Conference PaperPDF Available

High-Performance and Low-Cost Computing for Indoor Airflow


Abstract and Figures

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can provide detailed information of flow motion, temperature distributions and species dispersion in buildings. However, it may take hours or days, even weeks to simulate airflow in a building by using CFD on a single central processing unit (CPU) computer. Parallel computing on a multi-CPU supercomputer or computer cluster can reduce the computing time, but the cost for such high performance computing is prohibitive for many designers. Our paper introduces high performance parallel computing of the airflow simulations on a graphics processing unit (GPU). The computing time can be reduced by 10-30 times using the GPU. Furthermore, the cost of purchasing such a GPU is only $500, which is less than 2% of a multi-CPU supercomputer or a computer cluster for the same performance.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Wangda Zuo and Qingyan Chen
National Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Research in the Intermodal Transport Environment (RITE),
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA
Corresponding email:
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can provide
detailed information of flow motion, temperature
distributions and species dispersion in buildings.
However, it may take hours or days, even weeks to
simulate airflow in a building by using CFD on a
single central processing unit (CPU) computer.
Parallel computing on a multi-CPU supercomputer or
computer cluster can reduce the computing time, but
the cost for such high performance computing is
prohibitive for many designers. Our paper introduces
high performance parallel computing of the airflow
simulations on a graphics processing unit (GPU). The
computing time can be reduced by 10 - 30 times
using the GPU. Furthermore, the cost of purchasing
such a GPU is only $500, which is less than 2% of a
multi-CPU supercomputer or a computer cluster for
the same performance.
To design a comfortable, healthy, and energy-
efficient building, it is essential to know some key
parameters of the indoor air, such as the distributions
of air velocity, air temperature, species
concentrations, and pressure. Those data can be
obtained by computer simulations (Chen 2009;
Davidson 1989). The simulation results should be
informative so that the designers can evaluate not
only the macro environment in the entire building,
but also the microenvironment in each room. The
simulations should also be sufficiently fast to explore
various alternatives during the design process
(Hughes et al. 1994).
By solving the Navier-Stokes equations and other
transport equations with an enormous amount of
computing nodes, CFD can capture the flow details
with good accuracy (Ladeinde and Nearon 1997;
Nielsen 2004). However, when the simulated flow
domain is large and complex, such as flow in a
moderate size building, CFD can be computationally
demanding if the simulation is performed on a single
CPU computer (Lin et al. 2005; Mazumdar and Chen
In order to accelerate the CFD simulation, many
researchers, such as Crouse et al. (2002) and
Mazumdar and Chen (2008), executed simulations in
parallel on multi-CPU computers. The parallel
computing can greatly reduce the computing time.
However, this effort does not reduce the cost for
equipment purchase and installation, the space for
installing the computers, and the capacity of the
cooling system used in the space (Feng and Hsu
2004). Hence, the multi-CPU computing is luxury for
building designers. It is necessary to find high-
performance and low-cost computing hardware for
simulating flow in buildings.
Recently, GPU has attracted attention for parallel
computing. Different from CPU, GPU is the core of a
computer graphics card, which integrates multiple
streaming processors on a chip. The GPU structure is
highly parallelized for high performance graphics
processing. For example, a NVIDA GeForce 8800
GTX GPU available in 2006 integrated 128
processors so that its peak computing speed is 367
GFLOPS. Comparatively, the peak performance of
an INTEL Core2 Duo 3.0 GHz CPU available at the
same time is only about 32 GFLOPS (Kirk and Hwu
2008). Figure 1 compares peak performance of the
CPU (INTEL) and the GPU (NVIDIA). The
performance gap between the CPU and GPU has
been expanding since 2003 (NVIDIA 2007).
Furthermore, this trend is likely to continue in the
future. Besides its high performance, the cost of a
GPU is low. For example, a graphics card with
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX GPU costs only around
$500 and it can easily be installed into a personal
CPU handles sequential jobs so that it increases the
computing speed principally by increasing its clock
frequency. Unlike CPU, GPU is normally used for
graphics processing that is typically a parallel job.
