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Helicobacter pylori and enteric parasites co-infection among diarrheic and non-diarrheic Egyptian children: seasonality, estimated risks, and predictive factors



Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and intestinal parasites are known for their high prevalence in children. Both of them infect the gastrointestinal tract with overlapping clinical pictures. This study was conducted to determine H. pylori prevalence and its association with intestinal parasites in children, moreover to estimate risk and predictive factors for their detection in stool samples. Single fecal samples were collected from 226 Egyptian pediatric patients (125 diarrheic and 101 non-diarrheic) attending gastroenterology outpatients’ clinics, from February 2016 to June 2017. All stool specimens were microscopically examined to search for ova and parasites. Copro-DNAs detection of H. pylori and Cryptosporidium were performed using nested-PCR assays. H. pylori was detected molecularly in 36.8% of the total study population, with a higher prevalence in diarrheic than in non-diarrheic children. Intestinal parasites were detected in 27.4% of the total study populations, of these, 43.9% had co-existence with H. pylori colonized patients and was significantly associated with Cryptosporidium spp. and G. intestinalis. Estimated risk of the presence of H. pylori was in January. Our data provide a better understanding of the epidemiology of H. pylori infection when associated with intestinal parasites. H. pylori co-existence with G. intestinals and Cryptosporidium may suggest the association of H. pylori infection with markers of fecal exposure. Whether H. pylori provides favorable conditions for intestinal parasitosis or vice versa, still further investigations are needed with an emphasis upon determining correlation with gut microbiomes.
Helicobacter pylori and enteric parasites co-infection
among diarrheic and non-diarrheic Egyptian children:
seasonality, estimated risks, and predictive factors
Asmaa Ibrahim
Yasser B. M. Ali
Amal Abdel-Aziz
Ayman A. El-Badry
Received: 14 November 2018 / Accepted: 15 December 2018 / Published online: 1 January 2019
ÓIndian Society for Parasitology 2019
Abstract Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and intestinal
parasites are known for their high prevalence in children.
Both of them infect the gastrointestinal tract with over-
lapping clinical pictures. This study was conducted to
determine H. pylori prevalence and its association with
intestinal parasites in children, moreover to estimate risk
and predictive factors for their detection in stool samples.
Single fecal samples were collected from 226 Egyptian
pediatric patients (125 diarrheic and 101 non-diarrheic)
attending gastroenterology outpatients’ clinics, from
February 2016 to June 2017. All stool specimens were
microscopically examined to search for ova and parasites.
Copro-DNAs detection of H. pylori and Cryptosporidium
were performed using nested-PCR assays. H. pylori was
detected molecularly in 36.8% of the total study popula-
tion, with a higher prevalence in diarrheic than in non-
diarrheic children. Intestinal parasites were detected in
27.4% of the total study populations, of these, 43.9% had
co-existence with H. pylori colonized patients and was
significantly associated with Cryptosporidium spp. and G.
intestinalis. Estimated risk of the presence of H. pylori was
in January. Our data provide a better understanding of the
epidemiology of H. pylori infection when associated with
intestinal parasites. H. pylori co-existence with G. intesti-
nals and Cryptosporidium may suggest the association of
H. pylori infection with markers of fecal exposure. Whe-
ther H. pylori provides favorable conditions for intestinal
parasitosis or vice versa, still further investigations are
needed with an emphasis upon determining correlation
with gut microbiomes.
Keywords Helicobacter pylori Intestinal parasites
Risk factors Diarrhea Children Egypt
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a ubiquitous, helical
shaped, motile, gram-negative bacillus bacterium, which
colonizes the gastric mucosa (Rafeey et al. 2007). Colo-
nization is generally acquired during the first 5 years of
childhood (Rajindrajith et al. 2009). H. pylori prevalence in
children ranges from 30 to 80%, with a predominance in
developing countries and its prevalence differs from one
region to the other in the same country (Suerbaum and
Michetti 2002; Salih 2009). The mode of transmission of
H. pylori is still unclear. Proposed H. pylori transmission
modes include direct contact (fecal–oral increased among
immunocompromised children and children suffering from
diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and dehydration. H. pylori sea-
sonality in our cohort of children showed a circannual
pattern with peaking in winter, drinking contaminated
water and ingestion of contaminated food (Frenck and
&Asmaa Ibrahim
Yasser B. M. Ali
Amal Abdel-Aziz
Ayman A. El-Badry
Diagnostic and Research Unit of Parasitic Diseases (DRUP),
Department of Medical Parasitology, Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty
of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute,
University of Sadat City, Sadat City, Egypt
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Imam
Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208
Clemens 2003). H. pylori infection diagnosis is generally
divided into invasive and non-invasive approaches. A
combination of at least two tests is commonly used as a
gold standard (Sethi et al. 2013). Parasitic infections,
including intestinal parasites, are distributed worldwide
and are endemic in tropical and subtropical countries.
Globally about 3.5 billion individuals are infected with
intestinal parasites, the majority of them being children.
Diarrhea is the most commonly presented gastro- intestinal
symptom and is mainly caused by intestinal parasites,
bacterial pathogens, and viruses. Diarrheal diseases are
globally estimated to be 1.7 billion annual cases (Brooker
et al. 2009; Bhutta et al. 2013; WHO 2017). Giardia
intestinalis (G. intestinalis), Cryptosporidium spp., and
Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica) complex are the
most common intestinal protozoan parasites which cause
acute diarrheal diseases in children (Thompson and Ash
PCR is considered a reliable test; it is performed rapidly
and is cost-effective. Also, it can identify different types/
strains of bacteria and protozoa for pathogenic and epi-
demiologic studies as well as for detection of antibiotic
resistance (Mehmood et al. 2010). Both H. pylori and
intestinal parasites share a common mode of transmission
and may share the same risk and predictive factors, where
one of them supports the colonization of the other. In
addition, protozoa may transmit pathogenic bacteria and
viruses (Yakoob et al. 2005).
There are few studies, which investigated co-infection
between H. pylori and certain protozoa (G. intestinalis,E.
histolytica, and Blastocystis spp.) (Torres et al. 2003;
Moreira et al. 2005; Marini et al. 2007; Zeyrek et al. 2008;
Escobar-Pardo et al. 2011; Sabah et al. 2015). The primary
objective of the present study was to evaluate H. pylori
prevalence and its co-existence with intestinal parasites
among diarrheic and non-diarrheic Egyptian children.
Additionally, we estimated risk and predictive factors,
which are thought to influence the prevalence of this co-
Subjects and methods
Study design and individuals
This cross-sectional study was carried on 226 Egyptian
children (125 diarrheic which include both immunocom-
petent and immunocompromised and 101 non-diarrheic)
attending gastrointestinal outpatients’ clinics, Kasr Al-
Ainy Pediatric hospitals, Cairo University, ranging from 0
to 16 years, from February 2016 to June 2017.
Stool specimen processing
Fresh single stool specimens were collected from each
individual. The related socioeconomic, demographic, envi-
ronmental and clinical data were collected with each sample.
Each sample was examined microscopically and using PCR
for detection of H. pylori and Cryptosporidium spp.
Copro-parasitological examination
All collected fecal samples were microscopically examined
for detection of intestinal parasite and associated elements
like pus, rbcs sand Charcot–Leyden crystals by direct wet
mount before and after formal ether concentration tech-
nique (Chesbrough 2006). Fecal smears were stained by
Kinyoun modified acid-fast stain for coccidian protozoa
detection (Garcia et al. 1983).
Copro-PCR assay
Genomic DNA extraction
Thermal shocking was done for each fecal specimen to
disrupt the oocyst wall, then genomic copro-DNA extrac-
tion from each sample was done with the Favor Stool DNA
Spin Columns Isolation Kit (cat. no. FAST1; Favorgen
Biotech Corporation, Taiwan) following the manufac-
turer’s instructions.
