elements , in addition to that the grain size and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) % were measured in the sediments samples. Results show that the concentrations of these elements in the exchangeable phase of sediments were (0.41 , 19.70 , 46.37, 25.20) µg/g-dry weight, respectively ,while in the residual phase were (0.27, 82.95 ,75.32, 14.41) µg/g-dry weight, respectively. According to Igeo values ,the sediments of Al-Chibayish marsh can be classified as unpolluted with Cd and Pb , while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr , and moderate to strongly polluted with Ni .In sediments grain size analysis show that the range of sand (1-24)% ,silt (59-86)% ,clay (7-25)% , while the range values of (TOC) were 9.93% to 13.49%.
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
Rehab SalimKhazaal Al-Atbee ., MakiaM.Al-Hejuje & Hamid T.Al-Saad
Marine Chemistry Department - Marine Scince Center University of Basrah ,Basrah , Iraq.
Ecology Department College of Science University of Basrah ,Basrah , Iraq.
College of Marine Scince University of Basrah ,Basrah , Iraq.
Sediments Samples from Al- Chibayish marsh were collected seasonally from four stations
during August, 2017 to April,2018 , to determine the concentration of some heavy
elements (Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead(Pb) ) in the exchangeable
and residual phases of sediments .geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was calculated as an
indicator for sediments pollution with heavy elements , in addition to that the grain size
and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) % were measured in the sediments samples. Results
show that the concentrations of these elements in the exchangeable phase of sediments
were (0.41 , 19.70 , 46.37, 25.20) µg/g-dry weight, respectively ,while in the residual phase
were (0.27, 82.95 ,75.32, 14.41) µg/g-dry weight, respectively . According to Igeo values
,the sediments of Al- Chibayish marsh can be classified as unpolluted with Cd and Pb ,
while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr , and moderate to strongly polluted with
Ni .In sediments grain size analysis show that the range of sand (1-24)% ,silt (59-86)% ,clay
(7-25)% , while the range values of (TOC) were 9.93% to 13.49%.
Keyword: sediment ,heavy metals, pollution, AL-Chibayishmarshes,Iraq
No: of Figures : 1 No: of Tables: 5 No: of References: 34
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
The southern Iraqi marshes , freshwater wetland is unique ecosystem .Marshes are
frequently or consistently overflowed wetlands characterized by emergent herbaceous
vegetation adjusted to immersed soil condition, changing water streams, and mineral
soil,they cover an area about 15000-20000 km2 (Bedairet al.,2006 ;USEPA, 2008).
Iraqi southern marshes form large triangular region restricted by three major southern
cities: Thi-Qar to the west, Maysan to the northeast and Basrah to the south. They are vast
open zone that includes both permanent and seasonal marshes (Al-Ansari and Knutsson,
The central marshes are the heart of Iraq's southern marshes, are located at the top of the
concourse of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Central Marshes cover an area of 3,000
km2 and can expand to 4,000 km 2 during the flood season (UNEP, 2006).
In natural system, marshes sediment accumulate types of chemicals that enter the water
through natural and anthropogenic activities (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2007;Lu et al., 2011).
Marshes system can act as a sink of chemicals either through sedimentation or bio-
concentration.The most important and harmful pollutants of the aquatic environment
heavy elements that affect the water with its dissolved phase, particulate, organisms and
sediments (Al-Saadet al, 2009).
Heavy elements which have specific gravity more than 5g/ cm3 and have negative
effects on the environment when over-utilizes and also influence the health of humans,
animals and plants .These compounds are often called trace elements because of they
are present in low concentrations in the earth's crust up to 0.1%(Minkoff and Baker, 2001).
In sediments, there are six different geochemical types of elements associated with
sediments. In the first one, these elements are connected with the sediment in the most
labile obtained mode; these are known as exchangeable elements. The second form
extracts are joint mainly with carbonates and are highly sensitive to pH variations. In the
third, the elements attached to Mn oxide and partly amorphous Fe oxide and in the
fourth type, to amorphous and poorly crystalline Fe oxide. In the fifth, the elements
associated with the organic matter and sulfides are released. Finally, the residual portion,
a fraction of elementsare strongly united to the lithogenic minerals of the sediments (
Hassan ,2007 ; Al-Haidarey, 2009; Al-Hejuje,2014).Sediments have a high level of
accumulation and retention of elements and pollutants, however sediments may
become a source of water contamination when their surfaces are saturated with heavy
elements. This effect is most distinct at high temperatures, speed water flow and small
sediment particles ( Hassan et al., 2010(
Measuring the concentration of heavy elements in sediments gives a clear perception
of the level of contaminations in the aquatic environment ,these elements bound to
particulate materials, which finally settle down to the sediments (Laluraj and Nair, 2006).
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
The present study aimed to determined the pollutants levels including the accumulation
of some heavy elements (Cadmium , Chromium , Nickel and Lead ) in sediments of Al-
Chibayish marsh as well as to estimate the organic matter and texture of sediments.
