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Promoting Stair Climbing as an Exercise Routine among Healthy Older Adults Attending a Community-Based Physical Activity Program


Abstract and Figures

Stair climbing provides a feasible opportunity for increasing physical activity (PA) in daily living. The purpose of this study was to examine the daily walking and stair-climbing steps among healthy older adults (age: 74.0 ± 4.9 years; Body Mass Index (BMI): 22.3 ± 2.5 kg/m2). Participants (34 females and 15 males) attended a weekly 6-month community-based PA program. During the entire program period, daily walking and stair-climbing steps were recorded using a pedometer (Omron, HJA-403C, Kyoto, Japan). Before and after the 6-month program, height, body weight and leg muscle strength were assessed. After the 6-month program, the mean walking and stair-climbing steps in both women and men increased significantly (p ≤ 0.01). Daily stair-climbing steps increased about 36 steps in women and 47 steps in men. At the end of 6 months, only male participants had significant correlation between the number of stair steps and leg muscle strength (r = 0.428, p = 0.037). This study reported that healthy older adults attending the community-based PA program had regular stair-climbing steps during daily living. Promoting stair climbing as an exercise routine was feasible to increase their walking and stair-climbing steps.
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Promoting Stair Climbing as an Exercise Routine
among Healthy Older Adults Attending a
Community-Based Physical Activity Program
Nobuko Hongu 1, *, Mieko Shimada 2, Rieko Miyake 2, Yusuke Nakajima 3, Ichirou Nakajima 4
and Yutaka Yoshitake 5
1Department of Nutritional Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038, USA
Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Chiba 261-0014, Japan; (M.S.); (R.M.)
3Comprehensive Welfare, Urawa University, Saitama 336-0974, Japan;
4Department of Physical Education, International Budo University, Chiba 299-5295, Japan;
5National Institute of Fitness & Sports in Kanoya, Kagoshima 891-2311, Japan;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-520-626-2085; Fax: +1-520-621-9446
Received: 10 December 2018; Accepted: 16 January 2019; Published: 18 January 2019
Stair climbing provides a feasible opportunity for increasing physical activity (PA) in
daily living. The purpose of this study was to examine the daily walking and stair-climbing steps
among healthy older adults (age: 74.0
4.9 years; Body Mass Index (BMI):
22.3 ±2.5 kg/m2
Participants (34 females and 15 males) attended a weekly 6-month community-based PA
program. During the entire program period, daily walking and stair-climbing steps were recorded
using a pedometer (Omron, HJA-403C, Kyoto, Japan). Before and after the 6-month program,
height, body weight and leg muscle strength were assessed. After the 6-month program, the mean
walking and stair-climbing steps in both women and men increased significantly (p
Daily stair-climbing steps increased about 36 steps in women and 47 steps in men. At the end
of 6 months, only male participants had significant correlation between the number of stair steps and
leg muscle strength (r = 0.428,
p= 0.037
). This study reported that healthy older adults attending the
community-based PA program had regular stair-climbing steps during daily living. Promoting stair
climbing as an exercise routine was feasible to increase their walking and stair-climbing steps.
aging; stair-climbing; community-based program; physical activity; walking; pedometer
1. Introduction
Aging-induced physiological changes such as declining strength, endurance, balance and
cognitive decline [
] adversely affect the activities of daily living [
]. It is well documented that
regular physical activity (PA) helps older adults improve their health, maintain independent living,
and enhances their overall quality of life [
]. However, PA levels are low and decrease throughout
aging in older adults [
]. Thus, older adults should be encouraged to maintain or increase regular PA
levels [
]. In Japan 26.6% of the total population is 65 years old or older, ranking as the world’s oldest
population [
]. It is projected that 40.1% of the total population will be 65 years old or older in 2050 [
More than 50% of older adults in Japan are not engaged in any PA [
]. Japanese health professionals
are adopting the Ministry of Health Promotion Movement in the 21st Century (“Health Japan 21”)
project, which promotes PA for the citizens of all ages in Japan, particularly targeting increasing the
number of steps [10,11] and improving the ability to perform daily living activities [12].
Sports 2019,7, 23; doi:10.3390/sports7010023
Sports 2019,7, 23 2 of 10
Taking stairs is a frequently available form of PA that requires no special training or equipment.
Stair climbing uses 8–10 times the energy requirements of the resting state, which makes stair
climbing a vigorous daily PA [
]. The health benefits of regular stair climbing have been reported,
including increased aerobic capacity [
], improved lipid profiles [
], and fitness and body
composition [
]. Regular stair use was associated with lower risk of stroke in men who climbed
20–34 floors per week [
], and reduced risk of lung cancer [
]. Stair climbing for a short time
decreased blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes [23].
Recommending regular stair use is a great public health initiative to promote and to remain
physically active. Numerous interventions have been conducted using various approaches, including
motivational posters, signs [
], videos [
], environmental changes [
] and PA programming [
Many interventions promoted stair use settings at worksites [
], shopping malls and train
stations [
]. A recent systematic review demonstrated the effectiveness of stair use and stair climbing
interventions in various public settings [
]. However, these interventions were limited to office
workers and younger adults. In one study, older men and women stair climbed 16–40 floors weekly
for 8 weeks, resulting in significantly improved resting and exercise heart rates, and improved balance
and perceived exertion. The authors showed that regular stair climbing can be done by older adults
and can limit aging-induced physiological decline [17].
Popular walking programs use a pedometer to encourage older adults to be more physically
active. However, the number of steps recommended for physically active or sedentary older adults
to increase climbing up and down stairs as a part of an exercise routine is not known. No studies
have examined the numbers of actual daily stair-climbing steps in healthy older adults. Therefore,
the aim of the study was to examine the numbers of daily walking and stair-climbing steps among
healthy older adults who were attending a weekly community PA program for 6 months. This study
also seeks to examine whether the walking and stair-climbing steps are affected by the age, gender,
leg muscle strength, and attending a community-based PA program. We hypothesized that promoting
stair climbing as an exercise routine at a weekly community-based PA program increases the number
of walking steps including stair-climbing steps among healthy older adults.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants and Study Design
The study participants were recruited from local community centers and residential communities.
They live in the northwestern parts of Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The inclusion criteria were as follows:
(a) age 65 years or older, (b) walk/move independently, (c) able to walk with gait patterns necessary
to permit adequate pedometer reading, (d) wear a pedometer (wear clothing that permits placing
a pedometer), and (e) have not been restricted from PA by a physician or a nurse practitioner.
Participants were excluded if they had chronic neuromuscular or cardiopulmonary pathologies or
terminal cancer. At the initial meeting, all participants (n = 74, mean age, 73.2
5.0 years) read
and signed an informed consent form. The study protocol was developed in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Chiba Prefectural
University of Health Sciences, Chiba, Japan (#2015-06).
