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Face segmentation using skin-color map in videophone applications


Abstract and Figures

This paper addresses our proposed method to automatically segment out a person's face from a given image that consists of a head-and-shoulders view of the person and a complex background scene. The method involves a fast, reliable, and effective algorithm that exploits the spatial distribution characteristics of human skin color. A universal skin-color map is derived and used on the chrominance component of the input image to detect pixels with skin-color appearance. Then, based on the spatial distribution of the detected skin-color pixels and their corresponding luminance values, the algorithm employs a set of novel regularization processes to reinforce regions of skin-color pixels that are more likely to belong to the facial regions and eliminate those that are not. The performance of the face-segmentation algorithm is illustrated by some simulation results carried out on various head-and-shoulders test images. The use of face segmentation for video coding in applications such as videotelephony is then presented. We explain how the face-segmentation results can be used to improve the perceptual quality of a videophone sequence encoded by the H.261-compliant coder
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Transactions Papers
Face Segmentation Using Skin-Color
Map in Videophone Applications
Douglas Chai, Student Member, IEEE, and King N. Ngan, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract— This paper addresses our proposed method to au-
tomatically segment out a person’s face from a given image
that consists of a head-and-shoulders view of the person and a
complex background scene. The method involves a fast, reliable,
and effective algorithm that exploits the spatial distribution
characteristics of human skin color. A universal skin-color map
is derived and used on the chrominance component of the input
image to detect pixels with skin-color appearance. Then, based
on the spatial distribution of the detected skin-color pixels and
their corresponding luminance values, the algorithm employs a
set of novel regularization processes to reinforce regions of skin-
color pixels that are more likely to belong to the facial regions
and eliminate those that are not. The performance of the face-
segmentation algorithm is illustrated by some simulation results
carried out on various head-and-shoulders test images.
The use of face segmentation for video coding in applications
such as videotelephony is then presented. We explain how the
face-segmentation results can be used to improve the perceptual
quality of a videophone sequence encoded by the H.261-compliant
Index Terms— Color image processing, face location, facial
image analysis, H.261, image segmentation, quantization, video
coding, videophone communication.
THE task of finding a person’s face in a picture seems
to be effortless for a human to perform. However, it is
far from simple for a machine of current technology to do
the same. In fact, development of such a machine or system
has been widely and actively studied in the field of image
understanding for the past few decades with applications such
as machine vision and face recognition in mind. Moreover, in
recent years, the research activities in this area have intensified
as a result of its applications being extended toward video
representation and coding purposes.
The main objective of this research is to design a system that
can find a person’s face from given image data. This problem is
commonly referred to as face location, face extraction, or face
segmentation. Regardless of the terminology, they all share
Manuscript received August 17, 1997; revised September 3, 1998. This
paper was recommended by Associate Editor S. Panchanathan.
The authors are with the Visual Communications Research Group, De-
partment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Western
Australia, Nedlands, Perth 6907 Australia.
Publisher Item Identifier S 1051-8215(99)04160-9.
the same objective. However, note that the problem usually
deals with finding the position and contour of a person’s face
since its location is unknown, but given the knowledge of its
existence. If this is not known, then there is also a need to
discriminate between “images containing faces” and “images
not containing faces.” This is known as face detection. This
paper, however, focuses on face segmentation.
The significance of this problem can be illustrated by its
vast applications, as face segmentation holds an important key
to future advances in human-to-human and human-to-machine
communications. The segmentation of a facial region provides
a content-based representation of the image where it can
be used for encoding, manipulation, enhancement, indexing,
modeling, pattern-recognition, and object-tracking purposes.
Some major applications include the following.
Coding area of interest with better quality: The subjec-
tive quality of a very low-bit-rate encoded videophone
sequence can be improved by coding the facial image
region that is of interest to viewers at higher quality [1],
Content-based representation and MPEG-4: Face seg-
mentation is a useful tool for the MPEG-4 content-based
functionality. It provides content-based representation of
the image, which can subsequently be used for coding,
editing, or other interactivity purposes.
Three-dimensional (3-D) human face model fitting: The
delimitation of the person’s face is the fundamental
requirement of 3-D human face model fitting used in
model-based coding [3], computer animation, and mor-
Image enhancement: Face segmentation information can
be used in a postprocessing task for enhancing images,
such as the automatic adjustment of tint in the facial
Face recognition: Finding the person’s face is the first im-
portant step in the human face recognition, classification,
and identification systems.
Face tracking: Face location can be used to design a video
camera system that tracks a person’s face in a room. It can
be used as part of an intelligent vision system or simply
in video surveillance.
1051–8215/99$10.00 1999 IEEE
Although the research on face segmentation has been pur-
sued at a feverish pace, there are still many problems yet to
be fully and convincingly solved as the level of difficulty of
the problem depends highly on the complexity level of the
image content and its application. Many existing methods only
work well on simple input images with a benign background
and frontal view of the person’s face. To cope with more
complicated images and conditions, many more assumptions
will then have to be made. Many of the approaches proposed
over the years involved the combination of shape, motion, and
statistical analysis [4]–[13]. In recent times, however, a new
approach of using color information has been introduced.
In this paper, we will discuss the color analysis approach to
face segmentation. The discussion includes the derivation of
a universal model of human skin color, the use of appropriate
color space, and the limitations of color segmentation. We then
present a practical solution to the face-segmentation problem.
This includes how to derive a robust skin-color reference map
and how to overcome the limitations of color segmentation. In
addition to face segmentation, one of its applications on video
coding will be presented in further detail. It will explain how
the face-segmentation results can be exploited by an existing
video coder so that it encodes the area of interest (i.e., the
facial region) with higher fidelity and hence produces images
with better rendered facial features.
This paper is organized as follows. The color analysis
approach to face segmentation is presented in Section II.
In Section III, we present our contributions to this field of
research, which include our proposed skin-color reference
map and methodology to face segmentation. The simulation
results of our proposed algorithm along with some discussion
is provided in Section IV. This is followed by Section V,
which describes a video coding technique that uses the face-
segmentation results. The conclusions and further research
directions are presented in Section VI.
The use of color information has been introduced to the
face-locating problem in recent years, and it has gained
increasing attention since then. Some recent publications that
have reported this study include [14]–[23]. They have all
shown, in one way or another, that color is a powerful descrip-
tor that has practical use in the extraction of face location.
