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Notes on the Nomenclature of Neotropical Capparaceae: An Answer to Global flora



The 90 new combinations on Neotropical Capparaceae published in The Global Flora (Plant Gateway, 2018) are here discussed and clarified. On the basis of morphologic and molecular studies, the name of Morisonia L. cannot be applied in a broad sense for all Neotropical Capparaceae. Therefore, the names proposed by Christenhusz and Byng are placed in synonymy here.
The Global Flora, Vol. 4, published by Plant Gateway
(2018), provides 3,286 new combinations, 90 belonging
to Neotropical Capparaceae discussed in this note. All
are regarded here as inconsistent, erratic, and without
nomenclatural value.
Plant Gateway (2018) presents an incomplete list of
Capparaceae in which the great morphological diversity
of the former Capparis s.l. from the New World has been
dramatically reduced to a single genus, Morisonia L.,
without any discussion about morphology and without
providing a new generic circumscription of the proposed
Morisonia sensu Christenhusz and Byng (Plant Gateway,
Regarding morphology, Morisonia is characterized
by the calyx totally fused around the corolla in bud, at
anthesis rupturing more or less irregularly into 2–4 sepaloid
segments, and the laments adnate at base to form an
ascending “skirt,” which eventually falls off as a unit,
leaving an undulating scar inserted on, and surrounding,
the short gynophore. As none of the remaining species of
Neotropical Capparaceae present those characters, on the
basis of morphology the use of Morisonia as proposed by
Christenhusz and Byng is impossible (Plant Gateway, 2018).
Thus, Morisonia represents a highly polymorphic genus,
composed of species that exhibit “a great diversity of types
of calyces and corollas, with different aestivation, several
types of nectaries, fruits and embryos” (Cornejo and Iltis,
2008c) and, therefore, an unnatural and hard to understand
genus. Accepting Morisonia, we would go back—without
solving anything—to the same old problem of a single
generic name as was Capparis s.l. in the Neotropics. The
morphological characters of Morisonia provided here make
evident that the study of the types and original descriptions
of those names and of the morphology of the species of
Capparaceae were ignored by Christenhusz and Byng (Plant
Gateway, 2018).
Furthermore, the introductory paragraph of Capparaceae
(Plant Gateway, 2018: 139) claims that “many of these
genera will still not be monophyletic,” citing only Tamboli
et al. (2018). Contradictorily, Tamboli et al. (2018), states:
“Efforts for renaming the New World Capparis taxa
have been done by Cornejo and Iltis (2006, 2008a,b,c,
2010; Iltis and Cornejo 2007, 2011), and their efforts
are greatly supported by previous phylogenetic analysis
(Cardinal-McTeague et al., 2016) and in this analysis.”
The only exception was the barely polyphyletic condition
of Capparidastrum (Cardinal-McTeague et al., 2016; not
mentioned in Tamboli et al., 2018), which was subsequently
solved with the establishment of Neocapparis (Cornejo,
2017), providing stable, natural, and morphologically and
molecularly well-dened genera of Capparaceae in the New
Another erroneous statement written in the same
introductory paragraph (Plant Gateway, 2018: 139) was
that “not all taxa have been transferred from Capparis.”
However, what they have done is transfer names from some
synonyms that have no nomenclatural value, generating
more confusion and increasing superuous names as new
The nomenclatural proposal on Neotropical Capparaceae
by Christenhusz and Byng presented in The Global Flora,
Vol. 4 (Plant Gateway, 2018), has neither morphological nor
molecular support. Therefore, none of those combinations
have nomenclatural value and they are relegated to
synonymy herein.
Anisocapparis speciosa (Griseb.) Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 65. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis speciosa Griseb., Abh. Königl. Ges.
Wiss. Göttingen 24: 18. 1879.
Synonyms: Capparis speciosa Griseb. var. normalis
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3: 7. 1898. Morisonia speciosa
(Griseb.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142.
2018, syn. nov.
Atamisquea emarginata Miers ex Hook. & Arn., Bot.
Misc. 3(8): 143. 1833.
Synonym: Morisonia atamisquea (Kuntze) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Belencita nemorosa (Jacq.) Dugand, Caldasia 2 (9): 371.
Basionym: Capparis nemorosa Jacq., Enum. Syst. Plant 24.
xaVier CorneJo1
Abstract. The 90 new combinations on Neotropical Capparaceae published in The Global Flora (Plant Gateway, 2018) are here
discussed and claried. On the basis of morphologic and molecular studies, the name of Morisonia L. cannot be applied in a broad sense
for all Neotropical Capparaceae. Therefore, the names proposed by Christenhusz and Byng are placed in synonymy here.
Keywords: Capparaceae, Neotropics, nomenclature
1 Herbarium GUAY, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil, P.O. Box 09-01-10634, Guayaquil, Ecuador;
Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018, pp. 179–185.
© President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2018
ISSN: 1938-2944, DOI: 10.3100/hpib.v23iss2.2018.n3, Published online: 31 December 2018
Synonyms: Morisonia nemorosa (Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Belencita hagenii Karst., en C. Koch, Berliner Allg.
Gartenzeitung 25(4): 25, t. 1. 1857. Morisonia hagenii
(Karst.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141.
2018, syn. nov.
Calanthea pulcherrima (Jacq.) Miers, Proc. Roy. Hort.
Soc. London 4: 161. 1864.
Basionym: Capparis pulcherrima Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 24.
Synonyms: Linnaeobreynia pulcherrima (Jacq.) Hutch.,
Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia pulcherrima
(Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142.
