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Multiple principals, multiple problems: Implications for effective governance and a research agenda


Abstract and Figures

The multiple principal problem refers to multiple collective action problems organizations face when they must balance (competing) interests of multiple stakeholders under joint service delivery. It negatively affects different types of organization, yet we know little about how organizations (can) mitigate it. We expand a framework based on principal‐agent theory, review the literature, and consider implications for effective governance of joint service delivery in the public sector. We observe that joint service delivery can lead to free riding and duplication in monitoring, lobbying by principals, and increased autonomy for agents, leading to inefficiency. We build a research agenda and tentatively suggest based on the literature that an interface approach, where an elected unitary actor is placed in a middle tier between politics and service delivery, might best mitigate the multiple principal problem, which is currently not dealt with effectively in public management. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Multiple principals, multiple problems: Implications
for effective governance and a research agenda
for joint service delivery
Bart Voorn
| Marieke van Genugten
| Sandra van Thiel
Institute for Management Research, Radboud
University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Public Administration,
Radboud University, Nijmegen, The
Bart Voorn, Institute for Management
Research, Radboud University, Postbus 9018,
Nijmegen 6500 HK, The Netherlands.
The multiple principal problem refers to multiple collective action
problems that organizations face when they must balance (compet-
ing) interests of multiple stakeholders under joint service delivery.
It negatively affects different types of organization, yet we know
little about how organizations (can) mitigate it. We expand a frame-
work based on principalagent theory, review the literature, and
consider implications for effective governance of joint service
delivery in the public sector. We observe that joint service delivery
can lead to free-riding and duplication in monitoring, lobbying by
principals, and increased autonomy for agents, leading to ineffi-
ciency. We build a research agenda and tentatively suggest, based
on the literature, that an interface approach, where an elected uni-
tary actor is placed in a middle tier between politics and service
delivery, might best mitigate the multiple principal problem, which
is currently not dealt with effectively in public management.
Is joint service delivery beneficial for public sector organizations? We know from the literature on inter-municipal
cooperation that knowledge sharing and scale economies frequently make joint service delivery efficient (Hulst et al.
2009; Bel et al. 2014; Bel and Warner 2015; Silvestre et al. 2017; Voorn et al. 2017). However, joint service delivery
is also prone to failure, due to multiple possible collective action problems (Feiock 2009, 2013). For inter-municipal
service delivery, Garrone et al. (2013) find that conflict over objectives can trickle down to insufficient or incoherent
directives to boards; Sørensen (2007) finds insufficient monitoring due to free-riding. We observe similar inefficien-
cies for parliaments and agencies (McCubbins et al. 1987; Moe 1987; Wood and Waterman 1991; Hammond and
Knott 1996; Koppell 2005; Dehousse 2008; Schillemans and Bovens 2015), publicprivate partnerships (Bognetti
Received: 8 May 2018 Revised: 30 December 2018 Accepted: 11 January 2019
DOI: 10.1111/padm.12587
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2019 The Authors. Public Administration published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Public Administration. 2019;97:671685. 671
and Robotti 2007; Da Cruz and Marques 2012), and private firms with dispersed ownership (Young et al. 2002; Su
et al. 2007; Ward and Filatotchev 2010; Lin and Chuang 2011).
Theory has focused on understanding these collective action problems in joint service delivery separately.
Models of Gailmard (2009), Khalil et al. (2007), and Varian (1989) establish monitoring complexities; Dixit (2002),
Martimort (1992), and Stole (1997) demonstrate an incentive-setting problem; and Hammond and Knott (1996),
McCubbins et al. (1987), and Schillemans and Bovens (2015) show difficulties of steering and accountability. Yet, the
literature remains dispersed, policy recommendations for joint service delivery remain complex and incoherent, and
predictive powers of models of joint service delivery remain weak. Some authors have begun collocating the collec-
tive action problems inherent to joint service delivery under a single term,
hoping to find coherence to this multiple
principal problem (e.g., Waterman and Meier 1998; Miller 2005; Dehousse 2008).
In this article, we expand a framework grounded in principalagent theory to understand the multiple principal
problem and build a research agenda for governance. In section 2, we describe our studys background and explicate
our approach. In section 3, we derive the framework and form hypotheses. In section 4, we review and synthesize
the extant literature on the multiple principal problem, test the framework, and highlight implications for joint service
delivery. In section 5, we consider typical organizational responses to the multiple principal problem, and highlight
problems these responses face. In section 6, we suggest a solution to the multiple principal problem, based on an
interface approach and grounded in median voter theorem. In section 7, we summarize, emphasize limitations, offer
potential avenues for research, and conclude.
Joint service delivery is widespread, for good reasons. When organizations cooperate, they can engage in risk sharing,
specialize, and capture scale economies (Bel and Warner 2015; Silvestre et al. 2017). Accordingly, we observe that many
firms and foundations have multiple shareholders (e.g., Maury and Pajuste 2005), that governments and agencies, local
councils, and political parties frequently cooperate (e.g., Bouckaert et al. 2016), that publicprivate partnerships are used
more frequently (Hodge and Greve 2007), and that cooperation between the public sector and the non-profit sector is
rising (Warner and Hebdon 2001). Such cooperation is called collaborative or joint service delivery when it exists for
the delivery of (public) services (Hulst et al. 2009; Hilvert and Swindell 2013); alternative terms, such as joined-up gov-
ernment(Hood 2005; Silvestre et al. 2017) and collaborative governance(Ansell and Gash 2008), are also used.
Empirical research demonstrates that joint service delivery is often beneficial, albeit not problem-free (Bel and
Warner 2015). Problems occur because cooperation requires (partial) externalization of decision-making (Argento
et al. 2009), which brings complexities. Collective action problems occur when the interests of individual stake-
holders conflict with the collective interest of all stakeholders in the collaboration, leading to sub-optimal outcomes.
Stakeholders face transaction costs to mitigate those problems, including regulation and monitoring costs. Collective
action problems and transaction costs together affect joint service delivery through ex-post inefficiency, where col-
laboration is less efficient than it could have been, or ex-ante inefficiency, when otherwise profitable cooperation
does not occur. We know less about equity effects: how inefficiencies affect some stakeholders more than others
(recent work by Cäker and Nyland 2017 and Spicer 2017 are welcome exceptions).
Many academics have focused on individual collective action problems and solutions to them (McCubbins et al.
1987; Varian 1989; Martimort 1992; Hammond and Knott 1996; Stole 1997; Dixit 2002; Khalil et al. 2007; Gailmard
Researchers utilize many terms to describe the problem. We use the term multiple principal problem, as we find that principalagent
theory explains collective action problems well overall; our terminology follows the works of Dixit (2002), Estache and Martimort
(1999), Miller (2005), Van Thiel (2016), and Waterman and Meier (1998). Other terms used to describe the same problem include
(the problem of) multiple accountabilities(Koppell 2005; Schillemans and Bovens 2015), common agency(Dixit et al. 1997), princi-
palprincipal conflict(Young et al. 2002; Su et al. 2007; Ward and Filatotchev 2009; Lin and Chuang 2011), and serving two masters
(Da Cruz and Marques 2012).
