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Bcd1p controls RNA loading of the core protein Nop58 during C/D box snoRNP biogenesis



Biogenesis of eukaryotic box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (C/D snoRNPs) is guided by conserved trans-acting factors that act collectively to assemble the core proteins SNU13/Snu13, NOP58/Nop58, NOP56/Nop56, FBL/Nop1, and box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (C/D snoRNAs), in human and in yeast, respectively. This finely elaborated process involves the sequential interplay of snoRNP-related proteins and RNA through the formation of transient pre-RNP complexes. BCD1/Bcd1 protein is essential for yeast cell growth and for the specific accumulation of box C/D snoRNAs. In this work, chromatin, RNA, and protein immunoprecipitation assays revealed the ordered loading of several snoRNP-related proteins on immature and mature snoRNA species. Our results identify Bcd1p as an assembly factor of C/D snoRNP biogenesis that is likely recruited cotranscriptionally and that directs the loading of the core protein Nop58 on RNA.
Arnaud PAUL, et al.
Bcd1p controls RNA loading of the core protein Nop58 during C/D box snoRNP
Arnaud PAUL (1), Decebal TIOTIU (1), Benoît BRAGANTINI (2), Hélène MARTY (1), Bruno
CHARPENTIER (1,3), Séverine MASSENET (1) and Stéphane LABIALLE (1,4)
(1) Université de Lorraine, CNRS, IMoPA, F-54000 Nancy, France.
(2) Current address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic,
200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.
RUNNING HEAD (50 characters)
Bcd1p controls early assembly of C/D snoRNPs
KEYWORDS (up to six)
C/D box snoRNA, small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein, small non-coding RNA, BCD1/Bcd1p
(ZNHIT6), NOP58/Nop58p, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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ABSTRACT (250 words)
Biogenesis of eukaryotic box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (C/D snoRNPs) is
guided by conserved trans-acting factors that act collectively to assemble the core proteins
SNU13/Snu13, NOP58/Nop58, NOP56/Nop56, FBL/Nop1 and box C/D small nucleolar
RNAs (C/D snoRNAs), in human and in yeast, respectively. This finely elaborated process
involves the sequential interplay of snoRNP-related proteins and RNA through the formation
of transient pre-RNP complexes. BCD1/Bcd1 protein is essential for yeast cell growth and for
the specific accumulation of box C/D snoRNAs. In this work, chromatin, RNA and protein
immunoprecipitation assays revealed the ordered loading of several snoRNP-related proteins
on immature and mature snoRNA species. Our results identify Bcd1p as an assembly factor
of C/D snoRNP biogenesis that is likely recruited co-transcriptionally and that directs the
loading of the core protein Nop58 on RNA.
In eukaryotes, numerous trans-acting factors orchestrate the various steps of ribosome
biogenesis. The process starts in the nucleolus with precursor (pre)-ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
synthesis by RNA polymerase I that is further modified, folded and processed to generate
mature rRNAs. Hundreds of small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (snoRNPs) are involved in
the process: C/D snoRNPs produce site-specific ribose 2'-O-methylation while H/ACA
snoRNPs catalyze pseudouridylation of rRNAs. Moreover, some snoRNPs (e.g. U3) are
involved in pre-rRNA endonucleolytic cleavage (for reviews, see Watkins and Bohnsack,
2012; Lafontaine, 2015). Each C/D snoRNP includes a specific box C/D non-coding RNA
acting as a guide for the specificity of the RNP enzyme and a common set of four core
proteins, SNU13(15.5kD)/Snu13, NOP58/Nop58, NOP56/Nop56 and the methyltransferase
Fibrillarin or FBL/Nop1, in human and in yeast, respectively. The biogenesis of C/D snoRNP
is a fascinatingly intricate process involving the temporal association of several factors in
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large multiprotein pre-RNP complexes coupled with snoRNA maturation (for a review, see
Massenet et al., 2017). Concerning the U3 snoRNA in budding yeast, this includes the
removal of an intron (Myslinski et al., 1990). Numerous studies have been conducted
enabling several aspects of this highly conserved process to be elucidated. The RNA-binding
protein SNU13/Snu13 directly binds the kink-turn (K-turn) RNA structures formed by the
conserved C/D motifs ( Watkins et al., 2000; Marmier-Gourrier et al., 2003) and is required
for the subsequent binding of NOP56, NOP58 and then NOP1, as proposed based on
archaeal and vertebrate models (Omer et al., 2002; Watkins et al., 2002; McKeegan 2009;
Gagnon et al., 2012). Also, the heterodimerization of NOP56/Nop56p and NOP58/Nop58p
via their coiled-coil domains may help lock the snoRNP into a conformation compatible with
methyltransferase activity, as suggested by structural and functional analyses of archaeal
RNPs (Aittaleb et al., 2003; Rashid et al., 2003; Lin et al., 2011). Importantly, these
interactions do not occur autonomously in eukaryotic cells but are mediated by several
factors that intervene transiently during the biogenesis process. These so-called assembly
factors include the assembly platform NUFIP1/Rsa1p (McKeegan et al., 2007; Boulon et al.,
2008) and its stabilizing factor ZNHIT3/Hit1p (Rothé et al., 2014a; Bizarro et al., 2014;
Quinternet et al., 2016) that interact with SNU13/Snu13p to form a trimer that may represent
the initial module of C/D snoRNP assembly (Rothé et al., 2014b). NUFIP1/Rsa1p is assumed
to bridge the core proteins SNU13/Snu13 and NOP58/Nop58 by interacting directly with the
latter (Boulon et al., 2008; Rothé et al., 2014b). Another actor in the assembly is the R2TP
complex that cooperates with HSP90/Hsp90p in a cochaperone-chaperone system and
contains the proteins RUVBL1/Rvb1, RUVBL2/Rvb2, RPAP3/Tah1 and PIH1D1/Pih1 (Zhao
et al., 2005; Boulon et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2008). The R2TP complex recruits Nop58p
independently from the snoRNA by direct interaction with Pih1p, and this interaction helps
stabilize Nop58p (Kakihara et al., 2014). An important step of the assembly process relies on
NUFIP/Rsa1p that competes with NOP58/Nop58p for interaction with PIH1D1/Pih1p, likely
leading to the dissociation of NOP58/Nop58p-PIH1D1/Pih1p complexes and to the loading of
NOP58/Nop58p to RNA-bound SNU13/Snu13p (Rothé et al., 2014b). Finally, the protein
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BCD1/Bcd1 (also called ZNHIT6) was revealed to be a leading actor of the assembly
process when it was shown to be required for cell growth and for the specific accumulation of
box C/D snoRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Peng et al., 2003; Hiley et al., 2005) and
for the maintenance of box C/D snoRNA levels in human cells (McKeegan et al., 2007). In
budding yeast, Bcd1p interacts nonspecifically with RNA and its N-terminus (amino acids 1 to
168 out of a total of 366 amino acids) is sufficient to maintain snoRNA expression and cell
viability (Bragantini et al., 2016). The N-terminus contains a zinc-finger domain (ZNF, amino
acids 1 to 45) that is highly homologous to the ZNF domain of Hit1p and that is
indispensable, but not sufficient, for protein stability and function (Bragantini et al., 2016).
Also, works mainly based on analyses of protein-protein interactions suggest that human
BCD1 is integrated in a network of interactions involving PIH1D1, NUFIP1, RUVBL1&2,
NOP58 and, albeit poorly, SNU13 (McKeegan et al., 2007; McKeegan et al., 2009; Bizarro et
al., 2014). By integrating these data in the complex series of snoRNP-related protein
interactions, some authors have proposed that these proteins form a protein-only pre-
snoRNP complex that scaffolds SNU13 and NOP58 core protein assembly (McKeegan et al.,
2007; Boulon et al., 2008; Bizarro et al., 2014).
In this work, we present data that fuel current models of eukaryotic C/D snoRNP biogenesis.
Using chromatin, RNA and protein immunoprecipitation, we document the ordered loading of
snoRNP-related proteins on RNA species. We also provide evidence that Bcd1p acts as a
master and early manager of this process by controlling the association of the core protein
Nop58 with a pre-snoRNP complex and its loading on C/D snoRNAs.