The color information is typically used for region rather than
edge segmentation. We classify the region segmentation into
two general approaches, as illustrated in Fig. 1. One approach
is to employ color as a feature for partitioning an image into a
set of homogeneous regions. For instance, the color component
of the image can be used in the region growing technique, as
demonstrated in [24], or as a basis for a simple thresholding
technique, as shown in [23]. The other approach, however,
makes use of color as a feature for identifying a specific object
in an image. In this case, the skin color can be used to identify
the human face. This is feasible because human faces have a
special color distribution that differs significantly (although
not entirely) from those of the background objects. Hence
this approach requires a color map that models the skin-color
distribution characteristics.
Fig. 1. The use of color information for region segmentation.
Fig. 2. Foreman image with a white contour highlighting the facial region.
The skin-color map can be derived in two ways on account
of the fact not all faces have identical color features. One
approach is to predefine or manually obtain the map such that
it suits only an individual color feature. For example, here we
obtain the skin-color feature of the subject in a standard head-
and-shoulders test image called Foreman. Although this is a
color image in YCrCb format, its gray-scale version is shown
in Fig. 2. The figure also shows a white contour highlighting
the facial region. The histograms of the color information (i.e.,
Cr and Cb values) bounded within this contour are obtained
as shown in Fig. 3. The diagrams show that the chrominance
values in the facial region are narrowly distributed, which
implies that the skin color is fairly uniform. Therefore, this
individual color feature can simply be defined by the presence
of Cr values within, say, 136 and 156, and Cb values within
110 and 123. Using these ranges of values, we managed to
locate the subject’s face in another frame of Foreman and also
in a different scene (a standard test image called Carphone), as
can be seen in Fig. 4. This approach was suggested in the past
by Li and Forchheimer in [14]; however, a detailed procedure
on the modeling of individual color features and their choice
of color space was not disclosed.
In another approach, the skin-color map can be designed
by adopting histograming technique on a given set of training
Fig. 3. Histograms of Cr and Cb components in the facial region.
Fig. 4. Foreman and Carphone images, and their color segmentation results,
obtained by using the same predefined skin-color map.
data and subsequently used as a reference for any human face.
Such a method was successfully adopted by the authors [21],
[25], Sobottka and Pitas [18], and Cornall and Pang [22].
Among the two approaches, the first is likely to produce
better segmentation results in terms of reliability and accuracy
by virtue of using a precise map. However, it is realized
at the expense of having a face-segmentation process either
that is too restrictive because it uses a predefined map or
requires human interaction to manually define the necessary
map. Therefore, the second approach is more practical and
appealing, as it attempts to cater to all personal color features
in an automatic manner, albeit in a less precise way. This,
however, raises a very important issue regarding the coverage
of all human races with one reference map. In addition, the
general use of a skin-color model for region segmentation
prompts two other questions, namely, which color space to
use and how to distinguish other parts of the body and
background objects with skin-color appearance from the actual
facial region.
A. Color Space
An image can be presented in a number of different color
space models.
RGB: This stands for the three primary colors: red, green,
and blue. It is a hardware-oriented model and is well
known for its color-monitor display purpose.
HSV: An acronym for hue-saturation-value. Hue is a color
attribute that describes a pure color, while saturation
defines the relative purity or the amount of white light
mixed with a hue; value refers to the brightness of the
image. This model is commonly used for image analysis.
YCrCb: This is yet another hardware-oriented model.
However, unlike the RGB space, here the luminance is
separated from the chrominance data. The Y value repre-
sents the luminance (or brightness) component, while the
Cr and Cb values, also known as the color difference
signals, represent the chrominance component of the
These are some, but certainly not all, of the color space models
available in image processing. Therefore, it is important to
choose the appropriate color space for modeling human skin
color. The factors that need to be considered are application
and effectiveness. The intended purpose of the face segmen-
tation will usually determine which color space to use; at the
same time, it is essential that an effective and robust skin-
color model can be derived from the given color space. For
instance, in this paper, we propose the use of the YCrCb color
space, and the reason is twofold. First, an effective use of the
chrominance information for modeling human skin color can
be achieved in this color space. Second, this format is typically
used in video coding, and therefore the use of the same,
instead of another, format for segmentation will avoid the
extra computation required in conversion. On the other hand,
both Sobottka and Pitas [18] and Saxe and Foulds [19] have
opted for the HSV color space, as it is compatible with human
color perception, and the hue and saturation components have
been reported also to be sufficient for discriminating color
information for modeling skin color. However, this color space
is not suitable for video coding. Hunke and Waibel [15] and
Graf et al. [26] used a normalized RGB color space. The
normalization was employed to minimize the dependence on
the luminance values.
On this note, it is interesting to point out that unlike
the YCrCb and HSV color spaces, whereby the brightness
component is decoupled from the color information of the
image, in the RGB color space it is not. Therefore, Graf et al.
have suggested preprocessing calibration in order to cope with
unknown lighting conditions. From this point of view, the skin-
color model derived from the RGB color space will be inferior
to those obtained from the YCrCb or HSV color spaces. Based
on the same reasoning, we hypothesize that a skin-color model
can remain effective regardless of the variation of skin color
(e.g., black, white, or yellow) if the derivation of the model is
independent of the brightness information of the image. This
will be discussed in later sections.
B. Limitations of Color Segmentation
A simple region segmentation based on the skin-color map
can provide accurate and reliable results if there is a good
contrast between skin color and those of the background
objects. However, if the color characteristic of the background
is similar to that of the skin, then pinpointing the exact face
location is more difficult, as there will be more falsely detected
background regions with skin-color appearance. Note that in
the context of face segmentation, other parts of the body are
also considered as background objects. There are a number of
methods to discriminate between the face and the background
objects, including the use of other cues such as motion and
Provided that the temporal information is available and
there is a priori knowledge of a stationary background and
no camera motion, motion analysis can be incorporated into
the face-localization system to identify nonmoving skin-color
regions as background objects. Alternatively, shape analysis
involving ellipse fitting can also be employed to identify the
facial region from among the detected skin-color regions. It is
a common observation that the appearance of a human face
resembles an oval shape, and therefore it can be approximated
by an ellipse [2]. In this paper, however, we propose a set of
regularization processes that are based on the spatial distribu-
tion and the corresponding luminance values of the detected
skin-color pixels. This approach overcomes the restriction of
motion analysis and avoids the extensive computation of the
ellipse-fitting method. The details will be discussed in the next
section along with our proposed method for face segmentation.
In addition to poor color contrast, there are other limitations
of color segmentation when an input image is taken in some
particular lighting conditions. The color process will encounter
some difficulty when the input image has:
a “bright spot” on the subject’s face due to reflection of
intense lighting;
a dark shadow on the face as a result of the use of strong
directional lighting that has partially blackened the facial
been captured with the use of color filters.
Note that these types of images (particularly in cases 1 and
2) are posing great technical challenges not only to the color
segmentation approach but also to a wide range of other face-
segmentation approaches, especially those that utilize edge
image, intensity image, or facial feature-points extraction.
