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Agrowaste bioconversion and microbial fortification have prospects for soil health, crop productivity, and eco-enterprising



Purpose Agricultural chemicals either used as nutrient inputs for soil fertility or pesticides are creating physicochemical and biological deterioration of the soils and disturbing the agro-ecosystems worldwide. Alarming concerns towards integrated agroecology demand for renewed interest in low-external input-based farming practices. These practices comprise strengthening of soil biological properties, recycling of inherent soil minerals and reuse of agricultural residual wastes. Methods We described approaches for the bioconversion of agricultural residual wastes into value-added compost. The process involves conversion of residual waste into raw compost followed by its fortification with beneficial decomposer microorganisms to produce quality fortified compost product. Finally, incubation of fortified compost with single or consortia of beneficial microorganisms like N-fixers, P-solubilizers or K-mobilizers and biocontrol agents further enriches compost to produce bioorganic products. Results Bioconversion of agricultural wastes into compost using potential decomposer microorganisms and fortification of decomposed organic matter with beneficial bacterial and fungal species is of immense importance. Additional enrichment of compost with botanicals, humic acid, amino acids, mineral nutrients, phytohormones etc. may also add value to the bioinput products. Conclusion In an integrated way, on-farm production of raw compost using different agricultural residual wastes and its further fortification with bioorganic farm inputs can help farmers produce value-added compost products for direct application in the crop production. Adoption of microbial bioconversion technologies and their field applications may become eco-enterprising for the rural resource-poor farming communities for enhancing their livelihood along with improving farm productivity and soil health.
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International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
Agrowaste bioconversion andmicrobial fortication have prospects
forsoil health, crop productivity, andeco‑enterprising
DhananjayaP.Singh1· RatnaPrabha1· ShuklaRenu1· PramodKumarSahu1· VivekSingh1
Received: 11 May 2018 / Accepted: 14 January 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
Purpose Agricultural chemicals either used as nutrient inputs for soil fertility or pesticides are creating physicochemical and
biological deterioration of the soils and disturbing the agro-ecosystems worldwide. Alarming concerns towards integrated
agroecology demand for renewed interest in low-external input-based farming practices. These practices comprise strength-
ening of soil biological properties, recycling of inherent soil minerals and reuse of agricultural residual wastes.
Methods We described approaches for the bioconversion of agricultural residual wastes into value-added compost. The
process involves conversion of residual waste into raw compost followed by its fortification with beneficial decomposer
microorganisms to produce quality fortified compost product. Finally, incubation of fortified compost with single or consortia
of beneficial microorganisms like N-fixers, P-solubilizers or K-mobilizers and biocontrol agents further enriches compost
to produce bioorganic products.
Results Bioconversion of agricultural wastes into compost using potential decomposer microorganisms and fortification
of decomposed organic matter with beneficial bacterial and fungal species is of immense importance. Additional enrich-
ment of compost with botanicals, humic acid, amino acids, mineral nutrients, phytohormones etc. may also add value to the
bioinput products.
Conclusion In an integrated way, on-farm production of raw compost using different agricultural residual wastes and its
further fortification with bioorganic farm inputs can help farmers produce value-added compost products for direct appli-
cation in the crop production. Adoption of microbial bioconversion technologies and their field applications may become
eco-enterprising for the rural resource-poor farming communities for enhancing their livelihood along with improving farm
productivity and soil health.
Keywords Microbial technology· Agricultural wastes· Bioconversion· Compost· Microbial inoculants· Bioorganic farm
Agricultural production has always been increasing pace due
to the use of high-yield varieties which were input-intensive
and demanded excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides
for supporting soil fertility and plant nutrition (Kibble-
white etal. 2008; Lorenz etal. 2013). Indiscriminate use
of chemical inputs into the agricultural system has raised
several problems concerned with the groundwater quality,
soil agroecology and plant health (Power 2010). This has led
to serious deleterious polluting impact on soil fertility, crop
production, irrigation water, nutritional produce quality,
and human health (Popp etal. 2013). Soils are continuously
becoming low in organic carbon content and losing ben-
eficial microbial communities. Agricultural chemicals have
altered traditional cultivation practices and created physical,
chemical, and biological deterioration of cultivable lands
(Pretty and Bharucha 2014). Excessive chemical use has
adversely influenced biodiversity of the soils, caused loss
of nutritional ingredients and accumulation of non-desirable
chemical intermediates in the food chain (Lal 2015). Other
major problem associated with the chemical-dependent
agricultural system is the increasing contamination of sur-
face and groundwater due to residual pesticides, industrial
* Dhananjaya P. Singh;
1 ICAR-National Bureau ofAgriculturally Important
Microorganisms, Kushmaur, MaunathBhanjan,
UttarPradesh275101, India
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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wastes, heavy metals, and organic chemicals (Jaishankar
etal. 2014; Khatri and Tyagi 2015).
Health of agricultural production system is at stake in the
wake of shrinking land resources, increasing industrializa-
tion, expanding urbanization, excessive chemical usage and
diminishing viable bioorganic inputs in the soils (Phalan
etal. 2014). Agricultural sustainability is compromised due
to the reducing biological wealth of farm resources. This
needs to be suitably addressed to sustain long-term agri-
cultural productivity to support food security and rural
livelihood (Frison etal. 2011; Pradhan etal. 2015). There
exists no simple or single way to understand and implicate
such complex ecological, socioeconomic, and technological
aspects of declining sustainability in agricultural systems
(Pretty and Bharucha 2014). However, addressing connec-
tion between a balanced agro-ecosystem and sustainable
crop productivity in a holistic manner could offer better solu-
tion to restore sustainability in agriculture systems.
Public concerns over adverse impacts of external chemi-
cal inputs on the quality of produce, farm soils, water and
environment are rising (Bohlke 2002; Aktar etal. 2009;
Mohanty etal. 2013; Hongsibsong etal. 2017). This has
raised questions as to whether the present agricultural pro-
duction system is able to provide quality food for all-over
longer term (Hossard etal. 2014; Pradhan etal. 2015).
Therefore, many countries are now taking initiatives to
reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the food crop
production system (FAO 2017). Green Revolution wit-
nessed high pace of crop productivity in the past few dec-
ades. However, now this has left with emerging associated
risks of dependence on high external inputs, disturbance of
agroecology and resurgence of pests and diseases (Pingali
2014; Godfray and Garnett 2014). Such threatening con-
cerns have generated renewed interest in the alternative
ways of farming practices that are based on recycling and
reuse of farm wastes as bioorganic inputs to enhance soil
productivity (Schröder etal. 2018). This has also provoked
current thinking on intensified promotion of soil biodiver-
sity and biogeochemical processes that enhance soil car-
bon and microbial communities having specific functional
traits (Gattinger etal. 2012; Lori etal. 2017). Results from
long-term experimental data generated on nitrogen fertiliza-
tion strategies in Italy for limiting environmental risk from
excessive N-application and animal farming created Nitrates
Directives application scheme for more relaxed application
of manure-N. Studies reflected that application of composted
materials with bacterial biofertilizers improved soil micro-
bial community structure and diversity in degraded soils
from croplands (Zhen etal. 2014). Similar practices can
balance bioorganic and microbiological equilibrium of the
soils in the ways that simultaneously favor production and
protection of food crops along with the soil fertility status.
Crop production strategies based on low external input
farming practices that nurtured ecological dynamics have
potentials of minimizing chemical fertilizers, inorganic
inputs and pesticides. This has reliably led to reducing the
cost of production, producing high-quality nutritionally val-
uable and sellable crop produce, ensuring ecological safety
and rural livelihood and most importantly, holistic human
health (Kesavan and Swaminathan 2008). In such a farming
system, crop yield is maintained through greater emphasis
on cultural practices, use of biological inputs, integration of
pest/disease management practices and managed utilization
of on-farm agricultural resources (Gliessman and Rosemeyer
2010; Branca etal. 2011; Osteen etal. 2012). Making the
soils rich in organic carbon support diverse microbial inhab-
itants that in turn promote soil functions (Gougoulias etal.
2014; Trivedi etal. 2016). Global land distribution and soil
quality are compromised due to high pressure to produce
more crops, changing pattern in global food consumption,
insufficient adoption of soil management practices, urbani-
zation, and industrialization and life style of the population
(Blum 2013). The role of organic carbon richness in the
soils in terms of its functional benefits is obvious (Clara
etal. 2017). Usually low-carbon soils fail to support diverse
microbial attributes that naturally drive ecosystem functions
independently (Louis etal. 2016). Therefore, there is a need
to implicate enhanced availability of organic matter in the
soils for sustainable improvement in crop productivity and
tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses (Zhang etal.
