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Fear in dreams and in wakefulness: evidence for day/night affective homeostasis



Despite partial experimental evidence, it is a long-standing and common belief that dreams serve an emotion regulation function. Revisiting this idea, recent neuroscientific theories have proposed that emotions experienced in dreams contribute to the resolution of emotional distress (e.g. fear extinction) and preparation for future waking affective reactions. Here we addressed one emerging common prediction from these theoretical accounts, namely that experiencing fear in dreams is associated with more adapted responses to threatening signals during wakefulness. Using a stepwise approach across two studies, we first identified brain regions activated when experiencing fear in dreams and then showed that frightening dreams modulated the response of these same regions to threatening stimuli during wakefulness. As predicted, more fear in dreams was associated with reduced activation of those fear-responsive regions during wakefulness. Specifically, in Study 1, we performed serial awakenings in 18 participants recorded throughout the night with high-density EEG and asked them whether they experienced any fear in their dreams. Insula activity increased (i.e. decreased delta and increased gamma power) for dreams containing fear. In Study 2, we tested 89 participants and found that those with higher incidence of fear in their dreams showed reduced fMRI response to fear-eliciting stimuli in the insula, amygdala and midcingulate cortex, while awake. Consistent with better emotion regulation processes, the same participants also displayed increased medial prefrontal cortex activity. These findings support that emotions in dreams and wakefulness engage similar neural substrates, and substantiate a link between emotional processes occurring during sleep and emotional brain functions during wakefulness.
Fear in dreams and in wakefulness: evidence for day/night affective
Sterpenich V1,2,5, Perogamvros, L1, 3, 4, 5, 6,*, Tononi G4, Schwartz S1,2,*
1 Department of Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, 9 chemin des
mines, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
2 Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, 9 chemin des mines, 1202
Geneva, Switzerland
3 Sleep Laboratory, Division of Pneumology, Geneva University Hospitals, Rue Gabrielle-
Perret-Gentil 4, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
4 Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, 6001 Research Park Blvd Madison, Wisconsin, USA
5 These authors contributed equally
6 Lead Contact
Keywords: dreaming, wakefulness, sleep, emotion regulation, fear, EEG, fMRI, amygdala,
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Recent neuroscientific theories have proposed that emotions experienced in dreams
contribute to the resolution of emotional distress and preparation for future affective
reactions. We addressed one emerging prediction, namely that experiencing fear in dreams
is associated with more adapted responses to threatening signals during wakefulness. Using
a stepwise approach across two studies, we identified brain regions activated when
experiencing fear in dreams and showed that frightening dreams modulated the response of
these same regions to threatening stimuli during wakefulness. Specifically, in Study 1, we
performed serial awakenings in 18 participants recorded throughout the night with high-
density EEG and asked them whether they experienced any fear in their dreams. Insula and
midcingulate cortex activity increased for dreams containing fear. In Study 2, we tested 89
participants and found that those reporting higher incidence of fear in their dreams showed
reduced emotional arousal and fMRI response to fear-eliciting stimuli in the insula, amygdala
and midcingulate cortex, while awake. Consistent with better emotion regulation processes,
the same participants displayed increased medial prefrontal cortex activity. These findings
support that emotions in dreams and wakefulness engage similar neural substrates, and
substantiate a link between emotional processes occurring during sleep and emotional brain
functions during wakefulness.
Highly debated while pivotal to current theoretical models of dreaming, the relationship
between emotion processing during wakefulness and in dreams remains elusive. In a first
study, we used high-density EEG recordings and observed that regions involved in fear
processing (i.e. the insula and midcingulate cortex) were activated during fear-related
dreams. This first finding demonstrates that emotions in dreams engage similar neural
circuits as during wakefulness. In a second study, using fMRI, we show that higher incidence
of fear in dreams was associated with reduced emotional arousal and brain responses
indicative of better emotion regulation during wakefulness. Together, these results strongly
support the idea that experiencing fear in a secure environment, as in dreams, relates to
more adapted responses to threatening events in real life.
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Converging evidence from human and animal research suggests functional links between
sleep and emotional processes (Wagner U et al. 2006; Walker MP and E van der Helm 2009;
Perogamvros L and S Schwartz 2012; Boyce R et al. 2016). Chronic sleep disruption can lead
to increased aggressiveness (Kamphuis J et al. 2012) and negative mood states (Zohar D et
al. 2005), while affective disorders such as depression and PTSD are frequently associated
with sleep abnormalities (e.g., insomnia and nightmares). Experimental evidence indicates
that acute sleep deprivation impairs the prefrontal control over limbic regions during
wakefulness, hence exacerbating emotional responses to negative stimuli (Yoo SS et al.
2007). Neuroimaging and intracranial data further established that, during human sleep,
emotional limbic networks are activated (e.g., Maquet P et al. 1996; Braun AR et al. 1997;
Nofzinger EA et al. 1997; Schabus M et al. 2007; Corsi-Cabrera M et al. 2016). Together these
findings indicate that sleep physiology may offer a permissive condition for affective
information to be reprocessed and reorganized. Yet, it remains unsettled whether such
emotion regulation processes also happen at the subjective, experiential level during sleep,
and may be expressed in dreams. Several influential theoretical models formalized this idea.
For example, the Threat Simulation Theory postulated that dreaming may fulfill a
neurobiological function by allowing an offline simulation of threatening events and
rehearsal of threat-avoidance skills, through the activation of a fear-related amygdalocortical
network (Revonsuo A 2000; Valli K et al. 2005). Such mechanism would promote adapted
behavioral responses in real life situations (Valli K and A Revonsuo 2009). Other models
suggested that dreaming would facilitate the resolution of current emotional conflict
(Cartwright R et al. 1998; Cartwright R et al. 2006), the reduction of next-day negative mood
(Schredl M 2010) and extinction learning (Nielsen T and R Levin 2007). Although these two
main theories differ, because one focuses on the resolution of current emotional distress
(e.g. fear extinction; Nielsen T and R Levin 2007) and the other on the optimization of waking
affective reactions (Revonsuo A 2000; Perogamvros L and S Schwartz 2012), both converge
to suggest that experiencing fear in dreams leads to more adapted responses to threatening
signals during wakefulness (Scarpelli S et al. 2019). The proposed mechanism is that
memories from a person’s affective history are replayed in the virtual and safe environment
of the dream so that they can be reorganized (Nielsen T and R Levin 2007; Perogamvros L
and S Schwartz 2012). From a neuroscience perspective, one key premise of these
theoretical models is that experiencing emotions in dreams implicates the same brain
circuits as in wakefulness (Hobson JA and EF Pace-Schott 2002; Schwartz S 2003). Preliminary
evidence from two anatomical investigations showed that impaired structural integrity of
the left amygdala was associated with reduced emotional intensity in dreams (De Gennaro L
et al. 2011; Blake Y et al. 2019).
Like during wakefulness, people experience a large variety of emotions in their dreams,
with REM dreaming being usually more emotionally-loaded than NREM dreams (Smith MR et
al. 2004; Carr M and T Nielsen 2015). While some studies found a relative predominance of
negative emotions, such as fear and anxiety, in dreams (Merritt J et al. 1994 ; Roussy F et al.
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2000), others reported a balance of positive and negative emotions (Schredl M and E Doll
1998), or found that joy and emotions related to approach behaviors may prevail (Fosse R et
al. 2001; Malcolm-Smith S et al. 2012). When performing a lexicostatistical analysis of large
datasets of dream reports, a clear dissociation between dreams containing basic, mostly
fear-related, emotions and those with other more social emotions (e.g. embarrassment,
excitement, frustration) was found, highlighting distinct affective modes operating during
dreaming, with fear in dreams representing a prevalent and biologically-relevant emotional
category (Revonsuo A 2000; Schwartz S 2004). Thus, if fear-containing dreams serve an
emotion regulation function, as hypothesized by the theoretical models, the stronger the
recruitment of fear-responsive brain regions (e.g. amygdala, cingulate cortex, insula; see
Phan KL et al. 2002) during dreaming, the weaker the reaction of these same regions to
actual fear-eliciting stimuli during wakefulness should be. This compensatory or homeostatic
mechanism may also be accompanied by an enhanced recruitment of emotion regulation
brain regions (such as the medial prefrontal cortex, mPFC, which is implicated in fear
extinction) during wakefulness (Quirk GJ et al. 2003; Phelps EA et al. 2004; Yoo SS et al.