Bcd1p controls mature C/D snoRNA steady-state levels
In order to test the role of Bcd1p in vivo, we generated a GAL1::3HA-BCD1 strain by
inserting the GAL1 promoter followed by a 3xHA tag upstream of the BCD1 gene in the
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genome of the S. cerevisiae BY4741 strain. The repression of Bcd1p expression was
completed in less than 30 minutes when the cells were shifted from a permissive galactose
medium (YPG) to a repressive glucose medium (YPD) (Fig. 1A). Using RT-qPCR, we
analyzed the steady-state levels of a selected series of C/D snoRNAs (Fig. 1B) in cells
maintained in permissive YPG medium or shifted to repressive YPD medium for 6 hours (Fig.
1C), or for 16 hours (Fig. 1D) i.e. when the cells completely ceased to grow. We used
random hexamers as primers for the reverse transcription reaction performed on total RNA
extracts. We then performed quantitative PCR using primers targeting snoRNA gene bodies
to measure the expression level of the total population of snoRNAs (i.e. mature plus
immature species) (Fig. 1B). We also used primers targeting sequences downstream of the
U3 and U14 gene bodies to specifically measure the expression level of immature, 3'-
extended snoRNA species. Concerning the U3 snoRNA, we also analyzed the RNA species
harboring the U3 intron using primers targeting the intronic sequence.
In agreement with previous data (Peng et al., 2003; Hiley et al., 2005), Bcd1p depletion
progressively induced a dramatic drop in the steady-state level of total snoRNA species; the
effect was likely specific to C/D snoRNAs as it was not observed with other RNA species
(Fig. 1C&D and Suppl. Fig. S1). Concerning immature snoRNAs, the 3'-extended pre-U3
species accumulated significantly at 6 hours, whereas the intron-bearing U3 and 3'-extended
pre-U14 species were not affected (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, the accumulation of 3'-extended
U3 species suggested that the kinetics of U3 snoRNA 3'-end processing was affected, as
has already been reported in yeast cells depleted in the core protein Nop58 (Kufel et al.,
2000) or in cells in which the RSA1 and HIT1 genes were deleted (Rothé et al., 2014a). At 16
hours, the reduction in the expression level of total but not immature RNA species suggested
that the presence of Bcd1p was important for the accumulation of mature C/D snoRNAs. To
validate this hypothesis, we analyzed snoRNA gene transcription levels by evaluating the
recruitment of the RNA polymerase II (polII) machinery at snoRNA genes by chromatin
immunoprecipitation (ChIP). As depicted in figure 1E, we detected no influence of Bcd1p
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depletion on the interaction between Rpb1p, the largest subunit of the core polII machinery,
and C/D snoRNA gene loci. This result confirmed that Bcd1p did not control the synthesis of
C/D snoRNAs but rather influenced their stability.
Bcd1p associates with C/D snoRNA gene loci in a RNA-dependent manner
The core proteins Nop1 and Nop58 have already been detected in interaction with C/D
snoRNA gene loci (Morlando et al., 2004, Vincenti et al., 2007) suggesting that RNP
biogenesis may start early at the site of RNA transcription. In order to test whether Bcd1p is
involved in early co-transcriptional stages, we performed ChIP analyses using a strain
expressing TAP-tagged Bcd1p. We indeed detected interactions with C/D snoRNA gene loci
but not with the H/ACA snR32 locus (Fig. 2A). Moreover, RNase A/T1 treatments
significantly decreased the level of Bcd1p-chromatin interaction, an effect that was not
observed when we analyzed Rpb1p-chromatin interactions (Fig. 2A). Thus, this experiment
suggested that Bcd1p is associated with chromatin via snoRNAs during their transcription or
soon after. To confirm this possibility, we took advantage of the tight coupling between
snoRNP biogenesis and snoRNA 3'-end maturation machinery (Fatica et al., 2000; Morlando
et al., 2002). A previous work showed that snoRNAs that are efficiently polyadenylated
cannot engage normally in the biogenesis process to produce mature and functional
snoRNPs (Fatica et al., 2000). We performed ChIP experiments on BCD1-TAP cells
transformed with p416 expression plasmids (Mumberg et al., 1995) harboring the U14 gene
body flanked at its 3' end either by its natural DNA sequence (U14-wt) or by the
polyadenylation site of the CYC1 gene (U14-cyc1). We detected a robust Bcd1p-plasmid
interaction only when the bona fide 3' flanking region of the U14 gene was present (Fig. 2B).
When we conducted a similar experiment with the H/ACA snR36 gene body, the resulting
interaction signal was weak despite enhancement due to the presence of its natural 3'
sequence. This result suggested that Bcd1p is recruited to transcription sites only when
correct RNA maturation and RNP assembly are engaged. Finally, we tested whether Bcd1p
associates with snoRNA species by RNA IP (RIP). We indeed observed a significant
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interaction between Bcd1p and C/D snoRNAs, but not between Bcd1p and H/ACA snoRNAs
(Fig. 2C). Also, Bcd1p interacted with the intron-bearing U3 and the 3'-extended U14
species, thereby corroborating the fact that the interaction occurred during the snoRNA
maturation process. Surprisingly, Bcd1p was not detected in association with 3'-extended U3
species, probably due to epitope masking or because the TAP sequence reduced the
stability of the complex. Indeed, it has been reported that splicing of the premature U3 occurs
before 3'-end trimming and 5'-cap trimethylation (Myslinski et al., 1990; Kufel et al., 2000;
Kufel et al., 2003; Rothé et al., 2017), and we checked that in our samples the U3 species
with mature 3' ends were spliced (Suppl. Fig. S2). In conclusion, Bcd1p was recruited in vivo
on C/D pre-snoRNAs in the close vicinity of their transcription site, likely during or soon after
Bcd1p controls the interaction of several snoRNP-related proteins with C/D snoRNAs
To gain further insights into the snoRNP biogenesis process and Bcd1p function, we tested
the interaction between several snoRNP-related proteins and snoRNA species in the
presence or absence of Bcd1p expression. To this end, we inserted the GAL1 promoter in a
series of TAP-tagged strains followed by a 3xHA tag upstream of the BCD1 gene when it
was tolerated by the cells (in the case of NOP56-TAP, RSA1-TAP, RVB2-TAP and PIH1-
TAP), or we introduced FLAG-tagged expression vectors of recombinant genes in the
GAL1::3HA-BCD1 strain (for the expression of Snu13p, Nop1p and Nop58p).
When the cells were cultivated in permissive YPG medium (Fig. 3, white drawbars), we
observed that the interaction levels with total C/D snoRNA species were higher for core
proteins (Fig. 3A-D; RIP signals around 20% to 60%) than for assembly factors (Fig. 3E-G;
RIP signals around 0.5 to 10%), which is in agreement with the transient interaction status of
the latter. Interestingly, the Bcd1p interaction level was in the high range compared to the
other assembly factors tested (Fig. 2C; RIP signals between 8% and 15%). Also, the H/ACA
snoRNA snR32 exhibited a significant interaction (RIP signals between 1% and 10%) for all
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proteins except for Nop56p (Fig. 3D) and Bcd1p (Fig. 2C). Interactions with H/ACA snoRNAs
have already been described for the assembly factors NUFIP1 (Boulon et al., 2008) and
PIH1D1 (Machado-Pinilla et al., 2012). Interactions between different classes of snoRNPs
have also been observed repeatedly (van Nues RW, et al. 2011; Kishore S. et al. 2013;
Schwartz S. et al. 2014; Gumienny R. et al. 2017; Dudnakova T. et al. 2018) and have been
suggested to reflect the presence of different snoRNPs on the same target rRNA, or the fact
that H/ACA and C/D box RNPs guide modifications to each other. Focusing on immature U3
species, we analyzed two features: the presence of the intron and the presence of a 3'
extension. Interestingly, Snu13p interacted efficiently with RNA harboring both features (Fig.