2016). Site-specific organic carbon content in the top-soils
is a major prerequisite for sustainable soil functions indi-
cating a good soil quality and agronomic value (Seremesic
etal. 2011). Decline in soil organic matter due to insufficient
addition of organic manures, low crop rotation and manage-
ment practices (like tillage, fertilization) and on-farm crop
residue burning is widely reported (Bhan and Behera 2014;
Godde etal. 2016). The organic content of the soils can
be improved by increasing organic matter gain of the soils
through the addition of decomposed materials or by reducing
organic matter losses through released respiring carbon by
microorganisms (Carter 2002).
One of the potential sources of organic carbon return to
the soils is the crop residue produced during the cropping
season and post harvest. These residues usually go waste and
create environmental sanitation issues. However, if incor-
porated in the soils it can increase crop yield (Han etal.
2017). Loss of organic carbon from the soil reduces crop
productivity worldwide. Therefore, locally feasible practices
are needed to support farmers to help regain soil organic
matter (Wei etal. 2015). Farmers usually lack knowledge on
the importance of microbial resources in the above-ground
and below-ground soils and benefits of their on-farm impli-
cations. They also lack information on biological manage-
ment of farms using microbial technologies, potentialities of
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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managed integration of on-farm resources and conversion of
agro-wastes into organic farm inputs to enhance soil capa-
bilities (Han etal. 2017). These issues, if accepted, worked
out and adapted by the resource-poor farmers can help in
minimizing dependency on external chemicals and fertiliz-
ers, reducing cost of crop production and improving ecosys-
tem services in the soils. Therefore, the agricultural residue
decomposition technology using microbial interventions and
fortification of the compost with beneficial microorganisms
has immense scope.
We reviewed significance of microbe-mediated agrowaste
bioconversion practices and their reuse for strengthening
soils. We described how fortification and bioaugmentation
of the raw decomposed products using specific microbial
inoculants that act as decomposers, plant growth promoters
and/or bioagents can help farmers obtain functionally poten-
tial bioorganic farm inputs? The usefulness of such technolo-
gies in producing different crops has also been summarized
with specific examples from the field-scale applications.
Microorganisms are thekey toagrowaste
The ways in which microorganisms have been used to
advance human and animal health, food processing, food
safety and quality, environmental protection, crop produc-
tion, and agricultural biotechnology has made them alterna-
tives for high-input farming practices. Lignocellulose that
consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin represents
major structural component of agricultural crop residues
(Pothiraj etal. 2006). Due to extensive agricultural activi-
ties, huge amounts of agricultural residues contribute sig-
nificantly to the yearly global yield of lignocellulose (Loow
etal. 2015). Various agricultural residues that contain up to
20–30% lignin–hemicellulose–have potential biotechnologi-
cal values because of their bioconversion and/or fermenta-
tion to yield industrially important constituents including
biofuels (Sorek etal. 2014). However, due to the recalcitrant
nature of the lignin, which has resistance against microbial
attack (Loow etal. 2017a), cost-efficient methods to reuti-
lize the lignocellulose components within the biomass effec-
tively have remained challenging (Loow etal. 2017b). Much
of the lignocellulose wastes create environmental pollution
problems if remained in the farm either as biomass or burnt
upon. Huge amount of lignocellulosic wastes if converted to
the value-added products using enzymes such as cellulases,
glucanases, hemicellulases, glycosidase hydrolases, polysac-
charide lyases and carbohydrate esterases or with the help
of microbes (Himmel etal. 2010) can yield chemicals, fuel,
textile, paper, and agricultural inputs (Pothiraj etal. 2006).
Bioconversion, more specifically composting of agri-
cultural residues refers to step-wise biodecomposition
procedures carried out due to the intervention of different
microbial communities under aerobic conditions (Pan etal.
2012). The end product of the aerobic composting yields sta-
bilized organic product, which is beneficial for plant growth
and development. Efforts on microbial intervention for bet-
ter decomposition gained strength from the identification
and characterization of such microbial communities from
the agricultural soils, composts, vermicompost and humus-
rich sites, that prominently catalyzed biodegradation and
decomposition (Eida etal. 2012). Scaling-up of bioconver-
sion processes and large-scale production technologies using
microbial inoculants have resulted in producing mass-scale
composted material that may be bioaugmented with benefi-
cial microorganisms or fortified with organic inputs, bio-
inoculants, and vermicompost (Singh and Sharma 2002;
Nair and Okamitsu 2012; Malusá etal. 2012). Composted
products were reported to act as soil conditioners in low-cost
crop production practices for resource-poor farming com-
munities (Gajalakshmi and Abbasi 2008).
The uniqueness of microorganisms and their functions
have made them potential candidates for decomposing
agricultural residues into valuable products (Kumar and
Sai Gopal 2015). Microbial communities have emerged to
influence litter decomposability and size of nutrient pool in
the soils. They primarily immobilize mineralized nutrients
into microbial biomass and release nutrients from microbial
pool after decomposition (Sahu etal. 2018). This phenom-
enon has major impact on the bioavailability of nutrients
to the plants (Miki etal. 2010). It further regulates cycling
of nutrients into the soils. Various microorganisms possess
enzyme activities directly linked to the decomposition of
organic materials which under improved composting condi-
tions yield better compost products (Eida etal. 2012). There
have been several reports on the isolation and trait charac-
terization of microbial communities that can perform func-
tionally better in combination with the existing rhizosphere
bacteria, beneficial mycorrhizal fungi and biological control
agents (Boulter etal. 2002; Anastasi etal. 2005; Vishan
etal. 2017). The decomposed organic matter when used in
the soils makes native beneficial microorganisms more effec-
tive due to their rich carbon content (Meena etal. 2014;
Rashid etal. 2016). Vermicompost, a composted product
produced by the intervention of earthworm Eisenia fetida is
also known to enhance native soil microbial diversity and
promote plant growth (Lim etal. 2015). Bacterial diversity
from vermicompost exhibiting plant growth promoting traits
has been investigated (Singh and Sharma 2002; Pathma and
Sakthivel 2012). Co-inoculation of beneficial bacterial and
fungal organisms like species of Rhizobium, Azotobacter,
Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Burkholderia cepa-
cia, Candida oleophila, Coniothyrium minitans, C. scle-
rotiorum, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum (non-
pathogenic), Gliocladium spp., Phlebia gigantean, Pythium
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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oligandrum, Streptomyces griseoviridis and Trichoderma
spp. with organic matter-rich compost can add to the soil
health. Such practices are known to improve crop productiv-
ity through diverse mechanisms through nutrient acquisition,
mineralization, carbon addition and phytohormone produc-
tion (Rashid etal. 2016; Meena etal. 2017). The species
of Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and phosphate
solubilizing microorganisms that are currently being used
as commercial formulations of biofertilizers, when added
in combination with the compost can also provide major
support to agriculture (Reddy and Saravanan 2013; Sharma
etal. 2013). Use of farm yard manure (FYM), vermicom-
post and other humus-based organic farm inputs also sup-
port agricultural production. Overall, organic and microbi-
ally fortified farm-supplement constituents as termed by the
names biofertilizers, biopesticides, microbial inoculants, soil
conditioners if used in an integrated manner can make soils
more live, healthy, and viable for improved crop production
(Parnell etal. 2016).
Microbial bioconversion of agricultural waste, house-
hold waste or other natural products like leaf litter and non-
decomposed matter into compost products was developed
in the past several years. Various microorganisms were
reported as fast decomposers, biodegraders, and biocon-
verters of non-useful products (Gautam etal. 2012). Fungal
communities develop fast in the arable soils in straw residue
degradation conditions (Ma etal. 2013). Rapid changes have
also been observed in primary decomposer fungal communi-
ties suggesting that litter decomposition is a highly complex
process mediated by diverse taxa (Voříšková and Baldrian
2013). Bacterial succession on plant residual biomass
decomposition also exhibits specific pattern of bacteria and
fungus communities. Results on bacterial succession sug-
gested early-stage (2–4months), mid-stage (6–8months)
and later-stage (10–24months) prominent changes in
decomposer communities (Tláskal etal. 2016).
