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Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? And Did Kant Think It Does?



The aim of this article is twofold. First, it is argued that while the principle of ‘ought implies can’ is certainly plausible in some form, it is tempting to misconstrue it, and that this has happened in the way it has been taken up in some of the current literature. Second, Kant’s understanding of the principle is considered. Here it is argued that these problematic conceptions put the principle to work in a way that Kant does not, so that there is an important divergence here which can easily be overlooked.
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Stern, R. (2004) Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? And Did Kant Think It Does? Utilitas, 16 (1). pp.
42-61. ISSN 0953-8208
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Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? And
Did Kant Think It Does?
University of Sheffield
The aim of this article is twofold. First, it is argued that while the principle of ‘ought
implies can’ is certainly plausible in some form, it is tempting to misconstrue it, and that
this has happened in the way it has been taken up in some of the current literature.
Second, Kant’s understanding of the principle is considered. Here it is argued that these
problematic conceptions put the principle to work in a way that Kant does not, so that
there is an important divergence here which can easily be overlooked.
My aim in this article is twofold. First, I want to consider the
plausibility of the principle that ‘ought implies can’, and in particular
to consider how much work this principle can be made to do. I will
argue that while the principle is certainly plausible in some form, it is
tempting to misconstrue it, and that this has happened in the way it
has been taken up in some of the current literature. Second, I want to
consider Kant’s understanding of the principle. Here I will argue that
these problematic conceptions put the principle to work in a way that
Kant does not, so that there is an important divergence here which can
easily be overlooked.
The principle ‘ought implies can’ has been employed in several different
debates in ethics and related areas. For example, it has been used to
address the issue of free will vs. determinism; of moral dilemmas;
of internalism vs. externalism as accounts of moral motivation; of
obligation and blame; and of excuses and wrongdoing. None of these
ways of using the principle have been entirely free of controversy, in the
sense that different sides have disputed the way in which the principle
has been employed to argue for one position over another. In these
disputes, it is rarely that the principle of ‘ought implies can’ has been
rejected altogether; rather, it is usually claimed that while there are
clearly some arguments in its favour, these nonetheless establish the
principle in a fairly weak form, so that in fact it cannot be used to
do what it is being asked to do by one side or other in the dispute. To
take one example: In his well-known article ‘Obligation and Motivation
© 2004 Cambridge University Press Utilitas Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2004
DOI: 10.1017/S0953820803001055 Printed in the United Kingdom
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 43
in Recent Moral Philosophy’,1William Frankena takes issue with
W. D. Falk’s attempt to argue from ‘ought implies can’ to motivational
internalism (the view that to have a moral obligation, an agent must
have a motivation to act on that obligation). Frankena summarizes
Falk’s position as follows:
Falk appeals to the familiar principle that ‘I morally ought’ implies ‘I can,’
adding that ‘I can’ implies ‘I want to (in the sense that I have, at least
dispositionally, some motivation for doing),’ and then [draws] an internalist
Frankena then responds to Falk by suggesting that ‘ought implies can’
may be understood more weakly than Falk’s argument requires:
[‘Ought implies can’] may plausibly be understood as saying: (a) moral
judgments ‘presuppose,’ ‘contextually imply,’ or ‘pragmatically imply’ that the
agent is able to act as proposed or is believed to be, but do not assert or state
that he is; or (b) the point of uttering moral judgments disappears if the agents
involved are not able to act as proposed or at least believed to be; or (c) it would
be morally wrong to insist that an agent ought to do a certain action, if he is or
is thought to be unable to do it. If Kant’s dictum is interpreted in one of these
ways the externalist need have no fear, for then it will not serve to refute him.3
Frankena thus claims that to use ‘ought implies can’ to argue for
internalism is to misunderstand the principle; in fact, the principle
is too weak to establish the desired conclusion.
In general, then, disputes in these areas have arisen because ‘ought
implies can’ has seemed to some to license a particular conclusion
that others have disputed, by claiming that in fact the principle is
not strong enough to warrant that conclusion. To settle that issue, of
course, one must consider the arguments for the principle, which are
supposed to support it: do these arguments succeed in establishing it in
a (comparatively) weak or a (comparatively) strong sense? Thus, while
few would reject the principle altogether, there is disagreement about
how exactly it should be understood, and thus about what work it can
be made to do, in the light of arguments in its favour.
Now, in this article I want to consider a use for the ‘ought implies
can’ principle which also raises this question, but is different from any
so far mentioned. The use is this: It is argued from ‘ought implies can’
that what is right must be something that we as agents are capable
of following or acting upon, so that the principle of ‘ought implies can’
1William K. Frankena, ‘Obligation and Motivation in Recent Moral Philosophy’,
Essays in Moral Philosophy, ed. A. I. Melden (Seattle, 1958), pp. 40–81. Frankena is
responding to the following arguments by Falk: ‘Morals Without Faith’, Philosophy 19
(1944), p. 7, and ‘Obligation and Rightness’, Philosophy 20 (1945), p. 139.
2Frankena, pp. 59 f.
3Ibid., p. 60.
44 Robert Stern
is said to imply that we should focus on the capacities of agents in
moral theorizing and action, and adjust our accounts of what is right
and wrong accordingly. It is suggested that the arguments that support
‘ought implies can’ are sufficient to license a reading of the principle
that warrants this conclusion, so that the principle can be employed to
help us determine the extent of the normative considered in this way.
Against this, I will claim that in fact these arguments are not sufficient
to license this view of the principle, and that therefore ‘ought implies
can’ is not strong enough to be used in this manner.
I will begin by giving some examples of how the principle has been
understood in the way that I want to criticize. The examples will come
from ethics and epistemology.
The clearest example in ethics is to be found in the work of James
Griffin. In a recent book and associated articles, Griffin has argued for
what might be called a greater degree of realism in ethics, in the sense
that we should begin by understanding ourselves and our capacities, as
a necessary first step to thinking about moral issues. He claims that
moral theories have too often neglected facts about human nature and
society, and as a result have become distorted and inadequate to our
real needs: We have theorized in a vacuum, and so have failed to do so
A particular example here, Griffin thinks, is utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism has a commitment to impartiality, in the sense that
it tells us that the right thing to do is whatever maximizes general
utility. But, Griffin says, the reality of human life is that we usually
cannot either calculate or act on what this maximization demands,
because of our natural partiality to family, our interests and other
commitments. Griffin therefore claims that human limitations mean
that utilitarianism cannot play a genuine role in our lives, and as a
result the moral norms it proposes should be rejected as spurious:
Moral norms must be tailored to fit the human moral torso. They are nothing
but what such tailoring produces. There are no moral norms outside the
boundary set by our capacities. These are not some second-best norms – norms
made for everyday use by agents limited in intelligence and will – and then,
behind them, true or ideal norms – norms without compromises to human
frailty. Moral norms regulate human action; a norm that ignores the limited
nature of human agents is not an ‘ideal’ norm, but no norm at all.4
4James Griffin, ‘The Human Good and the Ambitions of Consequentialism’, The Good
Life and the Human Good, ed. E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller and J. Paul (Cambridge, 1992),
p. 131. Cf. also James Griffin, Value Judgement: Improving Our Ethical Beliefs (Oxford,
1996), p. 105.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 45
Here, then, we find the ‘ought implies can’ principle being used in
the way I am interested in. From certain facts about human nature
and capacities, Griffin sets limits to what standards a moral theory
can put forward, thereby using ‘ought implies can’ as a fundamental
determinant of what is right and wrong.