Material and Methods :
Study area :
Central marshes (Al- Chibayish ) is bordered to the north by the Amara road, the Tigris
River to the east, the Gharaf river to the west and the Chibayish road adjacent to the
Euphrates River in the south. Hor al-Chibayish is one of the most famous of the central
marshes. Hor al-Chibayishis located north of the Euphrates and in the middle of the
central marshes, before the drying, it was supplied with water from the Tigris but after the
rehabilitation in 2003, it became supplied from the Euphrates river (UNEP,2002;
Four stations were selected at Central marshes (Al- Chibayish), sampling points were geo-
located using geographical positioning system (GPS) at the following coordinates: 31˚ 00-
34.7= N and 47˚ 01- 50.3= E (station 1); 31˚ 01- 57.5= N and 47˚ 02- 7.7= E (station 2); N 31˚
02- 58.4= and 47˚ 00- 57= E (station 3); 31˚ 04- 32.4= N and 47˚ 00- 58.5= E (station 4) .
Sediments samples :
Sediments samples were taken seasonally from four station inAl-Chibayishmarsh using
a van veen grab sampler, the water was allowed to drain off, using polyethylene bags
for the samples preserved, then the samples were placed in an ice box until reaching the
The sediments samples were dried in an oven at 50 °C for approximately 3 days , grind
finely using an electrical mortar and sieved through a 63 µm mesh sieve ,and stored in
polyethylene bags until analysis.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC %(
Amount of total organic Carbon in sediments were measured according to burning
method (Ball,1964).taking 2 gm of dried and sieved sediments were placed in pre-
weighted crucible and burned at 550C for period 48hrs.then placed in desiccators and
weighted more than one to reach constant weight, The difference in mass of crucible
and sediments sample before and after burning was calculated as TOC.
Grain size analysis(%)
Mean grain size analysis was carried out using 20 g of dried sediments ,and using the
pipette method for silt and clay grains and standard sieves (63µm pore size )for sand
grains then the triangle texture had been applied to determine the percentage of
particles in sediments, these techniques according to Folk (1974) .
Extraction the exchangeable elements from sediments:
From the fraction of the grinded and sieved sediments, put (1 g) in 50 ml polyethylene
tube. The exchangeable heavy metals were extracted by added 30 ml HCl(0.5N) for
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
over night in an orbital shaker with 300 rpm ,then the solution was centrifuged at 5000
rpm for 20 minute, thesupernatant was filtered using filter paper (Watman No. 1). The
filtrate was stored in tightly stopper polyethylene vials to be ready for analysis using
Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). (Chester and Voutsinou, 1981).
Extraction the residual elements fromsediments :
The residue from the above mentioned steps was washed by 40 ml deionized water, then
centrifuge for 20 minutes to remove the residual of the exchangeable phase. Then
samples were digested with 5 ml concentrated HNO3 acid in Polyethylene Tri Fluro
Ethane(PTFE) beaker at 70 C on hot plate near dryness state. The digestion was further
proceeded with 1:1 mixture of concentrated HClO4and HF acids , digested near dryness
state . The residue was dissolved in 30 ml of 0.5NHCl, put on hot plate at 70 C and then
made up to 30 ml with deionized water ,filtered by filter paper (Watman No. 1). The
samples were stored in tightly stopper polyethylene vials to be ready for analysis using AAS
(Sturgen, et al. 1982).
Geoaccumulation Index ( I - geo)
The geo accumulation index (Igeo) ,as introduced by Müller (1969) to assessment the
pollution in sediments,as follows:
I-geo = log 2(Cn / 1.5 Bn(
Cn : the element concentration ( n) which measured in the sediments.
Bn :is the background concentration to the element ( n(
Table (1) : The classification of sediments pollution according to I-geo values
Pollution Sediments Case
≤ 0
0 Igeo 1
unpolluted to moderately
1 Igeo 2
moderately polluted
2 Igeo 3
moderately polluted to polluted
3 Igeo 4
strongly polluted
4 Igeo 5
strongly to extremely polluted
Igeo 5
extremely polluted
Statistical Analysis:
Analysis Of Variance (One Way ANOVA) was applied by minitabver 16.1 software to
identify the existence of spatial and temporal significant differences The relationship
between the parameters and indices was tested using the Parsons correlation coefficients
Results and Dissection :
Sediments consider as the final recipient of pollutants from natural and anthropogenic
origin in aquatic environments (Hassan et al.,2010). Thus, theyare represent as a good
bio-indicator for aquatic environment pollution. Also, the accumulation of elements in the
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
sediment that result of long term exposure ,while the concentration of element in the
water as dissolved is mainly result of recent contamination (Brankovicet al. ,2011).
A major part of the heavy elements, which enter the aquatic environment eventually
settle down in the sediment, therefore the sediment act as archives for many pollutants
such as heavy elements (Al-Khafaji ,2010). The high concentrations in sediments than in
water is due to the strong binding affinity of heavy elements to the sediments (Al-Hejuje
Table ( 2 )the concentrations of heavy elements in both the exchangeable and residual phases
of sediments
Residual phase
Station 1
14.783± 3.556
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
The concentrations of cadmium in the exchangeable phase was ranged from (0.351μg/g
dry weight) at station 2 to (0.464μg/g dry weight) at station 1. Non-significant differences
(P>0.05) were found among stations. In the residual phase of sediments it's ranged from
(0.250 μg/g d. w) at station 3 to (0.3106μg/g d. w) at station 4.Also,non-significant
differences (P>0.05) were found among stations (Table2).