Helicobacter pylori nested polymerase chain reaction
(nPCR) assay
Helicobacter pylori extracted DNA amplification was
performed by nPCR targeting the H. pylori UreA gene with
two sequential PCR reactions. The first reaction amplified
the 293 bp fragment by using the 81external primers set;
reaction amplified the 200 bp fragment by internal primers
tion in each reaction was done following directions of
Sasaki et al. (1999). The amplified nPCR products were
stained with ethidium bromide and electrophoresed on
agarose gel (1.5%) in TAE buffer and were visualized
under a UV transilluminator.
Cryptosporidium spp nPCR assay
Cryptosporidium extracted DNA amplification was per-
formed by nPCR that targeted the COWP gene, which
included two sequential PCR reactions. The primary
reaction amplified the 769- bp fragment by using
J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208 199
ATGTAAACCC-30. The secondary reaction amplified the
553-bp fragment by internal sets -Cry-15: 50-GTAGAT
GAAATACAGGCATTATCTTG-30. Amplification in each
reaction was done according to steps carried out by Spano
et al. (1997) and, Pedraza-Dı
´az et al. (2001). The amplified
nPCR products were stained with ethidium bromide and
electrophoresed on agarose gel (1.5%) in TAE buffer and
were visualized under a UV transilluminator.
Analysis of Restriction-fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) was conducted following the manufacturer’s
instructions using RsaI to fragment Cryptosporidium PCR
products for genotyping (product no. ER1121; Thermo
Scientific). Fragmented PCR products were elec-
trophoresed in Metaphor agarose gel (3%) after staining
with ethidium bromide, and gels were visualized using UV
Statistical analysis
The statistical package SPSS 17 (Chicago, IL, USA) was
used to statistically analyze the data with Fisher’s exact test
and multiple logistic regressions. Study variables, where
associated with statistical significance with the prevalence
of the bacterium H. pylori in the univariate analysis, were
subjected to multivariate logistic regression. The H. pylori
seasonality was performed by analysis of the number of
positive cases of H. pylori per number of presenting
patients per month, for duplicated months the mean was
Helicobacter pylori DNA was detected in 36.8% (82/226)
of total study population using PCR targeting H. pylori
UreA gene (Fig. 1), with a higher occurrence in diarrheic
(68.3% [56/82]) than in non-diarrheic patients (31.7% [26/
82]) (Table 1).
Intestinal parasites were detected in 27.4% (62/226) of
the study groups with Cryptosporidium being the pre-
dominant parasite (8.8%), followed by G. intestinalis
(8.4%), Blastocyst spp. (4.4%) and E. histolytica complex
(3.5%) (Table 4). Both Cryptosporidium genotypes, the
anthroponotic Cryptosporidium hominis (C. hominis) and
the zoonotic Cryptosporidium parvum (Fig. 2), were
detected with a predominance of C. hominis genotype
(80%) (Table 1; Fig. 3).
Intestinal parasites co-existed in 43.9% (36/82) of the H.
pylori colonized patients, with a statistically significant
association. H. pylori colonized half of the stool samples
that were collected from diarrheic children (28/56)
(Table 4). Polyparasitism (concurrent infection with mul-
tiple intestinal parasites species) occurred in six diarrheic
cases (Table 5). They were significantly associated with
the presence of H. pylori in the stool (P\0.05).
Fig. 1 Showing agarose gel electrophoresis for the products of the
nPCR targeting UreA gene of H. pylori at 200 bp. Lane 1: 100 bp
DNA molecular weight marker ‘ladder’’. Lanes 2–4, 6, 7, 9 and 11:
Positive samples. Lanes 5, 8 and 10: Negative samples. Lane 11:
Negative control. Lane 12: Positive control
Table 1 Results of molecular detection of H. pylori and Cryp-
tosporidium spp and genotypes among study population
H. pylori result using PCR
Positive Negative Total
Positive (Genotype)
C. hominis 00 0
C. parvum 00 0
Total 0 0 0
Negative 26 (25.7%) 75 (74.3%) 101 (100%)
Total 26 (25.7%) 75 (74.3%) 101 (100%)
Positive (genotype)
C. hominis 10 (8%) 6 (4.8%) 16 (12.8%)
C. parvum 2 (1.6%) 2 (1.6%) 4 (3.2%)
Total 12 (9.6%) 8 (6.4%) 20 (16%)
Negative 44 (35.2%) 61 (48.8) 105
Total 56 (44.8%) 69 (56.2%) 125 (100%)
Positive (genotype)
C. hominis 10 (4.4%) 6 (2.6) 16 (7%)
C. parvum 2 (0.9) 2 (0.9%) 4 (1.8%)
Total 12 (5.3%) 8 (3.5%) 20 (8.8%)
Negative 70 (31%) 136 (60.2%) 206 (91.2%)
Total 82 (36.3%) 144 (63.7%) 226 (100%)
200 J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208
Helicobacter pylori was detected throughout the year, in
both study groups, peaking in December only for non-di-
arrheic children (Fig. 4) with statistical significance
In an effort to identify prospective shared risk factors that
could elucidate the positive association between H. pylori and
certain intestinal protozoan parasites, a number of the studied
variables such as consumed milk, immune status (immuno-
competent/immunocompromised) (Table 2), gastrointestinal
symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and dehydration)
(Table 3), co- existence of G. intestinalis and Cryptosporidium
parasites (Table 4) and polyparasitism were significantly
associated (P\0.05) with detection of H. pylori in the stool
(Table 5). These study variables were subjected to multivariate
analysis by logistic regression and revealed an estimated
increase in the risk of H. pylori within immunocompromised
children, children presenting diarrhea, vomiting, fever, dehy-
dration, and children who had G. intestinalis,Cryptosporidium
spp. or multiple parasites in their stool (Table 6).
Helicobacter pylori is the most prevalent human bacteria;
its infection is a serious worldwide health problem, espe-
cially in developing countries. The infection is mainly
acquired in early childhood, which can lead to gastritis in
children and adults and may cause peptic ulcer (Whitney
et al. 2000; Gallo et al. 2003; Mansour-Ghanaei et al.
2010). In our study, the overall H. pylori infection preva-
lence was 36.3%, rendering it the most prevalent pathogen
detected in the stool of our study population. This finding is
confirmed by a previous study from Egypt (33%) (Frenck
et al. 2006) as well as the reported global average preva-
lence in children (32.6%) (Zamani et al. 2018).
There was a circannual seasonal variation of H. pylori
for both diarrheic and non-diarrheic children, with peaking
in mid-winter in non-diarrheic children. Though we
reported seasonality of H. pylori in Egyptian children for
the first time, this seasonal pattern with an increase in the
rate of transmission in winter than in summer has been
previously reported (Savarino et al. 1992; Raschka et al.
1999). Although we did not include peptic ulcer in our
study variables, the seasonal variation in H. pylori was
found to be parallel to peptic ulcer periodicity (Savarino
et al. 1992; Raschka et al. 1999). Co-infections between H.
pylori and protozoa namely, G. intestinalis,E. histolytica,
and Blastocystis spp. have rarely been studied. The few
Fig. 2 Showing agarose gel electrophoresis for the products of the
nPCR targeting COWP gene of Cryptosporidium spp. at 553 bp. Lane
1: 50 bp DNA molecular weight marker ‘ladder’’. Lane 2: positive
control. Lanes 3–10: positive samples
Fig. 3 Showing agarose gel electrophoresis for the products of the
nPCR targeting COWP gene of Cryptosporidium spp. after digestion
by RsaI. Lane 1: 100 bp DNA molecular weight marker ‘‘ladder’’,
lanes 2–6: Positive C. hominis samples (285, 125, 106 and 34 bp).