3A and Suppl. Table 1; RIP signals of respectively 9.8% and 5.3%), but this was clearly not
the case for the other core proteins that exhibited low RIP signal levels (Fig. 3B-D and Suppl.
Table 1; RIP signals ranging from 0.05% to 0.8%). This observation confirmed that Snu13p is
the first core protein to interact with RNA during biogenesis. Concerning assembly factors,
the interaction between the immature U3 species and Rsa1p, Pih1p or Rvb2p was not
detected or did not significantly differ from background levels (Fig. 3E-G and Suppl. Table 1).
Interestingly, Bcd1p generated an interaction with intron-bearing U3 species that was
stronger than the one generated by the core proteins Nop1, Nop56 and Nop58 (Fig. 2C and
Suppl. Table 1; RIP signal level of 9.5% compared to 0.8% or less). Thus, intron-bearing U3
species interacted mostly with Snu13p and Bcd1p, suggesting that these proteins are among
the first to be recruited to RNA during U3 biogenesis. The 3'-extended U14 species
corroborated the observations made with pre-U3 species: Snu13p generated the highest RIP
signal levels (around 50%), the other core proteins generated robust signals (15-30%) while
assembly factors generated very low interaction levels (0.14-2.6%).
The consequence of Bcd1p depletion was tested after a 6-hour shift of yeast cultures to
repressive YPD medium (Fig. 3, black drawbars). At that time, the steady-state level of the
C/D snoRNP-related proteins was not affected (Suppl. Fig. S3) while the level of the C/D
snoRNA species was moderately affected (Fig. 1C). Interactions with total snoRNA species
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followed two different regimens: those that were mostly unchanged, i.e. involving Snu13p
and Nop56p (Fig. 3A&C), and the other ones that dropped significantly, with the exception of
a few signals associated with higher noise (i.e. snR52 in Fig. 3B&D and U14 in Fig. 3G). The
same tendency was observed for interactions involving the immature RNA species that
dropped or remained almost undetectable. Conversely, the 3'-extended U3 species, whose
expression level increased in absence of Bcd1p (Fig. 1C), interacted better with Snu13p (Fig.
3A). Finally, the association of the proteins with the H/ACA snoRNA snR32 was insensitive to
Bcd1p depletion, in agreement with the fact that these two molecules did not significantly
interact (Fig. 2C). Therefore, Bcd1p was necessary for the efficient interaction of a large
subset of snoRNP-related proteins with immature and total RNA species, which includes the
essential Nop1 and Nop58 core proteins. In the absence of Bcd1p expression, biogenesis
was critically altered since only the two core proteins Snu13 and Nop56 maintained their
association with C/D snoRNAs.
Bcd1p controls the interaction of Nop58p with an early pre-snoRNP complex
To clarify the function of Bcd1p, we first analyzed its snoRNP-related protein partners. As
already identified in human orthologs (McKeegan et al., 2007; McKeegan et al., 2009;
Bizarro et al., 2014), yeast Bcd1p associated with the assembly factors Rsa1p, Pih1p and
Rvb2p, and with the core proteins Snu13 and Nop58 (Suppl. Fig. S4). Interestingly, the
association of Bcd1p with the RNA-binding Snu13p and its direct partner Rsa1p was
independent of RNA (Fig. S4A&B). We then tested the consequence of Bcd1p depletion on
selected interactions between these snoRNP-related proteins. The assembly factor Rsa1p
contributes to the connection between Snu13p and the assembly machinery (Rothé et al.,
2014b) and our RIP analyses indicated that the Rsa1p-RNA interaction, but not the Snu13p-
RNA interaction, decreased in absence of Bcd1p expression (Fig. 3A&E). However, co-IP
experiments conducted in cells maintained in permissive YPG medium, or after a 6-hour shift
to repressive YPD medium, revealed that the Snu13p-Rsa1p interaction was not dependent
on the presence of Bcd1p (Fig. 4A). Previous works showed that the core protein Nop58 is
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recruited to the pre-snoRNP complex via Pih1p and the R2TP complex (Gonzales et al.,
2005; Quinternet et al., 2015; Kakihara et al., 2014; Bizarro et al. 2014). While the
interactions between Nop58p-Pih1p and Pih1p-Rsa1p were not significantly affected by the
absence of Bcd1p (Fig. 4B&C), the interaction between Nop58p and Rsa1p dropped
significantly (Fig. 4D). Taken together, these data suggest that Bcd1p affects the association
of Nop58p with a protein-only pre-snoRNP complex involving Rsa1p. To confirm this
hypothesis, we first tested whether Nop58p was still recruited at snoRNA gene loci in the
absence of Bcd1p expression. ChIP assays showed that the interaction was indeed detected
in cells in which Bcd1p expression is repressed as well as in cells in which RSA1 or PIH1
genes used as controls were deleted (Fig. 4E). Thus, Bcd1p does not control the recruitment
of Nop58p at the sites of snoRNP biogenesis but rather during a subsequent step that is
important for loading Nop58p on RNA. Second, the data argue that human BCD1 may
incorporate a protein-only pre-snoRNP complex to perform its function (Bizarro et al. 2014).
To test whether yeast Bcd1p can function independently of RNA, we generated Bcd1p
protein truncations in order to dissociate the biogenesis function of Bcd1p from its capacity to
interact with RNA. A recent analysis showed that the N-terminal part of the Bcd1 protein
(amino acids 1-168) is sufficient to maintain the level of snoRNA expression and cell viability
(Bragantini et al., 2016). Based on sequence conservation and secondary structure
prediction using PsiPred (Jones, 1999), we defined two short N-terminal fragments (1-115
and 1-96) for further analyses. We transformed GAL1::3HA-BCD1 cells with a p416 vector
expressing a FLAG-tagged version of the fragments or the full length protein. When the cells
were shifted for 16 hours to repressive YPD medium, the expression of Bcd1p fragments
was sufficient to maintain cell growth (Fig. 5A) as well as the steady-state level of snoRNAs
(Fig. 5B). Conversely, RIP analysis showed that these fragments were unable to interact
efficiently with RNA in vivo (Fig. 5C). In conclusion, Bcd1p was required to efficiently
incorporate the core protein Nop58 into an early pre-snoRNP complex that included Rsa1p
and this function did not require a strong association with RNA in order to be fulfilled.
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In recent years, a wealth of studies has revealed that eukaryotic C/D snoRNP biogenesis is a
finely elaborated process. But the role of some players, such as the protein BCD1/Bcd1, is
still poorly understood. After its discovery as an essential factor for cell growth and C/D
snoRNAs stability in yeast (Peng et al., 2003; Hiley et al., 2005) and in human cells
(McKeegan et al., 2007), the identification of the protein partners of BCD1 in human cells
(Boulon et al., 2008, McKeegan et al., 2007, Bizarro et al., 2014), suggested its integration in
an early, protein-only pre-snoRNP complex (Bizarro et al., 2014). Here, we made significant
progress in the understanding of yeast Bcd1p function.
Bcd1p is an assembly factor that likely acts co-transcriptionally
We collected evidence concerning the association of Bcd1p with immature snoRNA species
that starts in the close vicinity of their transcription sites (Fig. 1). Detection of Bcd1p at
chromatin was RNA-dependent (Fig. 2A) and likely reflected a function during the early steps
of snoRNP assembly, since we failed to detect an influence on C/D snoRNA gene
transcription (Fig. 1E). This strongly suggests that the initiation of C/D snoRNP biogenesis is
co-transcriptional, thereby corroborating previous clues (Morlando et al., 2004, Vincenti et al.,
2007; Rothé et al., 2014b; Grzechnik et al., 2018), and resembling what has been shown for
H/ACA snoRNP biogenesis (Fatica A. et al., 2002; Ballarino et al., 2005 ; Yang PK. et al.,
2005 ; Darzacq et al., 2006; Richard et al., 2006). Therefore, the data support the current
paradigm of RNP biogenesis in which the assembly machinery actively engages with its
substrates during - or right after - their synthesis, rather than RNA and core proteins being
released from their site of synthesis and then encountering assembly factors by diffusion
(Fischer et al., 2015).