In sediments ,the concentrations of chromium in the exchangeable phase ranged from (
11.554µg/g d. w) at station 2 to (30.400µg/g d. w) at station 3. Significant differences
(P<0.01) were found among stations. The concentrations of chromium in the residual
phase of sediments ranged from (67.76 µg/g d. w) at station 2 to (97.67 µg/g dry weight)
at station 1, significant differences (P<0.05) were found among stations (Table 2) .
In sediments, the concentrations of nickel in the exchangeable phase ranged from
(26.42μg/g d. w) at station 2 to (61.96μg/g d. w) at station 1. Significant differences
(P<0.01) were found among stations. The concentrations of nickel in the residual phase of
sediments was ranged from (65.80μg/g dry weight) at station 2 to (85.97μg/g dry weight)
at station 1. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found among stations (Table 2 ) .
The concentrations of lead in the exchangeable phase of sediments ranged from
(24.008μg/g dry weight) at station 2 to (26.460μg/g dry weight) at station 1. Non-
significant differences (P>0.05) were found among stations. The concentrations of lead in
the residual phase of sediments ranged from (13.539μg/g dry weight) at station 2 to
(15.267μg/g dry weight) at station 3. Non-significant differences (P>0.05) were found
among stations.
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
The results shown that the concentrations of Cd and Pb in the exchangeable phase of
sediments were higher than those in the residual phase of sediments(Table2),this finding
could be a good evidence that there is an anthropogenic origin of pollutants which
incorporated into the sediment from water column by processes such as adsorption ,
organic complication and precipitation to sediments, this finding was in agreement with
(Habeeb , 2015). Significant correlations between heavy elements in the sediments (Table
3) suggested that they had the same geochemical origin or behaviors (Song et al. , 2010 ;
Manojet al. , 2012).
Most heavy element in sediment positively correlated with clay particles and negatively
correlation with the sand (Table 3) , this could be attributed to the sediment particles size
which play an important role in the concentration and distribution of heavy element .
Small particle size which have a large surface area ,such as clay and silt has an ability to
accumulate higher concentration of heavy element because of these particles allowed
to adsorption of element into their surface (Bentivegnaet al. ,2004) .
Moreover, high concentrations of heavy elements in sediment may be due to the
increasing plant abundant at these stations in marshes which played an important role
to increasing the heavy elements in the sediments(Al-Atbee,2018 unpublished data ).
Plants work to reduce flow rate of water and this leads to deposit of suspended matter
,which containing high concentrations of heavy elements, to the sediments, this finding
was in agreement with Mashkool (2012).
Table ( 3 ): The Perasons correlation coefficients between total heavy metals in sediments
and the related environmental variable measured in Al-Chibayish marsh .
0.66 **
0.33 **
0.78 **
0.88 **
0.70 **
0.37 NS
Sand %
-0.05 NS
-0.24 NS
-0.49 NS
-0.15 NS
Silt %
-0.09 NS
-0.05 NS
0.21 NS
-0.07 NS
Clay %
0.22 NS
0.40 NS
0.34 NS
0.32 NS
0.09 NS
0.14 NS
0.16 NS
-0.04 NS
** : Significant correlation at P<0.01 ; NS: Non- Significant correlation(P>0.05)
The terms clay, silt , and sand represents the soil particles( Balasim, 2013).The grain size of
Al-Chibayish marsh different in their percentage from station to another according to the
geological origin and the effluent dischargesat each station . Generally, according to the
texture compounds percentage (Fig 1), the sediments of Al-Chibayish marsh can be
considered as silt-clay sediments .
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
Fig (1) Grain size (%)in the sediments of the studied area
In sediments,the wastes of human and animal play an important role to increasing the
content of organic carbon(Al-Hejuje,2014 ). The chemical and biological processes that
take place in sediment greatly affect the proportion of organic carbon ( Balasim , 2013).
The highest values which recorded during winter (Table 4 ) related to high precipitation
ratio of dead aquatic plants during winter, while the lowest values during summer at some
stations may be due to the rise of temperature which stimulate microbial enzymes
activities , therefore the biodegradation processes generally increases with the increasing
temperature (Foghtet al ., 1996) . TOC values showed negative significant correlation
with water temperatures (r=- 0.627,p<0.01) .Result of the present study were in agreement
with (Al-Abadi ,2011;Maskhool,2012).
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
Table(4) Total Organic Carbon (TOC %) during the studied period in the studied area
(Mean ± SD)
Station 1
10.58 ±0.23
11.84 ±0.47
12.68 ± 1.21
12.26 ± 0.16
Station 2
9.93 ± 1.43
10.32 ± 0.20
12.62 ± 0.12
11.61 ± 0.17
Station 3
10.26 ± 0.64
10.06 ± 0.32
11.14 ± 1.39
11.43 ± 1.51
Station 4
11.49 ± 4.99
11.65 ± 0.22
13.49 ± 0.16
13.18 ±1.37
The Geo-accumulation Index ( I geo) :
The I-geo values can be used effectively to determining the extent of heavy element
accumulation in sediments .The I-geo grades for the surface sediments in the present
study differ from element to element and from station to station . According the I-geo
values the sediments at all the studied stations were considered as unpolluted with Cd
and Pb ,but unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr , and moderate to moderat-
strongly polluted with Ni .This could be due to the high concentrations of these elements
in surface sediments that exceeded the world surface rock average according to
CBSQG(2003) values .The present result was in agreement with Al-Sabah and Aldhahi
(2017)who found that the sediments of Auda marsh was unpolluted with Zn , Fe, Cu and
Pb ,While disagreement with Al-Haidareyet al.,2010 found that the sediments of Al-
Hawizeh Marshes were suffering from moderately to strongly contaminate with the As
,Cd, Cr, Co ,Cu and Pb according to I-geo values. The different in results may be due to
the different in the studied areas characteristics and different the studies periods.