2018, syn. nov.
Calanthea stenosepala (Urb.) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 13(1): 119. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis stenosepala Urb., Symb. Antill. 5:
529. 1908.
Synonym: Morisonia stenosepala (Urb.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Caphexandra heydeana (Donn. Sm.) Iltis & Cornejo,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16(1): 67. 2011.
Basionym: Capparis heydeana Donn. Sm., Bot. Gaz. 18(6):
197. 1893.
Synonym: Morisonia heydeana (Donn. Sm.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4:141 (2018), syn. nov.
Capparicordis crotonoides (Kunth) Iltis & Cornejo,
Brittonia 59: 248. 2007.
Basionym: Capparis crotonoides Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. 5:
95, tab. 437. 1821.
Synonyms: Quadrella crotonoides (Kunth) J. Presl, in
Berchtold & J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin 2: 260. 1825.
Colicodendron crotonoides (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl.
Plants 2: 309. 1967. Morisonia crotonoides (Kunth)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparicordis tweediana (Eichler) Iltis & Cornejo,
Brittonia 59(3): 251. 2007.
Basionym: Capparis tweediana Eichler in Martius Fl. Bras.
13(1): 273. 1865.
Synonyms: Colicodendron tweedianum (Eichler) Hutch.,
Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 309. 1967. Morisonia tweediana
(Eichler) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142.
2018, syn. nov.
Capparicordis yunckeri (Standl.) Iltis & X. Cornejo,
Brittonia 59(3): 253. 2007.
Basionym: Capparis yunckeri Standl., Field Mus. Nat.
Hist., Bot. Ser. 9(4): 291. 1940.
Synonym: Morisonia yunckeri (Standl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum bonifazianum (Cornejo & Iltis) Cornejo
& Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 233. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis bonifaziana Cornejo & Iltis, Novon
15: 397. 2005.
Synonym: Morisonia bonifaziana (Cornejo & Iltis)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparidastrum coimbranum (Cornejo & Iltis) Cornejo
& Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 233. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis coimbrana Cornejo & Iltis, Britttonia
57: 156. 2005.
Synonym: Morisonia coimbrana (Cornejo & Iltis)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparidastrum cuatrecasanum (Dugand) Cornejo &
Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 233. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis cuatrecasana Dugand, Caldasia 1: 41.
Synonym: Morisonia cuatrecasana (Dugand) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum discolor (Donn. Sm.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 233. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis discolor Donn. Sm., Bot. Gazette 24:
389. 1897.
Synonym: Morisonia discolor (Donn. Sm.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum frondosum (Jacq.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 232. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis frondosa Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 24.
Synonyms: Pleuteron frondosa (Jacq.) Raf., Sylva Tellur.
109. 1838. Uterveria frondosa (Jacq.) Bertol., Horti
Bonon. Pl. Nov. 2: 8. 1839. Morisonia frondosa
(Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141.
2018, syn. nov.
Capparis elegans Mart., Fl. 22 (Beibl. 1): 24. 1839.
Capparidastrum elegans (Mart.) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl.
2: 310. 1967. Morisonia elegans (Mart.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum grandiorum Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 15(1): 155. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia grandiora (Cornejo & Iltis)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparidastrum humile (Hassl.) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 13(2): 234. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis humilis Hassl., Repert. Spec. Nov.
Regni Veg. 12: 252. 1913.
Synonym: Morisonia humilis (Hassl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum macrophyllum (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl.
Pl. 2: 310. 1967.
Basionym: Capparis macrophylla Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 5:
91. 1821.
Synonym: Morisonia macrophylla (Kunth) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum megalospermum Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 15: 159. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia megalosperma (Cornejo & Iltis)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparidastrum mollicellum (Standl.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 234. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis mollicella Standl., Proc. Biol. Soc.
Wash. 37: 44. 1924.
Synonym: Morisonia mollicella (Standl.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum osmanthum (Diels) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 234. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis osmantha Diels, Notzbl. 14: 332.
Synonym: Morisonia osmantha (Diels) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum petiolare (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Plants
2: 310. 1967.
Basionym: Capparis petiolaris Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 91.
Synonym: Morisonia petiolaris (Kunth) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum quiriguense (Standl.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 234. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis quiriguensis Standl. Proc. Biol. Soc.
Wash. 37: 52. 1924.
Synonym: Morisonia quiriguensis (Standl.), Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum sola (J. F. Macbr.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 17. 2006.
Basionym: Capparis sola J. F. Macbr., Candollea 5: 359.
Synonym: Morisonia sola (J. F. Macbr.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum sprucei (Eichl.) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2:
310. 1967.
Basionym: Capparis sprucei Eichl. in Mart., Fl. Bras. 13(1):
281. 1865.
Synonym: Morisonia sprucei (Eichl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Capparidastrum tafallanum Cornejo, Iltis & Cerón,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 19(2): 189. 2014.
Synonym: Morisonia tafallana (Cornejo, Iltis & Cerón)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Capparidastrum tuxtlense Cornejo & Iltis, Brittonia
62(2): 120. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia tuxtlense (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Colicodendron bahianum Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot. Res.
Inst. Texas 2(1): 76. 2008.
Synonym: Morisonia bahiana (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Colicodendron martianum Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot.
15(1): 103. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia martiana (Cornejo) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Colicodendron scabridum (Kunth) Seem., Bot. Voy.
Herald, 78. 1852.
Basionym: Capparis scabrida Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 95.
Synonyms: Octanema scabrida (Kunth) Raf., Sylva Tellur.