2009; Schillemans and Bovens 2015). While this endeavour has been fruitful, individual treatment of these collective
action problems has brought weak predictive powers for models of joint service delivery. Building a framework to
predict outcomes under multiple principals is crucial for understanding joint service delivery (Dehousse 2008) and is
this articles ultimate aim.
We illustrate our theoretical case with the practical example of inter-municipal service delivery to demonstrate
how our framework emulates actual practice. Inter-municipal service delivery reflects benefits and problems of joint
service delivery, as current research shows that it is frequently quite successful (Dijkgraaf and Gradus 2007; Bel and
Warner 2015; Teles and Swianiewicz 2018), while many problems can be linked to collective action problems
(Bognetti and Robotti 2007; Sørensen 2007; Garrone et al. 2013; Bel and Warner 2015). We will refer to this practi-
cal example throughout the text. We emphasize that the framework applies to joint service delivery overall, and not
just in the context of our illustration; to show that our framework is applicable in a variety of settings, we incorporate
a literature review that explores multiple types of service organizations.
3.1 |Framework
Consider a municipality that operates a municipally owned corporation and hires an expert director to manage it, as
frequently happens in Europe (Voorn, Van Thiel et al. 2018). The resulting relationship between the municipality and
director is a relationship between principal and agent, where the agent acts on behalf of the principal. Principalagent
theory emphasizes the benefits of such relationships, which allow more expert service delivery. However, it also
emphasizes problems of asymmetric information and moral hazard (Fama and Jensen 1983): the director may have
objectives different from the municipality, and the municipality cannot take the directors commitment for granted.
Therefore, the municipality needs to introduce governance to align the directors interest with its own.
Under principalagent theory, steering and monitoring are key governance mechanisms that can encourage agents
to act in principalsinterest (Fama and Jensen 1983). For our hypothetical director-agent, steering protocols help: clear
municipal directives build awareness of expectations, and give the municipality criteria to audit. Similarly, incentives
such as variable pay can align the directors interest with that of the municipality. Monitoring the director is also practi-
cal, presuming that it is not too costly. These steering and monitoring mechanisms increase the agentsaccountability.
Typically, principalagent theorists consider the dyadic case of one principal, one agent, and one task. This is a
simplification of reality. In organizations, relationships typically involve multiple actors. Consider local refuse collec-
tion: while some large cities singly own refuse collection firms, many refuse collection organizations in Europe are
owned inter-municipally, that is, by multiple municipalities, or by publicprivate partnerships (Dijkgraaf and Gradus
2007; Sørensen 2007; Da Cruz and Marques 2012; Garrone et al. 2013; Bel et al. 2014; Blåka 2017; Giacomini et al.
2018; Soukopová and Vaceková 2018; Voorn, Van Genugten et al. 2018; Gradus and Budding 2018). In the United
States, inter-municipal contracting is more frequent (Warner and Hebdon 2001; Marvel and Marvel 2008; Hefetz
et al. 2012; Bel and Warner 2015). For other types of joint service delivery, such as firms with dispersed ownership,
parliaments and agencies, the dyadic model is similarly inaccurate.
Making the dyadic model more inaccurate is the observation that principalsinterests frequently diverge. In
refuse collection organizations owned by multiple municipalities, interests between municipalities diverge in pick-up
frequency, pick-up times, attitude towards recycling, pricing strategies, and others (Van Genugten 2008). In inter-
municipal theatres, interests between municipalities diverge in the prime targeted demographic, focus on local or
national culture, types of cultural programmes offered, or focus on tourism. Parliaments, agencies, publicprivate
partnerships, and private firms with dispersed ownership face similar diverging interests among stakeholders.
Crucially, since there is asymmetric information between the principals, where principals are not necessarily aware of
each others behaviour, this creates a collective action problem for governance.
Once multiple principals are introduced, we can no longer presume that it is in individual principalsbest interest
to steer or monitor the agent. Worse yet, individual principals can lobby the agent to pursue their interests in lieu of
those of other principals.
3.2 |Formalization
Consider that αis the extent to which the agent acts in the principalsinterest in a dyadic principalagent model, and
c(α)represents the costs of getting the agent to act that way. Suppose, moreover, that in a non-dyadic model, β
is the extent to which an agent sides with principal iover principal j, where c(β
)represents the costs of getting the
agent to side with principal iover principal j. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
In the dyadic model, policy to maximize the principals interest is straightforward to calculate. There are no lob-
bying costs c(β
), so monitoring should take place to the extent that α0<c(α)0, that is, to the point that the marginal
costs of increasing αexceed the marginal increase of α. In a non-dyadic model, however, outcomes are less positive.
Depending on the extent to which principals can observe αand othersc(α), the possibility of duplication and free-
riding exists, which increases c(α)and thus decreases α. (See also Varian 1989.)
An additional problem for overall welfare are lobbying costs β. In a two-principal model, principal imaximizes
expected utility U
Lobbying should occur to the extent that β
). Since this has the outcome that total lobbying is likely non-
zero and lobbying provides no benefit for total welfare W=U
, the model suggests that there will be lobbying
costs and that these will constitute inefficiencies. Since these inefficiencies exist in the non-dyadic principalagent
relationship, but do not exist in the dyadic relationship, the implication is that from an agency cost perspective,
principalagent relationships should be kept as dyadic as possible.
FIGURE 1 The model visualized
3.3 |A collective action explanation and hypotheses
To simplify the model in collective action terms, consider Table 1. It is unclear whether individual principals benefit
from steering when another principal may also steer, and likewise for monitoring. Still, we can make two observa-
tions. First, symmetric outcomes are inefficient: when all principals steer, they incur the costs of duplicate steering;
when none steer, the agent is autonomous. Second, the asymmetric outcome (one of the principals steers) leaves the
controlling principal better off than the non-controlling principal, introducing inequity. This is the multiple principal
problem in the absence of organization, and demonstrates the drawbacks of joint service delivery.
We can infer four hypotheses from this framework. First, the framework suggests that multiplicity in the responsibil-
ity to steer and monitor reduces steering and monitoring overall (H1). This follows the fact that municipalities have
incentives to individually free-ride in steering and monitoring. Second, multiplicity in the responsibility to steer and moni-
tor leads to inequity between principals and may induce lobbying of the agent (H2). Principals with greater bargaining
power may find their interests satisfied more than principals with lesser bargaining power. Third, conflict between princi-
pals and weaker steering and monitoring increase the agents autonomy (H3). In the absence of clear directives, the
agent has more freedom to choose its paths. Finally, this all increases inefficiencies under joint service delivery (H4).