It is worth emphasizing that Griffin does indeed want to use ‘ought
implies can’ in this strong way. This is made clear in his discussion
of a possible utilitarian response to his claim that impartiality is
impossible for us to achieve, both cognitively and motivationally, the
response being that impartially promoting interests is not meant to be
a decision procedure (how we should go about deciding how to act on a
particular occasion), but a criterion (what in the end makes an act right
or wrong). Griffin’s reply is that this does not help, as any criterion of
what is right and wrong must also be constrained by human capacities,
otherwise it will become too remote from human practices, and hence
will lose its standing as a criterion: ‘What most promotes interests
is often permanently beyond our reach. Then a would-be “criterion”
like that can play no role, not even that of a criterion.’5Thus, for
Griffin, ‘ought implies can’ in a strong sense: No act can be right if
it is beyond human capacities to act in this way, or wrong if it is beyond
human capacities to avoid acting in this way; therefore (he thinks)
utilitarianism is mistaken as a moral theory.
Having set out Griffin’s position in ethics, we may now consider a
second example of the strong use of ‘ought implies can’, this time in
epistemology. The context here is a form of naturalistic response to
scepticism, of the sort proposed by P. F. Strawson. According to this
response, one way to answer scepticism is to show that there are certain
beliefs which we must hold and cannot give up, for example that there
is an external world. This response is not without its ambiguities, but
one way of taking it is to use it in conjunction with the strong ‘ought
implies can’ principle, so that the sceptic is defeated by arguing that
because we cannot give up the belief in question, there is no violation
of a cognitive norm here. Thus, as one proponent of the Strawsonian
5Griffin, Value Judgement, p. 106. Cf. Owen Flanagan, Varieties of Moral Personality:
Ethics and Psychological Realism (Cambridge, Mass., 1991), pp. 32–8, where Flanagan
claims that act utilitarianism fails his Principle of Minimal Psychological Realism
as a decision procedure, because it is psychologically impossible to determine which
action promotes the best consequences; but he accepts that this does not rule out act
utilitarianism as a criterion of rightness: ‘For our purposes the point is best put this
way: although utilitarianism qua philosophical theory will tell us that the action is best
which produces the best outcome, it need not tell us that agents should always act or be
motivated to act to produce the best outcome’ (p. 34). Griffin’s position is significantly
stronger than this, in attacking utilitarianism qua criterion of right action as well as qua
decision procedure.
46 Robert Stern
position has put it:
Showing that we must have such a belief as a condition of experience is not the
same as proving that such objects exist. One is stating what we must believe,
not how things are; but since the sceptic wishes us to justify the belief, doing
so the argument goes is enough to put an end to scepticism.6
So, in response to the sceptical challenge that a belief we hold is
epistemically illegitimate, the naturalistic strategy is to argue that
we must hold this belief, and so cannot be violating any cognitive norm
in retaining it, in so far as ‘ought implies can’ (in a strong sense).
I have chosen to highlight these positions because they are
particularly clear instances of the outlook I want to criticize. But I do not
think they are the only ones. For example, within political philosophy,
the criticism of a viewpoint as ‘utopian’ would in part seem to reflect the
idea that a political philosophy cannot be valid unless the principles it
proposes are within the capacities of normal human beings to adopt.
Of course, this may simply reflect nothing more than a commitment
to politics as ‘the art of the possible’, in which case such theorizing is
dismissed not as invalid, but merely as pointless; but it may also reflect
the stronger view, that a theory which argues for principles that are
unrealizable by us must be wrong, in which case here ‘ought implies
can’ is once again being used in a strong sense.
In what follows, I will go on to claim that if ‘ought implies can’ is used
in this way, the principle is being used too strongly. I will argue that
while there are plausible arguments for the principle, these arguments
only support a weaker reading of it; on the other hand, I will suggest
that arguments that might be used to support the stronger reading
are not plausible. I will then go on to consider whether Kant’s use of
the principle shows him to be committed to the weaker or the stronger
Let me begin with what is perhaps the most plausible argument for
‘ought implies can’, namely what I will call the argument from blame.
The argument, put simply, is that it is wrong to blame someone for
something that they cannot control. Many people find this argument
plausible, and although there are complexities (for example, can a
6A. C. Grayling, ‘Transcendental Arguments’, A Companion to Epistemology,ed.
Jonathan Dancy and Ernest Sosa (Oxford, 1992), p. 508. For further discussion of this
approach to scepticism, see Robert Stern, Transcendental Arguments and Scepticism:
Answering the Question of Justification (Oxford, 2000), pp. 107–12, and ‘On Strawson’s
Naturalistic Turn’, Strawson and Kant, ed. Hans-Johann Glock (Oxford, 2003),
pp. 219–33.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 47
deliberately incurred incapacity negate blameworthiness?), I propose
simply to accept the argument for the sake of this discussion. The
issue here, however, is whether accepting the argument is sufficient to
establish ‘ought implies can’ in the strong sense.
I do not believe it is, because there is a distinction that can be drawn
between agent evaluation and act evaluation. That is, I can say that
you are not to be criticized for doing or believing Abecause you were
unable to do otherwise, while still holding that what you did or believed
was wrong. So, the fact that an agent cannot be blamed for doing Adoes
not show that no wrong was committed, and no norm violated.7Thus,
the argument from blame shows merely that ‘blame implies can’, not
that ‘right implies can’; the principle it establishes therefore cannot
be used to argue against a moral theory that says that some acts are
right that nonetheless are unachievable by human beings. My claim,
therefore, is that while the argument from blame is indeed plausible,
it is not sufficient to support a strong reading of the ‘ought implies can’
If this is accepted, it therefore appears that a proponent of the
strong reading needs to find another argument to support his position.
I will consider five such arguments: the argument from obligation; the
argument from motivation; the argument from anti-utopianism; the
argument from agents; and the argument from naturalism. I will claim
that while these arguments might be sufficient to support the strong
reading of the principle, none is plausible, so that only a weak version
of the principle remains defensible, on the basis of the argument from
The argument from obligation is an attempt to reinforce the
argument from blame in order to deliver a stronger conclusion, where
the problem with that argument was that it appeared that an action
might be right, even if an agent could not be blamed for not performing
it because of their inability to do so. But, it might be asked, is it coherent
to take an action to be right, if no agent whatsoever could be blamed
for not doing it, on the grounds that no agent is capable of performing
it? This is not coherent, it could be argued, for it would suggest that an
action is right, while no agent is under any obligation to do it, because
no agent can perform it. But surely, to be right, the action must be
a duty for some conceivable agent? Now, I think this point has some
force, but it is still not sufficient to support the position of those who
7Cf. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, ‘ “Ought” Conversationally Implies “Can” ’, The
Philosophical Review 93 (1984), p. 250: ‘Another common argument is that we do not
blame agents for failing to do acts which they could not do, so it is not true that the
agents ought to have done the acts. No such conclusion follows. The premise is about
agents, but the conclusion is about acts. It is possible that an act ought to be done even
though the agent would not be blameworthy for failing to do it.’