The values of I-geo in sediments for cadmium ranged from (-4.09, unpolluted) at station 3
in Spring to(-0.61 , unpolluted ) at station 4 in Winter (Table5) . Non- significant differences
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
(P>0.05) were found among stations .While significant differences (P<0.01) were found
among seasons, the lowest mean value (-2.87 unpolluted ) was found in Spring , but the
highest mean value (-0.90unpolluted) was found in Winter .
The values of I-geo in sediments for chromium ranged from ( -0.44 , unpolluted) at
station 2 in Spring to( 1.29 , moderately polluted ) at station 3 in Winter (Table5) .
Significant differences (P<0.01) were found among seasons , thelowest mean value( 0.02
unpolluted to moderately ) was found in spring , but the highest mean value(1.07
moderately polluted) was found in Winter .Also significant differences (P<0.01) were found
among stations, the lowest mean value( 0.25 unpolluted to moderately ) was found at
station 2 , but the highest mean value(0.86 moderately polluted) was found at station 3.
The values of I-geo in sediments for nickel ranged from ( 1.00 , moderately polluted) at
station 4 in autumn to( 2.22 , moderate to strongly polluted) at station 1 in winter (Table5) .
Significant differences (P<0.05) were found among seasons , the lowest mean value( 1.55
t moderately polluted ) was found in autumn, but the highest mean value(1.97
moderately polluted) was found in winter .Also significant differences (P<0.01) were found
among stations, the lowest mean value( 1.41 moderately polluted ) was found at station 2
, but the highest mean value(2.1 moderate to strongly polluted) was found at station 1.
The values of I-geo in sediments for lead ranged from ( -1.07 , unpolluted) at station 2 in
spring to( -0.20 , unpolluted) at station 1 in autumn (Table5) . Significant differences
(P<0.01) were found among seasons , the lowest mean value( -0.91 unpolluted ) was
found in spring, but the highest mean value(-0.29 unpolluted) was found in winter .Non-
significant differences (P>0.05) were found among stations.
Table( 5 ):The I-geo values and descriptions the status of sediments pollution at the studied
stations during periods of the study.
I-geo Cd
I-geo Cr
I-geo Ni
I-geo Pb
n 1
M S polluted
M S polluted
M S polluted
n 2
n 3
M S polluted
M S polluted
ciation2019 January Edition | | Innovative Asso
J.Bio.Innov 8(1), pp: 26-37, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)
Hamid et al.,
n 4
U-M :unpolluted moderately
M-S :moderate strongly polluted
Conclusion :
Sediment pollution in the present study was assessed using geoaccumulation index
(Igeo).According to Igeo values, the surface sedimentsof Al-Chibayish marsh can be
classified as unpolluted with Cd and Pb , while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr
, and moderate to moderate- strongly polluted with Ni .
The results shown that the concentrations of Cd and Pb in the exchangeable phase of
sediments were higher than those in the residual phase of sediments .According to the
texture compounds percentage , the sediments of Al-Chibayish marsh can be
considered as silt-clay sediments .