2007; Dunsmoor JE et al. 2019).
Here, we collected dream reports and functional brain measures using high-density EEG
(hdEEG) and functional MRI (fMRI) across two studies to address the following questions: (i)
do emotions in dreams (here fear-related emotions) engage the same neural circuits as
during wakefulness, and (ii) is there a link between emotions experienced in dreams and
brain responses to emotional stimuli during wakefulness. By addressing these fundamental
and complementary topics, we aim at clarifying the grounding conditions for the study of
dreaming as pertaining to day/night affective homeostasis.
Study 1: Neural correlates of fear in dreams
Eighteen healthy participants were included in Study 1 (4 males, age 39.77 ± 13.12 years, 25-
63 [mean ± SD, range]). From these 18 participants, twelve (N=12) were used for the analysis
of fear vs. no fear conditions in NREM sleep (N2 stage), while eight (N=8) were used for the
analysis of fear vs. no fear conditions in REM sleep. All participants had no history of
neurological or psychiatric disorder. Signed informed consent was obtained from all
participants before the experiment, and ethical approval for the study was obtained from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison Institutional Review Board.
Serial awakenings during sleep
Dream sampling during sleep was accomplished using the ‘serial awakening’ method, as
described in detail elsewhere (Siclari F et al. 2017) (Fig. 1A). In brief, participants were
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awakened several times during the night while sleeping and were asked to describe ‘the last
thing going through your mind prior to the alarm sound’, and then underwent a structured
interview via intercom. Among other questions, they were asked to name any specific
emotion that they experienced, and to report the presence/absence of fear or anxiety.
Awakenings were performed at intervals of at least 20 minutes in N2 sleep or REM sleep
using an alarm sound. Participants must have been asleep for a minimum of 10 minutes and
must have been in a stable sleep stage for a minimum of 5 minutes before any experimental
awakening was triggered.
EEG recordings
Recordings were made at the University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and
Consciousness) using a 256-channel high-density EEG (hdEEG) system (Electrical Geodesics,
Inc., Eugene, Ore.) combined with Alice Sleepware (Philips Respironics, Murrysville, PA).
Additional polysomnography channels were used to record and monitor eye movements and
submental electromyography during sleep. Sleep scoring was performed over 30s epochs
according to standard criteria (Iber C et al. 2007).
EEG Preprocessing
The EEG signal was sampled at 500 Hz and band-pass filtered offline between 1 and 50 Hz.
The EEG data were high-pass filtered at 1Hz instead of lower frequencies as there were
sweating artifacts in some of the participants which caused intermittent high-amplitude
(>300uV) slow frequency oscillatory activity around 0.3 Hz. Noisy channels and epochs
containing artifactual activity were visually identified and removed. To remove ocular,
muscular, and electrocardiograph artifacts, we performed Independent Component Analysis
(ICA) using EEGLAB routines (Schenck CH et al. 1993; Jung TP et al. 2000). The previously
removed noisy channels were interpolated using spherical splines (EEGLAB). Finally, EEG
data was referenced to the average of all electrodes.
EEG Signal analysis
Source localization
The cleaned, filtered and average-referenced EEG signal corresponding to the 20s before the
alarm sound was extracted and analysed at the source level. Source modelling was
performed using the GeoSource software (Electrical Geodesics, Inc., Eugene, Ore.). A 4-shell
head model based on the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) atlas and a standard
coregistered set of electrode positions were used to construct the forward model. The
source space was restricted to 2447 dipoles in 3-dimensions that were distributed over
7x7x7 mm cortical voxels. The inverse matrix was computed using the standardized low-
resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) constraint. A Tikhonov
regularization procedure (λ=10-1) was applied to account for the variability in the signal-to-
noise ratio (Pascual-Marqui RD 2002). We computed spectral power density using the
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Welch's modified periodogram method (implemented with the pwelch function in MATLAB
(The Math Works Inc, Natick, MA) in 2s Hamming windows (8 segments, 50% overlap) to
decompose the source signals into frequency bands of interest before taking the norm
across dimension to produce a single power value for each dipole.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out in MATLAB. To compare brain activity between trials with
fear and those without, source-space power was averaged within standard frequency bands
(Delta: 1-4Hz, Theta: 5-8Hz, Alpha: 8.5-12Hz, Sigma: 12.5-17Hz, Beta: 17.5-24Hz, Gamma: 25-
50Hz). We then averaged the power values within trials with fear and those trials without
fear for each participant and for each frequency band separately. Group level analyses used
paired two-sample t-tests (two-tailed) between the fear and no fear conditions, performed
separately for each frequency band, and thresholded at corrected p< 0.05 using non-
parametric threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE) (weighing parameters E=0.5 and H=2)
(Mensen A and R Khatami 2013).
Study 2: Modulation of brain responses to aversive stimuli during wake as a function of
fear in dreams
A total of 127 healthy individuals (45 males, age 22.00 ± 3.15 years, 18-37 [mean ± SD,
range]) participated in Study 2. All participants had no history of neurological or psychiatric
disorder. Signed informed consent was obtained from all participants before the experiment,
and ethical approval for the study was obtained from the University of Geneva (Switzerland)
and University of Liège (Belgium). Among these 127 participants, 13 participants did not
report any dream in their dream diary before the experimental session (see below). For the
fMRI analyses, we also excluded 25 participants who were presented with emotional (and
neutral) words, unlike all other participants who saw emotional pictures. The final group of
89 participants included 58 females, 21.5 ± 2.4 (mean ± SD) year-old. Participants took part
in one of 3 different experiments (Exp. 1: N=28, age 21.36 ± 2.70 years, 16 men, University of
Geneva; Exp. 2: N=19, age 22.16 ± 2.48 years, 19 men, University of Geneva, Exp. 3: N=42,
age 21.31 ± 2.08, 23 men, University of Liège). All participants filled out the same
questionnaires on sleep quality (PSQI, Tzourio-Mazoyer N et al. 2002), daytime sleepiness
(Epworth sleepiness scale, ESS, Pascual-Marqui RD 2002), depression (Beck Depression Scale,
BDI, Mensen A and R Khatami 2013), anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait, STAI-T,
Spielberger CD et al. 1970), and also kept the same sleep and dream diary. These results
correspond to a secondary analysis because part of the data was already presented
elsewhere (Sterpenich V, C Piguet, et al. 2014; Sterpenich V et al. 2017), yet without
exploring any of the dream measurements. Note that the sleep and dream diaries were
designed specifically for this analysis and the stimuli of the three different studies
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correspond to similar visual items (emotional and neutral pictures, see below), eliciting
similar changes in emotional arousal and in local brain activition (Fig. S1).
Collection and analysis of dream data
During the week preceding the fMRI session, participants were asked to fill out a sleep and
dream diary at home (Fig. 2A). Every morning, they responded to a mini-questionnaire about
the content of the dreams they may have had during the preceding night, and had the
possibility to write down their dreams in more details. Among other questions in the mini-
questionnaire, participants were asked to report the presence/absence of specific emotions
in their dreams (anger, disgust, confusion, embarrassment, fear, sadness, joy, frustration).
Note that joyful dreams may be slightly over-represented because joy was the only positive
emotion among the emotions assessed. We computed the percentage of nights with dreams
containing specific emotions (for example, 3 nights with dreams containing fear over a total
of 5 nights with dreams leads to a percentage of fear in dreams of 60%). We entered the
percentage for each emotion from each participants (8 values by participant) into a Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) to i) identify main affective components (or dimensions)
according to variance explained and ii) characterize each participant by component (or
factor) scores, which we then used as regressors in an fMRI design matrix. Specifically, here
we used the individual scores on the second PCA component that contrasted basic negative
emotions, in particular fear, to non-basic social negative emotions (such as embarrassment
and frustration) (see Schwartz S 2004 for a similar data structure). Because of the
imbalanced number of options for negative (n=7) vs. positive (n=1) emotions in the original
data, we did not investigate the first PCA component. Indeed, and unsurprisingly, the latter
contrasted the only positive emotion to all other (negative) emotions.