To test this framework and explore these hypotheses in a wide variety of settings, we conduct an exploratory review
of the literature on joint service delivery. However, as most organizations have multiple owners, the majority of
research into any type of organization describes outcomes of multiplicity of principals. This makes the literature
extensive, and a systematic review unfeasible. We opt instead to explore the literature (and indirectly the framework)
through a scoping study. Scoping studies are often used as an alternative to systematic literature reviews when the
latter are not feasible (Arksey and OMalley 2005), because fields are broad in scope or terminologies are not yet set-
tled (Levac et al. 2010), as is the case here. Our explorative study is necessarily limited; it serves not as hard proof of
our hypotheses but as exploratory evidence for our framework.
We start from the literature on the multiple principal problem we are aware of (Miller 2005; Garrone et al. 2013; Van
Thiel 2016). We scanned all the relevant references from these studies for mentions of multiplicity of principals, including
them in a database when mentions were found. We repeated this step until we found no further articles. While this
approach is not all-encompassing, a more systematic approach mightyieldfewerimportantstudies, being more contingent
on terminology. Our approach yields 26 empirical and theoretical articles across business and management, economics,
political science, and public administration, using six different terms to describe the phenomenon (see Table 2).
4.1 |Summary of study backgrounds
Academics have conducted research into the multiple principal problem in five broad clusters. In political science,
study of the multiple principal problem is most prevalent in research on the politicsbureaucracy divide. Academics
here utilize the idea of multiple principals to understand power balances between the executive and legislative
branches of government and to reflect on the autonomy of agencies vis-à-vis the government (Miller 2005). Second,
TABLE 1 Pay-off schemes for steering or monitoring under multiple principals
Principal B
Principal A
Steer monitor the agent Do not steer monitor the agent
Steer monitor the agent Costly for A, Costly for B
Agent follows A and B, or own course
when A & B disagree
Costly for A, Not costly for B
Agent follows A
Do not steer monitor the agent Not costly for A, Costly for B
Agent follows B
Not costly for A, Not costly for B
Agent follows own course
TABLE 2 Literature on the multiple principal problem
Reference Term Application Key theories Hypothesis
Bernheim and
Whinston (1986)
Common agency N/A (Model) If cooperation is not achieved, common agency
is probably inefficient.
Da Cruz and
Marques (2012)
Serving two
When principals diverge in interests, formal
contracts often cause problems.
Dixit (2002) Multiple principals Tax agencies Accountability is easily violated under multiple
Dixit et al. (1997) Common agency N/A (Model) Common agency induces lobbying efforts by
the individual principals that reduce the
overall size of the economic pie.
2, 3, 4
Estache and
Martimort (1999)
Multi-principal Public sector Coordination problems between multiple
principals lead to inefficiency.
1, 4
Gailmard (2009) Multiple principals N/A (Model) There is a collective action problem in
monitoring among multiple principals.
1, 4
Garrone et al. (2013) Multiple principals Utilities Managers gain a lot of discretion from the
multi-principal nature of multi-utilities.
3, 4
Hammond and
Knott (1996)
Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Khalil et al. (2007) Common agency N/A (Model) There is a collective action problem in
monitoring among multiple principals.
1, 4
Koppell (2005) Multiple
Agency Having to balance the interests of multiple
principals can lead to organizational failure.
Lin and Chuang
Principalprincipal Firms Conflicts between multiple principals have
empirically verifiable costs.
Martimort (1992) Multi-principals N/A (Model) The more the interests of multiple principals
diverge, the more welfare is lost.
Miller (2005) Multiple principals N/A (Theory) Summary of the political research into multiple
principals: organizations gain autonomy from
multiple principals if their interests conflict.
Moe (1984) Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Moe (1987) Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Moe (2005) Multiple principals N/A (Theory) Power between principals affects the
allegiance of agents.
Schillemans and
Bovens (2015)
N/A (Theory) There are seven concerns for accountability
under multiple principals: higher transaction
costs, conflicting expectations,
accountability confusion, negativism, loss of
control, blame games, and symbolic
1, 4
Sørensen (2007) Multiple principals Inter-municipal
There is a costly collective action problem in
monitoring under multiple principals.
Su et al. (2007) Principalprincipal Firms Goal incongruence causes problems under
multiple principals.
Van Thiel (2016) Multiple principals Quangos Multiplicity of principals can create conflicts. 1,4
Van Thiel and
Verhof (2012)
Plural principals Agencies Multiplicity of principals allows opportunistic
behaviour for both principals and agent, and
increases transaction costs.
Ward and
Filatotchev (2010)
Principalprincipal Mutual funds
and stocks
There is evidence of the existence of greater
multiple principal problems in mutual funds
than stocks due to the lesser multiplicity in
shareholders it creates.
in business, researchers use the idea of multiple principals to understand the performance of firms where share-
holders disagree on objectives (Young et al. 2002; Su et al. 2007; Ward and Filatotchev 2010; Lin and Chuang 2011),
utilizing the term principalprincipal conflict. Third, theoretical economists focus on individual collective action prob-
lems that multiple principals bring, naming it common agency (Bernheim and Whinston 1986; Martimort 1992; Dixit
et al. 1997; Khalil et al. 2007; Gailmard 2009). Fourth, the accountability literature considers accountability problems
that multiplicity of stakeholders can bring (Koppell 2005; Schillemans and Bovens 2015), coining it the multiple
accountability problem. Finally, a body of public administration research uses the idea of multiple principals for theo-
rizing about inter-municipal cooperation, shared services, publicprivate partnerships, and agencies (Sørensen 2007;
Da Cruz and Marques 2012; Van Thiel and Verhof 2012; Garrone et al. 2013). Some of these research clusters
inter-cite in some studies, and particularly the theoretical economics stream seems well cited by the other streams,
but primarily the different domains of research bring their own theory, leaving the literature somewhat unintegrated.
4.2 |Friction between principals, free-riding and duplication in steering and monitoring
Our first hypothesis predicts that we should observe free-riding and duplication in governance. The steering problem
has received the most attention. Theoretical models by Bernheim and Whinston (1986), Dixit (2002), Martimort
(1992), and Stole (1997) emphasize problems in building incentive schemes for agents when principalsobjectives
diverge and when there is a lack of coordination. Literatures outside economics discuss the steering problem less in
terms of incentives, but more in terms of directive ambiguity. The accountability literature emphasizes how multiplic-
ity of principals can lead to confusion among management and employees, blame shifting and lack of real account-
ability (Schillemans and Bovens 2015). Next, in the business and finance literature, Young et al. (2002) emphasize the
problem that goal incongruence can lead to conflict among multiple principals. This problem is also highlighted in the
public administration literature by Estache and Martimort (1999) and Van Thiel (2016), who consider this to be a
problem for public sector management generally.
The literature also discusses the monitoring problem. In the economic literature, theoretical models emphasize
the possibility of monitoring duplicity when principals do not coordinate (Khalil et al. 2007). Conversely, Gailmard
(2009) emphasizes the possibility of free-riding in monitoring, leaving agents insufficiently checked by the principals.
The empirical literature also discusses the possibility of duplicity or free-riding in monitoring procedures to explain
their empirical findings, such as Young et al. (2002) in business and Sørensen (2007) in public administration. Some
articles discuss problems in steering and monitoring together as transaction costs(Estache and Martimort 1999;
Van Thiel and Verhof 2012; Schillemans and Bovens 2015).
