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The Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers in Utilizing Cyber Extension in Malang Raya Region


Abstract and Figures

Cyber extension is a system of agricultural extension information through the internet media to support the provision of extension materials and agricultural information for extension workers. The existence of cyber extension is expected to support the performance of agricultural extension workers. This study aims to describe the implementation of cyber extension, describe the extension worker in the utilization of cyber extension and formulate the improvement efforts of extension worker in cyber extension in Malang Raya area. The research method used a combination of quantitative and qualitative (concurrent mixed method). This study revealed that three regions did not have administrator or manager of cyber extension. In addition, the results of descriptive analysis showed that the performance of agricultural extension-based cyber extension in Malang Raya region is still very low. Several efforts that can be taken by the government are to facilitate the technical implementation unit of extension with cyber extension equipment, the provision of financing budget and the socialization of cyber extension utilization to the extension worker.JEL Classification: D80, Q16, Q18
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... Expanding the farmers' horizon on agriculture is virtually simpler. This finding is resonant with studies asserting that ICT involvement should enhance agent's efficiency [25][26][27]. ...
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Informatics and Communication Technology (ICT) provides relevant agricultural information, which is essential in agricultural development attempts, in timely fashion. Aiming to find out if it is able to improve the efficiency of agricultural counseling agents, this study examined agricultural counseling agents in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. As explanatory quantitative research, simple random sampling was applied to respondents of google form questionnaire and the data were analyzed as per Structural Equation Model (SEM) and supported by smart PLS application. The result came out with R² value of 0.868, representing the agricultural counseling agent’s proficiency and ICT application signified agricultural counseling agent’s efficiency at 86.8 %. It is therefore conclusive that agricultural counseling agent’s efficiency in extension activities relies on both their proficiency and ICT application.
... The situation that arises because of intensive extension is an activity that is most expected to be able to replace the understanding, knowledge, and attitudes of farmers in making decisions (Sabir et al., 2018). Based on the research results in the field, data obtained if the intensity of lighting is lacking; therefore, the farmers' knowledge is slightly developed and optimal. ...
This study aims to analyze the capacity of agricultural instructors in developing cyber extension media, which consists of the characteristics of cyber extension media, cyber extension media design, characteristics of self-help extension workers, and the capacity of self-help agricultural extension workers, as well as analyzing the factors that affect the ability of extension workers in developing cyber media. This research uses quantitative research through a survey method. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and inferentially using Structural Equation Models. Correlational prescriptive results explored about 108 informants. The results of SEM modelling show a direct and indirect effect on the ability of independent agricultural instructors to develop CE media. So it can be said that there is an influence of media characteristics, media design, characteristics of self-help extension workers, and the capacity of self-help agricultural instructors on agricultural instructors' performance. The correlation test results have a significant relationship between the utilization of Cyber Extension by agricultural extension workers and the capability of agricultural extension workers to have an excellent significant value.
... The situation that arises because of intensive extension is an activity that is most expected to be able to replace the understanding, knowledge, and attitudes of farmers in making decisions (Sabir et al., 2018). Based on the research results in the field, data obtained if the intensity of lighting is lacking; therefore, the farmers' knowledge is slightly developed and optimal. ...
Non-formal education managers who possess social entrepreneurship competence are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to identify and address social and economic challenges and create innovative and impactful programs that can help improve the lives of the communities they serve. Social entrepreneurship competence involves skills related to leadership, problem-solving, innovation, and community engagement, as well as understanding the social, economic, and cultural factors that can impact non-formal education programs. By developing social entrepreneurship competence, non-formal education managers can create more effective and sustainable programs and better serve the needs and interests of their communities. This study uses a quantitative approach to the survey method. The population of this study is non-formal education managers consisting of study groups, course and training institutions, and community learning activity centers. The research sample and respondents were selected by non-random sampling with 53 respondents. Analysis of data using path analysis. The study suggests a correlation between a manager's character and social competence in entrepreneurship. In addition, this research reveals that management competence is closely related to empowering the community and developing social entrepreneurial skills.