Functional MRI session
Emotional tasks
Data from three different fMRI experiments were included in the analysis. Two of these
three sets of data have already been reported elsewhere, but none of these former
publications concerned emotions in dreams (Sterpenich V, C Piguet, et al. 2014; Sterpenich V
et al. 2017). Common to these three experiments was that participants were exposed to
aversive and neutral images, and that dream data were collected using the exact same
instructions and dream diary. Below, we briefly describe the task used in each experiment,
focusing only on those aspects that are relevant to the purpose of the present work.
In Experiment 1, participants were presented with conditioned (aversive) and
unconditioned faces. Stimuli were presented in an intermixed, random order, one at a time
(2.5 s each) followed by a varying interval (ISI: 45.5 s, mean=4.75) (see Sterpenich V, C
Piguet, et al. 2014 for more details). In Experiment 2, 60 aversive, 60 funny and 60 neutral
pictures were presented to participants. Each picture was displayed for 3s, preceded by a
fixation cross of 1 s. Participants had a maximum of 2s to judge the valence of each stimuli
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on a 7 point scale (from -3: very negative, 0: neutral, +3: very funny). In Experiment 3,
participants saw 90 faces displaying a negative expression and 90 faces with a neutral
expression (see Nielsen T 2017 for more details). Each face was displayed for 3 s, and then
participants judged it for emotional valence and arousal. Each trial started with a fixation
cross for 1.5-s duration and ended as soon as participants responded, resulting in a jitter
between trials (range 5.03-12.1 s). For the analysis of each experiment, we compared
activity elicited by the presentation of aversive vs. neutral stimuli.
All visual stimuli were presented on a back projection screen inside the scanner bore using
an LCD projector, which the participant could comfortably see through a mirror mounted on
the head coil. Responses were recorded via an MRI-compatible response button box (HH-1 ×
4-CR, Current Designs Inc., USA).
Pupillary size
During all fMRI sessions, eye movements and pupil diameter were measured continuously
using an MRI-compatible long-range infrared eye tracking system (Applied Science
Laboratories, Bedford, MA, USA; sampling rate: 60 Hz). Pupil size variation was used as an
index of emotional arousal during the tasks (Bradley MM et al. 2008). Pupillary responses
were analyzed during epochs of 5 s following the onset of the presentation of pictures. For
each epoch, baseline pupil size was estimated as the average pupil measurement during the
second preceding the presentation of the picture, and was then subtracted from all values of
this epoch. Trials with more than 30% of signal loss were discarded. The pupillary values
were z-scored for each task to take into account the difference in luminance of the different
pictures and background. For each trial type (aversive and neutral) and for each task, we
analyzed the mean signal value over the 5 s epochs using a t-test (Fig. S1A). Data from 50
participants were discarded because of poor quality of the recording or technical problems,
and finally data from 77 participants were included in this analysis. The mean pupil diameter
value for aversive stimuli was subtracted from that for neutral stimuli for each participant to
obtain an individual physiological emotional response to fear-eliciting stimuli. To test for a
potential link with emotions in dreams, we correlated these individual pupil reactivity values
with the frequency of fear in dream.
MRI acquisition
For Experiments 1 and 2, MRI data were acquired on a 3 T whole body MR scanner (Tim Trio,
Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) using a 12-channel head coil. For Experiment 3, data were
acquired on a 3T head-only magnetic resonance scanner (Allegra, Siemens, Erlangen,
Germany). Functional images were acquired with a gradient-echo EPI sequence with the
following parameters. For Experiment 1: repetition time (TR): 2200ms, echo time (TE): 30ms,
flip angle (FA): 85°, field of view (FOV): 235 mm, 36 transverse slices, voxel size: 1.8 × 1.8 x
3.4 mm. For Experiment 2: TR: 2100 ms, TE: 30 ms, FA: 80°, FOV: 205 mm, 36 transverse
slices, voxel size: 3.2 x 3.2 x 3.8 mm. For Experiment 3: TR: 2460 ms, TE: 40 ms, FA: 90°, FOV:
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220 mm, 32 transverse slices, voxel size: 3.4 x 3.2 x 3.4 mm. T1-weighted structural images
were also acquired in each participant.
MRI analysis
Functional volumes were analyzed by using Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (SPM8; implemented in Matlab (The MathWorks Inc,
Natick, Massachusetts, USA). Functional MRI data were corrected for head motion, slice
timing and were spatially normalized to an echo planar imaging template conforming to the
Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) template (voxel size, 3 × 3 × 3 mm). The data were
then spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 8 mm full width at half maximum
(FWHM). For each participant, we used a General Linear Model (GLM) approach to estimate
brain responses at every voxel, and computed the main contrast of interest (aversive vs.
neutral). For each experiment, any other conditions (e.g. positive items in Exp. 2) were
modeled as variable of no interest. Movement parameters estimated during realignment
were also added as regressors of no interest. The resulting individual maps of t-statistics (the
contrast images for each individual) were then used in second-level random-effects analyses.
We used one-sample t-tests for testing common effects of aversive vs. neutral stimuli. For
the regression analysis, individual scores on the second PCA component (higher for more
fearful basic negative emotion in dreams; see Collection and analysis of dream data section)
were used as a regressor at the group level for the contrast aversive vs. neutral stimuli.
Statistical inferences were corrected for multiple comparisons according to the Gaussian
random field theory at p<0.05 Family wise error (FWE) corrected i) on the entire volume or
ii) using correction within predefined anatomical regions (small volume correction, SVC),
including the amygdala, insula, and the midcingulate cortex using the toolbox Anatomy
(Tzourio-Mazoyer N et al. 2002).
Study 1: Identifying the neural correlates of fear in dreams
In Study 1, we performed serial awakenings in 18 participants recorded throughout the night
with hdEEG (256 channels) and identified brain regions activated prior to awakenings from a
dream containing fear (vs. without fear; Fig. 1A). We only analyzed the EEG data from those
participants who reported at least one dream containing fear and one without fear, within
the same recording night and for a given sleep stage (N2 or REM). We conducted spectral
analyses for the 20-seconds EEG epochs preceding each awakening and compared epochs
associated with the presence of fear in dreams with those without fear. We found significant
modulations in the delta (1-4 Hz) and gamma (25-50Hz) ranges, which we interpreted in
terms of underlying local neuronal population activity as follows. Increased (respectively
decreased) low frequency power in the delta range (<4Hz) corresponds to neuronal
inhibition (respectively activation) (Tononi G and M Massimini 2008; De Gennaro L et al.
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2011; Pigorini A et al. 2015), while increased high EEG frequencies in the gamma range
reflect increases in neuronal firing (Steriade M et al. 1996; Le Van Quyen M et al. 2010) and
positively correlate with local BOLD fluctuations (Murta T et al. 2015).
For NREM, we obtained a total of 79 awakenings in N2 sleep from 12 participants
(average per night 6.58 ± 2.13 [mean ± SD, range]). Of these awakenings, 57 yielded reports
of dream experience (from which 18 without recall of any content), while 22 yielded no
report. Fear was present in 14 reports (average per subject 1.16 ± 0.37 [mean ± SD, range])
and absent in 25 reports (average per subject 2.08 ± 1.03 [mean ± SD, range]). N2 reports
with presence of fear (compared to without fear) were associated with decreased delta
power (1-4Hz) in the right insula, and increased gamma power (25-50Hz) in the bilateral
insular cortex (Fig. 1B). No significant changes were found for other frequency bands.