The role of microorganisms as bioconversion agents is
important due to their fast ability to convert cellulosic and
lignocellulosic wastes into organic materials (de Souza
2013). Mature compost in combination with microbial con-
sortia more prominently helps bioremediation of environ-
mental pollutants (petroleum hydrocarbons) (Gomez and
Sartaj 2014). It also improves microbial interaction with root
rhizosphere to promote plant growth and develop top-soil
structure (Sinha etal. 2009; Abhilash etal. 2016; Marcela
etal. 2017). Composting process usually involves three
phases in which diverse microbial organisms like bacteria,
actinomycetes and fungi act on the lignocellulosic compo-
nents of the residue biomass. This converts waste into humus
under mesophilic (Streptomyces rectus) and thermophilic
(Actinobifida chromogena, Thermomonospora fusca, Micro-
bispora bispora) conditions (Pan etal. 2012; Zeng etal.
2016). The first phase initiates with the rise in temperature
and reduces substrate by degradation action of mesophiles
(Zeng etal. 2016). This is followed by the increase in the
temperature up to 70°C due to the abundant activities of
thermophilic microorganisms (Schloss etal. 2003). Ben-
efits of the thermophilic phase lie in terms of the loss of
pathogenic bacteria and fungi which are degraded due to
high temperature. Afterwards, the compost pile temperature
returns to normal stage (Novinscak etal. 2008). The process
of decomposition of crop residues involves differentially var-
iable conditions (pH, temperature, moisture, nutrient avail-
ability) for the microbial communities involved during the
period of degradation. Certain organisms like Coprinus spe-
cies belonging to Basidiomycota grow well in alkaline con-
ditions while other fungi, e.g., Trichoderma, Mucor, Nocar-
dia, and Phanerochaete chrysosporium need optimum pH
(5.5–8.0) for attaining high population that could help rapid
biodegradation (Varma etal. 2017). The decomposition abil-
ity of the microbial communities is largely influenced by the
conditions of the residual waste products being decomposed
like pH (< 7.0), moisture content (~ 60%), volatile ammonia
emission (30–70%), temperature (30–60°C) and different
organic mixtures (polysaccharides, cellulose, hemicellu-
lose, amino acids, and fatty acids) (Urbanová etal. 2015).
Conventional processes were reported in the past but rapid
composting using microbial consortia is more advanced and
advantageous concept due to the ease of controlled environ-
ment, identified ingredients for fast degradation and timely
composting (Chen etal. 2016; Patchaye etal. 2018).
The enteric fermentation of the ruminants from the live-
stock, especially of the cattle used at large scale in agricul-
tural practices leads to the production of green house gases
(GHGs). One such gas methane (CH4) contributes to almost
1/3rd of the total emissions of GHGs from agricultural sec-
tor (https :// issio ns/sourc es-green house
-gas-emiss ions#agric ultur e). The other gaseous emission in
agricultural sector that largely contributes to GHGs in the
environment includes nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide, the
mitigation of which needs specific technologies associated
to irrigation type and nitrogen use status (Sanz-Cobena etal.
2017). Improper manure management, burning crop residues
in the fields, application of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers
and high nitrogen crops are the major factors that contribute
to the GHGs in the environment (
eport s/tar/wg3/index .php?idp=115). Agricultural residues
or animal wastes, when left in the fields for months have
possibilities of uncontrolled decomposition by undesirable
bacteria or fungi and therefore, are liable to produce more
amount of GHGs (Patra and Babu 2017). Associated with
this, there always remains risk of polluting air and water
with nitrogen and microbial pathogens (Venglovsky etal.
2009). For this reason, safety concerns for the use of animal
manures in the soils by spreading onto the land is challeng-
ing and needs various treatment methods for the deactivation
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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of pathogenic microbial species (Martens and Böhm 2009).
However, the controlled composting such as conversion of
pig slurry into pellets help farmers improve soil properties
due to reduction in ammonia volatilization and mitigate
GHG emissions (Pampuro etal. 2017a, b). Microbe-medi-
ated controlled composting yields composted products from
livestock wastes also in a time-lined manner with the use of
known microbial degraders and specific ingredients. This
becomes helpful in obtaining decomposed products of spe-
cific C:N ratio having beneficial microbial communities for
direct field utilization (Ng etal. 2016).
Technological aspects ofmicrobial
bioconversion ofagricultural wastes
One of the major identified reasons for declining agriculture
sustainability is poor soil condition due to reduced applica-
tion of organic matter into the farms and non-conservational
practices that majorly disturb top soils (Kibblewhite etal.
2008; Hobbs etal. 2008). Huge volume of agricultural
wastes in farmer’s fields has economic and environmental
benefits as suggested by the studies on pyrolysis and biochar
of rice straw, corn stover, orchard, and animal wastes (Kung
etal. 2015). Crop wastes blended with the cow dung for
biogas production after anaerobic digestion using anaerobic
bacteria (acidogenic and acetogenic bacteria) generate elec-
tricity through potential technologies (Muthu etal. 2017).
The product of anaerobic digestion after waste treatment or
the digestate remains can add value through decomposition.
Prominent microbial community dynamics was observed
when the anaerobic digestate from the municipal food resi-
dues, and green and kitchen wastes were composted under
natural composting conditions (Franke-Whittle etal. 2014).
Understanding on microbial dynamics during different
phases of composting helped better control of bio-oxidative
processes followed by stabilization and maturation phases
that use specific technology in static reactor of high capac-
ity (up to 600L or more) (Villar etal. 2016). Studies have
opened new avenues for better utilization of anaerobic diges-
tate after improved composting using beneficial microorgan-
isms, the products of which could be directly utilized in the
farms for improving soil organic content (Zeng etal. 2016).
Such composts proved to be good alternatives of farmyard
manures for field application.
Composting technologies are farmer-friendly, reproduc-
ible, easy to adopt and yield productive inputs for the farms
to sustain agricultural productivity beside generating biogas
for bioenergy (Achinas etal. 2017). Agricultural residues
have remained tremendous sources of bioenergy world-
wide. Crop dry matter and oil-rich residual biomass have
attained the attention due to their huge yearly quantitative
volume of ~ 11.33 million tons that could be converted to
3.84 giga-liters (GI) of bioethanol, 1.07 GI biobutanol, 3.15
billion Cu-Meter (BCM) biogas and ~ 1.0 BCM of biohy-
drogen (Karimi and Yaghmaei 2016). Under methanogenic
condition, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane are gener-
ated due to the action of degrading enzymes on residual crop
biomass. Another important aspect of crop residual resource
management lies with the characterization and thermal
conditioning of bio-oils into fuel production (Bertero etal.
2012). These technologies, based on the microbial role in
waste bioconversion have also been developed for the pro-
duction of ethanol, biofuels, platform chemicals, and biore-
finary products (Mielenz 2001; Prassad etal. 2007; Weber
etal. 2010; Msangi 2012). In India, nearly 700 million tons
of organic residual wastes are generated annually (Nagaval-
lemma etal. 2004). One of the most prominent ways of the
safe disposal of the majority of waste is composting which is
an environmentally sound bioprocess of converting organic
residual wastes into valuable products for farms (Pan etal.
2012). Besides, if scaled up and industrialized, these prod-
ucts can also meet alternative fuel needs through sustainable
waste management practices (Weiland etal. 2009). Various
microorganisms, their potential constituents that help in fast
decomposition, biodegradation and bioconversion of crop
residues and other valuable products are listed in Table1.