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Summary Shatt Al-Arab river is the main source of fresh water to Basrah city , it plays a vital role in various sectors of economy such as agriculture , livestock production , industrial activities , hydropower generation , fisheries and other creative activities . The water of Shatt Al-Arab was deteriorated due to some important sources like increasing urbanization, industrialization , and agriculture activities . Different models of Water Quality Indices (WQIs) and Water Pollution Indices (WPIs) were considered as effective tools to assess the water quality and suitability for different purposes . Five stations were selected at the middle part of Shatt Al-Arab river , the first station (Al-Mohamadiyat) ,the second station (Al-Sindibad ) , the third station (Al-Maqal ) , the fourth station (Al-Bradhiya ), and the fifth station (Abuflowse). Water and sediments samples were collected monthly from December , 2012 to November , 2013 during the low tide period . Thirty-one water variables ( Air and water temperature, DO, BOD5, TDS , Salinity , EC , pH, TA, CO2 , TH, Ca+2 , Mg+2 , Turbidity ,SD ,TSS, NO2-,NO3- , NH3+, TN, PO4 -3 , TP , B+3,SO4-2 ,Cl- , Na+ , K+,SAR, FC ,Chlorophyll a(Chl.a) ,Phaeophytine a ( Phaeo.a) , and Algal Biomass ) were measured to assess the water quality and degree of pollution . Also , the grain size and TOC% contents of sediments were detected as required for the study of heavy metals and hydrocarbons pollution. The water quality for general use (GWQI) , drinking use (DWQI) and irrigation use(IWQI) was assessed according to CCMEWQI , and NSFWQI indices . The water quality for aquaculture use was assessed according to MOCWQI index , while the Eutrophication status was assessed according to TSI and TRIX indices and organic pollution according to OPI index. Results showed that the variables of the river were ranged as below: Air temperatures ( 11.5- 44.0 )ᵒC ,while the water temperatures (13.0-33.4) ᵒC , DO ( 3.1-10.4) mg/l , BOD5 ( ND -3.6 ) mg/l , TDS( 1012-7741 ) mg/l , Salinity(0.8-6.1 ) PSU , EC( 1.57-10.85 ) mS/cm , pH ( 7.40-8.52 ) , TA( 93.0-152.5)mg/l, CO2( ND -15.48) mg/l , TH ( 435-2440 )mg/l, Ca+2 ( 21.6-293.4)mg/l , Mg+2 (75.7-521.6 ) mg/l, Turbidity(8.13-140 ) NTU , SD( 0.3-1.5) m , TSS( 2.3-50.1) mg/l , NO2- (0.515-11.256 ) mg/m3, NO3-( 60-3330) mg/m3 , NH3+(280-3080 ) mg/m3, TN(1281-6228 ) mg/m3, PO4 -3 ( 0.328-8.045) mg/m3, TP(3.238-52.164 ) mg/m3 , B+3(0.067-1.957 ) mg/l ,SO4-2 ( 830.4-1569.6) mg/l, Cl- (199.9-2999.1) mg/l, Na+(42.2-1464)mg/l , K+(2.1-120 ) mg/l, SAR( 3.27-75.62), FC(ND-17300 ) CFU/100 ml , Chl.a (ND-48.06 ) mg/m3 ,Phaeo. a ( 0.053-11.841) mg/m3 , and Algal Biomass ( ND - 3220.02) mg/m3 , while in sediments : sand ( 1-10.33 )% , silt ( 43.67 – 78.00)% , clay ( 17.33- 55.33 ) % , and TOC( 5.48-12.69 )% . According to GWQI range( 32.09-55.89) , DWQI range(14.97-32.70) and IWQI range(20.14-50.33) , the water of the middle part of Shatt Al-Arab river can be classified as poor - marginal for general and for irrigation use (except station 4 which was poor for general use, and station 5 which was poor for irrigation use ), whereas it can be classified as poor for drinking use . According to NSFWQI range (113.82-607.46) , the water of Shatt Al-Arab can be classified as poor-unsuitable for drinking use . On the other hand , the water can be considered as medium – Excellent water for aquaculture use according to MOCWQI range . TSI range (45.40-56.09) referred to mesotrophy- eutrophy water , whereas water can be classified as very high trophic level according to TRIX range (6.73-7.54) . OPI range (4.5-4.75) referred to weak organic –non organic pollution status . Seven heavy metals ions : Cd+2 , Cu+2 , Fe+2 , Mn+2 , Ni+2 , Pb+2 and Zn+2 were selected to determine their concentrations in dissolved , particulate (exchangeable and residual) phases ,and sediments (exchangeable and residual) . HPI and Igeo indices were used as heavy metals pollution indices for water and sediment, respectively . Results showed that the concentrations of the previous metals in dissolved phase were (3.01 , 2.35 , 89.45 , 4.48 , 9.51 , 43.67, 7.58 )µg/l, respectively , whereas in the exchangeable phase of particulate were(48.56 , 53.22 , 8968.76 , 1748.58 , 120.14 , 271.52 , 243.16 )µg/g dry weight respectively , and in the residual phase of particulate were (57.59, 88.68 , 21571.74 , 365.90 ,163.39 , 388.44 , 219.42 ) µg/g dry weight . HPI range (130.41-196.97)referred to polluted water according to impermissible values of dissolved Pb , Fe and Cd . In sediments , the concentrations of the metals in the exchangeable phase were (7.96 , 20.27 , 4104.61 , 663.18 , 75.70 , 74.97 , 46.33 ) µg/g-dry weight, respectively ,while in the residual phase were (5.12 , 23.84 , 16381.18 , 328.91 , 158.94 , 30.00 , 59.88 ) µg/g-dry weight, respectively . According to Igeo values , the sediments of middle part of Shatt Al-Arab river can be classified as unpolluted with Fe and Zn , while unpolluted-moderately polluted with Cu , Mn and Pb , and moderate-strongly polluted with Cd and Ni . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) were determined in water and sediments samples using spectrofluorometery. Aliphatic (n-alkanes) and polynucleic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) compounds have been identified using capillary Gas Chromatography (GC). Results showed that the range of TPHs concentrations in water was (5.18 - 37.59) µg/l ,while in the sediments, it was ( 4.76-45.24 ) µg/g dry weight . Total aliphatic ( n-alkanes ) concentrations in water ranged (8.81-35.58) µg/l , while in sediments they were ( 4.76-10.09) µg/g dry weight . The carbon chain length of n-alkanes in water and sediments samples were recorded from C7-C31 dominated by C22-C25 . The range of PAHs compounds in water was ( 5.81 – 47.96) ng/l ,dominated by carbazol and anthracene ( as light PAHs) and chrysene and floranthene (as heavy PAHs) . Whereas in sediments the PAHs ranged from (4.318) to (28.48) ng/g dry weight dominated by carbazol and anthracene ( as light PAHs) and indeno (1,2,3,c,d) pyrene and benzo(g,h,i)perylene (as heavy PAHs). The LMW/HMW ,CPI index and Pristine/Phytane values indicated that the source of n-alkanes hydrocarbons in the water and sediments of Shatt Al-Arab river was mainly biogenic and pyrogenic and at least petrogenic .Whereas the LMW/HMW , Phenanthrene /Anthracene , and Flouranthene / Pyrene ratios indicated that the source of PAHs compounds in the water of Shatt Al-Arab river was mainly pyrogenic and petrogenic , while in the sediments, it was pyrogenic only.