Lanes 7–11: positive C. parvum samples (410, 106 and 34 bp)
Fig. 4 Seasonal distribution of cases of H. pylori (%) among
diarrheic and non-diarrheic children positive by PCR
J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208 201
Table 2 Distribution of studied variables among study population in relation to diarrhea and H. pylori colonization
Non-Diarrhoeic Diarrhoeic All study individuals
H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value
Age group
0–1 years 0 0 0 15 (12) 7 (5.6) 22 (17.6) 15 (6.6) 7 (3.1) 22 (9.7)
[2–5 years 46 (45.5) 16 (15.8) 62 (61.4) 0.72 33 (26.4) 23 (18.4) 56 (44.8) 0.24 79 (35) 39 (17.2) 118 (52.2) 0.34
[5–12 years 28 (27.7) 9 (8.9) 37 (36.6) 18 (14.4) 24 (19.2) 42 (33.6) 46 (20.4) 33 (14.6) 79 (35)
[12–16 years 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9) 2 (1.8) 3 (2.4) 2 (1.6) 5 (4) 4 (1.7) 3 (1.3) 7 (3)
Female 41 (40.6) 14 (13.8) 55 (54.4) 31 (24.8) 23 (18.4) 54 (43.2) 72 (31.85) 37 (16.3) 109 (48.2)
Male 34(33.6) 12 (11.9) 46 (45.5) 1.00 38(30.4) 33(26.4) 71 (56.8) 0.77 72(31.85) 45 (20) 117 (51.8) 0.49
Urban 27(26.7) 12 (11.9) 39 (38.6) 0.36 35 (28) 22 (17.6) 57 (45.6) 0.21 62 (27.3) 34 (15) 96 (42.4) 0.89
Rural 48 (47.5) 14 (13.9) 62 (61.4) 34 (27.2) 34 (27.2) 68 (54.4) 82 (36.3) 48 (21.3) 130 (57.6)
Water source
No 71 (70.3) 25 (24.8) 96 (95) 1.0 67 (53.6) 52 (41.6) 119 (95.2) 0.41 138 (61.1) 77 (34.1) 215 (95.1) 0.53
Yes 4 (4%) 1 (1%) 5 (5) 2 (1.6) 4 (3.2) 6 (4.8) 6 (2.7) 5 (2.2) 11 (4.9)
Animal at the house
No 72 (71.3) 24 (23.8) 96 (95.1) 68 (54.4) 54 (43.2) 122 (97.6) 140 (62) 78 (34.6) 218 (96.5)
Yes 3 (3%) 2 (2%) 5 (5%) 0.6 1 (0.8) 2 (1.6) 3 (2.4) 0.59 4 (1.7) 4 (1.7) 8 (3.5) 0.47
Fresh 68 (67.3) 20 (19.8) 88 (87.1) 19 (15.2) 18 (14.4) 37 (29.6) 87 (38.5) 38 (16.8) 125 (55.3)
Canned 3 (3%) 2 (2%) 5 (5%0 12 (9.6) 20 (16) 32 (25.6) 15 (6.6) 22(9.7) 37(16.3) 0.0001*
Breast 3 (3%) 1 (0.9) 4 (3.9) 0.110 26 (20.8) 6 (4.8) 32 (25.6) 0.002* 29 (12.8) 7 (3.1) 36 (15.9)
Pasteurized 0 0 0 5 (4) 1 (0.8) 6 (4.8) 5 (2.2) 1(0.4) 6 (2.6)
Not 1 (0.9) 3 (3%) 4 (3.9) 7 (5.6) 11 (8.8) 18 (14.4) 8 (3.5) 14 (6.2) 22 (9.7)
202 J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208
Table 3 Associated clinical symptoms and immunity status among study population
Non-diarrhoeic Diarrhoeic All study individuals
H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value H. pylori negative H. pylori positive Total P. value
Yes 0 0 0 No
69 (55.2) 56 (44.8) 125 (100) No
69 (55.2) 56 (44.8) 125 (100) 0.003*
No 75(74.3) 26(25.7) 101(100) 0 0 0 75 (74.3) 26 (25.7) 101 (100)
Yes 4 (3.96) 5 (4.95) 9 (8.9) 0.047* 17 (13.6) 29 (23.2) 46 (36.8) 0.003* 21 (9.3) 34 (15) 55 (24.3) 0.0001*
No 71 (70.3) 21 (20.8) 92(91.1) 52(41.6) 27(21.6) 79 (63.2) 123 (54.4) 48 (21.2) 171 (65.6)
Yes 3 (3) 8 (7.9) (10.9) 15 (12) 10 (8) 25 (20) 18 (8) 18 (8) 36 (15.9)
No 72 (71.3) 18 (17.8) 90 (89.1) 0.001* 54 (43.2) 46 (36.8) 100 (69) 0.657 126 (55.8) 64 (28.3) 190 (84.1) 0.088
Abdominal pain
Yes 64 (63.4) 23 (22.8) 87 (86.1) 1.000 60 (48) 54 (43.2) 114 (91.2) 124 (54.9) 77 (34.1) 201 (88.9) 0.081
No 11 (10.9) 3 (3%) 14 (13.9) 9 (7.2) 2 (1.6) 11 (8.8) 0.109 20 (8.8) 5 (2.2) 25 (11.1)
Yes 5 (5%) 8 (7.9) 13 (12.9) 10 (8) 1 (0.8) 11 (8.8) 15 (6.6) 9 (4) 24 (10.6) 1.000
No 70 (69.3) 18 (17.8) 88 (87.1) 0.004* 59 (47.2) 55 (44) 114 (91.2) 0.022 129 (57.1) 73 (32.3) 202 (89.4)
Alternating constipation
Yes 3 (3) 2 (2%) 5 (5%) 3 (2.4) 3 (2.4) 6 (4.8) 6 (2.7) 5 (2.2) 11 (4.9) 0.533
No 72 (71.3) 24 (23.8) 96 (95) 0.601 66 (52.8) 53 (42.4) 119 (95.2) 1.000 138 (61.1) 77 (34.1) 215 (95.1)
Immuno-competent 75 (74.3) 26 (25.7) 101 (100) No
46 (36.8) 31 (24.8) 77 (61.6) 0.20 121 (53.6) 57 (25.2) 178 (78.8) 0.02*
0 0 0 23 (18.4) 25 (20) 48 (38.4) 23 (10.2) 25 (11) 48 (21.2)
Total 75 (74.3) 26 (25.7) 101 (100) 69 (55.2) 56 (44.8) 125 (100) 144 (63.7) 82 (36.3) 226 (100)
J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208 203
existent studies had different objectives and non-conclu-
sive outcomes.
Both H. pylori and intestinal parasites colonize the
human gastrointestinal tract and are the most common
childhood infections (Torres et al. 2003; Moreira et al.
2005; Marini et al. 2007; Zeyrek et al. 2008; Escobar-Pardo
et al. 2011; Sabah et al. 2015). There was a 28.6%
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in our study
populations, predominantly anthroponotic Cryptosporid-
ium and G. intestinalis, of which 43.9% co-existed with H.
pylori with statistical significance (pvalue, 0.02 and 0.05,
Our study revealed that more than half of cryptosporid-
iosis (60%) and/or giardiasis (58%) cases coexisted and
showed a duplicated risk for H. pylori (O.R 2.9 and 2.6,
respectively) with statistical significance. Escobar-Pardo
et al. (2011) and Moreira et al. (2005)reportedanassocia-
tion between detection of G. intestinalis microscopically and
H. pylori with two different method Elisa to determine anti-
H. pylori IgG antibodies and using the
C urea breath test
among children. To our knowledge, the present study is the
first study to include Cryptosporidium protozoa in associa-
tion with H. pylori using molecular assays.
Co-existence of H. pylori and intestinal parasites mostly
occur in low income developing countries and may be
linked mechanically or pathologically. H. pylori shares the
associated gastrointestinal symptoms of intestinal parasites
and shares the same mode of transmission. This may sug-
gest the association of H. pylori infection with markers of
fecal exposure.
This hypothesis may be supported by our findings of a sta-
tistically significant association between presence of H. pylori
and polyparasitism of intestinal parasites in diarrheic children.