112. 1838. Destrugesia scabrida (Kunth) Gaudich.,
Voy. Bonite, Bot. 4: 38. 1866. Colicodendron
scabridum (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 309. 1967,
hom. illeg. Morisonia scabrida (Kunth) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Colicodendron valerabellum Iltis, T. Ruiz & G.S. Bunting,
J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 82. 2008.
Synonym: Morisonia valerabella (Iltis, T. Ruiz & G.S.
Bunting) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142.
2018, syn. nov.
Colicodendron yco Mart., Flora 22, Bleibl. 1: 25. 1839.
Synonyms: Capparis yco (Mart.) Eichler in Martius, Fl.
Bras. 13: 272. 1865. Morisonia yco (Mart.) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla amplissima (Lam.) Iltis & Cornejo,
Rodriguésia 61: 154. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis amplissima Lam., Encycl. 1: 607.
1783 (1785).
Synonym: Morisonia amplissima (Lam.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4:139. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla declinata (Vell.) Iltis & Cornejo, Harvard Pap.
Bot. 13(1): 118. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis declinata Vell., Fl. Flum. 5: 230, tab.
3. “1827” [1832, effective date of publication].
Synonym: Morisonia declinata (Vell.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla didymobotrys (Ruiz & Pav. ex DC.) Cornejo
& Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 17. 2006.
Basionym: Capparis didymobotrys Ruiz & Pav. ex DC.,
Prodr. Syst. Nat. Reg. Veg. 1: 253. 1824.
Synonyms: Capparis didymobotrys Ruiz & Pav. ex E. A.
López, Ann. Inst. Bot. A. J. Cavanilles 16: 380, tab.
429b. 1958, nom. illeg. Morisonia didymobotrys
(Ruiz & Pav. ex DC.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global
Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla ecuadorica (Iltis) Iltis & Cornejo, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 13: 118. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis ecuadorica Iltis, Selbyana 2: 303.
Synonym: Morisonia ecuadorica (Iltis) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla hastata (Jacq.) J. Presl, Přir Rostlin 2: 275.
Basionym: Capparis hastata Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 23.
Synonyms: Pleuteron hastata (Jacq.) Raf., Sylva Tellur.
109. 1838. Cynophalla exuosa f. hastata (Jacq.)
Dugand, Caldasia 2: 52. 1941. Morisonia hastata
(Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141.
2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla heterophylla (Ruiz & Pav. ex DC.) Iltis &
Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 118. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis heterophylla Ruiz & Pav. ex DC.,
Prodr. 1: 250. 1824.
Synonyms: Capparis heterophylla Ruiz & Pav. ex E. A.
López, Ann. Inst. Bot. A. J. Cavanilles 16: 381. 1958,
hom. illeg. Morisonia heterophylla (Ruiz & Pav. ex
DC.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141.
2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla linearis (Jacq.) J. Presl, Přir Rostlin 2: 275.
Basionym: Capparis linearis Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 24.
Synonyms: Pleuteron linearis (Jacq.) Raf., Sylva Tellur.
109. 1838. Uterveria linearis (Jacq.) Bertol., Horti
Bonon. Pl. Nov. 2: 10. 1839. Morisonia linearis
(Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141.
2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla mattogrossensis (Pilger) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(1): 118. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis mattogrossensis Pilger, Revista Mus.
Paul. Univ. Sao Paulo 13: 1250. 1923.
Synonym: Morisonia mattogrossensis (Pilger) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla mollis (Kunth) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin 2: 275.
Basionym: Capparis mollis Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl. 5:
89. 1821.
Synonyms: Capparis guayaquilensis Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp.
Pl. 5: 89. 1821, syn. nov. Cynophalla guayaquilensis
(Kunth) Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 118. 2008, syn.
nov. Morisonia guayaquilensis (Kunth) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla polyantha (Tr. & Pl.) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 13(1): 118. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis polyantha Tr. & Pl., Ann. Sci. Nat.
Bot., sér. 6, 17: 76. 1862.
Synonym: Morisonia polyantha (Tr. & Pl.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla retusa (Griseb.) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard Pap.
Bot. 13(1): 119. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis retusa Griseb., Abh. Königl. Ges.
Wiss. Göttingen 24: 18. 1879.
Synonyms: Capparis cynophallophora var. retusa (Griseb.)
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 2: 7. 1898. Morisonia retusa
(Griseb.), Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4:
142. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla sclerophylla (Iltis & Cornejo) Iltis & Cornejo,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 11: 17. 2006.
Basionym: Capparis sclerophylla Iltis & Cornejo, Novon
15: 429. 2005.
Synonym: Morisonia sclerophylla (Iltis & Cornejo)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Cynophalla sessilis (Banks ex DC.) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin
2: 275. 1825.
Basionym: Capparis sessilis Banks ex DC., Prodr. 1: 249.
Synonym: Morisonia sessilis (Banks ex DC.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla tarapotensis (Eichler) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 13(1): 119. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis tarapotensis Eichler in Mart., Fl. Bras.
13, pt.1: 284. 1865.
Synonym: Morisonia tarapotensis (Eichler) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Cynophalla verrucosa (Jacq.) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin 2: 275.
Basionym: Capparis verrucosa Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 23.
Synonyms: Uterveria verrucosa (Jacq.) Bertol., Pl. Nov.
Hort. Bonon. 2: 8. 1839. Morisonia verrucosa (Jacq.)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Hispaniolanthus dolichopodus (Helwig) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 14(1): 12. 2009.
Basionym: Capparis dolichopoda Helwig, Arkiv Bot.
