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The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. (Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation of northeastern Italy



Larger agglutinated foraminifera resembling the Cretaceous genus Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951 were recently recovered in Thanetian hemipelagites from the Belluno Basin, northeastern Italy. These lituoids first appear in the basal Thanetian (uppermost calcareous nannofossils Zone CNP 8) and become common in the >500 μm washed residue from the uppermost Thanetian. They abruptly disappear at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, in coincidence with the extinction of Paleocene small benthic foraminifera (the benthic foraminiferal extinction event - BEE). In order to document the internal chamber arrangement and the agglutinated wall microstructure of the Thanetian lituolids and to compare them with similar individuals recovered from the Upper Cretaceous and Danian strata of the same section, the collected specimens were sectioned and analyzed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX). Our results show a typical bi-layered wall microstructure in the Thanetian specimens, whereas the older Maastrichtian and Danian specimens, occurring in the same section, display a single, thicker agglutinated wall. The taxonomy of the Italian lituolids is discussed and compared with similar taxa known from the literature. We describe the Thanetian lituolids as the new genus Neonavarella, which shows an apparently identical external morphology to mono-layered Maastrichtian–Danian specimens but differs in the microstructure of the agglutinated test wall that is bi-layered. The finding of new and well-preserved material from the Paleocene Scaglia Rossa beds of Italy helps shed light on the taxonomy of the still poorly known deep-water larger lituolids.
The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen.
(Foraminifera) from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation
of northeastern Italy
Luca Giusberti1, Michael A. Kaminski2and Nicoletta Mancin3
1Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6, I-35131 Padova, Italy
2Geosciences Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
PO Box 701 KFUPM, Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Pavia, via Ferrata 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy
corresponding author email:
ABSTRACT: Larger agglutinated foraminifera resembling the Cretaceous genus Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951 were recently recov-
ered in Thanetian hemipelagites from the Belluno Basin, northeastern Italy. These lituoids first appear in the basal Thanetian (upper-
most calcareous nannofossils Zone CNP 8) and become common in the >500 μm washed residue from the uppermost Thanetian. They
abruptly disappear at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, in coincidence with the extinction of Paleocene small benthic foraminifera (the
benthic foraminiferal extinction event - BEE).
In order to document the internal chamber arrangement and the agglutinated wall microstructure of the Thanetian lituolids and to
compare them with similar individuals recovered from the Upper Cretaceous and Danian strata of the same section, the collected speci-
mens were sectioned and analyzed using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrom-
eter (EDX). Our results show a typical bi-layered wall microstructure in the Thanetian specimens, whereas the older Maastrichtian and
Danian specimens, occurring in the same section, display a single, thicker agglutinated wall. The taxonomy of the Italian lituolids is dis-
cussed and compared with similar taxa known from the literature.
We describe the Thanetian lituolids as the new genus Neonavarella, which shows an apparently identical external morphology to
mono-layered Maastrichtian–Danian specimens but differs in the microstructure of the agglutinated test wall that is bi-layered. The
finding of new and well-preserved material from the Paleocene Scaglia Rossa beds of Italy helps shed light on the taxonomy of the still
poorly known deep-water larger lituolids.
Key words: Larger agglutinated foraminifera, lituolids, Systematics; New genus, New species, Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene, north-
eastern Italy.
Since the 19th century, large-sized lituolids have been widely re-
ported in Upper Cretaceous turbiditic and hemipelagic succes-
sions of the Tethyan domain (e.g., Ciry and Rat 1951; Maync
1952; 1954; Cati 1960; Sampò 1972; Stacher 1980; Pandey
1981; Riegraf 1998; Radoi¹iºet al. 2010). Such agglutinated
foraminifera were generally ascribed to different species of the
genera Lituola Lamarck 1804, Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951 and
Recurvoides Earland 1934.
In the course of a study of the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maxi-
mum as recorded in a “Scaglia-type” bathyal succession of the
Southern Alps of northeastern Italy (Forada section), several hun-
dred specimens of larger agglutinated lituolids were detected for
the first time in Thanetian hemipelagic rocks (Giusberti et al.
2016). After intensive research performed during this study, simi-
lar specimens were also sporadically observed in Danian
hemipelagites of the same section, though with very rare abun-
dance. The Paleocene specimens, generally larger than 500 μm,
are virtually indistinguishable from Upper Cretaceous specimens
recovered elsewhere and described in the literature as Navarella.
Navarella is a larger lituolid belonging to the family Ammo-
baculinidae Saidova 1981 and attaining a maximum length of 5
mm, with an initially streptospirally enrolled test, later uncoiled,
and with an aperture varying during ontogeny from slit-like to
cribrate. The genus was originally described from the Maast-
richtian flysch of the Navarra region in the Spanish Pyrenees,
and then reported elsewhere in Europe from Campanian to
Maastrichtian rocks. The validity of this taxon and its range dis-
tribution is, however, controversial and strongly debated
(Riegraf 1998).
In this study, we use high definition SEM EDX images of entire
and sectioned specimens, and study the external and internal
features of the Paleocene lituolids in order to investigate both
their test morphology and microstructure of the agglutinated
wall. The main purpose is to compare the recorded Paleocene
specimens with similar Italian and foreign Cretaceous taxa in
order to verify whether or not the newly discovered aggluti-
nated foraminifera are ascribable to Navarella, thereby extend-
ing the known stratigraphical range of navarellids to the
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, text-figure 1, table 1, plates 1–7, supplemental material online, pp. 417–434, 2018 417
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
A) location of the Forada section; B) stratigraphic log of the Forada section with the range of Thanetian Neonavarella n. gen. plotted against the isotope
curve of d13C. Red asterisks mark samples from Danian and upper Maastrichtian records where sporadic specimensof navarellid lituolids were recov-
ered; C) detail of the Thanetian–Ypresian portion of the Forada section plotted against the absolute abundance of Neonavarella n. gen. (number of speci-
mens per gram of dry sediment). CNP and CNE calcareous nannofossil zones of text-fig. 1B and 1C according to Agnini et al. (2014)
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5–6, 2018
Diagnostic features (external morphology, chamber arrangement, aperture and test wall microstructure) of larger lituolids described in the literature from Upper Cretaceous records of Europe, Italy and
in the present work from the Maastrichtian-Thanetian record of the Forada section (Belluno) and Monte San Lorenzo Quarry section (Maniago).
Forada section
The investigated section (46.036083°N, 12.063975°E) crops
out along the Forada Creek, roughly 2 km east of the Lentiai
village in the Venetian Prealps (northeastern Italy), and consists
of ~62 m of pink-reddish Scaglia Rossa limestones and marly
limestones, locally rhythmically organized (text-fig. 1). It re-
cords a continuous stratigraphic interval from the uppermost
Cretaceous to the lower Eocene (upper Maastrichtian–lower
Ypresian nannofossil Zone CNE2 of Agnini et al. 2014) and is
virtually unaffected by structural complications (Fornaciari et
al. 2007; Giusberti et al. 2007).
At Forada, ichnofossils are well represented (e.g., Zoophycos,
Thalassinoides) as they generally occur in the upper portion of
the Scaglia Rossa Formation in the Belluno Basin (Miller
2000). The only macrofossils observed are rare irregular
echinoids and possibly an octocoral, all recovered in the Danian
beds (Giusberti et al. 2005; J. Stolarski, pers. comm.).
The lowermost Danian record, above the K/Pg boundary clay, is
represented by a subnodular/irregularly bedded red-brown lime-
stone and marly limestone, and has been object of a study aimed
to investigate the recovery of the calcareous plankton in the after-
math of the K/Pg boundary event (Fornaciari et al. 2007). The
rest of the Danian and Selandian succession is represented by red
carbonate and marly lithofacies, sometimes strongly bioturbated
by Zoophycos (“massive unit”); three thin biocalciturbiditic beds
(4.5 to 10 cm thick), with an erosive base, also characterize the
lower Danian portion of the section (text-fig. 1).
The Danian–Selandian “massive unit” is overlain by Thanetian
“scaly” reddish calcareous marls mottled by greenish “flames”
(“scaly unit”). At about -20 cm below the Paleocene/Eocene
boundary, the lithology shifts to greenish marls with Zoophycos
and Chondrites (intervals Pa I and Pa II of Giusberti et al.