However, we have found that the color analysis approach
is immune to moderate illumination changes and shading
resulting from a slightly unbalanced light source, as these
conditions do not alter the chrominance characteristics of the
skin-color model.
In this section, we present our methodology to perform
face segmentation. Our proposed approach is automatic in
the sense that it uses an unsupervised segmentation algorithm,
and hence no manual adjustment of any design parameter is
needed in order to suit any particular input image. Moreover,
the algorithm can be implemented in real time, and its un-
derlying assumptions are minimal. In fact, the only principal
assumption is that the person’s face must be present in the
given image, since we are locating and not detecting whether
there is a face. Thus, the input information required by the
algorithm is a single color image that consists of a head-and-
shoulders view of the person and a background scene, and the
facial region can be as small as only a 32 32 pixels window
(or 1%) of a CIF-size (352 288) input image. The format of
the input image is to follow the YCrCb color space, based on
the reason given in the previous section. The spatial sampling
frequency ratio of Y, Cr, and Cb is 4:1:1. So, for a CIF-size
image, Y has 288 lines and 352 pixels per line, while both Cr
and Cb have 144 lines and 176 pixels per line each.
The algorithm consists of five operating stages, as outlined
in Fig. 5. It begins by employing a low-level process like color
segmentation in the first stage, then uses higher level opera-
tions that involve some heuristic knowledge about the local
connectivity of the skin-color pixels in the later stages. Thus,
each stage makes full use of the result yielded by its preceding
stage in order to refine the output result. Consequently, all
the stages must be carried out progressively according to the
given sequence.
A detailed description of each stage is presented below.
For illustration purposes, we will use a studio-based head-
and-shoulders image called Miss America to present the in-
termediate results obtained from each stage of the algorithm.
This input image is shown in Fig. 6.
A. Stage One—Color Segmentation
The first stage of the algorithm involves the use of color
information in a fast, low-level region segmentation process.
The aim is to classify pixels of the input image into skin color
and non-skin color. To do so, we have devised a skin-color
reference map in YCrCb color space.
Fig. 5. Outline of face-segmentation algorithm.
Fig. 6. Input image of Miss America.
We have found that a skin-color region can be identified
by the presence of a certain set of chrominance (i.e., Cr and
Cb) values narrowly and consistently distributed in the YCrCb
color space. The location of these chrominance values has
been found and can be illustrated using the CIE chromaticity
diagram as shown in Fig. 7. We denote and as the
respective ranges of Cr and Cb values that correspond to skin
color, which subsequently define our skin-color reference map.
The ranges that we found to be the most suitable for all
the input images that we have tested are
and . This map has been proven, in our
experiments, to be very robust against different types of skin
color. Our conjecture is that the different skin color that we
perceived from the video image cannot be differentiated from
the chrominance information of that image region. So, a map
that is derived from Cr and Cb chrominance values will remain
effective regardless of skin-color variation (see Section IV for
the experimental results). Moreover, our intuitive justification
for the manifestation of similar Cr and Cb distributions of
Fig. 7. Skin-color region in CIE chromaticity diagram.
skin color of all races is that the apparent difference in skin
color that viewers perceived is mainly due to the darkness or
fairness of the skin; these features are characterized by the
difference in the brightness of the color, which is governed by
Y but not Cr and Cb.
With this skin-color reference map, the color segmenta-
tion can now begin. Since we are utilizing only the color
information, the segmentation requires only the chrominance
component of the input image. Consider an input image of
pixels, for which the dimension of Cr and Cb therefore
is . The output of the color segmentation, and hence
stage one of the algorithm, is a bitmap of size,
described as
otherwise (1)
where and . The
output pixel at point is classified as skin color and set
to one if both the Cr and Cb values at that point fall inside
their respective ranges and . Otherwise, the pixel is
classified as non-skin color and set to zero. To illustrate this,
we perform color segmentation on the input image of Miss
America, and the bitmap produced can be seen in Fig. 8. The
output value of one is shown in black, while the value of zero
is shown in white (this convention will be used throughout
this paper).
Among all the stages, this first stage is the most vital. Based
on our model of human skin color, the color segmentation
has to remove as many pixels as possible that are unlikely to
belong to the facial region while catering for a wide variety of
skin color. However, if it falsely removes too many pixels that
belong to the facial region, then the error will propagate down
the remaining stages of the algorithm, consequently causing a
failure to the entire algorithm.
Nevertheless, the result of color segmentation is the detec-
tion of pixels in a facial area and may also include other areas
Fig. 8. Bitmap produced by stage one.
where the chrominance values coincide with those of the skin
color (as is the case in Fig. 8). Hence the successive operating
stages of the algorithm are used to remove these unwanted
B. Stage Two—Density Regularization
This stage considers the bitmap produced by the previous
stage to contain the facial region that is corrupted by noise.
The noise may appear as small holes on the facial region
due to undetected facial features such as eyes and mouth, or
it may also appear as objects with skin-color appearance in
the background scene. Therefore, this stage performs simple
morphological operations such as dilation to fill in any small
hole in the facial area and erosion to remove any small object
in the background area. The intention is not necessarily to
remove the noise entirely but to reduce its amount and size.
To distinguish between these two areas, we first need to
identify regions of the bitmap that have higher probability
of being the facial region. The probability measure that we
used is derived from our observation that the facial color is
very uniform, and therefore the skin-color pixels belonging
to the facial region will appear in a large cluster, while the
skin-color pixels belonging to the background may appear as
large clusters or small isolated objects. Thus, we study the
density distribution of the skin-color pixels detected in stage
one. An array of density values, called density
map , is computed as
where and .It
first partitions the output bitmap of stage one into
nonoverlapping groups of 4 4 pixels,then counts the number
of skin-color pixels within each group and assigns this value
to the corresponding point of the density map.
According to the density value, we classify each point into
three types, namely, zero ( ), intermediate (0
16), and full ( ). A group of points with zero density
value will represent a nonfacial region, while a group of full-
density points will signify a cluster of skin-color pixels and a
high probability of belonging to a facial region. Any point
of intermediate density value will indicate the presence of
Fig. 9. Density map after classification.
Fig. 10. Bitmap produced by stage two.
noise. The density map of Miss America with the three density
classifications is depicted in Fig. 9. The point of zero density is
shown in white, intermediate density in gray, and full density
in black.
Once the density map is derived, we can then begin the
process that we termed as density regularization. This involves
the following three steps.
1) Discard all points at the edge of the density map,
i.e., set for all and
2) Erode any full-density point (i.e., set to zero) if it is
surrounded by less than five other full-density points in
its local 3 3 neighborhood.