2.2. Measurements
Sociodemographic and health-status variables: After participants provided written consent,
sociodemographic variables (age, gender, city of residence) were collected. BMI was calculated from
measured height and weight. Self-reported general health perception was measured using the Medical
Outcomes Study 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) in Japanese. The SF-36 contains 36 items
measuring health and well-being. In this study, we reported the score of physical functioning —how
difficult it was to climb several flights of stairs (answers: Yes, limited a lot (very difficult); Yes, limited a
Sports 2019,7, 23 3 of 10
little (a little difficult); No, not limited at all (not difficult at all)). The Japanese version of the SF-36 has
been validated for Japanese subjects [32].
Muscle strength: To assess muscle strength of upper limbs and hip abduction and adduction,
Hip Power II (Model T.K.K. 3368, Takei, Scientific Instrument, Niigata, Japan) was used. Participants
were seated with hips and knees at a 90
angle. They were instructed to keep the trunk straight, sitting
as still as possible and gripping their chair throughout the test. They were instructed to abduct or
adduct the hip. Hip Power II was held between the knees to measure adductor muscles strength.
With attached belts holding legs, abductor muscles strength was measured. The train gauge load
cell detects the force and displays the maximum value in kilogram (kg) per body weight in kg,
while participants attempted to abduct or adduct the hip.
Physical activity: PA was assessed using the Omron HJ-403C, electronic pedometer (Omron Health
Care, Kyoto, Japan) for the entire 6 months. Reliability of Omron HJ models in assessing steps under
free-living/independent conditions have been established with adult populations [
]. The Omron
HJ-403C pedometer detects the number of stair-climbing steps. Accuracy of counting steps during
stair climbing was examined by one of the authors of this study (Shimada). HJ-403C pedometer
stores walking steps for seven-days. It was automatically reset to zero daily at 12:00 midnight.
Research assistants in the study helped each participant with the accurate placement of the pedometer
on the waistline, clipped to a belt or clothing. Participants were asked to wear the pedometers during
all waking hours except when bathing or swimming. When participants attended the weekly physical
activity program, the research assistants downloaded the daily walking and stair-climbing steps from
each participant’s pedometer into a computer for later analysis.
2.3. Intervention
The intervention program consisted of 1-h sessions held at a community center once per week for
6 months. A session consisted of a brief presentation on health-related tips such as increasing daily steps,
overcoming barriers of PA, and an announcement of community PA events (first 2–3 min), warm-up
activities (10–15 min), main exercise activities (30–35 min) and cool-down activities (10–15 min).
Main exercise activities included balance and muscle-strengthening training, which included standing
on one leg with eyes open, squats and lunges and finishing with stretches (Figure 1). All sessions
were carried out by a trained fitness professional/instructor. During the weekly intervention program,
the instructor encouraged participants to have stair climbing as their daily PA routine and have at least
150 minutes per week of total PA throughout the week [
]. The instructor explained the benefits of leg
strengthening, as well as safely using stairs at home and outside of the home. The instructor listened
to the participants and discussed their daily PA and routine stair use during the weekly sessions.
The sessions were expected to develop the participants’ self-efficacy (belief that they could accomplish
the goal) in doing PA, and build peer support for regular PA. The team of health professionals, physical
fitness experts, nursing faculty members, and students from the research Universities were trained to
support and network with participants during the program.
Sports 2018, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 10
Muscle strength: To assess muscle strength of upper limbs and hip abduction and adduction,
Hip Power II (Model T.K.K. 3368, Takei, Scientific Instrument, Niigata, Japan) was used. Participants
were seated with hips and knees at a 90° angle. They were instructed to keep the trunk straight, sitting
as still as possible and gripping their chair throughout the test. They were instructed to abduct or
adduct the hip. Hip Power II was held between the knees to measure adductor muscles strength.
With attached belts holding legs, abductor muscles strength was measured. The train gauge load cell
detects the force and displays the maximum value in kilogram (kg) per body weight in kg, while
participants attempted to abduct or adduct the hip.
Physical activity: PA was assessed using the Omron HJ-403C, electronic pedometer (Omron
Health Care, Kyoto, Japan) for the entire 6 months. Reliability of Omron HJ models in assessing steps
under free-living/independent conditions have been established with adult populations [33,34]. The
Omron HJ-403C pedometer detects the number of stair-climbing steps. Accuracy of counting steps
during stair climbing was examined by one of the authors of this study (Shimada). HJ-403C
pedometer stores walking steps for seven-days. It was automatically reset to zero daily at 12:00
midnight. Research assistants in the study helped each participant with the accurate placement of the
pedometer on the waistline, clipped to a belt or clothing. Participants were asked to wear the
pedometers during all waking hours except when bathing or swimming. When participants attended
the weekly physical activity program, the research assistants downloaded the daily walking and
stair-climbing steps from each participant’s pedometer into a computer for later analysis.
2.3. Intervention
The intervention program consisted of 1-h sessions held at a community center once per week
for 6 months. A session consisted of a brief presentation on health-related tips such as increasing
daily steps, overcoming barriers of PA, and an announcement of community PA events (first 2–3
minutes), warm-up activities (10–15 minutes), main exercise activities (30–35 minutes) and cool-down
activities (10–15 minutes). Main exercise activities included balance and muscle-strengthening
training, which included standing on one leg with eyes open, squats and lunges and finishing with
stretches (Figure 1). All sessions were carried out by a trained fitness professional/instructor. During
the weekly intervention program, the instructor encouraged participants to have stair climbing as
their daily PA routine and have at least 150 minutes per week of total PA throughout the week [5].
The instructor explained the benefits of leg strengthening, as well as safely using stairs at home and
outside of the home. The instructor listened to the participants and discussed their daily PA and
routine stair use during the weekly sessions. The sessions were expected to develop the participants’
self-efficacy (belief that they could accomplish the goal) in doing PA, and build peer support for
regular PA. The team of health professionals, physical fitness experts, nursing faculty members, and
students from the research Universities were trained to support and network with participants
during the program.
Figure 1. Session of community-based PA program, stretching.
Figure 1. Session of community-based PA program, stretching.
Sports 2019,7, 23 4 of 10
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Means, standard deviations, percentages and ranges were used to describe personal data,
stair-climbing steps, walking steps, knee strength and SF-36 scores. A paired t-test was conducted to
examine the changes in stair-climbing steps, walking steps, SF-36 scores, and knee strength before
and after the intervention program. Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the
relationship between stair climbing step counts and knee strength in both sexes. Statistical significance
was set at p< 0.05 for all tests. All analyses were preformed using JMP Pro14.1.0 for Windows (SAS Inc.,
Cary, NC, USA).
3. Results
Of 74 study participants who completed baseline testing, 25 dropped out before completing the
6-month measurements, leaving a final number of 49 (34 females and 15 males), who we used for
the analysis in this study. The reasons for dropout included illness, difficulty in traveling, and lack
of continued interest. There were no significant differences in age, gender, BMI, and baseline daily
step counts between participants who completed the study and those who dropped out (p> 0.05,
data not shown). All participants were Japanese. The mean age
SD was 75.1
4.8 years in male and
72.4 ±4.9 years
in female participants. The age range was 64–85 years. The mean BMI for the total
participants was 22.0
3.0, with all participants having BMI below 25 and no participants having
BMI of 30 or greater. There were no significant differences between male and female participants
in terms of age and BMI, but there were significant differences in height and body weight (Table 1).