2007). The entire Paleocene record, 40 m thick, is capped by
about 3.5 m thick greenish and reddish clay marl unit (CMU;
Giusberti et al. 2007), a lithological “anomaly” which marks the
so-called Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; e.g.,
McInerney and Wing 2011) in the study area (Giusberti et al.
2007; text-fig. 1). The CMU is followed by 4-5 m of marl-lime-
stones couplets, fading into 15 m of scaly, still strongly cyclical
reddish marls, Ypresian in age (text-fig. 1).
Based on benthic foraminiferal content, the upper Paleocene to
lower Eocene Scaglia Rossa interval has been probably depos-
ited at middle-lower bathyal paleodepth, likely between 1000
and 1500 m (Giusberti et al. 2016). The wealth of micropale-
ontological, sedimentological, and geochemical data so far col-
lected from the Forada section (e.g., Giusberti et al. 2007;
Agnini et al. 2007; Luciani et al. 2007; Tipple et al. 2011;
Giusberti et al. 2016) provides probably the most complete
paleoenvironmental reconstruction across the PETM in Europe
to date.
Agglutinated foraminifera
The larger lituolids here investigated were observed for the first
time by Giusberti et al. (2016) analyzing the >500 μm washed
fraction, originally used for the quantitative study of
microbenthic foraminifera across the Paleocene/Eocene Ther-
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Intraspecific morphological variability of Paleocene lituolids from the Forada section.
Note that Thanetian and Danian specimens are morphologically identical. Images are in secondary electrons (SE).
1Thanetian juvenile specimen (MGP-PD 32076) with a
typical strongly involute coiling (sample BRI-6); a:
lateral view, b: profile. Note that the prime slit-like ap-
erture is still not manifest.
2 Thanetian juvenile specimen (MGP-PD 32076) with a
slit-like aperture (sample BRI-6); a: lateral view, b:
profile showing the slit-like aperture.
3 Thanetian quasi-adult specimen (MGP-PD 32077)
with a complex aperture characterized by a slightly
arched slit coupled with two small rounded pores
(sample BRI-6); a: lateral view, b: profile; c: detail of
the complex aperture.
4 Thanetian adult specimen (MGP-PD 32073) charac-
terized by a larger test with, a partly developed un-
coiled portion and a complex aperture formed by a
slightly arched slit coupled with some elongated pores
(sample BRI-29.5); a: lateral view, b: profile; c: detail
of the complex aperture.
5 Lateral view of a Thanetian adult specimen (MGP-PD
32073) with a typical large test characterized by a de-
veloped uncoiled portion (sample BRI-11);
6 Lateral view of an adult specimen (MGP-PD 32073)
with a very large test (exceeding 3 mm long and 1 mm
wide) characterized by a well developed uncoiled por-
tion (sample BRI-9).
7 Detail of the cribrate aperture of a Thanetian adult
specimen (MGP-PD 32081; sample BRI-9).
8 Lateral view of a Danian quasi-adult specimen
(MGP-PD 32074; RF-670, picked about 6.35 m above
the K/Pg boundary, Fig. 1).
9 Lateral view of a Danian juvenile specimen (MGP-PD
32074) very similar to the Thanetian specimen shown
in image 3a (sample RF-670).
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 421
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 1 A
Morphological details of upper Maastrichtian specimens of Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951 from the Forada section. To note that up-
per Cretaceous and Paleocene specimens seemingly possess very similar test morphologies. Images are in secondary electrons (SE).
1Adult specimen (MGP-PD 32089) characterized by a
large, ovoidal test (sample RF-24, just below the K/Pg
boundary; Fig. 1); a: lateral view, b: profile showing
the complex aperture formed by seven rounded or el-
liptical pores.
2Lateral view of an adult specimen (MGP-PD 32069)
showing a large test with the chambers initially spi-
rally arranged then becoming detached from the close
spire according to a rectilinear arrangement (sample
3 Lateral view of a small-size quasi-adult specimen
(MGP-PD 32070; sample RF-24).
Sectioned specimens picked from the Thanetian record of the Forada section showing the internal chamber arrangement and
the microstructure of the agglutinated wall. In both juvenile and adult specimens the test wall results typically bi-layered, with
a thinner external portion made of coarse-grained mineral grains and a thicker, more homogeneous carbonatic portion, which
sometimes contains remains of planktonic foraminifera. Images of sectioned specimens are in back-scattered electrons (BSE).
1Juvenile specimen showing the chambers spirally ar-
ranged and the bi-layered microstructure of the agglu-
tinated wall (MGP-PD 32075; sample BRI-37); a:
lateral view, b: longitudinal section.
2Quasi-adult specimen (MGP-PD 32072) showing the
same bi-layered microstructure of the agglutinated
wall previously evidenced in the juvenile specimen
(sample BRI-9); a: lateral view, b: longitudinal sec-
tion; c: detail of the sectioned agglutinated wall with a
thicker internal carbonatic portion externally covered
by coarse-grained mineral granules.
3Adult specimen (MGP-PD 32071) showing the
chambers initially spirally arranged then becoming
detached from the close spire according to a rectilin-
ear arrangement and a more complex aperture (ar-
row). The microstructure of the agglutinated wall is
still bi-layered, with a thicker, internal carbonatic
portion and a thinner, external mineral pavement
(sample BRI-14.5); a: lateral view, b: longitudinal
section; c: detail of the sectioned agglutinated wall,
note in the carbonatic portion, a globigerinid test (ar-
row) filled by a white mineral (barite).
4Adult specimen (the same of Plate 1A, image 4a)
showing the uncoiled portion of the test and the typical
complex aperture (sample BRI-29.5); a: lateral view,
b: longitudinal section; c: detail of the thick bi-layered
wall (ca. 110 mm), d: thin section of the same speci-
men analysed at the polarized microscope showing
the bi-layered structure of the agglutinated wall
with the coarse-grained, external gains mostly
made of quartz (arrow).
5Adult specimen (the same of Plate 1A, image 6) show-
ing a very large test, with a particularly well devel-
oped uncoiled portion and the typical complex
aperture (sample BRI-9); a: lateral view, b: longitudi-
nal section showing the evolution of the aperture,
from a simple slit in the earlier chambers to complex
cribrate in the last chamber; c: detail of the thick
bi-layered wall (ca. 140 mm), d: thin section of the
same specimen analyzed at the polarized micro-
scope showing the bi-layered structure of the ag-
glutinated wall with the coarse-grained, external
gains mostly made of quartz.
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 1 B
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 423
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 2
mal Maximum. Very rare small juvenile lituolids were also ob-
served in the fraction >250 μm and <500 μm. The study of
Giusberti et al. (2016), based on 54 samples across an ~11 m
thick interval straddling the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (-467
to ca. +600 cm), revealed that these larger lituolids abruptly dis-
appear at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, in coincidence with
the base of the CMU, where the benthic foraminiferal extinc-
tion (BEE) is recorded (Giusberti et al. 2016).
In order to verify the distribution of the investigated foram-
inifera throughout the entire section, 25 supplementary samples
were analyzed in search for the larger lituolids (text-fig. 1), in-
cluding those washed residues used for the study of foram-
inifera by Fornaciari et al. (2007) from the interval straddling
the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. Furthermore, 8–9
new samples of a minimum weight of 200 g from the interval
richest in the investigated lituolids (ca. from -35.5 to -6 cm be-
low the P/E boundary) were treated for isolating a high number
of specimens for the present study.
Foraminifera were extracted from most of the indurate marls
and limestones using the “cold acetolysis” technique of Lirer
(2000) as described in Luciani et al. (2007); on the other hand
soft marly samples (the CMU, the greenish marl below the
CMU and some marly intercalations in the Thanetian portion of
the section) were prepared following standard procedures
(chemical disaggregation using a 10–30% solution of hydrogen
peroxide and subsequent washing through two sieves with
meshes of 500 and 63 mm). The absolute abundance of the
stated lituolids (N g-1: number of benthic foraminifera per gram
of bulk dried sediment) was calculated for the >500 μm fraction
in the interval 11 m thick straddling the P/E boundary (text-fig.