48 Robert Stern
understand ‘ought implies can’ in a strong sense. For their claim is
that for an act to be right, we must be under an obligation to perform
it, qua human agents, with our cognitive and motivational limitations;
but then it is harder to see why, to be right, an act must be a duty for us,
something we are obliged to perform, any more than it must be a duty
for a dog or a monkey. (Of course, this might follow if it was claimed that
we were morally exemplary in some way, for then it could be said that
unless we (qua moral agents) had Aas our duty, then Awould not be
good (because if Awere good, then as exemplary moral agents we would
have it as our duty); but this is not part of the position I am criticizing.)
So, provided the moral theorist can show how the act they take to
be right would be obligatory to some conceivable agent (where that
agent is without our various limitations), their position would appear
to meet the requirements of the argument from obligation; the theorist
does not have to show it can be made obligatory to us, so that once
again our capacities cannot be used to set limits on claims about the
The next argument I will discuss, the argument from motivation,
is this: An act cannot fall under a moral rule unless an agent is
capable of obeying that rule, otherwise there would be moral rules
that do not engage with our motivational set. What is the basis for
this argument? A first suggestion might be that it is somehow unfair
that there are rules which determine what is right or wrong, when we
are constitutionally incapable of obeying them. But if this is the idea
behind the argument, then it really takes us back to the argument from
blame, and can be handled by allowing (once again) that we would not
be blameworthy for failing to act rightly, as this would be unfair, while
maintaining that there is no unfairness beyond that, in the fact that
something is right which we cannot do. A second suggestion might be
that moral rules have the status of commands, and that it makes no
sense to issue a command that cannot be obeyed. Now, this view of moral
rules is not uncommon; but it is important to distinguish two ways in
which it can be taken. One way is (so to speak) phenomenologically:
we feel moral rules to be imperatives or orders, telling us what do to
in such a way that we take ourselves to be commanded to do it, and
so obliged to act in a certain manner. Taken in this way, it is then
plausible to infer that we would not feel commanded to act unless we
thought we could so act. However, this just shows that our experience of
morality suggests that we can do what we are morally required to do,
in so far as we feel moral rules to be imperatives that apply to us. But
of course, this does not show that acts are right only if we are obliged
to perform them in this way, and so does not show that they cannot be
right unless the commands of morality are addressed to us. It therefore
appears that the proponent of this arguments needs a stronger claim,
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 49
namely, that moral rules are not just experienced by us as commands,
but are commands, in the sense that they are issued as orders for us
to follow, and would not be issued otherwise. How might this position
be supported? One option, of course, would be to move to a theistic
conception of morality, and to conceive of moral acts as commanded by
God, who would not so command us unless he thought we could obey
him. But the familiar response to such a conception is with a version
of the Euthyphro dilemma: Are such acts commanded because they
are right, or are they right because they are commanded? Assuming
that the first horn of the dilemma is the more attractive (otherwise
God’s commands become somehow arbitrary), then the rightness of
an act remains prior to its status as a command of God, and the
normativity of a moral rule is not to be identified with its status as a
command. Another, non-theistic, option brings us to the third attempt
to defend the argument from motivation, namely that moral rules, like
commands, imperatives and so forth, must be action guiding, otherwise
they would be pointless. This then takes us to the third argument for
the strong version of the ‘ought implies can’ principle, which is the
argument from anti-utopianism.
The argument from anti-utopianism is this: If there were moral rules
that we could not act on, then these rules would be pointless, and
the normative realm would be utopian, full of high ideals that are
unrealizable. But this cannot be the case, so these rules must be ones
we can obey. Griffin has put this argument as follows:
Why choose a standard for moral action so remotely connected to what one
can do? Of course, ‘strange’ does not imply ‘wrong’. But ‘ought’ implies ‘can’.
Action-guiding principles must fit human capacities, or they become strange in
a damaging way: pointless.8
Now, Griffin recognizes that this argument assumes that a moral rule
is supposed to be action-guiding for us, whereas it might just be taken
as a criterion of right and wrong. But Griffin also thinks that a criterion
that tells us what is right and wrong must respect our capacities, as
otherwise it too is pointless:
Although criterion and decision procedure can diverge, they should not, I think,
get too far apart from one another. Our decision procedures must take account
of our capacities, but any criterion for a human practice cannot become too
remote from our capacities without losing its point even as a criterion. Health
is a reasonable criterion for medical practice because doctors can, directly or
indirectly, act to bring it about. In contrast with that, a very demanding moral
8Griffin, ‘The Human Good and the Ambitions of Consequentialism’, p. 123. Cf. Griffin,
Value Judgement, pp. 163 f.
50 Robert Stern
criterion (say, Jesus’s ‘Be ye therefore perfect’) may go too far even to be a moral
Now, Griffin’s position here rests on two assumptions. First, if a moral
rule says that what is right is something we cannot do, it is pointless;
and second, if a moral rule is pointless, it cannot really be a moral
rule. Against the first assumption, it might be argued that a moral
rule that goes beyond our capacities is not ipso facto pointless: for
example, it may serve as a source of inspiration, or awe. Many of us
admire certain figures or acts which we know we could not follow or
even try to follow because of our own incapacities, where nonetheless
this admiration gives these exemplars a kind of point.10 And against
the second assumption, it could be argued that nothing has been said
to support it: Even if a moral rule has no practical point, why should
this bear on the normative question?11
One possible response to this is an argument from morality as
‘indexed’ to agency: It could be argued that it is mistaken to speak
of an action being right or wrong simpliciter, as actions are only right
or wrong for particular agents, where the capacities of the agent then
have a direct bearing on the rightness or wrongness of the action. Thus,
it could be argued, we cannot just say that ‘Act Ais wrong’, but only
that ‘Ais the wrong thing for person Sto do’, where this judgement
requires us to take into account what Sis capable of doing. To take an
analogy: Someone might argue that we cannot say that a particular
pastime is worthwhile simpliciter, but only whether particular agents
should follow it, given their capacities. So, it does not make sense to
say of a child that the right thing for him to do is to read the works of
Shakespeare, because whether an activity is worthwhile is ‘indexed’ to
the capacities of the agent. Thus, on this view, someone might argue
that while it would be morally right for agents capable of greater
impartiality than us to act as the utilitarian says, it is not right for
us so to act, given our capacities – so that utilitarianism cannot form
our morality (and so must fit the ‘human moral torso’ in this sense).12
9Griffin, ‘The Human Good and the Ambitions of Consequentialism’, pp. 123 f.
10 Cf. Nicholas Rescher, Ethical Idealism: An Inquiry into the Nature and Function of
Ideals (Berkeley, 1987), esp. chs. 1 and 6.
11 Cf. Sinnott-Armstrong, ‘“Ought” Conversationally Implies “Can” ’, p. 251: ‘Finally,
saying that agents ought to do what they cannot do is often claimed to be pointless and
therefore not true. This argument is not valid. The premise concerns the point or purpose
of saying something, but the conclusion concerns the truth of what is said. What is said
might be true even when saying so could not serve any purpose.’