For REM sleep, we obtained a total of 32 awakenings from 8 participants (average per
night 4.00 ± 0.86 [mean ± SD, range]). Of these awakenings, 28 yielded reports of dream
experience (from which 1 without recall of any content), while 4 yielded no report. Fear was
present in 12 reports (average per subject 1.50 ± 0.50 [mean ± SD, range]) and absent in 15
reports (average per subject 1.87 ± 1.05 [mean ± SD, range]). REM reports with presence of
fear compared to those without fear were associated with decreased delta power (1-4Hz) in
the bilateral insula and midcingulate cortex, thus partly replicating the results from N2 (Fig.
1B). No significant changes were found for other frequency bands. Although EEG source
reconstruction should be considered with caution, the present data also suggest that
experiencing fear in NREM and REM dreams could involve different portions of the insula,
with slightly more anterior dorsal insula activity during REM (Fig 1B). Together these results
demonstrate that the occurrence of frightening dreams coincided with increased activation
of insula cortex during both NREM and REM sleep, and of the midcingulate cortex during
REM sleep.
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Figure 1. A. Participants under hdEEG were awakened several times while sleeping in the
sleep laboratory and were asked to report “the last thing going through their [your] mind
prior to the alarm sound” and then underwent a structured interview via intercom.
Participants were also asked whether they felt fear. Twenty-second epochs of EEG recording
prior to each awakening were then sorted as a function of the presence or absence of fear in
the dream. B. Brain maps showing modulations of delta and gamma power during N2 sleep
and delta power during REM sleep when comparing trials with fear to those without fear.
Only significant differences at the p<.05 level, obtained after correction for multiple
comparisons, are shown at the source level (two-tailed, paired t-tests, TFCE corrected).
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Study 2: Linking awake brain responses to aversive stimuli and fear in dreams
After we established that fear in dreams implicated the insula and midcingulate cortex
known to contribute to the processing of aversive stimuli during wakefulness (Study 1), we
asked whether frequently experiencing fear in dreams related to individual autonomic and
neural sensitivity to fear during wakefulness. To this end, we collected a large amount of
dream reports from 127 participants and correlated individual scores on a fear component
(see below) with pupillary responses and fMRI responses to aversive stimuli during
wakefulness recorded in the same participants (Fig. 2A). All participants filled the same sleep
and dream diary over 7.38 (± 4.90; mean ± SD) nights with the same instructions before an
MRI session (with a minimum of 3 nights). From the sleep diary, participants reported a
mean sleep duration of 7.93 (± 0.76 SD) hours per night and a sleep quality of 7.02 (± 0.97
SD; on a 10-point scale from 0 - very bad sleep to 10 - very good sleep quality). From the
dream diary, an average of 5.47 nights (± 3.63 SD) were associated with the feeling of having
dreamt, and participants answered specific questions related to the content of their dreams
after 3.75 (± 2.66 SD) nights. In particular, they were asked to indicate whether an emotion
was present/absent for 8 distinct emotions (see Table S1). We performed a principal
component analysis (PCA) on these data and found that the variance in emotion ratings was
best explained by two main components. The first component (20.39% of the variance)
distinguished between negative and positive (here “joy”) emotions, thus representing
emotional valence. The second component (16.40% of the variance) contrasted emotions
related to basic negative emotions (fear, anger, sadness, disgust), with fear having the
strongest contribution, and those related to non-basic, social negative emotions (i.e.,
embarrassment, confusion, frustration; see (Schwartz S 2004) for a similar finding). The
predominance of fear reported in dreams provides a first confirmation of our initial
hypothesis about the expression of this emotion during sleep. Accordingly, we shall call this
second “fear component” in the remainder of the manuscript. We did not use the first
component in our fMRI analysis primarily because it does not directly address our main
hypothesis about fear, and because of the imbalance between the number of negative and
positive emotions participants had to choose from (7 vs. 1; Table S1), as also captured by the
PCA. The individual PCA scores (or loadings) for the fear component did not correlate with
sleep quality (PSQI, R2 <0.001, P=0.51), sleep duration (sleep diary, R2=0.005, P=0.44),
sleepiness (ESS, R2=0.02, P=0.12), depression (BDI, R2=0.008, P=0.34), anxiety (STAI-T,
R2=0.001, P=0.77), or frequency of dreaming (percentage of nights with dreams, R2=0.003,
P=0.54). This pattern of results supports that the PCA fear component might represent an
individual affective measure that is largely independent of other sleep-related variables and
waking affective dimensions.
Study 2 aimed at establishing whether neurophysiological responses to fear-eliciting
emotions during wakefulness correlated with fear in dreams. We first analyzed changes in
pupillary size recorded during the presentation of aversive (vs. neutral; see Methods; Fig.
S1A) stimuli as an index of emotional arousal response (Bradley MM et al. 2008), and
showed that this index correlated with the individual PCA scores for the fear component
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(Spearman’s rho=0.25, P=0.034). We next tested whether we could observe a similar
relationship between emotions in dreams and brain responses collected during the
presentation of the same aversive stimuli (vs. neutral). Using fMRI data collected on 89
participants (from 3 experiments, see Methods for more details), we first confirmed that
fear-eliciting stimuli activated a set of expected brain regions, including the amygdala, the
insula, and occipital regions (Table S2, Fig. S1B). Then, we used the individual PCA scores for
the fear component as a regressor in a whole-brain regression analysis (for the contrast
aversive vs. neutral stimuli, see Methods). This analysis revealed that participants with a high
propensity to experience fear in dreams had increased activation of the medial prefrontal
cortex cortex (Fig. 2B, Table S3) when facing aversive stimuli while awake. Conversely, and as
predicted by theoretical models (see Introduction), the same analysis yielded negative
correlations with activity in the right amygdala, right insula, and midcingulate cortex (Fig.
2B). Taken together, these results show that individuals who reported a high prevalence of
fear-related emotions in their dreams had stronger fear inhibition during wakefulness.
Critically, associated neural decreases implicated the insula and midcingulate, which were
both strongly activated during fearful dreams in Study 1, thus further supporting reciprocal
links between sleep and wake emotional functioning.
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Figure 2. A. During one week, participants filled a dream diary at home, and their responses
to aversive stimuli were assessed using fMRI. To test for a link between fear in dreams and
brain responses to fear-eliciting stimuli during wakefulness, the individual propensity to
experience fear in dreams (second PCA component, Table S1) was used as a regressor in a
whole-brain analysis. B. Responses of the medial prefrontal cortex to aversive stimuli were
greater in those individuals who frequently experienced fear in dreams (top panel), while
activation of the amygdala, insula, and midcingulate cortex decreased in the same
individuals (middle and bottom panels). Significant whole-brain regression results are
displayed on the mean structural image.
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Here we investigated the neural correlates of fear in dreams and their relation to brain
responses to threatening stimuli during wakefulness. In Study 1, we found that experiencing
fear (vs. no fear) in dreams was associated with the activation of the insula and midcingulate
cortex (the latter during REM dreams; Fig. 1B), which were both also activated when
experiencing fear during wakefulness (Study 2; Fig. S1B, Table S2), as also classically reported
in previous research (Pereira MG et al. 2010; Alves FH et al. 2013; Casanova JP et al. 2016).
We recently reported that specific dream contents—such as faces, places, movement,
speech, and thoughts engage similar cortical networks as during wakefulness
(Perogamvros L et al. 2017; Siclari F et al. 2017). Here we show, for the first time to our
knowledge, that a specific emotional state, fear, activated the insula and midcingulate
during both dreaming and awake consciousness. The consistency of the present results
across brain states and their correspondence with classical work on brain structures involved
in fear are encouraging. Importantly, hdEEG (especially with 256 electrodes as in our study)
can have sufficient accuracy in source localization (e.g. associating dreams containing faces
with activation of the fusiform face area (Siclari F et al. 2017), even for the detection of
signal originating from deep cerebral structures (Seeber M et al. 2019). However, combined
EEG/fMRI studies are certainly needed to further elucidate the exact contribution of
subcortical structures, such as the amygdala, especially during REM sleep (Maquet P et al.
1996; De Gennaro L et al. 2011; Corsi-Cabrera M et al. 2016).