22A(10): 11. 1929.
Synonym: Morisonia dolichopoda (Helwig) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Mesocapparis lineata (Dombey ex Persoon) Cornejo &
Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(1): 115. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis lineata Dombey ex Persoon, Ench. 2:
60. 1807.
Synonym: Morisonia lineata (Dombey ex Persoon)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018,
syn. nov.
Monilicarpa brasiliana (Banks ex DC.), Cornejo & Iltis, J.
Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 71. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis brasiliana Banks ex DC., Prodr. 1:
249. 1824.
Synonyms: Capparidastrum brasilianum (Banks ex DC.)
Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia brasiliana
(Banks ex DC.), Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora
4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Monilicarpa tenuisiliqua (Jacq.) Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 70. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis tenuisiliqua Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib.
24. 1760.
Synonyms: Pleuteron tenuis Raf., Sylva Tellur. 109. 1838.
Uterveria tenuisiliqua (Jacq.) Bertol., Pl. Nov. Hort.
Bonon. 2: 8. 1839. Capparidastrum tenuisiliquum
(Jacq.) Hutch., Genera Flowering Pl 2: 310. 1967.
Morisonia tenuisiliqua (Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Neocalyptrocalyx longifolium (Mart.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(1): 111. 2008.
Basionym: Colicodendron longifolium Mart., Flora 22,
Bleib. 1(2): 26. 1839.
Synonym: Morisonia longifolia (Mart.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Neocapparis pachaca (Kunth) Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot.
22(2): 115. 2017.
Basionym: Capparis pachaca Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl.
5: 93. 1821.
Synonym: Morisonia pachaca (Kunth) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Neocapparis quina (J. F. Macbr.) Cornejo, Harvard Pap.
Bot. 22: 118. 2017.
Basionym: Capparis quina J. F. Macbr., Candollea 5: 357.
Synonyms: Capparidastrum quina (J. F. Macbr.) Cornejo
& Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 235. 2008. Morisonia
quina (J. F. Macbr.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global
Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Preslianthus detonsus (Triana & Planch.) Iltis & Cornejo,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 16: 70. 2011.
Basionym: Capparis detonsa Triana & Planch., Ann. Sci.
Nat. Bot. ser. 4, 17: 80. 1862.
Synonym: Morisonia detonsa (Triana & Planch.) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Preslianthus panamensis (Iltis) Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot.
18(2): 147. 2013.
Basionym: Capparis panamensis Iltis, Ann. Missouri Bot.
Gard. 68: 681. 1981 [1982].
Synonym: Morisonia panamensis (Iltis) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Preslianthus pittieri (Standl.) Iltis & Cornejo, Harvard
Pap. Bot. 16: 70. 2011.
Basionym: Capparis pittieri Standl., J. Wash. Acad. Sci.
17(10): 253. 1927.
Synonym: Morisonia pittieri (Standl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella alaineana Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot. Res. Inst.
Texas 4: 75. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia alaineana (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella angustifolia (Kunth) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 129. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis angustifolia Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl.
5: 46 t. 438. 1821.
Synonyms: Octanema angustifolia (Kunth) Raf., Sylva
Tellur. 112. 1838. Colicodendron angustifolium
(Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 309. 1967. Morisonia
angustifolia (Kunth) Christenh. & Bing, The Global
Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella antonensis (Woodson) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 125. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis antonensis Woodson, Ann. Missouri
Bot. Gard. 35: 90. 1948.
Synonym: Morisonia antonensis (Woodson) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella asperifolia (K. Presl) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 126. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis asperifolia K. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 2:
86. 1835.
Synonyms: Linnaeobreynia asperifolia (K. Presl) Hutch.,
Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia asperifolia (K.
Presl) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139
(2018), syn. nov.
Quadrella calciphila (Standl. & Steyerm.) Iltis & Cornejo,
J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 126. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis calciphila Standl. & Steyerm., Field.
Mus. Bot. 23: 158. 1944.
Synonym: Morisonia calciphila (Standl. & Steyerm.)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov.
Quadrella cynophallophora (L.) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2:
309. 1967.
Basionym: Capparis cynophallophora L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 504.
1753; ed. 2: 721. 1762.
Synonym: Morisonia cynophallophora (L.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov. non
Capparis cynophallophora Jacq., Select. Stirp. Amer.
t. 98. 1763, which is C. exuosa (L.) L., = Cynophalla
exuosa (L.) J. Presl, 1825.
Quadrella domingensis (Spreng. ex DC.) Iltis & Cornejo,
J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 129. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis domingensis Spreng. ex DC. Prodr. 1:
253. 1824.
Synonym: Morisonia domingensis (Spreng. ex DC.)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov.
Quadrella dressleri Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas
4: 77. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia dressleri (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella ferruginea (L.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res. Inst.
Texas 4(1): 130. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis ferruginea L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1071.
Synonyms: Linnaeobreynia ferruginea (L.) Hutch., Gen. Fl.
Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia ferruginea (L.) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella lipes (Donn. Sm.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res.
Inst. Texas 4(1): 126. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis lipes Donn. Sm., Bot. Gaz. 23: 2.
Synonym: Morisonia lipes (Donn. Sm.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella gonaievensis (Helwig) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2:
308. 1967.
Basionym: Capparis gonaïvensis Helwig, Ark. Bot. 22A:
10. 1929.
Synonym: Morisonia gonaievensis (Helwig) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella incana (Kunth) Iltis & Cornejo, Novon 17: 452.