Polyparasitism may increase human susceptibility to H. pylori
and other intestinal microbial infections. Both H. pylori and
gastrointestinal parasites share thesameestimatedriskfactors,
including poor sanitation and hygiene, low socioeconomic
conditions and overcrowded populations (Cheng et al. 2009).
These factors affect the dynamics of pathogen transmission and
are the main drivers of the seasonal distribution of infectious
enteric diseases (Lal et al. 2012).
In addition, H. pylori may support Cryptosporidium spp.
and G. intestinalis colonization in human gastrointestinal
tract by producing urease enzyme to overcome gastric
acidity (Suerbaum and Michetti 2002; David and William
2006; Rodriguez et al. 2011). On the other hand, gas-
trointestinal parasitic infection may affect inflammatory
response to H. pylori (Whary et al. 2011). This significant
co-existence may suggest that H. pylori could be a risk
factor for intestinal parasitic infection or vice versa, which
still needs further investigations. Co-existence of H. pylori
and intestinal parasites might interact synergistically
leading to serious health consequences which could be
Table 4 Associated parasites with H. pylori colonization among study individuals
Non-Diarrhoeic Diarrhoeic All study individuals
H. pylori
H. pylori
Total P. value H. pylori
H. pylori
Total P. value H. pylori
H. pylori
Total P. value
G. intestinalis 5 (5.0) 5 (5.0) 10 (9.9) 0.12 3 (2.4) 6 (4.8) 9 (7.2) 0.297 8 (3.5) 11 (4.9) 19 (8.4) 0.05*
Hymenolepis nana 000No
0 3 (2.4) 3 (2.4) 0.252 0 3 (1.3) 3 (1.3) 0.56
Entrobius vermicularis 000No
0 2 (1.6) 2 (1.6) 0.119 0 2 (0.9) 2 (0.9) 0.13
E. histolytica complex 1 (1.0) 1 (1.0) 2 (2.0) 0.45 3 (2.4) 3 (2.4) 6 (4.8) 1.000 4 (1.8) 4 (1.8) 8 (3.5) 0.46
Blastocystis spp. 4 (4.0) 2 (2.0) 6 (6.0) 0.65 2 (1.6) 2 (1.6) 4 (3.2) 1.000 6 (2.7) 4 (1.8) 10 (4.4) 1.00
Cryptosporidium spp.
by PCR
8 (6.4) 12 (9.6) 20 (16) 0.107 8 (3.5) 12 (5.3) 20 (8.8) 0.02*
Total 10 (9.9) 8 (7.9) 18 (17.8) 16 (12.8) 28 (22.8) 44 (35.2) 26 (11.5) 36 (15.9) 62 (27.4)
No parasite 65 (64.4) 18 (17.8) 83 (82.2) 0.07 53 (42.4) 28 (22.8) 81 (64.8) 118 (52.2) 46 (20.4) 164 (72.6)
Total 75 (74.3)c 26 (25.7) 101 (100) 69 (55.2) 56 (44.8) 125 (100) 144 (63.7) 82 (36.3) 226 (100)
204 J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208
influenced by hosts and environmental factors (Torres et al.
2003; Marini et al. 2007).
Intestinal parasites and H. pylori colonized more than
half of the stool samples collected from diarrheic children
with statistical significance. Though many pathogens such
as bacteria, viruses, and intestinal parasites can cause
diarrhea, a large proportion of cases is caused by parasitic
protozoan (Kotloff et al. 2013). Diarrhea is currently con-
sidered the second cause of death in children during the
first 5 years of life; rotavirus being the most deadly
infectious agent, followed by Cryptosporidium (Striepen
2013; Vos et al. 2016). We classified our study population
into diarrheic and non-diarrheic groups of children. Diar-
rhea represented 55.3% of the total study population. G.
intestinalis,Cryptosporidium spp and E. histolytica are
known to be the most prevalent protozoan parasites that
cause acute diarrhoeal disease in children (WGO 2012),
they were also the most prevailing parasites in our study
populations (Table 4).
Although a previous study reported that infection with
H. pylori had a protective role in reducing frequency of
diarrhoeal illness in children (Chen et al. 2003), in our
study, there was a higher H. pylori prevalence in diarrheic
children (44.8%) than non-diarrheic children (25.7%). This
may be due to co-infection with intestinal protozoa (Bhan
et al. 2000).
Cryptosporidium spp. was one of the top diarrhea
associated pathogens in children (Kotloff et al. 2013).
Cryptosporidium is the second most common organism
causing diarrhea and death in children, with a higher death
rate in immunocompromised than immunocompetent
patients (Sow et al. 2016). In our study, Cryptosporidium
was the most prevailing parasite with a predominance of C.
hominis species, which agrees with the result of other
studies in Egypt (Abd El Kader et al. 2012; Helmy et al.
2013; El-Badry et al. 2015).
Similarly, G. intestinalis is a common protozoan para-
site causing diarrhea worldwide (Einarsson et al. 2016).
Based upon the microscopic examination, G. intestinalis
was the second most common parasite in the present study;
however, if the molecular method had been used, it might
have revealed a higher prevalence.
Helicobacter pylori was associated with vomiting with
statistical significance in both diarrheic and non-diarrheic
children. Fever and dehydration were statistically signifi-
cant symptoms in non- diarrheic children and could be
Table 5 Cases showed polyparasitism
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6
H. pylori ?????-
Cryptosporidium spp. ?????-
G. intestinalis ??----
E. histolytica complex ----??
Blastocystis spp. ----??
Entrobius vermicularis --??--
Table 6 Multivariate analysis for nPCR H. pylori positive cases
OR 95% CI Pvalue*
All study group 2.3 (1.2–4.4) 0.017*
All study group 2.3 (1.3–4.1) 0.003*
Non-diarrhoeic group 4.2 (1.0–17.2) 0.047*
Associated symptoms
Diarrhoeic group 3.3 (1.5–7.0) 0.003*
All study group 4.1 (2.2–7.9) 0.0001*
Non-diarrhoeic group 10.7 (2.6–44.3) 0.001*
Non-diarrhoeic group 6.2 (1.8–21.3) 0.004*
Associated parasitic infection
G. intestinalis
All study group 2.6 (1.0–6.8) 0.048*
Cryptosporidium spp
All study group 2.9 (1.1–7.5) 0.02*
Diarrhoeic group 2.1 (1.3–4.2) 0.01*
Data presented as n, with (*) Pvalue for OR \0.05 is significant
J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208 205
predictors for suspecting H. pylori in these patients. This
finding agrees with Jacoby and Porter (1999)and Shahinian
et al. (2000).
Many socio-behavioral, demographic and environmental
variables in association with H. pylori were previously
studied with controversial results (Moayyedi et al. 2002;
Rodrigues et al. 2004; Tanih and Ndip 2013). Our study
results showed no significant association between age,
gender, residency, and source of drinking water, however
consumption of raw animal (cow, goat, and sheep) milk
was linked as one of the major sources of H. pylori
infection (Vale and Vitor 2010). Drinking milk in our study
was significantly associated with the presence of H. pylori
in the stool; however, after being subjected to multivariate
analysis by the logistic regression test, consuming milk was
not estimated for the presence of H. pylori in children’s
Our results documented significant association of H. pylori
with G. intestinals and Cryptosporidium species. This co-
existence may suggest the association of H. pylori infection
with markers of fecal exposure. Furthermore, our study
documented the circannual pattern of H. pylori seasonality
in Egyptian children. Our findings would indicate that in
addition to searching for H. pylori in gastrointestinal
symptomatic children, screening for cryptosporidiosis and
giardiasis in diarrheic children is recommended.