The insula, especially its anterior part, may contribute to socialemotional experience and
associated visceral states, possibly giving rise to conscious feelings (Critchley HD et al. 2004;
Chang LJ et al. 2013), and participates in the emotional response to distressing cognitive or
interoceptive signals (Reiman EM et al. 1997). Insula activation during dreaming could thus
reflect the integration of internally-generated sensory, affective and bodily information
culminating in a subjective feeling of danger, as we further discuss below. During REM sleep,
we also found an activation of the midcingulate cortex, a region known to be critically
involved in behavioral/motor responses to dangers (Pereira MG et al. 2010). Because REM
sleep is characterized by activation across sensory and motor cortices (Schwartz S and P
Maquet 2002), while muscle atonia prevents the overt expression of motor behaviors, this
sleep stage could provide a well-suited physiological condition for the (re)activation of
threatening situations with associated emotional and motor reactions.
Based on the results from Study 1, which suggested an anatomo-functional
correspondence between fear in dreams and wakefulness, we then asked whether
frequently experiencing fear in dreams may relate to the individual’s neurophysiological
sensitivity to fear during wakefulness. In Study 2, we analyzed awake fMRI response to
aversive stimuli as a function of whether participants reported a high incidence of fear in
their dreams. Here we thus considered fear in dreams as an individual trait, which we determined
based on the analysis of a large dataset of dreams. Of note, this measure of fear in dreams did
not correlate with depression, anxiety, sleep quality, and the frequency of dream recall (all
p>0.05), which supports the specificity of fear in dreams with respect to other classical
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dimensions of mood or sleep/dreams. We found decreased activity in the insula, amygdala and
midcingulate cortex, while activity of the mPFC cortex was increased (Fig. 2B). Along with the
insula, both the amygdala and the cingulate cortex have been associated with fear and the
perception of negative emotions during wakefulness (Phan KL et al. 2002), as we also
demonstrated (Fig. S1B, Table S2). On the other hand, the mPFC is believed to regulate the
response to threatening stimuli by modulating the activity of the amygdala (Quirk GJ et al.
2003; Phelps EA et al. 2004). Specifically, the mPFC exerts an inhibitory control on fear
expression by decreasing amygdala output and has been associated with extinction learning
(i.e., when a neutral conditioned stimulus that previously predicted an aversive
unconditioned stimulus no longer does so, and conditioned response subsequently
decreases) (Kalisch R et al. 2006; Herry C et al. 2010). Consistent with the proposal that
dreaming may serve an emotion regulation function (Kramer M 1991; Hartmann E 1996;
Cartwright R et al. 2006; Perogamvros L et al. 2013), participants who frequently (but not
excessively, see below) experienced frightening dreams showed a stronger inhibition of the
amygdala, potentially mediated by the mPFC. This interpretation is further supported by the
pupillary results showing that participants who frequently reported fear in their dreams had
reduced autonomic responses to aversive stimuli during wakefulness, suggesting a better
ability to regulate defensive and alerting reactions to threatening signals in those individuals.
In the domain of sleep research (irrespective of dreaming), REM sleep was found to play a
role in emotional memory consolidation (Nishida M et al. 2009; Goldstein AN and MP Walker
2014; Sterpenich V, C Schmidt, et al. 2014), especially fear memory consolidation (Pace-
Schott EF et al. 2015) and successful fear/safety recall (Menz MM et al. 2016), while both
NREM (Hauner KK et al. 2013; He J et al. 2015) and REM sleep stages (Pace-Schott EF et al.
2015; Menz MM et al. 2016) have been found to promote the retention and generalization
of extinction learning. In addition, it was proposed that specifically REM sleep contributes to
the attenuation of the emotional tone of waking-life memories (Walker MP and E van der
Helm 2009; Vallat R et al. 2017). Importantly, total sleep deprivation may cause a reduction
of mPFC control over the limbic system, resulting in an accentuation of emotional responses
to negative stimuli (Yoo SS et al. 2007) and an impairment of extinction recall (Straus LD et
al. 2017). We have previously suggested that these findings from sleep studies may
putatively extend to or even depend on concomitant dreaming (Perogamvros L and S
Schwartz 2012; Perogamvros L et al. 2013). In particular, the exposure to feared stimuli
(objects, situations, thoughts, memories, and physical sensations) in a totally safe context
during dreaming would thus resemble desensitization therapy (Levin R and TA Nielsen 2007).
Besides, several studies have demonstrated that dreaming of negative waking-life
experiences (e.g. divorce) contributes in a resolution of previous emotional conflicts and a
reduction of next-day negative mood (Cartwright RD et al. 1984; Cartwright R et al. 2006).
While this was not the objective of the present work, we would like to emphasize that the
present data do not allow us to make any inference about whether one occurrence of one
specific emotion in a dream influences emotional state or responsiveness on the following
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Contrasting with this beneficial role of negative but benign dreams, recurrent nightmares,
such as those observed in PTSD patients, might represent a failure of the fear extinction
function of dreaming (Nielsen T and R Levin 2007; Nielsen T 2017). Thus, nightmare patients
may be more prone to emotional dysregulation, as suggested by one recent study reporting
decreased mPFC activity during the viewing of negative pictures in these patients (Marquis L
et al. 2016). Furthermore, exerting ineffective emotional regulation strategies (e.g. fear
suppression) and elevated anxiety during wakefulness may lead to increased excitability of
negatively-loaded memories at sleep-onset or even during sleep (Schmidt RE and GH Gendolla 2008;
Malinowski J 2017; Sikka P et al. 2018; Sikka P et al. 2019), namely in conditions where monitoring
from the prefrontal cortex is reduced (Maquet P et al. 1996; Braun AR et al. 1997). Such disruption
in the regulation of emotions during wakefulness and sleep has been proposed as a major
contributing factor to insomnia (Wassing R et al. 2016).
Here, we experimentally show that, beyond sleeping, experiencing negative emotions
specifically during dreaming is associated with better-adapted emotional responses during
waking life. Study 2 combined data from three different experiments testing for brain
responses to aversive stimuli (vs. neutral). This allowed us to include a very large set of
participants, which is needed to exploit interindividual differences, as we do here. In all
three experiments, dream reports were collected using the exact same instructions and
same questionnaires. While we confirmed consistent fMRI and pupillary response results
across the three experiments for the effects of aversive vs. neutral emotions, Study 2 yielded
significant results in brain regions, for which we had strong theory-driven a priori. We
therefore suggest that what may be perceived as a potential limitation (i.e. combining data
from 3 experiments) may actually offer a better generalizability of the present findings to
diverse waking threatening situations.
Taken together, across two complementary studies, we show opposing neural effects of fear
experience in dreams and during wakefulness. These results support recent theoretical
claims that dreaming (beyond sleep) benefits emotion regulation processes, by achieving a
form of overnight affective simulation or recalibration (e.g. through extinction learning and
generalization), which would foster adapted emotional responses to dangerous real-life
events (Revonsuo A 2000; Nielsen T and R Levin 2007; Perogamvros L and S Schwartz 2012).
Studying the role of positive emotions (e.g. positive social interactions) in dreams (especially
in NREM dreams, (McNamara P et al. 2005) and their potential links with emotional brain
responses during wakefulness may be needed to further corroborate or refine existing
theoretical models. Finally, based on our results, we would like to suggest that future studies
should address how sleep and dreaming may influence exposure and extinction-based
therapies for affective disorders (Pace-Schott EF et al. 2018).
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This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation Grants 155120 (to L.P.)
and 320030-159862 (to S.S.), NIH/NCCAM P01AT004952 (to G.T.), NIH/NIMH
5P20MH077967 (to G.T.), Tiny Blue Dot Inc. grant MSN196438/AAC1335 (to G.T.).
VS, LP, GT, and SS designed the experiments, VS and LP conducted the experiments, VS, LP,
and SS analyzed the data, VS, LP, GT and SS wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Table S1: PCA analysis of the emotions in dreams.
