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IoT y Sistemas Inteligentes embebidos en circuitos electrónicos en la prevención de riesgos



La revisión bibliográfica que fue realizada tuvo el motivo de conocer más acerca de nuevas tecnologías como son el internet de las cosas y los sistemas inteligentes embebidos en circuitos electrónicos, así mismo, sus aplicaciones en otros temas aparte de los habituales. Sabemos que ya han sido aplicadas en muchas tareas desde inicios de este siglo, obteniendo muy buenos resultados. En este caso en concreto se buscó las revisiones sobre la aplicación de estas tecnologías para la prevención de riesgos en ambientes cerrados, tales como un laboratorio o otros ambientes en los cuáles existen riesgos más considerables. Como resultado de esta revisión obtuvimos que actualmente esta rama de aplicación aún no es muy estudiada, por lo cuál se obtuvo un total de cinco documentos que responden concretamente a nuestra pregunta los mismos que se detallan a continuación.
IoT y Sistemas Inteligentes Embebidos enCircuitos
1Universidad TécnicaParticular de Loja, Dpto. CC Computacn y Electrónica
AlumnoRenato Balcázar; Tutor Ing. Carlos Calderón
Revisión Sistemática de Literatura GP 1.2
La revisión bibliográfica que fue realizada tuvo el motivo de conocer más acerca de nuevas tecnologías como son el internet de las cosas y los sistemas
inteligentes embebidos en circuitos electrónicos, así mismo, sus aplicaciones en otros temas aparte de los habituales. Sabemos que ya han sido aplicadas en
muchas tareas desde inicios de este siglo, obteniendo muy buenos resultados. En este caso en concreto se buscó las revisiones sobre la aplicación de estas
tecnologías para la prevención de riesgos en ambientes cerrados, tales como un laboratorio o otros ambientes en los cuáles existen riesgos más
Como resultado de esta revisión obtuvimos que actualmente esta rama de aplicación aún no es muy estudiada, por lo cuál se obtuvo un total de cinco
documentos que responden concretamente a nuestra pregunta los mismos que se detallan a continuación .
Contexto Teórico Resultados
Torres-Carrión, P. et al., 20 18. Methodology for Systematic Literature Review applied to
Engineering and Education. In EDUCON2018 – IEEE Global Engineering Educatio n Conference.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - España: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. DOI:
Torres-Carrión, P. V.; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, C. S.; Bernal-Bravo, C.; Infante-Moro, A. Gesture-Based
Children Computer Interaction for Inclusive Education: A Systematic Literature Review. In 4th
International Conference on Technology Trends; Botto-Tobar, M., Ed.; Springer CS Proceedings
(LCNS): Babahoyo, Ecuador, 2019
Bandim, C. J., Da Rocha Alves, J. E., De Brito, L. C. G., Dos Santos, J. C. R., Da Cunha Luiz, F., &
Barros, L. F. P. (2014) . Labo ratory Tests in a prototype of a Self-Monitored Current Transformer for
monitoring electrical measurement systems. CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision
Electromagnetic Measurements), 10–11.
Cabello, M., Aracil, C., Perdigones, F., & Quero, J. M. (2017). Conditioning lab on PCB to control
temperature and mix fluids at the microscale for biomedical applications. 2017 Spanish Conference
on Electron Devices, CDE 2017, 7905215.
Rahman, M. M., Noor-E-Jannat, Islam, M. O., & Salakin, M. S. (2015). Arduino and GSM based
smart energy meter for advanced metering and billing system. 2nd Internat ional Conference on
Electrical Engineering and Information and Communication Technology, ICEEiCT 2015, 7307498.
Shashkov P., Khomutov G., YerokhinA., U. S. (201 2). (12 ) UnIted States Patent, 2(12), 0–3.
Us, C. A., & David, A. (1990). ( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: ( 45 ) Date of Patent:
Sound transducer to determine cardiovascular health and to, 2(12).