Basionym: Capparis incana Kunth, Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 94.
Synonyms: Octanema incana (Kunth) Raf., Sylva Tellur.
112. 1838. Linnaeobreynia incana (Kunth) Hutch.,
Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia incana (Kunth)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018,
syn. nov.
Quadrella indica (L.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res. Inst.
Texas 4(1): 126. 2010.
Basionym: Breynia indica L., Sp. Pl. 1:503. 1753.
Synonyms: Capparis breynia L. Syst. Pl. ed. 10:1071. 1759,
nom. illeg. Quadrella breynia (L.) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin
2: 261. 1825. Pleuteron breynia (L.) Raf., Sylva
Tellur. 109. 1838. Uterveria breynia (L.) Bertoloni,
Pl. nov. H. Bonon. 2: 10. 1839. Morisonia breynia (L)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018,
syn. nov. Capparis indica (L.) Druce, Bot. Exch. Club
Soc. Brit. Isles 3: 415. 1914. Linnaeobreynia indica
(L.) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 311. 1967, nom. illeg.
Quadrella isthmensis (Eichler) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 308.
Basionym: Capparis isthmensis Eichler in Martius, Fl. Bras.
13: 269. 1865.
Synonym: Morisonia isthmensis (Eichler) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella jamaicensis (Jacq.) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin 2: 261.
Basionym: Capparis jamaicensis Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib.
23. 1760.
Synonym: Morisonia jamaicensis (Jacq.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella lindeniana Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot. Res. Inst.
Texas 4(1): 83. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia lindeniana (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella lundellii (Standl.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res.
Inst. Texas 4(1): 127. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis lundellii Standl., Carnegie Inst. Wash.
Publ. 461: 57. 1935.
Synonym: Morisonia lundellii (Standl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella mirica (Standl.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res.
Inst. Texas 4(1): 127. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis mirica Standl. in Woodson & Schery,
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 311. 1940.
Synonym: Morisonia mirica (Standl.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella morenoi Cornejo & Iltis, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas
4: 86. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia morenoi (Cornejo & Iltis) Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella odoratissima (Jacq.) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 308.
Basionym: Capparis odoratissima Jacq., Hort. Schoenbr. 1:
57, tab. 110. 1797.
Synonym: Morisonia odoratissima (Jacq.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella pringlei (Briquet) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res.
Inst. Texas 4(1): 127. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis pringlei Briquet, Ann. Conserv. &
Jard. Bot. Genève 17: 390. 1914.
Synonyms: Linnaeobreynia pringlei (Briquet) Hutch., Gen.
Fl. Pl. 2: 310. 1967. Morisonia pringlei (Briquet)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Quadrella quintanarooensis Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res.
Inst Texas 4: 104. 2010.
Synonym: Morisonia quintanarooensis (Iltis & Cornejo),
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Quadrella siliquosa (L.) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res. Inst.
Texas 4: 98. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis siliquosa L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10(2):
1071. 1759, p.p.
Synonyms: Pleuteron siliquosa (L.) Raf., Sylva Tellur. 109.
1838. Morisonia siliquosa (L.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella singularis (R. Rankin) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot.
Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 131. 2010.Basionym: Capparis
singularis R. Rankin, Willdenowia 34: 263. 2004.
Synonym: Morisonia singularis (R. Rankin) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Quadrella steyermarkii (Standl.) Iltis & Cornejo, Iltis &
Cornejo, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 128. 2010.
Basionym: Capparis steyermarkii Standl., Publ. Field Mus.
Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 22: 140. 1940.
Synonym: Morisonia steyermarkii (Standl.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Sarcotoxicum salicifolium (Griseb.) Cornejo & Iltis,
Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(1): 107. 2008.
Basionym: Capparis salicifolia Griseb., Abh. Königl. Ges.
Wiss. Göttingen 24: 17. 1879.
Synonyms: Colicodendron salicifolium (Griseb.) Hutch.,
Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 309. 1967. Morisonia salicifolia
(Griseb.), Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4:
142. 2018, syn. nov.
Steriphoma paradoxum subsp. paradoxum (Jacq.) Endl.,
Flora 15(2): 396. 1832.
Basionym: Capparis paradoxa Jacq., Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 1:
58, tab. 111. 1797.
Synonyms: Morisonia paradoxa (Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Stephania elliptica DC., Prodr. 1: 253. 1824, syn. nov.
Steriphoma ellipticum (DC.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. ed. 16,
139. 1827, syn. nov. Morisonia stephania Christenh.
& Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Steriphoma paradoxum subsp. macranthum (Standl.)
Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot. 18(2): 147. 2013.
Basionym: Steriphoma macranthum Standl., Contr. US Nat.
Herb. 20(6): 183. 1919.
Synonym: Morisonia macrantha (Standl.) Christenh. &
Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
Steriphoma peruvianum Spruce ex Eichler, Fl. Bras.
13(1): 267. 1865.
Synonym: Morisonia peruviana (Spruce ex Eichler)
Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018,
syn. nov.
Steriphoma urbanii Eggers, Bot. Centralblatt 73: 67, 69
(by error 51). 1868.
Synonym: Morisonia urbanii (Eggers) Christenh. & Bing,
The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
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... The study lifted many botanists to reanalyse the delimitations; subsequently, many new genera from the NW were proposed. As a result, many taxa earlier circumscribed under the OW genera, were shifted to the newly proposed NW genera (Inocencio et al., 2006;Cornejo, 2010a, 2010b;Iltis et al., 2011;Cornejo, 2018). However, Christenhusz et al. (2018) merged 16 NW genera under an extremely polymorphic and hard-to-understand genus Morisonia L. and reduced the total number of Capparaceae genera to 15. ...