... Stakeholders can collaborate to help the need of the village government, for example in technical guidance to improve the quality of human resources. The village government can involve the role of extension workers to broaden development insights, coach group strengthening training, or utilize information technology for rural development (Sabir et al., 2018) or increase entrepreneurial capacity in farm management (Umar et al., 2020). ...
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The village government has an substantial responsibility in managing human resources to produce regional economic benefits. This research aims to identify the stakeholder collaboration to support accountability in village fund management and rural development. This study used an interactive approach with data collection methods such as structured interviews, documentation, and observation. The object of the study is village officials in Pranggang Village, Plosoklaten District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. The results of the study showed that the village government has not optimally carried out its role in involving more stakeholders. Collaborative stakeholders in managing village funds involved village government officials, activity management team and community. They play a positive role in bringing about village accountability in managing village funds. An increased community participation contribute to program evaluation activities and effectiveness in the village financial management. The accountability of the village funds utilization has met the Home Affairs Ministerial Regulation number 113 of 2014. In addition, social accountability has been applied in various forms of effective interactions between the community and village government. Much efforts are required to improve the quality of human resources through more stakeholder engagement, training activity and community empowerment.
... Stakeholders can collaborate to help the need of the village government, for example in technical guidance to improve the quality of human resources. The village government can involve the role of extension workers to broaden development insights, coach group strengthening training, or utilize information technology for rural development (Sabir et al., 2018) or increase entrepreneurial capacity in farm management (Umar et al., 2020). ...
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The village government has an substantial responsibility in managing human resources to produce regional economic benefits. This research aims to identify the stakeholder collaboration to support accountability in village fund management and rural development. This study used an interactive approach with data collection methods such as structured interviews, documentation, and observation. The object of the study is village officials in Pranggang Village, Plosoklaten District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. The results of the study showed that the village government has not optimally carried out its role in involving more stakeholders. Collaborative stakeholders in managing village funds involved village government officials, activity management team and community. They play a positive role in bringing about village accountability in managing village funds. An increased community participation contribute to program evaluation activities and effectiveness in the village financial management. The accountability of the village funds utilization has met the Home Affairs Ministerial Regulation number 113 of 2014. In addition, social accountability has been applied in various forms of effective interactions between the community and village government. Much efforts are required to improve the quality of human resources through more stakeholder engagement, training activity and community empowerment. JEL Classification: H72; H83; O20
... A good counseling program requires supports from competent workers. The instructor plays an essential role as a facilitator, a motivator, a liaison officer between the government and researchers, as a teacher, an information carrier, a good listener, a work helper, a program manager, a group worker, a boundary guardian, a promoter, a local leader, a consultant, a protector and institutional builder (Lionberger & Gwin, 1982;Sabir, Sugiyanto, Sukesi, & Yuliati, 2018). It is expected that the role of the instructor will be successful in the farming business. ...
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Urban farming is one of the alternatives to eliminate the impacts of the conversion of agricultural land. However, implementing urban farming activities requires various preparations, including the role of agricultural extension workers. The extension worker can make significant contributions to raise public awareness of the importance of urban farming. This study determines the performance level of extension workers in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of urban farming extension programs in BPP Kramas, Banyumanik district. This research employed a descriptive analysis approach by using a Likert scale. The results indicate that the performance level of extension workers in extension preparation, extension implementation, evaluation, and reporting are in the high category, with an average percentage achievement of 96%. It means that the urban farming program in Kramas Banyumanik district had been done well according to the formulated plan.JEL Classification: O18, Q15, Q16
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Low internet usage by extension agent, impact on the inhibition of the flow of information to the farmers and lead to the income received by farmers. In the digital era today, if the extension agent is not encouraged to use the internet then they will be left behind and will be left out by the farmers. This study aimed to (1) analyze the internet availability in Lampung Province (2) to analyze the level of internet usage for extension agent in Lampung and (3) to analyze factors influencing internet usage of extension agent. This research was conducted in Lampung Province with analysis unit of extension agent in the office of BP3K (Extension Agency of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry) which has been facilitated by computer and internet network. Respondents consisted of 355 extension agent served in BP3K. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The availability of facilities and internet network in Extension Offices is not sufficient even extension agent used their private facilities. The Internet network had reached the remote areas very well in spreading and transmitting information. Almost all extension agent have internet-connected devices and internet-based applications. Extension agents facilitated by computer and internet network communicating using social media, however capabilities in using the internet to search information related agricultural technology remained low. The use of the internet by extension agent was influenced by the nature of internet innovation, the number of Internet-based applications and the amount of existed hardware.
