Conference PaperPDF Available

Development Of A Knowledge Portal For Tuberculosis Based On Semantic Web

ISBN 978-989-97433-9-7 E-book edition 2018 by SciKA
Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the
CENTERIS 2018 Conference on Enterprise Information Systems /
ProjMAN 2018 International Conference on Project MANagement /
HCist 2018 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
Development of a Knowledge Portal for Tuberculosis based
on Semantic Web
Ricardo Roberto de Limaa,
, Francisco Barbosa Juniorb, Felipe Carvalho
Pellisona, Vinicius Costa Limaa, Vinicius Tohoru Yoshiurab, Nathalia Yukie
Crepaldib, Lídia Maria Lourençön Rodriguesb, Rui Pedro Charters Lopes
Rijoc, Domingos Alvesb
aBioengineering Postgraduate Program, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil
bRibeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
cSchool of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report published in 2017, tuberculosis (TB) is the ninth cause
of death worldwide and the main cause of death among infectious-contagious diseases. Brazil is ranked between
the top 20 with the highest estimated numbers of incident TB cases. In order to support health professionals in the
fight against TB, information technology becomes an important ally in the creation of strategies and tools that can
help in the management and application of local and global public policies recommended by WHO for TB patients
control. In this work, a support tool will be presented as a semantic web portal. The innovation of this portal in
relation to others TB portals in Brazil is the use of semantically tagged data that will enable the standardized
understanding of knowledge of TB data and TB indicators, both by humans and computers, on Brazilian scenario.
Keywords: Tuberculosis; Semantic Web; Health Information System.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 16 99157 1529.
E-mail address: .
ISBN 978-989-97433-9-7 E-book edition 2018 by SciKA
Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the
CENTERIS 2018 Conference on Enterprise Information Systems /
ProjMAN 2018 International Conference on Project MANagement /
HCist 2018 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
1. Introduction
The large amount of data and the various methods of recording and storing data on the World Wide
Web increase the chances of redundancies, losses and inconsistencies of information, hampering
improvement actions and access to accurate information [1]. Thus, Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila
(2001) proposed the evolution of the current Web of Documents for a Programmable Web through the
application of semantics to the data to facilitate their understanding and interoperability. The Semantic
Web connects and associates information that were previously disconnected, establishing a standard for
communication based on several domains knowledge, defined through ontologies [2][3].
There are TB content portals worldwide, such as WHO/Tuberculosis, TB Alliance, REDE-TB, GEOTB, and others
[4][5][6][7]. However, no studies were found using the Semantic Web paradigm in the context of TB portals.
Therefore, the objective of this work is to develop a portal with semantic markup created as a tool to support health
professionals and to disseminate TB related content and indicators. Different from traditional TB portals, this one
will present information with aggregated knowledge in a standardize, optimized and direct way for consumption
by both humans and computers with best accuracy in the searches results performed on the web.
2. Background
The assistance to TB patients is carried out in different levels of the Brazilian public health system
and involves the use of different software that records data in different databases. This scenario
generates barriers to retrieve information, lack of data standardization and difficulties to produce health
indicators to support healthcare professionals and in the creation of new public policies to combat
In Brazil, the main databases used for TB control are: SisTB - Software for control and follow-up of
TB patients in the city of Ribeirão Preto; HygiaWeb - Public management software of the city of
Ribeirão Preto; TBWEB - Software used by the government of the State of São Paulo for
epidemiological surveillance; SINAM - National system of registration for notification of cases of
diseases and diseases of compulsory notification; and GAL - Software to manage the System of Public
Health National Laboratories of the National Networks of Laboratories of Epidemiologic Surveillance
and Environmental Surveillance Health.