4.3 |Lobbying of the agent by principals
Our second hypothesis is that we should observe lobbying of the agent by principals. We find evidence for this pri-
marily in economic modelling and in empirical work on the politicsbureaucracy interplay. First, the economic models
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Reference Term Application Key theories Hypothesis
Whitford (2005) Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Wood and
Waterman (1991)
Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Worsham and
Gatrell (2005)
Multiple principals Agencies Organizations gain autonomy from multiple
principals if their interests conflict.
2, 3
Young et al. (2002) Principalprincipal Firms (Theory) Goal incongruence leads to principalprincipal
conflicts and increased monitoring costs,
which reduce efficiency.
1, 4
of Bernheim and Whinston (1986) and Dixit et al. (1997) show that principals face a collective action problem in how
they get agents to pursue their ends: when there are multiple principals, individual principals have incentives to lobby
agents to pursue their individual objectives. Since all principals face such incentives, lobbying begets a prisoners
dilemma. The empirical existence of the lobbying of agents is found in the extensive literature on agencies (Moe
1984, 1987; Wood and Waterman 1991; Hammond and Knott 1996; Whitford 2005; Worsham and Gatrell 2005),
but is not addressed much elsewhere. Moe (2005) summarizes the political science literature on public service deliv-
ery under multiple principals in stating that when principals have heterogeneous preferences, information asymme-
tries between principals are created, and the multiprincipal nature of government can start to revolve more around
individual principalspower and less around cooperation.
4.4 |Increased autonomy for agents
Our third hypothesis is that we should observe increased autonomy for agents. We find evidence for this again from
economic modelling, the literature on the politicsbureaucracy division and to a lesser extent from public administra-
tion research. The models of Bernheim and Whinston (1986) and Dixit et al. (1997) emphasize that lobbying efforts
by principals create autonomy for agents. Miller (2005) provides an overview of articles that focus on the politics
bureaucracy interplay and summarizes that the common finding in these articles is that inter-principal conflict can
extend the freedom for agents to pursue autonomous goals. For instance, when Congress and the White House pres-
sure agencies to pursue conflicting objectives, the agencies gain a lot of room for manoeuvre, benevolently or oppor-
tunistically, capable of cooperating with either principal on a case-by-case basis, able to play out both branches of
government against each other. This autonomy of agencies is emphasized in the extensive literature on agencies with
multiple principals (Moe 1984, 1987; Wood and Waterman 1991; Hammond and Knott 1996; Whitford 2005; Wor-
sham and Gatrell 2005). Garrone et al. (2013) find such autonomy also in their study of Italian multi-utilities, finding
that multiplicity of owners often leads to substantial managerial autonomy. We find no literature in business and
finance comparing the autonomy of boards of directors under one principal with autonomy under multiple principals.
4.5 |Inefficiencies under multiple principals
Given that we observe free-riding and duplication in monitoring, lobbying by principals, and increased autonomy for
agents, the framework predicts that we should observe inefficiencies under multiple principals (H4). We find evi-
dence for this in both theoretical models and empirical studies. First, the models of Bernheim and Whinston (1986)
and Dixit et al. (1997) point out that lobbying increases agency costs and brings a larger wealth transfer from princi-
pals to agent than would occur under one principal. Models focusing on monitoring emphasize the welfare loss that
comes from monitoring duplicity when multiple principals do not coordinate (Khalil et al. 2007), and increased agency
costs that follow insufficient monitoring (Gailmard 2009). Empirical studies also find inefficiencies. Garrone et al.
(2013) emphasize the coordination costs of increased managerial autonomy. Sørensen (2007) confirms costs of col-
lective action problems in monitoring in inter-municipal cooperation. Other empirical tests find inefficiency related to
multiple principals, attributing them to governance problems (Koppell 2005; Su et al. 2007; Ward and Filatotchev
2010; Lin and Chuang 2011; Da Cruz and Marques 2012). Multiple studies emphasize that transaction costs are
higher under joint service delivery (Estache and Martimort 1999; Young et al. 2002; Van Thiel and Verhof 2012;
Schillemans and Bovens 2015; Van Thiel 2016). While the literature on political transaction costs does not specify
problems under multiple principals, it has emphasized accountability problems associated with autonomy (cf. Warner
and Hefetz 2002; Tavares and Camões 2007; Carr et al. 2009; Rodrigues et al. 2012; Overman et al. 2015).
4.6 |Summary of findings
Notwithstanding the multiplicity of terms and limited synthesis of the different fields, findings in the literature fit the
framework presented in section 3. Complexities in steering and monitoring are key drawbacks under multiple
principals; without coordination between principals, we observe friction between principals and free-riding and dupli-
cation in monitoring (H1), lobbying of agents by principals (H2), and increased autonomy for agents (H3), leading to
inefficiencies (H4). However, coordination is not easy to achieve. Diverging objectives can bring a prisoners dilemma,
as principals have individual incentives to advance their own objectives in lieu of the joint objective. Inefficiency and
a power transfer to the agent results, and accountability is diminished, particularly in public sector organizations built
around cooperation of principals. We predict that this problem exists in all types of joint service delivery organiza-
tions, including inter-municipal service organizations, parliaments and agencies, publicprivate partnerships, and
private firms with dispersed ownership.
The typical response to the multiple principal problemif anyis to counter it with institutions (see e.g., Tavares and
Feiock 2017 for a review of regional governance options). Yet direct institutional solutions are rarely considered in
the articles found in section 4 (Dixit 2002 and Waterman and Meier 1998 are welcome exceptions). In this section,
we consider findings in the field of inter-municipal service delivery, link them to the principalagent framework, and
use the combination of literature and theory to propose a research agenda into institutional solutions to the multiple
principal problem. We consider four typical institutions used for inter-municipal service delivery in practice (informal
coordination, formalized coordination through contracts, delegation, and centralization) and their drawbacks from
the perspective of solving the multiple principal problem.
5.1 |Informal coordination
One response to the multiple principal problem in joint service delivery is informal coordination, common at the local
level in the United States (Feiock 2009). If governance tasks can be shared or divided among municipalities, the multi-
ple principal problem may disappear. However, informal coordination does not prevent the prisoners dilemma that
the economic literature forewarns. Individual principals continue to have incentives to defect from common agree-
ments (Dixit et al. 1997). Consider our refuse collection example. Individual municipalities may lobby the director to
pursue their objectives regardless of informal agreements. Next, individual municipalities may focus on auditing only
objectives important to them; when they uncover problems, they have incentives not to share these with their part-
ners. For instance, a recycling-concerned municipality is less likely to report higher costs of recycling policies, while
municipal principals opposed to recycling are less likely to report positive outcomes. Similarly, for inter-municipal the-
atres, tourism-concerned municipalities are less likely to report high costs of international advertising, while munici-
palities concerned with cultural education are less likely to report high costs of that programme. Table 3 illustrates
the prisoners dilemma that exists here.
