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Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy for Ischemic Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review

Frontiers in Neurology

Abstract and Figures

While studies have demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy after stroke or TBI improves mortality, there is much controversy regarding when decompressive craniectomy is optimally performed. The goal of this paper is to synthesize the data regarding timing of craniectomy for malignant stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) based on studied time windows and clinical correlates of herniation. In stroke patients, evidence supports that early decompression performed within 24 h or before clinical signs of herniation may improve overall mortality and functional outcomes. In adult TBI patients, published results demonstrate that early decompressive craniectomy within 24 h of injury may reduce mortality and improve functional outcomes when compared to late decompressive craniectomy. In contrast to the stroke data, preliminary TBI data have demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy after radiographic signs of herniation may still lead to improved functional outcomes compared to medical management. In pediatric TBI patients, there is also evidence for better functional outcomes when treated with decompressive craniectomy, regardless of timing. More high quality data are needed, particularly that which incorporates a broader set of metrics into decision-making surrounding cranial decompression. In particular, advanced neuromonitoring and imaging technologies may be useful adjuncts in determining the optimal time for decompression in appropriate patients.
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published: 25 January 2019
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00011
Frontiers in Neurology | 1January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Edited by:
Stephen Honeybul,
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
Reviewed by:
J. Marc Simard,
University of Maryland, Baltimore,
United States
Jacek Szczygielski,
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes,
Johannes Lemcke,
Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Germany
Gregory Hawryluk
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This article was submitted to
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Neurology
Received: 05 September 2018
Accepted: 07 January 2019
Published: 25 January 2019
Shah A, Almenawer S and Hawryluk G
(2019) Timing of Decompressive
Craniectomy for Ischemic Stroke and
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review.
Front. Neurol. 10:11.
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00011
Timing of Decompressive
Craniectomy for Ischemic Stroke and
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review
Aatman Shah 1, Saleh Almenawer 2and Gregory Hawryluk 1
1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Division of
Neurosurgery, Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
While studies have demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy after stroke or
TBI improves mortality, there is much controversy regarding when decompressive
craniectomy is optimally performed. The goal of this paper is to synthesize the data
regarding timing of craniectomy for malignant stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
based on studied time windows and clinical correlates of herniation. In stroke patients,
evidence supports that early decompression performed within 24 h or before clinical
signs of herniation may improve overall mortality and functional outcomes. In adult TBI
patients, published results demonstrate that early decompressive craniectomy within
24 h of injury may reduce mortality and improve functional outcomes when compared
to late decompressive craniectomy. In contrast to the stroke data, preliminary TBI
data have demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy after radiographic signs
of herniation may still lead to improved functional outcomes compared to medical
management. In pediatric TBI patients, there is also evidence for better functional
outcomes when treated with decompressive craniectomy, regardless of timing. More
high quality data are needed, particularly that which incorporates a broader set of
metrics into decision-making surrounding cranial decompression. In particular, advanced
neuromonitoring and imaging technologies may be useful adjuncts in determining the
optimal time for decompression in appropriate patients.
Keywords: TBI, stroke, decompressive hemicraniectomy, timing, herniation
Decompressive craniectomy has been used to treat elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) resulting
from various etiologies, especially ischemic and traumatic brain injuries. Given the inflexible
confines of the skull, brain swelling from stroke or TBI can result in a compartment syndrome,
increasing intracranial pressure (ICP). This can reduce cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), cerebral
blood flow (CBF), and oxygenation (1). If not acted upon, this can lead to brain ischemia, infarction,
herniation, and death. There are various management strategies to treat elevated ICPs which
include sedation, hyperventilation, hyperosmolar therapy, paralysis, hypothermia, barbiturates,
and cerebrospinal fluid drainage (2). Decompressive craniectomy is a treatment option generally
reserved for ICP elevation refractory to less invasive treatments (3).
Although decompressive craniectomy has been shown to effectively reduce ICP (4), there
remains much controversy regarding its effect on overall clinical outcome, especially following TBI
(5). Additionally, it is becoming clear that factors such as timing of decompressive craniectomy may
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
play a significant role in determining the therapeutic benefit of
this procedure. There are various studies providing insight into
the optimal timing of decompressive craniectomy for victims of
TBI and ischemic stroke and it is important for neurosurgeons
to be aware of this data. The goal of this paper is to synthesize
published findings regarding optimal timing for craniectomy for
both malignant stroke and TBI in relation to time from injury
and in relation to cerebral herniation.
Decompressive Craniectomy for Stroke in
the Animal Model
Some animal data have suggested that early decompressive
craniectomy could yield better functional outcomes than
late decompression or non-operative management. In two
animal studies with standardized experimental conditions, rats
undergoing decompressive craniectomy after MCA infarction
had a significantly better outcome and had a reduction in infarct
size when compared to the non-surgical groups (6,7). These
studies were based on the hypothesis that avoiding herniation
and mesencephalic ischemia would improve prognosis. Doerfler
et al. concluded that the decompressive craniectomy groups
demonstrated better mortality and neurologic outcome when
compared to the non-surgical group (6). It was further concluded
that the animals treated with very early decompression (within
4 h) demonstrated significantly better neurologic outcomes and
smaller infarct size compared to animals treated with later
decompression. Forsting et al. also found that decompressive
craniectomy improved outcomes, mortality, and infarct size
when compared to the non-surgical group regardless of when the
decompression occurred (7).
Decompressive Craniectomy Within 48 h of
Ischemic Stroke
Decompressive craniectomy following acute ischemic stroke has
been studied in three relatively recent human randomized
controlled trials. These studies analyzed the effects of
decompressive surgery on mortality and functional outcome
after malignant hemispheric stroke. The subsequent pooling
and meta-analysis of these studies has generated very important
insights as will be described.
DECIMAL (Decompressive Craniectomy in Malignant
Middle Cerebral Artery Infarcts) was published in 2007. It
assigned 38 patients to undergo surgery or medical management
within 30 h of their initial stroke (8) (see Table 1). When
compared to the medical therapy cohort, the cohort that
underwent decompressive craniectomy demonstrated a
mortality rate that was more than halved, and a 50% increase in
the proportion of patients with only moderate disability.
DESTINY (Decompressive Surgery for the Treatment of
Malignant Infarction of the Middle Cerebral Artery) was also
published in 2007. It enrolled 32 patients within 36 h of stroke (9).
This randomized study demonstrated that craniectomy reduces
mortality in large hemispheric stroke. Like DECIMAL, this study
demonstrated a reduction in death rates in the surgical cohort,
but also like DECIMAL the sample size of the DESTINY trial was
not sufficient to draw conclusions regarding functional outcome.
Because the above studies were underpowered to
assess differences in functional outcomes, the HAMLET
(Hemicraniectomy After MCA Infarction With Life Threatening
Edema Trial) trial was initiated. This third RCT was published in
2009 and was crucial in adding to the body of literature regarding
decompressive surgery following acute ischemic stroke (10).
HAMLET enrolled 64 patients up to 96 h after stroke. This RCT
demonstrated that when decompressive craniectomy is delayed
up to 96 h, there was no improvement in functional outcomes in
survivors. The percentage of patients with a mRS score less than
or equal to three at 1 year follow up were comparable between
the decompressive craniectomy and control group (25% in both
groups). It should be noted that three patients in the surgical
group and three patients in the medical group had a fixed and
dilated pupil on enrollment which means that roughly 20% of
the study population demonstrated signs of herniation prior to
treatment. Because 20% of this study population had already
demonstrated signs of herniation, it can be argued that delayed
craniectomy may be too late to impart any functional benefit.
A meta-analysis of the three studies was performed by Vahedi
et al. on the patients treated with surgery within 48 h in the
DECIMAL and DESTINY trials as well as the first 23 patients
of the HAMLET trial (11). In this meta-analysis of 93 patients
crossover was minimal: there was only one crossover from non-
operative treatment to decompressive surgery included in this
analysis from the DESTINY trial. The results demonstrated
increased favorable functional outcome compared to the medical
cohort (11). In this paper, 43% of the decompressive craniectomy
group had a modified Rankin scale (mRS) score of 0–3 compared
to 21% in the control group. It should be noted that from the
human studies presented thus far, there have been no direct
comparisons between outcomes of early vs. late decompressive
The findings from the meta-analysis performed by Vahedi
et al. was further corroborated by the findings of Vibbert et al.
This study contained 64 patients with acute ischemic stroke in
the MCA territory who presented within 96 h of symptom onset.
The patients were randomized to receive medical management or
surgical intervention (3). The primary outcome was the modified
Rankin scale (mRS) at 12 months which was stratified as good
outcome (0–3) and severe disability or death (4–6). Twenty-
four out of 32 patients in each arm had a mRS score >3 at 12
months, and rates of severe disability were also similar between
groups. The risk of death was significantly reduced in the surgical
group (absolute risk reduction of 38%; P=0.002). The authors
performed subgroup analyses of patients who underwent surgery
in <48 h and patients who underwent surgery after 48 h. For
patients who underwent surgery within 48 h of stroke, the risk
of death and an mRS score >4 were reduced (respectively: ARR,
59%; 95% CI, 33–84; ARR 30%; 95% CI, 1–59) (3).