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The independence of learning based on e-learning needs to be owned by extension workers in order to be able to increase their insight and knowledge through accessibility to learning resources from the internet, which is expected to increase their capacity as extension workers. The research objectives are to analyze the factors affecting capacity and independent learning of extension workers through e-learning and to build a strategy to increase the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning. The study was conducted in Cianjur and Bogor Districts, and in the learning area of Universitas Terbuka 2019. Respondents are 96 extension workers who take studying at UT in 2019 through census techniques, and 160 extension workers in Bogor and Cianjur Districts who were assigned cluster random sampling. The results show that the dominant factors affecting the capacity and the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning are: the level of ICT utilization and environmental factors. Strategies to strengthen the independent learning of extension workers are: (1) utilizing extension institutions in increasing training and extension activities through the use of ICT, (2) maintaining the facilitation of supporting facilities for extension workers learning through e-learning, (3)Improving the reward system for outstanding extension workers, (4) Increasing the strengthening of the quality and service of the cyber extension website as a reference for extension workers in carrying out the independent learning process, and (5) Providing various communication spaces in a well-managed network. The independence of learning based on e-learning needs to be owned by extension workers in order to be able to increase their insight and knowledge through accessibility to learning resources from the internet, which is expected to increase their capacity as extension workers. The research objectives are to analyze the factors affecting capacity and independent learning of extension workers through e-learning and to build a strategy to increase the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning. The study was conducted in Cianjur and Bogor Districts, and in the learning area of Universitas Terbuka 2019. Respondents are 96 extension workers who take studying at UT in 2019 through census techniques, and 160 extension workers in Bogor and Cianjur Districts who were assigned cluster random sampling. The results show that the dominant factors affecting the capacity and the independent learning of extension workers through e-learning are: the level of ICT utilization and environmental factors. Strategies to strengthen the independent learning of extension workers are: (1) utilizing extension institutions in increasing training and extension activities through the use of ICT, (2) maintaining the facilitation of supporting facilities for extension workers learning through e-learning, (3)Improving the reward system for outstanding extension workers, (4) Increasing the strengthening of the quality and service of the cyber extension website as a reference for extension workers in carrying out the independent learning process, and (5) Providing various communication spaces in a well-managed network.
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p>Pemerintah telah menetapkan target swasembada berkelanjutan padi, jagung dan kedelai yang harus dicapai pada tahun 2018. Kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencapai target tersebut. Salah satu kendala dalam kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian adalah jumlah tenaga penyuluh pertanian yang masih sangat kurang sehingga pemerintah merekrut penyuluh Tenaga Harian Lepas Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian (THL TBPP). Kompetensi penyuluh sangat dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan penyuluhan karena merupakan kemampuan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang dilandasi pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kompetensi penyuluh THL TBPP dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Garut Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data dikumpulkan secara sensus pada 119 penyuluh THL TBPP. Secara umum, kompetensi penyuluh THL TBPP berada dalam kategori rendah (57,80%) memiliki nilai kompetensi rata-rata 32,49. Hasil analisis menggunakan model regresi menemukan bahwa pemahaman kebutuhan petani dipengaruhi oleh motivasi, pemahaman komunikasi yang efektif dipengaruhi oleh jumlah pelatihan, jumlah desa dan motivasi. Secara keseluruhan kompetensi penyuluh THL TBPP dipengaruhi oleh faktor jumlah kelompok tani binaan, jumlah desa binaan dan motivasi. Kata kunci: kelompok tani, kompetensi, motivasi, penyuluh THL TBPP</p
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Information technology based on cyber extension is one of agricultural communication tools to achieve farmers welfare. Cyber extension is a technology innovation to accelerate communication of agricultural information to the user , so that information can be obtained more quickly, precisely and relevant to farmer demands.The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and behavior of farmers in using cyber extension as a medium of communication and information in support of agricultural development. The study method was survey with 86 farmer as sample respondents. The data were analyzed descriptively and using path analysis. The results show that the effectiveness of cyber extension is influenced by the farmer characteristics, farmers interaction and farmer perception. The effectiveness of cyber extension is the most strongly influenced by farmer characteristics (coefficient rate 0.328 ), and can be seen from the availability of information technology facilities and motivation of farmers to seek required information for farming activities. On the other hand, farmer's behavior is directly influenced by farmer perception and farmer effectiveness in using cyber extension. In addition, cyber extension is strongly effective to influence farmer behaviour with a coefficient of 0.413.