Microorganisms are the major key players in maintain-
ing nutrient flow from residues to the farm soils (Erickson
etal. 2009). Plant materials, especially the crop residues
are rich in lignocellulosic biomass but have crystalline
structures embedded with silica, lignin, suberin, and other
polymeric constituents that hinder the process of smooth
microbial degradation for composting (Huber and Praznik
2004). Therefore, pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass
with the help of acid, alkali, steam, urea, and hydrolytic
enzymes is recommended for substantial breakdown of
hard constituents to smoothen the process of composting
(Mosier etal. 2005; Table1). Lignolytic enzymes produced
by some potential microbial isolates can also be a source of
rapid biodegradation module for large-scale and effective
lignin degradation (Table1) (Fenga etal. 2011). The role of
gut microorganisms like Coptotermes formosanus isolated
from termites is also important in changing physicochemi-
cal properties of the crop residues. Cellulose and lignins can
be made readily available for the existing microbial com-
munities for degradation (Harazano etal. 2003). Potential
microorganisms with impressive enzymatic capabilities for
fast degradation of recalcitrant lignin are discussed (Table1)
(Perez etal. 2014; Varma etal. 2017). Since these organic
compounds possess complex interlinked fractions, their bio-
mass valorization is tough and highly resistant to hydroly-
sis and solubilization (Kumar and Sharma 2017). There-
fore, instead of a single process for pretreatment, multiple
physical, chemical, and biological steps are required in an
integrated way to minimize undesirable inhibitors (Masran
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
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Table 1 Various bacteria and fungi have been isolated, identified, and their products, especially enzymes were used for enhanced decomposition
and degradation of agricultural residues into compost
S. no. Microorganisms Biodegradation activity Nature of organic matter References
1. Pleurotus sajor-caju Exocellular lignocellulose
Multiple matters Singh (2000)
2. Pleurotus flabellatus Exocellular lignocellulose
Rice straw, sisal leaves Mshandete and Cuff (2008)
3. Pleurotus eryngii Lignocellulose degradation, lac-
case enzyme activity (degrada-
tion of phenolics)
Agricultural wastes Yildirim etal. (2015)
4. Aspergillus niger Cellulase, xyalanase production Pre-decomposition of organic
matter, sugarcane bagasse
Singh and Sharma (2002);
Romero etal. (2007)
5. Trichoderma harzianum Hemicellulose degradation
(hemicellulase production)
Pre-decomposition of organic
Singh and Sharma (2002);
Jorgensen etal. (2003)
6. Trichoderma reesei Cellulase and hemicellulase
Commercial production of
enzyme for degradation
Nieves etal. (1998)
7. Penicillium brasilianum Cellulases and xylanases produc-
Commercial production of
enzyme for degradation
Jorgensen etal. (2003)
8. Phanerochaete chrysosporium Lignin peroxydases, glyoxal oxi-
dase, manganese peroxydases
(lignin degradation enzymes)
Lignin-containing biomass like
wood shavings, agro wastes
Martinez (2002), Kersten and
Cullen (2007) and Zhang
etal. (2013)
9. Xylaria hypoxylon Xylanase, laccase, glucosidase,
Woody materials Liers etal. (2006)
10. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Lignin peroxidases, manganese
peroxidases, laccase
Woody materials Alves etal. (2004)
11. Trametes versicolor Laccase Agro wastes and woody sub-
Cabuk etal. (2006)
12. Aspergillus awamori Cellulases Agro wastes Gaind and Nain (2007) and
Pleissner etal. (2013)
13. Paecilomyces marquandii Keratinase Poultry waste (feather waste) Veselá and Friedrich (2009)
14. Phanerochaete chrysosporium Increases the humification
degree of humic acid
Agro waste Huang etal. (2009)
Bacteria and actinomycetes
15. Bacillus sp. Lignin degradation Degradation of pulp paper waste Chandra etal. (2007)
16. Paenibacillus sp. Lignin degradation Degradation of pulp paper waste Chandra etal. (2007)
17. Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus Lignin degradation Degradation of pulp paper waste Raj etal. (2007)
18. Pseudomonas putida Manganese peroxydases and
Agro waste Ahmad etal. (2010)
19. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Manganese peroxidases, lipid
peroxidase and laccase
Agro waste Bholay etal. (2012)
20. Serratia marcescens Manganese peroxidases, lipid
peroxidase and laccase
Agro waste Chandra etal. (2012)
21. Citrobacter freundii Manganese peroxidases, lignin
Agro waste, saw dust Ali etal. (2017)
22. Streptomyces spp. Cellulases, xylosidase, acety-
lesterase, xylanases
Agro waste Benimelia etal. (2007)
23. Bacillus licheniformis and a
Streptomyces sp.
Keratin degradation by Kerati-
Poultry waste Ichida etal. (2001)
24. Mono and co-cultures of B.
subtilis and P. ostreatus Cellulase Apple and plum wastes mixed
with cereal wastes.
Petre etal. (2014)
25. Geobacillus strains Boost the total bacterial count Vegetable waste Pal etal. (2010)
26. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,
Scedosporium apiospermium Biodegradation of asphaltens Asphaltens from Prestige oil
Martín-Gil etal. (2008)
27. Bacillus cereus, Bacillus mega-
terium Breakdown of cellulose and
Organic substrate Ribeiro etal. (2017)
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
1 3
etal. 2016; Shrestha etal. 2017). Maintenance of proper
pH, temperature, air (oxygen) and moisture conditions and
softening of the surface layer of residual biomass with the
help of surfactant or urea is helpful. Likewise, fungal treat-
ments in which fungi and actinomycetes directly colonize
with the residues or enzymatic treatments using lignolytic
enzymes help improving biodelignification process (Ilyin
etal. 2004; Moreno etal. 2015). It further needs exposure
of suitable mesophilic and thermophilic conditions that may
include combined organic and inorganic complexes like
CuSO4-gallic acid supplement for aggravating high func-
tional bioconversion activities (Mishra and Jana 2017).
The bioconversion process can be fastened with the use
of such functionally characterized microbial inoculants that
possess high enzymatic activities for lignocellulosic degra-
dation (Choudhary etal. 2016). Industrial composting for
mushroom production is an established biological proce-
dure to produce Agaricus bisporus (Jurak etal. 2014). Mush-
rooms are among the most fascinating fungal organisms to
be used as pretreatment degraders of the lignocellulose con-
stituents of crop residues and perform improved enzymatic
release of monosaccharides for biofuels. It also helps to
convert residual biomass into valuable protein-rich edible
fruits of high nutritional importance (Jurak etal. 2015).
Compost preparation for mushroom production involves
microorganisms that decompose natural lignocellulose into
simple mineral components, on which mushroom mycelial
mass grows and produces fruiting bodies (Mouthier etal.
2017). Therefore, besides obtaining high-value protein-rich
functional food product from the bioconversion of crop resi-
dues by mushroom fungi (Chang 2008), farmers can also get
value-added compost for their farms to enhance crop pro-
duction and soil fertility. Fortification of raw compost with
plant growth-promoting bacteria and biocontrol agents like
Trichoderma harzianum potentially enhance suppressiveness
of soil-borne diseases and efficacy of compost microbiota
against pathogenic diseases (Pugliese etal. 2011; Ros etal.
2017). Mushroom production is of high economic signifi-
cance in many parts of the world (Marshall and Nair 2009;
Zhang etal. 2014) and compost fortified with beneficial
microorganisms also has potentials of enterprising (Awad
and Khaled 2012; Sarkar and Chourasia 2017).
Direct composting of agricultural crop residues using
large windrows allows thermophilic conditions to convert
high volume of lignocellulosic wastes into stable compost
with specific ingredients of definite C:N ratio (Vigneswaran
etal. 2016). The whole process is biochemically sound and
mediated by microbial metabolic activities that produce
heat, water, CO2 and results in mineralization, transforma-
tion, and humification (Shilev etal. 2007). The technol-
ogy is cheaper and sustainable in terms of its requirements
for ingredients, manpower, energy, water, time, resource
integration, and reproducibility. As far as the agricultural
benefits are concerned, in controlled and defined condi-
tions, the process can yield organic matter disinfected by
high temperature. It is also a mineral-rich nutritional sub-
stance that improves structural components of the soil by
degrading large complex molecules into simple ones for soil
fertility (Sonesson etal. 2000). After production of good-
quality compost using windrows, biofortification of the raw
product can be done with the use of beneficial microbial
inoculants (plant growth-promoting bacteria, mycorrhiza,
and biocontrol fungi) (Muttalib etal. 2016). Enrichment of
raw compost material with organic inputs like humic acid,
amino acids, phytohormones, mineral nutrients (zinc, iron,
boron), phytonutrients, botanicals and vermicompost can
further add value to the products that can help in organic
farming (Mohler and Johnson 2009).
Large-scale livestock production systems are the source
of huge amount of agricultural residual biomass of manures
and slurries that can be applied to the land for fertility
improvement (Bernal etal. 2009). Pig slurries and poultry
manures have remained a common source of composting
ingredient (Pampuro etal. 2016). Co-composting of wastes
from winery distilleries with animal and poultry manure
under static pile composting system was assessed on dif-
ferent parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC),
organic matter, soluble carbon, polyphenolics content,
humification characteristics, and plant germination index
(Bustamante etal. 2008). Agricultural food wastes are also
attractive composting materials for their conversion into
decomposed manures to be used for producing high-value
crops (Rubio etal. 2013). It was largely considered that
composting processes that ensure nutrient-rich conditions,
appropriate carbon rating, organic matter humification and
adequate bulking for reducing N-losses are required to over-
come production cost (Bernal etal. 2009). Results confirm
that composting helped in detoxification and degradation of
phytotoxic compounds in the residual matter and therefore,
offers a favorable way to recycle wastes into value-added
products (Pampuro etal. 2016).