Type of emotion
Percentage of
emotion in dreams
PCA component 1
PCA component 2
19.42 ± 27.38%
15.63 ± 23.11%
9.65 ± 20.10%
5.15 ± 13.82%
13.21 ± 21.16%
18.05 ± 25.44%
8.31 ± 18.59%
34.84 ± 32.41%
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2019;
Table S2: Functional MRI responses to aversive (vs. neutral) stimuli across the three fMRI
experiments. Results are corrected for multiple comparisons using family-wise error
correction at p<0.05 (FWE-corr) i) on the entire volume or ii) on predefined anatomical
regions of interest (marked as +).
MNI coordinates
20, -4, -16
Anterior insula
-36, 26, -6
32, 16, -18
Inferior frontal gyrus
-32, 14, -26
Motor cortex
-42, 0, 46
Anterior middle temporal
50, -2, -24
Posterior middle temporal
-54, -58, 10
52, -56, 14
Superior temporal sulcus
50, -18, 10
Calcarine/lingual gyrus
-10, -78, 8
20, -60, 4
14, -100, 6
-28, -86, -6
Midcingulate cortex
10, 18, 42
Superior frontal sulcus
42, 12, 24
Medial PFC
10, 44, -8
Motor cortex
-52, -16, 50
Angular gyrus
50, -62, 46
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2019;
Table S3: Whole-brain correlation between fMRI activity elicited by aversive (vs. neutral)
stimuli during wakefulness and basic (fear) emotions in dreams (as captured by the score on
the second PCA component). Results are corrected for multiple comparisons using family-
wise error correction at p<0.05 (FWE-corr) i) on the entire volume or ii) on predefined
anatomical regions of interest (marked as ).
Medial PFC
26, 4, -18
Anterior insula
-30, 26, 4
32, 22, -2
Midcingulate cortex
12, 2, 54
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(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
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Figure S1. A. Pupil diameter change in response to aversive and neutral stimuli, showing a
significant difference between aversive (plain color) and neutral (hatched) conditions for
each experiment (Exp. 1: t=4.79, p<0.001; Exp. 2: t=5.15, p<0.001; Exp. 3: t=3.49, P=0.002).
B. Regional changes in fMRI signal in response to aversive vs. neutral stimuli across the three
fMRI experiments. Right panels show the parameters estimates for each experiment
separately for aversive and neutral stimuli. For display purposes, whole-brain results are
displayed on the mean structural image at P=0.001 uncorrected.
.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
(which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.
The copyright holder for this preprint. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jan. 29, 2019;
... According to the idea that DE play a role in the emotional processing, more recently awake fMRI measures revealed that subjects experiencing frequent fear during DE have a higher activation of mPFC and reduced activation in the insula, amygdala and midcingulate cortex when faced with aversive stimuli (Sterpenich et al., 2019). The results are consistent with the view that mPFC should exert an inhibitory control on fear expression by reducing amygdala activity . ...
... The results are consistent with the view that mPFC should exert an inhibitory control on fear expression by reducing amygdala activity . A large amount of dream reports were collected at home and the presence of fear in DE has been considered as a trait-like factor of the participants (Sterpenich et al., 2019). ...
... These results are consistent with the continuity hypothesis, namely the possibility that dreams and wakefulness shared similar mechanisms (Schredl, 2003(Schredl, , 2009Scarpelli et al., 2015a,b;Mangiaruga et al., 2018;Sterpenich et al., 2019). ...
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Dream experience (DE) represents a fascinating condition linked to emotional processes and the human inner world. Although the overlap between REM sleep and dreaming has been overcome, several studies point out that emotional and perceptually vivid contents are more frequent when reported upon awakenings from this sleep stage. Actually, it is well-known that REM sleep plays a pivotal role in the processing of salient and emotional waking-life experiences, strongly contributing to the emotional memory consolidation. In this vein, we highlighted that, to some extent, neuroimaging studies showed that the processes that regulate dreaming and emotional salience in sleep mentation share similar neural substrates of those controlling emotions during wakefulness. Furthermore, the research on EEG correlates of the presence/absence of DE and the results on EEG pattern related to the incorporated memories converged to assign a crucial role of REM theta oscillations in emotional re-processing. In particular, the theta activity is involved in memory processes during REM sleep as well as during the waking state, in line with the continuity hypothesis. Also, the gamma activity seems to be related to emotional processes and dream recall as well as to lucid dreams. Interestingly, similar EEG correlates of DE have been found in clinical samples when nightmares or dreams occur. Research on clinical samples revealed that promoting the rehearsal of frightening contents aimed to change them is a promising method to treat nightmares, and that lucid dreams are associated with an attenuation of nightmares. In this view, DE can defuse emotional traumatic memories when the emotional regulation and the fear extinction mechanisms are compromised by traumatic and frightening events. Finally, dreams could represent a sort of simulation of reality, providing the possibility to create a new scenario with emotional mastery elements to cope with dysphoric items included in nightmares. In addition, it could be hypothesized that the insertion of bizarre items besides traumatic memories might be functional to “impoverish” the negative charge of the experiences.
... If we 84 want to know what people are experiencing, we have to ask them. The study of dreaming is awakening sleep (assumed to occur at the time of having those experiences) (Nielsen and 91 Chénier, 1999;Daoust et al., 2008;Sterpenich et al., 2019). Thus, it is unclear whether and to 92 what extent the neural processes underlying affective experiences are shared across 93 wakefulness and dreaming. ...
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Affective experiences are central not only to our waking life but also to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep dreams. Despite our increasing understanding of the neural correlates of dreaming, we know little about the neural correlates of dream affect. Frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) is considered a marker of affective states and traits as well as affect regulation in the waking state. Here, we explored whether FAA during REM sleep and during evening resting wakefulness is related to affective experiences in REM sleep dreams. EEG recordings were obtained from 17 human participants (7 men) who spent 2 nights in the sleep laboratory. Participants were awakened 5 min after the onset of every REM stage after which they provided a dream report and rated their dream affect. Two-minute preawakening EEG segments were analyzed. Additionally, 8 min of evening presleep and morning postsleep EEG were recorded during resting wakefulness. Mean spectral power in the alpha band (8 –13 Hz) and corresponding FAA were calculated over the frontal (F4-F3) sites. Results showed that FAA during REM sleep, and during evening resting wakefulness, predicted ratings of dream anger. This suggests that individuals with greater alpha power in the right frontal hemisphere may be less able to regulate (i.e., inhibit) strong affective states, such as anger, in dreams. Additionally, FAA was positively correlated across wakefulness and REM sleep. Together, these findings imply that FAA may serve as a neural correlate of affect regulation not only in the waking but also in the dreaming state.
... Studies linking the affective content of dream reports to structural brain differences have yielded inconclusive results (De Gennaro et al., 2011;Blake et al., 2019). Surprisingly, hardly any studies have related affective dream experiences-recalled and reported upon awakening-to the neural processes of preawakening sleep (assumed to occur at the time of having those experiences) (Nielsen and Chénier, 1999;Daoust et al., 2008;Sterpenich et al., 2019). Thus, it is unclear whether and to what extent the neural processes underlying affective experiences are shared across wakefulness and dreaming. ...