12 I think this position and argument is one that Griffin himself would not accept, as it
still leaves open the possibility of a morality different from ours, which would apply to
agents with different capacities, whereas Griffin emphasizes that morality is really only
an institution that applies to us: ‘Moral norms are shaped for us, with all our limitations.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 51
The difficulty here, however, is first of all that we still need an
argument to show that right or wrong requires ‘indexing’ to the
capacities of agents, rather than simply being properties of actions.
This is plausible in the case of pastimes, of course, because the value of
pastimes lies largely in the benefits they bring to the person pursuing
them; so, if a child would get little or nothing from reading Shakespeare,
then it is indeed the case that it would not be right for them to do so. But
moral actions rarely get their value in this way. Moreover, unless one
embraces relativism, there must be some way of assessing the value of
an action that is independent of the capacities of the agent, as when we
judge that it would be better if the child could read Shakespeare rather
than just Harry Potter books, or that we could act more impartially
rather than less so. But surely this requires us to judge the value of the
act as right on its own merits, regardless of the capacities of particular
It is likely, however, that these replies will lead to the fifth argument
I want to consider, namely the argument from naturalism. For, some
may feel that these replies show what is fundamentally right about
the ‘ought implies can’ principle: that it prevents the separation of
the moral from what is possible for us as human beings, and so stops
morality becoming profoundly unhealthy, by being conceived of in a way
that fails to take our natures into account. This is the difficulty with
my positive replies, it will be argued. Talk of ‘exemplars’, ‘unrealizable
ideals’, ‘moral perfection’, and so on leads to a radical separation
between how we are and what we value that can only be damaging
to our self-conception. Against this, the kind of naturalism associated
with Nietzsche, Dewey and others would suggest that we should take
care to construct a moral system that begins by taking into account
human capacities, in order to avoid the life-denying otherworldliness
of an abstract realms of ‘oughts’.
Now, this clearly raises large issues that cannot be fully dealt with
here.13 A central question is how far the naturalist’s concern about the
damage done by a morality of this sort is plausible. For, it could be
argued that while undoubtedly blame and guilt can have this corrosive
effect, we have already allowed (in discussing the argument from
There are no moral norms outside the boundary set by our capacities’ (Value Judgement,
p. 100).
13 As Frankena observed of the related dispute between motivational internalism and
externalism, the internalist holds that the externalist fails to recognize ‘morality’s task
of guiding human conduct autonomously’, while the externalist accuses the internalist
of ‘having to trim obligation to the size of internal motives’: ‘The battle, if war there be,
cannot be contained; its field is the whole human world, and a grand strategy with a
total commitment of forces is demanded of each of its participants. What else could a
philosopher expect?’ (Frankena, ‘Obligation and Motivation’, pp. 80 f.).
52 Robert Stern
blame) that these moral sentiments are inappropriate in these cases.
So, if the moral standard is viewed as exemplary, but in a way that
is free from blame and guilt, would this be damaging and harmful? In
a well-known passage, Iris Murdoch has suggested a more positive
Let us consider the case of conduct. What of the command ‘Be ye therefore
perfect?’ Would it not be more sensible to say ‘Be ye therefore slightly improved?’
Some psychologists warn us that if our standards are too high we shall become
neurotic. It seems to me that the idea of love arises necessarily in this context.
The idea of perfection moves, and possibly changes, us (as artist, worker, agent)
because it inspires love in the part of us that is most worthy. One cannot feel
unmixed love for a mediocre moral standard any more than one can for the
work of a mediocre artist.14
Aside from this big issue, we can also make a narrower point in
this context, namely, that if the proponents of the strong version of
the ‘ought implies can’ principle adopt the argument from naturalism,
then they are implicitly conceding that they are taking a revisionist
position, and so are accepting that this is not how we currently use
the principle. For, the argument from naturalism is a critique of our
current view of morality, from the perspective of a more ‘healthy’
outlook, where ‘can’ will determine ‘ought’. But if it is a critique of
our current view of morality from this perspective, then it is admitted
that we currently do not conceive of ‘ought implies can’ in this strong
sense. So, one cost of using the argument from naturalism is that the
proponent of the strong ‘ought implies can’ principle must admit that
what he says goes against our current understanding of the principle;
he is therefore implicitly admitting that he cannot straightforwardly
appeal to the principle in attacking some moral system (as Griffin
does), for our present understanding of the principle licenses no such
criticism. In this sense, then, the naturalist’s strategy undermines the
dialectical force of the principle when used as a critique of some moral
theory. Of course, it is open to the naturalist to challenge our present
(weak) understanding of the principle and revise it in the light of some
argument: but then, as I have tried to suggest in the rest of this section,
none of the arguments put forward so far have been successful in this
It seems, then, that the ‘ought implies can’ principle has been
understood by some of its current proponents in a way that is too strong,
14 Cf. Iris Murdoch, The Sovereignty of Good (London, 1970), p. 62.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 53
because in this strong form it cannot be defended. The question I now
wish to raise is a more historical one, namely: Did Kant wish to use
this principle in the way it has come to be used recently, and if so how
far do my arguments against the principle in this strong form apply to
Kant himself ?
It is certainly the case that the principle of ‘ought implies can’ is
usually thought of as a Kantian principle, and he is widely seen as
bringing it to prominence within modern philosophy.15 But there is
little analysis of what exactly he meant by the principle, or what
he supposed it to entail.16 Moreover, given the common association
between Kant and the principle, it is perhaps surprising that there
are rather few passages in which Kant actually uses it, and none
where he provides any discussion of or argument for it. I will consider
those passages which are usually cited as cases where Kant adopts
the principle, and I will claim that they show him using it in a weak
sense, which suggests that he did not have the strong understanding
of the principle that has been discussed and criticized in previous
I will consider the following passages:17
Passage A:Critique of Pure Reason, A807/B835:
Pure reason, then, contains, not indeed in its speculative
employment, but in that practical employment which is also moral,
principles of the possibility of experience, namely, of such actions as,
in accordance with moral precepts, might be met with in the history
of mankind. For since reason commands that such actions should
take place, it must be possible for them to take place.18
Passage B:The Metaphysics of Morals, 6: 380:
Impulses of nature, accordingly, involve obstacles within the human
being’s mind to his fulfilment of duty and (sometimes powerful) forces
opposing it, which he must judge that he is capable of resisting and
conquering by reason not at some time in the future but at once (the
15 Cf. Frankena’s reference to it as ‘Kant’s dictum’ in the passage cited above.
16 But for a very helpful discussion, which distinguishes different ways in which Kant
related ‘ought’ and ‘can’ that are overlooked in the contemporary uses of the principle,
see Jens Timmermann, ‘Sollen und K¨
onnen: “Du kannst, denn du sollst” und “Sollen
impliziert K¨
onnen” im Vergleich’, Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse 6 (2003),
pp. 113–22.
17 References are given first to the Akademie-Ausgabe, with the exception of the
Critique of Pure Reason, where reference is given to the A (1781) and B (1787) editions.
References are also given to standard translations.