Thus, for short-run cooperation, principals have incentives to renege on informal agreements. When cooperation
becomes lengthier, there are increasing incentives to cooperate and build trust between the parties. In the public sec-
tor, electoral cycles may stand in the way of such trust-building, and voluntary agreements become more difficult to
safeguard when the number of parties involved gets larger. However, if those problems can be avoided, informal
coordination may work.
Competition can also be an indirect solution to the problem of inefficiency under multiple principals (see Dixit 2002). Over time, the
presence of competition forces principals to maximize the efficiency of their management set-up, or else lose ground to more effi-
cient competitors. Indeed, there are known cases where private sector organizations are introduced to compete with public sector
organizations to allow such innovation to occur (Bognetti and Robotti, 2007; Albalate et al. 2012). However, most of the time, com-
petition is notably absent in the public sector. In cases where there is ex-ante competition (for instance through competitive tender-
ing) there is evidence of ex-post haggling and entrenchment of such organizations once they have won the first bid (Williamson 1985;
Dyer and Chu 2003; Marques and Berg 2011). Thus, problematically for the public sector, outside competitive pressure is usu-
ally low.
5.2 |Formal coordination
Formalizing coordination through contracts is a means to solve the prisoners dilemma inherent to informal coordina-
tion, as contracts disincentivize defecting from joint agreements. For inter-municipal service organizations, if the munic-
ipalities jointly draft a contract for the director containing directives and incentives, it may inhibit them from lobbying
the director, safeguarding joint agreements. However, this solution has limitations too. When principals embed objec-
tives in extensive contracts, this may inspire managerial performance only to the letter of the contract (Weber and
Mayer 2011). Second, while lobbying may be limited to provisions in the contract, it continues to exist and may inten-
sify for topics outside of the contract. Third, there are costs associated with drafting contracts and verifying adherence
to them, which reduce efficiency; to account for changing circumstances, contracts might need to be perennially
redrawn, and such continued investment leads to ex-post haggling (Williamson 1985; Dyer and Chu 2003; Whinston
2003), placing the agent in a continually stronger bargaining position (Marques and Berg 2011). Finally, individual princi-
pals, especially in the public sector, may fear that joint contracts undermine their autonomy, reducing their short-term
control over the service. Formal coordination can help mitigate the multiple principal problem, but is no panacea.
5.3 |Delegation to one principal
The third potential solution, delegation to one principal, is also limited. In this scenario, multiple principals essentially
contract out the governance to one among them. An example of this is inter-municipal contracting, where one munic-
ipality (typically the largest) assumes responsibility for the service delivery (Bel and Warner 2015). Both this scenario
and the formal coordination scenario involve negotiations between principals about contract terms, but compared to
formal coordination, power is transferred between principals, as the controlling party can now dictate terms not
included in the contract. Moreover, the controlling party will have individual interests to monitor primarily the objec-
tives it privately considers important. Even if contracts are salient, we know that in such a scenario, the agent is likely
to focus his attention on the monitored, rather than the directed, task (Bevan and Hood 2006), allowing the monitor-
ing party to essentially steer the agents objectives.
This so-called benefit from controlis well understood in the finance literature. Corporate governance scholars
have found that for monitoring in private firms, the straightforward solution of appointing one of the shareholders is
ill-advised from a performance perspective (La Porta et al. 2000; Yeh and Woidtke 2005; Kim et al. 2007). Monitoring
by individual shareholders gives them greater access to information, encouraging them not to share important details
about the firm with their colleague shareholders to gain an advantage in capital markets. Especially when a larger
shareholder is appointed for monitoring, this can lead to entrenchment of their position on boards and exclude
minority shareholders from effective corporate control, to the detriment of performance (Yeh and Woidtke 2005).
5.4 |Centralization
The last alternative to inter-municipal cooperation, one also frequently employed, is centralization. For our inter-
municipal service organization, centralization would mean taking service delivery out of the hands of local authorities
and making it a regional or national task. Centralization can be a solution to the multiple principal problem, reducing
the service delivery to a single principal, but it is a limited solution. First, a problem of centralization is its involuntary
TABLE 3 The prisoners dilemma in informal coordination
Principal B
Principal A
Cooperates Defects
Cooperates Mutually beneficial outcome. Costly for A. B gains over mutually beneficial
Defects Costly for B. A gains over mutually beneficial
Costly for A and B. Both parties lose.
nature (removing municipalitiesability to opt out). Second, there is no guarantee that the centralized service would
be tailored to local preferences. Third, centralized organizations are easier to lobby, and losses can arise from acts
seeking to influence the organization and its subsequent need to respond (Milgrom and Roberts 1992, p. 58). For
local service delivery, the literature has argued that for these reasons centralization may not be a desirable alternative
(see Tavares and Feiock 2017). Recent reviews of amalgamation outcomes by Tavares (2018) and Swianiewicz
(2018) show that scale economies are only captured for a small subset of amalgamations. Thus, while centralization is
a potential solution to the multiple principal problem, it is often an inefficient solution.
Previously we turned to evidence from finance to argue against delegation to a single principal. Indeed, it has become
best practice in private firms to select outside directors or a variety of stakeholders (Hill and Jones 1992), and not an
individual shareholder with strong private incentives, for monitoring. We find, moreover, that shareholdersmeetings
typically elect these outside directors or stakeholders.
Such elections to determine control over service delivery can be a solution to the multiple principal problem. If
governance can be delegated to one party whose interest approximately represents the joint interest of the princi-
pals, the multiple principal problem is reduced. Since median voter theorem tells us that the outcomes of elections
typically represent the interest of the median voter (see Downs 1957), using such a procedure to select the govern-
ing party for joint service delivery is ceteris paribus most likely to represent the medianjoint objective of the princi-
pals, while avoiding problems related to principal multiplicity. There are caveats: this does not work for dual
principals, principals may not always vote according to their interests, and Arrows Impossibility Theorem implies that
it is difficult to devise electoral systems that perfectly aggregate social preferences under specific sets of preferences
(Arrow 1963). Moreover, minority principals need to be involved and protected in this process.
There is preliminary evidence also from the literature on inter-municipal cooperation that delegation of this kind
works in practice. For inter-municipal joint service delivery, we find that there is a difference between countries in
the success in dealing with the multiple principal problem. As Bel and Warner (2015) argue in their review of inter-
municipal cooperation, inter-municipal cooperation seems to show better performance when its management is dele-
gated to a single authority, as can happen in Spain, than when municipalities are directly on the board, as occurs in
Italy (Garrone et al. 2013), the Netherlands (Voorn, Van Genugten et al. 2018), and Norway (Sørensen 2007; Tor-
steinsen and Van Genugten 2016). While both models create an interface (middle tier) between principals (municipal-
ities) and agent (service organization), the middle tier in the case of Italy, the Netherlands, and Norway still has
multiple principals, while in the Spanish case the middle tier can be a single separate government (Bel et al. 2014; Bel
and Warner 2015), where elections may mitigate the possibility of lobbying. Consequently, the Spanish model solves
collective action problems, whereas the Dutch, Italian, and Norwegian models do not (interestingly, in Italy, municipal
unions have been developed that share characteristics of such separate governments; Ferraresi et al. 2018). Figure 2
shows the difference between the two models.