Vibbert et al. then performed an updated meta-analysis with
their cohort of patients and patients from the aforementioned
DECIMAL, DESTINY, and HAMLET trials who underwent
decompressive surgery within 48 h (3). Corroborating their prior
Frontiers in Neurology | 2January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
TABLE 1 | Decompressive craniectomy for stroke studies.
Author Study
Patients Selection
Treatment Total no
to DC
at 6 months
at 12 months
Stroke Vahedi et al.
controlled trial
Adult patients
with MCA
Patient age 18–55 years,
within 24 h of a malignant
MCA infarction, NIHSS
16,; >50% of the MCA
territory involved on CT; DWI
infarct volume >145 cm3
DC 20 Avg 20.5 ±8.3 h
(range, 7–43 h)
5 (25) mRS score 3:
mRS score 3:
When compared to medical
management, the DC group
demonstrated an increase in
the number of patients with
moderate disability by more
than half and demonstrated
a reduction in the mortality
rate by more than half.
18 NA 14 (78) mRS score 3:
mRS score 3:
Juttler et al.
controlled trial
Adult patients
with MCA
Patient age 18–60 years, at
least 2/3 of MCA territory
infarction with basal ganglia
involvement, NIHSS >18 for
non-dominant hemisphere,
NIHSS >16 for dominant
hemisphere, symptoms >
12 h but <36 h before
possible DC
DC 17 Within 36 h after
2 (11.8) mRS score 3:
mRS score 3:
DC reduces mortality in
large hemispheric stroke.
Functional outcomes at 6
and 12 months were
comparable between both
15 NA 8 (53.3) mRS score 3:
mRS score 3:
et al. (10)
controlled trial
Adult patients
with MCA
Patient age 18–60, at least
2/3 of MCA territory stroke
within 96 h of treatment,
NIHSS score >16 right
sided lesions or >21 left
sided lesions,
DC 32 Within 96 h after
7 (22) NA mRS score
DC can improve fatality and
functional outcomes when
performed within 48 h;
however, when delayed up
to 96 h, there was no
improvement in functional
32 19(59) NA mRS score
Vibbert et al.
controlled trial
Adult patients
with MCA
Patient age 18–60, at least
2/3 of MCA territory stroke
within 96 h of treatment,
NIHSS score >16 right
sided lesions or >21 left
sided lesions,
DC 32 Within 96 h after
NA NA mRS score
DC can improve fatality
(absolute risk reduction of
38%); however, there was
no improvement in
functional outcomes.
32 NA NA mRS score
Schwab et al.
Adult patients
with MCA
Patients younger than 70,
>50% MCA territory
infarction noted on CT
Early DC 31 Within 24 h after
5 (16) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 68.8
NA Earlier DC was associated
with lower mortality. There
was a trend toward better
functional outcomes, and
the patients spent less time
in the ICU
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Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
TABLE 1 | Continued
Author Study
Patients Selection
Treatment Total no
to DC
at 6 months
at 12 months
Late DC 32 >24 h after stroke 11 (34.4) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 62.6
55 43 (78) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 60
Wang et al.
Adult patients
with MCA
Patients with 1st stroke
>90% MCA infarction
Early DC 11 Within 24 h after
3 (27) Mean Glasgow
Outcome Score:
NA While the mortality rates
were comparable between
groups, severe disability
may be reduced in early
treated patients
Late DC 10 >24 h after stroke 3 (30) Mean Glasgow
Outcome Score:
41 9 (22) Mean Glasgow
Outcome Score:
Cho et al. (14) Retrospective
Adult patients
with MCA
Patients with >50% MCA
infarction with NIHSS score
Ultra-early DC 12 Within 6 h after
1 (8.3) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 70
NA DC before neurologic
compromise may reduce
the mortality rate and
increase the conscious
recovery rate
Delayed DC 30 >6 h after stroke 11 (36.7) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 52.9
10 8 (80) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 55
Mori et al. (15) Retrospective
Adult patients
with MCA
Patients <85 years of age
with patients with embolic
hemispheric infarction
volume >than 200 cm3
Early DC 21 DC before brain
4 (19.1) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 52.9
NA Early DC before the onset of
brain herniation should be
performed to improve
mortality and functional
recovery. DC after signs of
herniation may be too late
for functional benefit
Late DC 29 DC after brain
8 (27.6) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 26.9
21 15 (71.4) Avg Barthel Index
Score: 28.3
Elsawaf et al.
Adult patients
with MCA
Patients with malignant
MCA infarction
DC based on
clinical status
27 DC with
deterioration of
14 (52) Mean mRS Score:
NA Early prophylactic DC yields
better clinical and
radiographic outcomes than
DC based on clinical status
Early DC 19 DC within 6 h of
2 (10.5) Mean mRS Score:
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Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
findings, the data suggest a significant reduction in risk of
death (ARR, 49.9%; 95% CI, 33.9–65.9) and in the risk of
severe disability at 12-months (ARR, 41.9%; 95% CI, 25.2–58.6).
While not statistically significant, there was a notable trend
toward reduction in risk of poor outcome (12 month mRS score
>3—ARR, 16.3%; 95% CI, 0.1–33.1).
In summary, decompressive craniectomy within 96 h of
malignant MCA stroke did not reduce poor outcomes at 1
year; however, there seems to be a trend toward reduction
in death and moderate-to-severe disability (mRS score>4)
when surgery was performed within 48 h from the stroke. It
is possible that a significant portion of patients 96 h from
an acute ischemic stroke may already exhibit herniation,
and decompressive craniectomy at this time may be too
late to impart functional benefit. Unfortunately, analysis of
outcome in relation to herniation events was insufficiently
described in these studies, and it is not possible to determine
whether early surgery is beneficial due to avoiding herniation
or whether there is a benefit to early surgery independent
of herniation. The benefit of early surgery in the cohort
by Vibbert et al. was not as great in magnitude as in
HAMLET; however, this may have been due to a longer interval
between symptom onset and surgical treatment in HAMLET
(mean 31 h) than in DECIMAL (mean 16 h) and DESTINY
(mean 24 h).
Decompressive Craniectomy Within 24 h of
Ischemic Stroke
Other data have suggested that early decompressive craniectomy
within 24 h of stroke could yield even better functional outcomes.
Schwab et al. conducted a prospective observational trial where
the patient population was stratified by early craniectomy
(<24 h after symptom onset) and late craniectomy (>24 h), with
additional comparison to a natural history group (12). Patients
were included in the study if they had >50% MCA territory
infarction noted on CT imaging. The mean time between
symptoms and surgery was 21 h (range, 8–42 h) in the early
craniectomy group and 39 h (range, 6–112 h) in the late group.
This difference approached statistical significance (p=0.07).
Mortality was 16% (5/31) in the early group, 34.4% (11/32)
in the late group, and 78% (43/55) in the historical controls
(12). The late group demonstrated uncal herniation in 24 of
32 patients (75%) whereas only 4 of 31 patients (13%) in the
early group demonstrated uncal herniation. Length of stay in
the ICU was 7.4 days for the early group and 13.3 days in the
late treated group (p=0.05). Functional outcome measured by
the Barthel Index (BI) demonstrated a higher mean score for
the early group with an average score of 70 vs. 62.6 in the late
group. There was a trend toward better outcomes with early
craniectomy, however, the data were not statistically significant.
Overall, this study demonstrated that early craniectomy was
an efficacious approach for treating malignant MCA infarction
when the patients were treated before signs of herniation.
The mortality rate was lower, there was a trend to better
functional outcome, and the patients spent less time in
the ICU.
The data presented by Schwab et al. were further corroborated
by smaller series published by Wang et al. and Cho et al. In
a retrospective study of 21 patients, Wang et al. compared the
outcomes of early decompression (<24 h) to late decompression
(>24 h) (13). While the mortality rate was comparable, Wang
et al. demonstrated that severe disability may be reduced in early
treated patients. Cho et al. further corroborated this data, and
demonstrated the positive results in association with ultra-early
decompression defined as decompression within 6 h of symptom
presentation (14). The Cho et al. study reported only a cohort
of 52 patients and demonstrated that the acute mortality rate
was statistically lower for the ultra-early group (8.3%) compared
to the delayed decompression group (>6 h) and the no surgery
group (36.7 and 80%, respectively, all p-values <0.001). The
ultra-early group also had better prognosis for conscious recovery
(91.7%) compared to the delayed decompression group and the
no surgery group (55 and 0%, respectively). While more data
are needed, the published data give credence to the idea that
early craniectomy performed within 24 h yields better mortality
and functional outcomes. Moreover, this study suggests that the
benefit to early surgery may not merely stem from an avoidance
of herniation.
