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Medical Misinformation

Medical Misinformation
Vet the Message!
Joseph A. Hill1
1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;67:8082.
Mrs. Jones, based on your risk factors for having a heart
attack, I recommend that we start you on a statin.
No,thankyou,Doctor,Ive read too many scary things
about those drugs on the internet. Plus, I worry that
some in your profession make these recommendations for
reasons of personal nancial gain. I also found that
Undoubtedly, the majority of cardiologists have had
conversations just like this, urging a patient to take a
statin, a powerful cholesterol-lowering drug with robust
mortality benet. Part of the reason these oftentimes no-
brainer recommendations are rejected derives from widely
disseminated incorrect information that vastly over states
the risks of these drugs. (Of course, like anything in life, the
use of statins is not entirely risk-free; their application
should always entail a thoughtful analysis of risks vs.
benets.) Most patients do not recognize that the benets
of statin use are invisible (Ididnt have a heart attack or
stroke this past year), whereas the small and typically
reversible risks (e.g., muscle pain) are readily apparent.
Many patients who would benetfromstatinusedonot
take them.
Cardiovascular disease is the no. 1 killer of both men and
women around the world. Robust scientic advances, pub-
lished in the pages of our journals, have fostered signicant
improvements that benetindividualsandsociety.Yet,
cardiovascular disease continues to transform itself, emer-
ging in new forms, such as heart failure. The struggle has
shifted to new battleelds.
These successes derive from an armamentarium of power-
ful tools, medicines,devices, and awareness of lifestyle-related
hazards, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and
smoking. Sadly, however, we do not take full advantage of the
tools at our disposal.
One signicant cause of suboptimal utilization of our
prodigious tool chest is medical misinformation hyped
through the internet, television, chat rooms, and social
media. In many instances, celebrities, activists, and politi-
cians convey false information; not uncommonly, authors
with purely venal motives participate.
We can point to numerous other examples, including the
entirely unfounded concerns regarding vaccinations. The
notion that MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination
causes autism was based on a single awed study, long
since refuted, with its publication retracted. Seventeen
much larger and properly controlled studies have proven
otherwise. Nevertheless, the internet shouts unfounded
warnings. Once again, celebrities, actors, activists, and
politicians with no specic knowledge or training use their
fame to promote a message that causes serious harm.
Individuals who are neither physicians nor scientists, but
often with a specic agenda, have outsized inuence over
our lives. They dispute scientic evidence without ever
having studied it.1
Recognizing that it is impossible to prove never,scientists
appropriately couch their statements in statistical terms which
may come across to the public as equivocation. The nuanced
cardiovascular diseases
hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA inhibitors
information dissemination
Address for correspondence
Joseph A. Hill, MD, PhD,
Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, NB11.200, UT
Southwestern, 6000 Harry Hines
Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390-
8573, United States
(e-mail: joseph.hill@
ISSN 0171-6425.
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
published online
January 29, 2019
The article has been co-published with
permission in Circulation and The Thoracic
and Cardiovascular Surgeon. All rights
reserved in respect of Circulation, © the
Authors 2019. For The Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgeon, © the Authors
2019. Published by Thieme Group
Published online: 2019-01-29
voices of scientists often do not resonate with the public as
much as the strident alarms sounded by people of fame, speak-
ing in absolute terms.
Furthermore, scientists are appropriately skeptical
because any individual scientist or study can be wrong.
Yet, science ultimately self-corrects. When a scientist gets
it wrong, as happens, people sometimes vilify the entire self-
correcting scientic enterprise. We trust aeronautical
science when we board an airplane; we trust the science
buried within our cell phones; we trust mechanical engi-
neering science when we cross a bridge; yet, many are
uniquely skeptical of biological science.
Sadly, we cannot exclude that some in the professions of
science and medicine act based on motives driven by nan-
cial considerations; incomplete declarations of potential
conict of interest persist.2Recent examples of dramatic
price hikes for important medications have reinforced this
notion. Indeed, many physicians have had conversations
with patients who believe that our recommendations
stem, at least in part, from the prospect of personal nancial
We, the editors-in-chief of the major cardiovascular scien-
tic journals, around the globe, sound the alarm that human
lives are at stake. Pointing to the two examples elaborated
above, people who decline to use a statin when recom-
mended by their doctor, or parents who withhold vaccines
from their children, put lives in harmsway.
The media must do a better job. It is unacceptable to posit
false equivalents in these discussions, often done to foster
debate and controversy. It is easy to nd a rogue voice but
inappropriate to suggest that voice carries the same weight
as that emerging from mainstream science. (We can easily
point to examples outside the medical domain, as well, such
as climate change, evolution, nutraceuticals, and genetically
modied foods, where false equivalents are frequently pos-
ited.) Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that misinfor-
mation travels faster through social networks than truth.3
We must work to enhance science literacy in our world; one
place to start is by doing a better job of teaching the scientic
method in our schools so that the lay public is aware that
science is accomplished in ts and starts, but, in the end, gets
it right.