Bcd1p favors the interaction of RNA-loaded Snu13p with Rsa1p and not Nop56p
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Currently, it is well established that the RNA-binding protein Snu13 is required for the loading
of the other core proteins on C/D snoRNAs (Omer et al., 2002; Watkins et al., 2002;
McKeegan 2009; Gagnon et al., 2012) and that Rsa1p and its stabilizing factor Hit1p
associate with Snu13p to form a trimer that is assumed to represent the initial module of C/D
snoRNP assembly (Rothé et al., 2014b). One function of Rsa1p is to bridge the core proteins
Snu13 and Nop58 (Boulon et al., 2008; Rothé et al., 2014b), the latter initially being recruited
and stabilized by Pih1p and the R2TP complex (Kakihara et al., 2014). Here, we provide
additional information on the early steps of biogenesis. We observed that proteins Snu13 and
Bcd1 associated robustly with intron-bearing U3 snoRNAs (Fig. 2C&3A). Additionally, when
BCD1 gene expression was turned down, Snu13p was the only protein to continue to be
strongly recruited to intron-bearing U3 species and to accumulate on 3'-extended U3
species. We observed a similar, higher association of pre-U14 species with Snu13p than with
the other snoRNP-related proteins (Fig. 3A). Conversely, we observed a very poor
association of Rsa1p with immature U3 and U14 species (Fig. 3E), suggesting that the
integration of Rsa1p in pre-RNP occurs later than expected. Collectively, these observations
suggest that a pool of “free Snu13p” interacts early with immature C/D snoRNAs. This
challenges current biogenesis models mainly resulting from protein interaction studies and
suggests a different system dynamics in which Snu13p is recruited to RNA before the
assembly machinery. The association then has to be supplemented and/or replaced by the
recruitment of the assembly machinery to proceed to RNP biogenesis. Whether Snu13p-
RNA complexes are abortive or could recruit other factors is of interest as it questions
whether protein-protein assemblies can occur directly on RNA or have to be initially formed
in a RNA-free form. One drawback here is that the immunoprecipitation of Snu13p
necessitated the use of a vector expressing a FLAG-tagged recombinant protein, as tagging
the endogenous gene was not tolerated by yeast cells. Therefore, it could be argued that the
observation of a “free pool” of Snu13p bound to RNA is due to the ectopic overexpression of
recombinant Snu13p. However, the same phenomenon is likely observed, albeit indirectly,
with endogenous Snu13p. Indeed, upon Bcd1p depletion, Nop56p was still recruited to
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snoRNAs (Fig. 3C), an observation made with cells expressing the endogenous Snu13p.
Interestingly, Nop56p recruitment on RNA likely occurred via Snu13p: previous yeast two-
hybrid analyses indeed showed that Snu13p interacts robustly with Nop56p, more strongly
than in its interaction with Nop58p and comparable to its interaction with Rsa1p (Boulon et
al., 2008). Taken together, these observations suggest that Snu13p alone recognizes the K-
turns of immature snoRNAs and is then joined by Nop56p through direct interaction in the
absence of Bcd1p expression. This calls for analyses to test whether Snu13p-Rsa1p and
Snu13p-Nop56p interactions are mutually exclusive. Interestingly, a genome-wide genetic
screen using genetic interaction mapping (GIM) revealed a positive fitness effect when the
invalidation of the RSA1 gene was combined with the downregulation of NOP56 gene
expression, and which was not observed with the NOP58 gene (C. Saveanu, personal
communication). This observation corroborates the idea that Rsa1p and Nop56p act
antagonistically. Therefore, it is tempting to suggest that a critical function of Bcd1p is to
channel Snu13p-RNA complexes towards a competent biogenesis path. Indeed, in the
absence of Bcd1p, the interaction of RNA with several snoRNP-related proteins including
Rsa1p dropped drastically and generated aberrant particles with snoRNAs associated
mostly, if not exclusively, with Snu13 and Nop56 core proteins.
Bcd1p regulates the interaction of Nop58p with a pre-snoRNP complex and snoRNAs
Our data strongly suggest that the key function of Bcd1p is intrinsically independent of its
capacity to associate with RNA (Fig. 5) even if a very transient level of association with RNA
may be sufficient for function. It is possible that the latter actually relates mostly to the
coordination of RNA synthesis and assembly that would facilitate RNP biogenesis but could
be unnecessary when cells are cultivated in laboratory conditions. Whether Bcd1p naturally
plays its role on RNA or not, this observation invited us to explore the impact of Bcd1p
depletion at the level of protein-protein interactions. First, the existence of a protein-only, pre-
snoRNP complex involving BCD1 has been proposed in works using human cells (Bizarro et
al. 2014) and we confirmed in yeast that Bcd1p associated with several snoRNP-related
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proteins, including Snu13p and Rsa1p in an RNA-independent manner (Suppl. Fig. S4).
Second, it is believed that early in the assembly, Nop58p is dissociated from its R2TP
partner Pih1p through the competitive interaction of Rsa1p, in order to reach Snu13p (Rothé
et al., 2014b; Quinternet al., 2015). Here we present new observations concerning this
Pih1p-Nop58p-Rsa1p functional triad in the absence of Bcd1p expression: first, the proteins
were no longer able to reach RNA thus ending in the absence of Nop58p in the residual RNP
(Fig. 3D); second, we observed a significant drop in the level of Rsa1p-Nop58p interaction
(Fig. 4D). A tempting interpretation to reconcile these observations is that Bcd1p is required
to mediate the transfer of Nop58p from Pih1p towards a complex including Rsa1p and
maybe Snu13p. In its absence, such a complex would be either unstable or no longer
competent for RNA binding, e.g. due to Snu13p burying. In any case, the data presented
here are evidence that Bcd1p is required to deliver Nop58p on RNA, which in turn, is a
precondition for complete biogenesis and for the formation of mature and functional C/D
Getting closer to the detailed mechanism of action of Bcd1p will require further work. To fulfill
its function, Bcd1p may perform an unknown step in the assembly process, possibly
involving an as yet unidentified factor, a post-translational modification of a protein alone or
in a complex, or a conformational modification of a pre-RNP complex. In this line of thought,
the search for other assembly factors and the biochemical isolation of transient complexes is
a challenging but ongoing task that represents an invaluable and potent source of progress.
In conclusion, the data we present here underline the fact that Bcd1p behaves as a global
on-off switch for the loading the C/D box assembly machinery on snoRNAs. In this regard, it
would be of interest to dedicate future analyses to search for metabolic or stress pathways
that target and modulate Bcd1p function in order to coordinate C/D snoRNP biogenesis with
other cellular systems.
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Yeast strains and plasmids
The yeast strains used are listed in Supplementary Table 2. Yeast cells were pre-cultured in
selective medium then grown in glucose-containing medium (YPD). The GAL1::3HA-BCD1
strain was maintained in galactose-containing medium and shifted to glucose-containing
medium for 6 or 16 hours to repress the GAL1 promoter when required. Cells were collected
at log phase (OD600nm = 0.8 to 1). Genetic modifications were generated by homologous
recombination. Derivatives of plasmid p416GPD-3XFLAG were built by inserting PCR-
amplified fragments between the BamHI and XhoI restriction sites. The plasmids used are
listed in Supplementary Table 3.
Yeast cell extract preparation and immunoprecipitation assays
Cell pellets were washed and resuspended in lysis buffer (150 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.05%
TRITON-X100, 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5) and lysed by bead beating. The lysates were
clarified twice by centrifugation at 10,000 g for 5 minutes, and were then added to IgG-
Sepharose beads (Sigma-Aldrich), anti-FLAG Agarose beads (Sigma-Aldrich) or Glutathione
Sepharose beads (GE Healthcare) used as control, and incubated for 2 h at 4C. Beads were
washed four times in lysis buffer. For RIP experiments, RNAs were extracted with phenol-
chloroform. For protein co-IP assays proteins were fractionated on 12.5% SDS-PAGE and
analyzed by Western blot according to standard procedures using anti-TAP (Peroxidase Anti-
Peroxidase soluble complex antibody, Sigma) anti-FLAG (Abcam), anti-HA (Roche) and anti-
Dps1p (kindly provided by C. Allmang-Cura and G. Eriani, IBMC, Strasbourg, France)
antibodies, and revealed by anti-rabbit IgG, Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated
(Thermo Fisher Scientific) and ECL Prime Western blotting system (GE healthcare).