Decompressive Craniectomy for Ischemic
Stroke Based on Clinical Correlates of
While the previous studies demonstrated benefit from early
decompression, a key limitation was insufficient delineation of
the role of herniation events in distinction to merely performing
early surgery. Indeed, there have been more recent studies that
indicate that the timing of craniectomy should be based on
clinical features rather than on a strict temporal scale given
the variations in when herniation events occur in the clinical
course of different patients. A retrospective study by Mori et al.
analyzed the outcomes of 71 patients with embolic hemispheric
infarctions (infarct volume >200 cm3) who were stratified into 3
groups: non-operative management, decompressive craniectomy
after brain herniation (late surgery group), and decompressive
craniectomy before brain herniation (early surgery group) (15).
This study utilized the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), changes in
mental status, and anisocoria as clinical indicators for herniation.
The mortality at 1 and 6 months in the non-operative group was
61.9 and 71.4%, respectively. The mortality at 1 and 6 months in
the late surgery group was 17.2 and 27.6%, respectively, (p=0.01)
and was even better in the early surgery group 4.8 and 19.1%,
respectively. The Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and Barthel
Index (BI) were employed as functional outcome measures at 6
months. The GOS scores of the early surgery group were better
than those of the late surgery group (p=0.05). The average BI
score of the early surgery group (52.9 ±34.2) were improved
from those of the late surgery group (26.9 ±30.4) (p=0.05).
The late surgery group had a comparable BI score to the non-
operative group (28.3 ±42.2), which indicates that surgery after
signs of herniation may be too late to yield functional benefit.
Mori et al. thus concluded that an effort should be made to
perform early decompressive craniectomy before the onset of
Frontiers in Neurology | 5January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
brain herniation in patients with malignant cerebral infarction.
Mori et al. also concluded that embolic stroke patients with >200
cm3volume of infarction and shift of the midline structures on
a follow-up CT 2 days after ictus are more likely to herniate and
would benefit from decompressive craniectomy.
Mori et al. advanced the field by conceptualizing outcome in
relation to clinical indicators of herniation. With this in mind,
Elsawaf et al. published a recent and important prospective
study comparing outcomes of early decompression (within 6 h
of presentation) and decompression based on clinical features
of deterioration. Forty-six patients with large hemispheric MCA
infarction were divided randomly into two groups: Group I
in which patients were followed until deterioration of level of
consciousness, and Group II in which patients were operated
within 6 h of presentation regardless of clinical signs of
deterioration or radiographic features (16). While both groups
demonstrated improvement in conscious level, motor power,
and functional outcome, there was significant improvement
(p<0.05) in functional outcome in group II based on the
mRS. Group I demonstrated increased progression of infarct
volume when compared to Group II, and also had a morality
of 52% due to delay in surgery compared to 10% in Group
II. This study found better clinical and radiographic outcomes
for patients with large hemispheric MCA infarction who were
operated on prophylactically within 6 h of infarction without
waiting for deterioration of level of consciousness.
While there are concerns that very early decompression
surgery might potentially be unnecessary, the presented data
demonstrate that decompression after the onset of herniation
symptoms is less effective, or may even be ineffective in reducing
mortality and improving neurological outcome. While more data
are required, current studies suggest that stroke patients with
malignant infarction >200 cm3and follow up CT at 2 days from
symptom onset which demonstrate shift of the midline structures
are likely to herniate and would benefit from early decompressive
Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI) in the Animal Model
Preliminary data from TBI animal models treated with
decompressive craniectomy have suggested that decompressive
craniectomy could reduce edema formation and prevent
secondary expansion of the original contusion when compared
to non-operative management. Zweckberger et al. utilized
a controlled cortical impact model of TBI in a cohort of
mice to study the influence of decompressive craniectomy on
secondary contusion expansion and brain edema formation, and
to determine optimal timing of decompressive craniectomy (25).
It was determined that in the surgical groups, there was no
secondary expansion of the original contusion and there was
a 52% reduction of brain edema compared to the non-surgical
group. These benefits were seen with decompressive craniectomy
when performed up to 3 h after the initial trauma. Tomura et al
utilized a fluid percussion injury model of TBI in a cohort of
rats to investigate the influence of decompressive craniectomy
on post traumatic brain edema formation. It was found that the
non-surgical group demonstrated less cortical water content and
greater AQP4 expression when compared to the decompressive
craniectomy group.
Decompressive Craniectomy More Than
24 h After TBI
Although there is some controversy regarding the use of
decompressive craniectomy in ischemic stroke patients, the
use of decompressive craniectomy following human TBI has
certainly been more controversial. Three RCTs have analyzed the
outcomes of TBI patients after late decompressive craniectomy
(more than 24 h from the injury) (see Table 2). The DECRA
(Decompressive Craniectomy in Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury)
trial published by Cooper et al. in 2011 was a landmark RCT
which informed the outcomes of TBI patients with diffuse
injuries who were treated with decompressive craniectomy
within 72 h of injury (17). In this study, 155 patients with
refractory ICPs >20 mmHg for 15 min within a 1-h period
were randomized into a decompressive craniectomy group
(bifrontal decompressive craniectomy) or a maximal medical
management group. On average, the time from injury to surgery
was 38.1 h, with a range of 27.1–55.0 h. In this study, Cooper
et al. determined that bifrontal decompressive craniectomy
decreases ICP and the length of stay in the intensive care unit,
but is associated with more unfavorable outcomes. There are,
however, some criticisms involving the DECRA trial. First, the
randomization was uneven between the 2 groups. There were
more patients with non-reactive pupils in the decompressive
craniectomy group than the medical therapy group (27 vs. 12%,
respectively [p=0.04]). It can be argued that more patients
in the decompressive craniectomy group already demonstrated
signs of herniation prior to treatment which may obfuscate
the therapeutic benefit from a decompressive craniectomy.
Indeed, the harm associated with decompression was no longer
statistically significant when a statistical control for unreactive
pupils was performed. Other issues included the relatively small
sample size and that only bifrontal decompressive craniectomy
without falx sectioning was allowed. Some researchers believe
DECRA was too aggressive and that ICP elevations should have
been sustained for longer durations prior to considering surgery.
Lastly, there were no standardized rehabilitation protocol for the
enrolled patients.
After the DECRA trial, the therapeutic effect of decompressive
craniectomy in TBI patients remained unclear, particularly in
patients with focal pathology and when a lateral decompression
is performed. In 2016, Hutchinson el al. published a multicenter
(48 centers, 19 countries) RCT study named RESCUEicp
(Trial of Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Intracranial
Hypertension) in which a cohort of 408 patients with TBI
and refractory elevated ICP (>25 mmHg for at least 1 h)
were randomized into a decompressive craniectomy group or a
maximal medical therapy group (18). In this pragmatic study,
44% of patients were enrolled after 72 h. RESCUEicp was
Frontiers in Neurology | 6January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
TABLE 2 | Decompressive craniectomy for TBI studies.
Author Study
Patients Treatment Total no
Time to DC Mortality
GOS at 6 months GOS at 12
TBI Cooper et al.
controlled trial
Adults with
Age 15–59 years,
brain trauma,
DC 73 Performed within 72 h
after injury; a large
craniectomy with
bilateral dural opening
14 (19) Median =3 (IQR
NA DC decreases ICP and
the length of stay in the
intensive care unit, but
is associated with more
unfavorable outcomes.
82 NA 15 (18) Median =4 (IQR
et al. (18)
controlled trial
Adults with
Age 10–65,
abnormal CT scan
of the brain,
pressure monitor
already in place,
and have raised
pressure (>25 mm
Hg for 1–12 h)
DC 202 Performed at any time.
44% were enrolled after
72 h
59 (30.4) Favorable
(upper severe
disability or better):
(upper severe
disability or
When compared to
medical management,
DC resulted in lower
mortality and higher
rates of vegetative
state, lower severe
disability, and
upper severe disability.
The rates of moderate
disability and good
recovery were
comparable between
both groups.
196 NA 93 (52) Favorable
(upper severe
disability or better):
(upper severe
disability or
Qiu et al. (19) Randomized
controlled trial
Adults with
Patient age 18–65,
brain swelling on
CT with >5 mm
midline shift,
<25 ml,
compressed basal
cisterns, and GCS
8 or less
Unilateral DC 37 DC for all patients
within 2 to 24 h after
10 (27) 1: 10 (27%); 2: 1
(3%); 3: 5 (14%);
4: 6 (16%); 5: 15
4 or 5 (56.8%) Unilateral DC is
superior to control
craniectomy in lowering
ICPs, reducing the
mortality rate, and
improving neurological
Control (unilateral
37 DC for all patients
within 2 to 24 h after
21 (57) 1: 21 (57%); 2: 0
(0%); 3: 4 (11%);
4: 7 (19%); 5: 5
4 or 5 (32.4%)
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Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
TABLE 2 | Continued
Author Study
Patients Treatment Total no
Time to DC Mortality
GOS at 6 months GOS at 12
Taylor et al.
controlled trial
patients with
DC 13 DC was performed at a
median of 19.2 h (range
7.3–29.3 h).