Thus, development of GPU is to increase its
computing capacity by adding more processors to
handle the parallel job. It is technically easy and
economically inexpensive to integrate a large
quantity of low frequency processors into one chip
(Kirk and Hwu 2008). Having many low-clock-
frequency processors working in parallel, GPU can
achieve a high computing speed. For example,
Eleventh International IBPSA Conference
Glasgow, Scotland
July 27-30, 2009
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although the clock frequency of the NVIDIA
GeForce 8800 GTX GPU is only 575 MHz, its
computing speed can be as high as 367 GFLOPS
with 128 processors. The development strategy of
GPU makes a graphics card at low-cost and with
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Figure 1 Comparison of computing speed of GPU
and CPU
In spite of its advantages in cost and performance,
the applications of GPU have been focused on image
processing. The programming on GPU requires a
deep understanding of its hardware and programming
languages. Prior to 2006, GPU programming
languages, such as OpenGL (Shreiner and OpenGL
Architecture Review Board 2008) and Direct3D
(Walsh 2006), were designed for graphics processing.
It was difficult to use the languages for solving
Navier-Stokes equations. Hence, only a few attempts
were made by experts in graphics (Ho et al. 2008;
Scheidegger et al. 2005; Wei et al. 2004)
In 2006, NVIDIA (NVIDIA 2007) provided a new
GPU programming environment, named computer
unified data architecture (CUDA). CUDA is an
extended C language. Like other advanced
programming languages, CUDA allows users to
manipulate GPU without knowing the details of the
hardware. Furthermore, CUDA is compatible with
the standard C language. If a flow simulation code is
written in C, a user only needs to rewrite the parallel
computing part in CUDA. This feature can save a lot
of time on code development. Some researchers have
started to use CUDA for GPU programming. For
example, Rodrigues et al (2008) used it for molecular
simulations and Manaveki (2007) for cryptography.
They have made the simulations 10-20 times faster
than those on a CPU. Thus, it is also interesting to
perform indoor flow simulations using the FFD on
Flow Model
This investigation applied a fast fluid dynamics (FFD)
model proposed by Stam (1999). It is a simplified
CFD model for solving continuity equation, Navier-
Stokes equations and transport equation for energy
and species concentrations for transient,
incompressible fluid flow. To efficiently solve these
partial differential equations, FFD splits them into
many simple equations and solves the simple
equations one by one. The current FFD model is first
order in time and second order in space. Applying the
FFD model, Zuo and Chen (2009) simulated different
indoor airflows at a speed 50 times faster than a CFD
model. This investigation used the FFD model for
flow simulation on GPU.
Software and Hardware
The implementation used CUDA to divide a GPU
into three levels (Figure 2). The highest level is
“grid”. Each grid consists of multiple “blocks”, and
every block has many “threads”. A thread is the basic
computing unit of GPU. Mathematic and logic
operations are performed on threads.
Host (CPU)
Device (GPU)
Grid 1
Grid 2
Grid 3, 4, …….
Grid 1 Grid 2 Grid 3, 4, ……
Figure 2 Schematic of parallel computing with
This study used a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 8800 GPU.
This GPU has 16 streaming multiprocessors (SMs)
(Rixner 2002) and each SM can hold up to 8 blocks
or 768 threads at one time. Thus, the entire GPU can
simultaneously hold up to 12,288 threads. Because
CUDA does not allow splitting a block into two SMs,
the block assignment is crucial to realize the full
capacity of GPU. For example, if a block has 512
threads, then only one block can be assigned to one
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SM and the remaining 256 threads in that SM are
unused. If a block contains 256 threads, then three
blocks can fully occupy all of the 768 threads of an
SM. Theoretically, the 8800 GTX GPU can reach its
peak performance when all 12,288 threads are
running at the same time. Practically, the peak
performance also depends on many other factors,
such as the time for reading or writing data with the
Mapping Strategy
When working in parallel, it is important to map the
thread indices (threadID.x, threadID.y) in a block
onto the coordinate of mesh nodes (i, j). The current
implementation applied the following formulas:
. . .
i blockDim x blockID x threadID x
= × +
, (1)
. . .