Purveyors of social media must be responsible for the
content they disseminate. It is no longer acceptable to hide
behind the cloak of platform. We, as editors, are charged
with evaluating the validity of the science presented to us
for possible publication, and we work hard to fulll this
heady responsibility. Recognizing that lives are at stake, we
reach out to thought-leading experts to evaluate the
veracity of each report we receive. Here, we challenge
social media to do the same, to leverage the ready avail-
ability of science-conversant expertise before disseminat-
ing content that may not be reliable. Without exaggeration,
signicant harm, to society and individuals, derives from
the wanton spread of medical misinformation. It is high
time that this stop, and we lay at the feet of the purveyors
of internet and social media content the responsibility to
Article Information
Joseph A. Hill, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Circulation;Stefan
Agewall, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, European Heart Journal
Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy; Adrian Baranchuk, MD,
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Electrocardiology; George W.
Booz, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cardiovascular Phar-
macology; Jeffrey S. Borer, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Cardiology;
Paolo G. Camici, MD, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of
Cardiology; Peng-Sheng Chen, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Heart-
Rhythm; Anna F. Dominiczak, DBE, MD, Editor-in-Chief,
Hypertension; Çetin Erol, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Anatolian
Journal of Cardiology; Cindy L. Grines, MD, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Inter ventional Cardiology; Robert Gropler, MD,
Editor-in-Chief, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging;Tomasz
J. Guzik, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Cardiovascular Research;
Markus K. Heinemann, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, The Thor-
acic and Cardiovascular Surgeon; Ami E. Iskandrian, MD,
Editor-in-Chief, Journal Nuclear Cardiology;BradleyP.
Knight, MD, Editor-in-Chief, PACE and EPLab Digest;Barry
London, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American
Heart Association; Thomas F. Lüscher, MD, Editor-in-Chief,
European Heart Journal; Marco Metra, MD, Editor-in-Chief,
European Journal of Heart Failure; Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD,
MPH, Editor-in-Chief, Circulation: Genomic and Precision
Medicine; Brahmajee K. Nallamothu, MD, MPH Editor-in-
Chief, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Andrea Natale, MD, and Sanjeev Saksena, MD, Editors-in-
Chief, Journal of Inter ventional Cardiac Electrophysiology;
Michael H. Picard, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American
Society of Echocardiography; Sunil I. Rao, MD, Editor-in-Chief,
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions;WillemJ.Remme,
MD, PhD, and Robert S. Rosenson, MD, Editors-in-Chief, Cardi-
ovascular Drugs and Therapy; Nancy K. Sweitzer, MD, PhD,
Editor-in-Chief, Circulation: Heart Failure; Adam Timmis, MD,
Editor-in-Chief, European Heart Journal: Quality of Care and
Clinical Outcomes; Christiaan Vrints, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief,
European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care.
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily
those of the editors or of the American Heart Association.
P.G. Camici is consultant for Servier. R.S. Rosenson reports
research grants to his institutions from Akcea, Amgen,
Astra Zeneca, Medicines Company and Regeneron.
R.S. Rosenson reports speaking engagements at Amgen
and Kowa, research consulting for Akcea and Regeneron,
royalties from UpToDate, Inc. and stock holdings in
MediMergent. All other authors have nothing to
A complete list of all journals publishing this article, along
withlinks to the individual articles, can be foundonline at
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Vol. 67 No. 2/2019
Medical Misinformation Hill et al. 81
1Oft PA. Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists
Arent Your Best Source of Health Information. New York, NY:
Columbia University Press; 2018
2Orenstein C, Thomas K. Top cancer researcher fails to disclose
corporate nancial ties in major research journals. New York Times.
Available at:
11, 2018
3Vosoughi S, Roy D, Aral S. The spread of true and false news online.
Science 2018;359(6380):11461151
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Vol. 67 No. 2/2019
Medical Misinformation Hill et al.82
... The issue of disinformation in cardiology, particularly regarding statins, has been previously documented [26,27]. Although overshadowed during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is resurfacing. ...