The participants in this study used stairs during daily life activity. According to the results of physical
functioning (SF-36), 76% of the participants reported stair use was not difficult at all, 20% of participants
reported a little difficulty, and remaining 2 participants (4%) reported very difficult in stair climbing.
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the study participants.
Variable Male (n = 15) Female (n = 34)
Age (years) 75.1 ±4.8 72.4 ±4.9
Weight (kg) 62.9 ±8.77 * 50.5 ±6.5 *
Height (cm) 166.3 ±6.49 * 152.0 ±4.9 *
BMI (kg/m2)22.7 ±2.21 21.9 ±2.8
SF-36 (climbing several flight of stairs)
Yes, limited a lot 1 1
(n, number of people) Yes, limited a little 3 7
No not limited at all 11 26
Values are in mean ±SD or prevalence (%). BMI: body mass index. * p< 0.01.
At baseline, both male and female participants recorded an average of more than 5000 steps
daily; 8120
3769 steps in male and 6493
3705 steps in female participants. The range of daily
steps in this group was 1239–19,292. Between the baseline and last sessions of the intervention
at 6 months, the paired t-tests demonstrated significant improvement in the number of steps
(i.e., walking and stair climbing) in both male and female participants (p< 0.05). After the 6-month
program, female participants had significantly increased their daily walking steps compared to
male participants (717 steps vs. 219 average steps per day). The average numbers of increased
stair-climbing steps were 36 steps in females and 47 steps in male per day, which account about 0.2% of
the total numbers of walking steps in both male and female participants (Table 2). During the 6-month
intervention, no participants reported injurious falls, and the number of SF-36 (self-reported difficulty
in climbing several flights of stairs) did not change in either male and female participants. Also,
the BMI did not change. This indicates that the intensity and duration of PA are good enough for older
adults to maintain their stamina and feelings of well-being.
Sports 2019,7, 23 5 of 10
Muscle strength (i.e., knee extensor, abductor, abductor) did not change significantly in either
group after the completion of the intervention program (Table 2). There was significant correlation
between the abductor muscle strength and number of stair steps at 6 months only in male participants
(p= 0.037) (Figure 2).
Table 2. Changes in BMI, SF-36, daily steps and muscle strength between baseline and 6 months.
Variable Male Female
Baseline 6 months Baseline 6 months
BMI (kg/m2)22.7 ±2.2 21.9 ±2.2 21.9 ±2.8 22.1 ±3.3
SF-36 (climbing several flights of stairs
Yes, limited a lot (n) 1 1 1 0
Yes, limited a little (n) 3 3 7 6
No, not limited at all (n) 11 11 26 28
Daily steps - - - -
Walking 8120 ±3769 8339 ±3207 * 6493 ±3705 7210 ±2441 *
Stair climbing 141 ±113 188 ±194 * 120 ±86 156 ±77 *
Muscle Strength - - - -
Adductor (kg/kg) 0.39 ±0.11 0.41 ±0.08 0.32 ±0.09 0.32 ±0.10
Abductor (kg/kg) 0.50 ±0.13 0.50 ±0.10 0.38 ±0.09 0.40 ±0.09
Values are in mean ±SD. * p< 0.05.
Sports 2018, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 10
Muscle strength (i.e., knee extensor, abductor, abductor) did not change significantly in either
group after the completion of the intervention program (Table 2). There was significant correlation
between the abductor muscle strength and number of stair steps at 6 months only in male participants
(p = 0.037) (Figure 2).
Table 2. Changes in BMI, SF-36, daily steps and muscle strength between baseline and 6 months.
Variable Male Female
Baseline 6 months Baseline 6 months
BMI (kg/m
) 22.7 ± 2.2 21.9 ± 2.2 21.9 ± 2.8 22.1 ± 3.3
SF-36 (climbing several flights of stairs
Yes, limited a lot (n) 1 1 1 0
Yes, limited a little (n) 3 3 7 6
No, not limited at all (n) 11 11 26 28
Daily steps - - - -
Walking 8120 ± 3769 8339 ± 3207 * 6493 ± 3705 7210 ± 2441 *
Stair climbing 141 ± 113 188 ± 194 * 120 ± 86 156 ± 77 *
Muscle Strength - - - -
Adductor (kg/kg) 0.39 ± 0.11 0.41 ± 0.08 0.32 ± 0.09 0.32 ± 0.10
Abductor (kg/kg) 0.50 ± 0.13 0.50 ± 0.10 0.38 ± 0.09 0.40 ± 0.09
Values are in mean ± SD. * p < 0.05.
Figure 2. Daily stair steps and abductor leg muscle strength.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to examine daily walking and stair-climbing steps using
pedometers in older adults who were attending a community-based PA program, and determine if
age, gender, leg muscle strength, and promotion of stair climbing by fitness professionals/community
program instructors had any additional impact on their daily walking steps. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study to show the number of stair-climbing steps during daily life
activities in healthy older adults. Our findings have important implications for community PA
program providers and older adult participants. Stair climbing is one of the essential functional
activities for maintaining independence of daily living among older adults. However, little is known
Figure 2. Daily stair steps and abductor leg muscle strength.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to examine daily walking and stair-climbing steps using pedometers
in older adults who were attending a community-based PA program, and determine if age, gender,
leg muscle strength, and promotion of stair climbing by fitness professionals/community program
instructors had any additional impact on their daily walking steps. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first study to show the number of stair-climbing steps during daily life activities in healthy
older adults. Our findings have important implications for community PA program providers and
older adult participants. Stair climbing is one of the essential functional activities for maintaining
independence of daily living among older adults. However, little is known about the actual number of
walking and stair-climbing steps, and limitations in climbing stairs by older adults [
]. The greatest
contribution of this study was its evidence supporting a community-based PA program for increasing
the number of daily stair-climbing steps among older adults. Findings from this study indicate that
Sports 2019,7, 23 6 of 10
male and female participants significantly increased their walking and stair-climbing steps from
baseline to 6-months, and the abductor muscle strength was significantly associated with numbers of
walking and stair-climbing steps at 6 months only in male participants.