Helicobacter pylori may support the colonization by
intestinal parasites or vice versa. The interaction between
H. pylori and intestinal parasites may have serious health
consequences. This point needs further investigations with
an emphasis upon determining correlation with gut
microbiomes. The findings of the present study provide a
better understanding of the epidemiology and the estimated
risks of H. pylori infection when associated with intestinal
parasites. Further research is needed to provide better
insight into their co-infection and ensure future improve-
ments in clinical practice, testing, and development of
therapies to these pathogens.
Authors contribution AI: corresponding author, participate in all
stages from study design to manuscript writing and revision, YBMA:
participate in study design and manuscript revision); AA-A provide
technical help; AAE-B: participated in Study design, supervised the
lab work, analysis and interpretation of data and involved in drafting
the manuscript.
Funding This research was self-funded and did not receive any
grants from any funding agency.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors have declared that no competing
interest exists.
Ethical approval Ethical board of University of Sadat City, Genetic
Engineering, and Biotechnology Research Institute, Egypt approved
the study. Parents of all the children included in the study were
verbally informed about the study’s aims, and collection of the
specimens was done after their consent was obtained.
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208 J Parasit Dis (Apr-June 2019) 43(2):198–208
... In ( table-1) show out of 100 samples were detected 55% (55/100) of stool samples which considered as a positive result for C. parvum, while 45 (45/100) were negative also 48% (48/100) which considered as a positive result for H. pylori while 52(52/100) was negative.While the rate of co-infections between the C. parvum parasite and the H. pylori bacterium was 32(32/100). (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) and the lowest infection was recorded also in female 3 (3%) in both age groups (21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40) and (41-60) years old.The highest H. pylori and co-infections were also recorded among females, and in the same age group, the highest rate of Cryptosporidium infection was recorded. ...
... There was a strong correlation between age distribution of diarrhea and the occurrence of C. parvum, between the ages of 3 and 36 months [14] . This agreement with our study that documented prevalence of C.parvum infections among people living in Wasit province, Iraq which was the rate of infections higher among patients with age group (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). And disagreement with study of C.parvum dispersal in children in Ramadi province which showed more infection were at age (1-12) months [15] .Worldwide more than 50% population is infected by H. Pylori gramnegative bacterium, the infection rate is much higher in developing countries due to the lack of hygiene and sanitation [16] .The prevalence of the bacterium is higher among middle-aged adults [17] .This study agreement with our study which indicated that the largest infection rate was recorded in the age group(1-20) years old. ...
... The prevalence of H. pylori shows more than 80% of the population is H. pylori positive, generally it is consider ably lower in children and adolescents than in adults and elderly people [13] .This is not in line with our study, as the results showed that the age group most affected by is the H. pylori category of adults and children, and this is due to the lack of hygiene and health awareness among many of them. The current study also revealed the existence of a relationship between the presence of C.parvum and H. pylori in patients suffering from diarrhea, and their percentage was about 32 out of a total of 100 samples, this agreed with study which revealed that more than half of cryptosporidiosis(60%) and giardiasis (58%) cases coexisted and showed a duplicated risk for H. pylori [18] , which was among its statistical results found a rate of 5.3% with a significant statistical association between H. pylori infection and Cryptosporidium [19] .This is also consistent with our current study. While there are studies that do not agreed with our current study, in Modifaid Ziehl-Neelsen staining, acid-fast parasites were never observed in pa tients infected with H.pylori [20] .There are some studies suggest that interaction between resident bacteria and invading C.parvum is not pathogenic, but rather synergistic [21] . ...
Full-text available
The present study aimed to identify the relationship between Cryptosporidium parvum parasite andHelicobacter pylori in patients at Wasit province and its environs. One hundred stool samples were collected(male and female) from suspected diarrheal patients of parasitic and bacterial infection during the periodOctober 2020 to April 2021 who attended to Al-Karamah Teaching Hospital at Wasit province and GeneralHospital of Martyr Fairuz at Hay district.The investigation of the oocysts of the Cryptosporidium parvum parasite was carried out by staining withModified Ziehl Neelson method and also detecting of Helicobacter pylori by using dipstick. The results ofour study revealed that 55( 55%) was positive for C. parvum and 48 (48%) was positive for Helicobacterpylori and the co- infections between the parasite and bacteria reached to 32( 32%). The age group(1-20years) showed the highest11 (11%) prevalence rate while the lowest prevalence was in patient with agegroup (21-40 years) reached to 6(6%) interplay infections between the parasite and bacteria .
... 14 H. pylori and Cryptosporidium both have the same infectious pathway related to socioeconomic hygiene habits. 15 Generally, persistent H. pylori infection in children raises stomach acidity due to inflammation, which aids the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by intestinal parasites and bacteria. 16 The primary goal of the present study was to establish the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. ...
... Cryptosporidiosis was found in 18 cases in this investigation, resulting in a prevalence rate of 11.8%. This result is slightly lower than that of Shalaby and Shalaby, 23 demonstrating Cryptosporidium in 13.51% of Egyptian school children, and higher than that of Ibrahim et al, 15 representing Cryptosporidium in 8.8% of Egyptian children. In comparison, Naguib et al 24 reported a infection rate of 1.4% for Cryptosporidium spp., which is lower than that of the current study. ...
... However, there was no statistically significant link between the two. This is in agreement with the results of Ibrahim et al, 15 representing that H. pylori coexisted in 60% of cryptosporidiosis cases. None of the investigated variables were linked to co-infection. ...
Full-text available
Background and objective: Children are more susceptible to a wide range of infections. The focus of this research was to investigate the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori, Cryptosporidium spp., and co-infection and the magnitude of these infections and anthropometric indicators in diarrheic Egyptian children. Method: A total of 152 diarrheic children, ranging in age from a few months to 12 years. All feces samples were examined under a microscope for parasites and molecularly for H. pylori and Cryptosporidium spp. A restriction enzyme was used to digest Cryptosporidium PCR products to determine genotype. Results: Stool examinations revealed that 42 (27.6%) of the study participants were infected with one or more parasites. Cryptosporidium 18 (11.8 %), E.histolytica complex 12 (7.9%), and Giardia 9 (5.9%) were the most common parasites. The most frequent Cryptosporidium species was Cryptosporidium hominis (C. hominis) (83 %), whereas H. pylori was found in 45 (29.6%) of patients. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium and H. pylori was unaffected by sex, age, socioeconomic status, or nutrition (P < 0.05). Only head circumference (P>0.05) was found to be linked with infection. Conclusion: The incidence of Cryptosporidium and H. pylori in diarrheic children may be of public health concern and negatively affects anthropometric indicators.
... It affects about 4.4 billion people worldwide (Hooi et al., 2017;Mendoza et al., 2019), with a higher burden reported in developing countries at 50.8 % compared to developed countries at 34.7 % (Zamani et al., 2018). There has been evidence of a possible link between intestinal protozoans and H. pylori infection in many regions of the world (Seid et al., 2018;Ibrahim et al., 2019). A group of cytokines is generated by immune-sensitive cells in response to H. pylori infection. ...
... Several studies have reported H. pylori and intestinal parasite coinfection (Ibrahim et al., 2019;Pomari et al., 2020). There hasn't been much research regarding the association of Blastocystis spp. with H. pylori. ...