... However, Christenhusz et al. (2018) merged 16 NW genera under an extremely polymorphic and hard-to-understand genus Morisonia L. and reduced the total number of Capparaceae genera to 15. Later, Cornejo (2018) validated the identity of these taxa and reinstated the above genera based on the morphological dataset and also supported by the molecular evidence for most of those (e.g. Cardinal-McTeague et al., 2016;Cornejo, unpublished). ...
... One sub-clade consists of Quadrella, Capparicordis, Morisonia, Steriphoma, Capparidastrum, and Monilicarpa, whereas the other represents Cynophalla and Atamisquea (Fig. 2). Although the tree reflects moderate support to most NW genera, the topology is in congruence with the treatments proposed by Cardinal-McTeague et al. (2016) and Cornejo (2018). ...
Capparis is the largest genus of the family Capparaceae, represented by 142 species in the tropics and subtropics of the Old World. Despite being one of the medicinally and economically important genera with its unique distribution pattern, the evolutionary history of Capparis remained unexplored. Moreover, the phylogenetic relationships, origin, dispersal, and character evolution of the genus were poorly understood. With the objectives to (i) test the congruence between the molecular and morphological datasets, (ii) validate Jacobs' hypothesis on the origin, dispersal, and speciation pattern of Capparis using new fossil data, and (iii) understand the possible evolutionary role of some key morphological characters, we sampled across the five speciation centres of Capparis. The results derived from three plastidial markers (matK, trnL-F and rbcL) revealed incongruence with the morphology based delimitations and suggested a new sectional classification in Capparis. Divergence dating analysis revealed that Capparaceae originated in Africa at 47.25 MYA and Capparis in Peninsular India at about 29.32 MYA. Capparis followed multiple forward and backward dispersal, supporting the “into and out of India” hypothesis. These dispersal events were consistent with the various land bridges in different parts of the Old World during the Eocene to Miocene. The only long-distance dispersal event was observed in the case of the New World Capparaceae, corroborating the earlier findings. Our results suggest West Asia to the North African region as another centre of speciation for Capparis and present a robust age estimate for the genus. The character state reconstruction of Capparis revealed a unique evolutionary adaptation due to exposure to various climatic conditions and the acquisition of suitable pollination strategies. We hypothesize that the gynophore length, sepal shape, and blotches on petals contribute substantially to the pollination success.
... We gathered a dataset of 7602 records for 104 species (Table 1) from 19 genera based on phylogenetic analyses carried out on Capparaceae (Hall, Sytsma & Iltis, 2002;Hall, 2008). The generic classification of Capparaceae is disputed, and we did not use the classification of Capparaceae proposed by Christenhusz, Fay & Byng (2018), in which Morisonia L. is expanded to include the majority of taxa formerly in Capparis L., because Cornejo (2018) pointed out that this nomenclatural proposal would make Morisonia a polymorphic genus. Circumscriptions of genera are, of course, a matter of choice, and therefore we here choose to use one of the available generic classifications for Neotropical Capparaceae, that with the higher number of genera. ...
... List of the Neotropical species of Capparaceae, followingCornejo (2018) Anisocapparis speciosa (Griseb.)Cornejo & Iltis A Cynophalla verrucosa (Jacq.) ...
In the Neotropics, the distribution of Capparaceae has been historically associated with seasonally dry forest (NSDF), but recent taxonomic studies have questioned this assumption. Given the environmental co-occurrence of species and the need to understand their relationships with the ecosystem, we use ecological niche modelling and numerical ecology methods to better describe the distribution patterns of Capparaceae and their climatic affinities with NSDF. We used the Maxent algorithm to model the ecological niches of 104 species of Capparaceae, which gave maximum values of the response curves for climatic suitability. These values were used to carry out multivariate statistical analyses [principal components analysis (PCA), non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and discriminant analysis (DA)] to identify ecological associations based on climatic similitude among species. Both PCA and NMDS showed that annual precipitation, precipitation of the wettest quarter and precipitation of the driest quarter were the most important climatic variables shaping distributions of species and their associations with NSDF, moist tropical forest (MTF) and wet tropical forest (WTF). Although we found 72 species associated with NSDF as previously reported, DA revealed an overlapping pattern among the three ecological/climatic assemblages (NSDF, MTF and WTF). This confirms the existence of transition zones and species with wider niches. Our results provide an important biogeographical framework of ecological patterns for species associated with NSDF, opening new lines of research on the reconstruction of distribution in future climatic scenarios or palaeo-distributions.
... We gathered a dataset of 7602 records for 104 species (Table 1) from 19 genera based on phylogenetic analyses carried out on Capparaceae (Hall, Sytsma & Iltis, 2002;Hall, 2008). The generic classification of Capparaceae is disputed, and we did not use the classification of Capparaceae proposed by Christenhusz, Fay & Byng (2018), in which Morisonia L. is expanded to include the majority of taxa formerly in Capparis L., because Cornejo (2018) pointed out that this nomenclatural proposal would make Morisonia a polymorphic genus. Circumscriptions of genera are, of course, a matter of choice, and therefore we here choose to use one of the available generic classifications for Neotropical Capparaceae, that with the higher number of genera. ...
... List of the Neotropical species of Capparaceae, followingCornejo (2018) Anisocapparis speciosa (Griseb.)Cornejo & Iltis A Cynophalla verrucosa (Jacq.) ...