Quantification of Western blot signals was performed using Fusion Solo (Vilber Lourmat) and
FusionCapt Advanced software.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays
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Cells were fixed with 1% formaldehyde for 10 minutes at room temperature, quenched with
0.125 M glycine and lysed in lysis buffer (Hepes-KOH 50 mM [pH 7.5], 500 mM NaCl, 1 mM
EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% Na-deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS). Chromatin was sonicated to an
average length of 200-500 bp. IgG-Sepharose beads or anti-FLAG Agarose beads were pre-
cleared in the presence of 20 g/ml BSA for 2 hours. Protein-DNA complexes were captured
on beads for 2 hours, washed twice with low salt buffer (Hepes-KOH 50 mM [pH 7.5], 50 mM
NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.01% Na-deoxycholate, 0.05% SDS), followed by
washes with LiCl buffer (250 mM LiCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8], 1 mM EDTA, 0.01% Igepal,
0.05% Na-deoxycholate) and IPP150 buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8], 15 mM NaCl, 0.01%
Igepal). After digestion with proteinase K, reversal of the cross-links at 70°C overnight and
elution, DNA was extracted by Phenol-Chloroform.
Reverse transcription and quantitative PCR
Complementary DNA was generated using M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen) and
random hexamers unless stated otherwise. Quantitative PCR using iTaq Universal
SYBRGreen supermix (Biorad) was performed on a StepOnePlus real-time PCR system
(Biorad) using a relative quantification and a standard curve method. Oligonucleotides are
listed in Supplementary Table 4.
Statistics and quantitative analyses
Data are reported as mean values and standard errors of the mean from at least three
biological replicates. The significance level using a paired two-tailed Student's t-test was set
to P values *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.
Supplementary Table 1 (pdf). RIP signal levels of immatures snoRNA species and snoRNP-
related proteins.
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Supplementary Table 2 (pdf). Yeast strains used in this study.
Supplementary Table 3 (pdf). Oligonucleotides used in this study.
Supplementary Table 4 (pdf). Plasmids used in this study.
We are deeply grateful to Florence Schlotter for experimental advice and A. Visvikis for the
careful reading of the manuscript. We also thank C. Allmang-Cura and G. Eriani for the gift of
This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the
University of Lorraine (UL), the European Union and Region Lorraine (Fond Européen de
Développement gional - FEDER) and the National Research Agency (ANR-11-BSV8-
01503; ANR-16-CE11-0032). A. Paul is a pre-doctoral fellow from the French Ministère de
l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche ».
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Figure 1.
Effects of Bcd1p depletion on RNA expression level and RNA polymerase II recruitment at
selected gene loci. (A) Yeast GAL::3HA-BCD1 cells were shifted from galactose YPG
medium to glucose YPD medium for the times indicated before total protein extraction and
Western blotting. The Bcd1p signal was monitored using an anti-HA antibody. The aspartyl-
tRNA synthetase Dps1p was used to control protein loading. (B) Scheme of the RT-qPCR
strategy that allowed quantification of total (mature plus immature) or immature snoRNA
expression levels. (C and D) Cultures of yeast GAL::3HA-BCD1 cells were maintained in
YPG medium or shifted to YPD medium for 6 hours (C) or 16 hours (D) before RT-qPCR
assays. Relative RNA expression level in YPG condition was set to 1. The ALG9 gene
coding mannosyltransferase was used as an endogenous control. (E) Cultures of yeast
RPB1-TAP x GAL::3HA-BCD1 cells were maintained in YPG medium or shifted to YPD
medium for 16 hours before chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. IP was performed
using IgG-Sepharose beads and the GAL::3HA-BCD1 strain was used as a control.
Figure 2.
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Arnaud PAUL, et al.
Interaction of Bcd1p with selected snoRNA gene loci and transcripts. (A) ChIP assays were
performed on yeast BCD1-TAP cells (grey drawbars) or RPB1-TAP cells (white drawbars)
cultivated in YPD medium. The BY4741 strain was used as control and IP was performed
using an anti-TAP antibody. Before IP, cell extracts were treated or not with RNase A/T1 (+/-
). (B) BCD1-TAP cells were transformed with empty p416 vector or recombinant p416 vector
containing U14 (snR128) or snR36 gene bodies flanked in 3' by their natural genomic
sequence or by the polyadenylation sequence of the CYC1 gene. ChIP assays were
performed using IgG-Sepharose beads and the qPCR reaction targeted the p416 backbone.
(C) RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assays were performed on yeast BCD1-TAP cells
cultivated in YPD medium. The BY4741 strain was used as a control and IP was performed
using IgG-Sepharose beads. For immature snoRNA species, the levels of the RIP signals
and their significance in tagged versus control strain are given in Supplementary table 1.
Figure 3.
Interaction of C/D snoRNP-related proteins with selected snoRNAs. A GAL1::3HA-BCD1
strain transformed with p416 vectors expressing FLAG-tagged versions of Snu13p (A),
Nop1p (B) and Nop58p (D), or NOP56-TAP x GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (C), RSA1-TAP x
GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (E), RVB2-TAP x GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (F) and PIH1-TAP x GAL1::3HA-
BCD1 (G) cells were maintained in YPG medium (white drawbars) or shifted to YPD medium
for 6 hours (black drawbars). RIP assays were performed using anti-FLAG beads and IgG-
Sepharose beads, respectively and GSH beads as control. For each RNA species, statistical
analysis is presented only for the comparison of YPG versus YPD related signals. For
immature snoRNA species, the significance of the RIP signal in tagged versus control strain
is given in Supplementary Table 1.
Figure 4.
Effect of Bcd1p on the molecular associations of several snoRNP-related proteins. (A-D) Co-
IP analyses were performed in RSA1-TAP X GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (A,C,D) and PIH1-TAP X
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Arnaud PAUL, et al.
GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (B) cells transformed with a p416 vector expressing a FLAG-tagged
version of Snu13p (A), Nop58p (B,D) and Pih1p (C) or an empty p416 vector as control.
Yeast cells were maintained in YPG medium or shifted to YPD medium for 6 hours and all
IPs were performed with an anti-FLAG antibody. When useful, a second IP was performed
by adjusting the cell extract volume to the change in protein expression level induced by the
shift in the medium (in B & D) in order to minimize this effect. The Dps1 protein was used to
control protein loading. The relative interactions in presence (white drawbars) or absence
(black drawbars) of Bcd1p were quantified in three independent experiments. (E) ChIP
assays were performed on GAL1::3HA-BCD1, GAL1::3HA-BCD1 x rsa1
or GAL1::3HA-
BCD1 x pih1
cells transformed with a p416 vector expressing a FLAG-tagged version of
Nop58p. The cells were maintained in YPG medium or shifted to YPD medium for 6 hours
and IP was performed with anti-FLAG beads or GSH beads as control.
Figure 5.
Effect of the expression of N-terminal fragments of Bcd1p on cell growth, on selected
snoRNA steady-state expression levels and association with selected snoRNAs. (A) The
GAL1::3HA-BCD1 strain was transformed with a p416 empty vector or p416 vectors
expressing FLAG-tagged versions of Bcd1p, either full length or N-terminal fragments. The
cells were maintained in YPG medium then shifted to YPD medium at an OD600nm of 0.05 for
15 hours and their growth was monitored. (B) The relative RNA content of the same cells
was analyzed when maintained in YPG medium after a 16-hour shift to YPD medium. The
ALG9 gene was used as an endogenous control. (C) RIP Bcd1p assays were performed on
the same cells cultivated in repressive YPD medium for 16 hours. The IP was performed with
anti-FLAG beads and signal levels obtained in cells transformed with an empty p416 vector
was set to 1.