3 (23.1) Favorable: 7
Unfavorable: 6
NA DC may be superior to
medical management
of in children with TBI in
reducing ICP and
improving functional
outcome and quality of
Cianchi et al.
Adults with
186 patients with
TBI were
studied from
Early DC 41 DC was performed
within 24 h of TBI
12 (29.3) Average
GOS =3.3
NA Hospital mortality rates
and Glasgow Outcome
Scale at 6 month follow
up were comparable
between all groups
Late DC 21 DC was performed
after 24 h of TBI
6 (28.6) Average
GOS =3.0
124 30 (24.2) Average
GOS =3.6
Bagheri et al.
Adults with
Severe TBI
patients with
midline shift >
5 mm and who
were candidates
for DC according
to their initial brain
CT scan from
Early DC 61 DC performed 4.5 ±
2 h after trauma
NA GOS >3, 54.1%
(33 patients)
NA Patients whose age
was >60 and a GCS
<5 did not benefit from
early decompressive
et al. (23)
patients with
23 patients age <
18 who underwent
DC for Trauma
were analyzed
DC 23 DC performed on avg
68 h (range 24–192)
7 (30.4) NA Avg GOS at 2
years =4.2
(median 5)
Although the mortality
rate remains high, DC
is effective in reducing
ICP and is associated
with good outcomes in
survivors (81%
returning to school)
et al. (24)
Adults with
Patients with
brain injury
between 2005 and
2015 who
underwent DC at
deployed surgical
DC 486 Quintile 1: DC
30–152 min after TBI;
Quintile 2: DC
154–210 min after TBI;
Quintile 3 DC
212–320 min after TBI;
Quintile 4: DC
325–639 min after TBI;
Quintile 5: DC
665–3,885 min after
Quintile 1:
23; Quintile
Quintile 3:
Quintile 4:
Quintile 5:
NA NA Mortality was
significantly lowered
when time to
craniectomy occurred
within 5.33 h of injury
Frontiers in Neurology | 8January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
intended to study a distinct population of patients as compared
with DECRA. The DECRA trial looked at decompression within
72 h after diffuse TBI, whereas the RESCUEicp trial analyzed
decompressive craniectomy as salvage therapy for refractory
intracranial hypertension. Moreover, patients with intracranial
hematoma were not included in DECRA trial, but accounted for
about 20% of the RESCUEicp trial. Unilateral craniectomy was
not permitted in DECRA trial but was allowed in the RESCUEicp
trial. At 6 months, the patients in RESCUEicp’s decompressive
craniectomy group exhibited lower mortality but higher rates
of vegetative state, “lower severe” disability, “upper severe
disability, and comparable rates of moderate disability and
“good recovery” when compared to the medical management
group. It should also be noted that in the subgroup analysis
comparing decompressive craniectomy performed before 72 h
and at 72 h or more, there were no differences noted in functional
outcomes. In interpreting this trial it is important to consider
that 37.2% (73 patients) of the patients in the medical group
ultimately underwent decompressive craniectomy. Notably, ten
patients were excluded from analysis due withdrawal/lack of
valid consent. Seven additional patients in the medical group
were lost to follow-up. It is particularly important to consider
that the majority of the patients in the RESCUEicp trial
had diffuse injuries (78.6% of all study patients between the
surgical and medical therapy groups) and underwent bifrontal
decompressions (81.3% of the surgical group) despite the intent
to enroll a distinct population from DECRA. With this in mind,
the authors of this manuscript view RESCUEicp as confirming
the findings of DECRA without substantially informing the use
of decompressive craniectomy in patients with focal pathology,
and the role of lateral decompressions.
Due to the paucity of data analyzing the importance of timing
of decompressive craniectomy in outcomes of TBI patients, a
meta-analysis published by Zhang et al. demonstrated that early
decompressive craniectomy within 36 h could result in better
prognosis based on the Glasgow Outcome Scale scores at 6
months when compared to patients operated on >36 h from
the initial injury (5). The meta-analysis included 10 studies with
four randomized controlled trials. On sub-group analysis, Zhang
et al. determined that decompressive craniectomy could reduce
mortality rate, lower ICPs, decrease ICU stay, but could also
increase complication rate.
Decompressive Craniectomy Within 24 h of
While the aforementioned studies analyzed outcomes following
decompressive craniectomy performed more than 24 h from time
of injury, there have been efforts to analyze outcomes in TBI
patients treated with early decompressive craniectomy within
24 h of injury. To that end, Cianchi et al. published their findings
from a retrospective analysis which looked at the outcomes of
early vs. late decompressive craniectomy compared to maximal
medical management in treating TBI patients (21). In this
study, 186 TBI patients were divided into early decompressive
craniectomy (surgery within 24 h of TBI), late decompressive
craniectomy (surgery after 24 h, on average 7.7 days after TBI),
and maximal medical management groups. Hospital mortality
rates and Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 month follow up were
comparable between all groups; however, the 6 month mortality
rate was significantly less for the maximal medical management
group compared to the early and late decompressive craniectomy
groups (29, 48.8, 42.9%, respectively [p=0.02]) (21). One of
the main limitations of this analysis is the retrospective study
design. Inherently, patients in the control group had intracranial
pressures that were adequately treated with medical therapy
whereas patients who received decompressive craniectomy failed
medical therapy. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that
the patients who underwent decompressive craniectomy had,
on average, a more severe TBI. A more appropriate control
group would include patients who were non-responders to
medical treatment who were not treated with late decompressive
craniectomy; however, there are obvious ethical considerations
limiting such a study design.
To better address the importance of early decompressive
craniectomy in TBI patients, Qiu et al. published an RCT
analyzing the outcomes of early decompressive craniectomy
in TBI patients (19). Seventy-four patients were randomized
to either unilateral decompressive craniectomy or a control
group which consisted of a unilateral routine temporoparietal
craniectomy. All surgery occurred between 2 and 24 h (average
5.8 h) after admission. Enrolled patients needed to demonstrate
>5 mm of midline shift on CT and compression of the basal
cisterns. In this RCT, the entire cohort had progressed to
some form of radiographic herniation. The mortality rates at 1
month after treatment were 27% in the unilateral decompressive
craniectomy group and 57% in the control group. At 1 year
follow up, good neurological outcome (GOS Score of 4–5) were
56.8% for the decompressive craniectomy group and 32.4% for
the control group (p=0.035). In contrast to the previous stroke
studies which demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy
after herniation does not confer any functional benefit, Qiu
et al. concluded that unilateral decompressive craniectomy
after radiographic signs of herniation may be superior to the
control group at lowering ICPs, reducing the mortality rate, and
improving functional outcome. It should be reiterated that all
surgeries were performed within 24 h which is considered to be
“early” compared to the timing of decompression reported in
most of the TBI in the literature.
Bagheri et al. corroborated the findings of Qiu et al. and
published their findings from a prospective study of 61 patients
who underwent rapid decompressive craniectomy (within 4.5 ±
2 h) after trauma to assess factors associated with prognosis and
outcome (22). Of the 61 patients, 54.1% demonstrated favorable
functional outcomes; however, patients with ages older than
60 years, bilateral non-reactive mydriasis, critical head injury
(GCS<5), or with >1 cm midline shift had worse outcomes.
Bagheri argued that patients whose age was >60 and a GCS <5
did not benefit from early decompressive craniectomy.
Lastly, a large retrospective review involving 486 patients with
combat related TBI who underwent decompressive craniectomy
demonstrated that decompression within 5.33 h from TBI was
associated with improved survival (24). The mortality of the
patients were reported by time interval related quintiles: quintile
Frontiers in Neurology | 9January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
1 was defined as decompressive craniectomy 30–152 min after
TBI, quintile 2 was defined as decompressive craniectomy 154–
210 min after TBI, quintile 3 was defined as decompressive
craniectomy 212–320 min after TBI, quintile 4 was defined as
decompressive craniectomy 325–639 min after TBI, and quintile
5 was defined as decompressive craniectomy 665–3,885 min
after TBI. The postoperative mortality was 23, 7, 7, 19, and
14% respectively. Mortality was significantly lowered when
time to craniectomy occurred within 5.33 h of injury. While
providing some insight into the possible importance of ultra-
early decompressive craniectomy on survival, the retrospective
design and the lack of long term functional outcome data limits
the conclusions that can be drawn from this study.
Although more research is needed, decompressive
craniectomy remains a frequently performed treatment—
generally of last resort—for many patients with severe TBI.
Much additional research is needed to optimize how and when
this surgery is performed. In contrast to the findings in the
stroke data, preliminary data for TBI studies demonstrate that
decompressive craniectomy after acute herniation may still be
beneficial in improving mortality and functional outcomes.
Although more data are needed, TBI patients treated with early
decompressive craniectomy seem to have lower mortality and
potentially better functional outcomes than TBI patients treated
with late decompressive craniectomy. As with the stroke data,
the analysis of outcome for TBI patients in relation to herniation
events was insufficiently described in relevant studies, and it is
not possible to determine whether early surgery is beneficial
due to avoiding herniation or whether there is a benefit to
early surgery independent of herniation. While the larger RCTs
indicate that decompressive craniectomy may increase the
survival rate and concomitantly increase rates of severe disability
including vegetative state, subsequent trials with a shorter
duration to decompressive craniectomy have demonstrated
improved functional outcomes and less mortality.