SEM-EDS analysis
A total of about 240 lituolid specimens from the Paleocene re-
cord and 12 specimens from the uppermost Cretaceous portion
of the Forada section were isolated and identified, picked and
stored in micro-slides. Moreover, another three specimens were
isolated from the uppermost Thanetian Scaglia Rossa cropping
out at Monte San Lorenzo Quarry (Maniago, Pordenone prov-
ince, Friuli region; see Grandesso et al. 2008).
Following the methodology of Mancin et al. (2014), 61 repre-
sentative Paleocene specimens and 6 Maastrichtian specimens
from the Forada section (including one specimen from Monte
San Lorenzo Quarry) were mounted on stubs using carbon con-
ductive adhesive tapes and gold-coated for morphological anal-
yses (inBeam technique) by Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM, Tescan FESEM, series Mira 3XMU) at the CISRiC-
Arvedi Laboratory (University of Pavia). Among the most rep-
resentative specimens previously analysed and photographed,
38 (respectively, 35 from the Paleocene and 3 from
Maastrichtian samples) were selected, then oriented and embed-
ded in epoxy resin, cut and polished with diamond pastes from
0.25 to 6 mm in grain-size and finally analysed using the SEM
equipped with an x-ray EDS. Back Scattered Electron (BSE)
images of sectioned specimens highlighted compositional simi-
larities (or dissimilarities) among agglutinated grains through
the wall thickness, on the basis of the mean atomic number of
each grain forming the agglutinated test. The elemental compo-
sition of the single grains forming the agglutinated wall was
provided through standardless spot microanalyses; moreover in
order to check the chemical-mineralogical variability of the ag-
glutinated grains within the sectioned test wall of each studied
specimen, two-dimensional x-ray maps of selected elements
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Sectioned specimens picked from Danian and upper Maastrichtian records of the Forada section showing the internal chamber
arrangement and the microstructure of the agglutinated wall. To note that in both Danian and Maastrichtian specimens the
microstructure of the test wall is evidently different with respect to Thanetian specimens and is characterized by a single, thicker,
homogeneous portion mostly made by carbonatic particles, sometimes containing tests of planktonic foraminifera.
1Danian juvenile specimen (the same of Plate 1A,
image 9); a: lateral view, b: longitudinal section (in
back scattered electrons-BSE) showing the cham-
bers spirally arranged and the simple slite-like ap-
erture (arrow), c: detail of the agglutinated wall
made of a single portion of fine-grained carbonatic
particles and tests of planktonic foraminifera.
2Danian quasi-adult specimen (the same of Plate 1A,
image 8); a: lateral view, b-c: longitudinal prepared as
thin section and photographed at the light polarized
microscope showing the chambers initially spirally
arranged, then becoming partly detached from the
close spire and the more complex aperture (arrows);
note that the agglutinated wall is homogeneous and
made by a single carbonatic portion (ca. 150 mm
3 Maastrichtian adult specimen (the same of Fig. Plate
1B, image 2); a: lateral view, b-c: longitudinal section
prepared as thin section and photographed at the light
polarized microscope (parallel and crossed nicols, b
and c respectively). Note the chambers that are at first
spirally arranged then becoming detached from the
close spire, note also the aperture that becomes more
complex during ontogeny (arrow). The agglutinated
wall is still homogeneous and made by a single
carbonatic portion.
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 425
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 3
were also collected. Each elemental map (silicon, calcium, alu-
minium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) was collected si-
multaneously, since the color intensity results proportional to
the element concentration in every pixel of the image (in black
areas the element is lacking) the comparison of the maps col-
lected in the same area of the sample provided an overview of
the mineralogical distribution in that area (Mancin et al. 2014).
Thin sections
Because most of the Cretaceous lituolids reported in the litera-
ture has been studied on thin sections, the most significant
Paleocene and Cretaceous specimens from the Forada section
were also prepared accordingly. Twenty-two specimens previ-
ously embedded in epoxy resin for EDS analysis (respectively,
15 from the Thanetian, 4 from the Danian and 3 from the
Maastrichtian) were cut and polished using standard hard rock
thin sectioning equipment and technique with minor modifica-
tions. Four 30 μm-thick thin sections pasted with epoxy onto a
glass slide were prepared for petrographic analysis using polar-
ized transmitted light optical microscopy. The studied speci-
mens (both isolated and sectioned) are housed in the
micropaleontological collections of the Museum of Geology
and Paleontology of Padova University (Italy).
Lituolid distribution pattern and foraminiferal assemblage
Two sporadic occurrences of larger lituolids resembling to
Navarella have been observed in the Danian record of the
Forada section (at about + 6.35 and +16 m above the K/Pg
boundary; text-fig. 1); conversely no similar specimens occur in
the Selandian portion of the section. Rare specimens of larger
lituolids also occur in the Maastrichtian of the Forada section
exclusively at -24 cm below the K/Pg boundary (text-fig. 1).
The investigated lituolids appear consistently in the basal
Thanetian (calcareous nannofossils Zone CNP8 of Agnini et al.
2014) at about 21 m above the K/Pg boundary with an absolute
abundance of <0.05 specimen per gram, and become more
abundant at about -40 cm below the Paleocene/Eocene bound-
ary (up to ca. 0.1 specimen per gram). Moreover, these lituolid
specimens are a significant component of upper Paleocene ben-
thic foraminiferal assemblage in the >500 μm fraction, that
mostly consists of clavulinids, Cicicidoides, anomalinids and
trochamminids. This assemblage of larger-sized foraminifera,
including some characteristic Paleocene taxa, such as
Clavulinoides globulifera,Cibicidoides dayi and C. velasco-
ensis (CET, Cosmopolitan Extinction Taxa of Giusberti et al.
2016), abruptly disappear at about +39,5 m, in coincidence with
the onset of the negative carbon isotopic excursion of the
PETM and associated benthic foraminiferal extinction event
(BEE; text-fig. 1), the most severe extinction of deep-sea ben-
thic foraminifera of the Cenozoic (e.g., Thomas 2007). Up sec-
tion, no specimens of benthic foraminifera >500 μm have been
observed in the overlying six meters of Ypresian sedimentary
rocks and not one specimen of larger lituolids or CET taxa has
been recorded.
According to Giusberti et al. (2016), the entire benthic
foraminiferal assemblage composition (>63 μm) of the
Thanetian portion of the Forada section is dominated by
bolivinids that exploited refractory, laterally advected organic
matter. Such infaunal-dominated fauna of the Thanetian Scaglia
Rossa shows a high diversity, suggesting that seasonal to peri-
odical increases in primary productivity may have occurred in
the Belluno Basin area. The marked increase in abundance of
larger lituolids at about -40 cm below the Paleocene/Eocene
boundary at Forada (text-fig. 1) coincides with the onset of the
peak in the planktonic foraminifera Acarinina observed by
Luciani et al. (2007) and slightly precedes some of the faunal
changes detected by Giusberti et al. (2016), indicating warming
of water column and increased surface nutrient availability and
deep-water food availability.
Test morphology
The studied Paleocene lituolids show a high intraspecific mor-
phological variability (Plate 1A and figure A, available online
as supplementary material). The agglutinated tests vary from
small sphaerical to ovoidal (ranging in size from about 0.76 to
1.25 mm), and are characterized by a strongly involute coiling
of the chambers in juvenile individuals (Plate 1A, figures 1–3,
9), to larger (also exceeding 3 mm length and 1 mm wide),
mostly planispiral shells that become uncoiled in the last growth
stages, with a more or less developed uniserial chamber ar-
rangement in adult individuals (4–8). Chambers gradually in-
crease in size during the spiral stage, then they gradually reduce
the size in the uniserial stage (6), moreover, chambers are sepa-
rated by slightly arched septa, that are more visible and de-
pressed on the test surface of adult specimens (4a, 5 and 6). In
both juvenile and adult specimens, the agglutinated tests are
covered by a rough, coarse-grained surface (1–9).