Through Semantic web it is possible to connect these virtual repositories to share information and
knowledge using structured and formalized content through a set of vocabularies mapped and
standardized by ontologies [8]. Ontologies applied in the health field have been the object of interest of
several studies like ontologies to map population health indicators [9], as well as TB researches to map
TB ontologies [10][11]. In order to structure the content and the knowledge of the proposed portal, some
technologies are used: Microdata, Resource Description Framework (RDF), SPARQL Protocol and
RDF Query Language and Web Ontology Language (OWL).
ISBN 978-989-97433-9-7 E-book edition 2018 by SciKA
Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the
CENTERIS 2018 Conference on Enterprise Information Systems /
ProjMAN 2018 International Conference on Project MANagement /
HCist 2018 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
3. Research Methods
The research methodology chosen for this work is action research. Used across several research
areas, action research is a type of inquiry action applied in any process that investigates a practice and
acting, practically, to create improvements in the observed process [12]. This project presents an
investigative and practical character aligned to the methodology.
Unlike other portals that address information about TB, this portal also addresses TB-related issues,
but includes in its model the use of semantic structures. These structures create in the portal an
intelligence that enables the extraction of knowledge based on the consumption of ontologies for the
general content. In addition, the portal includes the presentation of some health indicators defined on
the Manual of Recommendations for the Control of Tuberculosis in Brazil to facilitate the quantification
and evaluation of the information generated for this purpose [13][14]. Furthermore, these indicators will
be semantically marked.
The stages that precede the development include the understanding of the main Semantic Web
technologies and tools, study of health ontologies repositories and selection of ontologies associated
with tuberculosis. The project management is based on agile management methodology through
Scrumban [15]. The logical modeling uses Unified Modelling Language (UML) [16]. Drupal, an open
source content management system (CMS) that provides a native functionality for semantic markup and
allows users to easily manage the portal, was the tool chosen to develop the Web Portal [17]. An
interoperability framework provides functional and semantic access to all databases, such as SisTB,
HygiaWeb, TBWEB, SINAM and GAL, used in the portal. Some of the purposes of this framework are
to provide a set of standardized ontologies and to retrieve standardized semantic data to be used in
semantically tagged HTML pages [18]. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) will be used as the formal
reference to map tuberculosis knowledge within the domain proposed by the work [19].
4. Conclusion
The innovation presented in this work is a web portal developed with a user friendly interface that
addresses TB content as well as related indicators with capacity to manage knowledge through content
semantic markup. This view is aligned with the Semantic Web proposal that defines that both humans
and machines must have the same understanding and knowledge about things. Google searches show
results in organic order and so the user still needs to filter the search content. Unlike Google, a
semantically structured portal knows exactly what to show to the user according to the search query
reducing the need of content filtering by the user. For computers, semantic structures allow the
extraction of relevant information from the portal content, enabling the reuse and exchange of
information through a machine-friendly interface.
ISBN 978-989-97433-9-7 E-book edition 2018 by SciKA
Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the
CENTERIS 2018 Conference on Enterprise Information Systems /
ProjMAN 2018 International Conference on Project MANagement /
HCist 2018 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
[1] Arens, Y., Chee, C. Y., Hsu, C. N., & Knoblock, C. A. (1993). Retrieving and integrating data from multiple information
sources. International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, 2(02), 127-158.
[2] Berners Lee, T., Hendler, J., & Lassila, O. (2001). The semantic web. Scientific American, 284(5), 2837.
[3] Gruber, T. R. (1993). A translation approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge acquisition, 5(2), 199-220.
[4] WHO, World Health Organization [homepage]. Tuberculosis (TB) [accessed in May 11, 2018]. Available at:
[5] TB ALLIANCE [homepage]. 2018 [accessed in May 11, 2018]. Available at:
[6] REDE-TB [homepage]. 2018 [accessed in May 11, 2018]. Available at:
[7] GEOTB [homepage]. 2018 [accessed in May 11, 2018]. Available at:
[8] Baofu, Peter. (2015). The Future of Post-Human Meta-Data: Towards a New Theory of Structure. Brisbane, Australia: The
Primrose Hall Publishing Group.