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Arnaud PAUL, et al.
Figure S1.
The steady-state levels of the mRNA Act1, the snRNAs U1 and U6, the H/ACA snoRNA
snR36 and the rRNA 25S were not affected by Bcd1p depletion. Cultures of yeast GAL::3HA-
BCD1 cells were maintained in YPG medium (white drawbars) or shifted to YPD medium for
6 hours (black drawbars) or 16 hours (grey drawbars) before RT-qPCR assays. The ALG9
gene coding mannosyltransferase was used as an endogenous control and the relative RNA
expression level in YPG condition was set to 1.
Figure S2.
U3 intron splicing occurred prior to 3'-end nucleolytic maturation. (A) Cartoon presenting the
set of specific primers used for the RT and qPCR steps in order to discriminate the
maturation state at the 3' extremity and the splicing status in U3 RNA species. Reverse
transcription of total RNA extracts used random hexamers (N6), a specific primer annealing
in the 3'-extension of U3 (RT immature), or a stem-loop primer annealing in the 3' terminus of
the mature U3 species (RT mature). (B) The last primer exhibits a stem-loop structure in its 3'
region that prevents it from binding to U3 species whose 3' are not trimmed (Rothé B., et al.
2017). (C) An intronic U3 sequence was detected by qPCR on total (immature plus mature)
U3 templates, on immature U3 templates but not on mature U3 templates, showing that
intron splicing occurred before 3’-end trimming.
Figure S3.
Bcd1p depletion had no effect on the expression level of snoRNP-related protein. Yeast
BY4741 or GAL1::3HA-BCD1 cells were transformed with a p416 vector expressing a FLAG-
tagged version of Snu13p, Nop1p or Nop58p (A-C). For the other tests, NOP56-TAP or
GAL1::3HA-BCD1 (G) cells were used. For each experiment, the cells were maintained in
YPG medium or shifted to YPD medium for 6 hours before total protein extraction and
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Arnaud PAUL, et al.
Western blotting. Protein signals were monitored using anti-FLAG, anti-TAP and anti-HA
antibodies. The Dps1 protein was used to control protein loading.
Figure S4.
Association of Bcd1p with selected snoRNP-related proteins. Co-immunoprecipitations were
performed on GAL1::3HA-BCD1 cells transformed with an empty p416 vector or p416
vectors expressing FLAG-tagged versions of Snu13p (A), Rsa1p (B), Nop58p (C) and Pih1p
(D). For the detection of Rsa1p (B) and Rvb2p (E) interactions, due to the intense
background signal obtained with these proteins, we used a RSA1-TAP or a RVB2-TAP
strain, respectively, transformed with an empty p416 vector or a p416 vector expressing a
FLAG-tagged version of Bcd1p. The associations of Bcd1p with the snoRNA-binding protein
Snu13p and its cofactor Rsa1p were also tested for their dependency on RNA (A & B), and
the effect of RNases A/T1 treatment on interaction levels was quantified (N=3). IPs were
performed using anti-FLAG beads and the Dps1 protein was used to control protein loading.
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published online January 30, 2019RNA
Arnaud Paul, Decebal Tiotiu, Benoît Bragantini, et al.
box snoRNP biogenesis
Bcd1p controls RNA loading of the core protein Nop58 during C/D
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... Biogenesis of snoRNPs is a complex process involving trans-acting factors and starting on nascent transcripts in a co-transcriptional fashion [15,33,90] (Figure 2). In most organisms, snoRNAs are transcribed as long precursors by RNA pol II that are trimmed by ribonucleases at 3 -or both 5 -and 3 -ends to generate mature snoRNAs (for a review, see [30]). ...
... Independently of the coupling with splicing machinery as described above, biogenesis requires trans-acting factors involved in RNP assembly and in nuclear trafficking before the mature RNP reaches the nucleolus. Three independent modules Rsa1p:Hit1p/NUFIP1:ZNHIT3 [98,99], the R2TP complex [100][101][102] and Bcd1p/BCD1(ZNHIT6) [90,101,103,104] were identified contributing to snoRNP assembly. Inactive pre-RNPs are first assembled on nascent transcripts before reaching the CBs where they become mature and functional (for a review, see [33,105]). ...
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Box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (C/D snoRNAs) represent an ancient family of small non-coding RNAs that are classically viewed as housekeeping guides for the 2′-O-methylation of ribosomal RNA in Archaea and Eukaryotes. However, an extensive set of studies now argues that they are involved in mechanisms that go well beyond this function. Here, we present these pieces of evidence in light of the current comprehension of the molecular mechanisms that control C/D snoRNA expression and function. From this inventory emerges that an accurate description of these activities at a molecular level is required to let the snoRNA field enter in a second age of maturity.
... The formation of RNP complexes by RBPs generally requires the correct folding of the newly synthesized polypeptide chains into native configurations that can bind the RNA molecules, and involves protein phosphorylation, RNA-methylation, and other intricate processes (Li et al., 2011;Roh et al., 2016;Paul et al., 2019). In many or most cases, these processes require chaperonins to stabilize folding intermediates, maintain protein homeostasis and folded protein structures, and to mediate in transmembrane and intercellular transport (Horwich et al., 2007). ...
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Numerous plant endogenous mRNAs move via phloem and thus affect the growth and development of long‐distant organs. mRNAs are transported with RNA‐binding proteins forming a ribonucleoprotein complex. However, it remains elusive how such RNP complex assembles and facilitates mRNA trafficking. Protease digestion and RNA immunoprecipitation were used to investigate the RNP assembly function of the complete Chaperonin Containing T‐complex Polypeptide‐1. In situ hybridization, hairy root transformation, microprojectile bombardment, and grafting experiments demonstrate the role of CCT complex in the transport of a PbWoxT1‐PbPTB3 RNP complex in Pyrus betulaefolia. PbCCT5 silenced caused defective movement of GFP‐PbPTB3 and GFP‐PbWoxT1 from hairy roots to new leaves via the phloem. PbCCT5 is shown to interact with PbPTB3. PbCCT complex enhanced PbPTB3 stabilization and permitted assembly of PbWoxT1 and PbPTB3 into an RNP complex. Furthermore, silencing of individual CCT subunits inhibited the intercellular movement of GFP‐PbPTB3 and long‐distance trafficking of PbWoxT1 and PbPTB3 in grafted plants. Taken together, the CCT complex assembles PbPTB3 and PbWoxT1 into an RNP complex in the phloem in order to facilitate the long‐distance trafficking of PbWoxT1 in P. betulaefolia. This study therefore provides important insights into the mechanism of RNP complex formation and transport.
... Bcd1 is an evolutionarily conserved protein that cooperates with several other assembly factors to direct the assembly of box C/D snoRNAs into functional snoRNP complexes (27). Bcd1 controls the steady-state levels of box C/D snoRNAs by regulating the assembly of the Nop58 protein into pre-snoRNPs and by mediating the interaction of Snu13 with snoRNAs (48)(49)(50). Using a variant of Bcd1 (bcd1-D72A), which causes a global box C/D snoRNA down-regulation but allows cell growth and ribosome biogenesis (50), here, we reveal a wide spectrum of variable rRNA 2 0 -O-methylation sites in yeast ribosomes and identify their impact on translation. ...
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Significance The presence of RNA chemical modifications has long been known, but their precise molecular consequences remain unknown. 2′- O -methylation is an abundant modification that exists in RNA in all domains of life. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) represents a functionally important RNA that is heavily modified by 2′- O -methylations. Although abundant at functionally important regions of the rRNA, the contribution of 2′- O -methylations to ribosome activities is unknown. By establishing a method to disturb rRNA 2′- O -methylation patterns, we show that rRNA 2′- O -methylations affect the function and fidelity of the ribosome and change the balance between different ribosome conformational states. Our work links 2′- O -methylation to ribosome dynamics and defines a set of critical rRNA 2′- O -methylations required for ribosome biogenesis and others that are dispensable.