Early Decompressive Craniectomy in
Pediatric TBI Patients
Some published data demonstrate that early decompressive
craniectomy may be beneficial in the pediatric population.
To that end, Taylor et al. published the only RCT analyzing
outcomes of early decompressive craniectomy in the pediatric
population (20). Twenty-seven children who had sustained ICP
elevation after TBI were randomized to the medical management
group or the decompressive craniectomy group. Early bitemporal
decompressive craniectomy was performed for the surgical group
at a median of 19.2 h (range 7.3–29.3 h) from the time of
TBI. Outcome was assessed 6 months after the TBI using a
modification of the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) and the
Health State Utility Index. At 6 months, 54% of children in the
decompressive craniectomy group had good outcomes or mild
disability at 6 months compared to 14% of children in the control
group. Taylor et al. concluded that in pediatric TBI patients
with refractory ICPs, patients treated with early decompressive
craniectomy are more likely to have reduced ICPs and improved
functional outcome than children treated with maximal medical
therapy alone. While this is the only RCT published regarding
decompressive craniectomy in the pediatric population, this
study has received some criticism because it involved an unusual
decompressive surgery in which the dura was not opened, and
because it accrued a small number of patients over a long study
Jagannathan et al. corroborated the findings from Taylor et al.
in their retrospective review on the outcomes of 23 pediatric
patients who underwent decompressive craniectomy for TBI
(23). The time to decompressive craniectomy was on average 68 h
(range 24–192). Despite having longer time to decompressive
craniectomy compared to Taylor et al., the mean GOS score at
the 2-year follow-up examination was 4.2 (median 5). At latest
follow up, 81% of the patients returned to school, and only
18% were dependent on caregivers. It should be noted that the
outcomes in the Taylor et al. cohort were analyzed at 6 months,
whereas the outcomes in the manuscript by Jagannathan et al.
were analyzed at 2 year follow up, substantially confounding a
comparison of the two trials. Although more data are needed, it
is possible that earlier decompression may not be as important in
improving long term outcomes in the pediatric population as has
been shown in the adult population.
With the limited data at hand, it appears that the pediatric
population has better functional outcomes with decompressive
craniectomy regardless of timing when compared to medical
management. Unfortunately, direct comparisons between early
and late decompressive craniectomy have not been made in the
pediatric population. Larger RCTs with direct comparisons will
be needed to determine if timing plays a role improving outcomes
in the pediatric population.
Future Directions: Decompressive
Craniectomy Based on Biologic and
Radiographic Metrics
While there are data validating the benefits of early craniectomy
based on specific time windows and clinical correlates of
herniation, there are growing data that there may be other
biologic and radiographic metrics to help guide timing of
decompressive craniectomy for TBI and stroke. Strict control
of intracranial pressures and cerebral perfusion pressures alone
does not necessarily prevent cerebral hypoxia (26). Recent data
have demonstrated that measurement of brain tissue oxygen
tension (PbtO2) may more precisely measure the adequacy of
cerebral perfusion, and could be a useful adjunct for deciding
on the timing of decompressive craniectomy (27). A PbtO2
below 20 mmHg has been associated with poor outcomes in TBI
patients (28). Reithmeier et al. published data on the effects of
decompressive craniectomy on ICPs and PbtO2based on the
continuous monitoring of 15 patients and determined that PbtO2
monitoring could serve as a useful tool for timing craniectomy
(2). One criticism of PbtO2is that its measurements are based
on data from the confines of a small volume of brain tissue
which may not adequately reflect the oxygenation of a larger
expanse of compromised brain. Other potentially useful biologic
metrics include the pressure reactivity index (PRx) which is
the correlation coefficient between mean intracranial pressure
Frontiers in Neurology | 10 January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
Shah et al. Timing of Decompressive Craniectomy
(ICP) and mean arterial blood pressure. This could be used as a
surrogate marker of cerebrovascular impairment (29). There have
also been preliminary data suggesting that surrogates for blood-
brain-barrier disruption, defined by a ratio of total CSF protein
concentrations to total plasma protein concentration, may also
be useful for prognosis and treatment (30). Advances in imaging
modalities may also be utilized to guide the treatment trajectory.
The infarct growth rate (IGR) between two CT scans may also
be a useful tool for timing craniectomy. Kamran et al. published
a retrospective, multicenter cross-sectional study of 182 patients
to identify factors for selecting the timing of craniectomy (31).
The IGR on the second CT was one of the five factors identified
as having the strongest association with craniectomy. Patients
who survived without surgery had the slowest IGRs. On another
retrospective cohort of 137 patients, Kamran et al. demonstrated
that IGR was identified as an independent predictor of early
surgery (32). The second infarct growth rate [IGR2] >7.5 ml/hr
was associated with surgery under 48 h. Both first infarct growth
rate [IGR1] and second infarct growth rate [IGR2] were nearly
double in patients with early surgery within 48 h. Although more
data are needed, monitoring the infarct growth rate could help
determine when a neurosurgeon should pursue decompression.
While promising, these biologic and radiographic metrics still
require more data before they are used to counsel patients
regarding treatment course and prognosis.
Although there is much controversy surrounding optimal
timing of decompressive craniectomy in patients with stroke
and TBI, data have suggested that early decompression within
24 h has a tendency to improve mortality and functional
outcomes for both conditions when compared to decompression
performed after 24 h. In stroke patients, decompression
before clinical signs of herniation yields improved functional
outcomes when compared to decompression after clinical
signs of herniation. Surgery after clinical deterioration may
be too late to impart any functional benefit in stroke patients.
In contrast to the stroke data, preliminary TBI data have
demonstrated that decompressive craniectomy after signs of
herniation may still lead to improved functional outcomes
compared to medical management. In adult TBI patients, early
decompressive craniectomy within 24 h may improve mortality
and functional outcomes when compared to decompressive
craniectomy performed >24 h. In fact, data from RCTs suggest
that late decompressive craniectomy for TBI may result in
worse functional outcomes than maximal medical therapy.
In pediatric TBI patients, patients also had better functional
outcomes when treated with decompressive craniectomy
regardless of timing. High quality studies better informing
the timing and indications for decompressive craniectomy
are needed for both ischemic stroke and TBI. The additional
data provided by imaging and advanced neuromonitoring
could also be useful adjuncts in guiding decision
AS: Conceptualization of the manuscript, literature review, data
analysis, and manuscript writing. SA: Data analysis and revision
consultant. GH: Supervised, edited/wrote the manuscript and
literature/data analysis.
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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Frontiers in Neurology | 12 January 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 11
... Considering that nonsurgical treatment to reduce ICP has been shown to be mostly ineffective, the release of the cranial vault and of the dura mater allows the edematous brain tissue to expand outwards, thus offering a clear survival advantage, decreasing the mortality rate from 80% to $ 20%, which appears to be related to changes in the pressure gradients that develop within the skull, provided by surgical decompression. 7,8,9,10 There are currently no well-defined levels for the treatment of elevated ICP caused by clinical conditions other than traumatic brain injury. However, in different medical centers, therapy is started when ICP is > 20 to 25 mmHg. ...
... In these studies, it can be seen that younger patients (< 60 years old) with a higher score on the Glasgow scale who are operated on in the first 24 hours after the ischemic stroke, before presenting neurological deterioration, show a more favorable result. 7,29 However, considering that patients with extensive ischemic stroke have a poor prognosis, the use of ICP monitoring has been more useful in different units that opt for more aggressive therapies, such as DC; despite this, we can find in other studies that these new therapeutic measures are beneficial only when applied early. 19,30 That being said, ICP monitoring in patients with extensive ischemic stroke would aim to guide therapeutic decisionmaking, to assess the efficacy of applied therapeutic maneuvers, and to detect unexpected complications, such as hemorrhagic transformation of ischemic stroke. ...
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Background Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a valuable treatment for reducing early lethality in malignant intracranial hypertension (IH); however, it has been shown that the decision to implement DC in patients with extensive ischemic stroke should not be based solely on the detection of IH with the use of intracranial pressure (ICP) devices. Objective To establish the usefulness of DC in patients with extensive ischemic stroke who came to the emergency room during the period between May 2018 and March 2019. Methods This was an analytical, prospective, and longitudinal study whose population corresponded to all patients with a diagnosis of extensive ischemic stroke. Results The sample consisted of 5 patients, of which 3 were female and 2 males, the average age was 62.2 years old (minimum 49 years old, maximum 77 years old). Of all the patients who underwent DC, it was found that 80% of the patients did not present an increase in intracranial pressure. Decompressive craniectomy was not performed in a case that responded adequately to medical treatment. The mean values of ICP were 25 mmHg with a minimum value of 20 mmHg and a maximum value of 25 mmHg; in patients with a moderate value, the ICP averages were < 20 mmHg. The mortality was of 40% (RANKIN of 6 points). Conclusions Decompressive craniectomy is useful in extensive ischemic stroke. The decision to implement DC in patients with extensive stroke rests on clinicoradiological parameters. The monitoring of the IPC was not particularly useful in the early detection of the neurological deterioration of the patients studied.