= × +
. (2)
where blockID.x and blockID.y are the indices of the
block for the thread. blockDim.x and blockDim.y are
the block dimensions at x and y directions,
respectively. Both of them are 16 in our
To demonstrate FFD simulations on GPU, this
investigation calculated three airflows relevant to
indoor environment and compared the results with
those on CPU and the data from literature. The three
flows were laminar and turbulent flow in a lid-driven
cavity and natural convective flow in a tall cavity.
The simulations used the exactly same meshes and
numerical settings in both GPU and CPU versions.
Laminar Flow in a Lid Driven Cavity (Re = 100)
The first case was the laminar flow in a lid-driven
cavity. Based on the length of cavity and lid velocity,
the Reynolds number of the flow is Re = 100. This
study used a mesh of 33 × 33 grids. The reference
data was the high quality CFD results obtained by
Ghia et al (1982). As shown in Figure 3, FFD on
GPU could predict the same velocity profiles as that
on CPU. Furthermore, the FFD results were similar
to the reference data. Although this is a simple case,
it proves that GPU can be used for numerical
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
(a) Horizontal velocity at x = 0.5 L
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(b) Vertical velocity at y = 0.5 L
Figure 3 Comparison of the calculated velocity
profiles (Re = 100) by the FFD model on CPU and
GPU with the CFD data in a lid-driven square
Turbulent Flow in a Lid Driven Cavity (Re =
The second case was a turbulent flow in the lid-
driven cavity with Re = 10000. To capture the
characteristics of the flow, this study used a very fine
mesh of 513 × 513 grids. The same amount of mesh
was also used by Ghia et al. (1982). Because FFD is
the first order in time, a very small time step size
(0.005s) was necessary to reduce the error. It is very
time consuming to run such an unsteady simulation
on a single CPU. Thus, this study only did the
simulation on GPU. As shown in the Figure 4, The
FFD model on GPU computed accurately the
horizontal and vertical velocity profiles. The
computed profiles agree with the reference data
obtained by Ghia et al. (1982).
- 246 -
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
(a) Horizontal velocity at x = 0.5 L
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(b) Vertical velocity at y = 0.5 L
Figure 4 Comparison of the calculated velocity
profiles (Re = 10000) by the FFD model on GPU
with the reference data in a lid-driven cavity
Figure 5 shows streamlines computed by the FFD
model on GPU for the turbulent flow. The FFD
model on GPU can properly predict a large
recirculation in the center of cavity. It also computed
several secondary recirculations at low-left, low-right
and upper-left corners. Furthermore, it captured two
third recirculations at the low-left and low-right
corners. The differences between the FFD prediction
and reference data (Ghia et al. 1982) are very
Natural Convection in a Tall Cavity
The flows in the previous two cases were isothermal.
The FFD model on GPU was further tested for a non-
isothermal flow. The non-isothermal flow was a
natural convection flow in a tall cavity of 0.076 m
wide and 2.18 m high. The left wall was cooled at
C and the right wall heated at 34.7
C. The top
and bottom walls were insulated. The corresponding
Rayleigh number was 0.86×10
. A coarse mesh of 11
× 21 was applied to the FFD simulations on both
CPU and GPU. The reference data was from the
experiment performed by Betts and Bokhari (2000).
Figure 6 depicts that the FFD model on GPU gave
the same velocity and temperature profiles as that on
CPU. Although the results obtained by the FFD
model differ from the experimental data, the error
was caused by the FFD model, not GPU.
Figure 5 Streamlines of a turbulent lid-driven cavity
flow (Re = 10000) computed by the FFD on GPU
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
(a) Velocity profiles (b) Temperature Profiles
Figure 6 Comparison of the velocity and temperature
profiles predicted by the FFD model on CPU and
GPU with the experimental data
Computing Time
To compare the FFD simulation speed on GPU with
that on CPU, this study used the computing time for
the lid-driven cavity flow at Re = 100 as an example.