Potential benets ofmicrobe‑mediated
compost asfarm inputs
The role of microorganisms as bioconversion agents and
their ability to convert cellulosic and lignocellulosic wastes
into organic materials, bioremediate environmental pol-
lutants and interact with root rhizosphere to promote plant
growth and soil structure were defined (Sánchez 2009;
Huang etal. 2010). They are inevitable for the natural
resource management in the farmers’ fields. Controlled
composting guided by microbial interventions dependent
on defined microbiological processes to decompose agri-
cultural residues properly and timely and produce high-value
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
1 3
low-cost bioorganic farm inputs (Ahmad etal. 2007; Singh
and Nain 2015; Singh and Prabha 2017; Sudharmaidevi
etal. 2017). This is how rapid composting processes can
help farmers in timely production of compost and forti-
fied bioorganic farm inputs of desired quality for organic
farming needs and high-value commercial crops like veg-
etables, fruits, flowers, and organic crops (Hoornweg etal.
2000; Seyedbagheri 2010). If farmers need biopesticide-rich
compost material for the control of soil-, seed- or seedling-
borne fungal pathogens in the field, they can biofortify the
raw compost with bioagents (Siddiqui etal. 2008; Ng etal.
2016). Similarly, consortium of microorganisms fixing
nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus and zinc and mobilizing
potassium can be utilized to fortify raw compost material for
desired quality under suitable enriching conditions of tem-
perature and moisture. This can yield potential bioorganic
inputs enriched with N, P, K and Zn-harvesting and recy-
cling microbial population (Pugliese etal. 2011; Baig etal.
2012; Kamran etal. 2017; Pallavi etal. 2017). The whole
process remains at the ease of the farmer’s need, expertise,
indigenous resource availability, local conditions, and exist-
ing human resources.
Microbe-mediated activities that favor efficient compost-
ing processes, technological aspects of agrowaste bioconver-
sion, microorganisms involved, benefits of microbial forti-
fied and enriched compost and options for adopting such
microbial technologies as models of eco-enterprising are
discussed. All these steps are simple and easily adaptable
by the farming communities. Also, the ingredient resources
are usually available with the farmers at their homes. The
method is helpful in reintroducing organic matter to the soils
along with the beneficial microorganisms that help soils to
improve nutrient status for plant growth and development.
Adoption of such practices in farmers can not only increase
rural sanitation at ground level and support cleanliness
drives of the governments worldwide, but can improve soil
fertility status also. The method yields value-added low-cost
farm inputs from the agricultural farm residues that would
otherwise go waste. When burnt at farmer’s fields, it cre-
ates obnoxious green house gases (GHGs), fog, and smog.
These products are enriched with microbial consortia of
plant growth promoting and biological control microorgan-
isms. These organically rich bio-farm inputs have functional
benefits of microorganisms.
Agrowaste bioconversion
aseco‑enterprising model
Proper utilization of agricultural crop residues can benefit
farms and farming communities. When developed in the
form of an eco-enterprising model, microbe-based bio-
conversion of crop residues can be of immense help of
rural communities to generate rural livelihood through the
products of commercial utility (Naresh 2013). Mushroom
production in rural parts of many countries has gained
the shape of eco-business because of prominent reasons.
Firstly, it has rooted in locally available farm residual
resources, which usually go waste. Secondly, it can be
performed with practical skills, which may be inculcated
in the farming communities through learn-by-doing meth-
ods and thirdly, it can yield high-value food for family
use and/or additional income, if commercialized (Mar-
shall and Nair 2009; Valverde etal. 2015). Looking into
the potential benefits of mushroom production in terms of
high-value food, waste utilization and spent management
(as enzymes, proteins or microbe-fortified compost) (Phan
and Sabaratnam 2012; Kumar etal. 2014), prospective
eco-enterprising model for rural farming communities or
agro-industries can be developed (Celik and Peker 2009).
A workable and integrated eco-enterprising model of
agrowaste bioconversion and fortification with the help of
beneficial microorganisms is presented (Fig.1). The model
can be promoted into the farming communities to attract
resource-poor farmers towards various biological, tech-
nological and commercial aspects of on-farm bioconver-
sion agro-waste management. This may also be helpful in
strengthening the rural economy at a developmental stage
by introducing diversified business and income generation
opportunities for the rural people (Singh etal. 2010).
It has been demonstrated that the bioconversion of crop
residues like straw, husk, corn cobs, bagasse and vegeta-
tive materials coming from regularly grown field crops can
be converted into raw compost using windrows at farmer’s
fields (Singh and Prabha 2017). The raw compost was fur-
ther fortified with the plant growth promoting microor-
ganisms or biocontrol agents like Trichoderma and Pseu-
domonas to scale up the efficiency of microbial formulations
(Galitskaya etal. 2016). The strength of raw compost can
also be improved by the addition of poultry wastes and deg-
radation with the help of microbial enzymes (Brandelli etal.
2015). In the very simple steps, bioconversion processes of
agricultural wastes can be disseminated among rural popu-
lation for adoption of such microbe-based models of bio-
business. The impact of pelletizing pressure for developing
solid state compost from different composting materials like
pig solid fraction, bulking agents, e.g., biochar and wood
chips, swine manure solid fractions and organic co-formu-
lates was assessed for standardizing physical and mechani-
cal properties of the composted material (Romano etal.
2014; Pampuro etal. 2017a, b). These studies resulted in
developing farmer-friendly and easily adaptable composted
products with quality standards for commercialization and
enterprising. These models are supposed to be developed for
introducing multi-enterprising support for smart agriculture
system (Pramanik etal. 2013).
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
1 3
High input-based farming systems, in which chemical
inputs play a major role, are becoming problematic owing
to the loss of diversity of native phyto-, micro- and zoo-
biota and non-responsiveness of the soils (Shennan 2008).
Excessive chemical usage has also led to serious imbalances
in natural ecosystem of the soils and created threat to the
fertility, structure and function of soils, crop intoxication,
productivity losses and damaged harmony of crop–soil inter-
actions (Aktar etal. 2009). Therefore, a farming system that
promotes better utilization of farm residual resources and
usage of low external inputs is the need of the time. Such a
system will engage locally available sources with the farm-
ers and make better use of their own field resources to obtain
better results while minimizing dependency on high external
costs on inputs. This is why, microbial technological inter-
ventions essentially need to be propagated into the farming
communities to obtain better functional food, enhance soil
organic matter by applying self-produced low-cost composts
and microbiologically enriched farm inputs for strengthen-
ing field soils.
Linking farmers withagrowaste
Adoption and adaptation of farmer-friendly microbe-medi-
ated agrowaste bioconversion technology for composting
among the grass-root stakeholders is a matter of perception
and preference. Less awareness on soil and plant characters,
lack of perception for linking up agricultural foods with
human health, low tendency to adopt new technologies,
short-sightedness towards long-term benefits and weak
chain of awareness managers are the key factors that restrict
direct penetration of valuable technologies among farmers.
Awareness on these technologies and penetration into the
farming communities either through ICT tools or by videos,
learning materials or by technical demonstration kits may
enhance technological adaptation (Karubanga etal. 2017).
Some case studies on adaptation of pelletized compost from
animal manure in the farming groups in Italy (Pampuro etal.
2018) and promotion of bioconversion technology in Indian
farmers demanded targeted information campaigns, train-
ings, live product demonstrations and on-farm production
applications to generate hands-on-experience. These efforts
can yield desirable impacts on promotion of integrated farm
management practices and soil fertility level to bring back
countable changes among farming communities (Muller
2009). The outcome can be witnessed in terms of reducing
dependency on high-cost chemical fertilizers, minimizing
risk of pollutants due to residual effects of pesticides, lower-
ing production cost of the crops, enhancing yield quality of
production of commercial crops, ensuring increased fertility
of farm soils and generating income after sale of the compost
products (Aktar etal. 2009; Settle etal. 2012; Yadav etal.
2013). The concerns of direct farmer’s benefits in reducing
the input cost for crop production, improving soil and plant
quality, creating wealth from waste through eco-enterprising
of composted products and applying microbe-rich compost
Fig. 1 Agrowaste bioconversion
model based on crop residues
as primary composting resource
in three steps (1) agricultural
waste (wheat, paddy straw, and
crop leaves) is converted into
raw compost in 30–35days
using different kinds of ingre-
dients (C:N ratio 17:1); (2) raw
compost is further decomposed
in next 30days using decom-
poser microbial consortia to
produce bioorganic farm inputs
with C:N ratio of 30:1 and (3)
fortification with beneficial
microorganisms like nitrogen
fixers, phosphate solubilizers,
biocontrol agent(s), humic acid,
micronutrients for 15days to
obtain microbe-enriched prod-
ucts for direct farm applications
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
1 3
in organic farming practices are important. Therefore, the
Indian government has shown keen interest in promoting
adaptation of such environment- and agriculture-friendly
practices in farmers through various developmental schemes
and funding projects (https ://; http://midh.; http://agric /defau lt/files /OPG19
22016 .pdf).