In this study, the average daily walking steps at baseline was 7301 steps, which falls in the ranges
of steps (2000–9000 steps per day) reported in the review of pedometer-based PA interventions [
The baseline average daily walking steps in this study was similar to those found in studies conducted
in similarly aged healthy older adults in the UK, the US, and Japan: 6509 steps (UK, Gale et al. [
6443 steps (UK, Harris et al. [
]), 7721 steps (US, Kullgren et al. [
]), 5235 steps (US, Strath et al. [
and 7600 steps (Japan, Shephard et al. [
]). At the end of the 6-month PA program, both male and
female participants significantly increased their daily walking steps. Female participants increased their
daily walking steps by 717 steps, which represents an 11% increase from baseline. Male participants also
increased by 212 steps over baseline, which represents 2.7%. All participants in this study negotiated
stairs routinely in their homes or local community. They increased the numbers of stair-climbing steps
by 23~25% from baseline to 6 months. At the end of the 6-month program, the average number of
stair-climbing steps was 172 steps per day. According to other studies reporting stair-climbing speeds
(1.1–1.7 steps per second) among older adults [
], the participants in this study may spend about
3–5 minutes per day stair climbing. The total of 172 steps represents about 5–6 floors ascending and
descending the stairs (at 16 steps per level) in a typical building or parking garage [
]. 68% of male and
18% of female participants in this study had achieved a public health target of 8000 steps per day, which
is the recommendation for older adults by Ewald et al. [
]. Although the intraindividual changes in
number of both walking and stair-climbing steps were very small, with huge interindividual differences,
it is important to note that these older participants in this study found their own ways to increase their
steps throughout their regular daily life, while they were attending a weekly, 1-h community-based
PA program.
The leg muscle strength did not change in either male or female participants who participated
in the community-based PA program, even though they increased their walking and stair-climbing
steps at the end of the 6-month program. As we mentioned in the methods section (Intervention),
the instructor of this PA program delivered traditional, low-intensity balance training, and no
machine-based muscle strength training was included in the program. This could be a limitation for
increasing leg muscle strength in the participants of this study. Future efforts might be directed at
creating more effective training programs for increasing leg muscle strength.
There are several considerations to keep in mind when interpreting our results. The simplicity and
low cost of stair climbing encourages the formation of community groups with older adults to do PA,
and this has the potential for the implementation of our study results at other community organizations,
such as senior centers, retirement communities, and the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA).
Recent systematic review and meta-analysis reported that exercise, particularly individualized types of
exercise for older adults, are associated with lower risk of injurious falls compared with usual care [
However, one might argue that stair climbing as exercise may increase the risk of injuries in some
older adults, because those people who are sufficiently mobile to use stairs are more likely to have
a fall than sedentary older adults who do not use stairs. The ability to participate in stair climbing
is affected by age-related changes, such as loss of muscle strength and balance, changes in visual
conditions, cognitive decline, multiple medications, and presence of lower extremity pain [
Therefore, future studies are needed to better understand sensory-motor mechanisms and to identify
older adults at high risk of falls in order to intervene in these risks and reduce stair climbing falls
and injuries. Community-based programs may include enhancing awareness of injurious falls and
promoting behavior changes to reduce risky choices while using stairs, thus improving safety and
stair-gait performance.
This study has several limitations. First, because of the study design, the older adults who signed
up to participate in this study were not blinded, and there is no control (non-exercise) group in this
study. Thus, we do not know to what degree, if at all, the community-based PA program activities
Sports 2019,7, 23 7 of 10
might have influenced the improvement in walking and stair-climbing steps, or if the participants
in this study may have been simply motivated to be physically active. The second limitation is the
small sample size of the study (n = 49). In addition, all participants in the present study were Japanese,
recruited from community centers. All of them were functionally independent. Thus, generalizations
should not be made. Third, the participants themselves were another limiting factor. This study
was conducted in a real-world setting, meaning it was in our local community. However, recruiting
approaches in a local community may have resulted in including participants with higher motivation
to participate in the study. The older adults in this community willing to help University research
projects, bringing about a Hawthorne effect, knowing that they would be meeting with researchers
to report on their PA. They may have had additional motivation to increase or maintain their PA
during the study period. Fourth, there are several limitations of using pedometers to measure PA.
A pedometer is a simple and readily available instrument for both assessment and motivational
purposes. The limitations of using pedometers include the fact that it only measures ambulatory
activity—walking—and does not record cycling, swimming, or upper body work. Pedometers are
less accurate for very slow walking [
], and will undercount if the pedometer is tilted off axis [
We used an Omron pedometer (HJ-403C), which has been found to be reliable during horizontal
walking and stair ascending and descending. Ayabe et al. [
] reported that Omron pedometers could
assess the number of steps within a
5% error margin during stair ascending and descending at
a stepping rate of 80–120 steps per minute in young men. Lastly, there is a lack of process data to
determine what may have been associated with the program effects, thus leaving unknown which
aspects of the community program were the most important. To be more precise, a larger randomized
controlled trial is warranted to re-examine the results of the present study and explore the mechanisms.
In conclusion, the present study showed that healthy older adults had regular stair climbing
during daily living. Participants in this study increased the daily walking and stair-climbing steps,
which can simply be due to increasing motivation themselves while they were attending the weekly
community-based PA program. Fitness professionals’ encouragement of daily stair climbing as part of
an exercise routine may help motivate participants to increase their daily walking and stair climbing.
In older adults, regular stair climbing might be a promising way to increase PA and maintain their
independence during their daily lives. We consider that the findings from this study will be helpful for
planning a fulfilling PA program delivered by fitness professionals.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, N.H., M.S. and Y.Y.; Data curation, M.S.; Formal analysis, M.S.;
Funding acquisition, N.H. and M.S.; Investigation, N.H., M.S., R.M. and I.N.; Methodology, N.H. and M.S.; Project
administration, M.S.; Resources, N.H. and M.S.; Software, M.S.; Supervision, M.S., R.M., Y.N. and I.N.; Validation,
N.H., M.S. and Y.Y.; Visualization, N.H., M.S. and Y.Y.; Writing—original draft, N.H.; Writing—review & editing,
N.H., M.S., R.M., Y.N., I.N. and Y.Y.
This work was supported by Collaborative Research Funding from Chiba Prefectural University
of Health Sciences (2015–E5; Mieko Shimada), and the University of Arizona, research grant (#2461610;
Nobuko Hongu).
We thank the older adults who participated in this study. Also, we thank the research
assistants and students (Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences) who helped onsite program and data
collection. We thank Trudy Morrow for assistance with proofreading and improvement of style in our manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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... Participants may view the majority of places they visit as providing less opportunity or motivation to climb stairs, either due to the non-availability of stairs in small buildings or the presence of elevators in large buildings. Stair climbing is the most accessible and feasible fitness exercise every day (Hongu et al., 2019). Regular stair climbing provides chances for moderate to high-intensity physical activity and is considered a helpful type of exercise to improve cardiorespiratory fitness (Alva, Ravichandran, Veluswamy, 2020). ...
... Regular stair climbing provides chances for moderate to high-intensity physical activity and is considered a helpful type of exercise to improve cardiorespiratory fitness (Alva, Ravichandran, Veluswamy, 2020). So, this will improve the body's ability to withstand and helps to lose weight in the long term (Hongu et al., 2019). ...