Keywords: Blastocystis Helicobacter pylori Co-infection TNF-α IL-1β polymorphisms Aims: The present study aimed to identify any potential association between IL-1β and TNF-α gene polymorphism and the risk of Blastocystis infection as well as co-infection of Blastocystis with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori). Methodology: A total of 314 stool samples were collected and examined microscopically for the detection of parasitic infection. DNA was extracted from all samples and utilized to identify Blastocystis molecularly. Positive samples were used for H. pylori detection by rapid tests and PCR. Moreover, we investigate polymorphism in the TNF-α gene at position -1031T/C, -308 G/A, and IL-1β at position +3954C/T using polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay. Results: Out of the 314 stool samples, Blastocystis was detected in 93 (29.6 %); among them, 54 (58.1 %) had a mixed infection of Blastocystis with H. pylori. The TT genotype of the IL-1β gene at position +3954 was signif- icantly higher in Blasocystis-infected patients than in uninfected patients (17.2% vs. 6.3 %, P = 0.02), which might be considered a risk factor (OR = 3.2; CI =1.21–8.52). The TNF-α at position -1031 TT genotype was significantly higher in Blastocystis-infected patients than uninfected patients (44.1% vs. 10.8 %, P< 0.0001). The T allele (OR= 2.67; CI=1.51–4.72, P = 0.0008) might be considered a risk factor. The TNF- α at position -308 AA genotype is higher in Blasocystis infected than uninfected (17.2% vs 7.2 %, P = 0.03). TNF-α -308 AA (OR = 2.72; CI = 1.08–6.89) and A allele (OR= 1.46; CI= 0.797–2.66) might be considered risk factors. The TNF- α at po- sition -308 G/A showed that the GG is the most frequent genotype in Blastocystis with H. pylori-positive patients with a significant association (P = 0.004), as well as the G allele (P = 0.02). The G allele (OR=1.924; CI= 1.071–3.454) might be considered a risk factor for co-infection of Blastocystis and H. pylori. Conclusion: SNPs (− 1031 T/C and -308 G/A) of the TNF-α and (+3954 C/T) of the IL-1β may be a useful marker in the assessment of the risk of Blastocystis infection, and TNF-α at position -308 G/A) may be a predictor for co- infection of Blastocystis with H. pylori.
... Understanding childhood enteric infection, both asymptomatic and diarrheal, becomes more complex with high rates of simultaneous co-infection with multiple enteric pathogens [5,19,[21][22][23][24]. Nearly half of diarrheal specimens and one third of asymptomatic stools in GEMS and MAL-ED had two or more pathogens detected, with a range of up to 11 co-infecting agents [6,19,20]. ...
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Despite significant progress in recent decades toward ameliorating the excess burden of diarrheal disease globally, childhood diarrhea remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs). Recent large-scale studies of diarrhea etiology in these populations have revealed widespread co-infection with multiple enteric pathogens, in both acute and asymptomatic stool specimens. We applied methods from network science and ecology to better understand the underlying structure of enteric co-infection among infants in two large longitudinal birth cohorts in Bangladesh. We used a configuration model to establish distributions of expected random co-occurrence, based on individual pathogen prevalence alone, for every pathogen pair among 30 enteropathogens detected by qRT-PCR in both diarrheal and asymptomatic stool specimens. We found two pairs, Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) with Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and ETEC with Campylobacter spp., co-infected significantly more than expected at random (both pairs co-occurring almost 4 standard deviations above what one could expect due to chance alone). Furthermore, we found a general pattern that bacteria-bacteria pairs appear together more frequently than expected at random, while virus-bacteria pairs tend to appear less frequently than expected based on model predictions. Finally, infants co-infected with leading bacteria-bacteria pairs had more days of diarrhea in the first year of life compared to infants without co-infection (p-value <0.0001). Our methods and results help us understand the structure of enteric co-infection which can guide further work to identify and eliminate common sources of infection or determine biologic mechanisms that promote co-infection.
... Previous studies have shown the rates of co-infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and one or more other intestinal parasites ranging from 22.4% to 44.3% in various populations [18,19,20,21,22]. Previous studies showed that geographic area, age, gender, race, educational level, sanitation, and socioeconomic status are among the factors that influence the prevalence of H. pylori infection [23]. ...
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Background: Soil-transmitted parasites, bacterial and other biological contaminants constitute the major causes of food-borne diseases often transmitted through food and water borne routes contaminated with faeces in developing countries. Children and Women of reproductive age (WRA) have high of getting infected and being potential sources of pathogenic microorganisms. Objective: This study was aimed to assess and compare the prevalence and risk factors of soil-transmitted helminths and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) among school-aged children and women of reproductive age at selected area in Eleme Local Government Area, Rivers State. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted 580 participants were enrolled in May-August 2019. The gastrointestinal parasites were examined with wet mount and formol-ether concentration Original Research Article Onosakponome et al.; JAMMR, 33(24): 60-69, 2021; Article no.JAMMR.78789 61 techniques. Chi-square (χ2) test was used to evaluate the association between categorical variables and infection prevalence using SPSS version 21, values were considered significant when the p-value was less than 0.05. Results: The overall prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths among children was 12.3% (37/300) whereas WRA had 12.5% (35/280). Trichuris trichura was found to be prominent among the children with 18 (6.0%) while Ascaris lumbricoides 10 (3.6%) was most prevalent among WRA. Gender based Prevalence was 56.8% (21/37) and 43.2% (16/37%) for males and females respectively. The age-related prevalence is most common among age group 11-15 years. This prevalence was not statistically significant (p>0.05). H. pylori infection prevalence among the children and WRA were 11.7% (35/300) and 26.8% (75/280). The gender-related prevalence among the males had 18 (51.4%) and females 17 (48.6%) of the children group. The age group 1-5 years showed high prevalence of H. pylori than other groups. Among WRA, age group 23-27 and 33-37 years had equal prevalence of 20 (26.7%). In consideration of co-infection between children and WRA, A. lumbricoides coinfection H. pylori 15 (53.5%) was most prevalent among children while among women of reproductive age, hookworm co-infection H. pylori 8 (50.0%) was most prevalent. Risk factors that were statistically significant (p<0.05) were among those who wash hands with soap after playing/touching soil and those dewormed in the last three months. Conclusion: The distribution of soil-transmitted helminth infections co-infection H. pylori among children and WRA is low, however strategic planning of treatment regimen of community based should be encouraged.
Background Helicobacter pylori and intestinal parasites are well-known for their high prevalence in children, especially in developing countries. However, their concomitant infections are poorly documented. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the association between intestinal parasites and H. pylori among hospitalized children and adolescents with upper gastrointestinal complaints in Northern Lebanon. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 297 hospitalized pediatric patients, aged between 1 and 15 years, who presented with gastrointestinal symptoms. The socio-demographic, lifestyle, and gastrointestinal characteristics of all participants were analyzed. Fresh stool samples were collected and screened for the presence of intestinal parasites and H. pylori infections. Results 6.4% of the patients were positive for intestinal parasitic infections, 5.4% were positive for H. pylori infection, and 11.8% were co-infected. The results of the Chi-square test showed that H. pylori infection is significantly associated with parasitic infection but not with a particular species. The most frequent coinfection was H. pylori-Entamoeba histolytica (77.1%). Moreover, H. pylori infection was associated with overcrowding and infrequent washing of vegetables before eating. The prevalence of co-infections increased in patients of mothers with a primary educational level or less. In regards to clinical characteristics, our findings showed a statistically significant relationship between i) gastric reflux and H. pylori, and ii) severe diarrhea and parasitic infection. Conclusion Our data highlighted the association between H. pylori and intestinal parasitic infections. Thus, H. pylori detection could be taken into consideration while screening for parasitic infections in children and adolescents.
Background: Diarrheal diseases are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries and the second most common cause of death in children under five years. The main objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in diarrheal patients in Bandar Abbas, Southern Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and associated factors among patients with diarrhea in the major hospitals of Bandar Abbas. A single fecal specimen was collected from 170 diarrheic patients from October 2018 to May 2019. The diagnosis was made based on the direct wet mount and formalin-ether concentration method. Trichrome and modified acid-fast staining methods were used for the better detection of protozoa. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: A total of 170 stool specimens were collected from diarrheic patients. Of these, 57.6% were males and 42.4% were females. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 12.9%. The most prevalent parasite was Blastocystis spp. 10 (5.9%), followed by Giardia lamblia 7 (4.1%), Cryptosporidium spp. 3 (1.8%), Entamoeba coli 1 (0.6%), and Hymenolepis nana 1 (0.6%). Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that intestinal parasites, especially helminth infections, have significantly decreased in recent years.