18 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Norman Kemp Smith (London,
1933), p. 637.
54 Robert Stern
moment he thinks of duty): he must judge that he can do what the
law tells him unconditionally that he ought to do.19
Passage C:Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, 6: 47:
But if a human being is corrupt in the very ground of his maxims,
how can he possibly bring about this revolution of his own forces and
become a good human being on his own? Yet duty commands that he
be good, and duty commands nothing but what we can do.20
Passage D:Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, 6: 50:
For if the moral law commands that we ought to be better human
beings now, it inescapably follows that we must be capable of being
better human beings.21
Passage E:Critique of Practical Reason, 5: 143, footnote:
[T]he moral law ... necessarily binds every rational being and
therefore justifies him a priori in presupposing in nature the
conditions befitting it and makes the latter inseparable from the
complete practical use of reason. It is a duty to realize the highest
good to the utmost of our capacity; therefore it must be possible; hence
it is also unavoidable for every rational being in the world to assume
what is necessary for its objective possibility. The assumption is as
necessary as the moral law, in relation to which alone it is valid.22
Passage F:Critique of Practical Reason, 5: 142:
[A] need of pure practical reason is based on a duty,thatofmaking
something (the highest good) the object of my will so as to promote
it with all my powers; and thus I must suppose its possibility and
so too the conditions for this, namely God, freedom, and immortality,
because I cannot prove these by my speculative reason, although I
can also not refute them.23
Passage G: ‘On the Common Saying: That may be Correct in Theory,
but it is of no Use in Practice’, 8: 276–7:
But in a theory that is based on the concept of duty, concern about
the empty ideality of this concept quite disappears. For it would not
19 Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel
Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 513.
20 Immanuel Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, trans. George di
Giovanni, in Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, trans. and ed. Allen W.
Wood and George di Giovanni (Cambridge, 1996), p. 92.
21 Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, p. 94.
22 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel
Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 255.
23 Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, p. 254.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 55
be a duty to aim at a certain effect of our will if this effect were not
also possible in experience.24
Passage H: ‘On the Common Saying: That may be Correct in Theory,
but it is of no Use in Practice’, 8: 278–9:
I explained morals provisionally as the introduction to a science
that teaches, not how we are to become happy, but how we are to
become worthy of happiness. In doing so, I did not fail to remark
that the human being is not thereby required to renounce his
natural end, happiness, when it is a matter of complying with his
duty; for that he cannot do, just as no finite rational being whatever
Passage I:Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, 6: 62:
From the practical point of view this idea [of a moral exemplar] has
complete reality within itself. For it resides in our morally-legislative
reason. We ought to conform to it, and therefore we must also be able
Passage J:Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, 6: 64:
For let the nature of this human being well-pleasing to God
thought as superhuman ...inasmuch as his unchanging purity of
will, not gained through effort but innate, would render any
transgression on his part absolutely impossible. The consequent
distance from the natural human being would then again become
so infinitely great that the divine human being could no longer be
held forth to the natural human being as example ...[T]he idea of
a conduct in accordance with so perfect a rule of morality could no
doubt also be valid for us, as a precept to be followed. Yet he himself
could not also be presented to us as an example to be emulated, hence
also not as proof that so pure and exalted a moral goodness can be
practised and attained by us.27
Passage K:Critique of Pure Reason, A548/B576:
The action to which the ‘ought’ applies must indeed be possible under
natural conditions.28
Taken together, these represent the main examples where Kant uses
the principle of ‘ought implies can’, and so can best help us gauge his
24 Immanuel Kant, ‘On the Common Saying: That may be Correct in Theory, but it is
of no Use in Practice’, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy,
trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 280.
25 Kant, ‘On the Common Saying’, pp. 281 f.
26 Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, p. 105.
27 Ibid., pp. 106 f.
28 Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, p. 473.
56 Robert Stern
views. The question, then, is not whether Kant adopted the principle,
but which version of the principle: How strongly did he understand
it? In order to consider this, I will discuss the passages in groups,
beginning with Passages A, B, C and D.
On the face of it, these passages may seem to show that Kant is
indeed using the principle in a way that suggests he understands it in
a strong sense, where, for example, Kant claims that ‘duty commands
nothing but what we can do’ (Passage C). This surely is to argue that
the moral law is fixed by our capacities, which is what Griffin and
others would also claim. However, I would suggest that in fact, these
passages are not quite so straightforward. For, what Kant is focused on
here is not the moral law as such (so to speak), but how the moral law
relates to us, as something that commands us (Passages A, C and D),
that tells us what to do unconditionally (passage B), that has a certain
authority over us.29 Kant holds that the moral law is addressed to us as
agents, as something we are called upon to carry out, so that (as Henry
Allison has put it) for Kant ‘the moral law confronts us not merely as
a lofty and admirable ideal but also as a source of an unconditional,
inescapable demand upon the self ’;30 and the moral law could not relate
to us in this way unless we were capable of acting upon it, otherwise
it would appear as no more than a ‘lofty and admirable ideal’ rather
than as an ‘inescapable demand’. So, the way we experience the ‘right’,
as something we are in fact obliged to follow, shows that we think of
ourselves as capable of acting as the moral law prescribes, and that we
must accept the conditions that (Kant believes) explain this possibility,
such as free will and the existence of God (cf. Passage E). But nothing
here shows that Kant is committed to the view that the moral law
as such must be constrained by the capacity of agents to obey it, as is
suggested by the strong version of the ‘ought implies can’ principle. Nor
does his argument for the postulates (of God, freedom and immortality)
require this. The fact that we are obliged to act in accordance with the
moral law is sufficient to make these postulates rational, as explaining
how we can come to be obliged in this way. Kant does not need the
stronger claim, that these postulates make it possible for us to follow
the moral law, and unless we could follow it, it would lose all normative
content. So, I would argue, a closer inspection of these passages shows
29 Cf. also Immanuel Kant, Toward Perpetual Peace, 8: 370, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in
Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor (Cambridge, 1996),
p. 338: ‘Morals is of itself practical in the objective sense, as the sum of laws commanding
unconditionally, in accordance with which we ought to act, and it is patently absurd,
having granted this concept of duty its authority, to say that one nevertheless cannot
do it. For in that case this concept would of itself drop out of morals (ultra posse nemo
obligatur) [no one is obligated beyond what he can do].’
30 Henry E. Allison, Kant’s Theory of Freedom (Cambridge, 1990), p. 68.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 57
that Kant is using the principle of ‘ought implies can’ in a weak sense,
by arguing that the moral law only has its status of being obligatory for
us because we are able to act upon it, and that we can thus only explain
this obligatoriness by accepting certain claims about our capacities and
their conditions (‘we ought implies we can’). But this is distinct from the
claim that no act can be right (rather than just obligatory for us) unless
we are able to perform it, which is how the principle is understood in
the strong sense.