3) Dilate any point of either zero or intermediate density
(i.e., set to 16) if there are more than two full-density
points in its local 3 3 neighborhood.
After this process, the density map is converted to the output
bitmap of stage two as
otherwise (3)
for all and .
The result of stage two for the Miss America image is
displayed in Fig. 10. Note that this bitmap is now four times
lower in spatial resolution than that of the output bitmap in
stage one.
Fig. 11. Standard deviation values of the detected pixels in .
C. Stage Three—Luminance Regularization
We have found that in a typical videophone image, the
brightness is nonuniform throughout the facial region, while
the background region tends to have a more even distribution
of brightness. Hence, based on this characteristic, background
region that was previously detected due to its skin-color
appearance can be further eliminated.
The analysis employed in this stage involves the spatial
distribution characteristic of the luminance values since they
define the brightness of the image. We use standard deviation
as the statistical measure of the distribution. Note that the size
of the previously obtained bitmap is ;
hence each point corresponds to a group of 8 8 luminance
values, denoted by , in the original input image. For
every skin-color pixel in , we calculate the standard
deviation, denoted as , of its corresponding group of
luminance values, using
Fig. 11 depicts the standard deviation values calculated for
the Miss America image.
If the standard deviation is below a value of two, then the
corresponding 8 8 pixels region is considered too uniform
and therefore unlikely to be part of the facial region. As a
result, the output bitmap of stage three, denoted as ,
is derived as
if and
otherwise (5)
for all and . The output
bitmap of this stage for the Miss America image is presented
in Fig. 12. The figure shows that a significant portion of the
unwanted background region was eliminated at this stage.
Fig. 12. Bitmap produced by stage three.
D. Stage Four—Geometric Correction
We performed a horizontal and vertical scanning process to
identify the presence of any odd structure in the previously
obtained bitmap, , and subsequently removed it. This
is to ensure that a correct geometric shape of the facial region
is obtained. However, prior to the scanning process, we will
attempt to further remove any more noise by using a technique
similar to that initially introduced in stage two. Therefore,
a pixel in with the value of one will remain as a
detected pixel if there are more than three other pixels, in
its local 3 3 neighborhood, with the same value. At the
same time, a pixel in with a value of zero will be
reconverted to a value of one (i.e., as a potential pixel of the
facial region) if it is surrounded by more than five pixels, in its
local 3 3 neighborhood, with a value of one. These simple
procedures will ensure that noise appearing on the facial region
is filled in and that isolated noise objects on the background
are removed.
We then commence the horizontal scanning process on the
“filtered” bitmap. We search for any short continuous run of
pixels that are assigned with the value of one. For a CIF-
size image, the threshold for a group of connected pixels to
Fig. 13. Bitmap produced by stage four.
Fig. 14. Bitmap produced by stage five.
belong to the facial region is four. Therefore, any group of less
than four horizontally connected pixels with the value of one
will be eliminated and assigned to zero. A similar process is
then performed in the vertical direction. The rationale behind
this method is that, based on our observation, any such short
horizontal or vertical run of pixels with the value of one is
unlikely to be part of a reasonable-size and well-detected
facial region. As a result, the output bitmap of this stage
should contain the facial region with minimal or no noise,
as demonstrated in Fig. 13.
E. Stage Five—Contour Extraction
In this final stage, we convert the output
bitmap of stage four back to the dimension of .
To achieve the increase in spatial resolution, we utilize the
edge information that is already made available by the color
segmentation in stage one. Therefore, all the boundary points
in the previous bitmap will be mapped into the corresponding
group of 4 4 pixels with the value of each pixel as defined
in the output bitmap of stage one. The representative output
bitmap of this final stage of the algorithm is shown in Fig. 14.
The proposed skin-color reference map is intended to work
on a wide range of skin color, including that of people of
European, Asian, and African decent. Therefore, to show that
it works on subject with skin color other than white (as is the
case with the Miss America image), we have used the same
map to perform the color-segmentation process on subjects
with black and yellow skin color. The results obtained were
very good, as can be seen in Fig. 15. The skin-color pixels
were correctly identified, in both input images, with only a
small amount of noise appearing, as expected, in the facial
regions and background scenes, which can be removed by the
remaining stages of the algorithm.
Fig. 15. Results produced by the color-segmentation process in stage one
and the final output of the face segmentation algorithm.
We have further tested the skin-color map with 30 samples
of images. Skin colors were grouped into three classes: white,
yellow, and black. Ten samples, each of which contained the
facial region of a different subject captured in a different
lighting condition, were taken from each class to form the
test set. We have constructed three normalized histograms for
each sample in the separate Y, Cr, and Cb components. The
normalization process was used to account for the variation
of facial-region size in each sample. We have then taken the
average results from the ten samples of each class. These
average normalized histogram results are presented in Fig. 16.
Since all samples were taken from different and unknown
lighting conditions, the histograms of the Y component for all
three classes cannot be used to verify whether the variations
of luminance values in these image samples were caused by
the different skin color or by the different lighting condi-
tions. However, the use of such samples illustrated that the
variation in illumination does not seem to affect the skin-
color distribution in the Cr and Cb components. On the other
hand, the histograms of Cr and Cb components for all three
classes clearly showed that the chrominance values are indeed
narrowly distributed, and more important, that the distributions
are consistent across different classes. This demonstrated that
an effective skin-color reference map could be achieved based
on the Cr and Cb components of the input image.
The face-segmentation algorithm with this universal skin-
color reference map was tested on many head-and-shoulders
images. Here we emphasize that the face-segmentation process
was designed to be completely automatic, and therefore the
same design parameters and rules (including the reference
skin-color map and the heuristic) as described in the previous
section were applied to all the test images. The test set now
contained 20 images from each class of skin color. Therefore,
a total of 60 images of different subjects, background com-
plexities, and lighting conditions from the three classes were
Fig. 16. Histograms of Y, Cr, and Cb values of different facial skin colors: (a) white, (b) yellow, and (c) black.
used. Using this test set, a success rate of 82% was achieved.
The algorithm has performed successful segmentation of 49
out of 60 faces. Out of the 11 unsuccessful cases, seven cases
have incorrect localization, two have partial localization, and
two have both incorrect and partial localization.
The representative results shown in Fig. 17 illustrated the
successful face segmentation achieved by the algorithm on two
images with different background complexities. The edges of
the facial regions were accurately obtained with no noise’s
appearing on either the facial region or the background.
Moreover, the results were obtained in real time, as it took
a SunSPARC 20 computer less than 1 s to perform all
computations required on a CIF-size input image.