[9] Shaban-Nejad A et al. (2017). PopHR: a knowledge-based platform to support integration, analysis, and visualization of
population health data. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
[10] Abhishek, K., & Singh, M. P. An Ontology based Decision support for Tuberculosis Management and Control in India.
[11] Pandiyan, M., El-Hassan, O., Khamis, A. H., & Rajasekaran, P. (2016). Ontology with SVM Based Diagnosis of
Tuberculosis and Statistical Analysis. International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 3(3), 37-43.
[12] Tripp, David. (2005). Action research: a methodological introduction. Educação e Pesquisa, 31(3), 443-466.
[13] Rondelli, JPP (2017). Desenvolvimento de uma Ferramenta de Geração de Relatórios para Auxiliar o Acompanhamento do
Tratamento de Tuberculose.
[14] Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica. Brasília;
Ministério da Saúde; 2011. 284 p.
[15] C. Ladas. (2008) Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development. Seattle, WA: Modus Cooperandi
[16] Rumbaugh J, Jacobson I, Booch G. (2004). Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, The. Pearson Higher
[17] Drupal (2015). Drupal’s Content Management Features. Accessed in March 16, 2015. Available at:
[18] Pellison FC et al. (2017). Development and evaluation of an interoperable system based on the semantic web to enhance
the management of patients’ tuberculosis data. Procedia Computer Science, 121, 791796.
[19] Arp R, Smith B, Spear AD (2015) “Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology” London, England, MIT Press.
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Conference Paper
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Tuberculosis (TB), despite all the efforts and progress made in the last decade, continues to be very relevant in Brazil as well as in other Portuguese-speaking countries, so there is the need to join efforts for increasing the effectiveness of the fight against TB. Therefore, the epidemiological surveillance system of TB requires, not only the implementation of basic prevention and care actions, but also the strengthening of the integration between the different health services, programs and levels of care, whose resolvability varies according to financial, technical and human resources, as well as service infrastructure that comprise the network of attention. The deepening and broadening of data management techniques must constantly be carried out to achieve, at a higher level, integration and integrity of the ideal and desirable health care. Then, the goal of this article is to describe the research methods used to develop an information system using systems interoperability techniques based on the Semantic Web paradigm that will contribute to the activities of epidemiological surveillance and the follow-up of TB patients.
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This paper presents an ontology based formalism of existing system for TB (Tuberculosis) control and management in India that is RNTCP (Revised National TB Control Programme). India in recent years has been highest TB burden country. There are some geographical areas of India which are badly affected by TB. The formalism presented in the paper will help in further investigation /research of a new improved method in developing a decision support system for different government / NGO (Non- Government Organization) organizations.
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As per WHO report, Tuberculosis remains one of the world's deadliest communicable diseases. In 2013, an estimated 9.0 million developed TB and 1.5 million died from the disease, 360,000 of which whom were HIV positive. Tuberculosis is still a major problem in advanced countries due to specific socioeconomic factors. From a global perspective, many laboratories use the same methods today that were in use long time ago for the detection of tuberculosis, because most of innovative current technologies for the detection of tuberculosis incurs high cost and cannot be afforded for all the countries. The detection of tuberculosis remains a challenge from the point of diagnosis and confirmation and there is a growing need of accurate diagnosis process. In this research, an ontology based classification of tuberculosis laboratory tests, environmental factors and other vital signs are studied along with support vector machine for the diagnosis of the tuberculosis disease. Through this method, we are able to measure of the weightage of the disease, the future onset of the disease and produce, an alert. Ontology based classification is widely used for knowledge based information grouping and structuring while SVM is used for accurate and fast machine learning algorithm. By combining Ontology and the training data based on various characteristic of the tuberculosis are passed onto linear SVM. The results we are able to achieve with this method are helpful for diagnosis support and future onset.