It might be argued, however, that this way of taking Kant’s position is
highly problematic, as it would appear to open up a gap between what
I have called ‘the moral law as such’, and our relation to it as moral
agents. Surely Kant would have denied that the moral law could obtain
without our being commanded by it, in which case isn’t the latter really
constitutive of the former? My response to this objection is to dispute
this strong claim as a reading of Kant. Of course, Kant certainly held
that given what we are, the moral law is a command to us: but that is (so
to speak) a fact about us, rather than a fact about the moral law, that it
must be such that it can be commanded to human agents.31 So, in so far
as Kant thinks that nothing can prevent the moral law commanding
us, he does so because his conception of our agency is such that he holds
us to be essentially capable of acting as right requires, not because our
capacities as human agents naturalistically conceived puts limits on
what the moral law can comprise, so that no such gap can arise based
on his conception of us qua exemplary agents, and not merely on his
conception of ‘ought implies can’.32
31 Cf. Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals, 6: 399 (trans. Mary J. Gregor, p. 528), where
Kant says that every human being has the predispositions of ‘moral feeling,conscience,
love of one’s neighbor, and respect for oneself (self-esteem)...and it is by virtue of them
that he can be put under obligation. Consciousness of them is not of empirical origin; it
can, instead, only follow from consciousness of a moral law, as the effect this has on the
32 Cf. Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, 4: 389, trans. Mary
J. Gregor, in Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor
(Cambridge, 1996), p. 44, where he suggests that he has worked out ‘for once a pure
moral philosophy, completely cleansed of everything that may be only empirical and that
belongs to anthropology’. Cf. also The Metaphysics of Morals, 6: 405 f. (trans. Mary J.
Gregor, p. 533): ‘Ethical duties must not be determined in accordance with the capacity
to fulfil the law that is ascribed to human beings; on the contrary, their moral capacity
must be estimated by the law, which commands categorically, and so in accordance with
our rational knowledge of what they ought to be in keeping with the idea of humanity, not
in accordance with the empirical knowledge we have of them as they are.’ It is hard to see
he could make these claims unless he understood ‘ought implies can’ in the weak sense
suggested here; for of course, it is precisely by understanding it in the strong sense that
theorists like Griffin hope to bring such empirical and anthropological issues back in.
Kant makes clear his hostility to any naturalistic arguments for doing so in his Lectures
on Ethics, 27: 294 f. and 301 (ed. Peter Heath and J. B. Schneewind, trans. Peter Heath
(Cambridge, 1997), p. 86 and pp. 91 f.).
58 Robert Stern
Let me now consider Passages E and F. Once again, there is some
reason to take these passages as supporting the view that Kant had
a strong reading of the ‘ought implies can’ principle. However, I also
think appearances here are misleading. For, what Kant is focusing on
here is the content of the moral law as it is addressed to us, namely
that it tells us that we must ‘realize the highest good to the utmost of
our capacity’ (Passage E) and that I must ‘promote [the highest good]
with all my powers’ (Passage F). Thus, Kant clearly thought the moral
law was such as to demand of us that we use our abilities in such a
way as to further the highest good, and that this demand would be
incoherent unless we could so act. But again, this is a fairly weak use
of the ‘ought implies can’ principle: it takes it that there would not
be a moral rule telling us how we ought to use our capacities unless
we could so use those capacities, which seems very plausible, because
unless we had those capacities (in ourselves, or internally) and were
able to exercise them (in the world, or externally), how could our use of
them be prescribed by the moral law? Thus, on this view, the moral law
engages with us (tells us what to do) because it fits with our capacities;
but this is distinct from the stronger view, that unless it engages with
our capacities, and so states what is right for us to do, then it cannot tell
us what is right at all.33 To take an example: It certainly seems correct
to say that the moral law could only say that ‘people should try as hard
as possible to act benevolently’ if people are capable (both internally
and externally) of acting benevolently, as otherwise the injunction to
try would be meaningless. But this is a moral law that concerns our
capacities, and it does not follow that if we lack that capacity, we can
no longer say that benevolent acts are right. Thus, Kant would seem to
be arguing here merely that an agent can only be under an obligation
to try to bring about an end (the realization of the highest good) if he
has the ability to do it. But this does not commit Kant to denying that
the end (the realization of the highest good) is right, even if no human
agent is under any such obligation to use his abilities to bring it about,
because he lacks those abilities.
Similar remarks apply to Passage G and H. These occur in Kant’s
essay ‘On the Common Saying: That may be Correct in Theory, but it
is of no Use in Practice’, which is in part a reply to Christian Garve’s
criticism that for Kant, we have a moral duty to give up our desire to
be happy, but that this is contrary to our nature. In Passage G, Kant
33 As I have observed above, this might follow with the additional premiss that we
are morally exemplary in some way, so that what is morally right is then necessarily
something we are capable of acting upon, and so necessarily engages with us in this way;
but this is an additional step, rather than something that follows from ‘ought implies
can’ on its own.
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 59
accepts the seriousness of this kind of worry, but in Passage H he says
that Garve is wrong to claim that he saw our moral duty in this way.
Now, again, these passages may appear to support a strong reading
of ‘ought implies can’. But, once more, I believe this is mistaken. For,
it is clear on closer inspection that Kant is talking about what the
moral law commands us to do, what our obligations consist in, where
Kant accepts that something cannot be an obligation for us unless we
can bring it about; but, as I have argued, this is a weak conception of
‘ought implies can’. And, in Passage H, Kant says it cannot be someone’s
duty to do something he is incapable of doing, which again fits with the
weak conception. What he does not say here is anything that implies the
strong reading: namely, that nothing can be right that we are incapable
of achieving; rather, all he seems to be accepting is that we cannot be
obliged to do what is right unless we are capable of acting in that way,
which is a weaker claim than the one made by Griffin et al.
Turning now to Passages I and J, these concern the role of a Christ-
like figure as a moral example to us. Again, these passages may seem
to support a position like Griffin’s, which opposes the notion of moral
ideals that we cannot follow, and thus the counsel of perfection ‘Be ye
therefore perfect’. Nonetheless, I would claim that it would be wrong to
assimilate Kant to this view, for Kant’s focus is on Christ as an actual
example, as a figure we are told we ought to imitate, and would be to
blame if we did not. Now of course, if the example of Christ is treated in
this way, then we must be able to imitate him. But this does not show
that there could not be moral ideals which were still valid, even though
we could not imitate them (in these cases the most we could do would
be to try to imitate them, and so would not be to blame for failing to
attain any real likeness to our ideal). Indeed, Kant seems to accept the
‘validity’ of these ideals himself, as something we might strive to copy,
without being able to imitate. I do not believe, therefore, that these
passages show that Kant had anything resembling the naturalist’s
concerns discussed earlier. He is merely suggesting that if we are to
be blamed for not following a moral example, then our capacities must
resemble those of the example; but as we have seen, this argument
from blame can be accepted without being committed to the strong
interpretation of the ‘ought implies can’ principle.
Finally, let me consider Passage K. This passage is in fact the
one most often cited in support of the claim that Kant had a strong
conception of ‘ought implies can’. And certainly, taken on its own, it
seems fairly compelling. Nonetheless, it is much less conclusive when
set in context, as follows:
Theactiontowhichthe‘ought’ applies must indeed be possible under natural
conditions. These conditions, however, do not play any part in determining the
60 Robert Stern
will itself, but only in determining the effect and its consequences in the [field
of] appearance.