... Bcd1 is an evolutionarily conserved protein that cooperates with several other assembly factors to direct the assembly of box C/D snoRNAs into functional snoRNP complexes (26). Bcd1 controls the steady-state levels of box C/D snoRNAs by regulating the assembly of the Nop58 protein into pre-snoRNPs and by mediating the interaction of Snu13 with snoRNAs (46)(47)(48). Using a variant of Bcd1 (bcd1-D72A), which causes a global box C/D snoRNA downregulation but allows cell growth and ribosome biogenesis (48), here, we reveal a wide spectrum of variable rRNA 2'-O-methylation sites in yeast ribosomes and identify their impact on translation. ...
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Protein synthesis by ribosomes is critically important for gene expression in all cells. The ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) are marked by numerous chemical modifications. An abundant group of rRNA modifications, present in all domains of life, is 2'-O-methylation guided by box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) which are part of small ribonucleoprotein complexes (snoRNPs). Although 2'-O-methylations are required for proper production of ribosomes, the mechanisms by which these modifications contribute to translation have remained elusive. Here, we show that a change in box C/D snoRNP biogenesis in actively growing yeast cells results in the production of hypo 2'-O-methylated ribosomes with distinct translational properties. Using RiboMeth-Seq for the quantitative analysis of 2'-O methylations, we identify site-specific perturbations of the rRNA 2'-O-methylation pattern and uncover sites that are not required for ribosome production under normal conditions. Characterization of the hypo 2'-O-methylated ribosomes reveals significant translational fidelity defects including frameshifting and near-cognate start codon selection. Using rRNA structural probing, we show that hypo 2'-O-methylation affects the inherent dynamics of the ribosomal subunits and impacts the binding of translation factor eIF1 thereby causing translational defects. Our data reveal an unforeseen spectrum of 2'-O-methylation heterogeneity in yeast rRNA and suggest a significant role for rRNA 2'-O-methylation in regulating cellular translation by controlling ribosome dynamics and ligand binding.
... They undergo 3 and 5 processing and assemble with core proteins with the assistance of many other factors. These complex events are not dealt with here but have been reviewed elsewhere [12][13][14]. ...
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Ribosomal RNA is a major component of the ribosome. This RNA plays a crucial role in ribosome functioning by ensuring the formation of the peptide bond between amino acids and the accurate decoding of the genetic code. The rRNA carries many chemical modifications that participate in its maturation, the formation of the ribosome and its functioning. In this review, we present the different modifications and how they are deposited on the rRNA. We also describe the most recent results showing that the modified positions are not 100% modified, which creates a heterogeneous population of ribosomes. This gave rise to the concept of specialized ribosomes that we discuss. The knowledge accumulated in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is very helpful to better understand the role of rRNA modifications in humans, especially in ribosomopathies.
... The resulting modified nucleotides cluster around the universal core regions of rRNAs and are evolutionarily conserved, suggesting that the modifications contribute to essential aspects of ribosomal function [11]. C/D snoRNAs associate with four evolutionarily conserved core snoRNPs, named FBL (fibrillarin, methyltransferase) [7], NOP56 (nucleolar protein 56) [12], NOP58 (nucleolar protein 58) [13] and NHP2L1 (non-histone chromosome protein 2-like 1) [14]. They typically promote the 2'-Oribose methylation of sites located 5 nucleotides upstream of the D or D' box. ...
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Liver cancer is the sixth most common malignancy and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the primary type of liver cancer. Small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) dysfunctions have been associated with cancer development. SnoRD126 is an orphan C/D box snoRNA. How snoRD126 activates the PI3K-AKT pathway, and which domain of snoRD126 exerts its oncogenic function was heretofore completely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that snoRD126 binds to hnRNPK protein to regulate FGFR2 expression and activate the PI3K-AKT pathway. Importantly, we identified the critical domain of snoRD126 responsible for its cancer-promoting functions. Our study further confirms the role of snoRD126 in the progression of HCC and suggests that knockdown snoRD126 may be of potential value as a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of HCC.
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) represent a class of non-coding RNAs that play pivotal roles in post-transcriptional RNA processing and modification, thereby contributing significantly to the maintenance of cellular functions related to protein synthesis. SnoRNAs have been discovered to possess the ability to influence cell fate and alter disease progression, holding immense potential in controlling human diseases. It is suggested that the dysregulation of snoRNAs in cancer exhibits differential expression across various cancer types, stages, metastasis, treatment response and/or prognosis in patients. On the other hand, colorectal cancer (CRC), a prevalent malignancy of the digestive system, is characterized by high incidence and mortality rates, ranking as the third most common cancer type. Recent research indicates that snoRNA dysregulation is associated with CRC, as snoRNA expression significantly differs between normal and cancerous conditions. Consequently, assessing snoRNA expression level and function holds promise for the prognosis and diagnosis of CRC. Nevertheless, current comprehension of the potential roles of snoRNAs in CRC remains limited. This review offers a comprehensive survey of the aberrant regulation of snoRNAs in CRC, providing valuable insights into the discovery of novel biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and potential tools for the diagnosis and treatment of CRC and furnishing critical cues for advancing research into CRC and the judicious selection of therapeutic targets.
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Small Nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are an abundant group of non-coding RNAs with well-defined roles in ribosomal RNA processing, folding and chemical modification. Besides their classic roles in ribosome biogenesis, snoRNAs are also implicated in several other cellular activities including regulation of splicing, transcription, RNA editing, cellular trafficking, and miRNA-like functions. Mature snoRNAs must undergo a series of processing steps tightly regulated by transiently associating factors and coordinated with other cellular processes including transcription and splicing. In addition to their mature forms, snoRNAs can contribute to gene expression regulation through their derivatives and degradation products. Here, we review the current knowledge on mechanisms of snoRNA maturation, including the different pathways of processing, and the regulatory mechanisms that control snoRNA levels and complex assembly. We also discuss the significance of studying snoRNA maturation, highlight the gaps in the current knowledge and suggest directions for future research in this area.
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Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are responsible for post-transcriptional modification of ribosomal RNAs, transfer RNAs and small nuclear RNAs, and thereby have important regulatory functions in mRNA splicing and protein translation. Several studies have shown that snoRNAs are dysregulated in human cancer and may play a role in cancer initiation and progression. In this review, we focus on the role of snoRNAs in normal and malignant B-cell development. SnoRNA activity appears to be essential for normal B-cell differentiation and dysregulated expression of sno-RNAs is determined in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and plasma cell neoplasms. SnoRNA expression is associated with cytogenetic/molecular subgroups and clinical outcome in patients with B-cell malignancies. Translocations involving snoRNAs have been described as well. Here, we discuss the different aspects of snoRNAs in B-cell malignancies and report on their role in oncogenic transformation, which may be useful for the development of novel diagnostic biomarkers or therapeutic targets.
Stable and transient interactions between molecules are determinant for cell function. Among those, numerous proteins contact coding and noncoding RNAs to modulate their fate and promote their activity. The identification of such interactions as well as the cellular and molecular conditions of these interactions represent key information for the characterization of the role of each partner. RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) is the leading technique to detect in vivo the association of individual proteins with RNA species. Two main approaches exist: native RIP is largely used to identify and quantify RNA interactions, while crosslinked RIP (CLIP) may inform about direct interactions as well as their extent in the unaltered cellular condition, i.e., before cell lysis. In this chapter, both techniques applied to mammalian cells are described with a series of precautions regarding their design.