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Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of H. pylori, risk factors, and co-infection with intestinal parasites in adult patients presenting gastrointestinal complaints. Material and Method: The working group of the study consisted of 385 patients with gastrointestinal complaints. A questionnaire including questions aiming to canvass the socio-demographic features, lifestyles, and complaints of the patients was administered to the study population. Cellophane band method, native-Lugol, sedimentation, and modified Kinyoun's acid-fast methods were used to diagnose fecal parasites. Stool samples were examined under a microscope. H. pylori antigen was examined in the stool sample taken within the diagnosis of H. pylori. Results: H. pylori positivity was 27.79%. Of those who were H. pylori-positive, 76.6% were women. The H. pylori positivity rate was higher (75.7%) in patients aged 40 and over. The majority of patients with H. pylori positivity expressed being married (73.8%), having middle / low-income (89.7%), having a low educational background (82.2%), living in a village (55.1%), and in a nuclear family (72.2%) (p
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A wide range of protozoan pathogens either transmitted by vectors ( Plasmodium , Babesia , Leishmania and Trypanosoma ), by contaminated food or water ( Entamoeba and Giardia ), or by sexual contact ( Trichomonas ) invade various organs in the body and cause prominent human diseases, such as malaria, babesiosis, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, diarrhea, and trichomoniasis. Humans are frequently exposed to multiple pathogens simultaneously, or sequentially in the high-incidence regions to result in co-infections. Consequently, synergistic or antagonistic pathogenic effects could occur between microbes that also influences overall host responses and severity of diseases. The co-infecting organisms can also follow independent trajectory. In either case, co-infections change host and pathogen metabolic microenvironments, compromise the host immune status, and affect microbial pathogenicity to influence tissue colonization. Immunomodulation by protozoa often adversely affects cellular and humoral immune responses against co-infecting bacterial pathogens and promotes bacterial persistence, and result in more severe disease symptoms. Although co-infections by protozoa and viruses also occur in humans, extensive studies are not yet conducted probably because of limited animal model systems available that can be used for both groups of pathogens. Immunosuppressive effects of protozoan infections can also attenuate vaccines efficacy, weaken immunological memory development, and thus attenuate protection against co-infecting pathogens. Due to increasing occurrence of parasitic infections, roles of acute to chronic protozoan infection on immunological changes need extensive investigations to improve understanding of the mechanistic details of specific immune responses alteration. In fact, this phenomenon should be seriously considered as one cause of breakthrough infections after vaccination against both bacterial and viral pathogens, and for the emergence of drug-resistant bacterial strains. Such studies would facilitate development and implementation of effective vaccination and treatment regimens to prevent or significantly reduce breakthrough infections.
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Aim: Helicobacter pylori and intestinal parasitic infections are commonly seen, especially in areas with low socioeconomic status and poor hygiene conditions. H. pylori and Giardia duodenalis can be commonly found in patients with upper gastrointestinal system complaints. It is thought that the urease activity of H. pylori may help intestinal parasites pass into the intestines without being affected by the acidic environment of the stomach. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the association of H. pylori and intestinal parasites (IP) in patients with gastrointestinal system complaints. Material and Method: A total of 408 patients, who were admitted to our hospital with gastrointestinal complaints between 2018 and 2020 and whose H. pylori rapid antigen test was studied simultaneously with intestinal parasite examination in the stool, were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Out of 408 patients whose stool samples were examined, one or more intestinal parasites were detected in 80 (19.6%), and H. pylori antigen test was positive in 65 (15.9%). While there was no statistically significant difference between H. pylori positivity and age groups, the rate of IP detection was found to be significantly higher in children aged 6-18 years. The most prevalent IP was Blastocystis sp. in 74 (18.1%) patients. Intestinal parasite and H. pylori antigen co-positivity in stool samples was detected in eight patients and it was not found statistically significant. Conclusion: H. pylori and intestinal parasites are common all over the world. The relationship between H. pylori and IP is still controversial, and more studies that are comprehensive are needed to understand the association of H. pylori and IP, especially in patients with upper gastrointestinal system complaints.
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Background: The epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection is poorly understood. Aim: To establish the reported regional and national prevalence of H. pylori infection, stratified by age and gender. Methods: All relevant English publications from 2000 to 2017 cited by PubMed and Scopus were retrieved using comprehensive combinations of keywords. The overall prevalence of H. pylori was estimated using both random effect and fixed effect meta-analyses, and presented as prevalence rate (% and 95% CI). The analyses were extended by separation into gender and age groups. Results: A total of 14 056 records were obtained initially. After applying exclusion criteria in several steps, 183 studies were selected. Analysis of 410 879 participants from 73 countries in six continents revealed an overall prevalence of 44.3% (95% CI: 40.9-47.7) worldwide. This rate ranged from 50.8% (95% CI: 46.8-54.7) in developing countries compared with 34.7% (95% CI: 30.2-39.3) in developed countries. The global H. pylori infection rate was 42.7% (95% CI: 39-46.5) in females compared to 46.3% (95% CI: 42.1-50.5) in males. The prevalence in adults (≥18 years) was significantly higher than in children (48.6% [95% CI: 43.8-53.5] vs 32.6% [95% CI: 28.4-36.8], respectively). There was a statistically nonsignificant decrease in the prevalence in 2009-2016 compared with the 2000-2009 period. Conclusions: The observed differences between countries appear to be due to economic and social conditions. H. pylori infection can be a benchmark for the socioeconomic and health status of a country. Further studies are suggested to investigate the natural history of the acquisition of H. pylori infection from childhood into adult life.
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Background: Non-fatal outcomes of disease and injury increasingly detract from the ability of the world's population to live in full health, a trend largely attributable to an epidemiological transition in many countries from causes affecting children, to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) more common in adults. For the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015), we estimated the incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for diseases and injuries at the global, regional, and national scale over the period of 1990 to 2015. Methods: We estimated incidence and prevalence by age, sex, cause, year, and geography with a wide range of updated and standardised analytical procedures. Improvements from GBD 2013 included the addition of new data sources, updates to literature reviews for 85 causes, and the identification and inclusion of additional studies published up to November, 2015, to expand the database used for estimation of non-fatal outcomes to 60 900 unique data sources. Prevalence and incidence by cause and sequelae were determined with DisMod-MR 2.1, an improved version of the DisMod-MR Bayesian meta-regression tool first developed for GBD 2010 and GBD 2013. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies where the complexity of the disease was not suited to DisMod-MR 2.1 or where incidence and prevalence needed to be determined from other data. For GBD 2015 we created a summary indicator that combines measures of income per capita, educational attainment, and fertility (the Socio-demographic Index [SDI]) and used it to compare observed patterns of health loss to the expected pattern for countries or locations with similar SDI scores. Findings: We generated 9·3 billion estimates from the various combinations of prevalence, incidence, and YLDs for causes, sequelae, and impairments by age, sex, geography, and year. In 2015, two causes had acute incidences in excess of 1 billion: upper respiratory infections (17·2 billion, 95% uncertainty interval [UI] 15·4–19·2 billion) and diarrhoeal diseases (2·39 billion, 2·30–2·50 billion). Eight causes of chronic disease and injury each affected more than 10% of the world's population in 2015: permanent caries, tension-type headache, iron-deficiency anaemia, age-related and other hearing loss, migraine, genital herpes, refraction and accommodation disorders, and ascariasis. The impairment that affected the greatest number of people in 2015 was anaemia, with 2·36 billion (2·35–2·37 billion) individuals affected. The second and third leading impairments by number of individuals affected were hearing loss and vision loss, respectively. Between 2005 and 2015, there was little change in the leading causes of years lived with disability (YLDs) on a global basis. NCDs accounted for 18 of the leading 20 causes of age-standardised YLDs on a global scale. Where rates were decreasing, the rate of decrease for YLDs was slower than that of years of life lost (YLLs) for nearly every cause included in our analysis. For low SDI geographies, Group 1 causes typically accounted for 20–30% of total disability, largely attributable to nutritional deficiencies, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis. Lower back and neck pain was the leading global cause of disability in 2015 in most countries. The leading cause was sense organ disorders in 22 countries in Asia and Africa and one in central Latin America; diabetes in four countries in Oceania; HIV/AIDS in three southern sub-Saharan African countries; collective violence and legal intervention in two north African and Middle Eastern countries; iron-deficiency anaemia in Somalia and Venezuela; depression in Uganda; onchoceriasis in Liberia; and other neglected tropical diseases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Interpretation: Ageing of the world's population is increasing the number of people living with sequelae of diseases and injuries. Shifts in the epidemiological profile driven by socioeconomic change also contribute to the continued increase in years lived with disability (YLDs) as well as the rate of increase in YLDs. Despite limitations imposed by gaps in data availability and the variable quality of the data available, the standardised and comprehensive approach of the GBD study provides opportunities to examine broad trends, compare those trends between countries or subnational geographies, benchmark against locations at similar stages of development, and gauge the strength or weakness of the estimates available.