Even the primary aperture morphologically changes during test
growth; it modifies from a simple straight slit-like opening in
juvenile specimens (2b) to a slightly arched slit coupled with
one or two pores in quasi-adult specimens (3b,c), finally reach-
ing a more complex morphology characterized by a higher num-
bers of elongated or circular pores (cribrate aperture), with or
without a small slit at the base in adult specimens (4c, 7).
Paleocene and Maastrichtian specimens show an apparently
identical external morphology: Cretaceous specimens have a
larger test (1.1–2.2 mm wide and 2.6–3 mm long), with a rough
surface, and chambers spirally arranged in the first growth
stages, then becoming uncoiled in the last growth stage (Plate
1B, figures 2,3) but the uncoiled portion is usually more com-
mon and well-developed in Thanetian specimens. In adult spec-
imens, the aperture is complex and formed by numerous (up to
seven), rounded or elliptical openings (Plate 1B, figure 1b).
Sectioned specimens and microstructure of the agglutinated
In Paleocene and Cretaceous sectioned specimens, (Plates 2-3
and supplementary material, figures B-E), chambers are
streptospirally arranged in the initial coiling of the test, then
they become detached from the close spire according to a recti-
linear arrangement during the last growth stage, more evident in
Thanetian specimens. In the sectioned adult specimens the evo-
lution of the aperture is well manifest; it changes from a single
opening connecting the lumina in the earlier chambers to a dou-
ble or multiple opening in the last chamber (Plate 2, figures 3b,
4b, 5b; Plate 3, figures 2b-c, 3b-c).
The wall of Thanetian specimens (both juvenile and adult, Plate
2) is thick (up to about 140 mm) and complex with a typical lay-
ered microstructure formed by two distinct overlain layers (2c,
3c, 4c and 5c): an internal, thicker, carbonatic portion and an ex-
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 427
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 4
Elemental characterization of the agglutinated grains in a Thanetian juvenile specimen (sample BRI-37; MGP-PD 32075)
from the Forada section. Note that the external coarse-grained particles are mostly of quartz and silicates whereas the internal
portion of the wall is of calcite. Images are in back-scattered electrons (BSE).
1Longitudinal section (the same specimen of Plate 2,
image 1b) showing the elemental characterization of
the agglutinated grains. The colored crosses indicate
the spots for standardless microanalyses (A-D); on the
right the corresponding EDS spectra are reported. In
the violet spectrum (A) the very high counts of Si, to-
gether with O, indicates that the analysed grain is
quartz; similarly in the blue spectrum (B) the high
counts of Ca indicates that the grain is calcite. In the
yellow spectrum (C), the presence of Si, Al, K and O
reveals the silicatic nature (K-feldspar) of the ana-
lysed grain; finally in the green spectrum (D) the
co-occurrence of Ca, Mg, O and C is indicative of a
dolomitic grain.
2-3 Elemental maps reporting the areal distribution of Si
(image 2) and Ca (image 3) in the whole longitudinal
section of the specimen imaged above (1). Silicon and
Ca maps (here considered as discriminating elements
between quartz and calcite) show that Si is mostly
concentrated in the grains forming the external por-
tion of the agglutinated wall (the external pavement),
on the other hand, Ca homogeneously and abundantly
occurred in the internal part of the agglutinated wall.
ternal, thinner, coarse-grained pavement of mineral granules; in
the internal carbonatic portion, some particles are remains of
planktonic foraminiferal tests (3c white arrow). The aggluti-
nated grains from both layers are embedded in a homogeneous
calcareous matrix (2c; 3c, 4c and 5c). Note that these features
persist unchanged in both juvenile and adult specimens (1b, 2b;
3b, 4b, 5b) and during the test growth.
Noteworthy, in the Danian sectioned specimens (Plate 3, fig-
ures 1a-c, 2a-c) the agglutinated wall is clearly different: it is
characterized by a thick (up to about 150 mm), homogeneous,
single portion, mostly made of carbonate particles embedded
together by an abundant calcitic cement (1b-c, 2b); the largest
particles are tests of planktonic foraminifera (arrows in 1c). The
external portion of the wall, made of coarse-grained mineral
particles, a feature that is clearly visible in Thanetian speci-
mens, is here missing. It is noteworthy that these characteristics
persists unchanged during the test growth and are the same in
juvenile and adult specimens (1b-e and 2 b-d).
Likely, in the Cretaceous sectioned specimen imaged in Plate 3,
figures 3a-c, the agglutinated wall consists of a single carbonate
layer, without the external coarse grained-portion that appears
as a peculiar feature of the Thanetian specimens.
Chemical-mineralogical composition of the agglutinated
In both juvenile and adult Thanetian specimens (Plates 4–6 and
supplementary material, Figures B-E), the agglutinated grains
are always selected within the test wall, in terms of chemi-
cal-mineralogical composition, size and disposition. The largest
grains are mainly of quartz (more rarely of other silicates, such
as plagioclase and k-feldspar) and are arranged toward the out-
side of the agglutinated wall to form a distinct coarse-grained
layer (a sort of external pavement) that externally covers both
the wall and the septa (Plates 4-6, Si-maps). This external pave-
ment is usually thinner with respect to the entire thickness of
the agglutinated wall (i.e., Plate 5, figure 1b; Plate 6, figure 1b)
and is formed by granules which are also selected on the basis
of their size and disposition, with the largest grains arranged
close to the outside and the smallest grains towards the inside
(Plates 4-6, Si-maps). Most of the remaining agglutinated wall
is formed by fine-grained carbonate particles (Plates 4-6,
Ca-maps), mostly of calcite and, more rarely, of dolomite or of
remains of planktonic foraminiferal tests (i.e., Plate 6, figures
1c, 2); these carbonatic grains can be less evident within the cal-
cite matrix mainly when the diagenetic process has been partic-
ularly invasive (Plate 4, figure 1; Plate 5, figure 1b).
It is interesting to note that in all the studied Thanetian speci-
mens, the agglutinated grains are strongly selected maintaining
the same mineralogical composition even in specimens col-
lected from different stratigraphic sections (e.g., uppermost
Thanetian of the Monte San Lorenzo Quarry, Friuli-Venezia
Giulia region; supplementary material, Fig. B, specimen 4).
The ability for selecting grains from the substratum to form
their test is also confirmed by the mineralogical composition of
the sediments containing the studied Thanetian lituolids (sup-
plementary material, Table A). In the Thanetian record of the
Forada section, quartz is not a dominant component (it occurs in
the sediment with percentages varying from 8.3 to 17%;
Giusberti et al. 2007); in spite of this, quartz is always selected
by the Thanetian lituolids to construct the external portion of
the test; on the contrary, phyllosilicates, that are always more
abundant in the sediments (with percentages varying from 29%
to 57%; Giusberti et al. 2007), are never observed in the studied
agglutinated tests.
Comparison with other lituolids described in the literature
Significant differences emerged when we compared the sec-
tioned Thanetian specimens from the Forada section with Upper
Cretaceous specimens attributed to Navarella Ciry and Rat
1951 and similar lituolids from other European and Italian lo-
calities and previously described in the literature (e.g., Maync
1952; 1954; Cati 1960; Sampò 1972; Riegraf 1998) (Table 1).
The investigated specimens were also directly compared with
the type material (both isolated and sectioned specimens) of the
larger lituolid Recurvoidesmanfredii Cati (1960) from the
Campanian Scaglia Rossa of Berici Hills, presently housed at
the Museo Capellini of Bologna University (Italy). We tried to
locate the original material studied by Sampò (1972) from the
Maastrichtian Scaglia Rossa of the Lessini Mountains (Veneto
region) in the collections of the Department of Earth Sciences of
Turin University, but unfortunately it seems to be lost.
In term of external morphology, Thanetian lituolid specimens
more closely resemble the genus Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951
for possessing a more developed uncoiled portion of the test in
comparison with the Campanian lituolids from Scaglia Rossa
described by Sampò (1972) and Maastrichtian and Danian spec-
imens from Forada section analyzed in this study (Table 1).