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Background: Recent analyses implicate changes in the expression of the box C/D class of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) in several human diseases. Methods: Here we report the identification of potential novel RNA targets for box C/D snoRNAs in budding yeast, using the approach of UV crosslinking and sequencing of hybrids (CLASH) with the snoRNP proteins Nop1, Nop56 and Nop58. We also developed a bioinformatics approach to filter snoRNA-target interactions for bona fide methylation guide interactions. Results: We recovered 241,420 hybrids, out of which 190,597 were classed as reproducible, high energy hybrids. As expected, the majority of snoRNA interactions were with the ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). Following filtering, 117,047 reproducible hybrids included 51 of the 55 reported rRNA methylation sites. The majority of interactions at methylation sites were predicted to guide methylation. However, competing, potentially regulatory, binding was also identified. In marked contrast, following CLASH performed with the RNA helicase Mtr4 only 7% of snoRNA-rRNA interactions recovered were predicted to guide methylation. We propose that Mtr4 functions in dissociating inappropriate snoRNA-target interactions. Numerous snoRNA-snoRNA interactions were recovered, indicating potential cross regulation. The snoRNAs snR4 and snR45 were recently implicated in site-directed rRNA acetylation, and hybrids were identified adjacent to the acetylation sites. We also identified 1,368 reproducible snoRNA-mRNA interactions, representing 448 sites of interaction involving 39 snoRNAs and 382 mRNAs. Depletion of the snoRNAs U3, U14 or snR4 each altered the levels of numerous mRNAs. Targets identified by CLASH were over-represented among these species, but causality has yet to be established. Conclusions: Systematic mapping of snoRNA-target binding provides a catalogue of high-confidence binding sites and indicates numerous potential regulatory interactions.
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Background: Recent analyses implicate changes in the expression of the box C/D class of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) in several human diseases. Methods: Here we report the identification of potential novel RNA targets for box C/D snoRNAs in budding yeast, using the approach of UV crosslinking and sequencing of hybrids (CLASH) with the snoRNP proteins Nop1, Nop56 and Nop58. We also developed a bioinformatics approach to filter snoRNA-target interactions for bona fide methylation guide interactions. Results: We recovered 241,420 hybrids, out of which 190,597 were classed as reproducible, high energy hybrids. As expected, the majority of snoRNA interactions were with the ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). Following filtering, 117,047 reproducible hybrids included 51 of the 55 reported rRNA methylation sites. The majority of interactions at methylation sites were predicted to guide methylation. However, competing, potentially regulatory, binding was also identified. In marked contrast, following CLASH performed with the RNA helicase Mtr4 only 7% of snoRNA-rRNA interactions recovered were predicted to guide methylation. We propose that Mtr4 functions in dissociating inappropriate snoRNA-target interactions. Numerous snoRNA-snoRNA interactions were recovered, indicating potential cross regulation. The snoRNAs snR4 and snR45 were recently implicated in site-directed rRNA acetylation, and hybrids were identified adjacent to the acetylation sites. We also identified 1,368 reproducible snoRNA-mRNA interactions, representing 448 sites of interaction involving 39 snoRNAs and 382 mRNAs. Depletion of the snoRNAs U3, U14 or snR4 each altered the levels of numerous mRNAs. Targets identified by CLASH were over-represented among these species, but causality has yet to be established. Conclusions: Systematic mapping of snoRNA-target binding provides a catalogue of high-confidence binding sites and indicates numerous potential regulatory interactions.
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Small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) are conserved and essential non-coding RNA that are transcribed by RNA Polymerase II (Pol II). Two snoRNA classes, formerly distinguished by their structure and ribonucleoprotein composition, act as guide RNA to target RNA such as ribosomal RNA, and thereby introduce specific modifications. We have studied the 5ʹend processing of individually transcribed snoRNA in S. cerevisiae to define their role in snoRNA biogenesis and functionality. Here we show that pre-snoRNA processing by the endonuclease Rnt1 occurs co-transcriptionally with removal of the m⁷G cap facilitating the formation of box C/D snoRNA. Failure of this process causes aberrant 3ʹend processing and mislocalization of snoRNA to the cytoplasm. Consequently, Rnt1-dependent 5ʹend processing of box C/D snoRNA is critical for snoRNA-dependent methylation of ribosomal RNA. Our results reveal that the 5ʹend processing of box C/D snoRNA defines their distinct pathway of maturation.
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The U3 box C/D snoRNA is one key element of 90S pre-ribosome. It contains a 5΄ domain pairing with pre-rRNA and the U3B/C and U3C΄/D motifs for U3 packaging into a unique small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particle (snoRNP). The RNA-binding protein Snu13/SNU13 nucleates on U3B/C the assembly of box C/D proteins Nop1p/FBL and Nop56p/NOP56, and the U3-specific protein Rrp9p/U3-55K. Snu13p/SNU13 has a much lower affinity for U3C΄/D but nevertheless forms on this motif an RNP with box C/D proteins Nop1p/FBL and Nop58p/NOP58. In this study, we characterized the influence of the RNP assembly protein Rsa1 in the early steps of U3 snoRNP biogenesis in yeast and we propose a refined model of U3 snoRNP biogenesis. While recombinant Snu13p enhances the binding of Rrp9p to U3B/C, we observed that Rsa1p has no effect on this activity but forms with Snu13p and Rrp9p a U3B/C pre-RNP. In contrast, we found that Rsa1p enhances Snu13p binding on U3C΄/D. RNA footprinting experiments indicate that this positive effect most likely occurs by direct contacts of Rsa1p with the U3 snoRNA 5΄ domain. In light of the recent U3 snoRNP cryo-EM structures, our data suggest that Rsa1p has a dual role by also preventing formation of a pre-mature functional U3 RNP.
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High-throughput sequencing has greatly facilitated the discovery of long and short non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which frequently guide ribonucleoprotein complexes to RNA targets, to modulate their metabolism and expression. However, for many ncRNAs, the targets remain to be discovered. In this study, we developed computational methods to map C/D box snoRNA target sites using data from core small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein crosslinking and immunoprecipitation and from transcriptome-wide mapping of 2'-O-ribose methylation sites. We thereby assigned the snoRNA guide to a known methylation site in the 18S rRNA, we uncovered a novel partially methylated site in the 28S ribosomal RNA, and we captured a site in the 28S rRNA in interaction with multiple snoRNAs. Although we also captured mRNAs in interaction with snoRNAs, we did not detect 2'-O-methylation of these targets. Our study provides an integrated approach to the comprehensive characterization of 2'-O-methylation targets of snoRNAs in species beyond those in which these interactions have been traditionally studied and contributes to the rapidly developing field of 'epitranscriptomics'.
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Box C/D and box H/ACA snoRNAs are abundant non-coding RNAs that localize in the nucleolus and mostly function as guides for nucleotide modifications. While a large pool of snoRNAs modifies ribosomal RNAs, an increasing number of snoRNAs could also potentially target mRNAs. ScaRNAs belong to a family of specific RNAs that localize in Cajal bodies and that are structurally similar to snoRNAs. Most scaRNAs are involved in snRNA modification, while telomerase RNA, which contains H/ACA motifs, functions in telomeric DNA synthesis. In this review, we describe how box C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs are processed and assembled with core proteins to form functional RNP particles. Their biogenesis involve several transport factors that first direct pre-snoRNPs to Cajal bodies, where some processing steps are believed to take place, and then to nucleoli. Assembly of core proteins involves the HSP90/R2TP chaperone-cochaperone system for both box C/D and H/ACA RNAs, but also several factors specific for each family. These assembly factors chaperone unassembled core proteins, regulate the formation and disassembly of pre-snoRNP intermediates, and control the activity of immature particles. The AAA+ ATPase RUVBL1 and RUVBL2 belong to the R2TP co-chaperones and play essential roles in snoRNP biogenesis, as well as in the formation of other macro-molecular complexes. Despite intensive research, their mechanism of action are still incompletely understood.
Box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoparticles (snoRNPs) support 2'-O-methylation of several target RNAs. They share a common set of four core proteins (SNU13, NOP58, NOP56, and FBL) that are assembled on different guide small nucleolar RNAs. Assembly of these entities involves additional protein factors that are absent in the mature active particle. In this context, the platform protein NUFIP1/Rsa1 establishes direct and simultaneous contacts with core proteins and with the components of the assembly machinery. Here, we solve the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of a complex resulting from interaction between protein fragments of human NUFIP1 and its cofactor ZNHIT3, and emphasize their imbrication. Using yeast two-hybrid and complementation assays, protein co-expression, isothermal titration calorimetry, and NMR, we demonstrate that yeast and human complexes involving NUFIP1/Rsa1p, ZNHIT3/Hit1p, and SNU13/Snu13p share strong structural similarities, suggesting that the initial steps of the box C/D snoRNP assembly process are conserved among species.