Inter-municipal cooperation in Spain works through comarcas (counties) and mancomunidades (associations of
municipalities). Within those institutions, elections take place to delegate the daily governance of service delivery to
a single actor. In comarcas, members of the comarca elect a consejo comarcal (the comarca government) to be directly
in charge of daily governance, and in mancomunidades, members elect not a government but a president. This kind of
delegation to a single actor through a democratic process does not occur in countries like the Netherlands and Nor-
way, where such elections either do not take place or are not formalized (Torsteinsen and Van Genugten 2016;
Voorn, Van Genugten et al. 2018). The unitary governance in the Spanish model solves collective action problems in
steering and monitoring, and the good outcomes of the Spanish approach described by Bel and Warner (2015) lend
provisional corroboration to the idea that the Spanish model mitigates the multiple principal problem intrinsic to
inter-municipal cooperation better than other countriesmodels do. However, more research is necessary.
The multiple principal problem that organizations face when they must balance the (competing) interests of multiple
stakeholders is severe and constitutes one of the primary obstacles to organizational effectiveness in joint service
delivery. We know little about how organizations approach the multiple principal problem in practice, or how they
should in theory.
In this article, we have extended a framework based on principalagent theory to multiple principals to under-
stand the issues that multiple principals can bring for joint service delivery in the public sector. Next, we found that a
broad literature corroborated the principalagent framework. We found support for four key hypotheses drawn from
this framework: in joint service delivery, we often observe (i) free-riding and duplication in monitoring, (ii) lobbying by
principals, and (iii) increased autonomy for agents, (iv) leading to inefficiencies. We further found that coordination is
difficult to achieve, as diverging objectives between principals bring a prisoners dilemma, where principals have indi-
vidual incentives to advance their own objectives instead of the common good. Altogether, the multiple principal
problem can lead to large inefficiencies and powerful agents if not properly dealt with.
We also find that there has been little research describing and testing institutional solutions to the multiple prin-
cipal problem. We combined our framework with literature on inter-municipal cooperation to tentatively suggest that
an interface approach, in which principals delegate governance to an elected party whose objectives align most with
the common good, could be a solution to the multiple principal problem under joint service delivery. Alternative coor-
dination mechanisms, such as informal networks, formal contracts, centralization, and delegation to principals with
individual interests, might be less effective. We encourage further research to test different organizational models in
practice, as we still lack empirical data describing and comparing different types of organization to deal with multiple
While we have found substantial evidence of the existence of the multiple principal problem, not all organiza-
tions will suffer from principalagent problems. We do not preclude the existence of stewardship and trust both
between principals and between principals and agents in organizations, which help protect against the multiple prin-
cipal problem. If we presume stewardship among the principals and agents, the multiple principal problem disappears.
Still, we have found substantial evidence of the existence and severity of the multiple principal problem, and we
encourage future research into possible solutions to contribute to more effective joint service delivery in the public
FIGURE 2 The electoral model compared to the typical model of inter-municipal cooperation
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How to cite this article: Voorn B, van Genugten M, van Thiel S. Multiple principals, multiple problems: Impli-
cations for effective governance and a research agenda for joint service delivery. Public Admin. 2019;97:
... There is also a need to note that delivery plans, progress updates, and budgets serve as tools for monitoring and evaluating the performance of municipal workers (Voorn et al., 2019). In the absence of these documents or with significant deficiencies, it becomes challenging to hold workers accountable for their actions or progress. ...
... It further emerged that insufficient communication channels also manifested in the management's inability to provide feedback regarding municipal projects accomplished and those outstanding and their unwillingness s to share municipal budgets with employees and communities. According to Voorn et al. (2019), these insufficiencies further exacerbate the problem, hindering employees' ability to voice their concerns and seek redress. ...
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... Different countries exhibit varying degrees of subnational power division, ranging from centralized systems to federal structures where decisions are made independently at the state or territorial level and require additional coordination for national coherence. The distribution of power at subnational levels can affect the ease of reaching unified agreements (Voorn et al., 2019). ...
... Jeopardizing agency's technical work via ousting public officials unequivocally lead to poor performance (US case), while government efforts to reach compliance and coordination might also be limited by a general low quality and low scope bureaucracy as in the Colombian case. In some cases, as scholars discuss, delegation becomes an important element for overcoming subnational "multiple principals," concentrating responsibilities in a technical leadership that is still responsive (Israel case) (Voorn et al., 2019). ...
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... On the other hand, combining several distinct reform logics into a single approach may prove complex and counterproductive. Bargaining between multiple principals or duplicative monitoring may actually increase, rather than reduce, transaction costs; or, conversely, contract monitoring may be undersupplied due to free-riding among the multiple principals of the "common agent" (Voorn et al., 2019). ...
... Again, transaction costs will rise, not fall. Lastly, and alternatively, it may instead be the case that monitoring of the joint supplier is undersupplied -in a kind of collective-action dilemma in which each municipality "free rides" on others within the cooperation to undertake the necessary contractor oversight (Voorn, et al., 2019). This would increase agent discretion and so potentially increase quality shading. ...
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Inter‐municipal cooperation is often regarded as an alternative to privatizing local public services. But cooperation and privatization can also be combined into a dual reform package in which several municipalities jointly issue contracts relating to multiple jurisdictions. Evaluation of these mixed cooperation‐privatization reforms rests on disentangling the separate and combined effects of each strategy. This we undertake for the case of solid waste collection in Catalonia, using environmental protection as our focal performance standard. Drawing on two waves of data (for 2000 and 2019) for 186 municipalities that together use all four combinations of public, private, single and cooperative service delivery, we show that superior environmental performance was initially confined to conventional cooperations involving only public production. But latterly, any form of cooperation, using public or private production, resulted in significant gains. This reinforces the need for evaluators to isolate the “active ingredient” in composite reforms.
... The risk becomes more severe as the ratio of the agents to farmers especially in the sub-Sahara African countries is unacceptable. The challenges associated with multiple principals were explained by Voorn et al. [11]. For this reason, the private sector's involvement in introducing a new principalagent model in the delivery of extension services becomes paramount. ...