Background Although researchers extensively study the rapid generation and spread of misinformation about the novel coronavirus during the pandemic, numerous other health-related topics are contaminating the internet with misinformation that have not received as much attention. Objective This study aims to gauge the reach of the most popular medical content on the World Wide Web, extending beyond the confines of the pandemic. We conducted evaluations of subject matter and credibility for the years 2021 and 2022, following the principles of evidence-based medicine with assessments performed by experienced clinicians. Methods We used 274 keywords to conduct web page searches through the BuzzSumo Enterprise Application. These keywords were chosen based on medical topics derived from surveys administered to medical practitioners. The search parameters were confined to 2 distinct date ranges: (1) January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021; (2) January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Our searches were specifically limited to web pages in the Polish language and filtered by the specified date ranges. The analysis encompassed 161 web pages retrieved in 2021 and 105 retrieved in 2022. Each web page underwent scrutiny by a seasoned doctor to assess its credibility, aligning with evidence-based medicine standards. Furthermore, we gathered data on social media engagements associated with the web pages, considering platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitter. Results In 2022, the prevalence of unreliable information related to COVID-19 saw a noteworthy decline compared to 2021. Specifically, the percentage of noncredible web pages discussing COVID-19 and general vaccinations decreased from 57% (43/76) to 24% (6/25) and 42% (10/25) to 30% (3/10), respectively. However, during the same period, there was a considerable uptick in the dissemination of untrustworthy content on social media pertaining to other medical topics. The percentage of noncredible web pages covering cholesterol, statins, and cardiology rose from 11% (3/28) to 26% (9/35) and from 18% (5/28) to 26% (6/23), respectively. Conclusions Efforts undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic to curb the dissemination of misinformation seem to have yielded positive results. Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that these interventions need to be consistently implemented across both established and emerging medical subjects. It appears that as interest in the pandemic waned, other topics gained prominence, essentially “filling the vacuum” and necessitating ongoing measures to address misinformation across a broader spectrum of health-related subjects.
... The problem of fake news in cardiology, and consecutively with statins, has already been described [26,27] It was superseded during the pandemic of COVID-19 and is now coming back. Waszak et al. [28] analyzed the topics that attracted public attention between 2012 and 2017. ...
BACKGROUND The phenomenon of the rapid generation and spread of misinformation about the novel coronavirus COVID-19 during the pandemic was evident and attracted many researchers. However, there are more health-related topics polluting the Internet with misinformation that are not as widely studied. OBJECTIVE The aim of our experiment was to assess the reach of the most popular medical content, not limited to the subject of the pandemic, in the World Wide Web (WWW). We evaluated the content for subject matter and credibility in 2021 and 2022. The content was evaluated according to the principles of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) by experienced clinicians. METHODS We used 274 keywords to perform web page searches using the BuzzSumo Enterprise Application. The keywords were selected according to medical topics which were obtained via questionnaires given to the medical practitioners. The search was limited to two specific date ranges: (1) Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021; (2) Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022. We limited searches to web pages in Polish language and filtered them by the selected dates. The analysis included 161 web pages retrieved from 2021 and 105 retrieved from 2022. Each web page was reviewed by an experienced doctor in terms of credibility. The evaluation was performed in accordance with EBM standards. Additionally, we collected data about social media engagements related to the web pages. RESULTS The proportion of non-credible contents about COVID-19 significantly decreased in 2022 as compared to 2021. The percentage of non-credible web pages with the topics COVID-19 and general vaccinations changed from 57% to 24% and 42% to 30%, respectively. However, simultaneously there was a significant rise in non-credible contents and their spread in social media regarding other medical topics. The percentage of non-credible web pages with the topic cholesterol and statins and cardiology increased from 17% to 26% and from 18% to 26%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Actions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of fake news appear to have been effective. However, our analysis indicates that such interventions should be applied continuously to existing and emergent medical topics. It seems that topics other than the virus were “filling up the vacuum” created by the decreasing interest in the pandemic.
Lies spread faster than the truth There is worldwide concern over false news and the possibility that it can influence political, economic, and social well-being. To understand how false news spreads, Vosoughi et al. used a data set of rumor cascades on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. About 126,000 rumors were spread by ∼3 million people. False news reached more people than the truth; the top 1% of false news cascades diffused to between 1000 and 100,000 people, whereas the truth rarely diffused to more than 1000 people. Falsehood also diffused faster than the truth. The degree of novelty and the emotional reactions of recipients may be responsible for the differences observed. Science , this issue p. 1146
MD, Editors-in-Chief, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
  • Willem J Remme
  • Phd Md
  • Robert S Rosenson
Willem J. Remme, MD, PhD, and Robert S. Rosenson, MD, Editors-in-Chief, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy;
Top cancer researcher fails to disclose corporate financial ties in major research journals. New York Times
  • C Orenstein
  • K Thomas
Orenstein C, Thomas K. Top cancer researcher fails to disclose corporate financial ties in major research journals. New York Times. Available at: Accessed December 11, 2018