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Summary: Heavy Metals have a great ecological significance due to their toxicity and accumulative behavior. Drainage and restoration processes took place in the Iraqi wetlands; therefore, we don’t know much about heavy metals (HMs) in this unstable ecosystem. Due to the restoration progression, thus it is important to understand distribution, load, budget, and bio‐accumulation of HMs in Mesopotamian Marshes ecosystem after rehabilitation and the reintroduction of water. Therefore the present study aims: To take place the general background about the concentration of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mo, Mn, Zn, Pb, Se, Fe, and Ni ) in Mesopotamian marshes by monthly monitoring of heavy metal concentrations and some physiochemical properties in the Central, Al‐Hawizeh and Al‐Hammar marshes in dissolved part (two stations in each: Beginning of Baghdadia, Middle of Baghdadia, Um Al‐Wared, UmNj1, Al‐Nagarah, and Al‐Bargah respectively). To determine the loading of HMs in Al‐ Hawizeh marsh, by calculating of HMs in input streams (five stations: Al‐Adel Old, Al‐Adel, Al‐Zubair, Abu‐ Khassaf, and Al‐Musharah) and outlet streams (two stations: Al‐Kassarah, and Al‐ Suwayib), to answer whether the marsh is a source or sink of HMs. To assess weather, are there relationship between heavy metal concentrations and water & sediment quality or not the researcher chose ten stations in Al‐Hawizeh Marsh (Al‐Adaim 1, Al‐ Adaim 2, Al‐Soda north, UmNj1, UmNj2, Al‐Baidah, Um Al‐Wared, Al‐Souda south, Majnoon, and Lissan Ejerda) To monitoring the fate and cycling of heavy metal concentrations in Al‐Hawizeh marshes. To answer the possibility of using the Viviparus bengalensis snails and Potamogeton perfoliatus submerged plants as bio‐indicators. The results showed that the highest concentrations of the studied HMs were recorded during the summer months, while the lowest values were recorded in the spring months, except the Selenium element was no detection concentrations. All the HMs was more than Iraqi limitations for freshwater quality, except Arsinic (As), Selenium (Se), and Cooper (Cu) were in the range of Iraqi limitations. Al‐Hawizeh Marsh was sinking for: 63%As, 38% Cu, 33% Zn , 30% Mo, 27% Pb, & 8 % Cd; transformer to 93% Cd 73% Pb, 70%Mo, 68% Zn, 62% Cu, & 37% As; and source for 42% Cr, 28% Fe , 23%Mn, 15%Co, & 6% Ni. The water temperature (WT), total suspended solid (TSS), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and chloride (Cl‐) values were in completely dried stations > semidried stations > wet stations; EC, salinity, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), carbonates (HCO3 ‐),& sulfate (SO4 2‐) values were in completely dried stations > wet stations > semidried stations; pH & dissolved oxygen (DO) were in semidried stations > wet stations > completely dried stations. The clay was more percentage at the southern parts of Al‐Hawizeh Marsh (completely dried part). IV The high percentages of total organic matter (TOM%) & total organic carbon (TOC%) in sediments were in Aug. while the low percentages were in May. The mean concentrations of the HMs in the dried stations were more than that in the wet stations. There were spatial and temporal variance among the stations and the period of study. The highest values of exchangeable and residual heavy metals in Particulates were in the wet and semidried stations, while the lowest values were in the completely dried stations. There were spatial and temporal changes in the HM concentrations in particulate phase among the study stations & among the period of sampling. The HM concentrations in the particulates phase are much more than dissolved phase. There were positive correlations between increasing of HMs concentration and grain size. According to Igeo, the sediments of Al‐Hwaizeh Marshes was suffering from strongly polluted with: Arsinic (As) in South Al‐Soda station; Cobelt (Co) in Um‐El.Nia'j2 station; Molebedum (Mo) in all stations. The sediments of Al‐Hwaizeh Marshes were suffering from moderately to strongly polluted for: As in Al‐Adaim1, Al‐Adaim2, Um‐El.Nia'j1, Lesan Ejerda, & Majnon stations; Cadimum (Cd) was in Um‐El.Nia'j1 & South Al‐Soda; Co & Mo were just in Um Al‐Wared station; Lead (Pb) was just in Um‐El.Nia'j1 station; Zinc (Zn) was in Al‐Adaim1, Um‐El.Nia'j2, North Al‐Soda, Um Al‐Wared, Lesan Ejerda, & Majnon stations; Iron (Fe) was in all stations; and Manganise (Mn) was in all stations. The sediments of Al‐Hwaizeh Marshes were unpoluted to modrerat values of: As was in North Al‐Soda, Um Al‐Wared, & Al‐Baidah stations; Cd was in Al‐Adaim1, Al‐Adaim2, Um‐El.Nia'j2, Lesan Ejerda, North Al‐Soda, Um Al‐Wared, Al‐Baidah & Majnon stations; Co was in just North Al‐Soda station; Mo was in South Al‐Soda, & Lesan Ejerda; Niickal (Ni) was just in Um Al‐Wared; Pb was in Al‐Adaim1, Al‐Adaim2, Um‐El.Nia'j2, Lesan Ejerda, south Al‐Soda, North Al‐Soda, Um Al‐Wared, & Majnon stations; and Mn was just in Um‐El.Nia'j2 station. The Um‐El.Nia'j2 station was unpolluted with As metal; all stations were unpolluted with Co, Se, & Cu, while just Um Al‐Wared & Al‐Baidah stations were unpolluted with Pb metal. The concentrations of HMs in Potamogeton perfoliatus plant were in completely dried > semidried > permanently wet. Potamogeton perfoliatus was not considered to be a good bioindicator for Cr in all phases, and it was good indicator for others in water and sediments. The V. bengalensis was not considered to be a good bioindicator for Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn, and it was a good bioindicator of As, Co, Cr, Ni, Mo, & Fe in sediments, and a good bioindicator of As, Co, Cr, Pb, Ni, Mo, and Cu in water column. The BCF values for all elements were more than BSF values. HMs in V. bengalensis and P. perfoliatus, come from same sources.