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Objectives: Insufficient physical activity is associated with adverse health risks resulting in high rates of chronic diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases contributing to increased morbidity, difficulty sleeping, increased stress levels, and anxiety. This study described the prevalence, pattern, and types of activities undergraduate nursing students participate in at university campuses, at home, and in their leisure time. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive design was used. A convenience sample of 200 Jordanian nursing students from governmental and private universities submitted a self-administered physical activity questionnaire (PAQ). Results: It is indicated that 45 % of the participants usually go to the university by public transportation, indicating a low fitness level. 80% of the total study sample are practicing mild activities while sitting down, e.g., studying at the library, attending short lectures, and taking short tests. 73% practice mild activities during standing up, e.g., standing up to provide a presentation, explaining the g issue, clarifying a figure, or answering questions or short practical tests at the laboratory. At the same time, 60% of the total study sample are practicing hard activities during standing at the college's laboratories for a long time training and applying, standing at clinical training places. Conclusion: This study indicates that using stairs is low among participants at home and universities, although it is the most active and accessible physical exercise in daily life. Also, walking every day going and coming back home from university is very important because it will improve muscle strength and accordingly it will influence mood. Nursing students should follow positive health behaviors as they could be role models for their patients. Faculty and educators should play a significant role in raising the students' awareness about exercising to achieve physical and mental fitness and methods to balance study and physical activity.
... This is consistent with many previous studies involving SCE with HC, demonstrating that the SCE led to significant improvements in SC performance, including step and time, in individuals aged 65 years or older. [2,6,37] Other studies have also documented improvements in functional lower limb strength for SC among older adults following SCE. [6,38] Our findings suggest that repetitively conducting SC task-oriented training could lead to improvements in functional mobility, involving increased functional leg strength for SC in older adults. ...
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Background Stair-climbing (SC) is an essential daily life skill, and stair-climbing exercise (SCE) serves as a valuable method for promoting physical activity in older adults. This study aimed to compare the impact of SCEs with heel contact (HC) and heel off (HO) during SC on functional mobility and trunk muscle (TM) activation amplitudes in community-dwelling older adults. Methods In the pilot randomized controlled trial, participants were randomly allocated to either the HC group (n = 17; mean age 75.9 ± 6.3 years) or the HO group (n = 17; mean age 76.5 ± 4.6 years). The HC participants performed SCE with the heel of the ankle in contact with the ground, while the HO participants performed SCE with the heel of the ankle off the ground during SC. Both groups participated in progressive SCE for one hour per day, three days per week, over four consecutive weeks (totaling 12 sessions) at the community center. We measured timed stair-climbing (TSC), timed up and go (TUG), and electromyography (EMG) amplitudes of the TMs including rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), transverse abdominus and internal oblique abdominals (TrA-IO), and erector spinae (ES) during SC before and after the intervention. Results Both groups showed a significant improvement in TSC and TUG after the intervention ( P < .01, respectively), with no significant difference between the groups. There was no significant difference in the EMG activity of the TMs between the groups after the intervention. The amplitude of TMs significantly decreased after the intervention in both groups ( P < .01, respectively). Conclusion Both SCE methods could improve balance and SC ability in older adults while reducing the recruitment of TMs during SC. Both SCE strategies are effective in improving functional mobility and promoting appropriate posture control during SC in older adults.
... In recognition of its value, interventions promoting stair use have been implemented in various settings, particularly workplaces, demonstrating their effectiveness in encouraging physical activity [12][13][14] . However, it should be noted that these interventions have primarily targeted office workers and young adults, warranting the need for a broader understanding of stair-climbing patterns across different populations 15 . ...
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OBJECTIVE: This study explored the correlation between body mass index (BMI) and knee angle during ascending and descending stairs in healthy young adults. The hypothesis was that higher BMI would be associated with altered knee angles during stair ambulation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Participants' (n = 43) demographic characteristics, including age, height, weight, BMI, leg preference, and thigh lengths, were recorded. Gait parameters, such as cycle duration, stride phase, velocity, and knee angles, were analyzed using Kinovea ® software. Inferential statistical tests, including ANOVA, t-tests, and correlation analysis, were performed to explore the relationships and differences between variables. RESULTS: No significant effect of BMI on knee angle was found [ascending stairs: F (2, 40) = 0.75, p = 0.47; descending stairs: F (2, 40) = 0.58, p = 0.56]. However, gait parameters differed significantly , with shorter cycle duration during ascending stairs (M = 4.52 s, SD = 0.76 s) compared to descending stairs (M = 4.72 s, SD = 0.81 s). The stride phase varied across BMI categories [F (2, 40) = 3.82, p < 0.05], with the ideal weight group (M = 47.12%, SD = 3.21%) exhibiting a distinct stride phase. Positive correlations were found between knee angle and thigh length difference during ascending (r = 0.42, p < 0.05) and descending stairs (r = 0.38, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that BMI did not significantly affect knee angle during stair ambulation. However, gait parameters such as cycle duration, stride phase, and velocity differed between ascending and descending stairs. The positive correlation between knee angle and thigh length difference suggests that individuals with more significant thigh length differences may exhibit larger knee angles during stair climbing. The findings of this study have clinical implications for rehabilitation programs and the design of assistive devices. Understanding the relationship between BMI, thigh length difference, and knee angle during stair climbing can help clinicians better assess and manage gait abnormalities in individuals navigating stairs.
... This observation is consistent with previous studies among the Malaysian population (3,10), where weight-bearing joints involved in daily activities, such as the knee joints, may experience greater degradation compared to other joints, especially in (26). However, it is worth noting that regular use of stairs as part of an exercise routine can have positive effects on physical function and psychological well-being (26,27). Therefore, adaptations during stair negotiation or modifications to the living environment may be necessary to promote safe and pain-free movements among older adults (26). ...
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Introduction: Acquiring knowledge about the association between musculoskeletal pain and psychological symptoms among Malaysia's multi-ethnic older population could facilitate the development of efficacious preventive and therapeutic strategies for this vulnerable group. Hence, this study aimed to examine the association between musculoskeletal pain, psychological symptoms, and pain interference among community-dwelling older adults in Malaysia. Methods: This cross-sectional study recruited 106 community-dwelling older adults attending a primary care clinic in Cheras, Malaysia. Brief Pain Inventory Short-Form (BPI-SF) and General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) questionnaires were used to measure musculoskeletal pain characteristics and determine the presence of psychological symptoms, respectively. Logistic regression analyses examined the association between musculoskel-etal pain characteristics, psychological symptoms, and pain interference. Results: Participants' mean (SD) age was 68.0 (6.3) years, and there was an almost equal gender distribution, with the majority being of the Chinese (64.2%) ethnic group. About 78.3% of older adults experienced musculoskeletal pain disorders, with knees (31.2%), lower back (22.1%), and shoulders (18.2%) being the most commonly affected. Around 53.7% reported pain in multiple body sites, and 47.2% stated that their pain disorders interfered with daily activities. Furthermore, 83.0% had depression symptoms based on the GHQ-28 assessment. The logistic regression analysis indicated that stairs use at home, regular exercise, and pain intensity were significantly associated with pain interference. Conclusion: Musculoskeletal pain is prevalent and is associated with psychological symptoms among older adults. Therefore, effective treatment strategies for musculoskeletal issues should be based on a biopsychosocial approach to alleviate the impact on daily activities in older adults.