I would argue that the context alters the implication of the original
sentence. For now it seems clear that Kant merely intended that
sentence to say that ‘natural conditions’ (i.e. the phenomenal world)
must play a role in determining moral actions as well as other actions,
but that that role is not a determinant of the will. The passage is
therefore all about Kant’s view of moral action and the will, and not
about ‘ought implies can’ at all, and is therefore of no real concern to
us here.
I think the discussion of these passages suggests something more
generally about the difference between Kant’s outlook and the stronger
use of ‘ought implies can’ that we have been analysing. A feature of this
stronger use is that it tries to develop an account of right and wrong by
beginning with an account of human capacities, to set the parameters of
moral theorizing. (As Griffin puts it: ‘The limits of “ought” are fixed by,
among other things, the limits of “can”.’34) I think Kant’s procedure is
in many ways the opposite of this: that is, he first fixes his moral theory,
in which what matters is not what we are capable of qua human beings,
but what obligations can be shown to apply to rational agents capable
of acting rightly; and then, once the moral law is fixed, he uses ‘ought
implies can’ to determine what we are capable of qua human beings, in
so far as we fall under this law.35 Thus, whereas the strong conception
argues from what we can do to what we ought to do, Kant’s weaker
conception of ‘ought implies can’ argues from what we ought to do to
what we can do, and so is used to provide his ethical argument for
freedom and the existence of God.36 It is therefore hardly any surprise
34 Griffin, Value Judgement,p.96.
35 Cf. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason 5: 36 (trans. Mary J. Gregor, p. 169): ‘But the
moral law commands compliance from everyone, and indeed the most exact compliance.
Appraising what is to be done in accordance with it must, therefore, not be so difficult
that the most common and unpracticed understanding should not know how to go about
it, even without worldly prudence.’
36 Griffin therefore emphasizes the ‘modesty’ of his moral position: ‘Ethics, particularly
the ethics studied in modern universities, strikes me as often too ambitious. It usually
fails to operate with a realistic conception of human agency’ (Value Judgement, p. 100).
While Griffin uses ‘ought implies can’ as a justification for such modesty, I would argue
that Kant had no desire to use the principle in this way, but only to establish what our
capacities are, in the light of the demands of morality (which in Kant’s case are of course
notoriously high). Cf. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason 5: 30 (trans. Mary J. Gregor,
pp. 163–4), where Kant argues that because a person judges he ought not to give false
testimony even on pain of death, he will therefore judge that he can overcome his love of
life, when ‘ought implies can’ is used in this way: ‘He judges, therefore, that he can do
something because he is aware that he ought to do it and cognizes freedom within him,
which, without the moral law, would have remained unknown to him.’ As Timmermann
argues (in ‘Sollen und K¨
onnen’) the Kantian principle in these cases is best rendered not
Does ‘Ought’ Imply ‘Can’? 61
that, on close inspection, Kant’s position diverges from the current
We have therefore considered how far the principle of ‘ought implies
can’ should be used, and the extent to which Kant (as one of the
proponents of this principle) wanted to use it. If my discussion has been
right, some current uses of the principle go too far, and in a direction
that receives little support from the comments on this principle made
by Kant himself.37
as ‘ought implies can’, but as ‘you can because you ought’ (‘Du kannst, denn du sollst’),
in so far as here the ‘ought’ is presupposed rather than being used to determine whether
a duty can properly be demanded of an agent.
37 I am grateful to Christopher Bennett, Fabian Freyenhagen, David Owens, Walter
Sinnott-Armstrong, Philip Stratton-Lake, Jens Timmermann and Leif Wenar for helpful
comments on earlier versions of this article.
... Pese a que mucho antes de Kant DIP ya es rastreable hasta la expresión latina (consignada en la Pandecta o Digesta) "Impossibilium nulla obligatio est", es un lugar común en los debates contemporáneos sobre ella mencionar a Kant como el representante por excelencia de su defensa. Es así que incluso la máxima ha recibido sobrenombres como "el dictum de Kant" (Stern 2004, Khurana 2017) . Es, sin embargo, un asunto discutido si Kant realmente asumió en su filosofía la máxima tal cual ha sido entendida por el debate contemporáneo, o si, más bien, su apego a ella obedecía a una versión más amigable con una suerte de compatibilismo (Stern 2004, Stern 2015, Scholten 2020, Timmermann 2003. ...
... Es así que incluso la máxima ha recibido sobrenombres como "el dictum de Kant" (Stern 2004, Khurana 2017) . Es, sin embargo, un asunto discutido si Kant realmente asumió en su filosofía la máxima tal cual ha sido entendida por el debate contemporáneo, o si, más bien, su apego a ella obedecía a una versión más amigable con una suerte de compatibilismo (Stern 2004, Stern 2015, Scholten 2020, Timmermann 2003. ...
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En este artículo ofrezco una defensa de la posibilidad de las obligaciones imposibles al ofrecer argumentos en contra de la idea según la cual estas obligaciones son un sinsentido, pues la función esencial de una obligación es la de ser una guía para la acción, y una obligación imposible no puede indicar ninguna acción a realizar. Pretendo mostrar cómo la idea de que las obligaciones han de ser guías de acción, en conjunto con la máxima “deber implica poder”, lleva a consecuencias indeseables, y luego ofrezco argumentos para defender que las obligaciones imposibles están en mejor posición que otras obligaciones para guiar cierto tipo de acciones.
... Moral Rightness and Moral Obligation Stern (2004) offers a helpful interpretation regarding the place of OIC in Kant's moral theory. He focuses first on the criteria for moral rightness and, more specifically, on the way OIC has been used for the identification of these criteria with respect to basic assumptions of moral theories. ...
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In this paper, I examine the place of the principles “ought implies can” (OIC) and “you can because you ought” (CBO) in Kant’s moral philosophy. Contrary to an often tacit assumption in the relevant literature, according to which CBO is simply a version of OIC, I argue that it is a separate principle, which has a central role in Kant’s attempt to justify morality and freedom on the basis of the consciousness of the moral law as a “fact of reason”. Crucial to my main argument is the somewhat neglected distinction between actuality and reality of freedom, which leads me to a differentiation within CBO itself. This differentiation is of particular importance for understanding in what the deduction of freedom in the second Critique consists.
It is a dominant dictum in ethics that ‘ought implies can’ (OIC): if an agent morally ought to do an action, the agent must be capable of performing that action. Yet, with current technological developments, such as in direct-to-consumer genomics, big data analytics and wearable technologies, there may be reasons to reorient this ethical principle. It is our modest aim in this article to explore how the current wave of allegedly disruptive innovation calls for a renewed interest for this dictum. As an effect of prevention and prediction oriented technological innovation, an increased focus on assumedly controllable lifestyle risks may be anticipated. For lay people who might turn into patients, this may entail a reinforced behavior-based individual responsibilisation. Holding on to the OIC dictum, such responsibilisation seems to require that individuals can actually control what is framed as ‘lifestyle risks’ when there is not always a reliable consensus about what one should do. As such, reference to OIC may be mobilised in function of a political task of designing institutions so as to enable such choice and control.
