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Ethnic nationalism and gatekeeping in the European media: Volume II


Abstract and Figures

This study explores relationships between agenda building, agenda indexing (reflected through share of voice as the key variable), and agenda-setting effects, measured through the combination of public opinion survey data and quantitative content analysis. It conceptually distinguishes between the three metrics often used interchangeably in the professional discourse by advertising and media practitioners – share of voice, share of influence, and share of conversation – and explores how they could be applied in political communication research to become useful tools for agenda-setting researchers. The results of the study indicate that an increased level of nationalism serves as a significant predictor for EU policy support through the pathway of decreased pro-EU sentiment, which, on the agenda level, is reflective of pro-nationals being less supportive of the EU policies and the idea of European integration.
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Ethnic nationalism and gatekeeping in the
European media
     
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Keywords:     
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           
The Agenda Setting Journal 3:1 (2019), pp. 23–42. issn 2452-0063 |eissn 2452-0071
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
             
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             
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              
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Literature review
           
         
           
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              
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             
          
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          
           
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              
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          
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             
            
         
         
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           
            
            
           
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        
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26    
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           
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            
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             
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           
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          
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30    
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             
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              
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32    
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             
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           
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Daily Mail  e Sun    n   
Gazeta Wyborcza         Die Welt
   n    Le Figaro, Le Monde  La
Croix            
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            
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34    
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           
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36    
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           p
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  
Note: 
Figure 1.
            
            
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           
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            
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             
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  
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   
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  
 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
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 Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics
   
 Chinese Political Science Review
    
 Journal of Language & Social Psychology
  
 Mershon International Studies Review
    
 Journal of Brand Management
   
 39
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   e New York
Times 
   
    European Journal of
Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie
  Beyond agenda setting: Information subsidies and public policy 
 
  
 Journal of Communication
    
 Revista de Comunicación
   
 International Journal of Advertising
  
     Media, nationalism and European
identities 
    
 Corporate Reputation Review
    
 Public Relations Review
  Culture, globalization and the world system: Contemporary conditions for the
representation of identity  
  
 Political Psychology
   
 Public Relations
  
 Human Relations
     e
Guardian 
      e Euro crisis
in the media: Journalistic coverage of economic crisis and European institutions
   
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Opinion Quarterly
     e news and public opinion: Media
eects on civic life   
     
 Journalism & Mass Communication
   European Aairs
   BBC News
    
Communication eory
     
  e Euro Crisis in the media: Journalistic coverage of economic crisis and
European institutions   
    
 
     
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    
 Journal of Communication
    
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 
  
Journal of Medical Marketing
  e moral judgement of the child  
  
  
 Political Studies
    Mediating the message: eories of inuence on mass
media content   
 41
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  National identity  
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 
   Journalism Quarterly
   
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media   
    
  Political public relations: Principles and applications  
 
   National Identities
    
  Media, Nationalism and European Identities 
 
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 Journal of Communication
  e public and the national agenda: How people learn about important issues
   