The CPU simulations were conducted on a HP
workstation with an INTEL XeonTM CPU and the
GPU simulations on an NVIDIA GTX 8800 GPU.
The simulations were performed for 100 time steps
but with different meshes.
Figure 7 illustrates that the CPU computing time
increased linearly with the mesh size. When the grid
- 247 -
number was smaller than 3.6×10
, the FFD model on
CPU was faster than that on GPU. Since it took time
to transfer data during the GPU simulations, the time
could be more significant than that saved in the
parallel computing when the mesh size was small.
Hence, parallel computing on GPU should be applied
to cases with a large mesh size.
Figure 7 Comparison of the computing time used by
the FFD model on GPU with that on CPU
It should be noted from Figure 7 that the GPU
computing time was almost constant when the mesh
size was less than 4×10
. This is because the mesh
size was not large enough for the GPU utilizing fully
its capacity. When the mesh size was greater than
, the GPU computing time increased along two
paths. Those points on the solid line were for the
cases with a mesh size in multiplication of 256 and
on the dashed line the mesh size not in multiplication
of 256. As mentioned previously, each mesh node
was assigned to one thread and a block had 256
threads. If the mesh size was in the multiplication of
256, all the 256 threads of every block were utilized.
Thus, the working load among the blocks was equal.
Otherwise, some of the threads in the block were
rendered idle and the working load between the
blocks was unequal. The imbalance of the working
load can have a severe penalty on the computing
speed. For example, the simulation with 640 × 640
grids that was in multiplication of 256 took 9.977 s,
but that with 639 × 639 needed 28.875 s. Although
the latter case had fewer grids than the former, its
computing time increased by almost two times.
Nevertheless, the FFD model on GPU is still 10
times faster than that on CPU even if the grid number
was not in multiplication of 256. The difference
increased to around 30 times if the grid number was
in multiplication of 256.
This study implemented the FFD model for flow
simulations on GPU. Since the FFD model solves the
same governing equations as the CFD model does, it
is also possible to implement the CFD model on GPU.
One can also expect that the speed of CFD
simulations on GPU should be faster than that on the
CPU. For those CFD codes written in C language, the
implementation will be relatively easy since only the
parallel computing part needs to be re-written in
It is possible to further reduce the computing time by
using multi-GPU clusters. For example, the NVIDA
Tesla personal supercomputer has 4 GPUs with 960
processors. It is about 250 times faster than a single
CPU personal computer.
This study performed flow simulation with the FFD
model on GPU and CPU. The FFD simulation on
GPU is 10 30 times faster than that on CPU. The
cost of a GPU is less than 2% of a supercomputer or
computer cluster with the same performance. The
GPU can be used also for CFD simulations and other
scientific computing.
This project was funded by U.S. Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Office of Aerospace Medicine
through the National Air Transportation Center of
Excellence for Research in the Intermodal Transport
Environment (RITE) Cooperative Agreement 04-C-
ACE-PU-002. Although the FAA has sponsored this
project, it neither endorses nor rejects the findings of
this research. The presentation of this information is
in the interest of invoking technical community
comment on the results and conclusions of the
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Full-text available
Real-time or faster-than-real-time flow simulation is crucial for studying the airflow in buildings or other enclosed environments, such as building emergency management, public health protection, sustainable building design, and building energy performance evaluation. The simulation should be informative by providing airflow motion, temperature distribution, and species concentration. Meanwhile, it is also important for the simulation to compute quickly since the allowed time is limited. However, none of the current techniques for flow modeling and computing hardware can satisfy such requirements. Nodal models for flow simulations are simple and fast, but not informative. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is accurate, but it is too time-consuming. To obtain a quick and informative solution, this study has proposed a Fast Fluid Dynamics (FFD) method, which is an intermediate approach between the nodal model and the CFD. This investigation used the FFD method with and without turbulence treatments to systematically study four basic flows in buildings, and compared the numerical results with the corresponding CFD results and the data from the literature. The comparison showed that the FFD could offer more complete flow information than the nodal model, but less accurate results than the CFD. At the same time, the FFD was about 50 times faster than the CFD. Because of a significant numerical viscosity in the FFD model, the FFD with the laminar model had