... This study's finding that HRQoL was higher with no difficulty climbing stairs is supported by a prior study that reported a statistically significant positive correlation between physical fitness variables, including stair climbing, with QoL in Korean low-income elders 65 years or older [21]. Another study [22] found that older people participating in a physical activity program including climbing stairs had more muscle strength. In addition to seeking to prevent and manage muscular dystrophy through exercise from middle age, when muscle mass begins to decrease [23] efforts to guide and educate older adult women with sarcopenia are needed, so that they can continue to practice climbing stairs in their daily lives. ...
Purpose: This study aimed to identify factors influencing the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of older adult women with sarcopenia.Methods: The study was secondary data analysis using data from the 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The final sample consisted of 142 women aged 60 years and older with sarcopenia and were selected from 8,110 women. The participants was analyzed using complex descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and regression.Results: In terms of HRQoL, three general characteristics were found to be influential, with an explanatory power of 56.0%: difficulty climbing stairs, difficulty working, and perceived health status. Having no or mild difficulty when climbing stairs (B=.20, p=.001; B=.21, p<.001) and no or mild difficulty when working (B=.25, p=. 002; B=.208, p=.013) had a significant effect on HRQoL compared to severe difficulty. Having good or ordinary perceived health status had a significant effect on the HRQoL (B=.11, p<.001; B=.09, p<.001).Conclusion: Based on study findings that the HRQoL of older adult women with sarcopenia were influenced by difficulty climbing stairs and working, as well as good perceived health status, healthcare providers should assist elderly women to maintain physical activities in their daily lives.
... 8e11 Incorporating stair climbing into daily routines can result in significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and a reduction in waist circumference. 12 Emerging evidence indicate that brief stair climbing sessions (for instance, four flights of stairs per day) can yield comparable benefits in preventing cardiometabolic risks, akin to those observed in more extended periods of regular physical activity trials. 13,14 However, the optimal dose, safety concerns associated with stair climbing have been overlooked. ...
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Objective Physical inactivity is linked with high chronic disease risk; however, only a fraction of the global population meets the recommendations for physical activity. Stair-climbing is a simple and accessible form of physical activity that has been shown to improve cardio-metabolic outcomes in adults. The present scoping review explores the physiological and therapeutic effects of stair-climbing interventions on adult cardio-metabolic disease risk factors. Methods This scoping review followed the reporting guidelines of the Arksey & O'Malley framework, which collates evidence in stages. The research question was framed as “What are the effects of stair climbing on cardio-metabolic outcomes in adults?”. Eligible articles were identified through an extensive search of four electronic databases, and data from 24 research studies were charted and organized. Results Stair climbing improves aerobic capacity (8–33 ml kg/min) and serum biomarkers by ≈9–15 %. A minimum of 4–8 weeks are necessary to alter cardiometabolic risk. Regular stair climbing can improve cardio-metabolic risk indicators, including body composition, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and insulin sensitivity. The research regarding inflammatory and musculoskeletal changes with stair climbing bouts is still in its infancy. Conclusion Stair climbing interventions are a no-cost and feasible form of physical activity for improving cardiometabolic disease risk in adults.
... A previous study showed that using signs and enhancement of stairwell aesthetics increased workplace stair climbing by 18.7% in a corporate building in Paris [21]. Another intervention program comprising health awareness sessions was able to increase daily stair climbing among Japanese older men and women by 47 and 36 steps/day, respectively [22]. Further, improving the visibility of the stairwell and displaying a stair-climbing video on a screen between the stairs and the elevator increased stair climbing in a Belgian worksite by 6% and 12.5%, respectively [23]. ...
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Background: Stair climbing is a readily available form of physical activity with potential cardioprotective merits. Herein, we investigated the association between stair climbing and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) incidence among Japanese people. Methods: This prospective cohort study used data from 7,282 participants, aged 30–84 years, registered in the Suita Study and free from stroke and ischemic heart disease (IHD). Standard approaches were used to detect incident ASCVD events, including cerebral infarction and IHD, during follow-up. Stair climbing was assessed using a baseline questionnaire. We applied the Cox regression to calculate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) of incident ASCVD for climbing stairs in 20–39%, 40–59%, and ≥60% compared to <20% of the time. We adjusted the regression models for age, sex, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, lipid profile, chronic kidney disease, and history of cardiac murmur or valvular diseases. Results: A total of 536 new ASCVD events were detected within a median follow-up period of 16.6 years. In the age- and sex-adjusted model, stair climbing 20–39%, 40–59%, and ≥60% of the time was associated with lower ASCVD incidence: HRs (95% CIs) = 0.72 (0.56, 0.92), 0.86 (0.68, 1.08), and 0.78 (0.61, 0.99), respectively (p-trend = 0.020). The corresponding associations were attenuated after adjusting for lifestyle and clinical factors: HRs (95% CIs) = 0.74 (0.58, 0.95), 0.90 (0.71, 1.13), and 0.89 (0.69, 1.13), respectively (p-trend = 0.152). Conclusion: Frequent stair climbing was associated with lower ASCVD incidence; however, this association was partly explained by lifestyle and clinical factors of participants.
... The only exception was stair walking, which showed a higher PTI than walking at self-selected speed, also in line with previous studies (Cho et al., 2021;Maluf et al., 2004). The exposure to stair walking however is limited in daily life compared to walking and standing (Hongu et al., 2019). The weak associations found for plantar pressures between walking at self-selected speed and almost all of the other weight-bearing activities showed that these latter cannot be estimated based on the former. ...
Background: In evaluating therapeutic footwear, in-shoe plantar pressure is usually obtained during mid-gait steps at self-selected walking speed in a laboratory setting. However, this may not accurately represent plantar pressures or indicate the cumulative stress experienced in daily life. We investigated the effects of walking speed and different weight-bearing activities on in-shoe plantar pressure in people with diabetes at high risk of ulceration. Methods: In a cross-sectional study including 30 participants we compared in-shoe plantar pressures between three standardized walking speeds (0.8, 0.6 and 0.4 m/s) and between walking at self-selected speed and eight other weight-bearing activities (3 components of the Timed Up and Go test, accelerating, decelerating, stair ascending and descending, and standing). Mean forefoot regional peak plantar pressure and pressure-time integral were statistically assessed per foot using linear mixed models (α < 0.05) with Holm-Bonferroni correction. Findings: With increasing walking speed, peak pressures increased and pressure-time integrals decreased (P ≤ 0.014). Peak pressures during standing, decelerating, stair ascending and Timed Up and Go test were lower (P ≤ 0.001), and with other activities not different to walking at self-selected speed. Pressure-time integrals during stair ascending and descending were higher (P ≤ 0.001), during standing lower (P ≤ 0.009), and with other activities not different to walking at self-selected speed. Interpretation: In-shoe plantar pressure depends on walking speed and type of weight-bearing activity. Only measuring pressures to evaluate footwear at self-selected walking speed in a laboratory setting may not accurately represent the stress on the foot in daily life of the high-risk patient; a more comprehensive assessment is suggested.