In all seven incorrect localization cases, the segmentation re-
sults did contain the complete facial regions but also included
some background regions. In four out of seven, the subject’s
hair, which is considered as a background region, was falsely
identified as a facial region. Partial localization occurred in
two cases and resulted in the localization of an incomplete
facial region. These cases were caused by thick facial hair,
i.e., mustache and beard. The two cases with both incorrect
and partial localization have facial regions partially localized,
and the results also contained some background regions.
Note that in all cases, the facial regions were always located,
whether completely or partially.
Here, we describe a video coding technique, termed a
foreground/background (FB) coding scheme, that uses the
face-segmentation results to code the area of interest with
better quality. In applications such as videotelephony, the face
of the speaker is typically the most important image region for
the viewer. Therefore, the face-segmentation algorithm is used
to separate the facial area from its background scene to become
Fig. 17. Segmented facial regions and remaining background scenes.
the foreground region. Here, we propose to use the classical
block-based video coding system. To be consistent with many
of the video coding standards [27]–[30], the foreground and
background regions will only need to be identified at the
macroblock (MB) level.
In the FB encoding process, we allocate fewer bits for
encoding the background MB’s by using a higher quantization
level. In doing so, we free up more bits that can then be used
for encoding the foreground MB’s. This bit transfer leads to
a better quality encoded area of interest at the expense of
having a lower quality background image. This is based on
the premise that the background is usually of less significance
to the viewer’s perception, so the overall subjective quality
of the image is perceptively improved and more pleasing to
the viewer.
This concept was initially proposed by us in [1], where we
introduced the FB coding scheme and its implementation as
an additional encoding option for the H.263 codec [30]. In this
paper, however, we will use the H.261 codec.
A. H.261FB
We have integrated the FB coding scheme into the well-
known H.261 video coding system [29]. Hereafter, we term
this approach H.261FB. The H.261FB coder utilizes the in-
formation obtained from the face-segmentation algorithm, as
described in Section III, to enable bit transfer between the
foreground and background MB’s. This redistribution of bit
allocation is simply attained by controlling the quantization
level in a discriminatory manner. In addition, a new rate-
control strategy is devised in order to regulate the bitstream
produced by this discriminatory quantization process.
This approach will still produce a bitstream that conforms
to the H.261 standard. The reason is that the new quantization
process does not involve any modification to the bitstream
syntax; it merely assigns two different values to two different
regions. As for the rate control, there is no standardized
technique. Hence the manufacturers of the encoder have the
freedom to devise their own strategy. Moreover, we do not
need to transmit the segmentation information to the decoder,
as it is used in the encoder only. Therefore, the integra-
tion is supported by the syntax, and a full H.261 decoder
compatibility is maintained.
B. Discriminatory Quantization Process
Two quantizers, instead of one, are used in the H.261FB
approach. We assigned and to be the quantizers for the
foreground (FG) and background (BG) MB’s, respectively.
Among the two, is a finer quantizer, while is a coarser
one. H.261FB uses the MQUANT header to switch between
these two quantizers, as shown in (6). The MQUANT header
is a fixed-length code word of five bits that indicates the
quantization level to be used for the current MB. Hence this
5-bit code word represents a range of quantization levels from
MQUANT if current MB belongs to FG
if current MB belongs to BG. (6)
It is not necessary, however, for the encoder to send this
header for every MB. The transmission of the MQUANT
header is only required in one of the following cases:
1) when the current MB is in a different region from the
previously encoded MB, i.e., a change from foreground
to background MB or vice versa;
2) when the rate-control algorithm updates the quantization
level in order to maintain a constant bit rate.
Naturally, this approach has to sustain a slight increase in
the transmission of an MQUANT header. However, the benefit
easily outweighs this overhead cost, as will be demonstrated
in the simulation results.
C. Rate-Control Function
A new rate-control strategy is needed to adjust not one
but now two quantizers periodically in order to regulate
the bit rate. To do so, the quantizer can be adjusted as
follows. The quantization parameter (or level) assigned to
the quantizer can be defined as a simple function of buffer
contents. Mathematically, the quantization parameter QP can
be expressed as
QP BufferContents (7)
where is the quantization division factor of the buffer
and is the offset factor. The BufferContents variable
indicates how much data (in unit of bits) is currently stored
in the buffer.
According to the RM8 coder [31] (a reference implementa-
tion of the H.261 coder, developed by the standardization study
group), is set to one to avoid zero quantization, while
is equal to the target Bitrate divided by a constant
value of 320, i.e.,
Bitrate (8)
where Bitrate kbits/s, . Hence for the
RM8 coder, the next quantization parameter is determined by
the function described as
QP BufferContents (9)
The value of QP is clipped at 31 because the MQUANT header
is a fixed-length code word of five bits. As the BufferContents
increases, QP also increases in order to offset any rise in bit
rate. The value of QP will remain at the maximum of 31 until
the buffer is full, which takes place when the BufferContents
variable reaches the maximum capacity of the buffer. When
the BufferContents variable exceeds the buffer size, buffer
overflow is said to occur. In such an event, the macroblock
is skipped (i.e., not transmitted), and as a result, quantization
is no longer needed.
In the H.261FB approach, two similar rate-control functions
as mentioned above are used—one for the foreground region
and another for the background. Each function will have
different values of and . For instance, we can
set to a higher value such that the function forces the
quantizer to always adopt a coarser quantization parameter.
Therefore, the amount of bit transfer between foreground and
background MB’s is mainly determined by the value of
being assigned to their respective rate-control functions. On
the other hand, the offset factor governs how the bits
are distributed within the same region.
Here, we choose (9), the function defined in RM8, for the
foreground region [see Fig. 18(a)]. As for the background
region, we shift to 15 and set to (30/16)
200 [see Fig. 18(b)]. This constrains the quantizer to a
minimum value of 15, while the clipping of the quantization
level to its maximum value will occur at the same level of
buffer occupancy as in the case of RM8.
D. Coding Results
The FB coding scheme is demonstrated on the CIF Foreman
video sequence. First, we used our proposed face-segmentation
algorithm to separate each frame of the input sequence into
foreground and background MB’s. The results for the first
frame of the sequence are shown in Fig. 19(a) and (b).
We then encoded the sequence with both the RM8 and
H.261FB coders. Note that, other than the use of the dis-
criminatory quantization process and the new rate-control
function as described in the previous section, the rest of the
implementation of the H.261FB coder is the same as for RM8.