In the Neotropics, the distribution of Capparaceae has been historically associated with seasonally dry forest (NSDF), but recent taxonomic studies have questioned this assumption. Given the environmental co-occurrence of species and the need to understand their relationships with the ecosystem, we use ecological niche modelling and numerical ecology methods to better describe the distribution patterns of Capparaceae and their climatic affinities with NSDF. We used the Maxent algorithm to model the ecological niches of 104 species of Capparaceae, which gave maximum values of the response curves for climatic suitability. These values were used to carry out multivariate statistical analyses [principal components analysis (PCA), non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and discriminant analysis (DA)] to identify ecological associations based on climatic similitude among species. Both PCA and NMDS showed that annual precipitation, precipitation of the wettest quarter and precipitation of the driest quarter were the most important climatic variables shaping distributions of species and their associations with NSDF, moist tropical forest (MTF) and wet tropical forest (WTF). Although we found 72 species associated with NSDF as previously reported, DA revealed an overlapping pattern among the three ecological/climatic assemblages (NSDF, MTF and WTF). This confirms the existence of transition zones and species with wider niches. Our results provide an important biogeographical framework of ecological patterns for species associated with NSDF, opening new lines of research on the reconstruction of distribution in future climatic scenarios or palaeo-distributions.
... Ovário uni-bilocular, glabro; estigma séssil, discoide. Fruto cápsula folicular, cilíndrica, geralmente torulosa.Cynophalla abrange aproximadamente 15 espécies distribuídas do Sul da Flórida, México, Mesoamérica ao norte da Argentina e nas Índias Ocidentais(Cornejo & Iltis 2008a;Cornejo 2018). As espécies do gênero são facilmente reconhecidas pela filotaxia alterna, dística, com as terminações de muitos ramos apresentando-se em zigue-zague e pela presença de nectários nas axilas foliares. ...
... El análisis fenético fue llevado a cabo en base a una matriz básica de datos (MBD) previamente desarrollado en base al análisis comparativo inicial de los caracteres florales. Se designaron las 11 unidades taxonómicas operativas correspondiente a los géneros presentes de la familia Capparaceae en Ecuador; posteriormente se determinaron los caracteres válidos con los estados de cada carácter mediante claves taxonómicas y descripciones de géneros [10,11,12]. Todos los caracteres florales y ecológicos de cada género se resumen en la matriz básica de datos, presentados en la Tabla 1 (A) y 1 (B) Tipo de corola según la fusión de los pétalos 1=gamopétala 2=dialipétala 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Estivación de la corola 1=cerrada 2=abierta 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Pétalos 1=sésiles 2=no sésiles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Nervios de los pétalos 1=longitudinales 2=longitudinales con nervadura reticulada en los márgenes 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Forma del receptáculo 1=plano y disciforme 2=hipantio Los coeficientes de similitud fueron estimados mediante la herramienta Simqual incluida en el software NTSYS-pc, el análisis de agrupamiento fenético se ejecutó con el "Agrupamiento jerárquico y anidado aglomerativo secuencial" (Sequential Agglomerative Hierarchical and Nested clustering por sus siglas en ingles SAHN) herramienta que tambien está incluido en el software NTSYS-pc. ...
Full-text available
Las similitudes y diferencias morfológicas entre los géneros de la familia Capparaceae en Ecuador son poco entendidas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la realización de un análisis comparativo de los caracteres florales de los 11 géneros de Capparaceae del país, mediante la recopilación de literatura científica disponible y a través de un análisis fenético y de agrupamiento con las características más relevantes. En base a observaciones de colecciones botánicas del herbario GUAY e imágenes de material vivo, se describieron las características florales, el patrón de distribución a nivel nacional y el registro de floración. El análisis fenético demostró máximos valores entre géneros que compartían similitudes en caracteres como; pubescencia, estivación de cáliz, corola y la presencia de hipantio. El análisis de agrupamiento generó dos cladogramas que representan la formación de clados sustentados por la afinidad de sus caracteres morfológicos florales, estos coinciden con otros trabajos realizados con análisis moleculares.
... It should be noted here that non peer-reviewed nomenclatural changes on such a large-scale made by Fay and Christenhusz (2018) with neither morphological nor molecular basis remain controversial (Cornejo, 2018;ASPT, 2018;Plant Gateway, 2019). Amidst the ongoing debate continued in favor and against the provision of (self-) publishing such nomenclatural changes in accordance with the ICN Code, the authors have proposed the new combination in this what seemingly a paradoxial context, besides designating the lectotype for the stenoendemic infraspecific taxon. ...
Abstract: The taxonomic history and nomenclatural changes in Photinia lindleyana Wight & Arn. var. tomentosa Gamble (1919) is traced here. The species now treated under Pyrus by M.F. Fay and Christenh. (2018), excluding the less-known variety tomentosa endemic to Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, southern India. Hence Pyrus lindelayna Wight & Arn. var. tomentosa (Gamble) K.S. Kumar & Arum., a new combination, is proposed here to include the varietal epithet in this regard. The lectotypes for the basionym of the species as well as for the varietal epithet are also designated here.