A reductionist approach towards the use of chemical fertiliz-
ers and pesticides is the need of the day across the world.
Minimizing farm chemicals can solve various problems
of the present-day agriculture, especially those which are
directly linked with the soils, plants and human health and
raise negative ecological impacts. Available post harvest
crop residues create sanitation problems in the rural areas
due to uncontrolled anaerobic degradation. While using
excessive chemical fertilizers, farmers have almost forgot-
ten to add organic carbon to the soils and this has resulted
in lowering the carbon content of the soils over a time scale.
Low organic carbon content soils usually become non-
responsive to support life of microorganisms, microflora,
and fauna and thus lose biological functions. Live soil sys-
tems are the integrated part of the crop ecosystem to perform
major ecological functions, which majorly include nutrient
recycling, carbon sequestration, mineralization, availabil-
ity of organic substances and volatiles. If crop residues are
burnt in the farms, they disturb microbiota of the productive
top-soil layers on one hand and pollute air quality on the
other. With the help of microbial interventions and devel-
oping skills among the rural population, the raw residues
can be transformed firstly into mushrooms of high nutrition
value for nourishing food and subsequently, the spent waste
can further be biologically converted into microbe-enriched
compost having specific functional trait. The second option
for the on-farm utilization of the crop residue is the need-
base production of raw compost from the available residual
resources. Its further bioconversion and fortification into
bioorganic farm inputs with the help of potential microor-
ganisms with multifunction can be of immense importance
for the farming communities. One of the major benefits of
using bioconversion technology for agrowaste bioconversion
is to making feasible the availability of ready-to-use organic
input in the soils. Secondly, this can also help to add desired
microbial communities with specific functions, which,
if added without any support of organic matter, may not
flourish in the low-carbon soils. Thirdly, proper availability
of bioorganic materials in the soil supports and enhances
nutrient use efficiency of the soils and ensures proper avail-
ability of micronutrients for longer time durations. Apart
from these direct benefits, there are furthermore benefits
associated with application of compost and biofortified farm
inputs. Presence of beneficial microbial communities in the
soils makes their interactions feasible with the roots of the
plants and thus, strengthens rhizosphere. This will help in
the plant immunization and making crops resistant against
pests and diseases and tolerance against abiotic stresses. In
an integrated way, these microbe-mediated processes help
improve ecological services around the plant roots and sup-
port soil fertility.
Acknowledgements DPS is thankful to the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
Yojna (RKVY) (Grant no. 2017-18), Government of Uttar Pradesh,
India for funding support for the dissemination of agrowaste bio-
conversion technology. Funding support as a Grant no. DST/SSTP/
UP/38/2017-18(G) from the Department of Science and Technol-
ogy, GOI, New Delhi for promotion of microbe-mediated prac-
tices in the fields in farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh is gratefully
acknowledged. RP is thankful to DST for financial support under
DST-Women Scientist Scheme-B (KIRAN Program) (Grant no. DST/
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco
mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... Replacing mineral fertilizers with organic products presents an ecofriendly solution for agriculture, especially when microorganisms are utilised in their production. Microorganisms are integral to soil-plant systems (Singh et al., 2019). Due to their unique ability to mineralize and mobilize nutrients (Jatana et al., 2021), produce antibiotics (Roca and Matilla, 2023) or release hormones (Spaepen, 2015), they positively promote plant growth and development. ...
... Microorganisms are the future of sustainable agriculture. Even materials resistant to degradation such as lignocellulose can be transformed into valuable products such as fertilizers, but also biofuels to reduce dependence on fossil fuels (Singh et al., 2019). Particularly since annual production of lignocellulosic biomass is estimated at about 181.5 billion tons, which indicates the high availability of potential raw material (Mujtaba et al., 2023b). ...
... So, it needs to adopt nature-based solutions to enhance crop stand and productivity. For example, retaining and improving soil biological health and crop improvement programs could accomplish 50% more productivity than chemical-based agricultural practices (Singh, Prabha, et al., 2019;Singh, Santoni, et al., 2019). Farm productivity enhancement involving plant-associated microbiomes (phytomicrobiome) has been established by several studies and is also a recent research trend Trivedi et al., 2020). ...
... As the aboveground part of plants gets regular exposure to the environmental factors, the microbial flora also gets greater exposure to harsh natural conditions such as ultra violet exposure, fluctuations in temperature or humidity, and restricted availability of organic substances (Thapa & Prasanna, 2018). Moreover, the environmental factors, nutrient availability, and host genomic character indirectly or directly affect the species-specific selection of plant microbiomes (Hamonts et al., 2018;Singh, Prabha, et al., 2019;Singh, Santoni, et al., 2019). The presence of microbial flora on the surface phyllosphere depends on several factors such as wax layers, trichomes, hairs, various secondary metabolites, and antibacterial compound secretion (Ritpitakphong et al., 2016). ...
... A recent study established, for example, that mycorrhizae could increase the activity of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of complex organic compounds, such as beta-glucosidase and acid phosphatase, resulting in the release of nutrients such as phosphorus and glucose [116]. Another study showed that mycorrhizae can break down lignocellulosic biomass, such as crop residues and plant litter, releasing nutrients and improving soil quality [117]. ...
... Although further research is needed to clarify their specific mechanism of action, these results suggest that the length of the maceration period heavily influenced their chemical composition, favouring the extraction of antimicrobial compounds otherwise not present. Further studies will therefore be necessary to understand how the duration of maceration influences the quality of the extracts focusing on the role of the native microbial community in the entire process [54,55]. ...
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The evolution of regulatory perspectives regarding the health and nutritional properties of industrial hemp-based products (Cannabis sativa L.) has pushed research to focus on the development of new methods for both the extraction and formulation of the bioactive compounds present in hemp extracts. While the psychoactive and medicinal properties of hemp-derived cannabinoid extracts are well known, much less has been investigated on the functional and antimicrobial properties of hemp extracts. Within the hemp value chain, various agricultural wastes and by-products are generated. These materials can be valorised through eco-innovations, ultimately promoting sustainable economic development. In this study, we explored the use of waste from industrial light cannabis production for the extraction of bioactive compounds without the addition of chemicals. The five extracts obtained were tested for their antimicrobial activity on both planktonic and sessile cells of pathogenic strains of the Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, and Candida tropicalis species and for their antioxidant activity on HT-29 colon cancer cells under oxidative stress. Our results demonstrated that these extracts display interesting properties both as antioxidants and in hindering the development of fungal biofilm, paving the way for further investigations into the sustainable valorisation of hemp waste for different biomedical applications.
... The greater than 85% valorization of food waste that has happened within the year 2009-2019 is evident proof of it. Recent research activities have proved that food waste is a potential source for the production of various mineral and nutrient sources which could be used for agricultural production which in the short term enhances product quality and in the long term solves the issue of food insecurity; and certain food waste compounds results in the production of bio-energy and bio-compounds that could be re-envisioned for human consumption (Singh et al., 2019;Drangert et al., 2018;Karmee and Lin 2014;Kannah et al., 2020;Kadian et al., 2022). However, this transformation is puzzling, owing to the multifaceted web of the food system that occurs during various stages from production to consumption (Foley et al., 2011). ...
... They also regulate EC by facilitating salt leaching and reducing soil salinity, contributing to a more balanced EC [15,16]. In addition, native bioagents aid in enhancing soil OC levels by decomposing organic matter and promoting nutrient availability, contributing to soil fertility and structure [17,18]. These microorganisms also influence soil NPK availability by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, and mobilizing potassium, enhancing plant growth and development [19,20]. ...