To evaluate the discriminatory quantization process, we
performed intraframe coding on the first frame. To provide a
Fig. 18. (a) Rate-control function used in the RM8 coder and (b) proposed
rate-control function for the background MB’s in the H.261FB coder.
fair comparison of image quality, the quantization parameters
were manually obtained so that both approaches consume
a similar amount of bits. Therefore, the quantizer for the
RM8 coder was fixed at 22 throughout the entire encoding
processing. For the H.261FB coder, the foreground quantizer
and the background quantizer were set at 11 and
31 respectively. Overall, the RM8 coder spent an average of
105.81 bits per MB. Furthermore, we have identified that it
spent an average of 89.01 bits per MB in the foreground
region and 109.54 bits per MB in the background region.
The quality of the encoded image is shown in Fig. 19(c).
This is compared with the H.261FB-encoded image shown in
Fig. 19(d), whereby the coder spent an average of 134.72 bits
per foreground MB and 90.70 bits per background MB, while
its overall average bit per MB was 98.70. This overall amount
of bits used is about 7.11 bits per MB fewer than that of RM8,
and yet the figures clearly show that the area of interest is much
improved in the H.261FB-encoded image as a result of the bit
transfer from the background to foreground region, while its
degradation in the background region was hardly noticeable.
The improvement can be further illustrated by magnifying the
face region of the images as shown in Fig. 19(e) and (f).
To demonstrate the performance of our proposed rate-
control functions for the FB coding scheme, both the RM8
and H.261FB coders were used to encode 100 frames of the
Foreman sequence at a target bit rate of 192 kbits/s and frame
rate of 10 f/s. A plot displaying the bit rates achieved by both
coders is provided in Fig. 20. The simulation revealed that the
subjective quality of the H.261FB-coded images was much
better than that the RM8-coded images, and yet their bit rates
were slightly lower. We illustrate the improvement by showing
a representative frame 72 of the encoded images in Fig. 21.
It can be clearly observed that the H.261FB-coded image in
Fig. 21(b) has a better perceived quality and rendition of facial
features than the RM8-coded image shown in Fig. 21(a).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 19. (a) Foreground MB’s and (b) background MB’s (c) coded by RM8 and (d) coded by H.261FB. (e) Magnified image of (c). (f) Magnified image of (d).
The color analysis approach to face segmentation was
discussed. In this approach, the face location can be identified
by performing region segmentation with the use of a skin-
color map. This is feasible because human faces have a special
color distribution characteristic that differs significantly from
those of the background objects. We have found that pixels
belonging to the facial region, of the image in YCrCb color
space, exhibit similar chrominance values. Furthermore, a
consistent range of chrominance values was also discovered
from many different facial images, which include people of
European, Asian, and African descent. This led us to the
derivation of a skin-color map that models the facial color
of all human races.
With this universal skin-color map, we classified pixels
of the input image into skin color and non-skin color.
Fig. 20. Bit rates achieved by RM8 and H.261FB coders at a target bit rate of 192 kbits/s.
(a) (b)
Fig. 21. Frame 72 of the coded results in Fig. 20: (a) RM8 and (b) H.261FB.
Consequently, a bitmap is produced, containing the facial re-
gion that is corrupted by noise. The noise may appear as small
holes on the facial region due to undetected facial features, or
it may also appear as objects with skin-color appearance in the
background scene. To cope with this noise and, at the same
time, refine the facial-region detection, we have proposed a set
of novel region-based regularization processes that are based
on the spatial distribution study of the detected skin-color
pixels and their corresponding luminance values. All the oper-
ations are unsupervised and low in computational complexity.
Our proposed face-segmentation methodology was imple-
mented and tested on many input images, each of which
contains the head-and-shoulders view of a person and a
complex background scene. A set of representative results
from our simulations was shown in this paper. The results
demonstrated that our algorithm can accurately segment out
the facial regions from a diverse range of images that includes
subjects with different skin colors and the presence of various
background complexities. Furthermore, the face segmentation
was done automatically and in real time.
The use of face segmentation for video coding in applica-
tions such as videotelephony was then presented. We described
a foreground/background video coding scheme that uses the
face-segmentation results to improve the perceptual quality of
the encoded image with better rendition of the facial features.
This technique involves bit transfer between the facial region
and the background. The redistribution of bit allocation is
controlled by a discriminatory quantization process. Then the
bitstream generated from this process is regularized by a new
rate-control strategy. We have integrated this approach into the
H.261 framework with success. Improved image quality was
obtained as shown by the simulation results in the paper.
Our future research will involve the use of temporal infor-
mation to assist in face localization and also for tracking. For
coding, a further study of the rate-control strategy, the use
of segmentation-assisted motion estimation, and the proposal
of coding the foreground and background regions at different
frame rates will be investigated.
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Douglas Chai (S’91) was born in Kuching, Malaysia, in 1973. He received
the first class honors degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the
University of Western Australia, Australia, in 1994, where he currently is
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the visual communications research group.
His research interests are in image compression, video coding, image
segmentation, and facial image analysis.
Mr. Chai received the Australian Postgraduate Award and the Telstra
Research Laboratories Postgraduate Fellowship Award.
King N. Ngan (M’79–SM’91), for a photograph and biography, see p. 3 of
the February 1999 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
... Sobottka et al. [16] set a pair of thresholds in the H and S components of the HSV color space to distinguish skin pixels from non-skin pixels. Chai et al. [17] establish a pair of fixed thresholds in the YCbCr color space to detect skin regions. Gracia et al. [18] propose a set of threshold calculation rules affected by illumination, and apply them in the HSV color space and YCbCr color space to improve the detection performance of the threshold model in different scenes. ...
... As mentioned earlier, skin pixels are mainly concentrated in the area that can be represented as E [17,39] and R/G [1.06, 1.38] on the E-R/G color plane. This area can be represented independently in the Cartesian coordinate system and denoted as the E-R/G skin color sub-plane, as shown in Fig. 7a. ...
Full-text available
Skin segmentation plays an important role in image processing and human–computer interaction tasks. However, it is a challenging task to accurately detect skin regions from various scenes with different illumination or color styles. In addition, in the field of video processing, reducing the computational load and improving the real-time performance of the algorithm has also become an important topic of skin segmentation. Existing deep semantic segmentation networks usually pay too much attention to the detection performance of the model and make the model structure tend to be complex, which brings heavy computational burden. To achieve the trade-off between detection performance and real-time performance of the skin segmentation algorithm, this paper proposes a lightweight skin segmentation network. Compared with existing semantic segmentation networks, this model adopts a simpler structure to improve the real-time performance. In addition, to improve the feature fitting ability of the network without slowing down its inference speed, this paper proposes a color attention mechanism, which locates skin regions in images based on the distribution features of skin colors on the E-R/G color plane generated from the YES color space, and guides the network to update parameters. Experimental results show that this method not only exhibits similar detection performance to existing semantic segmentation networks such as U-Net and DeepLab, but also the computation load of the model is 18.1% lower than Fast-SCNN.