... We know that decompressive craniectomy when performed within 2 days of stroke symptom initiation seems to have a trend toward a reduction in mortality and morbidity. [1] Delayed presenters in acute ischemic stroke may already have cerebral herniation, and craniectomy may be too late to get clinical benefits. [1] However, there is a group of patients (like in our case) who deteriorate lately (because of cerebral edema) after initial stability and need hemicraniectomy. ...
... [1] Delayed presenters in acute ischemic stroke may already have cerebral herniation, and craniectomy may be too late to get clinical benefits. [1] However, there is a group of patients (like in our case) who deteriorate lately (because of cerebral edema) after initial stability and need hemicraniectomy. The variables independently associated with edema development were total anterior circulation syndrome, hyperdense appearance of middle cerebral artery, closed eyes, vomiting, lacunar cerebral syndrome, and white matter lesions. ...
... There is ongoing debate on the earliest practical time to decompress 84 before there is any irreversible brain damage or widespread ischemic brain injury. There are evidence supporting that early decompression performed within 24 h or before clinical signs of herniation may improve overall mortality and functional outcomes 85 . There are other reports that claim that it is advantageous to decompress within 24 to 48 hours of the incident 49 improving outcomes 86 . ...
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Introduction: Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most devastating injury affecting physical, mental, social and financial health of an individual and a society. The research, understanding and management of TBI is mainly focussed towards the secondary effects of the traumatic brain injury. Maintaining intracranial pressure within reasonable bounds is essential for successful TBI therapy, as an uncontrolled intracranial pressure (ICP) plays a major role in determining the course and prognosis of the injury. In general, ICP can be managed medically and/or surgically. In this article, we discuss our experience, the most recent understanding, and a method for managing ICP in traumatic brain injury. Material and Methods: This study comprised 350 patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) who were treated by a single neurosurgeon at several institutions between 2005 and 2020. 76.6% (268) of the patients were men, and 64% (224) of the patients were under 60 years old. The most common mode of injury was road traffic accident followed by fall from height. The study excluded those patients with brain stem injuries, bilateral non-reacting pupils, and concomitant significant injuries in other body parts. All were first treated medically with appropriate resuscitation, hyper-osmolar therapy (mannitol, 3% saline), hyperventilation, and barbiturate coma as per the response and requirement. Surgical intervention was used for patients who did not respond to medical management. In addition, decompressive craniectomy (DC) was primarily performed on those whose GCS was less than 5 and who had reacting pupils, upon presentation. Results: Out of the 350 patients, 53.2% (186) had moderate TBI and 46.8% (164) had severe TBI. Due to failure of medical management, 30.5% (54) of moderate and 69.5% (123) of severe TBI underwent decompressive craniectomy in the form of bifrontal craniectomy in 18% (32), unilateral fronto-temporo-parietal craniectomy (hemicraniectomy) in 64% (113) , bilateral hemicraniectomy in 6% (11) and 12% (21) underwent limited fronto-temporo-parietal craniectomy. Decompressive craniectomy was not performed for posterior fossa. The data on outcome is very poor, inadequate and unreliable due to bad follow up. 5 years Follow up could be obtained only of 127 out of 350 (36%) patients and majority of these 69% (88) were moderately or severely disabled. Of those operated ones, only 27% (48) agreed for cranioplasty. 17% (30) had to undergo VP shunt for hydrocephalus. The group with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) accounted for the majority of deaths (17%), with respiratory tract infections being the primary cause. Conclusion: Decompressive craniectomy is the sole option in medically refractory cases of traumatic intracranial hypertension, who continue to deteriorate clinically. Nevertheless, the benefit falls short of expectations, particularly with regard to functional recovery. However prompt and appropriate decompression in appropriately indicated patients has withstood the test of time and remains a widely accepted attempt at life saving for moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.
... However, surgical interventions are often ambiguous or fail to improve outcome with regard to surgical technique (e.g. craniotomy versus decompressive craniectomy) and timing [31][32][33][34][35]. Advances in neuromonitoring comprise, for example, the detailed analysis of ICP using machine learning models, which can improve the prediction of outcomes and mortality [36][37][38][39][40] It is likely that novel and improved neuromonitoring methods will have an increasing impact on treatment strategies [36,41,42]. ...
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TBI is a leading cause of death and disability in young people and older adults worldwide. There is no gold standard treatment for TBI besides surgical interventions and symptomatic relief. Post-injury infections, such as lower respiratory tract and surgical site infections or meningitis are frequent complications following TBI. Whether the use of preventive and/or symptomatic antibiotic therapy improves patient mortality and outcome is an ongoing matter of debate. In contrast, results from animal models of TBI suggest translational perspectives and support the hypothesis that antibiotics, independent of their anti-microbial activity, alleviate secondary injury and improve neurological outcomes. These beneficial effects were largely attributed to the inhibition of neuroinflammation and neuronal cell death. In this review, we briefly outline current treatment options, including antibiotic therapy, for patients with TBI. We then summarize the therapeutic effects of the most commonly tested antibiotics in TBI animal models, highlight studies identifying molecular targets of antibiotics, and discuss similarities and differences in their mechanistic modes of action.
... Timing of surgical procedure. An aggressive and early approach may lead to unnecessary surgical interventions (considering the cranioplasty) for a patient who could recover with conservative treatment (58). On the other hand, if DC is performed too late, the patient is at risk of irreversible brain stem damage due to herniation (59). ...
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The application of decompressive craniectomy (DC) is thoroughly documented in the management of brain edema, particularly following traumatic brain injury. However, an increasing amount of concern is developing among the universal medical community as regards the application of DC in the treatment of other causes of brain edema, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, sinus thrombosis and encephalitis. Managing stroke continues to remain challenging, and demands the aggressive and intensive consulting of a number of medical specialties. Middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarcts, which consist of 1-10% of all supratentorial infarcts, are often associated with mass effects, and high mortality and morbidity rates. Over the past three decades, a number of neurosurgical medical centers have reported their experience with the application of DC in the treatment of malignant MCA infarction with varying results. In addition, over the past decade, major efforts have been dedicated to multicenter randomized clinical trials. The present study reviews the pertinent literature to outline the use of DC in the management of malignant MCA infarction. The PubMed database was systematically searched for the following terms: ‘Malignant cerebral infarction’, ‘surgery for stroke’, ‘DC for cerebral infarction’, and all their combinations. Case reports were excluded from the review. The articles were categorized into a number of groups; the majority of these were human clinical studies, with a few animal experimental clinical studies. The surgical technique involved was DC, or hemicraniectomy. Other aspects that were included in the selection of articles were methodological characteristics and the number of patients. The multicenter randomized trials were promising. The mortality rate has unanimously decreased. As for the functional outcome, different scales were employed; the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended was not sufficient; the Modified Rankin Scale and Bathel index, as well as other scales, were applied. Other aspects considered were demographics, statistics and the very interesting radiological ones. There is no doubt that DC decreases mortality rates, as shown in all clinical trials. Functional outcome appears to be the goal standard in modern-era neurosurgery, and quality of life should be further discussed among the medical community and with patient consent.
... 7 Previous studies imply that DC may still be helpful in reducing mortality and improving functional outcomes in TBI patients, particularly if administered early. 8 Since there were so many brain injury cases in Indonesia, including in West Nusa Tenggara Province, the authors are encouraged to conduct research on DC in patients with TBI. This research is anticipated to give a general overview of the prognosis of the DC procedure done in patients with TBI, especially in Lombok, which is based at the Regional General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province. ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has significantly increased both mortality and morbidity in developed and developing countries. Decompressive Craniectomy (DC) is an option when conventional treatments fail to reduce intracranial pressure (ICP) when brain edema occurs in TBI. This study aims to determine the relationship between DC and patients with TBI in West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Hospital whose outcome was assessed with Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS). A total of 41 TBI patients who underwent DC were included in the study. Univariate analysis revealed that men made up the majority of the subjects, with 26 people (63.4%) compared to 15 women (36.3%). Traffic accidents (82.9%), falling (12.2%), and being crushed (4.9%) accounted for the majority of the causes of TBI. Bivariate analysis showed that pupillary reflex, length of stay, and Glasgow Coma Scale at discharge from the hospital were associated with outcome (p=0.002; p=0.000; p=0.000 respectively), GOSE (p=0.001; p=0.000; p=0.000 respectively), and mRS (p=0.001; p=0.000; p=0.000 respectively). Other factors such as gender, age, trauma mechanism, GCS admission, and operation time, however, did not significantly affect the outcome, GOSE, or mRS.