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Objetivou-se investigar o comportamento sedentário na clientela de um shopping segundo o tipo de deslocamento vertical e fatores relacionados. Pesquisa observacional e investigativa, ocorrida em um shopping de Teresina-PI, em agosto/2019. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de uma planilha e um questionário elaborados pelos pesquisadores, e as análises efetuadas no Stata 16.0. Na etapa observacional, a escada rolante foi preferida por ambos os sexos (69,41%, n=3.230), sendo 1,09 vezes mais prevalente no sexo feminino. Dentre os 93 participantes da etapa investigativa, 53 (56,99%) praticavam atividade física e, apesar de apresentarem média de idade jovem (28,06 anos), foi elevada a preferência pela escada rolante (82,7%) e o envolvimento em três ou mais horas sedentárias diariamente (90,3%). Embora de não tenha sido encontrada significância estatística, os resultados sugerem que o sexo, a frequência e a modalidade da atividade física praticada possam ter relação com a escolha de deslocamento vertical mais ativo. Os achados deste estudo reforçam a necessidade de maior investimento em políticas de saúde que incentivem o deslocamento ativo em ambientes públicos e privados.
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Background Estimates of biological age derived from DNA-methylation patterns—known as the epigenetic clock—are associated with mortality, physical and cognitive function, and frailty, but little is known about their relationship with sedentary behavior or physical activity. We investigated the cross-sectional relationship between two such estimates of biological age and objectively measured sedentary and walking behavior in older people. Methods Participants were 248 members of the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. At age 79 years, sedentary behavior and physical activity were measured over 7 days using an activPAL activity monitor. Biological age was estimated using two measures of DNA methylation-based age acceleration—i.e., extrinsic and intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration. We used linear regression to assess the relationship between these two estimates of biological age and average daily time spent sedentary, number of sit-to-stand transitions, and step count. Results Of the six associations examined, only two were statistically significant in initial models adjusted for age and sex alone. Greater extrinsic age acceleration was associated with taking fewer steps (regression coefficient (95% CI) − 0.100 (− 0.008, − 0.001), and greater intrinsic age acceleration was associated with making more sit-to-stand transitions (regression coefficient (95% CI) 0.006 (0.0001, 0.012). When we controlled for multiple statistical testing, neither of these associations survived correction (both P ≥ 0.17). Conclusion In this cross-sectional study of 79-year-olds, we found no convincing evidence that biological age, as indexed by extrinsic or intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration, was associated with objectively measured sedentary or walking behavior.
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Importance Falls result in substantial burden for patients and health care systems, and given the aging of the population worldwide, the incidence of falls continues to rise. Objective To assess the potential effectiveness of interventions for preventing falls. Data Sources MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Ageline databases from inception until April 2017. Reference lists of included studies were scanned. Study Selection Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of fall-prevention interventions for participants aged 65 years and older. Data Extraction and Synthesis Pairs of reviewers independently screened the studies, abstracted data, and appraised risk of bias. Pairwise meta-analysis and network meta-analysis were conducted. Main Outcomes and Measures Injurious falls and fall-related hospitalizations. Results A total of 283 RCTs (159 910 participants; mean age, 78.1 years; 74% women) were included after screening of 10 650 titles and abstracts and 1210 full-text articles. Network meta-analysis (including 54 RCTs, 41 596 participants, 39 interventions plus usual care) suggested that the following interventions, when compared with usual care, were associated with reductions in injurious falls: exercise (odds ratio [OR], 0.51 [95% CI, 0.33 to 0.79]; absolute risk difference [ARD], −0.67 [95% CI, −1.10 to −0.24]); combined exercise and vision assessment and treatment (OR, 0.17 [95% CI, 0.07 to 0.38]; ARD, −1.79 [95% CI, −2.63 to −0.96]); combined exercise, vision assessment and treatment, and environmental assessment and modification (OR, 0.30 [95% CI, 0.13 to 0.70]; ARD, −1.19 [95% CI, −2.04 to −0.35]); and combined clinic-level quality improvement strategies (eg, case management), multifactorial assessment and treatment (eg, comprehensive geriatric assessment), calcium supplementation, and vitamin D supplementation (OR, 0.12 [95% CI, 0.03 to 0.55]; ARD, −2.08 [95% CI, −3.56 to −0.60]). Pairwise meta-analyses for fall-related hospitalizations (2 RCTs; 516 participants) showed no significant association between combined clinic- and patient-level quality improvement strategies and multifactorial assessment and treatment relative to usual care (OR, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.33 to 1.81]). Conclusions and Relevance Exercise alone and various combinations of interventions were associated with lower risk of injurious falls compared with usual care. Choice of fall-prevention intervention may depend on patient and caregiver values and preferences.
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Objectives: This study evaluated the effects of improving the visibility of the stairwell and of displaying a video with a stair climbing model on climbing and descending stair use in a worksite setting. Study design: Intervention study. Methods: Three consecutive one-week intervention phases were implemented: (1) the visibility of the stairs was improved by the attachment of pictograms that indicated the stairwell; (2) a video showing a stair climbing model was sent to the employees by email; and (3) the same video was displayed on a television screen at the point-of-choice (POC) between the stairs and the elevator. The interventions took place in two buildings. The implementation of the interventions varied between these buildings and the sequence was reversed. Results: Improving the visibility of the stairs increased both stair climbing (+6%) and descending stair use (+7%) compared with baseline. Sending the video by email yielded no additional effect on stair use. By contrast, displaying the video at the POC increased stair climbing in both buildings by 12.5% on average. One week after the intervention, the positive effects on stair climbing remained in one of the buildings, but not in the other. Conclusions: These findings suggest that improving the visibility of the stairwell and displaying a stair climbing model on a screen at the POC can result in a short-term increase in both climbing and descending stair use.
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Background: In negotiating stairs, low foot clearance increases the risk of tripping and a fall. Foot clearance may be related to physical fitness, which differs between active and sedentary participants, and be acutely affected by exercise. Impaired stair negotiation could be an acute response to exercise. Here we determined acute changes in foot clearances during stair walking in sedentary (n=15) and physically active older adults (n=15) after prolonged exercise. Methods: Kinematic data were acquired during negotiation with a 3-steps staircase while participants walked at preferred speed, before and after a 30 min walking at preferred speed and using a treadmill. Foot clearances were compared before and after exercise and between the groups. Results: Sedentary older adults presented larger (0.5 cm for lead and 2 cm for trail leg) toe clearances in ascent, smaller (0.7 cm) heel clearance in the leading foot in descent, and larger (1 cm) heel clearance in the trailing foot in descent than physically active. Conclusion: Sedentary older adults negotiate stairs in a slightly different way than active older adults, and 30 min walking at preferred speed does not affect clearance in stair negotiation.