the best overall performance in terms of reasonable accuracy and simulation time. The FFD simulation was improved by advancing its numerical schemes and optimizing the implementation. By modifying the time-splitting method and optimizing the implementation, this work successfully saved the computing time by 50%. Meanwhile, a finite volume discretization scheme was applied to enhance the mass conservation. In addition, a mass correction function was proposed to provide a simple practical solution for mass conservation in any specific domain. Furthermore, a hybrid scheme was developed to minimize the numerical viscosity caused by the linear interpolation in the semi-Lagrangian method. The improved FFD program was further validated by simulating particle dispersion in a pipe. The prediction had a good agreement with the experimental data. However, this was only a simple case. The FFD needs more validations for contaminant transport. It is also possible to further enhance the computing speed by performing the computation in parallel. Multi-processor supercomputers are widely used for parallelized flow simulations. However, they are very expensive and not portable. Instead, this study conducted the FFD simulation in parallel on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The implementation used a NVIDIA GTX 8800 GPU and a Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) language that is compatible with C language. The FFD code on the GPU was then applied to simulate four basic indoor flows. It turned out that the FFD code on the GPU could produce the same result as the one on a Central Processing Unit (CPU). In addition, the FFD simulations on a GPU were 10 to 30 times faster than the simulations on a CPU, depending on the grid resolution. In the future, the FFD scheme can to be improved to achieve a better performance for turbulent flow. Meanwhile, the FFD prediction for species concentration and three-dimensional FFD code needs to be further validated. It is also worthwhile to extend the capability of the FFD program, such as studying the flow in a complex geometry and coupling it with an energy simulation tool.
An initial study to develop a numerical tool using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods for investigating the potential of disease transmission in commercial aircraft is completed. To gain insight of the general airflow pattern, a detailed CFD model of a small section in the passenger cabin of a B767-300 passenger cabin was built and a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation was performed. By comparing with the available test data, the RANS simulation substantially underpredicted the turbulence intensity, especially in and around the breathing zone. A separate large eddy simulation (LES) was conducted to obtain a more realistic turbulent energy transport in a generic cabin model. The LES-predicted turbulence level is in fairly good agreement with the test data. Based on the LES results, the k and e equations used in the RANS simulation were modified by using a special user subroutine. A RANS simulation with adjusted turbulence was then employed to simulate the dispersion of airborne pathogen in the detailed passenger cabin model. These adjustments allow for the simulation of disease transmission using less than 1/100 of the computing hardware resources required for an equivalent LES of airflow and particle transport.
A simple treatment of computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer (usually abbreviated as CFD) is presented in this article. The authors have intentionally avoided the more advanced concepts such as mesh adaptivity or parallel processing (Ladeinde, 1992), and have limited the examples to very simple, albeit useful, systems. They will define CFD and describe the questions answered by CFD results and the advantages and limitations of the approach compared to physical experiments. They will then discuss the growing popularity of CFD and existing industrial applications in mechanical engineering. The obvious applications of this technique in the HVAC and R industry are presented prior to the conclusion of this article.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a study of the efficiency in applying modern graphics processing units in symmetric key cryptographic solutions. It describes both traditional style approaches based on the OpenGL graphics API and new ones based on the recent technology trends of major hardware vendors. It presents an efficient implementation of the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm in the novel CUDA platform by Nvidia. AES is currently the most widely adopted modern symmetric key encryption standard. The performance of the new fastest GPU solution is compared with those of the reference sequential implementations running on an Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz CPU. Unlike previous research in this field, the results of this effort show for the first time the GPU can perform as an efficient cryptographic accelerator. The developed solutions run up to 20 times faster than OpenSSL and in the same range of performance of existing hardware based implementations.