Sustainable finance is basically linked to prevention strategies against corruption. It presupposes moral/ethical decision-making processes. The prevention strategies against corruption and the corporate decision-making processes may be either ethically oriented (toward a virtuous life) or morally grounded (in moral duties). The “ethical” approach was enhanced by Aristotle’s ethics of virtues, while the “moral” approach was largely developed by Kant’s ethics of duties. The axiological choice between the ethical approach (virtue-centered) and the moral approach (duty-oriented) unveils the way the organization perceives and interprets the good/evil dualism. Moreover, it influences the capacity of the organization to endorse sustainable finance decisions and strategies.KeywordsSustainable financeCorruptionCorporate moral and ethical discourseVirtuesMoral dutiesAristotleKant
In two often neglected passages of the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant submits that the Critique is a 'treatise' or a 'doctrine of method'. These passages are puzzling because the Critique is only cursorily concerned with identifying adequate procedures of argument for philosophy. In this book, Gabriele Gava argues that these passages point out that the Critique is the doctrine of method of metaphysics. Doctrines of method have the task of showing that a given science is indeed a science because it possesses 'architectonic unity' – which happens when it realizes the 'idea' of a science. According to Gava's novel approach, the Critique establishes that metaphysics is capable of this unity, and his reading of the Critique from this perspective not only illuminates the central role of the Transcendental Doctrine of Method within it, but also clarifies the relationship between the different parts of the work.
p>This paper responds to the Radical Behavioral Challenge (RBC) to normative business ethics. According to RBC, recent research on bounded ethicality shows that it is psychologically impossible for people to follow the prescriptions of normative business ethics. Thus, said prescriptions run afoul of the principle that nobody has an obligation to do something that they cannot do. I show that the only explicit response to this challenge in the business ethics literature (due to Kim et al.) is flawed because it limits normative business ethics to condemning practitioners’ behaviour without providing usable suggestions for how to do better. I argue that a more satisfying response is to, first, recognize that most obligations in business are wide-scope which, second, implies that there are multiple ways of fulfilling them. This provides a solid theoretical grounding for the increasingly popular view that we have obligations to erect institutional safeguards when bounded ethicality is likely to interfere with our ability to do what is right. I conclude with examples of such safeguards and some advice on how to use the research findings on bounded ethicality in designing ethical business organizations.</p
Several interpreters argue that Kant believes we have a duty to act “from duty.” If there is such a duty, however, then Kant's moral theory faces a serious problem, namely that of an allegedly vicious infinite regress of duties. No serious attempt has been made to determine how Kant might respond to this problem and insufficient work has been done to determine whether he even believes we have a duty to act from duty. In this paper I argue that not only does Kant not hold that there is a duty to act from duty, but he also explicitly rejects the idea.
Philosophy and science have always striven to make sense of the world, continuously influencing each other in the process. Their interplay paved the way for neurophilosophy, which harnesses neuroscientific insights to address traditionally philosophical questions. Given the rapid neuroscientific and technological advances in recent years, this paper argues that philosophers who wish to tackle intractable philosophical problems and influence public discourse and policies should engage in neuro‐techno‐philosophy. This novel type of inquiry describes the transdisciplinary endeavor of philosophers, (neuro)scientists, and others to anticipate the societal implications of the impending transformations of subjects and theorizers. While human enhancement is likely to irreversibly change what it means to be human, disruptive technologies might lead to the emergence of artificial intelligent agents and human‐machine hybrids. The paper predicts that neuro‐techno‐philosophy will be indispensable to understanding and engaging with these game‐changing innovations and thus play a pivotal role in the future of philosophy.
Cambridge Core - Philosophy Texts - Kant: The Metaphysics of Morals - edited by Lara Denis
The eighteenth-century philosopher Immanuel Kant is as daunting as he is influential: widely considered to be not only one of the most challenging thinkers of all time, but also one of the most important. His Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason takes on two of his central preoccupations - the reasoning powers of the human mind, and religion - and applies the full force of his reasoning abilities to consider the relationship between them. In critical thinking, reasoning is all about constructing arguments: arguments that are persuasive, systematic, comprehensive, and well-evidenced. And any examination involves stripping reasoning back to its barest essentials and attempting to get at the nature of the world by asking what we can know about God and morality from the power of our minds alone. Beginning from the axiom that God is, by definition, unknowable, Kant reasons that it is humans who bear the responsibility of creating the Kingdom of God. This, he suggests, we can do by acting morally in the world we experience - with a morality that can be shaped by reason alone. Dense and challenging, but closely and persuasively reasoned, Kant's case for human responsibility shows reasoning skills at their most impressive.
I want to look at one aspect of the human good: how it serves as the basis for judgments about the moral right. One important view is that the right is always derived from the good. I want to suggest that the more one understands the nature of the human good, the more reservations one has about that view. I. One Route to Consequentialism Many of us think that different things make a life good, with no one deep value underlying them all. My own list includes: enjoyment, accomplishing something with one's life, deep personal relations, certain sorts of understanding, and the elements of a characteristically human existence (autonomy, liberty). Most of us also think that moral right and wrong are based, in some way or other, in how well individual lives go, and that the moral point of view is, in some sense or other, impartial between lives. Utilitarianism is a prominent, but not the only, way of spelling out this intuition. There is no reason why an account of the human good needs to be confined, in the classical utilitarian way, to happiness or to fulfillment of desire (on the usual understanding of that notion). Nor is there any reason why impartiality has to be confined to maximizing the good, counting everybody for one and nobody for more than one. We may generalize. Let us broaden the notion of the good. We might say, for instance, that though happiness is a good, so are the other items on my list. But though broadened, this notion of the good stays within the confines of individual goods; it still has to do with human well-being, with what promotes the quality of one person's life.
The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Kant's three Critiques, one of his three major treatises on moral theory, and a seminal text in the history of moral philosophy. Originally published three years after his Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals, the Critique provides further elaboration of the basic themes of Kant's moral theory, gives the most complete statement of his highly original theory of freedom of the will, and develops his practical metaphysics. This new edition of Kant's Critique of Practical Reason – prepared by an acclaimed translator and scholar of Kant's practical philosophy – presents the first new translation of this work to appear for some years. A substantial and lucid introduction by Andrews Reath places the main themes of the Critique in the context of Kant's moral theory and his critical system.
where reference is given to the A (1781) and B (1787) editions. References are also given to standard translations The Metaphysics of Morals, trans
  • Mary J Gregor
References are given first to the Akademie-Ausgabe, with the exception of the Critique of Pure Reason, where reference is given to the A (1781) and B (1787) editions. References are also given to standard translations. 18 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Norman Kemp Smith (London, 1933), p. 637. 19 Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 513. 20 Immanuel Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, trans. George di Giovanni, in Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, trans. and ed. Allen W. Wood and George di Giovanni (Cambridge, 1996), p. 92. 21 Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, p. 94. 22 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 255. 23 Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, p. 254.
22 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, trans
  • Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, trans. George di Giovanni, in Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology, trans. and ed. Allen W. Wood and George di Giovanni (Cambridge, 1996), p. 92. 21 Kant, Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, p. 94. 22 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, trans. Mary J. Gregor, in Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy, trans. and ed. Mary J. Gregor (Cambridge, 1996), p. 255. 23 Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, p. 254.