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A recent alarming rise of neurodegenerative diseases in the developed world is one of the major medical issues affecting older adults. In this review, we provide information about the associations of physical activity (PA) with major age-related neurodegenerative diseases and syndromes, including Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, and mild cognitive impairment. We also provide evidence of PA's role in reducing the risks of these diseases and helping to improve cognitive outcomes in older adults. Finally, we describe some potential mechanisms by which this protective effect occurs, providing guidelines for future research.
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Objective We examined whether stair climbing–descending exercise (ST-EX), a convenient method to increase physical activity in daily life, for a short period would acutely improve the postprandial blood glucose (BG) response in participants with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods 16 participants with T2D (age 65.4±1.1 years) participated in 2 separate sessions. After an overnight fast, each participant consumed a test meal and then kept resting for 180 min, except when performing each 3 min bout of ST-EX at 60 and 120 min after the meal (ST-EX session), or kept resting for 180 min (REST session). ST-EX comprised 6 continuous repetitions of climbing to the second floor (21 steps) at a rate of 80–110 steps/min followed by walking down slowly to the first floor at a free step rate. Results The BG at 60 min after the meal during the ST-EX session (immediately before the first ST-EX) did not differ from that during the REST session, but analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction between time and treatment (p<0.01). The BG at 150 min after the meal (30 min after the second ST-EX) was significantly lower than that during the REST session (p<0.01). The area under the curve was also 18% lower during the ST-EX session than during the REST session (p<0.05). The heart rate and blood lactate levels indicated that the actual intensity of ST-EX was ‘hard’. In contrast, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) indicated that the overall intensity of ST-EX was ‘moderate’ because of decreased RPE scores during descent. Conclusions The present findings suggest that performing 3 min ST-EX 60 and 120 min after a meal may be a useful strategy to accelerate the decrease in postprandial BG levels in participants with T2D.
Objectives: To examine dose/response relationships between habitual physical activity and bone health in the elderly. Design: Longitudinal. Setting: Community of Nakanojo. Participants: Community-living Japanese aged 65 to 84 (212 men, 284 women). Measurements: Daily 24-h pedometer/accelerometer data were collected continuously for 5 years. A quantitative calcaneal osteosonic index (OSI) was determined annually. Results: Year-end OSI values were higher in those with greater daily step counts and especially a greater duration of activity >3 metabolic equivalents (METs). However, after controlling for baseline OSI, age and body mass, final OSI values were not significantly greater in the fourth than in the third activity quartile, where men and women, respectively, took means of 7,700 and 7,500 steps/day and/or exercised at an intensity >3 METs for means of 19 and 17 min/day. A multivariate-adjusted proportional hazards model predicted that the OSI values of men and women were, respectively, 2.6 (1.4-4.4) and 3.3 (2.1-5.2) and/or 2.8 (1.5-5.6) and 3.9 (2.4-6.7) times more likely to drop below the OSI fracture threshold over 5 years in the two lowest activity quartiles (<7,000 and <6,900 steps/day and/or <18 and <17 min/day at >3 METs) than in the highest quartile (>9,100 and >8,800 steps/day and/or >30 and >25 min/day at >3 METs). Conclusion: After adjustment for potential confounders, the calcaneal health of seniors is associated with both the daily step count and the duration of activity at an intensity >3 METs. The bone health is optimal in elderly people who take at least 7,000-8,000 steps/day and/or spend at least 15-20 min/day at an intensity >3 METs.
Purpose: This study describes the heart rate and oxygen uptake responses during, and the intensity and caloric cost of, ascending and descending a public access staircase. Methods: Subjects were initially assessed for their maximum oxygen uptake and heart rate on a treadmill in the laboratory. For field measurements, subjects ascended (N = 103) and descended (N = 49) eleven stories of 180 steps, each step of 15 cm in height, for a total vertical displacement of 27.0 m. Results: The mean oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of ascending were 33.5 ± 4.8 ml∙kg-1∙min-1 and 159 ± 15 beats∙min-1, respectively. During the descent, oxygen uptake and heart rate during the last 30 s of the climb were 17.0 ± 3.8 ml∙kg-1∙min-1 and 107 ± 18 beats∙min-1 respectively. The estimated gross energy expended during ascending and descending were 19.7 and 9.0 kcal, or equivalent to an intensity of 9.6 and 4.9 metabolic equivalents (METs) respectively (or 10.2 and 5.2 kcal.min-1 respectively). The caloric cost of stepping up and down a step was calculated to be 0.11 and 0.05 kcal, respectively. Conclusion: Stair-climbing exercise using a local public access staircase met the minimum requirements for cardiorespiratory benefits, and can therefore be considered a viable exercise for most people and suitable for promotion of physical activity.
Context Stair climbing is an accessible activity that can be incorporated into one’s daily lifestyle to increase physical activity levels and provide health benefits. This review summarizes the effectiveness of stair interventions and explores key differences that may influence intervention effectiveness. Evidence acquisition Interventions to increase stair use published from January 1990 to July 2015 were identified in PubMed, Sport Discus, Web of Science, Environment Complete, CINAHL, Trial Register of Promoting Health Interventions, Embase, Scopus, and PsycINFO. Eligibility criteria included original studies, published in peer-reviewed journals, targeting adult samples, and clearly describing intervention design and results. Studies were also required to measure the use of stairs compared with an elevator, escalator, or moving stairway at baseline and during at least one timepoint when the intervention was in effect. Studies were required to provide data to determine if the intervention resulted in significant changes in stair use/climbing. Evidence synthesis The search results yielded 2,136 articles in total; 54 articles met the criteria, which resulted in a final sample of 67 studies included in the analyses. Interventions settings included public sites (75%), worksites (21%), or a combination of both (4%). For Phase 1 results, 72% of studies reported significant improvements in stair use (n=10 of 14) and stair climbing (n=38 of 53). Conclusions Evidence from the review demonstrates support for the effectiveness of interventions to increase stair use and stair climbing. Although evidence supports the effectiveness of stair interventions in public settings, less support is provided for worksites.
The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the effects of supervised resistance and/or aerobic training physical activity interventions on performance-based measures of physical functioning among community-dwelling older adults, and to identify factors impacting intervention effectiveness. Diverse search strategies were used to identify eligible studies. Standardized mean difference effect sizes (d, ES) were synthesized using a random effects model. Moderator analyses were conducted using subgroup analyses and meta-regression. Twenty-eight studies were included. Moderator analyses were limited by inconsistent reporting of sample and intervention characteristics. The overall mean ES was 0.45 (k=38, p=<.01), representing a clinically meaningful reduction of 0.92 seconds in the Timed Up and Go for treatment versus control. More minutes per week (p<.01) and longer intervention session duration (p<0.01) were associated with larger effects. Interventions were especially effective among frail participants (d=1.09). Future research should clearly describe sample and intervention characteristics and incorporate frail populations.