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The geochemical distribution and fractionation of trace metals (Pb ,Cd , Cu ,Zn ,Mn and Fe) in Shatt Al-Arab River water and sediments has been investigated. Seven sampling station were chosen , from Qurna to t Faw in within Basrah governorate. The water samples were collected from near the river bed, whereas The sediments samples from the river bed by using hand – push corer to get undisturbed samples along the vertical variation (0-2 ,2-4 ,4-6 cm); during Spring 2004 to Winter 2005 period . All sediment and samples water subjected to same chemical and physical analysis to determine their properties. The total concentrations of the above mentioned metals were determined in water and sediments samples. The distribution of trace metals in sediments and the partitioning of the chemical species among seven geochemical phases(exchangeable fraction, carbonate fraction, Fe-oxied fraction, Mn-oxid fraction, organic fraction, and residual fraction).have been obtained by using sequential extraction analytical.(1M MgCl2 , 1MNH2OH.HCl , 0.2 MNH4 –oxalat , conc. HNO3 , HF +HCO4 and HCl).
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Iraqi southern marshes form a large triangular region bounded by three major southern cities: Nasiriyah to the west, Amarah to the northeast, and Basrah to the south. Their vast area covers 20,000 square kilometers of open water, and includes both permanent and seasonal marshes. Three major areas are the Al-Hammar, the Central, and the Al-Hawizeh Marshes form the core of the marsh land of southern Iraq. It is centered on the meeting of the great Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Such specific wetlands of the southern part of Iraq play a vital role in the maintenance of biodiversity in the Middle East, primarily because of their large size, the richness of their aquatic vegetation and their isolation from other comparable systems. Aims of this literature review may include addressing certain key issues, such as definition and description of the general conditions of the Iraq's southern marshes, and why should the marshes be protected? Another issue, we introduced the " Healthy Marshes Concept " , to be adopted for sustaining life and to control pollution in the marshes following the full scale restoration. Another part of this study is devoted for the discussion of how can marsh conditions be studied and monitored on a continuous way to achieve the " healthy marshes concept " issue. On the other hand, the study provides information and Internet links to the international institutions and political programs willing to participate or to address the global concern about the restoration of the Iraqi southern wetlands following the disastrous devastation of its unique ecosystem during the 1990's period. Finally, the literature citation, and the extensive lists of species should provide vital references for any research or a study to be conducted on wetlands, both locally or on a global scale. The " Southern Marsh Project " issue is the advice to take home from this study. It represents a call for a systematic, long term research program of monitoring all the aspects and conditions of the Iraqi Southern marshes, and probably the neighboring Countries. The program is a comprehensive, multi-vision project aims for careful restoration of the marshes after its disastrous devastation.
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The levels of petroleum hydrocarbons and trace elements were determined in the water and sediment samples from different locations in the marshland of southern Iraq. The Mean concentrations of TPH in the waters ranged from 0.012 µg/l at Al-Barkha to 0.037 µg/l at Al-Baghdadia 1, while in the sediment samples the mean values ranged from 0.030 ug/g at Um-Alneach to 0.96 µg/g dry weight at Al-Baghdadia 2. Distribution of trace elements in water and in sediment showed variations in concentration with sampling site. The mean values of the elements in the water were : 1.13-3.68 for Co, 0.16-1.37 for Mn, 0.66-2.37 for Ni, 0.28-1.51 for Fe and 0.10-0.28 mg/l for Cu, while in sediments the mean range were: 39.25-88.0 for Co, 408.6-506.3 for Mn, 52.2-90.3 for Ni, 6923-9910 for Fe and 16.36-38.30 µg/g dry weight for Cu. Grain size analysis and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) also determined in these samples. All the levels of both hydrocarbons and trace elements in the water and sediment samples were low, indicating minimum pollution in these areas. Concetrations of these pollutants could be due to natural and anthropogenic sources. These concentrations are within the range values reported for other comparable regions.