Experiments have been undertaken to investigate the natural convection of air in a tall differentially heated rectangular cavity (2.18 m high by 0.076 m wide by 0.52 m in depth). They were performed with temperature differentials between the vertical plates of 19.6°C and 39.9°C, giving Rayleigh numbers based on the width of 0.86×106 and 1.43×106. Under these conditions the flow in the core of the cavity is fully turbulent and property variations with temperature are comparatively small. A previously used experimental rig has been modified, by fitting partially conducting top and bottom walls and outer guard channels, to provide boundary conditions which avoid the inadequately defined sharp changes in temperature gradient and other problems associated with insufficient insulation on nominally adiabatic walls. Mean and turbulent temperature and velocity variations within the cavity have been measured, together with heat fluxes and turbulent shear stresses. The temperature and flow fields were found to be closely two-dimensional, except close to the front and back walls, and anti-symmetric across the diagonal of the cavity. The partially conducting roof and floor provide locally unstable thermal stratification in the wall jet flows there, which enhances the turbulence as the flow moves towards the temperature controlled plates. The results provide a greatly improved benchmark for the testing of turbulence models in this low turbulence Reynolds number flow.
The modeling of convective flows based on a 3D lattice Boltzmann approach for low Mach number flows with variable density combined with a large eddy turbulence model is presented. The ability to handle non-Boussinesq density variation problems is depicted for two-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard convection at a Rayleigh number Ra=800,000.A complex three-dimensional example shows the status of our work with respect to turbulent flow in and around a building, so far without consideration of the energy equation in the full scale 3D case. Integrated within a CAD environment, the spatial geometric model, based on an IFC building product data model, is discretized using a hierarchic data structure. Results are presented for a Reynolds number Re=75,000 computed on a high-performance parallel vector computer.State-of-the-art visualization techniques integrate the simulation results and the CAD model into a virtual reality environment. The VR environment allows also for an interactive analysis of thermal comfort criteria, being demonstrated for an indoor air flow simulation of an open-plan office.
Recently, cellular neural networks (CNNs) have been demonstrated to be a highly effective paradigm applicable in a wide range of areas. Typically, CNNs can be implemented using VLSI circuits, but this would unavoidably require additional hardware. On the other hand, we can also implement CNNs purely by software; this, however, would result in very low performance when given a large CNN problem size. Nowadays, conventional desktop computers are usually equipped with programmable graphics processing units (GPUs) that can support parallel data processing. This paper introduces a GPU-based CNN simulator. In detail, we carefully organize the CNN data as 4-channel textures, and efficiently implement the CNN computation as fragment programs running in parallel on a GPU. In this way, we can create a high performance but low-cost CNN simulator. Experimentally, we demonstrate that the resultant GPU-based CNN simulator can run 8–17 times faster than a CPU-based CNN simulator.
The vorticity-stream function formulation of the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is used to study the effectiveness of the coupled strongly implicit multigrid (CSI-MG) method in the determination of high-Re fine-mesh flow solutions. The driven flow in a square cavity is used as the model problem. Solutions are obtained for configurations with Reynolds number as high as 10,000 and meshes consisting of as many as 257 × 257 points. For Re = 1000, the (129 × 129) grid solution required 1.5 minutes of CPU time on the AMDAHL 470 V/6 computer. Because of the appearance of one or more secondary vortices in the flow field, uniform mesh refinement was preferred to the use of one-dimensional grid-clustering coordinate transformations.
This paper presented an overview of the tools used to predict ventilation performance in buildings. The tools reviewed were analytical models, empirical models, small-scale experimental models, full-scale experimental models, multizone network models, zonal models, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. This review found that the analytical and empirical models had made minimal contributions to the research literature in the past year. The small- and full-scale experimental models were mainly used to generate data to validate numerical models. The multizone models were improving, and they were the main tool for predicting ventilation performance in an entire building. The zonal models had limited applications and could be replaced by the coarse-grid fluid dynamics models. The CFD models were most popular and contributed to 70 percent of the literature found in this review. Considerable efforts were still made to seek more reliable and accurate models. It has been a trend to improve their performance by coupling CFD with other building simulation models. The applications of CFD models were mainly for studying indoor air quality, natural ventilation, and stratified ventilation as they were difficult to be predicted by other models.