Affective experiences are central not only to our waking life but also to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep dreams. While the neural correlates of REM sleep are well documented, we know little about the neural correlates of dream affect. Frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) is considered a marker of affective states and traits as well as affect regulation in the waking state. Here, we explored whether FAA during REM sleep and during evening resting wakefulness is related to affective experiences in REM sleep dreams. Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings were obtained from participants who spent two nights in the sleep laboratory. Participants were awakened five minutes after the onset of every REM stage after which they provided a dream report and rated their dream affect. Two-minute pre-awakening EEG preceding each dream report were analyzed. Additionally, eight minutes of evening pre-sleep and morning post-sleep EEG were recorded during resting wakefulness. Mean spectral power in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) and corresponding FAA were calculated over the frontal (F4-F3) sites. Results showed that FAA during REM sleep, and during evening resting wakefulness, predicted ratings of dream anger. This suggests that individuals with lower right frontal activity (reflected in increased alpha power) may be less able to regulate (i.e., inhibit) strong affective states, such as anger, in dreams. Additionally, FAA was positively correlated across wakefulness and REM sleep. These findings imply that FAA may serve as a neural correlate of state and trait affect regulation not only in the waking but also in the dreaming state. --> Link to preprint:
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From back cover: This fascinating and highly original book presents a longitudinal systematic study of the earliest form of human dreaming in a child, from ages four through ten. Claudio Colace draws upon his extensive children’s dreams research, his expertise in brain science, and an intimate knowledge of a single subject, his son Marco, to demonstrate the validity of an ontogenetic approach to the understanding of dream processes. The availability of ‘first-hand’ information about the daytime experiences of the author’s son in relation to dream contents, as well as the longitudinal approach of the study, prove to be useful for a qualitative in-depth analysis of the nature and function of infantile dreams, and of the changes that occur in the dreaming process as the child grows, from the early forms to more complex ones. Affirming the significance of Freud’s explorations of infantile dreaming, this book attests to the nature of dreaming as a meaningful psychic act, rather than the result of random processes. Expanding beyond a purely psychotherapeutic context, the book analyzes the development of dreams systematically and in relation to Freud’s theories on the human mind, making it an important read for clinicians, scholars, and researchers interested in dream functions, child development, and psychodynamic theory. Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Methodological aspects of the study 1. The credibility of children's dream reports 2. The methodology of this study Part 2: The debut of dreaming activity: infantile dreams (ages four to five) 3. The predominance of clear wish-fulfilment dreams 4. Nature of the wishes appearing in dream reports 5. Daytime sources and triggering conditions of clear wish-fulfilment dreams 6. How do dreams act? The modus operandi of clear wish-fulfilment dreams 7. Less common forms of dreaming in infancy Part 3: The decline of infantile forms of dreaming (ages six to seven) 8. Changes in dream repertoire and developments in wish-fulfilment dreaming 9. Development of dream bizarreness and dream-work operations 10. Bad dreams 11. Ego and super-ego development and changes in dreaming Part 4: Dreaming in middle childhood (ages eight to ten) 12. Changes in dream repertoire and developments in wish-fulfilment dreams at ages 8-10 13. Dream distortion and new dream-works operations 14. Changes in bad dreams Part 5: The meaning and function of infantile dreams 15. The function of dreams: the affective-reestablishment (AR) hypothesis 16. Infantile forms of dreaming in adults 17. A new ontogenetic psychological-psychoanalytic model of dream Conclusions
L’Histoire montre que psychanalyse et neurosciences se sont toujours craintes et affrontées. Freud est pourtant une figure de la réunion de ces deux disciplines qui ont toutes les raisons de faire bon ménage, puisque la compréhension de la psyché de l’Homme est leur objectif commun. Le rêve, comme l’inconscient et la mémoire, sont des sujets qui bénéficieraient particulièrement des apports complémentaire, des deux disciplines. Dans l’état actuel des connaissances, la définition du rêve évolue encore beaucoup avec les résultats de la recherche qui peine à progresser tant le rêve échappe, presque intrinsèquement, à l’observation. Plusieurs initiatives ont montré les bénéfices de la collaboration entre neurosciences et psychanalyse, il faudrait qu’elles se développent. Notons, par exemple, que l’hypothèse d’un rôle du rêve dans la régulation émotionnelle est encouragée par plusieurs résultats des neurosciences cognitives, tout en étant compatible avec la vision psychanalytique du rêve. Voilà un terrain de rapprochement rêvé.
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Affective experiences are central not only to our waking life but also to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep dreams. Despite our increasing understanding of the neural correlates of dreaming, we know little about the neural correlates of dream affect. Frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) is considered a marker of affective states and traits as well as affect regulation in the waking state. Here, we explored whether FAA during REM sleep and during evening resting wakefulness is related to affective experiences in REM sleep dreams. EEG recordings were obtained from 17 human participants (7 men) who spent 2 nights in the sleep laboratory. Participants were awakened 5 min after the onset of every REM stage after which they provided a dream report and rated their dream affect. Two-minute preawakening EEG segments were analyzed. Additionally, 8 min of evening presleep and morning postsleep EEG were recorded during resting wakefulness. Mean spectral power in the alpha band (8 –13 Hz) and corresponding FAA were calculated over the frontal (F4-F3) sites. Results showed that FAA during REM sleep, and during evening resting wakefulness, predicted ratings of dream anger. This suggests that individuals with greater alpha power in the right frontal hemisphere may be less able to regulate (i.e., inhibit) strong affective states, such as anger, in dreams. Additionally, FAA was positively correlated across wakefulness and REM sleep. Together, these findings imply that FAA may serve as a neural correlate of affect regulation not only in the waking but also in the dreaming state.
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Dream experience (DE) represents a fascinating condition linked to emotional processes and the human inner world. Although the overlap between REM sleep and dreaming has been overcome, several studies point out that emotional and perceptually vivid contents are more frequent when reported upon awakenings from this sleep stage. Actually, it is well-known that REM sleep plays a pivotal role in the processing of salient and emotional waking-life experiences, strongly contributing to the emotional memory consolidation. In this vein, we highlighted that, to some extent, neuroimaging studies showed that the processes that regulate dreaming and emotional salience in sleep mentation share similar neural substrates of those controlling emotions during wakefulness. Furthermore, the research on EEG correlates of the presence/absence of DE and the results on EEG pattern related to the incorporated memories converged to assign a crucial role of REM theta oscillations in emotional re-processing. In particular, the theta activity is involved in memory processes during REM sleep as well as during the waking state, in line with the continuity hypothesis. Also, the gamma activity seems to be related to emotional processes and dream recall as well as to lucid dreams. Interestingly, similar EEG correlates of DE have been found in clinical samples when nightmares or dreams occur. Research on clinical samples revealed that promoting the rehearsal of frightening contents aimed to change them is a promising method to treat nightmares, and that lucid dreams are associated with an attenuation of nightmares. In this view, DE can defuse emotional traumatic memories when the emotional regulation and the fear extinction mechanisms are compromised by traumatic and frightening events. Finally, dreams could represent a sort of simulation of reality, providing the possibility to create a new scenario with emotional mastery elements to cope with dysphoric items included in nightmares. In addition, it could be hypothesized that the insertion of bizarre items besides traumatic memories might be functional to “impoverish” the negative charge of the experiences.
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Standard fear extinction relies on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) to form a new memory given the omission of threat. Using fMRI in humans, we investigated whether replacing threat with novel neutral outcomes (instead of just omitting threat) facilitates extinction by engaging the vmPFC more effectively than standard extinction. Computational modeling of associability (indexing surprise strength and dynamically modulating learning rates) characterized skin conductance responses and vmPFC activity during novelty-facilitated but not standard extinction. Subjects who showed faster within-session updating of associability during novelty-facilitated extinction also expressed better extinction retention the next day, as expressed through skin conductance responses. Finally, separable patterns of connectivity between the amygdala and ventral versus dorsal mPFC characterized retrieval of novelty-facilitated versus standard extinction memories, respectively. These results indicate that replacing threat with novel outcomes stimulates vmPFC involvement on extinction trials, leading to a more durable long-term extinction memory.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Psychiatric disorders characterized be excessive fear are a major public health concern. Popular clinical treatments, such as exposure therapy, are informed by principles of Pavlovian extinction. Thus, there is motivation to optimize extinction strategies in the laboratory so as to ultimately develop more effective clinical treatments. Here, we used functional neuroimaging in humans and found that replacing (rather than just omitting) expected aversive events with novel and neutral outcomes engages the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during extinction learning. Enhanced extinction also diminished activity in threat-related networks (e.g., the insula, thalamus) during immediate extinction and a 24 h extinction retention test. This is new evidence for how behavioral protocols designed to enhance extinction affects neurocircuitry underlying the learning and retention of extinction memories.