... To remove these unwanted components, the RGB color space of the image was converted to the YCbCr color space, and only the skin region was selected. The selected range for the skin region was 0 ≤ Y ≤ 235, 77 ≤ Cb ≤ 127 and 133 ≤ Cr ≤ 173 [20]. ...
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The blood oxygen saturation, which indicates the ratio of oxygenated hemoglobin to total hemoglobin in the blood, is closely related to one’s health status. Oxygen saturation is typically measured using a pulse oximeter. However, this method can cause skin irritation, and in situations where there is a risk of infectious diseases, the use of such contact-based oxygen saturation measurement devices can increase the risk of infection. Therefore, recently, methods for estimating oxygen saturation using facial or hand images have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a method for estimating oxygen saturation from facial images based on a convolutional neural network (CNN). Particularly, instead of arbitrarily calculating the AC and DC components, which are essential for measuring oxygen saturation, we directly utilized signals obtained from facial images to train the model and predict oxygen saturation. Moreover, to account for the time-consuming nature of accurately measuring oxygen saturation, we diversified the model inputs. As a result, for inputs of 10 s, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated as 0.570, the mean absolute error was 1.755%, the root mean square error was 2.284%, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.574. For inputs of 20 s, these metrics were calculated as 0.630, 1.720%, 2.219%, and 0.681, respectively. For inputs of 30 s, they were calculated as 0.663, 2.142%, 2.612%, and 0.646, respectively. This confirms that it is possible to estimate oxygen saturation without calculating the AC and DC components, which heavily influence the prediction results. Furthermore, we analyzed how the trained model predicted oxygen saturation through ‘SHapley Additive exPlanations’ and found significant variations in the feature contributions among participants. This indicates that, for more accurate predictions of oxygen saturation, it may be necessary to individually select appropriate color channels for each participant.
... Detection of hand from the background is the first step in any hand gesture recognition system [27][28][29]. The hand detection method consists of three steps, the results of which are integrated to produce the desired hand region. ...
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Recognizing hand gestures poses a formidable challenge, particularly when dealing with semantic gestures that require disentanglement prior to recognition. This paper addresses the intricate issue of an additional stroke, commonly referred to as ‘movement epenthesis stroke,’ which emerges between continuous gestures. Our proposed system employs a multifaceted approach to tackle this challenge. Initially, the system extracts color-motion information to facilitate hand detection, subsequently employing a fusion of shape information and a modified Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT) feature tracker. This integration significantly mitigates the issue of occlusions. The identification of movement epenthesis is accomplished by analyzing the gesture trajectory using a speed profile. Furthermore, self-co-articulation strokes are discerned by leveraging slope-angle information. To enhance the recognition process, a carefully selected set of 40 features is extracted, which are then employed for recognizing the resulting meaningful gestures. These features serve as inputs to various classification models, including support vector machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbors (kNN), and extreme learning machines (ELM). Deep learning algorithms are judiciously deployed to recognize gesture trajectories, thus streamlining the time-consuming feature extraction process. The outcomes of individual classifiers are amalgamated, resulting in a classifier fusion model. This model is enhanced through majority voting and is used in conjunction with cross-validation results. The experimental analysis culminates in an impressive accuracy rate of 98.88% achieved by the classifier fusion model. This achievement surpasses the performance of individual classifiers, underscoring the effectiveness of our proposed methodology.
... = detail ( , R ( ( , , ), ( ), ( , , jaw, ), l , c )), [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] where: ...
Conference Paper
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Online shopping has revolutionized the retail industry, providing customers with convenience and accessibility. However, customers often hesitate to purchase wearable products such as watches, jewelry, glasses, shoes, and clothes due to the lack of certainty regarding fit and suitability. This leads to significant return rates, causing problems for both customers and vendors. To address this issue, A platform called the Virtual Trial Room with Computer Vision and Machine Learning is designed which enables customers to easily check whether a product will fit and suit them or not. To achieve this, an AI-generated 3D model of the human head was created from a single 2D image using DECA model. This 3D model was then superimposed with a custom-made 3D model of glass which is based on real-world measurements and fitted over the human head. To replicate the real-world look and feel, the model was retouched with textures, lightness, and smoothness. Furthermore, A full-stack application was developed utilizing various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Babylon.js, etc. This application enables users to view 3D-generated results on website, providing an immersive and interactive experience. In summary, Virtual Trial Room with Computer Vision and Machine Learning platform provides a sophisticated solution to the problem of online shopping for eye glasses. By utilizing advanced technology, main aim of this project is to significantly reduce return rates and enhance the overall customer experience.
Conference Paper
Skin detection plays a vital role in various humanrelated computer vision applications, including human-computer interaction, medical diagnostic tools, and web content filtering. However, accurate skin detection remains challenging due to different factors such as luminosity variations, complex backgrounds, and diversity in skin tones. In this paper we present a rule-based skin detection method that applies dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on pixels represented by multiple color channels. This process retains only the most pertinent information in form of principal components. Subsequently, skin detection is achieved according to the individual contribution of the pixels along these principal components. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted comprehensive experiments on the SFA dataset. Our method demonstrated consistently superior skin detection performance compared to other rule-based methods, in both quantitative and qualitative aspects across diverse scenarios.
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Human-machine interface (HMI) is a crucial area of research as gestures have the potential to efficiently control and interact with computers. Many applications for hand detection have been created as a result of the pervasive use of built-in cameras in computers, smartphones, and tablets. For the majority of users, however, many of these are not useful. A straightforward concept for a keyboard- and mouse-free music controller is presented in this research. Using MATLAB code that integrates skin detection, area labelling, erosion, dilation, and motion differentiation, a music player controller is developed using the real-time frame tracking feature of a camera. Three hand detection algorithms are created and assessed for maximum performance and accuracy. Real-time hand detection for operating the music player is provided by the algorithm, which is created with efficiency and speed in mind.
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Receive action pose analysis is very meaningful in volleyball games for training and strategy. Because receive action is lack high-quality labeled data sets and with problems like occlusion, body overlap, and abnormal pose. Conventional work fails to obtain high accurate pose results. This paper proposes visible joint refinement and receive action template matching for volleyball receive action analysis. Firstly, the visible joint is using pixel color feature and the potential constraint features between space and joints to classify the visible joint and refine the error visible joint. Secondly, the template is to realize the pose segment refinement at 3D level by matching. It is based on a multi-view system for a real volleyball competition scene. The dataset video is from the Game of 2014 Japan Inter High School of Men Volleyball. The experiment result achieves 95.33 %, 96.92 %, and 98.43 % success rate at the 30 mm, 50 mm, and 70 mm error ranges.