The Commodity Association Traders/Trainers (CATs) extension approach was an initiative of the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) to address the challenges of the low margin of agricultural extension agents and farm family ratio in Nigeria. This study, therefore, provides an assessment of the initiative in supporting agricultural extension service delivery in Nigeria. The study was carried out in Kano, Jigawa, Nasarawa and Gombe states, Nigeria being the four major states where the CATs extension approach was tested. The study used a causal research design involving before and after intervention assessment of 396 beneficiary farmers. Data collected using semi-structured questionnaire were analysed using descriptive statistics and linear regression at α0.05. Majority of the farmers were male (71.5%), middle-aged (42.59±10.91 years) and had small to moderate household sizes (63.4%). Maize (77.6%) and Rice (57.3%) were the foremost crops grown. The farmers received extension service support from CATs in a broad area, including innovation dissemination, training on Good Agricultural Practices, linkage to agro-input dealers, market and credit. About 63.0-86.0% were positive about most aspects of engagement with the CATs except for payment of fees for services received and connecting farmers to credit. The number of farmers that practiced market-oriented agriculture doubled. The number of agribusiness enterprises established and the number of farmers successfully linked to off-takers for their produce also rose from an average of 3 to 8 persons; and 4 to 14 persons per group, respectively. The volume of maize crop marketed through cooperative efforts increased from 7.64±5.15 Kg to 15.66±6.94 Kg per person in each group. Farmers' size of land cultivated, their total produce harvested and productivity for maize and paddy increased after being members of the CATs group. Being male, young, educated, having ease of access to CATs master trainers and farmers' motivation enhanced the performance of the CATs extension approach. The commodity association trainers/traders have enhanced extension services in the project states. The initiative is recommended for up-scaling to cover other regions of Nigeria. Key words: Agricultural extension, Farmers’ group, Sasakawa Nigeria, Market-oriented agriculture
... In dit onderzoek is deze relatie echter buiten beschouwing gelaten, omdat het principaal-agent sturingsmodel en het principaal-steward sturingsmodel werken vanuit het perspectief van een opdrachtgever en een opdrachtnemer. Als de relatie vanuit dit perspectief wordt beschouwd, kan de relatie tussen de opdrachtgever en de eigenaar als een relatie tussen principalen worden beschouwd, waarbij rekening moet worden gehouden met het "multiple principal problem" (Voorn et al., 2019). Hoewel in dit onderzoek de risico's worden benoemd van PA-sturingsinstrumenten voor dit probleem en PS-sturingsinstrumenten hier mogelijk een oplossing voor bieden, is het onbekend welke sturingsinstrumenten invloed hebben op de relatie tussen de eigenaar en de opdrachtgever en dus ook welke sturingsinstrumenten invloed hebben op het "multiple principal problem". ...
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Uitvoeringsorganisaties, die namens de overheid diensten verlenen, vervullen een cruciale rol in het contact tussen de overheid en burgers, instellingen en bedrijven. Uitvoeringsproblemen hebben dan ook ernstige gevolgen gehad voor de samenleving. Om deze problemen te voorkomen, is een goede relatie tussen uitvoeringsorganisaties en bestuursdepartementen van essentieel belang. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de samenwerking tussen deze partijen, vormgegeven in het driehoeksmodel tussen beleid en uitvoering. Specifiek ligt de focus op het ministerie van OCW, waarin is onderzocht welke sturingsinstrumenten in het driehoeksmodel tussen beleid en uitvoering worden gehanteerd en welke invloed deze hebben op de relatiekwaliteit. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat sturingsinstrumenten gebaseerd op de principaal-steward theorie een positieve invloed hebben op de relatiekwaliteit in het driehoeksmodel, terwijl sturingsinstrumenten gebaseerd op de principaal-agent theorie een negatieve invloed hebben op de relatiekwaliteit in het driehoeksmodel. Deze conclusie draagt bij aan een dieper begrip van de samenwerking tussen bestuursdepartementen en uitvoeringsorganisaties, met praktische inzichten voor het gebruik van sturingsinstrumenten ter verbetering van de publieke dienstverlening.
... Facing multiple principal problems, Voorn et al. (2019) suggest delegating policy implementation to a single party for efficient and effective delivery aligned with collective action intentions. Additionally, in service-sharing agreements, Aldag and Warner (2018) recognize a cooperation continuum, where public values and coordination between jurisdictional units determine long-term agreements, while cost improvements influence shorter agreements. ...
This paper examines institutional collective action and transaction cost (TC) dilemmas in a self-organizing policy network involving federal, state, and municipal agencies for waste services in a port and industrial park. A thematic analysis revealed dilemmas in: (a) vertical levels, which lack leadership in industrial waste management due to unclear responsibility delegation across government levels; (b) horizontal levels, reluctant to take responsibilities and define jurisdiction boundaries for efficient waste services; and (c) functional levels, which exhibit fragmented and unaligned action scopes. Transaction costs, stemming from a deficiency in expertise, infrastructure, and organized information regarding companies' waste management, hinder effective programs and policies. Without tackling these challenges and TCs through a governance framework that includes implementation strategies, monitoring, and institutional controls, the self-organizing policy network is likely to remain stuck in collective institutional inertia.
... The joint good and collective interests of all parties involved in the IMC might clash with the interests of individual municipalities, leading to suboptimal outcomes for the new jurisdiction. Mitigating such collective action problems may involve significant transaction costs, including those related to monitoring and regulating the cooperation (Voorn, Genugten, and Thiel 2019). Other examples of potential transaction costs associated with IMC are those associated with information and coordination, negotiation and division, as well as bargaining (Feiock 2007). ...
... The context of crises led society to distrust the State's ability to provide services (Bevir, 2011;Lynn & Malinowska, 2018), encouraging it to promote public governance (Pedersen & Johannsen, 2018), accountability (Brummel, 2021), transparency (Saldanha et al., 2022) and efficiency (Bresser-Pereira & Spink, 2007;Reddick et al., 2020). From an economic perspective, governance is seen as a mechanism that tries to mitigate agency conflicts between principal (citizen) and agent (public manager) and the information asymmetry present in the relationship (Matias-Pereira, 2010;Willems & Van Dooren, 2012;Pedersen & Johannsen, 2018;Voorn et al., 2019). Przeworski (2007) argues that the full exercise of democratic institutions does not guarantee accountability, given the informational asymmetry. ...
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Objetivo: Avaliar a legibilidade dos Relatórios de Gestão do setor público brasileiro, dos exercícios de 2016 a 2019, com a mudança estrutural a partir da adoção do modelo de Relato Integrado (RI), em 2018. Método: Com o software R, foi calculada a legibilidade, através do Índice de Legibilidade de Flesch, de 3.720 relatórios emitidos por 930 instituições ao longo de anos. Resultados: Os dados da pesquisa indicaram queda na legibilidade geral dos Relatórios de Gestão ao longo dos anos analisados, e de forma mais expressiva nos exercícios entre 2017 e 2018. Verificou-se também que a adoção do RI, enquanto estruturante do Relatório de Gestão, influenciou em sua concisão, com redução de páginas, palavras, sílabas e sentenças. Originalidade/Relevância: Esse é o primeiro estudo que analisa a legibilidade dos relatórios de todas as instituições públicas brasileiras, especialmente considerando o contexto de adoção do modelo de Relato Integrado. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Os dados apontam que, no setor público, o RI ainda não pode ser apontado, de fato, como um instrumento de governança pública uma vez que ainda é deficiente no sentido de transparência na perspectiva da legibilidade. Entende-se, no entanto, que o conceito de RI, e, mais ainda, sua inserção no setor público brasileiro, é recente, necessitando, portanto, de um tempo para se consolidar. Contribuições sociais/para a gestão: O estudo fornece um diagnóstico aos preparadores sobre como relatórios têm se apresentado, na legibilidade, em comparação com a orientação de serem legíveis, e auxilia no aprimoramento do documento enquanto instrumento de controle social.