 Journal of Language and Politics
    
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Many innovative forms of media entered the online mediascape and can potentially set public agendas. This study drew on peer-produced news content on Wikipedia and theorized its unprecedented agenda building power within a network of diverse media sources. Adopting the network agenda-setting model, this study collected comprehensive global news coverage and Wikipedia coverage of top US political news events from 2015 to 2020. Time series analysis found that none of the media types (Wikipedia, elite media, and non-elite media) exhibited dominant agenda-setting power, while each of them can lead the agenda in certain circumstances. Wikipedia was a critical agenda setter for other media entities, and it also reflected the public’s collective evaluation of existing news agendas from multiple sources. This article proposed a multi-agent and multidirectional network architecture to describe agenda-setting relationships. We also highlighted four unique characteristics of Wikipedia that matter for digital journalism.
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This study investigates how the electoral campaigns in Florida’s 2018 gubernatorial and Senate races used information subsidies to influence each other’s integrated marketing communications. Informed by agenda-building theory, the study probes which campaign and which party had the strongest transfer of issue and stakeholder salience (first-level) and sentiment (second-level) in campaign communications across the two races. Data include issue statements, press releases, tweets, and email blasts. Results of a lexicon-based automated content analysis show evidence for both unidirectional and bi-directional agenda-building influence of stakeholder salience. Further, data suggest the gubernatorial campaigns (DeSantis and Gillum) engaged in subtly more positive, self-promotion-based marketing than their counterparts in the Senate race (Scott and Nelson). Findings contribute theoretical and practical applications to political communication in election campaigning.
Conference Paper
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In the current scenario, digital tools such as virtual reality environments have the potential to support learning. According to educationists, the use of digital tools in curriculum makes practical understanding and incubate operational abilities among students. But digitalization of curriculum, especially for learning art and design arises a couple of significant questions; how and what types of interactivity and playful engagements required for tech-savvy experiential learning. How the learning outcome could be evaluated in specific art and design lesson. This study aims to develop a virtual reality-based activity that involves the student developing an innovative idea by assembling and creating new images such as pattern or art forms or utility objects in the context of the Indian school. Besides, an evaluation format is developed with the reference of revised Bloom's Taxonomy. The idea of VR environment developing method carried out three aspects of virtual environment making strategies; Spatiality- the use of space, virtuality- a feeling of being there and representation- the choice of present the things. By using a handheld controller participant hunt the assets and change their forms and placed them in position. The study follows the practice-based methodology and qualitative analysis to define reflectivity and addresses the trustworthiness criteria. This study also includes the process of developing a VR environment and analyzing practitioner’s experience to understand the ease and difficulties in terms of making, applicability, and usability. Keywords: Art and design, virtual reality, experiential learning, evaluation tool
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In highly mediatized democracies, political parties and other political actors have to manage the news and adapt to the fact that news media have become largely independent and highly influential. In this chapter, the authors bridge theory and research on strategic party behavior, mediatization, and political public relations to analyze why and how political parties seek to manage the news to further their strategic goals. Based on a review of the literature, the authors suggest a typology of strategies and tactics that political parties can use to manage the news. One conclusion is that adaption to news media need to follow from the strategic goals of the party. Otherwise adapting to news media is not strategic but rather surrendering to news media and news media logic.
What are the facilitating conditions for right-wing populism? This paper explores the moral and nationalist foundations of right-wing populist appeal. Using European Social Survey data, we demonstrate that voting for right-wing populist parties is not associated with anti-elite, anti-establishment sentiment, but instead with moral beliefs in the cultural purity of nationhood and its centrality to the preservation of national identity, which we call restorative nationalism. We draw on qualitative data from Central and Eastern Europe to demonstrate how narratives of restorative nationalism can bolster right-wing populist politicians.
In this paper we focus on analysing relationships between share of voice and share of market for a wide variety of fmcg product categories, in the conceptual framework of John Philip Jones’ Advertising Intensiveness Curve. Data used are single-source. We show that the general relationship of a relatively larger share of voice for smaller brands and a relatively smaller share of voice for larger brands holds true. We also analyse how the level of advertising in product categories affects this relationship, and how the level of competition in the product categories alters the Advertising Intensiveness Curve.
Several theories have sought to address responses to normatively deviant behavior, but have done so with a focus either on group-level or on individual-level behavior. Yet, due to some characteristics of online contexts, identities can be salient at both a group and/or individual level, creating a more complex set of influences on responding to deviance. We explore responses to online communicative deviance by integrating social identity approaches (a group-level perspective) and expectancy violations theory (an individual-level perspective). Social identity emphasizes the role of group identification in responding to deviance, especially relevant in anonymous online contexts, while expectancy violations theory notes how individuals respond to ambiguous deviance through assessing the reward value of the deviant.
This study content analyzed all print newspaper articles addressing U.S. immigration from Mexico appearing in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas during a 1-year period for presence of linguistic intergroup bias. Across all four states, negative statements outnumbered positive statements; this negativity bias was more pronounced for out-group than in-group statements in all states except California. Consistent with the linguistic intergroup bias, positive in-group and negative out-group statements were encoded using more abstract language than negative in-group and positive out-group statements.
This study aims to understand the psychological mechanisms of the generation of viewers' emotional reactions in successful media events and the role of social identity in the process. An online survey was conducted among Chinese viewers shortly after an important national ceremony was broadcast in China. A direct route between viewers' media consumption and emotional arousal and a mediated route between them through cognition of the symbolism in the event were found. However, high-nationalist viewers were only aroused through symbolic cognition, while low-nationalist viewers gained emotions through both of the direct and the indirect routes. The findings suggest two psychological mechanisms of ritual communications moderated by social identities and clarify the role of social identity in media ritual theories.