Crateva tapia L. occurs only in Brazil and belongs to the family Capparaceae. This study aimed to characterize the morphoanatomy and histochemistry of stem and leaves, and phytochemical tests of the leaf of C. tapia. Macroscopic characterization was performed with the aid of a pachymeter and a stereomicroscope. Cross-sections of the stem, petiole, petiolule, and leaf blade, as well as paradermal sections of the leaf blade were mounted on microscope slides. Analyzes were carried out with optical microscopy. For histochemical analysis, different reagents were useda ccording to the targeted metabolite. Phytochemical tests of the methanolic extracts of the leaves were performed using thin layer chromatography. Crateva tapia has a stem with a circular cross-section and smooth bark. The leaves are alternate spirally, compound 3-foliolate. The leaf blade is elliptical and has a reticulate dictiodromous nerve. Through anatomical characterization, it was possible to identify a hypostomatic leaf blade with anisocytic, tetracytic, and anomocytic stomata and the presence of secretory canals. Through histochemistry and phytochemical tests, it was possible to observe the presence of different metabolites. Thus, the results obtained in this study contribute to the quality control of C. tapia, a species only found in Brazil, increasing the taxonomic knowledge of the family Capparaceae.
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Based on morphological characters and recent molecular evidence, Capparidastrum subgenus Pachycarpum (Capparaceae) is raised to generic status. As Pachycarpus is a previous and valid generic name of Apocynaceae (Asclepiadoideae), Neocapparis is here proposed as a new generic name for Capparidastrum subgenus Pachycarpum. Two new combinations for species previously placed in Capparidastrum are presented here: Neocapparis pachaca and Neocapparis quina. The new genus is restricted to Neotropical dry forests, ranging from Mexico to northern Colombia and Venezuela and disjunct to western Ecuador and Peru. Illustrations of species and full citation of collections are provided.
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Resucitamos Capparidastrum (Capparaceae), un género neotropical tradicionalmente incluido en Capparis s.l., que comprende tres subgéneros: subgén. Capparidastrum (dos spp.), Pulviniglans subgen. nov. (11 spp.), y Pachycarpum subgen. nov. (dos spp.). Transferimos las siguientes especies de Capparis s.l. al subgén. Capparidastrum: C. frondosum comb. nov., adicionándola a C solum, anteriormente transferida por nosotros; en el subgén. Pulviniglans ponemos tres de las cuatro especies de Capparidastrum de Hutchinson que son aceptadas por nosotros (C. macrophyllum, C. petiolare, C. sprucei), más las siguientes ocho especies aquí transferidas de Capparis s.l.: Capparidastrum bonifazianum comb. nov., C. coimbranum comb. nov., C. cuatrecasanum comb. nov., C. discolor comb. nov., C. humile comb. nov., C. mollicellum comb. nov., C. osmanthum comb. nov., y C. quiriguense comb. nov. Finalmente, colocamos en el subgén. Pachycarpum a los siguientes taxa: C. quinum comb. nov., C. pachaca subsp. oxysepalum comb. nov. y C. pachaca, esta última especie ha sido previamente transferida por Hutchinson. Se discuten las relaciones de Capparidastrum con sus géneros afines y se provee de una clave de identificación para los géneros neotropicales de Capparaceae con hojas simples y pubescencias simples o glabros.
Basionym: Capparis petiolaris Kunth
Capparidastrum petiolare (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Plants 2: 310. 1967. Basionym: Capparis petiolaris Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 91. 1821. Synonym: Morisonia petiolaris (Kunth) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Basionym: Capparis discolor Donn
Capparidastrum discolor (Donn. Sm.) Cornejo & Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13(2): 233. 2008. Basionym: Capparis discolor Donn. Sm., Bot. Gazette 24: 389. 1897. Synonym: Morisonia discolor (Donn. Sm.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Basionym: Capparis ecuadorica Iltis
  • Cynophalla
  • Harvard Pap Cornejo
  • Bot
Cynophalla ecuadorica (Iltis) Iltis & Cornejo, Harvard Pap. Bot. 13: 118. 2008. Basionym: Capparis ecuadorica Iltis, Selbyana 2: 303. 1978. Synonym: Morisonia ecuadorica (Iltis) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.
Caldasia 2: 52. 1941. Morisonia hastata (Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn
  • Dugand
Dugand, Caldasia 2: 52. 1941. Morisonia hastata (Jacq.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 141. 2018, syn. nov.
2: 7. 1898. Morisonia retusa (Griseb.), Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn
  • Rev Kuntze
  • Gen
  • Plant
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 2: 7. 1898. Morisonia retusa (Griseb.), Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Rostlin 2: 275. 1825. Basionym: Capparis sessilis Banks ex DC., Prodr. 1: 249. 1824. Synonym: Morisonia sessilis
  • J Presl
Cynophalla sessilis (Banks ex DC.) J. Presl, Přir. Rostlin 2: 275. 1825. Basionym: Capparis sessilis Banks ex DC., Prodr. 1: 249. 1824. Synonym: Morisonia sessilis (Banks ex DC.) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 142. 2018, syn. nov.
Basionym: Capparis panamensis Iltis
  • Harvard Pap Iltis
  • Bot
Preslianthus panamensis (Iltis) Iltis, Harvard Pap. Bot. 18(2): 147. 2013. Basionym: Capparis panamensis Iltis, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 68: 681. 1981 [1982].
Basionym: Capparis angustifolia Kunth
  • J Cornejo
  • Bot
Quadrella angustifolia (Kunth) Iltis & Cornejo, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(1): 129. 2010. Basionym: Capparis angustifolia Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 5: 46 t. 438. 1821. Synonyms: Octanema angustifolia (Kunth) Raf., Sylva Tellur. 112. 1838. Colicodendron angustifolium (Kunth) Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2: 309. 1967. Morisonia angustifolia (Kunth) Christenh. & Bing, The Global Flora 4: 139. 2018, syn. nov.