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In this study, four sampling stations were selected on the Tigris River (Baghdad region) in order to determine concentrations, seasonal variation and pollution intensity assessment of heavy metals (Cd, Zn and Mn) in water, sediments and Barbus xanthpterus fish in this river. The study results showed that the mean concentration of dissolved heavy metals (cadmium, zinc and manganese) were 0.004 ppm, 0.023 ppm and 0.007 ppm, respectively. Whereas, their concentrations in sediments were 1.38 ppm, 86 ppm and 231.4 ppm respectively. Irregular seasonal variation for concentrations of these metals in both sediments and water. The mean concentration of these metals in tissues of fish muscles were 0.0043 ppm, 0.0023 ppm and 0.03 ppm for cadmium, zinc, and manganese respectively, while the mean concentration of these metals for tissues of intestine was 0.01 ppm, 0.0023 ppm and 0.029 ppm, respectively, whereas for tissues of gills the mean concentration of these metals was 0.0121 ppm, 0.0026 ppm and 0.087 ppm, respectively. The results of present study showed the metals concentration in tissues of muscles, intestine and gill higher than water and less than it level in sediments. According to Geo-accumulation index, Contamination factor, Enrichment index and potential ecological risk index used in this study the results explained that Cd was more the metals and existing increased in average from background value and caused high risk to aquatic environment, while the use of Pollution load index and Contamination degree to identify to pollution severity by total heavy metals and explained the station one and two were unpolluted to slightly polluted, whereas the station three and four were polluted by studied heavy metals.
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This study was respect to detect possible environmental effects on the eastern Euphrates drainage from the Abo-Garak to south of Kifil city in Babylon province. Five sites were selected along the study area and Omit it during October 2013 to August 2014. Physical and chemical properties are measured (air and water temperature , pH , electrical conductivity , salinity, TDS ,TSS , BOD5, dissolved oxygen , Alkalinity , Total Hardness , calcium , magnesium ) and nutrients (nitrite , nitrate , reactive phosphate) as well as . The average of the studied heavy metals Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu the dissolved phase of water were 113.89 , 6.35 , 1.5 and 0.8μg /l for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively .Heavy metals concentrations in the particulate form were 291.83, 9.39, 3.07 and 12.15 μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu respectively. In the sediments, the concentrations of these heavy metals in the exchangeable phase were 318.66, 12.91, 6.27 and 13.23μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. While in the residual phase were 461.53, 5.29, 8.62 and 27.07 μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . The results revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals in water for the particulate phase were higher than in the dissolved phase , while in sediment, their concentrations in the residual phase were higher than their concentrations in the exchangeable phase except for Cd which was in the exchangeable phase higher than in the residual phase. The concentration and distribution of heavy metals in macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum were (923.63 , 462.34 , 740.45 and 90.59)μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . While , (728.57, 162.17 , 244.13 and 118.87) μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu in Hydrilla verticillata . The study area was very hard water and high BOD5. The nutrients showed clear seasonal variation in their concentration
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This study was conducted to reveal possible environmental effects on the Euphrates River from the Al-Hindiya barrage to the downstream end of Al-Kufa city in the middle of Iraq. Seven sites were selected along the study area and sampled during March 2004 to February 2005. We measured physical and chemical properties (air and water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, TSS and dissolved oxygen) as well as, concentration and distribution of some heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in both dissolved and particulate phases, in the water and sediments (exchangeable and residual phases). The studied area was slightly alkaline, with very hard water and high BOD5. The nutrients showed clear seasonal fluctuations in their concentrations. It was shown that the concentrations of metals in the particulate phase were higher than those in dissolved phase in water. In sediments, the mean concentrations of heavy metals as exchangeable phase were less than in the residual phase.
Aquatic macrophytes can be used in the studies of water ecosystems quality and in monitoring of metals and other pollutants. This study was focused on assessment of metals accumulation in certain aquatic macrophytes (biomonitors), in relation to metal concentration in water and sediment (abiotic monitors) of the lake. The concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb were measured in the water, sediment and several aquatic plants (Alisma plantago-aquatica L., Mentha aquatica L., Myriophyllum spicatum L., Bidens tripartitus L., Polygonum amphibium L., Lycopus europaeus L., Typha angustifolia L. and Roripa amphibia (L.) Bess.). The concentrations of all investigated metals were higher in the sediment than in the water. Their mean concentrations in macrophytes were ranked from highest to lowest as follows: Fe > Mn > Cu > Pb. The highest concentrations of Fe and Pb were recorded in Mentha aquatica and Myriophyllum spicatum. The statistical analysis revealed positive and significant differences (P<0.05) between Cu accumulation and plant species. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed low correlation in Cu accumulation between plant species. These results showed that the aquatic plants possess different accumulation ability for selected metals. The application of macrophytes could be useful in finding solutions for problems of protection, sanation and revitalization of different aquatic ecosystems.