The agglutinated wall of our Thanetian specimens is typically
bi-layered, with the grains selected on the basis of their size,
shape and chemical-mineralogical composition. The larger
grains are of quartz and are arranged towards the outside of the
test wall to form a sort of rough external pavement; on the con-
trary towards the inside, the wall is formed by a more regular,
thicker calcareous portion, made of smaller carbonate grains of
calcite and more rarely of dolomite and planktonic foram-
iniferal test remains. All the agglutinated grains forming both
the external and the internal layers are cemented by calcite.
None of the investigated Thanetian specimens show an aggluti-
nated wall formed exclusively by a single layer of fine sugary
quartz grains, as reported for Navarella joaquini by Maync
(1954), nor a test wall formed by agglutinated grains of differ-
ent sizes, randomly arranged and exclusively composed by
foraminiferal tests and carbonate particles as reported by Sampò
(1972) for Maastrichtian specimens ascribed to Navarella
joaquini from the Scaglia Rossa of Verona province.
Maastrichtian and Danian specimens of lituolids recovered at
Forada are morphologically quite similar to the specimens de-
scribed by Cati (1960) as Recurvoidesmanfredii, even if the
composition of the agglutinated grains is more characteristic of
the lituolids described by Sampò (1972) as Lituola grandis
and Navarella joaquini (Table 1).
Summarizing, we conclude that the studied Thanetian lituolid
specimens cannot be attributed to the genus Navarella Ciry and
Rat 1951: they clearly differ with respect to the emended de-
scription of Maync (1954), whose specimens from Switzerland
were compared by Riegraf (1998) to Lituola westfalica
Bartenstein 1952. Riegraf (1998) also considered Navarella
joaquini and Lituola westfalica as convergent but not synony-
mous taxa, whose relationships should be explored through
careful study.
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 429
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 5
Elemental characterization of the agglutinated grains in a Thanetian quasi-adult specimen (sample BRI-9; MGP-PD 32072).
Note that the compositional features of the agglutinated grains are the same previously describe for the juvenile specimen.
Images are in back-scattered electrons (BSE).
1a Longitudinal section (the same specimen of Plate 2,
image 2b) showing the elemental characterization of
the agglutinated grains.
1b Detail of the agglutinated test wall. The colored
crosses indicate the spots for standardless micro-
analyses (A-B); on the right the corresponding EDS
spectra are reported: A) quartz (in yellow) and B) al-
bite (in red). Note that silicates (e.g. K-feldspar and
plagioclase) are characterized by very high counts of
Si, together with similar counts of Al and O; the pres-
ence of Na and/or Ca, with significant counts, discrim-
inates plagioclases (albite vs. anortite), while the K
peak may be considered as indicative of K-feld-
2-4 Elemental maps reporting the areal distribution of Si
(image 2) Al (image 3) and Na (image 4) in the longi-
tudinal section of the quasi-adult specimen imaged
above (1). Silicon (here considered as indicative of
quartz and silicates) is mostly concentrated in the
grains forming the external portion of the agglutinated
wall (the external pavement), on the other hand, most
of the internal agglutinated wall is made of calcite (in
black in image 2).
Based on all the above mentioned considerations, we ascribe
the Thanetian specimens from the Forada section to a new ge-
nus of navarellid lituolid, Neonavarella n. gen. described be-
low, whereas the Maastrichtian–Danian specimens from the
Foradasectionareassignedto“Navarella sp. (Plate 1A,
figures 8, 9; Plate 1B and Plate 3), pending further revision of
all larger lituolids from Italian Scaglia-type rocks.
We formally describe a new genus and species belonging to the
subfamily Ammobaculininae, and compare it with the
stratigraphically older and possibly ancestral genus Navarella
Ciry and Rat 1951. The following description is based on the
traditional morphology-based classification system of Loeblich
and Tappan (1987; see Loeblich and Tappan 1989) partly inte-
grated and emended by Kaminski (2014), which uses test wall
microstructure and grain composition.
Class FORAMINIFERA d’Orbigny 1826
Order LITUOLIDA Lankester 1885
Suborder LITUOLINA Lankester 1885
Family AMMOBACULINIDAE Saidova 1981
Subfamily AMMOBACULININAE Saidova 1981
Genus Neonavarella Giusberti, Kaminski and Mancin n. gen.
Type species: Neonavarella sudalpina n. gen., n. sp.
Diagnosis: Test large, initially streptospirally enrolled, invo-
lute, later uncoiling, with numerous, broad and low chambers
overlapping the earlier ones, septa strongly arched. Aggluti-
nated wall consisting of two layers: an outer layer of larger ag-
glutinated quartz grains that forms an outer pavement, and a
thicker inner calcareous layer consisting of smaller calcareous
particles in a calcareous ground mass. Cement of calcite. Aper-
ture a basal or areal slit in the early coiled stage, areal in the
later coiled stage, consisting of small circular openings in addi-
tion to the larger interiomarginal one; the uncoiled stage has a
terminal cribrate aperture.
Etymology: From the Ancient Greek, neoz”(=new)and
Navarella”, the Upper Cretaceous genus defined by Ciry and
Rat (1951) that is morphologically similar.
Composition of the genus: At the moment the genus is repre-
sented only by the type species Neonavarella sudalpina n. sp.
Type horizon: Thanetian (upper Paleocene) reddish and green-
ish marls and calcareous marls; calcareous nannofossil zones
CNP8-CNP11 of the scheme of Agnini et al. (2014).
Type locality: Forada Creek, Belluno province of northeastern
Italy (text-fig. 1).
Stratigraphic and geographic range: Thanetian (upper Paleo-
cene) of the Veneto region and Thanetian of San Lorenzo
Quarry, Maniago (Pordenone province, Friuli region).
Remarks: Neonavarella n. gen. differs from Navarella Ciry and
Rat 1951 in its two-layered clearly differentiated wall and youn-
ger stratigraphic range (Table 1).
Neonavarella sudalpina Giusberti, Kaminski and Mancin n. sp.
Plate 1A, figures 1–7; Plate 2; Plates 4–7; supplementary mate-
rial, figures A (pages 1–4), figures B–E, F (page 1)
“Large lituolids” of Giusberti et al. 2016, p. 219, pl. 4, figs. 14,
Diagnosis: As Neonavarella is monotypic, the diagnosis of its
type species is the same as that of the genus.
Type horizon: Thanetian (upper Paleocene) reddish and green-
ish marls and calcareous marls; calcareous nannofossil zones
CNP8-CNP11 of the scheme of Agnini et al. (2014).
Type locality: Forada Creek section, Belluno province of north-
eastern Italy.
Etymology: After “Sudalpino” (Southern Alps), the name of the
sector of the Alpine Chain in which the new taxon was discov-
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Elemental characterization of the agglutinated grains in a Thanetian adult specimen (thin section MGP-PD 32072, sample BRI-9).
Note that also in the adult specimen the compositional features of the agglutinated wall do not change.
Images are in back-scattered electrons (BSE).
1a Longitudinal section showing the elemental charac-
terization of the agglutinated grains.
1b-c Details of the agglutinated wall. The colored crosses
indicate the spots for standardless microanalyses
(A-C); on the right the corresponding EDS spectra are
reported: A) calcite (in yellow); B) quartz (in blue)
and C) barite (in red).
2-4 Elemental maps reporting the areal distribution of Ca
(image 2), Si (image 3) and Al (image 4) in the longi-
tudinal section of the adult specimen imaged above
(1). Silicon (here considered as indicative of quartz
and silicates) is mostly concentrated in the grains
forming the external portion of the agglutinated wall
(the external pavement), on the other hand, most of the
internal agglutinated wall is made of calcite (image 2).
Note the remains of planktonic foraminifera (arrows)
within the carbonate portion of the agglutinated wall.
Micropaleontology, vol. 64, nos. 5-6, 2018 431
Luca Giusberti, Michael A. Kaminski and Nicoletta Mancin Plate 6
Repository: The type series (MGP-PD 32071-32073, 32075-
32088) is housed in the micropaleontological collections of the
Museum of Geology and Paleontology of the University of
Padova (Italy). Additional topotypic specimens are housed in
the personal collection of one of the authors (L.G.) at the De-
partment of Geosciences of Padova University (Italy), and in
the collections of the European Micropalaeontological Refer-
ence Centre, at Micropress Europe, Kraków Poland; such speci-
mens are labelled with the sample number assigned during the
sampling of the section.