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Access to accurate, timely and reliable information plays a crucial role in the adoption of appropriate agriculture technology. Although, women contribute significantly in the farming operations, their contribution is not yet fully recognised and acknowledged. In order to improve agriculture productivity and production efficiency, there is an urgent need to identify their agriculture information needs. The present study was undertaken to find out the agriculture information needs of farm women in a Himalayan State of North India. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the study sample included 120 farm women selected from eight randomly selected villages using PPS method. The findings indicate that farm women expressed the need for information regarding disease control/management, weed control/management, high yielding variety crops, fertilizer requirement, use of improved farm implements, and information related to marketing. An appropriate information dissemination strategy can be developed on the basis of their information seeking and information sharing behaviour. The study has policy and programming implications for devising appropriate extension strategies for fulfilling the information needs of farm women for enhancing agriculture productivity and production efficiency.
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The greatest challenge to food security is low productivity emanating from slow growth in the agricultural sector and one of the reasons for this is little or no access to financial resources by producers. Credit is one of the empowerment tools that have the potential to boost the productivity, increase food security and change the life of farmers from a situation of abject poverty to a more dignified life in the long run. Using a household survey data from United State Agency for International Development's feed the future initiative; this study employed the logistic regression model to investigate the factors influencing households' demand for agricultural credit placing much emphasis on membership to organization. A total sample size of 2,330 farm households selected from Northern Ghana was used. The results of the logistic regression model revealed significant and positive variables such as age, education, group membership and source of credit. We therefore call on stakeholders to encourage formation of cooperative groups to enable farmers pull resources together or streamline loan application procedures, intensify education of farmers on loan procedures and promote flexibility in types of collateral demanded by financial institutions in order to enhance access.
The agriculture extension program can be developed effectively and efficiently by professional personal in agriculture extension field. The existing main problem is low quality and quantity of agri-extension workers (include in Kampar district, Riau province). Therefore, the goals of this research are: (1) To analyze: farmer characteristics; social system characteistics; agri-extension worker competencies; agri-extension worker performance to empower farmer and level of fulfill need for farmer’s capacity development in agribusiness; (2) To analyze determinant factors which influenze agri-extension worker performance to empowering farmer and (3) To formulate strategy to increase agri-extension worker performance to empower farmer. Through multistage cluster sampling technique, this research have found farmers sample with 180 person amoun (each of them consist of: 60 food crops farmers, 60 oil palm farmers and 60 rubber farmers). This research have been done from June 2007 up to October 2007. The analysis of data done by descriptive analysis and Path analysis. The research conclusion are: performance level of agri-extension worker to empower farmer still not yet good (“enough” category) because of the influence factor to the performance of agri-extension worker: agri-extension worker competencies (communication competency; competency in farmers learning and competency in social interaction); farmer characteristics ( farmer’s access to the non formal education) and social sistem support (soscio-cultural values; agribusiness facilitation by government institution and fartmer’s access to the aggribusiness institution) are still not yet (“enough” category).
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