... 8,9 Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is an effective intervention for the reduction of ICP and has been associated with improved glucose utilization and reduced cellular stress in patients with aSAH. 10 It has also been proposed to optimize the management of delayed cerebral ischaemia by permitting more vigorous hypertensive and hypervolaemic therapy, which, in the absence of decompression, may be associated with prohibitive elevations in ICP. 4,11 Despite this, previous experience with DC suggests unsatisfactory outcomes in patients with aSAH, with no significant difference observed in pooled rates of poor outcome between patients undergoing DC relative to matched controls at early or late follow-up in a recent meta-analysis. 12 However, although substantial heterogeneity precluded pooled subgroup analyses, it is likely that the outcome of patients undergoing DC varies significantly by the timing of, and indication for, decompression. ...
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Background: Decompressive craniectomy (DC) remains a controversial intervention for established or anticipated intracranial hypertension among patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). Methods: We identified aSAH patients who underwent DC following microsurgical aneurysm repair from a prospectively maintained cerebrovascular registry and compared their outcomes with a propensity-matched cohort who did not. Logistic regression was used to identify predictors of undergoing decompressive surgery and post-operative outcome. The outcomes of interest were inpatient mortality, unfavourable outcome at first and final follow-up, NIS-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Outcome Measure and modified Rankin Score (mRS) at first and final follow-up. Results: A total of 246 consecutive patients with aSAH underwent microsurgical clipping of the culprit aneurysm between 01/09/2011 and 20/07/2020. Of these, 46 patients underwent DC and were included in the final analysis. Unsurprisingly, patients treated with DC had a greater chance of unfavourable outcome (p<0.001) and higher median mRS (p<0.001) compared with those who did not at final follow-up. Despite this, almost two-thirds (64.1%) of patients undergoing a DC had a favourable outcome at this time-point. When compared with a propensity-matched cohort who did not, patients treated with DC fared worse at all endpoints. Multivariable logistic regression revealed that the presence of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) and increased pre-operative mid-line shift were predictive of undergoing DC, and WFNS grade ? 4 and a delayed ischaemic neurological deficit requiring endovascular angioplasty were associated with unfavourable outcome. Conclusions: Our data suggest that DC can be performed with acceptable rates of morbidity and mortality, particularly among younger patients who present with lower grade aSAH. Further research is required to determine the superiority, or otherwise, of DC compared with structured medical management of intracranial hypertension in this context, and to identify predictors of requiring decompressive surgery and patient outcome.
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Acute ischemic stroke is a sudden neurological event caused by brain ischemia. Patients with large vessel occlusion are at high risk of developing significant cerebral edema, which can lead to rapid neurological decline. The optimal timing for decompressive hemicraniectomy to prevent further brain damage is still uncertain. This study aimed to identify potential predictors of severe brain edema. The data indicate that specific cytokines may help identify patients with a higher risk of developing life-threatening brain swelling in the early phase post-stroke. The association between a positive biomarker and the outcome was calculated, and three biomarkers—S100B protein, MMP-9, and IL-10—were found to be significantly associated with malignant edema. A model was derived for early predicting malignant cerebral edema, including S100B protein and IL-1 beta. These findings suggest that molecular biomarkers related to the ischemic cascade may be a helpful way of predicting the development of malignant cerebral edema in ischemic stroke patients, potentially widening the time window for intervention and assisting in decision-making. In conclusion, this study provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of severe brain edema and highlights the potential use of biomarkers in predicting the course of ischemic stroke.
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In patients with malignant middle cerebral artery (MMCA) stroke, a vital clinically relevant question is determination of the speed with which infarction evolves to select the time for decompressive hemicraniectomy [DHC]. A retrospective, multicenter cross-sectional study of patients referred for DHC, based on the criteria of randomized controlled trials, was undertaken to identify factors for selecting the timing of DHC in MMCA stroke, stratified by time [< 48, 48–72, > 72 h]. Infarction volume and infarct growth rate [IGR] were measured on all CT scans. One hundred eighty-two patients [135 underwent DHC and 47 survived without DHC] were included in the analysis. After multivariate adjustment, factors showing the strongest independent association with DHC were patients < 55 years of age, septum pellucidum deviation, temporal lobe involvement, MCA with additional infarcts, and IGR on second CT. Of the five factors identified, different combinations of determining factors were observed in each subgroup. Both first and second IGRs were highest in the < 48, 48–< 72, and > 72 h [p < 0.001]. Patients who survived without surgery had the slowest IGRs. There was no association between time to DHC and infarct volume, although infarct volume was lower in patients who survived without DHC compared to the DHC subgroups. We identify the major risk factors associated with DHC in time-stratified subgroups of patients with MMCA. Evaluation of IGRs between the first and second scan and when possible second and third scan can help in selecting the timing of hemicraniectomy.
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We aim to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the prognostic value of decompressive craniectomy (DC) in patients with traumatic intracranial hypertension. PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Web of Science, were searched for eligible studies. Ten studies were included in the systematic review, with four randomized controlled trials involved in the meta-analysis, where compared with medical therapies, DC could significantly reduce mortality rate [risk ratio (RR), 0.59; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.47–0.74, P < 0.001], lower intracranial pressure (ICP) [mean difference (MD), −2.12 mmHg; 95% CI, −2.81 to −1.43, P < 0.001], decrease the length of ICU stay (MD, −4.63 days; 95% CI, −6.62 to −2.65, P < 0.001) and hospital stay (MD, −14.39 days; 95% CI, −26.00 to −2.78, P = 0.02), but increase complications rate (RR, 1.94; 95% CI, 1.31–2.87, P < 0.001). No significant difference was detected for Glasgow Outcome Scale at six months (RR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.61–1.18, P = 0.33), while in subgroup analysis, early DC would possibly result in improved prognosis (P = 0.04). Results from observational studies supported pooled results except prolonged length of ICU and hospital stay. Conclusively, DC seemed to effectively lower ICP, reduce mortality rate but increase complications rate, while its benefit on functional outcomes was not statistically significant.
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Objective To assess, by Rankin scale, the functional disability of patients who had a malignant middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischemic stroke, who underwent decompressive craniotomy (DC) within the first 30 days. Methods A cross-sectional study in a University hospital. Between June 2007 and December 2014, we retrospectively analyzed the records of all patients submitted to DC due to a malignant MCA infarction. The mortality rate was defined during the hospitalization period. The modified outcome Rankin score (mRS) was measured 30 days after the procedure, for stratification of the quality of life. Results The DC mortality rate was 30% (95% CI 14.5 to 51.9) for the 20 patients reported. The mRS 30 days postoperatively was ≥ 4 [3.3 to 6] for all patients thereafter. Conclusion DC is to be considered a real alternative for the treatment of patients with a malignant ischemic MCA infarction.
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Objective and Methods. The outcome in late decompressive hemicraniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery stroke and the optimal timings of surgery has not been addressed by the randomized trials and pooled analysis. Retrospective, multicenter, cross-sectional study to measure outcome following DHC under 48 or over 48 hours using the modified Rankin scale [mRS] and dichotomized as favorable ≤4 or unfavorable >4 at three months. Results. In total, 137 patients underwent DHC. Functional outcome analyzed as mRS 0–4 versus mRS 5-6 showed no difference in this split between early and late operated on patients [ P=0.140 ] and mortality [ P=0.975 ]. Multivariate analysis showed that age ≥ 55 years, MCA with additional infarction, septum pellucidum deviation ≥1 cm, and uncal herniation were independent predictors of poor functional outcome at three months. In the “best” multivariate model, second infarct growth rate [IGR2] >7.5 ml/hr, MCA with additional infarction, and patients with temporal lobe involvement were independently associated with surgery under 48 hours. Both first infarct growth rate [IGR1] and second infarct growth rate [IGR2] were nearly double [ P<0.001 ] in patients with early surgery [under 48 hours]. Conclusions. The outcome and mortality in malignant middle cerebral artery stroke patients operated on over 48 hours of stroke onset were comparable to those of patients operated on less than 48 hours after stroke onset. Our data identifies IGR, temporal lobe involvement, and middle cerebral artery with additional infarct as independent predictors for early surgery.