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Subcortical neuronal activity is highly relevant for mediating communication in large-scale brain networks. While electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings provide appropriate temporal resolution and coverage to study whole brain dynamics, the feasibility to detect subcortical signals is a matter of debate. Here, we investigate if scalp EEG can detect and correctly localize signals recorded with intracranial electrodes placed in the centromedial thalamus, and in the nucleus accumbens. Externalization of deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes, placed in these regions, provides the unique opportunity to record subcortical activity simultaneously with high-density (256 channel) scalp EEG. In three patients during rest with eyes closed, we found significant correlation between alpha envelopes derived from intracranial and EEG source reconstructed signals. Highest correlation was found for source signals in close proximity to the actual recording sites, given by the DBS electrode locations. Therefore, we present direct evidence that scalp EEG indeed can sense subcortical signals.
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Waking mental well-being is assumed to be tightly linked to sleep and the affective content of dreams. However, empirical research is scant and has mostly focused on ill-being by studying the dreams of people with psychopathology. We explored the relationship between waking well-being and dream affect by measuring not only symptoms of ill-being but also different types and components of well-being. Importantly, this is the first time peace of mind was investigated as a distinct aspect of well-being in a Western sample and in relation to dream content. Healthy participants completed a well-being questionnaire, followed by a three-week daily dream diary and ratings of dream affect. Multilevel analyses showed that peace of mind was related to positive dream affect, whereas symptoms of anxiety were related to negative dream affect. Moreover, waking measures were better related to affect expressed in dream reports rather than participants’ self-ratings of dream affect. We propose that whereas anxiety may reflect affect dysregulation in waking and dreaming, peace of mind reflects enhanced affect regulation in both states of consciousness. Therefore, dream reports may possibly serve as markers of mental health. Finally, our study shows that peace of mind complements existing conceptualizations and measures of well-being.
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Research has found that high thought suppressors dream more of their emotional waking-life experiences than low suppressors, in line with the dream rebound effect. The present study replicated and extended this finding. Participants (N = 62) completed the White Bear Suppression Inventory, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale and answered questions about their most recent dream. High thought suppressors dreamt more of their negative (but not positive) emotional experiences from waking-life than low thought suppressors. They also had poorer sleep quality and higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. The results indicate a negative relationship between trait thought suppression and well-being. Identifying problematic suppressed thoughts in dream content may assist in generating insights into them and/or have therapeutic benefit.
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Several studies have demonstrated that dream content is related to the waking life of the dreamer. However, the characteristics of the memory sources incorporated into dreams are still unclear. We designed a new protocol to investigate remote memories and memories of trivial experiences, both relatively unexplored in dream content until now. Upon awakening, for 7 days, participants identified the waking life elements (WLEs) related to their dream content and characterized them and their dream content on several scales to assess notably emotional valence. Thanks to this procedure, they could report WLEs from the whole lifespan, and mundane ones before they had been forgotten. Participants (N = 40, 14 males, age = 25.2 ± 7.6) reported 6.2 ± 2.0 dreams on average. For each participant, 83.4% ± 17.8 of the dream reports were related to one or more WLEs. Among all the WLEs incorporated into dreams dated by the participants (79.3 ± 19%), 40.2 ± 30% happened the day before the dream, 26.1 ± 26% the month before (the day before excluded), 15.8 ± 21% the year before the dream (the month before excluded), and 17.9 ± 24% happened more than one year before the dream. As could be expected from previous studies, the majority of the WLEs incorporated into dreams were scored as important by the dreamers. However, this was not true for incorporated WLEs dating from the day before the dream. In agreement with Freud’s observations, the majority of the day residues were scored as mundane. Finally, for both positive and negative WLEs incorporated into dreams, the dreamt version of the WLE was rated as emotionally less intense than the original WLE. This result, showing that dreams tend to attenuate the emotional tone of waking-life memories towards a more neutral one, argues in favor of the emotional regulation hypothesis of dreaming.
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Adverse childhood experiences can deleteriously affect future physical and mental health, increasing risk for many illnesses, including psychiatric problems, sleep disorders, and, according to the present hypothesis, idiopathic nightmares. Much like post-traumatic nightmares, which are triggered by trauma and lead to recurrent emotional dreaming about the trauma, idiopathic nightmares are hypothesized to originate in early adverse experiences that lead in later life to the expression of early memories and emotions in dream content. Accordingly, the objectives of this paper are to (1) review existing literature on sleep, dreaming and nightmares in relation to early adverse experiences, drawing upon both empirical studies of dreaming and nightmares and books and chapters by recognized nightmare experts and (2) propose a new approach to explaining nightmares that is based upon the Stress Acceleration Hypothesis of mental illness. The latter stipulates that susceptibility to mental illness is increased by adversity occurring during a developmentally sensitive window for emotional maturation—the infantile amnesia period—that ends around age 3½. Early adversity accelerates the neural and behavioral maturation of emotional systems governing the expression, learning, and extinction of fear memories and may afford short-term adaptive value. But it also engenders long-term dysfunctional consequences including an increased risk for nightmares. Two mechanisms are proposed: (1) disruption of infantile amnesia allows normally forgotten early childhood memories to influence later emotions, cognitions and behavior, including the common expression of threats in nightmares; (2) alterations of normal emotion regulation processes of both waking and sleep lead to increased fear sensitivity and less effective fear extinction. These changes influence an affect network previously hypothesized to regulate fear extinction during REM sleep, disruption of which leads to nightmares. This network consists of a fear circuit that includes amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex and whose substantial overlap with the stress acceleration findings allows the latter to be incorporated into a wider, more developmentally coherent framework.
Neuroimaging studies have repeatedly shown amygdala activity during sleep (REM and NREM). Consequently, various theorists propose central roles for the amygdala in dreaming – particularly in the generation of dream affects, which seem to play a major role in dream plots. However, a causal role for the amygdala in dream phenomena has never been demonstrated. The traditional first step in determining this role is to observe the functional effects of isolated lesions to the brain structure in question. However, circumscribed bilateral amygdala lesions are extremely rare. Furthermore, the treatment of the amygdala as a unitary structure is problematic, as the basolateral and centromedial amygdala (BLA and CMA) may serve very different functions. We analysed 23 dream reports collected from eight adult patients with bilateral calcification of the BLA as a result of a very rare genetic condition called Urbach-Wiethe Disease (UWD). We compared these dream reports to 52 reports collected from 17 matched controls. Given that the BLA has been implicated in various affective processes in waking life, we predicted that the emotional content of the patients’ dreams would differ from that of controls. Due to the exploratory nature of this research, a range of different dream characteristics were analysed. A principal components analysis run on all data returned three key factors, namely pleasantness, length and danger. The UWD patients’ dream reports were significantly more pleasant and significantly shorter and less complex than control reports. No differences were found in levels of threat or danger. The results support some current hypotheses concerning the amygdala's role in dreaming, and call others into question. Future research should examine whether these UWD patients show generally impaired emotional episodic memory due to BLA damage, which could explain some of the current findings.
Exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder (SAD) utilizes fear extinction, a memory process enhanced by sleep. We investigated whether naps following exposure sessions might improve symptoms and biomarkers in response to social stress in adults undergoing 5-week exposure-based group SAD therapy. Thirty-two participants aged 18–39 (18 females) with SAD were randomized. Before and after treatment, participants completed the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) and underwent a Trier Social Stress Test with psychophysiological monitoring (mpTSST) that included skin conductance (SCL), electromyographic (EMG) and electrocardiographic recording, and an auditory startle procedure while anticipating the social stressor. At sessions 3 and 4, exposure was followed by either a 120-min polysomnographically monitored sleep opportunity (Nap, N = 17) or wakefulness (Wake, N = 15). Primary hypotheses about SAD symptom change (LSAS) and EMG blink-startle response failed to differ with naps, despite significant symptom improvement (LSAS) with therapy. Some secondary biomarkers, however, provided preliminary support for enhanced extinction learning with naps, with trend-level Time (pre-, post-treatment) × Arm interactions and significant reduction from pre- to post treatment in the Nap arm alone for mpTSST SCL and salivary cortisol rise. Because of the small sample size and limited sleep duration, additional well-powered studies with more robust sleep interventions are indicated.