Designated holotype: The isolated specimen illustrated in Plate
7 and registered as MGP-PD 32068.
Paratypes: Figured paratypes (MGP-PD 32071-32073, 32075-
32081) are in Plate 1A, figures 1–7; Plate 2; Plates 4–6; and
supplementary material, figs. A (pages 1–4) and B–F (page 1).
Unfigured paratypes are registered as MGP-PD 32082-32087.
Description: High intraspecific morphological variability from
juvenile to adult specimens. Juvenile specimens generally
smaller in size (ranging from ~0.76 to 1.25 mm), ovoidal to
subspherical with chambers strictly coiled. Early chambers
streptospirally, then planispirally arranged (7–8 chambers in the
last whorl) passing to uncoiled in the adult larger specimens
(also exceeding 3 mm length and 1 mm wide). Uncoiled portion
of the test usually less well-developed, consisting of 3–4 small
chambers. Primary aperture that morphologically changes dur-
ing test growth: slit from almost rectilinear in the juvenile speci-
mens to markedly arched. In adult individuals, the apertural slit
is associated with small circular pores (up to a maximum of 4
pores); a truly cribrate aperture (with 6–7 small rounded pores)
is less frequent in the adult uncoiled specimens. Agglutinated
wall typically bi-layered, formed by an external coarse-grained
layer of silicilastic grains mainly of quartz and an inner thicker
layer of calcareous grains (also biogenic remains, as foram-
iniferal tests). Grains held together by calcitic cement.
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
Neonavarella sudalpina n. gen., n. sp. Holotype. Slide MGP-PD 32068. Sample BRI-466. Scaglia Rossa Formation, Thanetian,
Forada section, northeastern Italy. a) lateral view, b) apertural view showing a slit-like aperture coupled with three pores
Remarks: quite similar to Maastrichtian–Danian specimens
from the Forada section (“Navarella sp.) from which
Neonavarella sudalpina n. sp. differs in the bi-layered wall
structure (Table 1).
Stratigraphic and geographic range: Thanetian (upper Paleo-
cene; calcareous nannofossil zones CNP8-CNP11 of Agnini et
al. 2014) of the Veneto region (Italy) and uppermost Thanetian
(calcareous nannofossil zone CNP11 of Agnini et al. 2014) of
San Lorenzo Quarry, Maniago (Pordenone province, Friuli re-
gion, Italy). The taxon becomes extinct at the Paleocene/
Eocene boundary, in coincidence with the BEE (benthic
foraminiferal extinction event).
Paleoenvironment: Basinal setting at middle-lower bathyal
depth (~1000–1500 m). The new taxon is a minor component of
the >63 μm fraction benthic foraminiferal assemblage, strongly
dominated by bolivinids. Neonavarella sudalpina n. gen., n. sp.
is associated in the >500 μm fraction with deep-water taxa such
as clavulinids, Cicicidoides, anomalinids and trochamminids.
This assemblage includes also some characteristic Paleocene
extinction taxa, such as Clavulinoides globulifera,Cibicidoides
dayi and C. velascoensis (CET, Cosmopolitan Extinction Taxa
of Giusberti et al. 2016).
A direct comparison among Maastrichtian, Danian and
Thanetian specimens of larger lituolids from the Forada section
(Belluno basin, northeastern Italy) permitted the assignment of
the Thanetian lituolids to a new genus here formally designated
as Neonavarella n. gen., a singleton taxon (sensu Foote 2000)
morphologically similar to Navarella Ciry and Rat 1951, but
characterized by a peculiar bi-layered agglutinated wall.
The older Maastrichtian-Danian specimens from the Forada
section are here ascribed to Navarella sp.; nonetheless the re-
lationships between Navarella sensu Ciry and Rat 1951 and the
specimens of Navarella from the Upper Cretaceous Scag-
lia-type rocks of northeastern Italy need to be more fully ex-
This study also allows the stratigraphic range of larger bathyal
navarellid lituolids, previously thought to be limited to the Up-
per Cretaceous, to be extended into the Paleocene. Finally, we
demonstrate the importance of compositional and micro-
structural studies based on sectioned specimens for establishing
the taxonomic significance of the wall structure in agglutinated
The authors deeply thank Roberto Barbieri and Carlo Sarti for
access to type series of Recurvoides manfredii Cati housed at
the Museum Capellini of Bologna University. We also ac-
knowledge the Arvedi’s Laboratory (CISRiC, University of
Pavia) for SEM-EDS analyses and Stefano Castelli (Diparti-
mento di Geoscienze, University of Padova) for accurate photo-
graphic documentation of some specimens illustrated in this
paper. L.G. was financially supported by the University of
Padova ex 60% Fornaciari E.; MAK acknowledges support
from a start-up grant from the College of Petroleum and
Geosciences, KFUPM. N.M. was financially supported by
“Fondo Ricerca Giovani” FRG-2016 and FFARB funds (resp.
N.M., University of Pavia).
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Supplementary materials (Available on-line)
Intraspecific morphological variability of the studied lituolids
picked from the whole upper Maastrichtian, Danian and
Thanetian stratigraphic record of the Forada section. Collected
specimens vary from small juvenile individuals with a simple
slit-like aperture and a strongly involute coiling of the test to
larger adult individuals with a complex aperture and a test that
becomes uncoiled in the last growth stages. Pages 1-4:
Thanetian specimens (Neonavarella n. gen.). Page 5: Danian
specimens (“Navarella sp.). Page 6: Maastrichtian specimens
(“Navarella sp.).
Page 1: all specimens from slide MGP-PD 32078 (except the
specimen n. 9 from section MGP-PD 32075. Page 2: all speci-
mens from slide MGP-PD 32079 (except the specimens n. 5 and
9 from MGP-PD 32075 and the specimen 7 from MGP-PD
32071). Page 3: all specimens from slide MGP-PD 32080 (ex-
cept the specimen 8 from MGP-PD 32071 and the specimens n.
10 and 12 from MGP-PD 32073). Page 4: all specimens from
slide MGP-PD 32080 (except the specimen 16 from MGP-PD
32071 and the specimens n. 17 and 18 from MGP-PD 32073).
Page 5: specimens 1, 3 and 5 from MGP-PD 32074, specimens
4 from slide with sample number RF +670C. Page 6: specimens
1, 2, 3, 7 are housed in slides labeled “RF-24", specimen 4, 5
from slide MGP-PD 32089, specimens 6 and 9 sectioned
(MGP-PD 32069) and specimen 8 sectioned (MGP-PD 32070).
Sectioned specimens of Thanetian lituolids (Neonavarella
sudalpina n. gen., n. sp.) from the Forada and Maniago sections,
showing the microstructure of the agglutinated wall formed by
two distinct layers and the chemical-mineralogical composition
of the agglutinated grains of both adult and juvenile specimens.
Note that the microstructural and compositional features of the
agglutinated tests persist unchanged in both juvenile and adult
specimens and during the test growth. Similarly, no evident dif-
ferences merged in individuals picked from different strati-
graphic layers.
Figure B: thin section MGP-PD 32072 (including the specimen
4, coming from the uppermost Thanetian of Monte San Lorenzo
Quarry section, Friuli region), Figure C: thin section MGP-PD
32071, Figure D: thin section MGP-PD 32075, Figure E: thin
section MGP-PD 32073. Thin section MGP-PD 32071 in Fig-
ure C includes also four sectioned specimens of Pliocene
Colominella published by Mancin and Kaminski 2017 - Sys-
tematic updates of the agglutinated foraminiferal genus
Colominella Popescu 1998: insights from sectioned specimens.
Geologica Carpathica 68(2), 109-118.
Images of Thanetian, Danian and Maastrichtian sectioned speci-
mens prepared as thin sections and analyzed with a light polar-
ized microscope. Page 1: specimens from section MGP-PD
32073. Page 2: specimen from section MGP-PD 32069. Page 3:
specimen from section MGP-PD 32074.
Mineralogical characterization (RDX data) of the sediments
containing the studied lituolids (from Giusberti et al. 2007).