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Background The effect of decompressive craniectomy on clinical outcomes in patients with refractory traumatic intracranial hypertension remains unclear. Methods From 2004 through 2014, we randomly assigned 408 patients, 10 to 65 years of age, with traumatic brain injury and refractory elevated intracranial pressure (>25 mm Hg) to undergo decompressive craniectomy or receive ongoing medical care. The primary outcome was the rating on the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS-E) (an 8-point scale, ranging from death to "upper good recovery" [no injury-related problems]) at 6 months. The primary-outcome measure was analyzed with an ordinal method based on the proportional-odds model. If the model was rejected, that would indicate a significant difference in the GOS-E distribution, and results would be reported descriptively. Results The GOS-E distribution differed between the two groups (P<0.001). The proportional-odds assumption was rejected, and therefore results are reported descriptively. At 6 months, the GOS-E distributions were as follows: death, 26.9% among 201 patients in the surgical group versus 48.9% among 188 patients in the medical group; vegetative state, 8.5% versus 2.1%; lower severe disability (dependent on others for care), 21.9% versus 14.4%; upper severe disability (independent at home), 15.4% versus 8.0%; moderate disability, 23.4% versus 19.7%; and good recovery, 4.0% versus 6.9%. At 12 months, the GOS-E distributions were as follows: death, 30.4% among 194 surgical patients versus 52.0% among 179 medical patients; vegetative state, 6.2% versus 1.7%; lower severe disability, 18.0% versus 14.0%; upper severe disability, 13.4% versus 3.9%; moderate disability, 22.2% versus 20.1%; and good recovery, 9.8% versus 8.4%. Surgical patients had fewer hours than medical patients with intracranial pressure above 25 mm Hg after randomization (median, 5.0 vs. 17.0 hours; P<0.001) but had a higher rate of adverse events (16.3% vs. 9.2%, P=0.03). Conclusions At 6 months, decompressive craniectomy in patients with traumatic brain injury and refractory intracranial hypertension resulted in lower mortality and higher rates of vegetative state, lower severe disability, and upper severe disability than medical care. The rates of moderate disability and good recovery were similar in the two groups. (Funded by the Medical Research Council and others; RESCUEicp Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN66202560 .).
OBJECTIVE In combat and austere environments, evacuation to a location with neurosurgery capability is challenging. A planning target in terms of time to neurosurgery is paramount to inform prepositioning of neurosurgical and transport resources to support a population at risk. This study sought to examine the association of wait time to craniectomy with mortality in patients with severe combat-related brain injury who received decompressive craniectomy.METHODS Patients with combat-related brain injury sustained between 2005 and 2015 who underwent craniectomy at deployed surgical facilities were identified from the Department of Defense Trauma Registry and Joint Trauma System Role 2 Registry. Eligible patients survived transport to a hospital capable of diagnosing the need for craniectomy and performing surgery. Statistical analyses included unadjusted comparisons of postoperative mortality by elapsed time from injury to start of craniectomy, and Cox proportional hazards modeling adjusting for potential confounders. Time from injury to craniectomy was divided into quintiles, and explored in Cox models as a binary variable comparing early versus delayed craniectomy with cutoffs determined by the maximum value of each quintile (quintile 1 vs 2-5, quintiles 1-2 vs 3-5, etc.). Covariates included location of the facility at which the craniectomy was performed (limited-resource role 2 facility vs neurosurgically capable role 3 facility), use of head CT scan, US military status, age, head Abbreviated Injury Scale score, Injury Severity Score, and injury year. To reduce immortal time bias, time from injury to hospital arrival was included as a covariate, entry into the survival analysis cohort was defined as hospital arrival time, and early versus delayed craniectomy was modeled as a time-dependent covariate. Follow-up for survival ended at death, hospital discharge, or hospital day 16, whichever occurred first.RESULTSOf 486 patients identified as having undergone craniectomy, 213 (44%) had complete date/time values. Unadjusted postoperative mortality was 23% for quintile 1 (n = 43, time from injury to start of craniectomy 30-152 minutes); 7% for quintile 2 (n = 42, 154-210 minutes); 7% for quintile 3 (n = 43, 212-320 minutes); 19% for quintile 4 (n = 42, 325-639 minutes); and 14% for quintile 5 (n = 43, 665-3885 minutes). In Cox models adjusted for potential confounders and immortal time bias, postoperative mortality was significantly lower when time to craniectomy was within 5.33 hours of injury (quintiles 1-3) relative to longer delays (quintiles 4-5), with an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.28, 95% CI 0.10-0.76 (p = 0.012).CONCLUSIONS Postoperative mortality was significantly lower when craniectomy was initiated within 5.33 hours of injury. Further research to optimize craniectomy timing and mitigate delays is needed. Functional outcomes should also be evaluated.
Object To compare the results of early or delayed decompressive craniotomy (DC) for cases of malignant middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarction. Study design Prospective comparative study Methods Prospective randomized study on consecutive series of a 46 patients with malignant MCA territory infarction. Patients were divided randomly into two groups: Group I; 27 patients who were followed till obvious deterioration of conscious level happened, Group II; 19 patients who were operated prophylactically in 6 hours of presentation even with no clear deterioration of conscious level or radiology’s findings. Patients were assessed clinically using Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), motor power by British medical research council (MRC), and functionally by National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIH), and modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Radiologically, patients had primary MRI on admission, followed by CT scan. Infarction behavior including volume of infarct area, midline shift, and secondary hemorrhage were calculated. Results At final follow-up, both groups showed good improvement in conscious level, motor power, and functional outcome; however, statistically significant neurological improvement was demonstrated in group II. Functional outcome also showed statistically significant improvement (P<0.05) in this ultra-early decompression group (group II). There was a significant difference in mortality in both groups, more than half (52%) of group I died due to delay in surgery or its other consequences. Another significant difference was in the progression of infarction volume which was more observed in group I (statistically insignificant). Conclusion In spite of the possible complications from surgery, early DC - within 6 hours of ictus without waiting for neurological deterioration- has a significant impact on prognosis. Delay in transferring the case, diagnosing the condition or taking the decision of surgery, will significantly affect the mortality and overall outcome.
Background The effect of decompressive craniectomy on clinical outcomes in patients with refractory traumatic intracranial hypertension remains unclear. Methods From 2004 through 2014, we randomly assigned 408 patients, 10 to 65 years of age, with traumatic brain injury and refractory elevated intracranial pressure (>25 mm Hg) to undergo decompressive craniectomy or receive ongoing medical care. The primary outcome was the rating on the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS-E) (an 8-point scale, ranging from death to “upper good recovery” [no injury-related problems]) at 6 months. The primary-outcome measure was analyzed with an ordinal method based on the proportional-odds model. If the model was rejected, that would indicate a significant difference in the GOS-E distribution, and results would be reported descriptively. Results The GOS-E distribution differed between the two groups (P<0.001). The proportional-odds assumption was rejected, and therefore results are reported descriptively. At 6 months, the GOS-E distributions were as follows: death, 26.9% among 201 patients in the surgical group versus 48.9% among 188 patients in the medical group; vegetative state, 8.5% versus 2.1%; lower severe disability (dependent on others for care), 21.9% versus 14.4%; upper severe disability (independent at home), 15.4% versus 8.0%; moderate disability, 23.4% versus 19.7%; and good recovery, 4.0% versus 6.9%. At 12 months, the GOS-E distributions were as follows: death, 30.4% among 194 surgical patients versus 52.0% among 179 medical patients; vegetative state, 6.2% versus 1.7%; lower severe disability, 18.0% versus 14.0%; upper severe disability, 13.4% versus 3.9%; moderate disability, 22.2% versus 20.1%; and good recovery, 9.8% versus 8.4%. Surgical patients had fewer hours than medical patients with intracranial pressure above 25 mm Hg after randomization (median, 5.0 vs. 17.0 hours; P<0.001) but had a higher rate of adverse events (16.3% vs. 9.2%, P=0.03). Conclusions At 6 months, decompressive craniectomy in patients with traumatic brain injury and refractory intracranial hypertension resulted in lower mortality and higher rates of vegetative state, lower severe disability, and upper severe disability than medical care. The rates of moderate disability and good recovery were similar in the two groups. (Funded by the Medical Research Council and others; RESCUEicp Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN66202560.)
Extensive cerebral hemispheric infarction associated with massive brain swelling is known as malignant infarction because of the rapid clinical deterioration and mortality as high as 80% unless appropriate treatment is performed. Decompressive craniectomy is an effective treatment, but patient selection, timing, functional recovery, and complications remain unclear.Methods Seventy-one patients with massive embolic hemispheric infarctions (infarct volume >200 cm3) associated with brain swelling were retrospectively divided into 3 groups according to the therapeutic modalities: 21 patients were treated conservatively (conservative group); 50 patients were treated by external decompressive craniectomy with duroplasty in 2 groups; 29 patients treated after the appearance of clinical and radiologic findings of brain herniation (late surgery group); and 21 patients treated before the onset of brain herniation (early surgery group).ResultsThe mortality at 1 and 6 months in the conservative group were 61.9% and 71.4%, respectively. The mortality at 1 and 6 months in the late surgery group were significantly improved to 17.2% and 27.6%, respectively, (p < 0.01) and in the early surgery group were further improved to 4.8% and 19.1%, respectively. The functional recovery of the patients was estimated by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and Barthel Index (BI) at 6 months after the ictus. The GOS scores of the early surgery group were significantly better than that of the late surgery group (p < 0.05). The mean BI score of the survivors in the late surgery group (26.9 ± 30.4) was not significantly different from that of the conservative group (28.3 ± 42.2), but was significantly improved in the early surgery group (52.9 ± 34.2) compared with the late surgery group (p < 0.05).Conclusions Early decompressive craniectomy with duroplasty before the onset of brain herniation should be performed to achieve satisfactory functional recovery if the infarct volume of the hemispheric cerebral infarction is more than 200 cm3 and computed tomography on the second day after the ictus shows mass effect.