Soil is a crucial component for plant growth, as it provides water, nutrients, and mechanical support. Various factors, such as crop cultivation, microflora, nutrient addition, and water availability, significantly affect soil properties. Maintaining soil health is important, and one approach is the introduction of native organisms with multifaceted activities. In this study, the effects of four native microbes (Trichoderma asperellum strain TAIK 1, Bacillus cabrialesii strain BIK3, Pseudomonas putida strain PIK1, and Pseudomonas otitidis strain POPS1) and their consortia on soil health, plant growth, and the incidence of stem rot disease caused by Sclerotium oryzae in rice are evaluated. Upon bioagent treatment of soil through seed treatment or soil application, variations in chemical properties of the soil were observed, viz., pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Organic Carbon (OC), available Soil Nitrogen (SN), Soil Phosphorus (SP), Soil Potassium (SK), and soil enzymes (urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase), compared to untreated soils. The treated seeds with the consortia of four native bioagents resulted in a significant increase in plant height (39.16%), number of panicles (30.29%), and average grain yield (41.36%) over control plants. Under controlled conditions, the bioagents-treated plants showed a 69.37% reduction in stem rot disease. The findings of this study indicate a positive correlation between soil properties and plant growth as well as a highly negative association with stem rot disease severity. The results suggest that using native bioagents as a management strategy can control stem rot disease and enhance crop productivity while reducing reliance on chemical interventions. These findings provide valuable insights for the development of sustainable agricultural practices that promote soil health, plant growth, and disease management.
Farm agro-waste to wealth refers to converting agricultural waste into valuable products. This approach has become increasingly popular due to its potential economic, environmental, and social benefits. Here are some examples of how farm agro-waste can be converted to wealth. Biogas production: Agricultural waste such as animal manure, crop residues, and food waste can be used to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. Biogas can be used as a renewable source of energy for cooking, heating, and electricity generation. Composting: Organic waste such as crop residues, animal manure, and food waste can be converted into compost through a natural decomposition process. Compost can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil health and fertility and also as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. Biochar production: Agricultural waste such as crop residues, wood chips, and sawdust can be converted into biochar through a process of pyrolysis. Biochar can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil health, increase crop yields, and sequester carbon. Biomass energy: Agricultural waste such as crop residues, wood chips, and sawdust can be used as feedstock for biomass energy production. Biomass energy can be used to generate electricity, heat, and transportation fuels. The utilization of agricultural waste to generate economic value can generate job prospects, diminish greenhouse gas emissions, and positively impact sustainable farming practices. Moreover, it can help address the issue of waste management and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activities.
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Background The demand for low-cost cellulolytic enzyme synthesis is rising in the enzyme market. This work aims to produce cellulase by utilizing various agricultural wastes and investigating the use of enzyme in saccharification and textile industries. Results Solid state fermentation (SSF) was applied to produce industrial enzymes, particularly cellulase, through utilizing Molokhia (Corchorus olitorius) stems by Aspergillus awamori MK788209 isolate. Two stages of statistical factorial designs Plackett-Burman (PB) and Central Composite Design (CCD) were applied to enhance the A. awamori MK788209 cellulase production from Molokhia stems (MS). The fold increase of enzyme production by PB followed by CCD was 2.51 and 4.86, respectively. Additionally, the A. awamori MK788209 culture filtrate was highly effective in saccharifying various agricultural wastes, particularly pea peels (PP) (yielding 98.33 mg reducing sugar/ml), due to its richness in cellulase, laccase, xylanase, pectinase, and amylase. By optimizing the three main variables; pea peel weight, culture filtrate volume added, and saccharification time by CCD, the sugar recovery from PP was enhanced, leading to a 3.44-fold increase in reducing sugar recovery (338 mg reducing sugar /ml). Furthermore, the A. awamori MK788209 culture filtrate showed high efficacy in textile applications, enhancing the roughness, weight loss, white index, and printing capability of treated cotton fabrics. Conclusions A. Awamori MK788209 produced cellulase which was effective in PP saccharification. The enzyme was also capable of enhancing cotton fabric properties.
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Soil is a crucial component for plant growth, as it provides water, nutrients, and mechanical support. Various factors, such as crop cultivation, microflora, nutrient addition, and water availability, significantly affect soil properties. Maintaining soil health is important, and one approach is the introduction of native organisms with multifaceted activities. The study evaluates the effects of introducing these microbes (Trichoderma asperellum strain TAIK1, Bacillus cabrialesii strain BIK3, Pseudomonas putida strain PIK1, and Pseudomonas otitidis strain POPS1) and their consortium, a combination of four bioagents, on soil health, plant growth, and the incidence of stem rot disease caused by Sclerotium oryzae in rice. Upon treatment of soil with the consortium of the four native bioagents mentioned above through seed treatment or soil application, variations/increases in the chemical properties of the soil were observed, viz., pH (8.08 to 8.28), electrical conductivity (EC) (0.72 to 0.75 d S m−1), organic carbon (OC) (0.57 to 0.68 %), available soil nitrogen (SN) (155 to 315 kg/ha), soil phosphorus (SP) (7.87 to 24.91 kg/ha), soil potassium (SK) (121.29 to 249.42 kg/ha), and soil enzymes (urease (0.73 to 7.33 µg urea hydrolyzed g−1 soil h−1), acid and alkaline phosphatase (0.09 to 1.39 and 0.90 to 1.78 µg of p-nitrophenol released g−1 soil h−1), and dehydrogenase (0.14 to 16.44 mg triphenyl formazan (TPF) produced g−1 soil h−1)), compared to untreated soil. Treatment of seeds with the consortium of four native bioagents resulted in a significant increase in plant height (39.16%), the number of panicles (30.29%), and average grain yield (41.36%) over control plants. Under controlled conditions, the bioagent-treated plants showed a 69.37% reduction in stem rot disease. The findings of this study indicate a positive correlation between soil properties (pH, EC, OC, SN, SP, SK, and soil enzymes) and plant growth (shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight) as well as a highly negative association of soil properties with stem rot disease severity. The results suggest that using native bioagents as a management strategy can control stem rot disease and enhance crop productivity, while reducing reliance on chemical management. These findings provide valuable insights into the development of sustainable agricultural practices that maximize productivity by minimizing negative environmental impacts, which promotes soil health, plant growth, and disease management.
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The present study aimed at investigating perceptions and preferences about the use and the chemical characteristics of pellets made from composted animal manure in a sample of Italian farmers and agricultural advisors (Piedmont region, Northwestern Italy). The study encompassed two different steps: At first, the participants were administered a questionnaire about their actual use of pellets and preferences about their chemical characteristics. Then, a subgroup participated into a hands-on experience with different pelletized animal manures and some final questions. Concerning the use of pellets made from composted animal manure, even if the participants affirmed to be interested in using organic pellets and declared to own the appropriate equipment needed for their application, the results indicated that pelletized compost utilization had not yet become a common practice for agricultural crops. The obtained results highlighted a lack of knowledge, especially among farmers, about the importance of some chemical properties of this pelletized organic material. The participants, both farmers and advisors, were particularly attracted by the total nitrogen content of organic pelletized fertilizers, probably because the supplying of nutrients, nitrogen particularly, is the function of fertilizers they were interested in the most due to its direct connection with crop production. The hands-on session allowed the participants to better understand the benefits of the principal chemical properties—organic matter and carbon to nitrogen ratio—of pelletized animal manure compost. On the other hand, organic matter content and carbon to nitrogen ratio, more related with biological fertility and biodiversity of soils, are immediately less interesting and, as the hands-on experience pointed out, require more effort to be appreciated by agricultural operators. Targeted information campaigns and training activities may be developed among the agricultural community to make them aware of the importance of increasing soil organic matter content, and the possible use of pelletized composted animal manure. Further studies should be addressed toward gaining more insights into the beneficial effects of the information and training activities for pelletized compost adoption.
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Loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) from agricultural soils is a key indicator of soil degradation associated with reductions in net primary productivity in crop production systems worldwide. Technically simple and locally appropriate solutions are required for farmers to increase SOC and to improve cropland management. In the last 30 years, straw incorporation (SI) has gradually been implemented across China in the context of agricultural intensification and rural livelihood improvement. A meta-analysis of data published before the end of 2016 was undertaken to investigate the effects of SI on crop production and SOC sequestration. The results of 68 experimental studies throughout China in different edaphic conditions, climate regions and farming regimes were analyzed. Compared with straw removal (SR), SI significantly sequestered SOC (0–20 cm depth) at the rate of 0.35 (95 % CI, 0.31–0.40) Mg C ha−1 yr−1, increased crop grain yield by 13.4 % (9.3–18.4 %) and had a conversion efficiency of the incorporated straw C of 16 % ± 2 % across China. The combined SI at the rate of 3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 with mineral fertilizer of 200–400 kg N ha−1 yr−1 was demonstrated to be the best farming practice, where crop yield increased by 32.7 % (17.9–56.4 %) and SOC sequestrated by the rate of 0.85 (0.54–1.15) Mg C ha−1 yr−1. SI achieved a higher SOC sequestration rate and crop yield increment when applied to clay soils under high cropping intensities, and in areas such as northeast China where the soil is being degraded. The SOC responses were highest in the initial starting phase of SI, then subsequently declined and finally became negligible after 28–62 years. However, crop yield responses were initially low and then increased, reaching their highest level at 11–15 years after SI. Overall, our study confirmed that SI created a positive feedback loop of SOC enhancement together with increased crop production, and this is of great practical importance to straw management as agriculture intensifies both in China and other regions with different climate conditions.