Luca Giusberti et al.: The bathyal larger lituolid Neonavarella n. gen. from the Thanetian Scaglia Rossa Formation, northeastern Italy
... The benthic foram-iniferal biofacies established here are dominated by smaller calcareous genera. The larger agglutinated lituolids such as those found in the Paleocene of Italy by Giusberti et al. (2018) were not observed. ...
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Three Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) stratigraphic transect sections namely, from the north to south, Ain Maqfi, Farafra-Ain Dalla road, and El-Quess Abu Said in the northern Farafra Oasis, Western Desert (Egypt) are described and interpreted based upon field observations, microfacies analysis, chronostratigraphy and foraminiferal paleobathymetry, to detect the effect of the Syrian Arc Fold System (SAFS) on the lateral and vertical facies changes, various stratigraphic breaks and to reconstruct the depositional paleo-environments. Lithostratigraphically, the P-E successions are composed of the upper part of the Dakhla Formation, Tarawan Chalk and Esna Shale Formation. Vertical and lateral facies changes are noted between tectonic paleo-highs and paleo-lows in the Farafra Oasis. Eight microfacies types are recognized. The larger benthic and planktonic foraminiferal zones are here used to correlate the shallow and deeper facies. Two larger benthic (SBZ4 and SBZ6), six planktonic foraminiferal (P4-E4) and one calcareous nannofossil (NP9b) biozones are identified. The recorded basal Eocene Dababiya Quarry Member (DQM) within the Esna Shale Formation in the central Farafra Oasis is represented by units 4 and 5 of the DQM at its GSSP with a neritic facies types. Towards the northern part of the Farafra Oasis, the P-E interval occurs within the base of the Maqfi Limestone Member that contains the larger benthic foraminiferal SBZ6 Zone and is correlated with the DQM. A major sea-level fall near the upper part of P5 Zone, followed by a prominent sea-level rise with a minor hiatus across the P-E interval in the Farafra Oasis reflects the complex interplay between sea level changes and tectonic signatures. Two inferred paleoenvironments, namely inner neritic and mid-outer neritic shelf have been identified.
... The benthic foram-iniferal biofacies established here are dominated by smaller calcareous genera. The larger agglutinated lituolids such as those found in the Paleocene of Italy by Giusberti et al. (2018) were not observed. ...
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Three Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) stratigraphic transect sections namely, from the north to south, Ain Maqfi, Farafra-Ain Dalla road, and El-Quess Abu Said in the northern Farafra Oasis, Western Desert (Egypt) are described and interpreted based upon field observations, microfacies analysis, chronostratigraphy and foraminiferal paleobathymetry, to detect the effect of the Syrian Arc Fold System (SAFS) on the lateral and vertical facies changes, various stratigraphic breaks and to reconstruct the depositional paleo-environments. Lithostratigraphically, the P-E successions are composed of the upper part of the Dakhla Formation, Tarawan Chalk and Esna Shale Formation. Vertical and lateral facies changes are noted between tectonic paleo-highs and paleo-lows in the Farafra Oasis. Eight microfacies types are recognized. The larger benthic and planktonic foraminiferal zones are here used to correlate the shallow and deeper facies. Two larger benthic (SBZ4 and SBZ6), six planktonic foraminiferal (P4-E4) and one calcareous nannofossil (NP9b) biozones are identified. The recorded basal Eocene Dababiya Quarry Member (DQM) within the Esna Shale Formation in the central Farafra Oasis is represented by units 4 and 5 of the DQM at its GSSP with a neritic facies types. Towards the northern part of the Farafra Oasis, the P-E interval occurs within the base of the Maqfi Limestone Member that contains the larger benthic foraminiferal SBZ6 Zone and is correlated with the DQM. A major sea-level fall near the upper part of P5 Zone, followed by a prominent sea-level rise with a minor hiatus across the P-E interval in the Farafra Oasis reflects the complex interplay between sea level changes and tectonic signatures. Two inferred paleoenvironments, namely inner neritic and mid-outer neritic shelf have been identified.
... The CMU is ~3 m thick and is overlain by a 4-5 m thick CU that, in turn, fades into a 15 m-thick interval of scaly, yet still strongly cyclically-organised reddish marls (Figs 4d, 5a). The expanded PETM record preserved in the Forada section has been extensively studied over the years thanks to its continuity, microfossils abundance and cyclostratigraphy, thus becoming a firm reference for the Tethyan region (e.g., Agnini et al., 2007;Giusberti et al., 2007;Tipple et al., 2011;Giusberti et al., 2016Giusberti et al., , 2018. ...
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The present paper summarises the state of the art of the studies on Italian Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) records. The PETM (~ 56 Ma) likely represents the most dramatic and rapid event of global climate warming of the whole Cenozoic. During the PETM, temperatures at the Earth’s surface probably increased by at least 5°C over a few thousand years, and remained thereafter exceptionally high for over 100 k.y. Hallmark of the PETM is a negative excursion in stable carbon isotopes globally recognised that is generally interpreted as the response to a massive and sudden input of isotopically light carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system, which eventually gave rise to a rapid and extreme global warming. Climatic perturbations associated with the PETM were severe and affected both the marine and terrestrial domains, triggering faunal and floral turnovers and radiations, migrations and the most dramatic Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminiferal extinction event. Since the beginning of the 2000s, insightful contributions to this topic have been provided by the investigations of lower Palaeogene marine Italian records from the Umbria-Marche (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Belluno (Southern Alps, Italy) basins. In particular, crucial reference sections found in Scaglia Rossa-type facies, such as the Contessa, Possagno, Forada and Cicogna sections, have significantly improved our knowledge of the biotic and abiotic events associated to the PETM. Among these, the Forada section (Belluno Basin) was the focus of accurate integrated micropalaeontological (calcareous plankton and benthic foraminifera) and geochemical-stratigraphical studies, which possibly offer the most complete reconstruction across the PETM available in Europe to date.
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Bioconstructions of Sabellaria alveolata (Polychaeta Sabellariidae) from southern Sicily (Central Mediterranean) were sampled and analysed through a multidisciplinary approach in order to unravel the construction pattern of arenaceous tubes and explore possible analogies existing between the worm tubes and the agglutinated tests of benthic foraminifera (Protista). Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy analyses were carried out on entire tubes as well as sectioned ones. Results show that arenaceous tubes are built following a rigorous architectural framework, based on selection and methodical arrangement of the agglutinated grains, and show surprising analogies with the test microstructure previously observed in agglutinated foraminifera. The grain distribution detected in both model species bioconstructions was analysed using a fractal numerical model (Hausdorff fractal dimension). Collected data show that in both organisms the grains were distributed according to a fractal model, indicating that the evolutionary process may have led to finding the same optimal constructive strategy across organisms with an independent evolutionary history, notwithstanding different geometrical scales. Furthermore, in sectioned tubes we observed microplastic fragments agglutinated within the arenaceous wall and in the inter-tube area. This unexpected finding shows that marine animals can be affected by microplastic pollution not only in soft tissues, but also engineered hard structures, and suggests the problem is more pervasive than estimated so far.
An overview is presented of the main achievements in studies of the phylum Foraminifera during the previous few decades, especially the last half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, and of the most urgent goals of future studies with a special attention to the problems of classification as a base for all other studies. Overview of the Most Important Achievements in Different Fields of Foraminiferal Research Foraminiferology dates back to 1826, the year of d'Orbigny's publication on this group of organisms. More than 5000 genera and more than 40,000 fossil and 10,000 recent species have been described so far. The fundamental role of Foraminifera as sensitive indicators of modern and ancient environments is widely known and they are used in ecological studies including pollution monitoring, as well as in petroleum exploration, for applications in biostratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoclimatology, and in many other fields of research. At the end of the 20 th and beginning of the 21 st centuries, significant progress in all these foraminiferal studies has been achieved. In addition to traditional research marine areas, Foraminifera were discovered in hypersaline waters as well as in brakish and even in fresh waters [1-4], as well as in ground waters of special high salinity composition [5-7], primitive foraminiferal forms were discovered in soil communities [8]. Extremely important evidence of the role of benthic foraminifera in the process of denitrification of sediments was experimentally obtained [9,10]. A number of works have been devoted to foraminiferal feeding, their role in the food-chains [11-15], to the other aspects of their biology [16-19], to their symbionts [20-30], to the process of growth and formation of the new chambers [17,31-36], Even the problems of foraminifral infestation and diseases and dormancy were touched upon [37-40]. Ecological studies of this period achieved a new level being strictly coordinated with the physical parameters of the studied environments and using new techniques and methods. Laboratory experiments permitted to study the effects on the different foraminiferal species and populations of not only natural, such as t, salinity, O2 and CO2 concentrations, pH and trace elements, but also fuel oil and heavy metal pollution (mercury, cadmium, plumbum). These laboratory results received during the last decades can be found in excellent review of Kathal, et al. analyzing and summarizing such studies. Problems related to ocean acidification [41], even experimentally shown [42], to the oxygenation of bottom waters [43-45], organic carbon flux [46-52] influencing foraminifera were also investigated.