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Background: The importance of Cryptosporidium as a pediatric enteropathogen in developing countries is recognized. Methods: Data from the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS), a 3-year, 7-site, case-control study of moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) and GEMS-1A (1-year study of MSD and less-severe diarrhea [LSD]) were analyzed. Stools from 12,110 MSD and 3,174 LSD cases among children aged <60 months and from 21,527 randomly-selected controls matched by age, sex and community were immunoassay-tested for Cryptosporidium. Species of a subset of Cryptosporidium-positive specimens were identified by PCR; GP60 sequencing identified anthroponotic C. parvum. Combined annual Cryptosporidium-attributable diarrhea incidences among children aged <24 months for African and Asian GEMS sites were extrapolated to sub-Saharan Africa and South Asian regions to estimate region-wide MSD and LSD burdens. Attributable and excess mortality due to Cryptosporidium diarrhea were estimated. Findings: Cryptosporidium was significantly associated with MSD and LSD below age 24 months. Among Cryptosporidium-positive MSD cases, C. hominis was detected in 77.8% (95% CI, 73.0%-81.9%) and C. parvum in 9.9% (95% CI, 7.1%-13.6%); 92% of C. parvum tested were anthroponotic genotypes. Annual Cryptosporidium-attributable MSD incidence was 3.48 (95% CI, 2.27-4.67) and 3.18 (95% CI, 1.85-4.52) per 100 child-years in African and Asian infants, respectively, and 1.41 (95% CI, 0.73-2.08) and 1.36 (95% CI, 0.66-2.05) per 100 child-years in toddlers. Corresponding Cryptosporidium-attributable LSD incidences per 100 child-years were 2.52 (95% CI, 0.33-5.01) and 4.88 (95% CI, 0.82-8.92) in infants and 4.04 (95% CI, 0.56-7.51) and 4.71 (95% CI, 0.24-9.18) in toddlers. We estimate 2.9 and 4.7 million Cryptosporidium-attributable cases annually in children aged <24 months in the sub-Saharan Africa and India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Nepal/Afghanistan regions, respectively, and ~202,000 Cryptosporidium-attributable deaths (regions combined). ~59,000 excess deaths occurred among Cryptosporidium-attributable diarrhea cases over expected if cases had been Cryptosporidium-negative. Conclusions: The enormous African/Asian Cryptosporidium disease burden warrants investments to develop vaccines, diagnostics and therapies.
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The infections for gastrointestinal microorganisms represent nowadays one of the major reasons of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. We had evaluated both, the possible association between the presence of intestinal parasites and infection by Helicobacter pylori, and the production of serum and salivary antibodies in Amerindian Warao children from the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. The prevalence of parasites was determined by faecal examination. The levels of serum antibodies (total IgE, specific anti-H. pylori IgG and anti G. duodenalis IgA) and salivary antibodies (total and specific IgA to G. duodenalis and H. pylori), was determined by ELISA. 65% of the child population was parasitized by protozoos, and a 47% of polyparasitism was observed. We found a major seroprevalence of H. pylori in the group of children not parasitized (46 %) compared with the parasitized ones (25 %) (P<0.05). Nevertheless, the seropositive children to H. pylori and parasitized with G. duodenalis showed levels of total IgE higher than the non parasitized ones (P<0.01); in contrast, levels of total and specific secretory IgA to H. pylori and G. duodenalis were decreased (P<0.05). It is possible that the inflammatory response generated by G. duodenalis infection may increase levels of total IgE and diminish secretory IgA response favoring the establishment of infection by H. pylori.
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Giardia and Cryptosporidium are ubiquitous enteric protozoan pathogens of vertebrates. Although recognised as the aetiological agents of disease in humans and domestic animals for many years, fundamental questions concerning their ecology have been unresolved. Molecular tools have helped to better understand their genetic diversity and in so doing have helped to resolve questions about their transmission patterns and associated impacts on public health. However, the value of molecular tools is often complicated by questions concerning their applications, interpretation of results and terminology. Taxonomic issues have, until recently, made it difficult to determine the epidemiology of infections with both Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Similarly, improved understanding of their respective phylogenetic relationships has helped to resolve questions about zoonotic potential and distribution in wildlife. In the case of Cryptosporidium, imaging technologies have complemented phylogenetic studies in demonstrating the parasite's affinities with gregarine protozoa and have further supported its extracellular developmental capability and potential role as an environmental pathogen.
Giardia intestinalis is a non-invasive protozoan parasite infecting the upper small intestine causing acute, watery diarrhea or giardiasis in 280 million people annually. Asymptomatic infections are equally common and recent data have suggested that infections even can be protective against other diarrheal diseases. Most symptomatic infections resolve spontaneously but infections can lead to chronic disease and treatment failures are becoming more common world-wide. Giardia infections can also result in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and food allergies after resolution. Until recently not much was known about the mechanism of giardiasis or the cause of post-giardiasis syndromes and treatment failures, but here we will describe the recent progress in these areas.
Changes in the organization of health services in developing countries have led to district levels assuming more responsibility for the planning, delivery and quality of community health care. This fully up-dated new edition has been produced to help those working in the district laboratory, and those responsible for the organization and management of community laboratory services and the training of district laboratory personnel. Replacing the previous publication Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries, this book provides an up-to-date practical bench manual, taking a modern approach to the provision of a quality medical laboratory service. Reviews: Review of District Laboratory Practice in Developing Countries Part 1: 'Clear and easily understood information is provided on the clinical biochemistry of laboratory analytes and the biology of parasites … The book is probably the most comprehensive source of information available today to those who work in or need to know about laboratory services in developing countries. It can be recommended as a basic document for laboratory technicians, technologists, and medical doctors at all levels …' Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
This study determined the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with different gastrointestinal symptoms. Two hundred and six patients were collected from outpatient clinic of medical department from March to June 2014. The age was ranged between 15 years old up to 60 years old. 76 males with mean age (33.2 ± 13.5) and 130 females with mean age (32.8 ± 14.9). All patients were submitted to full clinical examination and stool examination was performed to detect Helicobacter pylori antigen and other intestinal parasites. After getting a full history, the patient was asked specifically for history of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, presence of heart burn, epigastric pain, flatulence, nausea or vomiting passing black stool hematemesis and presence of other diseases. The results showed that 69.4% of the patients were positive for Helicobacter pylori antigen (143/206). The prevalence among males and females was the same (69.7%-69.2%). The prevalence among different age groups was not significant but; some-how high among age group of 15 up to 25 years old (70%). 72 patients out of 140 were associated with Co-infection with Entamaeba histolytica mainly or Giardia lamblia (51.4%). Epigastric pain and heart burn were representing about 90% of symptoms in patients with positive Helicobacter pylori antigen. Consequently, the prevalence of H. pylori infection is high in and around Tanta City in the Nile Delta (about 70%).