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Zinc is an imperative micronutrient required for optimum plant growth. Zinc solubilizing bacteria are potential alternatives for zinc supplementation and convert applied inorganic zinc to available forms. This study was conducted to screen zinc solubilizing rhizobacteria isolated from wheat and sugarcane, and to analyze their effect on wheat growth and development. Fourteen exo-polysaccharides producing bacterial isolates of wheat were identified and characterized biochemically as well as on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Along these, 10 identified sugarcane isolates were also screened for zinc solubilizing ability on five different insoluble zinc sources. Out of 24, five strains, i.e., EPS 1 (Pseudomonas fragi), EPS 6 (Pantoea dispersa), EPS 13 (Pantoea agglomerans), PBS 2 (E. cloacae) and LHRW1 (Rhizobium sp.) were selected (based on their zinc solubilizing and PGP activities) for pot scale plant experiments. ZnCO3 was used as zinc source and wheat seedlings were inoculated with these five strains, individually, to assess their effect on plant growth and development. The effect on plants was analyzed based on growth parameters and quantifying zinc content of shoot, root and grains using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Plant experiment was performed in two sets. For first set of plant experiments (harvested after 1 month), maximum shoot and root dry weights and shoot lengths were noted for the plants inoculated with Rhizobium sp. (LHRW1) while E. cloacae (PBS 2) increased both shoot and root lengths. Highest zinc content was found in shoots of E. cloacae (PBS 2) and in roots of P. agglomerans (EPS 13) followed by zinc supplemented control. For second set of plant experiment, when plants were harvested after three months, Pantoea dispersa (EPS 6), P. agglomerans (EPS 13) and E. cloacae (PBS 2) significantly increased shoot dry weights. However, significant increase in root dry weights and maximum zinc content was recorded for Pseudomonas fragi (EPS 1) inoculated plants, isolated from wheat rhizosphere. While maximum zinc content for roots was quantified in the control plants indicating the plant's inability to transport zinc to grains, supporting accelerated bioavailability of zinc to plant grains with zinc solubilizing rhizobacteria.
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Loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) from agricultural soils is a key indicator of soil degradation associated with reductions in net primary productivity in crop production systems worldwide. Simple technical and locally appropriate solutions are required for farmers to increase SOC and to improve cropland management. In the last 30 years, straw incorporation has gradually been implemented across China in the context of agricultural intensification and rural livelihood improvement. A meta-analysis of data published before the end of 2016 was undertaken to investigate the effects of straw incorporation on crop production and SOC sequestration. The results of 68 experimental studies throughout China in different edaphic, climate regions and under different farming regimes were analyzed. Compared with straw removal, straw incorporation significantly sequestered SOC (0–20 cm depth) at the rate of 0.35 (range 0.31–0.40) Mg C ha−1 yr−1, increased crop grain yield by 13.4 % (range 9.3 %–18.4 %) and had a conversion efficiency of the applied straw-C as 16 % ± 2 % across the whole of China. The combined straw incorporation at the rate of 3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 with mineral fertilizer of 200–400 kg N ha−1 yr−1 was demonstrated to be the best combination for farmers to use with crop yield increased by 32.7 % (range 17.9 %–56.4 %) and SOC sequestrated by the rate of 0.85 (range 0.54–1.15) Mg C ha−1 yr−1. Straw incorporation achieved higher SOC sequestration rate and crop yield increment when applied to clay soils, under high cropping intensities, and in areas like Northeast China where the soil is being degraded. SOC responses were the greatest in the initial starting phase of straw incorporation and then declined and finally were negligible after 28–62 years, however, crop yield responses were initially low and then increased reaching their highest level at 11–15 years after straw incorporation. Overall, our study confirmed that straw incorporation did create a positive feedback loop of SOC enhancement together with increased crop production, and this is of great practical significance to straw management as agricultural intensifies in China and other regions in the world with different climate conditions.
This research illustrates the qualitative and quantitative composition of the mycoflora of both a green compost (thermophilically produced from plant debris) and a vermicompost (mesophilically produced by the action of earthworms on plant and animal wastes after thermophilic preconditioning). Fungi were isolated using three media (PDA, CMC, PDA plus cycloheximide), incubated at three temperatures (24, 37 and 45 C). Substantial quali-quantitative differences in the species composition of the two composts were observed. The total fungal load was up to 8.2 × 10⁵ CFU/g dwt in compost and 4.0 × 10⁵ CFU/g dwt in vermicompost. A total of 194 entities were isolated: 118 from green compost, 142 from vermicompost; 66 were common to both. Structural characterization of this kind is necessary to determine the most appropriate application of a compost and its hygienic quality.
Microorganisms are the key players in every agro-ecosystem. They are the natural inhabitants of all the soil and plant systems, in which they represent dominant presence in terms of their vast diversity and multipronged functional capabilities. Multifarious physical, chemical and biological factors usually represent good soil fertility status as a guaranty of sustainable agro-ecology, plant health and crop productivity. Since healthy soils are largely characterized by their profound biological and chemical behavior, microbial functionalities related to nutrient fixation, recycling, acquisition, sequestration, solubilization, mobilization, decomposition, degradation and remediation may act as definitive indicators. Functional capabilities of microbial communities associated with soils and plant parts have been critically identified and characterized in the past few decades. Application of individual microbes or their consortia in many crops established their role in finding out a supplement and/or substitute in the existing agricultural practices which are largely dependent on synthetic chemical inputs in present time. We are presenting here a detailed account of microbial community functions, their relation with the soil and plant health and the potential indicative roles they play to establish a sustainable soil ecological environment for supporting crop growth, development and yield in long term.
Organic waste materials occur universally as surplus agricultural waste, municipal solid waste, industrial waste and poultry waste. Microbial management of organic waste is a promising, environment-friendly approach to manage the large quantities of organic waste due to its recycling potential. Composting is a biotechnological process by which different microbial communities play a key role in biotransformation of complex organic substrates into useful decomposed residues. In this biological oxidative decomposition process, different types of diverse compost microbiota are involved. Due to the synergistic activities and functional diversity of microbiota, relatively low-cost, stable biomass, humus products are produced. Microbial compost materials are used as bioorganic manures to increase soil fertility that facilitates sustainable agriculture. In this chapter, we describe the history and science of composting, types of organic waste, microbial parameters, different types of composting, diversity and function of composting microbiota, mechanism of decomposition, microbiological methods for the analysis of compost maturity and socio-economic significance of microbial management of organic waste.
Conversion of pig slurry to pellets is a desirable fertilizer option for farmers who want to mitigate environmental pollution from slurry accumulation. The goals of the current investigation were to determine the fertilizer properties of pig slurry solid fraction (SF) pellets and to assess its potential to enhance soil properties in order to reduce ammonia (NH 3 ) volatilization and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Various parameters influence SF-based pellet fertilizer effectiveness: bulking agent use during composting, pellet diameter sizing and soil application type (superficially or incorporated into the soil). Two composts from the same pig slurry SF obtained from a screw press separator were prepared: pig SF compost without a bulking agent (SSFC) and pig SF compost with wood chips as the bulking agent (wood chip compost (WCC)). For each compost type, pellets of two different diameters (6 and 8 mm) were produced. A mesocosm experiment, conducted with maize plants, was used to test the fertilizer value of the considered pellets. In total, three compost fertilizers – SSFC, WCC and nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium mineral fertilizer 15 : 15 : 15, plus one unfertilized control treatment – were applied at the same N rate (equivalent to 200 kg/ha) using two different methods (surface and soil incorporation). After 65 days, above-ground biomass, roots and soil samples were collected and analysed. Subsequently, a second mesocosm study was undertaken to measure NH 3 and GHG emissions released from pellet fertilization. Ammonia volatilization was determined immediately after pellet application, while carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions were monitored for 57 days. Study results indicated that both pellet types were effective slow-release fertilizers for maize. Additionally, three actions seemed to make the nutrients contained in pig SF compost pellets more available to plants: addition of a bulking agent before composting, use of small diameter pellets and soil incorporation of the fertilizer.