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As a result of its greatly increased in popularity and range of application, action research has now become a loosely applied term for any kind of attempt to improve or investigate practice. In view of the confusion that frequently arises from this, the main aim of this author is to clarify the term. After a brief history of the method, the makes a case for regarding action research as one of a number of different forms of action inquiry which he briefly defines as any ongoing, systematic, empirically based attempt to improve practice. The author them discusses the role of theory in action research before describing what he sees as the distinguishing characteristics of the process. Next, a more detailed examination of the action research cycle is prefaced by an account of the way in which action research stands between routine practice and academic research. The author then moves on to discuss some common issues with the method, such participation, the role of reflection, the need for knowledge management, and the ethics of the process. The last part of the paper covers five different 'modes' of action research, and it concludes with an outline of the structure of an action research dissertation.
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With the current explosion of data, retrieving and integrating information from various sources is a critical problem. Work in multidatabase systems has begun to address this problem, but it has primarily focused on methods for communicating between databases and requires significant effort for each new database added to the system. This paper describes a more general approach that exploits a semantic model of a problem domain to integrate the information from various information sources. The information sources handled include both databases and knowledge bases, and other information sources (e.g. programs) could potentially be incorporated into the system. This paper describes how both the domain and the information sources are modeled, shows how a query at the domain level is mapped into a set of queries to individual information sources, and presents algorithms for automatically improving the efficiency of queries using knowledge about both the domain and the information sources. This work is implemented in a system called SIMS and has been tested in a transportation planning domain using nine Oracle databases and a Loom knowledge base.
An introduction to the field of applied ontology with examples derived particularly from biomedicine, covering theoretical components, design practices, and practical applications. In the era of “big data,” science is increasingly information driven, and the potential for computers to store, manage, and integrate massive amounts of data has given rise to such new disciplinary fields as biomedical informatics. Applied ontology offers a strategy for the organization of scientific information in computer-tractable form, drawing on concepts not only from computer and information science but also from linguistics, logic, and philosophy. This book provides an introduction to the field of applied ontology that is of particular relevance to biomedicine, covering theoretical components of ontologies, best practices for ontology design, and examples of biomedical ontologies in use. After defining an ontology as a representation of the types of entities in a given domain, the book distinguishes between different kinds of ontologies and taxonomies, and shows how applied ontology draws on more traditional ideas from metaphysics. It presents the core features of the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), now used by over one hundred ontology projects around the world, and offers examples of domain ontologies that utilize BFO. The book also describes Web Ontology Language (OWL), a common framework for Semantic Web technologies. Throughout, the book provides concrete recommendations for the design and construction of domain ontologies.
Population health decision makers must consider complex relationships between multiple concepts measured with differential accuracy from heterogeneous data sources. Population health information systems are currently limited in their ability to integrate data and present a coherent portrait of population health. Consequentially, these systems can provide only basic support for decision makers. The Population Health Record (PopHR) is a semantic web application that automates the integration and extraction of massive amounts of heterogeneous data from multiple distributed sources (e.g., administrative data, clinical records, and survey responses) to support the measurement and monitoring of population health and health system performance for a defined population. The design of the PopHR draws on the theories of the determinants of health and evidence-based public health to harmonize and explicitly link information about a population with evidence about the epidemiology and control of chronic diseases. Organizing information in this manner and linking it explicitly to evidence is expected to improve decision making related to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of population health and health system interventions. In this paper, we describe the PopHR platform and discuss the architecture, design, key modules, and its implementation and use.
Corey Ladas' groundbreaking paper "ScrumBan" has captured the imagination of the software development world. Scrum and agile methodologies have helped software development teams organize and become more efficient. Lean methods like kanban can extend these benefits. Kanban also provides a powerful mechanism to identify process improvement opportunities. This book covers some of the metrics and day-to-day management techniques that make continuous improvement an achievable outcome in the real world. ScrumBan the book provides a series of essays that give practitioners the background needed to create more robust practices combining the best of agile and lean.