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We present a novel and practical way to integrate techniques from computer vision to low bit-rate coding systems for video teleconferencing applications. Our focus is to locate and track the faces of persons in typical head-and-shoulders video sequences, and to exploit the face location information in a ‘classical’ video coding/decoding system. The motivation is to enable the system to selectively encode various image areas and to produce psychologically pleasing coded images where faces are sharper. We refer to this approach as model-assisted coding. We propose a totally automatic, low-complexity algorithm, which robustly performs face detection and tracking. A priori assumptions regarding sequence content are minimal and the algorithm operates accurately even in cases of partial occlusion by moving objects. Face location information is exploited by a low bit-rate 3D subband-based video coder which uses both a novel model-assisted pixel-based motion compensation scheme, as well as model-assisted dynamic bit allocation with object-selective quantization. By transferring a small fraction of the total available bit-rate from the non-facial to the facial area, the coder produces images with better-rendered facial features. The improvement was found to be perceptually significant on video sequences coded at 96 kbps for an input luminance signal in CIF format. The technique is applicable to any video coding scheme that allows for fine-grain quantizer selection (e.g. MPEG, H.261), and can maintain full decoder compatibility.
Conference Paper
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We present a human face location technique based on contour extraction within the framework of a wavelet-based video compression scheme for videoconferencing applications. In addition to an adaptive quantization in which spatial constraints are enforced to preserve perceptually important information at low bit rates, semantic information of the human face is incorporated to design a hybrid compression scheme for videoconferencing, since the face is often the most important part and should be coded with high fidelity. The human face is detected based on contour extraction and feature point analysis. An approximate face mask is then used in the quantization of the decomposed subbands. At the same total bit rate, coarser quantization of the background enables the face region to be quantized finer and coded with a higher quality. Moreover, the resultant larger quantization noise in the background can be suppressed using an edge-preserving enhancement algorithm. Experimental results have shown that the perceptual image quality is greatly improved using the proposed scheme
A method of extracting the head area from image sequences of a real-world scene for the purpose of facial discrimination processing is proposed. The method is based on tracking of the head area by characteristic point matching and edge matching. Experiments show that the method can extract the head area from scenes of a person walking freely against a general background in variable lighting, a person coming into contact with other moving objects, and when the shape of the head changes
This paper presents a simple color segmentation technique which could be used in the model-based very low bit-rate coding approaches for videophone applications, in which the delimitation of the face of speaker is request. This work attempts to segment the face of speaker using color cues. To better take the advantage of the color contents of images, the color segmentation is carried out in HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) space with the three components used in two steps. The original image is first splitted into two groups of regions, one has higher saturation values and other has lower saturation values,b y using an adaptive threshold value applied to the histogram of saturation. In the high saturation regions, the hue component can furnish useful references for further segmentation, while in the low saturation regions the intensity component can play the similar role. For each group of regions, a multi- thresholding technique based on either hue or intensity component is then proposed for the subsequent segmentation. After both groups of regions are segmented, a combination of these two segmentation results will provide the finally segmented image. Some experiments with images taken from typical 'head-and-shoulders' videophone sequences are carried out and some results are presented.
This paper presents a simple color segmentation technique which could be used in the model-based very low bit-rate coding approaches for videophone applications, in which the delimitation of the face of speaker is request. This work attempts to segment the face of speaker using color cues. To better take the advantage of the color contents of images, the color segmentation is carried out in HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) space with the three components used in two steps. The original image is first splitted into two groups of regions, one has higher saturation values and other has lower saturation values,b y using an adaptive threshold value applied to the histogram of saturation. In the high saturation regions, the hue component can furnish useful references for further segmentation, while in the low saturation regions the intensity component can play the similar role. For each group of regions, a multi- thresholding technique based on either hue or intensity component is then proposed for the subsequent segmentation. After both groups of regions are segmented, a combination of these two segmentation results will provide the finally segmented image. Some experiments with images taken from typical 'head-and-shoulders' videophone sequences are carried out and some results are presented.© (1997) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
This paper presents a robust knowledge-based segmentation algorithm for videotelephony sequences ranging from studio based to mobile. It is able to divide each image in a sequence in non-overlapping head, body, and background areas. Its robustness stems from its ability to cope with the peculiarities of mobile sequences, having very detailed, moving backgrounds as well as strong camera movements (originating from vibration in car videotelephones or from small hand movements in hand-held videotelephones). The proposed algorithm uses edge and changed areas (due to speaker's motion) detection, as well as the redundancy associated to the speaker's position, as the basis for the segmentation. Geometrical knowledge-based techniques are then used to define the complete regions. The algorithm includes a quality estimation and control procedure, which enables it to decide whether to accept or reject the current segmentation, and which can be input to the videotelephone coder.© (1993) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the use of segmentation to improve the subjective quality of the sequence produced by very low bit rate video coding system. Through this approach, each frame of the source sequence is first segmented into two non-overlapping regions, namely foreground and background. These two regions are then encoded using the same coder but with different quantization step-sizes. In this way, the image quality of the foreground region can be improved at the expense of encoding the unimportant background region at lower quality. Currently, our work focuses on integrating this approach into the H.263 coder, primarily for the videotelephony application. In this paper, we describe the working implementation, and also demonstrate the improved subjective quality of the coded sequence achieved
The human face is a complex pattern. Finding human faces automatically in a scene is a difficult yet significant problem. It is the first important step in a fully automatic human face recognition system. In this paper a new method to locate human faces in a complex background is proposed. This system utilizes a hierarchical knowledge-based method and consists of three levels. The higher two levels are based on mosaic images at different resolutions. In the lower level, an improved edge detection method is proposed. In this research the problem of scale is dealt with, so that the system can locate unknown human faces spanning a wide range of sizes in a complex black-and-white picture. Some experimental results are given.
A method for the adaptation of a generic 3-D face model to an actual face in a head-and-shoulders scene is discussed, with application to video-telephony. The adaptation is carried out both on a global scale to reposition and resize the wire-frame, as well as on a local scale to mimic individual physiognomy. To this effect a hierarchical scheme is developed to extract the semantic features in the head-and-shoulders scene, such as silhouette, face, eyes and mouth, using a knowledge-based selection mechanism. These algorithms, which are to be an integral part of a general model-based image coder, are tested on typical videophone sequences.
Conference Paper
The authors adopted a model-based approach, where the shape of the object is defined in terms of several mini-templates. The mini-templates are abstract descriptions of simple geometric features like arcs and corners. Relationships between mini-templates are not rigid. Rather, they are represented by springs that allow deformation of a template in terms of its size and orientation. Cost functionals are determined empirically. The authors expect their system to generate candidate regions in a given photograph associated with a rank of its goodness