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The Forada section (northeastern Italy) provides a continuous, expanded deep-sea record of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the central-western Tethys. We combine a new, high-resolution, benthic foraminiferal assemblage record with published calcareous plankton, mineralogical and biomarker data to document climatic and environmental changes across the PETM, highlighting the benthic foraminiferal extinction event (BEE). The onset of the PETM, occurring ca. 30 kyr after a precursor event, is marked by a thin, black, barren clay layer, possibly representing a brief pulse of anoxia and carbonate dissolution. The BEE occurred within the 10 cm interval including this layer. During the first 3.5 kyr of the PETM, several agglutinated recolonizing taxa show rapid species turnover, indicating a highly unstable, CaCO3-corrosive environment. Calcareous taxa reappeared after this interval, and the next ca. 9 kyr were characterized by rapid alternation of peaks in abundance of various calcareous and agglutinated recolonizers. These observations suggest that synergistic stressors, including deepwater CaCO3 corrosiveness, low oxygenation, and high environmental instability caused the extinction. Combined faunal and biomarker data (BIT index, higher plant n-alkane average chain length) and the high abundance of the mineral chlorite suggest that erosion and weathering increased strongly at the onset of the PETM, due to an overall wet climate with invigorated hydrological cycle, which led to storm flood events carrying massive sediment discharge into the Belluno Basin. This interval was followed by the core of the PETM, characterized by four precessionally paced cycles in CaCO3 %, hematite %, delta13C, abundant occurrence of opportunistic benthic foraminiferal taxa, and calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal taxa typical of high-productivity environments, radiolarians, and lower delta Dn-alkanes. We interpret these cycles as reflecting alternation between an overall arid climate, characterized by strong winds and intense upwelling, and an overall humid climate, with abundant rains and high sediment delivery (including refractory organic carbon) from land. Precessionally paced marl–limestone couplets occur throughout the recovery interval of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) and up to 10m above it, suggesting that these wet–dry cycles persisted, though at declining intensity, after the peak PETM. Enhanced climate extremes at mid-latitudes might have been a direct response to the massive CO2 input in the ocean atmosphere system at the Paleocene–Eocene transition, and may have had a primary role in restoring the Earth system to steady state.
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A new species of irregular echinoid, Ovulaster proto-decimae, is described from the Danian Scaglia Rossa Formation outcropping in the Venetian Prealps (Southern Alps, northeastern Italy). The new species, belonging to the order Spatangoida, is very distinctive because of its inflated,almost triangular test, the high-positioned peri-proct and the plate arrangement on the oral face. This is the first report of the genus Ovalaster in the Danian of Italy and the first description of an echinoid from the Early Palaeocene of Italy. One test has an epifauna of the sessile verrucid barnacle Verruca sp. cf. V prisca Bosquet, 1854, attached on all except the oral surface.
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We propose a methodology as a possible standard approach for micropaleontological studies addressed to detect test microstructure and the chemical/mineralogical composition of grains used by agglutinated foraminifera. Themethodology was tested on over 200 specimens of fossil agglutinated foraminifera, mostly belonging to the textulariid group, collected from Cenozoic successions of theMediterranean region. The approach assesses the internal morphological and compositional features of agglutinated foraminifera by Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analyses, performed on representative specimens that were embedded in epoxy resin and subsequently sectioned and polished.With respect to similar techniques that perform SEM and EDS analyses mostly on the agglutinated wall surface of free specimens or broken tests, this methodology provides the preparation of cross sections of isolated individuals. The use of cross sections has the advantages of: (i) documenting the internal chamber arrangement and other morphological elements (such as alcoves or canaliculi), even considering if the recognized features remain constant or change during ontogeny; (ii) measuring the testwall thickness and the grain distributionwithin the testwalls; (iii) detecting the chemical composition of the agglutinated grains and the cement in order to highlight mineralogical grain selectivity and arrangement; (iv) studying the agglutinated grains in their original position within the test wall and during test growth; and (v) the elemental compositional data collected from polished sections are more accurate than those collected on the rough surface of specimens.
Mathematical modeling of cladogenesis and fossil preservation is used to explore the expected behavior of commonly used measures of taxonomic diversity and taxonomic rates with respect to interval length, quality of preservation, position of interval in a stratigraphic succession, and taxonomic rates themselves. Particular attention is focused on the independent estimation of origination and extinction rates. Modeling supports intuitive and empirical arguments that single-interval taxa, being especially sensitive to variation in preservation and interval length, produce many undesirable distortions of the fossil record. It may generally be preferable to base diversity and rate measures on estimated numbers of taxa extant at single points in time rather than to adjust conventional interval-based measures by discarding single-interval taxa. A combination of modeling and empirical analysis of fossil genera supports two major trends in marine animal evolution. (1) The Phanerozoic decline in taxonomic rates is unlikely to be an artifact of secular improvement in the quality of the fossil record, a point that has been argued before on different grounds. (2) The post-Paleozoic rise in diversity may be exaggerated by the essentially complete knowledge of the living fauna, but this bias is not the principal cause of the pattern. The pattern may partly reflect a secular increase in preservation nevertheless. Apparent temporal variation in taxonomic rates can be produced artificially by variation in preservation rate. Some empirical arguments suggest, however, that much of the short-term variation in taxonomic rates observed in the fossil record is real. (1) For marine animals as a whole, the quality of the fossil record of a higher taxon is not a good predictor of its apparent variability in taxonomic rates. (2) For a sample data set covering a cross-section of higher taxa in the Ordovician, most of the apparent variation in origination and extinction rates is not statistically attributable to independently measured variation in preservation rates. (3) Previous work has shown that standardized sampling to remove effects of variable preservation and sampling yields abundant temporal variation in estimated taxonomic rates. While modeling suggests which rate measures are likely to be most accurate in principle, the question of how best to capture true variation in taxonomic rates remains open.
Digestion in cold, highly concentrated acetic acid, a technique commonly adopted in conodont studies, is successful in retrieving calcareous microfossils, such as planktic and benthic foraminifera as well as ostracods, from strongly lithified lime deposits (calcilutites, marly calcilutites and fine-grained calcarenites). Moreover, in cases where the standard disaggregation techniques employing hydrogen peroxide or Desogen do not produce clean specimens, acetic acid treatment of the residue will remove residual encrustations and will also improve liberation of the small-sized fraction.
Volume 1 contains the text of the treatise, and volume 2, 847 plates. Of the 3620 validly proposed generic taxa of Foraminiferida considered 2455 genera are recognised, described and illustrated, 960 regarded as synonyms, 208 considered systematically unrecognisable, 16 too late for detailed inclusion. They are placed in 12 suborders, 74 superfamilies, 296 families, 302 subfamilies. A systematic index is included. The systematic arrangement of genera is alphabetical within the various subfamily or family categories, and the family group taxa within the suborders are arranged in order of presumed evolutionary sequence or increasing complexity. Descriptions are generally focused on test morphology, both external and internal, but some information concerning the living organism is summarized for the few that are known. Geologic range is given to the level of the geologic series of epoch, and known geographic occurrence and a limited amount of ecologic information is included. In view of the very large number of taxa considered, morphologic descriptions are as concise as possible, consistent with the inclusion of the available information. Morphologic terms used are defined in a glossary, in which reference also is given to other terms proposed by various writers. -from Authors