... Appointing one stakeholder with a more important steering role is a typical solution to mitigating the challenges posed by multiple principal-agent problems, which both principals and agents face when they must address diverse and even competing interests of multiple actors under joint policy delivery (Voorn et al., 2019). A European Commission staff member suggests that the Commission is more aptly positioned than the EU's colegislators and Member States to guide Frontex's external relations (Interview, European Commission Policy Officer A, 2021). ...
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The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) has progressively expanded its international footprint by collaborating with non‐European Union (EU) partners to enhance the management and security of the EU's external borders. This article examines the development of Frontex's external relations through a two‐level experimentalist governance lens and considers its impact on the EU's externalisation policy. The article contends that Frontex has enhanced its international profile in a context where EU policy actors' allocated goals have remained vague. The agency has had considerable autonomy in implementing these goals and has actively broadened its operational scope. The accountability dimension of Frontex's external relations, however, remains an important concern. To address this challenge, the article advocates greater transparency and disclosure, along with increased parliamentary and public oversight of Frontex.
Assessing and compensating performance in professional organizations is extremely difficult in direct public management settings of health services. Performance assessment is technically complex and, more so, with multiplicity of principals influencing goal setting. Incentives are a lever to generate directionality and motivation, both structural (for attracting and retaining workers) and specific ones (rewarding performance and directing behavior towards institutional goals). Incentives influence the behavior of workers in various ways, and their effectiveness seams weak and controversial in publicly run health services. To overcome the problems of deciding and evaluating performance, both good governance models and the revitalization of contractual management are required. To improve the effectiveness of incentive models, it is convenient to: 1) widen the conceptual framework of incentives, to incorporate the structural aspects of employment contract and payment; 2) improve the designs from a greater understanding of the determinants of motivation; and 3) broaden the lens to survey the extra-mural factors that alter the behavior of workers, trying to counter them.
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In an article in this volume of Public Money & Management, Ferry, Andrews, Skelcher and Wegorowski (2018) suggest that local corporatization in England constitutes a new development and a major field-level change. Based on a review of English local councils’ annual accounts between 2010 and 2017, the authors sketch corporatization as a trend of this decade and as a post-crisis mechanism to realize budget cuts and austerity. The authors imply that too little is known about local corporatization in the academic literature, posing a risk for local governance. However, numbers going back another decade show that local corporatization is neither recent nor crisis-driven. Local corporatization is a broader trend, driven more by ideology and institutional isomorphism than fiscal pressure. The long timeframe of local corporatization and the ideological and isomorphic pressures behind it make the academic silence all the more problematic.
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Municipal amalgamation reforms have been advocated as ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance capacity in local government service provision. Research on the consequences of amalgamations has reached maturity in terms of theories, research designs and methods, justifying a systematic survey of results. This article provides a synthesis of the empirical literature published over the last 20 years, organizing the effects of amalgamations into three categories: economic efficiency and cost savings, managerial implications, and democratic outcomes. Despite the significant variation across countries and reforms, some regularities emerge: cost savings being primarily limited to general administration expenditures (wages, office supplies, and so on), few changes in the quality of local services, and the diminished quality of local democracy. Several studies point to amalgamation reforms experiencing a trade-off between efficiency and democracy.
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Over the last few decades, European countries have dealt with problems of regional governance in very different ways. A common theme is the debate between supporters of local government mergers to expand the capacity and efficiency in service provision and those favoring local government autonomy and self-determination to protect democracy and government responsiveness. The significant number of scholarly contributions to this debate between mergers and fragmentation contrasts with the scarcity of theoretical attention to decentralized self-organizing mechanisms. This article fills this lacuna by developing an extension of the Institutional Collective Action (ICA) framework for the European context. The framework defines two dimensions to understand intermunicipal cooperation: the type of urban integration mechanism (imposed authority, delegated authority, contracts, or social embeddedness) and the degree of institutional scope (narrow, intermediate or complex). The resulting typology composed by 12 cells is illustrated with examples of intermunicipal cooperation for solving governance dilemmas in the European setting. We advance theoretical propositions rooted in historical, cultural, and institutional differences to explain the variation in the adoption of intermunicipal cooperation by Northern versus Southern as well as Eastern versus Western European countries. A research agenda using the ICA framework is advanced for framing the studies of regional governance in Europe.
This article analyzes shifts in the delivery mode of waste collection in Dutch municipalities between 1999 and 2014. In approximately half of these entities, shifts took place, with 60% toward outside production and 40% toward inside production. In recent years, the number of shifts dropped remarkably, and re-municipalization has become more important. In addition, the amount of municipalities with reverse privatization is larger than that of privatization. Based on a logit model, some evidence of an ideological motivation for changing the mode of production is found. Conservative liberals are in favor of changing, particularly toward the market and privatization, whereas social democrats, in particular, are against change. These results provide some evidence for the unemployment or scale argument for changing the mode as well. In addition, there is an indication that political fragmentation increases the ability to privatize.
Intermunicipal cooperation is a common way to provide local public services, exploit economies of scale, and internalize externalities. However, little is known about possible efficiency gains. We test their existence in terms of local public expenditures reductions, by investigating the Italian experience of municipal unions. We adopt quasi‐experimental methodologies using administrative data on municipalities in the Emilia Romagna region. We find that being in a municipal union reduces the total per capita current expenditures by around 5 percent, without affecting the level of local public services. The effect is robust, persistent, and increasing up to six years after entrance.
This book sheds light on the central complexities of municipal cooperation and examines the dynamics, experiences and drivers of inter-municipal cooperation (IMC) in Europe. Particular attention is given to the features of governance arrangements and institutions created to generate and maintain collaborative settings between different local governments in a particular territory. The thematically grouped case studies presented here address the dearth of comprehensive and comparative analyses in recent scholarship. The authors provide fresh insights into the rise of inter-municipal cooperation and its evolution during a period of financial crisis and European Union enlargement. This includes critical examinations of the impact of austerity policies, the behavior and perceptions of key actors; and under-explored new member states. Crucially, this work goes beyond the comparison of institutional forms of IMC to address why the phenomenon so widespread and questions whether it is successful, manageable and democratic. This work which presents the most recent and innovative research on inter-local collaborative arrangements will appeal to practitioners as well as scholars of local government, public economy, public administration and policy.
Over the last decade, municipal territorial amalgamation has occurred in 15 European countries. The same period has seen spectacular progress in research on the relationship between municipal size and the functioning of local governments, as well as the impacts of territorial reforms on economic performance and local democracy. Quasi-experimental designs treating territorial reforms as specific “research laboratories” have constituted an important part of that trend. However, there are still important gaps in the knowledge and the study results are often inconclusive. These observations call for a research agenda for the future.