Actualmente existe un grupo reducido de sistemas
inteligentes embebidos que pueden ser utilizados
para la prevención de riesgos en ambientes
Para la prevención de riesgos en ambientes de
control, los sistemas inteligentes embebidos en
circuitos electrónicos aún tienen gran potencial por
Listado de Revistas
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Gestural interfaces are closely related with cognition and physical activity, and can be powerful tools for cognitive training and motor skills. Their use has been proposed by researchers in various areas, including education, and within this field, inclusive education. In this study, a systematic literature review about chil-dren computer gestural interactions (touch, body, face and motion) and on its ap-plication to digital educational resources for learning disabilities has been con-ducted. Applying the Torres-Carrión method, a "conceptual mindfact" and re-search problem has been structured, as a basis to build the search script, to be ap-plied in the selected scientific databases (Scopus, WoS and Google Scholar). Five research questions are proposed, which involves standards of gesture-based computer interaction for children, design guides, methods and instruments, non-invasive interaction environments and personalization of didactic resources for children with special needs, in particular children with Down’ syndrome. As a fi-nal product, a list of relevant magazines and databases of the area has been ob-tained; 47 valid papers were analyzed to answer the research questions, and they are organized in a structured way, allowing the researcher to establish a valid con-text from which to focus future research.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
A systematic review of the scientific literature in a specific area is important for identifying research questions, as well as for justifying future research in said area. This process is complex for beginners in scientific research, especially if you have not developed skills for searching and filtering information, and do not know which high-level databases are relevant in their field of study. The method proposed leads the researcher from "My" to "The" current state of the problem; we propose an adaptation of the method by Kitchenham and Bacca, which divides the process into three sub-parts: planning, conducting and reporting results. From the approach of the research problem in the preliminary phase research questions (recommended between 3 to 5) and “mentefacto conceptual” is drawn; this last one gives originality to the method and facilitates the development of the thesaurus for searches and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Early research requires doing a basic systematic study to identify work done to review the literature in the area and, if any is found, to verify if those results yield an answer to our research questions. As part of planning the search process, general and specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined, along with some complementary inclusion and exclusion parameters. The method followed with rigor, returns to the researcher a list of impact journals in the study area, and a detail of articles that are related to each category of the research questions. A study case has been considered as a guide to expose each of the phases of the methodology in a practical way, with results that support the proposal.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a Lab on PCB (LOP) for conditioning the medium of cell culture is presented. The target is to control its temperature at 37 °C ± 0.1 °C, to assure the appropriate temperature conditions around the cells. The Lab on PCB is also able to mix other fluids into the medium, if it is necessary. The integration of a PDMS microfluidic circuit over a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) results in a smart platform with a low-cost fabrication process. The microfluidic platform of the system includes three inlet ports, microchannels, a micromixer and one outlet port. The correct operation of the LOP assures that the medium is within the adequate conditions in the outlet port. The PCB incorporates a NTC thermistor to measure the temperature, and microheaters that are activated if the medium temperature is under 36.9 °C. The microheater fabrication process consists of patterning the copper layer of the PCB. The NTC thermistor is welded into copper pads and embedded in PDMS to avoid the contact with the fluid. The system is designed to allow the mixing and heating of fluids and it is connected to a cell culture Lab on PCB, and to an electronic control module, which include the electronic adapting circuit of the NTC and the control of the microheaters. The results of this study concerning the heating and mixing of fluids and the monitoring of temperature are successful.
Conference Paper
Every management system is trying to make automatic, portable and remote control. This work presents a novel smart energy meter for an automatic and superior metering and billing system. The integration of the Arduino and GSM Short Message Service (SMS) provide the meter reading system with some automatic functions that are predefined. Firstly, we have simulated the project in PROTEUS 8.0 then successfully implemented on the circuit board in laboratory. The proposed energy meter system can incorporate with embedded controller and GSM modem to transmit the data like consumed energy in kWh, generated bill, security services (line Cut/On) over GSM mobile network such as data can be then fed and integrated into existing energy management systems located at power companies or organizations to provide the services among the customers without man-power. Our implemented project is able to provide all required services remotely for metering and billing with high fidelity.